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We've improved our insights to help you improve your business - Pharmacy Daily
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Copyright © 2019 Mylan N.V. All rights reserved. Alphapharm Pty Ltd (trading as Mylan Australia) ABN 93 002 359 739. Level 1, 30–34 Hickson Road, Millers Point NSW 2000.
Tel: 1800 274 276. www.mylan.com.au. DH MYL0561. NON-2019-0754. Date of preparation: July 2019.
We've improved our insights to help you improve your business - Pharmacy Daily
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Work underway to bring RTPM to NSW                                                                                                                                Today’s issue of PD
                                                                                                                                                                    Pharmacy Daily today has
  NSW is set to join Victoria,            He told the Assembly that the                                                                                           two pages of news, a front
Tasmania and the ACT in                 deceased woman, Rachael Brown,                                                                                            cover wrap from Mylan plus a
implementing a real-time                had developed an addiction to
                                                                                                                                                                  full page from Razor Group.
prescription medicine monitoring        prescription sleeping pills after her
system (RTPM).                          father had been severely injured 12
  A spokesperson for NSW Health         years ago.
Minister, Brad Hazzard, told              As her addiction spiralled out of                                                                                         Mylan insights
Pharmacy Daily that “work is            control she would travel around                                                                                               MYLAN is highlighting
already underway” to develop an         the Northern Beaches and Sydney                                                                                             its updated My Business
RTPM for the state.                     to obtain scripts from GPs who                                                                                              Health platform which helps
  With NSW joining the push for         were unaware of her addiction, and                                                                                          pharmacies track and improve
RTPM, Western Australia is the          then visit pharmacies to have the                                                                                           key metrics - see cover page.
only state yet to indicate it will      prescriptions filled.                   where her daughter was and could
implement a system to tackle              Stokes said Brown’s mother,           go to collect her.”
doctor shopping                         Cheryl, “would visit the GPs and          A number of state coroners across
  News that the state will introduce    the pharmacies asking for them to       the country have called to the                                                      Light mask recall
real-time monitoring comes less         voluntarily share with her whether      implementation of RTPM “ideally                                                       JOHNSON & Johnson
than a month after Hazzard’s            Rachael sought prescriptions from       as part of a national system”, to                                                   Pacific, in consultation with
colleague Rob Stokes, NSW Minister      them, as any concerned mother           combat the rise of prescription-                                                    the Therapeutic Goods
for Planning and Public Spaces,         would earnestly do”.                    drug-related deaths (PD 27 Jun),                                                    Administration (TGA), is
raised the issue in an address to the     “Some would, some would               while Pharmaceutical Society of                                                     recalling Neutrogena Visibly
state’s Legislative Assembly.           not on the grounds of patient           Australia NSW Branch President,                                                     Clear Light Therapy Acne Mask
  Stokes said he had been alerted       confidentiality,” he said               Peter Carroll, had expressed                                                        and Activator.
to the need for an RTPM by a family       “Cheryl told me that a couple of      disappointment that the State                                                         The device is also being
in his Pittwater constituency, whose    pharmacies would call her when          Government had not found funding                                                    withdrawn from the market
daughter died on 16 May after an        she was at her wits’ end saying,        for real-time monitoring in the                                                     due to potential irreversable
overdose.                               ‘Rachael is here now’ so she knew       Budget (PD 19 Jun).                                                                 retinal damage - tga.gov.au.

  Embedding pharmacists is key - PSA                                              Celltrion Healthcare joins GBMA
    THE alarming issue of               facilities,” he said.                       KOREAN biopharmaceutical
  medicine-related harm in                Freeman highlighted the PSA’s           company, Celltrion Healthcare,
  residential aged care facilities      recent Medicine Safety: Take              has indicated its intention to join
  could be improved by embedding        Care report which showed that             Australia’s Generic and Biosimilar
  pharmacists, according to the         98% of residents in residential           Medicines Association (GBMA).
  Pharmaceutical Society of             aged care facilities had at least           The company will be the first                                             engagement saying, “This is
  Australia (PSA).                      one medicine related problem,             GBMA member to join the new                                                 further evidence of the role
    A new PSA submission to the         and more than half were exposed           internal subgroup, Biosimilar                                               that biosimilar medicines can
  Royal Commission into Aged Care       to at least one potentially               Membership.                                                                 play in ensuring a sustainable
  Quality and Safety has called for     inappropriate medicine.                     GBMA Chief Executive                                                      healthcare system for Australian
  a national program to embed             “Pharmacists, with their                Officer, Marnie Peterson,                                                   patients, particularly for the
  pharmacists across the country.       unique expertise in medicines             welcomed Celltrion Healthcare’s                                             Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme”.
    PSA National President, Chris       and medicine management, are
  Freeman, said residents in            ideally placed to identify and
  the facilities “deserve to have       help resolve these issues”.
  timely and regular access to the        The PSA President said
  expertise of a pharmacist if they     it had been clear through
  require advice and support with       evidence provided to the Royal
  their medicines and medicine          Commission that “we need to
  management”.                          have pharmacists protecting
    “The health of the aged             patients from the inappropriate
  care sector matters a great           prescribing and use of medicines.”
  deal to pharmacists and many            He also called for other
  pharmacists already contribute        measures including aged care
  to activities and services to         workforce education and training
  improve resident safety and           by pharmacist and timely access
  system changes impacting on           to Residential Medication
  quality and safety in health care     Management Reviews.

Pharmacy Daily             e info@pharmacydaily.com.au                  t 1300 799 220           w www.pharmacydaily.com.au                                                                page 1
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                                                                                                                                                              Sign up to help treat The Big O – Osteoporosis.

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                                                                                                                                                              Disease education message by Amgen Australia. Amgen Australia,
                                                                     Friday 19th July 2019                                                                    North Ryde NSW 2113. ABN 31 051 057 428. www.amgen.com.au.
                                                                                                                                                              Copyright Amgen Australia Pty Ltd. AU-11235. Approved May 2019.

              Dispensary                                 Amcal in diabetes race                                                                                                                                   PBAC redactions
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    THE Department of Health
                Corner                                                                                                                                                                                            will be hosting a webinar on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  30 Jul, 12noon to 1.30pm, to
 PROFESSIONAL cycling                                                                                                                                                                                             provide industry, consumers
 has long been the domain                                                                                                                                                                                         and clinicians with information
 of amateur “pharmacists”,                                                                                                                                                                                        on the process changes to
 with competitors notoriously                                                                                                                                                                                     the standardised redactions
 investing considerable time                                                                                                                                                                                      of Pharmaceutical Benefits
 and effort into learning about                                                                                                                                                                                   Advisory Committee (PBAC)
 various compounds.                                                                                                                                                                                               Public Summary Documents.
   This passion for pharmacy                                                                                                                                                                                        CLICK HERE to register.
 is coming to Australian TV
 screens this weekend as part of                           HOPING to repeat last year’s                                              “Our research into diabetes
 a HBO Mockumentary, Tour de                             successful diabetes awareness and                                         indicates that negative attitudes
 Pharmacy, and will air on the
 Comedy Channel at 8:30pm
                                                         education campaign in partnership
                                                         with diabetes patient, Mobil 1
                                                                                                                                   and misconceptions among the
                                                                                                                                   general public regarding diabetes
 eastern time.
   The 40-minute parody
                                                         MEGA Racing Supercars driver                                              largely still exists,” he said.                                                                         Calendar
                                                         and fan favourite, Jack Perkins                                             “For example, more than a
 mixes “archival footage”                                (pictured), Amcal Pharmacy is                                             quarter of Australians still consider
 from a fictional 1982 race,                                                                                                                                                                                       WELCOME to Pharmacy
                                                         teaming up with the speed king                                            diabetes to be a self-inflicted                                                  Daily’s events calendar,
 airing “interviews” with the                            once more.                                                                disease and a burden on the health
 participants around the “dopiest                                                                                                                                                                                opportunities to earn CPE and
                                                           The focus this year will be to                                          system.                                                                                CPD points.
 year in Le Tour history”.                               break down attitudinal barriers for                                         “By inviting Australians into
   During the show it is revealed                        the more than 630,000 Australians                                         Jack’s diabetes journey, we are                                                 If you have an upcoming
 that one rider had a cocktail of                        living with diabetes.                                                     able to humanise and amplify                                                  event you’d like us to feature,
 EPO, cocaine, anabolic steroids,                          Amcal General Manager, Brian                                            the possibilities when living with                                             email info@pharmacydaily.
 oxabolone, nandrolone,                                  Tomlin, commented on the                                                  diabetes along with connecting                                                           com.au.
 norethandrolone, furazabol,                             importance of highlighting the                                            and speaking directly with those                                                26 - 28 Jul: PSA19;
 heroin, oxycodone, MDA,                                 realities of living with, and the                                         Australians who may feel isolated.”                                              Hyatt Regency Sydney;
 crystal meth and “hormone                               importance of, managing diabetes.                                           For more, visit amcal.com.au.                                                  registrations now open:
 from monkey testicles”, as he
 sought to get an edge over the                          .
 competition.                                                                                                                                                                                                      04 - 07 Aug: Medici Capital
   The airing of the show will                               Everyday this week Pharmacy Daily and Plunkett’s are                                                                                                   Pharmacy Snow Business
 conclude just in time for viewers                           giving away the Superfade Accelerator plus a John                                                                                                      Conference 2019; Mt Buller,
 to flick over to SBS and marvel                             Plunkett cosmetic bag.                                                                                                                                 Victoria; register your
 at the feats of the modern                                                                                                                                                                                         interest here: www.medici.
                                                             Superfade Accelerator can be used for quicker
 peloton!                                                                                                                                                                                                           com.au
                                                             results with Superfade Creams or alone to help
                                                             remove superficial pigmentation. Contains                                                                                                             05 - 07 Sep: Pharmacy
                                                             a blend of AHAs including Ferulic acid                                                                                                                 Connect; Hilton Hotel,
                                                             cytovectors to gently exfoliate. RRP $19.95.                                                                                                           Sydney; for details and to
                                                             Visit: www.Superfade.com.au for more.                                                                                                                  register visit: www.pharmacy-
                                                             To win, be the first from VIC or TAS to send
                                                             the correct answer to the question to comp@                                                                                                           11 - 13 Oct: Pharmacy
                                                             pharmacydaily.com.au                                                                                                                                   Assistant National
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Conference; Sofitel Brisbane
                                                             Is Superfade                                                                                                                                           Central; for more info
                                                             Accelerator used in                                                                                                                                    and to register see: www.
                                                             the day or night?
                                                                                                 Congratulations to yesterday’s winner, Chi Nguyen.

                                     EDITORIAL                                                           ADVERTISING AND MARKETING                                           Suite 1, Level 2, 64 Talavera Rd
                                     Editor in Chief and Publisher – Bruce Piper                         Sean Harrigan, Hoda Alzubaidi and                                   Macquarie Park NSW 2113 Australia
                                     Senior Journalist – Nicholas O’Donoghue                             Melanie Tchakmadjian                                                PO Box 1010 Epping NSW 1710 Australia
                                     Reporter – Mal Smith                                                advertising@pharmacydaily.com.au                                    Tel: 1300 799 220 (+61 2 8007 6760)
 Pharmacy Daily is part of the       Contributors – Jasmine O’Donoghue, Adam
 Business Publishing Group family                                                                        BUSINESS MANAGER                                                    Sign up free at
                                     Bishop, Sarah Fairburn, Myles Stedman
 of publications.                                                                                        Jenny Piper                                                         www.pharmacydaily.com.au
 Pharmacy Daily is Australia’s                                                                           accounts@pharmacydaily.com.au
 favourite pharmacy industry         Pharmacy Daily is a publication of Pharmacy Daily Pty Ltd ABN 97 124 094 604. All content fully protected by copyright. Please obtain written permission to reproduce any material. While every
 publication.                        care has been taken in the preparation of the newsletter no liability can be accepted for errors or omissions. Information is published in good faith to stimulate independent investigation of the
                                     matters canvassed. Responsibility for editorial comment is taken by Bruce Piper.                                                                                                                       business events news

Pharmacy Daily                      e info@pharmacydaily.com.au                                                     t 1300 799 220                                 w www.pharmacydaily.com.au                                                         page 2
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