Winter 2020-21 Edition - Artwork By: Stefanii Adler - Fundación Colegio Americano Quito

Page created by Linda Harrington
Winter 2020-21 Edition - Artwork By: Stefanii Adler - Fundación Colegio Americano Quito
Artwork By: Stefanii Adler Winter 2020-21 Edition
Winter 2020-21 Edition - Artwork By: Stefanii Adler - Fundación Colegio Americano Quito
+ Academics / Académico + Health & Entertainment / Salud & Entretenimiento
6 Students Motivation 36 Feel Good List of Season Movies (New Year's, Christmas)

10 Online Classes 38 Blue Light Impact on Eye Sight

12 Quarantine Effect on Grades 40 The Impact Of The Pandemic On Teenagers' Mental Health

 42 You Are What You Pollute

+ Arts & Culture / Arte & Cultura
 + Special Features / Extras
 24 New Clubs!!
 46 The Meaning of Christmas
26 Trends you didn't know were Black Born
 48 Sign Language
28 Why Studying Art is Beneficial
 50 The Origin of Christmas Traditions
31 Ballroom Culture
 52 Distorting "The Beautiful Game"
 Why Winter Is A Season To Look Forward To
 and the Upcoming Year

 56 How Christmas Is Celebrated Around The World

 Mauris ligula sollicitudin. Maecenas netus, vivamus mollis dui.
 Winter 2020 | School Views 3
Winter 2020-21 Edition - Artwork By: Stefanii Adler - Fundación Colegio Americano Quito
Academiécms ico


 Students 5

 Victoria G. Online
 Isabella A. Classes
 BÁrbara B.
 Luciana S.

 Mauris ligula sollicitudin. Maecenas netus, vivamus mollis dui.
 Picture by: Veronica Missura

 Effect On

 Emilia S.

 Winter 2020-21 | School Views 5
Winter 2020-21 Edition - Artwork By: Stefanii Adler - Fundación Colegio Americano Quito
There are several ways to do this:
 Victoria Gangotena and Isabella Aliyev Just take a moment for yourself and get the chance to truly feel grateful for everything that
 surrounds you.
 Motivational Letter to Students and Teachers Take risks and change your daily routine by doing things that you’ve never done before; for ex-
 ample, yoga, meditation, drawing, playing an instrument, etc.

 Start exercising every morning or every night outside with fresh air.
Dear teachers and students, Go for a walk in nature while admiring your surroundings
Throughout these 8 months of quarantine, there is no doubt that online classes have been a challenge; most Take a break from technology at least for 1 hour a day
importantly, a change that has moved each person from their comfort zone to a problematic and exhausting
cycle of turning in work in Google Classroom. Since the lockdown started in March, we’ve had the obligation
to sit in front of a computer for 7 hours straight, finish online school, and do homework; a sedentary process By doing all of these things, both teachers and students will find a way to be more patient, and
that never seems to come to an end. Besides that, each person has their responsibilities in their household work on self -growth to get through this tough time together. Dear students and teachers, think
which has to be fulfilled and divert us from focusing on our happiness. Today, our main priority is to complete about each other. Try putting yourself in the shoes of one another every time you are having
assignments before the deadline without really focusing on the learning experience itself. The biggest issue a hard time. Chances are, the other person is probably having a hard time as well. Looking for
is that we have forgotten about the importance of taking care of your mental, emotional, and physical health support and help is always a great way to help our school’s family grow during this time apart.
making each day predictable for life. For that reason, most of us can agree that quarantine has not been re-
 6 or enjoyable in any manner, and both students and teachers can come to a common agreement that 7
fatigue is now their most recurring sentiment.
However, all these obstacles, new dynamics, and daily zoom meetings should not reform our values as hu-
man beings. We have the moral obligation to support, help one another, and overcome these daily burdens
because there will be a day that everything will end. That day when doctors say, “We found a cure” and every-
thing returns to normality. That day when we go back to school to laugh endlessly during recess, talk with our
teachers and friends and get to make fun of each other, fight or debate against the authorities and teachers
for the belief that you stand for, or even just go to the cafeteria and beg somebody to buy you something
because “you have no money”. That day when we get to play sports again and either cry, celebrate, or just
watch the game. Go out to parties with our friends, hang out with people of all ages, and get to experience,
learn, and grow as a community forcing each one to adapt and work together without breaking out of reality.

 Mauris ligula sollicitudin. Maecenas netus, vivamus mollis dui.
We can guarantee that there will be a day where screens and social distancing will not divide us from one
another. But for now, we need to learn how to coexist and work together to make these excruciating moments
work. Teachers, as well as students, should be one and make from this experience the best that we can. Talk,
participate, some days make changes in the activities or just have a day where it is special and we get the
chance to talk and appreciate things.
As Ralph Martson once stated, “Happiness is a choice, not a result. Nothing will make you happy until you
choose to be happy”. We need to choose to be happy, we need to choose to move-on and create beautiful
experiences out of horrible situations because it only depends on each one of us to think and decide on

happiness. With this being said, motivation goes hand in hand with bliss. And while we have a great attitude
towards problems we can shift our mindset completely.

 Winter 2020-21 | School Views 7
Winter 2020-21 Edition - Artwork By: Stefanii Adler - Fundación Colegio Americano Quito
Bárbara Becdach and Luciana Salgado

 Classes Online, Día a Día

 Los estudiantes del Colegio Americano de Quito han empezado clases; sin embargo, por el nuevo
 virus llamado “Covid-19”, no pudieron hacerlo en persona, si no tuvieron que comenzar virtualmente.
 Lamentablemente, esto lleva algunas dificultades, pero por la salud de los alumnos, profesores y
 trabajadores del colegio, se tuvo que tomar esta complicada decisión. No es completamente nuevo
 para muchos ya que el año anterior se tuvo que finalizar de la misma manera, pero si extrañamos
 a nuestro colegio y como eran nuestras vidas antes de esta pandemia. Los estudiantes tienen
 sentimientos de confusión y felicidad para comenzar un nuevo año escolar, incluso virtualmente.
 Diciendo cosas como "Me siento feliz y aliviado de estar empezando un nuevo año escolar, pero al
 mismo tiempo, preocupado de cómo viviremos después de que este virus sea controlado". También
 diciendo "Estoy emocionado y feliz de poder pasar más tiempo con mi familia, pero no puedo evitar
 extrañar a mis amigos". No solo los estudiantes son los cuales se preocupan por esta nueva mane-
 ra de aprendizaje, los profesores y la administración piensan que comenzar el año escolar en línea
 afectará el aprendizaje de sus estudiantes de una manera negativa ya que para muchos es más
 8 difícil concentrarse y estar al tanto de todas sus actividades. 9

 Otra pregunta que estaba en la mente de muchos profesores y estudiantes era cómo funcio-
 nan los eventos y las asambleas escolares que teníamos regularmente en persona virtualmente o
 hasta si no las tendríamos. La forma que el colegio lo está organizando es de mandar una invitación
 con un link a un zoom. Para mantener el orden, se da pocas posibilidades a los estudiantes de hac-
 er cosas, esto incluye mantener a todos en la reunión silenciados por toda la reunión, además de
 tener solamente dos botones, los cuales son salir de la reunión o alzar la mano. También, el chat es
 apagado. Para estas asambleas se usa la aplicación ZOOM, la cual también se usa para todas las
 clases virtuales de los estudiantes.
 Aunque hay muchas desventajas de este nuevo sistema, también hay algunas ventajas. Por ejemp- Picture by: Veronica Missura

 Mauris ligula sollicitudin. Maecenas netus, vivamus mollis dui.
 lo, una ventaja es que podemos mantenernos un poco más saludables y asegurar que haya menos
 riesgo de contagio entre los estudiantes. Pero una desventaja podría ser que aunque los estudi-
 antes son requeridos prender sus cámaras, nunca puedes estar 100% seguro que todos están pre-
 stando atención, o que todos los estudiantes están entendiendo la materia. En mi experiencia, yo
 siempre presto atención en clase, pero a veces me distraigo por lo que está alrededor mío. Y aunque
 entiendo muchas de mis clases, algunas pueden ser más difíciles de entender por video llamadas.
 La interacción con los profesores y estudiantes no es igual, pero hacemos lo que podemos dadas
 las circunstancias.

 Esta es una etapa muy difícil para todos nosotros pero espero que después de esta etapa, salgamos
 más fuertes y hábiles, igualmente que algún día podamos volver a nuestro amado colegio y a lo que
 ahora llamaríamos vida normal.

 Winter 2020-21 | School Views 9
Winter 2020-21 Edition - Artwork By: Stefanii Adler - Fundación Colegio Americano Quito
Finally, Ms. Raisa has given her point of view on how grades have been affected by quarantine.
 Emilia Serrano As a teacher, she can evaluate her student’s average grades and see how they have changed.
 Ms. Raisa said that the grades depend a lot on the student. Yes, there have been improvements,
 but also struggles. Some students have adapted quickly to online classes and concentrate
 Quarantine Effects On Grades better without their friends' distractions. On the other hand, there have been other students
 that have found it harder to adapt because of the distractions in their environment like notifi-
 cations on their phone. WhenMs. Raisa was asked, “Do you think it is easier for students to get

 better grades now that they are online?” she responded, “I think that it depends on the student.
 Now that we are online, I believe that teachers are more accessible than ever to support their
 As a result of the pandemic a lot of things have been impacted, some being: school modality, students. I know that I have made so many accommodations to help my kids, including being
 social life, health, economy, but also students' grades in both positive and negative ways. Fo- constantly connected through Google Hangouts, pretty flexible deadlines, more feedback on
 cusing has become harder because of the distractions we have at home, or having the ability work than ever, and more. But I know that being online is hard. It's not only hard for students, it's
 to copy from other students, taking away from the learning experience, has become even more hard for teachers as well. If students are able to manage their distractions, then they can do so
 widespread. Even though it is tough, students sometimes lean into this temptation, and quar- well right now but that is a skill that can be really difficult to learn!”
 antine has forced the world to face several problems. Two students of Colegio Americano de
 Quito (A, B) have compared their grades from last year, and their current grades to see how they There have been positive and negative effects on grades but these depend on how well each
 have changed. Plus, Ms. Raisa Harper, 9th grade Humanities teacher, has given her perspective student has adapted to this new system. It isn’t easy, it's a new lifestyle the whole world is trying
 on how the grades have changed over the pandemic. to implement in their daily lives, but change is inevitable and the education system and every-
 one within it are no exception.
10 11
 To begin with, last year student A’s first partial average was 9.72 while this year the grade of the
 first partial was 9.81 showing an improvement. This shows how the grades of this student have
 been affected positively; even though the grades have improved, it is possible that the quality
 of the work or learning has decreased. Student A says that it is easier to get better grades while
 being in quarantine, assignments can be done quickly and there is a lot of free time left, but the
 experience isn’t the same. It is harder to manage time , turn in every assignment on time, and
 understand the presented information. Student A explained that if there was the possibility to
 go back to school and have normal classes, it would be much better because of the experience.
 It is similar to the outside world and prepares students in a better way.
 On the other hand student B's case is different, the first unit the grade was 8.57 but this year

 Mauris ligula sollicitudin. Maecenas netus, vivamus mollis dui.
 in the first unit the grade went down by 7 decimals leaving it at 8.50. Even though the grades
 have lowered, student B prefers online classes because, in harder subjects like Math, English,
 Humanities, etc, there has been an improvement since last year. “I prefer online classes but not
 because of the grades, but because I get to focus better and it is easier to receive extra help
 than in school. Also, there have been new tools that the school has given me that helped me
 adapt to online classes fast and be more effective with my work.” While in some areas student
 B’s grades have shown improvements, there are other areas affected by quarantine that have
 made the grades of students lower, such as sports and music. Being online has created diffi-
 culties in sports activity where there aren’t enough tools or space to conduct the activity, which Evidence of students grades in Google classroom

 has had negative effects on some students.

 Winter 2020-21 | School Views 11
Winter 2020-21 Edition - Artwork By: Stefanii Adler - Fundación Colegio Americano Quito
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 Winter 2020-21 | School Views 13
Winter 2020-21 Edition - Artwork By: Stefanii Adler - Fundación Colegio Americano Quito
 Humans rely on the world for suste-
 Daniela Chiriboga nance. Lately, we have seen a sharp
 deterioration in our planet's health.
 This Year's New Clubs Keegan Aspelund wanted to share
 this concern with our community
 and make a club out of it. Students

 This pandemic has affected all of us in unexpected and different ways. However, it is vital meet bi-monthly on Thursdays to
 to maintain an air of normality to move forward from this difficult time and still find spaces discuss pertinent issues and help
 in the day to continue the hobbies we like. New and continuing clubs have been meeting our community be less wasteful
 this year to do just that. We are proud to present four exciting clubs that you can take part and more environmentally con-
 in this school year. Everyone has put a lot of effort into organizing each club to be as en- scious. It is an excellent opportuni-
 gaging and enjoyable as possible. ty to learn more about how to help
 the planet we live on and help teach
 BOOK CLUB others about the environment.
 This club has monthly meetups to FILMMAKING CLUB
 read books selected by its mem-
 bers. Daniela Chiriboga and Melin- This club was born from an interest
 na Navas started this club to share in learning more about screenwrit-
 their love of reading. Each month,
14 ing, filmmaking techniques, editing 15
 they discuss a specific book with- software, and other movie-making
 out the pressure of grades or in- elements. The students who belong
 depth analyses. This club allows to this club are currently exploring
 its members to enjoy reading and the mystery genre. They have an-
 share their opinions in a judg- alyzed and studied different sus-
 ment-free environment. Their main pense scenes and have been chal-
 goal is to promote the idea of read- lenged to create their own without
 ing for fun and not to look at read- dialogue. Started by Susy Lisken,
 ing as a burden. everyone who partakes in this club
 is open-minded and ready to learn
 DIVERSITY CLUB more about what filmmaking is ev-

 Mauris ligula sollicitudin. Maecenas netus, vivamus mollis dui.
 ery week.
 In a world where prejudice and dis-
 crimination still exist, the Diversity
 Club is where you can make a signifi-
 cant impact. This club focuses on un- Clubs are a way to find people that share your common interests while simulta-
 derstanding diversity and celebrating neously learning more about them. They are a great way to meet new people and
 it within Colegio Americano and its discover different hobbies. It is important to stay busy during these times, and be-
 surrounding community. Sebastián ing a part of clubs is a great way to do so. Getting out of your comfort zone and
 Portilla and Pedro Jacome hold immersing yourself in any of these interests can provide a moment of introspection

 meetings bi-monthly to talk about a and guide you to find out something new about yourself.
 diversity issue. Students are then en-
 couraged to generate ideas on how
 to change our community to be more
 accepting and inclusive. This club is
 a great way to learn more about the
 different cultures and lifestyles that the students at Colegio Americano have. Winter 2020-21 | School Views 15
Winter 2020-21 Edition - Artwork By: Stefanii Adler - Fundación Colegio Americano Quito
Isabela Murgueytio
 Trends You are Wearing You
 Didn't Know Were Black Influenced.

 With old fashion making a comeback, it is essential to know where they are coming
 from. See, new clothing trends do not exist. They are just a remake of another era's
 movement, with some modern adjustments. In 2020, many trends are resurfacing. But
 have you ever stopped and wondered, is there a cultural significance to the clothes I'm
 using right now?
 To answer this question, one must understand that most of the y2k trends come
 from African-American influence. Garments like bucket hats, acrylic nails, oversized
 clothing, and sneakers are very mainstream and were first used by African American
 culture, and there is a historical and cultural significance behind this culture. For in-
 stance, developers did not create the bucket hat to fit an aesthetic; they designed it to
16 protect fishers from the rain. Fast forward to 1940, soldiers used the bucket hat since 17
 it provided better protection against the sun. Designers never expected bucket hats to
 become such a fashionable item. However, the bucket hat gained fame when Big Bank
 Hank used it as an article of clothing. As it happens, more people started to follow him,
 and that's how bucket hats became so mainstream in the 90s. Now, this item was not
 precisely "black born." However, it was the black community who made it fashionable.
 An accessory that has made a comeback in the last five years are acrylic nails.
 Acrylic nails were created in 1950 and became very popular since it is a way of ex-
 pressing yourself. However, the first black woman to appear in a VOGUE magazine,
 Donyale Luna, popularized the accessory by wearing acrylic nails. Ever since then, it
 is synonymous with black culture! It has had such a significant impact on the black

 Mauris ligula sollicitudin. Maecenas netus, vivamus mollis dui.
 community that even Serena Williams has worn these long acrylic nails to her match-
 es. Although acrylics are trendy right now, they were an object that promoted classism
 in the past century because there was the belief that black women could not afford to
 get their nails done with something other than the acrylic material. Nowadays, people
 with low incomes to luxury houses like Dior, Gucci, and Versace use these nails. Artwork by: Julia Moreno
 The things mentioned before are now on-trend, but it is vital to take a step back
 and appreciate the people who made all of these simple artifacts fashionable and its
 impact on culture.

 Winter 2020-21 | School Views 17
Winter 2020-21 Edition - Artwork By: Stefanii Adler - Fundación Colegio Americano Quito
According to a study conducted by the Solomon R. Guggen-
 heim Museum, all students enrolled in art programs scored
 much higher in specific problem-solving skills, "In the end,
 Alejandra Pacheco the study provides strong evidence that LTA enhanced stu-
 dents' abilities in three of the six areas of the problem-solv-
 Three Reasons Why You Should Give A Career ing rubric: 1) Flexibility, 2) Connections of Ends to Aims,
 and 3) Resource Recognition1. LTA students scored signifi-
 in the Arts Some Serious Thought: cantly higher than non-LTA students in these three areas on
 the problem-solving activity…" (Korn, 7-8). By learning these

 DISCLAIMER: All of the data shown in this article comes from US university data systems. I skills, art students become proactive workers. Even if you
 omit data from other countries. The information I present is most likely only valid for people don't necessarily commit to an art career, these are still es-
 interested in pursuing a career path in the United States of America. sential skills to know that will definitely characterize you as a
 valuable asset in any scenario.
 THE STRUGGLE OF CHOICE - For many students, a career in the arts seems like an unat-
 tainable dream. It’s intimidating to choose a professional path that has many unpredictable 3. Moreover, art teaches you how to contribute to society. A career in the Arts teaches you how to un-
 outcomes. Several people see the Arts as hobbies that aren’t academic nor job-worthy; this derstand existing communities. World problems like hunger, obesity, and racism require a more in-depth
 belief is very untrue. This article will give you a new perspective about these careers and understanding that the arts provide. According to a study by Deloitte, having a degree in humanities (which
 three concrete reasons you should follow an education in this field. is a career included in the Arts program) increases generosity in society, "Humanities graduates also make
 meaningful contributions to their communities and society. The rate of volunteering amongst humanities
 The Three Reasons graduates is 5 five percentage points higher than the average volunteering rate. (O'Mahony, 1). This un-
 derstanding can be translated into the real world and unites different races, cultures, and ethnicities. Only
 1. An art degree is profitable, for it serves a variety of different professional fields. Opposite by understanding the world around us can we be-
18 to popular belief, careers in the arts have a vast exploration spectrum that opens doors to come positive agents of change. 19
 various job opportunities. The Arts include creative writing, fashion, graphic design, spatial
 design, digital multi-media, photography, fine arts, 3D product design, photography, film, Although there are misconceptions and ste-
 and several other areas of interest. Following an education in these professions will help reotypes surrounding careers in the arts, there are
 individuals develop practical abilities for their futures as they gain interchangeable skills. still several reasons people should follow them.
 These careers develop invaluable abilities for future professionals, such as analytical and These careers teach you skills and problem-solv-
 communication skills. The ability to properly communicate ideas is fundamental in today's ing abilities and help you understand the world,
 society, for it helps professionals share their views accurately. Whether through film, paint- which help shape the world in many positive ways
 ing, or writing, education in this field will allow you to connect with a broader audience by ad- that contribute to a better society. To forge a better
 equately communicating your ideas with them. According to a study by Deloitee, "Disciplines future, we need well-rounded individuals who un-
 such as history, literature, and philosophy have shaped institutions and policy debates and derstand their impact on the world's communities.
 attracted generations of students seeking to understand more about how societies function

 Mauris ligula sollicitudin. Maecenas netus, vivamus mollis dui.
 and change.” (O’Mahony, 1) These communication skills create conscious individuals who
 promote effective dialogue and expression within large communities.
 2. Another benefit of committing to this career path is that it teaches you valuable prob-
 lem-solving skills. In any job, the most important trait one must have is the ability to over-
 come obstacles. If you ever struggle, it is imperative to know how to face it correctly. Luckily,
 art students are excellent at fronting professional barriers. According to a study conducted
 by the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, all students enrolled in art programs scored much
 higher in specific problem-solving skills, "In the end, the study provides strong evidence that

 LTA enhanced students' abilities in three of the six areas of the problem-solving rubric: 1)
 Flexibility, 2) Connections of Ends to Aims, and 3) Resource Recognition1.

 Winter 2020-21 | School Views 19
Overall the Ballroom culture is a place full
 Pedro Jacome of acceptance and pride within the LGBT
 community. Expression and equality are
 Ballroom Culture huge themes when it comes to this secret
 gem. This culture became an outlet for
 countless marginalized queer folks, and it

 Think of a vibrant place illuminated by beautiful continues to be a safe space for anyone.
 individuals that rework social norms. Imagine
 them dancing and celebrating their differences
 without any judgment while dressing in cate-
 gories all for the sole purpose of celebrating This leads us to the pride of Ballroom
 beauty. This scene is New York’s ballroom cul- culture and all the other LGBT individu-
 ture. als. Becuase there was so little awarness
 for discrimination towards these groups,
 (The image to the left is that of Indya Moore there was a lot of present discrimination
 playing the character of a competitor in a ball- in areas rumored to be gay clubs and ball-
 room). rooms. These areas would be constantly
 bombarded with policeman looking for
 ways to incriminate LGBT people as it
20 was illegal to show LGBT public affection 21
This culture has competitions in which individuals, before 1966. In one of these instances,
often drag queens, perform different categories. a gay club called Stonewall Inn in Green-
What is drag? This term refers to an art form that wich Village, New York, was raided by
consists of adopting mannerisms and fashion policemen as they hauled the employees
styles typically worn by the opposite gender. For and patreons out of the bar for questionable accusations. Soon after, this caused riots and
instance, a drag queen is a man who dresses up protesting for six days.
as a woman. These beautiful individuals develop
a drag persona, create a drag name, and cultivate
their unique style and attitude. An example of a
famous drag queen can be RuPaul Charles (image Martha P. Johnson, a transgender African
on the right), mostly known for his show RuPaul's American woman, was one of the leading

 Mauris ligula sollicitudin. Maecenas netus, vivamus mollis dui.
Drag Race and his acting, singing, and modeling. individuals who demanded gay equal rights,
 and thus, making the Stonewall Riots a
Originating in the 1920s in New York, white men cataclyst for the gay rights movement.
would dress up in drag and perform in the ball-
rooms; black queens weren't welcome. These Af-
rican American icons would start their own under-
ground culture in the 60s, as they would compete
with few categories and usually depict Las Vegas

 Winter 2020-21 | School Views 21
3. Corte Internacional de Justicia
 Ana Paula Pozo | Juan Diego Riascos | En la corte internacional de justicia se trató el caso de la demanda de Irán a Estados Unidos por su incum-
 CAMINU Sara Núñez plimiento del tratado de amistad y relaciones consulares así como la imposición de sanciones y bloqueos
 económicos. Los abogados demandantes presentaron como testigo a una mujer de 45 años cuyo hijo
 El Colegio Americano de Quito organiza, como parte de sus actividades académicas, el sufría de mucopolysaccharidosis y cuyo tratamiento no podía ser importado de EEUU por los bloqueos de
 Modelo de Naciones Unidas CAMINU, que es una simulación del trabajo que realiza comercio. Los abogados demandantes presentaron en cambio un testigo que era un diplomático retirado
 esta Organización Mundial. A través de esta experiencia los estudiantes desarrollan quien había estado presente en la crisis de rehenes de 1979, y aseguraba que la república Islámica de Irán

 destrezas de investigación y de exposición oral y se promueve en ellos valores había violado sus derechos y puesto en riesgo su seguridad. Ambos testigos fueron cuestionados por los
 ciudadanos y de liderazgo. abogados y jueces, sin embargo su conocimiento fue limitado.
 Actualmente, el Colegio Americano prepara la Vigésima Sexta edición de CAMINU, con 4. Organización de Estados Americanos
 la participación de colegios nacionales, privados y públicos. El tema central de CAMINU es:
 “La importancia de una efectiva cooperación internacional para la preservación de la globalización”. En la Organización de Estados Americanos, se presentó una resolución por parte de la delegación de Ar-
 gentina con el tema de la situación humanitaria en Venezuela, la resolución proponía la creación de una
 La simulación incluye temas de interés nacional y mundial que misión humanitaria. Se hizo una moción para diferir la resolución pero esta no pasó. Se presentaron tam-
 se debatirán en cinco bién 3 enmiendas en el comité, de éstas se llegó a tratar dos en el segundo día y ambas pasaron. El nivel
 comités de ONU y uno de la Organización de Estados America- de debate estuvo moderadamente bajo. Otros temas a tratar fueron los grupos subversivos en El Salvador
 nos: y las medidas a tomar para la protección de la Amazonía ante la extracción de petróleo.
 --Consejo de Seguridad 5. Historical Security Council
22 --Organización Mundial de la Salud 23
 --Historical Security Council 1956 In this committee, the delegates discussed the problem related to the Suez Canal. Here they discussed the
 --Human Rights Council nationalization of the canal and the future of British and French forces in the same territory. During the de-
 --Corte Internacional de Justicia bates, the delegations raised concerns for the serenity of the nations involved in the problem and concerns
 --Asamblea General de la Organización de Estados Americanos for the safety of citizens. The importance of halting fire was repeatedly stressed by all countries occupying
 territory in the Suez Canal. At the end of their debate, the delegations voted to pass Egypt's resolution,
 which focused on creating peace and conducting a peaceful dialogue between nations. The resolution es-
 1. Consejo de Seguridad tablished that British and French armed forces should leave the territory so that Egypt does the same; after
 this any violence between nations would stop, and a dialogue table would be held in which the peaceful
 El Consejo de Seguridad trató temas que directamente amenazaban la seguridad internacional. El comité practices of negotiations would be ensured.
 tomó un enfoque específico en la guerra en Yemen y analizaron la posibilidad de empezar una misión de
 paz de las Naciones Unidas en dicho territorio. El consejo de seguridad tuvo 5 resoluciones y existieron 3 6. Human Rights Council

 Mauris ligula sollicitudin. Maecenas netus, vivamus mollis dui.
 mociones para enmendar la agenda las cuales no fueron aprobadas. Por lo tanto la agenda empezó con la
 resolución de la delegación de Estonia y Bélgica, continuando con el tema de Yemen y se discutió la posib- In the Human Rights Council, member states mostly discussed domestic violence during the coronavirus
 ilidad de una misión de paz en dicho país. El comité tuvo un alto nivel de debate en dicho tema, teniendo quarantine. Due to the confinement, several people have had to remain locked inside their homes, which
 intervenciones constantes de delegaciones en el tema. La resolución recibió algunas enmiendas y se pasó a increased the numbers of domestic violence. Domestic violence has become a complication due to the
 concluir el proceso de la resolución en el último día del modelo. difficulty people have in reporting this type of abuse when locked up in their homes. The delegations de-
 cided to pass a resolution focused on using technology to facilitate the reporting of domestic violence.
 2. Organización Mundial de la Salud This project, called the Prevention Program of Domestic Violence, will last three years. In this application,
 victims of abuse can report it and learn about their partners' legal past. By working with police departments
 La organización mundial de la salud discutió sobre la pandemia actual y analizaron varios factores que con- worldwide, victims can seek greater protection during this pandemic and separate themselves from their

 tribuyeron a esta. Bajo este objetivo, se trató de crear a través de una resolución una sesión extraordinaria de partners in case there is a risk of violence or has already occurred. This program will be promoted through
 la OMS, al igual que la creación de un programa especializado para lidiar con pandemias la cual se quisiera various technological platforms used with great frequency, especially during pandemic.
 aplicar en la actualidad y preparar para el futuro. Además, la OMS tuvo un gran número de artículos citados en
 el comité donde se referenció a la convención por la cual fue creada, además del estatuto de la organización.
 Finalmente, un tema recurrente en el comité fue el tema de las vacunas y el desarrollo de estas en la actual-
 idad. Con todos estos aspectos analizados, la OMS trató de velar por la salud y seguridad de los ciudadanos
 de todos los estados miembros. Winter 2020-21 | School Views 23
Health &


24 25

 Salud &

 Mauris ligula sollicitudin. Maecenas netus, vivamus mollis dui.

 Winter 2020-21 | School Views 25
Home Alone
 Rafaella Sanchez
 Who cares what month it is? The McAllister’s are preparing for their Christ-
 Feel Good Movie List mas holiday with their big family. Eight year old Kevin seems to annoy
 everyone around him and the night before the trip, he has a fallout and
 The hectic schedule of the holiday season wore everyone out. Between online schooling and handling wishes for his family to disappear. As Kevin wakes up the next morning he
 the restrictions of the pandemic was pretty tiring. Sometimes all we want to do is lay down and enjoy realizes that Santa fulfilled his wish. He is home alone! At first it's a bliss,

 an afternoon watching movies. That's why I’ve come up with a list of great movies to lift your mood. A everythings a disaster and Kevin couldn't be happier. But it all takes a turn
 mix between romantic-comedies, coming of age, and action films that aim to lift up the spirit in those when two burglars are determined to break in. Unfortunately for them Kev-
 moments when you're feeling sour. It's a list made up of five relatable, heart warming, and funny films. in won´t allow it. Starring adorable young Macaulay Caulkin, “Home Alone”
 With a few snacks and the remote in hand, stream these top movies in those cold afternoons for some is a Christmas classic appropriate for those rainy days or family movie
 positive post-holidays vibes. nights. It lighthearly transmits a message about family and childhood.

 Lady Bird
 13 Going on 30
 Lady Bird, a coming-of-age comedy, narrates the story of Catherine
 McPherson, a senior in highschool who basically hates her life. She’s a Unpopular school girl, Jenna Rinks, desires more than anything to grow
 quirky teenager with red streaks and a sarcastic personality who likes up and be cool. During her disastrous 13-birthday party she wishes to be
 to be called “LadyBird”, a nickname given to her by her. Catherine is tired 30. Throw in some magic and Jenna wakes up as a successful 30 year old
26 of living in Sacramento, California. Her goal is escaping from her boring woman with her dream life. Dresses, purses, parties, boys; everything she 27
 Catholic school and studying in a “city of culture” like New York. Coming ever desired she got it. However, Jenna realizes that it may not be what she
 from a low-income family and having a mother who she only seems to dis- wanted. Jennifer Garner’s fresh and innocent like character accurately rep-
 appoint, her plans are born to be stuck. Starring Saorise Ronan and pop- resents the “growing up” dream of any young girl ever. It's a funny, relatable
 ular actor Timothee Chalamet, it's a movie that perfectly depicts teenage and romantic movie that makes you feel fuzzy on the inside.
 ups and downs. A little bit of romance and a bunch of relatable scenarios.

 Oceans 11
 Danny Ocean is fresh out of prison. And logically the first thing he does is com-
 Ten Things I Hate About You bine a group of eleven men to score the biggest heist ever, robbing three Las

 Mauris ligula sollicitudin. Maecenas netus, vivamus mollis dui.
 Vegas casinos in one single night. With Hollywood eminences like Brad Pitt,
 This teen rom-com is still a hit 20 years after its release. Based on a Shake- George Clooney, Matt Damon, and Julia Roberts as cast this movie is a crime
 spearean play The Taming of the Shrew, the movie tells the story of sisters comedy that promises to be the best out there. However, it never goes out of
 Kat and Bianca. Total polar opposites; Kat is a nonchalant teenager with a style being the father of all modern action movies. For a night full of action it's
 tempestuous behavior while Bianca is the school's queen bee, popular and the perfect mix of thrill and comedy.
 boy-crazy. Bianca wants to desperately date; however, she isn't allowed to
 do so until her sister finds a boyfriend for herself (dads rule). The new guy,
 Cameron, fancies Bianca and comes up with a plan for school bad boy Pat-
 rick to date Kat. The problem is. Kat strongly dislikes Patrick.

 Winter 2020-21 | School Views 27
Camilo Flores, Martin Burgaentzle

 Blue Light Impact on Eye Sight

 Humankind pretty much lived in darkness before light started appearing at night. Blue
 light falls into the category of lumens being introduced at night. Light emitted by different elec-
 tronic devices is also known as blue light, it has had some good effects on us but it has also
 had bad ones like messing up our internal clock, the circadian rhythm. This is our natural clock
 which tells us when to sleep and wake up. This can affect our sleep, and other complications
 like diabetes, cancer and obesity. Although this blue light waves are not always bad, after sun-
 down it can cause some problems but during the day they are beneficial, since they can boost
 your attention and mood. The University of Harvard conducted some studies to see if exposure
 to light at night is linked to obesity, diabetes and heart conditions. They changed participants’
 circadian rhythms slightly and results showed that the sugar in their blood increased and leptin,
 a hormone which leaves as full after eating a meal decreased. Light at night can interfere with
 melatonin which controls the circadian rhythm. Also light is the main reason not to get enough
28 sleep at night which can lead to depression. Any kind of light can suppress melatonin, blue light 29
 does this in a stronger way. To support this Harvard conducted an experiment and compared
 two exposures one of blue light and one of green light and the results showed that blue light
 suppresses melatonin twice and changes the circadian cycle as twice also.

 Solutions for Blue Light
 Some ways to prevent the blue light side effects could be setting your computer and
 phone in dark mode, using the 20-20 rule, regulating the amount of time in which you use your
 devices, etc. Turning your pc and phone to dark mode could help by reducing eye fatigue, itchy

 Mauris ligula sollicitudin. Maecenas netus, vivamus mollis dui.
 eyes, blurry vision, and double vision. This is because the blue light being emitted by the com-
 puter is lower when it is in dark mode preventing some blue light effects. The 20-20-20 rule is
 a rule in which you use your computer for 20 minutes, then you rest your eyes by looking at an
 object that is 20 feet away from you for 20 seconds to prevent eye fatigue. Another way to pre-
 vent the effects of blue light is by regulating the time you use your devices, by regulating your
 time on screen you can rest your eyes preventing eye fatigue. A last solution for people who
 can afford this, is to buy special glasses made to stop the blue light from entering in to your
 eyes, they are like sunglasses but made for use of electronic devices.

 Winter 2020-21 | School Views 29
Even in the food we eat on a daily basis exist traces of human pollution. It has reached the
 Rafaella Sanchez point to where we have threatened our own food security. Toxic chemicals are released into
 the ocean on a daily basis, either through industrial sources or by flowing directly from rivers or
 streams. About 80% of marine litter is land based, coming from sewage runoff, drains, or direct
 You Are What You Pollute littering. We are basically eating our fish with a side of toxic chemicals and debris. Chemicals
 like mercury, lead, pesticides, and oil are released into the ocean and contaminate both our
 water supply and the marine food chain. According to the World Health Organization, as of

 The Earth’s environment is a system that works by giving and taking. Humans are provided 2019 about 3.1 billion people relied on seafood to complete 20% of their protein and nutrient
 resources and a home while we do little to help the planet. Society has gotten used to simply consumption. It's like willingly diving into a neon green radioactive pool. These chemicals often
 caring about its own well-being. In this modern era we've been taught to take into account many cause hormonal problems, nervous system damage, kidney damage, and reproductive prob-
 aspects to lead a healthy lifestyle. A balanced diet, physical activity, and mental health aware- lems. In extreme situations, bacteria can turn the most dangerous heavy metal, mercury, to its
 ness are all factors that have been tackled by the media. They gain more and more attention most toxic form, methylmercury. Plankton often absorb methylmercury and make their way up
 becoming society’s number one priority, personal health. And it seems that we’ve forgotten the food chain until reaching our supermarkets and plates. Methylmercury’s toxic composition
 about the single most important factor that's essential to keeping us alive. The Earth. can be the cause of Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimers, and heart disease.
 Humans have yet to understand that health is a balance between ourselves and the environ- By discharging wastewater and products like detergent, fertilizer, and pet waste into our wa-
 ment. Everything we do affects the state of our surroundings. It's as simple as breathing or terways; we are creating our biggest threat. Algal blooms are silent attackers. Harmful algal
 walking, just living. And as the world's conditions deteriorate, ours will too. Air quality deteriora- blooms are overgrowths of algae, which produce harmful toxins in fresh or marine water. The
 tion and ocean contamination are crucial factors that affect human health. thing about algal blooms is that they benefit from the excessive presence of two nutrients;
 nitrogen and phosphorus. Accidentally drinking or simply swimming in these algal blooms can
30 In the last few decades, pollution has increased at an alarming rate. Whether it's carbon emis- be lethal for marine life and humans. These excessive amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus are 31
 sions caused by cars or industrial smokestacks, entire cities are constantly covered by brown often found in fecal discharge and fertilizers. Exposure to this algae can cause severe or chron-
 clouds of smog.. Air pollution is responsible for several conditions or diseases. Ranging from ic neurological illness, respiratory illness through exposure to marine aerosol, stomach illness,
 asthma, to lung cancer, pulmonary disease, and heart disease; air contamination causes about and possibly cancer. Surprisingly, a healthy coastal area could also benefit our mental health.
 7 million deaths every year. Several substances like nitrogen oxides, sulphur oxides, ozone and According to WHO, studies have demonstrated that people who live near marine environments
 particulate matter constitute a great part of the air we breathe everyday. According to the World are often healthier and happier than those living inland, but these ecosystems are being threat-
 Health Organization, it is an invisible threat to which about 92% of citizens are exposed to. Most ened by human activity.
 of these tiny particles that float in the air often enter our body and penetrate our lungs, causing
 damage to a detrimental and sometimes fatal extent. Breathing in pollution often unleashes
 several natural reactions that disturb human health. The toxic droplets that we inhale on a daily
 basis irritate our airways and cause flu-like symptoms like a runny nose or coughing. In cases of The Earth is our home and with a bit of effort we can make it better. Living a more sustainable
 longer exposure, scientists suspect that these particles travel to the lungs and make our body lifestyle does not only benefit the environment but our well being too. As a young generation we

 Mauris ligula sollicitudin. Maecenas netus, vivamus mollis dui.
 believe it's battling an infection. It begins to fight itself. As a strategy to fight back, inflammation have the chance to take a step forward and change the world. Caring for the planet guarantees
 is triggered and at the same time several risks are triggered too. Cardiovascular diseases are us a happy life. To find out about steps to live a more sustainable life checkout UNICEF’s, A Guide
 often linked to pollution particulate matter.It's the perfect demonstration that as pollution rates to Sustainable Living at Or
 go up, our life expectancy could possibly go down. From our first breath to our last breath, we you can start by changing a small aspect of our daily life like reducing your shower time or
 breathe contaminated air. We are born with a higher risk of air pollution taking a toll on us as the finding eco friendly products for example, bamboo toothbrushes. Many organizations like Take
 most vulnerable groups consist of women, children, and the elderly. 3: Save the Sea work to keep beaches clean and prevent marine debris. The idea is that with
 simply picking up three pieces of trash or plastic off the beach we are capable of reducing pol-
 lution. If we all contribute to find innovative and easy solutions to everyday contamination, both
 the planet and us as humans, will continue to thrive.

 Winter 2020-21 | School Views 31
32 2018

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 Special Features

Winter 2020-21 | School Views

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Andrea Landazuri
 The Meaning of Christmas
 Christmas. One of the most celebrated and cherished holidays around the world. Famous for it’s lovely food, cheerful

decorations and presents that many receive. But, did you ever stop to think about what really matters during this time of year?
I can give you a hint and it has nothing to do with the new playstation you asked for or the new puppy Santa is going to bring
you. I know, we love receiving presents and getting new things to play with, but there are much more important things to think
about during this holiday season. The company of family and friends, and the good times you spend together are what really
matters during Christmas. This holiday is very enjoyable because of the cheerful atmosphere, the songs and wishes for peace
and love hung in every home and if lucky, getting to see family members who live away. Christmas is time to give; but not just
presents, or resources nor money but time. This amazing holiday encourages people to get together and spend quality time as
a whole. Some people decorate their homes with friends and family and some cook special dishes for their family to enjoy. On
Christmas, every house radiates in a very jolly way: the stockings in the fireplace or where you hang them, the Christmas tree
that lights up at night, the candies that give you a sugar rush and the snowman and reindeer toys.

 Christmas makes us realize how lucky, special and unique we are and because it is at the end of the year this holiday
season acts like a door to a new year, full of new adventures, stories, and opportunities. Many people misunderstand the mean-
ing34of Christmas by thinking it is about getting things, presents and luxury. Many may get jealous to see that other people get 35
all these things, but that is seeing the wrong side of Christmas. People should be with family and friends, sharing stories and
memories and spending time with others. Remember, no one wants to end up like old Scrooge who had money, resources and
was wealthy but also grumpy, lonely and never gave his time to help or serve others. If you are a Scrooge, make sure you are his
version after being visited by three spirits. Christmas is meant to help others, especially the ones who need it the most. Some
need clothes, toys and food but some just need time, joy, company and a big smile.

 Christmas is always magical. Seeing all the lights, the christmas trees joyfully decorated, and the sweet smell of pines
and chocolates. Many think that this year is going to be different because of the pandemic, but remember that this year, thanks
to all that has happened we learned to appreciate the little things and Christmas will be as magical as any other year. Keep up
with good spirits and hopes because christmas leads to a brand new year. Christmas is a time to enjoy, so relax, and have fun this

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little break. Remember, this is a beautiful time of the year and everyone should enjoy it in their own way this holiday. Christmas
is unique, special and has been celebrated for many years, each one as special as the other one. Celebrate with your heart full of
joy, peace, solidarity and kindness. Have this very clear: Christmas is not just about receiving but is all about giving.

“It’s not what’s under the Christmas tree that matters, it’s who’s around it.” Picture submitted
Charles M. Schulz by: David Weaver

 Winter 2020-21 | School Views 35
Arianna Barahona

 Aprendiendo El Lenguaje De Señas

 Aprender este lenguaje sería una de las oportunidades más grandes y una fuente de información gigante.
En el transcurso de este año, todos hemos intentado encontrar diferentes actividades que nos ayudarían a Al proponerse a aprender este medio de comunicación, así sea el de Estados Unidos, Inglaterra o uno de prefer-
pasar el tiempo durante la cuarentena. En mi caso, me cruce con la idea de aprender el Lenguaje de Señas. encia ya se está aportando de una gran manera a la sociedad. Es una iniciativa que no solo ayudaría a la gente
Obtuve la idea de un video e inmediatamente me enfoque en investigar qué es, cómo funciona, cómo podría que lo necesita en un corto plazo pero por un muy largo tiempo y a fin de cuentas, facilita la comunicación entre
aprender y de qué me serviría a mi y a otros en un futuro. Para lograr esto, encontré diferentes videos en las personas dia a dia. El desarrollo de esta nueva habilidad también aportaría a quien aprenda siendo algo que se
varias plataformas y seguí practicando para mejorar. Intente escuchar a profesionales y leer acerca de la im- debe practicar constantemente y con mucha paciencia. Durante la práctica de este lenguaje se desarrollan nuevas
portancia y el impacto que tendría saber este lenguaje. Entendí que realmente es algo a lo que todo el mundo habilidades de por medio también, ayudando no sólo a aquellos con dificultad auditiva pero también a gente que
se puede comprometer y que a final de cuentas en algún punto de nuestras vidas nos facilitaría a nosotros y se propone a aprender su lenguaje. En mi caso, obtuve la idea del internet e inmediatamente me pareció algo a
a los demás una gran cantidad de cosas, especialmente la comunicación entre el uno y el otro. lo que valía la pena comprometerse. Para lograr empezar a aprender este lenguaje, busque las mejores opciones
 de clases en línea. Empecé eligiendo qué tipo de lenguaje de señas quería aprender primero y armé un plan para
 llegar a metas y organizar mejor mi aprendizaje. Ya que estamos en una situación tan complicada y tenemos un
 poco de tiempo libre algunos días, se me facilitó empezar a aprender. Encontré una buena cadena de videos, con
36 El lenguaje de señas es una herramienta que permite que la comunidad sorda pueda comunicarse profesionales quienes enseñan el lenguaje en Youtube y empecé con lo básico. Use dos páginas principales37en
a pesar de su condición. Por medio de expresiones, gestos y percepciones basadas en movimientos de las Youtube, “Signed With Heart” y “TakeLessons.” De esa manera, durante estos últimos meses, me he tomado un
manos, ojos, rostro, boca y cuerpo pueden crear un canal de comunicación con la gente a su alrededor. Hoy poco de tiempo para aprender la amyor cantidad de signos que lograra recordar para ese día y así extender poco
en día más de un millón de personas solo en Estados Unidos usan este lenguaje como su principal medio de a poco mi conocimiento sobre esto.
comunicación. Así como las lenguas que conocemos, el lenguaje de señas cambia dependiendo del lugar al
que pertenece y varía en sus signos, frases y deletreo. Este lenguaje es muy importante en la actual sociedad Para finalizar, creo que tomar la iniciativa de aprender este lenguaje así sea de poco en poco sería un gran
moderna por varios motivos. Gracias a esta herramienta se puede incluir a un gran porcentaje de la población paso para todos. Abriría la puerta a una extensa cantidad de oportunidades para la comunidad de sordos y cada
que no puede oír o se les dificulta. Al aprender esto, se está ayudando a disminuir la brecha que existe entre uno estaría aportando su pequeño grano de arena a mejorar la vida y la comunicación dentro de nuestra comuni-
personas con y sin audición. Ya que la comunicación es algo tan importante y esencial en nuestra sociedad, dad. Incluso dentro del Ecuador, el aportar con esta habilidad sería de gran ayuda. Aquí existen algunas escuelas
el lenguaje de señas es algo invaluable para aquellos que lo necesitan. Por medio de este canal de comuni- para sordos y se ha implementado la FENASEC (Federación Nacional de Personas Sordas en Ecuador) una or-
cación se permite a la comunidad sorda que pueda ser independiente, y lograr hacer cosas tan básicas que ganización que busca mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas con discapacidad auditiva en nuestro país. Se
requieren comunicación como: salir de compras, estudiar, ir a un restaurante a comer o pedir ayuda en caso pueden tomar clases del lenguaje de señas correspondientes a Ecuador y de esa manera contribuir en lo que más

 Mauris ligula sollicitudin. Maecenas netus, vivamus mollis dui.
de que sea necesario. se pueda a la comunidad de sordos dentro de nuestro propio país.

 Winter 2020-21 | School Views 37
Sara Florencia Briz
 Even in other places, times, and conditions, Christmas is celebrated with new and old traditions. For ex-
 ample, in 1914 during World War I, the British soldiers celebrated this holiday in their own special way: ex-
 How Christmas Traditions Have Changed Over Time changing gifts, taking photographs and playing football before they had to go to battle on December 25th.
 Christmas has been celebrated worldwide for decades , but it continues to be a very special holiday filled
 with meaning for the families who celebrate it. Families tend to make their own holiday traditions, everything

 to make their version of Christmas unique. However, traditions aren't the only important part of Christmas,
 we all have different views, and in the end, Christmas is what we make of it. So it is now up to us to create
 Every year, families around the world know Christmas to be a very special holiday, where families get to- our very own magical Christmas.
 gether to celebrate with their traditions. It seems that most traditions are very similar, in some cases the
 same ones with different names, but how did they start? And how did people celebrate Christmas before
 the traditions we know existed? Christmas as a celebration started around the year 1500, when the Cath-
 olic Church decided to give Jesus’ birthday more importance and denominated this event as a holiday. In “How Has Christmas Changed over the Years?” Taunton School, 1 Oct. 2019, www.tauntonschool.
 the bible it is not specified the day in which Jesus was born, and with this the Catholic Church was in full
 liberty to pick a date but they chose the 25th of December. At the start, Christmas was only celebrated
 during public gatherings, in addition it wasn't until the 19th century that people started celebrating the
 holiday in their own way.

38 39
 The first well-known tradition began in 1519, when the first turkey was made as the main dish. Accom-
 panying the turkey it was traditional to serve brussel sprouts, and it was also very common to eat them
 during the twelve days of Christmas,which is a native celebration that happens from December 25 to Jan-
 uary 5. The community of Tudor England didn't celebrate Christmas at first, and it took years for this group
 of people to accept Christmas traditions. Adding on, there is a tradition that was commonly known and
 celebrated exclusively by the British community called, “The Yule Log”. This tradition consisted of bringing
 a log to your home, decorating it with ribbons, and burning the log during all twelve days of Christmas.
 Some people thought that this tradition stemmed from the winter rituals that the Viking community prac-
 ticed around this time. It was also believed that it was good luck to keep some charred remains from the
 log until the next year.

 Mauris ligula sollicitudin. Maecenas netus, vivamus mollis dui.
 The Victorian period was also a very important period of Christmas history, because during this time the
 traditions we know today were introduced, thanks to the reign of Queen Victoria. The marriage of Queen
 Victoria to the German Prince, Albert, had a lot of influence in creating these traditions because he wanted
 to implement some of his culture into his British family. He did this by bringing traditions we know today
 such as the Christmas tree and Christmas cards amongst others. In 1800 The London News published a
 painting of the royal family celebrating Christmas with a bright tree full of lights and color; with this paint-
 ing, many families felt inspired and soon, most homes had a colorful tree adorned with ribbons, sweets,

 lights, and homemade decorations to name a few. But the tradition doesn't end here, in 1840 a sweet
 maker named Tom Smith, introduced bonbons, sugared almonds originally from Paris, and gave us the
 well-known “Christmas cracker”.

 Winter 2020 | School Views 39
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