FRINGETORONTO.COM - JULY 3-14, 2019 Toronto Fringe ...

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FRINGETORONTO.COM - JULY 3-14, 2019 Toronto Fringe ...
JULY 3–14, 2019

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FRINGETORONTO.COM - JULY 3-14, 2019 Toronto Fringe ...

                                                                                                                                        i l l u s T r aT i o n s : D a n b e j a r
                   JUL 13 - AUG 4                      AUG 9 - SEP 1                               AUG 28 - SEP 15

       FOOL FOR LOVE                                     ART                                   BETRAYAL
                 SAM SHEPARD                       YASMINA REZA                                HAROLD PINTER
                                             TRANSL ATED BY CHRISTOPHER HAMPTON

   Some people you just can’t quit.            There’s no accounting               “The greatest of all Pinter’s plays”
                                                                                                 – Da i ly T ele gr a ph
                                               for taste… or friends.

                                                                                  MIKE ROSS

                                                                                                                                     p h o T o: a l e k s a n Da r a n T o n i j e v i c

                  SEP 21 - OCT 13                      OCT 11 - NOV 3                                JULY 12 - 27

        A STREETCAR                         ALMIGHTY VOICE                          THE PROMISED LAND:
                                                                                  STEINBECK THROUGH SONG
       NAMED DESIRE                          AND HIS WIFE                          ESTHER JUN, MIKE ROSS, & SARAH WILSON
         TENNESSEE WILLIAMS                   DANIEL DAVID MOSES                         music sponsor         p i a no s p on sor
                 p roduc t ion s p on sor
                                            A Modern Canadian Classic.

                      SOULPEPPER.CA 416 866 8666                                               YOUNG CENTRE FOR
m ajor sponsor

                                                                                               THE PERFORMING ARTS
FRINGETORONTO.COM - JULY 3-14, 2019 Toronto Fringe ...
                                                                                                 FEATURING THE STAFF OF THE 2019 FRINGE FESTIVAL

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR                                                                               CONTENTS
The Toronto Fringe exists upon the land of the traditional territory of many nations             LETTERS .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 2
including the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the
                                                                                                 STAFF .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 3
Haudenosaunee and the Wendat peoples, and is now home to many diverse First
Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. We acknowledge these nations as the original                   TICKETS AND PASSES .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 4
stewards, caretakers and knowledge keepers on this land, and the original storytellers.          HOW TO FRINGE. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 5
We are privileged to work, live, play, create, and convene here.
                                                                                                 ACCESSIBILITY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
As I write this letter I am taking a moment to reflect on this past year, and how quickly
it has passed by. It seems to me that everyone is so busy these days, so I ask myself:
                                                                                                 GETTING AROUND.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 7
how do we ensure that we carve out time for ourselves and our passions? To me,                   OUR DONORS.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 8
Fringe is the perfect place to make this happen. It is 12 summer days filled with over 150
                                                                                                 FESTIVAL SPONSORS.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 9
shows to choose from, our KidsFest programming and club, and, new this year, we are
delighted to be making our debut at Streetcar Crowsnest, bringing the Fringe to both             POSTSCRIPT. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 10
of their performance spaces and giving our East End audiences a chance to see a Fringe           VENUE MAP.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 16
show in their own backyard.
                                                                                                 MASTER SCHEDULE .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 19
As with the shows themselves, there is something for everyone at POSTSCRIPT, our
                                                                                                 SHOW LIST BY VENUE .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 29
patio at Scadding Court, featuring a fully stocked bar and mouthwatering food from
Kanto by Tita Flips. This year we have the return of our free Music Fest, the Silent Disco       COMEDY. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 30
and our Comedy Night, as well as mindfulness and self-care days.
                                                                                                 DRAMA .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 52
I love telling people that the Toronto Fringe is a lottery and anyone who enters has a           MUSICALS .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 64
chance to tell their tale. I am immensely proud of the fact that we give back 100% of
the ticket sales to the artists. And the fact that YOU are here reading this, willing to         DANCE.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 70
spend some of your precious time to be a part of it all, is the most thrilling thing of all.     STORYTELLING.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 74
It truly takes a village to create this festival, so if you feel like dropping a toonie in the
                                                                                                 KIDSFEST .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 80
Tip the Fringe buckets at our venues, we would really appreciate it. We are a charitable,
year-round organization and in order to be the best we can, we always need your                  INDEX BY TITLE.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 84
support, especially as grants and funding become less secure.

So please carve out some time for yourself to Fringe this year, get totally absorbed in
                                                                                                 THE FRINGE OF TORONTO THEATRE FESTIVAL
the festival spirit, and make it YOUR WAY; write your name on your program, grab your
                                                                                                 688 Richmond Street West, Suite #204
highlighter, favourite some shows, and go ahead and Fringe until your heart is content.
                                                                                                 Toronto, Ontario M6J 1C5
I look forward to seeing you there.                                                              Charitable Tax Number: 12716 2840 RR0001

Much love and Happy Fringing,                                                                    © All rights reserved.
                                                                                                 ® FRINGE and FRINGE FESTIVAL are registered
                                                                                                 trademarks of the Canadian Association of Fringe

                                                                                                 Program guide design: Trajectory Brands Inc.
                                                                                                 Cover photo: Tanja-Tiziana
Lucy Eveleigh
Executive Director
FRINGETORONTO.COM - JULY 3-14, 2019 Toronto Fringe ...

Dear Friends:                                  It gives me great pleasure to extend            This year the Canadian Association of
                                               greetings and a warm welcome to everyone        Fringe Festivals (CAFF) turns 25 years old!
I am pleased to extend my warmest              attending the Toronto Fringe Festival.
greetings to everyone attending the 2019                                                       Although Fringes have existed long before
Toronto Fringe Festival.                       Now in its 31st year, the Fringe Festival       we did as an organization, we pride
                                               showcases more than 150 productions             ourselves on the long-term support we
Since 1989, the Toronto Fringe Festival        at more than 30 venues throughout the           have offered our member festivals over the
has given both emerging and established        downtown core. This festival keeps the          years, and the foundation we have laid for
artists an opportunity to showcase their       indie and grassroots spirit alive while         the years to come.
skills and share their stories with the        providing an enriching program for those in
community. I am certain that everyone in       attendance.                                     We currently have 33 member festivals
attendance will be entertained and inspired                                                    spanning Canada and the USA and we
by the talent and creativity on display        I am delighted that wonderful events like       exist as an organization to unite, support,
throughout this event.                         yours are taking place in Toronto. Events       empower, and strengthen our member
                                               like this festival promote and encourage        festivals in order to cultivate and foster
I would like to commend the organizers         residents to participate in their community,    independent artistic exploration for artists
and volunteers for their hard work and         connect with each other and contribute to       and audiences across North America.
dedication to ensuring the success of          the community’s strength.
this festival, year after year. I would also                                                   CAFF members return 100% of the ticket
like to thank the artists and performers       Through the dedication and hard work            price back to the artists and all festivals are
participating in this event for their          of volunteers and organizers, the Toronto       selected either by lottery or on a first come/
contributions to Canada’s theatre              Fringe Festival is now the largest theatre      first served basis, ensuring that everyone
community.                                     festival in Ontario. The festival is a staple   has the same opportunity to tell their story
                                               during Toronto’s summer months as it            on stage.
Please accept my best wishes for a             garners the attention of people from all
memorable experience.                          over the country. With its goal of providing    The CAFF member festivals are so lucky to
                                               residents access to theatre, the event          be able to present to you a wide array of
Sincerely,                                                                                     artists, some established and some telling
                                               continues to provide affordable tickets so
                                               that Torontonians can experience the rich       their stories for the very first time. Supporting
                                               indie culture prevalent in our city.            those artists are the festival producers,
                                                                                               front of house staff, technicians, production
                                               On behalf of Toronto City Council, I wish       managers, and countless others, as well as an
The Rt. Hon. Justin P.J. Trudeau, P.C., M.P.   everyone an enjoyable and memorable             incredibly dedicated team of volunteers at
Prime Minister of Canada                       event. Please accept my best wishes for         every festival. I want to take this opportunity
                                               continued success.                              to thank every one of those people who help
                                                                                               facilitate these wonderful festivals because
                                               Yours truly,                                    we all believe in the collective movement of
                                                                                               Fringe, and that is truly a powerful thing. So
                                                                                               thank you for being here, for taking some
                                                                                               of your time to see a show or two, and for
                                                                                               supporting your local Fringe Festival.
                                               John Tory
                                                                                               Happy Fringing,
                                               Mayor, City of Toronto

                                                                                               Lucy Eveleigh
                                                                                               CAFF President

2                                                                  BUY TICKETS AT FRINGETORONTO.COM AND 416.966.1062
FRINGETORONTO.COM - JULY 3-14, 2019 Toronto Fringe ...
The Toronto Fringe is a platform for everyone to access, discover, and experiment with the arts. By valuing creative
experiences, we contribute to a healthy arts economy, and ultimately a thriving society.

ACCESS                   ACCOUNTABILITY           CREATIVITY                EXPLORATION                 SUPPORT
In every sense of the    We work with             Freedom of expression     We let curiosity be         Empowering you to
word.                    integrity and respect.   permeates everything      our guide.                  take a chance.
                                                  we do.

BOARD OF DIRECTIORS             Development &                   Consultant Director of            Reconciliation
                                Communications                  Production                        Coordinator
                                Assistant                       Rebecca Vandevelde                Risa Morris
Jason Murray
                                Luke Barclay                    Box Office Manager                IT Assistant
Vice Chair
                                Festival Management             Jen Peterson                      Samer Riyad
Nancy Madonik
                                Intern*                         Assistant Box Office              Festival Publicist
Treasurer                       Julia Vodarek Hunter            Manager                           Ashley Belmer,
Efrim Boritz
                                Accessibility Coordinator       Alison Ho                         B-Rebel Communications
Secretary                       Susan Wolf                      Front of House                    Social Media Strategy
Boyd Neil
                                Assistant Accessibility         Coordinator                       Consultant
Directors                       Coordinator                     Hannah MacMillan                  Joanna Campbell,
Marisol D’Andrea                Victoria Warner                                                   Show + Tell Social
                                                                Assistant Front of House
Arjun Doshi
                                Accessibility Consultant        Coordinator                       Web Developer
Barry Peters
                                Christine Karcza                Scott Phyper                      Tom Dearden
Laura Salvatori
Sylvie Stojanovski              Finance Coordinator             Volunteer Coordinator             Eventotron Developer
                                Scratch Anderson                Natasha Boomer                    Chris Perkin
Development Committee
Ben Dermer                      TD Emerging Festival            Assistant Volunteer               Program Guide &
Christina Topp                  Producer                        Coordinator                       Graphic Design
Douglas Steiner                 Sanjay Parker                   Taylor Young                      Trajectory Brands Inc.

FRINGE STAFF                    TD Outreach Coordinator         POSTSCRIPT Technical              Photography
                                Isabela Stille                  Director                          Tanja-Tiziana
Executive Director                                              Heather Kilner
Lucy Eveleigh                   TENT Program Director                                             Videography
                                Tanisha Taitt                   Assistant POSTSCRIPT              Primitive Replica
Managing Director                                               Technical Director
Laura Paduch                    Consultant TENT Program                                           Fundraising Consultant
                                                                Matthew Cohen                     RevGen
Communications                  Tom Arthur Davis                Consultant Technical
Manager                                                         Director
Claire Wynveen                  Director of Production                                            *This position is made possible
                                                                Eric Read                         with the support of the Metcalf
                                Bryan Steele
Development Manager                                             POSTSCRIPT Bar Manager
Morgan Norwich                  Assistant Director of
                                                                Kelsey Butt
Projects & Operations           Christopher Ross                KidsFest Club Coordinator
Manager                                                         Kelly Winger
Tessa Cernik

FOR UP-TO-DATE SCHEDULING VISIT FRINGETORONTO.COM                                                                                   3
FRINGETORONTO.COM - JULY 3-14, 2019 Toronto Fringe ...
ADVANCE TICKETS                              IN-PERSON ADVANCE                             AT-THE-DOOR TICKETS
Available: June 6.                           Available: July 3.                            Where: At the show’s venue.
Online:                    Where: POSTSCRIPT, the Patio at the           When: One hour prior to show time.
Phone: 416.966.1062                          Toronto Fringe Festival (hockey rink,         Payment: Cash and card sales at main
Payment: Visa, Mastercard, UnionPay.         275 Bathurst St.)                             venues but cash only at site specifics.
Subject to a $3 per order fee.               When: Noon-10pm, July 3-14.
                                             Payment: Visa, Visa Debit,
                                             Mastercard, UnionPay, debit, cash.

PREVIEW TICKETS                               DAILY DISCOUNT                                KIDSFEST TICKETS
$6                                            TICKETS $6                                    $5
($2 service charge)                           ($2 service charge)                           KIDSFEST SHOWS ONLY
                                                                                            (for patrons 12 years and under)
A selection of shows have designated          Check the Daily Discount listings
their first performance to be a               online or at the Festival Box Office to       Can be purchased in advance or
preview (preview shows are bolded in          see which performances are offering           at-the-door of the George Ignatieff
listings). Tickets can be purchased in        this deal. Can only be purchased day          Theatre.
advance or at-the-door.                       of, by phone, online or at the door.

All passes are transferable and may be used for up to two tickets per performance, except the 5 Show Pass and Youth Pass,
which may only be used for one ticket per performance. Passes can be purchased online, over the phone or in person at the
Festival Box Office (not at individual venues). You may book advance tickets on your pass at the additional cost of $2 per ticket, or
use them at-the-door, subject to ticket availability. There are no refunds for any unused portion of a pass.

5 SHOW                            10 SHOW                           20 SHOW                            30 SHOW
PASS - $50                        PASS - $90                        PASS - $175                        PASS - $255
SAVINGS OF $15!                   SAVINGS OF $40!                    SAVINGS OF $85!                   SAVINGS OF $135!


IMPORTANT                                    FTQ           (FREQUENT TICKET QUESTIONS)
REMINDERS                                    HOW DO I GET
                                             MY TICKETS?
                                                                            WHY DO ALL
                                                                            TICKETS HAVE A $2
                                                                                                          WHY DO ADVANCE
                                                                                                          TICKETS HAVE A $3
THE FRINGE DOES NOT ISSUE                    Bring your e-ticket            SERVICE CHARGE?               PER ORDER FEE?
REFUNDS We return 100% of the net            (either on your phone or       The Fringe returns 100%       The $3 per order fee is
ticket sales to the artists.                 printed at home) to the        of the net ticket price       to offset the payment
ALL SHOWS START ON TIME Set                  venue to be admitted to        to the artists. The $2        processing fees incurred
your clocks to Eastern Daylight Time.        the theatre.                   service charge goes to        through online and
                                                                            the software, hardware,       phone transactions.
LATECOMERS ARE NOT                                                          materials, and the staff
ADMITTED Even if you have a ticket.                                         we need to sell tickets.
Please arrive 15 minutes early.

4                                                               BUY TICKETS AT FRINGETORONTO.COM AND 416.966.1062
FRINGETORONTO.COM - JULY 3-14, 2019 Toronto Fringe ...
Fringing is for everyone who comes out to the festival. Here are some hot tips to make the most of
your time at the festival.

FRINGE YOUR WAY                                                  FOLLOW THE TORONTO
With over 1000 performances, 37 venues, and
POSTSCRIPT, the Patio at the Toronto Fringe Festival, there
                                                                 FRINGE ON SOCIAL MEDIA!
is something for everyone to discover. Too much choice?    
Check out our website for the Fringe My Way lists.

     GET PERSONAL                                                    @Toronto_Fringe #FringeTO #StartedAtTheFringe

Write your name on your program, grab your Fringe My                 toronto_fringe
Way highlighter to “favourite” some shows (look for blank

                                                                 NEED SOME HELP?
hearts to colour in on all the listings) and make the festival
that suits you best.
                                                                 Stop by the Festival Box Office at POSTSCRIPT (hockey

MAKE A WHOLE                                                     rink, 275 Bathurst Street) and speak with our Patron
                                                                 Services Team. They know everything there is to know
DAY OF IT                                                        about making the most out of your Fringe experience. Ask
                                                                 them anything!
You could easily spend a whole day Fringing! Pack your
days with shows and your nights with food, drinks and
free entertainment at POSTSCRIPT.

FOR UP-TO-DATE SCHEDULING VISIT FRINGETORONTO.COM                                                                       5
FRINGETORONTO.COM - JULY 3-14, 2019 Toronto Fringe ...
The Toronto Fringe is committed to creating an inclusive experience for all patrons, staff, volunteers and artists. We continue to
work with our community to identify, prevent and remove barriers so a fulfilling experience can be enjoyed by all. If you have
access needs or a question about accessibility at the Fringe, contact our Accessibility Coordinator, Susan Wolf, at access@ or call our Festival Box Office at 416.966.1062. For more information go to

Many Fringe shows are providing additional access at select performances. Shows that have opted-in will have an
icon beside their listing in this program. For detailed information about the type of accessible performance (Relaxed, ASL
interpreted, and audio described performances) please refer to our Assisted Performances Supplement. Digital and print
copies of this supplemental guide will be available in early June. If you would like to request to have one emailed to you,
please contact Make sure to check our website for up-to-date information throughout the

Detailed accessibility information for each main venue is          These performances welcome patrons who may benefit
available on our website. Information includes door widths,        from a less restrictive audience environment, such as
ramp specifications, and accessible washroom details.              patrons with sensory processing conditions, Autism,
General accessibility information for site-specific venues         intellectual disability, or those with young children.
can also be found online.                                          Relaxed performances have a relaxed attitude to noise and
                                                                   movement, including reducing extreme sound and lighting
     VISUAL VENUE GUIDES                                           effects, leaving house lights on at a low level, and allowing
These online guides can help you get acquainted with a             patrons to come and go.
venue before you visit. There are guides for all main venues
and some site-specific venues. They include directions to                 AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE (ASL)
the venue and information on what you can expect when                     INTERPRETED PERFORMANCES
you get there.
                                                                   We will provide ASL and/or Deaf interpretation for select
PERSONAL SUPPORT WORKERS                                           events at POSTSCRIPT, the Fringe patio, and some
We welcome people with disabilities who are accompanied            shows will offer interpretation at one or more of their
by a personal support worker. Where a support worker is            performances. Details online and in Assisted Performances
required, admission to all Fringe performances and events is       Supplement.
free for the accompanying person. Every attending patron
and accompanying support person must have a valid ticket
to that performance or event. Please advise the box office                 AUDIO DESCRIBED PERFORMANCES
when you purchase your tickets.                                    Audio Described Performances improve access for blind
                                                                   and partially sighted patrons by providing a live verbal
SERVICE ANIMALS                                                    description of the visual elements of a performance (sets,
Service animals are welcome in all areas of our venues that        costumes, and nonverbal onstage action) as well as pre-
are open to the public. Please advise the box office when          show notes. Some performances require an earphone
you purchase your tickets.                                         and receiver that can be obtained from the venue box
                                                                   office. Please identify yourself at least 25 minutes prior to
PRIORITY SEATING                                                   performance start times to make use of these services.
Patrons with access needs are requested to identify
themselves at the venue box office at least 25 minutes
prior to performance start times. Priority seating cannot be
guaranteed after general admission begins.                         We are grateful to the Metcalf Foundation for supporting
                                                                   our organization-wide accessibility initiative. Please
ASSISTIVE LISTENING DEVICES                                        see our Accessible Manifesto for more information at
Listening Devices are available at these venues:          We welcome
#1    Tarragon Mainspace                                           your feedback.
#2    Tarragon Extraspace
#4    Al Green Theatre
#10 Theatre Passe Muraille Mainspace
#11 Theatre Passe Muraille Backspace
Quantities are limited; reserve in advance when purchasing
your ticket.

6                                                              BUY TICKETS AT FRINGETORONTO.COM AND 416.966.1062
FRINGETORONTO.COM - JULY 3-14, 2019 Toronto Fringe ...
DID YOU KNOW?                                                 GETTING AROUND
CHOSEN BY LOTTERY.                                             Go green! All Fringe venues are located in
We don’t curate our festival – everyone who is drawn in        pedestrian-friendly neighbourhoods. Check out the
the lottery has an equal opportunity to share their art.       map on page 16.

THE ARTISTS.                                                   Have your own bike?
In 2018, $531,293.50 was sent directly into the bank           Save time by cycling between venues!
accounts of our participants.                                  Need a bike?
                                                               Purchase a $15 12-Day Unlimited Bike Share pass
THE FRINGE IS A REGISTERED CHARITY.                            for the festival! Bike Share Toronto is offering this
Like what we do? Make sure to “Tip the Fringe” at any          special deal for Fringers to get to and from shows
venue when you are out seeing shows. $5 will get you a         with ease. Learn how to purchase your pass at
button, and $25+ gets you a tax receipt. Learn more about, and use promo code
our Fringe Insider program at        FRINGE2019 to get your discount.

Make sure to check our website for           Ride the rocket! All Fringe venues can be reached by
more details and any last minute changes to programming,       TTC. Check out the map on page 16 for the closest
schedules, and/or policies.                                    subway stops, and plan your route at
We are doing all we can to green the festival this year,       CAR SHARE
by providing compost bins on site, reducing our single         Fringe’s Exclusive Car Share is Communauto.
use-plastic and other initiatives supported by our partner,    Communauto will be providing free valet service
Cascades.                                                      at the Patio on both Saturdays of the festival from
                                                               6pm-11pm, so all you have to do is roll up with your
                                                               Communauto FLEX car and you’re good to go!
                                                               Communauto is free to join through their app, so
                                                               check their website at
                                                               for details on how to book a Communauto car
                                                               during Fringe.

FOR UP-TO-DATE SCHEDULING VISIT FRINGETORONTO.COM                                                                      7
FRINGETORONTO.COM - JULY 3-14, 2019 Toronto Fringe ...
THANK YOU. By buying a ticket to a Fringe show, making an annual donation or giving your time as one of our
400+ volunteers, your support makes it possible for creative expression to thrive. Your generosity means that our artists can
take home 100% of their box office revenue, and has helped us return over $6,000,000 to independent artists since our
first festival in 1989.

This list reflects donations of $125+ made between May 11, 2018 – April 23, 2019.

VISIONARIES                      Richard Gotlib                    CREATORS                        DESIGNERS
                                 Joan Jamieson
($5,000+)                        Judy Mandel
                                                                   ($250-499)                      ($125-249)
Anonymous                        Jason Murray                      Derrick Chua                    Saveria Baldo
The Pat and Tony Adams           Perry Orestes                     Maxanne Ezer                    Bonnie Bereskin
  Freedom Fund for the           Spencer Saunders                  Colleen Fenton                  Paul Butler
  Arts                           Jason Silzer                      Karen Finnemore                 John Candido
Cindy Blakely                    Douglas Steiner &                 Sandra Fleischer                Robert Duchnicky
  in support of Ashley             Jasmine Herlt                   Merle Garbe                     Kim Edelstein
  Botting                        Blake Thorne                      Ray Hogg                        Sam Festino
The Aubrey and Marla Dan         Andrew Willan                     Andrew Johnston                 Kevin Greenglass
  Charitable Foundation          Scott Windsor                     Susan Moellers                  Katherine Hammond
The Catherine and                                                  Marie Moliner                   Jonathan Heppner
  Maxwell Meighen                INNOVATORS                        Risa Morris                     Mary Hope
  Foundation                                                       William Ollerhead               Ruth Hull
Lisa Feld
                                 ($500-999)                        Barry Peters                    Roberta Jennings
                                 Chun Chang                        Anthony Sharman                 Henriette Katz
PRODUCERS                        Marisol D’Andrea                  Paula Shewchuk                  Carol Kobel
                                 Arjun Doshi                       Jeremy Soloman                  Jury Krytiuk
($2,500-4,999)                   Randy Hesp                        Kelly Straughan                 David Laks
Anonymous                        Nancy Madonik                     Darlene Varaleau                Judie Lam
Neville Austin                   Laura Salvatori                   Karen Wold                      Stan Markiewicz
                                 Boyd Neil                                                         Sebastiano Pizzirusso
LUMINARIES                                                                                         Joan & Bill Rajala
($1,000-2,499)                                                                                     J Barbara Rose
                                                                                                   Patti Ryan
                                                                                                   Debra Silver
Efrim Boritz & Naomi
                                                                                                   Joshua Smith Soref
                                                                                                   Heidi Stock
Doug Ewart & Judith Keene
                                                                                                   Jen Watson

#MYFRINGEMOVEMENT                                                  SPECIAL THANKS
Fringe is more than a festival. It is a year-round                 Spencer Saunders                Mitchell Marcus
movement. This year at our festival venues, our team will be       Carolyn Laidley Arn             Mike Tanner
telling you about the various programs, initiatives and other      Ins Choi                        Nellie Raposo DeMers
organizational features that your “Tip the Fringe” donation        Marjie Chud                     Councillor Joe Cressy
supports. Please consider a “Tip the Fringe” donation at any       Sage Lovell                     Jason Maghanoy
of our festival venues, or learn more about becoming one of        Kat Germain                     Rebecca Keenan
our annual Fringe Insiders at            Aerin at Venus Fest             Herman Ellis
                                                                   Sergio at Futuro Libre          Scadding Court
To learn more about how you can support, contact                   Derrick Ross at Slaight Music     Community Centre
Development Manager, Morgan Norwich at 416.966.1062 x              Aurora Browne                   Catherine Hernandez
226 or                              Sean Lee                        Jason Murray
                                                                   Yousef Kadoura
The Toronto Fringe is a registered charity: 12716 2840 RR0001

8                                                               BUY TICKETS AT FRINGETORONTO.COM AND 416.966.1062
GOVERNMENT FUNDERS                                                                  MAJOR SPONSORS


 The Catherine and Maxwell
    Meighen Foundation
                                                                 The Aubrey and Marla Dan
                                                                     Family Foundation        h          K.M.
                                                                                                         CHaritabLe FounDation
                                                                                              Creating new spaces within community.


                                                                                                                      h Hunter   K.M.
                                                                                                                                 CHaritabLe FounDation
                                                                                                                      Creating new spaces within community.

                                                    Car Share Sponsor                                                 Logo Detail
                                                                                                                      Pantone 285 + black
                                                                                                                      Helvetica Neue (T1) Black

      The AMY Project          David Seguin Memorial Award          Octopus Garden            Spin Master Toys
Buddies in Bad Times Theatre         Fresh Restaurants                The Paddock                   TAPA
Cedar Ridge Creative Centre         Guelph Arts Council               Panago Pizza           Theatre Orangeville
       City of Toronto                The Little Paper               Paprika Festival         The Second City
   Civic Theatres Toronto        Maple Key Butter Tart Co.        Royal Ontario Museum        Tosho Knife Arts
        Comedy Bar

FOR UP-TO-DATE SCHEDULING VISIT FRINGETORONTO.COM                                                                                                             9
              TORONTO FRINGE

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                                         275 BATHURST ST.
                                         South of Dundas at Bathurst,
                                         in the parking lot and hockey rink

10                                     BUY TICKETS AT FRINGETORONTO.COM AND 416.966.1062
                                brought to you by

                                                        J U LY
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                       T HE P
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                      ONN TO FRINGE     FESTIVAL
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                                     SCADDING COURT
                                   B           U  AS
                                            & DUNDAS

                                    p   ti    m
              PATIO                                                  POSTSCRIPT is Toronto’s
                                                                     largest pop-up patio and

                                                                     the Fringe’s festival hub.
                                                                     POSTSCRIPT is a lounge,
                                                                     artistic gathering place,
                                                                     community space, and a fully
     SUNDAY TO FRIDAY                                                stocked bar.
       NOON - 2AM
                                                                     PS: the patio is FREE and
        SATURDAYS                                                    open to all. And don’t forget
       NOON - 4AM                                                    to log on to the free wifi.

                 FOOD                                                     DRINK
     Lunch, Dinner & Snacks cooked to order                            Steam Whistle pilsner
             every day of the festival                               Von Bugle Munich lager
                                                      13th Street Winery riesling-pinot grigio, rosé, pinot noir
Kanto by Tita Flips serves up Filipino street food,                       Chudleigh’s cider
   Canadian pub favourites, and daily specials                              Seagram cider
                                                                   Island Time Anytime cooler
                                                               Margaritaville classic margarita cooler
                                                                     Northern Temple vodka
                                                                         Hidden Temple gin
                                                                 Pilot Coffee Roasters cold brew
                                                                        Full bar rail, juice, pop

12                                                    BUY TICKETS AT FRINGETORONTO.COM AND 416.966.1062
Free concerts, performances, classes, workshops, and more! Open to everyone and anyone
of all ages. Make sure to check out for final times, dates, and full details.

Free, all-ages outdoor concerts, featuring Moneka                             WEEKENDS
Arabic Jazz, Maylee Todd, SATE, Moscow Apartment,
BS4TO, LOLAA, Cyber, New Chance, and more.
                                                                  PS: MUSIC FEST
Curated by our friends at Venus Fest, Futuro Libre,
and Slaight Music

Back by popular demand! Party until the early morning               SATURDAY, JULY 6
without annoying the neighbours. Grab a pair of free
headphones and dance to DJ sets only you and your
                                                                         THE MAIN
friends can hear.                                                      INGREDIENT
Sponsored by The Hideout                                             SILENT DISCO

 WEDNESDAY, JULY 3                  Fringers don their costumes, hold their posters up
                                    high, and parade through Trinity Bellwoods Park to
 OPENING                            POSTSCRIPT to kick off the 31st festival! With welcome
 CEREMONIES                         speeches from Executive Director Lucy Eveleigh and
                                    community leaders, free butter tarts from Maple Key
                                    Tart Co., and a Steam Whistle toast with Board Chair
                                    Jason Murray.

 JULY 3, 10, 14                     Artists, staff, volunteers, friends, and more share their
                                    stories from Fringe’s past. Some are heart-warming,
 STORIES FROM                       some are horrifying, some are downright hilarious, but
 THE FRINGE                         all show why Fringe rocks.

FOR UP-TO-DATE SCHEDULING VISIT FRINGETORONTO.COM                                           13
JULY 3, 11           Nickel9 Distillery brings their popular series of signature
                      cocktails inspired by local drag queens to POSTSCRIPT.
 SIGNATURE            Their queens, mixologists, and flair bartenders are
 QUEEN COCKTAIL       coming to our stage to show you how it’s done, hunny.
 SERIES               Presented by Nickel9 Distillery

 THURSDAY, JULY 4     Join in a free drop-in high energy dance class by Run
                      the Flex, followed by performances by Black Ops, an
 DANCE IT OUT         elite level hip hop crew, and Toronto’s premier all-male
                      burlesque troupe, BoylesqueTO.

 SATURDAY, JULY 6     Sexy, provocative, and fuckin’ funny. These sassy
                      ladies are bringing their live talk show all the way
 LAUREN &             from Ottawa to discuss birds, bees, fetishes, fantasies,
 AMANDA DO IT         #metoo, love, bad dates, and sex, baby.

 TUESDAY, JULY 9      A free night of stand-up comedy by some of Toronto’s
                      funniest folks, featuring Hisham Kelati, Allie Pearse,
 COMEDY NIGHT         Carol Zoccoli and headliner Arthur Simeon.

 WEDNESDAY, JULY 10   Discover some of Toronto’s newest writers and
                      performers. Talented youth from The AMY Project and
 NEVILLE’S            The Paprika Festival take over the POSTSCRIPT stage
 NEXT GEN NIGHT       and perform their latest work.
                      Generously supported by Neville Austin

14                            BUY TICKETS AT FRINGETORONTO.COM AND 416.966.1062
THURSDAY, JULY 11                  Hell no, you can’t erase us! Hosts Babia Majora and
                                    Fluffy Soufflé bring their cabaret to the patio, featuring
 FUCK SHIT UP                       a killer line-up of trans and non-binary performers.

 FRIDAY, JULY 12                    Raise a glass to this year’s award winners, including
                                    Patron’s Picks, various Best of Fringe lists, Tosho Cutting
 AWARDS NIGHT                       Edge Award, Second City and Comedy Bar Award
                                    for Best Comedy, David Seguin Memorial Award for
                                    Accessibility in the Arts, and many, many more.
                                    Hosted by CBC’s Ali Hassan

 WEEKDAYS,                          Spend your lunch hour at unique workshops created
 12:30PM-1:30PM                     by our partners at TAPA, Artists Heath Centre, Creative
 LUNCHTIME                          Earth, Buddies in Bad Times Youth/Elder Project, and

ACTIVATIONS &                   MERCHANDISE                      ACCESSIBILITY
INSTALLATIONS                   Show your Fringe spirit          AT THE PATIO
Take in beautiful and           all year round! Check            We continue to strive to
thought-provoking               out festival and show            make POSTSCRIPT as
activities and installations    merchandise available at         accessible for everyone
by local visual and             the Festival Box Office,         as possible. This year’s
performance artists.            including Fringe My Way          patio will see a smoother
Some will be durational,        highlighters, totes, mugs,       pathway to the entrance,
interactive pieces and some     water bottles, buttons,          a fully-accessible stage,
will be at POSTSCRIPT for       toques, and more from            clearer way-finding signage
one night only!                 performers in the festival.      and sensory kits, among
                                                                 other improvements. We
                                                                 always welcome feedback,
                                                                 so tell us about your
                                                                 experiences and help us
                                                                 grow! Visit for
                                                                 full details.

FOR UP-TO-DATE SCHEDULING VISIT FRINGETORONTO.COM                                            15
                                      2     3

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16                                                                                                 BUY TICKETS AT FRINGETORONTO.COM AND 416.966.1062

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          FOR UP-TO-DATE SCHEDULING VISIT FRINGETORONTO.COM                                                                                                                                   17
     Please check our website for detailed          Visual Venue Guide available         Air Conditioning         Capacity
     accessibility information for each venue.

In consideration of patrons with allergies, please avoid the use of perfumed beauty products and fragrances inside theatres.

       POSTSCRIPT                                13 Factory Theatre Studio                        25 Scadding Court Community Centre
       275 Bathurst St.                             125 Bathurst St.                                 707 Dundas St. West
                                                           100                                           75
       George Ignatieff Theatre
       15 Devonshire Pl.                         14 Streetcar Crowsnest Guloien                   26 Scadding Court Community
           178                                      Theatre                                          Centre, Room 4
 1     Tarragon Theatre Mainspace                   345 Carlaw Ave.                                  707 Dundas St. West
                                                           190                                           39
       30 Bridgman Ave.
              205                                15 Streetcar Crowsnest Scotiabank                27 401 Richmond
 2     Tarragon Theatre Extraspace                  Community Studio                                 401 Richmond St. West
                                                    345 Carlaw Ave.                                      25
       30 Bridgman Ave.
                                                           75                                     28 St. George the Martyr Anglican
                                                 16 The Tranzac Club Tiki Room                       Church Courtyard
 3     Tarragon Theatre Solo Room
                                                    292 Brunswick Ave.                               197 John St.
       30 Bridgman Ave.
                                                        47                                             60
                                                 17 Miles Nadal Jewish Community                  29 The Textile Museum of Canada
 4 Al Green Theatre (Miles Nadal
                                                    Centre Pool                                      55 Centre Ave.
   Jewish Community Centre)
                                                    750 Spadina Ave.                                     60
   750 Spadina Ave.
                                                      48                                          30 Imperial Pub
                                                 18 Trinity-St. Paul’s United Church                 54 Dundas St. East
 5     Randolph Theatre
                                                    Sanctuary                                            30
       736 Bathurst St.
              215                                   427 Bloor St. West                            31 Grace Toronto Church
 6     Annex Theatre                                                                                 383 Jarvis St.
                                                 19 Trinity-St. Paul’s United Church                     215
       736 Bathurst St.
              100                                   Gym                                           32 Paintbox Bistro
                                                    427 Bloor St. West                               555 Dundas St. East
 7     St. Vladimir Institute                         60
       620 Spadina Ave.                                                                              M5A 2B7
                                                 20 Bloor Street United Church                           50
                                                    300 Bloor St. West                            33 Front Lawn of a House
 8     Helen Gardiner Phelan Playhouse                  215
       79 St. George St.                                                                             74 Jones Ave.
                                                 21 The Monarch Tavern                                 24
                                                    12 Clinton St.                                34 Eastminster United Church
 9     Robert Gill Theatre                               60
       214 College St.                                                                               Community Space
                                                 22 Supermarket                                      310 Danforth Ave.
                                                    268 Augusta Ave.                                   42
10 Theatre Passe Muraille Mainspace                     100                                       35 Eastminster United Church
   16 Ryerson Ave.
                                                 23 The Painted Lady                                 Sanctuary
                                                    218 Ossington Ave.                               310 Danforth Ave.
11 Theatre Passe Muraille Backspace                     60                                             215
   16 Ryerson Ave.
                                                 24 Smart Cookie Club at Artscape                 36 Sarah’s Café & Bar
                                                    Youngplace                                       1426 Danforth Ave.
12 Factory Theatre Mainspace                        108 - 180 Shaw St.                                   24
   125 Bathurst St.                                   45

18                                                                  BUY TICKETS AT FRINGETORONTO.COM AND 416.966.1062

                                                                                            10:00PM   Emotional Labour                      Factory Theatre Studio               37
                                                                                            10:00PM   Fuckboys the Musical                  Streetcar Crowsnest Guloien The...   67
                                                                                            10:00PM   Improvised Therapy                    Tarragon Theatre Solo Room           40

                                                                                            10:00PM   Interrupted                           Al Green Theatre                     71
                                                                                            10:00PM   Middle Raged                          Robert Gill Theatre                  41
                                                                                            10:15PM   Clitoria: A Sex-Positive Superhe...   Theatre Passe Muraille Mainspac... 67
                                                                                            10:15PM   Drink of Choice                       Streetcar Crowsnest Studio           35
                                                                                            10:15PM   Reefer Madness: Origins               Tarragon Theatre Mainspace           60
                                                                                            10:30PM   Comedy Records Presents: Jay & E...   Randolph Theatre                     34
                                                                                            10:30PM   Love Notes                            Factory Theatre Mainspace            71

 TIME      SHOW TITLE                             VENUE                                PG   THU JULY 4
 12:00PM   Clotheswap                             The Textile Museum of Canada         33   TIME      SHOW TITLE                            VENUE                                PG
 1:00PM    Mice at Centre Ice                     George Ignatieff Theatre             81   12:00PM   Clotheswap                            The Textile Museum of Canada         33
 2:30PM    Philip & Lucinda Dino-Show             George Ignatieff Theatre             81   1:00PM    Lexi and the Flying b's               George Ignatieff Theatre             81
 4:15PM    Gremlin Hour                           George Ignatieff Theatre             81   2:00PM    Cyrano de Bergerac                    74 Jones Ave                         34
 6:00PM    A Plauge Upon the Doctor's House       Factory Theatre Studio               45   2:45PM    RADIOACTIVE SPYDER                    George Ignatieff Theatre             81
 6:00PM    Box                                    St. Vladimir Institute               33   4:30PM    Dungee the Dragon & The Just-Oka...   George Ignatieff Theatre             80
 6:00PM    BOY vs FLY                             George Ignatieff Theatre             80   5:00PM    Dom Mackie's Poor Life Choices        Robert Gill Theatre                  35
 6:00PM    Death Ray Cabaret                      The Monarch Tavern                   35   5:00PM    Table 7 - A Plays in Cafes Creat...   Paintbox Bistro                      61
 6:00PM    Dom Mackie's Poor Life Choices         Robert Gill Theatre                  35   6:00PM    Death Ray Cabaret                     The Monarch Tavern                   35
 6:00PM    Horseface                              Annex Theatre                        74   6:00PM    Everything Is Fine                    Tarragon Theatre Solo Room           56
 6:15PM    Eusha                                  Tarragon Theatre Extraspace          56   6:00PM    The December Man (L'homme de dé...    Eastminster United Church Commu... 54
 6:15PM    Woke 'N Broke                          Helen Gardiner Phelan Playhouse      51   6:00PM    The Weight of It All                  Theatre Passe Muraille Backspac... 50
 6:30PM    Carpe into my DMs                      Al Green Theatre                     33   6:15PM    GLIMPSE                               Factory Theatre Mainspace            70
 6:30PM    Checkpoint 300                         Factory Theatre Mainspace            53   6:15PM    Ouvre Le Porte, Ferme Le Bouche       Helen Gardiner Phelan Playhouse      59
 6:30PM    i feel you                             Randolph Theatre                     71   6:15PM    Pump                                  Theatre Passe Muraille Mainspac... 76
 6:30PM    Monica vs. The Internet: Tales o...    Tarragon Theatre Solo Room           75   6:15PM    Three Men on a Bike                   Tarragon Theatre Mainspace           48
 6:30PM    Old-ish                                Theatre Passe Muraille Backspac... 44     6:30PM    News Play                             Annex Theatre                        42
 6:30PM    Petroleum: A Triptych                  Streetcar Crowsnest Guloien The...   71   6:30PM    Off The Island                        Streetcar Crowsnest Guloien The...   69
 6:30PM    Wha' ha' happened was...               Sarah's Cafe                         51   6:30PM    Searching for Marceau                 Tarragon Theatre Extraspace          61
 6:45PM    Escape from Shady Acres                Tarragon Theatre Mainspace           37   6:30PM    Sketchy Adventures in the Enchan...   Al Green Theatre                     46
 6:45PM    Palabra Flamenco: Fox Woman            Streetcar Crowsnest Studio           76   6:30PM    Wha' ha' happened was...              Sarah's Cafe                         51
 6:45PM    Peaches On A Cherry Tree               Theatre Passe Muraille Mainspac... 59     6:45PM    Above & Beyond                        Robert Gill Theatre                  30
 7:00PM    Clotheswap                             The Textile Museum of Canada         33   6:45PM    American Christian                    St. Vladimir Institute               31
 7:00PM    Mayhem at Miskatonic: A Burlesqu...    The Painted Lady                     41   6:45PM    Herbeaver                             Factory Theatre Studio               38
 7:00PM    THE HEALING SHOW: Cosmic Cures ... Eastminster United Church Sanct...       78   6:45PM    In Waking Life                        Streetcar Crowsnest Studio           40
 7:00PM    The Knitting Pilgrim                   Bloor Street United Church           75   6:45PM    Pack Animals                          Randolph Theatre                     44
 7:00PM    The Taming of the Shrew                St. George the Martyr Courtyard      48   7:00PM    Beneath the Bed                       Scadding Court Community Centre... 53
 7:30PM    I, Malvolio                            Smart Cookie Club at Artscape Y...   38   7:00PM    Boy Falls From The Sky: Jake Eps...   Supermarket                          65
 7:45PM    Break-Up Diet                          Robert Gill Theatre                  65   7:00PM    Mayhem at Miskatonic: A Burlesqu...   The Painted Lady                     41
 7:45PM    Omen: The Musical                      Annex Theatre                        69   7:00PM    The Knitting Pilgrim                  Bloor Street United Church           75
 8:00PM    Anesti Danelis: Six Frets Under        The Tranzac Club Tiki Room           31   7:00PM    The Taming of the Shrew               St. George the Martyr Courtyard      48
 8:00PM    Molly Bloom                            Helen Gardiner Phelan Playhouse      57   7:00PM    The Trophy Hunt                       401 Richmond                         63
 8:00PM    Personal Demon Hunter                  Imperial Pub                         45   7:00PM    UNRAVELLED - A New Musical            Grace Toronto Church                 69
 8:00PM    The Commandment                        Tarragon Theatre Extraspace          34   7:30PM    I, Malvolio                           Smart Cookie Club at Artscape Y...   38
 8:15PM    Be Kind, Rewind                        Randolph Theatre                     65   7:45PM    Get Better                            Tarragon Theatre Solo Room           57
 8:15PM    Congratulations!                       Tarragon Theatre Solo Room           34   7:45PM    Please Stand Clear                    Theatre Passe Muraille Backspac... 59
 8:15PM    In Ireland We Rented a Car from...     Streetcar Crowsnest Guloien The...   40   8:00PM    Anesti Danelis: Six Frets Under       The Tranzac Club Tiki Room           31
 8:15PM    Night Cows                             Factory Theatre Studio               58   8:00PM    Moving On                             Theatre Passe Muraille Mainspac... 42
 8:15PM    The ADHD Project                       Theatre Passe Muraille Backspac... 74     8:00PM    Personal Demon Hunter                 Imperial Pub                         45
 8:15PM    The Ballad Of Frank Allen              St. Vladimir Institute               32   8:00PM    Spend Your Kids' Inheritance          Helen Gardiner Phelan Playhouse      69
 8:15PM    Through the Bamboo                     Factory Theatre Mainspace            62   8:00PM    THE BIG HOUSE                         Factory Theatre Mainspace            62
 8:15PM    Unbridled Futurism                     Al Green Theatre                     50   8:00PM    The Trophy Hunt                       401 Richmond                         63
 8:30PM    Sidney Needs a Kidney                  Theatre Passe Muraille Mainspac... 61     8:15PM    Elbow Room                            Annex Theatre                        37
 8:30PM    Some People To Think About             Streetcar Crowsnest Studio           46   8:15PM    Every Silver Lining                   Al Green Theatre                     67
 8:30PM    The Autobiography of I.B.M.--In...     Tarragon Theatre Mainspace           65   8:15PM    My Dad's Deaths (A Comedy)            Streetcar Crowsnest Guloien The...   42
 9:30PM    The Peers                              Annex Theatre                        44   8:15PM    Sarah and Lucy                        Tarragon Theatre Extraspace          46
 9:45PM    Didn't Hurt                            Tarragon Theatre Extraspace          54   8:30PM    Friendly Fire: The Art and Execu...   Robert Gill Theatre                  38
 9:45PM    Mourning After the Night Before        Helen Gardiner Phelan Playhouse      58   8:30PM    High School High                      Factory Theatre Studio               67
 10:00PM   A Woman's Guide to Peeing Outsid... St. Vladimir Institute                  79   8:30PM    Nerves                                Streetcar Crowsnest Studio           58
 10:00PM   Allegra & Serena present: Twinsa...    Theatre Passe Muraille Backspac... 31     8:30PM    THE HEALING SHOW: Cosmic Cures f...   Eastminster United Church Sanct...   78

FOR UP-TO-DATE SCHEDULING VISIT FRINGETORONTO.COM                                                                                                                                19
8:30PM    the princess is the pauper            St. Vladimir Institute               48      5:00PM    Boy Falls From The Sky: Jake Eps...   Supermarket                          65
8:30PM    The Resistance Improvised             Randolph Theatre                     45      5:00PM    Philip & Lucinda Dino-Show            George Ignatieff Theatre             81
8:30PM    Tita Jokes                            Tarragon Theatre Mainspace           50      5:00PM    The Commandment                       Tarragon Theatre Extraspace          34
9:00PM    The Trophy Hunt                       401 Richmond                         63      5:00PM    THE HEALING SHOW: Cosmic Cures f...   Eastminster United Church Sanct...   78
9:30PM    Heart of Matter                       Trinity-St. Paul's United Churc...   70      5:30PM    An Orchid and Other Such Lilies...    Factory Theatre Studio               59
9:30PM    Murmurs                               Tarragon Theatre Solo Room           75      5:30PM    Fuckboys the Musical                  Streetcar Crowsnest Guloien The...   67
9:30PM    Sweet Kisses - Tender Limbs           Theatre Passe Muraille Backspac... 61        5:45PM    BOYS DON'T CRY                        Robert Gill Theatre                  65
10:00PM   After the Beep                        Tarragon Theatre Extraspace          30      6:00PM    Dandelion                             Randolph Theatre                     34
10:00PM   An Utterly Stupid Indefensible T...   Streetcar Crowsnest Guloien The...   63      6:00PM    Death Ray Cabaret                     The Monarch Tavern                   35
10:00PM   The Trophy Hunt                       401 Richmond                         63      6:00PM    Love Notes                            Factory Theatre Mainspace            71
10:15PM   An Atlas, A Necktie & Other Conc...   Tarragon Theatre Mainspace           32      6:00PM    Outside Ethel: Inside                 Streetcar Crowsnest Studio           44
10:15PM   Ether                                 Helen Gardiner Phelan Playhouse      56      6:15PM    It's Getting Hot in Here!             Annex Theatre                        41
10:15PM   Ghosted: The Musical                  Randolph Theatre                     67      6:15PM    Squeeze My Cans                       St. Vladimir Institute               76
10:15PM   Great Lakes 5                         St. Vladimir Institute               38      6:30PM    Becoming Magic Mike: An Action A...   Helen Gardiner Phelan Playhouse      32
10:15PM   It Girls                              Factory Theatre Mainspace            41      6:30PM    BFFs                                  Theatre Passe Muraille Mainspac... 65
10:15PM   Scotch Tape                           Streetcar Crowsnest Studio           60      6:30PM    Congratulations!                      Tarragon Theatre Solo Room           34
10:15PM   The Astrology Play                    Theatre Passe Muraille Mainspac... 32        6:30PM    Red Knows: A Play on Words            Al Green Theatre                     45
10:15PM   Who You Callin Black Eh?              Factory Theatre Studio               63      6:30PM    Sincerely, The Rebels Club            Tarragon Theatre Mainspace           46
10:15PM   Young and the Limbless                Robert Gill Theatre                  51      6:30PM    The Weight of It All                  Theatre Passe Muraille Backspac... 50
10:30PM   ICARUS                                Al Green Theatre                     57      6:30PM    Wha' ha' happened was...              Sarah's Cafe                         51
10:30PM   LIGHTS! CAMERA! ODD JOBS?             Annex Theatre                        75      6:45PM    The Road to Damascus                  Tarragon Theatre Extraspace          60
                                                                                             7:00PM    Table 7 - A Plays in Cafes Creat...   Paintbox Bistro                      61

FRI JULY 5		                                                                                 7:00PM
                                                                                                       The Knitting Pilgrim
                                                                                                       The Taming of the Shrew
                                                                                                                                             Bloor Street United Church
                                                                                                                                             St. George the Martyr Courtyard
TIME      SHOW TITLE                            VENUE                                PG      7:00PM    The Trophy Hunt                       401 Richmond                         63
12:00PM   BOY vs FLY                            George Ignatieff Theatre             80      7:00PM    UNRAVELLED - A New Musical            Grace Toronto Church                 69
12:00PM   Clotheswap                            The Textile Museum of Canada         33      7:15PM    Things the Trees Taught Them          Factory Theatre Studio               78
1:00PM    The Peers                             Annex Theatre                        44      7:30PM    Drama 101, A New Musical              Robert Gill Theatre                  67
1:15PM    Closet Confessions: The Secrets...    Theatre Passe Muraille Backspac... 33        7:30PM    I, Malvolio                           Smart Cookie Club at Artscape Y...   38
1:15PM    Unbridled Futurism                    Al Green Theatre                     50      7:30PM    The December Man (L'homme de dé...    Eastminster United Church Commu... 54
1:45PM    Gremlin Hour                          George Ignatieff Theatre             81      7:45PM    Old Fart                              Factory Theatre Mainspace            42
2:00PM    Be Kind, Rewind                       Randolph Theatre                     65      7:45PM    Plum Crazy                            Streetcar Crowsnest Guloien The...   59
2:00PM    Cyrano de Bergerac                    74 Jones Ave                         34      7:45PM    Scotch Tape                           Streetcar Crowsnest Studio           60
2:00PM    In Ireland We Rented a Car from...    Streetcar Crowsnest Guloien The...   40      8:00PM    Anesti Danelis: Six Frets Under       The Tranzac Club Tiki Room           31
2:00PM    Night Cows                            Factory Theatre Studio               58      8:00PM    Beneath the Bed                       Scadding Court Community Centre... 53
2:00PM    Scadding                              Scadding Court Community Centre      60      8:00PM    King Stag                             Annex Theatre                        41
2:15PM    Box                                   St. Vladimir Institute               33      8:00PM    Personal Demon Hunter                 Imperial Pub                         45
2:15PM    Middle Raged                          Robert Gill Theatre                  41      8:00PM    The Trophy Hunt                       401 Richmond                         63
2:30PM    Checkpoint 300                        Factory Theatre Mainspace            53      8:15PM    Allegra & Serena present: Twinsa...   Theatre Passe Muraille Backspac... 31
2:30PM    Reefer Madness: Origins               Tarragon Theatre Mainspace           60      8:15PM    Failed                                Theatre Passe Muraille Mainspac... 56
2:30PM    Some People To Think About            Streetcar Crowsnest Studio           46      8:15PM    Into the Tango                        Randolph Theatre                     71
2:30PM    Woke 'N Broke                         Helen Gardiner Phelan Playhouse      51      8:15PM    Murmurs                               Tarragon Theatre Solo Room           75
2:45PM    Omen: The Musical                     Annex Theatre                        69      8:15PM    Swallowed Whole                       Helen Gardiner Phelan Playhouse      48
3:00PM    Audience of One                       Tarragon Theatre Solo Room           32      8:15PM    Tales Of A Cocktail                   Al Green Theatre                     72
3:00PM    Clotheswap                            The Textile Museum of Canada         33      8:15PM    TIL DEATH: The Six Wives of Henr...   Tarragon Theatre Mainspace           50
3:00PM    Interrupted                           Al Green Theatre                     71      8:30PM    A Woman's Guide to Peeing Outsid...   St. Vladimir Institute               79
3:00PM    Old-ish                               Theatre Passe Muraille Backspac... 44        8:30PM    Night Feed                            Tarragon Theatre Extraspace          42
3:00PM    Sidney Needs a Kidney                 Theatre Passe Muraille Mainspac... 61        9:00PM    Dinner With Goebbels                  Trinity-St. Paul's United Churc...   54
3:30PM    Mice at Centre Ice                    George Ignatieff Theatre             81      9:00PM    The Trophy Hunt                       401 Richmond                         63
3:45PM    Emotional Labour                      Factory Theatre Studio               37      9:30PM    A Plauge Upon the Doctor's House      Factory Theatre Studio               45
3:45PM    Petroleum: A Triptych                 Streetcar Crowsnest Guloien The...   71      9:30PM    Heart of Matter                       Trinity-St. Paul's United Churc...   70
4:00PM    Scadding                              Scadding Court Community Centre      60      9:30PM    Palabra Flamenco: Fox Woman           Streetcar Crowsnest Studio           76
4:00PM    The Ashes of Forgotten Rain           Robert Gill Theatre                  31      9:30PM    The Huns                              Streetcar Crowsnest Guloien The...   38
4:15PM    Decaying Tongue                       Randolph Theatre                     53      9:30PM    Through the Bamboo                    Factory Theatre Mainspace            62
4:15PM    Destiny, USA                          Streetcar Crowsnest Studio           35      9:45PM    Dom Mackie's Poor Life Choices        Robert Gill Theatre                  35
4:15PM    Mourning After the Night Before       Helen Gardiner Phelan Playhouse      58      10:00PM   Carpe into my DMs                     Al Green Theatre                     33
4:15PM    The Laundry List                      Factory Theatre Mainspace            71      10:00PM   Escape from Shady Acres               Tarragon Theatre Mainspace           37
4:30PM    Untitled No. 7                        St. Vladimir Institute               78      10:00PM   i feel you                            Randolph Theatre                     71
4:45PM    An Atlas, A Necktie & Other Conc...   Tarragon Theatre Mainspace           32      10:00PM   Molly Bloom                           Helen Gardiner Phelan Playhouse      57
4:45PM    Clitoria: A Sex-Positive Superhe...   Theatre Passe Muraille Mainspac... 67        10:00PM   Monica vs. The Internet: Tales o...   Tarragon Theatre Solo Room           75
4:45PM    I Christopher                         Al Green Theatre                     57      10:00PM   The Trophy Hunt                       401 Richmond                         63
4:45PM    Improvised Therapy                    Tarragon Theatre Solo Room           40      10:00PM   The Worst: a DoFo inspired music...   Theatre Passe Muraille Backspac... 51
4:45PM    The ADHD Project                      Theatre Passe Muraille Backspac... 74        10:15PM   Eusha                                 Tarragon Theatre Extraspace          56

20                                                                                        BUY TICKETS AT FRINGETORONTO.COM AND 416.966.1062
 10:15PM   Horseface                             Annex Theatre                        74   5:00PM    Nerves                                Streetcar Crowsnest Studio           58
 10:15PM   The Ballad Of Frank Allen             St. Vladimir Institute               32   5:00PM    The Worst: a DoFo inspired music...   Theatre Passe Muraille Backspac... 51
 10:30PM   Peaches On A Cherry Tree              Theatre Passe Muraille Mainspac... 59     5:15PM    Eusha                                 Tarragon Theatre Extraspace          56
                                                                                           5:15PM    LIGHTS! CAMERA! ODD JOBS?             Annex Theatre                        75

 SAT JULY 6		                                                                              5:30PM
                                                                                                     Anesti Danelis: Six Frets Under
                                                                                                     Tales Of A Cocktail
                                                                                                                                           The Tranzac Club Tiki Room
                                                                                                                                           Al Green Theatre
 TIME      SHOW TITLE                            VENUE                                PG   6:00PM    Death Ray Cabaret                     The Monarch Tavern                   35
 11:30AM   Dungee the Dragon & The Just-Oka...   George Ignatieff Theatre             80   6:00PM    The Trophy Hunt                       401 Richmond                         63
 12:00PM   Clotheswap                            The Textile Museum of Canada         33   6:00PM    UNRAVELLED - A New Musical            Grace Toronto Church                 69
 12:30PM   Sketchy Adventures in the Enchan...   Al Green Theatre                     46   6:15PM    Break-Up Diet                         Robert Gill Theatre                  65
 12:45PM   Clitoria: A Sex-Positive Superhe...   Theatre Passe Muraille Mainspac... 67     6:15PM    Pack Animals                          Randolph Theatre                     44
 12:45PM   Didn't Hurt                           Tarragon Theatre Extraspace          54   6:15PM    The Huns                              Streetcar Crowsnest Guloien The...   38
 12:45PM   Spend Your Kids' Inheritance          Helen Gardiner Phelan Playhouse      69   6:15PM    Untitled No. 7                        St. Vladimir Institute               78
 1:00PM    A Woman's Guide to Peeing Outsid...   St. Vladimir Institute               79   6:30PM    Moving On                             Theatre Passe Muraille Mainspac... 42
 1:00PM    Friendly Fire: The Art and Execu...   Robert Gill Theatre                  38   6:30PM    The Laundry List                      Factory Theatre Mainspace            71
 1:00PM    Ghosted: The Musical                  Randolph Theatre                     67   6:30PM    TIL DEATH: The Six Wives of Henr...   Tarragon Theatre Mainspace           50
 1:00PM    Off The Island                        Streetcar Crowsnest Guloien The...   69   6:45PM    Audience of One                       Tarragon Theatre Solo Room           32
 1:15PM    An Atlas, A Necktie & Other Conc...   Tarragon Theatre Mainspace           32   6:45PM    Destiny, USA                          Streetcar Crowsnest Studio           35
 1:15PM    BOY vs FLY                            George Ignatieff Theatre             80   6:45PM    The ADHD Project                      Theatre Passe Muraille Backspac... 74
 1:15PM    Elbow Room                            Annex Theatre                        37   6:45PM    Who You Callin Black Eh?              Factory Theatre Studio               63
 1:15PM    GLIMPSE                               Factory Theatre Mainspace            70   7:00PM    Anesti Danelis: Six Frets Under       The Tranzac Club Tiki Room           31
 1:30PM    An Orchid and Other Such Lilies...    Factory Theatre Studio               59   7:00PM    Boy Falls From The Sky: Jake Eps...   Supermarket                          65
 1:30PM    Everything Is Fine                    Tarragon Theatre Solo Room           56   7:00PM    Ether                                 Helen Gardiner Phelan Playhouse      56
 1:30PM    Please Stand Clear                    Theatre Passe Muraille Backspac... 59     7:00PM    Night Feed                            Tarragon Theatre Extraspace          42
 1:30PM    Scotch Tape                           Streetcar Crowsnest Studio           60   7:00PM    The Knitting Pilgrim                  Bloor Street United Church           75
 2:00PM    Beneath the Bed                       Scadding Court Community Centre... 53     7:00PM    The Peers                             Annex Theatre                        44
 2:00PM    Cyrano de Bergerac                    74 Jones Ave                         34   7:00PM    The Trophy Hunt                       401 Richmond                         63
 2:00PM    Mayhem at Miskatonic: A Burlesqu...   The Painted Lady                     41   7:00PM    Wha' ha' happened was...              Sarah's Cafe                         51
 2:00PM    Scadding                              Scadding Court Community Centre      60   7:30PM    I, Malvolio                           Smart Cookie Club at Artscape Y...   38
 2:00PM    Table 7 - A Plays in Cafes Creat...   Paintbox Bistro                      61   7:30PM    ICARUS                                Al Green Theatre                     57
 2:00PM    The Taming of the Shrew               St. George the Martyr Courtyard      48   8:00PM    Comedy Records Presents: Jay & E...   Randolph Theatre                     34
 2:15PM    Interrupted                           Al Green Theatre                     71   8:00PM    DEEP END                              Miles Nadal Jewish Community Ce... 54
 2:30PM    Pump                                  Theatre Passe Muraille Mainspac... 76     8:00PM    Fuckboys the Musical                  Streetcar Crowsnest Guloien The...   67
 2:45PM    American Christian                    St. Vladimir Institute               31   8:00PM    Personal Demon Hunter                 Imperial Pub                         45
 2:45PM    Dom Mackie's Poor Life Choices        Robert Gill Theatre                  35   8:00PM    Squeeze My Cans                       St. Vladimir Institute               76
 2:45PM    Into the Tango                        Randolph Theatre                     71   8:00PM    THE HEALING SHOW: Cosmic Cures f...   Eastminster United Church Sanct...   78
 2:45PM    My Dad's Deaths (A Comedy)            Streetcar Crowsnest Guloien The...   42   8:00PM    The Trophy Hunt                       401 Richmond                         63
 3:00PM    After the Beep                        Tarragon Theatre Extraspace          30   8:15PM    Escape from Shady Acres               Tarragon Theatre Mainspace           37
 3:00PM    Lexi and the Flying b's               George Ignatieff Theatre             81   8:15PM    Love Notes                            Factory Theatre Mainspace            71
 3:00PM    Old Fart                              Factory Theatre Mainspace            42   8:30PM    Improvised Therapy                    Tarragon Theatre Solo Room           40
 3:00PM    Ouvre Le Porte, Ferme Le Bouche       Helen Gardiner Phelan Playhouse      59   8:30PM    Palabra Flamenco: Fox Woman           Streetcar Crowsnest Studio           76
 3:00PM    Personal Demon Hunter                 Imperial Pub                         45   8:30PM    Sweet Kisses - Tender Limbs           Theatre Passe Muraille Backspac... 61
 3:00PM    The Autobiography of I.B.M.--In...    Tarragon Theatre Mainspace           65   8:30PM    Things the Trees Taught Them          Factory Theatre Studio               78
 3:15PM    Drink of Choice                       Streetcar Crowsnest Studio           35   8:30PM    Young and the Limbless                Robert Gill Theatre                  51
 3:15PM    Herbeaver                             Factory Theatre Studio               38   8:45PM    Searching for Marceau                 Tarragon Theatre Extraspace          61
 3:15PM    Monica vs. The Internet: Tales o...   Tarragon Theatre Solo Room           75   8:45PM    The Astrology Play                    Theatre Passe Muraille Mainspac... 32
 3:15PM    The Weight of It All                  Theatre Passe Muraille Backspac... 50     8:45PM    Woke 'N Broke                         Helen Gardiner Phelan Playhouse      51
 3:30PM    Horseface                             Annex Theatre                        74   9:00PM    Dinner With Goebbels                  Trinity-St. Paul's United Churc...   54
 4:00PM    Cyrano de Bergerac                    74 Jones Ave                         34   9:00PM    The Trophy Hunt                       401 Richmond                         63
 4:00PM    Red Knows: A Play on Words            Al Green Theatre                     45   9:15PM    Every Silver Lining                   Al Green Theatre                     67
 4:00PM    Scadding                              Scadding Court Community Centre      60   9:30PM    Heart of Matter                       Trinity-St. Paul's United Churc...   70
 4:15PM    Failed                                Theatre Passe Muraille Mainspac... 56     9:45PM    Be Kind, Rewind                       Randolph Theatre                     65
 4:30PM    An Utterly Stupid Indefensible T...   Streetcar Crowsnest Guloien The...   63   10:00PM   THE BIG HOUSE                         Factory Theatre Mainspace            62
 4:30PM    BOYS DON'T CRY                        Robert Gill Theatre                  65   10:00PM   The Trophy Hunt                       401 Richmond                         63
 4:30PM    Great Lakes 5                         St. Vladimir Institute               38   10:00PM   Three Men on a Bike                   Tarragon Theatre Mainspace           48
 4:30PM    The December Man (L'homme de dé...    Eastminster United Church Commu... 54     10:15PM   Above & Beyond                        Robert Gill Theatre                  30
 4:30PM    The Resistance Improvised             Randolph Theatre                     45   10:15PM   Closet Confessions: The Secrets...    Theatre Passe Muraille Backspac... 33
 4:45PM    It Girls                              Factory Theatre Mainspace            41   10:15PM   Get Better                            Tarragon Theatre Solo Room           57
 4:45PM    Mourning After the Night Before       Helen Gardiner Phelan Playhouse      58   10:15PM   In Waking Life                        Streetcar Crowsnest Studio           40
 4:45PM    RADIOACTIVE SPYDER                    George Ignatieff Theatre             81   10:15PM   Plum Crazy                            Streetcar Crowsnest Guloien The...   59
 4:45PM    Tita Jokes                            Tarragon Theatre Mainspace           50   10:15PM   the princess is the pauper            St. Vladimir Institute               48
 5:00PM    Emotional Labour                      Factory Theatre Studio               37   10:30PM   Becoming Magic Mike: An Action A...   Helen Gardiner Phelan Playhouse      32
 5:00PM    Murmurs                               Tarragon Theatre Solo Room           75   10:30PM   BFFs                                  Theatre Passe Muraille Mainspac... 65

FOR UP-TO-DATE SCHEDULING VISIT FRINGETORONTO.COM                                                                                                                               21
10:30PM   News Play                             Annex Theatre                        42      5:15PM    Philip & Lucinda Dino-Show            George Ignatieff Theatre             81
10:30PM   Sarah and Lucy                        Tarragon Theatre Extraspace          46      5:15PM    Pump                                  Theatre Passe Muraille Mainspac... 76
10:45PM   High School High                      Factory Theatre Studio               67      5:30PM    Didn't Hurt                           Tarragon Theatre Extraspace          54
                                                                                             6:00PM    Death Ray Cabaret                     The Monarch Tavern                   35

SUN JULY 7		                                                                                 6:15PM
                                                                                                       Into the Tango
                                                                                                       Middle Raged
                                                                                                                                             Randolph Theatre
                                                                                                                                             Robert Gill Theatre
TIME      SHOW TITLE                            VENUE                                PG      6:15PM    Night Cows                            Factory Theatre Studio               58
10:30AM   Mice at Centre Ice                    George Ignatieff Theatre             81      6:15PM    Omen: The Musical                     Annex Theatre                        69
12:00PM   Lexi and the Flying b's               George Ignatieff Theatre             81      6:15PM    Please Stand Clear                    Theatre Passe Muraille Backspac... 59
12:30PM   Above & Beyond                        Robert Gill Theatre                  30      6:15PM    the princess is the pauper            St. Vladimir Institute               48
12:30PM   King Stag                             Annex Theatre                        41      6:15PM    Through the Bamboo                    Factory Theatre Mainspace            62
12:30PM   Squeeze My Cans                       St. Vladimir Institute               76      6:30PM    Ouvre Le Porte, Ferme Le Bouche       Helen Gardiner Phelan Playhouse      59
12:45PM   Moving On                             Theatre Passe Muraille Mainspac... 42        6:30PM    The Autobiography of I.B.M.--In...    Tarragon Theatre Mainspace           65
1:00PM    Allegra & Serena present: Twinsa...   Theatre Passe Muraille Backspac... 31        6:30PM    Wha' ha' happened was...              Sarah's Cafe                         51
1:00PM    Comedy Records Presents: Jay & E...   Randolph Theatre                     34      6:45PM    Carpe into my DMs                     Al Green Theatre                     33
1:00PM    Every Silver Lining                   Al Green Theatre                     67      6:45PM    Drink of Choice                       Streetcar Crowsnest Studio           35
1:00PM    It Girls                              Factory Theatre Mainspace            41      6:45PM    Monica vs. The Internet: Tales o...   Tarragon Theatre Solo Room           75
1:00PM    Petroleum: A Triptych                 Streetcar Crowsnest Guloien The...   71      6:45PM    Off The Island                        Streetcar Crowsnest Guloien The...   69
1:00PM    Who You Callin Black Eh?              Factory Theatre Studio               63      7:00PM    Peaches On A Cherry Tree              Theatre Passe Muraille Mainspac... 59
1:15PM    Swallowed Whole                       Helen Gardiner Phelan Playhouse      48      7:45PM    After the Beep                        Tarragon Theatre Extraspace          30
1:15PM    Tita Jokes                            Tarragon Theatre Mainspace           50      8:00PM    A Plauge Upon the Doctor's House      Factory Theatre Studio               45
1:30PM    Congratulations!                      Tarragon Theatre Solo Room           34      8:00PM    Box                                   St. Vladimir Institute               33
1:30PM    Nerves                                Streetcar Crowsnest Studio           58      8:00PM    Decaying Tongue                       Randolph Theatre                     53
1:45PM    Dungee the Dragon & The Just-Oka...   George Ignatieff Theatre             80      8:00PM    DEEP END                              Miles Nadal Jewish Community Ce... 54
2:00PM    Beneath the Bed                       Scadding Court Community Centre... 53        8:00PM    Dom Mackie's Poor Life Choices        Robert Gill Theatre                  35
2:00PM    Cyrano de Bergerac                    74 Jones Ave                         34      8:00PM    LIGHTS! CAMERA! ODD JOBS?             Annex Theatre                        75
2:00PM    Mayhem at Miskatonic: A Burlesqu...   The Painted Lady                     41      8:00PM    Old-ish                               Theatre Passe Muraille Backspac... 44
2:00PM    Scadding                              Scadding Court Community Centre      60      8:15PM    Molly Bloom                           Helen Gardiner Phelan Playhouse      57
2:00PM    The Commandment                       Tarragon Theatre Extraspace          34      8:15PM    Reefer Madness: Origins               Tarragon Theatre Mainspace           60
2:00PM    The Taming of the Shrew               St. George the Martyr Courtyard      48      8:30PM    GLIMPSE                               Factory Theatre Mainspace            70
2:15PM    Drama 101, A New Musical              Robert Gill Theatre                  67      8:30PM    Murmurs                               Tarragon Theatre Solo Room           75
2:45PM    Checkpoint 300                        Factory Theatre Mainspace            53      8:30PM    Sketchy Adventures in the Enchan...   Al Green Theatre                     46
2:45PM    Fuckboys the Musical                  Streetcar Crowsnest Guloien The...   67      8:30PM    Some People To Think About            Streetcar Crowsnest Studio           46
2:45PM    High School High                      Factory Theatre Studio               67      8:30PM    The Huns                              Streetcar Crowsnest Guloien The...   38
2:45PM    i feel you                            Randolph Theatre                     71      8:45PM    BFFs                                  Theatre Passe Muraille Mainspac... 65
2:45PM    News Play                             Annex Theatre                        42      9:00PM    Dinner With Goebbels                  Trinity-St. Paul's United Churc...   54
2:45PM    The Weight of It All                  Theatre Passe Muraille Backspac... 50        9:45PM    Break-Up Diet                         Robert Gill Theatre                  65
2:45PM    Untitled No. 7                        St. Vladimir Institute               78      9:45PM    Dandelion                             Randolph Theatre                     34
3:00PM    Escape from Shady Acres               Tarragon Theatre Mainspace           37      9:45PM    It's Getting Hot in Here!             Annex Theatre                        41
3:00PM    Ether                                 Helen Gardiner Phelan Playhouse      56      9:45PM    The ADHD Project                      Theatre Passe Muraille Backspac... 74
3:00PM    Failed                                Theatre Passe Muraille Mainspac... 56        10:00PM   The Road to Damascus                  Tarragon Theatre Extraspace          60
3:15PM    I Christopher                         Al Green Theatre                     57      10:00PM   Woke 'N Broke                         Helen Gardiner Phelan Playhouse      51
3:15PM    Improvised Therapy                    Tarragon Theatre Solo Room           40      10:15PM   A Woman's Guide to Peeing Outsid...   St. Vladimir Institute               79
3:15PM    Palabra Flamenco: Fox Woman           Streetcar Crowsnest Studio           76      10:15PM   In Ireland We Rented a Car from...    Streetcar Crowsnest Guloien The...   40
3:30PM    Gremlin Hour                          George Ignatieff Theatre             81      10:15PM   Love Notes                            Factory Theatre Mainspace            71
3:30PM    The Knitting Pilgrim                  Bloor Street United Church           75      10:15PM   Outside Ethel: Inside                 Streetcar Crowsnest Studio           44
3:45PM    Sarah and Lucy                        Tarragon Theatre Extraspace          46      10:15PM   Things the Trees Taught Them          Factory Theatre Studio               78
4:00PM    Boy Falls From The Sky: Jake Eps...   Supermarket                          65      10:15PM   Unbridled Futurism                    Al Green Theatre                     50
4:00PM    Cyrano de Bergerac                    74 Jones Ave                         34      10:30PM   Sidney Needs a Kidney                 Theatre Passe Muraille Mainspac... 61
4:00PM    Scadding                              Scadding Court Community Centre      60      10:30PM   Sincerely, The Rebels Club            Tarragon Theatre Mainspace           46
4:30PM    American Christian                    St. Vladimir Institute               31
          Old Fart
                                                Factory Theatre Studio
                                                Factory Theatre Mainspace
                                                                                     42      MON JULY 8
4:30PM    Pack Animals                          Randolph Theatre                     44      TIME      SHOW TITLE                            VENUE                                PG
4:30PM    The Ashes of Forgotten Rain           Robert Gill Theatre                  31      11:30AM   RADIOACTIVE SPYDER                    George Ignatieff Theatre             81
4:30PM    The Peers                             Annex Theatre                        44      1:00PM    Red Knows: A Play on Words            Al Green Theatre                     45
4:30PM    The Worst: a DoFo inspired music...   Theatre Passe Muraille Backspac... 51        1:15PM    Dungee the Dragon & The Just-Oka...   George Ignatieff Theatre             80
4:45PM    Becoming Magic Mike: An Action A...   Helen Gardiner Phelan Playhouse      32      2:00PM    The ADHD Project                      Theatre Passe Muraille Backspac... 74
4:45PM    TIL DEATH: The Six Wives of Henr...   Tarragon Theatre Mainspace           50      2:15PM    Decaying Tongue                       Randolph Theatre                     53
5:00PM    Destiny, USA                          Streetcar Crowsnest Studio           35      2:30PM    BOYS DON'T CRY                        Robert Gill Theatre                  65
5:00PM    Everything Is Fine                    Tarragon Theatre Solo Room           56      2:30PM    Sarah and Lucy                        Tarragon Theatre Extraspace          46
5:00PM    ICARUS                                Al Green Theatre                     57      2:30PM    the princess is the pauper            St. Vladimir Institute               48
5:00PM    Plum Crazy                            Streetcar Crowsnest Guloien The...   59      2:45PM    Carpe into my DMs                     Al Green Theatre                     33

22                                                                                        BUY TICKETS AT FRINGETORONTO.COM AND 416.966.1062
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