We went to look for meaning and all we got were these lousy representations: aspects of meaning representation for computational semantics

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We went to look for meaning and all we got were these lousy
 representations: aspects of meaning representation for computational

 Simon Dobnik, Robin Cooper, Adam Ek, Bill Noble, Staffan Larsson,
 Nikolai Ilinykh, Vladislav Maraev and Vidya Somashekarappa∗
 CLASP & FLoV, University of Gothenburg

 Abstract resentations are single representations which cover
 several meanings in cases where there is systematic
 In this paper we examine different meaning
 representations that are commonly used in dif-
arXiv:2109.04949v1 [cs.CL] 10 Sep 2021

 ferent natural language applications today and model theory Model theory deals with repre-
 discuss their limits, both in terms of the as- senting the relationship between language and the
 pects of the natural language meaning they are world.
 modelling and in terms of the aspects of the
 dialogue Dialogue semantics is sometimes
 application for which they are used.
 thought of as part of discourse semantics. However,
 1 Introduction there are many phenomena that occur in conver-
 sations with two or more participants that do not
 A crucial component to produce a “successful”
 occur in texts. These include fragmentary utter-
 NLP system is sufficiently expressive representa-
 ances, repair phenomena, utterances split between
 tions of meaning. We consider a sufficiently expres-
 different dialogue participants and overlap (dia-
 sive meaning representation to be one that allows
 logue participants speaking at the same time). This
 a system’s output to be considered acceptable to
 seems to warrant dialogue being treated as a feature
 native speakers given the task. In this paper we
 separate from discourse.
 present several features of meaning and discuss
 how different methods of deriving meaning repre- similarity of meaning In addition to meaning
 sentations capture these features. This list is by relations such as entailment there is a notion of
 no means exhaustive. It might be viewed as a first words, phrases and sentences having similar mean-
 attempt to discuss ways of establishing a general ings in various respects.
 methodology for evaluating meaning representa- robust non-logical inference This type of infer-
 tions and characterising what kinds of applications ence is discussed in e.g. the work on textual en-
 they might be useful for. The features we will dis- tailment. Rather than representing something that
 cuss are: follows logically, it corresponds to what conclu-
 compositionality The ability to compute the sions people might draw from a given utterance or
 meaning of phrases on the basis of the meanings of text, is often reliant on background knowledge and
 their immediate sub-constituents. is to a large extent defeasible.
 logic-based inference The ability to derive con- dynamic changes of meaning The meaning of
 clusions based on logical inference, including log- words and phrases can change over time and during
 ical inferences based on the semantics of logical the course of a text or dialogue.
 constants such as and, not and logical quantifiers grounding meaning in action and perception
 and also consequences that follow from additional While model theory purports to relate language
 axioms or “meaning postulates”. and the world it tells us little about how we relate
 discourse semantics This involves giving mean- our perception of the world and action in the world
 ing representations for units larger than a sentence. to the meaning of words and phrases. Such issues
 become important, for example, if we want to put
 natural language on board a robot.
 underspecification Underspecified meaning rep-
 multimodality The multimodal nature of commu-
 Euqual contribution.
nication becomes obvious when you begin to think mantics discussed above gave us the ability to treat
of meaning in terms of action and perception. discourse phenomena (that is, phenomena occur-
 The rigour of the work on semantics by Richard ring in texts or utterances of more than a single
Montague (Montague, 1973; Partee, 1976) inspired sentence, including cases of discourse anaphora).
early work on computational semantics (perhaps underspecification While there is some work on
the earliest was Friedman and Warren, 1978; Fried- underspecification of meaning in the theoretical lit-
man et al., 1978). Two high-points of the literature erature (Reyle, 1993), the most interest has been
on computational semantics based on Montague devoted to it in computational work based on for-
are Blackburn and Bos (2005), using logic pro- mal semantics (such as Alshawi, 1992; Bos, 1996;
gramming, and van Eijck and Unger (2010), us- Copestake et al., 2005).
ing functional programming. Montague’s semantic model theory Model theory associated with a
techniques have also played an important role in formal approach to semantics can in computational
semantic treatments using Combinatory Categorial terms relate to database query (Blackburn and Bos,
Grammar (CCG, Bos et al., 2004). 2005; van Eijck and Unger, 2010).
 One problem with Montague’s treatment of se-
mantics was that it was limited to the level of the What we have sketched above might be called
sentence. It could not, for example, deal with cross- the classical canon of formal semantics as it re-
sentence anaphora such as A dogi barked. Iti was lates to computational semantics. There is much
upset by the intruder. This, among several other that we would like to have for a computational se-
things, led to the development of Discourse Rep- mantics that is still lacking here. To some extent
resentation Theory (DRT, Kamp and Reyle, 1993; more recent developments address these gaps and
Kamp et al., 2011) and other variants of dynamic to some extent they are addressed by other kinds
semantics such as Heim (1982) and Groenendijk of meaning representations we discuss later in the
and Stokhof (1991). Here “dynamic” is meant in paper, though often at the expense of giving up on
the sense of treating semantic content as context (or at least having difficulty with) the features that
change potential in order, among other things, to be we listed above. Features lacking in the classical
able to pass referents from one sentence to a subse- canon include:
quent sentence in the discourse. This is a much less dialogue The notion that language is actually used
radical notion of dynamic interpretation than we in interaction between agents engaging in commu-
discuss in Section 3, where the meaning associated nication came quite late to formal semantics though
with a word or phrase may change as a dialogue there is now a significant body of theoretical work
progresses. DRT has played an important role in such as Ginzburg (1994, 2012). This gave rise to
computational semantics from early work on the the Information State Update approach to dialogue
Verbmobil project (Bos et al., 1996) to work by systems (Larsson, 2002). TTR (a type theory with
Johan Bos and others on the Groningen Meaning records, Cooper, 2005, in prep) has played an im-
Bank (http://gmb.let.rug.nl/) and the Parallel portant role in this.
Meaning Bank (https://pmb.let.rug.nl/). similarity of meaning The kind of meaning sim-
 What do we get from this body of work? Here ilarity that is discussed in connection with vector
are some of the features that we can get in a com- semantics (see Section 2) is hard to recreate in a
positional semantics based on this work. formal meaning representation, though the use of
compositionality Compositionality is one of the record types in TTR suggests that a connection
cornerstones of Montague’s approach. could be made.
logic-based inference The ability to derive con- robust non-logical inference The kind of infer-
clusions based on logical inference and the ability ence that is represented, for example, in work on
to characterise “meaning postulates” is a central textual entailment is hard to square with the logic-
feature of semantics in the Montague tradition. De- based inference discussed above. However, the
feasible reasoning has been added to this kind of work on topoi by Breitholtz (2020), perhaps cou-
framework (e.g., Asher and Lascarides, 2003) and pled with probabilistic TTR (Cooper et al., 2015),
systems have been connected to theorem provers is suggestive of a computational approach to this.
and model builders (Blackburn and Bos, 2005). dynamic changes of meaning Notions of mean-
discourse semantics The variants of dynamic se- ing negotiation and coordination have become cen-
tral in the literature on formal approaches to dia- that given a context C we are able to select x from
logue. We discuss this in Section 3. a vocabulary V . The results of such models is a
grounding meaning in action and perception matrix of size (N, D) where the row ni is the mean-
This has become central to theories such as TTR ing representation of word xi ∈ V . Contextualised
and Dynamic Syntax (Kempson et al., 2016) and representations on the other hand attempt to build a
we discuss this in Section 4. model which gives a word different representations
multimodality The multimodal nature of commu- given its context (i.e. dynamic representations).
nication becomes obvious when you begin to think The main difference between the two methods of
of meaning in terms of action and perception. We meaning representations is that in contextualised
discuss this in Section 5. methods the matrix (N, D) is accompanied by a
 model f , typically a language model, which yields
 Above we have mentioned examples of formal
 word representations given a sentence.
approaches which attempt to incorporate features
which are not present in the classical canon. An With distributed representations we may also
alternative strategy is to try to incorporate featuresreason analogically about words and about com-
from the classical canon in non-formal approaches binations of concepts, e.g. ”Russia” + ”River” =
(for example, Coecke et al., 2010) or to combine ”Volga” (Mikolov et al., 2013b). That is, we may
aspects of non-formal and formal approaches in a construct complex meaning by combining simpler
single framework (for example, Larsson, 2013; Erk parts. By adding the representation for “Russia”
and Herbelot, 2020). and “river” we obtain some vector z which con-
 tains information about the contexts of both “Rus-
2 Distributional meaning representations sia” and “river”. By querying the vector space for
Distributional representations of meaning can be words with a similar representation to that of z
traced back to Wittgenstein (1953), but was pop- we find other words with similar context, where
ularised by Firth (1957). The idea at its core is we find rivers in Russia and among them, Volga.
that the meaning of a word is given by its context. The success of distributed meaning representations,
Wittgenstein (1953) primarily speaks about mean- both static and contextualised, can in part be at-
ing in relation to the world, or some game, while tributed to the ability of a model to predict similar-
Firth (1957) speaks about language in relation to ity between units of language. Because meaning
language. The second notion of meaning, is the is defined as the context in which language occurs,
basis for distributional semantics. This notion is two vector representations can be compared and
both realised in the world (for example if someone their similarity measured. (Conneau and Kiela,
say “grab” sufficiently often when grabbing things), 2018; Vulic et al., 2020). This similarity, in the
and in language where if two words occur is the case of words, indicate whether they occur in sim-
same context, e.g. a and b occur in the context of ilar context. Or, in the case of sentences, indicate
“colour”, we know that they relate to colour. whether they have similar sentence meaning. For
 example, the sentences (1) “the price is 1 dollar”
 The two predominant approaches to construct-
 and (2) “the amount to pay is 100 cents” are es-
ing distributional meaning representations today is
 sentially equivalent. If we consider the sentence
using deep learning to construct distributed word
 “the price is 2 dollars” it’s arguably more similar
representations and contextualised word represen-
 to (1) and (2) than “the cat sat on the mat”. This
tations (Chrupała and Alishahi, 2019). In these
 problem has been explored in the STS (Semantic
approaches, the meaning of a word is encoded as
 Textual Similarity) shared tasks (Cer et al., 2017).
a dense vector of real valued numbers. The values
of the vector is determined by the task used for The ability to model similarity allows models to
training and the corpus used to train. discover relationships between units of language.
 Distributed word representations focus on build- It allows models to transfer knowledge between
ing static representations of words given a corpus. languages. For example, unsupervised word trans-
Popular techniques for obtaining these represen- lation can be done by aligning monolingual vector
tations are BoW (Bag-of-Words) or SGNS (Skip spaces. (Lample et al., 2018; Artetxe et al., 2018).
Gram with Negative Sampling), popularised by The transformer models (Vaswani et al., 2017) have
(Mikolov et al., 2013a). Distributed representa- also enabled zero-shot and transfer learning, e.g. by
tions construct a representation of a word x such learning English word representations and evaluat-
ing on a task in another language (Pires et al., 2019). ing (Norén and Linell, 2007). The situated meaning
The simplicity of static and contextualised mean- of a word is its disambiguated interpretation in a
ing representations allows us to construct mean- particular context of use. Meaning potential (or lex-
ing representations for any unit of language, be it ical meaning) is the system of affordances (Gibson,
words, sentences (Conneau et al., 2018), documents 1966; Gregoromichelaki et al., 2020) that a word
(Lau and Baldwin, 2016) or languages (Östling and offers for sense-making in a given context. In this
Tiedemann, 2017). conception, situated meaning is context dependent
 But a word, or a sentence may mean different by construction, but we also claim that the meaning
things depending on the context. For example a potential of a word depends on context of a certain
sentence in different domains will express different kind. In particular, it depends on what is common
meanings even if the words are exactly the same. ground (Stalnaker, 2002) between a speaker and
This presents a problem for distributed represen- their audience.
tations, as our observation of a word or sentence At a linguistics conference, a speaker might
in the real world may differ from what we have use words like attention or modality— words that
seen in the data. However, the effects of different would mean something completely different (or
domains may be counteracted by domain adapta- nothing at all) at a family dinner. The conference
tion techniques (Jiang and Zhai, 2007). The same speaker expects to be understood based on their and
holds for words, where a word may mean different their audience’s joint membership in the computa-
things depending on the sentence it occurs in. This tional linguistics community, where they (rightly
is a problem for static embeddings where a word is or wrongly) consider certain specialised meanings
associated with one and only one meaning represen- to be common ground. The communities that serve
tation. The problem is mitigated in contextualised as a basis for semantic common ground can be
representations that construct the meaning repre- as broad as speakers of Spanish (grounding the
sentations based on the context. That is, “mouse” “standard” Spanish lexicon), or as small as a nu-
will have a different representation when “animal” clear family or close group of friends (grounding
or “computer” is in the sentence. This does not specialised meanings particular to that group of
solve the problem but goes some way in disentan- people) (Clark, 1996).
gling the different meanings. Recent work in NLP has demonstrated the value
 Distributed representations enjoy success across of modelling context, including sentential (Sec-
a wide variety of NLP tasks. However, a conse- tion 2) and multimodal context (Section 4). in the
quence of automatically learning from a corpus re- representation of situated meanings. Very little
sults in some inherent shortcomings. A corpus is a work has been done to model the social context,
snapshot of a subset of language and only captures which provides the basis for semantic common
language as it was used then and there. This means ground. As a result, NLP models typically assume
that the meaning representations do not model lan- that words have a single, fixed lexical meaning.
guage as it changes (see Section 3). Additionally, We identify three related sources of lexical fluidity
the meaning representations are created from ob- that might be accounted for with dynamic meaning
serving language use, not from language use in the representations by incorporating social context of
world. A consequence of this is that distributional different kinds.
meaning representations don’t capture the state-of-
 Variation As demonstrated in the conference ex-
affairs in the world, i.e. the context, in which the
 ample, lexical meaning is community dependent.
language was used. In practical terms this means
 This doesn’t necessarily mean that every NLP ap-
that for tasks that depends on the state-of-affairs
 plication needs to mimic the human ability to tailor
in the world, such as robot control, dialogue or
 our semantic representations to the different com-
image captioning, a system needs to gather this
 munities we belong to, but some applications may
information from elsewhere.
 serve a broader set of users by doing so. Consider,
 for example, an application that serves both the
3 Dynamic meaning representations
 general public and experts in some domain.
Meaning is context dependent in (at least) two dif- Even where variation is not explicitly modelled,
ferent ways. To see how, we can make the distinc- it is an important factor to consider on a meta level.
tion between meaning potential and situated mean- In practice, NLP models typically target the most
prestigious, hegemonic dialect of a given language, 1992). The issue of semantic change also intersects
due in part to biases in what training data is eas- with that of variation, since coinages and shifts
ily available on the internet (Bender et al., 2021). in meaning that take place in one community can
This results in applications that favour users who cause the lexical common ground to diverge from
are more comfortable with the dominant language another community. Conversely, variants in one
variety. community may come to be adopted by another
 Furthermore, many applications assume a single (possibly broader) community.
variety of a given language, when in fact the train- The recent widespread use of distributional se-
ing data of the models they rely on is rather specific. mantics to study semantic change suggests that
The standard English BERT model, for example, is distributional representations are capable of captur-
trained on a corpus of unpublished romance novels ing change.1 Diachronic distributional representa-
and encyclopedia articles, but is applied as if it rep- tions have been used to study semantic change on
resents English written large. both a historic/language level (e.g., Dubossarsky
 et al., 2015; Hamilton et al., 2016) and on a short-
Alignment Semantic common ground is not only
 term/community level (Rosenfeld and Erk, 2018;
based on joint community membership— it can
 Del Tredici et al., 2019).
also be built up between particular agents through
interaction. Additions or modifications to existing While social context is not often taken into ac-
common ground can take place implicitly (through count in meaning representations, ongoing research
semantic accommodation) or explicitly, as in word on semantic variation and change suggests that
meaning negotiation (Myrendal, 2015). Experi- such dynamic representations are possible as exten-
ments have shown that pairs of speakers to develop sions of the formal and distributional paradigms.
shorter lexicalised referring expressions in when
 4 Grounded meaning representations in
they need to repeatedly identify a referent (Mills
 action and perception
and Healey, 2008).
 There is some hope for developing models that The meaning of words is not merely in our head.
dynamically update their meaning representations It is grounded in our surroundings and tied to our
based on interaction with other agents. Larsson and understanding of the world (Regier, 1996), partic-
Myrendal (2017) suggest an inventory of semantic ularly through visual perception (Mooney, 2008).
update functions that could be applied to formal Mapping language and vision to get multi-modal
meaning representations based on the results of an meaning representations imposes an important chal-
explicit word meaning negotiation. On the distribu- lenge for many real-world NLP applications, e.g.
tional side, one- or few-shot learning may eventu- conversational agents. This section describes how
ally allow models to generalise from a small num- different modalities are typically integrated to get a
ber of novel uses by drawing on existing structure meaning representation for language-and-vision
in the lexicon (Lake et al., 2019). One question that (L&V) tasks and what is still missing in the respec-
remains unexplored in both these cases is which tive information fusion techniques.
updates to local (dialogue or partner-specific) se- Historically, modelling of situated language has
mantic ground should be propagated to the agent’s been influenced by ideas from language technology,
representation of the communal common ground computer vision and robotics, where a combina-
(and to which community). This naturally bring up tion of top-down rule-based language systems was
the issue of community-level semantic change. connected with Bayesian models or other kinds of
Change How words change in meaning has long classifiers of action and perception (Kruijff et al.,
been an object of study for historical linguists (e.g., 2007; Dobnik, 2009; Tellex et al., 2011; Mitchell
Paul, 1891; Blank, 1999). Historical change may et al., 2012). In these approaches, most of the fo-
not seem like a particularly important thing for cus was on how to ground words or phrases in
NLP applications to model. After all, we can ac- representations of perception and action through
commodate for changes over decades or centuries classification. Another reason for this hybrid ap-
by simply retraining models with more current data, proach has also been that such models are partially
but significant semantic shift can also take place interpretable. Therefore, they has been a preferred
over a much shorter timeline, especially in smaller 1
 See Tahmasebi et al. (2018), Tang (2018), and Kutuzov
speech communities (Eckert and McConnell-Ginet, et al. (2018) for recent surveys.
choice in critical robotic applications where secu- swering (VQA) (Antol et al., 2015; de Vries et al.,
rity is an issue. The compositionality of semantic 2017) or visual dialogue (Das et al., 2017) make
representations in these systems is ensured by us- first attempts in modelling multi-modal meaning in
ing semantic grammars, while perceptual represen- multi-turn interaction. However, such set-ups are
tations such as SLAM maps (Dissanayake et al., asymmetric in terms of each interlocutor’s roles,
2001) or detected visual features (Lowe, 1999) pro- which leads to homogeneous question-answer pairs
vide a model for interpreting linguistic semantic with rigid word meaning. Conversational games
representations. Deep learning, where linguistic have been proposed as set-ups in which the mean-
and perceptual features are learned in an interde- ing of utterances is agreed upon in a collaborative
pendent manner rather than engineered, has proven setting. These settings allow for modelling mean-
to be greatly helpful for the task of image caption- ing coordination and phenomena such as clarifi-
ing (Vinyals et al., 2015; Anderson et al., 2018a; cation requests (Schlangen, 2019). Ilinykh et al.
Bernardi et al., 2016) and referring expression gen- (2019) propose a two-player coordination game,
eration (Kazemzadeh et al., 2014). MeetUp!, which imposes demands on a conversa-
 tional agent to utilise dialogue discourse and vi-
 A more in-depth analysis of how meaning is rep-
 sual information to achieve a mutual understanding
resented in these models is required. Ghanimifard
 with their partner. Haber et al. (2019) introduce
and Dobnik (2017) show that a neural language
 the PhotoBook task, in which the agent is required
model can learn compositionality by grounding an
 to be able to track changes in the meaning of re-
element in the spatial phrase in some perceptual
 ferring expressions, which is continually changing
representation. In terms of methodology for un-
 throughout the dialogue.
derstanding what type of meaning is captured by
the model, attention (Xu et al., 2015; Lu et al.,
 Examining L&V models and representations
2017) has been successfully used. Lu et al. (2016)
 they learn points to several signficiant and inter-
have shown that co-attending to image and question
 esting challenges. The first relates to the structure
leads to a better understanding of the regions and
 of both datasets and models. Many corpora contain
words the model is focused on the most. Ilinykh
 prototypical scenes where the model can primar-
and Dobnik (2020) demonstrate that attention can
 ily optimise on the information from the language
struggle with fusing multi-modal information into a
 model to generate an answer without even looking
single meaning representation based on the human
 at the image (Cadene et al., 2019). Secondly, infor-
evaluation of generated image paragraphs. This is
 mation captured by a language model is more com-
because the nature of visual and linguistic features
 pact and expressive than patterns of visual and geo-
and the model’s structure significantly impact what
 metric features. Thirdly, common-sense language
representations can be learned when using attention
 model and visual information is not enough (Lake
mechanism. Examining attention shows that atten-
 et al., 2017; Bisk et al., 2020; Tenenbaum, 2020):
tion can correctly attend to objects, but once it is
 we also rely on mental simulation of the scene’s
tasked to generate relations (such as prepositional
 physics to estimate, for example, from the appear-
spatial relations and verbs), attention visually dis-
 ance and position of a person’s body that they are
appears as these relations are non-identifiable in the
 making a jump on their skateboard rather than they
visual features utilised by the model. This leads sev-
 are falling over a fire hydrant. Such representa-
eral researchers to include specifically geometric
 tions are necessary for modelling embodied agents
information in image captioning models (Sadeghi
 (Anderson et al., 2018b; Das et al., 2018; Kottur
et al., 2015; Ramisa et al., 2015). On the other hand,
 et al., 2018). Fourthly, adding more modalities and
it has also been shown that a lot of meaning can
 representations puts new requirements on inference
be extracted solely from word distributions. Choi
 procedures and more sophisticated models of atten-
(2020) demonstrates how linguistic descriptions
 tion (Lavie et al., 2004) that weighs to what degree
encode common-sense knowledge which can be
 such features are relevant in a particular context. In
applied to several tasks while Dobnik and Kelleher
 recent years we have seen work along these lines
(2013); Dobnik et al. (2018) demonstrate that word
 implemented with a transformer architecture (Lu
distributions are an important contributing part of
 et al., 2019; Su et al., 2020; Herdade et al., 2019).
the semantics of spatial relations.
 However, the issue of interpretability in terms of
 Interactive set-ups such as visual question an- how individual parts (self-attentions) of large-scale
models process information from different modali- British National Corpus laughter is a quite frequent
ties is still an open question. signal regardless of gender and age—the spoken
 dialogue part of the British National Corpus con-
5 Representations of meaning expressed tains approximately one laughter event every 14
 with our body utterances. In the Switchboard Dialogue Act cor-
 pus non-verbally vocalised dialogue acts (whole
In this section we attempt to raise awareness of
 utterances marked as non-verbal) constitute 1.7%
the role of our bodies in meaning creation and per-
 of all dialogue acts and laughter tokens make up
ception in a bidirectional way. This includes how
 0.5% of all the tokens that occur in the corpus.
meanings can result in bodily reactions and, con-
 A much debated question is to what extent laugh-
versely, how meanings can be expressed with our
 ter is under voluntary control. Despite a very par-
bodies, including non-verbal vocalisations, gaze
 ticular bodily reaction (laughter causes tensions
and gestures.
 and relaxations of our bodies), it is believed that
5.1 Emotions we laugh in a very different sense from sneezing
 or coughing (Prusak, 2006). Many scholars agree
Our view of emotions is two-fold. On one hand,
 that we laugh for a reason, about something. One
meanings perceived from the environment can
 of the most prominent arguments against involun-
change our emotional states and be expressed in
 tary laughter is its social function, that is well-
bodily reactions. For instance, evaluating events
 documented (e.g., Mehu, 2011): laughter is as-
as intrinsically unpleasant may result in gaze aver-
 sociated with senses of closeness and affiliation,
sion, pupillary constriction and some of the other
 establishing social bonding and smoothing away
components listed by Scherer (2009). On the other
 discomfort. Even the “primitive” case of tickling
hand, our emotional states can be expressed and
 not only requires the presence of the other (self-
the expressions can be adjusted by emotional com-
 ticking is much less efficient), but also tickling
ponents, such as mood (Marsella et al., 2010).
 stimulation is likely to elicit laughter if subjects
 Over the last years appraisal theories became have close relationships (Harris, 1999). Therefore,
the leading theories of emotions (for overview, see it is hard to claim that the behaviour that is highly
Oatley and Johnson-Laird, 2014). These theories socially dependent can be involuntary.
posit that emotion arises from a person’s interpre-
 This leads us to the conclusion that the mean-
tation of their relationship with the environment.
 ing of laughter ought to be represented, which
The key idea behind cognitive theories is that emo-
 would allow an artificial agent to understand it
tions not only reflect physical states of the agents
 and react accordingly (Maraev et al., 2018). Maz-
but also emotions are judgements, depending on
 zocconi (2019) presents a function-based taxon-
the current state of the affairs (depending on a cer-
 omy of laughter, distinguishing, for example,
tain person, significance/urgency of the event etc.).
 such functions as indication of pleasant incon-
Such an evaluation is called appraisal. In our view,
 gruity or smoothing the discomfort in conversation.
linguistic events can as well enter the calculation
 Ginzburg et al. (2020) propose an account for for-
of appraisal on the level of information-state of the
 mal treatment of laughter within the information-
agent and the formal theories of emotions can be
 state of dialogue participants, which includes po-
implemented to model this process. For instance,
 tential scaling up to other non-verbal social signals,
following the view of Oatley and Johnson-Laird
 namely, smiling, sighing, eye rolling and frowning.
(2014) we can distinguish emotions as either free-
floating or requiring an object, whereas in the latter
case the object can be a linguistic entity, entity in 5.3 Gaze
the environment or a part of agent’s information- Gaze is one of the non-verbal signals with many
state (e.g., obstruction of the agent’s goal can lead functions. It can dictate attention, intentions, and
to anger or irritation, and, vice versa, agent’s sad- serve as a communicative cue in interaction. Gaze
ness can lead to the search for a new plan). following can infer the object people are looking
 at. While scanning a visual scene, the brain stores
5.2 Non-verbal vocalisations the fixation sequences in memory and reactivated
Non-verbal vocalisations, such as laughter, are it when visualising it later in the absence of any
ubiquitous in our everyday interactions. In the perceptual information (Brandt and Stark, 1997).
Scan-path theory illustrations indicate the meaning 2007). Speech and gestures are semantically and
representations on areas scanned depended on the temporally coordinated and therefore involved in
semantics of a sentence (Bochynska and Laeng, co-production of meaning.
2015). The existence of semantic eye fixations Meanings are conveyed by gestures through
supports the view of mental imagery that is intrinsi- iconicity and spacial proximity providing informa-
cally flexible and creative. Although it is grounded tion that are not necessarily expressed in speech
on particular previous experiences, by selecting (e.g., size and shape). Even though the shaping of
the past episode it is able to generalise the past gestures is related to the conceptual and semantic
information to novel images that share features aspects of accompanying speech, gestures cannot
with the novel item (Martarelli et al., 2017). The be unambiguously interpreted by naı̈ve listeners
spatial representations associated with semantic (Hadar and Pinchas-Zamir, 2004). While Morett
category launch eye movements during retrieval et al. (2020), showed that the semantic relationship
(Spivey et al., 2000). between representational gestures and their lexi-
 For dialogue participants gaze patterns act as re- cal affiliates are evaluated similarly regardless of
sources to track their stances. Interlocutors engage language modality.
in mutual gaze while producing agreeing assess- The mentions of referents for the first time in
ments (Haddington, 2006). Gaze shifts sequentially discourse are often accompanied by gestures. De-
follow a problematic stance and are followed by a breslioska and Gullberg (2020) report that “entity”
divergent stance by the person who produced the gesture accompanies referents expressed by indef-
gaze shift. Gaze patterns are not meaningful them- inite nominals. The clause structures specialise
selves but become so in dialogue, when combined for the introduction of the referents, which con-
with linguistic and other interactional practices. trasts the representation of “action” gestures that
 Eye movement patterns, EEG signals and brain co-occur with inferable referents expressed by defi-
imaging are some of the techniques that have been nite nominals.
widely used to augment traditional text-based fea- Fixing gesture functions, integrating the repre-
tures. Temporal course and flexibility with respect sentations originating from different modalities and
to speakers eye gaze can be used to disambiguate determining their composite meanings is challeng-
referring expressions in spontaneous dialogue. Eye ing. To develop an agent system, multimodal out-
tracking data from reading provide structural sig- put planning is crucial and timing should be explic-
nal with fine-grained temporal resolution which itly represented. Lücking (2016) approaches some
closely follows the sequential structure of speech of the challenges from type-theoretic perspective,
and is highly related with the cognitive workload representing iconic gestures in TTR (Cooper, 2005)
associated with speech processing (Barrett and Hol- and linking them with linguistic predicates.
lenstein, 2020).
 Also, CNN has been used to learn features from 6 Conclusions
both gaze and text to classify the input text yielding
 We surveyed formal, distributional, interactive,
better classification performance by leveraging the
 multi-modal and body-related representations of
eye movements obtained from human readers to
 meaning used in computational semantics. Overall,
tackle semantic challenges better (Mishra and Bhat-
 we conclude, they are able to deal with composi-
tacharyya, 2018). For multimodal and multiparty
 tionality, under-specification, similarity of mean-
interaction in both social and referential scenarios,
 ing, inference and provide an interpretation of ex-
Somashekarappa et al. (2020) calls for categorical
 pressions but in very different ways, capturing
representation of gaze patterns.
 very different kinds of meaning. While this works
 well in practice for individual systems, a challenge
5.4 Gestures
 arises when we try to combine representations.
Gestures are the hand and body movements that What do joint representations represent? How they
help convey information (Kita and Özyürek, 2003). can be transferred across-contexts of language use?
The observational, experimental, behavioural and In line with this we suggest that future work
neuro-cognitive evidence indicate that language should focus on developing benchmarks that com-
and gestures are tightly linked in comprehension pare and test these representations. We hope that
and production (Wilkins, 2006; Willems et al., this paper points to some of the aspects of repre-
sentations that need to be taken into account. Raffaella Bernardi, Ruket Cakici, Desmond Elliott,
 Aykut Erdem, Erkut Erdem, Nazli Ikizler-Cinbis,
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