CURRICULUM PLAN Grace and Truth 2017 - 2018 - Amazon AWS

Page created by Hector Robinson
CURRICULUM PLAN Grace and Truth 2017 - 2018 - Amazon AWS
Grace and Truth

   2017 - 2018

CURRICULUM PLAN Grace and Truth 2017 - 2018 - Amazon AWS
Curriculum Plan 2017 - 2018                                                                     Grace and Truth

School Strategic Directions

The directions and core-shared values laid out in this document underpin many of the processes that ensure continuity and coherence in our
curriculum and commitment to the ‘Whole Person Paradigm’. Peter Carnley Anglican Community School (PCACS) is dedicated to providing the
opportunities of a high standard of education, academic rigor and independent learning, enabling students to pursue personal excellence and
equipping them to be positive contributors in a rapidly changing world. The PCACS Strategic Plan also demonstrates our commitment to providing
a broad, balanced, vibrant and seamless curriculum that meets the needs of individual and creates a variety of pathways for their futures.

                         PCACS is dedicated to providing all students with challenging and thought provoking experiences through the suite of
                         curriculum offerings. Through the diversity of learning experiences, students can achieve their academic personal best
                         that will that will create opportunities for challenging and exciting choices for their futures. The Strategic Plan of the
                         School outlines our commitment to provide balanced and board breadth of study. This is supported by technology that
                         meets the needs of a contemporary society and is used to enhance students’ learning.

The commitments the School makes in this strategic document are reflected in many of the processes and practices surrounding the curriculum and
delivery, together with staff professional development, related policies and professional standards. Our ‘Core Shared Values’ of Spirituality,
Excellence, Honest, Respect, Acceptance and Justice underpin and guide our interactions with all stakeholders and lead to the decision making
processes at PCACS.

CURRICULUM PLAN Grace and Truth 2017 - 2018 - Amazon AWS
Curriculum Plan 2017 - 2018                                                                   Grace and Truth

The K-12 Teaching and Learning Curriculum Plans are aspirational documents, which guides teacher practice at the School in
line with the K – 10 Western Australian Curriculum Outline and the School Curriculum and Standards Authority Senior
Secondary Schooling. The documents were developed collaboratively with staff in 2016/2017 and continue to be reviewed

Supporting documentation:
      1. PCACS Strategic Plan 2017 - 2021
      2. Core Shared Values
      3. Teaching and Learning Frameworks (Early Learning Framework, Junior School and Senior School)

CURRICULUM PLAN Grace and Truth 2017 - 2018 - Amazon AWS
Curriculum Plan 2017 - 2018                                                                    Grace and Truth

Student Improvement Plan

Curriculum, Teaching and Learning
The Curriculum, Teaching and Learning plan outlines the School's current priorities, and how we address policy requirements. It enables Executive
and Curriculum leaders to allocate resources to identified priorities and monitor progress towards target goals. It is an overview of strategies,
actions and timelines that need to be achieved by Teaching and Learning teams. It is a living working document, which drives changes and
improvements in the systems and programmes implemented to support student learning at PCACS. It also forms a part of the School's
accountability to our community and provides a basis for ongoing discussions about student achievement and refinement of curriculum provisions.

    1. The Western Australian Curriculum is implemented successful according to the School and the School Curriculum and Standards Authority
        (SCSA) mandated guidelines.
    2. Western Australia Curriculum Certificate of Education (WACE) courses / Vocational Education & Training (VET) and Endorsed Programmes
        are implemented in accordance to the SCSA and School guidelines.
    3. Shape and construct policy and procedures to guide and to document our practice to support student learning opportunities and
    4. The K - 10 and 11 and 12 Teaching and Learning documents is visible with a focus on teacher clarity: learning intentions, success criteria,
        evaluation, and feedback to facilitate improved student learning aims and outcomes.
    5. Embed ICT 21st Century Learning Design support to students to enable them to become digitally literate that develop IT skills through
        curriculum delivery.
    6. Co Curricular offers additional commitment that builds upon the classroom curriculum delivery. These include Mathematics (Numeracy),
        English (Literacy), Physical Education, Science, Design & Digital Technologies (Master Chef Junior School), STEM projects (Years 8 & 9).
        Additional examples of consolidating the School’s curriculum delivery include; Homework Clubs, Robotics/Lego (Junior School), ART (Senior
        School & Junior School), etc.

CURRICULUM PLAN Grace and Truth 2017 - 2018 - Amazon AWS
Curriculum Plan 2017 - 2018                                                                    Grace and Truth

Supporting documentation:
    1. Course Assessment & Course Outlines Year 7 – 12
    2. Vocational Education & Training (VET) Policy & Registered Training Organisations (RTO) Auspicing Agreements
    3. SEQTA: Marksbooks
    4. Junior School Teaching & Learning Assessment Policy K – 6
    5. 2017 Assessment Policy Years 7, 8, 9 & 10
    6. 2017 Assessment Policy Years 11 & 12
    7. PCACS Reviewing Students Learning – Senior School
    8. PCACS Review of Teaching & Learning K – 6
    8 Co Curricular Guidelines
    9 One to World IT Plan

PCACS Academic Reporting & Responsibilities Structure
Responsibilities for the Academic and Reporting of all students is the Principal through the Head of Junior School and the Head of Senior School.
Junior School and Senior School have their individual structures who determine the curriculum, reporting processes and the management of school
and associated responsibilities. The School follows the Western Australian K – 10 Assessment & Reported mandated policy and the SCSA reporting

Junior School and Senior School have their own committees to review curriculum, academic performance and to analysis student achievement in
NAPLAN, WACE Examinations, WACE Tracking, Semester 1 & 2 Examinations (Senior School Years 7 – 12), Externally Set Tasks (Year 12), Progressive
Assessment Testing (PAT) Junior School and Year 7 Senior School. Evaluation of progressive academic performance is used to guide the Subject
Coordinators (Senior School) and Junior School Curriculum leaders to work in consultation with teachers to inform teaching practice at Learning
Area levels and to improve student performance and learning outcomes.

Curriculum Plan 2017 - 2018   Grace and Truth

Supporting documentation:
   1. PCACS Organisation Chart
   2. K-12 School Performance Report
   3. Senior School Course Selection Handbook

Curriculum Plan 2017 - 2018                                                                      Grace and Truth

Curriculum Planning

Implementation of the Australian Curriculum to the K – 10 Western Australian Curriculum Outline will be completed Semester 2 2018. This transition
is well underway at PCACS, Phases 1 and 2 is fully implemented, and work continues on Phase 3. Professional Development and regular Learning
Area meetings will ensure that the curriculum and all assessments comply with the standards required. Junior School and Senior School Scope and
Sequence curriculum programmes for each year and continually monitor and review the required assessment tools used to the standards required
for comparability across multiply classes in each year group. Revision in Humanities & Social Sciences, Health and Physical Education, Science and
changes to Non-Core Learning Area options after Year 8 has also been addressed. The aim is to give students access to a breadth of learning

 Supporting documentation:
      1. Learning Area Planning: Scope & Sequence based on the WA Curriculum Outline (SCSA)

Learning Area Planning
Senior School and Junior School planning drives the planning of classroom teachers. There is a clear sharing of academic vision with all staff in the
School through the Principal, School Heads and their respective Middle Management Leadership Group, Core Shared Values and Strategic Planning
documents. There is dissemination of key curriculum information through the Middle Management Academic structures via meetings and their link
to the classroom teachers’ practices. The Heads of Junior and Senior School determine professional development needs and align to the direction
and priority of the School’s academic aims. Staff have access to electronic information that supports the planning of curriculum via SEQTA access
for Senior School Students and their parents. Junior School will follow similar access as required.

Curriculum planning also addresses differentiation teaching and learning strategies and addresses functional literacy and numeracy needs through
additional timetabled support and Co-Curricular. SCSA exemplars are used to guide standards and consensus and moderation processes form an
integral part of Senior School (SCSA) and cross marking processes. Junior School participate in similar moderation processes using the SCSA
exemplars. Individual Education Plans, Individual Learning Plans are prepared to support students who require adjustments to access the curriculum.

Curriculum Plan 2017 - 2018                                                                     Grace and Truth

Supporting documentation:
      1. Teaching and Assessment Plans / Outlines

The Heads of School are tasked with the overview of Professional Learning to ensure it is aligned to the whole school planning direction and needs
for curriculum development. The Heads of School also uses information from the mandated Professional Development (SCSA), Course Outlines,
Junior School Curriculum Programmes, Lesson Observations and Middle Management Learning Area meetings to ensure that the professional
learning for the School is streamlined and that staff have the skills to be able to link what they do in the classroom to whole school planning.

 Supporting documentation:
       1. Professional Learning request form

Transitition Across Learning Areas and Years of Schooling
We review scope and sequence documents, and ensure teachers are not repeating contexts/themes. Teachers view work samples and discuss
assessment practices and standards to facilitate better professional judgments and maintain continuity between Year 6 and Year 7. Understanding
of Grade Descriptors, Judgement Standards and Achievement Standards is an ongoing dialogue with teachers (K – 12). Due to the K to 12 nature of
our School, there is professional learning through an exchange of ideas on pedagogy and content expertise between Junior School staff and similarly
between Senior School Staff. Regular discussions enables links to be made across the phases of development allowing teachers to gain information
on learning styles, classroom dynamics and any other pastoral issues which impact on the classroom learning environment. Teachers are able to
identify key trends in student achievement data and highlight any issues of strength or weakness so they can be addressed.

Curriculum Plan 2017 - 2018                                                                        Grace and Truth

Year 7-10 classes in Mathematics, English, Science and Humanities and Social Sciences are structured in such a way to take into account the particular
needs of individual students to enhance the continuing achievement of the Western Australian Curriculum Outline. Classes in Year 7 are broadly
grouped according to ability, with the exception of Mathematics and English where a more rigorous testing process (PAT) is administered to
determine any student who requires immediate intervention for Numeracy and Literacy. Year 10, classes are more rigorously streamed to form a
strong platform for Year 11 course selections. All core areas have a small group of less able students who are able to work with the curriculum at a
slower pace while extension learning opportunities are provided for more able students allowing them to work through the curriculum at a more
sophisticated level. Within each classroom, a focus on differentiating the curriculum allows students to experience the curriculum at a level
appropriate to their individual needs.

PCACS prides itself with an ongoing focus on assisting individual students to achieve their personal best with reference to the Achievement Standards
outlined within the Western Australian Curriculum Outline. This is evidenced through the School’s Strategic Plan and the clear improvement in
NAPLAN, WACE and TISC improvements presented in the School Performance Report.

The PCACS Journey – what does it look like?

Purposeful Play: Pre Primary to Year 2 - Wondering about our world
We are keen to engage our student’s innate curiosity and imaginative nature – making learning exciting and fun. In the early years of schooling,
play based indoor and outdoor learning is an important feature of every classroom, though it is not the only method of practice; intermingled with
free exploration and discovery are woven specific times of strong explicit teaching and learning. Literacy and nuneracy patterns are given high
priority. The importance of acquiring detailed skills at this young age cannot be overstated; all children enjoy focused learning – letter names, letter
sounds, letter shapes, sentence structure and basic grammar, along with fundamental number concepts. The introduction of IT skills also begins
during these years through the use of classroom interactive Whiteboards, and time spent in the IT lab.

Curriculum Plan 2017 - 2018                                                                        Grace and Truth

Foundation Fun: Years 3 and 4 - Building our love of learning
We are keen to create a learning foundation that is core to future success and a life-long love of learning. Hands on creative discovery, inside and
outside, continues in the Middle Junior years. All lessons are premised with visible learning intention and success criteria statements; teaching is
explicit following the “I do, we do” pattern. Essential rote learning focusing on times tables, spelling and grammar is prevalent. The process for
inquiry learning is also introduced at this stage. The final ‘taking action’ (the result of changed thinking) is important for the students; however, it
is also recognized that knowledge of the process of inquiry itself is an important genre necessary for strong and successful assignment writing
throughout the senior years of schooling. IT skills continue to be developed with the introduction of PowerPoint, Word and simple graphic design
(e.g. creating and naming angles for Mathematics).

Explicit Inquiry: Years 5 and 6 – Knowing ourselves
We are keen to enable the unique characters of each individual to become more clearly understood by peers, parents and teachers, to become
excited by all things and to come to know ourselves better as we explore the world. Personal authenticity, relationships with one another and
mature decision making are uppermost for the developing independence which prepares each student for the world of Senior School. Again,
explicit teaching practice remains dominant in all programmes. However, inquiry learning processes expand during this stage to encourage deeper
and more satisfying age appropriate research results. We want our students to become confident and more able as they begin to manipulate
different learning processes, develop a learning independence and gain growing confidence in both academic and life skills.

Delving deeper: Years 7 and 8 – Exploring our abilities
We are keen for students to be challenged to extend themselves in the transition to Senior School both in and out of the classroom, expanding
their view of subject disciplines, themselves and the world. The ongoing development of organizational skills is strongly fostered. Giving students
of this age personal routines and a knowledge of how to achieve their very best in all subject areas is critical. English, Mathematics, Science and
Humanities and Social Studies are the core subject areas, and are strongly supported by a wide range of additional learning experiences covering
the Arts, Sciences, Technologies and Physical Education and Health. The Religious and Values Education Programme, which streams through the
School from Kindergarten to Year 12, strengthens each students ability to discuss matters of importance with one another, to accept differing points
of view and to think philosophically with mature reflection and independence.

Curriculum Plan 2017 - 2018                                                                       Grace and Truth
Opportunity and choice: Years 9 and 10 – Choosing our paths in life
We are keen to offer our students greater choice over a range of academic and Co Curricular subjects so that individual skills and talents can be
explored – the first step in discovering the adults they will become, and in shaping their future dreams. The focus on these school years will be on
the fine tuning of skills to improve performance and to recognize that academic studies must be a priority. Students should now be reasonably
mature and independent learners who are responsible and accountable for their own learning journey. Students at this stage will engage in a range
of Non-Core learning area experiences, and begin the process of counselling for the selection of Year 10 courses. Choosing electives from a range
of learning areas allows the students to sample additional learning experiences that will not only build skill sets, but will also direct students to
begin thinking about career pathways. It is imperative that all students in this phase of schooling recognize the importance of strong achievement
in the National Assessment Programme – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN). Success in these assessments in Year 9 is required for obtaining the
Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE), the credential given to students who have completed senior secondary education (Year 11 and
Year 12) in the state of Western Australia.

Growth and Maturity: Years 11 and 12 – Honing skills for our futures
We are keen for our young adults to take full responsibility for their learning with a focus on carefully selected subject areas in which to develop
excellence and expertise. They embark on the challenge of mastering their chosen pursuits. The final two years of schooling focus on working
towards the standards required for achieving the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE), gaining this certificate is essential for many
post school options. A diverse and rigorous suite of courses is offered to meet the demands of the academic scores required to gain entry into all
university courses (ATAR), along with General and Vocational Education and Training Certificates (VET) which will prepare students for entry into a
State Training Provider (TAFE) and employment; the focus for students who enroll in these latter courses will be the development of employability
skills which prepare students for the competitive labour market. The emphasis throughout this stage of schooling will be strong counselling,
practical assistance and pastoral support so that each student achieves his or her personal best in all courses that lead to post school pathways.
Our hope is that each student will continue to pursue a love of learning throughout life.

Supporting our timetabled curriculum is the vibrant and wide range of activities offered as Co Curricular opportunities; sport, music – bands and
ensembles, choirs, art, dance, mini master chef, board games, academic support, camps, excursions, Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme and many
others. Students are encouraged to expand their learning experiences, and parents are encouraged to offer their skills.

Curriculum Plan 2017 - 2018                                                                     Grace and Truth
Timetable structure Senior School
The timetable consists of a five-day cycle with six 55-minute periods and a Tutor Group period of 25 minutes per day. Chapel, Assemblies and Tutor
Group Periods are scheduled each week with a Pastoral Programme Period including 45-minute periods and no Tutor Group period.

Year 11 & 12, have five periods per week for their 6 courses to equal 30 periods per week with Thursday allocated 6 x 45 minute teaching periods.
In Years 7 to 10, this results in a learning area breakdown, which provides four periods per week for English, H&SS, Mathematics & Science. The
remainder is allocated to Languages and Health/PE and the remainder split amongst other elective learning areas giving a balance of student
experiences to support the development of the whole person paradigm and appropriate delivery of curriculum. Students with Literacy needs do
not enroll in a Language.

Supporting documentation:
    1. Timetable Structure – Senior School
    2. Learning Area time breakdown

Curriculum Plan 2017 - 2018                                                                     Grace and Truth

PCACS takes pride in its commitment to continually develop and review the direction as outlined in the Curriculum Plan to meet the needs of the
students. The commitments the School makes will continue to evolve and will be continually evaluated. PCACS will focus on providing opportunities
for academic excellence and for all students to grow and experience a broad, balanced education that will create a spirt of engagement in seeking
life-giving pathways for their future.

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