Vita Nuova Bollettino bilingue della Dante Alighieri Society of South Australia Inc - The Dante Alighieri Society of South Australia

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Vita Nuova Bollettino bilingue della Dante Alighieri Society of South Australia Inc - The Dante Alighieri Society of South Australia
Vita Nuova                                                                                      MAY 2017, Issue 22
  Bollettino bilingue della Dante Alighieri Society of South Australia Inc.

     Letter from the President
                                                         Fatti non foste a viver come bruti,
                                                        ma per seguir virtute e canoscenza.
                                                                     (Inferno Canto XXVI)

Dear Members,

Welcome to the winter issue of Vita Nuova. My father read the above quote to me
when I was only 8 years old. Some memories never fade, marking key moments in
our lives. That is how my father introduced me to Dante and how I fell in love with
                                                                                               INSIDE THIS ISSUE
the writings of ‘il padre della Lingua Italiana', the father of the Italian language. The
quote above for me is a reminder of how important it is to live every day fully,
following our dreams and travelling whatever distance - physical or emotional –                1. Letter from the President
trying to fulfill them. My dreams have always been associated with travelling and
writing and here I am, three years in Australia and new president of The Dante                 3. Totò, un’icona del Cinema
Alighieri Society of South Australia. Yet, still seeking 'virtute e canoscenza'.               italiano
Much has happened since the last issue of Vita Nuova in December 2016, including a
new President and Committee. At our AGM in February Luciana D’Arcangeli                        5. La Bella Lingua al cinema
finished her mandate from her position after three years of very hard work, delivering
great successes for the Society. On behalf of the whole Committee, I would like to
officially thank her for the incredible work carried out and for her commitment,               6. Locandina
dedication and passion for the Italian culture and language throughout the years as              “As inside a mirror”
President and Vice President of the Society. A thank you note goes also to Luciana’s
family, her husband Alessandro and her son Duncan, for their constant active                   7. Face to Face
participation, presence and support to the Society.
I would also like to thank Giuliana Otmarich who has recently resigned from the
Committee, thanking her for all the hard work and invaluable support.                          8. Calendario 2017

I would like to give a warm welcome to the new Committee members and to                        9. Membership Form
introduce the Dante Alighieri Society of South Australia’s Committee:
Natasha Marona - Vice President
Ciro Pipolo - Treasurer and Circolo Studio Divina Commedia Coordinator
Beatrice Barbieri - Schools Project Coordinator and Italian teacher
Emma Luxardo - Secretary
Maria Russo, Antonio Mercorella, Anna Mazzone - members, the latter also
Italian teacher
Luigi Masciantonio, Isabella Bracco and Stefano Bona - co-opted members,
the latter also Italian teacher and webmaster
Sanne Rejenga e Irina Gomanyuk - co-opted members and newsletter co-

                                                                                                          The 2017 DA Committee
Vita Nuova Bollettino bilingue della Dante Alighieri Society of South Australia Inc - The Dante Alighieri Society of South Australia
Donate to the Dante
                                          PLIDA Language Proficiency Courses
                                          March saw the start of the first semester of the Italian classes for adults. This
       Alighieri Culture &
                                          year we are running three classes: one for beginners (A1), one for continuers
                                          (A2) and one for intermediate speakers of the language (B1). Our second

         Education Fund
                                          semester will start in August. Please contact us for enrolment and for more

                                          Schools Project
All funds are used to support our         For the fifth year, the Dante Alighieri Society of South Australia has received
many exciting projects which will         funds from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to continue the program that
                                          allows Dante to employ a number of qualified Italian language assistants to work
revitalize the love of Italian language   closely with Italian teachers in the classrooms of selected schools. This year we
                                          have started collaboration with Perugia University from which some language
and culture in South Australia.           assistants have been selected. The program started in early May with a workshop
                                          for teachers and assistants in collaboration with the SA Department of Education
    ü Language classes                    and Child Development and the Catholic Schools Office.

    ü Cineforum                           Upcoming social events
    ü Opera and music appreciation        As you know, the aim of this Society is the promotion of the Italian Language and
                                          Culture, both within and outside the Italian community. In designing some of
    ü Public lectures                     our social events we also think about keeping a connection with all generations of
    ü Dante Alighieri Commemoration       the Italian community - from those who came here a few decades ago to the ‘new
                                          Italians’ who are still seeking a bright future far from home. In his writings,
                                          instead of the Latin language used at that time, Dante used ‘il volgare’ to have a
    ü Grants, scholarships and prizes     common language that could be understood by all. In the same way, our Society
                                          is a link and a support for the whole Italian community and needs the support of
                                          the whole community. For this reason, we are planning a series of fundraising
All donations over $2 to the Dante        dinners to take place in the Italian clubs where we will highlight cultural insights
                                          of the various regions with related entertainment.
Alighieri Culture and Education Fund
are tax deductible                        The first fundraising dinner will be on 15th June at the Campania Club with a
                                          Pizza and film night to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Toto’s death. We are also
                                          planning a Cross-Cultural evening on 12th August, ‘Italy meets China’ at the
                   Or                     Italian Centre, in 262 Carrington Street, Adelaide which includes a
                                          multicultural banquet, cooking demonstrations and entertainment. Put these
                                          dates in your diaries and read on for more information on the posters in this
      Become a Sponsor
                                          issue. November will see our participation in Carnevale and our support of the
                                          ‘Settimana della Cucina Italiana’ promoted by the Italian Consulate.

                                          I would like to thank everyone for their good wishes in taking on my new
                                          position, they are very much appreciated. I look forward to new members
                                          joining and invite you to read our news and continue to follow and like our page
                                          Dante Alighieri Society of SA Inc. on Facebook.

                                          Silvia De Cesare

                                          Silvia De Cesare

         For more information
   Visit us at:
   Or phone at 0423 359 503
Vita Nuova Bollettino bilingue della Dante Alighieri Society of South Australia Inc - The Dante Alighieri Society of South Australia

                                                                         un’icona del cinema

    He was a brilliant comedian, film and theatre actor, screenwriter, writer, singer and songwriter who could (and still can)
    make you laugh or cry with just a facial expression or a gesture.

    “Signori si nasce ed io modestamente lo nacqui” (1960 movie ‘Signori si nasce’) - Totò was born Antonio Clemente on 15
    February 1898 in a poor district of Naples, Rione Sanità. He was the illegitimate son of Anna Clemente from Sicily and the
    Marquis Giuseppe De Curtis from Naples who legally recognized him only in 1937.

    Despite his mother’s wish for him to become a priest, Totò started his career as a comedian in small local theatres at the age
    of 15. After serving in the army during World War I, Totò returned to acting, developing some of the trademarks of his
    style such as puppet-like and disjointed gesticulation, emphasized facial expressions, and a distinctive sense of humour.

    To perform in bigger theatres, the actor moved to Rome in 1922 and by the 1930s he had his own company. Totò starred in
    a total of 97 movies, of which many are still frequently broadcast on Italian television. Among the many movies, we
    remember Fifa e Arena, Totò Sceicco, Totò terzo uomo, Guardie e ladri, Totò e le donne, Totò Tarzan, I soliti ignoti, Totò, Peppino e la
    malafemmena, La legge è legge and the first Italian colour movie, Totò a colori in 1952. Throughout his career, Totò worked
    with every major Italian actor of the time and successfully teamed up with Aldo Fabrizi and Peppino De Filippo in many

    Totò also wrote poetry and music. 'A Livella’ is probably his most famous work and recounts the meeting of an arrogant rich
    man with a humble poor man after they die. The famous song ‘Malafemmena’ was written after he separated from his wife
    Diana and is still considered a classic Italian popular song.

    The Dante Alighieri Society of South Australia is celebrating Totò with a fundraising Pizza and film night on 15th June at
    the Campania Club. During the evening, guests will enjoy readings from Le poesie di Toto’ and 'A Livella’, will listen to a
    live version of the song ‘Malafemmena’ and will watch one of Toto's famous movies on the big screen.

    Come join us and support us. As Toto’ said ‘è la somma che fa il totale!’ (Totò, Fabrizi e i giovani d'oggi, 1960). In the
    meantime, here is a reminder of some of Toto’s famous and hilarious quotes:

                                                                                                     “Il coraggio ce l'ho. È la paura che mi frega.”
                                                                                     “Come è gentile per essere una parente: sembra un'estranea!”
                                                                                                        “È difficile capire le donne... sono occulte.”
                                                                      “Si dice che l'appetito vien mangiando, ma in realtà viene a star digiuni.”
                                                                             “Io non rubo, integro. D’altra parte in Italia chi è che non integra?”
                                                                                        “Tutti i giorni lavoro, onestamente, per frodare la legge.”
                                                “Il napoletano lo si capisce subito da come si comporta, da come riesce a vivere senza una lira.”
                                                                                                         “Siccome sono democratico, commando io.”
                                                                                                      “E’ un affare? No, è un furto, garantisco io.”
                                                                                                                             “Lei non sa chi sono io!”
                                             “Italiani, elettori, inquiline, coinquilini, casigliani! Vota Antonio! Vota Antonio! Vota Antonio!

Vita Nuova Bollettino bilingue della Dante Alighieri Society of South Australia Inc - The Dante Alighieri Society of South Australia

                 15 JUNE 2017



                            TICKETS: $28
      Pizza + 1 beer + coffee + dessert + movie on the big screen
                     drinks available from the bar

                        @ CAMPANIA CLUB
             5 Famechon Cres, Modbury North SA 5092


                        Bookings are essential                      4
                 Payment to: Dante Alighieri Society of SA
                    BSB: 065-107 / ACCT: 10236915
Vita Nuova Bollettino bilingue della Dante Alighieri Society of South Australia Inc - The Dante Alighieri Society of South Australia

                           La bella lingua al cinema
    Anche quest’anno la Dante Alighieri Society of SA invita gli studenti di italiano a partecipare alla
    “Dante Competion” – un concorso a premi aperto a tutte le scuole del South Australia che vuole
    favorire la creatività e l’amore per la lingua italiana. Il tema del 2017 sarà “L’italiano al cinema,
    L’italiano nel cinema”, in onore della XVII Settimana della Lingua italiana nel mondo, che si terrà a
    ottobre a Canberra. Ma di cosa si tratta? Abbiamo chiesto alla nostra nuova segretaria – Emma
    Luxardo – di raccontarcelo.

                                                                                                             Alcuni studenti del Thomas More
                                                                                                             Secondary college, mentre ricevono il
                                                                                                             premio per la Dante Competition
                                                                                                             2016, in occasione dell’AGM della
                                                                                                             Dante SA.

                              Scanned by CamScanner

                         “L'ITALIANO AL CINEMA, L'ITALIANO NEL CINEMA”
                                       16-22 OTTOBRE 2017
    La manifestazione è stata inaugurata nel 2001 – anno europeo delle lingue – su iniziativa di Francesco Sabatini,
    presidente dell'Accademia della Crusca, con lo scopo di promuovere nel mondo la lingua italiana e la sua cultura. In
    collaborazione con il Ministero degli Affari Esteri, ogni anno viene scelto un tema specifico legato all'uso della lingua
    italiana e attorno a tale tema si sviluppano proposte e svariate iniziative su scala internazionale.

    Di anno in anno l'iniziativa ha riscosso sempre maggiore interesse e ha coinvolto un numero crescente di partecipanti:
    gli eventi sono stati molteplici, adatti al pubblico più vario, a dimostrazione che la lingua e la cultura italiana riscuotono
    ovunque un grande appeal.

    All'estero, la manifestazione è affidata ai vari Istituti italiani di cultura, ai Consolati italiani, alle cattedre di Italianistica,
    alle Associazioni di Italiani all'estero e, con un ruolo cardine, ai vari Comitati della Società Dante Alighieri, il
    tutto sotto l'alto Patronato del Presidente della Repubblica.

    La XVII Edizione della Settimana della Lingua Italiana nel mondo, che si terrà dal 16 al 22 ottobre 2017
    è dedicata al tema "L'italiano al cinema, l'italiano nel cinema".

Vita Nuova Bollettino bilingue della Dante Alighieri Society of South Australia Inc - The Dante Alighieri Society of South Australia

                                                                                                   LE EDIZIONI

    Quest’anno la Dante Alighieri Society of SA promuove ben due

    1. La “Dante Competition” rivolta agli studenti sia della Primary che          Nel 2016 la rassegna, in programma dal 17 al 23
    della High School di Adelaide, sarà dedicata proprio al tema “L'Italiano
    al cinema, l'Italiano nel cinema”.                                             ottobre, è stata dedicata alla creatività italiana e ai suoi
    Gli studenti sono invitati a dare libero sfogo alla loro creatività e a        marchi, ed in particolare ai settori della moda, dei costumi
    partecipare come classe al concorso.
    Il tema di quest'anno offre mille ispirazioni: la storia del cinema italiano   e del design, come recita il titolo “L’Italiano e la
    (il 28 aprile Cinecittà ha compiuto 80 anni), i vari concorsi
                                                                                   creatività: marchi e costumi, moda e design”, fulcro
    cinematografici in Italia, come il famoso Festival del Cinema di
    Venezia, gli attori italiani considerati delle icone nel mondo, film           del “saper fare italiano” anche negli anni a venire.
    stranieri ispirati dall'Italia e dalla sua cultura.
    E' possibile partecipare in varie modalità e supporti: poster, audio,
    video…                                                                         Lo scorso anno, la Settimana della Lingua ha avuto luogo
    I vincitori verranno premiati durante la settimana del Carnevale di
                                                                                   dal 19 al 24 ottobre 2015. Il tema prescelto è stato
    Adelaide (5-7 novembre 2017) e bisognerà far pervenire gli elaborati
    alla Dante Alighieri SA entro il 30 settembre prossimo.                        “L’Italiano della musica, la musica dell’Italiano”. La

    Per ulteriori informazioni potete scrivere direttamente a:                     distribuzione geografica degli oltre 1300 eventi è stata                                                             la seguente: 435 nelle Americhe, 408 nell’Unione

    2. "Come dentro uno specchio - L'Italia vista fuori dall' Italia". Questo      europea, 163 in Asia e Oceania, 171 nell’Europa extra
    secondo concorso, promosso dalla Dante Alighieri di Roma in                    UE, 113 nel Mediterraneo e in Medio Oriente e 75
    collaborazione con il Ministero degli Affari Esteri, è rivolto ai giovani
    registi emergenti (e non), di età compresa tra i 18 e i 26 anni di tutte le    nell’Africa Subsahariana.

    Il bando è scaricabile a questo link:                                          Nel 2014, nell’ambito del Semestre di Presidenza
                                                                                   italiana dell’Unione Europea, la Direzione Generale ha
                                                                                   avviato una riflessione sistemica sulle industrie culturali
    Vi terremo aggiornati!
                                                                                   in Italia, con il tema “Scrivere la nuova Europa:

                                                                                   editoria italiana, autori e lettori nell’era digitale”

                                                                                   (20-25 ottobre 2014). La distribuzione geografica

                                                                                   degli eventi è stata la seguente: 324 eventi nell’Unione

                                                                                   Europea, 153 nell’Europa extra UE, 144 in Asia e

                                                                                   Oceania, 88 nel Mediterraneo e Medio Oriente, 67 in

                                                                                   Africa Subsahariana.

                                                                                   Nel 2013, intorno al tema “Ricerca, Scoperta,

                                                                                   Innovazione: l’Italia dei Saperi”, che ha sottolineato la

                                                                                   centralità di scienza e tecnologia nella cultura italiana,     6
                                                                                   sono state organizzate 1200 iniziative da 153 sedi –

                                                                                   Istituti Italiani di Cultura, Consolati e Ambasciate – in

                                                                                   102 Paesi.
Vita Nuova Bollettino bilingue della Dante Alighieri Society of South Australia Inc - The Dante Alighieri Society of South Australia

Vita Nuova Bollettino bilingue della Dante Alighieri Society of South Australia Inc - The Dante Alighieri Society of South Australia

                               Face to face
    We asked Irina Gomanyuk, who attends the first semester of our
    Italian course PLIDA A1, to tell us why she decided to study Italian.

    I fell in love with Italy and the Italian language after watching movie “Under the
    Tuscan Sun” back in 2010. It was like a lightning bolt: I want to go to Tuscany,
    to walk those cypresses lines roads and to admire plush green hills, to eat Italian
    food and to drink Italian wines looking at the sun go down over Val D’Orcia.                Enrolments
                                                                                                 Enrolments are openfor
                                                                                                            are open forthe
    I dream of having a coffee in piazzas of Cortona and Arezzo chatting to signoras                 semesterof
                                                                                                    semester of our
                                                                                                                our Italian
    nearby who tell me barzelletta (a funny little story) about the café owner. I have
                                                                                                The 2nd semester starting in the first
    even started practicing tarantella imagining that one day I will be dancing it in a         The PLIDA Certification Level Beginners A2
    traditional dress somewhere in piazzas of Italy.                                            week of August and is 15 weeks @
                                                                                                3hours per week for a total of 45
    I want to immerse myself into this beautiful language to feel it, to taste it, to
    learn the art of dolce far niente (“the sweetness of doing nothing”) and learn how          hours. Classes will be held at our
    to be more of la bella figura (‘presenting yourself in the best light possible in all       premises in 262 Carrington St, Adelaide
    your interactions”).
                                                                                                SA 5000 from 5 to 8 pm.
    There were plenty of books about Italy I read since my Italomania has started.
    But the one stands out and I name it my Italian Bible. It is called “La Bella
                                                                                                B1 (Upper intermediate level)-
    Lingua” by Dianne Hales.
    The words from the book precisely describe how I feel about this fascinating                Wednesdays
    language:                                                                                   A1 (Beginning level)– Thursdays

    “While other tongues do little more than speak, this lyrical language thrills the ear,      A2 (Intermediate level) – Fridays
    beguiles the mind, captivates the heart, enraptures the soul, and comes closer than any
    other idiom to expressing the essence of what it means to be human… There is no English
    word that quite captures the sensation of innamoramento, crazy head-over-heels love,
    deeper than infatuation, way beyond bewitched, bothered, and bewildered.                    An official Dante Alighieri attendance
    But that’s what I am – an innamorata, enchanted by Italian, fascinated by its story and     certificate (ADA) will be issued to
    its stories, tantalized by its adventures, addicted to its sound, and ever eager to spend
    more time in its company”.                                                                  participants who will achieve an
                                                                                                attendance record of at least
    I have studied language myself for a while, watched movies (with subtitles, of
                                                                                                80%. Our specifically designed courses
    course J), read simple articles and tried translating lyrics of my favourite songs
    by Toto Cutugno, Adriano Celentano, Zucchero and Luciano Pavarotti. Still, I                also prepare students to sit the PLIDA
    was not able to hold a simple conversation. And with this New Year’s                        certification exams.
    resolution to learn Italian I found myself enrolled into DA course level A1.
    What can I tell you? I love every minute of our three hour Thursday lessons
    with such a fantastic teacher as Stefano Bona and my great classmates. We all               Cost: $650 per semester – ONLY
    are so different yet one thing unites us all – this unexplainable love of the most          $14.50 p/h + $50 Textbook to be
    beautiful language in the world.
                                                                                                purchased through us after enrolment.
    Viva l’Italiano!

                                                                                                What is PLIDA? The PLIDA (Progetto
                                                                                                Lingua Italiana Dante Alighieri) certificate is
                                                                                                an official diploma issued by the Società
                                                                                                Dante Alighieri under an agreement with the
Vita Nuova Bollettino bilingue della Dante Alighieri Society of South Australia Inc - The Dante Alighieri Society of South Australia
Vita Nuova Bollettino bilingue della Dante Alighieri Society of South Australia Inc - The Dante Alighieri Society of South Australia
Dante Alighieri Society of South Australia Inc.
      Connecting you with Italian language and culture

                                                                                                           Il mondo in italiano
                                   2017 Membership Application

                       I wish to apply for membership            q     I wish to renew my membership             q

 Given name                                             Family name

 Tel / Mobile
 I wish to receive correspondence by:                    Email        q        Post      q
 Should the need arise, I agree to have my photo published in the Dante Alighieri Newsletter: Yes                q No    q
 I am an Italian citizen registered with AIRE (Anagrafe degli Italiani Residenti all'Estero)             Yes     q No    q
 Signature                                                                        Date

                                         MEMBERSHIP categories (please specify):
 LIFE ($400)                                              q
 ORDINARY ($35)                                           q
 CONCESSION ($25)                                         q
 1)    Concession rate is available to holders of pension, disability, unemployment, health care and student cards.
 2)    Persons enrolled in DA language classes receive automatic membership of the DA society

      I wish to make a tax deductible donation of $                                                                   to the

I wish to pay by (please specify):                                   Summary of payment
CASH                                         q                        DA Membership                  $
CHEQUE                                       q
MONEY ORDER                                  q                        Donation                       $
ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER:                   q
      Payable to: BSB 065-107                                                             Total      $
      ACCOUNT NO: 10236915
      PAYER REFERENCE: (please enter your full name and payment details)
                            (NB. Money Orders are payable to: Dante Alighieri Society of South Australia Inc.)

Office Use
Amount tendered                           Date of data entry                        Membership No.
Receipt No.                               Applicant advised                         (date)

 All donations (over $2) to the Dante Alighieri Culture and Education Fund are tax deductible
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