Women of Wildlife - AUSTRALIA ZOO

Page created by Shawn Harrington
Women of Wildlife - AUSTRALIA ZOO
                                     Magazine | Autumn 2019

              Meet the
 Women of Wildlife                           ISSUE 49
                                             RRP $7.95
                                             All profits go to
                                             wildlife conservation

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Women of Wildlife - AUSTRALIA ZOO
©Chris Grech

32 | CRIKEY! Magazine - Autumn 2019
Women of Wildlife - AUSTRALIA ZOO
Matriarchal Societies
           of the Animal Queendom
                                                   BY LUKE REAVLEY


        ccording to the Cambridge        in small bachelor herds. Their
        Dictionary, “A matriarch is      success as a matriarchal society
        an old and powerful female       is advanced by also being a
member of a family, for example a        species that has evolved to live in
grandmother.” Two of my favourite        a fission-fusion society. In short,
animal species have evolved to live in   this means herds merge (fusion) or
a matriarchal society, where a female    split (fission) as they move through
leads the family, colony, or group.      their environment, making them an
Elephants and bees are renowned for      incredibly fascinating species led
their matriarchal culture, but there     by strong female leaders.
are plenty of other species that have
elected to have female leaders.          Most examples of matriarchal
                                         societies are found in mammals,
Elephant matriarchs are usually the      however, there is a reason the         “Elephants and bees
oldest female of the family, having      phrase “queen bee” has become a         are renowned for
years of experience and possessing       well-known pop culture reference,        their matriarchal
the wisdom necessary to fulfil the       and not just in reference to            culture, but there
needs of the herd. Elephant herds        Beyoncè. The social structure of
very much revolve around the             bees is led by a queen, responsible
                                                                                are plenty of other
females. When males start displaying     for the health of a hive that            species that have
signs of sexual maturity, they are       contains tens of thousands of             elected to have
chased away to live in solitude, or      individuals.                              female leaders”

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Women of Wildlife - AUSTRALIA ZOO
The queen bee is usually the mother
                                      of most, if not all, of the bees in the
                                      hive. Bees live in a eusocial society,
                                      the highest level of organisation in
                                      the animal kingdom. Each member
                                      has an assigned job that is
                                      determined by age. Speaking of
                                      age, as the queen ages her
                                      pheromone production weakens.
                                      As she becomes old or sick she
                                      is replaced by the workers in a
                                      procedure known as supersedure,
                                      where she is replaced with one of her
                                      daughters. As Beyoncè sang, “Who
                                      run the world? Girls.”

                                      Anyone that reads Crikey Magazine
                                      knows all too well my fixation with
                                      bees and elephants, but what about
                                      other species? Well, there is an animal
                                      closely related to humans that is led
                                      by a matriarch. In fact, they share
                                      over 98% of our DNA: the bonobo
                                      (Pan paniscus). The inferior ranks
                                      of bonobo culture consist of both
                                      males and females, while the highest-

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Women of Wildlife - AUSTRALIA ZOO
ranking positions of the troop are       age, female orcas cease breeding
                      forever held by older females.           and it is these post-reproductive
                      Like elephants, bonobos live in a        females that take on the responsibility
                      fission-fusion society, where the        of matriarchy.
                      larger troop regularly splits off into
                      smaller groups of varying shapes         Another successful predatory
                      and sizes. High ranking females of       mammal is the spotted hyena,
                      the group form strong bonds with         native to sub-Saharan Africa. The
                      other high-ranking females, no           social system of the spotted hyena
                      doubt the key to their success as a      is a complex one, with up to 100
                      matriarchal primate.                     individuals making up the cackle (the
                                                               collective noun for hyena). Females
                      From the tree tops to the oceans,        are larger and more aggressive
                      matriarchal societies have proven        than the males. They also possess
                      successful in every ecosystem. The       a pseudo-penis and unusually
                      largest species of dolphin, and one      high levels of testosterone. These
                      of the greatest predators to inhabit     misjudged animals are captivating.
                      the world’s oceans (literally, all of    I have been lucky enough to spend
                      the world’s oceans!) is the orca         time observing them in the wild and
  “From the tree      (Orcinus orca). Like other species,      was flabbergasted by their caring
tops to the oceans,   the matriarch of an orca pod is a        nature and strong family dynamics.
    matriarchal       wealth of knowledge and societal
                      understanding. These individuals         There you have it, five species
   societies have     pass down vital life lessons, such as    headed up by a matriarch. Strong,
 proven successful    where to find food, navigating their     wise and caring leaders, ensuring the
      in every        home range and raising calves. After     survival of some of the planet’s most
    ecosystem.”       reaching approximately 50 years of       incredible species.

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Women of Wildlife - AUSTRALIA ZOO
What Does a Wall
                      Mean for Wildlife?

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Women of Wildlife - AUSTRALIA ZOO

                                                                                   the US, Mexico provides important
There are a number of                     Animals expected to be impacted by
                                                                                   habitat for these animals and the wall
ways the wall impedes on                  the wall’s construction include bison,
                                                                                   would likely doom any chance for the
                                          grey wolves, bald eagles, black
wildlife, whether it is limiting                                                   species to recover.
                                          bears, and armadillos, however they
the ability to find a mate,
                                          aren’t the only ones, “Our analysis
disrupting movement or                    shows that the border bisects the        How can the wall be constructed
migration and limiting access             geographic ranges of 1506 native         when it will negatively impact
to prey, den sites and water.             terrestrial and freshwater animal and    62 species listed as Critically
                                          plant species, including 62 species      Endangered species? 37 laws have
Of the 3,200-kilometre (2000 miles)       listed as Critically Endangered,         been relinquished perpetually on the
border that Mexico shares with the        Endangered, or Vulnerable by the         border, including the Endangered
United States, 1000km (650mi) of          International Union for Conservation     Species Act and the American Eagle
border wall already exists, but the       of Nature (IUCN) Red List,” the          Protection Act. “With these laws
push to extend the wall another           report continued.                        sidelined, wall construction proceeds
1,600-kilometres (1,000mi) would                                                   without the necessary depth of
certainly impact wildlife in the area.    The United States of America is          environmental impact analysis,” the
                                          fortunate enough to have six native      scientists shared.
An article published in Bioscience        cat species, the jaguar, ocelot,
Journal last year titles Nature           jaguarundi, cougar, bobcat and           Much of the region on the US side of
Divided, Scientists United: US–           Canadian lynx. All species other than    the borderlands has been designated
Mexico Border Wall Threatens              the Canadian lynx five inhabit the       as protected areas, 25-million acres
Biodiversity and Binational               borderlands and would be affected        of protected public lands within
Conservation comprised of 2556            by the wall. The jaguar, ocelot and      100 miles of the line, including six
scientists from 43 countries studied      jaguarundi are all endangered in         wildlife refuges, six national parks,
the threats wildlife face should the                                               tribal lands, wilderness areas, and
wall be constructed.                                                               conservation areas.

The paper claims the wall will                “Animals expected to be              Not only does the construction of
“threaten some of the continent’s              impacted by the wall’s              a wall pose a threat to wildlife, but
most biologically diverse regions,”             construction include               threatens ecosystems and increases
and that “already-built sections of the                                            the risk of flooding. No matter which
                                                 bison, grey wolves,
wall are reducing the area, quality,                                               side of the fence (or wall) you are
and connectivity of plant and animal
                                                  bald eagles, black               on, there is no denying that the
habitats and are compromising                  bears, and armadillos,              wall would have an impact on the
more than a century of binational               however they aren’t                ecosystems and wildlife that have are
investment in conservation.”                        the only ones”                 not empathetic of political borders.

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Eight million tons of plastic                                                   500 million plastic
         waste flows into the ocean                          As plastic takes              straws are used
            every year. That is the                          more than 400              every day in America.
       equivalent of five grocery bags of                   years to degrade,              That is enough to
       plastic trash sitting on every foot                  nearly every piece          circle the Earth twice.
        of coastline around the world!                     of plastic ever made
                                                            still exists in some
                                                              shape or form.

                         90% of plastic
                          polluting our
                            oceans is
                         carried by just
                           ten rivers.

        The average
        person eats
         each year.                                                                   ASTONISHING

                                                                                                         Nearly two
            If plastic                                                                                 million single-
        production is not                                                                             use plastic bags
         curbed, plastic                                                                               are distributed
          pollution will                                                                              worldwide every
         outweigh fish                                                                                    minute.
        pound by 2050.
                                        There is more
                                       microplastic in
                                       the ocean than                                                  One million
                                      there are stars in                                                  plastic
                                        the Milky Way.                                                 bottles are
                                                                                                       sold every
         40% of plastic                                     Nine percent                              minute around
          produced is                                        of all plastic                             the world.
        packaging, used                                     ever made has
         once and then                                        likely been        The amount of
           discarded.                  Nearly half of          recycled.        plastic produced
                                      all plastic ever                         in a year is roughly
                                      manufactured                              the same as the
                                      has been made                             entire weight of
                                        since 2000.                                 humanity.

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            OPENS 5 JUNE

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