Year 3 Science Revision Booklet

Page created by Mario Ray
Year 3 Science Revision Booklet
Year 3 Science
Revision Booklet
Plants                         2. Match up the key scientific word with the description of
                                                          their function:

1. Label the parts of the plant.                               stern                   absorb water from the soil

                                                                                       makes seeds to grow into
                                                                                       new plants

                                                                                       holds the plant up and carries
                                                               roots                   water and nutrients from the
                                                                                       soil to the leaves

                                                                                       make food for the plant using
                                                                                       sunlight and carbon dioxide

                                                       3. Complete the sentence:

                                                          The main function of petals is to 

                                                       4. Plants need 4 things in order to grow. List them below:





                     Year 3 Science Revision Booklet                           © 2020
5. Give an example of a plant that needs less of one of these
   things and explain why.

6. Fill in the gaps to explain how water moves through
   a plant:

                                                                        8. Match up the key scientific word with the description of
  The                  absorb water through the soil. The
                                                                           their function:
                   transports water to the                 . Water
                   from the leaves. The stem                  up more      fertilisation                a seed starts to grow
  water from the soil.
                                                                                                        the plant grows bigger and
                                                                                                        forms a flower
leaves        stem          sucks              evaporates      roots
                                                                                                        the male and female parts
                                                                           pollination                  of a flower mix in order to
7. Write these 5 different stages of the life cycle of a plant in                                       make seeds
   the correct order in the diagram below:
                                                                                                        pollen from the male anther
Pollination              Germination                    Fertilisation    seed dispersal                 lands on the female stigma
                                                                                                        and travels down the style

            Flowering                   SeeddDispersal                                                  seeds are moved away from
                                                                                                        the parent plant

                      Year 3 Science Revision Booklet                                           © 2020
9. Describe two ways in which seeds can be dispersed.



                     Year 3 Science Revision Booklet    © 2020
Animals                                               2. Match each nutrient with the description of what they do.
                                                                        Water                     keeps the body healthy

       Including Humans                                            Carbohydrates
                                                                                                  moves nutrients around
                                                                                                  the body and helps to get
1. Fill in the missing letters to work out the scientific words       and fats
                                                                                                  rid of waste
   that are being described in each sentence.

   Substances that animals and humans need to stay                     Protein                    provides the body with energy
   alive and healthy.
                                                                      Vitamins                    helps the body to grow
   n tr  e  ts                                                      and minerals                  and repair

                                                                        Fibre                     helps the body digest food
   Fats that give you energy, vitamins and minerals.
                                                                  3. Write true or false next to each statement.
   u  sa  ur  t  d
                                                                   All fats are bad for you.

   Strength to be able to move and grow.                           Plants can make their own food, but
                                                                   animals cannot.
     n  rg
                                                                   To be healthy, humans need to exercise
                                                                   and eat a balanced diet.
   In a good physical and mental condition.                        Animals, including humans, just need food
   h  alt  y                                                       and air to stay alive.

                                                                  4. Name two important jobs that skeletons do.
   Fats that should only be eaten in small amounts.

   s tu  a  ed

                     Year 3 Science Revision Booklet                                      © 2020
5. Use the words below to complete the sentences:                     8. Label the bones of the skeleton using the word bank
                                                                         to help you.
                     are soft tissues in the body that contract and
   relax to cause movement.                                                   skull

   Animals without backbones are called                  .
                     are cords that join muscles to bones.                                                                  scapula
   Areas where two or more bones are fitted together are
                                                                          vertebral                                     humerus
   called                  .                                               column

    Joints                       Muscles                    Tendons           ulna                                          pelvis
               Vertebrates                      Invertebrates
6. Give one example of a vertebrate and one example of an
   Vertebrate = 
   Invertebrate = 

7. Explain how muscles work using the words pairs, contract
   and relax.

                                                                      skull           fibula               femur                humerus

                                                                      clavicle          scapula                    radius             pelvis

                                                                      ribcage         tibia         ulna             vertebralacolumn

                          Year 3 Science Revision Booklet                                      © 2020
Rocks                                       3) Write the different
                                                                                  into the table below.
                                                                                                           rocks         from    the   word    bank

1) Fill in the missing words.
  Rock that has been formed from magma or lava is                               Igneous             Sedimentary                  Metamorphic
  called                      .

  Rock that has been formed by layers of sediment
  being pressed down hard and sticking together is
  called                       .

  Rock that has changed over time due to extreme heat or
                                                                                sandstone                 concrete                     chalk
  pressure is called                      .
                                                                                basalt              limestone                      obsidian
        sedimentaryarock                               igneousarock
                                                                                brick              granite                      coadeastone
                                                                          4) Explain in your own words what a fossil is.
2) Match up the property with its description:

    permeable                            able to last for a long time

                                         does not allow liquids to pass
                                         through it.

                                         allows liquids to pass
                                         through it

   high density                          heavy and compact

                          Year 3 Science Revision Booklet                                            © 2020
5) Number the sentences from 1-5                            to   show    the
       order of the process of fossilisation.

      Over the thousands of years, sediments enters
      the mould to make a cast fossil.
      An animal dies. It gets covered with sediments
      which eventually become rock.
      An erosion and weathering take place,
      eventually the fossil becomes exposed.
      More layers of rock cover it. Only hard parts of
      the creature remain such as the bones and teeth.
      Changes in sea level take place over a
      long period.

6) True or false?

     An archaeologist studies fossils.

7) Soil is made      up      of a        mixture       of   things.     Name
      two of them.


                     Year 3 Science Revision Booklet                           © 2020
Light                                                  3) Fill in the table below with everyday objects that reflect well
                                                                                   and objects that do not reflect well.
1) Write true or false next to each statement.
                                                                                     Objects that reflect well             Objects that do not
    Light travels in zigwigzag lines.                                                                                          reflect well
    Light travels in zigwigzag lines.

    When light hits an object, it stops.

    We see when reflected light hits our eyes.

2) Draw lines to show                       how          light   reflects    off
       these two different surfaces.
                                                                                   4) Name three light sources.
                                                          A rough and
                                                         uneven surface.

                                                                                   5) Fill in the missing words in the passage below:

                                                                                      The                 control the amount of
                                                              A smooth,
                                                                shiny,                that enters the eyes. If too much light enters, it can
                                                             flat surface.            damage the                     .               can be worn
                                                                                      to                 the retina as they                  some
                                                                                      of the light from getting through.

                       Year 3 Science Revision Booklet                                                      © 2020
6) Match the words to the correct definitions:                        8)  Say whether each statement is true or false.

                                                                       A shadow is caused when light
                                     objects that let light travel     passes through a translucent object.
                                     through them easily
                                                                       When an object is closer to the light
                                                                       source, the shadow is larger.
                                     objects that let some
                                     light through but scatter         The further away an object is
    translucent                                                        from the light source, the smaller
                                     the light so we can’t see
                                     through them properly             the shadow.
                                                                      9) Shade the area where the girl's shadow would be in the two
                                                                      pictures below:
                                     objects that do not let any
                                     light pass through them                    midday                             sunset

7) Fill in the table below with opaque, translucent and
    transparent objects.

      Opaque               Translucent                  Transparent

                      Year 3 Science Revision Booklet                                          © 2020
Forces and Magnets                                                   3) Name two surfaces that
                                                                                  when an object moves over it.
                                                                                                                          produce   more      friction

1) Write true or false next to each statement.                                                              and
  A force is a push or pull.
                                                                           4) Fill in the missing words in                   the    passage     below
  Friction is a force.                                                           using the word bank to help you:
  More friction is caused when an
                                                                           A magnet is an object which produces a agneticmagnetic
  object moves over a smooth surface.
                                                                           force  that pullspulls certain objects towards it. Objects
2) Draw two arrows to show                             the   force   and
                                                                           which are attractedattracted to a magnet are called
        friction in the situation below.
                                                                           magnetic. Objects which are not attracted to a magnet
                                                                           are called non-magneticnonmic. When a magnetic force
                                                                           pulls a magnetic object towards it, a magnetic fieldfield
                                                                           is made. A magnetic field is invisibleinvisible.

                                                                                      attracted             field             magnetic
                                                                                   pulls          non-magnetic                      invisible

                                                                           5)       Circle  which      of       the         following      materials
                                                                                    are magnetic:

                                                                           iron             plastic                       wood                nickel

                                                                                  copper              aluminium                         cobalt

                     Year 3 Science Revision Booklet                                                  © 2020
6) What are the two ends of a magnet called?


7)    Use arrows to show when the poles will repel
    (push away) each other and when they will
     attract (pull together) each other.

                    Year 3 Science Revision Booklet   © 2020
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