Vorlesungsverzeichnis - Master of Arts - National and International Administration and Policy Prüfungsversion Sommersemester 2016 ...

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Vorlesungsverzeichnis - Master of Arts - National and International Administration and Policy Prüfungsversion Sommersemester 2016 ...
Master of Arts - National and International
Administration and Policy
Prüfungsversion Sommersemester 2016
                                 Wintersemester 2018/19
Vorlesungsverzeichnis - Master of Arts - National and International Administration and Policy Prüfungsversion Sommersemester 2016 ...


                Abkürzungsverzeichnis                                                                                                                                        4

                A/C - Foundation Modules....................................................................................................................................5
                  NIA-M.1 - National and Comparative Public Administration                                                                                                   5
                     69507 S - Foundations of Public Management                                                                                                              5
                     71391 S - Comparative Public Administration                                                                                                             5
                     71392 S - Between Europeanisation and transformation: Public administration reforms in Central Eastern EU member
                     states                                                                                                                                                  5
                     71393 S - Governance, Ethics and Workplace Behavior                                                                                                     6
                     71394 S - Management Consulting in the Public Sector                                                                                                    6
                     71547 S - Political and administrative change of the German migration society                                                                           6
                  NIA-M.2 - Government, Governance and Organization                                                                                                          7
                     71374 S - New Perspectives in International Development Cooperation                                                                                     7
                     71375 S - Current Challenges in Global Sustainability Governance                                                                                        7
                     71547 S - Political and administrative change of the German migration society                                                                           7
                  NIA-M.3 - Public Policy                                                                                                                                    7
                     71374 S - New Perspectives in International Development Cooperation                                                                                     7
                     71375 S - Current Challenges in Global Sustainability Governance                                                                                        7
                     71383 BL - Climate Change, Forestry and Agriculture                                                                                                     8
                  NIA-M.7 - Research and Methods                                                                                                                             8
                     71406 VU - Applied Regression Analysis Using Stata                                                                                                      8
                     71407 S - Social Research Design: Matching questions, methods, and theory                                                                               8

                B - Specialization Modules................................................................................................................................... 9
                  NIA-M.4 - Political Science                                                                                                                                9
                     71374 S - New Perspectives in International Development Cooperation                                                                                     9
                     71375 S - Current Challenges in Global Sustainability Governance                                                                                        9
                     71389 S - Institutions for the Earth. Theories and empirical studies of international environmental institutions                                      10
                     71910 BL - Shaping a complex interconnected world – Public-Private Interplay                                                                          12
                     71911 BL - Theories of Globalisation: Orders of Governance                                                                                            13
                  NIA-M.5 - Public Management and E-Government                                                                                                             13
                     69157 S - Online and Social Media Marketing                                                                                                           13
                     69159 S - Social Media & Business Analytics I                                                                                                         14
                     69244 S - From E to O – Participation in the Context of Open Government                                                                               15
                     69507 S - Foundations of Public Management                                                                                                            15
                  NIA-M.6 - Law and Administration                                                                                                                         16
                     69102 BL - Basic structures and Europeanisation of German administrative law                                                                          16

                D - Complementary & Cross Disciplinary Courses / Internship..................................................................... 16
                  D-PF - Compulsory Module                                                                                                                                 16
                     NIA-M.8 - Complementary Courses                                                                                                                       16
                      69102 BL - Basic structures and Europeanisation of German administrative law                                                                         17
                      69157 S - Online and Social Media Marketing                                                                                                          17

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Vorlesungsverzeichnis - Master of Arts - National and International Administration and Policy Prüfungsversion Sommersemester 2016 ...

                      69159 S - Social Media & Business Analytics I                                                                                                             18
                      69244 S - From E to O – Participation in the Context of Open Government                                                                                   19
                      69507 S - Foundations of Public Management                                                                                                                19
                      71374 S - New Perspectives in International Development Cooperation                                                                                       20
                      71375 S - Current Challenges in Global Sustainability Governance                                                                                          20
                      71383 BL - Climate Change, Forestry and Agriculture                                                                                                       21
                      71391 S - Comparative Public Administration                                                                                                               21
                      71392 S - Between Europeanisation and transformation: Public administration reforms in Central Eastern EU member
                      states                                                                                                                                                    21
                      71393 S - Governance, Ethics and Workplace Behavior                                                                                                       21
                      71394 S - Management Consulting in the Public Sector                                                                                                      22
                      71432 S - Studying social stratification with big data                                                                                                    22
                      71547 S - Political and administrative change of the German migration society                                                                             22
                      71910 BL - Shaping a complex interconnected world – Public-Private Interplay                                                                              22
                      71911 BL - Theories of Globalisation: Orders of Governance                                                                                                23
                  D-WP - Elective Module                                                                                                                                        23
                     NIA-M.9 - Cross Disciplinary Courses                                                                                                                       23
                      68986 V - Economics of Climate Change                                                                                                                     23
                      69021 V - Development Economics                                                                                                                           24
                      69024 S - International Political Economics                                                                                                               24
                      69047 FU - Microeconometrics 2                                                                                                                            25
                      69054 FS - Current Issues in Accounting and Auditing                                                                                                      26
                      69102 BL - Basic structures and Europeanisation of German administrative law                                                                              27
                      69354 S - Diversity and Social Inequalities                                                                                                               27
                      71543 V - Energy Economics                                                                                                                                27
                      71589 S - International educational expansion, or: The Upgrading of the Population and the Consequences                                                   28
                      72130 S - Public Policy Evaluation (1)                                                                                                                    28
                     NIA-M.10 - Cross Disciplinary Courses and Internship                                                                                                       28
                      68986 V - Economics of Climate Change                                                                                                                     28
                      69021 V - Development Economics                                                                                                                           29
                      69024 S - International Political Economics                                                                                                               29
                      69047 FU - Microeconometrics 2                                                                                                                            30
                      69054 FS - Current Issues in Accounting and Auditing                                                                                                      31
                      69157 S - Online and Social Media Marketing                                                                                                               32
                      69354 S - Diversity and Social Inequalities                                                                                                               32
                      71543 V - Energy Economics                                                                                                                                33
                      71589 S - International educational expansion, or: The Upgrading of the Population and the Consequences                                                   33
                      71906 PR - Internship                                                                                                                                     34

                E - Finale Module.................................................................................................................................................34
                  NIA-M.11 - Colloquium                                                                                                                                         34
                     71555 KL - Colloquium                                                                                                                                      34

                F - Fast-Track-Doctorial Stream......................................................................................................................... 34
                  NIA-M.12 - Preparation Doctoral Project                                                                                                                       34

                Glossar                                                                                                                                                         35

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                  Veranstaltungsarten                  N.N.   Noch keine Angaben
                                                       n.V.   Nach Vereinbarung
                  AG         Arbeitsgruppe             LP     Leistungspunkte
                  B          Blockveranstaltung        SWS    Semesterwochenstunden
                  BL         Blockseminar
                                                              Belegung über PULS
                  DF         diverse Formen
                  EX         Exkursion                 PL     Prüfungsleistung
                  FP         Forschungspraktikum
                  FS         Forschungsseminar         PNL    Prüfungsnebenleistung
                  FU         Fortgeschrittenenübung
                                                       SL     Studienleistung
                  GK         Grundkurs
                  KL         Kolloquium                 L     sonstige Leistungserfassung
                  KU         Kurs
                  LK         Lektürekurs
                  LP         Lehrforschungsprojekt
                  OS         Oberseminar
                  P          Projektseminar
                  PJ         Projekt
                  PR         Praktikum
                  PU         Praktische Übung
                  RE         Repetitorium
                  RV         Ringvorlesung
                  S          Seminar
                  S1         Seminar/Praktikum
                  S2         Seminar/Projekt
                  S3         Schulpraktische Studien
                  S4         Schulpraktische Übungen
                  SK         Seminar/Kolloquium
                  SU         Seminar/Übung
                  TU         Tutorium
                  U          Übung
                  UN         Unterricht
                  V          Vorlesung
                  VP         Vorlesung/Praktikum
                  VS         Vorlesung/Seminar
                  VU         Vorlesung/Übung
                  WS         Workshop


                  wöch.      wöchentlich
                  14t.       14-täglich
                  Einzel     Einzeltermin
                  Block      Block
                  BlockSa    Block (inkl. Sa)
                  BlockSaSo Block (inkl. Sa,So)


Master of Arts - National and International Administration and Policy - Prüfungsversion Sommersemester 2016


               A/C - Foundation Modules

                NIA-M.1 - National and Comparative Public Administration

                      69507 S - Foundations of Public Management
                Gruppe          Art      Tag      Zeit               Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort      1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1               S        Di       08:00 - 12:00      wöch.         3.06.S22               16.10.2018    Prof. Dr. Isabella Proeller

                The course will provide an advanced introduction to public management and its fundamental functions and issues. Focusing
                on the specific context of public sector organizations, it will be an overview regarding the particular context, managing
                resources, leadership, organizing, and the challenges of managing strategy and performance. Therefore, major reform
                approaches will be mentioned, as well as governance-related issues. Major functions and challenges of managing public
                organizations will be analyzed and discussed. Both theoretical perspectives and practical tools are taken in account.


                Students should be able to...

                •    understand key terms, functions and concepts of public management;
                •    apply academic findings, relevant theories and managerial instruments to practical challenges of the field;
                •    summarize and interpret positions of academic debates about public sector management;
                •    set up effective research designs based on the academic state of art in order to better understand the topic.

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL    427811 - Seminar (unbenotet)
               PNL    427812 - Seminar (unbenotet)

                      71391 S - Comparative Public Administration
                Gruppe          Art      Tag      Zeit               Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort      1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1               S        Di       12:00 - 14:00      wöch.         3.06.S23               16.10.2018    Prof. Dr. Sabine
                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL    427811 - Seminar (unbenotet)
               PNL    427812 - Seminar (unbenotet)

                      71392 S - Between Europeanisation and transformation: Public administration reforms in Central Eastern EU
                      member states
                Gruppe          Art      Tag      Zeit               Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort      1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1               S        Di       14:00 - 16:00      wöch.         3.06.S24               23.10.2018    apl. Prof. Dr. Jochen
                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL    427811 - Seminar (unbenotet)
               PNL    427812 - Seminar (unbenotet)

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Master of Arts - National and International Administration and Policy - Prüfungsversion Sommersemester 2016

                     71393 S - Governance, Ethics and Workplace Behavior
                Gruppe        Art      Tag      Zeit               Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort      1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1             S        Mi       10:00 - 12:00      wöch.         3.06.S14               17.10.2018    Prof. Dr. Christoph

                This course will be taught in English.
                Governance is about how public and private actors get things done; this concerns mainly public policy making and
                implementation. Ethical Governance is getting things done in accordance with the relevant moral, values and principles.
                The moral and ethical aspect of public policy making has gained importance in the last years, not only because of ever new
                corruption and conflicts of interest scandals. The growing interest in the issue has led to many questions and doubts: Are
                public policies effective in the fight against conflicts of interest and unethical behavior? How does changing government by
                itself impact on these developments? Which norms and principles matter? And, what do we know about the development of
                unethical behavior? What is unethical behavior at the workplace? How is it possible for employees to find the best solutions in
                concrete daily life dilemmas? What is moral reasoning at work? Are we not overstressing the impact and importance of ethics
                at work?
                Such questions are addressed in our course.


                Students are expected to come class having completed all the assigned readings. Make sure to allow sufficient time for class

                I expect students to attend all meetings and to arrive to class on time. For oral presentations, I will support student with
                literature research, including literature not covered in the bibliography. I normally make announcements concerning deadlines
                and assignments at the beginning of class.

                Regular attendance is required. Please arrive on time. Should you have to miss a class, please notify me in advance.


                Introductory Course Literature:
                Leo Huberts (Ed) (2014), The Integrity of Governance, Palgrave McMillan.

                For those who would like to go deeper into the Subject:
                Christoph Demmke/Timo Moilanen (2012), Effectiveness of Public Service Ethics and Good Governance in the Central
                Administration of the EU 27, Peter Lang, Frankfurt/M.
                Oyvind Kvalnes (2015), Moral Reasoning at Work, Palgrave MacMillann.
                Muel Kaptein (2013), Workplace Morality, Emerald.
                M. Bazerman/A. Tenbrunsel (2011), Blind Spots, Why we fail to do what is right and what to do about it?, Princeton University

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL   427811 - Seminar (unbenotet)
               PNL   427812 - Seminar (unbenotet)

                     71394 S - Management Consulting in the Public Sector
                Gruppe        Art      Tag      Zeit               Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort      1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1             S        Fr       08:00 - 10:00      wöch.         3.06.S23               19.10.2018    Dr. Ferdinand Schuster
                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL   427811 - Seminar (unbenotet)
               PNL   427812 - Seminar (unbenotet)

                     71547 S - Political and administrative change of the German migration society
                Gruppe        Art      Tag      Zeit               Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort      1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1             S        Di       12:00 - 14:00      wöch.         3.06.S28               16.10.2018    Ina Radtke
                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL   427811 - Seminar (unbenotet)
               PNL   427812 - Seminar (unbenotet)

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Master of Arts - National and International Administration and Policy - Prüfungsversion Sommersemester 2016

                NIA-M.2 - Government, Governance and Organization

                     71374 S - New Perspectives in International Development Cooperation
                Gruppe       Art       Tag      Zeit              Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort      1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1            S         Do       10:00 - 12:00     wöch.         3.06.S24               18.10.2018    Prof. Dr. Harald Fuhr
                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL   427911 - Seminar (unbenotet)
               PNL   427912 - Seminar (unbenotet)

                     71375 S - Current Challenges in Global Sustainability Governance
                Gruppe       Art       Tag      Zeit              Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort      1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1            S         Mo       10:00 - 14:00     14t.          3.06.S24               15.10.2018    Dr. Thomas Hickmann

                This course will start with a general overview of recent conceptual developments in the field of global sustainability
                governance. In particular, we will discuss the concept of planetary boundaries and the emerging paradigm of the
                Anthropocene , which is a proposed term for a new geological epoch starting with the Industrial Revolution when human
                activities began to have a significant impact on the Earth’s ecosystems. Against this background, we will address the question
                of how these concepts change our understanding of global sustainability governance, both in theoretical and practical terms.
                In this context, we will examine the implications of an increasingly human-dominated planet for contemporary global policy-
                making by focusing on a number of illustrative examples of global sustainability problems, such as climate change, biodiversity
                loss, land degradation, and the disruption of biogeochemical cycles. Finally, we will summarize the main findings and insights
                gained from the presentations and discussions in the individual sessions.

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL   427911 - Seminar (unbenotet)
               PNL   427912 - Seminar (unbenotet)

                     71547 S - Political and administrative change of the German migration society
                Gruppe       Art       Tag      Zeit              Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort      1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1            S         Di       12:00 - 14:00     wöch.         3.06.S28               16.10.2018    Ina Radtke
                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL   427911 - Seminar (unbenotet)
               PNL   427912 - Seminar (unbenotet)

                NIA-M.3 - Public Policy

                     71374 S - New Perspectives in International Development Cooperation
                Gruppe       Art       Tag      Zeit              Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort      1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1            S         Do       10:00 - 12:00     wöch.         3.06.S24               18.10.2018    Prof. Dr. Harald Fuhr
                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL   428011 - Seminar (unbenotet)
               PNL   428012 - Seminar (unbenotet)

                     71375 S - Current Challenges in Global Sustainability Governance
                Gruppe       Art       Tag      Zeit              Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort      1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1            S         Mo       10:00 - 14:00     14t.          3.06.S24               15.10.2018    Dr. Thomas Hickmann

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Master of Arts - National and International Administration and Policy - Prüfungsversion Sommersemester 2016


                This course will start with a general overview of recent conceptual developments in the field of global sustainability
                governance. In particular, we will discuss the concept of planetary boundaries and the emerging paradigm of the
                Anthropocene , which is a proposed term for a new geological epoch starting with the Industrial Revolution when human
                activities began to have a significant impact on the Earth’s ecosystems. Against this background, we will address the question
                of how these concepts change our understanding of global sustainability governance, both in theoretical and practical terms.
                In this context, we will examine the implications of an increasingly human-dominated planet for contemporary global policy-
                making by focusing on a number of illustrative examples of global sustainability problems, such as climate change, biodiversity
                loss, land degradation, and the disruption of biogeochemical cycles. Finally, we will summarize the main findings and insights
                gained from the presentations and discussions in the individual sessions.

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL   428011 - Seminar (unbenotet)
               PNL   428012 - Seminar (unbenotet)

                     71383 BL - Climate Change, Forestry and Agriculture
                Gruppe        Art       Tag       Zeit               Rhythmus       Veranstaltungsort       1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1             EV        Fr        10:00 - 12:00      Einzel         3.06.S28                19.10.2018    Dr. Charlotte Streck
                1             BL        Fr        10:00 - 16:00      Einzel         3.06.S28                07.12.2018    Dr. Charlotte Streck
                1             BL        Fr        10:00 - 16:00      Einzel         3.06.S28                14.12.2018    Dr. Charlotte Streck
                1             BL        Fr        10:00 - 16:00      Einzel         3.06.S28                11.01.2019    Dr. Charlotte Streck
                1             BL        Fr        10:00 - 16:00      Einzel         3.06.S28                18.01.2019    Dr. Charlotte Streck
                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL   428011 - Seminar (unbenotet)
               PNL   428012 - Seminar (unbenotet)

                NIA-M.7 - Research and Methods

                     71406 VU - Applied Regression Analysis Using Stata
                Gruppe        Art       Tag       Zeit               Rhythmus       Veranstaltungsort       1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1             VU        Mo        10:00 - 12:00      wöch.          3.06.H04                15.10.2018    Diana Schacht

                The lecture has three major goals: First, it repeats materials on multiple linear regression analysis as provided in introductory
                lectures of sociological BA study paths. Secondly, it starts from that knowledge to introduce advanced topics such as non-
                parametric regression analysis, multiple regression in matrix terms, regression diagnostic, non-linear relationships, and
                regression analysis for hierarchical data structures. Finally it provides an introducion to the statistical software Stata, which is
                used to apply practical examples of the techniques discussed in the lecture.


                Kohler, Ulrich and Frauke Kreuter (2012): Data Analysis Using Stata. College Station: Stata Press (deutsche Ausgabe:
                Datenanalyse mit Stata. München und Wien: Oldenbourg

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL   428111 - Vorlesung oder Seminar (unbenotet)
               PNL   428112 - Seminar (unbenotet)

                     71407 S - Social Research Design: Matching questions, methods, and theory
                Gruppe        Art       Tag       Zeit               Rhythmus       Veranstaltungsort       1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1             S         Mi        10:00 - 12:00      wöch.          3.06.S28                17.10.2018    Prof. Dr. Valeska Pailin

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Master of Arts - National and International Administration and Policy - Prüfungsversion Sommersemester 2016


                The course addresses strategies and challenges involved in drawing conceptual conclusions about empirical phenomena.
                Research design specifies the evidence needed to answer a question, to test or develop a theory, or to accurately describe a
                social phenomenon. It draws the researcher’s attention to core concerns of empirical inquiry, including matters of a) identifying
                good (answerable and revealing) research questions, b) operationalizing concepts, c) selecting a sample or case that allow
                for theorization, d) drawing inferences, both descriptive and causal, and e) establishing to what extent findings generated
                are reliable, valid, and generalizable. Research design as such is not associated with a particular method of data collection
                and can use quantitative as well as qualitative data. It pertains to the mode of inquiry, to systematically linking theoretical
                argument and empirical observation. Research design therefore is about logic, not logistics. During the course, different
                research designs applied by sociologist will be introduced and examined with regard to their particularities as approaches to
                studying social phenomena.


                Alford, R.R. 1998. The Craft of Inquiry – Theories, Methods, Evidence . Oxford: Oxford University Press.

                Alvesson, M. and J. Sandberg. 2013. Constructing Research Questions - Doing Interesting Research . Thousand Oaks:

                Creswell, J. W. 2014. Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Method Approaches. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

                della Porta, D. and Keating, M. (Eds.) 2008. Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences . Cambridge: Cambridge
                University Press.

                Goertz, G. and Mahoney, J. 2012. A Tale of Two Cultures: Qualitative and Quantitative Research in the Social Sciences .
                Princeton: Princeton University Press.

                Marshall, C. and G. B. Rossman. 2016. Designing Qualitative Research. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL   428111 - Vorlesung oder Seminar (unbenotet)
               PNL   428112 - Seminar (unbenotet)

               B - Specialization Modules

                NIA-M.4 - Political Science

                     71374 S - New Perspectives in International Development Cooperation
                Gruppe        Art      Tag      Zeit               Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort       1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1             S        Do       10:00 - 12:00      wöch.         3.06.S24                18.10.2018    Prof. Dr. Harald Fuhr
                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL   428211 - Seminar (unbenotet)

                     71375 S - Current Challenges in Global Sustainability Governance
                Gruppe        Art      Tag      Zeit               Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort       1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1             S        Mo       10:00 - 14:00      14t.          3.06.S24                15.10.2018    Dr. Thomas Hickmann

                This course will start with a general overview of recent conceptual developments in the field of global sustainability
                governance. In particular, we will discuss the concept of planetary boundaries and the emerging paradigm of the
                Anthropocene , which is a proposed term for a new geological epoch starting with the Industrial Revolution when human
                activities began to have a significant impact on the Earth’s ecosystems. Against this background, we will address the question
                of how these concepts change our understanding of global sustainability governance, both in theoretical and practical terms.
                In this context, we will examine the implications of an increasingly human-dominated planet for contemporary global policy-
                making by focusing on a number of illustrative examples of global sustainability problems, such as climate change, biodiversity
                loss, land degradation, and the disruption of biogeochemical cycles. Finally, we will summarize the main findings and insights
                gained from the presentations and discussions in the individual sessions.

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Master of Arts - National and International Administration and Policy - Prüfungsversion Sommersemester 2016

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL   428211 - Seminar (unbenotet)

                     71389 S - Institutions for the Earth. Theories and empirical studies of international environmental institutions
                Gruppe        Art       Tag       Zeit               Rhythmus       Veranstaltungsort       1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1             S         Do        12:00 - 14:00      wöch.          3.06.S24                22.11.2018    Dr. Per-Olof Busch
                1             S         Do        14:00 - 16:00      Einzel         3.06.S18                20.12.2018    Dr. Per-Olof Busch
                1             S         Do        14:00 - 16:00      wöch.          N.N.                    10.01.2019    Dr. Per-Olof Busch
                1             S         Do        14:00 - 16:00      Einzel         3.06.H06                07.02.2019    Dr. Per-Olof Busch

                Through international institutions states seek to overcome transboundary collective action problems in international politics.
                Focusing on international institutions in global environmental politics, this course will introduce students into key questions
                in the research on international institutions and will familiarize them with different theoretical and conceptual approaches to
                international institutions, with major analytical and methodological challenges in the study of international institutions, and with
                the empirics of important international environmental institutions in the contemporary world.

                To this end, students will discuss critically what the functions of international institutions are in international politics, why
                and how international institutions are created, why and how they change over time, and what effects they have, under what
                conditions, and why. The reading of theoretical, conceptual, and analytical literature on international institutions as well as
                of related empirical research will inform the discussions. Specific topics include power-, interest- and knowledge-based
                accounts of international institutions (and optional: critical perspectives on international institutions); effectiveness; compliance;
                interlinkages, overlaps, complexity and fragmentation; and legitimacy.

                At the very beginning of the course, students can choose from three different syllabuses, each emphasising different aspects,
                and decide whether they are more interested in a) theories and concepts, b) in a theoretical overview and self-directed case
                studies or c) in an overview on theoretical approaches and basic empirical patterns.

                At the end of the course, students will be able to compare and assess critically the different theoretical, conceptual, and
                analytical perspectives on international institutions, will have understood the major functions and dynamics of international
                institutions, and will have acquired basic empirical knowledge on important international institutions, their differences, forms,
                and effects.

                To achieve these goals, reading the required texts and completing the tasks in preparation of each individual session are
                essential. On the basis of the required reading, students will, for example, be asked to formulate questions of understanding,
                to answer pre-defined questions, to define concepts, to derive hypotheses or to summarize important empirical findings. In
                the individual sessions, students’ written inputs constitute the starting point and are presented, discussed and appraised.
                Moreover, students’ questions are settled, their inputs are brought together and solutions are developed to cope with existing

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Master of Arts - National and International Administration and Policy - Prüfungsversion Sommersemester 2016



                Irrespective of the Master’s program in which you are enrolled, you will earn credit points only if you regularly attend the
                sessions, participate actively in the sessions and submit a term paper (no Teilnahmeschein).

                Grading is based on assessments of the tasks that are assigned in preparation of individual sessions (30 percent) and the
                term paper (70 percent).

                The assessment of the tasks will be based on the following criteria:

                1) Timely delivery
                2) Accuracy and thoroughness in performing the task
                3) Substance (in line with the definition of the task)

                The term paper will be evaluated on the basis of uniform criteria that will be made available to students on Moodle.

                Term Paper

                In the term paper of at least 5.000 words, but not more than 6.000 words, students are expected to show that they can
                independently develop a theoretical and empirical answer to an analytical question within a given subject area. The subject
                and research question shall be clearly linked to one of the course topics.

                The subject and the question may be discussed in person with the instructor. Each student who wishes to discuss the term
                paper in advance is required to send a brief summary of not more than 500 words to the instructor at least one day before
                the respective appointment in the office hours. In the summary, the student shall briefly lay out the subject, the research
                question, and the study design (methodology or research plan). In addition to this summary, the document must include a list
                of literature that the student has already used and is planning to use (not included in the word count).

                Unless exceptional/extenuating circumstances are applicable (see below), all papers should be submitted at the latest by
                the end of the term: March 30, 2019. If the grade is, for whatever reason, needed before May 31, 2019, the paper should be
                submitted at the latest three weeks before the end of the term; that is by March 9, 2019. All papers must be sent in hard copy
                and pdf-file.


                Die Lehrveranstaltung entfällt krankheitsbedingt bis einschließlich 09.11.2018.

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Master of Arts - National and International Administration and Policy - Prüfungsversion Sommersemester 2016



                At the end of the course, students will in general

                • be able to compare and assess critically different theoretical, conceptual, and analytical perspectives on international
                • have understood major functions and dynamics of international institutions, and
                • have acquired basic empirical knowledge on important international institutions, their differences, forms, and effects.

                More precisely, students

                • will be familiarized with theoretical approaches in the study of institutions that emphasize interests, power, and knowledge,
                • will acquire a deeper understanding of analytical questions, concepts, and issues in current research on institutions, namely
                  • the challenges in assessing and explaining institution compliance and effectiveness,
                  • the nature and consequences of interplay between different institutions, and
                  • the legitimacy of international institutions.


                Most importantly, students will learn or improve their ability

                •    to derive hypotheses from theoretical approaches,
                •    to transfer theoretical and conceptual knowledge to empirical research,
                •    to apply theoretical and conceptual knowledge in empirical research, and
                •    to derive policy recommendations from theoretical, analytical, and empirical literature.

                In addition, students will learn or improve their ability

                • to collect, process, systematize, and communicate theoretical and empirical knowledge in written or oral form,
                • to develop and defend theoretical and analytical arguments, and
                • to work in teams.

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL    428211 - Seminar (unbenotet)

                      71910 BL - Shaping a complex interconnected world – Public-Private Interplay
                Gruppe          Art      Tag       Zeit               Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort      1.Termin     Lehrkraft
                1               EV       Di        10:00 - 11:00      Einzel        3.06.S14               23.10.2018   Susanne Weber-Mosdorf
                1               BL       Di        09:00 - 15:30      Einzel              11.12.2018   Susanne Weber-Mosdorf
                1               BL       Mi        09:00 - 15:30      Einzel              12.12.2018   Susanne Weber-Mosdorf
                1               BL       Do        09:00 - 15:30      Einzel        3.06.S14               13.12.2018   Susanne Weber-Mosdorf
                1               BL       N.N.      09:00 - 13:00      Block              22.01.2019   Susanne Weber-Mosdorf
                1               BL       N.N.      09:00 - 13:00      Block         3.06.S14               24.01.2019   Susanne Weber-Mosdorf

                The course analyses in which framework the political demands of the G20 summit regarding health should be implemented.
                It sheds light on the complex multi-level and cross-cutting architecture of the interconnection between health and the
                economy, covering the institutional context of international health and trade and their interconnection. This should result in a
                better understanding of the interrelations between domestic and international policies as well as of the economic and legal
                determinants of health. Health policy is a prime example of the increasing interference between local matters and global
                developments. Finally the opportunities and limitations of international cooperation will be identified, theory supplemented by
                case studies and simulated team negotiations.


                This course is part of the Master of Public Management Program. There are 10 open places for UP students.

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL    428211 - Seminar (unbenotet)

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Master of Arts - National and International Administration and Policy - Prüfungsversion Sommersemester 2016

                     71911 BL - Theories of Globalisation: Orders of Governance
                Gruppe        Art      Tag      Zeit               Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort       1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1             EV       Di       12:00 - 14:00      Einzel        3.06.S22                16.10.2018    Dr. Annamarie
                                                                                                                       Bindenagel Šehovic
                1             BL       Mo       09:00 - 17:00      Einzel        3.06.S22                28.01.2019    Dr. Annamarie
                                                                                                                       Bindenagel Šehovic
                1             BL       Di       09:00 - 17:00      Einzel        3.06.S15                29.01.2019    Dr. Annamarie
                                                                                                                       Bindenagel Šehovic
                1             BL       Mi       09:00 - 16:00      Einzel               30.01.2019    Dr. Annamarie
                                                                                                                       Bindenagel Šehovic
                1             BL       Do       09:00 - 17:00      Einzel        3.06.S14                31.01.2019    Dr. Annamarie
                                                                                                                       Bindenagel Šehovic

                This theory seminar focuses on globalization with emphasis on orders of governance. It analyses the (r)evolution(s) of ideas,
                notably of sovereignty and statehood, vis-a-vis, non-state-actors (NSAs). It also looks at how the tensions inherent in theories
                of globalization, particularly between state and human security, play out in practice.


                This course is part of the Master of Public Management Program. There are 8 open places for UP students.

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL   428211 - Seminar (unbenotet)

                NIA-M.5 - Public Management and E-Government

                     69157 S - Online and Social Media Marketing
                Gruppe        Art      Tag      Zeit               Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort       1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1             S        Do       16:00 - 20:00      wöch.         3.06.S12                25.10.2018    Prof. Dr. Hanna
                                                                                                                       Krasnova, Jana
                                                                                                                       Gundlach, Hannes-
                                                                                                                       Vincent Krause

                Interest in Social Media Marketing and research methods. This class is limited to 20 students; and takes place both in German
                and English. Presentations can be held in German or in English.


                Tuten, T.L.and Solomon, M.R: Social media marketing. Sage, 2014.

                The Beginner's Guide to Social Media, https://moz.com/beginners-guide-to-social-media/

                Example of past student projects: www.uni-potsdam.de/social-media-krasnova/teaching/students-projects.html


                Mid-term and Final Presentations; Final Report

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Master of Arts - National and International Administration and Policy - Prüfungsversion Sommersemester 2016


                The class will follow the following schedule:

                Donnerstag 25.10.2018 16:15 - 19:45 – Project Presentation and Assignement
                Donnerstag 01.11.2018 16:15 - 19:45 – Fundamentals of Social Media Marketing
                Donnerstag 08.11.2018 16:15 - 19:45 – Fundamentals of Social Media Marketing
                Donnerstag 15.11.2018 16:15 - 19:45 – Early Bird Presentation
                Donnerstag 13.12.2018 16:15 - 19:45 – Mid-Term Presentation
                Donnerstag 20.12.2018 16:15 - 19:45 – Mid-Term Presentation
                Donnerstag 24.01.2019 16:15 - 19:45 – Final Presentation
                Donnerstag 31.01.2019 16:15 - 19:45 – Final Presentation

                Deadline for the Project Report: 22.02.2018


                As consumers spend more and more time on online and especially on Social Media platforms, business and non-for-profit
                organizations are rededicating their marketing budgets away from traditional TV and radio advertising to social media
                channels. However, many businesses struggle with their online and Social Media presence. Reflecting these developments,
                the goal of this course is to familiarize students with the fundamentals of online and Social Media Strategy and the mechanics
                of digital marketing campaigns. As part of this course, students will be expected to perform an in-depth situational analysis
                for a specific product, company or social cause, including existing weakness, strengths, threats and opportunities. Building
                on this, students will be required to develop a social media strategy for their industry partner and implement it as part of the
                original social media campaign using one of social media channels (e.g. Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Blog, Instagram).
                Development of original ”value”-content is a critical component of this course and may include blog posts, videos, photos,
                and infographics. The timeline of the course includes mid-term and final presentations, as well as the final project report.
                Presentations and campaigns could be made in either English or German.

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL   428311 - Seminar (unbenotet)

                     69159 S - Social Media & Business Analytics I
                Gruppe        Art      Tag       Zeit               Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort       1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1             S        Di        14:00 - 18:00      wöch.         3.06.S21                23.10.2018    Prof. Dr. Hanna
                                                                                                                        Krasnova, Margarita

                The class will follow the following schedule:

                Dienstag 23.10.2018 14:15 - 17:45 – Topic Presentation and Assignment
                Dienstag 30.10.2018 14:15 - 17:45 – Fundamentals of Academic Work
                Dienstag 06.11.2018 14:15 - 17:45 – Fundamentals of Academic Work
                Dienstag 13.11.2018 14:15 - 17:45 – Early Bird Presentation
                Dienstag 11.12.2018 14:15 - 17:45 – Mid-Term Presentation
                Dienstag 18.12.2018 14:15 - 17:45 – Mid-Term Presentation
                Dienstag 22.01.2019 14:15 - 17:45 – Final Presentation
                Dienstag 29.01.2019 14:15 - 17:45 – Final Presentation

                Deadline for the Seminar paper: 20.02.2018


                Interest in Social Media, familiarity with research methods. This class is limited to 22 students, and takes place both in
                German and English. Presentations can be held in German or in English.


                Collis J. and Hussez, R. (2009) "Business Research: A Practical Guide for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students”.


                Mid-term and final presentations; Seminar Paper.

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Master of Arts - National and International Administration and Policy - Prüfungsversion Sommersemester 2016


                As Social Media applications (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, PatientsLikeMe) permeate all walks of our everyday life, there is a
                growing interest in understanding how the use of these applications and the data these applications generate are changing
                businesses, public sector, and society. Tapping into this interest, the goal of this research project is to give students the
                opportunity to conduct an in-depth analysis of one topic in a relevant research area.

                Possible areas of research include, but are not limited to:

                •    Social Media Content - Impact on Individual Perceptions and Behavior
                •    Impact of Social Media on Business
                •    Sentiment Analysis of Consumer Attitudes - Data Analytics with Instagram
                •    Measuring Success of Social Media Marketing
                •    Social Media at the Workplace: Implications
                •    Information Overload
                •    Sharing Economy (e.g. Airbnb) for Business
                •    Location-Based Online Dating
                •    Smartphone Use and Socialization
                •    Privacy Concerns of Social Media Use
                •    Social Media for Refugees
                •    Applications of Smartphone for Refugee Relief
                •    Market Analysis of Health Smartphone Apps
                •    Privacy Policies: Content and/or Impact on Individual Perceptions and Behavior

                Students will be required to get a deep understanding of the topic of their choice, present their findings and write a final paper.
                Presentations could be held in either English or German.

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL    428311 - Seminar (unbenotet)

                      69244 S - From E to O – Participation in the Context of Open Government
                Gruppe         Art      Tag      Zeit               Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort       1.Termin       Lehrkraft
                1              S        N.N.     N.N.               Einzel        N.N.                    N.N.           Prof. Dr. Moreen Heine
                               Raum und Zeit nach Absprache

                First session: Friday, 2 November, 10:15-11:45, Karl-Marx-Straße 67, Room 1.10

                Pre-planned sessions: 30 November, 18 January, 25 January (Friday between 9 am and 5 pm)

                Exact date and time on notice.


                Presentation and Seminar Paper


                E-Government, Digital Transformation, E-Participation, Open Government.

                The focus is on Open Government.

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL    428311 - Seminar (unbenotet)

                      69507 S - Foundations of Public Management
                Gruppe         Art      Tag      Zeit               Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort       1.Termin       Lehrkraft
                1              S        Di       08:00 - 12:00      wöch.         3.06.S22                16.10.2018     Prof. Dr. Isabella Proeller

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Master of Arts - National and International Administration and Policy - Prüfungsversion Sommersemester 2016


                The course will provide an advanced introduction to public management and its fundamental functions and issues. Focusing
                on the specific context of public sector organizations, it will be an overview regarding the particular context, managing
                resources, leadership, organizing, and the challenges of managing strategy and performance. Therefore, major reform
                approaches will be mentioned, as well as governance-related issues. Major functions and challenges of managing public
                organizations will be analyzed and discussed. Both theoretical perspectives and practical tools are taken in account.


                Students should be able to...

                •    understand key terms, functions and concepts of public management;
                •    apply academic findings, relevant theories and managerial instruments to practical challenges of the field;
                •    summarize and interpret positions of academic debates about public sector management;
                •    set up effective research designs based on the academic state of art in order to better understand the topic.

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL    428311 - Seminar (unbenotet)

                NIA-M.6 - Law and Administration

                      69102 BL - Basic structures and Europeanisation of German administrative law
                Gruppe          Art      Tag      Zeit               Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort      1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1               BL       Mi       17:00 - 19:00      Einzel        3.06.S18               24.10.2018    Prof. Dr. Alexander
                1               BL       Do       10:00 - 20:00      Einzel        3.06.S14               17.01.2019    Prof. Dr. Alexander
                1               BL       Fr       10:00 - 20:00      Einzel        3.06.S14               18.01.2019    Prof. Dr. Alexander
                1               BL       Sa       10:00 - 20:00      Einzel        3.06.S14               19.01.2019    Prof. Dr. Alexander

                Die Teilnehmerzahl der Veranstaltung ist auf 15 Studierende begrenzt.

                Neben der Anmeldung bei PULS bitte eine kurze Bewerbung mit Exposé unter kurzer Darlegung des Werdegangs und des
                besonderen Interesses am Seminar, als Word- oder pdf-Datei zu senden an awindoff@uni-potsdam.de .

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL    112311 - Seminar (unbenotet)

               D - Complementary & Cross Disciplinary Courses / Internship
               D-PF - Compulsory Module

                NIA-M.8 - Complementary Courses

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Master of Arts - National and International Administration and Policy - Prüfungsversion Sommersemester 2016

                     69102 BL - Basic structures and Europeanisation of German administrative law
                Gruppe        Art      Tag       Zeit             Rhythmus     Veranstaltungsort      1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1             BL       Mi        17:00 - 19:00    Einzel       3.06.S18               24.10.2018    Prof. Dr. Alexander
                1             BL       Do        10:00 - 20:00    Einzel       3.06.S14               17.01.2019    Prof. Dr. Alexander
                1             BL       Fr        10:00 - 20:00    Einzel       3.06.S14               18.01.2019    Prof. Dr. Alexander
                1             BL       Sa        10:00 - 20:00    Einzel       3.06.S14               19.01.2019    Prof. Dr. Alexander

                Die Teilnehmerzahl der Veranstaltung ist auf 15 Studierende begrenzt.

                Neben der Anmeldung bei PULS bitte eine kurze Bewerbung mit Exposé unter kurzer Darlegung des Werdegangs und des
                besonderen Interesses am Seminar, als Word- oder pdf-Datei zu senden an awindoff@uni-potsdam.de .

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL   428411 - Seminar (unbenotet)
               PNL   428412 - Seminar (unbenotet)

                     69157 S - Online and Social Media Marketing
                Gruppe        Art      Tag       Zeit             Rhythmus     Veranstaltungsort      1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1             S        Do        16:00 - 20:00    wöch.        3.06.S12               25.10.2018    Prof. Dr. Hanna
                                                                                                                    Krasnova, Jana
                                                                                                                    Gundlach, Hannes-
                                                                                                                    Vincent Krause

                Interest in Social Media Marketing and research methods. This class is limited to 20 students; and takes place both in German
                and English. Presentations can be held in German or in English.


                Tuten, T.L.and Solomon, M.R: Social media marketing. Sage, 2014.

                The Beginner's Guide to Social Media, https://moz.com/beginners-guide-to-social-media/

                Example of past student projects: www.uni-potsdam.de/social-media-krasnova/teaching/students-projects.html


                Mid-term and Final Presentations; Final Report


                The class will follow the following schedule:

                Donnerstag 25.10.2018 16:15 - 19:45 – Project Presentation and Assignement
                Donnerstag 01.11.2018 16:15 - 19:45 – Fundamentals of Social Media Marketing
                Donnerstag 08.11.2018 16:15 - 19:45 – Fundamentals of Social Media Marketing
                Donnerstag 15.11.2018 16:15 - 19:45 – Early Bird Presentation
                Donnerstag 13.12.2018 16:15 - 19:45 – Mid-Term Presentation
                Donnerstag 20.12.2018 16:15 - 19:45 – Mid-Term Presentation
                Donnerstag 24.01.2019 16:15 - 19:45 – Final Presentation
                Donnerstag 31.01.2019 16:15 - 19:45 – Final Presentation

                Deadline for the Project Report: 22.02.2018

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Master of Arts - National and International Administration and Policy - Prüfungsversion Sommersemester 2016


                As consumers spend more and more time on online and especially on Social Media platforms, business and non-for-profit
                organizations are rededicating their marketing budgets away from traditional TV and radio advertising to social media
                channels. However, many businesses struggle with their online and Social Media presence. Reflecting these developments,
                the goal of this course is to familiarize students with the fundamentals of online and Social Media Strategy and the mechanics
                of digital marketing campaigns. As part of this course, students will be expected to perform an in-depth situational analysis
                for a specific product, company or social cause, including existing weakness, strengths, threats and opportunities. Building
                on this, students will be required to develop a social media strategy for their industry partner and implement it as part of the
                original social media campaign using one of social media channels (e.g. Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Blog, Instagram).
                Development of original ”value”-content is a critical component of this course and may include blog posts, videos, photos,
                and infographics. The timeline of the course includes mid-term and final presentations, as well as the final project report.
                Presentations and campaigns could be made in either English or German.

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL   428411 - Seminar (unbenotet)
               PNL   428412 - Seminar (unbenotet)

                     69159 S - Social Media & Business Analytics I
                Gruppe        Art      Tag       Zeit               Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort       1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1             S        Di        14:00 - 18:00      wöch.         3.06.S21                23.10.2018    Prof. Dr. Hanna
                                                                                                                        Krasnova, Margarita

                The class will follow the following schedule:

                Dienstag 23.10.2018 14:15 - 17:45 – Topic Presentation and Assignment
                Dienstag 30.10.2018 14:15 - 17:45 – Fundamentals of Academic Work
                Dienstag 06.11.2018 14:15 - 17:45 – Fundamentals of Academic Work
                Dienstag 13.11.2018 14:15 - 17:45 – Early Bird Presentation
                Dienstag 11.12.2018 14:15 - 17:45 – Mid-Term Presentation
                Dienstag 18.12.2018 14:15 - 17:45 – Mid-Term Presentation
                Dienstag 22.01.2019 14:15 - 17:45 – Final Presentation
                Dienstag 29.01.2019 14:15 - 17:45 – Final Presentation

                Deadline for the Seminar paper: 20.02.2018


                Interest in Social Media, familiarity with research methods. This class is limited to 22 students, and takes place both in
                German and English. Presentations can be held in German or in English.


                Collis J. and Hussez, R. (2009) "Business Research: A Practical Guide for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students”.


                Mid-term and final presentations; Seminar Paper.

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Master of Arts - National and International Administration and Policy - Prüfungsversion Sommersemester 2016


                As Social Media applications (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, PatientsLikeMe) permeate all walks of our everyday life, there is a
                growing interest in understanding how the use of these applications and the data these applications generate are changing
                businesses, public sector, and society. Tapping into this interest, the goal of this research project is to give students the
                opportunity to conduct an in-depth analysis of one topic in a relevant research area.

                Possible areas of research include, but are not limited to:

                •    Social Media Content - Impact on Individual Perceptions and Behavior
                •    Impact of Social Media on Business
                •    Sentiment Analysis of Consumer Attitudes - Data Analytics with Instagram
                •    Measuring Success of Social Media Marketing
                •    Social Media at the Workplace: Implications
                •    Information Overload
                •    Sharing Economy (e.g. Airbnb) for Business
                •    Location-Based Online Dating
                •    Smartphone Use and Socialization
                •    Privacy Concerns of Social Media Use
                •    Social Media for Refugees
                •    Applications of Smartphone for Refugee Relief
                •    Market Analysis of Health Smartphone Apps
                •    Privacy Policies: Content and/or Impact on Individual Perceptions and Behavior

                Students will be required to get a deep understanding of the topic of their choice, present their findings and write a final paper.
                Presentations could be held in either English or German.

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL    428411 - Seminar (unbenotet)
               PNL    428412 - Seminar (unbenotet)

                      69244 S - From E to O – Participation in the Context of Open Government
                Gruppe         Art      Tag      Zeit               Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort       1.Termin       Lehrkraft
                1              S        N.N.     N.N.               Einzel        N.N.                    N.N.           Prof. Dr. Moreen Heine
                               Raum und Zeit nach Absprache

                First session: Friday, 2 November, 10:15-11:45, Karl-Marx-Straße 67, Room 1.10

                Pre-planned sessions: 30 November, 18 January, 25 January (Friday between 9 am and 5 pm)

                Exact date and time on notice.


                Presentation and Seminar Paper


                E-Government, Digital Transformation, E-Participation, Open Government.

                The focus is on Open Government.

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL    428411 - Seminar (unbenotet)
               PNL    428412 - Seminar (unbenotet)

                      69507 S - Foundations of Public Management
                Gruppe         Art      Tag      Zeit               Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort       1.Termin       Lehrkraft
                1              S        Di       08:00 - 12:00      wöch.         3.06.S22                16.10.2018     Prof. Dr. Isabella Proeller

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Master of Arts - National and International Administration and Policy - Prüfungsversion Sommersemester 2016


                The course will provide an advanced introduction to public management and its fundamental functions and issues. Focusing
                on the specific context of public sector organizations, it will be an overview regarding the particular context, managing
                resources, leadership, organizing, and the challenges of managing strategy and performance. Therefore, major reform
                approaches will be mentioned, as well as governance-related issues. Major functions and challenges of managing public
                organizations will be analyzed and discussed. Both theoretical perspectives and practical tools are taken in account.


                Students should be able to...

                •    understand key terms, functions and concepts of public management;
                •    apply academic findings, relevant theories and managerial instruments to practical challenges of the field;
                •    summarize and interpret positions of academic debates about public sector management;
                •    set up effective research designs based on the academic state of art in order to better understand the topic.

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL    428411 - Seminar (unbenotet)
               PNL    428412 - Seminar (unbenotet)

                      71374 S - New Perspectives in International Development Cooperation
                Gruppe          Art      Tag      Zeit               Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort      1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1               S        Do       10:00 - 12:00      wöch.         3.06.S24               18.10.2018    Prof. Dr. Harald Fuhr
                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL    428411 - Seminar (unbenotet)
               PNL    428412 - Seminar (unbenotet)

                      71375 S - Current Challenges in Global Sustainability Governance
                Gruppe          Art      Tag      Zeit               Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort      1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1               S        Mo       10:00 - 14:00      14t.          3.06.S24               15.10.2018    Dr. Thomas Hickmann

                This course will start with a general overview of recent conceptual developments in the field of global sustainability
                governance. In particular, we will discuss the concept of planetary boundaries and the emerging paradigm of the
                Anthropocene , which is a proposed term for a new geological epoch starting with the Industrial Revolution when human
                activities began to have a significant impact on the Earth’s ecosystems. Against this background, we will address the question
                of how these concepts change our understanding of global sustainability governance, both in theoretical and practical terms.
                In this context, we will examine the implications of an increasingly human-dominated planet for contemporary global policy-
                making by focusing on a number of illustrative examples of global sustainability problems, such as climate change, biodiversity
                loss, land degradation, and the disruption of biogeochemical cycles. Finally, we will summarize the main findings and insights
                gained from the presentations and discussions in the individual sessions.

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL    428411 - Seminar (unbenotet)
               PNL    428412 - Seminar (unbenotet)

                                                           Abkürzungen entnehmen Sie bitte Seite 4
Master of Arts - National and International Administration and Policy - Prüfungsversion Sommersemester 2016

                     71383 BL - Climate Change, Forestry and Agriculture
                Gruppe        Art      Tag      Zeit               Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort      1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1             EV       Fr       10:00 - 12:00      Einzel        3.06.S28               19.10.2018    Dr. Charlotte Streck
                1             BL       Fr       10:00 - 16:00      Einzel        3.06.S28               07.12.2018    Dr. Charlotte Streck
                1             BL       Fr       10:00 - 16:00      Einzel        3.06.S28               14.12.2018    Dr. Charlotte Streck
                1             BL       Fr       10:00 - 16:00      Einzel        3.06.S28               11.01.2019    Dr. Charlotte Streck
                1             BL       Fr       10:00 - 16:00      Einzel        3.06.S28               18.01.2019    Dr. Charlotte Streck
                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL   428411 - Seminar (unbenotet)
               PNL   428412 - Seminar (unbenotet)

                     71391 S - Comparative Public Administration
                Gruppe        Art      Tag      Zeit               Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort      1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1             S        Di       12:00 - 14:00      wöch.         3.06.S23               16.10.2018    Prof. Dr. Sabine
                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL   428411 - Seminar (unbenotet)
               PNL   428412 - Seminar (unbenotet)

                     71392 S - Between Europeanisation and transformation: Public administration reforms in Central Eastern EU
                     member states
                Gruppe        Art      Tag      Zeit               Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort      1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1             S        Di       14:00 - 16:00      wöch.         3.06.S24               23.10.2018    apl. Prof. Dr. Jochen
                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL   428411 - Seminar (unbenotet)
               PNL   428412 - Seminar (unbenotet)

                     71393 S - Governance, Ethics and Workplace Behavior
                Gruppe        Art      Tag      Zeit               Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort      1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1             S        Mi       10:00 - 12:00      wöch.         3.06.S14               17.10.2018    Prof. Dr. Christoph

                This course will be taught in English.
                Governance is about how public and private actors get things done; this concerns mainly public policy making and
                implementation. Ethical Governance is getting things done in accordance with the relevant moral, values and principles.
                The moral and ethical aspect of public policy making has gained importance in the last years, not only because of ever new
                corruption and conflicts of interest scandals. The growing interest in the issue has led to many questions and doubts: Are
                public policies effective in the fight against conflicts of interest and unethical behavior? How does changing government by
                itself impact on these developments? Which norms and principles matter? And, what do we know about the development of
                unethical behavior? What is unethical behavior at the workplace? How is it possible for employees to find the best solutions in
                concrete daily life dilemmas? What is moral reasoning at work? Are we not overstressing the impact and importance of ethics
                at work?
                Such questions are addressed in our course.


                Students are expected to come class having completed all the assigned readings. Make sure to allow sufficient time for class

                I expect students to attend all meetings and to arrive to class on time. For oral presentations, I will support student with
                literature research, including literature not covered in the bibliography. I normally make announcements concerning deadlines
                and assignments at the beginning of class.

                Regular attendance is required. Please arrive on time. Should you have to miss a class, please notify me in advance.

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Master of Arts - National and International Administration and Policy - Prüfungsversion Sommersemester 2016


                Introductory Course Literature:
                Leo Huberts (Ed) (2014), The Integrity of Governance, Palgrave McMillan.

                For those who would like to go deeper into the Subject:
                Christoph Demmke/Timo Moilanen (2012), Effectiveness of Public Service Ethics and Good Governance in the Central
                Administration of the EU 27, Peter Lang, Frankfurt/M.
                Oyvind Kvalnes (2015), Moral Reasoning at Work, Palgrave MacMillann.
                Muel Kaptein (2013), Workplace Morality, Emerald.
                M. Bazerman/A. Tenbrunsel (2011), Blind Spots, Why we fail to do what is right and what to do about it?, Princeton University

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL   428411 - Seminar (unbenotet)
               PNL   428412 - Seminar (unbenotet)

                     71394 S - Management Consulting in the Public Sector
                Gruppe        Art      Tag      Zeit               Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort      1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1             S        Fr       08:00 - 10:00      wöch.         3.06.S23               19.10.2018    Dr. Ferdinand Schuster
                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL   428411 - Seminar (unbenotet)
               PNL   428412 - Seminar (unbenotet)

                     71432 S - Studying social stratification with big data
                Gruppe        Art      Tag      Zeit               Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort      1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1             S        Fr       10:00 - 12:00      wöch.         3.06.S24               19.10.2018    Prof. Dr. Lena Hipp

                Large-scale or ”big” data is rapidly transforming many areas of governments, businesses, education and science. They allow
                us not only to re-visit ”old” questions related to social inequalities but also to study new forms and aspects of inequalities.
                This course therefore explores how "big data” and data science transform social stratification research. We will discuss
                transformative contributions to classical sociological questions based on the ”new” science of networks, web-based social
                research, administrative data and the traces of our digital lives. We will explore the challenges facing social sciences and
                consider ethical and privacy concerns raised by ”big” data and analytics. A bi-weekly R tutorial is offered at the WZB in order
                to enable students to acquire the tools and skills necessary to deal with big data. The R Tutorial@WZB is structured around
                the more technically focused homeworks. Participation is therefore highly recommended but not obligatory.

                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL   428411 - Seminar (unbenotet)
               PNL   428412 - Seminar (unbenotet)

                     71547 S - Political and administrative change of the German migration society
                Gruppe        Art      Tag      Zeit               Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort      1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1             S        Di       12:00 - 14:00      wöch.         3.06.S28               16.10.2018    Ina Radtke
                Leistungen in Bezug auf das Modul
               PNL   428411 - Seminar (unbenotet)
               PNL   428412 - Seminar (unbenotet)

                     71910 BL - Shaping a complex interconnected world – Public-Private Interplay
                Gruppe        Art      Tag      Zeit               Rhythmus      Veranstaltungsort      1.Termin      Lehrkraft
                1             EV       Di       10:00 - 11:00      Einzel        3.06.S14               23.10.2018    Susanne Weber-Mosdorf
                1             BL       Di       09:00 - 15:30      Einzel              11.12.2018    Susanne Weber-Mosdorf
                1             BL       Mi       09:00 - 15:30      Einzel              12.12.2018    Susanne Weber-Mosdorf
                1             BL       Do       09:00 - 15:30      Einzel        3.06.S14               13.12.2018    Susanne Weber-Mosdorf
                1             BL       N.N.     09:00 - 13:00      Block              22.01.2019    Susanne Weber-Mosdorf
                1             BL       N.N.     09:00 - 13:00      Block         3.06.S14               24.01.2019    Susanne Weber-Mosdorf

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