WHAT DO WE LEARN IN ART? - The Launceston Preparatory School

WHAT DO WE LEARN IN ART? - The Launceston Preparatory School
5th55th October8th August 2019
From the teaching staff …

                        WHAT DO WE LEARN IN ART?
I love the diagram below; it says in an image all the things I see being learned in Art lessons. Of
course, we would all expect ‘creativity’ and ‘imagination’ to be there, but as you can see, it is so
much more than that!

Art teaches us that there is always more than one approach and there is often more than one ‘right’
answer. During the creative process where students experiment with ideas and media, they learn
self-direction and risk-taking. They develop the ability and willingness to adapt and surrender to
unexpected possibilities as their artwork unfolds. In Art, it is good judgement - rather than rules -
that prevails.

There are many and varied ways to see the world. But
really being able to ‘see’ is a lesson that Art teaches so
effectively. Drawing from direct observation is immediate
feedback to students that they are not necessarily seeing
what is really there. To refine and improve a drawing,
students need to reflect and notice the small details as
well as the big picture; thinking critically is a skill well

Multiple perspectives are celebrated in Art and art
appreciation discussions become more than just
expressions of what students like or do not like. By
sharing their own thoughts and listening to others as they
communicate their ideas and opinions, students learn to
communicate with respect and with the knowledge that
there will always be someone with a different point of

Art? It certainly is a whole brainer!

In “Truth and Happiness”,
Jane Dean
Art Teacher, Groups 2-6
WHAT DO WE LEARN IN ART? - The Launceston Preparatory School
“At the beginning…”
                                           Early Learning

                                           Last week the Early Learners enjoyed making
                                           their own pizza. They made their base from
                                           scratch, using only self raising flour and plain
                                           yoghurt. When we heated them in the oven
                                           they rose to the perfect size. The children spread
                                           their bases with tomato paste and carefully cut
                                           up and added their ingredients to the bases. We
                                           were happy with the finished products.

                                            In other news, we have been experimenting
                                           with watercolour paints, building racing car
                                           tracks, threading friendship bracelets and
                                           constructing using our new and much-loved

                                                                           Alice Batten 

       Socratic Seminar            – “Leonard Doesn’t Dance” by Frances Watts
At first Leonard is excited to learn to dance but the more dances he tries, the more he
feels that he isn’t good at any type of dance and he gives up.
*Why did Leonard give up and why did he eventually end up going to the ball?
*Were Leonard’s friends any help? How?
* Have you ever given up on something that became to tricky? Share your examples.

We had a fantastic discussion, sharing things from our lives. Here are some examples:
Maia said she used to give up in Rollie Dice but now she doesn’t.
Olive said she gave up on doing Nippers once, but now she loves it.
Eden said when she was 5 she couldn’t climb trees, but now she can do it.
Tilly said when she was 2 years old she gave up on learning to walk and kept crawling!

                                                                       Miss Nicole England
WHAT DO WE LEARN IN ART? - The Launceston Preparatory School
“In the middle …”
                                 Buddy Reading

We love Wednesdays because the Group 2/3s get to Buddy Read with the Kinders
in their new building. There is so much space! Not only do we get to catch up with
our Kinder friends, we also get to see their Books of Love and read together on the
deck, in the cubby houses, inside at the table, on the floor on the rug, or in
amongst the toys. It is one of our favourite parts of the week.
                                                                         Melissa Freeland
                                Jumping for Joy!
The Group 2/3 students have been busy jumping for joy during their Sport lessons. They
have been learning new individual skills with a rope, amazing partner challenges and taking
on the big skipping ropes.

It has been fantastic to see the students pushing themselves to achieve new skills and build
on their fitness. Don’t forget to keep fundraising over the coming weeks. We have already
raised over $1000!!
                                                                       Sarah McCambridge
WHAT DO WE LEARN IN ART? - The Launceston Preparatory School

Group 2/3s have been using watercolour techniques to paint birds which will be sent to
Queensland to be part of an exhibition in Mackay in 2020 as part of “The Little Bird Postcard
Project”. Before they get sent on their way, a display of these lovely artworks will be
prepared within the school, so be sure to have a look!

                                                                                  Jane Dean
                                                                           Art Teacher – 2-6

                           Virtuous Viking Award

Even though Vikings were renowned for raiding and pillaging,
they also had a strict code of conduct that each Viking was
expected to adhere to. We have been looking for children who
display some of these qualities to earn our Virtuous Viking
Award each week.

These qualities include courage, honour, discipline, truth,
hospitality, industriousness, self-reliance and perseverance.

This week Isabelle Lim was chosen by Somma Bazaadut and
Saoirse Brennen (Group 3) for her happiness and hard work at
school. Misgana Barratt was selected this week for his honesty
and living up to the “Truth and Happiness” motto we aspire to
at The Launceston Preparatory School.

                                                               Mrs. Freeland and Mrs. Thyne
WHAT DO WE LEARN IN ART? - The Launceston Preparatory School
Scandinavian images and Digital Technologies
2/3 Digital Technologies students started the term
theme Scandinavia with their ‘cover pages’. In this
activity, they are reinforcing their skills in selecting
suitable images from the internet, copying and pasting
then ‘wrapping’ the images to place in the required
positions on the page. They then select suitable text
and colours to complement their pictures. It is great to
see how independent they are becoming in using the
appropriate steps and functions of Word to complete
the activity. Scandinavia has much in the way of
beautiful scenery and history and the students were
very imaginative in their selections.
            Mr Michael Burgess

“Towards the end …”
                             News from the Music Room
Scandinavian shenanigans have begun, with our students singing and playing songs and
games from Iceland. Students are using voice, ukuleles and xylophones to learn to read
traditional notation as well as chord charts, and then use these skills combined with the
compositional devices they have been taught to compose accompaniments for the songs
and games.

Preparations for the production are also underway, and we are looking forward to hearing
our students make wonderful musical contributions to this year’s show!

Last but not least, the Australian Children’s Music Foundation (ACMF) holds a national song
writing competition every year. I will be letting the students know about it very soon, you
(and they) can visit http://acmf.com.au/national-songwriting-competition/ for more information.
                                                                          Mrs Angela Chapman

                     The senior students really enjoyed a visit from Mai Frandsen who was
                     born in Denmark and came out to Australia as a little girl. (We know
                     her best as the mother of Ollie in Prep!) Mai was able to tell us about
                     where she came from and some of her favourite Danish things – food,
                     Lego, the Danish royal family, and special Danish celebrations. Mai
                     also helped us pronounce some Danish words and read to us in
Danish from one of her favourite children’s novels. It was so interesting! Thank you, Mai,
for sharing your time and knowledge with us.
WHAT DO WE LEARN IN ART? - The Launceston Preparatory School
Socratic Seminar – Happiness
In Philosophy this week we discussed all things happy! The latest reports on happiness
throughout the world rate Scandinavia as one of the happiest places to live. We discussed
what made us happy, how the Scandinavians have great work-life balance, free schooling,
free childcare and that they are obsessed with the outdoors and the beautiful scenery they

       What makes you happy?
       How can we tell if someone is happy?
       What would make adults happy/unhappy? Why?
       How could we incorporate some of the Scandinavian systems into our society?
       What would be some of the challenges in adopting some of the Scandinavian ways?
       How important is happiness?
                                                                Miss Sarah McCambridge

“Other information …”

     Ossa Fundraiser News
Last week in Assembly, we had me special visitors from
the Save the Tasmanian Devil Program. Errol the Devil
and Olivia came along to chat to all of our students
about the program and how they are working towards
saving the devils in Tasmania. The Ossa Leavers then
presented our guests with the money raised from the
Aussie animal dress up day. They were very pleased to
receive our donation and look forward to putting to
towards saving Tasmanian Devils.
WHAT DO WE LEARN IN ART? - The Launceston Preparatory School
Thursday, 8 August                 Jump Rope for Heart Launch, 12pm
Friday, 9th August                 Scholastic Book Club orders due today please
Tuesday, 13th August               Kinder visit to Launceston Gardens
Tuesday, 13th August               Kinder science activities, 2-3pm (parents invited, please
                                   RSVP to Miss Wise)
Tuesday, 13th August               Parents’ Club meeting, 7:30pm, Mrs Thyne’s room
Thursday, 15th August              Seniors (4/5/6) Science Week Day, QVMAG
Friday, 16th August                Science Week Day for Groups 2/3, QVMAG
Thursday, 22nd August              Visit from Sally Sutton, author, EL-3
Friday, 23rd August                Kinder and Early Learning Opening Evening, 6–8:30pm
                                    (Invitation below)
Monday, 26th August                ‘The Tortoise & the Hare’, K-6, 11:30am (NZ Playhouse)
Tuesday, 27th August               Launceston Gardens residents to visit Kinder
Wednesday, 4th September           LPS Athletics Carnival
Tuesday, 10th September            Kinder visit to Launceston Gardens
Thursday, 12th September           Meerkats Production ‘Room On Our Rock’, EL-6, 9:30am
Tuesday, 17th September            LPS Production, 1st performance, 1.30 pm
Wednesday, 18th September          LPS Production, 2nd and 3rd performances, 9.30
Monday, 23rd September             Terrapin Puppets Performance, ‘Egg’, 9:30am
Wednesday, 25th September          ‘Singfest’, choir members only (all day), Albert Hall
Thursday, 26th September           Jump Off Day, Newstead Tennis Courts, 1:30pm
Friday, 27th September             Final day of Term 3 for staff and students

            UNIFORM NEWS:

            Targetts Schoolwear…. has closed… (temporarily)!

It has come to our attention that Targetts Schoolwear on Charles Street has very recently
closed. We understand that Targetts has been sold to uniform supplier Midford, who plan
on reopening in September after a renovation. We have spoken with a Midford
representative to ensure an ongoing supply of our specific uniform items (mainly shorts,
pants, shirts and track pants) when the shop reopens for business. As a result there may be
a short-term lack of availability for those items whilst the shop remains closed, but hopefully
this will be resolved quickly. We will keep you updated with any news as soon as we hear
it… Of course, smaller uniform items such as stockings, socks and shoes can be purchased at
any other retailer and rugby tops, polos, jumpers and hats/bags are all available as normal
from the school office.

We will update and circulate our uniform list as and when we receive confirmation of the
new store details.
WHAT DO WE LEARN IN ART? - The Launceston Preparatory School
The Board,
         The LPS Parents’ Club
          parents and friends
         to the opening of the
Early Learning and Kindergarten building
        Friday 23rd August, 2019
            6.00 – 8.30pm.
                          The School Office 63340234 or
                          by Friday 16th August, 2019
WHAT DO WE LEARN IN ART? - The Launceston Preparatory School
….It’s not too late to buy your raffle tickets for the chance to win a brand new Thermomix TM6!
            Tickets are $20 from the school office. Spread the word! (200 tickets only)

     An anecdote to warm your hearts …
     A sweet anecdote shared by Mrs Pickett from the wonderful world of Kinder…

     Kinder child (stroking Mrs Pickett’s neck): “Your skin is very wrinkly, Mrs Pickett.”
     Mrs Pickett: “Well I am getting rather old…”
     Kinder child: “Does that mean you are going to die soon?”
     Mrs Pickett: “Oh no, not for a long time I am sure.”
     Kinder child: “Well, if you do - we will remember you.”

     Thank you, Mrs Pickett!
WHAT DO WE LEARN IN ART? - The Launceston Preparatory School
Please note that any notices we include in this newsletter for providers of activities that occur outside of the
school, are provided only for the interest of families and do not carry any endorsement by the school.
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