Murdoch University Admission Information

Page created by William Williamson
Murdoch University Admission Information
Murdoch University
Admission Information
Murdoch University Admission Information
About Murdoch University
   Murdoch is a truly international, research-led university full of free thinking students. Our leading academics
   and comprehensive range of flexible undergraduate and postgraduate programs provide an excellent learning
   experience. Studying at Murdoch isn’t just about learning in your chosen field.
   You'll explore new ways of thinking and make a difference by combining cutting-edge theory with real-world
   experiences to help you graduate career-ready. We aim to create leaders, innovative thinkers and problem solvers
   capable of tackling contemporary issues on a local, national and global level.
   Here are some benefits of studying at Murdoch.

   Real-world skills                              Leading academics                                             Flexible study options
   As a Murdoch student,                          Our teaching staff have won                                   Most of our degrees can be studied
   you will have opportunities                    awards, published books and achieved                          full-time, part-time, online or here on
   to apply your theory in a                      some amazing things, but most                                 campus. Our course structures are very
   practical environment.                         importantly they’re committed to                              flexible, meaning you can study a double
   Through work-integrated                        helping you learn. We recruit some of the                     major or even a double degree to gain
   learning, practicum                            best academics from around the globe,                         experience in two areas and broaden
   placements, hands-on projects and              so you can benefit from their experience,                     your career opportunities.
   internship experiences, you will learn         knowledge and network of contacts to
   exactly what you need to know to meet          help launch your own career.
   industry demands.

   Help with your career                          Research-focused                                              Dedicated support
   Our Careers and Employment team can            degrees                                                       services
   help with your resume, work experience         Our high-quality courses place                                To help you adjust to university life,
   placements and interview preparation           great emphasis on research skills and                         we offer a friendly and dedicated
   by providing mentoring programs, an            encourage interdisciplinary studies.                          support team for first year students, as
   extensive resource library and an online       Embedding research within our                                 well as course advisors in the Student
   job register.                                  undergraduate degrees not only allows                         Centre. There is also a range of health,
                                                  you to develop highly marketable skills                       academic, child care and other support
                                                  valued by potential employers, but also                       services available.
                                                  opens up new opportunities
                                                  for postgraduate study.

   An international                               A range of pathways                                           Our Murdoch community
   perspective                                                                                                  Making friends, exploring new
                                                  Apart from English, we don’t have any
   At Murdoch, you are able to help               formal school subject prerequisites,                          interests and having fun are all
   international communities, take field          so you’re not limited in what you can                         a huge part of your university
   trips to different countries,                  study, or if you want to change your                          experience. At Murdoch, you
   study a language overseas                      course while you’re here. We also                             will have the opportunity to join our
   or tour the world – all as                     offer a range of pathways into our                            student clubs, become a volunteer and
   part of your degree.                           courses, catering to those with diverse                       take part in a range of university events,
                                                  academic backgrounds.                                         such as Orientation Week, Festival Day,
                                                                                                                MarketDaze, Multicultural Day and so
                                                                                                                much more.

                               		                    hectares of
                               beautiful Australian bush, making
                               us one of the largest campuses in


                                           Top 70
   students from
   85+ countries
                                           most international
                                           universities in the
                                           world (61st)*
                                                      *Times Higher
                                                      Education World
Page 2 of 12                                          University Rankings

                                                                            *The Good Universities Guide 2017
Murdoch University Admission Information
Study a unique degree within
our world-class facilities
When you study at Murdoch, you’ll have access to a wide range of unique courses,
flexible learning options and real-world facilities.

Animal Hospital                               Information                                    Nursing simulation suites
The Animal Hospital is a fully functioning    Technology labs                                Both our Mandurah and Perth campuses
surgery and vet facility. It has a working    IT students will develop their skills in       house state-of-the-art nursing facilities,
farm, 24-hour pet emergency centre            our brand new state-of-the-art teaching        where you will learn how to provide
and an equine centre, complete with an        laboratories. A new games lab equipped         care in fully-equipped nursing wards,
operating theatre specifically designed       with the latest virtual reality equipment      treatment areas and simulation rooms.
for horses.                                   will encourage students to get creative and    Students hone their skills on lifelike,
                                              collaborate. Students studying networking      high-tech mannequins with heart,
                                                                                             lung and digestive sounds, and other
Chiropractic Clinic                           or security related courses will have access
                                              to a data centre to prototype, experiment      realistic capabilities.
This practising clinic includes a             and get hands-on with the latest industrial
rehabilitation centre, 11 consulting
rooms, a physiological therapeutics
                                                                                             Renewable energy
facility and a digital radiographic suite.                                                   facilities
Our Chiropractic students spend a lot of      Law Moot Court                                 Our renewable energy facilities include
time here, getting to practice their skills   In our electronic Moot Court, students can     an outdoor test area, photovoltaic
on real patients in their final year.         try cases in a court room environment and      research equipment such as a solar
                                              compete with other law schools around the      simulator and rooftop photovoltaic
Engineering pilot plant                       world, thanks to the latest video satellite
                                                                                             arrays, and a renewable energy
                                                                                             engineering laboratory which houses a
Our nationally renowned engineering                                                          comprehensive range of wind energy
pilot plant is an engineer’s playground.                                                     industry-standard software.
The plant includes advanced control           Media Arts Centre
systems using a modern industrial data
acquisition and control platform.
                                              The Media Arts Centre houses industry-
                                              standard facilities such as a digital TV
                                                                                             Sporting facility
                                              studio, sound stage, control room, audio       Our Perth campus will soon benefit
Exercise Science labs                         studio, four radio studios, as well as a
                                              number of editing suites.
                                                                                             from an additional $5.2 million sporting
                                                                                             facility that includes two synthetic
Gain valuable hands-on experience in our                                                     football (soccer) pitches (including a
dedicated exercise physiology laboratory,                                                    cricket oval for summer cricket), new
rehabilitation, strength and conditioning     Nexus Theatre                                  changing rooms, a synthetic cricket
laboratory and performance laboratory,                                                       pitch, floodlights and spectator seating.
                                              This theatre space provides Arts
used for biomechanics and motor control       students with a modern and
research and teaching.                        professional area to hone their craft
                                              in performance or production.
                                                                                             Education: SimLab
                                                                                             The SimLab technology (formerly known
                                                                                             as TeachLive) offers a unique blend of
                                                                                             virtual reality technology and live human
                                                                                             performance that creates a powerful
                                                                                             and immersive learning simulations, for
                                                                                             both pre-service teachers and practising
Our campuses
            Campus locations                                                  Rockingham campus – Dixon Road,                   Open Day
                                                                              Rockingham WA 6168
                                                                                                                                Murdoch University’s Open Day is an annual
            Perth campus – 90 South Street,                                   Rockingham is a major urban centre on
                                                                                                                                event that showcases the University. Choose
            Murdoch WA 6150                                                   the south coast of the Perth metro area.
                                                                                                                                from hundreds of activities to find out
            Our unique Perth campus features beautiful                        The area is famous for its dolphins and
                                                                                                                                more about study and life at Murdoch.
            native bushland, specialised educational and                      some of the most amazing aquatic and
                                                                                                                                Attend course talks, take tours, watch
            recreational facilities and a range of essential                  marine-based natural experiences in WA.
                                                                                                                                performances, meet students and staff, and
            support services. The Perth campus is set                         At our Rockingham campus you can build
                                                                                                                                soak up the campus atmosphere with free
            in a beautiful bush environment and covers                        academic skills, connect with other students
            over 227 hectares, making it one of the                           and explore new ideas to help you study at
                                                                              university level. Our Rockingham campus           Murdoch Open Day
            largest campuses in Australia.
                                                                              offers a small but strong learning community
            Perth Campus                                                      with a focus on research and our university       Important Dates
                                                                              pathway programs.
            Mandurah campus – Education                                                                                         There are a lot of important dates to be
                                                                              Rockingham Campus
            Drive, Mandurah WA 6210                                                                                             aware of when you study at Murdoch
                                                                                                                                including deadlines for admission
            Set in the heart of the coastal town of                           Singapore campus                                  applications, course transfers, study census
            Mandurah, just 45 minutes from Perth, our                         In Singapore, we offer a range of courses         dates, study breaks, the assessment period
            Mandurah campus offers an exceptional                             through Kaplan Higher Education, a regional       in which your exams will be held, when your
            learning experience through our clinical,                         provider of management education and              graduation ceremony will be held, when
            academic and research expertise and state-                        quality lifelong learning programs and            your fees are due and when your unit results
            of-the-art facilities. Our Mandurah campus                        services. We have partnered with Kaplan           will be published. You can find all the dates
            specialises in health courses, including                          Singapore since 2007 and our partnership          listed here.
            Nursing and postgraduate Counselling –                            continues to expand. Courses are offered in
            Creative Arts Therapies. We also deliver                          trimesters and students can transfer to study     2019 Admission Dates
            OnTrack, a free 14-week program offering                          equivalent degrees in Perth or Dubai.
            an alternative pathway to Murdoch, at our                         Singapore Campus                                  Mon 7 Aug 2018 - Fri 4 Jan 2019
            Mandurah campus.                                                                                                    Tertiary Institutions Service Centre (TISC)
                                                                                                                                application period – during this time,
            Mandurah Campus                                                   Dubai campus                                      suitable applicants can apply for Murdoch
                                                                              Our vibrant campus in Dubai caters for            courses by completing a TISC application.
                                                                              the area’s growing demand for skilled
                                                                              professionals across a range of industries.       Fri 28 Sept 2018
                                                                              Opened in 2008 in partnership with Global         TISC late application fee imposed after
                                                                                                                                this date.
                                                                              Institute Middle East, our Murdoch University
                                                                              International Study Centre in Dubai offers        Fri 15 Feb 2109
                                                                              a range of degrees with the flexibility for       Murdoch application deadline for Semester
                                                                              you to create your own combination of             1-2018 – note that some courses have
                             JOONDALUP                                        majors. Courses are offered in trimesters and     an earlier closing deadline. Please refer to
                                                                              students can transfer to study equivalent         individual course webpages to confirm.
                                                                              degrees in Perth or Singapore.
                                                                              Dubai Campus                                      Mon 25 Feb 2019
                        36 mins                                                                                                 Semester 1 commences

                                                                    MIDLAND                                                     Fri 8 Mar 2019
                                                                                                                                Last Day for Enrolments

                                                     25 mins                                                                    Please visit TISC for further information on
                                                                                                                                offer dates and application closing dates.


                                                         PERTH AIRPORT

                                   15 mins
FREMANTLE      GARDEN CITY                                                                   How to get to our Perth campus
                                                                                                       Just 15 minutes from the city to Murdoch
                                    FIONA STANLEY HOSPITAL                                             train station, then a quick trip by
                                                                                                       connecting bus to campus, or a 10-minute
                                                                                                       Regular bus services past campus

                                                                                                       15 minutes from the city on Kwinana
                       36 mins
                                                                                                       Freeway (exit South Street). There are
                             MANDURAH                                                                  almost 4,000 car park spaces available, so
                                                                                                       you’ll always have access to parking

                                                                                                       Excellent cycle routes to campus with
                                                                                                       secure bike storage available
Admissions Criteria                             Limited Places                                   Applicants with higher
To help understand admission pathway
                                                Bachelor of Nursing and Bachelor of
                                                Veterinary Science courses have limited
                                                                                                 education study
options and entry requirements we have          places available. These courses have a           Have you previously commenced or
grouped our information into the following      competitive admissions process that sees         completed study at a higher education
sections:                                       school leavers with high ATAR scores             provider? For most of our undergraduate
• Essential requirements;                       considered for admission against applicants      courses, if you have successfully completed at
  information for all applicants                that can have a variety of backgrounds           least two units at an Australian University or
                                                including previous higher education study.       one year study at another recognised tertiary
• Applicants with higher education study;
                                                                                                 or higher education provider you will meet
  information for applicants who have           Due to the limited number of places available
                                                                                                 entry requirements to apply for admission.
  successfully completed higher education       there is no fixed minimum Selection Rank
  units or courses including enabling courses   for consideration for these courses. Places      Some of our courses have specific entry
• Applicants with vocational education          in these programs are allocated in order of      requirements for applicants with higher
  and training (VET) study; information         applicants’ assessed ranking until quotas are    education. You can check the available
  for applicants who have successfully          filled.                                          admission pathway entry requirements for
  completed one or more VET courses                                                              the course you are interested in by searching
                                                Course specific admission information
                                                                                                 at: Murdoch Course Finder.
• Applicants with work and life                 available on course detail pages provides
  experience; information for applicants        more detail on these processes. You can          Advanced Standing
  who have not completed secondary              check the available admission pathway            If you have previous study or professional
  education, or who completed secondary         entry requirements for the course you are        experience relating to your field of study,
  education more than two years ago and         interested in by searching at:                   you might even be able to get credits or
  have no VET or higher education               Murdoch Course Finder.                           exemptions towards your new degree,
• Applicants with recent secondary                                                               reducing the time it takes to graduate.
  education; information for applicants         Inherent Requirements
                                                A number of undergraduate courses have           Getting a credit or an exemption for your
  who have recently completed secondary
                                                inherent requirements that need to be met in     previous study or industry experience is
  education (i.e. within the past two years)
                                                order to be offered a place or to successfully   known as advanced standing. If you’re
                                                complete the program of study.                   eligible for advanced standing for certain
                                                                                                 units in your course, this could reduce your
Essential requirements                          Inherent requirements provide expectations       overall study load and the amount of time
English entry requirements                      for applicants relating to domains including:    you need to study before you can graduate.
                                                                                                 Some courses may have a time limit on when
All undergraduate courses have an essential     •   Ethical behaviour
                                                                                                 previous studies were completed due to
minimum English proficiency requirement         •   Behavioural stability
                                                                                                 professional registration requirements.
with the Bachelor of Law, Bachelor of           •   Legal behaviour
Nursing, Bachelor of Veterinary Science         •   Communication                                If you have not automatically received
and Bachelor of Education having higher         •   Cognition                                    advanced standing and believe you may
minimum requirements.                           •   Sensory ability                              be eligible for it, you can apply directly to
                                                •   Strength and mobility                        Murdoch for recognition of previous study or
You can demonstrate proficiency via:            •   Sustainable performance                      recognition of professional experience. More
• English proficiency tests (STAT, IELTS,                                                        information at: Advanced Standing.
  TOEFL, OET, PTE, CAE)                         Course specific inherent requirements are
                                                detailed in the course admission information     Completed bridging or enabling course
• Secondary education (WA) a scaled             available on course web pages. You can
  mark of 50 or higher in ATAR English,                                                          If you have successfully completed one
                                                check the inherent requirements for the
  Literature or English as an Additional                                                         of Murdoch’s enabling courses within the
                                                course you are interested in by searching at:
  Language or Dialect (EALD)                                                                     past two years, you can apply direct to
                                                Murdoch Course Finder.
                                                                                                 Murdoch for admission into any course that
• Successful completion of any University
                                                                                                 has a minimum Selection Rank required for
  preparation course (must have been            Clearances, Vaccinations, Registrations
                                                                                                 consideration of 70 or lower.
  completed within the past two years)          A number of undergraduate courses have
• English language course (academic)            requirements, such as working with children      Murdoch University Preparation Course
• Previous study of at least 2 units at         clearances, immunisations, vaccinations or
                                                                                                 OnTrack enabling course (14 week)
  tertiary level (English as the medium of      registrations that need to be obtained in
                                                order to be offered a place or to successfully   OnTrack Sprint enabling course (4 week)
                                                complete the program of study.
                                                                                                 FlexiTrack enabling course (10/20/50 week)
Recommended Subjects                            Course specific requirements are detailed in
                                                                                                 TLC110 Learning for Tomorrow enabling
There are no essential prerequisite subjects    the course admission information available
                                                                                                 course ( 1 day/week February to September)
for any of our undergraduate degrees,           on course web pages. You can check
however we do have recommended subjects.        the requirements for the course you are          K-Track indigenous enabling course (14 week)
If you haven’t undertaken and passed the        interested in by searching at:
recommended subjects listed for your course     Murdoch Course Finder.                           If you have successfully completed the
you may need to complete preparatory units                                                       Murdoch Pre-Law or Law Start course, you
during your first year.                         Access to specific nominated software            will be offered admission into the Bachelor of
                                                                                                 Law course.
You can view the recommended subjects for       A number of courses have a requirement to
the course you are interested in by searching   access specific nominated software that need
at: Murdoch Course Finder.                      to be met in order to successfully complete
                                                the program of study.
                                                Course specific admission information
                                                available on course detail pages provides
                                                more detail on these requirements. You can
                                                check the requirements for the course you
                                                are interested in by searching at:
                                                Murdoch Course Finder.
Applicants with vocational                       Applicants with work and                          Murdoch RISE eligible students must also
                                                                                                   satisfy one of the following conditions:
education and training                           life experience (includes
(VET) study                                      those who left secondary                          a.   Have achieved their ATAR (TER) at a
                                                                                                        school in the RISE Schools list ; or
Have you completed a vocational                  education more than 2
education and training course? For many          years ago)                                        b.   Have a permanent home address when
                                                                                                        completing Year 12 at a postcode in the
of our undergraduate courses, if you have
                                                 Have you not completed secondary                       RISE Postcodes list; or
successfully completed a Certificate IV or
                                                 education, or completed it more than two
higher VET qualification and can demonstrate                                                       c.   Have indicated Indigenous descent;
                                                 years ago and have not completed VET or
English competency, you are eligible to apply                                                           by declaring status through TISC
                                                 higher education? Murdoch has a number of
for admission.                                                                                          application or on the Indigenous
                                                 admission pathways available with different
                                                                                                        indicator when applying directly.
This excludes direct entry into Law and          entry requirements for you to consider.
Veterinary Science. For entry into Engineering                                                     There’s no need to register for Selection
                                                 Finished secondary education more than
your Vet qualification must be at a Diploma                                                        Rank adjustments. If you are eligible, the
                                                 two years ago
level or higher. You can check the available                                                       adjustment factor is automatically added to
admission pathway entry requirements for         Even if it’s been a while since you finished      your raw ATAR score when you apply.
the course you are interested in by searching    Year 12, your exam results are valid
at: Murdoch Course Finder.                       indefinitely. Scores obtained since 1992          If you’re unsure whether you have an ATAR,
                                                 can be converted to an Australian Tertiary        whether you are eligible for Murdoch RISE,
Advanced Standing                                Admission Rank (ATAR) using the TISC ATAR         or you just want to have a chat about your
                                                 calculator.                                       situation before you apply, you can always
If you have a Diploma or higher you might
                                                                                                   contact the Meet Murdoch team.
even be able to get credits or exemptions        Your ATAR represents your rank among all
towards your new degree, reducing the time       Year 12 students in Western Australia as          Special Tertiary Admissions Test
it takes to graduate.                            calculated by the Tertiary Institutions Service   If you’re at least 20 years old by the 1st
Getting a credit or an exemption for your        Centre (TISC). ATAR is based on your Tertiary     March in the year you wish to commence
previous study or industry experience is         Entrance Aggregate (TEA) and some other           study, you can apply for entry to Murdoch by
known as advanced standing. If you’re            factors also detailed on the TISC website.        sitting the Special Tertiary Admissions Test
eligible for advanced standing for certain                                                         (STAT). The STAT is a nationally recognised
                                                 Selection Rank Pathway                            test which assesses your abilities for learning
units in your course, this could reduce your
overall study load and the amount of time        With the exception of Nursing and Veterinary      at university. In WA, you can sit the STAT by
you need to study before you can graduate.       Science, undergraduate courses at Murdoch         booking through the TISC website. If you are
Some courses may have a time limit on when       have an admission pathway based on                not 20 years old by this time you will need to
previous studies were completed due to           a minimum Selection Rank required for             email Murdoch Admissions who can help you
professional registration requirements.          consideration. This value is available on         gain permission to sit the test.
                                                 course web pages and the TISC website.
If you have not automatically received                                                             To apply for admission into most of our
advanced standing and believe you may            Your Selection Rank is the actual ranking that    undergraduate courses, you’ll need to
be eligible for it, you can apply directly to    is used to assess admission to a course. Your     achieve a STAT score of at least 140 in the
Murdoch for recognition of previous study or     selection rank will include your ATAR plus        Written English section and 135 in the
recognition of professional experience. More     any eligible Murdoch RISE Selection Rank          Multiple Choice section. If you took the STAT
information at: Advanced Standing.               adjustments.                                      before February 2010, you need a minimum
                                                                                                   score of 145 in both the Written English and
VET partners                                     Selection Rank adjustments                        Multiple Choice sections.
Murdoch Institute of Technology is our           Some applicants may be eligible for Murdoch       You cannot use the STAT to apply for entry
on-campus partner providing admission            RISE adjustment factors which can help you        to Law or Veterinary Science. You can
pathways for students via Diploma courses.       get into your preferred course by increasing      check the available admission pathway
                                                 your Murdoch Selection Rank.                      entry requirements for the course you are
Murdoch also partners with a number of
off-campus institutions to provide admission                                                       interested in by searching at: Murdoch
                                                 Murdoch RISE                                      Course Finder.
pathways for students via Diploma, Advanced
Diploma or Associate Degree courses. Please      Murdoch RISE is an adjustment factor to
                                                                                                   STAT preparation course
visit our partner websites:                      increase the Selection Rank for eligible
                                                 students by 10 points up to a maximum             Murdoch’s Centre for University Teaching and
Canning College                                  Selection Rank of 90.00. Murdoch RISE is          Learning offers a STAT Preparation Course
Phoenix Academy                                  intended to support access to university for      which is useful and recommended as an
Perth International College of English           students from Regional, Indigenous or low         introduction for students who do not feel
TAFE International WA                            Socio-Economic backgrounds.                       confident in doing a test or who haven’t
                                                                                                   studied for a while.
                                                 To be eligible for consideration, you must
                                                 have completed secondary education in W.A.        For more information about the STAT
                                                 with an ATAR between 60.00 and 89.95              Preparation Course contact 9360 2142 or
                                                 inclusive.                                        email. For more information about the STAT
                                                                                                   visit the TISC Website.
Mature Age Pathway (MAP)                          Applicants with recent                           Other admission options
If you do not have the academic
requirements to be admitted to a course but
                                                  secondary education                              Creative Portfolio
are passionate about a field of study and feel    (within the past two years)                      Have you got a range of skills and
you have relevant work and life experience        Australian Year 12 students                      knowledge you feel will enable you to be
then the Murdoch MAP is for you.                                                                   successful in your chosen degree? You
                                                  Have you completed secondary education           can apply for admission to a number of
MAP involves an interview and a portfolio         within the past two years? The following         majors for our Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of
submission to be assessed by the                  information will help you choose the most        Communications, or Bachelor of Creative
Academic Chair of the course. Applicants          suitable pathway for admission.                  Media courses using a creative portfolio
must also meet the English Language                                                                application. Majors that accept creative
                                                  Selection Rank Pathway
Competency requirements for the course.                                                            portfolio for entry are: English and Creative
For more information about MAP email              With the exception of Nursing and Veterinary
                                                                                                   Writing, Games Art and Design, Graphic                Science, undergraduate courses at Murdoch
                                                                                                   Design, Journalism, Photography, Screen
                                                  have an admission pathway based on
                                                                                                   Production, Sound, Strategic Communication
Applicants using this pathway must                a minimum Selection Rank required for
                                                                                                   and Theatre and Drama.
apply at least 2 weeks prior to semester          consideration. This value is available on
commencement. MAP is not available for            course web pages and the TISC website.           Your portfolio application helps Murdoch to
the following courses: Veterinary Science,                                                         better understand you as a future university
                                                  Your Selection Rank is the actual ranking that
Nursing, Engineering and Law.                                                                      student by bringing together any academic
                                                  is used to assess admission to a course. Your
                                                                                                   results, references and evidence of your
Enabling courses                                  selection rank will include your ATAR plus
                                                                                                   work and ability relevant to the major you
                                                  any eligible Murdoch RISE Selection Rank
Murdoch also has a number of enabling                                                              are keen to study. Applicants must complete
courses to assist prospective students who do                                                      their WACE and also meet English language
not currently meet any admission pathway          Selection Rank adjustments                       competency. Further information can be
requirements. Enabling courses are valid as                                                        found at Murdoch Portfolio Entry.
                                                  Some applicants may be eligible for Murdoch
an entry pathway for entry for two years from
                                                  RISE adjustment factors which can help you       Law Start
date of completion.
                                                  get into your preferred course by increasing     LAW START is an admission pathway for
OnTrack                                           your Murdoch Selection Rank.                     academically capable students who wish to
OnTrack is a fee-free 14-week university                                                           study Law. Your overall ATAR score is not used
                                                  Murdoch RISE
enabling course that qualifies you to apply                                                        as a basis for admission in this pathway. To be
                                                  Murdoch RISE is an adjustment factor to          considered for admission via this pathway you
direct to Murdoch for admission into any
                                                  increase the Selection Rank for eligible         will need to have submitted an application
course that has a minimum Selection Rank
                                                  students by 10 points up to a maximum            through TISC.
required for consideration of 70 or lower.
                                                  Selection Rank of 90.00. Murdoch RISE is
Murdoch OnTrack.                                                                                   Candidates who present a strong academic
                                                  intended to support access to university for
                                                  students from Regional, Indigenous or low        application will be invited to attend and
                                                  Socio-Economic backgrounds.                      participate in a mandatory 1 day workshop
FlexiTrack is a fee-free online enabling                                                           at the School of Law in early December
course that qualifies you to apply direct to      To be eligible for consideration, you must       where they will be required to complete a
Murdoch for admission into any course that        have completed secondary education in W.A.       written assessment. Successful candidates will
has a minimum Selection Rank required for         with an ATAR between 60.00 and 89.95             receive a formal offer of a place in Murdoch
consideration of 70 or lower. The minimum         inclusive.                                       Law during TISC first round offers.
time to complete is 10 weeks, the maximum
                                                  Students must also satisfy one of the            To be eligible to apply you must have
is 50 weeks. Murdoch FlexiTrack.
                                                  following conditions:                            completed one or more ATAR subjects with
Murdoch Institute of Technology (MIT)                                                              a strong focus on communication and essay
                                                  a.   Have achieved their ATAR (TER) at a
                                                                                                   writing skills. Acceptable subjects will include
MIT offers a Murdoch University Preparation            school in the RISE Schools list ; or
                                                                                                   but not limited to English, English Literature,
Course (MUPC). If you successfully complete
                                                  b.   Have a permanent home address when          Modern History, Politics and Legal Studies.
the MUPC you can apply direct to Murdoch
                                                       completing Year 12 at a postcode in the     You must have also received at least 70% in
for admission into any course except for
                                                       RISE Postcodes list; or                     one of these subjects in your most recent
Veterinary Science. To meet the entrance
                                                                                                   Year 12 report.
requirements for Law you will need to get a       c.   Have indicated Indigenous descent;
course weighed average of 78% or higher.               by declaring status through TISC            Applications must include:
                                                       application or on the Indigenous
Murdoch Pre-Law                                                                                    1.  LAW START –Ability and Aptitude
                                                       indicator when applying directly.
                                                                                                       Entrance Pathway - Cover sheet
This course is designed to assess your current
                                                  There’s no need to register for Selection        2. A Personal Statement – maximum of
skills and to evaluate your current suitability
                                                  Rank adjustments. If you are eligible, the           500 words outlining why you want to
for studying Law at Murdoch University.
                                                  adjustment factor is automatically added to          study Law and your experience and
In order to be eligible for inclusion in the
                                                  your raw ATAR score when you apply.                  achievements that have prepared you
program applicants must have been away
from study for a minimum of 12 months.                                                                 for success in your future studies.
                                                  If you’re unsure whether you have an ATAR,
Current Murdoch students are not eligible.        whether you are eligible for Murdoch RISE,       3. Supporting documentation including;
Successful completion of the Murdoch Pre-         or you just want to have a chat about your         a. Semester 2 Year 11 report, and
Law course will result in an offer of admission   situation before you apply, you can always         b. Year 12 mid-year report
into the Bachelor of Law course.                  contact the Meet Murdoch team.                     c. You may include a one-page document
                                                                                                         that lists contributions you have made
                                                                                                         to your school community.
                                                                                                     d. You may also choose to include copies
                                                                                                         of any certificates or prizes received in
                                                                                                         Years 10, 11 or 12.
                                                                                                   4. TISC Application Number
Extenuating circumstances                         FlexiTrack                                        Additional Information
We understand that the intended pathway           Flexitrack is a free online university enabling
to university studies doesn’t always go to        course and admission pathway that you can
plan. For this reason, Murdoch University         study intensively over 10 weeks, full-time        Other Admission Criteria
will consider applications from prospective       over 20 weeks, or part-time over 12 months.       that may apply
students whose education has been                 For further information please visit Murdoch
compromised due to genuine hardship,              FlexiTrack.                                       Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
resulting in them falling short of admissions                                                       Kulbardi Aboriginal Centre
requirements for an undergraduate course.         TLC110 Learning for Tomorrow
                                                                                                    The Kulbardi Aboriginal Centre provides
Extenuating circumstances will not be             This is a free course where students must
                                                                                                    admission pathways to Indigenous people
considered for direct entry into Veterinary       attend TLC110 classes once a week February
                                                                                                    who haven’t received an ATAR or completed
Science. More details can be found at             through to September while completing their
                                                                                                    Year 12. The following courses are available:
Extenuating Circumstances.                        WACE.
                                                                                                    • K-Track – A 14-week Indigenous bridging
Interstate or overseas Year 12                    You will be eligible to apply direct to
                                                                                                      program. The K-Track enabling program
Students who have completed secondary             Murdoch University if you:
                                                                                                      can help you develop the skills you need
education outside of Western Australia                                                                to succeed at university
                                                  1.   Pass TLC110 (this includes meeting
are subject to meeting the same entry
                                                       attendance requirements)                     • Waardong - Professional education
requirements as Western Australian students.
                                                  2.   Achieve a scaled score of 50+ in ATAR          program for
ATARs are equivalent from every state except
Queensland.                                            English or a grade of ‘C’ or better in       • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders in
                                                       General English
                                                                                                    • Veterinary Studies Domestic applicants
An ATAR of 75 in New South Wales will still
                                                  3.   Achieve your Western Australian                with overseas qualifications
be 75 in Western Australia. Students from
                                                       Certificate of Education
Queensland receive an Overall Position (OP)                                                         Overseas qualifications can be accepted
which is converted into an ATAR equivalent        For further information please visit TLC110
                                                                                                    for entry into Murdoch courses. To find out
by the Queensland Curriculum and                  Learning for Tomorrow.
                                                                                                    which qualification is recognised and the
Assessment Authority.                                                                               required level for entry, you can refer to the
                                                  Murdoch Institute of Technology (MIT)
International Baccalaureate                                                                         course webpages, in the section ‘Academic
                                                  MIT offers a Murdoch University Preparation       Entry Requirements’.
You might have completed an International         Course (MUPC). If you successfully complete
Baccalaureate which can be converted to an        the MUPC you can apply direct to Murdoch          How to apply
ATAR equivalent. Course webpages show the         for admission into any course except for          Apply through TISC
International Baccalaureate score you will        Veterinary Science. To meet the entrance
require to be considered for admission.                                                             If you want to study in Semester 1 2019
                                                  requirements for Law you will need to get a
                                                                                                    apply through TISC. Applications for
Other overseas secondary education                course weighed average of 78% or higher.
                                                                                                    Veterinary Science must be lodged through
Overseas qualifications can be accepted           VET partners                                      TISC. Murdoch recommends applying for
for entry into Murdoch courses. To find out                                                         Nursing through TISC as places are limited.
                                                  Murdoch Institute of Technology is our
which school results are recognised and the       on-campus partner providing admission             If you are studying on a student visa please
required level for entry, you can refer to the    pathways for students via Diploma courses.        see information for International Students.
course webpages, in the section ‘Academic
Entry Requirements’.                              Murdoch also partners with a number of            Applications to the Tertiary Institutions
                                                  off-campus institutions to provide admission      Service Centre
Enabling courses                                  pathways for students via Diploma, Advanced
                                                                                                    Applications open on 6 August 2018. It
Murdoch also has a number of enabling             Diploma or Associate Degree courses.
                                                                                                    pays to be organised as late fees apply
courses to assist prospective students who                                                          for applications submitted after 11pm 28
                                                  Canning College
have recently completed secondary school                                                            September 2018. Further close dates can be
                                                  Phoenix Academy
do not currently meet any admission pathway                                                         found on the TISC website.
                                                  Perth International College of English
entry requirements. Enabling courses are
                                                  TAFE International WA
valid as an entry pathway for entry for two                                                         Here’s what you need to do to complete your
years from date of completion.                    International students                            TISC application:

OnTrack                                           International admission requirements are          • If you’ve been automatically registered
                                                  detailed here.                                      with the
Ontrack is a free 14-week, on-campus
enabling course and admission pathway.                                                              • TISC website, you can log in using
For further information please visit Murdoch                                                          your WACE Candidate Number or TISC
OnTrack.                                                                                              Number. If you don’t already have a
                                                                                                      login, you can register online.
OnTrack Sprint                                                                                      • Choose your six course preferences.
Ontrack Sprint is a free 4-week, on-campus                                                            Getting the order of your preferences
enabling program and admission pathway.                                                               right will give you the best chance of
You are eligible for entry to OnTrack Sprint if                                                       getting into the course you really want.
you have completed your WACE in the last                                                            • Complete your application form, making
18 months, generated an ATAR between                                                                  sure to pay any fees.
60.00-69.95 (or an ATAR of 55.00-59.95 if
you are from a school eligible for ATAR RISE)                                                       • Print off your application coversheet and
and have demonstrated English competency.                                                             submit all the supporting documents
For further information please visit Murdoch                                                          listed.
OnTrack Sprint.                                                                                     • Check your inbox. Once you have
                                                                                                      applied and your application fee has
                                                                                                      been processed, TISC will send you an
                                                                                                      email confirmation.

                                                                                                    Apply to Murdoch via TISC.
Apply directly to Murdoch University             Enrolment                                         Fees and Charges
For other applicants including recent school
leavers who are applying for Semester 1          Accepting or deferring an offer                   At Murdoch, you pay for the individual units
outside of the TISC application period or plan   Getting an offer is an exciting step in your      you enrol in, rather than an overall course
to start university in Semester 2, you can       journey to undergraduate study at Murdoch.        fee. Some units cost more than others. This
apply directly to Murdoch online through         Secure your place by accepting your offer.        may be due to the number of credit points
MyAdmissions. Online applications for most       Here’s what you need to know about                the unit awards or the level of resources
courses at Murdoch close on the Friday           receiving and accepting an offer:                 required to teach it.
before Orientation Week.                                                                           The amount that you pay will depend on
                                                 • Whether you applied through TISC or
Here’s how you can apply:                          directly to Murdoch, you’ll receive your        several factors, including whether you are
                                                   offer by email, so keep an eye on your          a domestic or international student, your
• Go to MyAdmission and create a new               inbox.                                          residency status and the units that you
  Applicant ID, or log in with an existing                                                         choose. As a domestic student your fees will
  ID and password.                               • When you receive an offer, you need
                                                                                                   differ from those of international students,
                                                   to respond to it by the deadline noted
• Your application will take just 20                                                               and you’ll be eligible for a Commonwealth
                                                   in the email or apply for an extension.
  minutes to complete - it is saved as you                                                         Supported Place in all undergraduate courses.
                                                   For any questions about TISC offers,
  go, so you can come back later to finish                                                         More fee information at: Course Fees.
                                                   check out the TISC website. How you
  it.                                              respond will depend on whether you are          You may be eligible for a HECS-HELP loan
• Complete your application online using           a domestic or international student, or
  the name and code of the course you’re                                                           In a Commonwealth Supported Place, the
                                                   have applied to Murdoch through one of
  applying for, which can be found using                                                           government pays part of the cost of your
                                                   our packaged partners.
  the course finder.                                                                               course fees each semester and you pay
                                                 • If you don’t receive an offer, don’t panic.     the rest. The part you pay is known as your
• Upload your academic transcript and              Remember, there’s more than one way             student contribution. Australian citizens,
  any other supporting documentation               to get into Murdoch. We’re here to help,        eligible New Zealand citizens and holders of
  (Word or PDF documents preferred).               so speak to us about your situation and         permanent humanitarian visas can pay their
• You can check the status of your                 we’ll help you explore your options.            student contribution either:
  application by simply logging back into
  MyAdmissions.                                  To respond to your Murdoch offer,                 • upfront directly to the university
                                                 you need to:                                      • by deferring payment to a HECS-HELP
• Ask us a question: Send us a message
  via our online form and we’ll get back         • Activate your student account by using            loan.
  to you.                                          your Murdoch student number, which              A HELP loan allows you to defer the payment
                                                   you’ll find in your offer letter, to log into   of your student contribution until your
We can accept scanned copies of your               MyMurdoch. You can also set up your             income reaches a certain level. When you’re
documents but not e-transcripts. If you don’t      student password and confirm your               earning enough money to start repaying
have the documents available when you              email address and mobile number.                your loan, it is repaid through the tax system
submit your application, you can upload          • Accept your offer to secure your place at       as a percentage of your salary. For more
them at a later date by logging back into          Murdoch. You can also defer it to start         information on the HELP loan scheme, and to
MyAdmission. Once you have applied, you            another semester or reject it if you no         find out whether you’re eligible, check out
can track the status of your application           longer wish to study at Murdoch.                the Australian Government’s StudyAssist site.
through MyAdmission.
                                                 • If you are accepting you can then
Offers for direct applications are not sent        start enrolling in units to lock in your        Other Fees
through for Semester 1 until after all offers      timetable for the semester.                     As well as your course fees, there are other
have been made through TISC.                                                                       fees and costs to consider when planning
                                                                                                   the financial aspects of your studies. These
                                                 Advanced Standing                                 include fees for administrative and other
Early offers                                                                                       services, and costs specific to your course,
                                                 If you have previous study or professional
                                                                                                   such as for equipment and textbooks. For
Semester 1: Early offers are available for       experience relating to your field of study,
                                                                                                   more information visit: Other Fees.
all courses from September through to            you may be eligible to receive a credit or
December for applicants who apply though         exemption for certain units in your course.       Student Services and Amenities Fee
TISC. These offers are available to applicants   Getting a credit or an exemption for your         The Student Services and Amenities Fee
who meet entry requirements and English          previous study or industry experience is          (SSAF) is a fee charged by all higher education
Language Competency and are not currently        known as advanced standing. If you’re             providers, including Murdoch, to help with
completing Year 12. Early offers are only        eligible for advanced standing for certain        student services and features that aren’t
issued once for Veterinary Science in            units in your course, this could reduce your      directly linked to your studies at Murdoch.
December.                                        overall study load and the amount of time         We use these fees to help provide you with:
                                                 you need to study before you can graduate.
Semester 2: Offers are continually sent                                                            • health and counselling services
through to applicants from April through to      If you have not automatically received
July. There is no defined offer rounds.                                                            • careers and employment advice
                                                 advanced standing and believe you may
                                                 be eligible for it, you can apply directly to     • sport and recreation facilities and
                                                 Murdoch for recognition of previous study or        services
                                                 recognition of professional experience. More
                                                                                                   The SSAF is charged twice a year, and the
                                                 information at: Advanced Standing.
                                                                                                   amount you pay depends on whether you’re
                                                                                                   a full or part-time student, and which campus
                                                                                                   you study at. The current SSAF fees are
                                                                                                   available here.
Parking Fees                                           Student Profile
Parking at Murdoch is easy, but you will need
to budget for parking fees if you’re planning          This table gives an indication of the likely peer cohort for new students at the institution. It provides
to drive to uni. Car parks on campus are               data on students that commenced undergraduate study and passed the census date in the most
zoned and colour coded either red or green.            relevant recent intake period for which data are available, including those admitted through all
                                                       offer rounds, across all Australian campuses, and international students studying in Australia.
Red zone parking is closer to the main
buildings. An annual permit is $480.00.
Green zone parking is situated slightly further                                                                                 Semester One 2018
away. An annual permit is $200.00
                                                                           Applicant background                           Number of           Percentage of
Visitors’ ticket parking is also available if you’ll                                                                     commencing           commencing
only be driving to Murdoch occasionally.                                                                                   students             students

See the Parking at Murdoch University                   (A) Higher education study
                                                                                                                             1240                 42%
campuses page for more information.                     (includes a bridging or enabling course)

Course-related expenses                                 (B) Vocational education and training (VET) study                     267                  9%
Your tuition fees cover the cost of your                (C) Recent secondary education;
education, but you also need to pay for                 (C1) Admitted solely on the basis of ATAR
textbooks or any other materials and                    (regardless of whether this includes the impact of                    917                 31%
equipment that may be required for your                 adjustment factors such as equity or subject bonus
course. Depending on your area of study, you            points)
may also need to pay for:
                                                        (C) Recent secondary education;
• textbooks                                             (C2) Admitted where both ATAR and additional criteria
• field trips                                                                                                                 N/A                 N/A
                                                        were considered (e.g. portfolio, audition, extra test, early
• laboratory equipment such as lab coats                offer conditional on minimum ATAR)
  and safety goggles
                                                        (C) Recent secondary education;
• printing and photocopying                             (C3) Admitted on the basis of other criteria only and
• Working with Children Checks                          ATAR was not a factor (e.g. special consideration,                     70                  2%
                                                        audition alone, schools recommendation scheme with
If you are studying externally, you might need
                                                        no minimum ATAR requirement)
to attend mandatory on-campus sessions
for some units, so you’ll want to factor                (D) Work and life experience
in the cost of travelling to Murdoch and                (Admitted on the basis of previous achievement other                  142                  5%
accommodation if necessary.                             than the above)

Scholarships                                            International students                                                346                 12%
At Murdoch we recognise that studying
                                                        All Students                                                         2982                 100%
at university can be a rewarding and
challenging experience that often requires
                                                       Notes: N/A - Data not available for Murdoch courses.
some support. Scholarships can assist in
providing financial support to students
while they are studying, and may also offer a
range of academic or career opportunities.
Where to get further information
Meet Murdoch
Current and Future Students
(8:00AM – 8:00PM| Mon - Fri) 1300 687 3624

International Students
(8:00AM – 8:00PM| Mon - Fri)
+61 8 9360 6063

Accepting your offer
Course fees
Entry requirements
Course specific information
Murdoch Institute of Technology (MIT)
OnTrack Sprint
Kulbardi Aboriginal Centre
TISC website
TISC ATAR calculator website
Quality Indicators for Learning and
Teaching (QILT) website

TEQSA number: PRV1216 CRICOS Code: 00125J   Information accurate as of 31 June 2018 MC0OOO1182 06/18
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