Welcome to the 11th Meeting of the European MELCOR and MACCS User Group (EMUG) - 11th EMUG Meeting, 04/04/2019, FHNW Brugg - Paul Scherrer Institut

Welcome to the 11th Meeting of the European MELCOR and MACCS User Group (EMUG) - 11th EMUG Meeting, 04/04/2019, FHNW Brugg - Paul Scherrer Institut

Andreas Pautz   ::   Division Head Nuclear Energy and Safety (NES)      ::    PSI

Welcome to the 11th Meeting of the European
MELCOR and MACCS User Group (EMUG)

11th EMUG Meeting, 04/04/2019, FHNW Brugg
Welcome to the 11th Meeting of the European MELCOR and MACCS User Group (EMUG) - 11th EMUG Meeting, 04/04/2019, FHNW Brugg - Paul Scherrer Institut
Where You are Today

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Welcome to the 11th Meeting of the European MELCOR and MACCS User Group (EMUG) - 11th EMUG Meeting, 04/04/2019, FHNW Brugg - Paul Scherrer Institut
Where You are Today
                                  To PSI: ~10 km

                           ~10 min.
      University of                          Königsfelden
     Applied Sciences                         Monastery

                        Roman Amphitheater
                              500 m
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Welcome to the 11th Meeting of the European MELCOR and MACCS User Group (EMUG) - 11th EMUG Meeting, 04/04/2019, FHNW Brugg - Paul Scherrer Institut
Context of Nuclear Power
in Switzerland
Welcome to the 11th Meeting of the European MELCOR and MACCS User Group (EMUG) - 11th EMUG Meeting, 04/04/2019, FHNW Brugg - Paul Scherrer Institut
National context: Nuclear Power in Switzerland

 No new builds of Nuclear Power Plants in Switzerland (due to acceptance
  of the «Energy Strategy 2050» on May 21, 2017)

 No legal lifetime limit on operating NPP, as long as they are safe (rejection
  of the «Nuclear Phase‐out Initiative» on November 27, 2016)

                                    Swiss Electricity Mix 2017
Welcome to the 11th Meeting of the European MELCOR and MACCS User Group (EMUG) - 11th EMUG Meeting, 04/04/2019, FHNW Brugg - Paul Scherrer Institut
National context: Nuclear Power in Switzerland

NPP          Type    Shut down   50 yrs   60 yrs   Net Elect. Power
Beznau I      PWR                2019     2029        365 [MWe]
Beznau II     PWR                2021     2031        365 [MWe]
Mühleberg     BWR      2019        ‐        ‐         373 [MWe]
Gösgen        PWR                2029     2039       1010 [MWe]
Leibstadt     BWR                2034     2044       1220 [MWe]
Welcome to the 11th Meeting of the European MELCOR and MACCS User Group (EMUG) - 11th EMUG Meeting, 04/04/2019, FHNW Brugg - Paul Scherrer Institut
National context: Nuclear Power in Switzerland

  No reprocessing or export of nuclear waste, but an advanced “sectoral
   plan” for deep geological disposal in Switzerland («Swiss Federal Nuclear
   Act», Art.9)

  Research on Nuclear Safety has to be continued, and future technologies
   to be monitored («Swiss Federal Nuclear Act», Art. 74a)

The Potential Swiss Siting Regions for High Level Waste   The Molten Salt Reactor Concept
Welcome to the 11th Meeting of the European MELCOR and MACCS User Group (EMUG) - 11th EMUG Meeting, 04/04/2019, FHNW Brugg - Paul Scherrer Institut
Sectoral plan for the Deep Geological Repository

‐ Switzerland has identified three sites
  (out of six candidate sites) that are
  suitable for a deep geological disposal
  in opalinus clay

‐ The so‐called sectoral plan determines
  the roadmap of scientific
  investigations, and political decisions
  that will eventually lead to the
  selection of one site

‐ This process is expected to last until
  2029; the disposal of HLW is not
  expected before 2060, for LILW before
Welcome to the 11th Meeting of the European MELCOR and MACCS User Group (EMUG) - 11th EMUG Meeting, 04/04/2019, FHNW Brugg - Paul Scherrer Institut
The Paul Scherrer Institute: (Very) brief
Welcome to the 11th Meeting of the European MELCOR and MACCS User Group (EMUG) - 11th EMUG Meeting, 04/04/2019, FHNW Brugg - Paul Scherrer Institut
Aerial View of the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI)

 Basel                           Germany             Aarau/Bern               Zürich 

            material sciences                     nanotechnology
             radio chemistry                      hotlab
                                                                                PSI east
             radio pharmacy
                                                            biology             SwissFEL
    solar concentrator                                      energy research

                      particle physics                         neutron source

            proton accelerator

                 muon source

                                proton therapy
          PSI west
                                         synchrotron light source

                                                                                    Page 10
Mission of PSI

                                                              Knowledge &
 Matter and       Energy and   Human health    Development      expertise
 materials       environment                   Construction


Large research

Swiss and foreign users          more that 2400 external
from academia and industry       users/year (39 beamports)

                                                                           Page 11

     Distribution to main research areas (first‐ and third‐party funding)

Materials Research
              34 %
                                                             Particle Physics

                                                             Nuclear Energy
Life Sciences                                                and Safety
         24 %                                                14 %

                                                             Energy and
                                                             20 %
                                                                            Page 12
The Nuclear Energy and Safety Division
         NES provides the scientific foundation for the safe operation of nuclear
         facilities in Switzerland:
              Support in licensing and oversight for the Swiss Nuclear Regulator ENSI in its role
               as TSO (Technical Safety Organization)
              NES has the mandate of “Technology Monitoring” of Gen‐III/Gen‐IV reactor
               developments (Membership GIF: Generation‐IV International Forum)
              Research programs in support of Long‐Term Operation (LTO) and behavior of
               (enhanced) fuels of the Swiss NPP
              Center of excellence for geochemistry of deep geological waste disposal systems,
               and R&D contributions to the 3rd stage of the Sectoral Plan
              NES is strongly involved in the education and training of the next generation of
               nuclear engineers and scientists

Activation studies of reactor components   Outline of the Swiss waste disposal concept   Long‐Term Intermediate Dry Storage
The Nuclear Energy and Safety Division: Hot Lab

       With the Hot Laboratory, PSI maintains the capability of handling and
       fostering investigations of highly radioactive materials:

        The only facility in Switzerland (and one of the very few in Europe) that can
         handle highly‐radioactive waste and spent reactor fuel
        Important demand from Swiss NPP, in particular for Post‐Irradiation
         Examination (PIE)
        Highly relevant for PSI, in particular for waste treatment and target inspection
        Unique analytical capabilities in combination with PSI’s Large‐Scale Facilities

Deliver of Fuel Rods to Hot Cell   Hot Lab Shielded FIB   Microsample Preparation   Imaging at the Swiss Light Source (SLS)
Organization of Energy Research at PSI

                         216 NES staff (210 FTE), as of January 2019

                         120 scientists/technicians with permanent positions,
                         40 PhD students, 25 Postdocs

                         Annual Expenditures (Budget 2019): 35.0 Mio. CHF
                         (27.9 Mio. Salary, 7.1 Mio. operating expenses.)

                         Annual Revenues (Budget 2019): 15.3 Mio. CHF
                         «Erstmittel» (43%), 19.7 Mio CHF 2nd and 3rd party
                         funding (57%)
LRT Landscape     Organization

Research Programs                   Groups

                           Thermal Hydraulics

                             Core Behavior


Severe Accident

• Recent Severe Accident Research Topics
  Pool scrubbing
    Filtered containment venting systems (FCVS)
    Iodine transport
    Hydrodynamics
  Fukushima Daiichi activities
  Cladding oxidation during air ingress – effect of nitrogen
  Severe accident analysis for advanced reactors

                                                                Page 17
Pool Scrubbing

• Industrial scale experiments of FCVS
  Third party qualification tests in industrial scale
  Thermal‐hydraulic characterization of 1:1 size venturi
• Small‐scale parametric tests
  Iodine (I2) and CH3I retention
  Simultaneous measurement of mass transfer and
• Lab‐scale tests
  Iodine mass transfer
  CH3I and effect of additives
• Model development
  Improved representation of the hydrodynamics

                                                            Page 18
Pool Scrubbing - FCVS

• Iodine retention tests in mini‐VEFITA facility
• Effect of flow regime
• Effect of iodine concentration in the injection zone

                                                             churn turbulent    bubbly

              DF (‐)



                              1.2   1.4   1.6   1.8    2.0      2.2     2.4    2.6   2.8

                                                Residence time (s)
Fukushima Daiichi activities #1

• OECD/NEA BSAF‐2 project
• PSI analysis Unit 3 with MELCOR 2.1

                                              Page 20
Fukushima Daiichi activities #2
• Unit 3 with MELCOR 2.1
• The major fraction of the core as debris or
  molten                                                                                  Fraction [% i.i]
   50% in the reactor pressure vessel           Location
   50% in the containment                                                                Cs‐137      I‐131

   No molten core‐concrete interaction due to   Released from fuel                        91          80
    water in the containment                     In the reactor pressure vessel            13        0.009
• Hydrogen generation                            In the water in the suppression pool      56          59
   1200 kg hydrogen generated                   In the water in the drywell               9.5         10
   500 kg in Unit 3 before the explosion        In the water in the auxiliary building    11          11
• Fission product release to the environment     Released to the atmosphere                0.1         0.2
   96% of the noble gases
   0.12% of Cs‐137
   0.33% of I‐131

                                                                                                       Page 21
Fukushima Daiichi activities #4

• BSAF finished
   Special session at NURETH 2019
   Thermo‐dynamic modelling
   PSI In‐house code GEMS coupling with MELCOR
   Refined sequence analysis
   Focus on separate phenomena
• Pre‐ADES
   Preparation for debris sampling and analysis
   PSI Hotlab

                                                   Page 22
Cladding oxidation

• PSI air oxidation model => add the effect of nitriding
  Pre‐oxidation
  Nitriding
  Re‐oxidation

                                                           Page 23
Advanced reactors – HTR #1

• MELCOR2.2 to simulate HTR‐PM, 250 MWth
• Pebble‐bed reactor with one‐zone cylindrical core
• Simulation of:
   Pressurized Loss of Forced Cooling (PLOFC)
   Depressurized Loss of Forced Cooling (DLOFC)
• Comparison with INET analysis using THERMIX (Zheng et al., ANE2009)

                                                                        Page 24
Advanced reactors – HTR #2

• Simulation of Pressurized/Depressurized Loss of Forced Cooling (P/DLOFC)
• Zheng: P/DLOFC in HTR‐PM using a THERMIX code:
   Thermohydraulics steady state and transient code for pebble bed reactor primary circuit, including a
    neutron point kinetics and graphite corrosion models

                                                             • Peak fuel temperature
                                                               Sequence MELCOR [C]             INET [C]
                                                                DLOFC           1457            1492
                                                                 PLOFC          1165            1134
                                                                 Uncertainties in geometry
                                                                 Decay heat and power distribution
                                                                  differ between the two simulations

                                                                                                     Page 25
Advanced reactors – MSR #1

• Molten salt reactor (MSR)
  Existing severe accident codes have only limited (or no) applicability to MSR
 => Needed: Chemical and physical properties of the salts and their decomposition products
 in the relevant temperature and pressure range
• Preliminary simulations using MELCOR2.1
  Heat‐up of the core, release of salts and fission products
 → behavior of released species
  Simple geometry with natural convective flow
  Initially, CsI and LiF added to the atmosphere as vapor
    Vapor pressure and molecular weight of LiF added to MELCOR
    For vapor diffusivity default values

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Have a great meeting!

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