Appointment of Country Director Scotland

Page created by Francisco Jacobs
Appointment of Country Director Scotland
Appointment of
Country Director
Appointment of Country Director Scotland
Executive summary
More than 100,000
people live with          W    ith an annual income of around £25m, we’re the leading UK
                               charity for people with MS. We’re fighting for better treatment
                          and care to help people with MS take control of their lives, and live life,
multiple sclerosis (MS)   knowing they don’t have to face MS alone.
in the UK. Every one
                          We’re one of the world’s biggest charity funders of MS research, and
of them shares the
                          we’re funding research that we believe will beat MS for good.
uncertainty of life       We have a well-established network of approximately 280 branches,
with MS.                  which include 31 in Scotland, the support of over 37,000 members
                          and an estimated 9,000 volunteers, along with a dedicated team of
                          255 staff – all working together towards our vision of a world free from
                          the effects of MS.

                          We are looking for a Country Director to provide leadership and
                          direction to the MS Society Scotland in executing the MS Society’s
                          national strategy. They will act as the principal adviser to the MS
                          Society Scotland Volunteer Council. In addition support continued
                          engagement with key public sector decision makers and politicians in
                          Scotland including the National Neurological Advisory Group and MS
                          Cross Party Group.

Appointment of Country Director Scotland
About the MS Society
Originally founded
in 1953, today the
                         W    e’re working with partners around the world to fund research
                              that we believe will beat MS for good. We’ve already made
                         important breakthroughs, and we’re now at the start of a generation of
MS Society has over      MS research that holds incredible promise.
37,000 members           While we work towards a cure, we’ll continue to fight the corner for
and branches in          people affected by MS - demanding the highest quality care and
every part of the UK     support, wherever they live.
including Wales,         We pride ourselves on providing reliable, evidence-based information
Scotland and Northern    to anyone affected by MS who needs it, online, over the phone, by
Ireland. Our work has    email and through a range of events.
inspired thousands of    Our helpline, run by staff and volunteers, handles over 15,000
volunteers, supporters   enquiries a year and we have over 850 trained support volunteers,
                         providing a listening ear to people local to them.
and staff members
to make a difference     We give grants to help people live independent lives, providing support
to the lives of people   with mobility aids, home adaptations, respite and short breaks.
affected by MS.          We influence MS services locally and nationally, building strong
                         relationships with MS professionals and statutory organisations, and
                         provide a range of services through our extensive network of branches
                         and support groups.

Appointment of Country Director Scotland
Mission and values
Our mission               Our aim is to beat MS.
Our mission is to         We are led by people affected by MS.
enable everyone           People with MS guide our work.
affected by MS to live
                          Our volunteers and supporters:
life to their full
potential and secure        shape our research programme through our Research Network

the care and support        help us provide support locally through our branches and groups
they need; until we         help us write our publications, moderate our online forums and run
ultimately find a cure.      our helpline

                          Most of our trustees and council members have a personal connection
                          to MS, either because they have it or a family member does. They are
                          elected by our members.

                          At our annual general meeting we work on the principle of “one
                          member, one vote”, so that everyone has an equal say.

Appointment of Country Director Scotland
Our year                                                   Donations &

in figures                                                 53p

89%                                                                         36p

of our income
came from
donations and
legacies                    1p                                                     4p
                                             How we raised
                           Fee income
                                               each £1                             Trading &

                                         1p                             3p
                                        Investment                       Other


 18p                     Expenditure

                   £27.6m                                   Governance

15p                      How we spent
                           each £1
 Research                                                     Respite care

         Information       8p                 7p                  In reducing our reserves to
                                                                  the agreed range of 10 to 14
                                                                  weeks planned expenditure,
                                                                  we budgeted a deficit of over
                                              Raising             £3m for the year compared
                          Leading the        standards
                          MS agenda            of care            with the actual deficit of £2m
                                                                  before investment gains.

Appointment of Country Director Scotland
The MS Society in 2014
It’s never been a more                                      We’re under no illusion, however, that, even with
                                                            significantly greater investment, research takes time
exciting time to join the                                   to bear fruit. That’s why it will remain critical to the
                                                            MS Society’s future strategy to continue to support
MS Society.                                                 people living with MS today.

Our Chief Executive, Michelle Mitchell, joined in           That’s not just about ensuring we continue to
September 2013 and is currently leading the charity         improve and develop our information and support
in developing an ambitious new five-year strategy.          services, but about influencing MS services
                                                            provided by the NHS and others.
Critical to this strategy will be a goal to significantly
increase our income over the coming years. We’ll            It’s about tackling the very real challenges in
do this by growing and diversifying our sources of          enabling people with MS to get access to the
restricted income, building on a solid foundation of a      treatments that are right for them, and about
reliable flow of unrestricted gifts from our generous       playing our part in coalition campaigns to stop
supporters. And we have big plans to bolster this           people with MS and other long-term conditions
further through a major national appeal – tapping           continuing to suffer under the Government’s welfare
into new income streams and enabling us to deliver          reforms. It’s about supporting carers and families
a step change in our investment in MS research.             of people with MS, and fighting for a funded long-
                                                            term solution to the social care crisis.
Why is this important? Because we’re at a point in
time in the history of MS research where a surge            All this and more stands in front of us as our
of investment could deliver major advances in MS            challenge in 2014. It’s a big task. But when united,
treatments. We have the chance to accelerate our            the MS community is a unique and powerful force
efforts to transform the lives of people living with a      for positive change. At our best, the MS Society is
condition that can have devastating consequences            the glue that binds that community together – join
for their independence, quality of life and mental          us and help us ensure we don’t let them down.

Appointment of Country Director Scotland
The Executive
                                                     The Society is managed through a system of
                                                     directorates and their functions are:

Group                                                  Executive Director Corporate Services –
                                                        responsible for HR, finance, facilities, ICT and
This is a key leadership role that supports             health and safety
our mission ‘to enable everyone affected               Executive Director Policy and Research –
by MS to live life to their full potential and          responsible for our biomedical and care &
secure the care and support they need,                  services research programmes and our policy
until we ultimately find a cure.’                       development and influencing work with the
As a member of the Executive Group (EG), the            NHS, professionals and political stakeholders
Country Director Scotland will contribute to the       Executive Director Services and Support –
leadership, planning and policy formulation of the      responsible for our front-line delivery activities
Society as a whole. As a result, the post plays         across the four nations, information services
a critical role in developing the strategy on what      (our helpline), supporting our branches and
services and support we provide people affected         volunteers and overseeing our care and support
by MS in Scotland, in line with the needs and           services locally and nationally
aspirations of people affected by MS and driving
                                                       Executive Director Fundraising – responsible for
operational performance across their nation.
                                                        leading income generation across the charity,
The Executive Group is made up of the following         supporting and working with the Appeal Director
members of staff, with an Appeal Director and           Executive Director Marketing and
Programme Director of Strategy and Impact also               Communications – responsible for strategic
reporting to the CEO and attending EG meetings.              marketing of the charity, including brand,
                                                             marketing, CRM, digital, media relations,
                                                             campaigns, events and internal comms

                 Chief Executive                       Chief Executive’s Office – responsible for
                                                        governance, strategy and impact.

                                                     As a member of the Executive Group, the
                                                     Country Director Scotland will contribute to the
                                                     leadership, planning and policy formulation of
                              Executive Director,    the Society as a whole by:
 Executive Director,
                                Services and
 Corporate Services
                                  Support              Providing leadership, direction and management
                                                        of the MS Society Scotland in line with the
                                                        Society’s UK-wide corporate strategy
                                                       Representing the MS Society Scotland at a
 Executive Director,                                    senior levels and actively influence policy and
                              Executive Director,
    Fundraising              Policy and Research        practice in line with the MS Society’s key calls
                                                       Building and maintaining successful strategic
                                                        partnerships with charitable, not for profit
                                                        organisations, private partnerships and
                                                        individuals in Scotland in line with the corporate
 Executive Director,
                               Country Director         strategy, business plan and budget
   Marketing and
  Communications                                       Developing strategies for effective stakeholder
                                                        management for the MS Society Scotland and
                                                        to work in partnership with other individuals,
                                                        groups and agencies regarding services,
       Country                 Country Director         support and operations
      Director NI                  Cymru
                                                       Developing good relationships with leading
                                                        clinical scientists

Appointment of Country Director Scotland
Acting as the principal representative and       The Role
 spokesperson in Scotland as an inspiring and         The Country Directors for Cymru, Northern Ireland
 articulate spokesperson to all key audiences         and Scotland directly report to the Executive
 including branches, members, PaMS, donors,           Director Services and Support and will support the
 and policy makers(ensuring all messages are in       development of a support services strategy which
 line with Society policy)                            will form part of the MS Society’s overall strategy.
General management of all activities and
 operations in MS Society Scotland                    The Country Director Scotland has accountability
                                                      for circa 28 members of staff and three service
Taking collegiate responsibility for corporate
                                                      delivery areas:
 planning, organisational development, risk and
 operational management of the MS Society               Fundraising & Marketing – responsible for area
 across the UK                                           fundraisers, fundraising events management,
                                                         individuals and trusts fundraising
Leading, motivating and developing a high
 quality team, ensuring that staff and volunteers       Policy & Communications – responsible for
 all work in accordance with the standards               policy, press and campaigns, information and
 set out in the Human Resources policies and             self management programme
 procedures, customer service protocols,                Operations – providing support for Scotland’s
 industry and governance standards                       31 branches and circa 500 volunteers
Supporting people with MS to achieve positive
 outcomes in the best and most effective way
                                                                      Executive Director
Modelling and promoting the MS Society’s
 values and leadership behaviours
                                                                        and Support

                                                                          MS Society


                                                         Head of             Head of
                                                                                               Head of
                                                       Fundraising           Policy &
                                                       & Marketing           Comms

                                                      The Country Director Scotland will have an income
                                                      target of circa £2 miliion in 2014. The expenditure
                                                      budget which includes staffing costs is circa £1.4 million

Job                                                     Detailed
Description                                             Governance
                                                         To report on performance on all the Scotland
Responsibility:                                            strategy, budget and business plans
  To develop and implement a business plan and         To work with the National Council on the
    budget, incorporating impact measurement and           implementation of agreed policies, plans and
    assessment, for MS Society Scotland in line            overall direction of the MS Society in Scotland
    with the MS Society strategy                         To act as the principal adviser to the Scotland
  To support local fundraisers in income                 Council
    generation, in particular in preparing accurate      To work closely with the elected National
    and detailed information regarding services,           Council chair to provide leadership and direction
    support, and branches in Scotland where                to the MS Society Scotland in accordance with
    appropriate                                            the Scotland Council’s authority to act
  Ensure implementation of Services and Support        To ensure that policies and practices in MS
    strategy in Scotland in line with MSS wide best        Society Scotland are in accordance with those
    practice standards and corporate strategy              agreed for the Society as a whole, and comply
  Ensure compliance of all contracts and                 with the constitution of the MS Society, the law
    agreement conditions, regulations and guidance         and the requirements of the Charity Commission
                                                           and OSCR
  To be accountable for the monitoring and
    reporting on performance against MS Society          To ensure that the Scotland Council and
    Scotland objectives, outcomes and KPIs and             other groups of the Society in the Nation
    alerting the appropriate staff in a timely manner      (e.g. branches) function effectively and are
    of issues to enable corrective action to be taken      appropriately supported to enable them to fulfil
    as required to ensure that social impact income        their responsibilities
    is maximised                                         To work with the Head of Governance in
  To ensure excellent administration of MS               support of the governance arrangements for the
    Society Scotland and a clear focus on                  Scotland National Council
    driving improvements in quality, impact and
                                                        Effective delivery of MS
  To develop, engage and motivate MS Society
                                                        Society strategy in Scotland
    Scotland staff                                       To implement the MS Society’s strategy,
                                                           business plan and budget in Scotland
  To ensure adherence to the MS Society’s
    Governance regulations                               To support the Society’s research, influencing
                                                           and services and support goals in Scotland
Budget: As per business plan for MS Society
Scotland budget                                          To identify external challenges and opportunities
                                                           within the sector to inform strategic planning,
                                                           including the identification of potential
                                                         To propose and develop plans for the medium
                                                           term to secure the Society’s objectives in
                                                         To produce annual plans and budgets for the
                                                           Society in Scotland in line with the planning
                                                           cycle for the UK

Public policy and                                        communications and cooperation
campaigning                                              To develop good communications between
                                                           members and the MS Society and other MS
 To act as the principal representative of the
                                                           Society groups
   Society in Scotland and influence public policy
   in Scotland, in accordance with the Society’s         To be visible and accessible to the branches
   priorities                                              and volunteers in Scotland
 To ensure that the Society’s public policy and        Develop and implement the Society’s Volunteer
   campaigns work takes account of issues                  Strategy in Scotland
   specific to Scotland
 To form and maintain influential and productive
                                                         Within the Society’s overall research
   relationships with policy makers and opinion
                                                           programme, to stimulate awareness and interest
   formers in Scotland that results in a change in
                                                           in biomedical and applied research in support of
   policy and practice in line with the Society’s
                                                           the UK wide research strategy
   key calls
                                                         To ensure the dissemination of the results of any
 To ensure that MS Society Scotland is evidence
                                                           research in partnership with colleagues in the
   based and independent in public
                                                           research directorate
   policy matters is maintained at all times
                                                         To develop good relationships with leading
Direct services                                            clinical scientists
 To develop with the Executive Director Services
   and Support and implement a services and
   support strategy for Scotland which meets             To input into and implement the Society’s
   defined outcomes, quality, standards and value          fundraising plans in Scotland
   in line with the UK-wide services and support
                                                         In conjunction with the Executive Director
                                                           of Fundraising, ensure that the fundraising
 To ensure best practice in services and support        programme in Scotland provides optimum
  and evaluation so that what we provide                   income, lifetime and long term sustainable
  influences what others commission                        income.
 To ensure effective quality, standards and risk       To work with the Society’s fundraising team
   management is in place across all services and          to ensure the most effective and productive
   support provided by paid staff and volunteers           division of work between staff in Scotland
   on behalf of the MS Society in Scotland
                                                        Marketing and
 To intervene in a timely manner where there
   are serious concerns in respect of governance,
   quality or health and safety in the provision of      To contribute to the development and
   services and support                                    implement the Society’s marketing &
                                                           communications plans in Scotland
Branches, members
                                                         To monitor and report on public perceptions of
and volunteers                                             MS, the Society and its work in Scotland
 To provide the support and guidance to
                                                         To work with the Society’s marketing &
   branches in Scotland to allow them to fulfil their
                                                           communications team to ensure the most
   potential within the Society’s procedures and
                                                           effective and productive division of work between
                                                           staff in the national centre and Scotland
 To ensure that the Society’s rules for branches
                                                         To ensure that public opinion and sensitivities
   and members are observed in Scotland
                                                           are taken properly into account in all fundraising
 To act as a link between branches in Scotland           and marketing activities in Scotland
   and the MS National Centre
                                                         To promote and protect the MS Society’s brand
 To work to promote good local/national                  in Scotland

Financial management
 Propose and be accountable for the efficient
   management of expenditure, including
   effective budget preparation, planning,
   monitoring and review
 Ensure effective financial and resource
   management of all budget holders, providing
   advice and guidance as necessary
 Meets fundraising targets

Staff management
 The leadership, recruitment, development,
   retention and appraisal of staff in accordance
   with the standards set out in the Human
   Resources policies and procedures.

 Compliance with MSS’s governance procedures
 Ensure compliance with MSS policies on
   working with people with MS, Volunteers,
   Recruiting Safely, Safeguarding, Health & Safety
   and Equality & Diversity
 Ensure compliance with MSS guidelines on the
   requirements of Disclosure, where applicable

Other duties
 To be prepared to be away from home
   overnight, as the job reasonably demands
 To undertake any other works as could be
   expected of a Country Director

Person                                                Knowledge and skills
                                                       Knowledge of public policy and practice

Specification                                            agendas within Scotland
                                                       Knowledge of fundraising and marketing &
                                                         communications and of charity governance and
Professional/Technical                                   regulation
qualifications                                         Have high level planning, programme and
 Qualified to degree level (or equivalent)             project management skills to control effective
   and/or evidence of continuous professional            use of resources
   development.                                        Proven outstanding management and positive
                                                         leadership skills.
                                                       The ability to drive and embed lasting change
 A proven track record of success in leading
   and managing a country wide operation               The ability to focus on impact and deliver
   preferably within a UK wide organisation,            outstanding results in a team environment and
   that is geographically dispersed or multi-site       contribute positively as part of a team
   environment of comparable size and complexity,      Exceptional interpersonal skills, and able to
   to deliver high quality results to deadlines and      influence/persuade a wide range of stakeholders
   under pressure
                                                       Communications – excellent written and verbal
 Experience of working with relevant statutory         skills, with recognised experience of making
   and voluntary organisations and of influencing        presentations to diverse, high calibre audiences
   policy, practice and managing stakeholders at         across different media.
   the most senior levels
                                                       Can determine decisions, making trade-offs
 Experience of working in a senior team to             where appropriate and understand the impact
   develop a high level strategy and business            on interrelated areas.
   plan, and work in unity with the team to
   communicate and implement the plan
 Demonstrable experience of applying effective
   problem solving techniques when the situation
 Experience of successful financial and
   budgetary management
 Experience as spokesperson for an organisation
   (including radio and/or TV)
 Experience of managing and mitigating financial
   and operational risks
 A track record of working successfully with
   disparate groups and volunteers

Employee                                                 Eye care vouchers
                                                         Eye care vouchers are provided for an eye test. If

benefits                                                 glasses are required which are specifically needed
                                                         for your role, then a voucher worth £55 is given.

In return for your hard work, the MS Society             Flexible working
will pay you a salary circa £60,000.                     Flexible working is supported where it helps meet
                                                         the aims of the Society. Examples of this include
Holiday                                                  home working and job sharing. Some flexibility in
25 days plus 10 bank holidays; three of the annual       working hours may be possible.
leave days must be taken between Christmas and
New Year, when the MS Society national offices will      Parental leave
be closed.                                               Employees who meet the qualifying criteria can
                                                         claim up to 18 working weeks unpaid leave per
Hours of work                                            child under 5, or up to 18 year of age if the child
Full time working hours are 35 per week. Some            has a disability. Employees can take parental leave
post holders will be required to work out of hours       in blocks of one week and no more than 4 weeks
and at weekends to meet the needs of their posts.        per year.

Pension                                                  Childcare vouchers
All new employees will be automatically enrolled on      The scheme will enable those with parental
to the pension scheme from their start date with         responsibilities to pay for the care of children
the Society. The minimum employee contribution           up to the age of 15, or 16 if they are registered
is 3% of salary and the maximum employer                 disabled. You can choose to take up to a maximum
contribution is 6% of salary. If the employee does       set amount per month of your salary in childcare
not wish to contribute to the pension scheme,            vouchers, which are exempt from tax and NI.
there will be a process that will automatically be in
place for them to follow to opt out of the scheme
for a limited period of time.
                                                         Employee Wellbeing
Life Assurance                                           The EWP is a personal support programme that
As long as an employee is at least 18 and less than      gives you access to a range of specialist support
65, they’ll be included in the scheme from the day       and information covering:
they join us. A lump sum benefit is payable to the          Finances – dealing with debt, budgeting,
named next of kin on the employee’s death of 3               investments
times the basic salary at the date of death.                Relationships – family, work, partners, friends
                                                            Health – fitness, weight, illness, wellbeing
Sickness                                                    Legal – consumer issues, housing, insurance
We operate an occupational sick pay scheme.                  claims etc
                                                            Family care - childcare, schooling, parenting
Season ticket loan                                           issues, care for the elderly
We offer an interest free loan to buy annual season
tickets for travel to work. This is available once you   The EWP service is a UK wide service available to
have completed your probation period.                    all employees and their immediate family members,
                                                         as long as they are over 16 years of age and live
GAYE                                                     in the same household. This includes a spouse,
Employees may give directly to a charity of their        partner, siblings, any parent, brother or sister and
choice via the payroll.                                  any legal dependants under the age of 21 years old
                                                         and in full time education.
Emergency loans
We offer interest free loans to assist employees
with occasional emergencies.

Appointment process
To apply for this position, please send a curriculum vitae and
supporting statement, which evidences your suitability for the role
using the job description and person specification.

You should also include two referees, one of whom should be your
current/most recent employer. References will only be taken once
your expressed permission has been granted.
Please also complete and return our equality monitoring form.

If you would like an informal discussion about the role, please contact
Patricia Gordon, Acting Executive Director, Services and Support
02890 802 800.

Applications should be emailed to

Closing date: Tuesday 10 June 2014

Interviews: Monday 30 June 2014

The MS Society is committed to promoting equality and diversity.

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