Grendon Primary School - Improvement Plan 2020-2021 - Approved by the Full Governing Board September 2020

Page created by Lloyd Hansen
Grendon Primary School - Improvement Plan 2020-2021 - Approved by the Full Governing Board September 2020
Grendon Primary School
                Improvement Plan

Approved by the Full Governing Board September 2020

Grendon Primary School - Improvement Plan 2020-2021 - Approved by the Full Governing Board September 2020

School Ethos, Vision and Aims                                                 Page 3

Strategic Improvement Process                                                 Page 4

Progress towards Ofsted Key Issues                                            Page 5

Evaluation of School Improvement Plan 2019-2020      (third of three-year plan) Page 6

Long Term Strategic Priorities 2020 - 2023                                    Page 7

Key Area for Improvement 1 Medium Term Plan 2020 – 2021 (first year)          Page 8

Key Area for Improvement 2 Medium Term Plan 2020 – 2021 (first year)          Page 11

Key Area for Improvement 3 Medium Term Plan 2020 - 2021 (first year)          Page 12

Key Area for Improvement 4 Medium Term Plan 2020 - 2021 (first year)          Page 14

Pupil Premium Medium Term Plan April 2020 – April 2021                        Page 16

Abbreviations                                                                 Page 19

Short Term Plans Cycle 1 September 2020 – February 2021                       Page

Short Term Plans Cycle 2 February 2021 – July 2021                            Page

Our School Ethos                                                          Our School Vision

                                                                          … provide the knowledge and skills to unlock learning through: -

                                                                                   a pastoral curriculum removing barriers and
                                                                                    developing strength of character

                                                                                   an academic curriculum providing effective
                                                                                    structure and opportunity

                                                                           In order that all of our children have the
                                                                           keys to embrace their future and

                                                    And So We Can…

 Provide teaching that develops knowledge and skills so children learn and progress effectively.
 Offer enriching activities, events and experiences.
 Work together to remove barriers and ensure equality.
 Build independent and resilient learners who are able to communicate confidently.
 Listen to and treat each other and all members of the community with respect, tolerance and concern.
 Recognise ability, maximise potential and prepare children well for their future and life in modern Britain .

The Strategic Improvement Process at Grendon
   The Leadership Team and Strategic Improvement Committee of our Governing Board, have identified through rigorous self-evaluation and
  external assessment, three Strategic Priorities for improvement. These will be the focus for our School Improvement Plan over the next three
                             years and ensure that we continue to drive the school forward to achieve our vision.

   The function of our School Improvement Plan is to break down Strategic Priorities into Key Areas for Development for the academic years
2020- 2021, 2021 - 2022 and 2022 – 2023. Key Area Medium Term Plans detail actions, expected impacts and provide costings to illustrate how
 we plan to achieve our Strategic Priorities over the coming year. Key Area Medium Term Plans are evaluated at the end of the academic year
                                     and next actions identified for the second year of the Long Term Plan.

To ensure the process is rigorous, robust and focussed, each Key Area Medium Term Plan is further divided into two Short Term Plans fitting in
with the school’s Monitoring and Evaluation cycle. Short Term Plans detail small steps for improvement. They are reviewed by School Leaders at
                            all levels and the Governors Strategic Improvement Committee who measure their impact.

                          Identification of three year Strategic Improvement priorities – to secure school vision

                                      1 year Medium Term Plan – the School Improvement Plan

           Actions broken down into 2 sets of Short Term Plans, with clear actions and expected impacts as a measure progress
   Cycle 1 Short Term Plan            Mid Term Review and              Cycle 2 Short Term Plan            Final Review and Evaluation
         (Sept – Feb)                       Evaluation                        (Feb – July)                    Report to Governors
                                      Next Actions Planned
                                       Report to Governors

                             Evaluation of School Improvement Plan – identification of priorities for next year
             Every third year – Summary of progress against Strategic Improvement Priorities and identification of new priorities

Progress Towards Ofsted Key Issues from July 2019
                                       Leaders and those responsible for governance should ensure that:
         a. they continue to work with targeted families so that the rate of     b. they continue to support all pupils to make strong
                        persistent absence is reduced further.                       progress in writing and mathematics, so that all pupils,
                                                                                     including the most able and those who are
                                                                                     disadvantaged, can achieve the progress of which they
                                                                                     are capable of.
Persistent absence fell from 15.5% (data from Summer 2019) to 12.85% (data from Autumn         Data from December 2019 shows that the majority of children were making
2019) as a result of the action taken in the school improvement plan. Further work is          strong progress in Maths, (51%), and Writing, (53%).
needed to ensure this figure falls further and the gap closes between school and national
data.                                                                                          Data from December 2019 showed that gaps between children who are
                                                                                               disadvantaged and their peers were closing. Between July 2019 and
Data for Spring term 2020 is not available as school closed on 20th March due to COVID-19      December 2019, gaps in attainment in Maths reduced or remained the
lockdown. Attendance prior to closure was falling quickly, as anxiety increased and families   same for 11 out of 12 classes as a result of accelerated progress made by
followed Government advice to self-isolate for 14 days if anybody in their household has       this group. For Writing, gaps reduced or remained the same for 10 out of 12
symptoms.                                                                                      classes, again indicating strong progress was made.

In line with guidance, school worked tirelessly to not only ensure that vulnerable children    Data from December 2019 shows that for the most able, 94% in Writing and
and children of critical workers attended school during closure, but that school opened on     92% in Maths made at least expected progress during the Autumn term
1st June with all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 being offered places. Although      although, when compared with all children, fewer (45% in Writing and 39%
attendance was not compulsory and parents were not penalised for absence at this time,         in Maths), made strong progress. Data from Spring 2020 shows that in Year
attendance data for June reflected our drive and determination. 19% of children were in        6, 8 children in Writing and 9 children in Maths were working at a greater
school at this time, compared with a Department for Education estimate of 9.1% nationally.     depth. For this cohort at KS1 only 4 children in Writing and 6 in Maths
41% of children with EHCPs or a Social Worker were in school, compared with 18%                achieved a greater depth. This indicates strong progress was made across
nationally.                                                                                    the Key Stage for this cohort. This now needs to be consistent for all
                                                                                               cohorts in school.
We are rightly concerned that attendance will become a significant issue for school from
September and are not yet sure what Government guidance about attendance will be from          School closed on March 20th due to Covid-19 lockdown. We are rightly
that point. This is an area that will need to continue to be a focus for school improvement.   concerned about the impact of this prolonged closure and resulting isolation
                                                                                               not only on children’s mental health, but on their progress and attainment.
                                                                                               Identification of gaps in learning and high quality teaching and intervention
                                                                                               will be a focus for school improvement in order for children to continue to
                                                                                               make strong progress.

Evaluation of School Improvement Plan 2019-2020
Long term        More children work at or above expected                      Exceptional skills in pedagogy and deep subject                          Strategic development of structured roles within
Strategic                  levels across school                                  knowledge improve teaching and learning                              school further strengthens leadership at all levels
SIP Key Area     1.1 Reduce the attainment gap between                     2.1 Ensure effective implementation of the curriculum, (foundation     3.1 Ensure Leaders new to roles have a clear understanding of
     for             disadvantaged and their peers.                        subjects).                                                             roles and responsibilities and are effective in securing
                 1.2 Remove barriers to learning, ensuring all children    2.2 Develop strategies for improving communication, independence,      improvement.
Improvement          access the curriculum.                                challenge and resilience across the curriculum.                        3.2 Review and adapt the school’s monitoring and evaluation
   Year 1        1.3 Ensure changes to the design of the curriculum        2.3 Plan, implement and evaluate changes to current policy and         process, in light of changes to leadership roles and the Inspection
   2019-20           focus on children acquiring the skills and            practice in Maths across the school.                                   Framework.
                     knowledge required to reach age related               2.4 Embed changes to policy and practice in Reading securely and       3.3 Embed, monitor and evaluate strategies and practices to
                     expectations.                                         consistently across the school.                                        improve pupil’s attendance and punctuality.
                                                                                                                                                  3.4 Ensure best communication among stakeholders and build on
                                                                                                                                                  opportunities to increase parental engagement.
 Evaluation Data from December 2019 showed that gaps between            Our monitoring and evaluation cycle has shown that the intent is clear    Actions taken to improve attendance have been effective.
 July 2020   children who are disadvantaged and their peers were        and implementation of the curriculum has improved significantly during    Persistent absence fell from 15.5% (data from Summer 2019) to
             closing. Between July 2019 and December 2019, gaps         this year. It is rightly focused on teaching skills and knowledge and     12.85% (data from Autumn 2019). Further work is needed to
             in attainment in Maths reduced or remained the same        staff and pupils report that their subject knowledge in specific subjects ensure that this falls further and the gap between school and
             for 11 out of 12 classes as a result of accelerated        is much improved. Links within and between learning are clear and         national data closes. Attendance is likely to be a significant issue
             progress made by this group. For Writing, gaps             ensure children are making sense of their learning. The Summer term       moving into the next academic year as a result on non-statutory
             reduced or remained the same for 10 out of 12 classes, curriculum has not been taught as a result of Covid-19 school closure         attendance during school reopening.
             again indicating strong progress was made.                 and therefore using data to track progress is not possible at this time.  Parent survey results showed that most parents (80%) felt
             Our monitoring and evaluation cycle has shown that         Reading policy and practice is embedded across the school. Survey         communication between home and school was good. School
             the intent is clear and implementation of the curriculum   results show staff are confident and that skills and understanding of     closure has highlighted this issue during the last term, and although
             has improved significantly during this year. It is rightly pupils have improved significantly. Feedback from lesson observations information has been shared clearly and well received, there are
             focused on teaching skills and knowledge and staff and shows teaching and learning in Reading to be good or better.                  aspects such as having email contacts for all parents and
             pupils report that their subject knowledge in specific     Outcomes from monitoring and evaluation show that communication,          introducing a two-way online learning platform that we are now
             subjects is much improved. Links within and between        resilience and independence are becoming embedded across the              keen to explore further.
             learning are clear and ensure children are making          curriculum. Work of Lead Practitioners has been highly effective in       The school’s monitoring and evaluation system is effective. It is
             sense of their learning. The Summer term curriculum        developing this further in particular year groups.                        accurate and provides the information needed to move the school
             has not been taught as a result of Covid-19 school         Covid-19 school closure has meant that actions planned to further         forward. All are clear about their roles in this process and it remains
             closure.                                                   improve teaching and learning in Maths have not been completed.           at the heart of the school improvement system.
                                                                        This is an area for continued development.                                Leadership again has changed this year, as a result of the
                                                                                                                                                  appointment of a new Headteacher and an Acting Deputy Post.
                                                                                                                                                  Despite challenging circumstances as a result of Covid -19
                                                                                                                                                  closures, Leadership continues to be good.
   Future    Continue with curriculum development plans – regular       Plan, implement and evaluate changes to current policy and practice in Continue to reduce persistent absence.
  Actions    subjects and Maths                                         Maths across the school.                                                  Continue to improve communication between all stakeholders.
 Identified  Review curriculum for next year in light of gaps in
             Continue to support particular groups in school and
             remove barriers arising as a result of school closure.

Long Term Strategic Priorities for Improvement 2020-2023
     Strategic Priority 1                   Strategic Priority 2                 Strategic Priority 3                  Strategic Priority 4
         2020-2021                              2020-2021                            2020-2021                             2020-2021

     Curriculum intent and            Pupils display positive attitudes       Pupils develop strength of          Leadership is clear and
    implementation is clear,          and make a positive contribution      character as a result of the high     ambitious, providing high quality
   ambitious and embedded               to school life and the wider         quality pastoral support and         professional development for
  securely and consistently to                  community.                     enrichment opportunities           staff, high quality education for
ensure the best outcomes for all                                                       provided.                  children and effective
       groups of pupils.                                                                                          engagement with all

Key Area for Improvement             Key Area for Improvement 2              Key Area for Improvement             Key Area for Improvement 4
            1                              Year 1 2020-21                                3                              Year 1 2020-21
     Year 1 2020-21                                                               Year 1 2020-21
                                     2.1 Embed strategies to further                                              4.1 Provide high quality
1.1 Adapt our curriculum             reduce persistent absence and          3.1 Implement and evaluate the        professional support to
    intent and implementation        ensure punctuality.                    statutory RSE framework.              ensure:
    in order to close gaps in        2.2 Increase opportunities for and     3.2 Review and adapt the              a) staff are effective and
    learning created by              impact of pupil voice in school        school’s programme for                efficient in delivering a
    Covid-19 closure.                life.                                  curriculum enrichment.                pastoral response to Covid-19.
1.2 Accelerate progress for          2.3 Embed the teaching of growth       3.3 Ensure that the pastoral          b) subject leaders are
    the disadvantaged and            mind-set in order to impact on         curriculum is effective and           increasingly able to monitor and
    SEND groups.                     children’s attitudes towards           focussed on removing                  evaluate teaching and learning.
1.3 Maximise opportunities for       learning.                              barriers to learning as a result      c) increased opportunity for
    and focused teaching of                                                 of Covid-19 closure.                  training of Teaching Assistants.
    communication,                                                                                                4.2 Ensure best
    independence and                                                                                              communication among
    resilience.                                                                                                   stakeholders and build on
1.4 Improve the intent and                                                                                        opportunities to increase
    implementation of Maths,                                                                                      parental engagement.
    French, RE and PE

                                                                       7 related to issues arising from Covid-19 school closure.
                    Key Areas for Improvement shown in bold are directly
Strategic Priority 1: Curriculum intent and implementation is clear, ambitious and embedded securely and consistently
                                                  to ensure the best outcomes for all groups of pupils
                                  Actions shown in bold are directly related to issues arising from Covid-19 school closure.

                                                            Key Area for Improvement 1: Medium term Plan 2020 – 2021
                  Action                                     Expected Impact                         Resources               Cost                         Time           Personnel        Monitored by
                  What?                                        What effect?                         With what?               How                         When?             Who?              Who?
1.1.1 Plan, implement and evaluate a Covid-     Progress is accelerated because the curriculum is Emergency and Recovery   much?
                                                                                                                         1/8 x £51454=                     Aut 20           All Staff       Academic Team
19 response curriculum                          focussed on closing identified gaps                     curriculum document –           £6431.75       Spr 21- Sum 21                       Evaluate for short
                                                                                                            leadership time           1/8 x £57154=                                            term plans
                                                                                                        Cover for 0.5 days/week         £7144.25
                                                                                                          PPA Time Weekly           16 x £200= £3200
1.1.2 Provide an effective programme of         Progress is accelerated because staff are well                1 x INSET                    N/A             Sept 20          All Staff      Leaders evaluate at
transition for children                         informed of individual needs and children are happy     Teaching and learning                               INSET                          Leadership Meeting
                                                and confident with staff                                  planned as part of                             Emergency
                                                                                                        Emergency Curriculum                             Curriculum
                                                                                                                                                        taught during
                                                                                                                                                           Aut 20
1.1.3 Adapt assessment policy and practice      School has a clear baseline from which to measure          Pira/Puma tests                £500            Aut 2020       HR shares with    HR evaluates action
in response to curriculum changes               progress and progress towards age related                 Assessment Policy               N/A                               all staff      on short term plans
                                                expectations can be tracked                                   Addendum
1.1.4 Use accurate data analysis and self-      Appropriate interventions are planned because           3 x Leadership Meetings            N/A          1 meeting per       All staff        HR to plan and
evaluation to identify gaps in learning         school data and analysis provides an accurate                  3 x INSET                                    term           HR to lead     evaluate data on short
following baseline assessment                   picture of attainment and progress                                                                                                             term plans
1.1.5 Use pupil progress review to identify     More children in each year group work at the                 2 x Teacher Days              N/A           November           All staff     HR to evaluate pupil
children working just below the expected        expected standard during the year because plans                  1 x INSET                                January          HR to lead     progress termly and
standard and write plans to accelerate          ensure gaps are closed and progress accelerated                                                            April                          report to Leadership
1.1.6 Plan, implement and evaluate              Children make accelerated progress and more             Early Years Talk Boost       0.5 x £15234 =     3 x afternoon     1 x Teaching       Intervention data
interventions to close identified gaps in the   reach expected standards because interventions                                            £7617             weekly          Assistant     reported on short term
EYFS                                            are effectively delivered and close gaps in learning     Speech and Language         0.3 x £30539 =    Aut 20 – Sum 21                             plans

1.1.7 Plan, implement and evaluate                                                                            Project X Code         0.3 x £30539 =     3 x afternoon     3 x Teaching
interventions to close identified gaps in KS1                                                                                           £9161.70            weekly          Assistant
and KS2                                                                                                                                                Aut 20 – Sum 21
                                                                                                              Direct Phonics         0.3 x £21982 =
                                                                                                        Training (Direct Phonics)         £160

                                                                                                       Emotional Literacy Support   0.3 x £24425 =
                                                                                                             Training (ELSA)               £350
1.1.8 Work with external agencies to remove       Feedback from monitoring and evaluation shows                    School Nurse                £7800          Aut 20 – Sum 21    Lou Proudlock       Pastoral Team
barriers to learning                              that targeted children are increasingly able to                  Sweet Project               £4000                            Project Workers    evaluate as part of
                                                  access education and gaps in learning close as a               Behaviour Support             £3000                              Steve Brown      Pupil Premium Plan
                                                  result of strong progress made                                   Psychologist                £3661                              Claire Jarvis
                                                                                                                Pupil School Support            N/A                               Sarah Smith
                                                                                                                     CAT Team                   N/A

1.1.9 Use Lead Practitioner support to            High quality first teaching as a result of the effective       Leadership Time          0.125 x £49815=     Aut 20 – Sum 21       AN/LP          TPS evaluations to
improve curriculum implementation                 implementation of whole school strategies                         1/8 salary                £6226.88                                              leadership team
                                                                                                                    1/10 salary           0.1 x £59506=
                                                                                                               Cover 0.5 days a week           £5950.60
                                                                                                                                             2(16x200) =

1.1.10 Further improve the use of feedback        Progress is accelerated because children have a                      2 x INSET                N/A               Spr 21              HR           HR evaluated action
on learning                                       better understanding of what they are doing well                                                                                                  on short term plan
                                                  and how to improve further
1.1.11 Ensure that the curriculum intent and      All stakeholders can talk clearly about the                Provision and Performance          N/A               Nov 20           HR Lead         HR evaluated action
it’s intended impact is shared with all           curriculum intent, how it links to school ethos, vision    Governing Board Committee                                                              on short term plan
stakeholders                                      and aims and how it translates into implementation                  meeting

1.2.1 Use Pupil Premium Plan to accelerate        Progress is strong for the majority of pupils and, as                                                See Pupil Premium Plan
progress and close gaps for disadvantaged         a result, gaps in learning close
1.2.2 Implement whole class strategies to         Gaps between disadvantaged and their peers                         1 x INSET                  N/A               Aut 20            All staff       Leaders report on
accelerate progress of disadvantaged pupils       continue to narrow                                            Classroom Strategies                                               HR leads           M&E feedback
1.2.3 Use targeted support, including             Target children make good progress against targets                1 to 1 Tuition             £5000          Aut 20 – Sum 21     Staff Tutors        Staff evaluate
tutoring to ensure disadvantaged pupils                                                                             Small group tuition                                                           interventions for short
‘catch-up’                                                                                                          National Tutoring                                                                   term plans

1.2.4 Continue to improve provision for           SEN pupil make good progress because learning is                       1x INSET              N/A                Spr 21           SENCO          LS evaluates for short
children with SEND by working with staff to       pitched at the correct standard and effective                         Cued Spelling      PSS hours (no          Aut 20                               term plans
ensure                                            intervention closes gaps                                                                     cost)
a) access to curriculum strategies are                                                                                 Direct phonics        See 1.1.7        Aut 20 –Sum 21
implemented                                                                                                         Speech and Language      See 1.1.6        Aut 20 – Sum 21
b) Appropriate interventions are planned,
implemented and evaluated
1.3.1 Use monitoring cycle to evaluate            Changes made are effective because they are                       Lead Practitioner        Included in          Oct 20           Leaders         Leaders evaluate as
effectiveness of opportunities to embed           based on accurate assessment of school strengths                  Leadership Time       Leadership Time,                                        part of monitoring and
communication, resilience and independence        and areas for improvement                                                                   see 1.1.9                                              evaluation cycle
1.3.2 Research, plan and implement                Teaching improves because chosen strategies                       Lead Practitioner        Included in      Aut 20 – Sum 21       AN/LP         AN/LP evaluate action
approaches to increase opportunities for          impact on learning                                                Leadership Time       Leadership Time,                                         on short term plans
resilience and independence                                                                                                                   see 1.1.9
1.3.3 Improve communication skills by ensuring    Communication skills improve because they are                     3 x INSETs                   N/A            1 INSET per       Leadership        Leadership team
a) children understand and using the correct      taught effectively, explicitly and embedded across             PPA time weekly                 N/A                term            Team          evaluate for short term
technical vocabulary in the academic curriculum   the curriculum                                                Word Aware Training             £200                                                      plans
b) children are supported to use vocabulary to
explain thoughts, feelings and anxiety in the

pastoral curriculum
c) strategies to develop communication and
language in the EYFS are researched, planned
and implemented
1.4.1 Plan, trial and evaluate units of work and    The academic curriculum is broad, balanced and          Lead Practitioner        Included in          Maths          LP, CH, MW,        Subject leaders
assessment criteria that are focused on             ambitious. Knowledge and skills are introduced          Leadership Time       Leadership Time,     Aut20-Spr 21       KR, SR, HF       evaluate action for
teaching knowledge and skills at the expected       progressively and are well matched to age related                                 see 1.1.9                                             short term plans
standards for                                       expectations                                               3 x INSET                 N/A
a) Maths                                                                                                 Subject Leader Release   6 x £200 = £1200     Spr 21 – Sum
b) ‘Regular’ Subjects - PE, RE and French                                                                         time                4 x £200=             21
c) New EYFS curriculum                                                                                     2 days per subject            £800
                                                                                                           2 days EYFS staff                           EYFS Aut 20

1.4.2 Improve teaching and learning in Maths        Teaching and learning in Maths improves because         Lead Practitioner        Included in      Aut 20 – Sum 21      LP leads        LP evaluates action
by:                                                 subject knowledge is at least secure and pedagogy       Leadership time       leadership time –                         All staff       on short term plan
a) increasing opportunities for problem solving,    is consistent and progressive across the school.                                  see 1.1.9
reasoning and explaining
b) Evaluating and making changes to lesson                                                              External EYFS Maths CPD         £500              Spr 21              SR
c) Improving planning so that units build
progressively on isolated skills
d) Improving multiplication skills in Years 3 and
e) Ensuring appropriate challenge and stretch
for higher attainers
f) Further developing subject knowledge and
pedagogy in EYFS maths
1.4.3 Plan and implement early adoption of the      Early years curriculum improves because it better      LF Leadership time        Included in          Aut 20          LF leads        LF evaluates for short
new EYFS curriculum                                 prepares children for the National Curriculum in        EYFS Curriculum       Leadership Time –                     Reception Staff        term plans
                                                    Year 1                                                                            see 1.1.1
1.4.4 Evaluate the impact of new curriculum         Plans become increasingly effective as issues are    LF/SC Leadership Time       Included in          Dec 20            LF/SC         LF/SC evaluate action
design termly and plan changes to the next term     quickly identified and new plans improved                                     Leadership Time –       April 21                         for short term plan
accordingly                                                                                                                           see 1.1.1           July 21
                                                           Total Cost                                                             £101,883.98

Strategic Priority 2: Pupils display positive attitudes and make a positive contribution to school life and the wider community
                                 Actions shown in bold are directly related to issues arising from Covid-19 school closure.
                                              Key Area for Improvement 2: Medium term Plan 2020-2021
                   Action                        Expected Impact              Resources             Cost           Time     Personnel Monitored by
                    What?                          What effect?               With what?         How much?       When?        Who?       Who?
2.1.1 Communicate attendance policy and expectations         Attendance is improving because all           Attendance policy               N/A              Aut 20             SJ            SJ reports to
to all stakeholders following Covid-19 closure               stakeholders have a clear                      Parents letters          0.5 x £53187=                                            leadership
                                                             understanding of expectations                  Leadership time            £26593.50

2.1.2 Remove barriers arising as a result of Covid-19        Attendance improves as barriers are           Attendance policy            See 2.1.1       Aut 20 – Sum 21        SJ            SJ reports to
closure that impact on attendance                            removed                                         Parents letters                                                                  leadership
                                                                                                            Leadership time
                                                                                                           Outside agencies             See 1.1.8
2.1.3 Improve the use of data analysis as an evidence        Appropriate actions are planned as         ASP data, census data             N/A               Jan 21        SJ and HR       SJ to evaluate short
base for judgements and evaluation of attendance             they are based on accurate self-           and planned meetings                                Apr 21                            term actions
procedures                                                   evaluation
2.1.4 Implement Fast-Track attendance system, including      Persistent absence is reduced                SJ Leadership time            See 2.1.1       Aut 20 – Sum 21        SJ         SJ to evaluate short
Early Help Action and the holidays during term time          because processes are effective in                                                                                               term actions
process                                                      improving attendance

2.1.5 Plan inset for stakeholders to ensure there is a       The profile of attendance as a key              INSET time                   N/A               Sep 20        SJ to deliver   SJ to evaluate short
shared understanding of the Fast – Track system across       issue will be raised and the policy is    Governing Board Meeting                                                                term actions
the school community                                         applied consistently as a result of
                                                             shared understanding
2.1.6 Review and evaluate policy and research and            Persistent absence is reduced and            SJ Leadership time            See 2.1.1           Aut 20             SJ         SJ to evaluate short
introduce new strategies to further improve attendance       the gap between school and national                                                                                              term actions
and reduce persistent absence                                data closes because processes are
2.2.1 Further develop the role of the school council in      Pupils are increasingly involved in        Teaching Assistant non-        0.1x £24415=     Aut 20 – Sum 21    Teaching       Teaching Assistant
collecting, evaluating and presenting the pupil voice        policy decisions made and in wider        contact time 1 afternoon a      £2441.50                            Assistant        reports to HR
                                                             school life                                          week
2.2.2 Ensure pupil voice is heard and actioned through       Pupils play an increasing part in         Monitoring and evaluation          N/A           Aut 20 – Sum 21   Teaching        Leaders evaluate for
a) monitoring and evaluation cycle                           school life and as a result, confidence            schedule                  N/A                             Assistant         short term plans
b) enrichment programme                                      and levels of engagement increase          Enrichment programme              N/A                             All leaders
c) pupil questionnaire                                                                                       Questionnaire
d) school newsletter                                                                                    Teaching Assistant non-         See 2.2.1
                                                                                                       contact time 1 afternoon a
2.3.1 Continue to research, plan, implement and monitor      Pupils display increasing positive            Lead Practitioner           Included in      Aut 20 – Sum 21      LP/AN        LP/AN Report to LF
whole school approaches to developing growth mind-set.       attitudes because strategies are              Leadership Time          Leadership Time –
                                                             implemented consistently and                                               see 1.1.9
                                                             effectively across school.

                                                          Total Cost                                                                  £29,035

Strategic Priority 3: Pupils develop strength of character as a result of the high quality pastoral support
                                                            and enrichment opportunities provided
                                    Actions shown in bold are directly related to issues arising from Covid-19 school closure.

                                                              Key Area for Improvement 3: Medium term Plan 2020 - 2021
                   Action                                      Expected Impact            Resources         Cost                                        Time           Personnel            Monitoring
                   What?                                         What effect?             With what?     How much?                                     When?             Who?                  by
3.1.1 Use PHSE and PSED curriculum to                Barriers to learning are identified quickly and    Emergency Curriculum        See Key Area 1       Aut 20             All staff           Leaders
address issues arising and barriers to               support can be given in order to ensure access     See Key Area 1 action           1.1.1                                                evaluated for
learning identified as a result of Covid-19          to the academic curriculum                                1.1.1                                                                        short term plans
3.1.2 Ensure a clear and shared understanding        All stakeholders understand curriculum intent            1 x INSET                  N/A            Sep 2020          SR to lead        SC evaluates for
of the intent and implementation of the new RSE      and are able to discuss progress and links.          1 x Provision and                                                                 short term plans
curriculum within our PSHE curriculum                Children and parents understand what they are     Performance Committee                            Nov 2020       SC to present to
                                                     learning, how and why                                     Meeting                                                   Governors
                                                                                                         Year group emails                           Aut 20 – Sum 21

3.1.3 Plan, trial and evaluate new medium term       Lessons are planned and taught effectively        Units of work, appropriate       £400         Aut 20 – Sum 21        All staff       SR to monitor as
PSHE and PSED units and lessons                      because clear guidance is given and future                resources,                                                                   part of monitoring
                                                     lessons are adapted as a result of feedback        Scarf subscription (Life                                                             and evaluation
                                                                                                               Education)                                                                          cycle
3.1.4 Improve implementation of RSE by               Teaching of RSE improves because it is well       Units of work, appropriate     See 3.1.4      Aut 20 – Sum 21   SR leads all staff   SR to monitor as
ensuring:                                            structured in terms of time and content, is               resources,                                                                   part of monitoring
a) resources are accessible and appropriate          supported by appropriate resources and teacher     Scarf subscription (Life                                                             and evaluation
b) Support for teaching identified units is          subject knowledge deepens and confidence                  Education)                                                                          cycle
available                                            increases
c) actions are planned and implemented
following monitoring and evaluation
d) timings for and length of units are appropriate
3.2.1 Further improve enrichment programme           School aims are met and ethos and vision is       Enrichment section of the         N/A             Sept 20       SC leads all staff   SC to monitor for
by ensuring:                                         clear. They are translated into the school               curriculum                                                                    short term plans
a) it is well matched to school aims                 curriculum.
b) it has a clear definition and pictorial                                                                  Provision and                             November 20
representation                                                                                         Performance Committee
c) categories are clear and stand alone                                                                       Meeting
d) it is informed by pupil voice
e) it is clear and well represented on the school
f) it maximises opportunities to develop
communication, resilience and independence
g) it is clearly communicated to all stakeholders
h) before and after school club provision is
3.2.2 Plan, monitor and evaluate the enrichment      The enrichment programme is at least good         Monitoring and Evaluation         N/A          October 2020            SR            SR evaluates as
programme for the academic year                      because changes and plans are based on                 Cycles 1 and 2                                                                  part of monitoring
                                                     accurate information from monitoring and                                                        February 2020                           and evaluation
                                                     evaluation cycle                                                                                                                             cycles
3.3.1 Review and develop the Pastoral            The Pastoral Curriculum is well matched to          2x Pastoral Team meeting        N/A             Aut 20            HR/SJ/AD           AD/SJ evaluate
Curriculum document                              school’s vision and aim, and details how we                1 x INSET                                                                      for short term
                                                 remove barriers and build strength of character                                                                                                plans
3.3.2 Provide high quality staff CDP is          Staff are up-skilled and can provide an effective             2x INSET             £500             Aut 20              SJ/AD            AD/SJ evaluate
aspects identified following Covd-19 closure     response to issues arising. This ensure barriers           Additional to be                                                               for short term
                                                 are removed effectively and efficiently and                arranged during                                                                     plans
                                                 children access academic curriculum.                        Autumn Term

3.3.3 Ensure safeguarding policy and             Safeguarding policy and practice is effective and      Safeguarding policy          N/A         Sept 20, Jan 21,    HR/AD/SJ/LS           DSLs evaluate
practice is effective in response to Covid-19    ensures access to appropriate support where           Termly DSL meeting                            Apr 21                                action for sort
closure                                          required                                                 Termly report to                                                                  term plans
                                                                                                      safeguarding governors
3.3.4 Plan interventions to remove barriers to   Barriers to learning are identified and removed           School Nurse         See Key Area 1   Aut 20 – Sum 21       LS/SJ/AD            Pastoral team
learning through:                                quickly, in order to ensure children access the           Sweet Project         action 1.1.8                                             evaluate for short
a) introduction of nurture groups                academic curriculum.                                   Behaviour Support                                                                    term plans
b) 1-1 tutoring                                                                                        Pupil School Support
c) referral to outside agencies                                                                            Psychologist
d) use of emotional literacy support                                                                  Speech and Language       See Key Area 1
assistant                                                                                                  ELSA training         action 1.1.7
e) targeted support for children exhibiting
challenging behaviours
3.3.5 Improve communication between              Expectation of and information for all               Class email accounts           N/A          From Aut 20       Leadership team       Leaders evaluate
stakeholders about resources and pastoral        stakeholders is shared in an efficient manner         Emailed information                                              and RG              for short term
support available                                ensuring parents can play a greater role in their       Twitter account                                                                         plans
                                                 child’s learning                                            Website
3.3.6 Use enrichment programme to address        Identified needs are met efficiently through        Mental Health awareness        £500             Aut 20            SC to plan.        SC evaluates for
identified issues arising from Covid-19          whole school support in order for children to                 day                                                  Identified staff to   short term plans
closure at a whole school level                  access the academic curriculum more quickly         Junior Leadership Team                                             plan and
                                                                                                              Days                                                   implement days
                                                      Total Cost                                                                  £1400

Strategic Priority 4: Leadership is clear and ambitious, providing high quality professional development for staff, high quality
                                         education for children and effective engagement with all stakeholders
                                  Actions shown in bold are directly related to issues arising from Covid-19 school closure.

                                                                  Key Area for Improvement 4: Medium term Plan 2020 - 2021
                     Action                                        Expected Impact            Resources         Cost                                                Time           Personnel         Monitoring
                     What?                                           What effect?             With what?     How much?                                             When?             Who?               by
4.1.1Ensure CPD and training for all staff is             Pastoral response is increasingly effective              DSL Training                  £500                Sept 20             LS          Leaders report to
focussed on issues arising form Covid-19 and              because they access to high quality training and     Whole school response             N/A                 Sept 20             SJ          Leadership Team
school closure                                            CPD                                                         training
                                                                                                                Behaviour Support                £500                Aut 20            SJ/SB
                                                                                                                Mental Health CPD                £500                Sep 20           HR Leads
                                                                                                                       ELSA                 See Key Area 1           Aut 20           Teaching
                                                                                                                                             action 1.1.7                             Assistant

4.1.2 Develop roles and responsibilities of subject       Subject Leaders can talk clearly about the            SC Leadership Time            Included in        Aut 19 - Sum 20     SC Leads          SC evaluates
leaders across school with a focus on                     curriculum intent, implementation and impact of            Weekly                Leadership Time,                          All subject      actions on short
a) subject knowledge                                      their subject                                                                        see 1.1.1                              Leaders            term plan
b) Monitoring and Evaluation                                                                                      2x teacher day                  N/A                Nov 20
                                                                                                                  External subject              £2000                Jan 21
                                                                                                                  leader training                                    Spr 21

4.1.3 Set challenging targets for improvement and         Outcomes of performance management show               Leadership time and            Included in       Aut 20 – Sum 21     All Leaders         HR/AD/LF
use rigorous performance management                       that leadership continues to improve and meets      training identified above   Leadership time and                                        evaluate as part of
procedures to ensure that subject leaders and             or exceeds Head/Teacher Standards                                               training costs above                                         performance
teaching assistants continue to develop further                                                                                                                                                        management
4.1.4 Ensure high quality professional development        The quality of teaching improves as a result of         INSET timetable                 N/A            Aut 20 – Sum 21   Leadership team   Leaders evaluate
of teaching assistants by                                 deepening subject knowledge and pedagogy                  ELSA training              See 1.1.7              Aut 20        lead teaching     as part of short
a) ensuring that training for specific interventions is                                                        Direct Phonics Training         See 1.1.7              Aut 20          assistants         term plans
given                                                                                                          Cued Spelling training          See 1.2.4              Aut 20
b) opportunities are taken to include assistants in                                                            Speech and Language               £240                 Aut 20
whole staff training
c) professional standards are used in performance
4.1.5 Make changes to monitoring and evaluation           All Leaders have a clear role in monitoring and     2x Leadership meetings              N/A                Sep 20          All Leaders     HR evaluates for
cycle to ensure                                           evaluation and are increasingly skilled at making                                                          Feb 21                           short term plan
a) Teaching assistants are given clear advice             judgements on practice                                                                                     July 21
about improvement                                                                                             Monitoring and evaluation           N/A                Oct 20
b) subject leaders are increasing able to monitor                                                                      cycles                                        Feb 21
and evaluate their subjects

4.2.1 Plan and implement a move towards                   Action taken on deficit reduction plan impacts on           Website                     N/A             From Aut 20          All staff      HR monitors as
paperless communication system                            reducing costs. Messages and information are             Email contacts                                                                    part of short term
                                                          shared with all stakeholders quickly and                 Twitter account                                                                         plans

4.2.2 Research and evaluate options to            Communication is efficient and parents are more          Twitter account              N/A        From January 21         RG           HR monitors as
increase use of social media as a                 informed about and engaged in school life                                                                                            part of short term
communication platform                                                                                                                                                                       plans
4.2.3 Research, plan and implement a platform     School is better prepared for future closures and        Microsoft 365               £1500           Aut 20              PF          PF reports to HR
to support distance learning                      children are able to access work easily             Specialist partner support     (DfE grant)
4.2.4 Hold a series of learning together          Parents support children’s learning more                       N/A                    N/A          Calendar of       AD oversees       AD evaluates
sessions                                          effectively because they have a shared and                                                       events between     Class teachers    action for short
a) EYFS stay and play                             improved understanding of expectations,                                                          Aut 20 – Sum 21      implement         term plans
b) Y1/6 Learning together and welcome             strategies and methods used.
c) Y2/6 SATs information meeting
d) sharing learning from new units of work
e) pastoral support for Covid-19 related issues
4.2.5 Adapt school events and celebrations to     School life can continue and be celebrated in a                N/A                    N/A        Aut 20 – Sum 21   Leadership Team   Leaders evaluate
ensure accessibility in light of Covid-19         safe manner                                                                                                                           as part of short
restrictions                                                                                                                                                                              term plans
4.2.6 Increase involvement of parents and         School and wider community are increasingly         Enrichment opportunities          N/A        Aut 20- Sum 21          AD          AD evaluates for
volunteers in school academic and pastoral        involved in school life and it’s improvement        Website communication                                                            short term plans
activities                                                                                              Pastoral newsletter

                                       Total Cost                                                                                    £5240
                          SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN TOTAL SPEND                                                                      £137,558.98

Pupil Premium Strategy Document 2020 – 2021

                                                                  School Overview
School Name                                         Grendon Primary            Number of Pupils                                       365
Proportion of Disadvantaged Pupils                  188 = 52%                  Pupil Premium Allocation                               £252,860
Publish Date                                        April 2020                 Review Date                                            April 2021
Pupil Premium Lead                                  Helen Ridley               Governor Lead                                          Joanne Baker

                                          Performance Data – Disadvantaged Pupils (July 2019)
            Key Stage and Measure                                Reading                             Writing                             Maths
                                                        School          National            School             National         School           National
EYFS (at least expected)                                 63%             79%                 63%                76%              67%              84%
Phonics Screening (pass)                                 62%             84%
KS1 (at least expected)                                  59%             78%                 59%                73%              59%              79%
KS2 (at least expected)                                  63%             78%                 63%                83%              75%              84%
KS2 Progress Score                                       1.13            -0.62               -0.32              -0.5             0.98             -0.71

      Barrier to Raising                                   Strategy to Address Identified Barriers                                          School
       Attainment for                                                                                                                    Improvement
    Disadvantaged Pupils                                                                                                                  Plan Links
A   Pupils entering Reception         Accelerate progress and increase percentages working at or above the expected standard          1.1.5,6,7,8,9
    working significantly below age   at the end of each year in reading, writing and maths through high quality first teaching and   1.2.1,2,3
    related expectations              effective use of targeted intervention.                                                         1.4.1,2
B   Progress of disadvantaged         Accelerate progress by ensuring pupils can access the curriculum and through the use of         1.1.5,6,7,8,9
    SEND pupils from their starting   effective targeted intervention.                                                                1.2.1,2,3
    points                            Work with families and outside agencies to remove barriers and close gaps in learning.          1.4.1,2
C   Poor communication skills         Maximise opportunities to pupils to develop communication skills across the curriculum.         1.3.1,2,3
                                      Ensure high quality staff CDP with a focus on teaching communication skills.
                                      Work with specialist support and outside professionals to improve speech and language
D   Limited opportunities and life    Plan and implement a whole school enrichment programme.                                         2.2.2
    experiences for pupils            Ensure ‘wow’ opportunities in quality first teaching.                                           3.2.1,2
                                      Ensure enrichment opportunities inspire and reward success.
E   High levels of persistent         Work with families and outside agencies to remove barriers to attendance.                       1.1.8
    absence                           Use whole school strategies to improve attendance, including Fast-Track process.                2.1.1,2,3,4,5,6

Pupil Premium Medium Term Plan April 2020 – April 2021

Barrier                     Action                           Personnel            Time               Resources   Monitored   Cost                                         Expected Impact
                                                           Strand 1: Improving Teaching and Learning for all Pupils
A,B,C,D   Lead practitioner in reach work to focus on            AN, LP        Aut 20 – Spr       2/10 of LP salary        2(0.2x49815)      LP report to         Standards in teaching and learning improve
          making further improvements to the quality of                             21          Cover for 0.5 day each       = £19926      Leadership Team         throughout the year because all targets for
          teaching and learning                                                                         week                2(16 x 200)                           improvement are met as a result of effective
                                                                                                                             = £6400                                                    support.
 A,B      Maintain staffing levels to ensure class sizes      Class Teacher    Sum 20 –Spr        Salary for additional     £34233.70       HT report to         Data shows that the majority of children make
          are kept as small as possible                                            21                   teacher                            Governing Body        good progress and more reach the expected
  D       Improve the curriculum by ensuring                                   Aut 20-Spr 21          Passport Days                         SC reports to         Conversations with children reveal that they
          enrichment is planned and embedded                                                                                  £1000        Leadership team        are excited by and engaged in their learning
          including                                                BW                             Whole School Days                                                  and playing an active role in school life.
                 Implementing the Grendon Passport                                             Junior Leadership Team        £1000                              The curriculum is exciting and engaging and
                     of Challenges                             Leadership                                Days                                                      offers real life, first hand opportunities and
                 Planning and running junior                  Team and                                                                                                              experiences.
                     leadership days and whole school        Subject Leaders                     External Providers for       £2000
                     days                                                                       before and after school
                 Increasing after school clubs and                                                      clubs
 A,B      Improve standards in English and Maths by                AD             Jan 21           Revision Scheme            £2000       AD/LF/SC evaluate         More children are on track to reach the
                   Purchasing and implementing                                                                                            short term plans         expected level by the end of the year.
                    Achieve 100 revision scheme
                   Read, Write Inc Phonics Reading                LF             Aut 20             Spelling Scheme          £1500
                    Books in EYFS & KS1                                                              Phonics Scheme
                   Renewal Read, Write, Inc Spelling                             Sum 20               Resources              £500
                   Providing quality texts and                  LF/SC
                    resources linked to curriculum                                Aut 20                                      £2500
                    subjects                                                                     Curriculum Resources

                                                                                             TOTAL = £71,059.70
                                                                        Strand 2: Targeted Academic Support
 A,B      Plan and implement a programme of one to            Teaching Staff   Aut 20- Spr 21          Staff salary           £2690        Intervention data      More children are working at the expected
          one tuition with a focus on moving children to                                        10 x 1 hour sessions per   (topped up         reported to        standard as gaps in learning are closed and
          expected standard.                                                                              child                with           Leadership                   progress is accelerated.
                                                                                                                           Catch – Up
A,B,C,E   Implement Emotional Literacy Support                     TA          Aut 20 – Spr          0.3 x TA Salary       0.3 x 24415        LS reports             Data from intervention tests show that
          Intervention                                                              21                                     = £7324.50     evaluation for short           children make good progress
                                                                                                                                              term plans
A,B,C     Implement Talk boost Intervention in EYFS                TA          Aut 20 – Spr          0.5 x TA Salary       0.5 x £24414       LS reports             Data from intervention tests show that
          and KS1                                                                   21                                       = £7617      evaluation for short           children make good progress
                                                                                                                                              term plans
 A,B      Implement Direct Phonics Intervention across             TA          Aut 20 – Spr          0.3 x TA Salary       0.3 x 24415        LS reports             Data from intervention tests show that
          KS2                                                                       21                                     = £7324.50     evaluation for short           children make good progress
                                                                                                                                              term plans
A,B,C   Implement Speech and Language small group                 TA          Aut 20 – Spr         0.3 x TA Salary    0.3 x 24415        LS reports             Data from intervention tests show that
        intervention in EYFS and KS1                                               21                                 = £7324.50     evaluation for short           children make good progress
                                                                                                                                         term plans
A,B     Plan and carry out targeted support                      HR           Aut 20 – Spr          0.2 x salary      0.2 x £89678   TSP evaluations to     More children are on track to reach the
        interventions to accelerate progress and raise           LF                21               0.5 x salary      = £17,935.60    Leadership Team       expected standard because they make good
        standards                                                                                                     0.5 x £57154                          progress against TSP targets
                  Y6 Maths and English                                                                                 = £28577
                  Y2 Maths and English

A,B     Small group interventions for targeted children         AWW           Aut 20 – Spr             salary           £15,000         AWW report           Most children make good progress against
        with EAL in KS1 and KS2                                                    21                                                  progress to HR                       TSP targets

A,B     Plan and carry out Project X Code intervention          2 x TA        Aut 20 – Spr     2(3/10 x TA salary)    0.3 x 30539    TA report data to HR   Data from the intervention shows that children
        to improve standards in reading                                            21                                 = £9161.70                                     are making good progress
                                                                                                                      0.3 x 24415
                                                                                                                      = £7324.50

A,B,C   Employ specialist speech and language                   Speech        Sum 20 – Spr      Speech Therapist        £14000        Speech therapist       Assessments made by WMISLT shows that
        therapist to support identified individuals            therapist          21                                                   reports to LS            most children meet their targets for
                                                                                              TOTAL = £124,279.30
                                                                           Strand 3: Wider Pastoral Support
 E      Senior Learning Mentor to run Fast Track                  SJ          Aut 20-Spr 21     Salary Difference       £14,276         SJ reports to         Fast Track is run effectively and persistent
        Programme                                                                               between Pastoral                      Leadership Team                    absence is reduced
                                                                                               Manager and Senior
                                                                                                 Learning Mentor
D,E     Incentives including trips, visits and prizes are         SJ            Apr 19 –       Coach hire, cinema        £5000          SJ reports to         Numbers of children achieving reward trips
        planned and implemented termly to reward                                 Apr 20         visits, book prizes                   Leadership Team        increase and therefore attendance improves
        good attendance for individuals
A,B,E   Employ school nurse to remove specific               School nurse     Sum 20– Spr           School nurse         £7000          School Nurse         The school nurse is effective in accessing
        barriers to learning for identified children                              21                                                    reports to SJ       support and removing barriers to learning for
                                                                                                                                                                          targeted children.
A,B     Increase support staff in identified year groups          TA          Sum 20 – Spr             salary           £24,245        SJ reports to HT     Support is effective in improving behaviour of
        in order to provide 1-1 support for identified                        21                                                                              and access to the curriculum for targeted
        children                                                                                                                                                               children.
A,B,E    External care and control guidance for staff        Steve Brown      Sum 20 – Spr           Consultant          £3000         SJ report to HT      Behaviour and children’s access to learning
        and 1-1 support for targeted children                                     21                                                                          improves as a result of effective support.

A,B,E   Work with Sweet Project to remove barriers to       Project Workers   Sum 20 – Spr         Project funding       £4000          Project worker      Sweet project is effective in accessing support
        learning for identified children and families                             21                                                     reports to SJ      and removing barriers to learning for identified
                                                                                              TOTAL = £57,521
                                                                                  PUPIL PREMIUM TOTAL = £252,860


SATs Standardised Assessment Tasks                INSET In-service Training                  DHT Deputy Head Teacher
CPD Continued Professional Development            SIP   School Improvement Plan              NC     National Curriculum
EYFS Early Years Foundation Stage                 MTP Medium Term Plan                       STP    Short Term Plan
TA    Teaching Assistant                          TSP   Targeted Support Plan                STSP Targeted Support Plan (SEND)
BeCo Behaviour Co-ordinator                       LA    Local Authority                      DfE    Department for Education
SEF   Self-evaluation form                        KPI   Key performance indicator            LP     Lead Practitioner
AfL   Assessment for Learning                     M&E Monitoring and Evaluation              APS Average Points Score
HT    Head Teacher                                EAL   English as an additional Language    ELG Early Learning Goal
SEND Special Educational Needs and disabilities   PSHE Personal, social, health education    SLM Senior Learning Mentor
AHT Assistant Head Teacher                        PSED Personal, social & emotional development    RSE   Relationships and Sex

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