Wisconsin Medicaid Administrative Claiming (MAC) and School-Based Services (SBS) Program - Wisconsin Association of School Business Officials ...

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Wisconsin Medicaid Administrative Claiming (MAC) and School-Based Services (SBS) Program - Wisconsin Association of School Business Officials ...
Wisconsin Medicaid
Administrative Claiming (MAC)
and School-Based Services
(SBS) Program
Wisconsin Association of School Business Officials
March 2021
Wisconsin Medicaid Administrative Claiming (MAC) and School-Based Services (SBS) Program - Wisconsin Association of School Business Officials ...
3 Elements of Medicaid Reimbursement in
     Fee-For-Service (FFS)                 SBS                         MAC

• Reimbursement for Direct      • School Based Services    • Medicaid Administrative
  Services                                                   Claiming
                                • Reconciles interim FFS
• Based on estimated cost         payment with actual      • Reimbursement for
                                  costs                      indirect costs of
                                                             providing direct services
• Interim payments made                                      (coordination of care,
  throughout the year                                        Medicaid outreach,
                                                             medical training, etc.)
• FFS training provided by
  FFS vendor

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Wisconsin Medicaid Administrative Claiming (MAC) and School-Based Services (SBS) Program - Wisconsin Association of School Business Officials ...
Program Components
                                         Staff Pool List                  Random Moment
                                                                            Time Study
*Staff pool list updates start in August of each
year when the October-December staff pool list

                                                                                  Logging and
                                                           Components           Billing Services;
                                       Cost                                     Receive Interim
                                    Settlement                                      Payments

                                                                               *SBS settlements are calculated and processed one
                                                                               year after the conclusion of a school year (i.e. 2018-
                                                                               19 SBS cost settlements will be processed in Spring
                                                             Quarterly &
                                                           Annual Financials
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Wisconsin Medicaid Administrative Claiming (MAC) and School-Based Services (SBS) Program - Wisconsin Association of School Business Officials ...
Revenue Breakdown
Program Reimbursement in State Fiscal Year 2018 (Paid 2020)

                      SBS Settlement,
                        $27,098,045           Interim
                                                          $86.7 Million
                          MAC Settlement,

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Staff Pool List &
Random Moment Time Study
What is the SPL and RMTS?
                                                                    Random Moment Time
                           Staff Pool List (SPL)
                                                                    Studies (RMTS)

     The SPL is the foundation of both programs,         The RMTS process is a federally approved
     updated three times per year with each district’s   technique of polling a statistically valid sampling
     “list” of staff employees eligible for the RMTS     of randomly selected moments (one moment =
     survey.                                             one minute) that are assigned to randomly
                                                         selected participants. This study determines
     The SPL indicates who at your district provides     the portion of time individuals spend doing
     services and/or is involved with the coordination   reimbursable activities.
     of services on behalf of the MAC/SBS program
                                                         9200 moments are distributed each quarter.
     Everyone included on the SPL is eligible to
     receive RMTS moments.                               MAC – 3000     SBS 1 – 3200      SBS 2 - 3200

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RMTS and the Direct Medical Percentage

• In addition to providing counseling to students, Sally spends her day doing administrative as well as non-
  reimbursable tasks.
• The purpose of the Random Moment Time Study is to calculate the Direct Medical Percentage and the
  MAC Reimbursement Percentage, or the average amount of time that Sally spends performing
  reimbursable activities such as providing services and filling out paperwork.
• The Direct Medical Percentage is applied to the total staff costs for each service category on the Annual
  Cost Report.

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Allowable Costs &
Apportioning Ratios
MAC/SBS: Direct Medical Services Total Costs

      Salary, Benefits, and Contracted Staff                       Materials and Supplies, Staff Travel & Training and
      •   Apply to both programs.                                  Professional Dues and Fees
      •   Direct Medical Service providers are the only            • Travel completed to attend a staff training
          individuals included on the Annual Cost Report from      • Professional dues and fees specific to a provider’s job at the district
          the three cost pools – MAC, SBS 1, and SBS 2
                                                                   • Quarterly materials and supplies must tie back to a service provider
      •   Direct Service costs roll up from the quarterly to the
          annual reports                                           • The CMS List of Allowable Materials and Supplies is only applicable to
                                                                     annual cost report

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SBHS: Medicaid Cost Report and Cost Settlement Training
MAC: Administrative Percentage
                      The purpose of this percentage is to identify the percentage of time providers
                      spend, on average, on Medicaid Administrative activities

                      Calculated by PCG from the results of the quarterly Random Moment Time
                      Study (RMTS)

                      It is a statewide percentage and is not school district specific

                     This percentage is applied to the MAC Claim and directly affects the quarterly
                     reimbursement for every district
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                    SBHS: Medicaid Cost Report and Cost Settlement Training
SBS: Direct Medical Percentage
                     The purpose of this percentage is to identify the percentage of time providers spend,
                     on average, performing eligible direct medical services

                     Calculated by PCG from the results of the quarterly Random Moment Time Study
                     (RMTS) - the average results of the three quarterly time study periods (Oct – Dec,
                     Jan – Mar, and Apr – Jun) that occurred during the fiscal year

                     It is a statewide percentage and is not school district specific

                     This percentage is applied to the Direct Medical Service Costs and directly affects
                     the cost settlement for every district

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                    SBHS: Medicaid Cost Report and Cost Settlement Training
COVID-19 and the Random Moment Time
• COVID-19, school shut-downs, and remote/hybrid learning has impacted the Random Moment Time
• For the April – June 2020 quarter, Wisconsin received a waiver from CMS to halt the time study
         •   Note that MAC claims will still be calculated for April – June 2020, and that April – June 2020 costs will still be
             included in the Annual Cost Report
         •   For the AJ20 MAC claim and for the annual Direct Medical Percentages, an average of Oct-Dec 19 and Jan-
             Mar 2020 will be used
• The RMTS resumed for Oct-Dec 2020 and for Jan-Mar 2021

MAC: Medicaid Eligibility Ratio (MER)

                          Total Number of         Total Number of
                        Students Enrolled
                        in Medicaid at your   ÷    ALL Students
                                                   at your district
                                                                      =   MER

                  The MER apportions out the allowable costs submitted by
                      districts each quarter solely for the MAC program

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SBS: Individualized Educational Plan (IEP)
What is the purpose of the IEP Ratio?
   Identifies the portion of costs that pertain to the delivery of direct medical services specifically to
   Medicaid-eligible special education students with a prescribed reimbursable direct medical
   service in their IEP. The ratio is solely applicable to the Annual SBS program.

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SBS: Specialized Transportation Costs
               Districts may report salary and                                                                   Districts may report
               benefit costs for drivers, sub                                 Districts may report costs for     Contracted Services for
               drivers, and mechanics                                         Leasing/Renting                    all vehicles which provide
               who provide specialized                                        specialized transportation         specialized transportation
               transportation                                                 services

    Districts may                                               Districts may report
                                                                                                    Districts may report repairs
    depreciate costs for all                                    fuel and oil for all
                                                                vehicles which provide              and maintenance for all
    vehicles which provide
    specialized                                                 specialized                         vehicles which provide
    transportation                                              transportation                      specialized transportation

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                    SBHS: Medicaid Cost Report and Cost Settlement Training
Financial Reviews
Financial Reviews
 System Edit Checks

 Desk Reviews

 Monitoring Reviews

 Potential Audit Risks

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System Edit Checks
  ✓    Quarterly Edit Checks
        ▪ No Payroll Information Reported
        ▪ Salary Exceeds the Expected Threshold
        ▪ Benefits to Salary Ratio Exceeds
          Expected Threshold
            • Thresholds – District specific
  ✓ Additional layer of limiting
    audit risk
        ▪ Resolve edit check by entering
            • High-end of pay scale
            • Summer pay
            • Retirement payout
            • Veteran teacher

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Desk Reviews
                         PCG conducts desk reviews after
                         all cost reports have been certified
                                                                              Desk reviews help protect school
                                                                               districts from federal audits and
                                                                                 potential pay-back situations.

                           When preparing your cost report,
                           keep clear & organized
                           documentation for ease of
                           reference during the review
                                                        Confident statements of understanding
                                                            are necessary! Avoid phrases like “I
                                                            believe…” or “Somebody told me…”

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                    SBHS: Medicaid Cost Report and Cost Settlement Training
MAC/SBS Monitoring Reviews
         Monitoring reviews for each participating district examines costs and ratios reported for the most recent
         certified annual cost report

         School districts are responsible for providing requested documentation by the due date given in the
         Letter of Notification

         Calls are held before the review is conducted in order to clarify documentation needed and answer any

         The validation will include a review of information certified by the school districts in the PCG Claiming
         System, direct medical credentials for the period selected for review, and IEP documentation for the
         period selected for review

         Upon completion of the review of this information, a final report will be provided with details of the
         validation. If errors are identified, school districts must complete corrective actions

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Overview of Monitoring Review Results
 Fall 2020
                                                 Credential    Direct    Annual &
                      Salary and   Contracted                                                     Transportation   Transportation
 School District                                     &        Support    Quarterly    IEP Ratio
                       Benefits    Staff Costs                                                        Costs            Ratios
                                                 Licensing     Staff    Other Costs

School District #1        X                                                  X
School District #2
                                                                                                                                    A need to focus
School District #3        X                                                                                                              on the
                                                                                                                                     importance of
School District #4        X
School District #5        X                                                                                                             reporting
                                                                                                                                    program costs.
School District #6

School District #7

School District #8        X                                                              X              X

School District #9                                                                       X              X

School District #10

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Potential Audit Risks
       1            Calculation of the Specialized Transportation One-Way Trip Ratio

       2            Calculation of the IEP Ratio denominator

       3            Salary and Benefit documentation does not align with what is reported in the PCG Claiming System

                    Transportation costs are not correctly categorized as either “Only Specialized Transportation” or “Not
       4            Only Specialized Transportation”
                    What does your documentation support?

       5            Calculation of the Vehicle Ratio

If you have any questions about documentation and allowable costs, don’t ever hesitate to reach out to PCG!
PCG should always be your first point of contact!

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MAC Claim Components
Step 1: Add Costs                            Salary,
                                           benefit and
                                                            material/ supplies
Step 2: Apply Ratios

                                  Federal                                  Indirect
                                 Financial                                   Cost
                                Participation                                Rate

                                                              MAC RMTS
                                        Eligibility Ratio

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SBS Cost Settlement Claim Components
 Step 1: Add Costs                         Salary,
                                         benefit and        material/
                                         contracted       supplies from
 Step 2: Apply                              costs           CMS list
                                   Interim                             Indirect
                                  Payments                               Cost
 Step 3: Compare to                                                      Rate

 Interim Payments
                                                                 SBS RMTS
                                  Federal Medical
                                       Interim                   Percentage
                                                    IEP Ratio
❖ Interim Payments and FMAP
  are used to determine cost
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2020 – 2021 MAC and SBS Key Dates
                                                                          PCG Claiming System Start &
          Program Action and Reporting Period
                                                                            Certification Due Date
                                       RMTS (Staff Pool List, Calendars and Shifts)
                                OD20                                            8/3/2020 – 9/4/2020
                                JM21                                           11/2/2020 – 12/4/2020
                                AJ21                                            2/1/2021 – 3/5/2021
                                                    Quarterly MAC Financials
                                AJ20                                            7/1/2020 – 8/9/2020
                                JS20                                           10/5/2020 – 11/13/2020
                                OD20                                            1/4/2021 – 2/5/2021
                                JM21                                            4/1/2021 – 5/7/2021
                                AJ21                                            7/1/2021 – 8/6/2021
                                                     Annual SBS Financials
                     July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020                              10/1/2020 – 12/15/2020

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Public Consulting Group Contacts
                  Quarterly MAC Team                             Annual SBS Team
Email: wimacs@pcgus.com                              Email: wicostreport@pcgus.com
Phone: (877) 395-5019, Option 1 or 2                 Phone: (877) 395-5019, Option 3

                  Mark Schoenberg      Chris Costa              Jon Hartford           McKenzie Ratcliff

                  Nate Erickson        Alex Hudgin              Molly McDonald         Matt Sorrentino

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