WEEKLY BULLETIN Week ending 12th February 2021

Page created by Rafael Clarke
WEEKLY BULLETIN Week ending 12th February 2021
                            Week ending 12th February 2021

Message from the Headteacher

Lunar New Year 2021, or Spring Festival (春节 / chūn jié), as it is otherwise known, falls today,
Friday, February 12th, 2021, beginning a Year of the Ox. This is the most important festival of the
year for students in China, Hong Kong and South Korea. It is also a time for families to be
together, if possible, and an occasion marked with an official public holiday in the Far East.

At Kingsley we understand that many international students who are remote learning at this time
have chosen to spend the day celebrating with their families, putting up decorations, eating
together, enjoying fireworks and giving one another special gifts for the year ahead. It has been a
very difficult year for many of us, here in the UK, and also for our community around the world, so
I am happy that some of our international students studying remotely will be able to switch off
their computers and enjoy this special time with their families.

Traditionally at Kingsley we celebrate the Lunar New Year with an assembly in the senior school
hosted by our pupils from China, Hong Kong and Korea. The stage is adorned with festive scarlet
decorations and bright floral arrangements. The pupils teach us all about their cultural traditions,
perform beautiful music, read poems and talk about the significance of special rituals before giving
mandarin oranges to everyone. Here are some photographs of our celebrations in school last year.
WEEKLY BULLETIN Week ending 12th February 2021
This year however, instead of assembly, we have planned some wonderful celebrations this
weekend for all the boarders who are with us in school and we look forward to sharing
photographs with you next week.

Wishing you all a very Happy Year of the Ox (2021) 大吉 (dàjí) and a relaxing half term break.

Mrs Gill Jackson

Message from the Head of Prep

Look after yourselves

Following on from Children’s Mental Health Week last week, I am very aware that we have not
met together as a Prep School since December. Many children haven’t been inside a classroom for
the last six weeks. This will be continuing for a period of time after half term, however, we are all
looking forward to changes hopefully starting from March 8th!

Firstly, I am aware that this is taking its toll on our children, as well as parents and staff. So firstly,
well done and thank you to everyone for their efforts during this lockdown. Everyone has done
exceptionally well at being penguins demonstrating resilience and being chameleons showing

Secondly, please look after yourselves over the half-term break. Have a good rest, recover, and
plan some special times as families and make memories that are so important for motivation
during difficult times.

I will be sending out the optional Weekly Prep School Challenges today, ready for the first week
back after half term. They contain some fun activities to do as a family that can also be enjoyed
during the half-term week if you happen to find yourselves indoors. After all, anything involving
balloons, cakes, cuddly toys and pets are bound to be enjoyed by all!

Take good care. There’s light at the end of the tunnel……

Andrew Trythall
Head of Prep School

Message from the Deputy Head (pastoral)

Safer Internet Day, held on Tuesday this week, provides us with the perfect opportunity to reflect
and assess our online habits, both good and bad. Online safety clearly transcends more than one
single day and is of particular relevance at a time when so many people are living so much of their
lives virtually or remotely: learning, socialising, relaxing and even ‘travelling’ online.

Modern technology has played a huge part in our ability to stay connected, access goods and
services and get through this situation in a way that would not have been possible at any other
WEEKLY BULLETIN Week ending 12th February 2021
time in history. Reading and imagination enables us to open our minds to a world of possibilities at
a time when the physical world feels like it is closing in around us. I personally would have been
lost without my e-reader and the 24/7 access it gives me to select and download new books
instantly while libraries and book shops remain closed.

Unfortunately, the internet can also be a powerful conduit for harm and a source of endless and
conflicting information that can ramp up anxieties as it becomes emotionally or mentally
overwhelming. A huge number of issues related to safeguarding children arise from, or are
exacerbated by, the use of social media. Physical health can also suffer with dramatically increased
screen time as we all turn to our computers and phones, straining our eyes and perhaps exercising

Informing young people of the potential dangers associated with social media and the internet,
encouraging sensible use of their technology, and monitoring what our children are doing online
are incredibly important in safeguarding them. Used safely, the online world can be an amazing
resource. National Online Safety publishes a lot of information supporting internet safety for
pupils, parents and schools, including tips, videos and a new app. You can access their website
with this link: National Online Safety | Keeping Children Safe Online in Education

As we head into half term and the evenings are getting lighter, I wish you all a happy and healthy
week with plenty of screen detoxing if you have the opportunity!

Sarah Gosai
Assistant Headteacher (Pastoral)

Message from the Deputy Head (Academic)
GCSE & A Level/BTEC Options

During half term I will be collating the option blocks for next year's timetable. Students in year 9
and 11 have been asked for their options, please encourage your child to confirm their choices if
they haven't done so already.

Parental Feedback

Teachers have been planning and delivering remote teaching and learning once again this term.
While we recognise that virtual learning is not a substitute for being physically present in a
classroom with a teacher, we always endeavour to continue to deliver an intellectually stimulating
online curriculum. Once again, we acknowledge the debt we owe to parents who have been
balancing work, supporting remote learning and childcare.

In order for us to continue to refine our remote teaching and learning we would really appreciate
your feedback via this very short survey. I hope you can find the time to complete it, the link
is: https://tinyurl.com/16q2pg5k

Wishing you a wonderful half term break.

Chrissy Hamilton - Deputy Headteacher
WEEKLY BULLETIN Week ending 12th February 2021
Message from the Head of Lower Senior School

We made it! Half term couldn’t come quick enough for our screen weary eyes. I want to say a
huge well done to all of my lower school pupils and families for keeping going. I am delighted at
the quality of learning and progress that you have all made in this first half of the Spring term. A
whole 9 days off in a row to rest, recharge and be ready to go again!

I want to say a heart-felt thank you to the families that have supported our learners. I know that
most have juggled their own work commitments to support their young people. Together, as a
school community we have made it through another very challenging time. I know that online
learning is not over yet but for me, every year, February half term is always a turning point in the
academic year. The northern hemisphere begins its tilt back towards the sun and everything just
seems more achievable with more warmth and daylight hours.

I genuinely think that we need a good rest. Plenty of extra time in bed, “duvet days” and relaxing;
but don’t forget the value of a good bit of fresh air an exercise. Plan a few nice secluded walks,
stop and feel and appreciate the start of Spring. Also, I would like to challenge my year groups to
take some time to write and send a letter or a card. A skill many do not use anymore. Write to an
older friend or relative, or even a school friend. The joy of sending and receiving personal mail
should not be overlooked. Of course, Facetime and Zoom calls are great for keeping in touch, but
there is something special about hand written correspondence, both for the sender and the

Have a well-deserved break.

Mr Steve Whaley

Message from the Modern Languages department

Our senior school pupils have
been making crêpes as part of
their weekly challenges. Thank
you Freddie, James, Joe, Lily,
Maddie and Ollie for sharing
your unique creations with us!
One thing is for sure, this
lockdown is developing lots of
useful life skills.

Sandrine Toubin-Whale
WEEKLY BULLETIN Week ending 12th February 2021
Congratulations Toby
Toby (Year 11) has been accepted on a work experience programme with North Devon District
Hospital where he will be working with medics throughout the summer term starting in May.
Well done Toby for securing this highly competitive work experience placement.

Mr Craig McConnachie cmcconnachie@kingsleyschoolbideford.co.uk

Bird Watch

The RSPB big
birdwatch is over.
Thanks to Harry in
Year 5 for sending
in his photographs.
I’ve included some
of mine too,
although there
weren’t many
about on a rainy
day in January!

Mr James R.

Message from the Grenville Centre

Grenville Centre pupils have been busy designing, building and testing safety containers for an egg
to be dropped from a height without breaking, and something to keep a teddy dry during a rain
WEEKLY BULLETIN Week ending 12th February 2021

On Wednesday some of our pupils enjoyed a quick trip to the beach for some exercise, fresh air
and fun, and time away from zoom and their computer screens.

Whilst in the Prep Grenville Centre some very special Valentine biscuits have been made!
WEEKLY BULLETIN Week ending 12th February 2021
Fundraising for Falcons

Thank you to everyone who is supporting Maddie (Year 7) with her fundraising challenge for
Falcons Gymnastics. She has been running a marathon a week for a month. She started on the
18th January and completes her challenge on 14th February.

If you are able to support
Maddie on the last few
days of her running journey
by donating any amount,
big or small she would be
very, very grateful.


Miss Gemma Braunton

Message from the Drama Department

I always like to share work which makes me proud. Here is a fictitious monologue written last
week by Oakley (Year 7) on the social theme of cyberbullying. This piece of writing was written in
response to 3 different verbatim accounts of victims of cyberbullying that we have been studying
as a topic in class.



Gilbert: Hello, my name is Gilbert Morrison. Unfortunately, I am having upsetting times. I would
like to enlighten you about what is going on in my depressing life now. Why am I telling you?
Because I am getting cyberbullied.

A group of kids at school are being nasty little brats at the moment, Mark, Mathew and John are
the names of the perpetrators. I’m the kid who is getting taken the mic out of, getting criticised,
that’s me. I’m living in an unpleasant world right now, people calling me fat, ugly, abnormal etc.
This is what sounds like a miserable life, right?

When I arrive through the main entrance of the school building, I get laughed at, treated awful as
though I looked like some sort of alien. But the only person who can cheer me up at the moment is
WEEKLY BULLETIN Week ending 12th February 2021
Francis. I didn’t tell him about what’s happening because I’m afraid that he would laugh at the
comments because they’re so ridiculous. Maybe I’m just taking this a little too personal? Maybe
Mark and his mates are trying to have a laugh with me? Every time I try to reassure myself, it never
works. It’s almost like I’m stuffed with anxiety inside of me and my emotions are overflowing.

Whenever I get to my limit, I feel like I’m going to tell someone, but I always hold it inside of me. It
would be nice to talk to someone without being so afraid. It would be nice if I could communicate
with someone who has experienced this pain before. I wish that I’d never get looked at in a nasty
way, I wish I was like everyone else. But I guess I can’t do anything about it (pause) the only thing I
could is to stand up for myself, but I can’t do that either.

Do you think this will stop? Because I hope so. (silence)

Thanks for listening.

Michele Borsten - mborsten@kingsleyschoolbideford.co.uk

Message from the sports department

During Prep School PE this half term our Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 pupils have been learning
various throwing techniques.
We have been very creative with our exercise ideas concentrating on improving our aim and
resilience in practice while learning all about the key physical fundamentals to improve our
throwing skills.
We have been imaginative, finding many ways to develop our skills through play and creating fun
memories. Well done everyone and thanks for a great few weeks of fun learning together.
Mr Ward
WEEKLY BULLETIN Week ending 12th February 2021
Fun Times in the Nursery & Pre-School

This week the babies in the nursery have been exploring Lunar New Year through sensory play,
involving noodles, which develops their sense of touch and taste, as well as trying some delicious
Prawn Crackers.

Miss Wendy, Miss Sam G and Miss Jade

In the Dragonfly Room we have created ‘Charlie the Stegosaurus.’ The children enjoyed picking the
colours green and yellow to paint Charlie and they sprinkled a little glitter on him too! Charlie is
very kind and he gives cuddles to the people we love.

The children have been exploring the topic of Valentine’s day and have been talking about feelings
of love. Unprompted, Georgia said she “loves her Mummy and Daddy” and Hector said, “I love
Grandad and Daddy”.

The children enjoyed
listening to the staff
in the Nursery and
Pre-School share with
everyone what and
who they love too!

Miss Emma and Miss
Sam G
WEEKLY BULLETIN Week ending 12th February 2021
Years 1 & 2

This week we have done lots of baking! Elsa was really keen on the
cinnamon rolls challenge because she had never made them
before, but they are now a new favourite!

The children have also been making delicious Pannekoek (South
African crepes with cinnamon sugar). And, Georgia has been
getting extremely creative and has made a batch of gorgeous
shortbread penguins – they all look absolutely perfect!
The whole class
are becoming
really great
cooks! And of
course, amazing
scientists! Well
done everyone
with your

Mrs Trythall & Mrs Smithson
jtrythall@kingsleyschoolbideford.co.uk msmithson@kingsleyshoolbideford.co.uk
Class Teachers Years 1 & 2
Year 3

Year 3 have had a busy time making rainforests this week using natural resources. Here are Ellie
and Calayla’s rainforests. Well done Year 3 – great work.

Mrs Elaine Thorne - ethorne@kingsleyschoolbideford.co.uk

Year 5 & 6

Cartoon Drawing Competition

Well done to everyone for your drawings. Judging this competition was difficult as the drawings
were all so good! In first place was Archie with his dragon eye drawing. Second place was Jack S’s
drawing of a dog and sloth and in third place was George’s Pomeranian puppy and Labrador

Emily is really enjoying having a go at Mr Trythall's cooking challenges. This weekend she made a
slight variation on cinnamon rolls - cinnamon twists! A slightly trickier recipe but it was a big
success and the cinnamon rolls tasted very good! Emily kindly left some of the batch on her next
door neighbours' doorstep as they are currently having to self-isolate.

If you would like to make these at home, the recipe Emily used
was: https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/cinnamon-twists/amp
Year 5 & 6 have been studying Buddhism and have just completed the topic by producing these
amazing oil pastel Buddha pictures. Elise was so inspired by the topic that she went home and
made this little sculpture out of clay.

Miss Emma Ford, Mr Wilson & Mr Pryce
Community Post: half term fun!

We’re there!! It’s half term this afternoon – won’t it be good to pause and have a little change in

If you wanted to do something different next week, why not become an astronaut and rocket into
outer space! Discover whether aliens really exist and the fascinating links between space and our
deep seas with the National Maritime Museum Cornwall. They are running daily live session from
Monday to Thursday next week - science demonstrations, short films and stories about aliens and
space. Plus, it's all FREE! Click on the link.

Community post: competition time!

Win yourself a dryrobe® Advance by taking part in Plastic Free North Devon ‘Cleanse and Clean’
action campaign.

Here is how to enter:

Step 1: Go out for a cleansing activity as part of your daily exercise. e.g. a walk, cycle, surf or just a
run in the rain!

Step 2: Follow up that activity by giving back to nature with a clean. Make sure that you use gloves
and/or a litter picker and always wash your hands afterwards.

Step 3: Send photographic evidence of your clean, the location, your name and the name of your
school to: plasticfreenorthdevon@gmail.com to enter the draw.


Closing date is 22nd February 2021.

If you have access to social media share your action with Plastic Free North Devon by tagging
@plasticfreenorthdevon and tag us at @kingsleyschoolbideford.

You can get all the information about the competition on our website

You can also read all about the full campaign here:

Community Post: The Big Sleep

The Big Sleep 2021 (with a TWIST!) on Friday 5th March

My name is Laura, and I am Alabaré's Community Engagement Officer, working in partnership with
schools like Kingsley to help transform the lives of homeless people. Alabaré is a local charity
supporting homeless and vulnerable people in your community.

The Big Sleep is Alabaré’s flagship event and welcomes those who want to take a stand against
homelessness. On Friday 5th March we are inviting pupils from Kingsley to swap their beds for
sleeping bags for one night and raise vital funds and awareness of Alabaré’s work with homeless
and vulnerable people.

You can take part by hosting a Big Sleep at Home, perhaps camping out in your garden or building
a den in your living room or garage.

On the night you will be joined virtually by award-winning Local Author Barney Norris for a
bedtime story, survival den building tricks and tips with ex SAS Major Ken Hames, a virtual fun quiz
with prizes, and Q & A with our CEO Andrew Lord MBE and hear stories from our incredible service

By taking part in The Big Sleep at Home and fundraising for Alabaré, you will be supporting
homeless and vulnerable people affected by the ongoing impact of Coronavirus.

For the last 30 years, with the help of our amazing supporters, Alabaré Christian Care and Support
has been there to offer support and hope to those who find themselves in crisis. This year has
been no different. From 1st March to 30th October, we have provided homes and support to 1075
people across the South West.

Thank you for your interest and hopefully support of The Big Sleep.

Laura Knight - Alabare Christian Care Centre
COMMUNITY POST: Get a lifestyle spring clean

Last October Carbon
Savvy launched the
Get to Net Zero
programme with
Find Your Footprint
week. Thank you to
everyone who
participated in that.
Our next big event is
Lifestyle Spring
Clean week from
5th-14th March when you can win an electric bicycle! This is run with the councils of North Devon
and Torridge and our partner charities.

But what, I hear you cry, is the link between finding out your (carbon) footprint and spring
cleaning your lifestyle (which sounds a bit unusual…)?

The missing link is the simple idea that when we do things that are good for us, and genuinely
improve quality of life; those tend to be actions that reduce our carbon footprint. On the one
hand, our lifestyles need some cleaning up i.e., throwing out some activities that we do not enjoy
and doing more of the things we really enjoy. That usually results in reducing our carbon footprint
at the same time as increasing our happiness and well-being. A few examples: Cycling or walking
on short journeys rather than using a car is good for your health, promotes cleaner air, and
reduces CO2 emissions. Cooking one extra meal a week from local, seasonal produce is good for
our health, enjoyment and footprint. And signing up to a renewable energy company is an easy
win that makes us feel good about “doing our bit” towards achieving climate stability.

Would you like to give your lifestyle a spring clean? I hope you will join us for Lifestyle Spring Clean
Week 5-14th March at www.carbonsavvy.uk. To help you gen-up in advance, I am excited to be
offering three online “easy courses” to help with this, which one would you chose?

Eco Lifestyle Satisfaction - How to increase the satisfaction levels from your lifestyle in an eco-
friendly way (3 parts) 1.30- 3pm Fridays Feb 12th - 26th.

Easy Carbon Cutting - How to cut your footprint by 10% in one year and what benefits this will
offer you, your community and your environment. (3 parts) 7.30-9pm Thursdays Feb 11th - 25th

Easy Carbon Ambassador - A comprehensive overview of carbon foot-printing and reductions
including the global picture and the local opportunities, for decision makers and communicators.
(7 parts) 9am-10-30 Wednesdays Feb 3rd - Mar 17th

Book all our courses at https://carbonsavvy.uk/events/Meanwhile, read our latest blog on
refreshing your lifestyle here:


Mukti Mitchell
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