Westville Methodist Church - Westville Methodist ...

Page created by Regina Young
Westville Methodist Church - Westville Methodist ...
Westville Methodist Church
                              Sunday, 01 August 2021

Today, as you commence worship, allow the following psalm, set to music,
help you draw close to God! Taste and See (Psalm 34)

Prayer for God's Presence
 Lord, I come to worship because I may have much to be
  thankful for, or because I may have been torn by the world and
  need healing; meet me in this place.
 Lord, I come to worship because my deeds and words may have
  added to the world’s misery, or because I may feel I have
  betrayed my true self; meet me in this place.
 Lord, I come to worship with a love in my heart for the Most
  High, a love which yearns to grow and spill over into my
  dealings with others; truly meet me in this place.
 May the joy of Christ Jesus be with me and all who worship!

Song Guide Me (Bread of Heaven)                   (Click on the link to listen)

Prayer of Thanksgiving and Confession
 Wonderful God, Creator and Friend, we thank you for the
  remarkable experience of life in its entirety. For all of its highs
  and lows, its sweet and sour, pleasure and pain.
 When the sun shines on our days or rain refreshes the land
  overnight, when there is a bounce in our step and a song on
  our lips: we will thank you, God of all life.
 When the clouds are low and a chill wind blows, when the day’s
  tasks seem onerous and it becomes an effort to smile: we will
thank you God of all life.
When a full moon shines and the night seems like a dear friend,
 when we go to bed content and sleep is deep and satisfying:
 we will thank you God of all life.
When the night is pitch black and our fears leave their hiding
 places, when we go to bed very weary yet toss and turn all
 night: we will thank you, God of all life.
When blossoms cover the fruit trees and rainbows are in the
 skies, when our world seems full of promise, and our bodies
 glow with good health: we will thank you, God of all life.
When hail destroys the harvest and floods sweep a bridge away,
 when ills afflict our bodies and each day is a struggle against
 pain: we will thank you, God of all life.
When the ocean waves are gentle and bays are like a mirror,
 when it’s easy to have faith, and our love flows without effort
 or cost: we will thank you, God of all life.
When the seas are mountainous and ships are in distress, when
 our faith seems a flimsy vessel and loving takes a determined
 commitment: we thank you, God of all life.
When new creatures are being born and fresh growth seems
 everywhere, when children’s laughter rings and young people
 fall in love: we will thank you, God of all life.
When age and decay seem all around and dear friends suffer
 and die, when we grow frail and simple tasks take much time
 and effort: we will thank you God of all life.
Now, Lord, in the midst of our gratitude we admit that we have
 sinned, and need your saving grace. Hear us as we pray and
 confess . . .
Have mercy on us, O God, according to your loving kindness.
According to your abundant mercy, blot out our transgressions.
 God our holy Friend, you are the source of saving initiatives,
  never forgetting your human family and never neglecting our
  prayers. We admit to you the spiritual ineptitude that we hide
  behind a proud exterior, and we confess the sins that have
  corrupted our words and deeds. Please intervene in our lives,
  that we may know your salvation.
 Wash me thoroughly from my iniquities,
  and cleanse me from all the evil I have done.
 Merciful Friend,
  come between us and our self deceit,
  between us and our mental hiding places
  between us and our plaintive excuses,
  between us and our fears,
  between us and our shame,
  between us and our cheap goals.
 Create in us a clean heart, O God,
  and put a new and reliable spirit within us.
 Intervene and save us from all that would frustrate your
   purposes, lead us into the experience of forgiveness, and bring
   us to a quiet place where your grace is all in all.
 In the name of your Son, our Lord and Friend.

The Lord's Prayer Our Father

Bible Reading John 6:24 - 35              (Click/tap the link for the reading)

Message All about Bread and Life
                    (Click/tap on the link then on the 'world” icon to listen)

Song Reign in Me                           (Click/tap on title to go to song)
Given the pandemic circumstances, you're invited to dedicate the offering
you've made or perhaps would like to make. If you'd like to know more or
contribute today please click, Giving or see the details below. Thank you.

Prayer of Intercession
 The world’s needs will always be innumerable, our resources will
  be small, and your abundance, God, will always be infinite.
 Great lover of humanity, we seek your blessing on the people of
  this world. Tear us away from all that evades the truth and
  thereby adds to misery. Gather us in towards your light and
  love and peace.
 Let your Spirit challenge and transform Christian congregations
  that are self satisfied. Discomfort those that are so entrenched in
  practices that they treat anyone who does not exactly share
  their dogma or life style as a sinner and enemy.
 Let your Spirit challenge and transform communities and groups
  where racism and injustice are accepted as normal, or even
  lauded a good thing. Break through closed minds and soften
  hard hearts, that the inclusive love of Christ may be embraced
  and practised.
 Let your Spirit challenge and transform our national and
  provincial governments and politicians, and leaders and
  influencers in all walks of life. Overcome our human pride,
  greed and self-importance, and hasten the day when humanity
  shall treasure all its members.
 Let your Spirit challenge and transform cities that are
  prosperous but lack a soul, and rural towns and villages that
  are clannish and divided by old quarrels, or dominated by a
  selfish few who wield power to the detriment of communities.
 Let your Spirit challenge and transform families that foster
  arrogance and disrespect of others. Bring to account those who
cultivate indifference towards their needy neighbours and
  esteem the plundering of the weak and vulnerable.
 Let your Spirit challenge and transform each of us. That free of
  self justification, and relying totally on your grace, we may be
  Christians who give our best without counting the cost, and
  accept our limitations without self-disparagement.
 Great lover of humanity, we seek your blessing also on those
  whose lives are in disarray: Those who have lost their jobs,
  endured marriage break up, been diagnosed with serious illness,
  suffered road accidents, watched their loved ones die, and any
  who are despairing or are contemplating suicide.
 Loving God, you alone fully know both our need and its best
  remedy. Please save those who cry for your help, and those
  who feel unable even to do that. Through Christ Jesus our

  You're welcome to offer additional, personal prayers at this time or to
  simply be still for a moment before concluding this worship time.

Song Holding nothing Back                    (Click/tap on title to go to song)

A Sending Prayer
 Let's go out and live lives worthy
  of the one calling which we all share.
 In humility, gentleness and patience,
   let's speak only what is true and loving
   and so grow into the unity that is ours in Christ.
 And may God the creator reshape our hearts;
  May Christ Jesus, the bread of life, sustain us always;
  and may the Holy Spirit unite us in the bond of peace.
We go in peace to love and serve the Lord,
  In the name of Christ.

To conclude this time of worship, spend time in the prayerful song of
dedication which is based on the prayer known as the “Breastplate of St
Patrick”: Christ Above Me


                     Westville Methodist Church
        38 Jan Hofmeyr Road, Westville | P.O. Box 47 Westville 3630
              031 266 5222 | office@westvillemethodist.co.za

           Compiled from original material and several online resources
                       including Prayers and Benediction.

Church Bank details:
A/C NAME: Westville Methodist Church
A/C NO:     58880668126
BANK:       First National Bank
BRANCH:     Westville
BR. CODE:   223526

                                        For Zapper:

                                        Please use a suitable reference
                                        when making payments. Thank you.
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