COURSES 2021/2022 - Brompton Academy

Page created by Nicholas Ellis
COURSES 2021/2022 - Brompton Academy
COURSES 2021/2022
COURSES 2021/2022 - Brompton Academy
COURSES 2021/2022 - Brompton Academy
WELCOME........................................................... 4     HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE................................. 19
SIXTH FORM ENTRY REQUIREMENTS............... 5                           HISTORY.............................................................20
GENERAL INFORMATION................................... 6                 ICT..................................................................... 20
APPLIED SCIENCE.............................................. 8          MATHEMATICS.................................................. 21
ART, CRAFT AND DESIGN.................................. 8                MATHEMATICAL STUDIES................................ 22
BIOLOGY............................................................. 9
                                                                         MEDIA................................................................ 22
BUSINESS STUDIES...........................................10
                                                                         MUSIC............................................................... 23
                                                                         PERFORMING ARTS.......................................... 24
CREATIVE MEDIA PRODUCTION.......................11
                                                                         PHOTOGRAPHY................................................ 24
CRIMINOLOGY ..................................................12
                                                                         PHYSICS............................................................ 25
                                                                         POLITICS........................................................... 25
                                                                         PSYCHOLOGY................................................... 26
ENGLISH LITERATURE.......................................14
EXTENDED PROJECT QUALIFICATION.............14                            RELIGIOUS STUDIES........................................ 26

FINANCE............................................................15    SOCIOLOGY...................................................... 27
FRENCH.............................................................15    SPANISH............................................................ 28
GEOGRAPHY......................................................18        SPORT............................................................... 28
GERMAN............................................................18     TEXTILE DESIGN............................................... 29
COURSES 2021/2022 - Brompton Academy
          T  he UKAT Sixth Form is a new, dynamic and forward thinking post sixteen provision that offers a wide range of
             excellent opportunities for young people in Medway.
              We offer a unique educational package, driven with experience and passion through the University of Kent, offering
          students a rich and wide range of curriculum pathways, access to numerous excellent Higher Education facilities and
          a bespoke graduate and post graduate support programme to name but a few.
          Our bespoke Employability Scheme is a unique opportunity for students to undertake work experience, internships
          and or become directly involved with cutting edge research in key university departments, gaining greater insight in
          to areas they wish to pursue in the future. Students will be required to compile their own personal Global Passport,
          providing evidence of their experiences in the workplace, the new skills they have acquired as well as logging their
          20 hours of volunteering within the Trust community.

          We are also pleased to announce the exciting news that plans are now underway to establish a new Medical Hub
          based in Medway with the UKAT Sixth Form being an integral part of this new venture. This will be an excellent
          opportunity for those students interested in specialising in medicine and careers in the health profession.
          The two educational establishments, Chatham Grammar School for Girls and Brompton Academy provide high quality
          learning opportunities, which can only be offered by an established leading university. Our Curriculum Programmes
          are led by highly qualified and experienced academic staff across both sites underpinned by our University of Kent
          Ambassadors learning support scheme. Collaborative learning across both academies enriches the learning experiences
          of our students resulting in good academic outcomes.
          In September 2019, our sponsor, the University of Kent
          invited students to pilot a new course to develop a wide
          range of skills and qualities alongside a research project.
          These new skills and qualities include a growth mindset,
          resilience, versatility, empathy and teamwork which are all
          needed for our students to flourish both in their personal
          and professional life.
          We invite you to visit our unique UKAT Sixth Form and see
          for yourself the excellent Further Education on offer to young
          people in Kent and Medway looking to make the most of
          their next steps in education.
          The UKAT Sixth Form is not just about securing great exam
          results, it’s about embarking on an exciting career path
          and securing your foundations for a bright future.

          Michelle Marshall and Seb Januszewski
          Assistant Principals – UKAT Sixth Form

COURSES 2021/2022 - Brompton Academy
T   o maintain high standards of academic
    achievement and ensure students are
    successful and progress onto their chosen career
pathway, UKAT set basic entry requirements to study
in our Sixth Form. In addition to these, subjects will
                                                           PLEASE NOTE: IF INSUFFICIENT INTEREST IS
                                                           SHOWN, COURSES MAY NOT RUN.
                                                           GENERAL REQUIREMENTS
                                                           A LEVEL COURSES
set their own entry requirements as detailed in this
                                                           Minimum Grade 9-5 (A*-C) in five GCSEs including English
booklet. Please ensure you are aware of these when

                                                                                                                              GENERAL REQUIREMENTS
                                                           and Mathematics.
applying for the Sixth Form as any offer of a place will
be conditional to meeting the specified requirements.      Subject specific requirements as detailed in the booklet.
Students choose a minimum of three subjects from           BTEC COURSES
the option blocks. For those considering taking four       Minimum Grade 9-3 (A*-D) in five GCSEs including English
subjects, before submitting their option choices, they     and Mathematics. Plus, a minimum Grade 4 in English or
must consult either Mrs Perkin or one of the Sixth Form    Mathematics and related subjects.
team. NB If students select any of our BTEC National
Diploma courses these equate to a double option.           Subject specific requirements as detailed in the booklet.

The duration of all our courses is two years with the      However, applicants who fall just outside the general
exception of the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)      requirements for any course criteria will be considered
and Mathematical Studies which are year courses.           on an individual basis by the Subject Leader and Assistant
                                                           Principal – UKAT 6th Form.

                                                           SOCCER ELITE FOOTBALL ACADEMY
                                                           Successful completion of a practical skills-based trial in
                                                           addition to the academic entry requirements for subjects
                                                           chosen to study at A level or BTEC. Please use the link on
                                                           our website to apply for Soccer Elite.

                                                           PERFORMING ARTS AND DANCE
                                                           A successful audition in addition to the academic entry
                                                           requirements for subjects chosen to study at A level or BTEC.

                                                           MUSIC, ART, PHOTOGRAPHY AND TEXTILES
                                                           A successful submission of a portfolio of work (Art/Photography/
                                                           Textiles) in addition to the academic entry requirements
                                                           for subjects chosen to study at A level or BTEC.

COURSES 2021/2022 - Brompton Academy
                      APPLIED SCIENCE    BTEC NATIONAL   Grade 5 in Combined Science GCSE for the lvl 3 BTEC Applied Science.
                                         EXTENDED        Plus, a minimum Grade 4 in GCSE Double Science, or a Merit in Level 2 BTEC in Principles
                                         CERTIFICATE     of Applied Science

                      ART, CRAFT         A LEVEL         Grade 9-5 (A*-C) in five GCSEs including English and Mathematics.
                      AND DESIGN                         Plus, a minimum Grade 6 in GCSE Art or Merit in BTEC Art or submission of portfolio.

                      BIOLOGY            A LEVEL         Grade 9-5 (A*-C) in five GCSEs with a minimum Grade 6 in both English and Mathematics.
                                                         Plus, Grade 6’s in GCSE Double Science, Triple Science or GCSE Biology.

                      BUSINESS STUDIES   BTEC EXTENDED   Grade 9-3 (A*-D) in five GCSEs including English and Mathematics.
                                         CERTIFICATE     Plus, a minimum Grade 4 in English or Mathematics and related subjects.

                      CHEMISTRY          A LEVEL         Grade 9-5 (A*-C) in five GCSEs with a minimum Grade 6 in both English and Mathematics.
                                                         Plus, Grade 6’s in GCSE Double Double Science, Triple Science or GCSE Chemistry.

                      CREATIVE MEDIA     BTEC EXTENDED   Grade 9-3 (A*-D) in five GCSEs including English and Mathematics.

                      PRODUCTION         CERTIFICATE     Plus, a minimum Grade 4 in English or Mathematics and related subjects.

                      CRIMINOLOGY        DIPLOMA         Grade 9-5 (A*-C) in five GCSEs including English and Mathematics. Preferable to have
                                                         achieved a minimum Grade 5 in GCSE Sociology, Psychology or Law.

                      DANCE              A LEVEL         Grade 9-5 (A*-C) in five GCSEs including English and Mathematics. Plus, a minimum Grade
                                                         5 in GCSE Dance, Level 2 Merit in BTEC Tech Award Performing Arts (or equivalent level of
                                                         attainment in vocational qualifications e.g. RAD / ISTD).
                      ECONOMICS          A LEVEL         Grade 9-5 (A*-C) in five GCSEs including English and Mathematics.
                                                         Plus, a minimum Grade 6 in GCSE Mathematics.

                      ENGLISH            A LEVEL         Grade 9-5 (A*-C) in five GCSEs including English and Mathematics.
                      LITERATURE                         Plus, a minimum Grade 7 in GCSE English Literature.

                      EXTENDED           LEVEL 3         Grade 9-4 (A*-C) in five GCSEs including English and Mathematics.
                      PROJECT                            Plus, a minimum Grade 5 in GCSE English Language.

                      FINANCE            LIBF DIPLOMA    Grade 9-4 (A*-C) in five GCSEs including Grade 5 in both English and Mathematics.

                      FRENCH             A LEVEL         Grade 9-5 (A*-C) in five GCSEs including English and Mathematics.
                                                         Plus, Grade 6 in GCSE French.

                      GEOGRAPHY          A LEVEL         Grade 9-5 (A*-C) in five GCSEs including a minimum Grade 5 in both English and Mathematics.
                                                         Plus, a minimum Grade 6 in Geography.

                      GERMAN             A LEVEL         Grade 9-5 (A*-C) in five GCSEs including English and Mathematics.
                                                         Plus, a minimum Grade 6 in GCSE German.

                      HEALTH AND         BTEC NATIONAL   Grade 9-3 (A*-D) in five GCSEs including English and Mathematics.
                      SOCIAL CARE        EXTENDED        Plus, a minimum Grade 4 in English and related subjects.
                      HISTORY            A LEVEL         Grade 9-5 (A*-C) in 5 GCSEs including English and Mathematics
                                                         Plus, a minimum Grade 6 in GCSE History and English Language or GCSE English Literature.

COURSES 2021/2022 - Brompton Academy
ICT               BTEC NATIONAL   Grade 9-3 (A*- D) in five GCSEs including English and Mathematics. Plus, a minimum Grade 4
                  EXTENDED        in English or Mathematics and related subjects. Preferable to have studied a GCSE or BTEC in
                  CERTIFICATE     a related subject.

MATHEMATICS       A LEVEL         Grade 9-5 (A*-C) in five GCSEs including English and Mathematics.
                                  Plus, a minimum Grade 7 in GCSE Mathematics.

MATHEMATICAL      LEVEL 3         Grade 9-4 in five GCSEs including English and Mathematics.
MEDIA             A LEVEL         Grade 9-5 (A*-C) in five GCSEs including English and Mathematics.
                                  Plus, a minimum Grade 6 in GCSE English Language or English Literature.
                                  Preferable to have achieved a GCSE/BTEC in a related subject area.

MUSIC             LEVEL 3         Grade 9-3 (A*-D) in five GCSEs including English and Mathematics.
                  SUBSIDIARY      Plus a minimum grade 4 in English or Mathematics and related subjects.
                  DIPLOMA         Students will need to successfully pass an audition.
                  FOR MUSIC

                                                                                                                                      GENERAL INFORMATION
PERFORMING ARTS   BTEC NATIONAL   Grade 9-3 (A*-E) in five GCSEs including English and Mathematics. Plus, a minimum Grade 5
                  DIPLOMA         in GCSE Dance or Drama, or Level 2 Merit in BTEC Tech Award in Performing Arts (or equivalent
                  DOUBLE OPTION   vocational qualification).

PHOTOGRAPHY       A LEVEL         Grade 9-5 (A*-C) in five GCSEs including English and Mathematics.
                                  Plus, a minimum Grade 6 in GCSE Art or Merit in BTEC Art or submission of portfolio.

PHYSICS           A LEVEL         Grade 9-5 (A*-C) in five GCSEs including a minimum Grade 6 in English and Grade 7 in Mathematics.
                                  Plus, a minimum Grade 6 in GCSE Double Scence, Triple Science or GCSE Physics.

POLITICS          A LEVEL         Grade 9-5 (A*-C) GCSEs including English and Mathematics.
                                  Plus, a minimum Grade 6 in GCSE English Language or English Literature.

PSYCHOLOGY        A LEVEL         Grade 9-5 (A-C) in five GCSEs including a minimum Grade 6 in English and Mathematics.
                                  Plus, a minimum Grade 6 or Merit in GCSE/BTEC Science.

RELIGIOUS         A LEVEL         Grade 9-5 (A*-C) in five GCSEs including English and Mathematics.
STUDIES                           Plus, a minimum Grade 6 in GCSE English Language or Literature.
                                  Preferable to have studied GCSE Religious Studies.

SOCIOLOGY         A LEVEL         Grade 9-5 (A*-C) in five GCSEs including English and Mathematics.
                                  Plus, a minimum Grade 6 In GCSE English Language and English Literature.
                                  Preferable to have studied Sociology at GCSE level.

SPANISH           A LEVEL         Grade 9-5 (A*-C) in five GCSEs including English and Mathematics.
                                  Plus, a minimum Grade 6 in GCSE Spanish.

SPORT             BTEC NATIONAL   Grade 9-3 (A*-D) in five GCSEs including English and Mathematics.
                  EXTENDED        Plus, a minimum Grade 4 in English or Mathematics and a Science GCSE.
                  CERTIFICATE     Preferable to have achieved a GCSE/BTEC in related subject area.

TEXTILE DESIGN    A LEVEL         Grade 9-5 (A*-C) in five GCSEs including English and Mathematics.
                                  Plus a minimum Grade 6 in GCSE Art or linked subject or Merit in BTEC Art
                                  or submission of portfolio.

COURSES 2021/2022 - Brompton Academy
APPLIED SCIENCE                                          ART, CRAFT AND DESIGN
                        BTEC NATIONAL EXTENDED CERTIFICATE                       A LEVEL
                        ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                                       ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
                        Grade 9-3 (A*-D) in five GCSE’s including a minimum      Grade 9-5 (A*-C) in five GCSEs including English
                        Grade 5 in English and Mathematics.                      and Mathematics.
                        Plus, a minimum Grade 5 in Combined Science GCSE         Plus, Grade 6 in GCSE Art or Merit in BTEC Art or
                        for the Level 3 BTEC Applied Science.                    submission of portfolio.
                        COURSE DESCRIPTION                                       COURSE DESCRIPTION
                        Students will develop their knowledge of scientific      Students will experiment with a range of 2D and
                        principles through a practical approach. Students        3D media, processes and techniques, as well as a
                        will have the opportunity to cover areas of laboratory   variety of traditional and new technologies as they
                        science, forensic science, medical science,              complete the course over two years. Examining
                        environmental science, and the biological, chemical      bygone and contemporary images, artefacts and

                        and physical sciences, science investigative             resources from across the globe will be integral to
                        skills and the physiology of human body systems.         understanding different styles, genres and traditions
                        This provides a route into a diverse range of            in their investigating and making processes. All
                        scientific careers.                                      units involve creative problem solving and students
                                                                                 are encouraged to find alternative ways of finding
                        ASSESSMENT                                               a solution through experimental exploration.
                        Grades awarded are Distinction*, Distinction, Merit

                        and Pass. Assessment comprises of two externally         ASSESSMENT
                        assessed components, a written examination and a         Grade A*-E awarded. The Coursework Portfolio and
                        scenario and practical investigation set and marked      Personal Investigation are weighted at 60% of the
                        externally, worth 58% of the total qualification.        A level, with an external component contributing
                        Internally assessed assignments incorporate a            to 40% of the overall mark. All units are internally
                        variety of written and practical techniques equate       assessed and externally moderated.
                        to the remaining 42% of the course.
                                                                                 WHAT NEXT
                        WHAT NEXT
                                                                                 Completion of this qualification will give between
                        Completion of this qualification will give between       16 and 56 UCAS points to gain entry onto a degree
                        16 and 56 UCAS points, to be used to gain entry          course or entry into the workplace. Art and Design
                        onto a degree course or entry into the workplace.        can lead to further study and careers including fine
                        Applied Science can lead to further study and            art, graphics, interior design and set design.
                        careers including health care, scientific research,
                        pharmacy, optometry and forensic science.

COURSES 2021/2022 - Brompton Academy
Grade 9-5 (A*-C) in five GCSEs with a minimum
Grade 6 in both English and Mathematics.
Plus, Grade 6’s in GCSE Double Science,
Triple Science or GCSE Biology

Students will study Biology in a modern context,
where they will develop a greater appreciation
for its importance in the wider world. There will
be numerous opportunities to use practical
experiences to link theory to reality, and develop
students’ practical skills. There are eight mandatory
units: Biological molecules; Cells; Organisms

exchange substances with their environment;
Genetic information, variation and relationships
between organisms; Organisms respond to
changes in internal and external environments;
Genetics, populations, evolution and ecosystems;
The control of gene expression.

Grade A*-E awarded. The mandatory units are
externally assessed by three examinations.
Each examination is 2 hours in length and worth
approximately a third of the final A level Grade.

Completion of this qualification will give between
16 and 56 UCAS points to gain entry onto a degree
course or entry into the workplace. Biology can
lead to further study and careers including nursing,
medicine, research, conservation and physiotherapy.

COURSES 2021/2022 - Brompton Academy
BUSINESS STUDIES                                          CHEMISTRY
                   BTEC EXTENDED CERTIFICATE                                 A LEVEL
                   ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                                        ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
                   Grade 9-3 (A*-D) in five GCSEs including English          Grade 9-5 (A*-C) in five GCSEs with a minimum
                   and Mathematics.                                          Grade 6 in both English and Mathematics.
                   Plus, a minimum Grade 4 in English or Mathematics         Plus, Grade 6’s in Double Science, Triple Science
                   and related subjects.                                     or GCSE Chemistry

                   COURSE DESCRIPTION                                        COURSE DESCRIPTION
                   Students study the purposes of different businesses,      Students will study contemporary Chemistry,
                   their structure and the impact the external environment   covering the following mandatory units: Development
                   can have on their success and development. They           of Practical skills; Foundations in chemistry;
                   will need to adopt an innovative and dynamic              Periodic table and energy; Core organic chemistry;

                   approach to business specific problem solving and         Physical chemistry and transition elements and
                   will be expected to demonstrate their knowledge by        Organic chemistry and analysis.
                   applying business concepts to selected scenarios.
                   This qualification provides a more vocational             ASSESSMENT
                   perspective, allowing students to interact with the       Grade A*-E awarded. The mandatory units are
                   business environment and experience real authentic        externally assessed by three examinations. The
                   business practices.                                       first two exams equate to 37% each with the final

                                                                             exam worth 26%. A “Practical endorsement in
                   ASSESSMENT                                                Chemistry” is assessed internally but is reported
                   Grades awarded are Pass, Merit, Distinction and           separately from the A Level Grade.
                   Distinction* Two assignments set and marked
                   internally. A task and written exam set and marked        WHAT NEXT
                   externally.                                               Completion of this qualification will give between
                                                                             16 and 56 UCAS points to gain entry onto a degree
                   WHAT NEXT                                                 course or entry into the workplace. Chemistry
                   Completion of this qualification will give between        can lead to further study and including careers in
                   16 and 56 UCAS points, to gain entry onto a degree        medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and chemical science.
                   course or entry into the workplace. Business studies
                   can lead to further study and careers including
                   industry, management and finance.

Grade 9-3 (A*-D) in five GCSEs including
English and Mathematics.
Plus, a minimum Grade 4 in English or
Mathematics and related subjects.


                                                      CREATIVE MEDIA PRODUCTION
Students acquire a range of production, design
and research skills in preparation for future
employment in the media industry, through direct
experience. Assignments set within a vocational
context through which students focus on developing
relevant skills – photo manipulation and framing,
film direction and production, media theory and
analysis. Units cover: Unit 1-Media representation;
Unit 4-Film pre-production; Unit 8-Responding to
a commission and Unit 10-Film production.

Grades awarded are Pass, Merit, Distinction and
Distinction*. Two assignments set and marked
internally. A controlled assessment responding
to a set commission and an online exam on media
representation are set and marked externally.

Completion of this qualification will give between
16 and 56 UCAS points, to gain entry onto a degree
course or entry into the workplace. Creative Media
production can lead to further study and careers
including television, film, radio, sound recording
and interactive games.

CRIMINOLOGY                                               DANCE
              DIPLOMA                                                   A LEVEL
              ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                                        ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
              Grade 9-5 (A*-C) in five GCSEs including English          Grade 9-5 (A*-C) in five GCSEs including English
              and Mathematics.                                          and Mathematics.
              Preferable to have achieved a minimum Grade 5             Plus, a minimum Grade 5 in GCSE Dance, Level
              in GCSE Sociology, Psychology or Law.                     2 Merit in BTEC Tech Award in Performing Arts
                                                                        (or equivalent level of attainment in vocational
              COURSE DESCRIPTION                                        qualifications e.g. RAD / ISTD).
              Students will gain a deeper understanding of
              why people commit crimes; the influences upon             COURSE DESCRIPTION
              perceptions of crime; the variety of crimes committed     A level Dance is a dynamic qualification which
              and why some are unreported. By exploring these           encourages students to develop their creative and
              ideas through applying their learning to a range of       intellectual capacity, alongside transferable skills

              case studies, both current and historical, the students   such as team working, communication, and problem
              will be equipped to consider how the application          solving. All of these are sought after skills by higher
              of their learning impacts on themselves, other            education and employers and will help them stand
              individuals, employers, society and the environment.      out in the workplace whatever their choice of career.
                                                                        This course reflects both historical and current
              Students will develop the skills to examine the           dance practices and inspires a lifelong passion and
              legal process, reviewing the justice of verdicts in

                                                                        appreciation for dance. Technical dance skills are
              criminal cases, having followed through from the          developed alongside opportunities to create and refine
              crime committed to the verdict. They will apply their     choreography that expresses key ideas, and themes.
              understanding of criminality, criminological theories
              and the process of bringing an accused to court, to       ASSESSMENT
              evaluate the effectiveness of social control to deliver   Grade A*– E awarded. Component 1 – Students
              criminal justice policy.                                  perform set material in addition to their own
                                                                        choreography to a visiting examiner (50%).
              ASSESSMENT                                                Component 2 – Students complete a written exam
              Grade A*-E. Two units are externally assessed             in which they are tested on their knowledge of a
              units by two 90 minute examinations. Two units            series of set dance works and practitioners (50%).
              are assessed internally with external moderation.
                                                                        WHAT NEXT
              WHAT NEXT                                                 Completion of this qualification will give between
              Completion of this qualification will give between        16 and 56 UCAS points, to gain entry onto a university
              16 and 56 UCAS points, to gain entry onto a degree        degree course or entry into the workplace. Dance
              course or entry into the workplace. Criminology can       can lead to further study and careers including
              lead to further study and careers including some          teaching, performing, choreographing or working
              with aspects of the criminal justice sector e.g. the      in the arts industry.
              Probation Service or the police.

Grade 9-5 (A*-C) in five GCSEs including English
and Mathematics.
Plus, a minimum Grade 6 in GCSE Mathematics.

Students will firstly develop their awareness and
understanding of core economic models and
then build on this by applying their knowledge
to more complex concepts in both familiar and
unfamiliar contexts. The course comprises of four
themes: Introduction to markets and market failure
- focusing on microeconomic concepts; The UK

economy – performance and policies - with the
focus on understanding the measures of economic
performance; Business behaviour and the labour
market- with the focus on the business economy
and understanding business growth and objectives,
as well as the impact of government intervention;
A global perspective – with the focus on applying
the concepts covered, to the global context whilst
looking at international economics.

Grade A* – E awarded. Assessment consists of
three examinations at the end of the course. Two
will equate to 70% and the third to 30% of the
overall mark.

Completion of this qualification will give between
16 and 56 UCAS points, to gain entry onto a degree
course or entry in to the workplace, Economics can
lead to further study and careers including business,
marketing, law and government.

                                 A LEVEL                                                   ONE YEAR COURSE
                                 ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                                        ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
                                 Grade 9-5 (A*-C) in five GCSEs including English          Grade 9-4 (A*-C) in five GCSEs including English
                                 and Mathematics.                                          and Mathematics.
                                 Plus, a minimum Grade 7 in GCSE English Literature.       Plus, a minimum Grade 5 in GCSE English Language.

                                 COURSE DESCRIPTION                                        COURSE DESCRIPTION
                                 Students will further their exploration of texts, to      Students have the opportunity to embark on a largely
                                 appreciate literature at a higher level, studying         self-directed research project, enabling them to study
                                 a range of literature from sixteenth century              a topic of choice in-depth for duration of the course.
                                 Shakespeare to contemporary prose. Students will          Students will develop into critical, reflective and

                                 investigate an extensive range of views about texts       independent learners, whilst developing skills such
                                 in conjunction with their wider social and historical     as creativity, decision making and enterprise,
                                 context. The texts will be in a range of formats: drama   as well as demonstrating initiative. Many of our
                                 – ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’ by Tennessee Williams        students decide to explore a topic linked to their
                                 and King Lear by William Shakespeare; prose –             desired area of study for university. Skills linked to
                                 ‘The Handmaids Tale’ by Margaret Atwood and               research and planning, critical thinking and analysis,
                                 ‘Frankenstein’ by Mary Shelly as well as a collection     synthesis and evaluation, project management and
                                 of Romantic poetry from poets such as William Blake,      working independently, are highly valued by both

                                 Lord Byron and John Keats as well as a collection         universities and employers alike.
                                 of contemporary poems from Poems of the Decade
                                 featuring poets such as Patience Agbabi and Simon         ASSESSMENT
                                 Armitage. Through their study they will compare           Grade A*– E awarded. Students will be assessed
                                 how narratives are constructed and the differing          on a portfolio of work (5,000 word research project),
                                 responses the writer can evoke from the reader.           a production log and a final presentation, to be
                                                                                           presented to an audience of peers and teachers.
                                 Grade A*– E awarded. Assessment consists of 3             WHAT NEXT
                                 examinations equating to 80% and one internally           This qualification will give between 8 and 28
                                 assessed piece of 2500 – 3000 words worth 20%             UCAS points, to gain entry onto a degree course
                                 of the final Grade.                                       or entry into the workplace. Many universities find
                                                                                           the EPQ desirable as it is such excellent practice
                                 WHAT NEXT                                                 for the type of independent writing required by
                                 Completion of this English Literature qualification       degree level learning.
                                 will give between 16 and 56 UCAS points, to
                                 gain entry onto a degree course or entry into
                                 the workplace. English Literature can lead to
                                 further study and careers including broadcasting,
                                 journalism, teaching, advertising and marketing,
                                 and the law.

FINANCE                                                     FRENCH
LONDON INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS                                A LEVEL
AND FINANCE (LIBF) DIPLOMA                                  ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                                          Grade 9-5 (A*-C) in five GCSEs including English
                                                            and Mathematics.
Grade 9-4 (A*-C) in five GCSEs including Grade
5 in both English and Mathematics.                          Plus, Grade 6 in GCSE French.

COURSE DESCRIPTION                                          COURSE DESCRIPTION
Students will explore the fundamentals of financial         Students will study a film and a piece of French
capability and how they are applied to achieve              literature in-depth. Students will complete an
financial stability. They will learn how to make            Independent Research Project in French, forming
informed and confident decisions regarding their            the basis for a discussion in the speaking exam.
finances. Students must achieve at least a pass in          Topics in year 1 are: Aspects of French-speaking
the Certificate of Financial Studies in the first year of   society; current trends and artistic culture in the
study to progress to the diploma. In year 2, students       French-speaking world. In year 2 the topics are:
will examine the financial services marketplace from        Multiculturalism in French-speaking society and

the point of view of the provider and consider the          current issues and aspects of political life in the
methods used to satisfy customer needs, wants               French-speaking world.
and aspirations, whilst operating competitively
and profitably.                                             ASSESSMENT

                                                            Grade A*-E awarded. Assessment comprises of
ASSESSMENT                                                  three examinations: Paper 1- Listening and Reading
Grade A*-E. Assessment is 100% examined and                 is 2 hours and 30 minutes (42% of overall Grade);
consists of four components spread over the duration        Paper 2- Writing is 2 hours (33%) ; Paper 3- Speaking
of the course. In Year 1 Unit 1- Financial capability       is approximately 25 minutes (25%).
in the immediate and short term; Unit 2-Financial
capability in the long term; Unit 3- Sustainability of      WHAT NEXT
an individual’s finances and Unit 4- Sustainability         Completion of this qualification will give between
of the financial services system.                           16 and 56 UCAS points, to gain entry onto a degree
                                                            course or entry into the workplace. French can lead
WHAT NEXT                                                   to further study and careers in tourism, teaching,
Completion of this qualification will give between          international law or business.
16 and 56 UCAS points, to gain entry onto a degree
course or entry into the workplace. Financial studies
can lead to further study and careers including
banking, accountancy and business.

GEOGRAPHY                                                GERMAN
            A LEVEL                                                  A LEVEL
            ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                                       ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
            Grade 9-5 (A*-C) in five GCSEs including a minimum       Grade 9-5 (A*-C) in five GCSEs including English
            Grade 5 in both English and Mathematics.                 and Mathematics.
            Plus, a minimum Grade 6 in Geography.                    Plus, a minimum Grade 6 in GCSE German.

            COURSE DESCRIPTION                                       COURSE DESCRIPTION
            Students will study a diverse range of topics that       Students will study a film and a piece of German
            cover issues relevant to our world today. The emphasis   literature in depth. Students will complete an
            is on the inter-relationships between and within         Independent Research Project in German, forming
            the human and physical environments. The course          the basis for a discussion in the speaking exam.
            is divided into three areas: Physical geography          Topics covered in year 1 are: Aspects of German-
            (including glacial landscapes, both water and carbon     speaking society and artistic culture in the
            cycles and natural hazards); Human geography             German-speaking world. In year 2 the topics are:

            (changing places, global processes and governance        Multiculturalism in German-speaking society and
            and population and the environment). These two areas     aspects of political life in the German-speaking world.
            will ensure students develop a knowledge of locations;
            places; processes and environments; and an in-depth      ASSESSMENT
            understanding of physical and human geography, and       Grade A*-E awarded. Assessment comprises of

            their interactions. The third area is a Non Examined     three examinations: Paper 1-Listening and Reading
            Assessment (NEA) be based are an independent             is 2 hours and 30 minutes (50% of overall Grade);
            geographical investigation.                              Paper 2- Writing is 2 hours (20%); Paper 3- Speaking
                                                                     is approximately 25 minutes (30%).
            Grade A*– E awarded. Assessment comprises of             WHAT NEXT
            three external examinations accounting for 80% of        Completion of this qualification will give between
            the final mark. The Geographical investigation will      16 and 56 UCAS points, to gain entry onto a
            equate to 20% of the final mark.                         degree course or entry into the workplace. German
                                                                     can lead to further study and careers with tourism,
            WHAT NEXT                                                teaching, international law or business.
            Completion of this qualification will give between
            16 and 56 UCAS points, to gain entry onto a degree
            course or entry into the workplace. Geography
            can lead to further study and careers including
            accountancy, travel, conservation, European
            studies and retail management.

Grade 9-3 (A*-D) in five GCSEs including English
and Mathematics.
Plus, a minimum Grade 4 in English and
related subjects.

Students will develop an understanding of the diverse
and complex nature of the health and social care

                                                           HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE
sector. Through the use of work-related scenarios,
students will explore the role of health and social care
services in providing care and support to individuals.
Students will cover the following units: Human
Lifespan Development; Meeting Individual Care and
Support Needs; Working in Health and Social Care;
and lastly, Physiological Disorders and their Care.

Grades awarded are Pass, Merit, Distinction, and
Distinction*. Assessment comprises of an externally
assessed written exam and internally assessed
assignment for each year of study.

Completion of this qualification will give between
16 and 56 UCAS points, to gain entry onto a degree
course or entry into the workplace. Health and Social
Care can lead to further study and careers including
nursing as well as careers in related professions
such as childcare and in NHS trusts.

HISTORY                                                ICT
            A LEVEL                                                BTEC NATIONAL EXTENDED CERTIFICATE
            ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                                     ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
            Grade 9-5 (A*-C) in 5 GCSEs including English          Grade 9-3 (A*-D) in five GCSEs including English
            and Mathematics.                                       and Mathematics.
            Plus, a minimum Grade 6 in GCSE History and            Plus, a minimum Grade 4 in English or Mathematics
            English Language or GCSE English Literature.           and related subjects.

            COURSE DESCRIPTION                                     COURSE DESCRIPTION
            Students will study the USA from 1865 to 1975,         Students are introduced to high level IT topics,
            the making of a Superpower, and the making of          including those related to web, multimedia and
            modern Britain, 1951-2007. Students will develop       software and network engineering. Alongside
            their knowledge, critical thinking and understanding   studying the creation of IT systems to manage
            of the political, economic and social issues during    and share information, students will develop their
            these times. Students will develop a heightened        knowledge and understanding of working in the IT
            awareness in explaining contemporary issues.           industry and its impact on society. Through scenario-

            The coursework element provides students with          based learning, students will develop their problem
            the opportunity to trace various themes and issues     solving skills using systems and technology. The
            over one hundred years, using and evaluating a         qualification consists of four units (three mandatory
            range of sources and interpretations.                  and one optional): Information Technology Systems;

                                                                   Data Modelling; Using Social Media in Business and
            ASSESSMENT                                             Creating Systems to Manage Information.
            Grades A*-E awarded. The A level course is
            assessed by two final exams (breadth and depth         ASSESSMENT
            study) worth 80% and one internally assessed piece     Grading: Pass, Merit, Distinction and Distinction*.
            of 4500 words worth 20% of the overall Grade.          Assessment is a combination of internal and external
                                                                   assessments. Externally set assessments consist of
            WHAT NEXT                                              a written examination and a scenario based task
            Completion of this qualification will give between     worth 58% of the course.
            16 and 56 UCAS points, to gain entry onto a degree
            course or entry into the workplace. History can lead   WHAT NEXT
            to further study or careers including law, finance,    Completion of this qualification will give between
            media, social policy and the civil service.            16 and 56 UCAS points, to gain entry onto a degree
                                                                   course or entry into the workplace. ICT can lead to
                                                                   further study and careers including IT, business and
                                                                   software/network engineering.

Grade 9-5 (A*-C) in five GCSEs including English
and Mathematics.
Plus, a minimum Grade 7 in GCSE Mathematics.

Students will build and extend their skills and
techniques from GCSE. It enables them to understand
mathematics in a way that promotes confidence,
fosters enjoyment and provides a strong foundation
for progress to further study. Students will study Pure
Mathematics including algebra, trigonometry and
calculus (66.67% of the qualification) and Applied
Mathematics comprising of statistics and mechanics
(33.33% of the qualifications) which will show how
different areas of mathematics are connected and

how they relate to other disciplines, the world of work
and to situations in society in general.

Grades A* – E awarded. Assessment consists of
three externally-examined papers that carry equal
weight: Papers 1 and 2-Pure Mathematics and
Paper 3- Statistics and Mechanics.

Completion of this qualification will give between
16 and 56 UCAS points, to gain entry onto a degree
course or entry into the workplace. Mathematics
can lead to further study and careers including
accountancy, engineering, medicine and teaching.

MATHEMATICAL STUDIES                                     MEDIA
                       LEVEL 3 CERTIFICATE                                      A LEVEL
                       ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                                       ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
                       Grade 9-4 in five GCSEs including English and            Grade 9-5 (A*-C) in five GCSEs including English
                       Mathematics.                                             and Mathematics.

                       COURSE DESCRIPTION                                       Plus, a minimum Grade 6 in GCSE English Language
                                                                                or English Literature.
                       Students will build upon the knowledge, understanding
                       and skills established in their GSCE Maths. Students     Preferable to have achieved a GCSE/BTEC in a
                       will develop their understanding of solving meaningful   related subject area.
                       mathematical problems to increase their confidence
                       in using Maths and to be better equipped for the         COURSE DESCRIPTION

                       mathematical demands for higher education. The           Students will study the four key concepts in media
                       course comprises of four compulsory themes: Analysis     and apply them to a range of different media texts
                       of data; Maths for personal finance; Estimation; and     including film, TV, radio, print and online media.
                       Critical analysis of given data and models (including    Students will also study a range of theoretical
                       spreadsheets and tabular). This course is designed to    approaches including postmodernism, narrative
                       maintain and develop mathematical skills that can be     theory, social theory and various gender and post-
                       applied on a day-to-day basis whether in employment      colonial approaches to the world of media. The
                       or further study. This course also complements the       course offers students the opportunity to plan and
                       programmes of study of other A level subjects such       produce short media texts including film and online

                       as Science, Geography, Business Studies, Economics       texts. It consists of three components, two of which
                       and Psychology.                                          are exam based and the other based upon the
                                                                                principles of production.
                       Grade A- E awarded. Students will be assessed with       ASSESSMENT
                       two examination papers each worth 50% of the course.     Grades A*-E awarded. Assessments comprise of two
                       The duration of each examination is 90 minutes.          externally assessed examinations equating to 70% of
                                                                                the overall Grade. The third component is internally
                       WHAT NEXT                                                assessed and externally moderated with a specific
                       This qualification will give between 6 and 20            brief for students to follow.
                       UCAS points, to gain entry on to a degree course
                       or entry in to the workplace. Many universities          WHAT NEXT
                       find Core Maths desirable as it provides a firm          Completion of this qualification will give between 16
                       understanding of mathematical problem solving            and 56 UCAS points, to gain entry onto a degree
                       for degree level learning.                               course or entry into the workplace. Media studies can
                                                                                lead to further study and careers including media –
                                                                                related careers, publishing, advertising and PR.

Grade 9-3 (A*-D) in five GCSEs including English
and Mathematics.
Plus a minimum grade 4 in English or Mathematics
and related subjects.
Students will need to successfully pass an audition.
The Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma for Music Practitioners
provides a music industry qualification that will equip
learners with the skills, knowledge, and understanding
for entry to employment in the music industry, or
progression to further study at a higher level. The

qualification aims to offer practical structured learning
directly relevant to employment within the music
industry. Learners will take the performance pathway,
meaning learners are expected to perform effectively
on an instrument and/or voice.
Learners will undertake one externally assessed
core unit (Rehearsal and Performance). In addition,
all learners take an internally assessed core unit
(Planning a Career in Music), together with a
number of optional units including: Understanding
Music Styles, Improving Instrumental Performance,
Auditioning for Music, and Leading a Music Making
Activity. All the units covered can develop skills and
understanding of musicianship, repertoire, rehearsal,
promotion, live/recorded performance, aspects of
music technology, as well as an understanding of
contextual issues relating to music style, audience;
and the music industry.
Completion of this qualification will give between
16 and 56 UCAS points, to gain entry onto a degree
course or entry into the industry. Music can lead
to further study and careers including composing,
publishing and broadcasting, teaching and
musical performance.
PERFORMING ARTS                                               PHOTOGRAPHY
                  BTEC NATIONAL DIPLOMA                                         A LEVEL
                  MUST BE SELECTED IN TWO OPTION BLOCKS)                        Grade 9-5 (A*-C) in five GCSE’s including English
                                                                                and Mathematics.
                  ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
                  Grade 9-3 (A*-E) in five GCSEs including English              Plus, a minimum Grade 6 in GCSE Art or Merit in
                  and Mathematics.                                              BTEC Art or submission of portfolio.

                  Plus, a minimum Grade 5 in GCSE Dance or Drama,               COURSE DESCRIPTION
                  or Level 2 Merit in BTEC Tech Award in Performing             Students will explore a range of photographic media,
                  Arts (or equivalent vocational qualification).                techniques and processes, and experience both
                                                                                new digital technologies and traditional processes
                  COURSE DESCRIPTION                                            of photography. Students are required to work in

                  The Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended                    more than one area of photography for example,
                  Certificate in Performing Arts is designed for                portraiture, landscape (working from the urban, rural
                  learners with an interest in performing arts who              or coastal environment), still life, experimental imagery,
                  want to continue their education through applied              photographic installation, video and film. Through
                  learning. Dance and Drama are the foundations of the          their development of more sophisticated photography
                  course, and so it is suited to students who have a keen       skills, students’ appreciation of how feelings and
                  interest in one or both of these disciplines. Students will   meanings can be conveyed and interpreted in images
                  develop their technical skills as performers alongside

                                                                                as well as how images and artefacts relate to social,
                  their capacity to create, refine, and reflect on the          environment and cultural contexts.
                  development of performance pieces. This qualification
                  gives a broad introduction to the performing arts sector      ASSESSMENT
                  with an emphasis on core knowledge, and fundamental           Grade A*-E awarded. Assessment comprises of
                  skills which are transferable across other sectors            two units for the A level course that are weighted
                  (including communication, presentation, physical              at 60% for coursework and 40% for the externally
                  and creative skills).                                         assessed units. Units are marked against the
                                                                                four assessment objectives that are internally
                  ASSESSMENT                                                    assessed and externally moderated.
                  Grades awarded are Pass, Merit, Distinction or
                  Distinction*. Assessment comprises of four units of           WHAT NEXT
                  study – two are assessed by the centre and two are            Completion of this qualification will give between
                  assessed externally. Due to the vocational nature of this     16 and 56 UCAS points, to gain entry onto a degree
                  course students will be assessed on a regular basis and       course or entry into the workplace. Photography
                  this features a balance of practical and written tasks.       can lead to further study and careers including
                                                                                architecture, design, animation and marketing
                  WHAT NEXT                                                     and publicity.
                  Completion of this qualification will give between
                  16 and 56 UCAS points, to gain entry onto a degree
                  course or entry into the workplace. Performing Arts
                  can lead to further study and careers including
                  teaching and performing, but also equips students
                  with transferable skills to other industries too.
PHYSICS                                                   POLITICS
A LEVEL                                                   A LEVEL
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                                        ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
Grade 9-5 (A*-C) in five GCSEs including a minimum        Grade 9-5 (A*-C) GCSEs including English
Grade 6 in English and Grade 7 in Mathematics.            and Mathematics.
Plus, a minimum Grade 6 in GCSE Science and               Plus, a minimum Grade 6 in GCSE English
Additional Science or in GCSE Physics.                    Language or English Literature.

COURSE DESCRIPTION                                        COURSE DESCRIPTION
Students will study Physics in a range of contexts,       Students will investigate in detail how people and
building on their knowledge of the ‘laws of physics’      politics interact. They will explore the emergence
and applying their understanding to a range of            and development of the UK’s democratic system
problems ranging from sub-atomic particles to the         and the similarities, differences, connections and
entire universe. Students will refine mathematical and    parallels between direct and indirect democracy.
practical skills that are embedded in the six modules     Students will also be introduced to the set of rules
covered in the duration of the course: Development        governing politics in the UK, and the UK constitution,

of practical skills in Physics; Foundations of Physics;   which is different in nature from most of the rest of
Forces and motion; Electrons, Waves and photons;          the world. Students will explore the US Constitution
Newtonian World and Astrophysics and; particles           and the arguments surrounding this guiding
and Medical Physics.                                      document of US democracy. Students will compare

                                                          and contrast politics and institutions in the US with
ASSESSMENT                                                those in the UK. They will gain a wider understanding
Grade A*-E awarded. The mandatory units are               of politics as a discipline, underpinned by the
externally assessed by three examinations. The first      theoretical concepts of comparative politics.
two exams equate to 37% each with the final exam
worth 26%. A “Practical endorsement in Physics”           ASSESSMENT
is assessed internally but is reported separately         Grade A*– E awarded. Assessment comprises of
from the A level Grade.                                   three examinations at the end of the course, each
                                                          worth a third of the final Grade: Paper 1-UK Politics;
WHAT NEXT                                                 Paper 2-UK Government; Paper 3-Comparative
Completion of this qualification will give between        Politics (USA).
16 and 56 UCAS points, to gain entry onto a degree
course or entry into the workplace. Physics can lead      WHAT NEXT
to further study and careers including engineering,       Completion of this qualification will give between
medicine, medical technologies and research               16 and 56 UCAS points, to gain entry onto a degree
and development. To study Physics at university,          course or entry into the workplace. Government
A level Mathematics must also be studied.                 and Politics can lead to further study and careers
                                                          including, law, economics, finance, government,
                                                          and management.

PSYCHOLOGY                                               RELIGIOUS STUDIES
                    A LEVEL                                                  A LEVEL
                    ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                                       ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
                    Grade 9-5 (A-C) in five GCSEs including a minimum        Grade 9-5 (A*-C) in five GCSEs including English
                    Grade 6 in English and Mathematics.                      and Mathematics.
                    Plus, a minimum Grade 6 or Merit in GCSE/                Plus, a minimum Grade 6 in GCSE English Language
                    BTEC Science.                                            or Literature.

                    COURSE DESCRIPTION                                       Preferable to have studied GCSE Religious Studies.
                    Students will study the main approaches to               COURSE DESCRIPTION
                    Psychology to gain an understanding and insight
                                                                             Students will explore philosophical approaches to
                    in to the science concerned with the study of mind
                                                                             the soul, reality, existence and nature of God, and
                    and behaviour. Students will develop their analytical
                                                                             language. They will look at sexual ethics, euthanasia,
                    thinking skills through a scientific approach their
                                                                             the language of ethics and business ethics. Finally,
                    learning. The course comprises of three units:

                                                                             they will consider the nature and presentation of
                    Unit 1- Social Influence, Memory, Attachment and
                                                                             Jesus, feminism and the Bible, and knowledge and
                    Psychopathology; Unit 2- Approaches in Psychology,
                                                                             revelation of God. Throughout the course, students will
                    Biopsychology, Research Methods; Unit 3 – Issues
                                                                             adopt an enquiring, critical and reflective approach
                    and Debates in Psychology and three optional topics,
                                                                             to their studying of the three components: Philosophy
                    such as Relationships, Schizophrenia and Aggression
                                                                             of religion; Religion and Ethics; and Developments in

                    (optional topics are subject to change).
                                                                             religious thought.
                    Grade A*– E awarded. Assessment comprises of
                                                                             Grade A*-E awarded. Assessment consists of three
                    three examinations linked to each unit and each are
                                                                             2 hour examinations linked to the three course
                    worth 33.3% of the final Grade. Each exam is two
                                                                             components, each equating to a third of the overall
                    hours long. The exams will consist of multiple choice,
                                                                             A level.
                    short-answer and extended writing questions.

                    WHAT NEXT                                                WHAT NEXT
                                                                             Completion of this qualification will give between
                    Completion of this qualification will give between
                                                                             16 and 56 UCAS points, to gain entry onto a degree
                    16 and 56 UCAS points, to gain entry onto a degree
                                                                             course or entry into the workplace. Religious Studies
                    course or entry into the workplace. Psychology can
                                                                             can lead to further study and careers working
                    lead to further study and careers including business,
                                                                             with people in caring work, teaching, journalism,
                    accounting, social work, law and medicine.
                                                                             publishing, policing and health.

Grade 9-5 (A*-C) in five GCSEs including English
and Mathematics.
Plus, a minimum Grade 6 In GCSE English Language
and English Literature.

Students’ study will focus on the society we live in,
and how social characteristics can affect the life
chances and experiences of individuals. They will
develop their critical thinking and understanding
about the world and their place in it. Students will
study the impact the individual and society have

on families and education. Students will examine
society from different perspectives such as Marxism
or Feminism and contrasting right wing approaches.
Finally, students will study the ‘Sociology of Crime
and Deviance’ and learn how sociologists, scrutinise
and rationalise criminal behaviour.

Grade A*-E awarded. Assessment consists of three
2 hour examinations, each linked to two course
components, each equating to a third of the overall
A level. Questions are a mixture of short answers
and essays, but predominantly essay based.

Completion of this qualification will give between
16 and 56 UCAS points, to gain entry onto a degree
course or entry into the workplace. Sociology
can lead to further study and careers including
education, law and management, social work and
international relations.

SPANISH                                                    SPORT
          A LEVEL                                                    BTEC NATIONAL EXTENDED CERTIFICATE
          ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                                         ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
          Grade 9-5 (A*-C) in five GCSEs including English           Grade 9-3 (A*-D) in five GCSEs including English
          and Mathematics.                                           and Mathematics.
          Plus, a minimum Grade 6 in GCSE Spanish.                   Plus, a minimum Grade 4 in English or Mathematics
                                                                     and a Science GCSE.
                                                                     Preferable to have achieved a GCSE/BTEC in
          Students will study a film and a piece of Spanish
                                                                     related subject area.
          literature in depth. Students will complete an
          Independent Research Project in Spanish, forming           COURSE DESCRIPTION
          the basis for a discussion in the speaking exam.
                                                                     Students will develop a knowledge and understanding
          Topics covered in year 1 are: Aspects of Spanish-
                                                                     of the importance of making connections between
          speaking society and artistic culture in the
                                                                     body systems in response to participation in exercise/
          Spanish-speaking world. In year 2 the topics are:
                                                                     sport, enabling them to recommend training methods
          Multiculturalism in Spanish-speaking society and
                                                                     and produce individualised fitness programmes. The

          aspects of political life in the Spanish-speaking world.
                                                                     expectation is that they will take part in application and
          ASSESSMENT                                                 interview assessment activities for a selected career
                                                                     pathway in the sports industry. The course comprises
          Grade A*-E awarded. Assessment comprises of three
                                                                     of three mandatory units: Anatomy and physiology;

          examinations: Paper 1-Listening and Reading is 2
                                                                     Fitness training and programming for health, sport and
          hours and 30 minutes (50% of overall Grade); Paper
                                                                     wellbeing and professional development in the sports
          2- Writing is 2 hours (20%); Paper 3- Speaking is
                                                                     industry. Plus, a fourth optional unit to be determined.
          approximately 25 minutes (30%).
          WHAT NEXT
                                                                     Grades awarded are Pass, Merit, Distinction and
          Completion of this qualification will give between
                                                                     Distinction*. Assessment comprises of two externally
          16 and 56 UCAS points, to gain entry onto a degree
                                                                     set and marked units completed under supervised
          course or entry into the workplace. Spanish can lead
                                                                     conditions worth 67% of the qualification. Internal
          to further study and careers with tourism, teaching,
                                                                     assessments comprise of a series of practical and
          international law or business.
                                                                     written assignments.

                                                                     WHAT NEXT
                                                                     Completion of this qualification will give between
                                                                     16 and 56 UCAS points to gain entry onto a degree
                                                                     course or entry in to the workplace. Sport can lead
                                                                     to further study and careers including coaching
                                                                     and sport and healthcare relating to sports such
                                                                     as physiotherapy.

Grade 9-5 (A*-C) in five GCSEs including English
and Mathematics.
Plus a minimum Grade 6 in GCSE Art or linked subject
or Merit in BTEC Art or submission of portfolio.

Students will explore a range of visual and tactile
representations in textiles. Students are required
to work in more than one area of Textile Design for
example, fashion, printed and/or dyed, constructed,

                                                         TEXTILE DESIGN
installed and expressive textiles. Through their
growing understanding of textile design, students’
appreciation of how feelings and meanings can
be conveyed and interpreted by selection and
manipulation of fibres and/or fabrics and how these
relate to social, environmental and cultural contexts.

Grade A*-E awarded. Assessment comprises of two
units for the A Level course weighted at 60% for
the Personal Investigation (coursework) and 40% for
the Controlled Assignment. Units are marked against
the four assessment objectives that are internally
assessed and externally moderated.

Completion of this qualification will give between
16 and 56 UCAS points, to gain entry onto a degree
course or entry into the workplace. Textile Design
can lead to further study and careers including
fashion design, textile design, printmaking
and teaching.


31   NOTES
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