Working Together December 2019 T: 01622 693141 E: Go Train

Page created by Betty Marquez
Working Together December 2019 T: 01622 693141 E: Go Train
Working Together
   December 2019 T: 01622 693141 E:

There’s Room At The Holiday Inn in Wolverhampton                                       Christmas Jumper Day
Wolverhampton Centre opened with a         beverage, hospitality setting. Two of      On Friday 13th December, Go Train
bang! Holding a SBWA for Holiday Inn       the learners impressed Holiday Inn’s       staff supported Save The Children’s
in August, teaching all candidates the     recruitment team and were offered          ‘Christmas Jumper Day’ by wearing
essentials when working in a food and      full-time work.                            a festive jumper to the office. Tutors
                                                                                      also explored themes based upon
                                                                                      this charity so that all learners could
    It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas . . .                                 feel included in the event.
Caron was keen to work in retail but       Assistant. Caron started there two
had been unemployed for over a year.       days later. She said the course did
She was referred to Go Train Romford       wonders for her confidence and gave
by Redbridge JCP for the Smyths            her the self-belief that she could be
Toys pre-employment training               successful at landing one of the roles
programme as, having been out              on offer. She thanked Go Train for
of work for this long, Caron felt she      helping her get back into work and
needed to improve her confidence -         said she is looking forward to a better
as well as her interview skills. After     Christmas this year.
completing our Customer Service
and Employability courses, Caron
was interviewed by the manager
of Smyth’s Toys in Romford and
                                                                                           Inside Job For Ian
was hired as a Customer Service                                                       Ian had been unemployed for two
                                                                                      years when he came to Go Train.
                                                                                      He had previously worked as a
             Glad Tidings We Bring For Chatham                                        fully qualified scaffolder but due to
David completed a six-week Work Fit +      I have started to take control of my       a broken leg, he found himself out
Kit course with us, after being referred   life. “The world is my oyster” and it is   of work and needed a change in
to us by Jatinder. He now has a job in     all thanks to Go Train.                    career. He was referred to Go Train
the Amazon warehouse!                                                                 by his work coach Amir at Poplar
                                           The most important thing I have learnt
                                                                                      JCP to build his confidence and
“Before attending Go Train, I thought I    is, if you put yourself out there you
                                                                                      undertake training. Ian successfully
was a lost cause with zero confidence      might just be surprised what you get
                                                                                      embarked on upskilling and
in my life and job prospects. However,     back. It has been privilege to learn
                                                                                      completed Employability, Personal
after only a few days I noticed I          and be around so many inspiring
                                                                                      and Social Skills and Customer
was interacting with people and my         people and I hope my story will help
                                                                                      Service. He secured an interview, was
confidence was improving. I found          others and let them know there are
                                                                                      successful and now works full time in
the courses great and the tutors were      people that are ready to help.” – David
                                                                                      a permanent position as a cleaning
very patient and always there to help
                                                                                      supervisor for Selfridges.
and listen. They were the first tutors
in a long while to take a genuine                                                     “Go Train pushed me to the limit to
interest in how to help me improve my                                                 succeed, I am very grateful, they
life. Managers Leanne and Natasha                                                     helped me to regain my confidence
always reminded me to push myself                                                     and get full-time employment.” – Ian
when I was a bit down. Even the
receptionists, including Roxanne
and Hattie, were always great at
welcoming us with a smile and able to
put you at ease when arriving. I would
strongly recommend Go Train. It has
changed me in so many positive ways.
Now I feel I can achieve anything and

           “Transforming lives by improving skills, preparing for jobs and building careers.”
Working Together December 2019 T: 01622 693141 E: Go Train
Working Together
    December 2019 T: 01622 693141 E:

Charlotte Lights Up For B&M Interview in Wolverhampton                                         Not Just Any Work
 Wolverhampton ran a SBWA for B&M
 in September. One learner, Charlotte,
                                             interviews with B&M came around,
                                             she aced them and now works there,
                                                                                                 Experience . . .
 was extremely shy and reluctant to          while also pursuing her dream career          Ricky was referred to Go Train
 get involved on her first day. However,     as an art therapist.                          Chippenham by Seetec. He had
 throughout the rest of the course the                                                     been unemployed for some time
 team witnessed Charlotte come out                                                         and although he was aware that
 of her shell and continuously grow                                                        he needed to find a job, he lacked
 in confidence. Charlotte got to the                                                       direction. (Ricky had done many
 point of progression, that when the                                                       years of warehouse work but was
                                                                                           not keen to return to this.) Ricky
                                                                                           completed a week of Progression
   Mark Deserves A Christmas Cheer in Chippenham                                           with us and identified that he
 Mark self-referred as he knew he            He is even helping the other learners in      wanted a job in retail. He went for
 really needed to start working on his       the ICT course!                               an interview and we are delighted
 confidence: he would not talk unless                                                      to say, now has a two-week work
                                             “Go Train is absolutely brilliant – really,   trial with Marks and Spencer.
 really pushed and struggled to even         brilliant and I am loving every minute
 look at people. One of his biggest          of it. I’ve found my confidence again         “The courses have been really fun
 barriers was that he was absolutely         and learnt how to be more confident in        and engaging. I have learnt how
 petrified of using a computer. Mark         everyday situations thanks to Gareth          to talk to people more easily and
 completed Progression and this helped       the tutor and the rest of the staff here      how to pitch myself to employers
 him become aware of his health and          who are all wonderful. Before coming in       in a much better way. The staff are
 wellbeing. Before coming to Go Train        I was feeling low and now I am 100%. I        amazing. The biggest benefit was it
 he was not even considering applying        would not even look at or know how to         got me out of the house and doing
 for jobs, but due to the skills he learnt   operate a computer before and now I           things. I would never have thought
 on the Employability course, he now         can and I am even helping other people        about or gone for this placement
 feels confident enough to start doing       with Excel! I would really recommend          without Go Train.” - Ricky
 this. Mark now contributes in group         Go Train to anyone who is unsure. Keep
 discussions and chats to other learners.    up all the good work!” - Mark

Wise Man Helps Jermaine                        Go Train Walsall in The
 Become A Bright Star                            House of Commons
 Following a meeting with                     Walsall North MP, Eddie Hughes,
 Wolverhampton’s Careers Advisor,
 Mark, one of the learners, Jermaine,
                                              gave Go Train national exposure
                                              recently when he mentioned the
                                                                                            Hark The Compliments
 revealed he had a dream to be a
 pharmacist because he comes from
                                              company during a session in the                   For Southend
                                              Houses of Parliament. Having
 a family of pharmacists. Mark was            established an excellent relationship        “I was dreading the course, but
 determined to make Jermaine’s                with the MP, he said he was                  must say it was great. Much praise
 dream a reality and researched               delighted that the Government had            for the whole company, especially
 the routes into pharmaceutical               chosen to back Go Train as we were           the instructors who kept us
 work with him. Jermaine has                  ‘supporting local businesses with            engaged from start to finish. Great
 now enrolled on a course at                  free training and recruitment’. Also,        location too - peaceful, with a small
 Wolverhampton University - as                the Education Minister was invited to        library and all tech facilities, that
 well as obtaining part-time work             the Walsall centre to see the impact         is conducive to learning, and close
 from a warehousing SBWA to                   Go Train was having on the local             enough to central Southend for
 support himself through his higher           area. The video is available to see on       lunch. Our course was Character
 education journey.                           Eddie Hughes MP’s Facebook page.             Education.” - Simon

                       To find out more visit or call 01622 693141
Working Together December 2019 T: 01622 693141 E: Go Train
Working Together
  December 2019 T: 01622 693141 E:

                 Luke Sparkles In Birmingham                                      Dartford Work Experience
Birmingham Go Train recently worked     the confidence and skills to succeed at    After successfully finishing
in partnership with a major local       interview. Luke landed a role working      University, I set out to find a job,
employer, Signet Jewellers, running     in the Birmingham Contact Centre.          with the hope of finding one by
a SBWA for learners looking for         Luke said: “I wouldn’t have had the        September 2019. During one of my
a career in customer service or a       confidence to interview without the        weekly check-ups at the Job Centre
contact centre environment. One of      help Go Train gave me, and now I           I asked my work coach at the time,
the learners, Luke, a work and health   have got a job that I really wanted!”      Patrick, for advice on how I can
programme customer, was referred                                                   be more successful: he mentioned
to Go Train by Shaw Trust. Luke                                                    work experience at Go Train. My
showed positive signs of improvement                                               duties included assisting the staff,
throughout the course. In the end,                                                 welcoming the students, showing
he successfully overcame his health                                                them around and assisting them
issues, and during training he gained                                              when they encountered problems
                                                                                   when using computers.

                  Jobs with David Wood Foods                                       During my work experience, I also
                                                                                   took a few classes, not only to get a
Daniel was originally referred                                                     few useful skills, but to also get an
Go Train Sittingbourne for the                                                     idea of what sort of job the tutors at
Morrison PET. Due to a change in                                                   Go Train do. I found this very useful.
circumstances however, he decided                                                  I had grown a liking for helping
to apply for the position at David                                                 and supporting people, so when a
Wood Foods. Daniel attended                                                        tutor vacancy came up at Go Train
his interview with Lesley and she                                                  I decided go ahead and try to get
was really pleased with how he                                                     the job. For the position I had to
interviewed - especially as Daniel                                                 prepare and do an interview and a
had not had an interview for over                                                  few mock teachings on a subject of
seventeen years! Lesley offered him                                                my choosing, thankfully with the help
the position straight afterwards and                                               from my current work coach Alan,
Daniel started work with David                                                     the staff and other tutors at Go Train
                                          Sittingbourne tutor Jen took
Wood Foods in November.                                                            (Bindesh, Kelly, Shannon, Terry), I
                                          eleven PET learners, along with          managed to successfully get the
                                          Chris Caddick and Trudi McKee            job at Go Train!
                                          from Sheerness JCP, to visit
                                          David Wood Foods. It was a great
                                          opportunity for our learners to see
                                          first hand the work that they would
                                          be expected to do if successful at
                                          interview following their two-week
                                          course. They were given a guided
                                          tour of factory, and were able to
                                          interact with the staff working
                                          there and to ask questions about
                                          the roles offered. After the visit
                                          all the learners were very positive
                                          about applying for positions
                                          and completed their application
                                          forms. We are now arranging their
                                          interviews and wish them luck at
                                          David Wood Foods!

          “Transforming lives by improving skills, preparing for jobs and building careers.”
Working Together December 2019 T: 01622 693141 E: Go Train
Working Together
   December 2019 T: 01622 693141 E:

                Christmas Up Do In Chippenham                                     Away With A Manager
Michelle was referred to by             there was absolutely no stereotyping     Role In West Bromwich
Chippenham JCP, having been             which is something I have faced in       West Bromwich learners recently
unemployed for some time. Michelle      the past and was a bit worried about.    completed a PET four-week course,
wanted to be a self-employed            I have so much more confidence now       covering all the skills needed
hairdresser but lacked the confidence   to move forward with something I         at bookmakers Paddy Power,
and motivation to get started. She      was very unsure if I could achieve.      obtaining skills across Customer
was also very concerned about           I’m so proud of myself for learning      Service, Goal-Setting, Employability
her limited ICT skills. Michelle took   and achieving the ICT skills too! I’ve   and IT-based qualifications. Paddy
Customer Service, Basic ICT and         learnt things about pitching myself      Power were so impressed by the
Progression to help her to handle the   and customer service that I wasn’t       calibre of the learners that over
many types of customers she might       even aware of before. You’ve all         half were offered jobs, including
come across in the future and also      pushed me forward and everything         two assistant manager roles that
to learn how to set herself goals.      you do is great. Gareth is a fantastic   had not even been advertised to
Michelle also took Employability        and amazing tutor and I am very          the learners put forward. Daniel
and Character Education. We are         thankful for my time at Go Train!”       is now Assistant Manager at the
exceptionally pleased to say that                                                Washwood Heath Paddy Power
Michelle has now gone ahead                                                      branch, and has plans for further
and opened her own business in                                                   advancement in the near future!
mobile hairdressing! She is going                                                Larissa is now Assistant Manager
to be working sixteen hours a week                                               in Smethwick - despite not having
for the moment as she is also looking                                            had a job in the past. What an
after her son. Well done Michelle!!!                                             achievement for her first one!
“What can I say . . . it was amazing,
honestly amazing. I cannot speak
more highly of the staff and learners
in the centre. Exceptional service,

 Mistletoe & Wine for                       No One Is Christmas
 Leanne in Birmingham                           Past It . . .
Leanne also attended the                  Marina felt that age was a barrier
Paddy Power PET to rebuild her            for her when she first came to the
confidence after a short gap in her       West Bromwich Go Train centre.
employment. Leanne decided that           However, we quickly helped her
Paddy Power was not quite for her         to overcome this misconception.
but continued to work with us to          Indeed, Marina succeeded in
build up her skillset to get ready        gaining part-time employment
for an interview as a bartender           with Paddy Power in their West
in central Birmingham. Leanne             Bromwich branch, and is looking
impressed the employer so much            forward to her new work future.
that she was offered the job the
same day and could not wait to
come and let us know.

                     To find out more visit or call 01622 693141
Working Together December 2019 T: 01622 693141 E: Go Train Working Together December 2019 T: 01622 693141 E: Go Train Working Together December 2019 T: 01622 693141 E: Go Train Working Together December 2019 T: 01622 693141 E: Go Train Working Together December 2019 T: 01622 693141 E: Go Train Working Together December 2019 T: 01622 693141 E: Go Train
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