Year 4 Home learning W/C 18.01.21 - Fairfields Primary School

Page created by Craig Flores
Year 4 Home learning W/C 18.01.21 - Fairfields Primary School
Year 4

Home learning

W/C 18.01.21
Year 4 Home learning W/C 18.01.21 - Fairfields Primary School
Dear Parents/Carers,

We have made a weekly pack that coincides with the learning that the key worker
children will be doing in school for Mars and Pax class. Our topic this half term is Potions
and most of the learning will be based around this theme. We have included a suggested
timetable of daily tasks including the Zoom Lessons for Maths, English, SPaG (spelling,
punctuation and grammar) and ILP, as well as suggested activities for the children to
complete independently at home.

Thank you!

Miss Smith, Miss Kirchin and Miss Barnes (Year 4 Team)

English – Narrative – Vocabulary lesson (setting)
Maths – Equivalent fractions
Spelling/SPaG – Subordinating conjunctions/subordinate clauses.
Spanish – Please see resources section.
TT Rockstars MK Battle/Reading
English – Narrative – Vocabulary lesson (characters)
Maths – Simplest form
Computing – Links below
Handwriting – Patterns in resources section.
TT Rockstars (2:30pm – whole year group in Arena)/Reading
English – Writing lesson
Maths – Simplest form
Science – Gases experiment!
Music – link in resources
TT Rockstars MK Battle/Reading
English – Writing lesson
Maths – Comparing fractions
Art & Design – Comparing historical artwork
PSHE – resources and explanation below
TT Rockstars MK Battle/Reading
English – Writing lesson
Maths – Comparing fractions
PE/Social – Let’s get moving! Go noodle/Just Dance/Cosmic Yoga
Practice rolling numbers.
Purple Mash – Maths/science activities.
TT Rockstars MK Battle/Reading
Year 4 Home learning W/C 18.01.21 - Fairfields Primary School

This week, we will be starting a new writing unit! We are going to be writing our very own
fantasy narrative, so our Monday and Tuesday Zoom lessons will focus on collecting
vocabulary for the beginning of our story and then we will begin our writing lessons. You
can find lots of resources to help you at the bottom of the home learning pack!


Please ensure you are not completing work ahead of time, as this will affect your learning
in the daily zoom sessions.

Monday – We will be finding equivalent fractions, using multiplication or division.

Tuesday – We will be learning how to find a fractions simplest form.

Weds – We will be deepening our understanding of finding a fractions simplest form.

Thurs – We will be comparing unit fractions

Fri – We will be comparing fractions with the same denominator.

The links below has some practical examples for additional support and a quiz for those
that want to test their knowledge! - Equivalent fractions

For a range of fraction games, access the link below:

You can find all of the questions for the lessons and the chilli challenges in the
resources section below.

Also continue to practice your times tables fluency using the following link -

   • All children within Fairfields Primary School have a log-
        in and are able to access all resources on either a laptop, or tablet device.

We have also included a session in your suggested timetable for this week, where we will
all log into TT Rockstars and battle against each other in the Arena! This will be at
2:30pm on Tuesday afternoon.
Year 4 Home learning W/C 18.01.21 - Fairfields Primary School
We are thrilled to announce that Fairfields will be
taking part in the TT Rockstars Big MK Battle from the
18th January until the 22nd January!
All you need to do is log in and play to add to our
school’s points! Let’s try and get as high up the leader
board as we can!
Year 4 Home learning W/C 18.01.21 - Fairfields Primary School

This week we will be looking at how we use subordinating conjunctions in sentences. We
have previously identified what subordinating conjunctions are, so we will recap this in
Monday’s Zoom lesson and then throughout the week complete the activities you can find
in the resources section, practising recognising and using subordinating conjunctions and


We would love to see you continue to work towards your pen licences, so make sure you
keep practicing your beautiful handwriting while you are at home. Please use the
handwriting resources below to help you!


WALT: use and spell words using the sound ‘s’ spelt ‘sc’ correctly

On Monday’s Zoom, we will introduce this week’s spelling rule. As you would normally do,
make sure you practice using this spelling rule throughout the week. You will find the
spelling worksheet in the resources section below. Can you get an adult to test you at the
end of the week? How many will you get out of 10!


In our zoom on Wednesday afternoon, we will be looking at gases and using our knowledge
to compare them. You will then be conducting an experiment to find the fizziest drink!
The experiment worksheet can be found in the resources section below.

You will need:

     •   A few different types of fizzy drink
     •   Weighing scales


It is important to stay as active as possible when you are at home, whether this is going
for a walk, doing some ‘Just Dance’, catching up with Joe Wicks or even helping out around
the house! In addition to this there will be class zoom sessions for you all to join in with
to keep on top of those fitness levels!
Year 4 Home learning W/C 18.01.21 - Fairfields Primary School

This week for PSHE, we are thinking about our family and friends that we may not have
seen for a little while and how we can stay connected until we can visit them again. In
school, we will be creating purple hearts in any creative way you like and displaying them
on windows as a way of showing that we are thinking about these loved ones. You could
also write a letter to someone that you think may need a ray of sunshine to brighten their
day, and ask your adult at home to post it to them! Templates for a heart and a letter
are below in the resources section.

Art & Design

Why do you think artists paint pictures? Do you think how they are feeling when they
are painting will influence what they are doing? Think about what you want to draw when
you are feeling happy, then think about what you would want to draw if you were feeling
sad or upset. Would the colours you use be different? Would the scene or objects you
draw be different?

When artists paint or draw, they use their creations to portray emotions or show what
they are feeling, they can also create a piece of art that tells us a story! There are lots
of questions we can ask and also lots of inferences we can make using the artwork as
evidence, using what we can see to make educated guesses about what could be happening
in the artwork and maybe how the artists was feeling when they created it.

Look at the two paintings in the resources section below and answer the questions. We
cannot wait to hear your thoughts!


Once you have finished your project to programme your own boat race game, we are going
to move on to programming an animation. Use the links below to access the step-by-step
instructions to create a space animation. Remember to check your code for bugs regularly
as, if it’s not working, a pesky bug is hiding in your code!


Project area:
Year 4 Home learning W/C 18.01.21 - Fairfields Primary School

Please read aloud to an adult every day. Below are possible questions to discuss
about your book.
Year 4 Home learning W/C 18.01.21 - Fairfields Primary School
Year 4 Home learning W/C 18.01.21 - Fairfields Primary School
Spanish resources

                                          Lessons 3 and 4
Lesson Objective:    To be able to describe your personality
Learning tasks to be Please complete the activities below. Please read the instructions for each
completed:           task carefully and look at the examples to help. Just do your best. If you are
                     stuck on an activity, please just move on to the next task or spend some time
                     learning the key vocabulary.
Location of          To help you do this, please use the vocabulary below.
Additional           As a challenge, try to also spend some time each day learning the section of
information if       vocabulary. This is one of the best things you can do when learning a
required             language. Tip:
                         • Read the Spanish word several times
                         • Cover it up and try to say it from memory
                         • Then try to write it from memory
                         • You could ask someone you live with to test you. They can read
                         the English, you need to say the Spanish word back to them.

¿Qué tipo de persona eres? What sort of person are you?
Soy… I am...
divertido/a amusing
estupendo/a brilliant
fenomenal fantastic
generoso/a generous
genial great
guay cool
listo/a clever
serio/a serious
simpático/a nice, kind
sincero/a sincere
tímido/a shy
tonto/a silly
tranquilo/a quiet, calm

Palabras muy frecuentes High-frequency words
bastante quite
no no/not
mi, mis my
muy very
pero but
también also, too
tu/tus your
un poco a bit
y and

Correct the following sentences
    1. El gato es rojas
    2. La serpiente es amarillo.
    3. Los perros es verde.
Year 4 Home learning W/C 18.01.21 - Fairfields Primary School
Exercise 1
Read the adjectives below that are used to describe your personality, try to work out what they mean
in English. Use the vocabulary above to help.

Now use these words to help you unscramble the 6 sentences.
   1. Soy divertido y simpático.

                                         Exercise 2
Translate the following sentences into Spanish
    1. I am shy
    2. My step-dad is quite clever
    3. My black cats are very silly
Basic Spanish Vocabulary
Saludos (Greetings)
 Español               Inglés                       Los Meses (Months)
 ¡Hola!                Hello!                        Español                Inglés
 ¡Buenos días!         Good morning/day!             Enero                  January
 ¡Buenas tardes!       Good afternoon!               Febrero                February
 ¡Buenas noches!       Good evening!                 Marzo                  March
 ¡Adiós!               Goodbye!                      Abril                  April
 ¡Hasta luego!         See you later!                Mayo                   May
                                                     Junio                  June
Tú y yo (You and Me)                                 Julio                  July
 Español                Inglés                       Agosto                 August
 ¿Cómo te llamas?       What are you                 Septiembre             September
 Me llamo Juan          called?                      Octubre                October
 ¿Dónde vives?          I’m called Juan              Noviembre              November
 Vivo en Madrid         Where do you live?           Diciembre              December
 ¿Qué tal?/ ¿Cómo       I live in Madrid
 estás?                 How are you?                Opiniones (Opinions)
 Bien, gracias                                       Español                Inglés
 Fenomenal              Well, thank you              (No) me gusta(n)       I (don’t) like
 Regular                Great                        Me gusta               I quite/really like
 Fatal                  Not bad                      bastante/mucho
 ¿Y tú?                 Awful                        Me encanta(n)          I love
 ¿Cuántos años          And you?                     Odio/Detesto           I hate
 tienes?                How old are you?             Lo que más/menos       The thing I like
 Tengo diez años                                     me gusta es            most/least is
                        I am ten years old (‘I       Porque/ya que/dado     Because
 ¿Cuándo es tu          have ten years’)             que/puesto que
 cumpleaños?            When is your                 Creo que/Diría que     I think that
 Mi cumpleaños es el    birthday?                    Es                     It is
 uno de enero           My birthdays is 1st
 ¡Feliz cumpleaños!     January                     Palabras muy útiles (Very useful words)
                        Happy Birthday               Español               Inglés
                                                     Sí                    Yes
Los Días (Days)                                      No                    No
 Español                Inglés                       Y                     And
 Lunes                  Monday                       O                     Or
 Martes                 Tuesday                      Pero                  But
 Miércoles              Wednesday                    También               Also
 Jueves                 Thursday                     (No )Tengo            I (don’t) have
 Viernes                Friday                       (No) Soy              I am (not)
 Sábado                 Saturday                     (No) Hago             I do(not)/(don’t)
 Domingo                Sunday                                             make
                                                     (No) Necesito         I (don’t) need
                                                     (No) Hay              There is/are (not)

Number Vocabulary
Setecientos           700
1-19                            Ochocientos           800
 Español              Inglés    Novecientos           900
 Uno                  1
 Dos                  2        Other useful numbers
 Tres                 3         Español               Inglés
 Cuatro               4         Mil                   1000
 Cinco                5         Dos mil               2000
 Seis                 6         Un millón             A million
 Siete                7         Dos millones          2 million
 Ocho                 8         Un billón             A billion
 Nueve                9         Dos billones          2 billion
 Diez                 10        Un trillón            A trillion
 Once                 11        Dos trillones         2 trillion
 Doce                 12
 Trece                13
 Catorce              14
 Quince               15
 Dieciséis            16
 Diecisiete           17
 Dieciocho            18
 Diecinueve           19

 Español             Inglés
 Veinte              20
 Veintidos           22
 Treinta             30
 Treinta y tres      33
 Cuarenta            40
 Cuarenta y cuatro   44
 Cincuenta           50
 Cincuenta y cinco   55
 Sesenta             60
 Sesenta y seis      66
 Setenta             70
 Setenta y siete     77
 Ochenta             80
 Ochenta y ocho      88
 Noventa             90
 Noventa y nueve     99

 Español             Inglés
 Cien                100
 Ciento uno          101
 Doscientos          200
 Trescientos         300
 Cuatrocientos       400
 Quinientos          500
 Seiscientos         600
Family Members
¿Tienes hermanos?                         Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Tengo…                                    I have…
una hermana                               a sister
un hermano                                a brother
una hermanastra                           a half-sister/stepsister
un hermanastro                            a half-brother/stepbrother
No tengo hermanos.                        I don’t have any brothers or sisters.
Soy hijo único./Soy hija única.           I am an only child. (male/female)

¿Cuántas personas hay                     How many people are there in your
 en tu familia?                             family?
En mi familia hay…                        In my family, there are…
 personas.                                  people.
mis padres                                my parents
mi madre                                  my mother
mi padre                                  my father
mi abuelo                                 my grandfather
mi abuela                                 my grandmother
mi bisabuela                              my great-grandmother
mi tío                                    my uncle
mi tía                                    my aunt
mis primos                                my cousins
¿Cómo se llama tu madre?                  What is your mother called?
Mi madre se llama…                        My mother is called…
¿Cómo se llaman tus primos?               What are your cousins called?
Mis primos se llaman… y…                  My cousins are called… and…
su hermano                                his/her brother
sus hermanos                              his/her brothers and sisters

                                  Pets and Colours

¿Tienes mascotas?                         Do you have pets?
Tengo/Tenía/Me gustaría tener             I have/I used to have/I would like to have
un caballo                                a horse
una cobaya                                a guinea pig
un conejo                                 a rabbit
un gato                                   a cat
un perro                                  a dog
un pez                                    a fish
un ratón                                  a mouse
una serpiente                             a snake
No tengo mascotas.                        I don’t have any pets.
¿Cómo es?                                 What is it like?
¿Cómo son?                                What are they like?

Los colores                               Colours
blanco/a                                      white
amarillo/a                                    yellow
negro/a                                       black
rojo/a                                        red
verde                                         green
gris                                          grey
marrón                                        brown
azul                                          blue
rosa                                          pink
naranja                                       orange


The Milton Keynes Music Faculty have set up a music provision for all children to access
for home learning, new videos will be added each week for you to watch and join in with,
which we will send to you in your home learning packs.

Below is a link to the music activities for this week.

Purple Mash

Alongside all of your hard work in maths, you can practice your fractions knowledge using
the following games on Purple Mash.


You will also find some helpful activities to support your learning in science too!

Spelling Resources

This week’s spelling rule is words using the ‘sc’ sound.

1) Practice the words on this list - using look, say, cover, write and check or
using ideas from the spelling menu.
2) Put the spelling word in a sentence with the correct punctuation.

                     Spelling Home Learning Year 4
These are the spellings you have been practising in school this
         Spelling             1st Try             2nd Try             3rd Try

 These spellings are taken from the statutory list for Year 3/4.
     Spelling               1st Try              2nd Try              3rd Try
Monday 18th January 2021
WALT: use and spell words using the sound ‘s’ spelt ‘sc’ correctly
Friday 22nd January 2021
WALT: use and spell words using the sound ‘s’ spelt ‘sc’ correctly
Handwriting Resources

Now write your own sentences using words with this pattern, make sure you join
your letters correctly and it is your neatest writing!
Science Resources

                    Comparing Gases
Art & Design resources


Who is in the painting?             What will happen next?

Where are they?                     How do you think they are feeling?

What are they doing?                What else do you notice about the painting?

                          ‘The Love Potion’ by Evelyn de Morgan

Who is in the painting?          What will happen next?

Where are they?                  How do you think they are feeling?

What are they doing?             What else do you notice about the painting?

          ‘Tristan and Isolde with the Potion’ by John William Waterhouse
Now, compare the two pieces of art and answer the questions below:

   •   Which painting do you prefer? Why?
   •   Is there more than one possibility of what might happen in each painting?
   •   What other similarities or differences do you notice bwteen the two artist’s

SPaG resources

Use the resources below to identify and use subordinating conjunctions correctly in a
sentence, recognising the main clause and subordinate clause in each sentence.

Use your knowledge of subordinating conjunctions and subordinate clauses to complete
the activities below.


   ❖ The subordinating conjunction is always at the beginning of the subordinate
   ❖ The main clause makes sense on its own, the subordinate clause does not.
   ❖ The subordinate clause can go before or after the main clause.
On the next page, we have included a game for you to
play (you can play the game with anyone at home, or
even with a friend over zoom!).
PSHE Resources
Maths Resources
Mild Challenge
    Use your knowledge of finding equivalent fractions to complete the problems below.

Hot Challenge
Can you show me an example of how we can use multiplication
to find equivalent fractions for the following fractions:
Spicy Challenge
Mild Challenge
Hot Challenge

Spicy Challenge
Mild Challenge
Hot Challenge
Mild Challenge
Hot Challenge


Draw the fractions as a model to help you if needed!

Spicy Challenge
English Resources

This week, we will be collecting vocabulary for our story setting and main characters.
Below are two checklists to help you make sure your descriptions have everything they
need, make sure you are using different lenses and also check the Writing Rainbow to
see if you can include any BOOMTASTICS too!
BOOMTASTICS can you use in your writing?
You can also read