In search of lost optimism. A year of PPK - Llorente & Cuenca

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In search of lost optimism. A year of PPK - Llorente & Cuenca

                                                                                                                                SPECIAL REPORT

                                                                                             In search of lost
                                                                                               A year of PPK
                                                                                                                                          Madrid, July 2017

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In search of lost optimism. A year of PPK - Llorente & Cuenca
                                                                                                          A YEAR OF PPK

                                  1. INTRODUCTION

                                  One year and one day after he started his term,
                                  LLORENTE & CUENCA Peru reflects on The Dreams of President
                                  Kuczynski1. At that time, two potential scenarios were discerned
                                  for how the country could evolve. On the one hand, possible
4.   IMPASSE IN THE               peaceful political coexistence between the PPK and Keiko Fujimori
                                  that would assure stable governing conditions and sustainable
                                  economic growth and, on the other, a state of permanent conflict
6.   ECONOMY UNDER POLITICAL      between the legislative and executive powers that would cast its
                                  shadow over political stability and private investment.
                                  Today, one year after analyzing these two possibilities, we know
AUTHORS                           that the difficulties in managing to create harmonious coexistence
                                  between a government without parliamentary support and an
                                  opposition with legislative majority is one of the reasons for the
                                  growing censure that Pedro Pablo Kuczynski has been suffering.

                                  The LLORENTE & CUENCA Latinamerica Public Affairs team
                                  has prepared an assessment that not only analyses the main
                                  factors that have caused the political turbulence that Peru has
                                  experienced, but also considers a new outlook for his second year
                                  of mandate. This analysis sets out the main milestones that have
                                  shaped this first year of the PPK government, and that marks
                                  the course for what could happen in the next, an analysis that is
                                  essential for understanding what is actually taking place in Peru.

                                   Developing Ideas The Peruvian economy, a success story by José Carlos Antón

In search of lost optimism. A year of PPK - Llorente & Cuenca
                                                                                                                         A YEAR OF PPK

                                              2. A YEAR OF PPK                                  3. OPTIMISTIC START

                                              President Pedro Pablo                             At the end of an intense
                                              Kuczynski’s first year was                        electoral campaign whose
                                              intense. The optimism at                          outcome was uncertain until
                                              the start of his term, due                        the very last week, with PPK
                                              to generating positive                            winning by fewer than 50,000
                                              expectations in the business                      votes over Keiko Fujimori,
                                              sector, slowly started to                         there were quite positive
                                              fade away as the economy                          expectations both from citizens
                                              underwent a deterioration                         and private investors.
     “The optimism [...]                      triggered by strong political
      slowly started to                       pressure. However, only days                      In the business sector, because
                                              into the second year of the PPK                   this was the first time in
      fade away as the
                                              administration, the possibility                   decades that the second
economy underwent a                           of better understanding                           presidential round was
deterioration triggered                       between his government                            contended by two candidates
    by strong political                       and the opposition, led by                        who both looked favorably
                                              Keiko Fujimori, who controls                      on private investment, and
              pressure”                       the Congress, opens up the                        because the composition of
                                              prospect of a recovery of                         the new Congress made one
                                              optimism due to the eventuality                   think that there would also
                                              of a better business climate in                   be a friendly stance toward
                                              Peru. In light of recent months                   promoting private enterprise.
                                              though, this optimism will
                                              remain cautious, as this five-                    But the election results in 2016
                                              year political term will never be                 entailed another novelty for the
                                              free from complexities.                           Peruvian institutional system.
                                                                                                It was the first time in many
President Kuczynski with Fernando Zavala, minister of Economy and Finance,                      years that a single opposition
during his swearing-in ceremony                                                                 party–the Popular Force–
                                                                                                gained a crushing majority in
                                                                                                the Congress that would let it
                                                                                                control the legislative process
                                                                                                and closely supervise and
                                                                                                monitor the government via
                                                                                                the instruments established by
                                                                                                the Constitution.

                                                                                                These factors all made it clear
                                                                                                that the main challenge in
                                                                                                the 2016-2021 term of office
                                                                                                would not be economic, given
                                                                                                the similar outlooks of the
                                                                                                main parties represented
                                                                                                in Congress, but essentially


In search of lost optimism. A year of PPK - Llorente & Cuenca
                                                                                                          A YEAR OF PPK

                                political: How to articulate                 4. IMPASSE IN THE
                                harmonious coexistence                       CONSTITUTIONAL DESIGN
                                between a weak government
                                like the PPK, due to its scant               The underlying cause of
                                parliamentary representation,                this impasse is a problem in
“The Fujimori opposition,       and a solid opposition like that             the design of Peru’s political
     due to having a huge       led by Keiko Fujimori, in light              system, which was analyzed
                                of its overwhelming majority in              well by electoral affairs analyst
  Congressional majority,       legislative power.                           Fernando Tuesta2, who observed:
    can censure ministers                                                    ‘Peru is the only country in
        as often as it likes,   Thus at the outset of PPK's                  the region in which –being
   something that would         government in July 2016                      presidential– mechanisms are
                                one could outline two basic                  embedded that are typical of
       be uncommon in a         scenarios for how the country                parliamentary systems inherited
   parliamentary system”        would evolve.                                from Europe, creating a hybrid
                                                                             that has negative effects on
                                On the one hand, the optimistic              Peruvian politics.’
                                scenario, which would entail
                                the establishment of basic                   He adds: ‘In parliamentary
                                political agreement between                  systems, the government is
                                PPK and Keiko Fujimori that—                 elected in parliament by a
                                without ever becoming a stable               majority of a party or coalition
                                and permanent alliance—                      of parties. While it does
                                would let propitious conditions              exercise a function of political
                                for governance be established,               control, the government can
                                helping to set in motion the                 govern and the parliament
                                implementation of pending                    can supervise its work. There
                                reforms to promote economic                  cannot be a government with
                                growth and improve quality of                a majority parliamentary
                                life in areas including the job              opposition’.
                                market, the pension system and
                                decentralization.                            Thus, in a situation like the one
                                                                             Peru is going through today,
                                On the other hand, the                       the Fujimori opposition, due to
                                pessimistic scenario, consisting             having a huge Congressional
                                of growing stand-offs between                majority, can censure ministers
                                the government and the                       as often as it likes, something
                                opposition that could place                  that would be uncommon in a
                                governability at risk due to                 parliamentary system in which
                                the creation of an institutional             if the government lost majority,
                                impasse. This could cause the                the prime minister would be
                                mandate to lose due to the                   directly censured and the
                                permanent duel between those                 elections moved forward.
                                seeking presidential vacancy
                                and those wanting to dissolve
                                the Congress.

                                 El Comercio, Cernsorship in a poorly designed building by Fernando Truesta.

In search of lost optimism. A year of PPK - Llorente & Cuenca
                                                                                         A YEAR OF PPK

                            5. CLOUDS ON THE                    Other menacing factors have
                            HORIZON                             included the accusations of
                                                                corruption of politicians and
                            At the start of his mandate,        officials from the Operation Car
                            the opposition expressed            wash (Lava Jato) case in Brazil,
                            support critical to the PPK         which led to an international
                            administration, including a         arrest warrant being issued
                            record and nearly unanimous         for former President Alejandro
                            investiture vote by Congress of     Toledo; along with other
                            the ministerial cabinet led by      denunciations, ex-President
                            Fernando Zavala–as required         Ollanta Humala and his wife
                            by the Constitution–as well as      Nadine Heredia have been
    “The growing clashes    granting legislative powers to      ordered preventative detention
                            the government.                     for 18 months; and this could
between the government                                          also affect ex-President Alan
 and the opposition were    Nonetheless and one year later,     García and former candidate
   not the only source of   the great difficulty is apparent    Keiko Fujimori for having
                            in establishing elementary          allegedly received illegal
   complications for the    harmony between the PPK             election contributions from the
   country’s institutions   government and the Congress         company Odebrecht.
and economic endeavors”     dominated by Keiko Fujimori’s
                            party. This has frequently seen     There was also the strong
                            them taking the negative road       impact of the coastal El Niño,
                            of discord described above,         with landslides and flooding
                            darkening political stability and   causing severe damages to the
                            the business environment.           national infrastructures and
                                                                family estate, especially in the
                            This was the consequence            north of the country.
                            of the opposition outlining
                            a complicated and often             Finally, there was the
                            aggressive relationship with        lamentable action of the
                            the government, which was           Republic’s comptroller
                            clearly expressed in the censure    general Edgar Alarcón, whose
                            at the end of 2016 of minister of   performance damaged the
                            Education Jaime Saavedra.           economic process. Its apex
                                                                was the recording of private
                            The growing clashes between         conversations he held with
                            the government and the              ministers, which were later
                            opposition were not the only        leaked to the media in the
                            source of complications for         context of the debate on the
                            the country’s institutions and      Chinchero Airport project in
                            economic endeavors.                 Cusco.

                                                                                                                                        A YEAR OF PPK

                                                      As a consequence of                                   To start, public opinion approval
                                                      the political turbulence                              on President Kuczynski’s
                                                      surrounding this project,                             performance dropped, according
                                                      and in the midst of heavy                             to Ipsos, from 63 percent in
                                                      parliamentary pressure, the                           September 2016 to 34 percent
                                                      minister of Transport and                             in June 20173, while disapproval
                                                      Communications Martín                                 leaped from 17 percent in
                                                      Vizcarra stepped down –who is                         September 2016 to 58 percent in
                                                      also first vice-president– as well                    July 2017.
                                                      as minister of Economy and
                                                      Finance Alfredo Thorne.                               The consequences of the
                                                                                                            political stalemate between
                                                      The broadcasting of the                               government and opposition,
“Public opinion approval                              aforesaid conversations also                          along with natural disasters,
on President Kuczynski’s                              put Congress’s attention on                           Operation Car wash and the
   performance dropped                                the President of the Council of                       comptroller general’s actions
    [...] from 63 percent in                          Ministers, Fernando Zavala. In                        have all led to virtual paralysis
                                                      the end, the comptroller was                          in public sector investment
     September 2016 to 34                             dismissed by the Congress of                          and spending decisions, and an
     percent in June 2017”                            the Republic.                                         unstable political panorama
                                                                                                            that has damaged investment
                                                                                                            decisions in the private sector,
                                                      6. ECONOMY UNDER                                      all of which has resulted
                                                      POLITICAL PRESSURE                                    in lower economic growth
                                                                                                            and worsening business
                                                      The evolution of the economy                          expectations.
                                                      and business climate in the
                                                      country were among the                                The Economy and Finance
                                                      main factors affected by                              Ministry once again in July
                                                      rising political tensions in the                      reduced GDP growth forecasts
                                                      first year of government of                           for 2017, now standing at 2.8
                                                      President Kuczynski.                                  percent, a considerable drop
                                                                                                            compared to forecasts at the
                                                                                                            beginning of the year.
  Figure 1: Evolution of President Kuczynsky's approval rate
                                                                                                            As a consequence of the
                                                                                                            negative effect of the political
  70              61%                    62%
       59%                                          59%
                                                             53%                  53%
                                                                                                 57%        arena on the economic
                                                                                                            panorama, the expectations
  40                                                31%
                                                                       45%                       35%        of both people and companies
  30   24%
                                                                                                            have been severely damaged.
  20              14%                                                                    Approval rate
  10                                                                                     Disapproval rate

       July   August    September       October   November December   January   February       March
                                                                                                             El Comercio: Low approval rate for
                                 2016                                             2017
                                                                                                            PPK reached 34 percent, according to
                                                                                                            Ipsos Peru.
  Source: Datum

                                                                                                                            A YEAR OF PPK

                                                 On one hand, according to                     the prosperity generated by
                                                 the Datum poll in July 20174,                 high mineral prices and the
                                                 70 percent of Peruvians                       boost from industry and the
                                                 believe that the economy is                   services sector that occurred
                                                 worsening, the highest rate yet               during the construction of
                                                 during PPK's government. The                  the mining megaprojects.
                                                 prevailing sentiment in public                Today, there is not only no
                                                 opinion is that the economy                   investment in new mining
                                                 has come to a standstill, and                 projects or in production
                                                 that possibilities of finding jobs            infrastructure, but this absence
                                                 continue to reduce.                           is being reproduced in the
                                                                                               discouragement and paralysis
                                                 On the other hand, investment                 of literally thousands of
                                                 prospects have also weakened,                 endeavors of all sizes, in which
       “Acceptance that the                      which has been building up                    the true invigoration of the
         Peruvian economic                       for several years now. The                    economy rests.’
situation is breaking down                       president of the Peruvian
    is assumed not only by                       Institute of Economics (IPE),                 Acceptance that the Peruvian
                                                 Roberto Abusada, points                       economic situation is breaking
    the political opposition                     out with great concern the                    down is assumed not only by
      but also by President                      economic trajectory of the last               the political opposition but
        Kuczynski himself”                       four years5:                                  also by President Kuczynski
                                                                                               himself, who just pointed out
                                                 ‘Thus, private and public                     self-critically that ‘I thought I
                                                 investment started the long and               could do more in my first year
                                                 inevitable process of collapse                of office.’6
                                                 due to misrule. All of these
                                                 misfortunes were masked by                    ‘We were going to grow
                                                                                               by four or four and a half
   Chief of State supervising the temporary relocation plan for families from                  percent, yet we are at three
   Quebrada San Ildefonso                                                                      percent. Operation Car wash
                                                                                               has eaten up one point and
                                                                                               the coastal El Niño another

                                                                                                Diario Gestión: A year of PPK's
                                                                                               government, 70 percent of the people
                                                                                               feels the economy is at a standstill. http://
                                                                                                Diario El Comercio: Of dialogues and
                                                                                               bridges by Roberto Abusada.
                                                                                                  Diario La República: The government
                                                                                                 must seek justice and that the economy
                                                                                                 does not collapse José Ugaz.
   Source: dialogos-puentes-roberto-abusada-441219

                                                                                                      A YEAR OF PPK

                              half a point. This is what the              7. RECOVERING OPTIMISM
                              people feel. Of course, nobody
                              foresaw that Car wash would                 Peru’s political and economic
                              be as disastrous as it was.                 scenario and prospects suffered
                              It was one thing in Brazil                  great setbacks during the
                              and then it landed here and                 first year of governance of
                              the accusations commenced                   President Kuczynski. However
                              against former presidents                   and paradoxically, at the onset
                              and companies and this has                  of year two, some events have
                              depleted trust. We had to cancel            occurred that come together
                              extremely large contracts:                  to create a cautious possibility
                              the southern gas pipeline,                  that a turning point may be on
  “Relations between the      the motorway to Chosica,                    the way.
 president and Congress       Chavimochic 3. Other projects
   could change from the      that have nothing to do with                The first and most important
 open battle seen during      Operation Carwash, like the                 was the meeting held in
                              Metro Line 2 and the airport                the first fortnight of July
the first year to a time of   (Chinchero), also had problems.             between President Kuczynski
     greater cooperation”     If the natural disasters are                and opposition leader Keiko
                              added, the result is that we’ve             Fujimori, which led to forecasts
                              undoubtedly had a bad year.’                that relations between the
                                                                          president and Congress could
                              President PPK also                          change from the open battle
                              acknowledges that optimism                  seen during the first year to
                              was too high7:                              a time of greater cooperation
                                                                          without loss of typical tensions
                              ‘I think we were too optimistic             inherent in democracies during
                              and took too long to realize                the second year.
                              the full extent of the issues
                              we inherited from the past                  This meeting was the second
                              government, which were not                  they have had since elections in
                              clear when you interviewed                  June 2016 and, unlike the first,
                              me last time. Who knew that                 which had no positive outcome,
                              in the past five years over 80              this time some results are
                              thousand additional officials               taking place that would have
                              had been hired to the central               seemed impossible to attain
                              government? This has been                   only weeks earlier.
                              revealed along the way and
                              has curbed the government’s                 To start, after Kuczynski and
                              effectiveness.'                             Fujimori met, both stated
                                                                          that the Congress would

                               Diario El Comercio: Of dialogues and bridges by Roberto Abusada.

                                                                                                        A YEAR OF PPK

                             review its blocking of several                Another sign that government-
                             legislative decrees issued                    opposition relations are
                             by the government on the                      improving is that in the last
         “This improved      advancement of concession                     fortnight the aggressiveness
                             processes.                                    of the opposition parliament
understanding between                                                      legislators toward the
        government and       The Fujimori majority Congress                Ministerial Cabinet has
opposition will continue     also approved the government’s                reduced, while government
                             proposal to replace the former                statements towards Fujimorism
 hinges however on the
                             comptroller general –who                      have also been more moderate.
debate on [...] the pardon   was dismissed due to serious
    of former President      breaches of conduct– leading                  The possibility that this
       Alberto Fujimori”     to the appointment of Nelson                  improved understanding
                             Shack, a solvency expert who                  between government and
                             can contribute to the quality                 opposition will continue hinges
                             of the control system without                 however on the hottest topic in
                             damaging ongoing investments                  Peruvian politics: the debate on
                             in Peru, the total opposite of                the pardon of former President
                             what had been occurring in the                Alberto Fujimori.
                                                                           This issue has been handled by
                             In this regard, we should point               the government and opposition,
                             out that another weakness                     but also by Fujimorism, due
                             in Kuczynski’s first year of                  to the existence of extremely
                             term was the fight against                    divergent points of view on
                             corruption.                                   this issue in the heart of the
                                                                           Fujimori family.
                             ‘The bottom line is not positive,
                             as the president never had this               On the one hand, it would be
                             topic on his agenda (…) and I                 complex for President PPK
                             think he has paid the price:                  to grant a pardon to Fujimori
                             Not having been prepared for                  due to the nature of the crimes
                             something that was so clear,                  for which he was convicted,
                             which is that Peru is suffering               as presidential pardon cannot
                             from structural, systemic                     be bestowed when there are
                             and generalized corruption,                   crimes for the abuse of human
                             which should be one of the                    rights. There are however
                             main urgent priorities of any                 those who believe that the
                             government,’ commented José                   president does not have any
                             Ugaz Sánchez Moreno, chair of                 constitutional impediment to
                             International Transparency and                granting pardon. Based on this
                             former ad hoc anti-corruption                 argument the head of state is
                             attorney8.                                    considering the possibility of
                                                                           issuing ‘medical pardon.’

                              Diario La República: The government must seek justice and that the economy does
                             not collapse José Ugaz.

                                                                                                                              A YEAR OF PPK

                                                  But the topic of pardoning                       as economist Gianfranco
                                                  former President Fujimori is                     Castagnola, executive president
                                                  also leading to a growing and                    of Apoyo Consultoría, who
                                                  open confrontation between his                   bases this claim on three
                                                  two children who are involved                    factors. The first is the
                                                  in politics and speculation on                   aforementioned dialogue
                                                  the possibility that the Popular                 between President Kuczynski
                                                  Force parliamentary legislators                  and Keiko Fujimori.
                                                  will divide between those
                                                  who follow Keiko and those                       The second factor that endorses
                                                  supporting Kenji.                                optimistic forecasts is related
                                                                                                   to ‘the loosening of public
                                                  Apart from this, it is true that                 spending as the only tool that
                                                  after decided open antagonism                    could reverse the stagnation
                                                  between the government and                       in the production sector in the
                                                  the Fujimori opposition in                       very short term.’ According to
                                                  Congress in the last 12 months,                  Castagnola, one of the main
  “Many believe that there                        the doors are slowly and                         mistakes in the economic policy
                                                  hesitantly opening for a less                    during the first year was a
may be space for ‘cautious                        unstable scenario than the one                   counterproductive adjustment
  optimism’9 on prospects                         experienced in the past year.                    to public spending in the last
of economic growth in the                                                                          quarter of 2016.
         next 18 months”                          In this regard, many believe
                                                  that there may be space                          The third factor to nourish
                                                  for ‘cautious optimism’9 on                      optimism is the commissioning
                                                  prospects of economic growth                     of public-private partnerships
                                                  in the next 18 months, such                      planned by the new minister of
                                                                                                   Transport and Communications
   Chief of State, PPK, supervising the Quebrada San Idelfonso área, in Trujillo                   Bruno Giuffra, along with the
   region, presiding the agreement for the construction of dams and water                          redefinition of the role of the
   diversion to Moche river                                                                        general comptroller of the
                                                                                                   republic that the new holder of
                                                                                                   this post will assume.

                                                                                                   Castagnola concludes that,
                                                                                                   if these conditions concur,
                                                                                                   one could think of 7 percent
                                                                                                   growth in private investment
                                                                                                   –after four years of falls– and 4
                                                                                                   percent for the GDP in 2018.

                                                                                                    Diario El Comercio: Is there room for

                                                                                      A YEAR OF PPK

                           8. IN SEARCH OF LOST               The scene is complex, but there
                           OPTIMISM                           are reasons for reviving the
                                                              optimism felt at the beginning
                           Forty years ago, Pedro Pablo       of PPK's government one year
                           Kuczynski wrote a book that        ago, which was lost along the
                           was published by Pricenton         road due to the convergence of
                           University and entitled            a set of political factors that
      "In order for this   Democracy under Economic           damaged the economy.
 improvement to take       Pressure, in which he described
place, this must be the    what happened in the first         At least this is what President
                           government of President            Pedro Pablo Kuczynski believes,
term in which politics     Fernando Belaunde Terry            who after acknowledging that
  manages to organize      (1963-1968), in which he was the   his first year in office ‘was
 the economy and not       secretary general of the Central   undoubtedly bad,’ partly due to
    the reverse, as has    Reserve Bank.                      ‘our mistake in underestimating
                                                              what could happen,’ he now
 been Peru’s pattern in    This government ended before       thinks that the second year can
       recent decades".    its time due to a military coup    be much better.
                           d’état that remained in power
                           for 12 years.                      However, in order for this
                                                              improvement to take place,
                           Now history has erected            this must be the term in which
                           Kuczynski not as a writer but      politics manages to organize
                           as the president of a nation       the economy and not the
                           in which he must direct an         reverse, as has been Peru’s
                           economy under political            pattern in recent decades.
                           pressure, and the result need
                           not be the same.                   In this regard, during the next
                                                              12 months, the government
                                                              of President Kuczynski will
                                                              continue to seek lost optimism.

                                                                   A YEAR OF PPK

              Luisa García is partner and COO for Latin America of
              LLORENTE & CUENCA. Expert on management of regional
              accounts and strategic consulting, Luisa is partner and Chief
              Operating Officer for Latin America of
              LLORENTE & CUENCA, president of the Chamber of
              Commerce of Spain in Peru and the chapter chair of the
              Peruvian chapter of the Young Presidents’ Organization
(YPO). She is also member of the Advisory Board of Action Aid and of
the advisory committees of Enseña Perú (Teach Peru) and the Asociación
para el Progreso de la Dirección (Association for Management Progress)
in Peru. Luisa was considered one of the 50 more influent Latin American
businesswomen by the magazine Latin Business Chronicle in 2013 and
was recognized as the Businesswoman of the Year in Latin America,
Businesswoman of the Year in the field of Corporate Services and Woman
of the Year in the Communication World at the Stevie Awards for Women
in Business.

               Luis Miguel Peña is Partner and​G ​ eneral​​Manager at
               LLORENTE & CUENCA Perú. Peña had been Prior to
               his position in Perú, Peña had been​responsiblefor thef
               Litigation and​​Organizations and​P ​ eople areas for more than
               6 years. He has 15 years of experience in communication
               consulting in the development of strategic communication
               plans in different areas, particularly in crisis projects and
judicial procedures for clients from different sectors, including food and
beverage, tourism, consumer goods, technology, financial services and
public institutions, among others. Peña has worked in litigations related
to different fields of law (criminal, procedural, commercial and tax law),
and in 2008 and 2009 he and his team won an International Stevie Award
and a European Excellence Award.

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                                   Senior Director                       AND CARIBBEAN                           Santiago de Chile
TALENT MANAGEMENT                                                        Mexico City                             Francisco Aylwin
                                   Lagasca, 88 - planta 3                                                        Chairman
Daniel Moreno                      28001 Madrid                          Juan Arteaga                  
Chief Talent                       Tel. +34 91 563 77 22                 Managing Director                                                Néstor Leal
                                   Impossible Tellers                                                            Director
Marjorie Barrientos                                                      Rogelio Blanco                
Talent Manager for Andes’ Region   Ana Folgueira                         Managing Director    Managing Director                        Magdalena 140, Oficina 1801.
                                                                              Las Condes.
Karina Sanches                                                           Av. Paseo de la Reforma 412, Piso 14,   Tel. +56 22 207 32 00
Talent Manager for                 Impossible Tellers                    Col. Juárez, Del. Cuauhtémoc
the Southern Cone                  Diego de León, 22, 3º izq             CP 06600, Mexico City       28006 Madrid                          Tel. +52 55 5257 1084                   SOUTH AMERICA
                                   Tel. +34 91 438 42 95
                                                                         Havana                                  Buenos Aires
                                                                         Pau Solanilla                           Daniel Valli
                                   Sergio Cortés                         Managing Director                       Managing Director and
                                   Partner. Founder and Chairman          Senior Director of New Business
                                                                                        Development for the Southern Cone
                                                                         Sortis Business Tower, piso 9 
                                   Muntaner, 240, 1º-1ª                  Calle 57, Obarrio - Panamá
                                   08021 Barcelona                       Tel. +507 206 5200                      Av. Corrientes 222, piso 8. C1043AAP
                                   Tel. +34 93 348 84 28                                                         Tel. +54 11 5556 0700
                                                                         Panama City
                                   Lisbon                                                                        Rio de Janeiro
                                                                         Javier Rosado
                                   Tiago Vidal                           Partner and Managing Director           Juan Carlos Gozzer
                                   Managing Director              
                                                                         Sortis Business Tower, piso 9           Rua da Assembleia, 10 - Sala 1801
                                   Avenida da Liberdade nº225, 5º Esq.   Calle 57, Obarrio - Panamá              RJ - 20011-000
                                   1250-142 Lisbon                       Tel. +507 206 5200                      Tel. +55 21 3797 6400
                                   Tel. + 351 21 923 97 00
                                                                         Santo Domingo                           Sao Paulo

                                                                         Iban Campo                              Marco Antonio Sabino
                                                                         Managing Director                       Partner and Brazil Chairman

                                                                         Av. Abraham Lincoln 1069                Juan Carlos Gozzer
                                                                         Torre Ejecutiva Sonora, planta 7        Managing Director
                                                                         Tel. +1 809 6161975           

                                                                                                                 Rua Oscar Freire, 379, Cj 111,
                                                                                                                 Cerqueira César SP - 01426-001
                                                                                                                 Tel. +55 11 3060 3390
Developing Ideas by LLORENTE & CUENCA is a hub
for ideas, analysis and trends. It is a product of the
changing macroeconomic and social environment we
live in, in which communication keeps moving forward
at a fast pace.

Developing Ideas is a combination of global
partnerships and knowledge exchange that identifies,
defines and communicates new information paradigms
from an independent perspective. Developing Ideas
is a constant flow of ideas, foreseeing new times for
information and management.

Because reality is neither black nor white,
Developing Ideas exists.

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Providing sophisticated communications counsel for
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corporate crises, our partner firms have established
relationships with many S&P 500, FTSE 100, SMI,
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