Gold Diggings - Mile Hi Golden Retriever Club

Page created by Todd Fuller
Gold Diggings - Mile Hi Golden Retriever Club
KATHY BOURLAND EDITOR                                                                                        MARCH 1, 2018

                       Gold Diggings
                Newsletter of the Mile Hi Golden Retriever Club

                                                                President’s Message

                                                                I just finished watching the 142nd
                                                                Westminster Kennel Club annual dog
                                                                show. The Olympic Games are taking
                                                                place on the other side of the world.
                                                                Mile-Hi GRC will host our annual awards
                                                                banquet at the end of March to celebrate
                                                                members’ accomplishments in 2017 and
                                                                planning is underway for the many fun
                                                                events we will host in 2018. Good
                                                                sportsmanship is criNcal for the success
                                                                of each of these events.

                                                                . I know many arNcles and blogs have
                                                                been wriOen about this topic, but it’s
                                                                always helpful to pause for reflecNon and
                                                                remind ourselves how to keep the world
                                                                of dog sports fun and inviNng to all.

                                                                  Sportsmanship is defined as fair and
                                                                  generous behavior or treatment of
                                                                  others. The AKC Code of Sportsmanship
                                                                 notes that “sportsmen commit themselves
to the values of fair play, honesty, courtesy, and vigorous compeNNon, as well as winning and losing with
grace.” These are honorable ideals that we should all strive to embody, but we are also human, and strong
personaliNes and opinions can make it difficult to stay on the high road.

The AKC has a new resource that I encourage you to explore and make use of when you find yourself in a
difficult situaNon. The “Working it Out” Guide is a do-it-yourself guide to dispute resoluNon for the AKC

             1                                 2                                3                                4
   MEMBER MEETING                  GOLDEN FUN MATCH                   AWARDS BANQUET                        AGILITY TRIAL
    March 24, 8:30am                  March 24, 9:30 am                      March 25                         April 6-8

    Matrix Dog Sports                 Matrix Dog Sports                    Maggiano’s                 Douglas Fairgrounds,
                                                                           Englewood                      CastleRock

Gold Diggings - Mile Hi Golden Retriever Club
MHGRC                                                                                                       MARCH 1, 2018

community. It covers three main situaNons: 1) Internal Club Disagreements, 2) Dog Ownership
Disagreements, and 3) Cluster Event Disagreements. The document walks people through how to resolve
such disagreements on their own, but then details how to appropriately escalate the problem if a mutually
agreed upon soluNon cannot be found. The AKC has taken it one step further to provide mediaNon and
arbitraNon services through the InternaNonal InsNtute for Conflict PrevenNon & ResoluNon (“CPR”). Again,
I encourage you to read through the guide and take advantage of this resource when needed.

Thank you to all the good sportsmen in Mile-Hi Golden Retriever Club. I hope to see you at the banquet to
celebrate past successes and plan for conNnued success in whatever sport(s) you choose.

President Sharon Albright

                                 GCH Starz Ready And Watching, CGC, THD
                                 Pamela & John Biard
                                 Madera Canyon Kennel Club 11/13/2017
                                 Judge Judy Taylor
                                 Select Dog

                                 New Grand Champion !!!!

Gold Diggings - Mile Hi Golden Retriever Club
Mile Hi Golden Retriever Club
                               Membership Mee6ng November 19, 2017

Marcie Werner, President, called the mee6ng to order.
The October 2, 2017 membership mee6ng minutes were approved. The mo6on made by Suzie Jordan
and seconded by Bruce Evashevski.

Board Representa6ve Reports:

Vice President Report: Pam Biard
No addiNonal new members, recent newer members are transiNoning in.

Treasurer Report: per Kathy Janda
    • Bank Balance at November 18, 2017: $27,376.37
    • Handout provided of Income, Expenses, and Gains/Losses.

Field Report: Nancy Ego
     • Mitch White Seminar, at Kenny TroO’s property, the first weekend of August.
     • Hunt Test, September 15-16th at Cherylon Loveland’s in Orchard. Three of the four judges are
     • Training Days to be announced.

Agility: per Michele Janowick
     • Agility Trial April 6, 7, and 8th, 2018 at Douglas County Fairgrounds. Jim Gregory will chair the
         event. Jim is currently working on signing judges.
     • Kathy Janda will chair the July Agility Trial.
     • Kate Bullock volunteered to chair agility for the Specialty.

Fun Match: Suzie/Francie
    • December 9, 2017 at Matrix Dog Sports
    • Volunteers and Judges sNll in need.
    • Rally/Obedience/ConformaNon offered.
    • IntroducNon to Barn HunNng also offered.
Old Business:
    • Christmas party is Saturday, December 16, 2017 at 11:30AM at Anne Shannon/Eric Foster’s home
        in Evergreen. InformaNon via Constant Contact. Senior dogs 10yrs and over are welcome. Please
        let Anne know if bringing a senior dog. The club will supply the main course, side dishes per
        alphabet. Each person brings $20. Gil for the exchange.
    • Specialty is August 16-17, 2018 at Island Grove. Angela has volunteered to be in charge of

    •    2018 Board : Slate
         President: Sharon Albright
         Vice President: Suzie Jordan
         Treasurer: Mardee Kayser
         Secretary: Maureen Murphy
         Obedience: Kate Bullock
         Agility: Michelle Janowick
         Field: Nancy Ego
         ConformaNon: Carolyn Kovacs
         MoNon made by Bruce Evashevski to accept the above slate of officers as the 2018 Board. All
         nineteen members in aOendance accepted the slate.
         Congratula6ons to our 2018 MHGRC Board!

•   Master NaNonal: final discussion on club membership. The moNon made for a revote by Nancy
         Ego, seconded by Kay Walker. Result was:
         13 Yes/4 opposed-MoNon passed. The club will rejoin the Master NaNonal.
     •   GRCA MHGRC Column: Leslie Blythe has graciously wriOen our column for 13 years and is looking
         for a successor. The responsibility includes submiong an arNcle quarterly. Interested members,
         please contact a board member.

         New Business
     •   Diane Nest: will chair the Awards Banquet for 2018
     •   Master Amateur Club: moNon to support by Kathy Frizell, seconded by Bruce E. MoNon passed.
     •   Specialty: Agility Chair-Kate Bullock Obedience Chair: Francie Pusateri
     •   Board Discussion/Agenda: audience ideas
             1. Guidelines/Event Budgets per chairperson/Judge’s gil guidelines
             2. Propose membership dues increase for 2019.
             3. Volunteer requirements/decrease usage of club coupons.
             4. Possibility of linking volunteer hours to qualificaNon for trophies?

Mee6ng adjourned at 3:30PM.

                                      Mile Hi Golden Retriever Club

                           Board of Directors Mee6ng Minutes January 28, 2018

Present: Sharon Albright, Suzie Jordan, Mardee Kaiser, Nancy Ego, Maureen Murphy and, Kate Bullock.

1.   MeeNng Minutes:

         a.   December 30, 2017 meeNng minutes reviewed and approved by members present.

         b.   Future meeNng minutes to the board for review by the 15th of the month.

         c.   November 19, 2017 meeNng minutes will be posted in the March newsleOer.

2.   Upcoming Event dates:

         a.   February 24, 2018-next BOD meeNng 11-1230 @ the Golden Library.

         b.   March 17, 2018 Membership meeNng

                    i. Conflicts with Obedience and Agility events. OpNons include :

                    ii. Move up one week to 3/10 in a new locaNon: Kate and Carolyn to determine by

                    iii.   Move to 3/24-? LocaNon.

                    iv. Club meeNng 3/11 and match in April.

         c.   March 25, 2018 Awards Banquet: Diane Nest chair-informaNon on website.

         d.   August 16-17, 2018 Specialty @ Island Grove: Island theme!

                    i. Agility Chair: Kate Bullock: has Judge Preferred Master

ii. Obedience Chair: Francie Pusateri: Judge Rick Garvin

                        iii.   Ribbons: Jean Herbert

                        iv. Trophies: Angela McLean

                        v. ConformaNon: Carolyn Kovacs: Thursday Sweeps: Judge Monica McGee/Thursday
                           Judge: Jane Jensen. Friday Sweeps: Judge Robin Baker/ Friday Judge: Betsy Smith.
                           Judge’s fees will be donated to GRF.

                        vi.    Grounds: Bruce McLean has stepped in for Mark.

                        vii.   Need Hospitality Chair.

3.   CCA discussion: Sharon will look into this as a possibility at our December match.

4.   Leslie Blythe memorial opNons:

         a.   BBE Trophy: agreed -Leslie/Mark to reNre and keep the trophy. Currently, the trophy is
              broken. The club will pay the repairs for this trophy, esNmated at $250.00.

         b.   DonaNon $250.00 to GRF in Leslie’s name.

         c.   Flowers when service announced.

         d.   Dedicate the August Specialty to Leslie Blythe and Jean Kistle (long Nme club member that
              also passed this year).

         e.   Dedicate the Club’s GRCA column to Leslie Blythe and Jean Kistle.

5.   Trophies:

         a.   Bred by Exhibitor proposal: 2017 winner-same criteria, will receive a crystal bowl, chosen by
              Jean Herbert for the Awards banquet. Criteria for 2018-to be determined—discussion
              deferred to March/April.

         b.   Criteria for 2018-TBD-discussion of mulNple opNons deferred to March/April.

6.   AKC “Working it Out” guide: AKC: steps to follow for disagreements within clubs, issues on dog
     ownership, etc. InformaNon on the AKC website.

7.   Ideas from the November membership meeNng: February meeNng discussion points

         a.   Guidelines/Event budgets per chairperson/judge’s gil guidelines.

         b.   Propose membership dues increase for 2019: increase by $5. per category.

         c.   Volunteer requirements/decrease usage of club coupons (decrease costs).

         d.   Possibility of linking volunteer hours to qualificaNon to trophies.

         e.   Fund raising ideas for 2018.

8.   By-laws: last update 2012:        a.       Review and propose updates—slated for April BOD meeNng.

9.   Financial Audit:

         a.   Mardee to check when last audit done, to be done q5yrs.

         b.   Per Mardee: can be done by non-board member or pay a CPA.

c.     Insurance update: Treasurer has policy, pays premiums, conNnue with same agency and
               renewal date is August.

10. Website:       a.       Recommended updates: need a volunteer to update the webmaster.

11. Job DescripNons:    a.        Get your job descripNons to Suzie-plan to have in our notebook-easy
    access for club members to access. Key informaNon for members to know what posiNons entail.

12. Volunteer Hours:

        a.     Discussion at 2/24 BOD meeNng

        b.     Breeder lisNng-clarificaNon and start date?

13. Membership Directory

        a.     Print-some members do not want that informaNon readily available-? keep those names off
               lisNng, do not print, ? view for members only….

        b.     Suzie to email updated list to all members by end of February aler 2018 memberships

        c.     Membership to Yahoo group- Deb Andersen to post?

14. 2018 Budget : next meeNng

Mile Hi Golden Retriever Club

                             General Membership Mee6ng Minutes January 28, 2018

MeeNng called to Order at 2:00PM by Sharon Albright, President.

1.   Read/approve MeeNng Minutes:

         a.   November 19, 2017 Membership meeNng minutes to be posted in the March NewsleOer and
              approved at the March meeNng.

         b.   BOD December 30, 2017 meeNng minutes have been posted in the last newsleOer.

2.   BOD updates:

         a.   Treasurer:      i.      To date, $26,100.50 in the bank.

         b.   VP/Membership

                      i. Membership renewal/dues now due though the end of January. A batch of checks
                         were recently deposited.

                      ii. Suzie is currently updaNng the membership roster.

                      iii.    Notebook: building a resource of job descripNons, event descripNons and the
                          how-too’s for future reference. If any member has chaired an event, has words of
                          wisdom for the next member, please send your informaNon to Suzie.

3.   CommiOee Updates: Specialty-“Island Theme”

         a.   ConformaNon:

                      i. Thursday Sweeps: Monica McGee/ Thursday Judge: Jane Jensen

                      ii. Friday Sweeps: Robin Baker/Friday Judge: Betsy Smith

                      iii.    The judges have agreed to a donaNon to the GRF in light of judge’s fees.

         b.   Obedience: Chair-Francie Pusateri

                      i. Judge: Rick Garvin

         c.   Agility: Chair-Kate Bullock

                      i. Judge Maryanne Deal

         d.   Grounds: Bruce McLean, thank you for stepping up.

         e.   Hospitality: Need Chair—step right up!


         f.   Obedience: March-Golden’s Only Fun Match- looking for judges. Looking at opNons for

              the match and meeNng as the 3/17 date conflicts with exisNng obedience and agility trials.

         g.   Field: Nancy Ego

                  •      WC/WCX July 29, 2018, need Chairperson and Judges. Training days July 27-28th,
                         working mostly on water. First day-members only, second day, will open to all.
                         LocaNon is Kenny TroO’s property in Wellington.

•     Possibility of a February training date at the Coffey’s property.

                  •     Julie Knutson-possibly will give us a training day as well.

                  •     Mitch White Seminar at Kenny’s TroO’s 8/4-8/5/18. There are 12 working slots,
                        unlimited audiNng slots—all levels. Open now; sign up via Mitch’s website. Closed to
                        the public unNl March 1st. Mitch is offering private lessons on Friday, 8/3, at $50./
                        hour, need to pre-sign up.

                  •     Hunt Test is September 15-16, need Chairperson, Francie Pusateri is our secretary.
                        Three of the four judges are retained.

4.   Announced-Titles and Trophy applicaNons are due to Jean Herbert by 2/8/18.

5.   Memorial to Leslie Blythe:

         a.   Leslie/Mark properly requested reNrement of the BBE trophy. The club will pay for the
              repairs for the trophy and will be kept by Mark.

         b.   The GRCA column and the August Specialty will be dedicated to Leslie and Jean Kistle (long
              Nme club member who also passed).

         c.   DonaNon of $250.00 to GRF in Leslie’s name.

         d.   Flowers when the service occurs.

         e.   Suzie will send a card in the Club’s name.

6.   Old Business:

         a.   GRCA news: Club column-Sharon will ask Leslie Andersen if she is interested.

7.   New Business:

         a.   NewsleOer content ideas: include brags, events, health arNcles, and arNcles that highlight
              our members.

         b.   Submit ideas/requests for educaNonal presentaNons and club events to Sharon or board

                      i. Ideas: NutriNon/ReproducNon/Local AKC Rep duNes/Chris Zinc/Early spay and

         c.   There is an “AKC Work out Guide” on the AKC website that aids clubs in working out different
              issues that arise within the club community.

8.   Upcoming Events:

         a.   2/24 BOD meeNng

         b. ? 3/17 mee6ng and match-conflicts with established agility and obedience events—stay
            tuned for possible changes here.

         c.   3/25 awards banquet: cost $27. to Diane Nest, chair.

         d.   4/6-Agility Trial, at the Douglas County Fairgrounds

Mee6ng adjourned at 12:20. Minutes submi[ed by Maureen Murphy, Secretary

Mile Hi Golden Retriever Club presents:

                Goldens Only Fun Match
                                   To benefit the
                     John & Tracy BisseOe Scholarship

                        At the CSU Veterinary School
 Date: Saturday, March 24, 2018 Time: 9:30 am Registration 10:00 am
                           Judging begins
                                 Fee: $10 per entry
Obedience classes: Novice, Open, and UNlity Beginner Novice, Grad Novice, and Grad Open
                                     as requested

    Rally classes: StarNng with a Master/Excellent level course, followed by Advanced/
                             Intermediate/Novice level course

               Conforma6on: Puppies, Adults, Veterans and Best of Breed

                        All parNcipants are invited to aOend the
     MHGRC General Membership mee6ng at 8:30am Breakfast will be provided.
             RSVP to Kate Bullock at for breakfast.

                                     New locaNon!
  Matrix Dog Training Center 9975 Wadsworth Parkway, M4 Westminster, CO 80021

             All parNcipants are invited to aOend the
 MHGRC General Membership mee6ng at 8:30am Breakfast will be
   RSVP to Kate Bullock at for breakfast.

Agility Brags By Michele Janowiak
CH PACH2 Jema’s Last Of The Mohicans, “Hawkeye” RE AX AXJ MXP11 MXPG MJP11
Owner: Michele Janowiak & Jennifer Grossnickle

    CSPC Agility Trial, January 6, 2018 Double Q
    CSPC Agility Trial, January 7, 2018 Double Q
    CKC Agility Trial, February 16, 2018 Double Q
    CKC Agility Trial, February 17, 2018 FAST – 4th Place, JWW – 4th Place
      New Title – MJP12
    CKC Agility Trial, February 18, 2018 Double Q

Jema’s Struong My Stuff, “Strut” NJP
Owner: Michele Janowiak & Jennifer Grossnickle

    CSPC Agility Trial, January 7, 2018 Novice JWW 1st Place
    CKC Agility Trial, February 17, 2018 Novice FAST - 2nd Place
    CKC Agility Trial, February 18, 2018 Novice FAST - 2nd Place
                                            Novice JWW - 1st Place

                  Obedience Brags by Kate Bullock
Kingsgold Guilty as Zin "Zach"
Winners Dog 2/19/18 Colorado Kenne; Club
Angela and Bruce McClean

Kingsgold Yesterday's Child “Star"
Angela & Bruce McClean
2/17/18 Continental Divide Herding Association Trial 1& 2
       Barn Hunt Novice- 2nd Place
       Barn Hunt Novice 3rd place

Elysian's I Yam What I Yam, UDX OMI RE SH TD WCX “TATER"
Jeanne Von Barby

Bridgeton Writers a Paws Trophy "Trophy"
Linda and Paul Stranahan
Long Peak, Jan 13, First Place first CDX leg
CKC , Feb. 17, 3rd place second CDX leg
CKC Feb 18, 1st place, third CDX leg and Title
CKC Feb 19, 1st place bonus CDX leg

Fly'n Paws Long May you Run CDX RAE2 MX MXJ "Becker"
Laurie and Dave Ingram
CKC Feb 17 Utility ! 1st place 1st leg
CKC Graduate Open 3 first place for 3 extra legs

Field Report By Nancy Ego

We have a lot of exciting activities coming up this summer for the field dogs.

June 24th will be a training day at Gun-Club Labs, Julie Knutson’s property in Orchard. Mile High
members only. I will try to get flyers and a gunner and we will focus mostly on water. Please
RSVP. $10.00/dog plus flyer fee if we have them.

July 27th will be a member’s only water training day at Horsetooth Retrievers in Wellington, Kenny
and Marci Trott’s property. July 28th we will be at the same place and will open this to other
trainers, there will have to be a limit and Mile High members will have priority, more info to follow.

The WC/WCX will be on July 29th, again at Horsetooth Retrievers. Watch for the entry, I believe
we will have it open for other breeds as well. Thank you Susan Faulkner for chairing.

Our water seminar with Mitch White will be the following weekend at Horsetooth Retrievers. The
Friday private lessons are full, I’m not sure about working spots, but there is no limit to auditor
spots. I have heard nothing but very good remarks about Mitch White so we are looking forward
to it.

I am working on an introductory day for people and dogs new to field, or very young puppies new
to birds. This day will also include opportunities for blind and marking drills for more experienced
dogs and handlers. Watch for details to follow. This will be in Littleton, south metro area. Still
working on a date for that one,

I need a volunteer to be head marshall for the hunt test in September, and also an equipment
person. Please don’t make me start calling around!

Brags from 2 of our lucky members who are wintering in Texas where the water is not frozen:

Heads Up All Aboard** - Ticket
Owners Kathy and Warren Frizell
Tejas Retriever Club Giddings, TX
Jan 20-21, 2018
Derby JAM!

Heads Up Bend The Rails MH WCX- Trax
Owners Kathy and Warren Frizell
Bluebonnet Retriever Club Anderson, TX
Jan 13-14, 2018
New Master Hunter!!

Heads Up Bend The Rails MH WCX- Trax
Owners Kathy and Warren Frizell
Waterloo Retriever Club Manheim, TX
Jan 20 -21, 2018
Master Hunt test pass


Conformation Report not submitted.

Mile-Hi Golden Retriever Club
                    2018 Calendar of Events

Date                  Event                                               LocaNon

Jan 28                Board of Directors meeNng. Immediately before membership
                                                                               mtg Rec CenterNorthglenn, CO

January 28            General membership meeNng                           Northglenn Rec CenterNorthglenn, CO

February 24           Board of Directors meeNng                           Jefferson County Library, Golden, CO

March 24              General membership meeNng with breakfast before the
                                                                          matchDog SportsWestminster, CO

March 24              Goldens only match (conformaNon, obedience, rally) Matrix Dog SportsWestminster, CO

March 25              Annual awards banquet                               Maggiano’s LiOle ItalyEnglewood, CO

April 6-8             Agility trial                                       Douglas County Fairgrounds

                                                                          Castle Rock, CO
May 13                General membership meeNng                           Northglenn Rec CenterNorthglenn, CO

July 6-8              Agility trial                                       TBD

July 27-28            Field training – water only Open to MHGRC members Horsetooth
                                                                        only       Retriever Kennel

                                                                          Wellington, CO
July 29               WC/WCX tests                                        Horsetooth Retriever Kennel

                                                                          Wellington, CO
August 4-5            Mitch White field workshop                           Horsetooth Retriever Kennel

                      private lessons available on Aug 3                  Wellington, CO
August 16-17          Specialty show                                      Island Grove Regional Park

                                                                          Greeley, CO
August 17             General membership meeNngaler specialty             Island Grove Regional Park

                                                                          Greeley, CO
September 15-16       Hunt test                                           Wellington, CO

September 23          General membership meeNng                           Northglenn Rec Center

                                                                     Northglenn, CO
November 11           General membership meeNng – annual meeNng and elecNon
                                                                            of officers
                                                                                Rec Center

                                                                           Northglenn, CO
December 1 or 8       Fun match (all breed obedience/rally, sporNng dog conformaNon)
                                                                           Matrix Dog Sports

                                                                          Westminster, CO
December 16           Holiday party                                       TBD

      Sunday, March 25, 2018 11:30am
             Maggiano's Little Italy
7401 South Clinton Street, Englewood, CO 80112
              (I-25 and Dry Creek)
                    $27.00 per person
               Includes Family style lunch
       plus coffee, hot/cold tea, soda, tax and tip

There will be lots of food and as always, great company.
For those who haven't attended the awards event, please
   join us and experience this wonderful annual event.

RSVP with payment (checks: MHGRC) by March 15,
                     2018 :
                   Diane Nest
              6379 S Harlan Way
              Littleton CO 80123

               phone: 303-229-8967

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