ORIGINAL ARTICLE Should snacks be recommended in obesity treatment? a 1-year randomized clinical trial - Nature

European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2008) 62, 1308–1317
        & 2008 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved 0954-3007/08 $32.00

Should snacks be recommended in obesity
treatment? a 1-year randomized clinical trial
H Bertéus Forslund1, S Klingström2, H Hagberg3, M Löndahl2, JS Torgerson4 and AK Lindroos1,5

 Department of Metabolism and Cardiovascular Research, Sahlgrenska Academy, Göteborg University, Göteborg, Sweden;
 Helsingborgs Lasarett, Helsingborg, Sweden; 3Skaraborgs Sjukhus, Skövde, Sweden; 4Norra Älvsborgs Länssjukhus, Trollhättan,
Sweden and 5MRC Human Nutrition Research, Cambridge, UK

Objective: To study the effect to recommend no snacks vs three snacks per day on 1-year weight loss. The hypothesis was that it
is easier to control energy intake and lose weight if snacks in between meals are omitted.
Subjects/Method: In total 140 patients (36 men, 104 women), aged 18–60 years and body mass index430 kg/m2 were
randomized and 93 patients (27 men, 66 women) completed the study. A 1-year randomized intervention trial was conducted
with two treatment arms with different eating frequencies; 3 meals/day (3M) or 3 meals and 3 snacks/day (3 þ 3M). The patients
received regular and individualized counseling by dieticians. Information on eating patterns, dietary intake, weight and
metabolic variables was collected at baseline and after 1 year.
Results: Over 1 year the 3M group reported a decrease in the number of snacks whereas the 3 þ 3M group reported an increase
(1.1 vs þ 0.4 snacks/day, respectively, Po0.0001). Both groups decreased energy intake and E% (energy percent) fat and
increased E% protein and fiber intake but there was no differences between the groups. Both groups lost weight, but there was
no significant difference in weight loss after 1 year of treatment (3M vs 3 þ 3M ¼ 4.176.1 vs 5.979.4 kg; P ¼ 0.31). Changes
in metabolic variables did not differ between the groups, except for high-density lipoprotein that increased in the 3M group but
not in 3 þ 3M group (Po0.033 for group difference).
Conclusion: Recommending snacks or not between meals does not influence 1-year weight loss.
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2008) 62, 1308–1317; doi:10.1038/sj.ejcn.1602860; published online 15 August 2007

Keywords: snacking; eating patterns; obesity; recommendations; adherence; weight loss

Introduction                                                                          patterns on energy balance and weight loss (Drummond et al.,
                                                                                      1996; Kirk, 2000; Booth et al., 2004; Jebb, 2005).
Although the importance of regular mealtimes is consistently                            Yet, snacking may play a role in obesity management as
advocated in obesity treatment (Wing et al., 1996; NIH, 1998;                         snacking may influence energy intake and thus body weight.
DPP, 2002; SBU, 2002; Wadden and Stunkard, 2002; Elfhag                               Spreading the energy load over the day by including several
and Rossner, 2005), the role of eating frequency in obesity is                        snacks may reduce appetite (Speechly et al., 1999) and as a
unclear (WHO, 2003) and there is no clear evidence of the                             consequence, decrease energy intake and body weight.
impact of in-between meal snacking and frequent eating                                On the other hand, snacking between meals may not be
                                                                                      satiating (Booth, 1988; Marmonier et al., 2002) and there-
                                                                                      fore, habitual snacking may be a factor driving energy intake
Correspondence: Dr H Bertéus Forslund, Department of Clinical Nutrition,             up and instead increase body weight. Although, short
Sahlgrenska Academy, Göteborg University, Medicinaregatan 7a, S-405 30               experimental studies in obese subjects have not shown any
Göteborg, Sweden.
                                                                                      effect of eating frequency on weight loss in energy-restricted
E-mail: helene.berteus.forslund@medfak.gu.se
Contributors: HBF initiated, designed and conducted the study, collected the          diets (Garrow et al., 1981; Verboeket-van de Venne and
data, did the statistical analysis and wrote the paper. SK, HH and ML collected       Westerterp, 1993), epidemiological studies suggest a link
the data, participated in the discussion of results and reviewed the paper. JT        between snacking and weight gain (Basdevant et al., 1993;
and AKL participated in the study design, the discussion of the results and
                                                                                      Coakley et al., 1998; Levitsky et al., 2004). Subjects who
reviewed the paper.
Received 8 December 2006; revised 17 April 2007; accepted 13 June 2007;               regain weight after successful weight reduction also report
published online 15 August 2007                                                       more snacks than those who maintain their weight loss
Snacks in obesity treatment
                                                                   H Bertéus Forslund et al
(Kayman et al., 1990). These findings are in line with a           Dietary intervention
number of studies showing that a high meal frequency and           The study was a 1-year intervention with dietician counsel-
snacking are related to a high energy intake (Dwyer et al.,        ing at a regular basis. Before study start, all patients met a
2001; Zizza et al., 2001; Bertéus Forslund et al., 2002, 2005).   dietician at a screen visit and received written and oral
The effect of eating frequency is important to understand          information about the study. From start of the study to the
and an evidence-based appraisal is needed (Bellisle et al.,        inclusion visit the patient met the dietician every 2 weeks up
1997; de Graaf, 2000; Bray and Bouchard, 2004; Mattson,            to week 12 and thereafter, every 4 weeks up to week 52. In
2005; Parks and McCrory, 2005). If snacking increases              total, 17 visits were offered, from inclusion visit to week 52.
the total energy intake the recommendation to eat snacks           Each visit lasted for approximately 45 min.
in between meals may be questioned in obesity treatment.              At the inclusion visit the dietician gave instruction about
For that reason longer, randomized interventions in free-          the allocated eating frequency. As a guide for portion sizes
living obese subjects are needed to elucidate the role of          and meal/snack composition an individualized energy-
snacking in obesity treatment. To our knowledge no such            restricted, nutritionally balanced diet plan was prepared
studies exist.                                                     and handed out to the patients at the next visit. The
   The aim of this study was therefore to study the effect         calculations of prescribed energy level were based on basal
of two different recommended eating frequencies on 1-year          metabolic rate (BMR) estimated according to the formula of
weight loss in a randomized design. The hypothesis was that        Harris and Benedict (1919). From BMR, total daily energy
it is easier to control energy intake and lose weight if food      expenditure was calculated by multiplying a physical activity
intake is concentrated to three main meals per day compared        level (PAL)  1.3 for moderate physical activity and PAL  1.5
to three main meals and three snacks.                              for heavy physical activity. From the estimated total energy
                                                                   expenditure 30% was subtracted to get the prescribed energy
                                                                   intake. The minimum energy level prescribed was 1400 kcal/
Methods                                                            day. The prescribed energy level was divided into three meals
                                                                   or three meals and three snacks depending on which group
Study design                                                       the patient was randomized to. Recommended energy intake
A 1-year, parallel group, randomized clinical trial was            in the group of 3M was divided in breakfast, 30% of daily
conducted with two treatment groups with different eating          energy intake (D%), lunch 35D% and dinner 35D% and no
frequencies; three meals per day (3M) or three meals               snacks with the exception of limited fruit intake and calorie-
and three snacks per day (3 þ 3M). The study was conducted         free drinks. For the group of 3 þ 3M the daily energy intake
at three medical outpatient clinics in the western and             was divided in breakfast 20D%, lunch 25D%, dinner 25D%
southern part of Sweden (Sahlgrenska Hospital, Skaraborg           and three snacks, each on 10D%. In all other respects the
Hospital and Helsingborg Hospital). The recruitment period         prescribed diet followed Swedish Nutrition Recommenda-
was from September 2002 to January 2005 and the                    tions (SNR) (Livsmedelsverket, 1997). The patients were
intervention period from September 2002 to January 2006.           encouraged to follow the allocated eating frequency
The study was coordinated from the obesity unit at                 throughout the study and the individualized diet plan was
Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Göteborg and at each study       used as a guideline to enable changing eating behavior. In
site a local dietician, physician and nurse were responsible       addition, the patients were encouraged to increase their
for the running of the study. All participants received written    physical activity, primarily walking on a regular basis.
and oral information about the study protocol from the                Thus, the patients received individual counseling in
registered dietician at each site and gave written informed        changes of diet and physical activity behavior. A diet-
consent. The study was approved by the ethics committees           counseling plan was followed by the dieticians to ensure a
at the Faculty of Medicine, Göteborg University (Göteborg        concordant treatment between the study sites. The diet-
and Skövde) and Faculty of Medicine, Lund University              counseling plan included themes for every visit, nutritional
(Helsingborg).                                                     information, fact sheets and self-monitoring exercises. Food
   Body weight, height (only at baseline), waist and hip           and physical activity records could be used as a pedagogic
circumference and blood pressure were measured and                 tool. Even if each visit had a preplanned topic the counseling
fasting blood samples were collected at baseline and after         was individualized, focusing on specific individual problems.
1 year. In addition, body weight was measured at every             However, adherence to the allocated eating pattern was
visit. Self-administered questionnaires including information      emphasized at all visits.
on eating frequency, energy intake and physical activity were
also completed at baseline and after 1 year. The
primary outcome was change in weight after 1 year of               Compliance
treatment. Secondary outcomes included changes in blood            Compliance to the recommended eating frequency was
pressure, cardiovascular risk factors, energy intake,              evaluated by repeated telephone interviews at six predefined
eating frequency and the subjects’ own evaluation of the           time periods during the year of intervention. The interviews
treatment.                                                         were carried out by the dietician, who coordinated the study

                                                                                                             European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Snacks in obesity treatment
                                                         H Bertéus Forslund et al
          at Sahlgrenska University Hospital. ‘The meal pattern                      was used. The questionnaire was distributed at baseline and
          questionnaire’ was used as a basis for the assessment of                   at the end of the study. The dietary questionnaire is judged
          intake occasions (Bertéus Forslund et al., 2002). The subjects            to give valid results in both obese and normal weight
          were asked about their intake pattern the previous day                     subjects. The questionnaire is described elsewhere (Lindroos
          specifying time and type of intake occasions. Food choices                 et al., 1993).
          at snack meals were registered specifically; other intake
          occasions were registered according to the meal types in the
          questionnaire. The telephone interviews were conducted on                  Assessment of physical activity
          randomly selected days with emphasis to cover different                    A questionnaire describing physical activity at work and
          days of the week. If it was impossible to get in contact with              during leisure time was used (Larsson et al., 2004). Occupa-
          the subject in the predefined time period the interview was                tional PAL was categorized in five levels; unemployed,
          omitted in this period.                                                    sedentary work, moderately sedentary work, moderately
                                                                                     heavy work and heavy work. Leisure time physical activity
                                                                                     was categorized in four levels; sedentary leisure, moderately
          Anthropometrical measures                                                  activity, moderate exercise and heavy exercise. The partici-
          Body weight was measured to the nearest 0.05 kg with the                   pants choose one of the alternatives corresponding to their
          patient wearing underwear and no shoes, using calibrated                   usual activity pattern. In our analyses, the leisure time
          scales. Body height was measured without shoes to the                      activity level ‘sedentary leisure’ and occupational PAL
          nearest 0.05 cm. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated from                 ‘sedentary work’ were coded as sedentary in a dichotomous
          weight (kg) divided in height squared (m2). Waist circum-                  variable, sedentary yes ¼ 1, no ¼ 0.
          ference was measured in a standing position at the midpoint
          between lower border of the rib cage and the iliac crest. Hip
          was measured at the symphysis major trochanter level.                      Evaluation
                                                                                     To evaluate the subjects’ own opinion on the allocated
                                                                                     eating pattern (3M or 3 þ 3M) they were asked to answer the
          Blood pressure and biochemical analyses                                    questions on a Visual Analog Scale: ‘How content are you
          Blood pressure was measured after 5 min in a sitting position              with eating 3 (3 þ 3) meals per day?’ (not content ¼ 0, very
          on the right arm. Blood samples; P-glucose, S-insulin, S-                  content ¼ 100). ‘How easy did you find it eating 3 (3 þ 3)
          cholesterol, S-high-density lipoprotein (HDL), S-low-density               meals per day? (very difficult ¼ 0, very easy ¼ 100). ‘Would
          lipoprotein (LDL) and S-triglycerides were drawn in a fasting              you consider eating 3 (3 þ 3) meals per day from now on?’
          state, that is no food or drink were allowed from 1200 the                 (Yes ¼ 1/No ¼ 2).
          night before measurement day. Blood samples were analyzed
          locally at the central clinical laboratories at Sahlgrenska
          University Hospital, Skaraborg Hospital and Helsingborg                    Subjects
          Hospital. Laboratory analyses were the same as those used in               Patients referred to the obesity unit at Sahlgrenska University
          ordinary patient care according to local practice.                         Hospital, Göteborg, obesity research unit at Helsingborg
                                                                                     Hospital, Helsingborg and at the Medical clinic at Skaraborgs
                                                                                     Hospital, Skövde were invited to participate at the first visit
          Assessment of eating pattern                                               to the clinics. At the latter, clinic participants were also
          A self-administered questionnaire, ‘The meal pattern ques-                 recruited through local advertisement. The patients were
          tionnaire’, was used to assess habitual daily intake pattern.              recruited continuously over time, starting at Sahlgrenska
          The questionnaire was distributed at baseline and at the end               University Hospital in September 2002. To speed up recruit-
          of study. The subjects were asked to describe how they eat ‘an             ment Helsingborg Hospital joined in March 2003 and
          ordinary’ day, specifying time for each intake occasion and                Skaraborgs Hospital in March 2004.
          choose one of four predefined types of intake occasions;                      The selection criteria to enter the study included age 18–60
          main meal, light meal/breakfast, snacks and drink only.                    years and BMI430 kg/m2. Subjects reporting previous obe-
          In the analysis of the eating pattern, main meals and light                sity surgery, anti-obesity drug treatment the last year, drug-
          meal/breakfast were added together and called principal                    or insulin-treated diabetes, hypothyroidism, severe psychia-
          meals (one light meal/breakfast and two main meals or two                  tric disorder, bulimia, drug or alcohol abuse were not eligible
          light meals/breakfast and one main meal). The questionnaire                for the study.
          is described elsewhere (Bertéus Forslund et al., 2002).                      Pre-study power calculations showed that 70 subjects were
                                                                                     needed in each group to obtain a significant (Po0.05)
                                                                                     difference in body weight change of 3.075.2 kg with a power
          Assessment of dietary intake                                               of 80% and an estimated dropout rate of 35%. Accordingly,
          A self-administered dietary questionnaire to assess habitual               two groups of each 70 patients were randomly allocated to
          energy and macronutrient intake during the past 3 months                   the two different intervention groups; three meals or three

European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Snacks in obesity treatment
                                                                  H Bertéus Forslund et al
meals and three snacks per day. A block randomization was                                                Screened
used to keep the two groups balanced at all times and evenly                                              n = 170

spread throughout the year, according to Altman (1991). The
two groups were in blocks of four at a time. In each block                                                                          Excluded or
                                                                                                                               refused to participate
two subjects got group ‘three meals’ and two subjects got                                                                             n = 30
group ‘three meals þ three snacks per day’ in a random order.                                   Randomly allocated to two
                                                                                                    treatment groups
Blinded and sealed envelopes for the randomization were                                                  n = 140
prepared at the Sahlgrenska site and sent out to the two
other sites. The procedure was supervised from the Sahl-
                                                                                                                        Allocated to 3 meals and
                                                                    Allocated to 3 meals regimen
grenska University Hospital and the sites were in contact                       n = 70
                                                                                                                            3 snacks regimen
                                                                                                                                 n = 70
continuously. Randomization was carried out at the inclu-
sion visit and the dietician gave instruction about the
allocated eating frequency.
                                                                   Dropped out during intervention                   Dropped out during intervention
                                                                               n = 21                                            n = 26

To analyze differences between groups w2 test was used for           Completed the intervention                        Completed the intervention
                                                                              n = 49                                            n = 44
proportions, McNemars’ test for paired proportions and t-test
for continuous variables. Survival analysis was used to           Figure 1 Flow chart.
compare time for dropout in the two study groups. Weight,
anthropometry and laboratory variables were analyzed in
completers and in all participants using the last observation     principal meals per day did not differ between the 3M and
carried forward (LOCF). Repeated measures analysis was used       3 þ 3M group. However, change in number of snacks differed
to analysis weight change between study groups over time.         significantly between the two groups. The 3M group
The SAS 8.2 statistical package was used for all analyses (SAS    decreased the number of snacks whereas the 3 þ 3M group
Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA).                                   increased snack frequency (Po0.0001, confidence interval
                                                                  (CI) 2.18 to 1.06). Figures 2a and b show the percent
                                                                  completers in each group reporting number of principal
Results                                                           meals and snacks before treatment and after 1 year.
                                                                     After 1 year of treatment 22 patients (45%) in the 3M
Participation flow                                                group reported consuming the recommended three principal
A total of 140 (36 men and 104 women) patients were               meals and no snacks whereas 21 patients (48%) in the 3 þ 3M
randomized and 93 (27 men and 66 women) patients                  group reported having the recommended three principal
completed the entire study. Participation flow is shown in        meals and three snacks.
Figure 1. Dropout rate was 30% in the 3M group and 37.1%
in the 3 þ 3M group, although the difference was not
statistical significant (P ¼ 0.37). There was no difference in    Diet and physical activity
time of attrition between the study groups (P ¼ 0.27).            Mean energy and macronutrient intake and physical activity
However, younger patients (P ¼ 0.004) and patients with           at baseline and after 1 year of treatment is shown in Table 2.
lower BMI (P ¼ 0.01) dropped out from the study program           Reported energy intake decreased with 2955 kJ (707 kcal) in
earlier than older patients and those with higher BMI. In         the 3M group compared to 2178 kJ (521 kcal) in the 3 þ 3M
addition more men in the 3m group dropped out compared            group and the decrease did not differ significantly between
to the 3 þ 3M group (7/18 compared to 2/18, respectively;         the two groups. The reported change in energy intake was in
P ¼ 0.05) whereas in women dropout rate was higher in             men 4140 kJ (991 kcal) and 2021 kJ (484 kcal) in 3 and 3 þ 3M
the 3 þ 3M group than the 3M group (24/52 and 14/52,              groups, respectively. Corresponding figures for women were
respectively; P ¼ 0.04). Baseline characteristics for all study   2584 kJ (618 kcal) and 2274 kJ (544 kcal) in the 3 and 3 þ 3M
participants and for completers in both groups are shown in       groups, respectively. Furthermore, change in energy percent
Table 1. Baseline characteristics did not differ significantly    macronutrient intake did not differ between the two groups.
between completers and all participants included in the           Although both groups decreased the energy percent fat
study. Neither did the participants who completed the study       intake and increased energy percent protein and fiber intake
differ between the three study sites.                             expressed as g/1000 kcal from baseline to week 52.
                                                                    After 1 year of treatment number of patients reporting
                                                                  sedentary lifestyle decreased significantly in both groups and
Eating frequency                                                  there was no significant difference between the groups.
Intake of eating occasions at baseline and after 1 year of        Neither did changes in sedentary work differ between the
treatment is presented in Table 2. The change in number of        groups (Table 2).

                                                                                                                            European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Snacks in obesity treatment
                                                                  H Bertéus Forslund et al
          Table 1 Baseline characteristics for the two groups; three meals (3M) and three meals þ three snacks (3 þ 3M) in 140 patients included in the study and
          in 93 patients who completed the study

          Characteristic                        All 3M (n ¼ 70)              All 3 þ 3M (n ¼ 70)              Completers 3M (n ¼ 49)         Completers 3 þ 3M (n ¼ 44)

          Gender (M/F)                              18/52                           18/52                             11/38                            16/28
          Age (year)                              38.7711.6                       40.1711.5                         40.6711.1                        41.8711.0
          Weight (kg)                            113.0718.6                      112.6721.5                        113.9719.8                       118.2723.0
          Height (m)                              1.7270.1                        1.7170.1                          1.7170.1                         1.7370.1
          BMI (kg/m2)                             38.375.3                        38.476.0                          38.875.8                         39.476.5

          Circumference measure (cm)
            Waist                                117.0711.7                      115.7712.8                        117.5712.0                       118.0713.6
            Hip                                  125.2711.6                      123.4711.6                        125.6712.8                       124.9713.0

          Blood pressure (mm Hg)
            Systolic                             127.1715.2                      129.7716.5                        127.5715.2                       131.2716.4
            Diastolic                             82.879.0                        81.9710.5                         83.379.3                         83.879.8

          Blood analysis
            P-glucose (mmol/l)                      5.470.6                         5.470.9                           5.470.6                         5.470.8
            S-insulin (mU/L)                       18.5711.6                       17.7711.4                         18.8713.1                       18.6712.5
            S-cholesterol (mmol/l)                  5.370.9                         5.270.9                           5.470.9                         5.370.9
            S-HDL (mmol/l)                          1.470.4                         1.470.3                           1.370.3                         1.470.3
            S-LDL (mmol/l)                          3.370.8                         3.270.8                           3.470.8                         3.370.8
            S-triglycerides (mmol/l)                1.871.0                         1.670.6                           1.871.0                         1.670.6

          Abbreviations: F, female; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; M, male; P, plasma; S, serum.
          Mean values7s.d. are presented.

          Table 2 Intake of meals and snacks, dietary intake and physical activity in the three-meal (3M, n ¼ 49) and 3 þ 3 meal (3 þ 3M, n ¼ 44) groups of
          completers at baseline and after 1 year of treatment

          Variable                            Baseline                Week 52                 P for difference between changes     95% CI for difference between changes

          Principal meals (n)
             3 meals (n ¼ 47)                2.970.7                  2.970.4
             3 þ 3 meals (n ¼ 42)            2.870.7                  3.070.3a                             0.051                             0.66 to 0.004

          Snacks (n)
            3 meals (n ¼ 47)                 1.870.9                  0.770.7b
            3 þ 3 meals (n ¼ 42)             1.971.6                  2.370.9c                           o0.0001                             2.18 to 1.06

          Energy intake, kJ (kcal)
            3 meals (n ¼ 46)              11 72575141              877072546
                                           (280571230)            (20987609)d
            3 þ 3 meals (n ¼ 44)          11 08573804              898773666                               0.51                              3118 to 1568
                                           (26527910)             (21507877)e                                                                (746 to 375)

          Protein (E%)
            3 meals (n ¼ 46)                15.872.6                17.072.4e
            3 þ 3 meals (n ¼ 44)            16.472.2                18.272.7d                              0.31                                2.0 to 0.6

          Fat (E%)
            3 meals (n ¼ 46)                35.275.0                33.474.2a
            3 þ 3 meals (n ¼ 44)            34.975.7                32.275.6c                              0.54                                2.1 to 4.0

          Carbohydrate (E%)
            3 meals (n ¼ 46)                46.975.1                46.975.0
            3 þ 3 meals (n ¼ 44)            46.476.1                47.575.7                               0.48                                4.3 to 2.0

            Mono-disaccharides (E%)
            3 meals (n ¼ 46)                21.476.6                20.675.1
            3 þ 3 meals (n ¼ 44)            21.076.0                21.075.8                               0.64                                4.4 to 2.7

          Fiber (g/1000 kcal)
             3 meals (n ¼ 46)                8.972.4                11.273.1d
             3 þ 3 meals (n ¼ 44)            8.972.2                11.672.7b                              0.17                                2.0 to 1.2

European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Snacks in obesity treatment
                                                                                            H Bertéus Forslund et al
Table 2 Continued

Variable                                         Baseline               Week 52         P for difference between changes    95% CI for difference between changes

Sedentary leisure time (%)
  3 meals (n ¼ 49)                                30.6                   14.3e
  3 þ 3 meals (n ¼ 44)                            38.6                   22.7c                       0.75

Sedentary at work (%)
  3 meals (n ¼ 49)                                32.7                    30.6
  3 þ 3 meals (n ¼ 44)                            40.9                    38.6                       0.63

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; E%, energy percent.
The P-value and 95% CIs are difference in change between the two groups from baseline to W52.
 P ¼ 0.06, bPo0.0001, cPo0.05, dPo0.001, ePo0.01 for difference from baseline.

                             % completers

                                                50                                                                           3M
                                                40                                                                           3+3 M
                                                            1       2          3      4         1        2       3            4
                                                                        Baseline                           One year
                                                                               Number of principal meals per day

                                                                                                                    3+3 M
                                 % completers





                                                         0      1         2      3    ≥4       0      1      2      3          ≥4
                                                                        Baseline                           One year
                                                                                  Number of snacks per day
Figure 2 (a) Percent completers reporting number of principal meals per day at baseline and after 1 year of treatment in the 3M and 3 þ 3M
groups. (b) Percent completers reporting number of snacks per day at baseline and after 1 year of treatment in the 3M and 3 þ 3M groups.

Compliance                                                                                  line with the meal frequency reported by the subjects at the
Repeated interviews on eating frequencies with emphasis                                     end of study as described in the section ‘Eating frequency’.
on snacking were conducted throughout the study. Mean
number of interviews was 4.4 per subject. Reported mean
number of principal meals and snacks is described in Table 3.                               Weight loss
The 3M group reported fewer snacks than the 3 þ 3M group.                                   Weight loss after 1 year of treatment was in the 3M group
In the 3 þ 3M group the frequency of snacks was decreasing                                  4.176.1 kg (3.674.9%) and in the 3 þ 3M group
in the latter study period. The results of compliance are in                                5.979.4 kg (4.776.7%) and did not differ significantly

                                                                                                                                          European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Snacks in obesity treatment
                                                                H Bertéus Forslund et al
          (P ¼ 0.31). When analyzing weight loss over time no                                   intake and weight loss. Even if omitting snacks may help
          difference was found between the two groups neither in                                cutting down energy intake, our result implies that when
          the completers only (P ¼ 0.34) nor in all participants using                          patients attain extensive support and diet counseling they
          LOCF (P ¼ 0.35) (Figures 3a and b).                                                   manage to cut down calories despite a high snacking
                                                                                                frequency. The choice of low-energy dense snacks is crucial
                                                                                                and we can only speculate if the good quality snack choices
          Metabolic variables
          Changes in blood pressure, blood glucose, insulin, cholesterol,
          LDL, HDL and triglycerides did not differ between the
          groups. However, HDL increased in the 3M group compared                                       130
          to the 3 þ 3M group (Po0.033) (Table 4).
                                                                                                        125                                                     3+3 M

          Evaluation                                                                                    120
          The patients’ personal opinion on the meal regimen was

          evaluated. When analyzing the question ‘How content are                                       115
          you with eating 3 (3 þ 3) meals per day?’ no difference was
          found between the two groups. The mean score was 55 and                                       110
          63% in the 3M and 3 þ 3M groups (P ¼ 0.14), respectively.
          Neither was a difference found between the groups replying                                    105
          the question ‘How easy did you find it eating 3 (3 þ 3) meals
          per day?’ showing a mean score of 50 and 55% in the 3M and                                    100
          3 þ 3M group (Po0.30), respectively. Nor was a difference                                           w. 0          w. 12     w. 24          w. 36      w. 52
          found when asking ‘Would you consider eating 3 (3 þ 3)                                                                    Visit week
          meals per day from now on?’; 51% of the patients in the 3M                                    130
          group reported ‘yes’ compared to 68% in the 3 þ 3M group
          (Po0.10).                                                                                                                                          3M
                                                                                                        125                                                  3+3 M


          In this 1-year randomized clinical trial subjects in both
          groups lost weight and improved their metabolic profile over                                  110
          1 year. However, weight loss did not differ significantly
          between the two intervention arms suggesting that recom-                                      105
          mending snacks or not between meals is not an important
          factor for achieved weight loss after 1 year. As previous cross-                              100
          sectional studies have shown that a high eating frequency                                           w. 0          w. 12     w. 24      w. 36        w. 52
          and snacking increase total energy intake (Bertéus Forslund                                                              Visit week
          et al., 2002, 2005), we hypothesized that no snacking                                 Figure 3 (a) Mean weight and 95% CI in completers (n ¼ 92). (b)
          between meals would facilitate the restriction of energy                              Mean weight and 95% CI in all subjects (n ¼ 140) using LOCF.

          Table 3 Compliance to the meal pattern recommendation in the 3M and 3 þ 3M groups of completers at repeated interviews during 1-year dietary

                                            1                        2                         3                        4                    5                       6

           Principal meals               2.8 (1–3)              2.9 (2–4)                   2.7 (1–4)                2.8 (2–3)           2.7 (2–3)              2.7 (1–3)
           Snacks                        0.5 (0–3)              0.4 (0–2)                   0.5 (0–2)                0.5 (0–2)           0.8 (0–3)              0.7 (0–2)
           (n ¼ 49)                       (n ¼ 32)               (n ¼ 28)                    (n ¼ 41)                 (n ¼ 43)            (n ¼ 30)               (n ¼ 23)

          3 þ 3M
            Principal meals              2.8 (1–4)              2.8 (1–4)                   2.7 (0–3)                2.4 (1–3)           2.9 (2–4)              2.6 (1–3)
            snacks                       2.2 (0–4)              2.5 (1–5)                   2.2 (1–4)                1.4 (0–3)           1.6 (0–3)              1.9 (0–4)
            (n ¼ 44)                      (n ¼ 38)               (n ¼ 31)                    (n ¼ 41)                 (n ¼ 40)            (n ¼ 36)               (n ¼ 27)

          Reported mean (min–max) number of principal meals and snacks at six interview periods.

European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Snacks in obesity treatment
                                                                                    H Bertéus Forslund et al
Table 4 Fasting blood samples and blood pressure in the three-meal                  changed eating patterns toward the recommended number
(3M, n ¼ 49) and 3 þ 3 meal (3 þ 3M, n ¼ 44) groups of completers at                of snacks and the reported number of snacks differed
baseline and after 1 year of treatment
                                                                                    significantly between the groups after 1 year. Adherence
                 Baseline          1 year             Change             P-value    was also similar in the two groups. This suggests that many
                                                                                    subjects in the present study managed to change eating
P-glucose (mmol/l)                                                                  patterns despite the difficulties in doing so reported by other
  3M          5.470.6             5.370.6         0.1670.46*              NS
                                                                                    investigators (King and Gibney, 1999). It is noteworthy
  3 þ 3M      5.470.8             5.070.5         0.3370.78**
                                                                                    that the subject’s own opinion on difficulties did not differ
S-insulin (mU/l)                                                                    between the groups. However it should be noted that the
   3M         18.8713.1          14.678.4           4.0711.0*             NS       discrepancy in snacking between the two groups was not
   3 þ 3M     18.6712.5          15.377.9           3.4710.3*
                                                                                    as large as intended. This suggests that the difference in
S-cholesterol (mmol/l)                                                              snacking patterns might not have been large enough to
  3M            5.470.9           5.371.0         0.1170.59               NS       attain a difference in weight loss.
  3 þ 3M        5.370.9           5.170.9         0.1670.64                           The weight loss difference between the treatment arms
                                                                                    was 1.8 kg. It may be argued that we did not have enough
S-HDL (mmol/l)
  3M          1.370.3             1.470.3          þ 0.170.21**          0.033      statistical power to find a difference due to too small study
  3 þ 3M      1.470.3             1.470.3         þ 0.0270.15                       groups. When planning the study we decided that a
                                                                                    difference of 3 kg or more would be considered clinically
S-LDL (mmol/l)
                                                                                    relevant in a weight loss trial. This is in line with anticipated
  3M           3.470.8            3.370.8         0.1070.50               NS
  3 þ 3M       3.370.8            3.270.8         0.0870.60                        weight loss differences used in power calculations in other
                                                                                    studies (Heshka et al., 2003; Samaha et al., 2003; Brinkworth
S-TG (mmol/l)                                                                       et al., 2004).
  3M          1.871.0             1.671.0         0.1770.88               NS
                                                                                       Previous studies on eating patterns have focused mainly
  3 þ 3M      1.670.6             1.470.6         0.2370.58**
                                                                                    on the influence on metabolic factors. Spreading the
Systolic BP (mm Hg)                                                                 nutrient load on many small meals may reduce insulin and
  3M           127715             125716            3.3711.3*             NS       glucose response and improve blood lipid profile (Fábry
  3 þ 3M       131716             128716            4.0712.7*
                                                                                    et al., 1964; Jenkins et al., 1989, 1992) although findings are
Diastolic BP (mm Hg)                                                                inconsistent (Beebe et al., 1990; Arnold et al., 1994, 1997;
  3M            8379               81710            2.4710.3              NS       Thomsen et al., 1997). In this study metabolic variables were
  3 þ 3M        84710              81710            2.379.9                        improved in both groups after 1 year but did not differ
                                                                                    except for HDL cholesterol that increased in the 3M group.
Abbreviations: BP, blood pressure; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; LDL, low-
density lipoprotein; NS, not significant; P, plasma; S, serum; TG, triglycerides.   The literature on eating frequency and HDL cholesterol is
Mean values7s.d. are presented.                                                     inconsistent. In short experimental studies HDL cholesterol
Significant difference from baseline within group *Po0.05, **Po0.01.                has been positively (McGrath and Gibney, 1994), negatively
                                                                                    (Murphy et al., 1996; Thomsen et al., 1997) or unrelated
                                                                                    (Arnold et al., 1993, 1994) to eating frequency. Therefore, we
will be sustained without extensive support. It may be                              cannot role out that the difference in HDL cholesterol is a
suggested that the role of snacking is different in obese ‘real                     chance finding.
life’ and during treatment conditions. Not only frequency                              Attrition is usually high in obesity treatment studies
but regularity of meal times may also have an impact on                             (Glenny et al., 1997). The dropout rate in this study was
energy intake. In a recent study by Farshchi et al. (2005)                          similar to what we had expected and in line with with-
obese women were instructed to maintain their usual intake                          drawals found in other studies (Clark et al., 1995; Torgerson
on an irregular (‘caotic’ pattern with 3–9 meals/day) vs an                         et al., 1999). In line with other studies we also found that
regular (6 meals/day) meal pattern in a 14-day crossover                            younger patients dropped out earlier than older patients
design. The obese women reported a significantly higher                             (Andersson and Rossner, 1997; Torgerson et al., 1999; Lantz
energy intake during the irregular meal pattern than during                         et al., 2003a, b). However, patients with lower BMI dropped
the regular meal pattern. In a similar study in lean women,                         out earlier, which is in contrast to others that found no
energy intake did not differ between the two meal patterns                          association between BMI and attrition (Andersson and
suggesting that eating patterns may have different implica-                         Rossner, 1997; Torgerson et al., 1999; Lantz et al., 2003a) or
tions in normal weight and obese subjects (Farshchi et al.,                         that those with higher BMI dropped out more frequently
2004). Although we do not know how regular the patients                             (Clark et al., 1995). One study with a very high dropout rate
were eating during the intervention, it is possible that the                        (77%) also found that dropouts had a slightly lower BMI
extensive support helped the patients to follow a more                              than completers (Inelmen et al., 2005).
regular meal pattern.                                                                  The larger withdrawal in men from the 3M group and
   A crucial point when evaluating our weight loss results is                       women from the 3 þ 3M group indicates that preferred
the adherence to the allocated intervention. Both groups                            snacking frequency may differ by gender. We can only

                                                                                                                                European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Snacks in obesity treatment
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                                                                                          Arnold LM, Ball MJ, Duncan AW, Mann J (1993). Effect of
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                                                                                             isoenergetic intake of three or nine meals on plasma lipoproteins
          in a previous intervention study. This study showed that                           and glucose metabolism. Am J Clin Nutr 57, 446–451.
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