XLIV ORDINARY CONGRESS - www.cfufootball.org - Caribbean Football Union

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XLIV ORDINARY CONGRESS - www.cfufootball.org - Caribbean Football Union

XLIV ORDINARY CONGRESS - www.cfufootball.org - Caribbean Football Union
XLIV ORDINARY CONGRESS - www.cfufootball.org - Caribbean Football Union
Table of Contents

President’s Welcome                                                       2

Notice of the XLIV Ordinary Congress                                      4

The Agenda                                                                6

CFU Membership                                                            8

Executive Committee                                                      10

Minutes of the XLIII Ordinary Congress of the Caribbean Football Union   12

2020 Executive Committee Report                                          18

Financial Statements                                                     30

Elections                                                                64

Secretariat Staff                                                        66

Connect with Us                                                          68

XLIV ORDINARY CONGRESS - www.cfufootball.org - Caribbean Football Union
President’s Welcome
Randolph Harris, GCM - Barbados

My Caribbean Football Union Football Family,                           the University of the West Indies St. Augustine, Flow Sports and
                                                                       Sports Company Trinidad and Tobago. These collaborations will
Earlier this year, we launched the updated strategic plan for          help us achieve several of our objectives related to learning,
the CFU. It is, at once, an ambitious and achievable agenda that       training and retooling, and our communications strategy, which
seeks to harness and hone our human resource capital with              is important for attracting other partnerships.
a view of realizing better and consistent results on the pitch.
At the same time, we are in the second year of the Covid-19            I am particularly proud to note the successful hosting of the
­pandemic. It has taken a toll on many—if not all—of us, in a          CFU Challenge Series, in August, for both boys and girls. The
 myriad of ways. Nonetheless, we persist.                              competitions, held in the Dominican Republic, notched up
                                                                       ­several firsts for the CFU. It marked the first time that both
I take this opportunity to thank you, the Member Associations,          ­tournaments were held in the same year. Another silver ­lining
for your support and your confidence, as we continue to make             to this p
                                                                                 ­ andemic cloud is that all the teams in a single host
our way in these unprecedented times.                                    country enabled grouping by skill level. This factor alone
                                                                         ­brought immeasurable satisfaction, and I dare say joy, to all the
I am pleased to report that we have made marked inroads with              contenders—and there is no greater measure of the impact of
our visibility and communications campaign—­significantly                 a developmental competition than the reaction of the players.
bumping up our social media presence and creating content
that is intrinsically Caribbean—because if we don’t tell our           I offer congratulations to Haiti, whose resilience is boundless, for
­stories, who will?                                                    being crowned champions of both boys’ and girls’ ­competitions
                                                                       in Tier I, and to Aruba (girls) and Bonaire (boys) for their Tier
We created partnerships with regional organizations, namely            II victories. Overall, I commend all the associations that took

XLIV ORDINARY CONGRESS - www.cfufootball.org - Caribbean Football Union
part in the Challenge Series and whose cooperation contributed
to the success. The hosts, Dominican Republic, also exemplified
the indomitable Caribbean spirit, ensuring that every hurdle was
surmounted to have an outstanding event.

I am proud of the progress that we continue to make and the
­benefits we bring to our membership. The pandemic may have
 grounded us in our respective countries, forcing an ­ online
 congress, but I am heartened to see that physical distance
 ­notwithstanding, we are closing chasms between and amongst
  us, drawing us closer to our goals and objectives.

I appreciate each of you for the work you are doing in your
­associations and your commitment to the CFU.                      President Randolph Harris
                                                                   Caribbean Football Union
We remain 31 strong, with a bright future ahead.

Warmest regards,

Randolph Harris GCM

XLIV ORDINARY CONGRESS - www.cfufootball.org - Caribbean Football Union
Notice of the XLIV Ordinary Congress
To the Caribbean Football Union (CFU) Member Associations - October 21, 2021
XLIV Ordinary Congress of the Caribbean Football Union on November 20, 2021, via Video Conference

Dear Member Associations,

As you are aware and as stated in our correspondence dated August 25, 2021, the XLIV Ordinary Congress of the Caribbean Football
Union (CFU) had originally been convened for October 24, 2021. Unfortunately, due to matters related to the global pandemic, we had
to suspend the event, which was communicated in our correspondence dated September 24, 2021.

We are pleased to provide you with the updated, official notice and convocation of the XLIV Ordinary Congress of the Caribbean Football
Union, to be held on November 20, 2021 at 10:00 AM (EST) via Video Conference.

1.   Congress Venue:
     Due to the ongoing global pandemic and the travel restrictions and other protocols in many of the countries that comprises the
     CFU membership, and the fact the election is uncontested, the Executive Committee approved that the XLIV Ordinary Congress of
     the CFU be held via video conference. Details regarding accessing the Congress will be provided separately.

2.   Formal Convocation:
     The formal convocation of the XLIV Ordinary Congress of the CFU—the agenda, minutes and additional information and
     ­documentation as required by and stipulated in art. 10.7 (c) of the CFU Statutes—are enclosed herein.

3.   Eligibility to vote:
     Every Member Association is eligible to vote at the Congress, provided it has not forfeited its right to vote due to a suspension or
     failure to remain in good standing with the CFU.

XLIV ORDINARY CONGRESS - www.cfufootball.org - Caribbean Football Union
No person shall be entitled to vote at Congress unless he or she belongs and is duly registered as an official or representative of the
     relevant Member Association and has been appointed or elected by the appropriate body of that Member Association to attend the
     Congress. (art. 10.2 of the CFU Statutes).

4.   Number of Delegates:
     As stipulated in the notice sent on August 25, 2021, each Member Association is entitled to be represented at the Congress by one
     ­delegate. The delegate may exercise the right to vote on behalf of the Member Association.

  Each Member Association shall formally notify the CFU Secretariat of the name of the delegate that will represent it at the Congresses
  by no later than November 5, 2021 via the following registration link.
		    Register Here: https://www.cfufootball.org/xliv-ordinary-congress/

 The CFU Executive Committee office which is up for election and the eligible candidate is the following:
			            - Vice-President (1) – Michael Ricketts
 Please be informed that prior to the suspension of the October 24, 2021 XLIV Ordinary Congress of the Caribbean Football Union, the
 nomination period for the mentioned office had already been formally and statutorily concluded and closed. Therefore, the nomination
 period for the office up for election at the XLIV Ordinary Congress of the Caribbean Football Union is considered as closed.

6.   Contact Information
     Please send any questions regarding the Congress by e-mail to congress@cfufootball.org. We look forward to seeing you online and
     would appreciate if you would acknowledge receipt of this notice by e-mail to congress@cfufootball.org.


Camara David - General Secretary
XLIV ORDINARY CONGRESS - www.cfufootball.org - Caribbean Football Union
Agenda of the XLIV Ordinary Congress
November 20, 2021, via Video Conference

1.    Call to Order
2.    Welcome CFU President, Mr. Randolph Harris
3.    Roll Call and Verification of Quorum
4.    Appointment of Member Associations to Check the Official Minutes and Scrutineers
5.    Approval of the Congress Agenda
6.    President’s Address, Mr. Randolph Harris
7.    Approval of Minutes of 2019 XLIII Ordinary Congress (Miami, Florida, July 8, 2021)
8.    2020 Executive Committee Report
9.    2020 Audited Financial Statements
      •    Independent Auditor’s Report
      •    CFU Audited Financial Statement
      •    Audit Committee Report
      •    Approval of the 2019 Audited Financial Statement
10.   2022 Budget Approval
11.   Appointment of Auditors
12.   Elections
13.   Appointment of Judicial Bodies
14.   Announcement of Next CFU Ordinary Congress
15.   Adjournment

XLIV ORDINARY CONGRESS - www.cfufootball.org - Caribbean Football Union
General Secretary Camara David
    and President Randolph Harris, GCM.

XLIV ORDINARY CONGRESS - www.cfufootball.org - Caribbean Football Union
The Membership of the CFU
”One Caribbean voice united in passion and purpose”

The Executive Committee

                           LYNDON COOPER                    RIGNAAL FRANCISCA                 RICHARD DIJKHOFF               JEANINNE WONG LOI SING

                            GLEN ETTIENNE                      ERIC LABRADOR                GWENDOLYN SALMON                     MICHAEL RICKETTS
                              MEMBER - DOMINICA             MEMBER (ACTING) - PUERTO RICO    MEMBER - ANTIGUA & BARBUDA               MEMBER - JAMAICA

                            SONIA FULFORD                    LUIS HERNANDEZ                  MAURICE VICTOIRE

Minutes of the XLIII Ordinary Congress of the Caribbean Football Union
Held at the JW Marriott Miami Turnberry Resort, Aventura, Florida
July 8, 2021 - 9:30 am

The Meeting was held at the JW Marriott Miami Turnberry                   Cayman Islands; Curacao; Dominica; Dominican Republic;
­Resort in Aventura, Florida. The following Caribbean Football            French Guiana; Grenada; Guadeloupe; Guyana; Haiti; Jamaica;
 Union (CFU) Executive Committee Members were present: Mr.                Martinique; Puerto Rico; St. Maarten; St. Kitts and Nevis; St.
 Randolph Harris (Barbados), President; Mr. Rignaal Francisca             ­Lucia; Suriname; Trinidad and Tobago; Turks and Caicos Islands;
 (Curacao), Second Vice President; Mr. Lyndon Cooper (St. Lucia),          and USVI.
 Third Vice President; Mr. Richard Dijkhoff (Aruba), Fourth Vice
 President; Mr. Glen Etienne (Dominica), Member; Ms. ­Jeaninne            Absent
 Wong Loi Sing (Bonaire), Member; Mr. Eric Labrador (Puerto               Cuba
 Rico), Member; Ms. Sonia Fulford (Turks and Caicos Islands)
 ­Ex-Officio Member; Mr. Maurice Victoire (Martinique), Ex-Officio        The XLIII Ordinary Congress opened with a CFU One Language:
  Member                                                                  Football video

General Secretary, Mr. Camara David                                       1. Call to Order
                                                                          CFU President Mr. Randolph Harris called the meeting to order
Delegates from: Anguilla; Antigua and Barbuda; Aruba;                     at 9:46 am.
­Bahamas; Barbados; Bermuda; Bonaire; British Virgin Islands;

2. Welcome                                                                4. Remarks FIFA President, Mr. Gianni Infantino
Mr. Harris welcomed the delegates and guests to the XLIII                 Mr. Infantino said that the CFU is part of the global football
Ordinary Congress of the CFU. He sought and received appro-               ­family, which shares a passion for football that is concerned
val for an amendment to the Agenda to place the remarks of                 with the inclusion and development of the youth. He said
Concacaf President Mr. Victor Montagliani and FIFA President               each member wins their own “world cup” when they positively
Mr. Gianni Infantino ahead of the Roll Call and Verification               impact the youth. Mr. Infantino thanked Mr. Veron Monsengo
of Quorum.                                                                 Omba, ­formerly the Chief of FIFA Members Associations now the
                                                                           ­General Secretary of CAF, for his commitment to Concacaf and
3. Remarks Concacaf President, Mr. Victor Montagliani                       the CFU. He welcomed Mr. Kenny Jean Marie, the new Chief of
Mr. Montagliani congratulated the candidates, who were                      FIFA Member Associations, noting his roots in Guadeloupe. Mr.
all uncontested, on their pending confirmation. He said                     Infantino said he was proud to sign an historic ­understanding
both Concacaf and FIFA look forward to deepening the                        with Caricom, to foster the development of youth and football
­relationship with the CFU. He congratulated the ­Caribbean                 in the Caribbean. He pledged FIFA’s continued support for the
 teams that ­qualified to the 2021 Gold Cup and threw out a                 CFU, saying together both organizations will make Caribbean
 challenge to the CFU, to have five Caribbean nations ­qualify              football shine on the world stage.
 to the 2026 FIFA World Cup, which will be hosted in the
 Concacaf region. Mr. Montagliani pledged the support of
 ­                                                                        A #girlsplayfootball video was shown.
 ­Concacaf, via workshops and programs, and told the ­Members
  to focus on training off the field to be better on the field, to        Mr. Harris asked the General Secretary, Mr. Camara David, to
  ­maximize o ­ pportunities and achieve good, consistent results.        ­conduct the roll call.
   He said that the commitment to administrative excellence is
   a ­precursor to excellence on the field.                               5. Roll Call and Verification of Quorum
                                                                          The General Secretary, Mr. Camara David, conducted the roll call
                                                                          to verify that there was a quorum. Thirty of the 31 members

were present, representing a quorum.                                     updated ­    Strategic Plan and said the action agenda, which
                                                                         includes football ­
                                                                         ­                      development, capacity building and good
Mr. David declared that the Congress was convened in                     ­governance, would require the cooperation and ­collaboration
­accordance with the CFU Statues and open for business.                   of the ­membership to achieve the goals. He commended the
                                                                          ­outgoing E ­ xecutive Committee, noting that the hallmark of ­their
6. Appointment of Member Associations to Check the Official                tenure was the commitment to accountability and ­transparency
Minutes and Scrutineers                                                    and best p   ­ractices. He congratulated the C ­aribbean teams
The following Member Associations were appointed to check                  ­participating in the 2021 Gold Cup and wished them good
the minutes: Anguilla, British Virgin Islands and St. Lucia. The            ­fortunes during the competition.
following Member Associations were appointed as scrutineers
were Aruba, St. Martin and St, Vincent and the Grenadines.               9. Approval of the Minutes of the 2019 XLII Ordinary ­Congress
                                                                         (Paris, France, June 4, 2019)
7. Approval of the Agenda                                                There being no comments or objections, the Member
The Agenda, as amended, was unanimously approved.                        ­Associations unanimously approved the Minutes of the 2019
                                                                          XLII Ordinary Congress.
8. CFU President’s Address, Mr. Randolph Harris
Mr. Harris began by thanking the delegates and guests for t­ heir        Matters Arising from Minutes
attendance and attention, noting that the Covid-19 ­protocols
had caused dislocation for many, including a delay of 14                 There were no matters arising from the minutes.
­months in convening the 2020 Congress. Mr. Harris said that
 while ­football was restricted on the field for some time, many         10. 2020 Executive Committee Report
 of the Member Associations, like the CFU, focused ­attention            There being no comments or objections, the Member
 on off-the-field development. Mr. Harris highlighted the ­CFU’s         Associations unanimously approved the 2020 Executive

­Committee Report.                                                   Mr. Harris asked the Congress for the approval of the budget.
                                                                     The Congress unanimously approved the 2019-2020 Budget.
11. 2019 Audited Financial Statements
Independent Auditor’s Report                                         13. Appointment of Auditors
                                                                     Mr. Harris noted that owing to the pandemic and the d    ­ elay
CFU Accounts and Finance Manager Mrs. Shelly-Ann Griffith            in ­ convening the 2020 Ordinary Congress, the Executive
summarized the 2019 Audited Financial Statement Report.              ­Committee resolved to appoint BDO as auditors for 2020. He
Mrs. Griffith noted that the report was previously circulated         requested approval of that decision. The Congress unanimously
and was also published in the congress booklet.                       approved the Executive Committee’s decision to appoint BDO
                                                                      as the external auditors for 2020.
A video of Audit Committee Chairman, Mr. Curtis Josepha,
which recommended the approval of the 2019 Audited                   Mr. Harris handed the meeting over to Mr. David
­Financial Statement, was presented to Congress.
                                                                     14. Elections
Mr. Harris asked the Congress for the approval of the 2019           Mr. David asked the Members of the Executive Committee
Audited Financial Statements. The Congress unanimously               ­seated at the head table to step down to allow elections to be
approved to accept the 2019 Audited Financial Statement as            conducted.
                                                                     Mr. David noted that the positions of president, four vice
12. CFU 2019-2020 Budget Approval                                    ­presidents and four members were up for elections. He added
Mrs. Griffith presented the CFU 2019-2020 Budget, as                  that under Art 10.6 (a) of the CFU statues, “where a candidate
­previously circulated and published in the booklet.                  has no opponent, he or she may be elected by acclamation.” Mr.
                                                                      David said all of the candidates were unopposed and therefore

election would be by acclamation.                                        Executive Committee and asked them to sit at the head table.

Mr. David led the process to elect each office by acclamation            15. CFU Strategic Plan
and for the Congress to approve voting by acclamation.                   Mr. David recalled that the CFU unveiled the updated Strategic
                                                                         Plan in February. A video summarizing the strategic plan was
The following people were elected:                                       played.

Mr. Randolph Harris, president;                                          16. Announcement of the Next CFU Ordinary Congress
                                                                         Mr. Harris said the date of the next CFU Ordinary Congress
Mr. Lyndon Cooper, Mr. Richard Dijkhoff and Mr. Rignaal                  ­would be communicated in due course.
­Francisca, vice-presidents.
                                                                         17. Any Other Business
Mr. David noted that one of the vice-presidential candidates             Mr. Harris made a special presentation to Mr. Veron Monsego
­withdrew after the nomination window closed. He said Art. 11.1          Omba, thanking him for being a true friend of the Caribbean.
 (j) of the CFU Statues prescribes that the position be filled by
 the Executive Committee until the next Ordinary Congress, at            18. Adjournment
 which time the membership shall elect someone to the ­position.         Mr. Harris thanked everyone for attending the Congress.

Mr. Glen Etienne, Mr. Michael Ricketts, Ms. Gwendolyn Salmon             There being no other business, by unanimous decision, the XLIII
and Mrs. Jeaninne Wong Loi Sing were elected as Members by               Ordinary Congress of the Caribbean Football Union adjourned
acclamation.                                                             at 11:02 am.

Mr. David congratulated the newly elected members of the CFU

2021 Executive Committee Report to Congress
The Caribbean Football Union Executive Committee is proud to submit this report to
the XLIV Ordinary Congress of the Caribbean Football Union (CFU) via Zoom.

This report encompasses a summary of events from January to October 2021.

XLIII ORDINARY CONGRESS                                                 Vice-Presidents
                                                                            Mr. Lyndon Cooper (St. Lucia)
The CFU convened the XLIII Ordinary Congress, an electoral                  Mr. Rignaal Francisca (Curacao)
congress, at JW Marriott Miami Turnberry Resort in Aventura,                Mr. Richard Dijkhoff (Aruba)
Florida on July 8, 2021.
Thirty of the CFU’s 31 Member Associations were present at                 Mr. Glen Etienne (Dominica)
the XLIII Ordinary Congress, with all present taking part in the           Ms. Gwendolyn Salmon (Antigua and Barbuda)
elections. All candidates were unopposed and therefore elected             Mrs. Jeaninne Wong Loi Sing (Bonaire)
by acclamation.
                                                                        The CFU’s membership received updates on the CFU’s
The candidates elected to the CFU Executive Committee are:              ­administrative, executive and sporting activities, including a
President                                                                review of its financial performance in 2019 and the budget for
    Mr. Randolph Harris (Barbados)                                       2020.

APPOINTMENT       OF   MEMBERS      TO    THE    EXECUTIVE           The office address for CFUBI is:
                                                                         BFA Annex Building
The CFU Executive Committee, at a meeting on August 13,                  Sir Garfield Sobers Sports Complex
2021, passed a resolution to appoint Member Mrs. Jeaninne                Wildey, St. Michael, Barbados
Wong Loi Sing to serve as a Vice-President. The Executive
Committee further resolved to appoint Mr. Eric Labrador as a         CFU REGISTERED AS AN EXTERNAL COMPANY IN ANTIGUA AND
Member. Both appointments were effective immediately and             BARBUDA
run until the next congress at which time elections will be
held for Vice President.                                             The CFU is registered as an External Company in Antigua and
                                                                     Barbuda, primarily to maintain the accounts at ACB Caribbean.
                                                                     THE SECRETARIAT—BANKING
The CFU Secretariat continues to operate from the Caribbean
Football Union (Barbados) Inc. (CFUBI) office.                       The CFU continues to maintain bank accounts with CIBC First
                                                                     Caribbean International Bank, Jamaica and ACB Caribbean.
CFUBI is a not-for-profit subsidiary company. The sole
­shareholder is Caribbean Football Union Limited (CFUL, the          The signatories to the accounts are President Randolph ­Harris,
 CFU company established in Jamaica) whose directors are             Vice-Presidents Lyndon Cooper, Rignaal Francisca, Richard
 President Randolph Harris, Vice-President Rignaal Francisca,        ­Dijkhoff and General Secretary Camara David.
 Vice-President Lyndon Cooper and Vice-President Richard

MEMORANDA OF UNDERSTANDING                                                  Other projects include collaborative research in the sphere of
                                                                            sports; support in quality control; certification and analyses;
In March, the CFU and Sports Company of Trinidad and ­Tobago                and internships.
Limited (SporTT) signed a Memorandum of ­Understanding
for knowledge sharing and the advancement of the business                   Under the MoU, UWI will develop the course content, materials,
of sports in the Caribbean.                                                 teaching tools and aids, instruction and assessment and assign
                                                                            lecturers. The CFU will request relevant courses, market the
SporTT will design programs for the CFU’s learning portal and               ­courses, and facilitate registration.
collaborate with the CFU in the creation of training ­packages
for Member Associations. The partnership is an ­important                   Certificate programs under this MoU are Football
pillar of the CFU’s learning, training and retooling initiative,            ­Administration; Public Relations and Media Relations; Women’s
under the Capacity Building pillar of the C   ­ FU’s S
                                                     ­ trategic Plan         Football ­Development; Youth Football Development; Coaches
2.0, Objective #2, to build the capacity of a­ dministrators in the          Education; Administration and Customer Service.
Caribbean. Courses available under the MoU include ­Cultural
Context for Sports in the Caribbean; Performance Analysis                   CFUNIVERSITY
and Testing; Sports Nutrition; Sport Specific Strength; Sports
Psychology; Strength and Conditioning; Talent Identification;               The CFUniversity will begin with a three-month, ­    self-paced
Team Cohesion; and Use of Mental Skills in Sports.                          ­Referees Course. CFU is working with Concacaf Referee M
                                                                                                                                   ­ anager
                                                                             for the Caribbean Dave Meikle, who is providing course ­content.
In April, the CFU and University of the West Indies, ­through                Registration opens shortly. Classes are expected to start in
its St. Augustine Campus, signed a MoU. The MoU is a                         ­November.
collaboration for a range of projects, including but not
­limited to sport administrative training projects.

The CFUniversity is a learning and training initiative of the            VISIBILITY AND COMMUNICATIONS STRATEGY
CFU that partners with agencies, institutions (regional and
external) and suitably qualified Caribbean nationals and                 The Secretariat, building on the introduction of a revamped
­residents to offer short courses in a myriad of subject ­areas.         website, https://www.cfufootball.org/, in August 2019 ­launched
 CFUniversity offers, to regional football administrators, a             a visibility and communications strategy. The objectives of the
 ­toolkit to allow them to contribute efficiently and effectively        strategy include enhancing the communications of the CFU
  to their federations, associations and clubs and to football.          amongst members and with a wider audience; raise awareness
  Abara is the e-learning platform.                                      of the CFU and the various initiatives; create opportunities to
                                                                         collaborate and promote the CFU, the members, projects and
CFUniversity aims to:                                                    programs; build and maintain positive relationships with the
• Highlight sports (and learning) as a promoter of social                media; demonstrate accountability and transparency; and
   change (competency, better management, efficacy in                    ­foster two-way communication.
   ­effecting mandate; ranking and socio-economic benefit);
• Encourage pursuit of knowledge;                                        The CFU capitalized on the two-year Memorandum of
• Aid dissemination of knowledge;                                        Understanding (MoU) with Heartbeat Media Solutions Inc.,
• Position the CFU at the forefront of knowledge                         ­digital media advisors to Flow Sports, which was signed in
    ­dissemination in the region;                                         March 2020.
• Provide a revenue stream for the CFU
                                                                         The objectives of the MoU are:
The CFU will leverage the partnerships with SporTT and UWI               • HMS to assist help market CFU and its members where
to provide courses for CFUniversity.                                        ­possible
                                                                         • Explore opportunities for distribution for Flow Sports

­ istribution platforms to stream competitions
    d                                                                With access to the Flow Sports app, the CFU ramped up
•   Production and Infrastructure                                    ­match-day reporting of the FIFA 2022 World Cup ­qualifiers on
•   Content and Network Sharing                                       the website, covering each match of the Concacaf ­qualifiers. The
                                                                      team also reported on every game of the 2021 Concacaf Gold
Under the MoU, the CFU introduced an ongoing digital                  Cup.
­workshop series for interested Member Associations that,
 over the course of the series, will cover digital strategy,
 ­digital tools, workflow and content and rights management.

Many of the matches of the August 22-29, 2021 CFU Girls’ and
Boys Under-14 Challenge Series were live-streamed on the
Flow Sports app in addition to the CFU Facebook page. This
enabled the CFU to reach an unprecedented live a­ udience in
excess of 20,000. Replays are nearing 50,000 and rising.

In April, the CFU launched a podcast, Football State of the
Union. The ­  CFU-produced podcast is divided into three
main segments that analyze the most recent competition
in which CFU M  ­ ember ­Associations participate or in which
they have an interest; ­interviews ­personnel from the team
of the ­window; and features a ­Member Association in the
MA ­focus. Trinidad and Tobago international player Kenwyne
Jones h
      ­ osts the show.

In March, to coincide with the
­observation       of    ­International                                   c­ areer h
                                                                                   ­ ighlights, lessons ­learned, how they are or plan to pay
 Women’s Day, the CFU launched
 ­                                                                         it forward and a look to the future. ­Conversations is released on
 the #girlsplayfootball ­    campaign.                                     the CFU’s website and promoted on the social media platforms.
 The campaign aims to highlight,                                           Mickel Brann-Challenger hosts and produces the program.
 ­celebrate, ­motivate and encourage
  Caribbean women and girls who                                           The CFU also stepped into Twitter Spaces, in July, during the
  play or work in football. Under                                         Gold Cup, for pre-game commentary with a star-studded
  #girlsplayfootball, the CFU produced a promotional ­video,              ­Caribbean panel that included retired players Kenwyne Jones,
  created and posted messages promoting equality and ­equity               Atiba Harris and Andy Williams, as well as journalist Ryan Davis.
  in football and encouraging women and girls and all ­involved            General Secretary Camara David hosted the series.
  in women’s football.
                                                                          Diligent effort resulted in improved traction for the C
                                                                                                                                ­ FU’s social
In May, we launched C     ­ onversations, a m
                                            ­ onthly 30-minute            media platforms. In a few short months, the CFU’s f­ollowing
conversation during which women in Caribbean football
­                                                                         on Facebook went up by over 250 percent, with interactions
­share their journeys. Each show highlights the g ­ uest’s path in        up by +688 percent. Instagram following is up by 40.2%, with
 football, ­influences and supporters, barriers and overcoming,           ­interactions at +750 percent.

CFU COMPETITION BRIEF                                               Haiti secured the double, with the boys’ and girls’ teams, both
                                                                    drawn into Tier I, winning the competition. Both teams defeated
Using FIFA Forward funding, the CFU successfully and                their counterparts from Puerto Rico to lift the trophies.
­proudly administered the 2020 Boys’ Under-14 Challenge
 Series and the 2021 Girls’ Under-14 Challenge Series from          Aruba took bragging rights over Turks and Caicos Islands in the
 August 22-29, 2021.                                                girls’ Tier II decider, while the boys from Bonaire had the better
                                                                    of Aruba in their Tier II final.
Twenty-one teams fielded by 11 Member Associations
took part in the developmental competitions held in the             While Haiti and Aruba etched their names on the ­Challenge
­Dominican R
           ­ epublic. In keeping with feedback from previous        trophies, all the teams were winners. The statistics of 11
 tournaments, teams were grouped comparatively, into tiers.         ­Member Associations, 21 teams, 48 matches, and 172 goals
                                                                     belie the value and impact of the competitions for the young
                                                                     players experiencing their first international competition. The
                                                                     camaraderie amongst teammates and between the teams, the
                                                                     diligence on the pitch, and the tears in defeat and exuberance
                                                                     in triumph the true story of a priceless experience.

                                                                    The CFU is confident that the Challenge Series set the players
                                                                    in good stead for their overall development and their futures
                                                                    in football.

Tier I Girls                                           Tier II Girls
TEAMS MP       W   D   L   GF   GA GD PTS   POS        TEAMS MP        W   D   L   GF   GA GD PTS   POS
HAI        4   4   0   0   26   3   23 12    1         ARU         4   4   0   0   22    0  22 12    1
PUR        4   3   0   1   8    8   0  9     2         TCA         4   2   1   1   4     2  2   7    2
JAM        4   1   0   3   8    10 -2   3    3         VIR         4   2   1   1   5    10 -5   7    3
DOM        4   2   0   2   14    7   7 6     4         CUW         4   1   0   3   4    12 -8  3     4
GRN        4   0   0   4   0    28 -28 0     5         SKN         4   0   0   4   3    14 -14 0     5

Tier 1-A Boys
     TEAMS MP        W    D      L   GF     GA    GD     PTS    POS
     HAI       4     3    1      0   11      1    10     10      1
     CUW       4     3    0      1   6       4     2      9      2
     DOM       4     1    1      2   4       5     -1     4      3
     GRN       4     0    0      4   0      11    -11     0      4

     Tier 1-B Boys
     TEAMS MP        W    D      L   GF     GA    GD     PTS    POS
     PUR       4     2    2      1   5      3      2      7      1
     JAM       4     1    1      1   1      2     -1      4      3
     SKN       4     1    1      2   4      5     -1      4      3

     Tier II Boys
     TEAMS MP        W    D      L   GF     GA     GD     PTS    POS
     BOE        3    2    1      0   12      2     10     10      1*
     ARU        3    2    1      0   12      2     10     10      2*
     VIR        3    1    0      2   2      19     -17    -17     3
     TCA        3    0    0      3   3       6      -3     -3     4

     Final position decided by coin toss as requested by BOE and ARU,
     in written agreement in keeping with the spirit of the ­tournament
     regulations to decide teams tied on all criteria.

Thirty-five of the match officials were new. Specifically, the
                                                                          ­Challenge Series served as a developmental platform for 15
                                                                           new referees (13 men and two women) and 20 new a­ ssistant
                                                                           referees 20 (16 men and four women)—including the ­youngest,
                                                                           17-year-old Terrence Tromp from Aruba, who dreams of
                                                                           ­officiating in a World Cup and for whom the ­experience was

                                                                          Six referee assessors were assigned to the competitions.
                                                                          Two of the assessors were experienced, while four were

MATCH OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT                                                The CFU also notched another first, with the addition of ­referee
                                                                          instructors at the competitions. The Technical I­nstructor
The Challenge Series provide opportunity for the Caribbean’s              was Victor Stewart and the Fitness Instructor was Kelesha
non-FIFA match officials seeking to develop their skills, to              ­Antoine. The results of the survey show that the match officials
advance their careers.                                                     ­benefitted immensely from their expertise.

The 2020 Boys’ Under-14 Challenge Series and the 2021 Girls’              Eight (four men and four women) of the nine match ­coordinators
Under-14 Challenge Series featured 56 non-FIFA r­eferees                  were new to international competition and were able to further
from 15 Member Associations. Notably, this year marked the                hone their skills during the Challenge Series, with one also
first time a match official from Anguilla took part at this level.        ­leveling up to venue coordinator for two games.

ASSISTANCE TO MEMBER ASSOCIATIONS                                      The CFU’s core values are:
                                                                       Unity—working together with a common purpose towards a
The Executive Committee approved expenditure of $15,000                common goal
for relief supplies to St. Vincent and the ­        Grenadines         Inclusivity—equitable allocation of resources and access to
following the eruption of the La Soufrière volcano and
­                                                                      ­opportunities for all Member Associations
subsequent ­displacement in May. The St. Vincent and the                Integrity—embracing fair, honest, respectful and strong moral
Grenadines Football Federation (SVGFF) was integral to
­                                                                       principles
the e  ­vacuation-and-disaster efforts. Accordingly, the CFU            Transparency—acting always in a manner that is accountable,
sent the relief supplies, which included food items, water,             clear and truthful
­first-aid supplies and healthcare items, clothing and cleaning         Excellence—striving for the highest results in all endeavors
 ­products, to the SVGFF for distribution.                              Professionalism—providing quality service and performance

STRATEGIC PLAN 2.0                                                     EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETINGS

The Secretariat continues with the implementation of CFU               The Executive Committee held six meetings so far in 2021
Strategic Plan 2.0
                                                                       i.    October 14 & 18 via Zoom. The main agenda items were
The pillars of the Strategic Plan are                                        2020 Financials and CFU Standing Committees;
                                                                       ii.   August 13 via Zoom. The main agenda items were m
                                                                                                                            ­ onthly
    Football Development                                                     financials, the CFU Challenge Series (boys’ and girls’),
    Capacity Building                                                        ­Proposal for CFU College ID Combine, Appointments to
    Good Governance.                                                          the Executive Committee, CFU Standing Committees and
                                                                              ­Judicial Bodies, XLIV Ordinary Congress;

iii. July 7, 2021 at JW Marriott Miami Turnberry Resort in
     Aventura, Florida. The primary focus was the July 8, 2021
     XLIII Ordinary Congress and the CFU Boys’ and Girls’
     ­Under-14 Challenge Series;
iv. May 28 via Zoom. The sole agenda item was remission
      funds in the amount of US $4 million recovered by the
      US Justice Department and payable to the CFU.
v. March 5, 2021 via Zoom. The main agenda items were
      financials, presentation of the 2021 budget, and review
      of the February 16, 2021 Presidents Forum;
vi. January 28, 2021 via Zoom. The main agenda items were
      financials, football, and specifically, World Cup Qualifiers
      in a time Covid-19; and Broadcast Rights Disbursements

The CFU also hosted a Presidents’ Forum in February via
Zoom, at which time Strategic Plan 2.0 and the revised
­Broadcast Rights Distribution formula were unveiled.

The Executive Committee and the Secretariat continue to
operate with fidelity to the mission of the Caribbean Football
Union to empower and support our members through strong
leadership while providing clear direction and professional
services in the advancement of the beautiful game.

Candidate for Election

Mr. Michael Ricketts (Jamaica)

Secretariat Staff

                               SHELLEY GRIFFITH                         MICKEL BRANN-CHALLENGER
                                   ACCOUNTS & FINANCE MANAGER                  COMMUNICATIONS SPECIALIST
                                   ACCOUNTS@CFUFOOTBALL.ORG                    MBRANN@CFUFOOTBALL.ORG


                                  NICOLE PUCKERIN                         ASHLEY SCOTT-WILLIAMS
                                 NPUCKERIN@CFUFOOTBALL.ORG                    AWILLIAMS@CFUFOOTBALL.ORG

W W W . C F U F O O T B A L L . O R G

                                                                        SOCIAL MEDIA
ADDRESS                            CONTACT                                 @cfuofficial
BFA Annex Building                 P : +1 246 538-2255                     cfu.official
Garfield Sobers Sports Complex     E : info@cfufootball.org                Caribbean Football Union
Wildey, St. Michael Barbados           cfusecretariat@cfufootball.org      CFU Official
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