We're online only this month but still with all the news, updates and features to keep you informed and entertained - Gscene

Page created by Terry Bush
We're online only this month but still with all the news, updates and features to keep you informed and entertained - Gscene
We’re online only this month
      but still with all the news,
updates and features to keep
you informed and entertained
We're online only this month but still with all the news, updates and features to keep you informed and entertained - Gscene
APR 2020                                                                                                                                          CONTENTS
                     GSCENE magazine

                     PUBLISHER Peter Storrow
                     TEL 01273 749 947
                     EDITORIAL info@gscene.com
                     ADS+ARTWORK design@gscene.com
                     EDITORIAL TEAM
                     Jaq Bayles, Craig Hanlon-Smith,
                     Graham Robson
                     ARTS EDITOR Michael Hootman
                     SUB EDITOR Graham Robson                                                                                   AMSTERDAM BAR & KITCHEN
                     DESIGN Michèle Allardyce

                                                                                                                                                          CAMELFORD ARMS
                     FRONT COVER
                     MODEL Harry Clayton-Wright
                     PHOTOGRAPHY Libertipix - Leading
                     LGBTQ+ Images
                     Email: info@libertipix.com
                     D www.libertipix.com
                     I instagram.com/libertipix
                     P pinterest.co.uk/libertipix
                     Simon Adams, Jaq Bayles, Jo Bourne,
                     Nick Boston, Matt Boyles, Brian
                     Butler, Richard Jeneway, Craig
                     Hanlon-Smith, Samuel Hall, Frances
                     Hubbard, Enzo Marra, Eric Page,
                                                                      AFFINITY BAR
                     Emma Rylands, Gay Socrates, Michael
                     Steinhage, Glen Stevens, Duncan                                                                                            LEGENDS
                     Stewart, Netty Wendt, Roger Wheeler,                                                                                                              NEWS
                     Kate Wildblood, Stephen Wrench
                                                                                                                                                                       4 News
                     Creag Aaro, Steven Chantrey, Nick
                     Ford, Craig Hanlon-Smith, Jack Lynn,
                     Manel Ortega, Simon Pepper                                                                                                                        26 Gscene Out & About

                                                                                                                                                                       38   Classical Notes
                                                                                                                                                                       40   All That Jazz
                                                                                                                                                                       40   Arts Matters
                                                                                                                                                                       41   Page’s Pages
                     © GSCENE 2020
                     All work appearing in Gscene Ltd is
                     copyright. It is to be assumed that the
                     copyright for material rests with the                                                                                                             REGULARS
                     magazine unless otherwise stated on the
                     page concerned. No part of this publication
                                                                       18 PUBERTY BLOCKERS EXPLAINED                                                                   37 Dance Music
                     may be reproduced, stored in an electronic or
                                                                       Dr Sam Hall, GP and trustee for The Clare Project, gets behind the headlines
                     other retrieval system, transmitted in any                                                                                                        37 DJ Profile:
                     form or by any means, electronic,
                     mechanical, photocopying, recording or
                                                                       20 HARRY CLAYTON-WRIGHT                                                                           Morgan Fabulous
                     otherwise without the prior knowledge and         The quirks and weirdnesses of Harry Clayton-Wright by Craig Hanlon-Smith
                     consent of the publishers.                                                                                                                        45 Shopping
                     The appearance of any person or any               22 HITTING THE RIGHT NOTE                                                                       48 Craig’s Thoughts
                     organisation in Gscene is not to be construed     Jaq Bayles talks to Al Start about being a role model through her music
                     as an implication of the sexual orientation or                                                                                                    49 Wall’s Words
                     political persuasion of such persons or
                     organisations.                                    23 POP HEROES                                                                                   49 Gay Socrates
                                                                       Craig Hanlon-Smith in praise of the gay musicians who broke stereotypes
                                                                                                                                                                       50 MindOut
                                                                       24 FROM THE JAWS OF ADVERSITY                                                                   51 Yaya Knows Best
                                                                       Chris Gull tells Jaq Bayles what makes him an advocate of community work
                                                                                                                                                                       51 Stuff & Things
                                                                       25 STAY STRONG                                                                                  52 Village MCC
                                                                       Eric Page catches up with inspirational fitness trainer Carmen McDonald
                                                                                                                                                                       52 Positive Focus
                                                                       37 TEN FOR TEN                                                                                  53 Scene It, Done It
                                                                       Nick Boston chats to tenor Ian Farrell who celebrates 10 years sober

                                                                       40 QUEER THE PIER                                                                               INFORMATION
                                                                                                                                                                       53 Classifieds

                                                                       Eric Page explores Brighton Museum’s new LGBTQ+ exhibition
                                                                                                                                                                       54 Services Directory
                                                                       44 VALENCIA                                                                                     55 Advertisers’ Map
                                                                       Brian Butler spends time in Spain’s third largest city
We're online only this month but still with all the news, updates and features to keep you informed and entertained - Gscene
We're online only this month but still with all the news, updates and features to keep you informed and entertained - Gscene
                                         DAILY NEWS UPDATES ON

    ….and how Gscene is responding to support our LGBTQ communities and businesses.

    ) An enormous “hello” and virtual hug from us all at       one we felt vital in order to focus our resources on
    Gscene. Although as events accelerated over the final      reaching as broad a readership as possible online.
    weeks of March to the predictable and inevitable, the
                                                               The online version of the magazine is read by
    news on Friday 20 March was no less devastating to
                                                               thousands, and will be read by even more thousands
    so many within our communities. At Gscene we want
                                                               this month through our own promotion of the website
    to take this opportunity to share our understanding of
                                                               via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and links to the
    our collective difficulties but to also show our
                                                               magazine on Issuu. If you know people who have
    unwavering support to you our readers, and also our
                                                               never read the online PDFedition of the magazine
    local businesses and regular advertisers, during this
                                                               because they always have the printed copy, please
    challenging time for us all in Brighton & Hove and
                                                               encourage them to access the magazine through one
    across the world.
                                                               of these channels.
    We now know that our venues will be closed during
    April and possibly for longer, but appreciate what a       NEW GSCENE FACEBOOK GROUP
    lifeline these have been for so many of us for so many     ) We know that many within our communities access         GSCENE MAGAZINE
    years, and how they remain such an integral part of
    who and how we are today. As a result we’ve made
                                                               the website news stories through the Gscene Facebook
                                                               page, but we’re also aware that FB algorithms mean
                                                                                                                         BECOMES A SOCIAL
    some changes to this month’s publication and to            that any one post is only seen by a small percentage      ENTERPRISE
    those in the immediate months ahead while as a             of those who have ‘liked’ the page, so we’ve created a    ) When James Ledward, the founder of and
    country we meet the challenges of                          Gscene LGBTQ+ Communities Group on                        driving force behind Gscene for 28 years,
    coronavirus/COVID_19.                                      Facebook. News from the website will appear here, but     received his devastating diagnosis late last
    As the listings for April are now redundant, we’ve         those who join will also be able to post, to submit       summer his thoughts turned very quickly to
    decided not to publish these pages this issue. The         videos, vlogs, FB live, create watch parties,             the future of the magazine. He was keen that
    scene photographs taken in March for all of our usual      comment…                                                  it should continue to grow and flourish as a
    venues are now included in the Out & About section         We also have a Zoom subscription which means that         community resource.
    along with their details and social media contacts. Our    we can organise events, or host yours… you just need      Since his death last October, the remaining
    local businesses are a vital asset to the whole range of   to join the group and download the free Zoom app.         members of the small Gscene team, together
    our LGBTQ+ communities and we think it’s vital to
                                                               Let’s use this as an opportunity for our communities to   with our advertisers and contributors, have
    support them and ensure continuing awareness with
                                                               stay connected, keep informed, support one another,       worked to cover, and try to fill, the James-
    you, their customers.
                                                               and maybe have fun together even when we’re stuck in      shaped gaps and to honour his wishes.
    While some venue adverts with outdated event               a room alone. On Facebook please find Gscene              To that end we have just heard that we have
    information had to be withdrawn this issue, other          LGBTQ+ Communities Group. Join the group,                 been successful in converting the limited
    venues have adapted their adverts to include a             invite FB friends to join and download free Zoom app.     company to become a Community Interest
    message to customers with details of any takeaway,
                                                               We all wish you the best during these difficult times     Company (CIC).
    online service, etc. Follow your favourite venue’s
    social media as well as checking Gscene’s website          and assure you that we will continue to be there with     This means that any ‘profit’ must be
    and Facebook page for all their news and up to date        and for you to support you and hope that you will do      reinvested into the magazine, or go to a
    information.                                               the same for us.                                          charity – in this case The Brighton Rainbow
                                                               Although the circumstances were quite different, some     Fund, which James also created. It also
    For the first time in almost 28 years Gscene will not
                                                               might say that the LGBTQ communities have been            means that the CIC, as a social enterprise, is
    be published in a physical format. Gscene is delivered
                                                               here before. Once again we all need to get through this   able to apply for grants, if needed, to support
    to multitudinous pubs, clubs, bars, community
                                                               intact, and work together to rebuild our businesses       this community resource and allow us to
    centres, libraries, public transport stations and many
                                                               and communities once we get to the other side. And        remain at the heart of the LGBTQ+
    other venues, which are now closed for the
                                                               as many of us in these communities are testament to,      communities in Brighton & Hove and beyond.
    foreseeable future. This was not an easy decision but
                                                               there is another side and we will survive.                Thank you James.
We're online only this month but still with all the news, updates and features to keep you informed and entertained - Gscene
                                                                                                  DAILY NEWS UPDATES ON

                                                                                                  BRIGHTON BEAR WEEKEND
                                                                                                  SUSPENDS BEAR WEEKEND
                                                                                                  ) Brighton Bear Weekend (BBW) sent out a message to advertisers, supporters
                                                                                                  and attendees to express their disappointment at having to cancel their upcoming
                                                                                                  events: “We regret to announce that BBW 2020 scheduled to commence on June
                                                                                                  18 will NOT now take place as a result of restrictions being put in place to mitigate
                                                                                                                             the epidemic. In common with many other public events,
                                                                                                                             and in the light of the Prime Minister’s statement in
                                                                                                                             March regarding social-distancing and self-isolation, we
                                                                                                                             don’t consider it feasible or sensible to continue with the
                                                                                                                             planned weekend. We’re hugely disappointed at this
TRANS PRIDE 2020 CANCELLED                                                                                                   outcome, especially as it was to be our 10th anniversary
                                                                                                                             weekend, but we have to play our part in protecting our
) As the city and LGBTQ+ communities reel from the announcements over                                                        teams and our communities from this virus. The picture
the last month affecting key community events and milestones in our LGBTQ+                        is changing daily, and we will continue to review the situation to determine whether
lives it was announced that Trans Pride Brighton 2020 is cancelled.                               we might be able to run the weekend later in the year or instead run various
                                                                                                  elements from the itinerary over several dates going forward. Our thoughts are with
The Trans Pride Brighton committee said: “It is with great sadness that we
                                                                                                  everyone who is or becomes ill as a result of this epidemic and looking forward to
must announce that due to the COVID-19 situation the committee has made
                                                                                                  seeing everyone happy and healthy when we can reconvene.”
the decision to cancel Trans Pride Brighton 2020. Members of our trans, non-
binary and intersex community are often vulnerable and can have health issues                                     Graham Munday, chair of BBW, added: “It’s hard and feels very
that would put them at more risk from COVID-19 and with this in mind, we                                          weird not just for me and our team, but for all those that support us
                                                                                  GRAHAM MUNDAY

must all act as a community to protect every one.                                                                 over the weekend and throughout the year. It’s the right decision,
                                                                                                                  and we see that with other events being cancelled. We will be back,
“Even though Trans Pride Brighton is still months away, we feel that making the
                                                                                                                  and we will still throw the best bear parties in town.”
decision to cancel early will allow people to alter their plans. The whole
committee is dedicated to making Trans Pride Brighton 2021 happen and we                          Over recent years, BBW has gone from strength to strength, and is now widely
will use the time to focus on how best to support our community. We                               recognised as one of the biggest and best bear weekends in the UK, attracting men
appreciate your understanding. Until next year.”                                                  not just from across Europe, but from all around the world. This is another great
                                                                                                  loss to the city’s LGBTQ+ scene and fundraising groups this year.
For more info, visit Facebook: TransPrideBrighton/
                                                                                                  Check www.brightonbearweekend.com or Facebook BrightonBearWeekend/
                                                                                                  to stay informed of developments.
) Following the announcement by the UK Government urging the general
public not to visit pubs, clubs, or theatres and advice from Brighton & Hove
City Council, Brighton Fringe has announced that it will be postponing the
festival, due to run 1 to 31 May, until September/October 2020. Julian
Caddy, Fringe CEO, said: “On behalf of the thousands of people who have
invested so much in putting on Brighton Fringe, I’m devastated to say that
we’re unable to proceed in May due to the Coronavirus outbreak. I would like
to thank you for all the work that you have done and also to thank all our
funders, partners, sponsors, patrons, friends and the ticket buying public for
your ongoing support, trust and patience at this difficult time.”
Brighton Festival, which was due to take place from 2 to 24 May 2020 and
is the largest annual, curated multi-arts festival in England, has been
cancelled for the first time in its 53-year history. Due to the scale of the
festival and the inclusion of many international artists and touring companies,
rescheduling the festival was not feasible. Andrew Comben, chief executive
of Brighton Festival, said: “The Festival team is devastated that this
incredible programme, led by guest director Lemn Sissay, won’t happen this
year and that audiences won’t experience the diversity of artists coming from
across the world to our city. Lemn’s vision was to build an ‘Imagine Nation’ at
Brighton Festival. It seems to us that we need imagination, creativity and the
strength of our community now more than ever. We are exploring what might
be the most creative contribution the Festival and its artists can make at this
time and we will share more on this when we can.”
Brighton Festival will be separately contacting ticket holders regarding their
bookings with details for processing over the coming weeks.
For more info, visit: www.brightonfestival.org and
We're online only this month but still with all the news, updates and features to keep you informed and entertained - Gscene
                                          DAILY NEWS UPDATES ON

    MINDOUT AND CORONAVIRUS MESSAGE                                                                             DR MICHAEL BRADY FROM THT
    FOR THE LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY                                                                                    ON HIV & COVID-19 CONCERNS
                      ) MindOut Advocacy and Online Support services are open
                      for anyone to get in touch to talk about any aspect of mental                                                                       “Effective treatment means that the vast
                      health. MindOut has suspended all face-to-face meetings and                                                                         majority of people living with HIV have
                      their peer mentoring, group work and counselling services will                                                                      an undetectable viral and a good CD4
                      not be operating for the time being, in order to comply with                                                                        count. As a result, we usually don’t do
    advice about how to stop the spread of the virus. MindOut will continue to be there                                                                   the CD4 count test anymore because
                                                                                                                                                          we know that, as long as you remain

                                                                                             DR MICHAEL BRADY
    for the many people who are feeling anxious and isolated and are trying to manage
    huge uncertainty, and although they can’t meet anyone face-to-face for a while, they                                                                  undetectable, your CD4 count won’t
    are committed to providing phone support, advocacy support and online meetings.                                                                       fall. As a result, it may be a number of
                                                                                                                                                          years since you last had your CD4
    If you would like to speak to a MindOut member of staff, email:                                                                                       count checked. Don’t worry about this
    info@mindout.org.uk or call 01273 234839. MindOut online support service                                    ) Dr Michael Brady, medical               – you don’t need to have a CD4 count
    will be open every day, to check opening times, visit: www.mindout.org.uk                                   director at Terrance Higgins Trust        done now. As long as your viral load
                                                                                                                (THT), talks about HIV and COVID-19       remains undetectable, your CD4 count
    These links have some helpful advice and tips:
                                                                                                                concerns.                                 will be as good, and probably better
    www.mentalhealth.org.uk/publications/looking-after-your-mental-health-                                      Am I at greater risk if I’m HIV           than it was when it was last tested.
    during-coronavirus-outbreak                                                                                 positive?                                 “What’s going to change is that HIV
    www.mind.org.uk/information-support/coronavirus-and-your-wellbeing                                          “There’s currently no evidence that       clinics will be reducing their face-to-
    www.samaritans.org/                                                                                         people living with HIV are any more       face appointments. This is partly to
                                                                                                                likely to catch COVID-19 than anyone      reduce risk of infection but also to free
                                                                                                                else and you should follow the advice     up time for doctors and nurses to be
                                                                                                                being given to the general population.    redeployed into hospitals if they are
    CLARE PROJECT’S TEMPORARY LINE                                                                              “If you are on treatment, with an         needed to support the extra workload
    FOR INFO, UPDATES AND CONTACT                                                                               undetectable viral load and a good        on the NHS.

                      ) The Clare Project have issued contact details for a temporary                           CD4 count (e.g. over 350), then there     “Rest assured that our priority is, and
                      line specifically opened with the aim of combating social isolation                       should be no greater risk.                will always be, your health, but be
                      and community anxieties during the virus outbreak, in addition to                         “If you’re living with HIV and do not     aware that we will have to do things
                      providing informal advice and signposting. The Clare Project will                         have an undetectable viral load or        differently over the coming months.
                      continue to offer support by phone and online, but all face-to-face                       have a low CD4 count it will be more      Different clinics may take slightly
    support and events have been temporarily suspended. The TNBI Support Line is                                important to avoid situations where       different approaches, but where I work
    open to all trans, non-binary, intersex, and/or gender-questioning /exploring adults                        you may get infected and follow the       we are stopping routine appointments
    based in East Sussex and is anonymous and confidential.                                                     advice about social distancing. There     and doing them over the phone.

    The TNBI Support Line is open Mon, Tues & Fri 1-4pm and Thur 5.30-7.30pm.                                   will likely be more detailed              “The situation is changing on a daily
    Call 07464 229395 during opening times or email tcpbrighton@gmail.com. If                                   information and guidance for those at     basis and we’ll update this information
    closed - text, Whatsapp or leave a voicemail for a call back.                                               greatest risk and we will update these    when we have more information to give
                                                                                                                FAQs when we have it.                     you.
    For more info, visit: clareproject.org.uk

    ) Switchboard, Brighton’s LGBTQ+ support service, issued the following
    statement about their services for the next few weeks: “In the interests of protecting
    you, our staff, and volunteers, Switchboard is following the Government advice and
    cancelling all group meetings and events and supporting our staff to work from
    home. We don’t want to leave anyone isolated and without support so we’re working
    to find ways we can continue to offer services using phones and online technology.
    We’ll be extending our helpline and webchat provision and investigating how we can                          COVID-19 and HIV                          “Look after yourselves and look out for
    change the technology we use in order to enable staff and volunteers to do this from                        “It’s not the case that all people with   each other. Our best defence against
    home. Please bear with us whilst we get this in place, we’ll let you know as soon as                        HIV are considered at increased risk.     the virus is now minimising social
    we’re in a position to reinstate and increase this service.                                                 Those on HIV treatment with a good        contact, regular hand washing, self-
    “In the meantime, all of our staff are working from home and available to support                           CD4 count and an undetectable viral       isolating if necessary, and taking care
    you. The staff members who run your usual groups will be in touch and we will keep                          load are not considered to have           of those most vulnerable and isolated.”
    you up to date on how to contact them and what we can offer as we plan the way                              weakened immune systems.
    forward. Our priority is to ensure that we’re here for everyone who needs us, that we                       “I’d advise that a ‘good CD4 count’       MORE INFO
    work in ways that ensure you can remain safe, and that our volunteers and staff can                         means anything over 350. If your CD4      For Info on the virus and answers to
    also remain safe. Please get in touch with a member of our staff via email if you                           count is less than 350, if you’re not     FAQs from Dr Michael Brady, visit:
    would like someone to call you – all of their contact details on our website.”                              on treatment or if you have a             www.tht.org.uk
                                             For more info, visit:                                              detectable viral load, then it’s          To read his full blog, visit:
                                             www.switchboard.org.uk                                             particularly important that you follow    www.tht.org.uk/news/coronavirus-
                                                                                                                the guidance on social distancing.        covid-19
We're online only this month but still with all the news, updates and features to keep you informed and entertained - Gscene

               ) Following government guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID-19, Lunch
               Positive, which runs the weekly HIV Friday Lunch Club, monthly 50+ supper
               group, and food and friendship groups, has temporarily paused regular social
               gatherings. The charity will resume these regular social and peer-support
               activities as soon as government advice suggests that such gatherings are again
                                  Gary Pargeter, service manager, said: “Lunch Positive is
                                  delivered by a team of over 30 amazing volunteers and people
                                  have been fast to adapt to need and changing circumstances.
                                  The team will continue to provide social and nutritional support

                                  in other ways until such time as regular services resume and
                                  will undertake two new pieces of work called Lunch Positive In-
                                  touch and Lunch Positive Outreach.
               “The charity plays an important role in helping people make connections,
               socialise, and share peer-support. Over the years, hundreds of friendships have
               been formed at the lunch club. A new range of resources are being put into place
               to help people with HIV keep in touch with each other, with the charity, and to
                                                                                                                 LUNCH POSITIVE
               continue to be able to share and receive support. These include a regular phone-
               in, a private Lunch Club members’ Facebook group, an online live support portal,
               and a regular members’ information mail-out. These will be rolled out over several
                                                                                                                 SPECIAL PLANS
               weeks. People will need to sign up to these on the Lunch Positive website, and the
               volunteer team will be active in providing support.”
                                                                                                              During the current COVID-19
                                                                Lunch Positive will still regularly
                                                                prepare food and outreach to              situation our HIV social gatherings
                                                                people. It will doorstep deliver
                                                                supplementary food items to                     are temporarily paused
                                                                members who are unable to shop,
                                                                experience financial difficulty, and
                                                                are staying at home or self isolating
                                                                                                               Instead we are providing
                                                                because of risk or COVID-19. For
                                                                people with HIV who are short on
                                                                                                            alternative support, all through
                                                                food, not confined to their homes            our amazing volunteer team!
                                                                and who aren’t in the vulnerable
               group category, ready prepared and packaged food items will be regularly
               available for drop-in collection at Dorset Gardens Methodist Church. This is
               similar to a quick visit to the shop, and following guidelines around social
                                                                                                         )     IN-TOUCH activities
               distancing. These outreach approaches will be available for as long as
               government advice suggests that this type of brief and limited contact is possible.
                                                                                                               keeping people connected,
               There will also be continued access to the Lunch Positive emergency food pantry
               for people in financial crisis, additional advice and signposting to city food
                                                                                                               making friendships,
               support. Information on this new outreach food support, including how to sign up,               sharing support
               is on the website, www.lunchpositive.org, or by calling 07846 464384.
               Gary continued: “Naturally we’re saddened to need to temporarily pause our
               social gatherings. We know that members and volunteers put so much in and take
                                                                                                         )     OUTREACH support
               so much from our time together. The support that is shared and the kindness
               people show whilst together is inspirational. We understand that people may feel a
                                                                                                               supplying food to people
               loss whilst we are unable to provide these usual gatherings and want to reassure                with HIV in need,
               people that we’re ready and poised to resume ‘usual service’ as very soon as
               government advice suggests. People with HIV are still welcome to join us at any                 informing & advising
               time, and should visit the website to find out more.
               “We also know the time ahead may feel uncertain, isolating and challenging for
               many people with HIV. We remain active and are still here to support and help. In
               addition to the practical support, we especially hope that people will keep in touch
                                                                                                         Please visit our website to find out more,
               with each other and with us, and will use the new facilities that are explained on           make contact, sign-up for updates,
               our website and social media to do this. Our team of volunteers have been totally                    and access support
               amazing, adapting and enthusiastic about providing these new types of support.
               So to all our members and people with HIV looking to connect or for support,
               please visit our website and get in touch with us. We’re here for community,
               togetherness and support at this important time, and beyond.”
                                 For more info, visit: www.lunchpositive.org
                                 F lunchclubfriends/,                                                              07846 464384
                                 email info@lunchpositive.org or call 07846 464384
We're online only this month but still with all the news, updates and features to keep you informed and entertained - Gscene
                                          DAILY NEWS UPDATES ON

    BRIGHTON PRIDE ISSUE SHORT                                                                         BANANARAMA & TODRICK HALL
    UPDATE ABOUT PRIDE 2020                                                                            ADDED TO MAIN STAGE LINE-UP
    ) Brighton Pride issue a short update about Pride 2020 on March 20, about                          FOR FABULOSO PRIDE IN THE PARK
    their ongoing and developing plans for this years Brighton & Hove Pride event.
                                                                                                                                                 is resident choreographer and guest
    They posted this brief update on their facebook page: “With the current situation
                                                                                                                                                 judge on RuPaul’s Drag Race USA and
    regarding COVID-19 changing at a rapid pace, we are currently working on
                                                                                                                                                 has released multiple viral videos
    multiple contingency plans for the delivery of a safe and successful event. With
                                                                                                                                                 including original songs. Todrick
    August being several months away, we are following government advice and will

                                                                                                                                                 starred as Lola in Kinky Boots on
    continue to review and implement plans accordingly.
                                                                                                                                                 Broadway, as Billy Flynn in Chicago on
                                                                                                                                                 Broadway and in the West End as well
                                                                                                       ) Brighton & Hove Pride has               as The Color Purple, Memphis, and
                                                                                                       announced that Bananarama are             Waitress on Broadway. In 2019 Todrick
                                                                                                       appearing on the main stage with          won Video for Good VMA as co-
                                                                                                       headliner Maria Carey on Saturday,        executive producer on Taylor Swift’s
                                                                                                       August 1, and Todrick Hall on the         LGBTQ+ anthem You Need to Calm
                                                                                                       main stage with headliners the            Down and has choreographed flash
                                                                                                       Pussycat Dolls on Sunday, August          mobs for Beyoncé.
                                                                                                       2 at FABULOSO Pride In The Park!

    “We would like to take this opportunity to thank and support the incredibly hard-                  Pop royalty Bananarama have had a
    working NHS and emergency service staff who are always a big and important part                    hit-packed career with success in both
    of Pride. Brighton & Hove Pride is an essential charity fundraising event for our                  pop and dance charts which saw them

                                                                                                                                                                                           TODRICK HALL
    city and whilst we don’t have a crystal ball, we sincerely hope the summer brings                  listed in the Guinness World Records
    brighter news so that we can all celebrate our wonderful community.                                for achieving the world's highest
                                                                                                       number of chart entries by an all-
    “Best wishes, and stay safe, The Pride team”                                                       female group. Between 1982 and 2009,      2020 is the 30th anniversary of
                                                                                                       they had 28 singles reach the Top 50 of   Brighton & Hove Pride culminating in a
    For up to date info keep checking: www.brighton-pride.org
                                                                                                       the UK singles chart and memorable        weekend of campaigning, celebrating
    and F brightonpride/
                                                                                                       Top 10s hits including I Want You Back,   and fundraising for LGBTQ+ and
                                                                                                       Robert De Niro's Waiting, Cruel           community projects in Brighton &
                                                                                                       Summer, Really Saying Something, I        Hove. Pride is a celebration of how far
    WHILE BRIGHTON & HOVE LIBRARIES                                                                    Heard A Rumour, Venus and Love In the     we have come but it’s also an ongoing
                                                                                                       First Degree. Their 2019 album In         campaign for those marginalised
    ARE CLOSED YOU CAN USE THEIR                                                                       Stereo went Top 30 in the UK.             communities at home and abroad who
    ONLINE SERVICES                                                                                    American singer-songwriter, actor,
                                                                                                                                                 still suffer persecution on a daily basis.
                                                                                                                                                 Pride’s fundraising events will ensure
    ) While all Brighton & Hove                                                                        director, choreographer and YouTuber      that vital funds are raised for local
    libraries have had to close due to                                                                 Todrick Hall is currently a dance         LGBTQ+ and community projects.
    the ongoing Coronavirus situation,                                                                 captain on the BBC’s The Greatest
    they do recommend using their                                                                      Dance and was a semi-finalist on the      For up to date information keep
    online services and apps such as                                                                   ninth season of TV’s American Idol. He    checking: www.brighton-pride.org
    BorrowBox and RBDigital where
    you can find eBooks, audiobooks,
    magazines, newspapers and comics, all free to use and with no overdue charges.                     SATURDAY DANCE TENT LINE-UPS
    They also have a huge range of ideas of how to access a range of content and
    how to use the library from home.
                                                                                                       ANNOUNCED FOR PRIDE IN THE PARK
                                                                                                                                                 The Men’s Dance Tent has
    If you’re concerned about your current library book or DVD loan becoming
                                                                                                                                                 London’s infamous juggernaut BRÜT
    overdue, don’t worry as Brighton & Hove libraries say: “Sorry everyone, but due
                                                                                                                                                 back for it’s fifth year. BRÜT hosts
                                              to the COVID19 situation all Brighton &
                                                                                                                                                 parties all over Europe, from Madrid
                                              Hove libraries are closed until further
                                                                                                                                                 and Barcelona to Milan and Rome.
                                              notice. All loans (books, DVDs, etc) are
                                                                                                                                                 The line-up includes: Paul Heron,
                                              being extended to June 30, 2020. No
                                                                                                                                                 Ross Jones, Luke Casey Brown
                                              new reservations are being taken for the                 ) This year Pride in the Park will        (LCB), Amyl, DJ Liam and Gina X.
                                              foreseeable future, as we cannot                         offer even more diverse LGBTQ+
                                              guarantee that we will be able to fulfill                artists, DJs and entertainment on         The Pride Dance Big Top is a force
                                              them (due to the extended loans).”                       Saturday, August, 1.                      to be reckoned with in global
                                                                                                                                                 nightlife culture, with Glitterbox’s
    USEFUL LINKS                                                                                       The Girls’ Dance Tent hosts the           inclusive, uplifting party atmosphere.
    To read newspapers and magazines, visit: www.pressreader.com/catalog                               hottest female DJ talent in the UK        The line-up includes: Joey Negro,
    For comics, magazines or audio books, visit: http://brighton.rbdigitalglobal.com                   mixing underground deep house and         Artwork, Simon Dunmore, Melvo
    To renew loans, visit: http://brighton-hove.spydus.co.uk                                           techno with classic hands in the air      Baptiste, Fat Tony, Hifi Sean and
    For up to date Brighton & Hove libraries info, follow: T @BHLibraries                              dance anthems. The line-up includes:      Seamus Haji.
                                                                                                       Jess Bays, Sami Kubu, Summer
    For more info about Brighton & Hove libraries, visit:                                              Ghemati, Emma Love, JoJo and              For tickets to all Pride events, visit:
    http://new.brighton-hove.gov.uk/libraries-leisure-and-arts/libraries                               Wildblood & Queenie.                      www.pride-tickets.org
We're online only this month but still with all the news, updates and features to keep you informed and entertained - Gscene

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                     F Ollies the Barbers
We're online only this month but still with all the news, updates and features to keep you informed and entertained - Gscene
                                                                                               DAILY NEWS UPDATES ON

                                                         LIONESSES PREPARE TO ROAR                                                             WHITEHAWK ULTRAS
                                                         ) Already football fans are looking forward to the UEFA Women’s EURO                  Stephen Wrench on being an unlikely fan of an unlikely team
                                                         tournament, which will kick off in London on July 7, 2021. England’s
                                                         Lionesses will soon be joining the other 15 nations, playing 31 matches at
                                                         venues countrywide, including three at the Brighton & Hove Community                  ) “This isn’t football,” shouted one fan at my umpteenth match at Whitehawk
                                                         Stadium. The first match will be held here on July 12, 2021, with others on           FC, “it’s conceptual art.” He wasn’t wrong. If you imagine football to be super-
                                                                                                   July 16 and 21, giving fans an              macho, super-homophobic and frankly a bit nasty, think again. Whitehawk FC,
                                                                                                   opportunity to see some of the world’s      Brighton’s alternative football team that’s currently flying high in all the glamour
                                                                                                   greatest players in action.                 of the Isthmian League South East Division, is none of these. Here’s what
                                                                                                                                               Whitehawk is: anti-homophobic, anti-sexist and anti-racist. A little eccentric. A
                                                                                                 Following the hugely successful
                                                                                                                                               lot of fun. There’s none of the multi-million-pound trappings of the Premier
                                                                                                 Women’s World Cup last year, it’s
                                                                                                                                               League here, no Ferraris parked in a gated enclosure, no pampered stars with
                                                                                                 anticipated that hundreds of thousands

                                                                                                                                               their own entourage. Players here have part-time jobs. The current goalkeeper,
                                                                                                 of fans will attend this tournament, and
                                                                                                                                               James Broadbent, is a teacher in real life.
                                                                                                 millions more will be glued to their
                                                         screens worldwide. Brighton & Hove’s stadium was chosen following a                   There are also the Ultras, the hard-core fans with the softest of hearts and the
                                                         successful bid by Brighton & Hove City Council, Brighton & Hove Albion FC             sharpest of wits. “Mister Broadbent,” they sing, “in a class of his own.” To stand
                                                         and the Sussex County Football Association.                                           among them is to be part of that conceptual art performance. Swearing isn’t
                                                                                                                                               permitted. Rainbow hats, scarves and banners are everywhere. Wit and laughter
                                                         Paul Barber, Albion chief executive, said: “Everyone at the football club is hugely
                                                                                                                                               and improvisation are very much encouraged. Drums? Of course. Kazoos?
                                                         excited to have the chance to host the 2021 European Championships. Our
                                                                                                                                               Naturally. Bugle and air raid siren? Of course. A lobster? If you're very lucky.
                                                         commitment to women’s and girls’ football is increasing all the time, and we are
                                                                                                                                               Fans sing throughout the match. Ah, the match. This is non-league football,
                                                         very much looking forward to welcoming some of the continent’s finest teams to
                                                                                                                                               where fans move behind the opponent’s goal for each half, the better to cheer as
                                                         our stadium.”
                                                                                                                                               a goal goes in and jeer good-naturedly at the visiting goalkeeper. Unsure of the
                                                         Ken Benham, Sussex County FA chief executive, added: “With the countdown              rules? Don’t know the words to the songs? Trust me, you’ll learn.
                                                         underway, excitement builds and we’re just as excited at the Sussex County FA.
                                                         This is a brilliant opportunity for us to showcase what passionate football people
                                                         we have in this country. We hope everyone will be out in force to welcome the
                                                         competition and enjoy having the world’s finest playing on our doorstep.”
                                                         Councillor Alan Robins, chair of the council’s tourism, development & culture
                                                         committee, said: “It’s exciting to have begun the countdown to what will
                                                         undoubtedly be one of the city’s greatest ever sporting events. We’re proud to be
                                                         hosting this prestigious tournament and look forward to the once in a lifetime
                                                         opportunities it will bring for our residents and visitors.”                                                                   THE ULTRAS CELEBRATE A GOAL WITH WHITEHAWK FC
                                                                                                                                                                                   IN THEIR RAINBOW FLAG AWAY KIT. PIC BY ANDY SCHOFIELD

                                                                                                                                               I’ve never been a full-blooded football fan before. Being gay and watching
                                                                                                                                               football didn’t seem compatible. Then I went to my first match at Whitehawk’s
                                                                                                                                               home ground, tucked away just beyond East Brighton Park, nestling under the

                                                                                                                                               Downs. By the time the Ultras broke into their ritualistic “Homophobia we say
                                                                                                                                               no, sexism we say no, racism we say no”, just after a version of Depeche
                                                                                                                                               Mode’s Just Can’t Get Enough, I was hooked. That was four seasons ago. I’ve
                                                                                                                                               been to just about every home match since, and increasingly to away matches
                                                                                                                                               too. These have the added bonus of a kit designed by artist David Shrigley,
                                                                                                                                               featuring the rainbow flag.
                                                                                                                                               It's been an invigorating tonic in difficult times. I'm long-term HIV positive and a
                                                                                                                                               new complication a few years ago sent my mental health into freefall. I became
                                                                                                                                               increasingly isolated. And yet I never missed a Whitehawk match. Somehow in
                                                                                                                                               that liberated zone, my anxious brain feels able to take a break. The rush of a
                                                                                                                                               goal going in beats any anti-depressant. The match doesn't need to go well for it
                                                                                                                                               to be a vintage afternoon. Whitehawk have been relegated twice in two seasons.
                                                                                                                                               “It's just like watching Whitehawk,” sing the Ultras when things are - sometimes
                                                         As a major hosting venue, Brighton & Hove already has an impressive array of          inevitably - going badly. But the most important song has the simplest chorus.
                                                         sporting events under its belt, including the Rugby World Cup in 2015, stage          “We say football's for all/football's for all/We're Whitehawk FC/where football's for
                                                         seven of the Tour of Britain bike race in 2014 and, of course, the annual Brighton    all.” It really is. Come and join us. You might just become hooked too.
                                                         Marathon, which is the UK’s largest marathon outside London.
                                                                                                                                               Whitehawk FC play at The TerraPura Ground, Brighton BN2 5TS. Entrance is
                                                         The 2021 UEFA Women’s final will be staged at Wembley Stadium on August               £10/£5 concessions. There’s free transport to the remaining matches this
                                                         1. England last staged this event in 2005. As one of only eight host cities,          season. Register at https://whitehawkfc.ktckts.com/brand/travel
                                                         Brighton & Hove has lined up volunteering opportunities and a slew of fan events
                                                         in the run-up to and during the tournament. As well as this there is a legacy                                          MORE INFO
                                                         programme, to improve access and participation for girls in the sport when the                                         ) For Whitehawk FC, visit: whitehawkfc.com
                                                         final whistle blows.                                                                                                   ) For Whitehawk Ultras, visit:
                                                         Ticket registration and applications to be part of UEFA Women’s EURO 2021                                              I F whitehawkultras
                                                         volunteer programme is now open. For more information on tickets and                                                   T hawksultras
                                                         volunteering, visit: www.uefa.com/womenseuro
                                                   DAILY NEWS UPDATES ON
                                                                                                                                 Deborah Gold, chief executive of NAT (National AIDS
             MILESTONE MOMENT                                                                                                    Trust), said: “We’re delighted PrEP will finally be freely
                                                                                                                                 available to all those who need it in England, with no

             IN THE BATTLE FOR PREP                                                                                              cap on spaces. This is a milestone moment in a five-
                                                                                                                                 year battle National AIDS Trust, along with other
                                                                                                                                 organisations and countless activists, has undertaken.
             The Department of Health & Social Care has announced £16 million will be                                            This included our 2016 court action against NHS
             made available to local authorities in England for the routine commissioning                                        England for failing to consider PrEP and HIV prevention
                                                                                                                                 as part of their obligations.
             of PrEP, the HIV prevention drug, in 2020.
                                                                                                                                 “It’s been clear for a long time that the trial could not
                                                                                                                                 meet demand for PrEP, with spaces at some clinics
                                                                                                                                 filling up fast. Routine commissioning is needed
                                                                                                                                 urgently to increase access and provide much needed
                                                                                                                                 certainty to those on the trial.
                                                                                                                                 “While we’re relieved at this announcement, making
                                                                                                                                 the medication available is not the end goal – it’s just
                                                                                                                                 one part of the struggle. The trial has successfully
                                                                                                                                 engaged with gay and bisexual men. However, very few
                                                                                                                                 other groups at risk – including women and non-binary
                                                                                                                                 people – are accessing places. We risk embedding
                                                                                                                                 inequalities from the outset if we fail to grasp this. We
                                                                                                                                 urgently need to see investment in engagement and
                                                                                                                                 community-based services to ensure no one is left
                                                                                                                                 It has been confirmed that this money will be on top of
                                                                                                                                 the local authority public health grant, through which
             ) Matt Hancock, the secretary of state for health &       contracted HIV, which is unacceptable and cannot          sexual health services are funded. Local authorities are
             social care, announced last month that HIV                continue. Immediate work needs to take place with         still awaiting details of their public health allocations
             prevention drug PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) is to     clinics which are currently at capacity for gay and       for the coming financial year.
             be made routinely available in England to those who       bisexual men and a timetable must be set out for
             need it for the first time with £16 million of funding    when uncapped access will be made available across
             for local authorities to deliver it.                      all parts of England.
             The Department of Health is providing funding for         “Like everything that’s been achieved since the start
             PrEP to be available to anyone who could benefit via      of the HIV epidemic this commitment on uncapped
             sexual health clinics. This follows on from a three-      PrEP access has been hard fought for. We would like
             year capped trial, which is due to end in October.        to pay tribute to everyone who has raised a placard,

                                                                                                                                                                                             DEBORAH GOLD
             Although, despite a doubling of places to 26,000,         written to their MP, campaigned on social media and
             many clinics are already paused to recruitment for        helped to move us to where we are today. It’s
             gay and bisexual men due to demand.                       amazing what can be achieved by HIV organisations
                                                                       and activists working together.                           Gold added: “With not long to go before the new
                                                                                                                                 financial year and in the context of enormous press on
                                                                       “This announcement also underlines the urgency for        our health and social care system right now, it’s
                                                                       the government to release details for local authority     extremely difficult for councils to plan their sexual
                                                                       public health budget for the delivery of vital sexual     health services.
                                                                       health services from April. These sexual health
                                                                       services will be the bedrock for fair and equitable       “We’re very concerned this access will be PrEP being
                                                                       access to PrEP.”                                          patchy, with some communities struggling to get it at
                                                                                                                                 first. Those clinics already involved in the PrEP IMPACT

                                                                       On the challenges ahead, Ian dded: “This isn’t the        Trial will be more prepared than others to deliver a
                                                                       end of what’s already been a very bumpy road and          comprehensive PrEP programme. We will be working
                                                                       we will continue to strongly hold the government to       with colleagues across the system to support effective
             Ian Green, chief executive at HIV/sexual health
                                                                       account on its promises and timetable to ensure           planning to reduce access inequality.
             charity Terrence Higgins Trust (THT), said: “This is an
                                                                       consistency of access for PrEP users. That’s because
             important day in the context of the HIV epidemic. It                                                                “This announcement only covers a one-year period
                                                                       there must be a seamless transition from the trial and
             comes after years of fighting, campaigning and                                                                      (2020-21) and work must begin immediately to make
                                                                       no gap in PrEP provision for those who are accessing
             lobbying to secure a guarantee of proper access to                                                                  sure we don’t face further uncertainty in a year’s time.
             this game-changer for HIV prevention in England. We                                                                 We cannot rest on our laurels, there’s a long way to go
             know PrEP is highly effective at stopping HIV and now     “There is also a lot of work to do to ensure PrEP isn’t   until we have a sustainable funding solution that not
             it can be properly utilised to make good on the           just seen as something for gay and bisexual men and       only covers the cost of PrEP but ensures it reaches
             government’s commitment to ending HIV                     that its clear benefits reach other groups affected by    every single person who needs it.”
             transmissions by 2030.                                    HIV, including women, trans people and BAME
                                                                       communities. As the country’s leading HIV and sexual      MORE INFO
             “We understand that COVID-19 is putting pressure on
                                                                       health charity, we’re fully committed to playing our      ) For Terrence Higgins Trust, visit: www.tht.org.uk
             all parts of our health service. However, despite this
                                                                       role to ensure no-one is left behind when it comes to     ) For PrEP, visit: www.iwantprepnow.co.uk
             announcement, we are facing an imminent and
                                                                       PrEP because we’re not making real progress if it’s       ) For National AIDS Trust, visit: www.nat.org.uk
             unacceptable gap on PrEP access in England. We
                                                                       not felt by everyone.”
             know of instances where people waiting for PrEP have
                                                       DAILY NEWS UPDATES ON

                 LONDON HIV/AIDS HOSPITAL                                                             THT OFFERS FREE ONE-DAY HIV
                 THREATENED WITH CLOSURE                                                              AWARENESS TRAINING COURSES
                 ) The Mildmay, London's only dedicated HIV hospital, faces closure with
                 critics of the decision stating that NHS England is misunderstanding the                                                        This training will cover: HIV Facts &
                 ongoing needs of people living with HIV.                                                                                        Figures
                                                                                                                                                 • HIV Awareness (transmission,
                                               Steve Wardlaw, prominent LGBTQ+ activist and                                                        treatment, myths)
                                               chairman of Emerald Life, an insurance broker                                                     • Understanding the implications of
                                               which sources policies for people living with                                                       life with HIV (stigma, discrimination,
                                               previously uninsurable conditions such as HIV,                                                      treatment, side effects)
                                               said: “We should stop referring to the famous visit    ) Terrence Higgins Trust (THT)             • How best to provide quality of care
                                               made by Princess Diana, as it makes the Mildmay        Brighton has announced new dates of          to people living with HIV
                                               sound like a museum relic. It shouldn't be saved                                                  • Case studies of people living with

                                                                                                      its free one-day HIV Awareness
                                               because of its historic value, but because it still    training courses with the first taking       HIV
                                               provides much-needed services for those living         place on Monday, April 27 at THT,
                                               with HIV who do develop complications.”                                                           If you are unable to attend this month’s
                                                                                                      61 Ship Street, Brighton.
                                                                                                                                                 course, the other dates are:
                 Over the past 30 years, The Mildmay has made great strides in reducing               HIV infection and treatment has            Wednesday, June 17, Tuesday, July
                 mortality and new infection rates for people living with HIV, particularly within    changed significantly over the past 30     14, or Wednesday, August 19.
                 the gay and bisexual male community. The HIV-focused facility was a core part        years, so is your knowledge up to
                 of service provision at the height of the Aids crisis but, as the hospital points                                               The courses fill up fast, so sign up
                                                                                                      date? Would you know how best to
                 out, despite huge improvements in HIV                                                                                           ASAP by leaving a message for Alice
                                                                                                      support someone or care for
                 treatment and survival, the needs for HIV                                                                                       Booth specifying the date and time
                                                                                                      someone living with HIV? This
                 services have not gone away. They have                                                                                          suitable by calling 01273 764200
                                                                                                      training is aimed at anyone who
                 simply evolved and in a way are more                                                                                            or emailing alice.booth@tht.org.uk
                                                                                                      needs to improve their knowledge and
                 complex than they were when HIV infection                                            understanding of HIV, and to better        Free one-day HIV Awareness
                 usually meant premature death. Senior NHS                                            understand what it means to live with      training courses at THT, 61 Ship
                 doctors say that this type treatment will be                                         HIV. It is relevant to anyone who          Street, Brighton, BN1 1AE on Monday,
                 required for many years to come.                                                     works with people who may be living        April 27 (other dates available) from
                 The Mildmay, which is a charity providing NHS services and not an NHS Trust,         with HIV or at risk of acquiring HIV, or   10am, free tea & coffee provided.
                 says: “MPs and government ministers are considering whether Mildmay’s                who manages staff supporting HIV
                                                                                                                                                 For more info, visit: www.tht.org.uk
                 services can be commissioned directly by NHS England like other specialist           patients.
                 services already are, but time is running out fast.” If the facility, which costs
                 around £5 million a year to run, does run out of money, it will have to close.
                 The hospital adds: “Even though Mildmay costs less per patient than acute NHS
                                                                                                      WORLD’S END RAISES £203.03
                 hospitals, and our highly-skilled doctors, nurses and therapists are experts in      FOR ALLSORTS YOUTH PROJECT
                 specialist HIV care, desperately sick patients are not being transferred from
                 London’s main NHS hospitals and are blocking beds that are urgently needed for
                 other patients.”
                 Doctors, patients, MPs and campaigners are calling on the government to grant
                 Mildmay enough funding for at least another year, while new sources of income
                 can be found.
                 Wardlaw is concerned that, among the headline-grabbing investment
                 statements, closures such as this are unnoticed budget cuts. “The Mildmay
                 provides very specialised neurological services for people living with HIV, and it
                 seems that nowhere in these closure plans is an alternative being discussed. If
                 that is the case, we aren't losing a treasured memento, we are losing a vital
                 service for some of the most marginalised in society. There is a serious risk that
                 a populist government may take this opportunity to cut services that are seen as
                                                                                                      ) World’s End, Brighton held an            Allsorts Youth Project listens to,
                 niche, as a sleight of hand move.”
                                                                                                      International Women's Day fundraiser       supports and connects children &
                 In late 2016, The Sussex Beacon faced imminent closure in similar                    for Allsorts Youth Project last            young people under 26 who are
                 circumstances. In Brighton & Hove there was a local outcry, with thousands           month, raising £203.03 in the              lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or
                 signing an online petition and its plight discussed in parliament thanks to all      process. Hosted by the fabulous Dee        unsure (LGBTU) of their sexual
                 three local MPs. Local businesses and other HIV charities, including Terence         Dee, the event was a chance to             orientation and/or gender identity.
                 Higgins Trust (THT), stepped in with support and by the end of the following         celebrate community spirit and see         For more info, visit:
                 year the Beacon’s finances were once again secured.                                  some incredible local talent, from         www.allsortsyouth.org.uk/
                                                                                                      poets to singers, including
                 The Department of Health has established the HIV Commission, together with
                                                                                                      phenomenal acts from the young
                 THT and the National AIDS Trust, to eliminate new HIV infections by 2030. It
                                                                                                      people at Allsorts.
                 remains to be seen if the work taking place at The Mildmay will be part of that
                 journey.                                                                             Allsorts Youth Project said: “A huge
                                                                                                      well done to our young people who
                 Supporters are invited to sign the petition on the hospital’s website:
                                                                                                      got involved.We had a fab time and all
                                                                                                      of the performers were inspiring.”

) More than 200 bowlers representing 26 LGBTQ+ organisations gathered in
the Bowlplex at the Marina for the 15th annual Bowling Extravaganza organised
by the Brighton LGBTQ+ Sports Society (BLAGSS). To see the venue
exclusively used by local LGBTQ+ organisations competing for the trophy was a
fantastic sight, said organisers – an ideal time to meet up with old friends and
make some new ones.
The event allowed regular bowlers and those who play once a year to come
together for a night of fun and team spirit. This year's winners were Outdoor Lads,
followed by Bear-Patrol, and Gay Men's Chorus in third place. BLAGSS Golf,              LEFT GARY PARGETER, CENTRE DAWN GLASTONBURY & JOHN MOORE (BLAGSS) WITH LUNCH POSITIVE VOLUNTEERS
BLAGSS Bowling/Running and Peer Action occupied 4th, 5th and 6th places.
At this year's event BLAGSS raised £750 for Lunch Positive as a result of
generous contributions from a raffle on the night, with prizes presented from
participating teams.
John Moore, BLAGSS chair, said: “This is a fantastic event that brings the local
community together. It was not just about taking part as competition was fierce, with
Outdoor Lads playing well to defend the title they won last year. We are delighted to
support Lunch Positive, which provides valuable services for local people.”
Gary Pargeter, Lunch Positive service manager, said: “Thank you so much to
everyone at BLAGSS for staging this wonderful event and for the brilliant funds
raised for Lunch Positive. Lunch Positive is a small charity that reaches widely and
involves many people with HIV. We help in many ways. This fundraising will directly
support our emergency food bank and community food provision for people with
“This will especially help the development of additional food provision for people
with HIV who are insecurely housed, street-homeless, and people experiencing
both financial and housing difficulties. These funds raised will have a direct impact
on the level of support we provide and the people we reach. We are deeply
Next year’s BLAGSS Bowling Extravaganza will take place on Wednesday,
February 24, 2021.
BLAGSS bowls every two weeks at the Marina. Come along and join – your first
session is free. For more information, visit: www.blagss.org
                                                       DAILY NEWS UPDATES ON

                 INTRODUCED IN CANADA          ) A West End theatre production
                                               was left in turmoil when an actress
                 ) Last month, amendments to the Criminal Code proposing to ban so-called                  pulled out of a play over its failure
                 ‘conversion therapy’ practices to change, suppress, or divert one’s sexual                to cast a transgender actor in the
                 orientation or gender identity were introduced in Canada by its ministers of Justice      main role. Kate O’Donnell withdrew

                                                                                                                                                                                          KATE O’DONNELL
                 & Diversity, Inclusion & Youth.                                                           from the new stage musical
                                                                                                           adaptation of Patrick McCabe's
                 Conversion therapy practices are already illegal in a number of provinces and
                                                                                                           novel Breakfast on Pluto after an
                 cities around Canada, including Ontario, Manitoba, Vancouver, Calgary, and
                                                                                                           Irish actor, Fra Fee, was selected to
                 Edmonton. The Act to amend the Criminal Code (conversion therapy) goes a step                                                     they hadn't made enough effort and
                                                                                                           play the leading role of
                 beyond regional bans and proposes nationwide criminalisation of the practices,                                                    the casting decision prompted
                                                                                                           Patrick/Pussy Braden.
                 naming specifically the prohibition of causing minors to undergo conversion                                                       outcry on social media, with many
                 therapy at home or abroad, as well as criminalising advertising of and profiting          O'Donnell, who is herself               calling for the production to be
                 from conversion therapy. If passed, Canada will join Malta, Ecuador, Brazil, and          transgender, was cast as                cancelled if a trans performer could
                 Taiwan, becoming only the fifth country in the world to ban conversion therapy at a       Patrick/Pussy Braden's mother in        not be found.
                 national level.                                                                           the production, due to be staged at     O'Donnell said to the BBC: "I could
                                                                                                           the Donmar Warehouse in London          not be in a show where a trans
                 In August 2019, OutRight Action International released the groundbreaking
                                                                                                           and to open in October.                 woman is once again seen as a
                 report Harmful Treatment: The Global Reach of So-Called Conversion Therapy,
                 showing that, while conversion therapy practices vary across religious, cultural, or      While producers insisted they had       man in a dress as this perpetuates
                 traditional contexts and range in their forms of psychological and physical               tried to find a transgender performer   the idea that this is what a trans
                 violence, they are prevalent in countries across the globe. They have been                for the role, O'Donnell complained      woman is”
                 condemned by all major psychological, psychiatric, and medical associations,
                 including the World Psychiatric Association and the Canadian Psychological
                 Association, and are recognised to cause deep, lasting trauma on those who are
                 forced, or choose, to undergo them.                                                       TWENTY CITIES EXPRESS INTEREST
                                      Jessica Stern, Executive Director of OutRight Action                 IN HOSTING GAY GAMES XII IN 2026
                                      International, comments: “So-called ‘conversion therapy’ efforts
                                                                                                           ) The Federation of Gay Games
                                      hinge on the belief that cis-gender heterosexuality is the norm,
                                                                                                           has received a record number of
                                      and transgender identities and/or same-sex attraction not only

                                                                                                           expressions of interest from cities
                                      fall outside the norm, but have to be changed, if need be by
                                                                                                           around the globe to be the host of
                                      brutal, inhuman force. By introducing a bill which foresees a
                                                                                                           the Gay Games XII in 2026.
                                      nationwide ban, the government of Canada has sent a powerful
                 message – that LGBTQ+ people are not in need of change or cure. I commend                 The cities are: Brisbane, Australia;
                 the ministers in question for taking this important step, and urge authorities to         São Paulo, Brazil; Toronto, Canada;
                 bolster this effort with measures designed to promote understanding and inclusion         Munich, Germany; Dublin, Ireland;
                 of LGBTQ+ people, thus tackling the root causes of these harmful, inhuman                 Guadalajara, Mexico; Amsterdam,
                 practices.”                                                                               Netherlands; Auckland, New
                                                                                                           Zealand; Lisbon, Portugal; Cape
                 International attention on so-called conversion therapy has grown in recent months
                                                                                                           Town, Durban, South Africa;
                 and years. The UN’s Independent Expert on protection against violence and                                                         seriously. Our goal is to make it
                                                                                                           Valencia, Spain; Taipei, Taiwan;
                 discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity is working on a                                                    easier for the Games to come to
                                                                                                           Liverpool, UK; Austin, Fort
                 report on the topic due to be issued in June 2020. A nationwide ban is pending in                                                 cities and we are on the right track
                                                                                                           Lauderdale, Minneapolis, New
                 Germany; bans have also been considered in the UK, Ireland, Australia, Chile and                                                  for doing that.”
                                                                                                           Orleans, San Diego, Seattle, USA.
                                                                                                           Dave Killian, Officer of Site           The RFP will be available March 1
                                                                                                           Selection, said: “We are extremely      and April 30 and will identify the
                                                                                                           delighted to have received this         official contenders for host status
                 SWISS VOTE FOR ANTI-LGBTQ+ DISCRIMINATION                                                                                         for Gay Games XII as that is the
                                                                                                           record amount of interest for the
                 ) Switzerland is on its way to making discrimination on the grounds of sexual             Gay Games! The excitement of 20         date that Letters of Intent are due.
                 orientation and sexual identity illegal. A vote on the issue resulted in 63.1% in         cities from six continents shows        For more information on the
                                                    favour to 36.9% against and looks set to bring         that countries want to not only         process, including timelines, visit:
                                                    Swiss law more in line with that of other European     welcome diverse communities to          www.gaygameshk2022.com
                                                    countries. Discrimination because of race or           their cities but also want to be a      The Gay Games was conceived by
                                                    religion is already illegal in the country and this    place of community and                  Dr. Tom Waddell, an Olympic
                                                    latest vote is seen as a sign that public opinion is   connectedness for all people. These     decathlete, as a way to empower
                                                    more weighted in favour of anti-discrimination         are the Games that change the           LGBTQ+ athletes and artists
                                                    than analysts had thought.                             world and the growing interest in       through sport, culture, and
                 Pink Cross Switzerland was quoted by the BBC as saying: “The result proves a              participation, hosting and              fellowship. It was first held in San
                 strong sign of acceptance for lesbians, gays and bisexuals. After the clear yes, the      volunteering proves that.               Francisco in 1982. Gay Games XI
                 LGBTQ+ community will use this momentum to achieve the consistent                         “We listen closely to our members       will be held in Hong Kong in 2022.
                 implementation of the penal code and to enforce marriage equality.”                       and take the feedback on the            For more info, visit
                 A bill to legalise same-sex marriage is currently on its way through parliament.          submission process from previous        www.gaygameshk2022.com
                                                                                                           bidders and host cities very
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