WHEN THE SHOW CAN'T GO ON - Will consumers be able to get their money back? LIFESTYLE PRODUCT TESTS

Page created by Carolyn Walker
WHEN THE SHOW CAN'T GO ON - Will consumers be able to get their money back? LIFESTYLE PRODUCT TESTS
APRIL 2020

                      WHEN THE SHOW CAN’T GO ON...
             Will consumers be able to get their money back?

              MONEY             LIFESTYLE            PRODUCT TESTS

WHEN THE SHOW CAN'T GO ON - Will consumers be able to get their money back? LIFESTYLE PRODUCT TESTS

The                        April 2020
Association of              Dear Member,
                            The impact of the Covid-19 virus has ranged from costly and                example, Aer Lingus did not offer refunds to transatlantic
The Council is the          challenging to difficult and devastating. We have watched as our           travellers when it was made clear that EU citizens were to be
policy-making body          world has changed beyond recognition and made life as we know              excluded. Yes, they did offer vouchers and rebooking benefits at
of CAI. Members are         it significantly beyond reach of what we considered the normality          no cost but what use is that to a consumer who has lost their job,
elected from within         of life and living.                                                        is now in receipt of welfare and struggling to survive?
the CAI's membership                     There have been a great many messages and actions                          A similar approach has been taken by many event
at the Annual               of positivity and support in terms of the particular elements of           organisers who have advised a ‘rescheduling’ to sometime in the
General Meeting.            life that know or accept little change, under any circumstances.           dim future yet to be determined or advised. Again, no reference
                            Despite that, mortgagees have been facilitated with extensions             to a refund.
Council                     through payment holidays to accommodate loss of earnings                                It is clear that there is work to be done in reviewing
Members                     and jobs. Payments have been put in place by Government                    the provisions of our legal supports for consumers. We will do
                            to allow those out of work to manage their own and families’               so over the coming months and especially with our colleagues
Chairperson                 budgets through the period of this closedown. Monies and food              in BEUC who are, across the whole of Europe, finding problems
Michael Kilcoyne            and personal effort have been contributed by generous citizens             and barriers to management of their consumers’ problems in the
                            to fund and assist frontline workers. The support has been                 same way that we are.
Raymond O'Rourke
                            exceptional and heartfelt.                                                              For now though, we sincerely hope that you, your
Hon Secretary
                                         It is difficult therefore to watch consumers struggle to      families, friends and colleagues emerge from this extraordinary
Elaine Bolger
Hon Treasurer               find resolution to travel difficulties with flights, hotels, rentals and   and life-affecting period in good health in mind, body and spirit.
Richard Donohue             holidays, booked and paid for in good faith many months and                The challenges to doing so are significant and all we can do is
Council Members             weeks ago.                                                                 to follow the guidance given and look forward to the better and,
Steen Bruun-Nielsen                      Consumer law provides for refunds and/or                      certainly, different days ahead.
James Wims                  rescheduling when the contract is cancelled or significantly
                            altered beyond original planning. Exceptional events are                   All here at the CAI wish you good health
                            rare and this one is, to use the general term being applied,               and wellbeing.
                            unprecedented. We have to question, therefore, why, for

       Our Reports                                            Consumer Choice                                          Published Material
       Reports in Consumer Choice are based on                Consumer Choice is published by                          No part of this publication may be reproduced,
       market research, laboratory tests or user              the Consumers' Association of Ireland                    stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in
       surveys, all of which are independently and            (CAI) Limited, a wholly independent, non-                any form without obtaining prior permission
       scientifically conducted. Free goods are               government, non-profit making body. CAI                  from the Council by contacting the Consumer
       never accepted for testing – all samples               was founded in 1966 to protect and promote               Choice office. It may not be used for any form of
       are purchased. Occasionally items may be               the interests of the consumers of goods and              advertising, sales promotion or publicity.
       borrowed for review purposes only.                     services, and to enhance the quality of life for
            The reports are produced in the main              consumers. CAI is registered with charitable             © Consumers’ Association of Ireland 2020
       by our own Editorial staff. Some material              status: CHY 8559.                                        ISSN 0790-486X
       is occasionally drawn from other foreign                    Advertising is not accepted for publication.
       independent consumer magazines.                        Consumer Choice is available on a subscription
            Because Consumer Choice carries no                basis only. To facilitate banking requirements           Staff
       commercial advertising it is not swayed by             all cancellations must be advised, by letter or          Policy and Council Advisor
       bias or influence and can point out advantages         email only, a full 30 days in advance. Where             Dermott Jewell
       and flaws in goods and services that other             a bank applies a €24 chargeback fee for a
                                                              Member/customer advised cancellation we                  Design/Typeset
       magazines may not be able to do.
                                                              will deduct same from any refund requests. To
            Reports on any article relate only to the                                                                  Denzil Lacey (Zava Media)
                                                              subscribe please write to:
       articles or goods mentioned, and not to any
       other article of the same or similar description.
                                                              Consumer Choice,
                                                                                                                       Managing Editor
       We do not necessarily price or report on all                                                                    Clodagh O'Donoghue
                                                              120/121 Baggot Street Lower,
       brands or models within the class, and the
                                                              Dublin 2
       exclusion of any brand or model should not be                                                                   Researchers
       taken as a reflection on it.                                                                                    Róisín Moloney Weekes
                                                              Tel (01) 659 9430
                                                              Email cai@thecai.ie                                      Atousa Motameni
       Social Media:                                          www.thecai.ie

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WHEN THE SHOW CAN'T GO ON - Will consumers be able to get their money back? LIFESTYLE PRODUCT TESTS
Contents                                                                          www.twitter.com/The_CAI


10 Event Cancellations and Rescheduling                      18      Washing Machines

       MONEY                                  LIFESTYLE                             PRODUCT TESTS
 6     Money News                        10   Event Cancellations               18 Washing Machines
       The latest developments in             and Rescheduling                     Consumer Choice has ten lean,
       money matters, including               In these unprecedented times         mean,cleaning machines at a
       how to safeguard your                  with the necessary cancellation      range of price points for you to
       financial health in the current        and postponement of events of        consider.
       challenging circumstances.             all kinds, what is the position
                                              for consumers in terms of get-
                                              ting their money back?            22 Cooker Hoods
                                                                                   A great cooker hood will ef-
 13    Protections For                                                             ficiently rid your kitchen of
       Energy Customers                                                            steam, smells and grease. Our
       The CRU has introduced            12   FSPO Decisions on                    testers were big fans of these
       measures to help gas                   Tracker Mortgage 		                  five Choice Buys.
       and electricity customers              Complaints
       who are experiencing difficul-         Examples of legally binding
       ties in paying bills due to the        decisions relating to tracker
       Covid-19 pandemic.                     mortgages issued by the FSPO
                                              in 2019 show the kinds of
                                              problems that can arise and
                                              how they are dealt with.
 16    Saving on Medical
       Consumer Choice investigates
       what savings can be made
       when consumers claim tax
       relief on the cost of health

                                                                                22      Cooker Hoods

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WHEN THE SHOW CAN'T GO ON - Will consumers be able to get their money back? LIFESTYLE PRODUCT TESTS
News Briefs by Dermott Jewell                                                                                NEWS BRIEFS

      Not So Bad Here After All!
      Staying with the theme of out of this world and Covid-19 mat-
      ters, I can tell you that astronomers using the European Southern
                                                                             Essay Writing Not Rocket Science
                                                                             Following an essay competition in the US, which received
      Observatory’s (ESO) Very Large Telescope (VLT) (yes – really!)
                                                                             28,000 entries from students there, the winning author,
      have discovered what appears to be an exotic planet 640 light          13-year old Alexander Mather, chose the name of the next
      years away that might cheer us up in loving this planet on which       exploration robot to go into space later this year. The Per-
      we currently reside, albeit, mostly indoors at present. I learn this   severance rover will be launched in July or August on its
      courtesy of the journal Nature in which the researchers describe a     mission to Mars. Its mission is to search for signs of micro-
                                                                             bial life and collect samples of Martian rocks and dust for
      planet where, on its day side, temperatures can reach above 2,400
                                                                             a future Mars sample return mission to Earth. The current
      degrees Celsius. This planet, which they have lovingly called          launch window is set for between July 17th and August 5th,
      WASP-76b, has temperatures that would vaporise metals. On the          with landing planned on 18th February 2021. Its mission du-
      night side of the planet, very strong winds carry iron vapour across   ration is one Martian year, which equates to 687 Earth days.
      and these then condense to form droplets that fall to the planet’s     Previous robots sent to the planet included the Sojourner
                                                                             in 1997; Spirit, followed by Opportunity, which landed on
      surface, creating ‘iron rain’. The rain is constant as the planet
                                                                             Mars in 2004; and lastly, Curiosity, which has been explor-
      only ever shows one face – its day side – leaving its shaded side      ing Mars since 2012.
      in total and perpetual darkness. The day side constantly receives                 The winning student admitted that his interest in
      radiation drenching that is thousands of times a multiplication        space was a relatively new one and that his interest and fo-
      of what Earth receives from the Sun. I learn that this is not the      cus had been in video games until, two years ago, he visited
                                                                             a space camp that changed his interest entirely. Since then,
      first such planet to be found with unusual rainfall. Scientists at
                                                                             he has fallen in love with all things space, including build-
      Penn State, using the Hubble Space Telescope, in October 2017,         ing 3D-printed flyable model rockets. This is particularly
      discovered a planet where, as they described it, it snows titanium     reflective of how young minds grasp opportunities beyond
      oxide, the main ingredient of sunscreen. Simulations and analysis      their imaginations – once that opportunity is presented
      of Kepler-13Ab’s permanent night side suggested that titanium          and made available to them. We need investments such as
                                                                             these to foster the innovation that we already know to exist
      oxide is carried by powerful winds, where it condenses into crystal-
                                                                             and, potentially be hidden, in our young generation.
      line flakes, forms clouds and precipitates as snow. Of course, you
      knew that!

                                                TROTTING OUT ALTERNATIVES
Hogs are Indiana’s third most valuable agricultural commodity, accounting for 11.4% of 2018 farm receipts, according to the latest
data from the US Department of Agriculture's Economic Research Service. The state’s pork exports alone generated $364 million
that year. Late in 2018, an Indiana pig farmer made it his business to stop by a Burger King to try the Impossible Whopper. His rea-
son for doing so was that he saw his life’s work and livelihood potentially being eradicated by this burger. This plant-based burger
patty on the hamburger had been lab engineered to mimic the taste and appearance of beef, and its soaring popularity last year
created a national shortage. About a year after California-based company Impossible Foods introduced the Impossible Burger 2.0
in January 2019, it launched its newest plant-based product, Impossible Pork, at the International Consumer Electronics Show in
Las Vegas. In retaliation of sorts, the US National Pork Producers Council is objecting to the company's use of ‘pork’ in its descrip-
tion of what is a non-meat product. Impossible Foods is focussed upon being disruptive in the market by focussing on sustainable
consumption and it has a lot of people concerned. The arguments are as one would expect – that this is neither pork nor meat
but rather a laboratory-made, flavoured and manipulated product with questionable nutritional value. However, when you see a
necessity for any group to lobby for federal regulations that codify what can be called milk and what can be called beef etc. then,
I suggest, we should have certain concerns – at the very least, in terms of transparency.

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WHEN THE SHOW CAN'T GO ON - Will consumers be able to get their money back? LIFESTYLE PRODUCT TESTS
But - The Clocks Still Go Forward?!
Palaeontologists have discovered a series      clams, grew quickly while also laying down
of fossilised shells that reveal important     daily growth rings. It is these rings that
changes to our understanding of what was       have allowed researchers to determine
the average day on Earth during the late       the number of days in a year during this
Cretaceous period. The 70-million-year-old     time. While it was known that the days were
mollusc shells were found in the mountains     shorter in the past, it is this new discovery
of Oman and the researchers, from Vrije        that provides a detailed insight to the
Universiteit in Brussels, Belgium, who are     evolution of the Earth/Moon relationship
analysing them, have determined that the       of this era. The length of a day has been
Earth, during this time, spun faster than      growing steadily longer as friction from
it does today. In actual fact it rotated 372   ocean tides, caused by the moon’s gravity,
times per year as opposed to the current       slows the Earth’s rotation. Creating more
365. This means that a day during this         accurate models, using the data collected
period would be 30 minutes shorter than        from the ancient clams, will move scientists
what we currently enjoy! The ability to        significantly further in their understanding
determine this amazing result arises           of what is a great lunar mystery.
because the ancient shells, known as Rudist

                                               DISPOSABLE OR DESPICABLE
Courtesy of Current Biology, I learn that one part of a mas-           plastic, clean plastic and water. In tests, the turtles ignored
sive pollution problem in our oceans is known as the Great             the clean plastic and water, but responded to the odours
Pacific Garbage Patch and it is seriously affecting the diets          of food and ocean-soaked plastics as part of foraging
of various marine creatures. Now, researchers from the                 behaviour. This behaviour included repeatedly putting
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill have discov-               their noses out of the water as they tried to smell the food
ered why, in particular, sea turtles eat such large quantities         source, and then increasing their activity as they searched.
of ocean plastic. The researcher’s findings are outlined in            The study now raises questions on the long-term impacts
a paper explaining that ocean plastic builds a coating of              plastics have on all ocean species of marine mammals,
algae and microorganisms that, to the turtles, smells like             fish and birds and how the smells attract them to the area.
food. To understand sea turtle behaviour around ocean                  The reality of the problem being how, once the plastics are
plastics, the researchers compared how the creatures                   in the ocean, there is no known way of removing them or
reacted to smelling odours of turtle food, ocean-soaked                preventing them from smelling like food.

Coming Soon – Beaming Up                          The Wireless Broadband Alliance (WBA)         high-level applications such as mobile
                                                  has announced the first trials of wi-fi 6E.   gaming, virtual reality, and industry
                                                  The focussed priority of the 6GHz band        4.0 solutions. The alliance said that it
                                                  for the WBA is to overcome perfor-            sees the new wi-fi technology being
                                                  mance issues currently caused by over-        particularly powerful in congested
                                                  crowding on many older networks. The          areas. A number of regulatory bodies,
                                                  big news on this new band is that it will     including those in the US, UK and EU,
                                                  provide more capacity than all the other      are therefore reviewing the potential for
                                                  wi-fi bands put together and deliver          releasing the 6G bands for unlicensed
                                                  connections with speeds equivalent to         use. With further trials continuing over
                                                  the new advanced 5G mobile networks.          the coming months and the major chip
                                                  Is it for you? That depends upon your         manufacturers gearing up for mass
                                                  household demand which – in terms of          release, it is clear that there is focus
                                                  the Covid-19 levels of increase – could       on this with urgency. The prediction is
                                                  mean anyone or everyone. How-                 that in excess of 500 million compatible
                                                  ever, currently, wi-fi 6E is designed for     devices will be in use by 2023.

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WHEN THE SHOW CAN'T GO ON - Will consumers be able to get their money back? LIFESTYLE PRODUCT TESTS
FOOD & HEALTH/News                                            by Clodagh O’Donoghue

Food &
107 food alerts and food allergen alerts issued in 2019
In March, the Food Safety Authority of Ireland      and Feed (RASFF) network.                           extreme cases. EU rules stipulate that 14
(FSAI) published details of food alerts and         		          Of the 55 food alerts issued in         specified categories of allergens must be
food allergen alerts issued in 2019. Last year,     2019, the reasons for the product recalls or        correctly labelled or declared and failure to
the FSAI dealt with 679 food incidents that         withdrawals from the Irish market varied            do so results in a food allergen alert being
resulted in 55 food alerts and 52 food allergen     greatly, with examples including the presence       issued. Last year in Ireland, milk, cereals,
alerts. Food alerts are notifications relating to   of plastic in meat products and metal pieces        eggs and nuts were amongst the most
an identified hazard – biological, chemical or      in prepared dishes, the detection of unsafe         common allergens to be incorrectly labelled
physical – in a food or food contact materials      levels of arsenic in bottled drinking water         or undeclared.
that could negatively impact health. Food           and Listeria monocytogenes in poultry and           		         According to FSAI Chief Executive
allergen alerts are notifications relating to       dairy products, and the discovery of insects        Dr Pamela Byrne, consumers should be
possible risk to consumers who have food            in certain foods and undeclared alcohol in a        able to trust that the food they are eating
allergies or intolerance to a particular food or    non-alcoholic beverage.                             is labelled correctly and free from foreign
food ingredient.                                    		          The main reasons for the 52 food        objects and undeclared ingredients. Food
		         Such food incidents can result in        allergen alerts issued in 2019 were that the        businesses are urged to deal immediately
either a withdrawal of a certain product from       allergen was unknowingly incorporated into          with problems as they arise and to put the
food businesses or a recall from consumers.         the product and consequently was not listed         protection of consumers first and foremost.
They can arise following a complaint from a         in the ingredients, the ingredients list or label   Moreover, Dr Byrne encourages consumers
consumer, an inspection by a food inspector         was not in English, or failure to highlight an      with a food allergy to subscribe to the FSAI’s
who identifies a food safety issue, reporting       allergen properly in the ingredients list. Out      free alert system to receive emails or text
from a food business of a problem with a            of every 100 people in Ireland, three have a        notifications when specific foods are found
food, the results of laboratory testing or          food allergy and for this percentage of the         to contain undeclared allergens. Consumers
notifications on food safety issues from other      population, eating a food containing the            can subscribe by visiting www.fsai.ie/
EU member states through the European               allergen can result in them needing urgent          subscribe.
Commission’s Rapid Alert Systems for Food           medical treatment and even loss of life in

Covid-19 and food
The European Food Safety Authority                  Prevention and Control (ECDC) has noted             uncooked foods.
(EFSA) has noted that there is currently “no        that although animals in China were the likely      		         Despite the circulation of claims
evidence that food is a likely source or route      source of the initial infection, the virus is       that eating garlic will help prevent infection,
of transmission” of Covid-19. According             spreading from person to person – primarily         there is no evidence to support this – though
to EFSA’s chief scientist, Marta Hugas,             though respiratory droplets when people             garlic does have antimicrobial properties and
experiences from previous outbreaks of              sneeze or cough. The need for good hygiene          is a healthy addition to a diet generally. Other
related coronaviruses, such as SARS-CoV,            practices when handling and preparing               claims suggest that hand dryers will kill the
show that transmission through food                 food remains, however, with the World               virus due to the high heat, but you will still
consumption did not occur and there is no           Health Organisation (WHO) reiterating the           need to wash your hands first and WHO says
evidence at the moment to suggest that the          need for proper hand washing, thoroughly            that ordinary hand dryers cannot completely
current coronavirus is any different in this        cooking meat and avoiding potential                 protect you from Covid-19.
regard. The European Centre for Disease             cross-contamination between cooked and

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Money News                                                                                           Money News by Róisín Moloney Weekes

Safeguarding Your Financial                                               “Consumers facing potential difficul-
Health In The Current Public                                              ties are advised to contact their lender
                                                                          or loan servicer as soon as possible to
Health Emergency                                                          establish what supports are available.”

Protecting ourselves throughout the              adversely affected by the virus to the extent     borrowers the opportunity to postpone
Covid-19 emergency should be the                 that they cannot pay their bills as they          or reduce weekly/monthly repayments.
number-one priority for each and every           become due for payment.                           It is, however, essential that consumers
one of us. The impact of the measures            		          The Central Bank of Ireland           are made aware of the implications of
taken to tackle Covid-19 are dramatic and        states that it is continuously engaging with      taking advantage of such a break on their
are having an effect on so many aspects of       banks, insurance companies and many               mortgage, the effect on the overall cost and
our normal lives and, for a lot of us, this is   financial service providers to ensure they        the possible impact on revised monthly
also true for our financial health. Being let    are implementing consumer supports                repayments. Lenders should explain to
go from our employment, temporarily or           throughout this public health crisis. The         affected consumers where the term of
otherwise, or requiring extensive periods of     Central Bank reminds us that these                the mortgage will extend as a result of the
sick leave having contracted the virus can       extra supports are in addition to existing        payment break and/or where the payment
lead to great strain on our finances. Being      consumer protections designed to protect          break will result in increased payments in
unable to meet financial commitments and         the best interests of consumers, particularly     the future once the break expires, or where
the fear of how this affects our future is       in times of financial difficulties. The Central   the mortgage will continue to incur interest.
extremely stressful for the many families        Bank expects firms that it regulates to           Consumers are advised to speak with their
and individuals trying to navigate these         protect consumers and to be sensitive             lender and ask about each of these matters
unchartered waters.                              to the difficult situation faced by many.         in detail to ensure that they understand
		         On 18th March, Minister Donohoe       It expects firms to provide reasonable            the implications of the mortgage break for
outlined measures to support individuals         arrangements and assistance in this time          them.
and businesses impacted by Covid-19.             of crisis, particularly to those experiencing     		          Consumers are likely to be
These supports include support for bank          illness or loss of income as a result of          concerned about their credit record in
borrowers, which involved the banking            Covid-19. The Central Bank also insists           the event that they take a break from a
sector coordinating an approach to               that firms must be adequately resourced           loan repayment. Consumers need to be
supporting customers whose income has            to ensure that consumers’ needs are met           aware that the Central Credit Register
been impacted by Covid-19 and included           and queries are handled in an appropriate         produces credit reports for both lenders
proposals such as the introduction               timeframe.                                        and borrowers at their request. The
of flexible arrangements to include a            		          For consumers facing potential        Central Credit Register simply records
payment break for mortgage and other             difficulties in making their mortgage and         the information that is submitted to it by
loans with a possible break in payments          loan repayments as a result of Covid-19, they     lenders on a monthly basis – it does not
up to three months. Secondly, a proposal         are advised to contact their lender or loan       produce a credit score. If a payment break
to support buy-to-let bank customers             servicer as soon as possible to establish         is agreed between lender and borrower as
with tenants affected by Covid-19 aims to        what supports are available. Contacting the       a result of the Covid-19 crisis, this will not
offer flexibility to borrowers with rental       lender or loan servicer as early as possible      be specifically stated on your credit report.
properties, including a break of up to three     is an effective step towards ensuring that        If your lender agreed to a complete break
months in payments where their tenants           the consumer’s financial situation does not       with no payments made during the crisis
are affected by the virus – and this will, in    deteriorate more than necessary.                  then the regular ‘missed payments’ will not
turn, allow landlords to exercise due levels     		          In relation to mortgage and loan      be recorded on your credit report for this
of forbearance to their tenants, in theory       payment breaks, the Central Bank states           period. The outstanding balance will not
at least. Many consumers are contracted          that – as per the Banking & Payments              decrease during this time and the balance
with non-bank lenders for their mortgage         Federation Ireland ( BPFI) announcement on        is likely to increase to reflect payments not
and also with credit service firms. Both         19th March – banks, retail credit and credit      made and consumers may wish to place an
of these types of organisations have             servicing firms will introduce a three-month      explanatory statement on their credit report
committed to working with authorities to         payment break for mortgage, personal              to explain the change in circumstances.
provide flexibility to borrowers affected by     loans and business loans for some business        Consumers are also advised to check with
Covid-19. The Minister did highlight the         and personal customers affected by                their lender as to whether any information
need for those who continue to receive their     Covid-19. The Central Bank also states that it    on their loan is submitted to other credit
full income to continue to pay their bills as    expects regulated firms to take a consumer-       bureaus that may generate credit ratings or
they fall due. The proposed supports are         focused approach and to act in consumers’         scores.
being introduced for those who have been         best interests. These payment breaks give

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Avoiding Covid-19 Scams
 The major public health event that is            from cancellation of an event such as a
 Covid-19 is throwing up an array of              wedding, a flight or a holiday as a result of
 challenges for consumers including               the coronavirus. They will ask consumers
 fraudulent activity in the form of new           for a payment upfront or a consumer’s
 scams designed to take advantage of              bank details in order to complete the
 the widespread fear being experienced            claim. Consumers should always be
 by the general public. At a basic level          suspicious of cold calls or emails, text
 we see various scams based on the                messages or WhatsApp messages stating
 sale of personal protective equipment,           that your bank is in difficulty as a result
 such as face masks and hand sanitisers.          of the pandemic and offering consumers
 Consumers are also, however, facing more         an alternative account to transfer your
 sophisticated scams that are aimed at            balance to.
 getting money from victims in many ways.         		         Consumers should also be wary
 Consumers need to look out for scammers          of offers of investments or any financial
 seeking to exploit short-term financial          services or products that appear too
 concerns. For example, asking consumers          good to be true. Do not trust any firm that
 to hand over an upfront fee when applying        contacts you out of the blue or requests
 for a loan that never actually materialises.     personal banking information. Do not
 In this time of crisis, public good will is at   disclose your bank details to any caller
 a high and scammers may take advantage           and do not send money to a financial
 of this by requesting cash donations for         services firm until you are certain that
 a good cause that is not in fact a charity       you are dealing with an authorised firm.
 but simply a scam. In the same vein,             Remember that consumers who engage
 consumers may be asked to invest in good         with firms that are not authorised by the
 causes – such as the production of hand          Central Bank of Ireland are at risk of losing
 sanitiser, manufacture of face masks and         their money. Consumers should be wary
 gloves or a new treatment for the virus –        of adverts on social media channels and
 this often comes with a promise of very          sponsored adverts online, avoid clicking
 high returns on investment. Many scams           on links or opening emails from senders
 are arising where fraudsters claim to be         that are not familiar to them, and never
 representatives of the insurance industry        let any caller or sales agent rush or
 or credit card providers allegedly offering      pressurise them into making a decision.
 to help consumers recoup losses arising

 Usit In Liquidation
  Usit travel agency, a company associated            mass cancellations of spring and summer      website, www.aviationreg.ie. Those with
  with booking J1 work/travel visas to the            travel bookings and school tours as well     travel insurance can look to see if they
  US for students, has gone into liquidation          as a collapse in new bookings, sparking      are covered, but this will be dependent
  as a result of financial pressures arising          a cash-flow crisis that left the companies   on the terms and conditions of different
  from the Covid-19 pandemic. The move                insolvent and unable to pay their debts.     policies. Usit notes that Mapfre policies
  affects parent company Kinlay Group                 		         Usit has acknowledged that        bought through Usit do not provide
  Ltd., its student-focused travel wing Usit          the outlook for customers who have           cover in the event of a travel agent going
  Ireland Ltd., school tour organiser School          made bookings in terms of obtaining          into liquidation, though refunds may
  and Group Tours Ltd. and the Dublin                 refunds is uncertain. As Usit Ireland        be possible if your claim relates to an
  College of Business Studies, which trades           Ltd. is a bonded travel agent, this          insured reason. Those with alternative
  as the English Studio Dublin, teaching              may allow for refunds to customers,          insurance policies should check the
  English as a foreign language.                      including individual students and            details with their insurer. If you paid by
  		         The severe and sudden                    teachers who have booked school trips        credit card, another route to explore may
  restrictions on travel introduced to                for groups. A claim form is available on     be to contact your bank or card provider
  control the spread of Covid-19 led to               the Commission for Aviation Regulation       to initiate a chargeback.

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WHEN THE SHOW CAN'T GO ON - Will consumers be able to get their money back? LIFESTYLE PRODUCT TESTS
Product/Tech News
 Salt-water sanitisation
 Effective cleaning around the home has become even more                      and upholstery. You
 important in recent weeks and a new environmentally friendly                 simply add tap water
 product is now on offer that uses simple water and salt to                   and household salt to
 sanitise and disinfect your surroundings. The Egret EO Blaster               the compact device,
 is an easy-to-use home appliance that produces electrolysed                  wait 60 seconds, and
 (EO) water to eliminate germs, bacteria, odours and viruses.                 start spraying – and
 		        According to the Chinese team that created the device,             the solution will take
 when electricity is passed through a salt-water mixture, EO                  three minutes to clean
 water is produced that can exterminate 99.95% of germs and                   the item. Thus, you will
 viruses that it comes into contact with and that kills bacteria              be eliminating not only
 by breaking outer cells and bursting them with water. The                    the chemicals typically
 creators claim that this product is completely safe, sterile and             found in cleaning
 non-toxic so it can used around children and pets and that you               products but the myriad
 can even use it to sterilise baby equipment and remove dirt and              plastic bottles and containers that they come in, cutting down
 pesticides from fruit and vegetables – though you will need to               on both chemical pollution and plastic waste. Another bonus
 rinse food and infant items with clean water three minutes after             is that it is a totally natural product that will not harm skin or
 using the electrolysed water solution due to the presence of                 trigger allergies.
 chlorine.                                                                    		          It certainly sounds like a timely product from a number
 		        This eco-friendly product promises to rid you of the               of perspectives and, following a hugely successful funding
 cupboard full of detergent bottles that you may currently have,              campaign, shipping is due to begin in May to anywhere in the
 as Egret can be used to disinfect all areas and items in kitchens            world, with pricing set at a rather hefty €203 – though once you
 and bathrooms as well as refreshing and deodorising flooring                 have bought the appliance, ongoing costs should be minimal.

 All in this together
Though positives to be drawn from the current public health crisis that has engulfed so many countries may be few and far between, one
heartening aspect is the willingness of people across the globe to adapt, innovate and step forward to address the challenges by whatever
means they can. What the world needs most urgently at present are common medical supplies like ventilators, medical masks, hospital
gowns and gloves and hand sanitiser, with current manufacturers unable to keep up to the enormous demand. But a helping hand has come in
the form of manufacturing companies from the automotive, fashion, cosmetics and alcohol beverage industries and more, many of which have
redirected their resources to help with Covid-19 relief and treatment efforts.
		        Examples abound but some to mention are the car and car parts companies, including such major names as Ferrari, Ford, Fiat
Chrysler and Rolls Royce, that are making plans to produce health equipment and specifically ventilators and ventilator parts. One relatively
new technology that could have a key role to play is 3D printing, with a number of 3D printing companies alongside other manufacturers that
commonly use 3D printing – including aircraft manufacturer Airbus – offering to switch their focus to printing medical essentials such as
ventilator parts, respiratory valves and medical masks.
		        Hand sanitisers have become a hugely sought-after item and breweries and distilleries around the globe are making their alcohol
supplies available to be converted into sanitising gels. Major companies like Diageo, Pernod Ricard and Anheuser-Busch are donating
alcohol, some of which has been extracted from non-alcoholic beverages, and/or manufacturing bottles of hand sanitiser for distribution to
pharmacies and healthcare settings. France-based cosmetics company L’Oreal has also re-tooled its production facilities to create hand
sanitiser and hydroalcoholic gel for French and European health authorities, pharmacies and food distributors, while the Spain-based owner
of fashion retailer Zara has announced that it will produce hospital gowns and surgical masks for patients and medical workers. Efforts by
these big-name corporations are being replicated by smaller businesses and firms around the globe, so many of which are refocusing their
operations and switching production lines to manufacturing the supplies and necessities that the world now urgently requires.

 The products featured on these pages have not been tested by the Consumers’
                                                                                                       Product News by Clodagh O'Donoghue
 Association of Ireland and their inclusion here is not, in any way, an endorsement of them.

  8       www.thecai.ie                                                                                                               April 2020

 Creative thinking in challenging times
 In these unprecedented circumstances, how           Writing opportunities                              Music, dance and theatre
 can we put all the time that we are suddenly        As a nation of natural storytellers, many of       There is no shortage of online fitness and yoga
 spending at home to some purposeful use?            us may feel that we have a book or a play in       sessions, but if dance is more your thing – or
 After we have spring-cleaned every room,            us and we are just waiting for an opportunity      you would like to give it a try – Dublin dance
 decluttered every drawer and rooted out             when we have the time to get it down on            company Cois Céim has moved its weekly
 every weed in the garden, what should our           paper. Well, that opportunity may have arrived     dance class aimed at the over-50 age group
 next project be? Out of this stressful situation,   as we confine ourselves to our homes for an        online and is inviting people to keep dancing
 wouldn’t it be good to emerge from this period      indefinite period - but maybe we need a little     but from the comfort of their home. Each
 of isolation having gained something other          extra impetus or some help in formulating and      week, an hourlong dance session will be
 than several inches around the waist and an         structuring our thoughts. An initial bite-size     posted at https://coisceim.com/classes-fifty-
 in-depth knowledge of the entire Netflix library.   challenge that might prove a useful way of         plus/ where you can start with easy warm-up
 Happily, technology is at most of our hands to      getting the creative juices flowing could          exercises and learn different dance routines,
 give us a window onto the outside world – and       come in the form of the #TinyPlaysChallenge        simply rewinding if you don’t get the hang of
 if we are feeling deprived culturally, there are    launched in late March by Fishamble: The New       the moves first time around.
 plenty of new opportunities arising to help         Play Company. Aspiring writers are invited to      		        Opera fans will be able to enjoy first-
 inspire us. Below are just a few suggestions of     submit a ‘tiny play’ of no more than 600 words     class productions from abroad as the European
 cultural activities that you might like to engage   long and to share it with their fellow citizens.   Commission-funded opera-streaming platform
 in over the next few weeks.                         Every week for a month, the Dublin theatre         OperaVision at https://operavision.eu/en ramps
                                                     company will provide a word of the week to         up its programme of free opera in response to
 Galleries and museums                               serve as a prompt and will publish a selection     European citizens’ self-isolation. Meanwhile,
 Although any travel plans have had to be put        of three to five tiny plays on its website for     arts and culture streaming platform Marquee
 on hold for the next while, fans of culturally-     the public to read. Those interested in flexing    TV has extended its trial period to 30 days,
 focused city breaks, who like to devote chunks      their dramatic muscles should visit https://       allowing users free access to a vast array
 of time to wandering around their destination’s     www.fishamble.com/news/fishambles-                 of acclaimed theatre, ballet and opera
 prized art and museum collections, have an          tinyplayschallenge.                                productions at https://www.marquee.tv/.
 online alternative. As we find ourselves stuck      		         Those looking to get their teeth        		        Meanwhile, closer to home, the
 at home, now may be the perfect opportunity         into longer writing formats might like to          Abbey Theatre has announced that it will
 to take advantage of the Google Arts and            consider entering the long-running and highly      commission 50 writers from around Ireland
 Culture project that seeks to provide everyone      respected RTÉ Short Story Competition in           to each create a monologue that will be
 and anyone access to more than 1,200                honour of Francis MacManus. Writers have           performed by 50 actors, with the recordings
 museums and galleries around the world via          until 8th May 2020 to submit their short story     then made available digitally as a way of
 virtual tours and online exhibits. All the big      which should be between 1,800 and 2,000            “capturing a moment in time to share our
 names in museums and galleries are there,           words in length. For more information and to       thoughts through creative conversation”.
 including:                                          view the competition’s rules and entry form, go    More ideas for cultural experiences that can
                                                     to https://www.rte.ie/radio1/francis-macmanus-     be accessed within your own four walls can
 • Musée d’Orsay, Paris                              short-story/. For details of a range of other      be found at the website of Cork’s Everyman
 • Rijksmusem, Amsterdam                             competitions and their deadlines, covering         Theatre at https://www.everymancork.
 • MOMA The Museum of Modern Art, New York           a variety of literary forms and genres, go         com/2020/03/theatre-resources-covid-19/.
 • Uffizi Gallery, Florence                          to https://www.creativewriting.ie/writing-
 • British Museum, London                            competitions/.
 • Guggenheim, New York                              		         If you have writing aspirations but
 • Tate Britain, London                              feel you would like some guidance and advice,
 • Smithsonian American Art Museum,                  the Irish Writers Centre (IWC) has a number
 Washington                                          of online courses on offer. Although several
 • Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam                        of these courses started in March of this year,
                                                     the IWC is planning further remote learning
 		         Other featured institutions offering     opportunities during the current period of
 virtual access are the Palace of Versailles in      closure for those looking to explore creative
 France, Anne Frank House in the Netherlands,        writing at home. As well as benefiting from
 Acropolis Museum in Greece and Olympic              live interaction with a trusted writing teacher,
 Museum in Switzerland. So if you fancy              the IWC notes that by signing up to an online
 expanding your cultural knowledge or you            course, you can provide vital paid employment
 want to arrange a virtual school trip for any       to freelance writers facing particular financial
 young people in your home, you can browse           difficulties at this time. Those interested are
 the exhibits of literally hundreds of venues by     invited to keep an eye on its website, https://
 visiting https://artsandculture.google.com/         irishwriterscentre.ie/, for announcements.

      9      www.thecai.ie                                                                                                               April 2020
WHEN THE SHOW CAN'T GO ON - Will consumers be able to get their money back? LIFESTYLE PRODUCT TESTS
Lifestyle / Consumer rights

Event Cancellations and Rescheduling
As we try to stay apart, ticketed events of all types have                                          REPORT by Clodagh O'Donoghue

had to be cancelled or postponed – but what does this                                        At a glance
                                                                                             • Event cancellations
mean for consumers who have already parted with their                                        • Rescheduled events
hard-earned cash?                                                                            • Travel and accommodation

Given the current and necessary                received within a certain timeframe or       as a gesture of financial support,
social distancing requirements and             if the tickets have to be returned to the    while other venues are suggesting that
restrictions on public gatherings in the       point of purchase in a particular way,       consumers might use the refunded
attempt to slow the spread of Covid-19, a      such as by registered post. Refunds for      money to buy tickets for upcoming
huge number of events – concerts, gigs,        online purchases can be particularly         cultural events to support artists when
sporting fixtures and more – have had to       streamlined, with the event organiser        the situation has returned to normal.
be cancelled, postponed or rescheduled.        generally contacting the consumer
Moreover, this is a situation that may         automatically and refunding the ticket       Rescheduled events
continue for a number of months,               price to their credit or debit card. If      When events are not completely
affecting events into the future. In these     you bought tickets at a box office or        cancelled, but instead rescheduled or
unprecedented circumstances, what is           other outlet, you may be required to         postponed, the situation can become
the position for consumers in terms of         physically return your tickets to your       a little less clear-cut. Consumers may
getting their money back?                      point of purchase – though obviously         be given the option of holding onto their
                                               you may not be able to do this at present    tickets for re-use at a later date and, if
Event cancellations                            with current restrictions in place. If the   this does not suit, they can often avail
For each ticket held, it is important that     event organiser or seller does not get in    of a refund at that point – although
you check the terms and conditions of          touch automatically, you should contact      Ticketmaster notes that refunds in
your contract. This will often provide         them to request a refund. If your            this instance will only be offered if the
for a full refund of the cost of your ticket   refund claim is ignored or refused by        artist, team, venue or promoter allow it.
if the event is cancelled and it may or        the ticketing company and you paid by        Moreover, secondary marketplaces like
may not include reimbursement of any           credit card, you can contact your bank       StubHub may differ from primary sellers
associated fees, such as delivery costs        or card provider to see if you may be able   as if you do not want to attend the
or booking fees. You are likely to have        to reverse the transaction and avail of a    rescheduled event for any reason, you
better consumer protections if you             chargeback.                                  may not be offered a refund but instead
have dealt with a primary seller, such         		         While offering refunds, some      will be invited to resell your ticket on
as the event organiser or Ticketmaster,        sellers are also suggesting alternative      their platform as the only means of
whereas those who have dealt with              options to patrons – for example,            recovering the cost and that, of itself,
secondary marketplaces or resellers            secondary marketplace Viagogo is             may incur further outlay on your part.
may have to look more closely to the           offering a 125% voucher in lieu of a
terms of their contract to determine           refund that can be used for up to a year.    Travel and accommodation
their entitlements. You will also need         Meanwhile, some cultural institutions,       linked to cancelled events
to see if any specific procedures              such as theatres, are respectfully asking    If you were planning to go to a match
are outlined to secure a refund – for          patrons to consider donating the price of    or concert abroad, you will likely have
example, if the refund request has to be       pre-paid tickets back to the institution     accommodation or travel booked.

   10    www.thecai.ie                                                                                                       April 2020
Your entitlements and the chances             re-routing at a later date. Airlines may          running into difficulties in dealing with
of obtaining money back will depend           also offer incentives to passengers to fly        event organisers or traders based within
on how these elements were booked             at a later date, such as offering vouchers        the EU, UK, Norway and Iceland, the
initially. If you booked tickets to an        to a higher value than the cost of the            European Consumer Centre (ECC) Ireland
event plus travel and/or accommodation        original flight. In the current unique            may be able to provide assistance. As
as a pre-arranged, inclusive package          circumstances with government advice              part of the European Consumer Centres
with a tour operator, this will count as a    to avoid travel to certain destinations,          Network, ECC Ireland has access
package holiday and specific rules apply.     the Commission notes that to refund               to multi-lingual, in-country teams
In this instance, the event constitutes       the passenger may be the only practical           that are able to liaise with traders on
a major element of the package and if         option.                                           behalf of Irish consumers. To submit a
it is cancelled or significantly altered,     		        When it comes to accomm-                complaint, go to https://www.eccireland.
then the operator should offer you a          odation, if an event has been cancelled           ie/contact-us/. Alternatively, you can
full refund or a replacement holiday of       but there are no restrictions imposed             consider pursuing the matter through
equivalent or higher quality or a lower       at the location and accommodation                 the European Small Claims procedure
grade holiday with a refund of the            providers are still able to carry out their       for claims up to €5,000. If the trader
difference in price, where possible.          side of the contract, it may be tricky to         is based in Ireland and the claim does
If, on the other hand, you booked each        secure a refund. Where you have used a            not exceed €2,000, then you can look
element of the trip separately yourself       booking engine, such as booking.com or            to resolve the issues through the Irish
– so, for example, tickets to the event       hotels.com, you should refer to the terms         Small Claims procedure, with information
on one website, a flight on an airline        and the cancellation policy to see if you         available at courts.ie.
website and accommodation on a hotel          can claim for a refund or rebooking. Even
booking site or Airbnb – then this will       without favourable cancellation terms,
not be deemed to be a package under           the accommodation provider may provide
law. Thus, each element will have its own     a refund as a goodwill gesture or offer
contract and you will need to refer to the    credit or a voucher for use at a later date,
cancellation policy and the terms and         particularly if the event is rescheduled.
conditions of each contract.                  Consumers are advised to make contact
		         Where flights have been            directly with accommodation providers
cancelled, as thousands have been in          to see what they may be prepared to
recent weeks, a long-standing EU-wide         offer. Where no reimbursement is
law means that consumers should be            offered, consumers with travel insurance
refunded or rerouted. However, there          can look to see if they are covered in this
have been numerous reports of some            instance.
airlines not cancelling flights despite
advice from governments not to travel
to many European locations – and if
the flights are not cancelled, then the
associated consumer protections do not
apply. Other reports highlight that many              Choice Comment
airlines are seeking to offer passengers
the opportunity to rebook flights instead            Where consumers are entitled to refunds from airlines or package holiday
of providing refunds but the options                 companies under current consumer legislation, they should continue to insist
for rebooking are often more expensive               on their right to reimbursement though they may find they continue to receive
than the cancelled flight. And that is if            absolutely no option but to ultimately accept only the limited offer open
you can get through to the airline, with             to them in breach of consumer law. This then represents an unacceptable
many consumers struggling to make                    undermining of hard-won consumer rights by engaged consumer advocates
contact with airline companies or finding            and associations across the EU over many years.
it difficult to get a satisfactory response          		                   What is worse, is that in Ireland we have an outgoing Minister,
from the airline’s online refund system.             Shane Ross, apparently suggesting a change to EU consumer law provisions in
In addition, some package holiday                    order that businesses affected by travel restrictions, as a result of Covid-19,
companies are reportedly offering                    can limit their liabilities to anything but a refund. Minister Ross considers
consumers vouchers or rebooking                      business losses to be more important than losses incurred by consumers who
instead of refunds but consumers may                 paid in advance, for travel not available, restricted or cancelled, many of whom
not be in a position to rebook and may be            have lost their jobs and who are very badly in need of a refund of their outlay
understandably wary of accepting credit              in order to simply survive and pay their bills. These are, indeed, extraordinary
given that the future of many travel-                times where the best a Minister can consider as a solution - to any problem - is
related companies may be uncertain.                  to reduce consumer legal entitlements to the benefit of a particular sector of
		         On 23rd March, the Commission             business.
for Aviation Regulation reiterated the               		                   We will now move to immediately engage with our
position in relation to the relevant                 colleagues across the EU and who are members of BEUC so that they can
European regulation, stating that                    highlight the absurdity of this attempt and register an official complaint with
passengers of cancelled flights should be            the Commission of behalf of the consumer we, and they, represent.
offered the option of a refund,               		       For Irish consumers who are
re-routing at the earliest opportunity or

  11    www.thecai.ie                                                                                                               April 2020
Lifestyle/FSPO decisions

     REPORT by Clodagh O'Donoghue

FSPO Decisions on Tracker Mortgage Complaints
The Financial Services and Pensions               insufficient given the very specific personal    records to ensure that it acts in accordance
Ombudsman (FSPO) recently published               circumstances of the complainants                with the Consumer Protection Code.
details of 25 legally binding decisions           concerned and compensation sums of
relating to tracker mortgage complaints that      €52,500, €45,000 and €4,500 were awarded.        		         Commenting on the decisions
it had issued between January 2019 and            In one of these complaints, the complainant      published, the Financial Services and
January 2020. Of these 25 decisions, eight        objected to the way in which the sum             Pensions Ombudsman, Ger Deering, noted
were either fully, substantially or partially     overcharged by the bank was to be refunded       that “many complaints relating to tracker
upheld, whereas 17 were not upheld. Since         but this aspect of the complaint was not         mortgage interest rates are particularly
being established in January 2018, the FSPO       upheld.                                          complex and can often concern very difficult
has handled more than 1,800 complaints                                                             circumstances for the complainants” and
relating to tracker mortgages in addition to      • In another complaint where the bank            that the decisions published in the Digest
more than 10,000 additional complaints not        had sold the loan to a third-party financial     “give a sense of the breadth and complexity
involving tracker mortgages.                      service provider and the complainants were       of the issues” involved. Mr Deering further
		         In 2019, 516 tracker-mortgage-         seeking to have their tracker mortgage           noted that 17 of the published complaints
related complaints were closed by the FSPO,       restored, the Ombudsman directed the bank        were not upheld and that this will hopefully
264 of which were resolved through the            to restore the tracker interest rate on the      serve to highlight that “although many
FSPO’s informal mediation process whereby         complainants’ mortgage from 2010, repay          people would like to have a tracker
a mutually acceptable agreement is reached        the interest overpaid by the complainants        mortgage, in order for a person to have
between the parties. Not all cases can            and pay €2,500 compensation.                     an entitlement to a tracker interest rate,
be resolved through informal engagement           		        Moreover, the bank was directed        there must be an obligation on the bank,
however, and 174 complaints were                  to make arrangements with the purchaser          contractual or otherwise, that entitles the
closed last year during the FSPO’s formal         of the loan to ensure that the complainant       mortgage holder to a tracker interest rate.”
investigation, adjudication or legal services     continued to benefit from the correct            		 Summaries of the 16 complaints
process. Under the Financial Services             tracker interest rate for the remainder of the   contained in the Ombudsman’s Digest
and Pensions Ombudsman Act 2017, the              mortgage.                                        of Legally Binding Decisions - Tracker
FSPO was given the power to publish legally                                                        Mortgage Interest Rates can be found at
binding decisions in relation to complaints       • Of the complaints partially upheld, in one     https://www.fspo.ie/decisions/documents/
concerning financial services providers and,      instance, the FSPO found that the bank           Ombudsmans_Digest_of_Decisions_Vol3.
in late February, the Ombudsman’s Digest of       had delayed in offering the complainant a        pdf with links also provided to the full text of
Legally Binding Decisions - Tracker Mortgage      tracker portability mortgage and directed        the legally binding decisions. The purpose
Interest Rates was issued, summarising            that €3,000 be paid in compensation. In two      of publishing these decisions is to enhance
16 decisions relating to tracker mortgage         complaints, it was found that although the       the transparency and understanding of
complaints.                                       complainants were not entitled to a tracker      the FSPO’s services and also to provide
		         The eight decisions that were fully,   interest rate on their mortgages, the quality    assistance to both consumers and financial
substantially or partially upheld in 2019         of the information provided to them was          services providers in avoiding and resolving
include the following:                            inadequate and the bank was directed to pay      disputes, as they can see the kind of issues
                                                  €2,500 in compensation in one complaint          that can arise and the way in which they
• In three of the complaints, the banks had       and €3,000 in another. In the fourth             are addressed by the FSPO. Mr Deering
restored the correct tracker rate from the        complaint that was partially upheld, the         has commented that he hopes that the
correct date but the complainants remained        complainants were not entitled to a tracker      publication of these decisions “will be of
unhappy with the level of compensation            interest rate on their mortgage but the          assistance to consumers, their advocates
offered by the bank. The Ombudsman                bank was directed to review and change its       and financial services providers in resolving
found that the compensation offered was           practice in relation to maintaining consumer     remaining tracker interest rate complaints”.

12      www.thecai.ie                                                                                                                   April 2020
MONEY / Energy customers

Protections For
Energy Customers
The Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) has introduced pro-
tection measures and issued advice for those who may experience
difficulty in paying their gas or electricity bill in coming weeks due to
recent measures aimed at curbing the spread of Covid-19.
Firstly, the CRU urges all customers           at this time and there is no facility        protection and reassurance during the
to continue to top up and pay bills as         to top up gas meters online or over          current challenging period, the CRU has
normal to the best of their ability in order   the phone. As a result, the CRU has          issued a moratorium on disconnections
to avoid building up debt and incurring        increased emergency credit levels for all    of domestic customers for non-payment
future financial difficulties. Those who       gas prepayment customers from €10 to         of bills that was recently extended
are experiencing problems with payment         €100. This measure is intended to enable     to April 19th. The CRU highlights its
for any reason should contact their            customers to stay connected for a period     commitment to working with consumers
energy supplier as soon as possible            even if they cannot continue to buy credit   and industry stakeholders to ensure
and seek to come to an agreement in            regularly as normal. However, customers      the uninterrupted supply of electricity,
relation to a payment plan. The CRU has        are reminded that this sum will need to      gas and water during the current public
structures in place to help customers          be paid back at a later date to ensure       health crisis.
get back on track and requires energy          continuity of supply.                                   Please see the infographic
suppliers to have staff who are trained in               PAYG electricity customers are     below issued by the CRU to inform
dealing with each case sympathetically.        reminded that they can buy credit for        energy customers of the new protection
For domestic customers in arrears,             their meter in their local shop or post      measures in place and to offer
suppliers must facilitate practical            office or alternatively online or over the   assistance if they are experiencing
repayment plans that take into account         phone. If the credit on their meter runs     financial difficulties at this time.
the customer’s circumstances and that          low, they will be offered €10 emergency      Included is a useful list of contact
are reasonable and affordable.                 credit, which will then be deducted          numbers for energy suppliers operating
           For Pay As You Go (PAYG) gas        automatically from their next top-up         in the Irish market along with details
customers who would normally top up            amount. The CRU urges customers to           of how to update emergency credit on
their gas credit for their meter in their      only make use of emergency credit in         a gas prepayment meter and contact
local shop or post office, the CRU has         emergency situations as this credit will     information for the CRU’s customer
introduced a new measure in recognition        need to be repaid at a later date.           care team where consumers can log
of the fact that these customers may not                 To further help gas and            a complaint in relation to an energy
be able to visit a retail outlet regularly     electricity customers and provide            supplier or network operator.

  13    www.thecai.ie                                                                                                       April 2020
You can also read