Your Council Tax 2018/19 - Barking and Dagenham

Page created by Teresa Delgado
Your Council Tax
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  MyCouncilTax                 MyRent                    MyHousingBenefits
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Direct Debit         Recent transactions           View benefits online
Apply for exemptions Print statement               Benefits calculator
 and discounts        Make a payment                Apply for Discretionary
Move in and move out Request a payment                 Housing Payment
Banding enquiries     card                          Change of circumstances
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Apply for a refund
   We are pleased to announce that the following new free features are now
   available to you within your ‘MyAccount’:

• e-Billing: allows you to view any bills   To help you opt in for these services
  or letters, as well as your current       we have provided a new ‘Temporary’
  Council Tax balance and instalments       password for e-Billing and e-Letters.
• e-Letters: allows you to view all         Please go to your ‘MyAccount’, click
  your Housing Benefit or Council Tax       on the ‘e-Billing’ or ‘e-Letters’ link and
  Support related documentation             follow the steps to login.

                       Foreword                  5.99% or £1.30 a week for the            But it’s not just about                  Adult Social Care precept                   4
                                                 average household.                       bricks and mortar –
                       from Councillor                                                                                             Section one –
                       Darren Rodwell            We are doing our bit to make             it’s about the community.                Paying your Council Tax
                                                 sure the money goes where it is          We are delivering London’s first         • Ways to pay                               5
                                                 needed. As well as putting more          Youth Zone in Parsloes Park
                                                 money into services for adults and                                                • Supporting you through
                                                                                          and have opened the borough’s              tough times                               6
                                                 children in social care, we are doing
    This year we face another set of             what we can to make sure money is        very first university and saved          • Discretionary Housing/
    difficult financial circumstances.           spent wisely. This includes continuing   the Civic Centre in Dagenham               Hardship payments                         7
    The council tax you pay is vital but         to make a £1m saving in senior           for generations to come.                 • Valuation bands                           8
    for every £1 we spend on local               management costs.                        It’s why 9 out of 10 of                  • Discounts and exemptions             9 – 11
    services just 15p comes from
    council tax. This means we are               We also want to get the basics           our schools and all our                  Section two –
    very reliant on funding from                 right. That’s why we are investing an    children’s centres are good or           Financial information
    central government.                          additional £1.5m to improve street       outstanding. It’s why we have
                                                 cleaning and provide a more efficient                                             • Where our money comes
    However, by 2020 the money we                                                         pursued 3,000 rogue landlords,             from and where it goes   12 and 13
                                                 waste collection service, investing      fined 2,000 people for fly-tipping
    receive from the government will             £10m in roads, fixing potholes and                                                • How your Council Tax
    be half what we received in 2010.                                                     and dropping litter and tackled            is calculated            14 and 15
                                                 playgrounds, and providing £1.2m to
    Over the next three years if we did          support homeless families.               1,600 eyesore gardens.                   • Changes in expenditure          16
    nothing we would be left with a                                                       And it’s why 80,000 people
                                                 We remain one of London’s                                                         • Council Tax                     16
    budget gap of £15.6million.                                                           now attend our annual Summer
                                                 biggest growth opportunities. Our                                                 • Charges from other bodies 17 – 24
    At the same time the national                ambition is to build up to 50,000 new    of Festivals and why we are
    funding crisis in health and social          homes over the next two decades.         bidding to become home                   Contact details – see back cover
    care continues. Due to reductions            We’ve already committed £750m of         to London’s next film studio
    in government funding we now                 investment to help us do this. This                                               Paying your Council Tax and
                                                                                          which will help bring more job
    spend a third less on social care            includes 2,000 new homes local                                                    financial information
                                                                                          opportunities for local people.
    than in 2010. We therefore need to           working residents can truly afford                                                In the next two sections you will find out how
    make some tough decisions to avoid           whether they are a working couple on     Our budget for the coming                to pay and how we calculate your Council
    cutting services further and protect         the Minimum Wage or a single person      year is about securing a                 Tax, what services we spend money on and
    our most vulnerable residents.               earning the London Living Wage.                                                   where the money comes from. Here you will
                                                                                          better future for the borough
                                                                                                                                   also find information about discounts and
    This means raising council tax by            To help us achieve our ambitions we      with opportunities for all –             benefits you may be entitled to.
    2.99% to maintain local services             have set up our very own developer       where no one is left behind.
                                                                                                                                   Information from local government agencies
    plus an additional 3% dedicated to           to generate income to make us less                                                is also included detailing the charges we
    making sure we meet the care needs           reliant on government funding and                                                 pay to other bodies such as the Greater
    of our most vulnerable residents.            ensure future development benefits            Councillor Darren Rodwell           London Authority, which includes: policing,
    This means a council tax rise of             the local community.                               Leader of the Council          emergency services and London Transport.

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Adult Social Care precept                                                               Section one – Paying your Council Tax
    The Secretary of State for Communities
    and Local Government has made an
                                                 The government then announced
                                                 during its Local Government Finance        We want to make paying your Council
    offer to adult social care authorities.
    (“Adult social care authorities” are
                                                 Settlement that from 2017-18 local
                                                 authorities will be allowed to use the
                                                                                            Tax as easy as possible
    local authorities which have functions       social care precept to raise Council Tax
                                                 bills by 3% in 2017-18 and a further 3%
                                                                                            By Direct Debit                             Pay in Post Offices
    under Part 1 of the Care Act 2014,                                                      Direct Debit is the easiest way to pay.     and shops
    namely county councils in England,           2018-19 with no increases in 2019-20.
                                                 The council has chosen to increase         You can choose to pay from four dates       You can pay by cash, cheque or
    district councils for an area in England                                                every month: 1st, 8th, 15th, or 22nd,       debit card at any Post Office or
    for which there is no county council,        the Council Tax bill for 2017-18
                                                 and 2018-19 by 3% as it faces              and then relax knowing that your bill       shop that displays the Paypoint
    London borough councils, the Common                                                     will be paid monthly on your chosen         or PayZone symbols. There is a barcode
    Council of the City of London and the        unprecedented demand and cost
                                                 pressures for adult social care.           date. You can spread your Direct Debit      on your bill to enable you to do this.
    Council of the Isles of Scilly.)                                                        payments over 10 or 12 months. Visit
    The offer is the option of an adult social   The government has said that this            Payment over 12 months
                                                 precept must be shown as a separate        or call 020 8227 2926.                      If you want to pay your Council Tax over
    care authority being able to charge an
                                                 charge on all Council Tax bills. The                                                   12 months, then you must apply for
    additional “precept” on its Council Tax
                                                 income generated from this charge
    for financial years from the financial
                                                 is ring-fenced, meaning it can only be
                                                                                            Pay online via my account                   this in writing. All applications must be
    year beginning in 2016 without holding                                                                                              received by 1 April 2018 to make sure
                                                 used for adult social care services.       with a debit or credit card
    a referendum, to assist the authority in                                                                                            that you complete payment by March
                                                                                            Simply visit
    meeting expenditure on adult social          Adult social care services support some                                                2019. Any applications received after
    care. Subject to the annual approval of      of the most vulnerable members of our                                                  this date may not be entitled to pay
    the House of Commons, the Secretary          community, largely supporting those in                                                 over 12 months.
                                                 old age and adults with disabilities.      By phone with a debit or
    of State intends to offer the option of                                                                                             You can send your application by post
    charging this “precept” at an appropriate    In 2018-19 the Adult Social Care
                                                                                            credit card
                                                                                            You can make a payment at any               or by email and you must include the
    level in each financial year up to and       precept will raise Barking and                                                         following information in your application:
    including the financial year 2019-20.                                                   time, day or night, using our
                                                 Dagenham an additional £1.656m.
                                                                                            automated telephone service which           Name
                                                 This will only partially meet the costs
    Social Care Precept                          associated with growth in the older        works 365 days a year. Simply call          Address
    As part of the Chancellor’s Autumn           population (those above 85 years           020 8227 2050 and have your
                                                                                                                                        Account number (on the right hand
    Statement (November 2015) it was             of age) and of inflationary increases      card and Council Tax account
                                                                                                                                        side of your bill)
    announced that councils would                to the cost purchasing services.           number ready.
                                                                                                                                        Contact telephone number
    be allowed to increase their share           In 2018 we continue to face a
    of Council Tax by up to an extra             significant increase in the cost of                                                    Please send your application to:
    2% provided it is used to fund the           residential and nursing care as well                                                   Roycraft House, 15 Linton Road,
    increasing costs of adult social care        as homecare services as providers                                                      Barking, IG11 8HE
    services. This additional Council Tax        adjust their rates to take account of                                                  or email
    charge is known as the ‘Adult Social         the government’s announcement
    Care precept’.                               regarding the national living wage.

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Section one – Paying your Council Tax
                                                                                                                                   • we are making a deduction from your
     Supporting you                                                                    Discretionary                                 benefit because of an adult living with
                                                                                                                                     you (your partner is not included); or
     through tough                                                                     Housing/Hardship                            • a decision has been made that your
     times                                                                             payments                                      rent is too high.

                                                                                                                                   How you can claim it
    We can’t stop the tough times but                                                 Every year, we have a limited amount
                                                                                                                                   You can claim for a Discretionary
    as a Council we are committed to                                                  of money to help residents who need
                                                                                                                                   Housing Payment by:
    providing you with high quality local                                             extra financial help to meet their rent.
                                                                                                                                   • registering online at
    services that deliver value for money.
                                                                                      Discretionary Housing                
    Don’t bury your head in the sand.                                                 Payment                                      • writing to us; or
                                                                                      A Discretionary Housing Payment is           • asking us to visit your home if you are
    If you cannot afford to pay or you are in                                         not a benefit payment. It is a separate        unwell and unable to travel.
    arrears with your Council Tax payments                                            payment in addition to Housing
    then you need to speak to us as early                                             Benefit or the Housing Element of your       Hardship payments
    as possible.                                                                      Universal Credit Payment.                    Every year we are able to help residents
                                                                                                                                   who need extra financial help to pay for
    Arrears can build up quickly and the                                              It can help to pay your maximum eligible
                                                                                                                                   their Council Tax. This is in exceptional
    longer you leave paying, the more difficult                                       rent – this means your rent, less service
                                                                                                                                   circumstances and where there is
    it will be to deal with. You may also be                                          charges like water rates, fuel charges,
                                                                                                                                   extreme hardship.
    summonsed for not paying which will                                               meal or rent arrears. These exclusions
    mean you will have to pay court costs,                                            differ for those who receive the Housing
                                                                                                                                   How you can claim it
    which will only add to the problem.                                               Element of Universal Credit.
                                                                                                                                   Write to us or email
    Visit                                            The total amount of any award,      .
    or call 020 8227 2926 and we can                                                  including your Housing Benefit, cannot       If you are unwell or unable to travel ask
    advise you of any discounts or benefits                                           be more than your actual eligible            us to visit you at your home.
    which you may be entitled to (see pages                                           rent. These exclusions differ for those
    9 and 10). Payment can be made over                                               who receive the Housing Element of           Get some specialist
    12 months (page 5) and this will help to                                          Universal Credit.                            money advice from an
    make the monthly payments a bit smaller.                                                                                       outside organisation
                                                                                      Who can claim it?                            The Citizens Advice Bureau
                                                                                      It is available if you receive the Housing   Provides a range of advice
                                                                                      Element in your Universal Credit             services including how to cope
                                                                                      payment or you are receiving Housing         with debt problems.
                                                                                      Benefit and you do not get the full          Barking and Dagenham
                                                                                      amount of eligible rent because:             Phone 020 8507 5969
                                                                                      • your income is too high to qualify for     For more information visit
                                                                                         the full amount,                

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Section one – Paying your Council Tax
                                                                                                   Appeals against your banding
     Council Tax information and                                                                   The grounds for appeal about banding
                                                                                                   are restricted to certain circumstances,
                                                                                                                                                  Discounts and
     valuation bands                                                                               such as if:                                    exemptions
                                                                                                   • you have become the taxpayer for a
    We aim to make sure that our services provide real value for money and that                      property for the first time;                Disability relief
    your Council Tax contributes to services that help every resident.                             • there has been a material increase or       If you or someone who lives with you
    Most properties are subject to Council Tax and there is one bill per property,                   material reduction in the property’s        has a disability and needs a special
    whether it’s owned or rented.                                                                    value; for example, if you have             room, an extra bathroom or kitchen, or
                                                                                                     demolished, converted or extended           needs to use a wheelchair indoors, you
    The band of your property and the amount you have to pay is on the front of your                 any part of the property, or if there has   may be entitled to a reduction in the
    Council Tax bill.                                                                                                                            amount of Council Tax you pay.
                                                                                                     been any change in the physical state
    The amount of Council Tax charged in 2018/19 is based on the property                            of the local area; or
    market value on 1 April 1991                                                                   • a Listing Officer has changed the           Discounts
                                                                 Greater                             band of your property without you           If you are the only adult (over 18) that
                                                                                   Total             making a request.                           lives in your property you may receive a
                                                     Barking and London
    Band Range of values                                                    Council  Tax                                                         25% discount.
                                                      Dagenham Authority         charge
                                                                   (GLA)                           If you are making an appeal you
      A     Up to and including £40,000             799.75        196.15         995.90            must still pay your Council Tax in full.      If any of the people listed below live
      B £40,001 - £52,000                           933.04        228.85       1,161.89            If your appeal is successful we will          in your home, we do not count them
                                                                                                   refund any overpaid tax.                      when working out your bill:
      C £52,001 - £68,000                         1,066.34        261.54       1,327.88
                                                                                                                                                 • full-time students
      D £68,001 - £88,000                         1,199.63        294.23       1,493.86            Further details of the appeal                 • people who are severely mentally
       E    £88,001 - £120,000                    1,466.22        359.61       1,825.83            procedures (including the role of                ill, and
       F    £120,001 - £160,000                   1,732.80        425.00       2,157.80            Valuation Tribunals) may be obtained          • people caring for someone with
      G £160,001 - £320,000                       1,999.38        490.38       2,489.76            from the Council Tax Team. For                   a disability who is not their
      H More than £320,000                        2,399.26        588.46       2,987.72            more information you can also visit              husband, wife, partner or child
      % Increase / (Decrease) from 2017/18           5.99%         5.07%          5.81%                     under 18 years old.
    Please note: All figures are calculated as a proportion of the Band ‘D’ charge and
                                                                                                   The Listing Officer can be contacted at:
    are rounded to the nearest 1 pence.
    How the charge is calculated                       have and what we need is then achieved      Phone: 03000 501501
    The starting point for working out the             by making savings, with the remaining
    Council Tax is for us and the Greater London       15% collected from you via Council Tax.     organisations/valuation-office-agency
    Authority to estimate how much money we            Each Authority has to set its Council Tax
    need for the year to provide all our services.     charge in relation to a Standard Band
    From this figure we take away the                  ‘D’ Property. This means that properties
    Revenue Support Grants, paid by the                in bands A, B, and C will pay less and
    Government, and Business Rate and                  properties in bands E, F, G and H will
    other income. The difference of what we            pay more.
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Section one – Paying your Council Tax
    Exemptions                                  Housing Benefit, Council Tax Support          Second Adult Rebate –                       Benefit fraud
    Some homes are exempt from paying           & Universal Credit                            pension age customers only                  It is a serious criminal offence to lie
    Council Tax. Examples include:              Housing Benefit, Council Tax Support &        This is a different type of Council Tax     or fail to tell the whole truth about
    • properties lived in only by full-time     Universal Credit is there to help people      Support that can help you if you do not     your circumstances in order to claim
      students, people under the age            on a low income manage their bills.           have a partner but share your home          benefit(s), and you could end up with
      of 18, or people who are severely                                                       with someone who:                           a prison sentence of up to 10 years.
      mentally ill;                             You may be entitled to Housing Benefit if:    • is 18 or over;
    • unoccupied properties owned by a          • You and/or your partner are both            • is on a low income;                       You can report suspected Housing
      charity (exempt for up to six months);      Pension Age                                 • does not pay you rent; and                Benefit fraud in three ways:
    • empty properties waiting for probate      • Have 3 or more children in your home        • is not jointly responsible for paying
      following the death of the only person      that you are responsible for                  Council Tax.                              By telephone:
      who lived there (exempt until probate     • Live in temporary or specified                                                          Contact the National Benefit Fraud
      is granted and then for up to six           accommodation                               When you claim Council Tax Support          Hotline on 0800 854 4400. Your call
      months following probate); and            • Receive contribution based Job              we automatically check to see if you        is free and confidential and you do not
    • properties left empty by someone who        Seekers Allowance or Employment             would be better off with Second Adult       have to give your name or address.
      has moved to receive personal care in       Support Allowance.                          Rebate instead.                             Lines are open Monday to Friday
      a hospital or care home.                  If you do not qualify under the terms above                                               8.00am to 6.00pm.
                                                you will need to claim Universal Credit       For more information or advice on
    Any homes that have been empty for          www.understandinguniversalcredit.             eligibility for Housing Benefit and/        If you have speech or hearing
    more than two years will be charged             or Council Tax Support visit                problems you can use a text service
    one-and-a-half times their normal           claim/                                       on 0800 328 0512.
    Council Tax rate.                                                                         and-support
                                                You may be entitled to Council Tax                                                        Online at:
    These are not complete lists of             Support if you are:                           If your circumstances change      
    discounts, exemptions or people             • on a low income;                            If any of your home or financial
    we do not count for Council Tax             • on benefits;                                circumstances change you must tell us       By post:
    purposes. For more details visit            • unemployed; or                              immediately so that we can check you        NBFH,                             • a pensioner.                                still qualify. This could include people    PO Box 224,
                                                                                              leaving or joining your household or you    Preston,
                                                For more information or advice on             or your partner starting work.              PR1 1GP
                                                eligibility for Housing Benefit and/or
                                                Council Tax Support visit                     You can do this online via
                                                and-support .

                                                For more information or advice on
                                                Universal Credit please visit

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Section two – Financial information

    Where our money comes from                                                              Where your money goes
    As you can see below, your Council Tax is only a part of the money we receive
                                                                                            Planning and regeneration          Adult and social care                                 Customer
    and use to fund the many services that we provide to you.
                                                                                            1%                                 24%                                                    services
    Central government                                                       Income from
    and housing benefit                                                      other bodies
    funding                                                                                 Housing
                                                                                     19%    services                                                                          Children’s and
    66%                                                                                                                                                                            education
                                                                                            Roads and
                                                                                                                                                                        Net Expenditure 2018/19
                                                                                                                                                                        ‘D’ property per per Band
                                                                                                                                              Adult and social ca                         week* - £
                                                                                                                                              Customer service                                 14.37
                                                                                                                                             Running the Coun                                   2.29
                                                                                                                                             Parks, libraries an                                0. 40
                                                                                            Environment                                      Children’s & educ culture                          3.61
                                                                                                                                                                 ation services
                                                                                            6%                                              Roads and transpo
                                                                              Council Tax                                                                         rt                           3.74
                                                                                                                                            Housing services                                   5.30
                                                                                     15%    Parks, libraries                               Planning and rege
                                                                                                                                                                neration                      1.98
                                                                                            and culture                                    Total Expenditure                                  0.87
                                                                                                                                           General Fund Se on
                                                                                            6%                                                                 rvices
                                                                                                                                          Other – reserves,
                                                                                                                                                              interest payable
                                                                                                                                          and investment in
                                                                                                                                         Sub-total                                           -7.8
                                                                                            Running the                                                                                   52
                                                                                                                                         Charges from othe                                   .39
                                                                                            Council                                                           r bodies
                                                                                                                                         Budget Requirem                                     4.9
                                                                                            1%                                                                ent
                                                                                                                                        Less: Government                                 57.31
                                                                                                                                                            Grant and Collection
                                                                                                                                        Barking And Dage                          Fu nd  34 .24
                                                                                                                                        Council Tax Requ am’s
                                                                                            *Note: Based on 48,782.31                                                                   23.07
                                                                                                   Band ‘D’ properties.

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Section two – Financial information
    How your Council Tax is calculated
    2017/18             2017/18       2017/18                                                        2018/19                2018/19              2018/19              2018/19
    Gross expenditure   Income        Net expenditure                                                Gross expenditure      Income               Net expenditure      Net expenditure
    £’000               £’000         £’000                                                          £’000                  £’000                £’000                per resident £
                                                        Service area
       62,670              (20,397)     42,272          Adult and social care                           68,100                 (31,653)            36,446                 169
       10,911               (4,624)      6,288          Customer services                               12,686                  (6,888)             5,798                  27
        7,120               (3,594)      3,527          Running the Council                              4,536                  (3,532)             1,004                   5
       20,357              (12,017)      8,340          Parks, libraries and culture                    15,705                  (6,547)             9,158                  43
       91,593              (27,696)     63,897          Children’s & educational services               95,396                 (25,330)            70,066                 326
       16,041               (7,315)      8,726          Environment                                     17,234                  (7,743)             9,490                  44
       27,640              (15,112)     12,528          Roads and transport services                    32,561                 (19,106)            13,455                  63
      179,778            (174,919)       4,859          Housing services                               170,205               (165,191)              5,014                  23
        5,253               (4,096)      1,158          Planning and regeneration                        4,962                  (2,755)             2,207                  10
       17,352              (17,352)   		0               Public health                                   17,101                 (17,101)          		0                        0
      438,716            (287,121)     151,595          Total Expenditure on General Fund Services     438,485               (285,847)            152,638                 709

        2,289           		(156)           2,134         Interest Payable & Receivable                   2,582               		(311)                  2,271                  11
        1,007              (3,500)       (2,493)        Investment Properties                        		872                   (5,077)                (4,205)                (20)
        9,330            (10,041)     		(711)           Net Trade Undertakings                       		396                  		(815)              		(419)                     (2)
      (17,427)          		0            (17,427)         Other General Fund Balances                   (17,388)              		0                   (17,388)                 (81)
       (4,800)           (13,696)      (18,496)         Corporate Income and Expenses                 (13,538)               (6,202)              (19,740)                 (92)

       12,031           		0              12,031         Levies from Other Bodies                        12,471              		0                     12,471                 58

      445,947            (300,817)      145,130         BUDGET REQUIREMENT                             437,418               (292,049)             145,368                675

                                                        Funded by:
                                       65,194           Government Formula Grant                                                                  63,225                  294
                                       16,798           Retained Business Rates                                                                   17,657                   82
                                        9,633           Government Specific Grants                                                                 5,965                   28
                                      		0               Surplus / (Deficit) on Collection Fund                                                   		0                        0
                                       91,625           Sub-Total                                                                                 86,847                  404

                                         53,505         Barking & Dagenham’s Council Tax                                                            58,521                272
                                        145,130         TOTAL FUNDING                                                                              145,368

                                         47,273.1       Council Tax Base                                                                            48,782.3
                                                        (Equivalent number of Band D Properties)
                                          1,131.83      Band D Council Tax (£)                                                                       1,199.63

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Section two – Financial information

    Changes in our expenditure                                                               Charges from
                                                                                                                                         Londoners need. That means ensuring
                                                                                                                                         transport fares are more affordable
    The explanation for the increase in expenditure compared with 2017/18 is                                                             and building more affordable homes.
    summarised below.                                                                        other bodies                                The budget also provides resources to
                                                                                                                                         support jobs and growth, tackle rough
                                                                                   £’000                                                 sleeping and make London a fairer and
     Budget in 2017/18                                                          145,130                                                  cleaner place to live. The Mayor will also
     Add       Service Pressures and Improvements                                 27,086    Introduction                                 provide extra resources from council tax
               Savings                                                           -18,721    This is Sadiq Khan’s second budget as        and business rates for the Metropolitan
     Less                                                                                   the Mayor of London. It is built around      Police and London Fire Brigade to keep
               Other Funding and Contributions from Reserves                       -8,127
                                                                                            his vision of a London where nobody          Londoners safe. This will help offset the
     Budget in 2018/19                                                          145,368
                                                                                            feels left behind and where everyone         impact of continuing real terms cuts in
                                                                                            has the opportunities they need to fulfil    government grant.
    Council Tax                                                                             their potential. It supports London’s
                                                                                            future growth and economic success,
    Pages 14 and 15 show how the Council Tax for this borough has been worked out.                                                       Council tax for GLA services
                                                                                            building on our City’s thriving economy,     The GLA’s share of the council tax for
    The actual amount we charge you, the Council Tax payer, is £58,521 million which        extraordinary creativity, tolerance,         a typical Band D property has been
    equates to a Band ‘D’ equivalent of £1,199.63.                                          diversity and openness to the world.         increased by £14.21 (or 27p per week)
    The actual amount that the Greater London Authority charges you is £14.353 million      Sadiq Khan will not tolerate any waste       to £294.23. The additional income
    or the equivalent of £294.23 at Band ‘D’.                                               of public money, particularly against        raised is being applied to fund the
                                                                                            a background of ever tightening              Metropolitan Police and London Fire
     Band D Council Tax 2017/18                         £1,411.85            % Change       resources from the Government. This          Brigade. A Band D council taxpayer in
     London Borough of Barking & Dagenham                  £33.85               2.99%       year’s budget has required some tough        the City of London, which has its own
     LBBD Adult Social Care precept                        £33.95               3.00%       choices. It will improve the key services    police force, will pay £76.10.
     Greater London Authority                              £14.21               5.07%
     Council Tax 2018/19                                £1,493.86               5.81%        Council Tax (£)                            2017/18        Change           2018/19
                                                                                             MOPAC (Metropolitan Police)                 206.13           12.00           218.13
     Council Tax 2018/19                                 Band D       Expenditure per
                                                      Council Tax     head of resident       LFC (London Fire Brigade)                    48.01            2.21            50.22
                                                               (£)      population (£)
                                                                                             GLA                                          23.80            0.04            23.84
     London Borough of Barking & Dagenham               £1,199.63              £271.91
     Greater London Authority                            £294.23                £66.69       TfL (Transport)                               2.08            -0.04            2.04
     Total                                             £1,493.86              £338.60        Total (£)                                   280.02           14.21          294.23

    Our staff
    The number of full-time equivalent (FTE) staff we employ changed to 2,373 in
    January 2018 from 2,548 in January 2017.

16 More time for you - manage your account online                  More time for you - manage your account online 17
Section two – Financial information
    Controlling costs at City Hall and             women and girls and stand up against         • working with London boroughs to             stations in 2018-19 and funding has
    delivering the Mayor’s key priorities          hate crime, intolerance and extremism.         maintain existing concessionary             been secured for a further 13. All
    The Mayor’s budget includes significant        The MPS has to rise to meet these              travel and assisted door to door            Elizabeth line stations will also be
    efficiency savings across the GLA              challenges at a time of acute financial        transport schemes. This includes            step free and
    Group in 2018-19. This has allowed                                                            providing free 24-hour travel for the     • investing a record £2.2 billion in
                                                   pressure. As a result of the reductions
    him to release resources to meet his                                                          over 60s, the disabled, armed forces        street schemes and initiatives
                                                   in Government grant for policing, in
    key priorities. This includes plans to                                                        personnel in uniform and eligible           designed to make walking,
                                                   the past four years the MPS has had to
    invest £3.15 billion to support 90,000                                                        war veterans and protecting the             cycling and public transport safer,
                                                   close more than 100 police stations and
    new affordable homes in the capital by                                                        Taxicard and Dial a Ride schemes.           cleaner and more appealing,
                                                   remove 2,800 police staff and PCSOs
    2021. He will also provide additional                                                         Discounts on travelcards are also           including funding eight new Cycle
                                                   roles in order to protect officer numbers.
    funding to support disadvantaged                                                              available for apprentices                   Superhighways and transforming
                                                   To keep Londoners safe, the Mayor            • increasing capacity on the London           major transport junctions.
    young Londoners and increase
                                                   has decided to raise the police element        Underground and rail services
    investment in green spaces, improving                                                                                                   London Fire Commissioner (LFC)
                                                   of his council tax precept by £12 for a        including his introduction of the Night
    air quality and reducing the usage of                                                                                                   The Mayor aims to balance the London
                                                   typical Band D property. This will help        Tube and Night Overground services
    single-use plastics.                                                                                                                    Fire Brigade’s budget and improve its
                                                   to keep officer numbers as high as
    The Mayor will also work with London’s                                                      • extending the Barking Gospel              response times to ensure that the first
                                                   possible within the resources the Mayor
    business community and key investors                                                          Oak line to Barking Riverside and         and second fire engines attending an
                                                   has at his disposal.
    to ensure London’s interests are                                                              expanding the DLR and tram network        emergency incident arrive within six and
    protected. He will put Londoners’              Transport for London (TfL)                   • planning for the Bakerloo line            eight minutes respectively. The LFC will
    economic opportunities centre stage            London’s population is forecast to grow        extension to south east London and        also promote community safety and fire
    as the Government’s negotiations to            by one million in the next decade. TfL is      new river crossings in east London        prevention and ensure that buildings
    leave the European Union reach their           investing to make the transport network      • completing the Elizabeth line (formerly   in the capital conform to fire safety
    conclusion. He will also provide funding       more reliable and accessible. The              Crossrail) by the end of 2019 which       standards to protect both Londoners
    for new projects to bring communities          Mayor’s priorities for TfL in his current      will increase London’s rail capacity by   and visitors.
    together, tackle social inequality and         term include:                                  ten per cent and continuing work on       London Legacy Development
    boost London’s economy.                        • making transport more affordable.            the Northern line extension to Nine       Corporation (LLDC)
                                                     Single bus fares, single pay as you          Elms and Battersea Power station          The LLDC was set up to ensure that the
    The Mayor’s Office for Policing and
                                                     go fares on the Tube and DLR and             which is due to be completed in 2020
    Crime (MOPAC)                                                                                                                           city benefits from a long-term legacy
    The Mayor’s Police and Crime Plan – A            the charges for the Santander cycle        • developing Crossrail 2 and the            from the London 2012 Olympic and
    Safer City for All Londoners 2017-21             hire scheme will be frozen until at          Silvertown tunnel and working             Paralympic Games. The Mayor’s 2018-
    - sets out his strategy for policing over        least 2020. This will save travellers an     towards the release of more TfL land      19 budget provides funding for the
    the next four years. His five key priorities     estimated £40 million in 2018-19             to provide new affordable workspaces      development of a world class cultural
    are to improve the Metropolitan Police         • introducing a new Bus and Tram               and homes across London                   and education district in Queen Elizabeth
    Service (MPS), provide a better criminal         one-hour Hopper fare which is now          • making public transport more              Olympic Park. This is expected to create
    justice service in London, keep children         in place and investing to improve            accessible for everyone. Step-free        3,000 new jobs, attract 1.5 million
    and young people safe, tackle domestic           journey times and reliability on the         access is planned to be introduced        additional visitors and bring £2.8 billion
    violence which particularly affects              bus network                                  at five more London Underground           of economic value to east London.

18 More time for you - manage your account online                      More time for you - manage your account online 19

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          New initiatives
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Use of reserves
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Gross expenditure
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Corporation (OPDC)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Changes in spending (£m)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Efficiencies and other savings
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Fares, charges and other income
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Oak Common will bring to the area.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          2017/18 Council Tax requirement
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             west London over the next 20 years.

                                                                                                                     2018/19 Council Tax requirement
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Great Western Mainline stations at Old
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             jobs and at least 24,000 new homes in

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             It will build on the regeneration that the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             The OPDC will help create 65,000 new

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Amount met by Council Tax payers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             new High Speed 2 (HS2), Crossrail and

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       How the GLA budget is funded (£m)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Old Oak and Park Royal Development

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Government grants and retained business rates
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Section two – Financial information

                                                                                                                                                       Other changes (for example fares revenue and government grants)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 council tax requirement).
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 change. It also explains how the

20 More time for you - manage your account online
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The tables below show where the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Summary of GLA Group budget

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 collected from the council tax (the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 GLA has calculated the sum to be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 GLA’s funding comes from and the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 reasons for the year on year budget


                                                                                     Detailed budget by service area
                                                                                     The table below compares the GLA Group’s expenditure on policing, fire and other services (including transport) in
                                                                                     2018-19 with 2017-18.
                                                                                     The GLA’s gross expenditure is higher this year. This is mainly due to the impact of additional investment planned by the
                                                                                     Mayor in transport, policing and the fire service. Overall the council tax requirement has increased because of the extra
                                                                                     funding for the Metropolitan Police and the London Fire Brigade. There has also been a 2.4 per cent increase in London’s
                                                                                     residential property taxbase. Find out more about our budget at: (tel: 020 7983 4000).

                                                                                      Summary of Spending                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Other Services
                                                                                      and Income (£million)                                                                                     Police (MOPAC)                                                                                                                                         Fire (LFC)                                                                                       (incl. GLA, TfL, LLDC                                                                                          GLA Group Total
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              and OPDC)
                                                                                      (figures may not sum exactly
                                                                                      due to rounding)                                                                       2017/18                                                                                   2018/19                                              2017/18                                                           2018/19                                               2017/18                                                                              2018/19                      2017/18          2018/19
                                                                                      Gross expenditure                                                                                              3,269.1                                                                 3,331.5                                                            426.8                                                435.8                                                           8,062.5                                                                         8,411.1 11,758.4 12,178.4

                                                                                      Government grants and
                                                                                                                                                                                          -2,331.7                                                                           -2,397.3                                                       -256.4                                                -250.9                                                     -2,082.2                                                                           -1,990.2               -4,670.3         -4,638.3
                                                                                      business rates

                                                                                      Other income (incl. fares
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         -263.6                                                -263.8                                                                  -34.9                                             -36.9                                               -5,983.8                                                                           -5,863.3               -6,282.3         -6,163.9
                                                                                      and charges)

                                                                                      Net expenditure                                                                                                                    673.8                                                  670.4                                                         135.5                                                 148.0                                                                                          -3.5                                                    557.8          805.8         1,376.2

                                                                                      Change to level of reserves                                                                                                         -81.8                                                    -29.0                                                                2.8                                                      0.0                                                                               78.0                                                    -481.5             -1.0         -510.5

                                                                                      Council Tax requirement
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         592.0                                                  641.4                                                         138.2                                                 148.0                                                                                          74.6                                                     76.3          804.8            865.7
More time for you - manage your account online 21
Section two – Financial information

    Lee Valley Regional Park Authority                                                    London Pension Fund Authority (LPFA)

    Lee Valley Regional Park is a unique leisure, sports and environmental                The London Pensions Fund                  For 2018/19, the income to be
    destination for all residents of London, Essex and Hertfordshire. The 26 mile         Authority (LPFA) raises a levy            raised by levies is set out below.
    long, 10,000 acre Park, much of it formerly derelict land, is partly funded by a      each year to meet expenditure             The Greater London levy is payable
    levy on the Council Tax. This year there has been a 6% decrease in this levy.         on premature retirement                   in all boroughs, the Inner London
    Find out more about hundreds of great days out, world class sports venues             compensation and outstanding              levy only in Inner London Boroughs
    and award winning parklands at                              personnel matters for which               (including the City of London). The
                                                                                          LPFA is responsible and cannot            figures show the total to be raised
    Budget and Levy changes – 2017/18 to 2018/19                                          charge to the pension fund.               and, in brackets, the percentage
                                                                                          These payments relate to former           change on the previous year.
                                                         2017/18               2018/19    employees of the Greater London
                                                               £m                   £m    Council (GLC), the Inner London           • Inner London £13,065,200 (0%)
     Authority Operating Expenditure                         11.8                 11.2    Education Authority (ILEA) and the        • Greater London £10,317,750 (0%)
     Authority Operating Income                               -3.4                 -3.3   London Residuary Body (LRB).              • Total          £23,382,950 (0%)
     Net service operating costs                               8.4                  7.9
     Financing costs - Debt servicing/repayments               0.5                  0.5
                      - Capital investment                     1.3                  1.2   East London Waste Authority (ELWA)
     Total net expenditure                                   10.2                   9.6   ELWA has the statutory                    Budget 2018/19
     Total Levy                                             -10.2                  -9.6   responsibility for the disposal           ELWA’s total levy requirement is
    Further details on how this budget is spent and the amount each Council               of around 469,000 tonnes of               £64,770,000 (2017/18: £61,542,000).
    contributes can be found at                                  household, commercial, industrial         Increases in operational costs, landfill tax
                                                                                          and Refuse and Recycling                  along with management contractor fee
    The levy on the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham for 2018/19                    Centre Waste collected by the             inflation for 2018/19, as well as planned
    is £117,960 (2017/18: £124,148).                                                      London Boroughs of Barking &              increases to reserves has resulted in a
                                                                                          Dagenham, Havering, Newham                5.2% average levy increase which is an
                                                                                          and Redbridge.                            increase of 4.17% for London Borough
                                                                                                                                    of Barking and Dagenham.
                                                                                          Waste disposal is carried out             The major part of the ELWA Levy
                                                                                          under a 25-year Integrated Waste          is apportioned on the basis of
                                                                                          Management Contract (IWMC)                volumes of Household Waste with
                                                                                          with Renewi plc (previously               the remainder allocated according
                                                                                          Shanks Waste Management                   to the Council Tax Base.
                                                                                          Limited), supported by funding            The Levy on the London Borough of
                                                                                          via the government’s Private              Barking & Dagenham for 2018/19 is
                                                                                          Finance Initiative.                       £12,138,000 (2017/18: £11,652,000).

22 More time for you - manage your account online               More time for you - manage your account online 23
Section two – Financial information                                                   Your notes

    Environment Agency - South east region
    The Environment Agency is a levying body for its Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk
    Management Functions under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 and
    the Environment Agency (Levies) (England and Wales) Regulations 2011.

    The Environment Agency has powers in respect of flood and coastal erosion risk
    management for 5200 kilometres of main river and along tidal and sea defences
    in the area of the Thames Regional Flood and Coastal Committee. Money is spent
    on the construction of new flood defence schemes, the maintenance of the river
    system and existing flood defences together with the operation of a flood warning
    system and management of the risk of coastal erosion. The financial details are:

                                                         2017/18               2018/19
                                                            ‘000s                 ‘000s
     Gross expenditure                                    £98,788               £97,838
     Levies raised                                        £11,130               £11,351
     Total Council Tax Base                                 4,906                 5,001

    The majority of funding for flood           A change in the gross budgeted
    defence comes directly from the             expenditure between years reflects the
    Department for the Environment,             programme of works for both capital
    Food and Rural Affairs (Defra).             and revenue needed by the Regional
    However, under the new Partnership          Flood and Coastal Committee to which
    Funding rule not all schemes will           you contribute. The total Local Levy
                                                raised by this committee has increased
    attract full central funding. To provide
                                                by 1.99 per cent.
    local funding for local priorities and
    contributions for partnership funding       The total Local Levy raised has
    the Regional Flood and Coastal              increased from £11,129,577, in
    Committees recommend through the            2017/2018 to £11,351,056 for
    Environment Agency a local levy.            2018/2019.

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How to contact us about Council Tax
Web:          Register for my account
Email:        Council Tax –
              Benefits –
Phone: For Council Tax call 020 8227 2926
       For Benefits call 020 8227 2970
Write:        Roycraft House, 15 Linton Road, Barking, IG11 8HE

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contact us at London Borough of Barking and Dagenham,
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We have tried to make sure that this information is correct
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© 2018 London Borough of Barking and Dagenham.

Publication reference number: MC8385
Date: February 2018
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