Winter 2022 Series It Is Time to Renew your SSC Membership for the 2022 Season - The University of Maine at Machias

Page created by Randall Dennis
Winter 2022 Series It Is Time to Renew your SSC Membership for the 2022 Season - The University of Maine at Machias
Sunrise Senior College

                                     Winter 2022 Series
          It Is Time to Renew your SSC Membership for the 2022 Season.
If you haven’t done it already, it’s time for you to renew your Membership for the 2022 season! Your Membership
runs from June 1, 2021, to May 31, 2022, and we are able to keep the cost at $25.00. You can register at the same
time you are registering for our exciting winter series programs and be able to attend them for free - just make
sure that you have selected your 2022 Membership before you checkout.

As a gentle reminder, we are all volunteers and since many of our classes are still “Zoom” based, it’s easy for
someone else to watch a session and not pay for it or not become a member of SSC. We respectfully request that if
there are multiple people in the household, you should each be an active member of SSC even if you are listed on
your partner’s SSC/CourseStorm account.

                                         Register Online Today!
                             Welcome to the Winter 2022 Series Brochure
This Winter we have 4 great offerings on a wide variety of topics. For those of you who are still receiving paper
copies of our brochure, we ask again that you consider Opting Out of Paper Publications – we do understand
that some members cannot. We are now using online registration for Membership and Class Registration. It’s
quick, easy and very secure. You set up your account once at checkout and access it through your email going
forward. With the Covid-19 restrictions we are still facing at UMM, it is difficult to print copies of the brochure.
Help us out by clicking here below, and thank you for your help!

                                       Opt Out of Paper Publications

Online registration is fast and safe and you save the cost of postage. All of our courses are there with complete class
descriptions, bios of the instructors and all the information you need to register for the classes of your choice. If you
need help, please call us at (207) 255-1384 or send an email to us at – we will get
back to you!

                           Our scholarship policy has changed. Please note these changes!

                                              2022 Scholarship Policy

Do you need financial assistance? If so, the members of the Sunrise Senior College Scholarship Committee invite
you to apply for a scholarship to participate in our program. You must complete and sign an application form to be
eligible for scholarship consideration. You must reapply each year and cannot register for a free class or
Winter 2022 Series It Is Time to Renew your SSC Membership for the 2022 Season - The University of Maine at Machias
Membership until you have been notified by the committee of your acceptance. Once notified, you can follow the
course registration instructions we send you. You can access the Scholarship Application by clicking on the
following link:

Questions and answers on this and other policies can be found by clicking the following link: SSC Policies

                                         ~ Sunrise Senior College ~
                                         “A Life-Long Learning Experience”

Founded in 2002, Sunrise Senior College, a member of the Maine Senior College Network and an administrative
unit of the University of Maine at Machias, is a member-run, volunteer community group open to all people 50 years
of age and older who are seeking to enrich their lives. The mission of Sunrise Senior College is to provide intellectual
stimulation, practical knowledge, social interaction and fun for people 50 years of age and older and their spouses
or partners of any age.

                                         Winter 2022 Series Offerings
                                             January to February 2022

                          Please Register Promptly For Limited Enrollment Classes

Limited enrollment classes fill quickly so register as soon as possible. If you are not able to attend a class that you
have been confirmed for, please call 255-1384. Your thoughtfulness may allow a waiting-list member to attend.

If you are on the waiting-list, you MAY NOT attend unless you are subsequently informed that you have been
confirmed. Please do not put the class host in the uncomfortable position of asking you to leave.

                                         ~ SSC Membership and Tuition ~
Membership dues of $25 includes access to semester courses at Sunrise Senior College and allows you to attend
courses at other senior colleges throughout Maine. The Jabberwocky, our semi-annual newsletter, offers free business
card advertising for members. Membership also includes free Summer semester programs, social activities, a
parking permit at UMM, and UMM library privileges that include internet access. Persons who are age 50 and older
and their spouses or partners of any age are welcome to join SSC as paid members. Members are encouraged to
register for programs and volunteer.

The current Membership year is June 1, 2021, through May 31, 2022. Membership dues can be paid online or sent
by mail using a personal check made payable to UMM; include a completed enrollment form for each person. To
register online or for additional forms, visit our website:

Membership dues are not refundable or transferable.

                                                 ~ Contact Us ~
Please direct all inquiries and comments to (207) 255-1384, the Sunrise Senior College voice mail. Please speak
clearly and leave your name and phone number with your message. We will return your call. You can also email
us at or contact us on our website at

                                             ~ SSC Member Reminders ~
• SSC members are reminded that class courtesy includes appropriate behavior and respect for fellow students and
instructors in order to carry out the functioning of SSC. By registering for SSC courses, you agree to the rights and
responsibilities for SSC membership which are consistent with our organizational by-laws.
• We request that students turn off cell phones during class time and limit talking that may be distracting during
Winter 2022 Series It Is Time to Renew your SSC Membership for the 2022 Season - The University of Maine at Machias
• During in-person activities, photographs may be taken of members and instructors enjoying our classes after an
announcement for general audience consent by the class host. Members who do not want to be photographed must
identify themselves at the time of the announcement. Photographs will not be taken of these persons. The
photographs are used for a retrospective slide show at the Annual Meeting or may be published in the newspaper
or posted on our Facebook page.
• If your e-mail address or phone number is incorrect, please contact us with the correction. If you have a new e-
mail address or phone number, please enter it on the registration form. Please make arrangements to have your
mail forwarded to a winter address if you have one.
• Courses at other Maine senior colleges are available to SSC members. For information about locations, course
offerings and websites at all Maine senior colleges, see their website at

                                    ~ Campus Accommodations & Parking ~
When we are able, semester courses are held on the UMM campus. All buildings and rooms on the UMM campus
are wheelchair accessible. A campus map will accompany your course confirmation material when classes on
campus resume. Parking is free at UMM, but you must have a parking sticker, available in the Student Affairs Office
on the second floor in Powers Hall.

                                         ~ UMM Merrill Library Privileges ~
One of the privileges of current paid membership in Sunrise Senior College for permanent and seasonal Maine
residents is the use of Merrill Library on the UMM campus. Your courtesy card allows you to check out items in
the Merrill Library collection, and use the URSUS request function for requesting items held in other URSUS
libraries. You also have access to the library computers.
To obtain a Merrill Library courtesy card with privileges:
• Report to the library front desk with identification and proof of Maine mailing address (this must be a photo ID -
Maine driver’s license or state ID, passport, or any government issued photo ID. If a mailing address is not on the
ID, the applicant must provide proof of residency with a recent utility bill, property tax bill, lease or rental
agreement, or motor vehicle registration.)
• Applicants must present proof of current membership in Sunrise Senior College (a receipt for yearly membership
or a registration confirmation).
• You will be asked to complete a courtesy card application form whereby you will agree to comply with the rules
of the University of Maine at Machias and Merrill Library and to accept financial responsibility for all items
borrowed on the card.
To renew your Merrill Library courtesy card with privileges:
• Report to the library front desk and present your courtesy card and proof of current membership in Sunrise Senior
College (a receipt for yearly membership or a registration confirmation).
Using the Merrill Library facilities:
• Your courtesy card is required for all transactions.
• Renew your courtesy card once a year when your SSC membership is renewed.
• You have access to designated computers. Please see a Merrill Library staff member for sign-in and password.
Merrill Library offers free Wi-Fi (UMS GUEST).
• Merrill Library does not provide photocopier or computer printing services for SSC members.

~ Winter 2022 Series ~


These classes are Free to Sunrise Senior College (SSC) members whose Membership is current (they have paid the
$25 Membership fee for the 6/1/21 to 5/31/22 year). If you are a current member of another Maine Senior College
(other than SSC) or are not a current member of either SSC or another Maine Senior College, there is a fee of $5.00
to cover online registration administrative fees.

If you are not sure if your Membership with SSC is current, please contact us at or
call us at (207) 255-1384 and leave a message - someone will get back to you.

                                                        Greek Philosophy: From the later Pre-
                                                        Socratics to Socrates
                                                            with Dr. Joel Wilcox

                                                        Monday, January 10th
                                                        1:30 to 3:30 PM – In-Person in UMM’s Torrey Hall,
                                                        Room 230
                                                        (Rain Date: Wednesday, January 12th 1:30 to 3:30 PM)
                                                        (Enrollment Limited to 12 People)

This course will review the Pre-Socratic thinkers and understand how their views prompted interest in a new field
- political philosophy. This new field began with a group of philosophers who are known as the Sophists. The
Sophists represented a serious challenge to the emerging Democracies of the Greek city-states.

Against this background, we will meet Socrates, who is one of the most remarkable philosophers, and for that matter
one of the most remarkable people, ever. Socrates' skill at logical argumentation was essentially modern, compared
to the tentative, preliminary efforts of his predecessors. He introduced several fundamental innovations into
philosophy, most famously perhaps his idea of "the examined life," which still defines what it is to be a responsible
individual. He spent his entire adult life, right up to his final moments, arguing for the necessity of a virtue-centered
approach to life if one's life is to be worth living, and one's society worth living in.

Instructor: Dr. Wilcox has a PhD in philosophy, with a specialty in the Pre-Socratics. He taught Greek philosophy
for more than 30 years.

Class Information: This class is being held in UMM's Torrey Hall, Room 230. Masks are required and we will need
to see proof of your being vaccinated if you did not already provide this at a prior class.
                                                        The Sinking of the SS Connaught: “The
                                                        Greatest Rescue in Maritime History”
                                                           with Taylor Zajonc
                                                        Saturday, January 15th
                                                        1:00 to 2:30 PM – via Zoom

Launched in 1860, the steamship Connaught was the crown jewel of the Galway fleet and one of the largest ships
of her time. Disaster struck on her second voyage leaving her consumed in flames, adrift, and sinking more than
150 miles from Boston. The survival of her nearly six hundred passengers hung in the balance of a most unlikely
hero in what would become the greatest rescue in maritime history. Author, historian, and shipwreck expert
Taylor Zajonc will present a vivid blow-by-blow account of the sinking as well as a glimpse into his painstaking
research process and the eventual rediscovery of the wreck more than a hundred and fifty years later.

Presenter: As an award-winning novelist, maritime historian, Explorers Club member, and deep-sea shipwreck
expert, Taylor Zajonc's real-life adventures nearly exceed those of his fictional counterparts. His fascination with
exploration began when he joined a Russian expedition to the deepest archaeological site on the planet,
descending nearly three miles into the abyss of the Bermuda Triangle aboard a Soviet-era submersible. Since then,
Taylor has joined two RMS Titanic expeditions and contributed to some of the most important shipwreck finds of
the past decade, including World War II treasure ships and U-boats, Admiral Balchen's HMS Victory, and the
treasure steamship SS Connaught. His novels include THE WRECKING CREW (Blank Slate 2016), RED SUN
ROGUE (Blank Slate 2017), and THE MAW (Skyhorse 2018).

Class Information: This class is being held via Zoom.


                                                     An Introduction to the Wonders of the Dutch
                                                     Masters and Amsterdam’s Rijksmuseum
                                                        with Jackie O’Clair

                                                     Saturday, January 29th
                                                     1:00 to 2:30 PM – via Zoom

Want a chance to be introduced one of Europe’s premier museums? Never had a chance to visit Amsterdam?
Want to learn a little about the Netherlands’ more famous Dutch Masters? In this presentation you will have the
opportunity to take a brief tour of Amsterdam’s famous Rijksmuseum, given by it’s wonderful guides, and get in
touch with some of the great Dutch Masters that have made it so famous. Thanks to innovations made necessary
due to the global pandemic and the resulting mandated shutdowns, the Rijksmuseum has now become one of the
world’s most accessible online museums. Using material that they are providing, you will get a brief history of
the museum, why it was built in 1885 and take a brief look at its most famous painting “The Night Watch” where
we will learn its history and see the latest restoration project being undertaken. This museum has over 732,538
items on display, all of which are available for your viewing. Through this presentation, you will see how easy it
is for you to see them.

In the Spring of 2017, Jacqueline and Susan O’Clair visited the Netherlands on a wonderful 13-day trip on Viking
cruises to see the tulips. While in Amsterdam, Jackie just could not pass up the opportunity of visiting the
Rijksmuseum and getting to see Rembrandt’s “Night Watch” in person. It was one of the most memorable tours
she has ever taken. In the summer of 2021, we were still not sure what the restrictions would be for the winter of
2021-2022 so she began working with one of the Rijksmuseum’s event managers, Sandra Pastoor, to determine if it
would be possible to arrange some type of online tour for SSC to be able to participate in that would expose them
to the wonders of this great museum. They worked together over the next month to give you this brief glimpse of
a real jewel in Europe’s great museums.

Presenter: Jackie O'Clair is your guide for this presentation. Since the early 1980’s, Jackie and Susan have
traveled throughout the Americas, Africa and Europe with trips to the Amazon, Peru, Kenya, Greece, Israel and
Turkey and many of the old cities of Western Europe. Her interests lie in understanding the past, their history and
impacts on our development. It was during the fall of 2015 when she attended an SSC class called “Sinners and
Saints in the Art of the Baroque Era,” taught by Dr. Gerard NeCastro, that she began to appreciate how the period
art of our past also teaches us a lot, not just the about the artist but also the time period in which the work was
done and the period it represented. She was especially impressed with Rembrandt and his works.

Class Information: This class is being held via Zoom.


                                                        How Does Maine Wildlife Survive the
                                                           with Nick Lund, Maine Audubon

                                                        Tuesday, February 8th
                                                        1:00 to 2:30 PM – via Zoom

Maine winters aren’t just cold for humans, but for wild creatures as well. Many species have adapted to cold by
changing behavior, food choices, even the color of their fur or feathers. Some of these creatures are those seen in
your backyard or on your walks through the winter woods and fields. This program covers the different strategies
Maine critters have evolved to deal with freezing temperatures.

Presenter: Nick Lund is Maine Audubon’s Network and Outreach Manager. He writes regular columns about
nature for National Audubon, the Portland Phoenix, the Maine Sportsman, and other publications.

Class Information: This class is being held via Zoom.
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