Melton South Primary School

Page created by Julia Turner
Melton South Primary School
Melton South Primary School
                                           PO Box 2043
                                           Melton South, 3338
                                           Tel: (03) 9743 2922
                                           Fax: (03) 9743 0986
THURSDAY 28TH FEBRUARY 2019                Website:
                            Melton South Primary School Mission:
               Melton South Primary School is a progressive community who lead the way.
              Together we create motivated, respectful learners who achieve excellence.

  This newsletter is available from our school website or
                       the Melton South Primary School Skoolbag App.

Thursday 28th February           After School Sports Program
Friday 1st March                 Grade 5/6 Summer Sports—Round 2
Monday 4th March                 After School Sports Program
Thursday 7th March               SCHOOL PHOTO DAY
                                 After School Sports Program
Friday 8th March                 Grade 5/6 Summer Sports—Round 3
                                 Last day to pay
Monday 11th March                Labour Day Public Holiday—No School
Tuesday 12th March               Grade 5 Mind and Body Incursion
Thursday 14th March              After School Sports Program
Monday 18th March                After School Sports Program
Thursday 21st March              Twilight Bat Tennis Competition
                                 After School Sports Program
Friday 22nd March                Grade 5/6 Summer Sports—Lightning Cup
Monday 25th March                After School Sports Program
Wednesday 27th March             Grade 6 Western Water Educational Program
Thursday 28th March              After School Sports Program
Friday 29th March                Ride 2 School Day
                                 House Cross Country
                                 Regional Swimming
Monday 1st April                 After School Sports Program
Tuesday 2nd April                Back up day for House Cross Country
Thursday 4th April               After School Sports Program
Friday 5th                       Silly Hat Parade, 9.15am in the Gym
                                 Last day of School for Term 1 - Early Dismissal 2.15pm
Tuesday 23rd April               Term 2 commences today
Thursday 25th April              ANZAC Day—Public Holiday—No School
Monday 29th April                Alpha Show—$10.00 per student

Melton South Primary School
                                EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO BE SAFE
                             EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO BE RESPECTED
                                 EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO LEARN

Parents/carers are reminded that our school values include students, staff and members of the
community. Staff members are more than happy to discuss any concerns you may have but you are
reminded to do so in a respectful and courteous manner. Unacceptable behaviour or abuse will not be

BREAKFAST CLUB: Breakfast club operates Tuesday and Thursday between 8:15am and 8:45am, some
students are arriving as early as 7:45am. The volunteers are busy preparing breakfast for over 100 students
so do not have the time to supervise children at that time.

EXTREME WEATHER DAYS: If it is extremely hot we keep the students inside at recess and lunchtime under
supervision of staff. All rooms are air conditioned. We encourage all students to bring a bottle of water
which they are able to keep on their table.

SCHOOL COUNCIL ELECTIONS: We still have 2 parent vacancies on School Council. If you want to know
more about the role of School Council please come to the office and collect an information sheet.

PARENT CONCERNS: If you have any concerns regarding your child, please make an appointment with
your child’s teacher, or at the office if you want to discuss the matter with a member of the Principal team.

END Of THE DAY: At the end of the school day teachers are walking students outside to meet their parents/
carers. This is to minimise congestion in the corridors. For example in the grade 1 corridor we have 5 grades
with approximately 100 students. They need to be able to access the locker area to their bags. We thank
you for your understanding.

SCHOOL HATS: It is compulsory for all students to wear a school hat until the end of April. We are an
accredited Sun Smart school so if students are not wearing a hat they need to stay in undercover areas
during recess and lunchtime.

SCHOOL GROUNDS AFTER HOURS: Melton South Primary School grounds are not to be accessed out of
school hours without permission.

PERSONAL PROPERTY: Personal property is often bought to school by staff, students and visitors. This may
include mobile phones, Ipads, bicycles, scooters, electronic games, toys, sporting games, equipment and
musical instruments. The Department does not hold insurance for personal property bought to school and
it has no capacity to pay for the loss or damage. The bike shed is locked during the day and opened at
the end of the day. We would advise children who ride bikes or scooters to school to use a chain and lock
for added security.

SCHOOL WIDE POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR: We are currently in our third year of being part of the School Wide
Positive Behaviour training. All classrooms have a learning matrix in their room outlining expected
behaviours in learning time, the yard, canteen and toilets. Students receive tokens acknowledging these
expected behaviours both in the classroom and in the yard, which they trade in for a prize after reaching
a designated number.

EVACUATION DRILLS: We have regular fire drills, both internal and external, so in the case of an
emergency students are prepared and follow the procedures. Reviews are held after each drill by
members of the Occupational Health and Safety team to discuss any issues such as what went well and
what may need improvement.

Mrs Marilyn Costigan, Principal
Melton South Primary School
If you have not already done so, please pay the school level charges as soon as possible. Bulk order
supplies are arranged by the school in order to reduce costs to families. So that your child starts the year
with all items, please ensure you pay the school level parent payment charges of $180 (prep students)
and $170 (grade 1 to 6 students) to the office as soon as possible. These charges also cover school
diaries, lanyard, access to computer programs for literacy and numeracy, bulk class room supplies and
Art supplies. If you are experiencing financial hardship, please make an appointment with the Principal
to discuss a payment plan.

SILLY HAT PARADE: To celebrate the end of term 1, we will be holding a Silly Hat
Parade at 9.15am on Friday 5th April in the Gym. Students are encouraged to make a
hat at home and bring it to school on the day. Hats can reflect an Easter theme or it
could be just a ‘Crazy/Silly Hat’ - use your imagination! Parents are welcome to attend
this parade.

A reminder that $11 payment for this grade 5 incursion is due by next Friday, 8th March.
No payments will be accepted after this date.

                                           SCHOOL UNIFORM
      From the 1st March, the uniform shop will run on Monday’s 2:30-3:45 (during assembly) and
      Thursday’s 8:30—9:00.
      Parents are able to purchase uniform from the shop which will be located in the corridor
      near room 1. Cash and EFTPOS facilities will be available.
      If you are unable to attend during these times, orders can be placed and
      we can fill these and send the items home with students.
      More details of how to order will be advised shortly.

CSEF (Camp, Sport, Excursion Fund) is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to
cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities. If you have a valid concession card or are a
temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. This allowance is paid to the school to use
towards expenses relating to camps, excursion or sporting activities for the benefit of your child. The
annual CSEF amount per student is $125 for primary school students. If you have not already done so,
please drop by the school office and collect an CSEF application form, complete the form and return to
the office along with your Health Care Card.
Melton South Primary School
                                                  Thursday 7th March 2019
The School Photo Company will be attending Melton South Primary School on Thursday, 7th March to photograph your child.
Forms were sent home with students this week.
This year, you are able to view your child’s photos online before you purchase them.
Register your details online prior to photo day to be eligible for an Early Order Discount and Free School Delivery.
Sibling Order Forms were sent home with one child per family. These MUST be returned to school by Monday 4th March to
ensure that the photograph is taken—no upfront payment is required. Please note
that the Sibling Order Form is an indication ONLY, not a commitment to purchase.

Any enquiries should be made through the company directly:
The School Photo Company
Phone: 03 9444 0158

Congratulations to the following students who are our new House Captains this year. These students will be announced at
the School Assembly on Monday.
Davis – Indiana Kapitan, Azumi Febey, Fritz Filemoni, Molesi, Don Davis
Cochrane - Raelynn Lyons, Mitchell Davies, Adam Sulja, Zara Carlin
Arthur - Hannah Patton, Omari Morisho, Mollie Van Der Linden, Viliami Tupou
Cahill - Sameeya Chaudry, Caleb Jackson, Dakota Simo, Maddison Taylor, Ruci Waqavonovono

Congratulations to the whole Melton South swim team. We were noted as one of the most respectful and well behaved
schools on the day. The students efforts within their own swimming disciplines were outstanding , so much so we have had
2 students go through to the next level to represent the Melton District.
Congratulations to Mitchell Davies and Haleina Tanoi.

We still have a couple of positions left if anyone is up for a hit come along and enjoy the fun with your family, for a nice hit
and giggle.

After school sport has started last week, we thank everyone for handing in their notes. We run after school sport on a Mon-
day and Thursday, See you there. Lastly we have 5 weeks left.
Congratulations to the following students who have received awards this week. These awards are made to students in recognition
      of achievement and will be presented at school assembly on Monday 4th March at 2.30pm in the school gymnasium.

GRADE STUDENT                           REASON FOR AWARD
 PA     Noah Parker                     For overcoming his fears and being super brave at school.
 PB     Intira Jarakorn                 Using spaces between her words in writing. Well Done.
 PC     Taylah Turner                   For always showing her best whole body listening at school.
 PD     Donte Pereira Arthur            For drawing and discussing his likes and dislikes during investigation.
 PE     Bella Ognenovska-De Moor For recognising and creating patterns.
 PF     Mireille Irakoze                For great ‘counting on’ to find the total of 2 collections in Maths.
 PG     Jack Haynes                     For making better choices during learning time and outside in the yard. Well done.
                                        For his outstanding work and participation when learning about the importance of
 1A     Zack Warrun
                                        respecting others.
 1B     Ghazala Moin                    For always demonstrating high quality work! Well Done Ghazala!
 1C     Chloe Murray                    For demonstrating a positive attitude to writing this week.
                                        For trying his best in all areas of his learning and being a respectable member of
 1D     Luke Smith
                                        our classroom!
 1E     Indie Wilson                    For showing kindness to others in the yard.
 1F     Dior Lovric                     For always trying her best in all areas of her learning. Keep up the good work!
 1G     Ashwini Kaushik                 For working hard and completing as much writing as possible everyday.
 2A     Archimedes Irishura             Challenging himself to count by 11’s and find a pattern.
 2B     Paige Sayers                    Being an excellent mathematician by recognising patterns when counting by 3’s.
 2C     Sania Yousufi                   For her effort when writing a reflective journal about a visual text.
 2D     Claire Tauira                   For effectively contributing to class discussions and assisting others.

 2E     Areeba Halim                    For always completing her work to a very high standard.

 2F     Ella Martin                     For always completing her work to a very high standard.

 3A     Van Hrethlua                    For a fantastic reflection on being a bucket filler.
 3B     Ryder Wharton                   For his excellent effort in editing and improving his writing.
 3C     Athena Sunga                    For her enthusiasm for learning and fantastic attitude in the class.
 3D     Melinda Pennell                 For displaying Bounce Back values of kindness, respect and being fair.

 3E     Hamish McWhinnie                For consistently showing whole body listening on the floor.
 4A     Gurleen Kaur                    For completing her writing tasks on past and present tense to a high level.
 4C     Honey Lovelle Saufoi            For using the D.I.E.P. model to write an excellent reflection.

 4D     Mona Alame                      For displaying a great understanding of the reflective writing process.

 5A     Kyla Matenga                    For applying great strategies when attempting to solve maths problems.
 5B     Prisayus Andrews                For her great explanation of her problem solving strategies during maths.
 5C     Eva Lovric                      For her great reflection on Martin’s Big Words using D.I.E.P!

 5D     Teah Borg                       For paying attention during all class discussions and having high self
 6A     Talank Srikumar                 For drawing a detailed map of a theme park using all relevant map features.
 6B     Jay Reivers                     For persistence when problem solving in maths.

 6C     Ashton Briggs                   For his enthusiastic attitude towards his learning.

 6D     Latrayel Kahotea-Briffa         For demonstrating the value of fairness in the classroom

 PE     Chloe Mayhew                    For showing a growth mindset in her learning and putting in her best effort.
                                                     LI—Learning Intentions
                                                       SC—Success Criteria

Year     Reading                               Writing                                           Maths

Prep     LI: Good readers understand about     LI: Good writers can write a description.         LI: Good mathematicians are able to
         print direction and return sweep.     SC: I can write or draw a picture to describe     recognise and name shapes in the
         SC: I can point to the beginning of   an experience.                                    environment.
         a sentence.                                                                             SC: I can find and identify 2D shapes in
                                                                                                 the environment.
Year 1   LI: Good readers make predictions     LI: Good writers write a recount.                 LI: Good mathematicians can count to
         when reading.                         SC: I can write a recount about my                100.
         SC: I can make a prediction by        weekend.                                          SC: I can use tens frames to count to
         using the front picture and title.                                                      100.
Year 2   LI: Good readers understand what      LI: Good writers are able to write a recount.
         proper nouns are.                     SC: I can demonstrate my prior knowledge
         SC: I can understand what the         by writing a recount.
         purpose of a proper noun is.
         I can describe what a proper noun
Year 3   LI: Good readers understand the       LI: Good writers are able to draft a reflective   LI: Learning Intention: Good mathema-
         purpose and structure of a            text using D.I.E.P.                               ticians are able to double numbers.
         persuasive text.                      SC: I can use strong sensing verbs to allow       SC:I can demonstrate my knowledge of
         SC: I can identify the purpose and    the reader to know what I am thinking and         different doubles
         structure of a persuasive text.       feeling.

Year 4   LI: Good readers infer by using       LI: Good writers understand the difference        LI: Good mathematicians can explain
         relevant prior knowledge and past     between simple and compound and                   and compare the geometric properties
         experiences and the author’s          sentences.                                        of two-dimensional shapes and three-
         clues.                                SC: I can turn and talk with a partner and        dimensional objects.
         SC: I can use my prior knowledge      also demonstrate how I can change a simple        SC: I can explain what properties 2D
         and text clues to infer what a        sentence in to a compound sentence by             shapes have.
         character is feeling.                 using conjuctions—such as for, and, but, or,      I can compare the properties of 2D
         I can use the sentence stem; The      yet and so.                                       shapes.
         book said….., I know that….., so I
         can infer that …...
Year 5   LI: Good readers can identify         LI: Good writers reread and edit own and          LI: Good mathematicians can use place
         directly stated information within    others’ work using agreed criteria for text       value to partition numbers
         a text                                structures and language features.                 SC: I can;
         SC: I can use the QAR strategy to     SC: I can edit my Interpretation, so it’s                 use a problem solving graphic
         answer literal questions              written in the present tense.                              organiser
                                                                                                 ●       identify the four-step routine to
                                                                                                         solve problems.
Year 6   LI: Good readers use synthesis to     LI: Good writers use the simple future tense
         accommodate new learning.             in their reflective texts
         SC: I can use my prior knowledge      SC: I can revise the learning Intention:
         to synthesize new information.        Good writers reread and edit own and
                                               others’ work using agreed criteria and
                                               explaining editing choices.
                                               I can revise my writing to respond the
                                               evaluation prompt from DIEP reflection
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