VOLUME 2 Connect with us: gscwm.org - Girl Scouts of Central & Western ...

Page created by Leonard Lynch
VOLUME 2 Connect with us: gscwm.org - Girl Scouts of Central & Western ...
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Connect with us: gscwm.org
VOLUME 2 Connect with us: gscwm.org - Girl Scouts of Central & Western ...
Council Information		                    Inside Front Cover
                                  Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence,
Our Mission                       and character who make the world a better place.
                                                                                                                             Table of Contents                             Table of Contents
                                                                                                                                                                           Programs and Events                                    4-29
                                                                                                                                                                           Schedule Your Own		                                   30-38
                                          On my honor, I will try:                                                                                                         Additional Virtual Program Opportunities
Girl Scout Promise                        To serve God and my country,                                                                                                     About Programs and Events
                                                                                                                                                                           Program and Event Registration Form                      43
                                          To help people at all times,                                                                                                     Girl Scout Awards                                        44
                                          And to live by the Girl Scout Law.                                                                                               Travel Ops                                               45
                                                                                                                                                                           Camp                                                     46
                                                                                                                                                                                  Service Unit Encampments                          46
                                          I will do my best to be                                                                                                                 Troop Camping                                     46
            Girl Scout Law                honest and fair,                                                                                                                        Service Projects                                  46
                                                                                                                                                                                  Borrowing Equipment                               46
                                          friendly and helpful,                                                                                                                   Summer Camp                                       47
                                          considerate and caring,                                                                                                          Product Program: Fall Product                            48
                                                                                                                                                                             and Cookie Program
                                          courageous and strong, and                                                                                                              Digital Cookie-Online Program			                  48
                                          responsible for what I say and do,                                                                                                      Bling Your Booth Weekend                          48
                                                                                                                                                                                  Girls Have Heart Weekend				                      48
                                          and to respect myself and others,                                                                                                       Cookie Boss			                                    49
                                          use resources wisely,                                                                                                            Additional Girl Scout Awards and                         50
                                                                                                                                                                             Program Opportunities
                                          make the world a better place, and                                                                                               Keep in Touch		                                          51
                                          be a sister to every Girl Scout.                                                                                                 Be a Girl Scout Volunteer                                52

                                        Our Locations
   Holyoke Leadership Center                                         Worcester Leadership Center
         301 Kelly Way                                                    115 Century Drive
       Holyoke, MA 01040                                                Worcester, MA 01606                                  As we head into 2021, we are excited to offer programming that will meet the needs of all girls safely, virtually
                                                                                                                             and in person. As everyone is experiencing, this year is all about being nimble and creative, while focusing on
                                     Need Assistance?                                                                        safety and wellbeing. Since COVID-19 began significantly impacting all of us this past March, we have worked on
                                                                                                                             ways to imaginatively and safely continue with Girl Scout programming even as camps and in-person programs
               508-365-0115, 413-584-2602 and info@gscwm.org                                                                 were shut down. As we continue to navigate this new world, we have moved to a digital version of our Program
                                                                                                                             Guide so that we can make updates in a fast and efficient manner. Our goal this year is to continue to follow the
                                                                                                                             recommendations from Gov. Baker, the MA Board of Health and the CDC as we strive to bring programming to
                                                              Townsend     Pepperell                                         girls in the best format possible. While things may look different and can change on a dime, please know that
                       Franklin                                                           Holyoke Leadership Center          our mission has not changed. We continue to offer community partner programs, Highest Awards programs,
                                                                                                                             new GSUSA badges, outdoor programs, and our iconic Product Programs with the 5 Skills and support for girls
                                                                                          Worcester Leadership Center
                                                                                                                             in our community. With Girl Scout Cookie Season around the corner, take a look at our new virtual opportunities
Berkshire                                                                                                                    as well as contactless delivery ideas! So come join us as we continue to Build Girls of Courage, Confidence, and
                                                                                       Girl Scout Camps                      Character…Who Make the World a Better Place.
                Hampshire                                                                 Camp Green Eyrie: Harvard
                                                                                                                             Yours in Girl Scouting,
                                                                                          Camp Laurel Wood: Spencer
                                                                                          Camp Lewis Perkins: South Hadley
                                                                                                                             Sara Rowan
             Hampden                                                                      Camp Bonnie Brae: East Otis
                                                                                                                             Senior Director, Girl Experience

                                                                                                                                                                                                            2020 - 2021 PROGRAM GUIDE            3
VOLUME 2 Connect with us: gscwm.org - Girl Scouts of Central & Western ...
What’s New
       R A M S &                                                                 JANUARY

 PRO G             *BE SURE TO CHECK OUR
                   WEBSITE OFTEN FOR ANY
                                                                                             6-12 HOW TO MAKE THIS YEAR
                                                                                                  THE BEST ONE YET!

                   UPDATES, ADDITIONS, OR

                                                                                             Date:    Saturday, January 9, 2021

                   CANCELLATIONS OF PROGRAMS.                                                Time:    11:00 AM-12:30 PM
                   THE WEBSITE WILL ALWAYS                                                   Place:   Teen Tell All, Virtual Program
                   HAVE THE MOST UPDATED                                                     Cost:    $5 per girl/girl-only event
                   INFORMATION AVAILABLE.                                                    It’s easy to be happy but it’s much harder to stay happy. Learn
                   PROGRAMS MAY NEED TO BE                                                   tips and tricks on how to stay happy even in the most stressful
                   UPDATED OR CANCELLED TO                                                   of situations. Lauren Adelberg is a certified Teen Life Coach and
                                                                                             the creator of Teen Tell All. Teen Tell All is an empowerment group
                   MEET THE CHANGING STATE AND                                               of teens who come together to get real advice and learn real-life
                   FEDERAL GUIDELINES.                                                       lessons in real time. Visit Teen Tell All at www.teentellall.com. This
                                                                                             program is one of a series of six teen empowerment programs
                                                                                             offered-you can attend one, or attend all! Open to troops and
                                                                                             individual girls. Register through GSCWM by January 4.
                   C         STRIVE FOR SILVER
                             ORIENTATION WEBINAR
                   Date:     Thursday, January 7, 2021                                       J        BUSINESS JUMPSTART
                   Time:     6:00 PM-7:30 PM                                                          BADGE
                   Place:    Go-To Meeting                                                   Date:     Thursday, January 14, 2021
                   Cost:     $5 per girl/$5 per adult                                        Time:    4:00 PM-5:15 PM
                   Are you ready to make a lasting change on an issue you care about?        Place:   SPARK Business Academy, Zoom Program
                   Taking a Silver Award Orientation is highly recommended if you are        Cost:    $16 per girl/girl-only event
                   interested in striving to become a Silver Award Girl Scout prior to
                   starting the project planning stage. At the end of this orientation,      Earn the NEW Business Jumpstart Badge through this virtual
                   you’ll know the national steps necessary to complete the award,           workshop with SPARK Business Academy. Everyone has the
                   understand the pros and cons of an individual vs. team project,           ability to come up with an idea - it’s what you do to bring it to
                   understand the difference between Take Action and community               life that makes you an entrepreneur! Badge is not included but
                   service, and understand the importance of the community impact            can be purchased at GSCWM. Open to troops and individual girls.
                   of a project. Troop leaders and parents are strongly encouraged to        To register, email Ainsley.green@sparkbusinessacademy.com by
                   join us. You will need a computer and/or phone in order to access         January 12.
                   this webinar. All materials are sent electronically with instructions
                   on how to join the webinar prior to the date to the one registered
                   individual. Open to troops, girls with an adult, individual girls and
                   adults. Register through GSCWM by December 24.
                                                                                             C-A WHAT’S ON YOUR MIND
                                                                                             Date:    Saturday, January 16, 2021
                                                                                             Time:    11:00 AM-12:30 PM
                   S-A GO FOR GOLD ZOOM                                                      Place:   Teen Tell All, Virtual Program
                       ORIENTATION                                                           Cost:    $5 per girl/girl-only event
                   Date:     Saturday, January 9, 2021                                       You will be given the tools needed to empower yourself in the most
                   Time:     10:00 AM-12:00 PM                                               trying of times.You’ll have the chance to ask a question that has
                                                                                             been on your mind or send in anonymous questions in advance.
                   Place:    Zoom Presentation                                               Lauren Adelberg is a certified Teen Life Coach and the creator of
                   Cost:     $5 per girl/$5 per adult                                        Teen Tell All. Teen Tell All is an empowerment group of teens who
                                                                                             come together to get real advice and learn real-life lessons in real
                   EAre you ready to make a lasting change on an issue you care              time. Visit Teen Tell All at www.teentellall.com. This program is
                   about? The Girl Scout Gold Award is the most prestigious award in         one of a series of six teen empowerment programs offered-you
                   the world for girls. This orientation is for any girl who wants to earn   can attend one, or attend all! Open to troops and individual girls.
                   her award or is interested in learning more about it. Orientations        Register through GSCWM by January 4.
                   provide valuable information about the award process, deadlines,
                   national requirements, and suggestions about projects. While not
                   required, attending an orientation can be the most beneficial thing
                   you do before beginning to work on the award. Leaders, advisors
                   and parents are encouraged to attend to learn how to best
                   support girls working on their awards. Are you ready to take the
                   lead? Zoom into a Go for Gold Orientation today! Open to troops,
                   girls with an adult, individual girls and adults. Register through
                   GSCWM by December 24.                                                                           2020 - 2021 PROGRAM GUIDE                          5
VOLUME 2 Connect with us: gscwm.org - Girl Scouts of Central & Western ...
JANUARY - FEBRUARY                                                                                                                                                   FEBRUARY
B        MONEY MANAGER BADGE                                             S         FINANCING MY FUTURE                                                 C-A BULLY BE GONE!                                                     D-J UMASS AMHERST
Date:    Thursday, January 21, 2021                                                BADGE                                                               Date:    Friday, February 5, 2021                                          COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING
Time:    4:00 PM-5:15 PM                                                 Date:     Thursday, January 28, 2021                                          Time:    5:30 PM-7:00 PM                                                   CYBERSECURITY GIRL
Place:   SPARK Business Academy, Zoom Program                            Time:     4:00 PM-5:15 PM                                                     Place:   Teen Tell All, Virtual Program                                    SCOUT DAY
Cost:    $16 per girl/girl-only event                                    Place:    SPARK Business Academy, Zoom Program                                Cost:    $5 per girl/girl-only event                                   Date:     Saturday, February 6, 2021
Earn your Money Manager Badge through this virtual workshop              Cost:     $16 per girl/girl-only event                                        Stand up to your bully once and for all! Learn how to find your        Time:     9:00 AM-3:00 PM
with SPARK Business Academy. Learn what money management                 Earn your Financing My Future Badge through this virtual                      inner strength, understand the importance of body language, and        Place:    UMass Amherst College of Engineering, Amherst
is, discuss key tips in saving money wisely, create your own plan        workshop with SPARK Business Academy. Declare your dreams                     learn to always speak your mind even in the toughest of times.
to save money, design a grocery spending plan, and learn the                                                                                           Lauren Adelberg is a certified Teen Life Coach and the creator of      Cost:     $20 per girl/$10 per adult
                                                                         for your educational future and then figure out how to finance
basics of budgeting. Badge is not included but can be purchased          them so you can start planning. Badge is not included but can                 Teen Tell All. Teen Tell All is an empowerment group of teens who      The student chapter of the Society of Women Engineers, along
at GSCWM. Open to troops and individual girls. To register, email        be purchased at GSCWM. Open to troops and individual girls. To                come together to get real advice and learn real-life lessons in real   with other student volunteers and staff, will help you earn your
Ainsley.green@sparkbusinessacademy.com by January 19.                    register, email Ainsley.green@sparkbusinessacademy.com by                     time. Visit Teen Tell All at www.teentellall.com. This program is      Cybersecurity Basics, Safeguards, and Investigator Badges. You
                                                                         January 25.                                                                   one of a series of six teen empowerment programs offered-you           will complete the requirements for two of them and go home
                                                                                                                                                       can attend one, or attend all! Open to troops and individual girls.    with materials to complete the third. A light breakfast, lunch, and
C-A WHAT TO DO WHEN YOUR                                                                                                                               Register through GSCWM by January 22.                                  your badges are included. Open to troops and girls with an adult.

    FRIEND TURNS THEIR BACK                                              S-A GO FOR GOLD ZOOM                                                                                                                                 Register through GSCWM by January 14.

    ON YOU                                                                   ORIENTATION                                                               S-A UMASS AMHERST
Date:    Saturday, January 23, 2021                                      Date:     Saturday, January 30, 2021
                                                                                                                                                           COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING                                             C         UMASS AMHERST
Time:    10:30 AM-12:00 PM                                               Time:     10:00 AM-12:00 PM
                                                                                                                                                           CYBERSECURITY GIRL 			                                                       COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING
Place:   Teen Tell All, Virtual Program                                  Place:    Zoom Presentation
                                                                                                                                                           SCOUT DAY                                                                    CYBERSECURITY GIRL
Cost:    $5 per girl/girl-only event                                     Cost:     $5 per girl/$5 per adult
                                                                                                                                                       Date:    Saturday, February 6, 2021                                              SCOUT DAY
Don’t you hate it when someone tries to get under your skin? That        Are you ready to make a lasting change on an issue you care                                                                                          Date:     Saturday, February 6, 2021
                                                                                                                                                       Time:    9:00 AM-3:00 PM
stops now! Learn tips and tricks on how to stand up for yourself         about? The Girl Scout Gold Award is the most prestigious award in
                                                                         the world for girls. This orientation is for any girl who wants to earn       Place:   UMass Amherst College of Engineering, Amherst                 Time:     9:00 AM-3:00 PM
once and for all! Lauren Adelberg is a certified Teen Life Coach and
the creator of Teen Tell All. Teen Tell All is an empowerment group      her award or is interested in learning more about it. Orientations            Cost:    $20 per girl/$10 per adult                                    Place:    UMass Amherst College of Engineering, Amherst
                                                                         provide valuable information about the award process, deadlines,
of teens who come together to get real advice and learn real-life                                                                                      The student chapter of the Society of Women Engineers, along           Cost:     $20 per girl/$10 per adult
lessons in real time. Visit Teen Tell All at www.teentellall.com. This   national requirements, and suggestions about projects. While not
                                                                         required, attending an orientation can be the most beneficial thing           with other student volunteers and staff, will help you earn your       The student chapter of the Society of Engineers, along with other
program is one of a series of six teen empowerment programs                                                                                            Think Like a Programmer Journey. As part of your day, you will be
                                                                         you do before beginning to work on the award. Leaders, advisors                                                                                      student volunteers and staff, will help you complete your Think
offered-you can attend one, or attend all! Open to troops and                                                                                          able to attend the College of Information and Computer Science
                                                                         and parents are encouraged to attend to learn how to best                                                                                            Like a Programmer Journey. You will not complete your Take Action
individual girls. Register through GSCWM by January 7.                                                                                                 to attend HackHer413. You will not complete your Take Action
                                                                         support girls working on their awards. Are you ready to take the                                                                                     Project during the program but will have time and support to help
                                                                         lead? Zoom into a Go for Gold Orientation today! Open to troops,              Project during the program but will have time and support to help      you brainstorm ideas and get started. A light breakfast, lunch, and
                                                                         girls with an adult, individual girls and adults. Register through            you brainstorm ideas and get started. Your day includes a light        your badges are included. Open to troops and girls with an adult.
*B-A NAVIGATION THROUGH THE                                              GSCWM by January 14.                                                          breakfast, lunch and your badges. Open to troops and girls with an     Register through GSCWM by January 14.
     FAMOUS EXPLORERS                                                                                                                                  adult. Register through GSCWM by January 14.

Date:    Wednesday, January 27, 2021
                                                                         C         FINANCING MY DREAMS                                                                                                                        S-A GO FOR GOLD ZOOM
Time:    7:30 PM-8:30 PM
                                                                                   BADGE                                                                                                                                          ORIENTATION
Place:   Mystic Seaport Museum, Virtual Program
                                                                         Date:     Thursday, February 2, 2021                                                                                                                 Date:     Monday, February 8, 2021
Cost:    $225 per troop*
                                                                         Time:     4:00 PM-5:15 PM                                                                                                                            Time:     5:00 PM-6:30 PM
Join us to learn about navigation through the lens of famous
explorers. You’ll examine the instruments and tools used by              Place:    SPARK Business Academy, Zoom Program                                                                                                       Place:    Zoom Presentation
Columbus, Magellan, and other famous navigators. Ultimately, you         Cost:     $16 per girl/girl-only event                                                                                                               Cost:     $5 per girl/$5 per adult
will make a connection between technological improvements and
                                                                         Earn your Financing My Dreams Badge through this virtual                                                                                             Are you ready to make a lasting change on an issue you care
safer, more precise movement around the globe. You’ll use some
                                                                         workshop with SPARK Business Academy. Research associated                                                                                            about? The Girl Scout Gold Award is the most prestigious award in
common household supplies to even build a simple navigation tool
                                                                         costs of major life expenses, calculate dream school costs and                                                                                       the world for girls. This orientation is for any girl who wants to earn
that you can try out yourself! *This program is for ages 8 and up.
                                                                         determine opportunity cost, and cover the ins and outs of taking                                                                                     her award or is interested in learning more about it. Orientations
Ask about our special pricing for registering for the entire series of
                                                                         on and managing loan payments. Badge is not included but can                                                                                         provide valuable information about the award process, deadlines,
seven programs. Open to troops only. To register, call 860-572-5331
                                                                         be purchased at GSCWM. Open to troops and individual girls. To                                                                                       national requirements, and suggestions about projects. While not
by January 20.
                                                                         register, email Ainsley.green@sparkbusinessacademy.com by                                                                                            required, attending an orientation can be the most beneficial thing
                                                                         February 1.                                                                                                                                          you do before beginning to work on the award. Leaders, advisors
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              and parents are encouraged to attend to learn how to best
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              support girls working on their awards. Are you ready to take the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              lead? Zoom into a Go for Gold Orientation today! Open to troops,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              girls with an adult, individual girls and adults. Register through
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              GSCWM by January 28.
                                                                                               2020 - 2021 PROGRAM GUIDE                           6                                                                                                2020 - 2021 PROGRAM GUIDE                           7
VOLUME 2 Connect with us: gscwm.org - Girl Scouts of Central & Western ...
FEBRUARY                                                                                                                                              FEBRUARY
J        CUSTOMER INSIGHTS                                              C        STRIVE FOR SILVER 			                                               C-A SET THE STAGE                                                        D-J ARCTIC EXPLORERS
         BADGE                                                                   ORIENTATION WEBINAR                                                 Date:    Wednesday, February 17, 2021                                    Date:    Thursday, February 18, 2021
Date:    Thursday, February 11, 2021                                    Date:    Tuesday, February 16, 2021                                          Time:    1:00 PM-5:00 PM                                                 Time:    11:00 AM-4:00 PM
Time:    4:00 PM-5:15 PM                                                Time:    6:00 PM-7:30 PM                                                     Place:   Camp Laurel Wood, Spencer                                       Place:   Camp Laurel Wood, Spencer
Place:   SPARK Business Academy, Zoom Program                           Place:   Go-To Meeting                                                       Cost:    $15 per girl/adults no charge                                   Cost:    $20 per girl/adults no charge
Cost:    $16 per girl/girl-only event                                   Cost:    $5 per girl/$5 per adult                                            Lights, Camera, Action! Develop your script, build your set, and         We will break out the snowshoes and explore camp covered in
Earn your Customer Insights Badge through this virtual workshop         Are you ready to make a lasting change on an issue you care about?           direct your own animated film. Cadette Girl Scouts will earn their       snow. Be on the lookout for animal tracks, work as a team to
with SPARK Business Academy. Use what you learn from your               Taking a Silver Award Orientation is highly recommended if you are           Digital Movie Maker Badge in this aspiring director program. Open        build a snow fort, and make a winter craft. Be sure to bring lunch
customers to make your cookie business even stronger! Badge             interested in striving to become a Silver Award Girl Scout prior to          to troops and girls with an adult. Register through GSCWM by             and we will make a warm snack over the fire in the afternoon. In
is not included but can be purchased at GSCWM. Open to                  starting the project planning stage. At the end of this orientation,         January 28.                                                              the event of no snow, we will still have fun at camp, just without
troops and individual girls. To register, email Ainsley.green@          you’ll know the national steps necessary to complete the award,                                                                                       the snowshoes. Open to troops and girls with an adult. Register
sparkbusinessacademy.com by February 9.                                 understand the pros and cons of an individual vs. team project,                                                                                       through GSCWM by February 4.
                                                                        understand the difference between Take Action and community                  J-C STEM CAREER BADGE                                                    J        WORLD OF MUSIC
                                                                        service, and understand the importance of the community impact
                                                                                                                                                     Date:    Wednesday, February 17, 2021                                    Date:    Thursday, February 18, 2021
B        DANCE AWAY                                                     of a project. Troop leaders and parents are strongly encouraged to
                                                                        join us. You will need a computer and/or phone in order to access            Time:    1:00 PM-2:00 PM                                                 Time:    1:30 PM-3:30 PM
Date:    Monday, February 15, 2021                                      this webinar. All materials are sent electronically with instructions
                                                                                                                                                     Place:   WICN Public Radio, Zoom Event                                   Place:   Holyoke Leadership Center
Time:    9:30 AM-11:30 AM                                               on how to join the webinar prior to the date to the one registered
                                                                        individual. Open to troops, girls with an adult, individual girls and        Cost:    $5 per girl/girl-only event                                     Cost:    $10 per girl/adults no charge
Place:   Holyoke Leadership Center                                      adults. Register through GSCWM by February 4.                                Have you ever wondered what it would be like to work at a radio          Do you know the lyrics to all of your favorite songs? Are you an
Cost:    $10 per girl/adults no charge                                                                                                               station or what goes on behind the scenes? Work on the NEW               aspiring musician? If so, this program is for you. Discover the world
Have you ever dreamed of performing your own dance routine?                                                                                          STEM Career Badge with the staff from WICN Public Radio. Learn           of music, try your hand at songwriting, and explore how music is
Try a new form of dance, choreograph your own dance moves,              J        LIFT OFF                                                            all about the world of non-profit public radio as you dive into
                                                                                                                                                     the various jobs at a radio station, such as production manager,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              made. Junior Girl Scouts will complete three steps toward their
and explore the world of dance. Brownie Girl Scouts will earn three                                                                                                                                                           Musician Badge in this lyrical program. Open to troops and girls
                                                                        Date:    Wednesday, February 17, 2021                                        audio engineer, membership coordinator, host, and more! We’ll
steps toward their Dancer Badge. Open to troops and girls with an                                                                                                                                                             with an adult. Register through GSCWM by January 28.
adult. Register through GSCWM by January 28.                            Time:    9:00 AM-12:00 PM                                                    learn about broadcasting, fundraising, the day-to-day operations,
                                                                                                                                                     and the overall experience of public radio in today’s vast media
                                                                        Place:   Camp Laurel Wood, Spencer
                                                                                                                                                     universe. You’ll even get to take a virtual tour of the radio station!
                                                                        Cost:    $15 per girl/adults no charge                                       You will leave with the requirements to finish your badge work           B        BUDDING ENTREPRENEUR
C-A THE WORLD AWAITS                                                    Design, build, and test a mechanical crane! Learn the difference             from home; badge included. Open to troops and individual girls.                   BADGE
Date:    Monday, February 15, 2021                                      between simple and compound machines and build a crane that                  Register through GSCWM by February 4.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Date:    Thursday, February 18, 2021
Time:    1:30 PM-3:30 PM                                                will do the heavy lifting for you. In this program, Junior Girl Scouts
                                                                        will build their own cranes and put them to the test to earn the                                                                                      Time:    4:00 PM-5:15 PM
Place:   Holyoke Leadership Center                                      Crane Design Challenge Badge. Open to troops and girls with an               D        READY, SET. GO!                                                 Place:   SPARK Business Academy, Zoom Program
Cost:    $15 per girl/adults no charge                                  adult. Register through GSCWM by January 28.
                                                                                                                                                     Date:    Thursday, February 18, 2021                                     Cost:    $16 per girl/girl-only event
The adventure begins here! Learn how to establish a travel budget,                                                                                                                                                            Earn the NEW Budding Entrepreneur Badge through this
                                                                                                                                                     Time:    9:30 AM-12:00 PM
design your itinerary, and create a travel vision board. Senior Girl                                                                                                                                                          virtual workshop with SPARK Business Academy. Become an
Scouts will complete two steps toward their Traveler Badge. Open                                                                                     Place:   Holyoke Leadership Center                                       entrepreneur by making something, testing it out, and improving
to troops and girls with an adult. Register through GSCWM by                                                                                         Cost:    $10 per girl/adults no charge                                   your idea to make it the best it can be! Badge is not included but
January 28.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   can be purchased at GSCWM. Open to troops and individual girls.
                                                                                                                                                     Girls start your engines! Design, build, and race your very own
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              To register, email Ainsley.green@sparkbusinessacademy.com by
                                                                                                                                                     model car while learning all about the science of friction. Daisy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              February 18.
D-J BLIZZARD OLYMPICS                                                                                                                                Girl Scouts will complete the steps to their Model Car Badge in this
                                                                                                                                                     half-day program. Open to troops and girls with an adult. Register
Date:    Tuesday, February 16, 2021                                                                                                                  through GSCWM by January 28.
Time:    10:00 AM-3:00 PM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              B        GAME CHANGER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Date:    Thursday, February 18, 2021
Place:   Camp Bonnie Brae, East Otis
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Time:    5:00 PM-7:00 PM
Cost:    $20 per girl/$5 per adult
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Place:   Holyoke Leadership Center
Go for Gold in this Camp Olympic Event! Do you love to compete?
Are snow days your favorite days? If so, this winter adventure is for                                                                                                                                                         Cost:    $10 per girl/adults no charge
you. In this all-day program, girls will complete a camp scavenger                                                                                                                                                            Do you love to play games? Have you ever dreamed of
hunt, make a simple lunch over a fire and play winter games. If                                                                                                                                                               creating your own? If so, this game changing program is
there is no snow, we’ll still have heaps of winter fun completing an                                                                                                                                                          for you! Brownie Girl Scouts will complete three steps
obstacle course, building snow ball launchers, and constructing                                                                                                                                                               toward their Making Games Badge. Open to troops and
igloos. Please dress for the weather and bring a water bottle. Adult                                                                                                                                                          girls with an adult. Register through GSCWM by January 28.
fee covers lunch for adults. Open to troops and girls with an adult.
Register through GSCWM by January 28.

                                                                                              2020 - 2021 PROGRAM GUIDE                          8                                                                                                  2020 - 2021 PROGRAM GUIDE                         9
VOLUME 2 Connect with us: gscwm.org - Girl Scouts of Central & Western ...
FEBRUARY                                                                                                                                  FEBRUARY - MARCH
C        STRIVE FOR SILVER 			                                          C-A THE SECRET TO SUCCESS                                                     S-A RED CROSS FIRST AID/CPR/                                              C-A ARTIC SURVIVAL
         ORIENTATION WEBINAR                                            Date:    Saturday, February 20, 2021                                              AED                                                                   Date:    Sunday, February 28, 2021
Date:    Thursday, February 18, 2021                                    Time:    11:00 AM-12:30 PM                                                    Date:     Saturday, February 27, 2021                                     Time:    10:00 AM-3:00 PM
Time:    6:00 PM-7:30 PM                                                Place:   Teen Tell All, Virtual Program                                       Time:     10:00 AM-6:00 PM                                                Place:   Camp Bonnie Brae, East Otis
Place:   Go-To Meeting                                                  Cost:    $5 per girl/girl-only event                                          Place:    Camp Laurel Wood, Spencer                                       Cost:    $20 per girl/adults no charge
Cost:    $5 per girl/$5 per adult                                       Society has led us to believe that the more friends we have, the              Cost:     $50 per girl/girl-only event                                    Learn how to survive the winter and leave no trace. Learn the
Are you ready to make a lasting change on an issue you care about?      more “popular” we become. This is so untrue! In this workshop,                Receive CPR and First Aid certification by taking a course                principles of Leave No Trace camping, build a shelter to protect
Taking a Silver Award Orientation is highly recommended if you are      you’ll learn how to embrace who you really are and figure out                 incorporates the latest science and teaches students to recognize         yourself from the winter winds, and prepare a meal in the
interested in striving to become a Silver Award Girl Scout prior to     what makes you happy. After all, you will never fit in where you              and care for a variety of first aid emergencies such as burns, cuts,      outdoors. Girls will work toward their respective Snow or Climbing
starting the project planning stage. At the end of this orientation,    don’t belong. Lauren Adelberg is a certified Teen Life Coach and              scrapes, sudden illnesses, head, neck, back injuries, heat and            Adventure Badges. This event will take place rain or shine, so
you’ll know the national steps necessary to complete the award,         the creator of Teen Tell All. Teen Tell All is an empowerment group           cold emergencies and how to respond to breathing and cardiac              please check the weather, dress appropriately, and wear close-
understand the pros and cons of an individual vs. team project,         of teens who come together to get real advice and learn real-life             emergencies to help pediatric and adult victims. The trained and          toed shoes. Girls should bring a snack and water bottle. A meal,
understand the difference between Take Action and community             lessons in real time. Visit Teen Tell All at www.teentellall.com. This        certified volunteer instructor will present a standard curriculum         cooked over the campfire is included. Open to troops and girls
service, and understand the importance of the community impact          program is one of a series of six teen empowerment programs                   as set by the American Red Cross in a dynamic way that will               with an adult. Register through GSCWM by February 12.
of a project. Troop leaders and parents are strongly encouraged to      offered-you can attend one, or attend all! Open to troops and                 engage multiple learning types. Participation in the entire course,
join us. You will need a computer and/or phone in order to access       individual girls. Register through GSCWM by February 5, 2021.                 including all activities, is required to receive certification.
this webinar. All materials are sent electronically with instructions
                                                                                                                                                      Those who successfully complete this course will receive a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                S        MY PORTFOLIO BADGE
on how to join the webinar prior to the date to the one registered                                                                                                                                                              Date:    Wednesday, March 3, 2021
individual. Open to troops, girls with an adult, individual girls and   *B-A THE MORGAN’S GUIDING                                                     certificate for Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED valid for two
                                                                                                                                                      years through the American Red Cross. We will take a one hour             Time:    4:00 PM-5:15 PM
adults. Register through GSCWM by February 4                                 STARS                                                                    break for lunch in the middle of the course, you should bring your
                                                                                                                                                      own lunch.                                                                Place:   SPARK Business Academy, Zoom Program
                                                                        Date:    Wednesday, February 24, 2021
                                                                                                                                                      This is a 2 year certification (and therefore must be renewed every       Cost:    $16 per girl/girl-only event
                                                                        Time:    7:30 PM-8:30 PM
J-A SHOWTIME!                                                                                                                                         2 years). Open to individual girls only. Register through GSCWM by        Earn the NEW My Portfolio Badge through this virtual workshop with
                                                                        Place:   Mystic Seaport Museum, Virtual Program                               February 6.                                                               SPARK Business Academy. Find out how you can use your cookie
Date:    Friday, February 19, 2021
                                                                        Cost:    $225 per troop*                                                                                                                                sales experience to stand out in the future. Badge is not included
Time:    10:00 AM-4:00 PM
                                                                        We’ll use the online program Stellarium to explore what the night                                                                                       but can be purchased at GSCWM. Open to troops and individual
Place:   Holyoke Leadership Center                                      sky looked like to sailors aboard the whaling vessel the Charles              C-A HOW TO BE EMOTIONALLY                                                 girls. To register, email Ainsley.green@sparkbusinessacademy.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                com by March 1.
Cost:    $25 per girl/adults no charge                                  W. Morgan. You’ll explore primary source materials, including
                                                                        excerpts from the vessel’s logbooks to display the night sky views
Wanted: Performers for Open Call! If you have a passion for theater
                                                                        at various times, dates, latitudes and longitudes of the Morgan’s             Date:     Saturday, February 27, 2021
and an active imagination then this program is for you. Develop
your storyline, cast your characters, and prepare for curtain call      voyages. We’ll have a demonstration and hands-on experience                   Time:     10:30 AM-12:00 PM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                J        TELL US YOUR STORY
                                                                        where you’ll recreate a favorite sailor pastime, scrimshaw. *This                                                                                       Date:    Wednesday, March 3, 2021-Saturday ,April 18, 2021
in this theatrical program. Cadette Girl Scouts will earn two steps                                                                                   Place:    Teen Tell All, Virtual Program
toward their Screenwriter Badge and Senior Girl Scouts will earn        program is for ages 8 and up. Ask about our special pricing for                                                                                         Time:    6:00 PM-8:00 PM
two steps toward their Troupe Performer Badge. Open to troops           registering for the entire series of seven programs. Open to troops           Cost:     $5 per girl/girl-only event
                                                                        only. To register, call 860-572-5331 by February 17.                                                                                                    Place:   Holyoke Leadership Center
and girls with an adult. Register through GSCWM by January 28.                                                                                        Have you realized that when you’re upset in one area of your life,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Cost:    60 per girl/girl-only event
                                                                                                                                                      all the other areas tend to suffer as well? Well, we can’t have that!
                                                                                                                                                      In this workshop, you will be given the tools needed to rise above        Explore the many roles that make you who you are, connect with
                                                                        A        ENTREPRENEUR
C-A SNOVIVAL                                                                     ACCELERATOR BADGE
                                                                                                                                                      any situation you are faced with. Lauren Adelberg is a certified
                                                                                                                                                      Teen Life Coach and the creator of Teen Tell All. Teen Tell All is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                women leaders in your community, and embrace your talents
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                through performance. In this eight-week program, girls will
Date:    Saturday, February 20, 2021                                                                                                                  an empowerment group of teens who come together to get real               complete their Junior aMuse Journey and receive their aMuse
                                                                        Date:    Thursday, February 25, 2021
Time:    10:00 AM-4:00 PM                                                                                                                             advice and learn real-life lessons in real time. Visit Teen Tell All at   Junior Journey Award set which includes their Reach Out! Speak
                                                                        Time:    4:00 PM-5:15 PM                                                      www.teentellall.com. This program is one of a series of six teen          Out! Try Out! Patches. This program runs Tuesdays, March 3-April
Place:   Camp Green Eyrie, Harvard                                                                                                                    empowerment programs offered-you can attend one, or attend                21, 6 pm – 8 pm with a final performance on April 18 at 1pm. Two
                                                                        Place:   SPARK Business Academy, Zoom Program
Cost:    $20 per girl/adults no charge                                                                                                                all! Open to troops and individual girls. Register through GSCWM          adult volunteers are needed to make this program possible. All
                                                                        Cost:    $16 per girl/girl-only event                                         by February 12.                                                           adults must be registered and CORI’d and be available for each
Learn to adjust your outdoor survival skills to survive the winter.
                                                                        Earn the NEW Entrepreneur Accelerator Badge through this virtual                                                                                        meeting, including the final performance. Contact Program Team
Build a shelter, cook over a fire in the snow, and work as a team to
                                                                        workshop with SPARK Business Academy. Think and act like an                                                                                             directly to volunteer at program@gscwm.org. Open to individual
complete the snow challenge. Be sure to bring a lunch and we will
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                girls only. Register through GSCWM by February 21.
make a camp fire snack. Program activities will take place outside,     entrepreneur as you bring your business vision to life, learn how
                                                                        to work with a team, and motivate people to take a chance with
                                                                                                                                                      J         INVENTORS PARADISE
please ensure you are dressed for the weather. Open to troops and
girls with an adult. Register through GSCWM by February 4.              you. Badge is not included but can be purchased at GSCWM. Open                Date:     Saturday, February 27, 2021
                                                                        to troops and individual girls. To register, email Ainsley.green@             Time:     1:00 PM-4:00 PM
                                                                        sparkbusinessacademy.com by February 22.
                                                                                                                                                      Place:    Holyoke Leadership Center
                                                                                                                                                      Cost:     $15 per girl/adults no charge
                                                                                                                                                      Let your imagination run wild, solve a real world problem, and wow
                                                                                                                                                      the judges with your creative invention! Junior Girl Scouts will earn
                                                                                                                                                      two steps toward their Product Designer Badge. Open to troops
                                                                                                                                                      and girls with an adult. Register through GSCWM by February 12.
                                                                                              2020 - 2021 PROGRAM GUIDE                          10                                                                                                  2020 - 2021 PROGRAM GUIDE                       11
VOLUME 2 Connect with us: gscwm.org - Girl Scouts of Central & Western ...
MARCH                                                                                                                                                      MARCH
ADULTS BRONZE AWARD                                                       C         BUSINESS CREATOR BADGE                                                 S-A GO FOR GOLD ZOOM                                                      D         DAISY ROLLER COASTER
       ORIENTATION                                                        Date:      Wednesday, March 10, 2021                                                 ORIENTATION                                                                     DESIGN CHALLENGE
       WEBINAR                                                            Time:     4:00 PM-5:15 PM                                                        Date:     Saturday, March 13, 2021                                        Date:     Saturday, March 13, 2021
Date:               Thursday, March 4, 2021                               Place:    SPARK Business Academy, Zoom Program                                   Time:     10:00 AM-12:00 PM                                               Time:     1:00 PM-3:00 PM
Time:               6:00 PM-7:30 PM                                       Cost:     $16 per girl/girl-only event                                           Place:    Zoom Presentation                                               Place:    Worcester Leadership Center
Place:              Go-To Meeting                                         Earn the NEW Business Creator Badge through this virtual workshop                Cost:     $5 per girl/$5 per adult                                        Cost:     $12 per girl/adults no charge
                                                                          with SPARK Business Academy. Become a business creator and                       Are you ready to make a lasting change on an issue you care               Roller coasters are machines that move people very fast in
Cost:               Adult-only program/$5 per adult                       learn the skills you need for success in life, no matter what future             about? The Girl Scout Gold Award is the most prestigious award in         surprising directions. It’s all about the thrill of speed, turns, climbs,
This optional orientation is open to troop leaders and parents            path you choose. Badge is not included but can be purchased at                   the world for girls. This orientation is for any girl who wants to earn   and drops. Some people love to ride on them and others do not,
who are interested in learning more about the Girl Scout Bronze           GSCWM. Open to troops and individual girls. To register, email                   her award or is interested in learning more about it. Orientations        but we can all agree that building one will be fun! Come learn how
Award. We’ll review the national requirements step-by-step, go            Ainsley.green@sparkbusinessacademy.com by March 7.                               provide valuable information about the award process, deadlines,          roller coasters work and understand motion and speed with the
over timelines, processes and paperwork, and have plenty of time                                                                                           national requirements, and suggestions about projects. While not          National Association of Women in Construction and take home
for questions. Arm yourself with the tools and knowledge you’ll                                                                                            required, attending an orientation can be the most beneficial thing       your Mechanical Engineering Roller Coaster Design Challenge
need to lead your Juniors to a successful Girl Scout Bronze Award
experience. You will need a computer and/or phone in order to
                                                                          B         BROWNIE FLING FLYER                                                    you do before beginning to work on the award. Leaders, advisors           Badge! Open to troops and girls with an adult. Register through

access this webinar. All materials will be sent electronically with                 DESIGN CHALLENGE                                                       and parents are encouraged to attend to learn how to best
                                                                                                                                                           support girls working on their awards. Are you ready to take the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     GSCWM by February 25.

instructions on how to access the webinar prior to the date to            Date:     Saturday, March 13, 2021                                               lead? Zoom into a Go for Gold Orientation today! Open to troops,
the one registered individual. This orientation is for adults only.
Register through GSCWM by February 18.                                    Time:     10:00 AM-12:00 PM                                                      girls with an adult, individual girls and adults. Register through        J         JUNIOR CRANE DESIGN
                                                                          Place:    Worcester Leadership Center
                                                                                                                                                           GSCWM by February 25.
                                                                          Cost:     $12 per girl/adults no charge                                                                                                                    Date:     Saturday, March 13, 2021
S-A GO FOR GOLD ZOOM                                                      For thousands of years, people have been wondering how birds                     J         JUNIOR CRANE DESIGN                                             Time:     1:00 PM-3:00 PM
    ORIENTATION                                                           and insects fly. While building your Fling Flyer, you’ll learn all                         CHALLENGE                                                       Place:    Worcester Leadership Center
                                                                          about what keeps birds, planes, and people in the air with the
Date:     Saturday, March 6, 2021                                                                                                                          Date:     Saturday, March 13, 2021                                        Cost:     $12 per girl/adults no charge
                                                                          National Association of Women in Construction and take home
Time:     10:00 AM-12:00 PM                                               your Mechanical Engineering Fling Flyer Design Challenge Badge!                  Time:     10:00 AM-12:00 PM                                               People have used cranes to build very tall buildings and move
Place:    Zoom Presentation                                               Open to troops and girls with an adult. Register through GSCWM                                                                                             heavy objects for thousands of years. As the size and shape of the
                                                                          by February 25.
                                                                                                                                                           Place:    Worcester Leadership Center                                     buildings we construct change, so has the crane’s design. Learn
Cost:     $5 per girl/$5 per adult                                                                                                                         Cost:     $12 per girl/adults no charge                                   about simple machines and how they work together, and then
Are you ready to make a lasting change on an issue you care                                                                                                People have used cranes to build very tall buildings and move             build your own heavy-lifting crane with the National Association
about? The Girl Scout Gold Award is the most prestigious award in         D         DAISY ROLLER COASTER                                                   heavy objects for thousands of years. As the size and shape of the        of Women in Construction and take home your Mechanical
the world for girls. This orientation is for any girl who wants to earn
her award or is interested in learning more about it. Orientations
                                                                                    DESIGN CHALLENGE                                                       buildings we construct change, so has the crane’s design. Learn           Engineering Crane Design Challenge Badge! Open to troops and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     girls with an adult. Register through GSCWM by February 25.
                                                                                                                                                           about simple machines and how they work together, and then
provide valuable information about the award process, deadlines,          Date:     Saturday, March 13, 2021                                               build your own heavy-lifting crane with the National Association
national requirements, and suggestions about projects. While not          Time:     10:00 AM-12:00 PM                                                      of Women in Construction and take home your Mechanical
required, attending an orientation can be the most beneficial thing
                                                                          Place:    Worcester Leadership Center                                            Engineering Crane Design Challenge Badge! Open to troops and              B-C MUSEUM OF SCIENCE
you do before beginning to work on the award. Leaders, advisors
and parents are encouraged to attend to learn how to best                 Cost:     $12 per girl/adults no charge
                                                                                                                                                           girls with an adult. Register through GSCWM by February 25.                   OVERNIGHT
support girls working on their awards. Are you ready to take the                                                                                                                                                                     Date:     Fri-Sat, March 19-20, 2021
                                                                          For thousands of years, people have been wondering how birds
lead? Zoom into a Go for Gold Orientation today! Open to troops,                                                                                                                                                                     Time:     5:00 PM-11:00 AM
girls with an adult, individual girls and adults. Register through
                                                                          Roller coasters are machines that move people very fast in
                                                                          surprising directions. It’s all about the thrill of speed, turns, climbs,
                                                                                                                                                           B         BROWNIE FLING FLYER
GSCWM by February 18.
                                                                          and drops. Some people love to ride on them and others do not,                             DESIGN CHALLENGE                                                Place:    Museum of Science, Boston
                                                                          but we can all agree that building one will be fun! Come learn how                                                                                         Cost:     $65 per girl/$65 per adult
                                                                                                                                                           Date:     Saturday, March 13, 2021
                                                                          roller coasters work and understand motion and speed with the                                                                                              Ever wonder what happens at the Museum at night? Discover
                                                                                                                                                           Time:     1:00 PM-3:00 PM
          VIT TRAINING                                                    National Association of Women in Construction and take home                                                                                                science in an entertaining, educational, and interactive way
                                                                          your Mechanical Engineering Roller Coaster Design Challenge                      Place:    Worcester Leadership Center                                     through hands-on science activities, a Theater of Electricity
Date:     Saturday, March 6, 2021
                                                                          Badge! Open to troops and girls with an adult. Register through                  Cost:     $12 per girl/adults no charge                                   Lightning! show, science demonstrations, an Omni film, with time
Time:     11:00 AM-3:00 PM                                                GSCWM by February 25                                                                                                                                       to explore the museum, and so much more. Plus, where else
                                                                                                                                                           For thousands of years, people have been wondering how birds              might you have the chance to sleep under a dinosaur? You’ll also
Place:    Holyoke Leadership Center                                                                                                                        and insects fly. While building your Fling Flyer, you’ll learn all        be able to stay for the day and enjoy the museum on your own,
Cost:     $10 per girl/adults no charge                                                                                                                    about what keeps birds, planes, and people in the air with the            and receive an Exhibit Hall admission and Planetarium Show pass
                                                                                                                                                           National Association of Women in Construction and take home               for another day. Register through GSCWM by February 18.
Senior and Ambassador Girl Scouts, develop your skills to become
                                                                                                                                                           your Mechanical Engineering Fling Flyer Design Challenge Badge!
a Girl Scout Volunteer and mentor to younger girls. Develop your
                                                                                                                                                           Register through GSCWM by February 25.
leadership skills, gain a better understanding of how to work
with younger girls and how to plan your programs with girls. This
training is a required step to earn your VIT pin. Open to troops and
girls with an adult. Register through GSCWM by February 25.

                                                                                                 2020 - 2021 PROGRAM GUIDE                            12                                                                                                    2020 - 2021 PROGRAM GUIDE                            13
VOLUME 2 Connect with us: gscwm.org - Girl Scouts of Central & Western ...
MARCH                                                                                                                                           MARCH
J        PLAYING THE PAST JUNIOR 		                                    J-C STEM CAREER BADGE                                                   ADULTS RED CROSS FIRST AID/		                                           J-A MUSEUM OF SCIENCE
         BADGE BUILDER                                                 Date:    Thursday, March 25, 2021                                       		CPR/AED                                                                   OVERNIGHT
Date:    Saturday, March 20, 2021                                      Time:    5:00 PM-6:00 PM                                                Date: 		           Saturday, March 27, 2021                             Date:    Saturday, March 27, 2021
Time:    9:30 AM-12:00 PM                                              Place:   WICN Public Radio, Zoom Event                                  Time: 		           10:00 AM-6:00 PM                                     Time:    5:00 PM-11:00 AM
Place:   Salisbury Mansion, Worcester                                  Cost:    $5 per girl/girl-only event                                    Place: 		          Worcester Leadership Center                          Place:   Museum of Science, Boston
Cost:    $15 per girl/adults no charge                                 Have you ever wondered what it would be like to work at                 Cost: 		           Adult-only program/$50 per adult                     Cost:    $65 per girl/$65 per adult
The Playing the Past Badge allows you to dream up a character          a radio station or what goes on behind the scenes? Work                 Receive CPR and First Aid certification by taking a course              Ever wonder what happens at the Museum at night? Discover
of a girl or woman who lived in the past. What better place to do      on the NEW STEM Career Badge with the staff from WICN                   incorporates the latest science and teaches students to recognize       science in an entertaining, educational, and interactive way
that than a 1772 historic house that is restored to the 1830s! Learn   Public Radio. Learn all about the world of non-profit public            and care for a variety of first aid emergencies such as burns, cuts,    through hands-on science activities, a Theater of Electricity
about life in the 1800s at the Salisbury Mansion and then work         radio as you dive into the various jobs at a radio station,             scrapes, sudden illnesses, head, neck, back injuries, heat and          Lightning! show, science demonstrations, an Omni film, with time
on projects that will lead to the Playing the Past Badge; handouts     such as production manager, audio engineer, membership                  cold emergencies and how to respond to breathing and cardiac            to explore the museum, and so much more. Plus, where else
covering the badge requirements are provided, badges are not.          coordinator, host, and more! We’ll learn about broadcasting,            emergencies to help pediatric and adult victims. The trained and        might you have the chance to sleep under a dinosaur? You’ll also
If your troop cannot make this date, contact us and we can set         fundraising, the day-to-day operations, and the overall                 certified volunteer instructor will present a standard curriculum       be able to stay for the day and enjoy the museum on your own,
up an alternate date. Open to troops and girls with an adult. To       experience of public radio in today’s vast media universe.              as set by the American Red Cross in a dynamic way that will             and receive an Exhibit Hall admission and Planetarium Show pass
register, email info@worcesterhistory.net or call 508-753-8278 by      You’ll even get to take a virtual tour of the radio station! You        engage multiple learning types. Participation in the entire course,     for another day. Open to troops and girls with an adult. Register
March 13.                                                              will leave with the requirements to finish your badge work              including all activities, is required to receive certification.         through GSCWM by February 25.
                                                                       from home; badge included. Open to troops and individual
                                                                       girls. Register through GSCWM by March 11.                              Those who successfully complete this course will receive a
                                                                                                                                               certificate for Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED valid for two
J        COOKIE CEO BADGE                                                                                                                      years through the American Red Cross. We will take a one hour           C        PA TRAINING
                                                                                                                                               break for lunch in the middle of the course, you should bring           Date:    Sunday, March 28, 2021
Date:    Wednesday, March 24, 2021                                     J        PLAYING THE PAST JUNIOR 		                                     your own lunch or plan to get lunch offsite if close by options are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Time:    11:00 AM-5:00 PM
Time:    4:00 PM-5:15 PM                                                        BADGE BUILDER                                                  available.
Place:   SPARK Business Academy, Zoom Program                                                                                                  This course is required for at least 1 adult Girl Scout volunteer for   Place:   Worcester Leadership Center
                                                                       Date:    Saturday, March 27, 2021
Cost:    $16 per girl/girl-only event                                                                                                          any activity outside of your normal meeting place and time. This        Cost:    $10 per girl/adults no charge
                                                                       Time:    9:30 AM-12:00 PM                                               is a 2 year certification (and therefore must be renewed every 2
Earn the NEW Cookie CEO Badge through this virtual workshop                                                                                                                                                            Can’t wait until camp to earn your PA award? Join us for PA
                                                                       Place:   Salisbury Mansion, Worcester                                   years). Open to adults only. Register through GSCWM by March 11.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       (Program Aide) training to learn new skills and what it takes to
with SPARK Business Academy. When you sell Girl Scout Cookies,
you’re already running your own business—and you can earn              Cost:    $15 per girl/adults no charge                                                                                                          work with younger Girl Scouts. This interactive training will help
this badge for it! Badge is not included but can be purchased at       The Playing the Past Badge allows you to dream up a                                                                                             you identify your leadership skills, learn about the Girl Scout
GSCWM. Open to troops and individual girls. To register, email         character of a girl or woman who lived in the past. What                ADULTS HATCHET THROWING 		                                              process and practice making your own programs. In order to
Ainsley.green@sparkbusinessacademy.com by March 21.                    better place to do that than a 1772 historic house that is              		CERTIFICATION                                                         attend PA training, Cadettes must have already completed at least
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       one Leadership in Action (LiA) award. Girls should bring a bag
                                                                       restored to the 1830s! Learn about life in the 1800s at the
                                                                                                                                               Date: 		           Saturday, March 27, 2021                             lunch and something to write with, we will supply the rest of the
                                                                       Salisbury Mansion and then work on projects that will lead
                                                                       to the Playing the Past Badge; handouts covering the badge              Time: 		           2:00 PM-5:00 PM                                      materials needed. Open to troops and girls with an adult. Register
*B-A DESIGN A MISSION                                                  requirements are provided, badges are not. If your troop                                                                                        through GSCWM by March 18.
                                                                                                                                               Place: 		          Camp Bonnie Brae, East Otis
Date:    Wednesday, March 24, 2021                                     cannot make this date, contact us and we can set up an
                                                                       alternate date. Open to troops and girls with an adult. To              Cost: 		           Adult-only event/$30 per adult
Time:    7:30 PM-8:30 PM
                                                                       register, email info@worcesterhistory.net or call 508-753-              Become a GSCWM facilitator for our hatchet throwing range               B        MEET MY CUSTOMERS
Place:   Mystic Seaport Museum, Virtual Program                        8278 by March 20.                                                       at Camp Bonnie Brae. Learn how to safely throw a hatchet and                     BADGE
Cost:    $225 per troop*                                                                                                                       facilitate a hatchet throwing program for your girls. Come and build
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Date:    Wednesday, March 31, 2021
                                                                                                                                               up your outdoor resume to provide more opportunities for your
Learn about the engineering process behind space exploration
missions. After learning how technology has enabled us to reach        ADULTS AX YARD 					                                                    girls. Hatchet throwing programs are for Cadettes and up only.          Time:    4:00 PM-5:15 PM
further and further into space, you’ll learn that some missions        		CERTIFICATION                                                         Open to registered adults members. Register through GSCWM by
                                                                                                                                               March 11.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Place:   SPARK Business Academy, Zoom Program
have been successful while others have not. You’ll then have the       Date: 		          Saturday, March 27, 2021                                                                                                      Cost:    $16 per girl/girl-only event
chance to design your own spacecraft and mission in teams, and
share your team’s mission. *This program is for ages 8 and up.         Time: 		          10:00 AM-1:00 PM                                                                                                              Earn the Meet My Customers Badge through this virtual workshop
Ask about our special pricing for registering for the entire series                                                                                                                                                    with SPARK Business Academy. Find out how to manage your
                                                                       Place: 		         Camp Bonnie Brae, East Otis                                                                                                   money by pretending to be a customer. Then use what you
of seven programs. Open to troops only. To register, call 860-572-
5331 by March 17.                                                      Cost: 		          $30 per adult                                                                                                                 learned to make sure your cookie customers enjoy buying from
                                                                       Become a GSCWM facilitator for our ax yard at Camp                                                                                              you. Badge is not included but can be purchased at GSCWM. Open
                                                                       Bonnie Brae. Learn how to safely use a hatchet and saw and                                                                                      to troops and individual girls. To register, email Ainsley.green@
                                                                       facilitate an ax yard program for your girls. Come and build                                                                                    sparkbusinessacademy.com by March 29.
                                                                       up your outdoor resume to provide more opportunities
                                                                       for your girls. Ax yard programs are for Cadettes and up
                                                                       only. Open to registered adults members. Register through
                                                                       GSCWM by March 11.

                                                                                           2020 - 2021 PROGRAM GUIDE                      14                                                                                                2020 - 2021 PROGRAM GUIDE                       15
VOLUME 2 Connect with us: gscwm.org - Girl Scouts of Central & Western ...
APRIL                                                                                                                                                 APRIL
J        UMASS AMHERST 				                                            IMPORTANT NOTE: This course is required for anyone who wants
                                                                       to facilitate challenge courses in GSCWM after July 1, 2020. This
                                                                                                                                                    C-A PROJECT HAPPINESS                                                    J        ROBOT MASTER
         COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 		                                     training is good for 3 years. New this year Ambassador Girl                  Date:    Saturday, April 10, 2021                                        Date:    Tuesday, April 13, 2021
         MECHANICAL ENGINEERING                                        Scouts are able to take this training to become Challenge Course             Time:    9:30 AM-12:30 PM                                                Time:    6:00 PM-8:00 PM
         GIRL SCOUT DAY                                                Assistants and support groups on challenge course’s under the
                                                                       guidance of a 18+ trained Challenge Course Facilitator. Open to              Place:   Camp Green Eyrie, Harvard                                       Place:   Worcester Leadership Center
Date:    Saturday, April 3, 2021                                       individual girls only. Register through GSCWM by April 4.                    Cost:    $15 per girl/adults no charge                                   Cost:    $10 per girl/adults no charge
Time:    9:00 AM-3:00 PM                                                                                                                            Learn how scientists measure happiness, practice self-care, and          Build a simple machine and program it to work for you! Learn
                                                                                                                                                    perform a happiness experiment. Girls will explore the science           the basics of programming robots and then work with a team
Place:   UMass Amherst College of Engineering, Amherst                 ADULTS TEAM CHALLENGE                                                        behind happiness and learn to identify the ways in which our             to guide your robot through real-world challenges. Program your
Cost:    $20 per girl/$10 per adult                                           COURSE FACILITATOR                                                    brains detect and react to happiness. Cadette Girl Scouts will work      robot to lift your pencil, draw a shape, or adventure into space
The student chapter of the Society of Women Engineers, along
with other student volunteers and staff, will help you earn both the
                                                                              ADULTS                                                                toward their Science of Happiness Badge. Open to troops and girls
                                                                                                                                                    with an adult. Register through GSCWM by March 25.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             - the possibilities are endless. Junior Girl Scouts will earn their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Programming Robots Badge in this evening program. Open to
Mechanical Engineering Balloon Car and Paddle Boat Badges. You         Date:              Saturday, April 10, 2021                                                                                                           troops and girls with an adult. Register through GSCWM by March
will have a light breakfast, lunch and leave with your badges. Ever    Time:              9:00 AM-4:00 PM                                                                                                                    27.
wonder what a college campus looks like? You’ll even get to tour
                                                                       Place:             Camp Bonnie Brae, East Otis                               ADULTS ADULT ARCHERY
part of the UMass campus! Open to troops and girls with an adult.
Register through GSCWM by March 18.                                    Cost:              Adult-only program/$15.00 per adult
                                                                                                                                                           CERTIFICATION                                                     C        MARKETING BADGE
                                                                                                                                                    Date:              Sunday, April 11, 2021
                                                                       Learn to facilitate a group team building experience on a GSCWM                                                                                       Date:    Wednesday, April 14, 2021
                                                                       challenge course. This newly designed course will help you learn             Time:              11:00 AM-5:00 PM
J-A GSCWM INTERNATIONAL                                                about group dynamics, trust building and problem solving. You’ll             Place:             Camp Bonnie Brae, East Otis
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Time:    4:00 PM-5:15 PM
    TRAVEL AND ICE CREAM                                               practice get-to-know you games while learning important spotting
                                                                                                                                                    Cost:              Adult-only program/$15.00 per adult
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Place:   SPARK Business Academy, Zoom Program
    SUNDAE EXPO                                                        and safety guidelines. You will participate in elements of the
                                                                       low ropes challenge course while learn to facilitate experiences             Become a USA Archery Level 1 instructor. Learn to set-up and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Cost:    $16 per girl/girl-only event
Date:    Thursday, April 8, 2021                                       for girls using the course. All participants must attend for the             operate a safe archery program. Learn to teach new archers,              Earn the Marketing Badge through this virtual workshop with SPARK
                                                                       full course or will not receive training credit. Participants should         maintain equipment, and identity and correct common shooting             Business Academy. Find out how to sort through promotions,
Time:    6:30 PM-7:30 PM                                                                                                                                                                                                     deals, and ads to find the best bargain for you. Then use what you
                                                                       wear closed toe sneakers, bring a bag lunch and prepare to be                errors. Upon course completion, you will be certified to teach
Place:   Camp Laurel Wood, Spencer                                     outside for the whole day. Attending this training, will allow you to        archery as a Level 1 instructor. As a certified instructor you have      learned to create a strong advertisement and marketing message
                                                                       facilitate the challenge course at the camp you are trained at only,                                                                                  for your business. Badge is not included but can be purchased
Cost:    $3 per girl/$3 per adult                                                                                                                   another way to offer Girl Scouts new and exciting experiences.
                                                                       either CBB or CGE.                                                           Open to registered adults members. Register through GSCWM by             at GSCWM. Open to troops and individual girls. To register, email
Come learn about GSCWM’s International Trips and enjoy creating                                                                                                                                                              Ainsley.green@sparkbusinessacademy.com by April 12.
                                                                       IMPORTANT NOTE: This course is required for anyone who wants                 April 1.
your own sweet treat. Learn first-hand the impact of exploring
world cultures, food, and iconic sites. Explore how to prepare         to facilitate challenge courses in GSCWM after July 1, 2020. All
for trips to amazing destinations like Iceland in 2022 and Peru        current Challenge Course Trained Facilitators trained prior to June
in 2023. Hear about costs and money-earning options. Want to           2019 must retrain under these new guidelines. This training is               J-C STEM CAREER BADGE                                                    C-A COMIC CREATIONS
travel with your mom, troop or by yourself? See all your options.      good for 3 years. New this year Ambassador Girl Scouts are able              Date:    Monday, April 12, 2021                                          Date:    Thursday, April 15, 2021
End of your night by exploring the fun of trying new foods through     to take this training to become Challenge Course Assistants and
our ice cream sundae station. Open to troops and girls with adult.     support groups on challenge course’s under the guidance of a 18+             Time:    5:00 PM-6:00 PM                                                 Time:    6:00 PM-8:00 PM
Register through GSCWM by April 1.                                     trained Challenge Course Facilitator. Open to adults only. Register          Place:   WICN Public Radio, Zoom Event                                   Place:   Worcester Leadership Center
                                                                       through GSCWM by April 4.
                                                                                                                                                    Cost:    $5 per girl/girl-only event                                     Cost:    $15 per girl/adults no charge
                                                                                                                                                    Have you ever wondered what it would be like to work at a radio          Frame your story! Explore the world of comics, illustrate your
A        CHALLENGE COURSE 			                                          J        PLAYING THE PAST JUNIOR                                             station or what goes on behind the scenes? Work on the NEW               own comic strip, and share your art. Cadette Girl Scouts will work
         ASSISTANT TRAINING                                                     BADGE BUILDER                                                       STEM Career Badge with the staff from WICN Public Radio. Learn           toward their Comic Artist Badge in this art-based program. Opens
                                                                                                                                                    all about the world of non-profit public radio as you dive into          to troops and girls with an adult. Register through GSCWM by
Date:    Saturday, April 10, 2021                                      Date:    Saturday, April 10, 2021                                            the various jobs at a radio station, such as production manager,         March 27.
Time:    9:00 AM-4:00 PM                                               Time:    9:30 AM-12:00 PM                                                    audio engineer, membership coordinator, host, and more! We’ll
Place:   Camp Bonnie Brae, East Otis                                                                                                                learn about broadcasting, fundraising, the day-to-day operations,

Cost:    $15.00 per girl/girl-only event
                                                                       Place:   Salisbury Mansion, Worcester                                        and the overall experience of public radio in today’s vast media         D-B NATURE ART MASTERPIECES
                                                                       Cost:    $15 per girl/adults no charge                                       universe. You’ll even get to take a virtual tour of the radio station!
                                                                                                                                                    You will leave with the requirements to finish your badge work           Date:    Monday, April 19, 2021
Calling all Ambassador Girl Scouts. Learn to assist a facilitator in
                                                                       The Playing the Past Badge allows you to dream up a character                from home; badge included. Open to troops and individual girls.          Time:    10:00 AM-4:00 PM
a group team building experience on a GSCWM challenge course.
                                                                       of a girl or woman who lived in the past. What better place to do            Register through GSCWM by April 1.
This newly designed course will help you learn about group                                                                                                                                                                   Place:   Camp Green Eyrie, Harvard
                                                                       that than a 1772 historic house that is restored to the 1830s! Learn
dynamics, trust building and problem solving. You’ll practice get-
                                                                       about life in the 1800s at the Salisbury Mansion and then work                                                                                        Cost:    $20 per girl/adults no charge
to-know you games while learning important spotting and safety
                                                                       on projects that will lead to the Playing the Past Badge; handouts
guidelines. You will participate in elements of the low ropes                                                                                                                                                                Nature is your canvas! Paint with all the colors of nature and create
                                                                       covering the badge requirements are provided, badges are not.
challenge course while learn to facilitate experiences for girls                                                                                                                                                             natural masterpieces in this badge-in-a-day program where Daisy
                                                                       If your troop cannot make this date, contact us and we can set
using the course. All participants must attend for the full course                                                                                                                                                           Girl Scouts will earn the Outdoor Art Maker Badge and Brownie Girl
                                                                       up an alternate date. Open to troops and girls with an adult. To
or will not receive training credit. Participants should wear closed                                                                                                                                                         Scouts will earn the Outdoor Art Creator Badge. Please bring a bag
                                                                       register, email info@worcesterhistory.net or call 508-753-8278 by
toe sneakers, bring a bag lunch and prepare to be outside for the                                                                                                                                                            lunch and snacks. Open to troops and girls with an adult. Register
                                                                       April 3.
whole day. Attending this training, will allow you to facilitate the                                                                                                                                                         through GSCWM by April 1.
challenge course at the camp you are trained at only, either CBB
or CGE.
                                                                                             2020 - 2021 PROGRAM GUIDE                         16                                                                                                  2020 - 2021 PROGRAM GUIDE                         17
VOLUME 2 Connect with us: gscwm.org - Girl Scouts of Central & Western ...
APRIL                                                                                                                                                   APRIL
C-A SURVIVAL OVERNIGHT CBB                                            D-A SUNDOWNS, S’MORES &                                                        C        STRIVE FOR SILVER 			                                           C-A ARCHERY 302
Date:    Sunday - Monday, April 18 - 19, 2021                             SING-ALONGS                                                                         ORIENTATION WEBINAR                                             Date:    Wednesday, April 21, 2021
Time:    10:00 AM-4:00 PM                                             Date:     Monday, April 19, 2021                                               Date:    Tuesday, April 20, 2021                                         Time:     3:00 PM-5:00 PM
Place:   Camp Bonnie Brae, East Otis                                  Time:     6:00 PM-7:30 PM                                                      Time:    6:00 PM-7:30 PM                                                 Place:   Camp Bonnie Brae, East Otis
Cost:    $20 per girl/adults no charge                                Place:    Camp Bonnie Brae, East Otis                                          Place:   Go-To Meeting                                                   Cost:    $20 per girl/adults no charge
Join us for our outdoor adventure weekend at Camp Bonnie Brae.        Cost:     $5 per girl/$5 per adult                                             Cost:    $5 per girl/$5 per adult                                        Cadette, Seniors, and Ambassadors Girl Scouts will continue
Choose from hatchet throwing, outdoor cooking, and a survival         Spend an evening with your family or troop at camp. You will enjoy             Are you ready to make a lasting change on an issue you care about?       to work on their archery skills while competing in a friendly
challenge! Register for at least two of our programs that weekend     exploring camp, glowing camp fire magic, and singing favorite                  Taking a Silver Award Orientation is highly recommended if you are       challenge. Create your own arrow, practice aiming and make art
and enjoy the night in either Tanglewood, Anne’s Boat House           camp songs (or learning new ones). Get a camp songbook,                        interested in striving to become a Silver Award Girl Scout prior to      on the target. Enjoy this older girl-only, fun-filled archery session.
or Leadership Lodge. Hatchet Throwing – Learn how to throw a          s’mores and great memories. Open to families, troops and girls                 starting the project planning stage. At the end of this orientation,     Archery 301 is not required to participate in the program however,
hatchet at our new hatchet throwing range at Camp Bonnie Brae.        with an adult. Open to families, troops and girls with an adult.               you’ll know the national steps necessary to complete the award,          it is encouraged. Open to troops and girls with an adult. Register
Join us on Sunday, April 18 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM and learn       Register through GSCM by April 11.                                             understand the pros and cons of an individual vs. team project,          through GSCWM by April 8.
this fun new sport! Outdoor Cooking: Charcoal – Build a fire,                                                                                        understand the difference between Take Action and community
heat up the charcoal and cook a meal! Join us on Sunday, April                                                                                       service, and understand the importance of the community impact
18 from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM and build up your fire skills. Survival
                                                                      C-A MISSION INNOVATION                                                         of a project. Troop leaders and parents are strongly encouraged to       A        ON MY OWN BADGE
Challenge at Camp Bonnie Brae –see if you have what it takes to                                                                                      join us. You will need a computer and/or phone in order to access
complete this day long outdoor challenge. Start off with an archery   Date:     Tuesday, April 20, 2021                                                                                                                       Date:    Wednesday, April 21, 2021
                                                                                                                                                     this webinar. All materials are sent electronically with instructions
challenge, followed by a race to get your team and supplies over to   Time:     12:00 PM-4:00 PM                                                     on how to join the webinar prior to the date to the one registered       Time:     4:00 PM-5:15 PM
the enchanted forest, where you will complete a survival challenge
                                                                      Place:    Holyoke Leadership Center                                            individual. Open to troops, girls with an adult, individual girls and    Place:   SPARK Business Academy, Zoom Program
and then a hike back to main camp. Join us on Monday, April 19                                                                                       adults. Register through GSCWM by April 16.
from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM.* Troops or girls with an adult will have    Cost:     $10 per girl/adults no charge                                                                                                                 Cost:    $16 per girl/girl-only event
to provide their own meals, activities and supervision for when                                                                                                                                                               Earn the On My Own Badge through this virtual workshop with
                                                                      Brainstorm an innovative new solution, create a prototype, and
they are not participating in GSCWM programs. All overnight
supplies must be packed and cleaned by 10:00 AM on Sunday.            pitch your solution to our Business Sharks for a chance to make                B        ARCHERY 102                                                     SPARK Business Academy. Discuss and research your first home,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              research the average costs of non discretionary expenses, learn
Adults staying over must be registered and CORI’d. Adult to girl      your dreams a reality! Put your creativity to the test in this half-day        Date:    Wednesday, April 21, 2021
                                                                      program and join us for a special edition of GSCWM Shark Tank.                                                                                          the importance of cash flow and asset allocation, and great
ratio must be followed, along with all other safety checkpoints                                                                                      Time:    10:00 AM-12:00 PM                                               financial goals to stay on track. Badge is not included but can
for overnights. Open to troops and girls with an adult. Register      Cadette Girl Scouts will earn three steps toward their Entrepreneur
                                                                      Badge and Senior Girl Scouts will earn three steps toward their                                                                                         be purchased at GSCWM. Open to troops and individual girls.
through GSCWM by April 8.                                                                                                                            Place:   Camp Bonnie Brae, East Otis                                     To register, email Ainsley.green@sparkbusinessacademy.com by
                                                                      Social Innovator Badge. Open to troops and girls with an adult.
                                                                      Register through GSCWM by April 1.                                             Cost:    $20 per girl/adults no charge                                   April 19.
                                                                                                                                                     Brownie Girl Scouts will continue to work on their archery skills
B-J TEAM CHALLENGE                                                                                                                                   while competing in a friendly challenge. Create your own arrow,
    ADVENTURE                                                         C-A CARPENTRY, TREES, AND                                                      practice aiming and make art on the target. Enjoy this Brownie-

Date:    Monday, April 19, 2021                                           GARDENS OH MY!                                                             only, fun-filled archery session. Archery 101 is not required to
                                                                                                                                                     participate in the program however, it is encouraged. Open to
Time:    10:00 AM-12:30 PM                                            Date:     Tuesday ,April 20, 2021                                              troops and girls with an adult. Register through GSCWM by April 8.
Place:   Camp Bonnie Brae, East Otis                                  Time:     1:00 PM-4:00 PM
Cost:    $10 per girl/$10 per adult                                   Place:    Camp Laurel Wood, Spencer                                            J        ARCHERY 202
Challenge your troop to a new adventure. Learn how to                 Cost:     $15 per girl/adults no charge                                        Date:    Wednesday, April 21, 2021
communicate, lead, and bond through games that challenge you          Learn basic woodworking and gardening skills as we create a
to think outside the box. Then take your group onto the challenge                                                                                    Time:    12:30 PM-2:30 PM
                                                                      garden at Camp Laurel Wood. Build a raised garden, sow some
course to solve the problems on the ropes, wire and wood. Show        seeds, and plant a tree. Juniors will complete one step of the                 Place:   Camp Bonnie Brae, East Otis
the world how much your troop rocks as a team. Open to troops         Flowers badge and two steps in the Gardener badge. Cadettes                    Cost:    $20 per girl/adults no charge
only. Open to troops only. Register through GSCWM by April 11.        will complete one step in the Trees badge and three steps in the
                                                                      Woodworker badge. Get your hands dirty as you make camp                        Junior Girl Scouts will continue to work on their archery skills while
                                                                      a better place. Open to troops and girls with an adult. Register               competing in a friendly challenge. Create your own arrow, practice
                                                                                                                                                     aiming and make art on the target. Enjoy this Junior-only, fun-filled
C-A TEAM CHALLENGE                                                    through GSCWM by April 1.
                                                                                                                                                     archery session. Archery 201 is not required to participate in the
    ADVENTURE                                                                                                                                        program however, it is encouraged. Open to troops and girls with
                                                                                                                                                     an adult. Register through GSCWM by April 8.
Date:    Monday, April 19, 2021
Time:     2:00 PM-4:30 PM
Place:   Camp Bonnie Brae, East Otis
Cost:    $10 per girl/$10 per adult
Challenge your troop to a new adventure. Learn how to
communicate, lead, and bond through games that challenge you
to think outside the box. Then take your group onto the challenge
course to solve the problems on the ropes, wire and wood. Show
the world how much your troop rocks as a team. Open to troops
only. Register through GSCWM by April 11.
                                                                                            2020 - 2021 PROGRAM GUIDE                           18                                                                                                  2020 - 2021 PROGRAM GUIDE                          19
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