Weekend tennis winterseason2022

Page created by Regina Taylor
Weekend tennis winterseason2022

 juniors &
   Waverley and District Tennis Association Incorporated
                  ABN 57 026 531 361
Weekend tennis winterseason2022
                                                                                        COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT
                                                                                                   MARK COLLINS
                                                                                        13 Donald Road, Wheelers Hill 3150
                                                                                      9561 1110 Fax 9561 0377 0403 047 541
                                                                                 MARCOS AHUMADA 13 Nagle Court, Rowville 3178
                                                                                 0413 569 296 vice.president@waverleytennis.asn.au
                                                                              DELYTH SAMUEL 3 Mannering Drive, Glen Waverley 3150
                                                                                0414 880 130 vice.president.2@waverleytennis.asn.au
        Robinson ReseRve Tennis CenTRe                                        ASSOCIATION SECRETARY & WEBSITE COORDINATOR
         The home of ‘WaveRley Tennis’                                                              OLIVIA ROSS
                                                                                          P.O. Box 459, Glen Waverley 3150
                    Frawley Road, Doveton                                          0431 233 183 secretary@waverleytennis.asn.au
                  The CenTRe offeRs yoU                                        ASSISTANT SECRETARY – HANDBOOK & TROPHIES /
                                                                                                WEBSITE MANAGER
• Membership of the Doveton Tennis Club.                                         Ian Chanter 4 Aster Court, Mount Waverley 3149
• Saturday and Sunday Morning Junior Competition.                                  0400 380 168 trophies@waverleytennis.asn.au
• Saturday Afternoon Senior Competition.                                          ASSOCIATION TREASURER – GEORGE MITSAS
                                                                                          P.O. Box 459, Glen Waverley 3150
• Night Tennis Competitions & Night Social Tennis (9 floodlit courts).             0458 648 727 treasurer@waverleytennis.asn.au
• Tournaments & Coaching for all levels.                                    MATCH COMMITTEE CONVENOR & ADDITIONAL TROPHIES
• Natural bush setting with well maintained lawns and viewing area.             TREVOR SMYTH 62 Lenna Street, Burwood East 3151
                                                                           9808 1851 0468 958 927 match.convenor@waverleytennis.asn.au
• Barbeque area.
                                                                            RECORD SECRETARY SENIOR & TEAM ENTRY REGISTRAR
• Table Tennis.
                                                                                                 DAVID KIMBERLEY
• Canteen facilities; all types of refreshments.                                    49 Charlbury Crescent, Cranbourne North 3977
• Restricted Licence Bar facility for Members and Guests.                   5996 0046 0411 123 736 senior.records@waverleytennis.asn.au
• Family Tennis Days & Corporate Tennis Days.                            RECORD SECRETARY JUNIOR (SATURDAY) – MARGARET QUIGLEY
                                                                                 0419 510 460 saturday.junior@waverleytennis.asn.au
• Court Hire for Casual Players at the following rates:
                                                                                     RECORD SECRETARY JUNIOR (SUNDAY) /
    $10 per Court per Hour;                                                          FACEBOOK COORDINATOR – TINA FEELY
    $18 per Court per Hour under lights.                                                sunday.junior@waverleytennis.asn.au
    Court hire please call 0432 213 389.
                                                                                        NIGHT COMPETITION CONVENOR
  For All Enquiries, contact Centre Manager, Graeme Gillen,                                       MICHAEL LEWIS
  Phone: 9802 1002, Email: ggillen33@optusnet.com.au                              0404 639 050 night.tennis@waverleytennis.asn.au
Weekend tennis winterseason2022
OFFICE BEARERS 2022                                                  OFFICE BEARERS 2022
             NIGHT COMPETITION RECORD SECRETARY                                       MID‑WEEK LADIES’ DIVISION
      NEIL ARMSTRONG – night.records@waverleytennis.asn.au                        President: Margaret Clark – 0418 580 337
              JUNIOR ADMINISTRATOR – Mark Collins                                    president.wdtaladies@gmail.com
           0403 047 541 junior.admin@waverleytennis.asn.au                       Hon. Secretary: Joy Kaias – 0413 399 038
                        COMMITTEE MEMBERS:                                                sec.wdtaladies@gmail.com
                      TOURNAMENT MANAGER &                             Hon. Treasurer: Jenny Lomdahl – 9808 4254 / 0404 831 544
        JUNIOR DEVELOPMENT SQUADS LIAISON OFFICER                      Thursday Record Secretary: Noela Steinfort – 0409 423 825
         LYN GILLEN 33 Driftwood Drive, Glen Waverley 3150                                  wdtaladies@gmail.com
    9802 1002 0412 567 496 tournaments@waverleytennis.asn.au                                 General Committee:
                        General Committee                           Judy Searl, Nola Williams, Loreta Piggott, Kim Bircham & Alison Copley
   DONALD SMITH 0434 882 868 gen.com.2@waverleytennis.asn.au                                   LIFE MEMBERS:
                       HOT SHOTS MATCH PLAY                                   Mr. Jim Birch, Mrs. Thea Boyes, Mrs. Shirley Burt,
           CO-ORDINATOR – MARK COLLINS 0403 047 541                 Mrs. Noeleen Campbell, Mr. Jack Carnell (Dec.), Mrs. Beth Chittenden,
           RECORD SECRETARY – JIM BIRCH 0401 712 306                   Mr. Lindsay Coster, Mrs. Lorraine Clark (Dec.), Mr. Mark Collins,
       Email for both: hotshots.matchplay@waverleytennis.asn.au            Mrs. Barbara Farley, Mrs Lyn Gillen, Mrs. Margaret Hart,
          MID-WEEK LADIES’ DIVISION REPRESENTATIVE                        Mrs. Janice Hocking, Mr. David Hocking, Mr. Brian Hovey,
                 MARGARET CLARK (details on page 3)                     Miss Jenny Jackson, Mr. Lyle Jackson, Mr. David Kimberley,
                  M.W. MEN’S RECORD SECRETARY                           Mrs. Janine Kimberley, Mrs. Heather Leaver, Mr. Laurie Leslie,
      NEIL ARMSTRONG – mwm.records@waverleytennis.asn.au                   Mr. Russ Nicholls, Mrs. Flick Nolan, Mr. Len Pratt (Dec.),
                                                                      Mrs. Peg Pratt (Dec.), Mrs.Gill Quillinan (Dec.), Mr. Trevor Smyth,
                         WAVERLEY INFORMER
                                                                                              Mrs. Lorraine Tautor.
             Send stories to: informer@waverleytennis.asn.au
                          Match Committee:                                                  COUNCIL MEETINGS
  T. SMYTH (Chair), M. AHUMADA, N. ARMSTRONG, I. CHANTER,          The Association shall be controlled by a Council consisting of Officers of
         M. COLLINS, T.FEELY, D. KIMBERLEY, M. QUIGLEY               the Association and delegate(s) from each Member Club as follows:
                                                                                 0 – 8 Senior &/or Junior Teams = 1 delegate
                         JUNIOR COMMITTEE:
                                                                               9 – 16 Senior &/or Junior Teams = 2 delegates
              M. COLLINS (Chair), L. GILLEN, B. HOVEY,
                         R. MORRIS, T. SMYTH                                 17 or more Senior &/or Junior Teams = 3 delegates
              COMPLAINTS CONVENOR – Mark Collins                    Council meetings of the Association shall be held when called by the
            0403 047 541 complaints@waverleytennis.asn.au         Committee of Management, or as otherwise provided under the Rules. Any
                                                                              Club missing a Council Meeting will be fined $50.00.
                                                                   Notice of meetings will be sent to all Clubs to give at least fourteen days
                9803 5331 mwm@waverleytennis.asn.au
                                                                                          notice of intended meetings.
        BRIAN HOVEY 34 Highwood Drive, Wheelers Hill 3150                  POSTAL ADDRESS FOR ALL CORRESPONDENCE:
           9560 3740 junior.pennant@waverleytennis.asn.au                  ASSOCIATION SECRETARY
                        HONORARY SOLICITOR                                 WAVERLEY TENNIS
          PETER KEMPSON – Sinisgalli Foster 0400 918 667                   P.O. Box 459, GLEN WAVERLEY, VIC, 3150
          AUDITOR – Morton, Watson & Young Audit Pty Ltd                   secretary@waverleytennis.asn.au
                              2                                                                        3
Weekend tennis winterseason2022
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE                                  club locations and club officials; and all relevant information on
                                                                       other Waverley Tennis competitions, tournaments, Hot Shots Match
                                                                       Play, Junior Development Squads and important announcements
Dear Waverley Tennis Players,                                          and breaking news from Waverley Tennis and Tennis Victoria.

Welcome to the Winter Season 2022, with hopefully a full               Please observe the tennis etiquette for non-umpired matches,
uninterrupted Season ahead of us. A big welcome to those               the tennis attire regulations, the Rules of Tennis, the
new tennis clubs and first-time players to a Winter Season of          Waverley Tennis By-Laws and COVID-19 protocols to ensure that
Waverley Tennis.                                                       all matches are played in a sportsmanlike and safe manner and are
                                                                       enjoyed by both players and spectators alike.
Our Summer Season 2021/22 was relatively unscathed by the
COVID-19 Coronavirus and the finals were successfully completed        All incidents of unsportsmanlike conduct arising from matches must
on the weekend of 26/27 March. Congratulations to all premiers         be immediately reported within 3 days of any incident occurring,
and runners-up in the Summer Season. Thanks are extended               for resolution by the Complaints Sub-Committee as per By-Law 28;
to all players and Club Administrators for their dedicated efforts     this includes issues involving any parental interference in matches.
throughout the Summer Season when everything started to return         Adult supervision by way of clearly identified Venue Supervisors
to normal.                                                             at all Junior home and away matches, including matches played at
                                                                       outside venues, is required at all times, with visiting teams to be
Team entries for the Winter Season 2022 total 629 (452 Juniors &       accompanied by an adult for the duration of the match. At junior
177 Seniors); down by 4 teams on the Winter Season 2021 (633),         matchplay, the role of the Venue Supervisor is all important and
with the Sunday morning junior entry up by 7 teams to 206 teams,       Affiliates are reminded that the HOT LINE at 0468 958 927 is
now starting to rival the Saturday morning junior entry. I would       available to assist Venue Supervisors requiring immediate assistance
like to formally thank the Waverley Tennis Match Committee             on match days.
members for their dedicated and tireless efforts to get the Winter
Season up and running and also thank all Club Junior and Senior        I wish all players and Club Administrators a successful Winter
Convenors for their efforts in bringing forward their team entries     Season and an enjoyable experience playing in Waverley Tennis.
for grading and participation in the Winter Season. We are all
volunteers and take time out to support the great game of tennis.
                                                                       Kind regards,

The Waverley Tennis Hot Shots Match Play program, for budding
and young players starting out in the game, will again be offered to
all Waverley Tennis Affiliated Clubs in Term 2 2022 and in Terms
3 and 4 to follow. I recommend the program to all Club Junior
Convenors and Club Coaches.
                                                                       MARK COLLINS
I again urge all Players and Club Administrators to regularly check    PRESIDENT
the Waverley Tennis website at www.waverleytennis.asn.au and
the Waverley Tennis Facebook for Winter Season fixture details,

                                  4                                                                     5
Weekend tennis winterseason2022
Office Bearers................................................................................................. 1 – 3
President’s Message........................................................................................... 4
Coming Events............................................................................................... 7 – 9
Waverley Website / Scoresheet
and Online Match Result Entry...................................................................... 12                                          TROPHIES
Advertisers/Sponsors........................................................................................ 13
Useful Information......................................................................................14 – 15                           • SPORTING TROPHIES
Automatic Fines.................................................................................................. 16                      • SILVERWARE and PEWTER
Clubs and Officials.....................................................................................17 – 39                           • CLUB PENNANTS and
Tennis Australia – Etiquette and Rules                                                                                                        SEW-ON BADGES
for Non-Umpired Matches.......................................................................40 – 43                                     • QUALITY ENGRAVING
By-Laws........................................................................................................45 – 63
                                                                                                                             1 Glenwood Ave., Glen Waverley, 3150
12 Point Tiebreaker (including Match Tiebreaker)............................64 – 65
Mid-Week Ladies................................................................................................ 65
                                                                                                                             9560 5614, Fax 9561 6692
Night Tennis......................................................................................................... 66     SUPPLIERS TO WAVERLEY TENNIS
Mid-Week Mens.................................................................................................. 67
Tennis Australia Dress and Equipment Regulations........................68 – 69                                                      COMPETITION SCHEDULES 2022­
The Winners – Summer 2021 – 22
                                                                                                                           WAVERLEY WEEKEND TENNIS
    – Junior Winners......................................................................................... 70
    – Senior Winners......................................................................................... 71           Winter 2022 Season
Junior Development Squad Program........................................................... 72                               First Match Saturday 30th April 2022
Winter Season 20 22                                                                                                          Home and Away Matches
    – Saturday Junior Sections .............................................................73 – 77
                                                                                                                           		     30-04-22 to 04-06-22 (6 matches)
    – Sunday Junior Sections................................................................78 – 81
                                                                                                                           		     No play 11th June (Queens Birthday Holiday)
    – Saturday Senior Sections ............................................................84 – 88
                                                                                                                           		     18-06-22 to 25-06-22 (2 matches)
Waverley Tennis Hot Shots Match Play...............................................82 – 83
                                                                                                                           		     No play 2nd and 9th July (School Holidays)
Finals Procedures................................................................................ 90, 92, 94
Light-up Times.................................................................................................... 91      		     16-07-22 to 20-08-22 (6 matches)
Duties of Venue Supervisor............................................................................ 96                    Finals Matches
Sample Scoresheet........................................................................................... 93                   27th August 2022 Semi Finals
Draw – 6 Team Section..................................................................................... 98              		     3rd September 2022 Grand Finals
Draw – 8 Team Section...................................................................................100                		     10th September 2022 if required
                                                           6                                                                                              7
Summer 2022 – 23 Season

     First Match Saturday 8th October 2022
  Home and Away Matches
      8-10-22 to 22-10-22 (3 matches)
		No play 29th October (Melbourne Cup Weekend)
		5-11-22 to 12-12-22 (6 matches)                                      Upcoming
		    4-2-23 to 4-3-23 (5 matches)
		No play 11th March (Labor Day Weekend)
  Finals Matches
      18th March 2023 Semi Finals
		    25th March 2023 Grand Finals
		        1st April 2023 if required                              Queens Birthday Weekend
(refer ad page 66)                                                   Details will be released
Spring Season 2022                                                      when available.
(July to December)
     Entries Close: Friday 1st July 2022
     First Match: Week commencing Monday 25th July 2022
     (Dates to be confirmed)
                                                          For interested Juniors, check out the
Waverley Tennis Mid-Week Mens Competition
(refer ad page 67)
                                                          Junior Development Squad Program,
Spring Season 2022                                        further details are on p.72 in this handbook.
     Dates yet to be determined.                          Also, look under Junior Squad Info on website.

                                                            Waverley Tennis Website
                                                                 and you can follow us on Facebook
                                       8                                           9
Waverley Tennis Association Meetings
All Waverley Tennis Council and Match Convenors Meetings
are scheduled to be held at the                                   SUMMER COMPETITION
Nottinghill Pinewood Tennis Club, Baker Avenue,
Glen Waverley, commencing at 7:30 p.m. sharp                      WAVERLEY SENIOR WEEKEND
Waverley Tennis Council Meeting                                                  TYPES OF COMPETITION
Council Meetings for 2022 will be held on the following dates:-   Saturday Afternoon
  Thursday 11th August 2022 (AGM)
                                                                   Rubbers – Open Singles/Doubles, 2 to 4 players per team,
Attendance is compulsory for all MEMBER CLUBS.
                                                                   2 courts preferred.
Waverley Tennis Match Convenor’s Meeting, Junior and Senior        Rubbers – Mens and Mixed sections. 4 players per team, matches
The Match Convenor’s Meeting for Summer 2022 – 23                  comprise four rubbers “Best of Two” format.
will be held on:-
  Tuesday 4th October 2022
Attendance is compulsory for all MEMBER CLUBS who are fielding
                                                                  WAVERLEY JUNIOR WEEKEND
Junior and Senior teams in the upcoming Season.                                  TYPES OF COMPETITION
                                                                  Saturday Morning All sections 8:15  a.m. to 12:15  p.m.
Please Note: Failure of a Club Delegate to attend any
of these meetings is a $50 fine (per meeting).                     President’s Cup – Open format, 2-4 players per team. Matches
                                                                   comprise 2 singles rubbers and one doubles rubber, all rubbers
                                                                   to be “Best of Two” format. (A Grade players only. One section only)
                                                                   Singles/Doubles Rubbers – 2-4 players per team. Matches
            Tennis nets • Draw Curtains • Repairs                  comprise 3 “Best of Two” rubbers, (A, A Res, B Sp and B players
             Rebound nets • Factory direct prices                  only. Open, Boys & Girls)
                                                                   Triples Singles/Doubles Sets – Three players per team
    VISIT OUR WEBSITE www.oxleynets.com.au                         (Open/Boys/Girls),1 singles, 2 doubles per player (6 game sets).

               OXLEY NETS
                                                                   C Sp to D Grade available.
                                                                   For D Grade only – Sets are first to 6 games, no tiebreaker.

                                                                  Sunday Morning All sections 8:30  a.m. to 12:30  p.m.
                                                                   Singles/Doubles Rubbers – See above details.
              OXLEY NETS Tel 03 9646 3497 Fax 03 9646 4920
                                                                   Triples Singles/Doubles Sets – See above details.
                 20 Network Drive Port Melbourne Vic 3207
            Email: info@oxleynets.com.au

                                  10                                                              11
I ndex                                                                     I ndex
   Ladders – Club Zone – Fixtures – Clubs                                                    ADVERTISERS/SPONSORS
                                                                           Waverley Tennis is very grateful for the support given to the Association
                                                                           by the Companies and Organisations who are advertising in this
                                                                           Handbook & Fixture.
                                                                           The goods and services which they provide, together with their names,
                                                                           are as follows:
                                                                           		Page No.
                                                                           Bistro, Bowls, Keno, Pokies         Mulgrave Country Club        31
Waverley Tennis are continuing to improve our website, which can be        Community Banking                   Bendigo Bank                 99
found at: www.waverleytennis.asn.au
                                                                           Decorated Glassware                 C.R. Hose                    85
Your most commonly used searches are as listed above. Simply select
the one you need then follow the prompts.                                  Mobile Restring Service             StringDRIVE                  89
Your feedback and suggestions to make our website more useful and          Tennis Balls & Racquets             Wilson                       44
informative are welcome and can be sent using the “Contact Us” link on
the web-site.                                                              Tennis Court                        E.T. Richards & Sons         97
                                                                           Construction & Repair
                                                                           Tennis Court Lighting               Walsh Electrical             95
ONLINE MATCH RESULT ENTRY :                                                & Maintenance
1. All match results must be entered via CLUB ZONE on the
   Waverley Website at www.waverleytennis.asn.au                           Tennis Nets & Repairs, Nets         Oxley Bros                   10
2. All weekend results must be entered by 5:30 p.m.on the                  for Fishing, Sports & Safety
   Tuesday following the match. The system will not allow entries
   after this time. For last round, Semi and Preliminary finals, results   Tennis, Squash, Badminton,          Tension 24               50, 51, 101
   must be entered by 11:59 p.m. on day of match.                          Trophies, Silverware, Pewter,       Ted’s Trophies                7
3. Scoresheets must be signed by both captains and retained                Pennants & Engraving
   by the captain or club for the entire season. In the event of a
   disputed score the scoresheet must be forwarded to the Record           Washroom Requirements               Pure Hygiene                 21
   Secretary concerned immediately. All information recorded in
   the “Comments” section must be entered by the home club.
4. If you need help entering scores on line please contact the             The Association would like to encourage all affiliated Tennis Clubs
   Record Secretary for your competition.                                  and their members to avail themselves of the goods and services
5. The carbon copy in the result book must be handed to the                offered by the above Advertisers.
   away team at the conclusion of the match.
6. Queries from away teams regarding results entered online by             When purchasing, please advise the supplier of your
   home teams must be lodged with the relevant Record Secretary            involvement with our Association, so that the Advertiser can
   not later than 3 days after the date the match results are posted
   on the website.
                                                                           receive feedback as to the benefits of the above advertising.
                                            12                                                                13
I ndex
                           USEFUL INFORMATION                                                                          USEFUL INFORMATION (cont’d)
Change in Order of Merit (Juniors/Seniors): A Club may request a change to the               Match Results: Match results are to be entered on line by the Home Club by 5:30 p.m.
   playing order only up to the final home and away match. No changes are permitted             on the Tuesday following all home and away matches.
   during the Finals series.
                                                                                                For last round, and for Semi and Preliminary Finals match results must be entered by
Choice of Ends & Service: The choice of ends and the choice to be server or receiver
   in the first game shall be decided by toss before the warm-up starts. The player/            7 p.m. on the day of the match, to assist with preparation of finals draws.
   team who wins the toss may choose:                                                           Where non-attendance at a match is agreed to due to inclement weather or heat
      a) To be server or receiver in the first game of the match, in which case the             out, both teams must enter their player lists via the By Ph feature on the Waverley
          opponent(s) shall choose the end of the court for the first game of the match;        Tennis Club Zone website.
          or                                                                                    Match scoresheets must be retained by Home Clubs for the entire season and
      b) The end of the courts for the first game of the match, in which case the               supplied to the record secretary upon request.
          opponent(s) shall choose to be server or receiver of the first game of the            Failure to supply requested scoresheets promptly can result in a loss of points and/
          match; or                                                                             or fine.
      c) To require the opponent(s) to make one of the above choices.                           Duplicate advices of results supplied within 24 hours of request will not incur loss
Commencing Time of Matches: All Saturday Junior matches shall commence at                       of all points scored by the HOME TEAM. (By-Law 22 LATE RESULTS).
   8:15 a.m. (8:30 a.m. Sunday) and all Senior matches shall commence at 1:00 p.m.           Morning/Afternoon Tea: Under current COVID-19 restrictions, provision of food that
   Actual starting times (not the start of the initial hit-up) and finishing times are to       can be shared is not allowed. Players should bring their own food and drink until
   be recorded on the scoresheets.                                                              Waverley Tennis advise otherwise.
   Commencing time for the Mid-Week Men’s Competition is 9:30 a.m.                           President Cup Junior Players.
Conduct: No alcoholic drinks are to be consumed by players at Waverley match venues             When competing in Senior Competition, such players may not play below A Reserve
   until such players have completed all matches in which they are involved.                    level without prior Match Committee approval.
Final Series Matches: At the completion of the home and away matches, the four               Rules of Tennis: All Clubs should have access to an up to date copy of the Rules of
   leading teams in an 8-team section and the top three teams in a 6-team section shall         Tennis as approved by Tennis Australia.
   play off in a final series. All conditions relating to these matches are covered by By-   Singles/Doubles: Teams shall be graded on the strongest nominated player.
   Law 24. In 4 team sections, the final shall be between first and second teams only.
                                                                                                Eligibility: No player may play below his approved grade (unless such player has
   Club Secretaries will be advised via the Waverley Tennis Website where their Club’s
                                                                                                been approved to play as a permanent player in a lower graded team). Once a player
   teams are to play and of matches to be held on their Club’s courts. Individual players
   should direct their enquiries to their Club’s Secretary in preference to Association’s       plays more than three matches in any team, that player cannot play for another
   Officers.                                                                                    team in a lower grade, or lower section within grade, without prior permission of
   The home club MUST provide a Supervisor for each home match, who is not a                    the Match Committee.
   member of any participating team on the day. (Ref By-Law 17 (b)).                            Emergency registrations of players may be made by filling in the necessary
   The use of Substitute Players in Final Series matches must be strictly in accordance         particulars on the scoresheets ‑ refer to By-Law 11 for full details. No phone
   with By-Law 15. In cases of doubt, contact a member of the Waverley Match                    emergency registration will be permitted or accepted.
   Committee for advice and/or decision.                                                     Tennis Attire: As covered by By-Law 19; regulation tennis attire shall be worn at all
Grading: All players shall have a personal grading of A, A Reserve, B Special, B, C             matches. Refer to Dress and Equipment Regulations on pages 66 & 67.
   Special, C, D Special, or D. This grading will be retained from season to season,         Tennis Balls: For all Senior matches, 4 new balls, for all Junior matches, 2 new and 2
   unless changed by Club selectors or the Tennis Association, and subsequently                 good used balls. Refer By-Law 18 for full details.
   ratified by the Tennis Association.                                                       Tie Breaker: A 12 point tie breaker is played by all Senior and Junior teams (except D
   Teams as submitted will be graded by the Match Committee into similarly named                Grade) at 6 games all in any set. A Match tie breaker is used to decide the third set
   gradings.                                                                                    of “Best of 2” rubbers. Both tie breakers are conducted as set out on pages 62 & 63.
Injury Time: Two 10 minute suspensions of play per match are allowed in the case of          Use of Outside Venues: A club which uses an Outside Venue must ensure that the
   injury or illness.                                                                           visiting club is notified no later than the Wednesday prior to the match.
Junior players competing in Senior Competition.
   When competing in Senior Competition Junior players may play 2 grades below
   their Junior personal grading, for example, A Res graded Junior player may play
                                                                                             All club officials and players should note that this
   B Grade Senior level. Please note the Senior Match Convenor will monitor such             information should be used in conjunction with the By-
   players to ensure that they are not strengthening the team.                               Laws of the Tennis Association.
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I ndex                                                                                                                                              I ndex
                                   AUTOMATIC FINES/INVOICES                                                                                                                 CLUBS AND OFFICIALS
                                                                                                                                                    Ardrie Park
        A penalty of $15.00 will apply to any AUTOMATIC                                                                                             Ardrie Park, Ardrie Road, Malvern East, 3145
                                                                                                                                                    Extra Address Details: Park cars in Howard Street
        FINE/INVOICES unpaid six (6) weeks after the                                                                                                Club Phone: 0413 617 092 Melway Ref: 68 H2 Courts: 4 Synth. Clay
        serving of the AUTOMATIC FINE/INVOICE NOTICE                                                                                                Postal Address: 55 Macgregor Street, Malvern East, 3145
                                                                                                                                                    Jun Sat Conv: Richard Bayley, 0413 617 092, rbayley55@optusnet.com.au
        and a further $5.50 for each calendar month                                                                                                 Jun Sun Conv: Richard Bayley, 0413 617 092, rbayley55@optusnet.com.au
        thereafter that the AUTOMATIC FINE/INVOICE
                                                                                                                                                    Ashburton Uniting Church
        remains unpaid.                                                                                                                             1 Kelvin Grove, Ashburton, 3147
                                                                                                                                                    Extra Address Details: Enter from Aitchison Avenue opp. Station
The following are operative (as per By-Law 6):                                                                                                      Club Phone: 0468 309 098 Melway Ref: 60 D9 Courts: 2 Porous, 1 A. Grass
                                                                                                                                                    Postal Address: 62 Lenna St., Burwood East, 3151
LATE RESULT ENTRY                                                                                                                                   Sec: Jane Woodman, 0409 430 005, ashyunitedtennis@gmail.com
(PER CLUB/PER COMPETITION)........................................................................... $15                                           Jun Sat Conv: Trent Cobb, 0439 979 319, nextgentennis@outlook.com
                                                                                                                                                    Jun Sun Conv: Trent Cobb, 0439 979 319, nextgentennis@outlook.com
FAILURE TO PROVIDE TIMELY ADVICE OF                                                                                                                 Sen Conv: Cheryl Miller, 0405 944 189, millercheryl11@yahoo.com
OUTSIDE COURTS USAGE ......................................................................................... $15                                  Aspendale
                                                                                                                                                    Corner of Sixth Avenue and Fourth Ave, Aspendale, 3195
                                                                                                                                                    Extra Address Details: Down Third Ave, turn R at end of street
FRIVOLOUS PROTEST ..................................................................................................... $15                         Club Phone: N/A Melway Ref: 92 K7 Courts: 4 Porous, 2 Cush. H. Court
                                                                                                                                                    Postal Address: PO Box 5325, Mordialloc, 3195
TEAM FORFEIT, AS FOLLOWS:-                                                                                                                          Outside Locations:
                                                                                                                                                    Mordialloc Tennis Club, 98-108 McDonald Street, Mordialloc, 3196, 87 H11
    1st FORFEIT BY ANY TEAM .................................................................................. $30                                  Sec: Eleesa Judd, 0408 804 898, juddies.11@optusnet.com.au
                                                                                                                                                    Jun Sat Conv: Richard Hayward, 0406 799 347, richard_totaltennis@yahoo.com.au
    2nd FORFEIT BY SAME TEAM ........................................................................... $30                                        Sen Conv: Todd Waugh, 0419 508 450, toddles_waugh@hotmail.com
    3rd FORFEIT BY SAME TEAM ............................................................................. $30                                      Jordan Reserve, Chadstone, 3148
                                                                                                                                                    Extra Address Details: Entrance next to 311 Huntingdale Road
    4th FORFEIT BY SAME TEAM & ELIMINATION .............................. $100                                                                      Club Phone: 9807 6350 Melway Ref: 70 A1 Courts: 5 Porous
                                                                                                                                                    Postal Address: 25 Coolabah Avenue, Glen Waverley, 3150
FAILURE OF A CLUB DELEGATE TO ATTEND                                                                                                                Sec: Carmel Kruger, 0427 770 622, carmelkruger@bigpond.com
COUNCIL AND MATCH CONVENORS MEETINGS .............................. $50                                                                             Jun Sat Conv: Carmel Kruger, 0427 770 622, carmelkruger@bigpond.com
                                                                                                                                                    Sen Conv: Ian Chanter, 9802 9632, 0400 380 168, ian.chanter@outlook.com.au
FAILURE TO PROVIDE A VENUE SUPERVISOR                                                                                                               Beaconsfield
FOR A JUNIOR MATCH.................................................................................................... $50                          Beaconsfield Recreation Reserve, Beaconsfield, 3807
                                                                                                                                                    Extra Address Details: Beaconsfield Emerald Road
FAILURE TO PROVIDE APPROPRIATE                                                                                                                      Melway Ref: 111 H10 Courts: 4 Porous, 5 A. Grass
FINALS SUPERVISION ..................................................................................................... $50                        Postal Address: PO Box 132, Beaconsfield, 3807
                                                                                                                                                    Sec: Maurice Potter, 0437 759 793, mauricepotter@bigpond.com
NON-ATTENDANCE OF A RESPONSIBLE ADULT/PARENT                                                                                                        Jun Sat Conv: Craig Sankey, 0431 851 865, cns1971@gmail.com
FOR DURATION OF JUNIOR AWAY MATCHES....................................... $50                                                                      Sen Conv: Adrian Walsh, 0425 747 615, afwalsh@fastmail.fm

OF DRAW .................................................................................................................................... $100   * Indicates an Associate Club
                                                                      16                                                                                                                   17
CLUBS AND OFFICIALS (cont’d)                                                    CLUBS AND OFFICIALS (cont’d)
Beaumaris                                                                       Burwood
Banksia Reserve, Beaumaris, 3195                                                Warrigal Rd, Glen Iris, 3146
Extra Address Details: Entrance on Oak Street                                   Extra Address Details: Burwood Reserve. Enter via Queens Pde
Melway Ref: 86 E7 Courts: 10 Porous, 3 Cush. H. Court                           Club Phone: 9830 6617 Melway Ref: 60 G7 Courts: 5 A. Grass
Postal Address: 9 Cromb Ave, Beaumaris, ,                                       Postal Address: PO Box 80, Burwood, 3125
Sec: Sally, 0491 749 609, office@beaumarislawntc.com.au                         Sec: Glenn Davis, burwoodtennissecretary@gmail.com
Sen Conv: Louise Davoren, 0418 588 650, loudavoren@bigpond.com                  Jun Sat Conv: Natalie Bacon, 0412 619 695, burwoodtennisclub@westnet.com.au
                                                                                Jun Sun Conv: Natalie Bacon, 0412 619 695, burwoodtennisclub@westnet.com.au
Belgrave Heights                                                                Sen Conv: Tim Shackleton, 0411 299 017, tim@toptenn.com.au
Colby Drive, Belgrave Heights, 3160
Melway Ref: 84 F3 Courts: 2 Porous, 3 Cush. H. Court                            Centenary Park
Postal Address: PO Box 300, Belgrave, 3160                                      120 Brady Rd, Bentleigh East, 3165
Sec: Liz Taylor, 0419 183 182, liztaylor@live.com.au                            Club Phone: 0420 430 874 Melway Ref: 78 A3 Courts: 5 Porous
Jun Sat Conv: Kylie Wilkeson, 0411 225 461, tennisinstitute@icloud.com          Postal Address: PO Box 111, Bentleigh East, 3165
Jun Sun Conv: Kylie Wilkeson, 0411 225 461, tennisinstitute@icloud.com          Club Mgr: John Foster, 0415 535 838, jl.tiling@gmail.com
Sen Conv: Ryley Nyari, 0428 982 154, ryleynyari1@gmail.com                      Sec: Peter Venn, 0431 282 550, venso@optusnet.com.au
                                                                                Sen Conv: Darren Kittelty, 0432 942 798, 0432 942 798, dkittelty@yahoo.com.au
Arch Brown Reserve, Buchanan Road, Berwick, 3806                                Chadstone
Club Phone: 9796 1698 Melway Ref: 111 F6 Courts: 3 Cush. H. Court, 4 A. Grass   32a Chadstone Road, Malvern East, 3145
Postal Address: PO Box 226, Berwick, 3806                                       Extra Address Details: behind the lawn bowls club
Sec: Helen Stewart, 0409 704 939, secretary@berwicktc.asn.au                    Club Phone: 9568 6255 Melway Ref: 69 D3 Courts: 7 Synth. Clay
Jun Sat Conv: Allison Miller, 0408 332 929, allison@set4tennis.com.au           Postal Address: P.O.Box 40, Chadstone Centre, 3148
Sen Conv: Craig Kitner., 0414 596 310, craig.kitner@gmail.com                   Sec: Greg Piper, 9568 1535, 0400 639 028, greg.piper@roads.vic.gov.au
                                                                                Jun Sat Conv: Robert Datson, 0423 784 522, 0423 784 522, datsonr@gmail.com
Black Rock Tennis/Bowling                                                       Sen Conv: Ian Martin, 9534 2888, 0419 366 251, imartin2@bigpond.net.au
Fern Street, Black Rock, 3193
Extra Address Details: via car park                                             City Of Camberwell
Club Phone: 9598 2336 Melway Ref: 76 K1 Courts: 4 Porous, 4 Natural Grass       10 Trumper St, Camberwell, 3124
Postal Address: c/- 102 Village Drive, Dingley Village, 3172                    Club Phone: 0414 250 017 Melway Ref: 59 K3 Courts: 5 Porous
Sen Conv: Adam Bishop, 0425 750 513, bishop_adam@hotmail.com                    Postal Address: PO Box 703 South Camberwell 3124, Camberwell, 3124
                                                                                Sec: Ernest Kollegger, 9532 8211, 0409 331 742, erniek007@bigpond.com
Burden Park                                                                     Jun Sat Conv: Tim Wang, 0404 634 157, tim6699_2@hotmail.com
Olympic Avenue, Springvale South, 3171                                          Jun Sun Conv: Tim Wang, 0404 634 157, tim6699_2@hotmail.com
Club Phone: 9547 5866 Melway Ref: 89 A1 Courts: 6 Porous
Postal Address: 23 Cassava Crt, Dingley Village, 3172                           Clarinda
Club Mgr: Brian Cahill, 0409 081 239, brianvalcahill@optusnet.com.au            4-14 Crawford Road, Clarinda, 3169
Sec: Aruna Liyanage, 0423 328 300, aruna_spy@yahoo.com                          Extra Address Details: Crawford Road
Jun Sat Conv: Josh Tran, 0431 195 540, joshua.qm_tran@hotmail.com               Melway Ref: 78 J3 Courts: 3 A. Grass, 3 Synth. Clay
Sen Conv: Andrew Bell Harper, 0490 032 874, andrewbh@optusnet.com.au            Postal Address: 9 Shannon Court, Clarinda, 3169
                                                                                Sec: Gayle Hall, 9551 6339, 0422 296 622, clarindatc@gmail.com
                                                                                Sen Conv: Gayle Hall, 9551 6339, 0422 296 622, clarindatc@gmail.com

                                        18                                                                              19
                       CLUBS AND OFFICIALS (cont’d)

c/- Cranbourne Tennis Club ( temporary ), Cranbourne East, 3977
Extra Address Details: Casey Fields precinct
Club Phone: 0429 140 076 Melway Ref: 134 K7 Courts: 6 H. Court                        ●●Sanitary & Nappy Disposal
                                                                                      ●●Air Fresheners
Postal Address: PO Box 6081, Clyde, 3978
Sec: Andre Amaya, 0434 573 169, secretary@clydetennisclub.com.au

                                                                                      ●●Soap Dispensers
Jun Sat Conv: Vaughan Smith, 5996 4362, 0429 140 076, smithvs@bigpond.com
Jun Sun Conv: Brandon Neale, 0427 399 703, brandon.neale@hotmail.com
Sen Conv: Brandon Neale, 0427 399 703, brandon.neale@hotmail.com
Cockatoo                                                                              ●●W.C. & Urinal Sanitisers
                                                                                      ●●Dispensing Machines
Alma Treloar Res., McBride St, Cockatoo, 3781
Club Phone: 5968 9717 Melway Ref: 312 F6 Courts: 4 A. Grass
Sec: Kathy Lang, 0402 537 289
Cranbourne                                                                            ●●Toilet Seat Cleaners
                                                                                      ●●Paper Products
160 Berwick-Cranbourne Road, Cranbourne, 3977
Extra Address Details: Enter off Casey Fields Boulevard

                                                                                      ●●Urinal Deep Cleans
Club Phone: 5995 2866 Melway Ref: 134 D7 Courts: 4 A. Grass, 8 H. Court, 6 Porous
Postal Address: P.O. Box 314, Cranbourne, 3977
Outside Locations:
Cranbourne TC (old courts), Grant St, Cranbourne, 3977, 133 J6
Sec: Gaye Burgess, 5941 8384, 0419 382 049, first.serve@bigpond.com
Jun Sat Conv: Paul Kleverlaan, 0417 741 166, paul@courtcoverage.com.au
Jun Sun Conv: Paul Kleverlaan, 0417 741 166, paul@courtcoverage.com.au
Sen Conv: Paul Kleverlaan, 0417 741 166, paul@courtcoverage.com.au
Croydon *
Hewish Road, Croydon, 3136
Club Phone: 9725 7348 Melway Ref: 50 K4 Courts: 8 Porous
                                                                                                   PTY LTD
                                                                                           Servicing All Suburbs
                                                                                       Ph: 9898 2204
Greaves Reserve, Dandenong, 3175
Extra Address Details: Bennet Street
Club Phone: 0416 758 107 Melway Ref: 90 A7 Courts: 5 H. Court, 2 A. Grass
Postal Address: P.O. Box 383, Doveton, 3177
Sec: Nathan Hilbig, 0487 885 139, dandenongtennisclub@gmail.com
Jun Sat Conv: Robert Hilbig, 0416 758 107, dandenongtennisclub@gmail.com
Jun Sun Conv: Robert Hilbig, 0416 758 107, dandenongtennisclub@gmail.com                     Fax: 9898 3307
Sen Conv: Robert Hilbig, 0416 758 107, dandenongtennisclub@gmail.com

                                                                                      Head Office. Blackburn North
                                                                                      Australian Owned & Operated
                                       20                                                            21
CLUBS AND OFFICIALS (cont’d)                                                           CLUBS AND OFFICIALS (cont’d)
Devon Meadows                                                                        East Burwood
Cnr Browns Rd & Cross Rd, Devon Meadows, 3977                                        East Burwood Reserve, Burwood East, 3151
Club Phone: 0425 797 836 Melway Ref: 138 D5 Courts: 4 Synth. Clay, 2 H. Court        Extra Address Details: Burwood Highway
Postal Address: 66 Finsbury Rd, Devon Meadows, 3977                                  Club Phone: 0421 304 849 Melway Ref: 62 B7 Courts: 2 Porous, 5 A. Grass
Sec: Cheryl Theodore, 5998 2036, 0414 606 542, ctheodore@vtown.com.au                Postal Address: 4 Pine Tree Avenue, Glen Waverley, 3150
Jun Sat Conv: Jon Herrmann, 0402 159 165, jon@jonstennisacademy.com.au               Jun Sat Conv: Colin Jeffery, 9802 0950, 0421 304 849, lajeffery@iimetro.com.au
Sen Conv: Brett Theodore, 5998 2036, 0425 797 836, btheodore@vtown.com.au            Jun Sun Conv: Colin Jeffery, 9802 0950, 0421 304 849, lajeffery@iimetro.com.au
                                                                                     Sen Conv: Colin Jeffery, 9802 0950, 0421 304 849, lajeffery@iimetro.com.au
Rowan Road, Dingley Village, 3172                                                    East Croydon Kilsyth
Extra Address Details: South Off Westall Rd Ext. behind netball                      119-131 Hull Road, Croydon, 3136
Club Phone: 0412 227 125 Melway Ref: 88 H4 Courts: 16 Porous                         Melway Ref: 51 D2 Courts: 2 Porous, 4 A. Grass
Postal Address: Rowan Road, Dingley, 3172                                            Postal Address: P.O. Box 931, Croydon, 3136
Club Mgr: Tracey Lees, 0403 191 673, admin@dingleytennisclub.com.au                  Sec: Andrew Marshall, 0402 290 454, marshalltenniscoaching@gmail.com
Sec: Carol Charters, 0412 227 125, carolcharters73@gmail.com                         Sen Conv: Andrew Marshall, 0402 290 454, marshalltenniscoaching@gmail.com
Jun Sat Conv: Andrew McLean, 0433 339 491, andrew@smartennis.com.au
Jun Sun Conv: Paul Swanson, 0428 107 171, juniors@dingleytennisclub.com.au           East Malvern
                                                                                     15 Moira St, Glen Iris, 3146
Doncaster                                                                            Extra Address Details: Opp Dorothy Laver Reserve
802 Doncaster Rd (behind Doncaster Audi), Doncaster, 3108                            Club Phone: 0477 858 854 Melway Ref: 59 K10 Courts: 10 Porous
Extra Address Details: Entry is via Athenaeum Drive                                  Postal Address: PO Box 1007, Darling, 3145
Melway Ref: 47 G1 Courts: 4 Porous, 8 Synth. Clay                                    Sec: Debra Bolic, 9886 0858, admin@eastmalverntc.com.au
Postal Address: PO Box 1267, Doncaster East, 3109                                    Jun Sat Conv: Tony Lane, 0414 565 652, juniors@eastmalverntc.com.au
Sec: James Manger, 0417 541 870, secretary@doncastertc.org.au                        Jun Sun Conv: Tony Lane, 0414 565 652, juniors@eastmalverntc.com.au
Sen Conv: Gail Norman, 0400 530 990, seniors@doncastertc.org.au                      Sen Conv: Chris Woods, 0407 869 660, seniors@eastmalverntc.com.au
Donvale                                                                              Eildon Park
Donvale Reserve, Donvale, 3111                                                       69/75 Eildon Parade, Rowville, 3178
Extra Address Details: Off Mitcham Road                                              Extra Address Details: (off Taylors Lane)
Melway Ref: 48 E2 Courts: 6 Porous, 4 Synth. Clay                                    Club Phone: 9764 1109 Melway Ref: 82 C1 Courts: 9 A. Grass
Outside Location:                                                                    Postal Address: PO Box 2379, Rowville, 3178
Currawong Tennis Club, cnr. Springvale and Reynolds Rds, 34 H7, 9842 4690            Outside Locations:
Sec: Kylie Thomas, 0407 971 063, secretary@donvaletennisclub.org.au                  Knoxfield Tennis Club, Carrington Park, Knoxfield, 3180, 73 A6
Sen Conv: Russell Watkins, 9842 1909, 0417 369 204, russellwat@bigpond.com           Wheelers Hill Tennis Club, entrance Sunnybrook Drive, Wheelers Hill, 3150,
                                                                                        71 H7, 9561 8555
Doveton                                                                              Rowville Community Centre, 20 Fulham Road, Rowville, 3178, 81 K1
Robinson Reserve, Doveton, 3177                                                      Lum Reserve Tennis Club, Cintra Avenue, Wheelers Hill, 3150, 71 F 1, 9560 2055
Extra Address Details: Frawley Road                                                  Ferntree Gully Tennis Club, Glenfern Park, off Glenfern Road, Ferntree Gully, 3156,
Club Phone: 9793 1902 Melway Ref: 91 A10 Courts: 9 Porous                               9758 8709, 75 A5
Postal Address: PO Box 459, Glen Waverley, 3150                                      Sec: Leanne Siwes, secretary@eptc.org.au
Sec: Graeme Gillen, 9802 1002, 0432 213 389, graemegillen@optusnet.com.au            Jun Sat Conv: Katharine Shao, 0470 480 170, juniorconvenor@eptc.org.au
Jun Sat Conv: Graeme Gillen, 9802 1002, 0432 213 389, graemegillen@optusnet.com.au   Jun Sun Conv: Katharine Shao, 0470 480 170, juniorconvenor@eptc.org.au
Jun Sat Conv: Steve Kaldawi, 0433 578 383, steve_kaldawi@hotmail.com                 Sen Conv: Jo Mitchell, 0402 484 518, jomitchell15@bigpond.com
Sen Conv: Graeme Gillen, 9802 1002, 0432 213 389, graemegillen@optusnet.com.au

                                       22                                                                                       23
CLUBS AND OFFICIALS (cont’d)                                                      CLUBS AND OFFICIALS (cont’d)
Eley Park                                                                         Gladeswood Reserve
Eley Rd, Blackburn South, 3130                                                    Maygrove Way, Mulgrave, 3170
Extra Address Details: Eley Park                                                  Club Phone: 9795 4082 Melway Ref: 81 A4 Courts: 4 Porous
Club Phone: 9888 8793 Melway Ref: 61 J5 Courts: 8 A. Grass                        Postal Address: 13 Nagle Court, Rowville, 3178
Postal Address: PO Box 8015, Burwood Heights, 3151                                Outside Locations:
Sec: Brian Dunkley, 9808 6368, dunkley@optusnet.com.au                            Knoxfield Tennis Club, Allister Close, Knoxfield, 3180, 73 A6
Jun Sat Conv: Gary Hitchman, 0409 933 936, gary@uaps.com.au                       Club Mgr: Marcos Ahumada, 0413 569 296, gr.tc@hotmail.com
Jun Sun Conv: Gary Hitchman, 0409 933 936, gary@uaps.com.au                       Jun Sat Conv: Matthew Cusmano, 0452 385 170, mattcusmano9@gmail.com
Sen Conv: Eng Chin, 9808 6651, 0431 664 408, eng.chin@eleyparktennisclub.org.au   Jun Sun Conv: Matthew Cusmano, 0452 385 170, mattcusmano9@gmail.com
                                                                                  Sen Conv: Charlie Brady, 0431 097 411
Endeavour Hills
Cnr James Cook Dve & Sydney Parkinson Av, Endeavour Hills, 3802                   Glen Waverley
Extra Address Details: Entry via single gate from car park.                       3 Aquatic Place, Glen Waverley, 3150
Club Phone: 0401 101 999 Melway Ref: 91 E7 Courts: 2 Synth. Clay, 6 A. Grass      Extra Address Details: Rear of Monash Aquatic Centre
Postal Address: P.O. Box 202, Endeavour Hills, 3802                               Melway Ref: 71 A5 Courts: 6 A. Grass
Sec: Paula Lucchese, 0402 237 506, ehtc.secretary@gmail.com                       Postal Address: 75 Strickland Drive, Wheelers Hill, 3150
Jun Sat Conv: Brad McMillan, 0413 380 535, play@endeavourtennis.com.au            Sec: Judy Dries, 9560 9495, jdikstaal@hotmail.com
Sen Conv: Howard De Zylva, 0401 101 999, ehtc.seniors@gmail.com                   Jun Sat Conv: Brad Hasler, 0417 327 880, brad_hasler@yahoo.com.au
                                                                                  Jun Sun Conv: Brad Hasler, 0417 327 880, brad_hasler@yahoo.com.au
Essex Heights                                                                     Sen Conv: Deirdre Evans, 0400 889 041, deefil@bigpond.com
Federal Reserve, Barton St, Mount Waverley, 3149
Club Phone: 9808 2617 Melway Ref: 61 D9 Courts: 6 H. Court                        Glen Waverley Uniting Church
Postal Address: P.O. Box 2353, Mount Waverley, 3149                               Highvale Primary School, Glen Waverley, 3150
Sec: Jeff Hocking, 0417 115 136, secretary@ehtc.com.au                            Extra Address Details: Enter via Ashton St, Glen Waverley
Jun Sat Conv: Emma Kelsall, 0417 480 168, kelsallerk@gmail.com                    Melway Ref: 62 E10 Courts: 6 Porous
Jun Sun Conv: Steph Wendler-Canning, 0431 754 845, juniorconvenor@ehtc.com.au     Postal Address: 6 Timmins Court, Wheelers Hill, 3150
Sen Conv: Jonathan Papailiou, 0425 806 284, seniorconvenor@ehtc.com.au            Sec: Stuart Blake, 0421 696 585, blakes@melbpc.org.au
                                                                                  Jun Sat Conv: Kurukula Perera, 0423 420 827, mangalakj@yahoo.com
Ferntree Gully                                                                    Sen Conv: Alistair Blake, 0418 337 037, alistair@ajblake.com.au
Glenfern Park, Ferntree Gully, 3156
Extra Address Details: off Glenfern Rd                                            Glenburn
Club Phone: 9758 8709 Melway Ref: 74 A5 Courts: 8 Porous                          5 Mulgrave Street, Glen Waverley, 3150
Postal Address: P.O.Box 8004, Ferntree Gully, 3156                                Club Phone: 9803 0582 Melway Ref: 62 B11 Courts: 6 A. Grass
Sec: Jan Maroney, 0402 520 584, janmaroney@yahoo.com                              Postal Address: 5 Mulgrave St., Glen Waverley, 3150
                                                                                  Sec: Peter Hudson, 9802 0622, 0402 016 264, peter.hudson@hotmail.com
Fountain Gate                                                                     Jun Sat Conv: Lewis Miles, 0431 150 324, lewismiles500@hotmail.com
Cnr Raven Cres & Princess Highway, Narre Warren, 3805                             Jun Sun Conv: Lewis Miles, 0431 150 324, lewismiles500@hotmail.com
Melway Ref: 110 B4 Courts: 4 Synth. Clay, 2 A. Grass                              Sen Conv: Gary Liu, 0423 980 330, seniorconvenor@glenburntennisclub.com
Sec: Charles Sing, 0427 626 097, fountaingatetc@gmail.com
Sen Conv: Shaheen Noor, 0430 799 709                                              Glendearg All Saints
                                                                                  Lysterville Avenue, Malvern, 3144
Gardiner                                                                          Extra Address Details: Down lane between 8-10 Lysterville Ave.
2-14 Kyarra Road, Glen Iris, 3146                                                 Melway Ref: 59 E10 Courts: 2 A. Grass
Club Phone: 8395 5794 Melway Ref: 59 H7 Courts: 5 Porous                          Postal Address: 19 Lysterville Avenue, Malvern, 3144
Postal Address: Gardiner Tennis Club, Kyarra Rd, Glen Iris, 3146                  Sec: Emma Fasham, 9509 0772, 0412 996 473, EFasham@fasham.com.au
Jun Sat Conv: Kate Antosik, 8395 5794, 0407 498 854, info@gardinertennis.com.au   Jun Sat Conv: Jonny Rowan, 0416 215 479, 0416 215 479, hello@jonnyrowan.com.au
Sen Conv: Kaylene Ellis, 0407 341 056, kayleneellis@gmail.com                     Jun Sun Conv: Jonny Rowan, 0416 215 479, 0416 215 479, hello@jonnyrowan.com.au

                                       24                                                                               25
CLUBS AND OFFICIALS (cont’d)                                                CLUBS AND OFFICIALS (cont’d)
Glenvale                                                                     HE Parker Reserve
Shepherd Rd, Glen Waverley, 3150                                             Heathmont Road, Heathmont, 3135
Club Phone: 9560 1366 Melway Ref: 71 J4 Courts: 6 A. Grass                   Extra Address Details: Via Heathmont Road
Postal Address: PO Box 1251, Glen Waverley, 3150                             Club Phone: 9729 0973 Melway Ref: 64 C2 Courts: 6 A. Grass
Outside Locations:                                                           Postal Address: P.O. Box 695, Heathmont, 3135
Glen Waverley Uniting Church, Ashton St, Glen Waverley, 3150, 62 E10         Sec: Erina Wotherspoon, 0409 868 789, secretary@hprtc.org.au
Sec: Kim Muehlbauer, 0413 911 578, kim_muehlbauer@hotmail.com                Sec: Ben Longridge, 0413 619 028, advantagetennis@hotmail.com
Jun Sat Conv: Rikhi Kang, 0413 754 121, rakhvir@gmail.com                    Jun Sat Conv: Andrea Johnson, 0411 606 802, 0411 606 802, andiehomemail@gmail.com
Jun Sun Conv: Arpan Sood, 0431 442 077, arpansood@yahoo.com                  Jun Sun Conv: Andrea Johnson, 0411 606 802, 0411 606 802, andiehomemail@gmail.com
Sen Conv: Michael Cheng, 0423 983 207, mscheng@optusnet.com.au               Sen Conv: Ben Longridge, 0413 619 028, advantagetennis@hotmail.com
Gracedale Park                                                               Heatherdale
40 Gracedale Ave, Ringwood East, 3135                                        Cnr Kulnine & Purches Streets, Mitcham, 3132
Club Phone: 9879 3246 Melway Ref: 50 E10 Courts: 6 Porous                    Club Phone: 0481 679 799 Melway Ref: 49 C11 Courts: 8 Synth. Clay
Postal Address: PO Box 157, Ringwood East, 3135                              Postal Address: PO Box 13, Mitcham, 3132
Sec: Ben Longridge, 0413 619 028, advantedgetennis@hotmail.com               Sec: Andrea Boully, 0407 050 624, boullya@bevwill.com.au
Hallam                                                                       Holy Saviour
Hallam Recreation Reserve, Hallam, 3803                                      765 Highbury Rd, Vermont South, 3133
Extra Address Details: 118 Frawley Rd                                        Extra Address Details: Enter via school driveway
Club Phone: 0425 844 926 Melway Ref: 91 F11 Courts: 5 A. Grass, 2 H. Court   Club Phone: None Melway Ref: 62 F9 Courts: 6 Porous
Postal Address: PO Box 72, Hallam, 3803                                      Postal Address: PO Box 20, Glen Waverley, 3150
Sec: Liane Weaver, 0425 844 926, lcweaver@tpg.com.au                         Sec: Akshat Rajawat, 0406 385 088, akshatrajawat@hotmail.com
Sen Conv: Glenn Weaver, 0409 165 349, lcweaver@tpg.com.au                    Jun Sat Conv: Andrew Marshall, 0402 290 454, marshalltenniscoaching@gmail.com
                                                                             Jun Sun Conv: Andrew Marshall, 0402 290 454, marshalltenniscoaching@gmail.com
Hampton Park                                                                 Sen Conv: William Blick, 0422 798 217, w.n.blick@gmail.com
Booth Reserve, Hampton Park, 3976
Extra Address Details: Somerville Rd.                                        Keysborough
Club Phone: 9799 3263 Melway Ref: 96 D7 Courts: 6 Synth. Clay                Wachter Reserve, Keysborough, 3173
Postal Address: PO Box 189, Hampton Park, 3976                               Extra Address Details: Bloomfield Rd (laneway at No. 196 )
Outside Locations:                                                           Club Phone: 9769 0462 Melway Ref: 89 E8 Courts: 6 A. Grass, 2 Porous
Doveton Tennis Club, Robinson Reserve, Frawley Road, Doveton, 3177,          Postal Address: PO Box 338, Noble Park, 3174
  9793 1902, 91 A10                                                          Sec: Ailsa Williams, 9798 4810, 0408 525 408, keysboroughtennisclub@gmail.com
Sec: Paul Smart, 0417 379 169, paul.s.5669@gmail.com                         Jun Sat Conv: Josephine Petersen, 9701 8448, 0417 598 627, fenel1975@yahoo.com
Jun Sat Conv: Amanda Anderson, 0409 436 509, Ajanderson.july77@gmail.com     Jun Sun Conv: Lisa D’Amelio, 0419 104 655, tennisultd@gmail.com
Sen Conv: Kylie Anderson, 0425 388 873, traie23@hotmail.com                  Sen Conv: Brenton Bolin, 0468 469 558, brentonbolin@gmail.com
Harkaway                                                                     Knox City
51-53 King Rd, Dalton Reserve, Harkaway,                                     Neville St, Wantirna South, 3152
Melway Ref: 109 C11 Courts: 2 Synth. Clay, 2 A. Grass                        Extra Address Details: Coleman Reserve
Postal Address: 20 Paxton Drive, Glen Waverley, 3150                         Club Phone: 9801 5879 Melway Ref: 64 B10 Courts: 8 Porous
Sec: Karin Onley, Karinonley@hotmail.com                                     Postal Address: P.O. Box 5106, Studfield, 3152
Jun Sat Conv: Alex Hogan, 0430 946 666, alex@acceleratetennis.com.au         Sec: Emma Leech, 0433 266 244, secretary@knoxcitytennisclub.com.au
Jun Sun Conv: Michael inglis, 0410 435 968, michael_inglis@bigpond.com       Jun Sat Conv: Gary Leech, 0438 018 820, juniorconvenor@knoxcitytennisclub.com.au
Sen Conv: Wayde Eishold, 0477 018 122                                        Jun Sun Conv: Gary Leech, 0438 018 820, juniorconvenor@knoxcitytennisclub.com.au
                                                                             Sen Conv: Greg Cunningham, 0413 350 940, seniorconvenor@knoxcitytennisclub.com.au

                                        26                                                                          27
CLUBS AND OFFICIALS (cont’d)                                                  CLUBS AND OFFICIALS (cont’d)
Knox Gardens                                                                  Mayfield Park
Argyle Way, Wantirna South, 3152                                              34 - 38 Mayfield Drive, Mount Waverley, 3149
Club Phone: 0405 631 938 Melway Ref: 72 H2 Courts: 7 H. Court                 Melway Ref: 70 B4 Courts: 4 Porous, 2 Synth. Clay
Postal Address: P.O.Box 9220, Scoresby, 3179                                  Postal Address: 34-38 Mayfield Drive, Mount Waverley, 3149
Sec: Debbie Girvan, 9887 0502, 0402 418 742, deb.girvan@gmail.com             Jun Sat Conv: Brad Hasler, 0417 327 880, brad_hasler@yahoo.com.au
Jun Sat Conv: Lachlan Gotz, 0400 914 514, prestigetennis19@gmail.com          Jun Sun Conv: Brad Hasler, 0417 327 880, brad_hasler@yahoo.com.au
Jun Sun Conv: Lachlan Gotz, 0400 914 514, prestigetennis19@gmail.com
                                                                              MCC Glen Iris Valley
Knoxfield                                                                     260-270 High Street Road, Mount Waverley, 3149
Carrington Park, Knoxfield, 3180                                              Extra Address Details: Opposite Surrey Road
Extra Address Details: Entry off Allister Close                               Club Phone: 9807 7755 Melway Ref: 61 C11 Courts: 12 Porous
Club Phone: 0418 235 103 Melway Ref: 73 A6 Courts: 4 Porous, 2 A. Grass       Postal Address: P.O. Box 39, Glen Iris, 3146
Jun Sat Conv: Mark Hickey, 0418 235 103, Mark.Hickey@csiro.au                 Sec: Angelo Giampaolo, 0407 477 798, angelo@vidatennis.com.au
Jun Sun Conv: Mark Hickey, 0418 235 103, Mark.Hickey@csiro.au                 Jun Sat Conv: Angelo Giampaolo, 0407 477 798, angelo@vidatennis.com.au
                                                                              Jun Sun Conv: Angelo Giampaolo, 0407 477 798, angelo@vidatennis.com.au
Koonung Park *                                                                Sen Conv: Angelo Giampaolo, 0407 477 798, angelo@vidatennis.com.au
Cnr Springfield & Heppner Roads, Blackburn North, 3130
Club Phone: 9887 6107 Melway Ref: 47 K7 Courts: 9 Porous                      Monash University
                                                                              Monash University Campus, Wellington Rd, Clayton, 3168
Kooyong                                                                       Extra Address Details: (Courts north of sports centre) Parking - Melways map X875,
489 Glenferrie Road, Kooyong, 3144                                            refs J7 and H8. Car park around clubhouse reserved for residential students
Extra Address Details: Northern carpark, next to the stadium                  Melway Ref: 70 G10 Courts: 8 H. Court
Club Phone: 9822 3333 Melway Ref: 59 C3 Courts: 22 Porous, 3 Cush. H. Court   Postal Address: c/- 4 Summit Cres., Glen Waverley, 3150
Postal Address: 489 Glenferrie Road, Kooyong, 3144                            Sec: Ken Kennedy, 0402 059 477, kjkennedy05@gmail.com
Club Mgr: Cedric Mason, 9822 3333, cmason@kooyong.com.au                      Sen Conv: Ken Kennedy, 0402 059 477, kjkennedy05@gmail.com
Sen Conv: Tim Baddock, 9822 3333, tbaddock@kooyong.com.au
                                                                              Mount Waverley
Lauriston                                                                     7 Fleet Street, Mount Waverley, 3149
11 Rosanna Street, Carnegie, 3163                                             Melway Ref: 61 G12 Courts: 4 Porous
Melway Ref: 69 J7 Courts: 8 Porous                                            Postal Address: 7 Fleet Street, Mount Waverley, 3149
Postal Address: P.O. Box 408, Carnegie, 3163                                  Sec: Rebecca Wolf, 0411 279 102, mtwaverley.tennisclub@yahoo.com.au
Legend Park                                                                   Jun Sat Conv: Toni Peters, 0400 137 866, tonipetersoz@yahoo.com.au
Capital Reserve, Glen Waverley, 3150                                          Jun Sun Conv: Toni Peters, 0400 137 866, tonipetersoz@yahoo.com.au
Extra Address Details: Capital Ave                                            Sen Conv: Toni Peters, 0400 137 866, tonipetersoz@yahoo.com.au
Club Phone: 0431 457 206 Melway Ref: 62 G12 Courts: 6 Porous                  Mountain Gate
Postal Address: PO BOX 383, Glen Waverley, 3150                               Reta Matthews Reserve, Ferntree Gully, 3156
Sec: Diane Turnbull, 0431 457 206, lptcsecretary@hotmail.com                  Extra Address Details: Cnr Burke Rd & Agora Blvd
Jun Sat Conv: Nick Bell, 0478 034 830, juniorconvenorlptc@gmail.com           Melway Ref: 64 J11 Courts: 8 Porous
Jun Sun Conv: Tim Butterworth, 0478 034 830, juniorconvenorlptc@gmail.com     Postal Address: PO Box 1155, Mountain Gate, 3156
Sen Conv: Malcolm Reid, 0407 078 560, mjreid@bigpond.net.au
                                                                              Outside Locations:
Lum Reserve                                                                   Batterham Park, Miller Road, The Basin, 65 D7, 9765 6815
Cintra Avenue, Wheelers Hill, 3150                                            Sec: Heather Hawke, 0414 422 469, secretary@mgtc.com.au
Club Phone: 9560 2055 Melway Ref: 71 F10 Courts: 6 A. Grass                   Jun Sat Conv: Mark Sadler, 0416 151 336, juniorconvenor@mgtc.com.au
Postal Address: PO BOX 3137, Wheelers Hill, 3150                              Sen Conv: Enrique Lopez, 0425 848 411, enrique_lopez8@hotmail.com
Sec: John Steer, 9795 1978, jsteer@dairyaustralia.com.au
Jun Sat Conv: Chris Dwyer, 0409 024 231, jclrtc@gmail.com

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Narre Warren                                                                                                     • YOUR ONE STOP HOSPITALITY DESTINATION
Sweeney Reserve, 70 Melzak Way, Berwick, 3806
Extra Address Details: Easiest entry off Clyde & Centre Rds. Take the Monash/                                    • FANTASTIC SPORTING FACILITIES
Princes Fwy. & exit the Freeway at CLYDE ROAD (the 2nd Berwick exit).                                            • COUNTRY BISTRO
Turn right into Clyde Road and then refer to your Melways 110 K9.
Club Phone: 9702 0310 Melway Ref: 110 K9 Courts: 10 A. Grass, 2 H. Court                                         • OUTDOOR LOUNGES
Postal Address: P.O. Box 142, Berwick, 3806                                                                      • GREAT ENTERTAINMENT
Club Mgr: Paul Kleverlaan, klevo@bigpond.com
Sec: Rebecca McLean, 9702 0310, 0421 788 746, secretary.nwtc@gmail.com                                           • FUNCTION ROOMS FOR ALL OCCASSIONS
Jun Sat Conv: Sheyenne Algama, 0424 967 968, juniorcon.nwtc@gmail.com
Jun Sun Conv: Sheyenne Algama, 0424 967 968, juniorcon.nwtc@gmail.com
Sen Conv: Rebecca McLean, 9702 0310, 0421 788 746, secretary.nwtc@gmail.com
Narre Warren North
Recreation Reserve, A’Beckett Road, Narre Warren North, 3804
Extra Address Details: Next to Primary school
Melway Ref: 108 G5 Courts: 6 A. Grass
Postal Address: P.O. Box 36, Narre Warren North, 3804
Jun Sun Conv: Jeff Foot, 0407 842 269, footwork@live.com.au
Sen Conv: Kaitlin Ruse, 0431 454 984, kaitlin.ruse@gmail.com
Narre Warren South *
School Crt, Narre Warren South, 3805
Club Phone: 0491 158 050 Melway Ref: 130 A1 Courts: 6 Synth. Clay
Postal Address: PO Box 4023, Narre Warren South, 3805
Sec: Tracey Blegg, 0404 842 775, nwstennis@gmail.com                            The Mulgrave Country Club is one of Melbourne’s premier
Jun Sat Conv: Sue Walkerden, 0425 857 844, nwstennis@gmail.com                  member owned clubs which offers fantastic facilities to make
Sen Conv: Sue Walkerden, 0425 857 844, nwstennis@gmail.com                      the club your one stop hospitality destination.
Noble Community                                                                 Situated opposite the Waverley Park development on the
Aenone Avenue, Noble Park, 3174                                                 corner of Jells and Wellington Roads, Mulgrave Country Club
Extra Address Details: Also from Arena Sq or Moodemere St                       provides fantastic sporting facilities for Tennis, Squash, Bowls,
Melway Ref: 89 D5 Courts: 6 Porous                                              Social Golf, Cricket and Snooker.
Postal Address: 5 Ryan Mews, Dingley, 3172
Sec: Shirley Bradshaw, 9558 1718, 0409 558 171, shirley.b@iinet.net.au          The Country Bistro, Club Keno, Punters TAB, Terrace, fantastic
Jun Sat Conv: Marcos Ahumada Gonzalez, 0413 569 296, mahumada@bigpond.net.au    bars and function rooms catering for small to large functions,
Jun Sun Conv: Ross Pepper, 0407 565 768, ross@rosspepper.com                    weddings, engagements, seminars, trade shows, business
Sen Conv: Michael DeMarchi, 0413 689 914, demarchi_michael@yahoo.com.au         meetings or that special family get together, will be catered for
Noble Park                                                                      in style.
Parkfield Reserve, Ellendale Road, Noble Park, 3174                             Great entertainment is also offered throughout the week, from
Extra Address Details: Enter from Ellendale Road                                soloists to live bands and shows.
Club Phone: 0419 001 138 Melway Ref: 89 G1 Courts: 6 Synth. Clay
Postal Address: P.O. Box 7019, Noble Park East, 3174                            For your convenience, the underground car park has direct
Sec: Di-ann Kranias, 0416 281 064, nobleparktennis@gmail.com                    access to all parts of the club.
Jun Sat Conv: Joshua Fisher, 0403 694 788, 0403 694 788, joshuaf852@gmail.com
Jun Sun Conv: Joshua Fisher, 0403 694 788, 0403 694 788, joshuaf852@gmail.com
Sen Conv: Phillip Malone, 0424 058 159, mollyfud@gmail.com                      Call us on 9582 4600 or check us out at www.mulgravecc.com.au

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CLUBS AND OFFICIALS (cont’d)                                                 CLUBS AND OFFICIALS (cont’d)
North Balwyn *                                                                Pakenham
57a Buchanan Avenue, North Balwyn, 3104                                       11 Webster Way, Pakenham, 3810
Melway Ref: 46 D4 Courts: 4 Porous, 4 Synth. Clay                             Club Phone: 5941 4732 Melway Ref: 317 F11 Courts: 18 Cush. H. Court
Postal Address: PO Box 46, Kew East, 3102                                     Postal Address: P O Box 148, Pakenham, 3810
Jun Sat Conv: Alvan Siah, 0488 239 939, alvan.siah@gmail.com                  Sec: Fiona Klenner, 0412 087 721, fklenner@hafele.com.au
Sen Conv: Simon Bourke, 0437 704 390, simon.m.bourke@gmail.com                Sen Conv: Frances Fanchette, 0478 922 489, francis.e.fanchette@gmail.com
North Ringwood                                                                Pakenham Upper *
246 Warrandyte Road, North Ringwood, 3134                                     781-783 Pakenham Road, Pakenham Upper, 3810
Club Phone: 9879 9395 Melway Ref: 49 J1 Courts: 11 Porous                     Extra Address Details: near Cnr Morrison Road
Sec: Glenda Hockham, 9846 4994, glenda_hockham@hotmail.com                    Melway Ref: 316 A3 Courts: 4 A. Grass
Sen Conv: Thelma Bomford, 9726 4417, 0432 961 582, thelma.bomford@gmail.com
                                                                              Parkwood *
Nottinghill Pinewood                                                          Wonga Rd, North Ringwood, 3134
1 - 9 Baker Avenue, Glen Waverley, 3150                                       Extra Address Details: Quambee Reserve
Extra Address Details: (Off Herriotts Blvd)                                   Club Phone: 9879 9395 Melway Ref: 36 B11 Courts: 6 Porous, 6 A. Grass
Club Phone: 9560 1533 Melway Ref: 70 K6 Courts: 12 H. Court                   Postal Address: P O Box 2262, North Ringwood, 3134
Sec: Brayden Price, 0498 157 238, pricey10.10@hotmail.com                     Sec: Geoff Thorn, 0438 298 407
Jun Sat Conv: Tony Mallios, 0411 801 211, tonymallios@hotmail.com
Jun Sun Conv: Tony Mallios, 0411 801 211, tonymallios@hotmail.com             Patterson Lakes
Sen Conv: Tony Mallios, 0411 801 211, tonymallios@hotmail.com                 Cnr Learmonth & Thompson Rds, Patterson Lakes, 3197
                                                                              Melway Ref: 98 A5 Courts: 6 A. Grass
Nunawading                                                                    Postal Address: P.O. Box 8143, Carrrum Downs, 3201
Nicoll Reserve, North Blackburn, 3130                                         Sen Conv: Dean O’Bree, 0419 547 988, deanobree55@gmail.com
Extra Address Details: Lane Street
Melway Ref: 48 D7 Courts: 7 Porous                                            Rosswood
Postal Address: PO Box 1048, North Blackburn, 3130                            112A Somerset Drive, Dandenong North, 3175
Club Mgr: Jack Taylor, 0402 296 658                                           Extra Address Details: opposite Francesco Drive
Sen Conv: Duncan Pendrigh, 0419 751 002, pendrigh1@tpg.com.au                 Club Phone: 0401 177 886 Melway Ref: 81 E8 Courts: 6 H. Court
                                                                              Postal Address: PO Box 2218, Dandenong North, 3175
Oakleigh                                                                      Jun Sat Conv: Marcel Pietrasik, 0401 177 886, marcelp88@hotmail.com
Caloola Reserve, 85 Atkinson Street, Oakleigh, 3166                           Sen Conv: Tim Balaban, 0427 292 921, tbalaban@ericinsurance.com.au
Extra Address Details: (park in Atkinson or Drummond Street)
Melway Ref: 69 G5 Courts: 8 A. Grass                                          Rowville
Postal Address: 6 Botanic Drive, Glen Waverley, 3150                          police Rd (east off stud Rd), Rowville, 3178
Club Mgr: Donald Smith, 0434 882 868, otc123@optusnet.com.au                  Extra Address Details: Dirt road
Sec: Peter Splatt, 0411 369 205, prsplatt@gmail.com                           Club Phone: 0413 380 535 Melway Ref: 81 J7 Courts: 4 Porous
Jun Sat Conv: James Bruce-Smith, 0466 300 457, jamesbruce-smith@hotmail.com   Postal Address: 14 Yandra St, Clyde North, 3978
Jun Sun Conv: James Bruce-Smith, 0466 300 457, jamesbruce-smith@hotmail.com   Outside Locations:
Sen Conv: Peter Splatt, 0411 369 205, prsplatt@gmail.com                      Endeavour Hills Tennis Club, Cnr James Cook Dve & Sydney Parkinson Av,
                                                                                 Endeavour Hills, 3802, 9700 4122, 91 E7
Officer                                                                       Sec: Sandi Dawson, 0422 848 356, 0422 848 356, sandidawson61@gmail.com
Starling Road, Officer, 3809                                                  Jun Sat Conv: Brad McMillan, 0413 380 535, play@endeavourtennis.com.au
Extra Address Details: Enter from Starling Road                               Jun Sun Conv: Brad McMillan, 0413 380 535, play@endeavourtennis.com.au
Melway Ref: 214 K3 Courts: 2 A. Grass, 2 H. Court, 2 H. Court                 Sen Conv: Jonathan Herrmann, 0402 159 165, jon.herrmann@hotmail.com
Postal Address: PO Box 436, Officer, 3809
Sec: Riley Pitcher, 0447 262 774, secretary@officertennisclub.com.au
Jun Sat Conv: Quentin Fitzsimmons, 0449 922 661,
Sen Conv: Riley Pitcher, 0447 262 774, secretary@officertennisclub.com.au
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