Welcome to Bienvenidos a - 2020-21SY - Academia Antonia Alonso

Page created by Erik Juarez
Welcome to Bienvenidos a - 2020-21SY - Academia Antonia Alonso
Welcome to
Bienvenidos a

Welcome to Bienvenidos a - 2020-21SY - Academia Antonia Alonso
Dear La Academia Families,

I am pleased to welcome you back to the 2020-21SY! I would like to extend a special welcome to all of
new families joining La Academia this year and welcome back all of our returning families as well! I am
honored to be your Executive Director. Our goal at La Academia is to work together to provide our
students with a rich learning environment. My vision, as the school’s Executive Director, is to ALWAYS put
kids first! My belief is that all students can learn. As educators, we need to discover how each child learns
in order to differentiate our instruction to support diverse learning styles. In a collaborative effort, we
want children to thrive in all ways possible. My hope is that all children will LOVE school and nurture a
learning environment that is positive, safe, warm, caring, as well as a fun place to learn and grow.

Student success is attributed to the partnership and the relationships we build within our community and
this is more important now than ever. It truly does take a village and at La Academia we value teamwork
and collaboration! Education is a joint venture and we greatly appreciate the support you provide for your
children at home and at school to help them meet their learning goals. Without the support of
parent/guardian, contributions through our extraordinary Parent Booster Club (PBC) and Parent Teacher
Organization (PTO), we would not have many of the programs that make La Academia so unique and

Although this year will look different than any other year, we are committed to providing your child(ren)
a memorable, interactive, engaging distance learning experience for the first 6 weeks of school. In the La
Academia spirit, we pride ourselves on NEVER GIVING UP no matter what the situation. I challenge you to
be thinking about ways you can overcome any situation that arises during this unique time in educational
history. Some ideas might include encouraging your child to write a letter to a special friend at school,
calling someone just to say ‘hello’, waving at someone or decorating a mask with a smile. We at La
Academia will be focusing on all of the positives that we can take from this experience and as the role
models for our little jaguars’ lives, we will display a positive attitude towards distance learning each and
every day. UNIDOS we can do this together.

A few things you may be wondering before your child(ren)’s first day of school Tuesday, September 8th:

1-) When will I find out who is my child(ren)’s new teacher?

*Please expect a special message from your child(ren)’s new teacher by Friday, August 28th.

2-) What will distance learning look like?

*Please review our La Academia’s First 6 Weeks of School Plan for 2020-21SY. Keep in mind a more
detailed weekly schedule is soon to come.

Important Dates to REMEMBER:

*Wednesday, August 26th through Monday, August 31st – Student Device and Supply’s Distribution.
Specific information about pick up day/time is forthcoming.
Welcome to Bienvenidos a - 2020-21SY - Academia Antonia Alonso
Please remember:

       WE monitor our student devices using web-filtering tools to ensure your student’s safety during
        both remote learning and face-to-face learning!
       WE install the correct learning tools required on each student device to avoid student frustrations
        during remote learning and face-to-face learning!
       WE have technology staff that can easily troubleshoot La Academia’s devices when issues or
        problems occur. Our staff cannot provide support for home or personal devices.

EQUITY for ALL LEARNERS! We are proud to say that giving every student access to devices HAS NEVER
been a barrier for student learning!

* Friday, August 28th - Expect a special message from your child's new teacher.

*Tuesday, September 8th - First Student Day of School.

*Wednesday, September 2nd through Friday, September 4th – Virtual Meet the Teacher (more
information forthcoming)

       Each family will receive an invite within 24 hours of their Virtual Meet the Teacher from their
        teacher that will include the time and link to log on to the Zoom session.
       If you do not receive the Virtual Meet the Teacher invite please contact La Academia’s Executive
        Director, Mercedes Alonso.

                                          Get Connected!
We’ve compiled a list of vendors who are currently providing free or discounted internet connectivity.

Comcast: https://www.internetessentials.com/apply
AtlanticBroadBand: https://atlanticbb.com/keeping-customers-safe-and-connected-covid-19
Verizon: https://www.verizon.com/support/residential/account/manage-account/lifeline-
Verizon Wireless: https://www.verizonwireless.com/support/covid-19-faqs/
AT&T: https://www.verizonwireless.com/support/covid-19-faqs/
T-Mobile: https://www.t-mobile.com/support/account/covid-19-updates

We hope you will find that Academia Antonia Alonso Charter School is truly a place where learning is joyful
and children delight in coming to school. To all of my fellow Jaguars, let’s make it a great year! Please stay
safe and enjoy the last week of summer!

See you ‘virtually’ very soon!

Always with you,

Mercedes Alonso
Mercedes Alonso, M.Ed., MSOD
Executive Director
Welcome to Bienvenidos a - 2020-21SY - Academia Antonia Alonso
School building is closed to students & families- Distance/Remote Learning,
Activities and Events Only. Essential Faculty and Staff in the building, only. The
following plan refers to the first 6 weeks of school ONLY.

La Academia remains committed to providing an outstanding academic experience for all our
students. Beginning on September 8, 2020, student learning/ connection at La Academia will be
100 percent remote using Zoom Education. During the first 6 weeks, there will also be instruction
through La Academia’s Distance Learning Platform. The platform provides access to La
Academia’s digital curriculum (Wonders, Maravillas, Mis Matematicas and Studies Weekly –
Social Studies) as well as La Academia’s personalized blended programs (Imagine Learning
Language & Literacy, Imagine Español and Imagine Math).

Please be reminded that La Academia’s Board of Directors will reevaluate their decision for
remote learning at the scheduled board meeting on September 30, 2020. Their decision will be
communicated to La Academia’s community some time thereafter.

Significant steps have been taken this summer to evaluate the most-recent period of remote
learning during Spring 2020 to identify areas of improvement and establish best practices for
remote teaching during the 2020SY. We studied what worked well and what didn’t work
well. Given the Board’s decision and lessons learned, we commit to the following during the first
6 weeks of remote learning.

      High quality instruction for students, aligned to DDOE’s standards, will be provided
       remotely through La Academia’s Distance Learning Portal.
      Parent support provided remotely through La Academia’s Distance Learning Portal
       A combination of asynchronous ( online) and synchronous ( in –person through Zoom)
      Regular communication regarding academic progress, updates to classes, and other
       important information necessary for your student’s success
      Student participation/attendance is required in all platforms. It is mandated by law and
       existing attendance policies will be in effect for excused and unexcused absences!
      Student daily schedule must be followed for synchronous instruction.
      School events may be held remotely. Gatherings and field trips cancelled /postponed.
      School cafeteria closed, however, food boxes will be made available for families at meal
       sites. Please visit our website, www.academiacharterschool.org for more information
      Campus closed except for essential employees and by permission of the Executiveu
       Director/Director of Operations
      Masks or face coverings required in or near school building.

      Enhanced cleaning protocols employed remain in place in the school building
First 6 Weeks of School for the 2020-2021SY Overview
  Area of Focus                                                       Overview
Communication      La Academia connects with parents through phone calls, Blackboard Connect (Robocalls) text messaging,
                   website, Zoom Education, portals and other platforms. Visit La Academia’s website,
                   www.academiacharterschool.org, for up-to-date information on the latest school news. Students will primarily
                   connect with teachers through Zoom Education. Be sure to connect to La Academia via REMIND and Class Dojo.

                   As a Compassionate School, La Academia staff are trauma sensitive. We are committed to creating a supportive,
Social Emotional   joyful, nurturing, and healthy climate and culture so students can engage in learning. Regardless of the
                   environment through which they are learning, La Academia maintains a healthy culture in the digital classroom
                   through the Responsive Classroom approach. For example, every class will begin with a Morning Meeting to
                   create a sense of belonging, significance, and community.

                   Students will be considered in attendance in the remote learning scenario when they actively participate in ALL
Student            platforms. The daily/ weekly participation of ALL students in each Distance Learning digital platform (Wonders,
Attendance         Maravillas, Mis Matemáticas, Imagine Learning, Imagine Español, Imagine Math) as well as the live Zoom
                   instruction is mandatory per the Delaware Department of Education. The school will support families by
                   providing resources to ensure the students’ access to material each day. Students must complete and submit
                   work in the distance learning platform. Students must also fulfill on the recommended minutes in the Imagine
                   Learning platforms.

                   Students WILL be receiving grades during times of remote learning (grading and feedback system
Grading            upgrade). Teachers will be able to identify if students mastered the task instructed and give feedback through
                   the curriculum platform. Student grades and report cards will follow the marking period schedule as indicated in
                   our school calendar. Students’ grades will be based on mastery of standards and concepts taught.

                   Students WILL be assessed during their remote learning experience on our platforms. These assessments are to
Assessment         be completed without parent assistance to determine students’ needs and guide teachers’ instruction. Students
                   will take placement tests on our platforms. In the first 6 weeks of school, a variety of assessments are used to
                   determine your student’s current instructional level.

Supporting         Academia’s teaching staff will provide support to students with Zoom Education sessions, office hours and
Students           feedback through the Wonders, Maravillas, Mis Matematicas and Class Dojo platforms. Students will be
Academically       provided with the Imagine Learning Trackers to help parents and students determine if they have met the goal of
                   the day and have completed their tasks on that particular day.

Engagement         Teachers will provide an optimal instructional environment using Kagan techniques for virtual learning. Teachers
                   were trained this summer on how to modify Kagan structures to create a sense of significance, belonging, and
                   collaboration through Zoom Education. Teachers will have at least one data driven PLC with applicable staff
                   members such as, the Academic Dean.

Professional       Professional Development will continue to be part of our professional learning and collaboration. Professional
Development        Development will be ongoing for teachers. On these days, as indicated on the school calendar, students will be
                   expected to work asynchronously.
La Academia’s First 6 Weeks of School for 2020-2021SY
            Note: We are finalizing the details on your child’s daily schedule. Your child’s specific schedule will be shared with
            you by your child’s homeroom teacher but we want to make sure you are aware of a general schedule and set of
            expectations so that you can make arrangements to have your child engaged in learning during this time frame.

            Please understand the following schedule does not mean your child will be logged into Zoom all day. There will
            be a mix of live teaching, independent work, small group time with the teacher, movement breaks and related
            arts activities.

               TIME                   Monday              Tuesday              Wednesday             Thursday                 Friday

      8:00AM-8:45AM                                                       Planning and Preparation

      8:50AM-9:35AM                                               Individual / Small Group Zoom Instruction

      9:40AM-10:25AM                                              Individual / Small Group Zoom Instruction

     10:30AM-11:15AM                                              Individual / Small Group Zoom Instruction

     11:20AM-12:05AM                                              Individual / Small Group Zoom Instruction

     12:10PM-12:40PM                                                                Lunch

      12:45PM- 3:10PM                                  Testing / Small Group / Individual Instruction / Expressive Arts

          3:15 – 4:00PM                                           Teacher and Administration Office Hours

                                                       Description of Student Schedule
Planning and            At this time, both teachers and students are planning and preparing for their day. Please see teacher and student
Preparation             expectations below for what planning and preparation may include.
Small Group Zoom        Monday through Thursday, your student will be assigned 3 blocks of time for ELA/SLA and Math Instruction. On
Instruction             Fridays, they will have 2 assigned blocks of time for Science and Social Studies instruction. You will receive more
                        information with your child’s specific schedule from your student’s teachers.
                        Special Education and/or related services could be delivered during these times. These services include: Social
                        Emotional Groups, Speech Language services and Occupational Therapy services.
Lunch                   Be sure to give your brain a break! This is your time to refuel your brain.
Individual              If your student receives Special Education services, IEP services will be delivered at this time. More information
Instruction             will be forthcoming from your child’s Special Education Teacher. Individual instruction can also include RTI or
                        specialized instruction with your child’s teachers as specified by their needs.
                        Special Education and/or related services could also be delivered during these times. These services
                        include: Social Emotional Groups, Speech Language services and Occupational Therapy services.
Testing                 At the beginning of every school year, La Academia tests students to assess their present level of performance. A
                        variety of assessments are used to determine your student’s current instructional level.
Office Hours            Teachers will hold Office Hours Monday through Friday via Zoom Education. Both parents/guardians and/or
                        students may attend. Attendance is NOT mandatory. Teachers will be available to parents/guardians and/or
                        students for support and to clarify questions.
Expressive Arts         Physical Education, STEM, Art, Music, Capoeira will be available via asynchronous instruction. More information
                        will be forthcoming will availability of synchronous online instruction.
First 6 Weeks of School for the 2020-2021SY Expectations
         Expectations for Students               Expectations for Parents/Guardians                     Expectations for Teachers
-Be kind. Remember that nuance, emotion,      -Support your child with their schedule.      - All teachers will have a 7.5 hour work day.
and intention are all harder to gauge         Students may need support with telling        -Professional Responsibilities: Teachers are
online.                                       time.                                         expected to…
                                                                                                  1. Communicate in regards to student
-Adhere to ALL regular school rules found                                                             attendance, learning, and school activities
                                              - Maintain the confidentiality of other                 on a weekly basis
in our 2020-2021SY Code of Conduct
                                              students. Please do not record teacher’s            2. Provide a weekly newsletter for
                                              lessons.                                                parents/guardians
-Take care of your Chromebook/iPad.
                                                                                                  3. Provide daily/weekly student feedback
    -Charge it regularly.                                                                         4. Check email at least 2 times per day
   - No food or drink near or on it.          -Check      online   platforms     daily.           5. Respond            to       parent/guardian
   -Store it in a safe location in your       Assignments should demonstrate student                  communications (email, Dojo, etc.) within
home.                                         learning. Remember, student assignments                 24 hours, with the exception of weekends
-La Academia’s Acceptable Use Policy          should be completed by your child.                  6. Attend IEP, SST, and 504 meetings as
Guidelines continue apply to all technology                                                           needed
use and online communication.                                                                     7. Maintain regular data entry in teacher
                                              - During live Zoom sessions, please refrain
                                                                                                      grade books
                                              from interacting with the student and/ or
-Participate in ALL of La                                                                         8. Participate in Professional Development
                                              the teacher.                                        9. Collaborate with the stakeholders across
Academia’s digital learning platforms as
                                                                                                      the community i.e. paraprofessionals,
directed by your student schedule.                                                                    Reading Specialist, Math Specialist, DFS,
                                              -Maintain open communication with your
                                              student’s teacher.                                      etc.
-Attend Zoom sessions                                                                             10. Plan and upload instructional activities to
                                                                                                      La Academia’s Distance Learning platform
-Sign on at least 5 minutes before your       -Participate in scheduled student                       before the beginning of each week (8:00
Zoom session                                  conferences.                                            a.m. Monday)
                                                                                                  11. Contribute to a positive online
-Complete and submit your assignments         -Help your student identify a learning                  environment by maintaining a safe digital
for grading purposes each week                space with your student’s material                      classroom
                                              (notebook, pencil, and charged                      12. Adhere to all deadlines
-Each day complete required minutes           Chromebook/iPad) readily available.           -Instructional Delivery: Teachers are expected to….
                                                                                                  1. Utilize Kagan strategies for virtual student
of the Imagine Learning Platforms                                                                     engagement
     -Kinder-20 minutes                       -Support your child with time
                                                                                                  2. Utilize the core practices of Responsive
     -1st through 5th- 30 minutes             management, frequent breaks, physical
                                                                                                      Classroom      i.e.   Morning      Meeting,
                                              activity, and praise for task completion
-Tell your teacher when you need help                                                                 Interactive Modeling, etc. to teach
                                              and submission of assignments.                          academic expectations and guide student
- Sit in an appropriate place when working                                                            behavior
                                              -Please support your child in maintaining           3. Provide face to face instruction for at least
remotely. Where your student is sitting and
                                              a regular sleep schedule.                               1.5 hours
what others see, an unmade bed is
probably not a good look, matters.                                                                4. Log into Zoom at least 5 minutes before
                                              -Be sure to take care of your own physical              each session
                                              and social emotional well -being.                   5. Provide accommodations based on
-Do NOT eat during meeting times.
                                                                                                      student’s IEP , ELL, and possible SST needs
                                                                                                  6. Embed Imagine Learning into lesson
- Contribute to a positive online remote
learning community.
                                                                                                  7. Integrate SEL into the teaching day
                                                                                                  8. Provide small group daily and individual
                                                                                                      instruction as needed
                                                                                                  9. Support the implementation of RTI by
                                                                                                      participating in the RTI process for Tier 1,
                                                                                                      2, and 3 instruction and Cycle Reviews
Academia Antonia Alonso Charter School
                                                         2020-2021 School Calendar
       School and Offices Closed                          First/Last Day of School for Kindergarten              Parent/Teacher Conferences
                                                          (Half Day)
       Staff Professional Development Day                 First and Last Day of School (1ST -5TH)                Orientation Day Kindergarten
                                                                                                                 and New Students
          Instructional Days/Hours                        End Dates for Trimesters                     Report Card Distribution Dates
Total Teacher Days - 192                             1 Trimester – 11.18.2020                    11.20.2020
Total Student Days – 165                             2nd Trimester – 03.08.2021                  03.10.2021
Total Instructional Hours – 1,072.5                  3rd Trimester – 06.09.2021                  06.11.2021
*Number of instructional hours in a full day: 6.5
**Number instructional hours in a half day: 3.75
*** Surplus Days – 1.923 / Surplus Hours – 12.5

                                                                     JULY 2020
  S         M         T         W        TH          F          S      3rd - School and Offices Closed – Independence Day
                                 1        2          3          4
   5        6          7         8        9         10         11
  12        13        14        15       16         17         18
  19        20        21        22       23         24         25
  26        27        28        29       30         31
                                                                    AUGUST 2020
  S         M         T         W        TH          F          S      17-19 – New Staff and Faculty Professional Development Days
                                                                1      20 - All Staff and Faculty Professional Development Day
   2        3          4         5         6         7          8      21-24 – Classroom Set Up
   9        10        11        12        13        14         15      25-28 – All Staff and Faculty Professional Development Days
  16        17        18        19        20        21         22      31 – Virtual Student-Teacher Meet & Greet for all Grades
  23        24        25        26        27        28         29
  30        31
                                                                SEPTEMBER 2020
  S         M         T         W        TH          F          S    1-4 – Virtual Student-Teacher Meet & Greet for all Grades / Professional
                       1         2        3          4          5    Developments Day
   6         7         8         9       10         11         12    7 – School and Offices Closed – Labor Day
  13        14        15        16       17         18         19    8 - Kinderduction (Half Day of School for Kindergarten Students)
                                                                     9 - First Day of School
  20        21        22        23       24         25         26
                                                                       15 – School closed (Offices Open) – Professional Development Day
  27        28        29        30
                                                                  OCTOBER 2020
  S         M         T         W        TH          F          S    9 – School Closed (Offices Open) – Professional Development Day
                                          1          2          3
   4        5          6        7         8          9         10
  11        12        13        14       15         16         17
  18        19        20        21       22         23         24
  25        26        27        28       29         30         31
                                                                 NOVEMBER 2020
   S        M          T        W        TH          F          S    3 – School and Offices Closed – Election Day
   1        2          3         4        5          6          7    11 – School and Offices Closed – Veterans Day
   8        9         10        11       12         13         14    23-24 – School Closed (Offices Open) - Parent Teacher Conference
  15        16        17        18       19         20         21    25-27 – School and Offices Closed – Thanksgiving
  22        23        24        25       26         27         28
  29        30
S       M       T        W       TH        F       S    21-31 – School and Offices Closed – Winter Break
                 1        2       3        4       5
 6      7        8        9      10       11      12
13      14      15       16      17       18      19
20      21      22       23      24       25      26
27      28      29       30      31
                                                       JANUARY 2021
S       M        T       W       TH        F       S      1 – School and Offices Closed – Winter Break
                                           1       2      18 – School and Offices Closed – Martin Luther King Day
 3      4        5        6       7        8       9      19 - School Closed (Offices Open) – Professional Development Day
10      11      12       13      14       15      16
17      18      19       20      21       22      23
24      25      26       27      28       29      30
                                                    FEBRUARY 2021
S       M       T        W       TH        F       S      12 - School Closed (Offices Open) – Professional Development Day
         1       2        3       4        5       6      15 – School and Offices Closed – Presidents Day
 7      8        9       10      11       12      13
14      15      16       17      18       19      20
21      22      23       24      25       26      27
                                                       MARCH 2021
S       M       T        W       TH        F       S      18 - School Closed (Offices Open) – Professional Development Day
         1       2        3       4        5      6       19 – School Closed (Offices Open) – Parent Teacher Conference
 7      8        9       10      11       12      13
14      15      16       17      18       19      20
21      22      23       24      25       26      27
28      29      30       31
                                                        APRIL 2021
S       M        T       W       TH        F       S      2 – School and Offices Closed – Good Friday
                                  1        2       3      5-9 – School and Offices Closed – Spring Break
 4       5       6        7       8        9      10      12 - School Closed (Offices Open) – Professional Development Day
11      12      13       14      15       16      17
18      19      20       21      22       23      24
25      26      27       28      29       30
                                                        MAY 2021
S       M        T       W       TH       F        S      3 – School Closed (Offices Open) – Professional Development Day
                                                   1      31 – School and Offices Closed – Memorial Day
 2       3      4         5       6        7       8
 9      10      11       12      13       14      15
16      17      18       19      20       21      22
23      24      25       26      27       28      29
30      31
                                                        JUNE 2021
S       M       T        W       TH        F       S      11 – LAST DAY OF SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
                 1       2        3        4       5      14-15 – All Staff and Faculty Professional Development Days
 6      7        8       9       10       11      12
13      14      15       16      17       18      19
20      21      22       23      24       25      26
27     28       29      30
     **Approved by La Academia Board of Directors on July 22 nd,2020 Board Meeting.
Academia Antonia Alonso
                 Remote Learning Supply List

     Supply List:
__1 blunt-tipped scissor           __1 pack of 24 Crayons

__1 pack of 24 No. 2 pencils       __1 individual white board

__1 pack of erasers                __1 packet of dry eraser markers

__1 pack of 4 glue sticks          __1 set of headphones
__1 pack of colored pencils
__1 pack of colored markers

 Lista de materiales:
__1 tijera de punta redonda        __1 paquete de 24 Crayones

__1 paquete de 24 lápices #2       __1 pizarra blanca individual

__1 paquete de borradores          __1 paquete de marcadores
                                   para piazarra blanca
__1 paquete de pega                __1 audífono (opcional)

__1 paquete de lápices de
__1 paquete de marcadores de
Academia Antonia Alonso
                  1st Grade / Primer Grado
                 Remote Learning Supply List

     Supply List:
__1 pack of 24 No. 2 pencils       __1 pack of construction paper
__1 pack of 4 erasers              __1 individual white board
__1 blunt-tipped scissor           __1 packet of dry eraser markers
__1 pack of 4 glue sticks          __1 set of headphones
__1 pack of 24 crayons
__1 pack of colored markers
__1 pack of colored pencils
__3 notebooks

 Lista de materiales:

__1 paquete de 24 lápices #2       __1 paquete de papel de
__1 paquete de borradores          __3 libretas de composición
__1 tijeras de punta redonda       __1 pizarra blanca individual
__1 paquete de pega                __1 paquete de marcadores
                                   para piazarra blanca
__1 paquete de 24 Crayones         __1 audífono (opcional)
__1 paquete de marcadores de
__1 paquete de lápices de
Academia Antonia Alonso
                     2nd Grade / 2do Grado
                   Remote Learning Supply List

      Supply List:
__1 pack of 24 No. 2 pencils            __1 ruler
__1 pack of 4 erasers                   __1 pack of constructions paper
__1 blunt-tipped scissor                __1 set of headphones
__1 pack of 4 glue sticks               __1 individual white board
__1 pack of 24 crayons                  __1 packet of dry eraser markers
__1 pack of highlighters
__1 pack of colored pencils
__1 pack of colored markers         .
__3 composition notebooks

Lista de materiales:
__1 paquete de 24 lápices #2            __1 tijera de punta redonda

__3 libretas de composición             __1 audífono (opcional)

__1 paquete de borradores               __1 paquete de papel de construcción

__1 paquete de lápices de colores       __1 pizarra blanca pequeña

__1 paquete de pega                     __1 paquete de marcadores para
                                        piazarra blanca
__1 paquete de 24 Crayones              __1 paquete de marcadores de colores

__1 paquete de “highlighters”

__1 regla
Academia Antonia Alonso
                    3rd Grade / 3ro Grado
                  Remote Learning Supply List

     Supply List:
__1 pack of 24 No. 2 pencils             __1 blunt-tipped scissor
__1 pack of 24 crayons                   __1 set of headphones (optional)
__1 pack of erasers                      __1 individual white board
__1 pack of colored markers              __1 packet of dry eraser markers
__1 ruler
__1 pack of colored pencils
__1 pack of 4 glue sticks
__1 pack of highlighters             .
__3 composition notebooks

Lista de materiales:
__1 paquete de 24 lápices #2             __1 tijera de punta redonda

__3 libretas de composición              __1 audífonos (opcional)

__1 paquete de borradores                __1 pizarra blanca individual

__1 regla                                __1 paquete de marcadores para
                                         piazarra blanca
__1 paquetes de lápices de colores       __1 paquete de marcadores de
__1 paquete de pega

__1 paquete de 24 Crayones

__1 paquete de “highlighters”
Academia Antonia Alonso
                   4th Grade /4to Grado
                 Remote Learning Supply List

   Supply List:
 __1 set of headphones (optional)       __1 pack highlighters

 __1 pack of 24 No. 2 pencils           __1 individual white board

 __1 blunt-tipped scissor               __1 packet of dry eraser markers
 __1 pack of erasers
 __1 pack of colored markers
 __1 pack of 4 glue sticks
 __1 pack of colored pencils
 __3 composition notebooks
 __1 ruler                          .

Lista de materiales:
__1 audífonos (opcional)                __1 pizarra blanca individual

__1 paquete de 24 lápices #2            __1 paquete de marcadores para
                                        piazarra blanca
__1 tijera de punta redonda             __1 regla
__1 paquete de borradores               __1 paquetes de pega

__1 paquete de marcadores
de colores
__1 paquete de lápices de
__3 cuadernos/libretas
__1 paquete de “highlighters”
Academia Antonia Alonso
                     5th Grade / 5to Grado
                   Remote Learning Supply List

     Supply List:
__1 pack of 24 No. 2 pencils
__1 blunt-tipped scissor                 __1 set of headphones (optional)
__1 pack of erasers                      __1 pack of 4 glue sticks
__1 ruler                                __1 individual white board
__1 pack of colored pencils              __1 packet of dry eraser markers
__1 pack of colored markers

__4 composition notebooks
__1 pack of highlighters


Lista de materiales:
__1 paquete de 24 lápices #2            __1 audífonos (opcional)
__1 tijera de punta redonda             __1 regla
__1 paquete de borradores               __1 paquetes de pega
__1 paquete de marcadores de            __1 pizarra blanca individual
__1 paquete de lápices de colores       __1 paquete de marcadores para
                                        piazarra blanca
__4 cuadernos/libretas
__2 marcadores “highlighters”
Academia Antonia Alonso
Charter School
2020-2021 SCHOOL YEAR


                                        Academia Antonia Alonso Charter School
                                          4403 Lancaster Avenue, Building #26
                                                 Wilmington, De 19805

302.351.8200 Main Office | Website: www.academiacharterschool.org | 302.233.7336 FAX

*Academia Antonia Alonso Charter School does not discriminate on the basis of age ancestry/national origin, race disability, gender
identity/expression, marital status, religion, sex or sexual orientation in matters affecting employment or in providing access to programs and
Academia Antonia Alonso
Board of Directors
2020-2021 SCHOOL YEAR

Dr. Maria Alonso, Board President                      Maria.Alonso@academia.k12.de.us

Scott Sheridan,    Vice President                      Scott.Sheridan@academia.k12.de.us

Maria Matos,       Board Treasurer                     Maria.Matos@academia.k12.de.us

Nora Lewis,        Board Member                        Nora.Lewis@academia.k12.de.us

Celeste Payne,     Board Member                        Celeste.Payne@academia.k12.de.us

Theresa Sardella   Board Member                        Theresa.Sardella@academia.k12.de.us

Daniel Primiani    Teacher Representative              Daniel.Primiani@academia.k12.de.us

Rommel Rivera      Teacher Representative              Rommel.Rivera@academia.k12.de.us

To be Determined Parent Representative

                                       Vision & Mission
 Our vision is to nurture individuals who will develop a passion for life-long learning to become
                multicultural stewards and leaders in the communities they touch.

At Academia Antonia Alonso, we are driven by our mission to inspire children to become joyful,
   confident, creative, bilingual learners, by providing our students with a strong bi-literate
                               academic and cultural foundation.
Academia Antonia Alonso Staff
2020-2021 SCHOOL YEAR

Executive Director, School   302.351-8200, Ext.124      Mercedes.Alonso@academia.k12.de.us
Coordinator for COVID-19
Mercedes Alonso
Academic Dean, Dr. Shirley   302.351-8200, Ext.161      Shirley. Moux@academia.k12.de.us
Nurse & School Level Lead    302.351 - 8200, Ext. 109   Kim.Welsh@academia.k12.de.us
for COVID, Kim Welsh
Director of Facilities,      302.351-8200, Ext. 142     George.Schaab@academia.k12.de.us
Nutrition and
Transportation, George
Director of                  302.351-8200, Ext. 139     Mayara.Costa@academia.k12.de.us
Marketing and Admission,
Mayara Costa
Visiting Teacher, Melysa     302.351-8200, Ext. 123     Melysa.Rodriguez@academia.k12.de.us
Dean of School Culture,      302.351-8200, Ext.135      Danielle.Benson@academia.k12.de.us
Danielle Benson
Dean of Student Support      302.351-8200 Ext.137       Wilma.AlmonteRosario@academia.k12.de.us
Services, Wilma Almonte
School Counselor, Meri       302.351-8200, Ext.237      Meri.Labeck@academia.k12.de.us
Food Service Manager,        302.351 - 8200, Ext. 110   Yajaira.Walker@academia.k12.de.us
Yajaira Walker
Transportation Manager,      (302) 351-8200 Ext. 149    Bobby.Santos@academia.k12.de.us
Robert Santos
Administrative Support       (302) 351-8200, Ext.133    Jennifer.Jones@academia.k12.de.us
Coordinator, Jennifer
Letter from La Academia’s
Executive Director
Dear La Academia Families:
It is an honor, a privilege and joy to serve as your Executive Director. This is going to be another
year of growth for our school. I would like to acknowledge our Board of Directors for the
leadership and support they have demonstrated over the years- and most especially during these
very challenging and unprecedented times. Great appreciation is also extended to our Faculty
and Staff who constantly exemplify our values of UNIDOS. And to you, dear parents, I am
delighted to partner with you this year and hopefully in the years to come.
We come together this year, as always, with one purpose – to fulfill in your child’s academic
success and social/emotional well-being while securing an environment of care and joy. It is my
hope that WE may walk in unity on this journey, once again. And remember your voice is critical
in our path process towards such excellence.
This Parent-Student Handbook has been written to describe our program, philosophy, policies
and provide many practical details that go into making each day as happy and successful for your
student as possible- whether remote or in person. Please carefully read this handbook and keep
it for reference throughout the year. The faculty and staff at La Academia will be glad to address
any of your questions or concerns.
We wish you and your child much success during this school year, and we look forward to working
with you throughout the year.
Once again, Welcome!

Mercedes Alonso
Mercedes Alonso, M.Ed., MSOD
Academia Antonia Alonso’s
Core Beliefs
At La Academia, whether you are a board member, faculty, staff, student or parent, we live by a
code, a solid set of principles we call UNIDOS. UNIDOS is a way of being we honor.
UNIDOS is La Academia’s Way – a path we choose that supports all of us in embracing our
unique culture, empowers us to work with purpose, deliver on our commitments and make an
impact for our students. UNIDOS is our community’s shared understanding of what we at La
Academia expect of each other and what we can expect from La Academia.
All decisions during the 2020-2021SY about we reopen and move through the scenarios outlined
by the DDOE will be based on the guiding principle of UNIDOS:

U – Unity is the strength that binds our community through these unprecedented times. It gives us courage and
inspires us to work together to complete the target-whatever that may be. As a community we help each other. We
take care of one another. We will stand together for the well-being of our students, faculty, staff, families and

N- At La Academia, we Never Give Up. Throughout this pandemic we will continue to be resilient, decisive, adapt
and thrive. That is our commitment.

I – Integrity. We vow to always being honest and truthful with all members of La Academia’s community. We
commit to rapid response and transparent communication.

D – Discovery. If we are not discovering, then what are we doing? Then where are we going? Then who are we
becoming? Engaging our stakeholders to discover new ideas, new ways of thinking, new ways of problem solving
will ensure our continuous improvement.

O – Ownership. Ownership is leadership. It is a driving force in accountability. It is a mindset. A choice. It helps
us achieve our goals, reach places of great vision, joy in our work and strategic leadership in these challenging
times- and always.

S – Success. We believe if through this pandemic we do what we say, take ownership, remain passionate to our
mission, communicate honestly, frequently and transparently, think outside the box with our stakeholders- this
equals SUCCESS.
Parent Engagement
Welcome to La Academia!
Academia Antonia Alonso Charter School (La Academia) has a strong commitment to family and
community engagement and we are excited about the opportunity to serve you and your family
this school year. The key for our success is the commitment, support and participation of our
families. Our goal is to educate and support the development of the whole child – academically,
socially and emotionally – so every student in La Academia can experience success in school and
in life. Your participation is crucial in achieving this goal. This handbook is designed to give you
an overview of what to expect from your experience in La Academia as well as to provide you
with the information you will need to ensure that your child has a successful school year. At La
Academia, we recognize that learning is a partnership between families and school. Your input is
extremely valuable to us and we invite you to contact our Director of Communications, Mayara
Costa, at mayara.costa@academia.k12.de.us, and/or Lolita Hay-Currie, Parent Booster Club
President, academia.booster@academia.k12.de.us with any questions or recommendations
regarding parent involvement.
Opportunities to Get Involved at La Academia – September 2020
**Please see our School Calendar. (Appendix 1)

La Academia welcomes and encourages you to become an active member at all levels. Below are
just some of the ways that you can be involved in the month of September:
   1. KINDERDUCTION for Parents of students entering Kindergarten! KINDERDUCTION is
      hosted to give kindergarten students and parents an idea of what to expect when school
      starts. During KINDERDUCTION, in these remote times, Kindergarten teachers will provide
      parents with the expectations and routines for kindergarten. Teacher will be in touch
      with you with more information about this exciting event.

   2. MEET THE TEACHER NIGHT: This event provides parents with the opportunity to meet
      their child's teacher(s), visit classrooms and get an overview of what students will be
      learning during the school year. *NOTE: Meet the Teacher will be held virtually during this
      period of Remote Learning. More information forthcoming.

   3. CURRICULUM NIGHT: The purpose of this event is for parents and students to get
      acquainted with their teacher(s), learn about the curriculum and discuss teacher
      expectations for the classroom, homework and student participation. *NOTE: Curriculum
      Night will be held virtually during this period of Remote Learning. More information
Register as a Volunteer
Share your talent and time with La Academia! The Parent Booster Club is responsible for
organizing and coordinating volunteers, activities and events throughout the school year. La
Academia’s leadership supports all volunteer events.
In order to encourage parent involvement while ensuring the safety of our students, La Academia
has a volunteer screening policy. All volunteers are required to register and complete a criminal
background check. We have two levels of volunteer approvals: supervised and unsupervised.
Supervised volunteers may not participate in field trips or work with children without La
Academia faculty/staff present, whereas volunteers approved as unsupervised may. La
Academia is committed to provide quality volunteer experiences that will mutually benefit
students and volunteers. Please contact our Director of Human Resources, Lisa Flynn at
Lisa.Flynn@academia.k12.de.us or Lolita Hay-Currie, Parent Booster Club President at
academia.booster@academia.k12.de.us and ask for more information.
Participate in Parent University Workshops
Parent University is a community collaborative to help families become full partners in their
children’s education. La Academia partners with community agencies and organizations to offer
free information sessions, family events and activities that will equip families with new or
additional skills, knowledge, resources and confidence. Parent University offers free, informative
content to parents, guardians and caregivers that are aligned to the following four areas:
   1. Parenting Awareness – Workshops in this area explore how you can support your child’s
      academic opportunities as well as challenges your children may face during these
      unprecedented times in education.
   2. Helping Your Child Learn in the 21st Century – Workshops in this area are designed to
      empower you to raise confident, educated children ready for the 21st century.
   3. Health and Wellness – These offerings provide information and activities to help
      families build healthy lifestyles – physically and emotionally.
   4. Personal Growth and Development – These workshops are designed to help you grow
      personally and professionally so you can become the most effective advocate for your
      child. To find out more about Parent University, please go to our website for a calendar
      of events www.academiacharterschool.org for an up to-date listing of course offerings
      and events.
Monitoring Your Child’s Academic Progress
All La Academia parents will receive report cards documenting their child’s academic progress
throughout the school year. La Academia distributes report cards three times per year. La
Academia will send home progress reports mid-way through each instructional trimester.
Report Card Schedule:

      November 11th, 2020
      March 10th, 2021
      June 11th, 2021

La Academia’s Structure and School Staff Roles
La Academia has a variety of support resources that are available to you. The most important
person to know is your child’s classroom teacher. You can contact your child’s teacher by writing
a note, sending an email, class dojo or calling the school during non instructional time (8:00AM-
8:15AM or 3:45PM-4:00PM). In addition to the teacher, there are many other staff members who
help families and students succeed in education including:
1.The Executive Director is the lead school administrator. She serves as the leader of the school
and is responsible for overall school operations.
2.The Academic Dean serves as the instructional leader of the school and is responsible for
overall academics.
3.The Deans of Culture support the academic dean as members of the school’s administrative
team and often manage different areas such as student discipline and other support services.
4.The Director of Admissions and Communications works with prospective students/families
and oversees the public image and communication efforts of La Academia.
5. The School Counselor provides counseling for students, and consultation for parents and staff.
6. The Reading Interventionist and Math Teacher Lead, are trained in special strategies to help
students overcome learning challenges in reading and math.
7.The Speech Therapist helps children improve their written and spoken language
8.A School Nurse and School Lead during COVID attends to student health and medical needs.
9.Our Educational Diagnostician works with special education teachers and other school
professionals, like the school psychologist, to develop plans to help students with learning
challenges succeed.
10.The School Psychologist, provides mental health support, consultative services and
evaluations for students.
11.The Family Crisis Therapist helps assess various student needs and connects students and
families with critical school and community services.
12. The Homeless Liaison provides support and resources to parents and students.
La Academia has a team of experts who are dedicated to ensuring that your child receives a
quality education. Please feel free to reach out to the appropriate staff member with any
questions or concerns you may have regarding your child’s educational experience.
Other Tips for Student Success
Create learning opportunities at home. Did you know that your home can be a classroom too? In
addition to learning at school, there are many wonderful opportunities for learning at home and
in the community. Offer your child different types of reading materials such as magazines,
newspapers and books. Take time to read with your child every day. Talk to your child often as
you work around the house, run errands and shop to build vocabulary and develop critical
thinking skills. Also, be sure to set aside time each day for your child to do his/her homework and
take the time to talk about what your child is learning in school.
Advocate for your child
Make sure the teacher, the school dean and school staff are aware of any special needs your child
may have. Contact school staff by telephone, email or send your teacher a Class Dojo message
whenever you have a question or concern, and please be sure to keep the school informed of
any changes at home- personal or otherwise (change of telephone/address/custody etc.)
Have family fun!
Spend a few minutes each day enjoying each other’s company. Listen to your child. Let your
child pick an activity to do with you like playing a game or taking a walk. Family time is

The relationship between home and school is of paramount importance in your child’s education.
This makes two-way communication a critical factor in the partnership between parents and the
La Academia connects with parents through phone calls, text messaging, website, portals and
other platforms.
La Academia: Website and Distance Learning Portal
La Academia’s website, www.academiacharterschool.org, offers up-to-date information on the
latest school news. The site provides daily updates, as well as information regarding our schools
profile, board policies, school calendar and calendar of events, monthly school lunch
menus/newsletters and much more.
La Academia’s Distance Learning Portal can be found on La Academia’s website,
www.academiacharterschool.org. As we continue remote learning, this portal will streamline
and centralize communication between school, teachers and home for students in grades K-5.
La Academia Social Media
Find and like/follow us on Facebook at @AcademiaAntoniaAlonso, Instagram at @laacademiaaa
and Twitter at @AcademiaCharter.
La Academia REMIND and Class Dojo
-Remind is a communication platform La Academia uses to send messages in real time to parents.
This is a safe communication platform wherein personal contact information stays private and
phone numbers aren’t exchanged between teachers, students and parents.
-Class Dojo is a school communication platform that the school, teachers, students and families
use every day to build close-knit communities by sharing what’s happening in the school, what’s
being learned in the classroom/home through photos, videos and messages.
La Academia’s Blackboard Connect (automated/Robocalls)
Blackboard Connect is a mass notification system that allows La Academia to send updates and
emergency alerts to parents, guardian, emergency contacts listed in the school through phone
calls and text messages.
Severe Weather
The safety of all children is our first concern when deciding if schools must be opened later, closed
or closed early because of weather conditions. Here are some important points to remember:
   1. The decision to close schools will be made no later than 5:30 a.m. If possible, the decision
      will be made the evening before.
   2. La Academia has the option of operating with a one-hour/two-hour delay or opt Full
   3. Announcements about changes in school opening will be delivered through our parent
      notification system Blackboard Connect (automated/robocalls) and REMIND, social
      media platforms and website. You can also tune into area radio and television stations.
   4. Do not call the school or the news media.
   5. If no announcement is made, then schools will operate on a normal schedule. Weather
      conditions sometimes worsen during the day after children have arrived at school. If early
      dismissal of schools is necessary, information will be announced through the parent
      notification system (REMIND), local radio and television stations and La Academia’s web
      and social media sites. If school is canceled or dismissed early, La Academia will provide
      information about all activities for students, including La Academia’s after-school
**Note: Please know, in case of school closing due to inclement weather students will be
connecting to La Academia’s digital platforms to access student content for the day.

After School Enrichment
After-School Enrichment
The After-School Enrichment Program (ASEP) provides programming for Kindergarten through
5th grade students beyond the regular school day. ASEP offers a safe, nurturing and enriching
environment with a relaxed atmosphere and activity choices. Programming is designed to further
the growth of children’s social skills and to support their academic achievement. Regardless of
the activity a student chooses, ASEP is a time for talking with friends, playing games of strategy,
physical and recreational activities. ASEP is open from school dismissal until 5:30 at latest.
Program fees covering program costs may apply.
Before/After School Care Program
Before-School Care is offered at Academia Antonia Alonso. For more information, please contact
Jessica Marrero at (302) 442-7731 or jmarrero@thelatincenter.org.

There is strong evidence of a direct correlation between good attendance and student
achievement. Parents must stress to their children the importance of attending school regularly.
At the beginning of the school year, parents and students are notified of La Academia’s
attendance policy. Parents and guardians are responsible for seeing that their children attend
school each day it is in session, whether in person or remote. Attendance for children under the
age of 16 is compulsory, whether in person or remote. A parent may be prosecuted in a criminal
action if a student between the ages of 7 and 16 or enrolled in K-2 prior to age 7, has more than
10 unexcused absences. The maximum penalty provided by law upon conviction is 120 days’
imprisonment and/or a fine of $200, at the discretion of the judge. In addition, a child between
the ages of 7 and 16 could be referred by the school to the Department of Juvenile Justice for the
filing of a petition asking the court to find the child to be undisciplined. A student must attend
school for at least half of the day to be counted present. Parents will be contacted by La
Academia’s Visiting Teacher when their child accumulates 3, 6 and 10 unexcused absences. After
10 unexcused absences, the Visiting Teacher will issue a 10day letter stating that the student is
in violation of Delaware attendance law and parents may be referred for prosecution.
The absences listed below are considered excused once the teacher/visiting teacher have
received verification:
   1.   Illness of student with a doctor’s note
   2.   Death in the immediate family
   3.   Quarantine
   4.   Doctor appointment
   5.   Court proceeding
   6.   Religious holiday (approved religious observances; must be approved in advance)
The absences listed below and all other absences not listed above are unexcused:
   1.   Bad weather
   2.   Missing the bus
   3.   Car trouble
   4.   Oversleeping
Students are expected to be at school on time, 8:40AM (For Remote Learning scenario, students
are expected to be ready to connect with their teachers and/or digital platforms by 8:50AM).
Students tardy for such reasons as oversleeping or missing the bus are not considered excused.
In addition, students are expected to remain at school and be on time for classes the remainder
of the day.
Truancy is a significant factor in academic failure. Research shows a high correlation between
truancy, the school dropout rate and juvenile delinquency. La Academia expects all students to
attend school regularly. To meet this expectation, School-Based Truancy Court is a community
partnership of La Academia and Family Court Judges. Its purpose is to eliminate barriers to
regular school attendance, provide comprehensive support services to students with excessive
absences and build important connections between families, schools and community resources.

Students with Disabilities
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a law that makes available a free
appropriate public education to eligible children with disabilities throughout the nation and
ensures special education and related services to those children.
The stated purpose of the IDEA is:

       to ensure that all children with disabilities have available to them a free appropriate
        public education that emphasizes special education and related services designed to
meet their unique needs and prepare them for further education, employment, and
       independent living;
      to ensure that the rights of children with disabilities and parents of such children are
      to assist States, localities, educational service agencies, and Federal agencies to provide
       for the education of all children with disabilities;
      to assist States in the implementation of a statewide, comprehensive, coordinated,
       multidisciplinary, interagency system of early intervention services for infants and
       toddlers with disabilities and their families;
      to ensure that educators and parents have the necessary tools to improve educational
       results for children with disabilities by supporting system improvement activities;
       coordinated research and personnel preparation; coordinated technical assistance,
       dissemination, and support; and technology development and media services;
      to assess, and ensure the effectiveness of, efforts to educate children with disabilities.

Americans with Disabilities Act
In accordance with the requirements of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
(ADA), La Academia does not discriminate against any person on the basis of disability in
admission or access to the programs, services or activities, in the treatment of individuals with
disabilities, or in any aspect of operations. La Academia will generally, upon request, provide
appropriate aids and services leading to effective communication for qualified persons with
disabilities so they can participate equally in all La Academia programs, services, and activities.
Individuals with disabilities who require an auxiliary aid or service for effective communication
should contact the school.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires La Academia to provide a free
appropriate public education (FAPE) to children who need special education and related services
because of a disability.
Identifying Those Who May Qualify for a 504 Accommodation Plan
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act is a civil rights law that bans disability discrimination. Under
Section 504, students with disabilities have the right to reasonable accommodations. The
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 defines a person with disabilities as “any person who has a physical or
mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activity or bodily function, has
a record of such impairment, or is regarded as having an impairment.” Major life activities
include, but are not limited to, caring for one’s self, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing,
hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, and working. The student’s physical or mental impairment
must substantially limit the student’s performance of the indicated major life activity(s).
Otherwise, La Academia’s Student Support Team may determine that the student is not eligible
for accommodations under Section 504.
Section 504 Student Service Plan
A Section 504 plan describes the accommodations that the school provides to support the
student’s education. The team that determined the student’s eligibility for Section 504 and
identified the needed accommodations will create this service plan to provide clarity and
direction to the individuals delivering services or making accommodations. A Section 504 Student
Service Plan may be updated at any time to reflect changes and recommendations by the team.
The plan should be reviewed on a yearly basis or updated earlier if the student’s condition
IDEA applies only to individuals from birth through age 21. Students ineligible for services
provided under IDEA may be eligible for accommodations under Section 504. Finally, Section 504
covers individuals of all ages. The 504 Plan provides accommodations for students in the school
Identifying Student Disabilities (IEP)
Anyone may raise a concern about a student’s unique need for special help. Once a concern is
raised, parents, teachers, or other staff members meet to discuss all relevant information about
the student. Based on the information received, the IEP team considers whether the student
qualifies as an individual with a disability. If the team needs more information, the team will
obtain the parent’s consent to conduct an evaluation. If the team determines that the student
has a disability, the team identifies what types of support is appropriate to meet the student’s
Programs for Exceptional Children
 The primary purpose for Exceptional Children programs is to ensure that students with
disabilities develop academically, physically and emotionally through the provision of an
appropriate and individualized education in the least restrictive environment. A student with a
disability may qualify to receive special education and related services by meeting eligibility
These services include accommodations and/or modifications to the curriculum, specially
designed instruction by a special education provider or the provision of support and training for
staff who work with the student. La Academia offers a full continuum of services to meet the
needs of students with disabilities.
Role of Parents
Parents are their child’s first and most important teachers, as well as their advocates. If a parent
believes his or her child has a disability or is having problems in school, parents should contact
the school principal, school counselor, school nurse, or their child’s teacher to discuss these
concerns. Building a strong parent/school relationship begins with effective communication.
Parents play a key role by providing important information to schools about their child’s needs,
particularly for students with disabilities. As an added benefit, this involvement demonstrates
the importance the parent places on education.
Role of Teachers
Teachers play an integral role in the development and implementation of a student’s IEP or 504
Plan. Teachers attend eligibility and review meetings, implement needed accommodations, and
provide ongoing progress monitoring of the accommodations listed on a student’s plan. A
teacher’s ongoing communication with the student’s parent/guardian and school staff ensures
that the student’s needs are being met.
Procedural Safeguards
Procedural safeguards are the procedures schools and parents must use in making decisions
about services for students with disabilities. La Academia has the procedural safeguards
information available for parents upon request. Parents have the right:
   1.    receive notice regarding the identification, evaluation, and placement of their child
   2.    receive prior notice when the school is changing or discontinuing services for their child
   3.   review their child’s records and participate impartial hearing
   4.   a review process
In addition, La Academia provides notification of the following:
   1. policies of nondiscrimination
   2. grievance procedures
   3. contact information
Student Discipline
If a student has been suspended for more than 10 days cumulatively during a school year, the
student’s IEP Team must convene a meeting to conduct a manifestation determination review
Hospital/Homebound Services
A student who is physically unable to attend regular class at school for an extended period of
time may qualify for homebound instruction. Homebound instruction is a service provided to
allow the student to have access to, and make progress in, their course work. Students must be
enrolled at La Academia.
Parents’ Rights
For a complete explanation about parental right of students with disabilities, please consult the
Delaware Procedural Safeguards: Handbook on Parents’ Rights, which is available on La
Academia’s website:
You can also read