XX Commonwealth Games - Explore the Commonwealth Games using the DREAMER Steps

Page created by Katherine Cobb
XX Commonwealth Games - Explore the Commonwealth Games using the DREAMER Steps
Creative Project Ideas for the 2014 Commonwealth Games • July 23rd–August 3rd 2014

XX Commonwealth Games
Explore the Commonwealth Games using the DREAMER Steps

Begin with a DISCUSSION on the                    Commonwealth. She does not rule these            competing in 17 different sports. Please refer
Commonwealth Games                                countries but 16 of the member states are        the official website for more information:
                                                  Commonwealth realms where she is the             http://www.glasgow2014.com/
The Commonwealth Games are held                   head of state. Five of the member states are     Extension Ideas/ Links to other Subject Areas
every four years in a city in one of the          monarchies with their own monarchs and the       Art: Look at the 17 sports being contested and
Commonwealth member nations. They bring           rest are republics.                              choose one to visually represent the athletes
together countries united by language, history,   The Commonwealth’s two billion people make       competing against one another.
and culture. There are 53 member states,          up 30% of the world’s population, and are of     Geography: Mark on a map of the world where
three are in Europe, 12 in North America, one     many faiths, races, languages, cultures and      the 53 member states of the Commonwealth are
in South America, 18 in Africa, eight in Asia,    traditions. They cover almost a quarter of the   located. Make a special marking for Glasgow where
and 11 in Oceania (including one suspended        world’s land area and span all the continents    the Commonwealth Games will be held. Find out
member, Fiji).                                    (except Antartica!).                             the route the Queen’s Baton Relay took and mark
Queen Elizabeth II, who opens the                 The Commonwealth Games in 2014 will be           this on the map with a fine line.
Commonwealth Games, is the Head of the            held in Glasgow, where countries will be

           Project Ideas 2014 Commonwealth Games                                                                                                    1
XX Commonwealth Games - Explore the Commonwealth Games using the DREAMER Steps
Take time to RESEARCH the                          and internet to research the origins of this
                                                        Commonwealth Games including                       creature and what it stands for. Do other
                                                        related topics by using the library, the           countries in the Commonwealth also have an
                                                        internet or talk to people you know.               official animal? What is Australia’s national
Art & Craft Materials, Stationery                       Look at the logo of the 20th Commonwealth
     & Educational Supplies                             Games being held in Glasgow in 2014, from          Extension Ideas: Links to other Subject
       4/41 Lexton Road, Box Hill North                 July 23rd until the 3rd August. Use the            Areas. History: Choose one of the 17 sports
          Melbourne, Victoria 3129                      internet to research information on what the       played at the Commonwealth Games and find
     P: 03 9890 1867 F: 03 9898 6527                    logo represents and who designed it.               out who has won the gold medal in that sport
             www.zartart.com.au                         Clyde the thistle man is the mascot for The        over the last five Commonwealth Games.
    Online shopping: www.zartart.com.au                 Games, as the thistle is the floral emblem of      Performing Arts: Choose one of the 17
Monday—Wednesday & Friday: 8.30am—5pm                   Scotland. Find out what the floral emblem is       sports and create a dance routine that
         Thursday: 8.30am—6.30pm                        for the other members of the Commonwealth.         would symbolize that particular sport. Ask
            Saturday: 9am—2pm                           The official animal of Scotland is a mythical      the audience to name what sport you have
Zart - Supporting Teachers in Creative Education        creature known as a unicorn. Use the library       performed, don’t make it too obvious!

 This is the time to EXPERIMENT                         would you need to know before attempting           painting, ‘The Football Players’ , 1908. Notice
 and explore media, to find out what                    to create this figure? Would other materials       the ‘different’ sports clothing the players are
 your best options are to achieve                       be more suited for what you are doing?             wearing. Find images of sportsmen since
 the planned outcome. You might                         You might like to draw the figure first and        1908 and see how fashion has changed since
 encounter problems with one                            experiment with different actions before           then.
 material so discuss your options with                  beginning a three dimensional figure. Your         Information & Communications Technology:
 the class.                                             focus might be on the sporting equipment           Scan one of your preliminary drawings. Use
                                                        that particular sport uses or the stadium that     photo editing software such as Photoshop®
 Use a variety of modelling media to shape              sport will be played in during the Glasgow         to create a digitally enhanced depiction of the
 and form a sculpture that would best                   Games.                                             sport you have studied. What might you add
 represent a figure of an athlete you might see                                                            to the image to make it more realistic or more
 at the Commonwealth Games.                             Extension Ideas: Links to other Subject            abstract?
 What action do you plan to show and what               Areas. History: Look at Henri Rousseau’s

 ART MAKING: Based on all the discussion and research you have done
 on the 2014 Commonwealth Games create a mind map of the potential
 visual art activities you might do to best represent The Games.
                                               Creating Figures in Action:                           2) SKILLS: ITC
                                               1) SKILLS: Drawing                                    Some digital cameras and image capture
                                               Have a student stand in front of the                  technology (i.e. iPads, iPhones, tablets and video
                                               class with arms by his or her side and                cameras), are able to capture multiple frames at the
                                               legs together. Use only lines to sketch               one time. Use this feature to capture movement.
                                               the student’s body. How does this                     What happens when you flip through these pictures
                                               sketch look? Have the student now                     quickly on the computer? Capture a
                                               pose in different positions: bending,                 partner moving and use this as a
                                               stretching, catching a ball, diving into              starting point to sketch
                                               a pool, jumping for a ball and jumping                an athlete in motion.
                                               over a hurdle.                                        Use the computer
                                                                                                     to animate these
                                                                                                     images or create an old
                                                                                                     fashioned flip book.

2                                                                   Project Ideas 2014 Commonwealth Games
XX Commonwealth Games - Explore the Commonwealth Games using the DREAMER Steps
The Mascot: Clyde, the 2014 Games mascot was based on Scotland’s
                national flower, the Thistle. Create a mascot based on one of the other
                                              Commonwealth member’s national flower:

1                                                                    2
                                  Golden Wattle
                                  is the national
                                  flower of Australia
                                  1) SKILLS: Paper Cutting
                                  Skills & Modelling
                                  Materials: Tissue Paper (PA220-
                                  AS), Magiclay(ML280), Zart
                                  Poster Colours(PT880-**), Paper
                                  Stripping 25mm (PA240-**),
                                  Supertac (AA005), Posca
                                  Markers(PM750-**), Joggle Eyes
                                  20mm (EE2520), Mount Board
                                  Book Covers(CB430), Cover
                                  Paper 25 x 38cm (PA120),
                                  Press Magiclay in the
                                  shape of your mascot,
                                  down onto a black board.
                                  Paint with Zart Poster
                                  Colours. Add details such
                                  as a nose and eyes. Use                       LOTUS
                                  Paper Stripping for the
                                  arms and legs. Scrunch            Lotus is the national flower of India
                                  Tissue Paper to create the        2) SKILLS: Paper Cutting Skills & Modelling
                                  golden wattle.                    Materials: Poly Ball 100mm (DE614), Glitter Paper (PA915),
                                                                    Magiclay (ML280), Chenille Stems (CH049), Shimmer Paint
                                                                    (PT407-**), Supertac (AA005), Posca Markers (PM750-**),
                                                                    Synthetic Wool Hanks (CQ115), Cover Paper Black A4 (PA129-
                                                                    BK), Cover Paper 25 x 38cm (PA120)
                  W AT T L E                                        Create a mascot using half a Poly Ball as a starting
                                                                    point. The lotus petals are individually modelled
                                                                    using Magiclay.

                                                                    Hibiscus is the national flower
                                                                    of Malaysia
                                                                    3) SKILLS: Paper Cutting Skills & Modelling
                                                                    Materials: Black Cover Paper 38 x 51cm (PA127-BK),
                                                                    Cover Paper A4 Assorted (PA129-AS), Mungyo Dry
                                                                    Pastels (PS198), Zart Glue Sticks (AA280), Magiclay
                                                                    (ML280), Zart Poster Colours (PT880-**), Supertac
                                                                    Create a mascot by using one shape cut from
                                                                    multiple layers of paper. Combine this with the
                                                                    same shape modelled from Magiclay to create
                                        BISCUS                      your mascot.

    Project Ideas 2014 Commonwealth Games                                                                                        3
XX Commonwealth Games - Explore the Commonwealth Games using the DREAMER Steps
1                                                          2

The official animal of Scotland is the unicorn, a mythical creature.
Create 2D and 3D mythical creatures:
2D Art Making                                    2) SKILLS: Drawing & Painting            3) SKILLS: Drawing & Paper              4) SKILLS: Collage & Paper
1) SKILLS: Drawing & Paper Skills                Materials: Cartridge Paper 110gsm A3     Construction Skills                     Skills
Materials: Cartridge Paper A4 110gsm (PA1184),   (PA1183) or larger. Basics Oil Pastels   Materials: Cartridge Paper A4 110gsm    Materials: Dye Paper (PA178), Metallic
Staedtler Watercolour Pencils (PN724), Zart      Black (PS030-BK), Zart Poster Colours    (PA1184), Yoken Black Markers (PM440-   Scales Paper (PA266), Textured Reptile
Glue Stick (AA280), Joggle Eyes with Lashes      (PT880-**), Black Cover Paper 38 X 51    BU), Black Cover Paper A3 (PA132),      Paper (PA1183), Textured Lizard Paper
(EE315), Supertac (AA005), Cover Paper 38 x      (PA127-BK)                               Supertac (AA005), Polystyrene.          (PA846-LI), Black Cover Paper 38 x 51
51cm Assorted (PA122)                            Draw the outline of your                 Cover two sheets of A4 Cartridge        cm (PA127-BK), Zart Glue Sticks (AA280).
Cover two sheets of Cartridge Paper              mythical creature and colour it          Paper with 3 or 4 different line        Explore the skill of changing
with pattern and lines created with              with Zart Poster Colours. How            patterns. Use this patterned            paper by fringing, folding,
watercolour pencils. Extend the                  many heads, how many legs,               paper to create the mythical            scrunching and cutting multiple
colours with a wet brush. When dry               what distinguishing features             creature. Elevate parts of the          layers. Use these skills to create
cut out shapes to create a mythical              will your mythical creature              creature off a Black Cover Paper        a mythical creature from a variety
creature.                                        have?                                    background.                             of different textured papers.

 3                                                                                                                4

4                                                                     Project Ideas 2014 Commonwealth Games
XX Commonwealth Games - Explore the Commonwealth Games using the DREAMER Steps
3D Art Making                                              2) SKILLS: Soft Toy          3) SKILLS: Construction
1) SKILLS: Modelling & Construction                        Sculpture                    Materials: Newspaper, Masking Tape (AT518), Armature Wire 1.5mm (WG901),
Materials: Modroc (ML315), Magiclay Coloured (ML300),      Materials: Felt Squares      Tissue Paper White (PA224-WH), Shimmer Paint (PT407-BK), Basics Buttons
Poly Balls 50mm (DE612), Feathers, Supertac (AA005),       (FE073), Stiffened Felt      (SM008), Posca Markers (PM750-**), Magiclay (ML280), Paper Stripping
Basics Chenille Stems(CH049), Poly Eggs 70mm (DE203),      (FE069), Supertac (AA005),   25mm (PA240-**), Poly Balls 40mm (DE611), Supertac (AA005), Synthetic
Cardboard Cone 18cm (PA052), Liquitemp Fluorescent Paint   Polyester Filling (WA053),   Wool Hanks (CQ115)
(PT825-F*), Posca Markers (PM750-**), Cardboard Circle     Metallic Yarn (CT020-**),    Create a basic shape of a creature using scrunched up
Base (CB896), Masking Tape (AT518), Laser Dust (GL210),    Chenille Needles (NE124),    newspaper. Secure the shape with masking tape. Create a tail
Hot Melt Glue Gun (AA100), Newspaper.                      Sequins in a Jar Bulk        and legs with newspaper and wire. Attach them to the body
Use newspaper and tape to create a body shape              (SM305-AS)                   and cover the whole form with white Tissue
over a Cardboard Cone. Cover this with strips of           Create a mythical            Paper. Paint the creature with Shimmer
Modroc. Cover a Cardboard Circle with Modroc               creature using felt and      Paint. Add eyes, scales or hair with
for the head. When dry paint to decorate. Add              a basic running stitch.      a variety of media.
feet, eyes, beak, hair and other features.

 1                                                          2                            3

               j t Ideas
                    Idd 2014
                         201 Commonwealth
                                monwealth Games                                                                                                                   5
XX Commonwealth Games - Explore the Commonwealth Games using the DREAMER Steps
The Scottish National Arena is fondly nicknamed ‘The Armadillo’ because of its design.
Create a Stadium:

SKILLS: Drawing & Printing                                             1b) Now draw your building        1b
Materials: Cartridge Paper A4 110gsm (PA1184), Basics Blacklead        design on to a sheet of
Pencils 4B (PN050-4B), Cover Paper A4 (PA129-AS), Printing Foam        Printing Foam and print
(LT300), School Colours Paint (PT210-**), Liquid Glitter (GL100-**),   multiple copies of your design
Foam Roller (RL002)                                                    on to different coloured
1a) Design a building which also has the features of an                papers. Multi-coloured prints
animal. What features will you highlight in this design?               may be achieved by the
What sporting event would this building most suit?                     ‘reduction method’. Draw lines
                                                                       on the foam where you want
                                                                       white lines and print with a
                                                                       light colour. Allow to dry. Add
                                                                       more lines on the foam where
                                                                       you want the first colour and
                                                                       print with a darker colour.
                                                                       Put in registration marks to
                                                                       correctly line up the prints
                                                                       with each colour.

2) SKILLS: Collage                                                2
Materials: Glitter Paper (PA915), Defraction Paper
(PA909), Metallic Prism Paper (PA166), Cartridge
Paper A3 110gsm (PA1183), Cover Paper 38 x
51cm (PA122), Metallic Plain Foil (PA172), Zart Glue
Stick (AA280), Polystyrene, Supertac (AA005)
Create your building design using
different papers. Use cutting and paper
skills to collage a replica of the building
you have designed.

                                                                                    3                    3) SKILLS: Construction
                                                                                                         Materials: Brown Kraft Card
                                                                                                         (PA306), Corrugated Rainbow
                                                                                                         Card (CB125), Dry Pastels
                                                                                                         (PS198), Posca Markers
                                                                                                         (PM750-**), Hand Plier Stapler
                                                                                                         (TQ807), Supertac (AA005),
                                                                                                         Paper Stripping 25mm
                                                                                                         Create a 3D model of the
                                                                                                         building based on your
                                                                                                         design using cardboard.

6                                                                       Project Ideas 2014 Commonwealth Games
XX Commonwealth Games - Explore the Commonwealth Games using the DREAMER Steps
EXHIBIT: This unit of inquiry will have produced much                        RESPONSE : As the time                      How did learning about the
                                                        material to exhibit in some form to accompany the                            draws closer to the                         Commonwealth countries assist
                                                        finished artworks.                                                           Commonwealth Games in                       them in understanding that The
                                                                                                                                     July, encourage students                    Games are not just about the
                                                        Look back through this unit of inquiry. Ask students to document             to reflect on their learning                sports? What reactions did the
                                                        their learning. They may choose to use technology or would their             throughout this unit.                       visitors have to their artworks?
                                                        work be better displayed traditionally?                                                                                  If someone was to visit the
                                                        Are both methods still relevant?                                             How has their learning helped               classroom would they be able to
                                                        Invite other classes, parents and families into your classroom               them in talking about The                   understand the work from the
                                                        for an expo to showcase the learning your students have done                 Games and what impact has it                labels used on the work?
                                                        during this unit.                                                            had on them? What art making
                                                        Encourage students to create a didactic plate to explain their               techniques did they learn from                     Share photos of your
                                                        creation, rembering to reference the sources of inspiration.                 this unit? Look at the final display.              displays on our Facebook
                                                        Students should then decide on what they think should be added               Have they effectively conveyed              page! Send images to:
                                                        and included in the display to add further interest.                         all the learning from this unit?            deez@zartart.com.au

                                                                    Further explore the Commonwealth Games
                                                                             with these Starting Points!
                                                                                         HURRY OFFER ENDS JULY 31ST 2014
                                                                                                   Cardboard Baubles/                                                                  Cardboard People in
                                                                                                   Medallions                                                                          Action
                                                                                                   Cardboard shapes pre-cut to                                                         These pre-cut cardboard
                                                                                                   create your own medals for                                                          templates include 4 different
                                                                                                   The Games medallions.                                                               figures in action (2 per sheet, 20
                                                                                                   7cm diameter        CB858
                                                                                                                                                                                       figures in each pack). The sturdy
                                                                                                   Pkt of 30   SPECIAL $7.35                                                           card may be painted, printed on
                                                                                                   Normally each pkt $9.22                                                             and easily decorated, as well as
                                                                                                                                                                                       being a suitable drawing surface.
                                                                                                                                                                                       Use the template to trace around
                                                                                                                                                                                       to create your own figures.
                                                                                                   Calico Flags
                                                                                                                                                                                       20cm high               CB864
                                                                                                   These pre-cut flags are                                                             Pkt of 20 figures SPECIAL $11.95
                                                                                                   hemmed and ready to
                                                                                                                                                                                       Normally each pkt $14.94
Prices exclude gst and are valid until 31st JULY 2014

                                                                                                   30 x 43cm                 MT095
                                                                                                   Pkt of 10   SPECIAL $11.50
                                                                                                   Normally each pkt $14.39

                                                                                                   Paper Shapes
                                                                                                   Paper  shapes in 6 skin tones.
                                                                                                   Decorate with pastels, markers,
                                                                                                   ccrayons and paint.
                                                                                                   ASSORTED SKIN COLOURS
                                                                                                   Dolls – 27cm length
                                                                                                   D                         PA232
                                                                                                   FFaces – 17cm length      PA233
                                                                                                   Hands – 12.5cm length PA234
                                                                                                   H                                            Zart Little People
                                                                                                   Pkt of 50   SPECIAL $5.30                    Wooden figures with flexible
                                                                                                   Normally each pkt $6.67
                                                                                                   No                                           arms and legs. Fun to dress in
                                                                                                                                                fabric costumes and use put
                                                                                                   Paper Feet                                   characters in action.
                                                                                                   12cm length          PA257                   Large 21cm              BW721
                                                                                                   Pkt of 50   SPECIAL $4.50                    Each         SPECIAL $2.70
                                                                                                   Normally each pkt $5.64                      Normally each $3.40

                                                                  Project Ideas 2014 Commonwealth Games                                                                                                            7
XX Commonwealth Games - Explore the Commonwealth Games using the DREAMER Steps
2014                                       Shop Online at www.zartart.com.au
                                                                                                Alternatively, complete the form below clearly identifying item,
          Commonwealth Games                                                                 quantity, colour & size required, and: EMAIL to orders@zartart.com.au
                                                                                                                     or FAX to 03 9898 6527
            Activity Order Form
        This order must be accompanied by an
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XX Commonwealth Games - Explore the Commonwealth Games using the DREAMER Steps XX Commonwealth Games - Explore the Commonwealth Games using the DREAMER Steps
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