PARENT INFORMATION 2019 - Caladenia Primary School

Page created by Dwayne Byrd
PARENT INFORMATION 2019 - Caladenia Primary School
PARENT INFORMATION 2019 - Caladenia Primary School
TERM DATES - STUDENTS                        SCHOOL HOURS
Semester 1                                   Gates open                  8.00am
Term 1                                       Classroom doors open        8.15am
Monday, 4 February–Friday, 12 April          School Starts               8.30am
                                             Recess                      10.35am
Term 2                                       End of Recess               10.55am
Monday, 29 April–Friday, 5 July              Lunch                       12.55pm
Semester 2                                   End of Lunch                1.25pm
Term 3                                       School Finishes             2.30pm
Monday, 22 July–Friday, 27 September         Gates close                 2.45pm

Term 4
Monday, 14 October–Thursday, 19 December
Student Free Days                            Hours         8.00am to 4.00pm
(Staff Development Days)                                   Monday to Friday.
                                             Address       89 Boardman Road,
Thursday, 31 January 2019                                  Canning Vale WA 6155
Friday, 1 February 2019                      Phone         9456 1144
Other Staff Development days to be advised   Website
early in 2019.                               Email
                                             Absences    0417 984 196
Public Holidays                              App

Australia Day – Saturday, 26 January
Australia Day Holiday – Monday, 28 January   Arrival/Departure of children at
Labour Day – Monday, 4 March                 school
Good Friday – Friday, 19 April
Easter Monday – Monday, 22 April
                                             We ask parents to co-operate to see that
ANZAC Day – Thursday, 25 April
                                             children arrive at school before 8.30am,
Western Australia Day – Monday, 3 June
                                             however, we do not encourage children to
Queen's Birthday – Monday, 23 September
                                             arrive too early in the mornings. Children
                                             should not be at school prior to 8.15am as
                                             supervision of children will not take place
PARENT INFORMATION 2019 - Caladenia Primary School
before that time and, therefore, their safety        Cooking and Craft (Kindergarten and
cannot be guaranteed. Children may not enter          Pre-primary students only)
classrooms unless their own teacher is               Photocopying for class work
present and gives permission. Children sit           Sporting equipment
outside their classrooms until they are invited
into the classroom.
No person is permitted to play on any
                                                  The School Board has stated that
equipment before or after school.                 Contributions may be collected by Ziggies
                                                  Enterprises on our behalf, as indicated on
Please remember that we do not look after         Personal Student Requirements List 2019.
children before and after school. Be on time
to pick up children as they may be at risk
being left outside the school for long periods    Charges for extra cost optional
of time.                                          components

                                                  Charges apply to extra, optional
                                                  components of educational programmes
                                                  provided in Kindergarten to Year 6.

                                                  Extra cost options are specific activities,
                                                  services or facilities that schools offer for
                                                  students to use or take part in. As
                                                  students choose to take part in these
                                                  activities, the associated charge must be
                                                  paid. Students who do not participate will
                                                  be     provided     with   an   appropriate
CONTRIBUTIONS AND                                 educational activity.
CHARGES                                           A breakdown of estimated charges for
The     cost   of   education,    including       your      child’s      participation   in
instruction, administration, establishment        incursions/excursions and activities for
and maintenance of buildings are met by           2019 is set out in the schedule below.
government funding. The Education Act
1999 allows government school budgets             The amounts indicated on the schedule
to be supplemented by local fundraising           represent the maximum charge. The
and prescribed contributions and charges          actual charge may be less, and we may
to    further   enhance     the    learning       not hold all of these activities.
experiences of children.
                                                  Costs    associated   with    specific
Contributions                                     learning activities, available to all
                                                  students   but    conditional  on    a
The total amount of contributions parents         payment being made.
and carers are being asked to pay for
students at Caladenia Primary School is
$60 per child, no matter which class
they are in.
The quality of our teaching and learning
programme will be maximised when each
family makes its contribution to the cost
of supplementing funding gained from all
Money collected is used to supplement
school expenditure in the areas listed
    Classroom resource materials e.g. art
     materials, computer equipment, etc.
    Library materials
PARENT INFORMATION 2019 - Caladenia Primary School
Payment can be made by cash, credit
       Activities – Maximum costs                     Per
These activities will not apply to all students.    Student     card or EFTPOS. (Diners, Amex &
                                                                Cheques are not accepted)
 School Photos                                    Up to $100
 SIMS Instrumental Music - Hire of                      $110
  Instrument if required                                        Girls’ Uniform - Years K – 6
 Music, Books and Resources                             $80    Summer
 Year 6 Graduation Shirt                            $35-$45
 Swimming - 2 weeks lessons includes pool           $50-$65
                                                                  Unisex purple/with navy insets Polo
  entry and transport costs                                         shirt displaying the Caladenia Logo,
 Incursions & Excursions - approx. 2                   $120        short     sleeved     (Official   School
  excursions and 3 incursions
 Year 6 Camp                                           $350
 Participation in Interschool Carnivals -               $30      Year 6 only – Graduate White Shirt
  approx. 4 events                                                  (printed and Caladenia logo) – MUST
 Music Performances - Ticket price for family     Up to $100
  members                                                           be worn on formal occasions or
 Performances/Excursions for Music Program             $100        optional for every day
 PEAC                                                  $300
                                                                    Formal occasions are, School Photos,
 Charitable Collections                              $1-$20        Important visitors to the school,
 Edu Dance Pre Primary                                  $35        Formal Assembly Events ie ANZAC
                                                                    Day etc. Any event identified by the
                                                                    Principal, all school excursions.
 SCHOOL DRESS CODE                                                  (Students will be excluded from the
 The Caladenia Primary School Community                             above events if they are not in the
 has established a dress code for all                               required dress)
 students attending the school.                                  Navy blue skirt with Caladenia logo
                                                                 Navy blue active stretch Pants with
 We believe that a dress code:                                     Caladenia logo
  Fosters and enhances the public image                         Faction Shirt with Caladenia logo
  Assists in building a school and team                         Navy blue rugby shorts with Caladenia
   spirit                                                          logo – PE and sport
  Ensures that students are safely                              Reversible (Faction colour) Caladenia
   dressed for specific school activities                          logo brimmed hat
  Encourages equity among the students
  Prepares students for work, as many                          Girls’ Uniform – Years K-6
   places have dress and safety codes                           Winter
                                                                  Unisex purple/with navy insets Polo
 School Uniform                                                     shirt displaying the Caladenia Logo,
                                                                    short       sleeved        (Official     School
 Caladenia Primary School has a uniform                             Uniform)
 that all children are expected to wear.                          Year 6 only – Graduate White Shirt
 School uniforms are available through                              (printed and Caladenia logo) – MUST
 Uniform Concepts which is conveniently                             be worn on special occasions or
 located at 30 Kembla Way, Willeton 6155.                           optional for every day
 The Uniform shop is open on Monday to                              Formal occasions are, School Photos,
 Friday 9am to 5pm, Thursday to 6pm and                             Important visitors to the school,
 Saturday 9am to 1pm.                                               Formal Assembly Events ie ANZAC
                                                                    Day etc. Any event identified by the
                                                                    Principal, All school excursions.
                                                                   (Students will be excluded from the above
                                                                   events if they are not in the required dress)
                                                                 Navy blue nylon fleece track pants
                                                                   with Caladenia logo
                                                                 Navy blue ‘College-Style’ nylon zip
                                                                   jacket with Caladenia logo (banded
                                                                   bottom and cuffs)
                                                                 Navy blue jumper with Caladenia logo
                                                                   and school colours neckband and cuffs
                                                                   (must be worn with Polo Shirt
PARENT INFORMATION 2019 - Caladenia Primary School
   Navy blue skirt with Caladenia logo                  Faction Shirt with Caladenia logo
   Navy blue active stretch pants with                  Navy blue rugby shorts with Caladenia
    Caladenia logo                                        logo – PE and sport
   Faction Shirt with Caladenia logo                    Reversible (Faction colour) Caladenia
   Navy blue rugby shorts with Caladenia                 logo brimmed hat
    logo – PE and sport
   Reversible (Faction colour) Caladenia             Shoes
    logo brimmed hat                                  Black / White / Navy blue practical shoes.
                                                      All shoes should have toes enclosed.
Boys’ Uniform - Years K – 6                           Some     shoes    do   not    meet     the
Summer                                                requirements of the Community.
   Unisex purple/with navy insets Polo
    shirt displaying the Caladenia Logo,              Physical Education Uniform
    short       sleeved        (Official     School    Students are to wear their faction
    Uniform)                                            shirts only on days when they have
  Year 6 only – Graduate White Shirt                   physical education or sport.
    (printed and Caladenia logo) – MUST                Students must wear closed in sports
    be worn on formal occasions or                      shoes appropriate for running and
    optional for every day                              participating in physical activity.
    Formal occasions are, School Photos,               Caladenia logo Rugby shorts (navy
    Important visitors to the school,                   blue, for both girls and boys)
    Formal Assembly Events ie ANZAC                    Nylon fleece double knee track pants
    Day etc. Any event identified by the                with Caladenia logo (navy blue, for
    Principal, all school excursions.                   both girls and boys) – winter time /
    (Students will be excluded from the above           cool days
    events if they are not in the required dress)
 Navy blue cargo shorts with Caladenia
 Navy blue cargo Pants with Caladenia
 Faction Shirt with Caladenia logo
 Navy blue rugby shorts with
    Caladenia logo – PE and sport
 Reversible (Faction colour) Caladenia
    logo brimmed hat.

Boys’ Uniform Years K - 6
 Unisex purple/with navy insets Polo
   shirt displaying the Caladenia Logo,
   short sleeved (Official School
 Year 6 only – Graduate White Shirt                  Hats
   (printed and Caladenia logo) – MUST                The Caladenia hat is to be worn as part of
   be worn on special occasions or                    the Caladenia Primary School uniform. No
   optional for every day                             other hats are to be brought to school.
   Formal occasions are, School Photos,
   Important visitors to the school,                  Hats are required to be worn at all times
   Formal Assembly Events ie ANZAC                    for all activities outside the classroom.
   Day etc. Any event identified by the               Caladenia Primary School endorses the
   Principal, All school excursions.                  ‘no Caladenia hat no play’ policy.
   (Students will be excluded from the above          Jewellery
   events if they are not in the required dress)      Jewellery is not to be worn at school -
 Navy blue cargo shorts with Caladenia               this includes bangles, dangling earrings or
  logo                                                any item of that nature.
 Navy blue cargo Pants with Caladenia
PARENT INFORMATION 2019 - Caladenia Primary School
Items of jewellery that students are         GENERAL INFORMATION
allowed to wear are:
 Sleepers
 Stud earrings
 Jewellery that needs to be worn for        Email Notifications
    cultural or religious reasons.           Email   is  the    primary    means of
                                             communication by the school to notify
Hair and make up                             parents of upcoming events, replacing
Hairstyles is a matter that requires good    paper newsletters and notices.
taste and judgment as to what is in the      To help us keep you up-to-date with news
best interests of the community/school       and emergencies, please ensure correct
overall. We ask students to adhere to the    mobile numbers and email addresses are
following:                                   provided on your child’s enrolment
   Hair is to be neatly groomed and hair
    on/below the shoulders must be tied      Newsletter/Notifications
    up. This applies to both girls and       A newsletter is published every Friday
    boys.                                    fortnight and distributed to parents via
   Our community does not adhere to a       email. The newsletter provides a wide
    “look at me” attitude at school          variety of IMPORTANT INFORMATION
   Patterns cut into hair are not           concerning    school    programs    and
    acceptable.                              activities.
   Extreme hairstyles (length, colour or
    design) are not acceptable.
   Make-up is not to be worn at any

Skirt Length
Please ensure that your child wears their
skirts no shorter than half way between
their knee and thigh. Your help in this
matter is appreciated.

Sanctions for non-compliance
A student not complying with the school      Website
policy can expect:                           Information can also be found on the
                                             school website at
1. To be questioned by their teacher, an
   Assistant Principal or Principal on why
   they are not wearing the correct          School App
   uniform – a Uniform Slip will be sent     The App is designed to provide immediate
   home by the class teacher.                information to parents, students and
2. If the student fails to comply to the     community members and can be used for
   dress code twice, then the Teacher will   enquiries, absentees, school information,
   communicate with the Office and the       school calendar and term dates and much
   parents will be notified.                 more. At this stage the app is available
3. The third occurrence will result in a     for all smart phones (ie Apple and
   parent/school meeting.                    Android) and iPads.
                                             Please                                 visit
Further information can be obtained
on the schools website at:                   for more information and a short
                                             demonstration.       The App can be   downloaded free of charge from your
                                             store (eg Google Play or iTunes).
                                             Parents are always welcome but for more
                                             formal discussions it is advisable to make
PARENT INFORMATION 2019 - Caladenia Primary School
an appointment to ensure that you have
sufficient time in which to fully discuss
concerns, issues etc. If you need to see
your child’s teacher, please, either speak
with    them    directly  to    make    an
appointment or phone the Front Office.

Absences and Leave Passes

Short Message Service (SMS) – via
The school uses this service to notify        Money
parents/caregivers of unexplained student
absences.                                     The school accepts the following methods
                                              of payment for excursions/incursions,
Unless otherwise advised by the parent/       charges and contributions, etc.:
guardian, SMS messages will be sent to
the Parent Guardian 1. If this is not the      Cash/cheque should be brought to the
case for your family, please notify the         front office in a sealed envelope, clearly
office of the person/mobile number you          labelled and deposited in the Money
would like absence notification messages        Collection Box located in the front
sent too.                                       office. Where possible, please present
                                                the correct money.
If you do not have a mobile phone to           Direct debit to the school’s bank
receive notification of an unexplained          account via internet banking BSB
absence please contact the school office        066040 A/C 19900612 - please
to discuss the options available.               remember to put your child’s name or
                                                family name in the reference field.
Absences                                       EFTPOS (NO CASH OUT).
It is a legal requirement that parents        Money MUST NOT be handed to the class
provide an explanation for a child’s non-     teacher.
attendance.      Please ensure that you
contact the school either by return SMS,      P&C Money Collections
the School App, in writing, by telephone      Money for P&C activities, e.g. fundraising,
or in person as to the reason for your        discos, Scholastic Book Club, uniforms,
child’s absence. Notes should be dated        etc. are separate funds and cannot be
and will be retained at school.               paid through the school bank account. A
                                              P&C Money Collection Box is also located
Leaving School Grounds                        in the front office. Correct money should
Parents/caregivers   collecting    children   be placed in a sealed envelope with your
during school hours must sign them out        child’s name and the activity.
at the front office and collect a pink
Student Release slip. If your child is        Internet Policy
being collected by a relative/friend,
please phone the school and inform            The Internet is an exciting and powerful
admin staff. Children will not be released    tool for students to research information
to a person who is not listed as a contact    for both academic assignments as well as
on the student file.                          their own personal interests. As part of
                                              our curriculum, pupils have controlled
Children are not permitted to leave school    access to the Internet and other
grounds during school hours, unless           computer communication facilities. They
written permission has been received by       learn how to use libraries, databases and
a parent/ guardian and approved by the        information sources on a wide variety of
Principal.                                    topics.

                                              We recognise that some inappropriate
                                              material on the Internet may be accessed
PARENT INFORMATION 2019 - Caladenia Primary School
intentionally or by accident, even though     Access Rights
the school has Internet filtering in place.
We teach students the importance of           A copy of a Family Court Order must be
responsible use of the web and Email as       supplied to the school so staff members
well as providing basic rules to maintain     are aware of family arrangements,
the privacy of students.                      restricted access, etc. Documentation is
                                              required otherwise both parents will have
At all times, pupils must agree to follow     equal rights of access to students.
the Student Code of Conduct for
Internet Use.
                                              Evacuation or Bushfire
To enable your son/daughter permission
to use the Internet please read and           In the event of an Evacuation or Bushfire
discuss the Student Code of Conduct           the school will contact parents via an SMS
for Internet Use and return the               message. We ask that parents restrict
permission    slip  enclosed   in  your       calling the school at this time, and to
enrolment pack to the front office.           seek up to date information through the
Further information can be found on the       ABC local radio. The school will contact
school website.                               parents to advise collection procedures if
Telephone messages

Telephone messages may be left for
children in special circumstances i.e.
changes to parent pick up.


Canteen    services   are    provided   to
Caladenia Primary School by Forest
Crescent Primary School Monday to
Friday for students in Kindy to Year 6.       Emergency Contacts
Orders can be placed either online or by
writing up an order before school on a
                                              To assist us in keeping these records up
lunch bag with your child’s teaching block
                                              to date, please let us know of any
clearly marked at the top of the bag.
                                              changes to the following important
                                              information :
If ordering online you must set up your
own Flexischool account using the
                                                 Parent phone numbers – home, mobile
following website:
                                                  & work.
                                                 Address
                                                 Emergency contact names and phone
Written orders and money are to be
placed in the tub located in the School
                                                 Marital status
Office by 8.30am.
                                                 Parental responsibility arrangements
                                                  /access rights
Parent volunteers deliver orders to Forest
                                                 Medical conditions
Crescent by 8.35am and lunches are
                                                 Visa Subclass Numbers
returned to school by 12.50pm. Lunches
are handed out to students at their
teaching blocks. Menus are available at
the school office. Paper lunch bags can
be purchased from the supermarket –
these are not provided by the school.
PARENT INFORMATION 2019 - Caladenia Primary School
Bicycle Safety                               Managing Student Behaviour
                                             Behaviour Management in School (BMIS)
The Police and safety experts consistently   is a joint staff, parent and student
recommend that children under 10 years       concern. The students and staff have a
do not ride bicycles on the road, so we      right    to     a    supportive     learning
discourage children under Year 5 from        environment based upon mutual respect
riding     bicycles to school unless         and co-operation. The school has a whole
accompanied by an adult. Children are        school Behaviour Management Policy that
required by law to wear a cycle helmet.      focuses on the rights and responsibilities
                                             of students, staff and parents.
Bikes should be placed in the designated     Please visit the school website for further
bicycle enclosure and locked or chained to   information regarding the updated policy.
the racks.     The enclosure is locked
between 8.45am and 2.15pm.

Riding a bicycle or scooter within the
school grounds will incur disciplinary
action. Children with bikes/scooters are
only to go to the racks when arriving or
leaving school.

Parent/Teacher Interviews

We would like to encourage parents to        HEALTH AND WELL BEING
have close contact with their child’s        Illness and Injury
teacher. However, if you wish to visit the
school during school time to check on        If your child is unwell before arriving at
your child’s progress or if there is some    school, it is recommended they be kept
other matter that you wish to discuss        home. Should your child become ill or
with the teacher, we ask that you phone      injured at school, they will be taken to
the school so that a suitable time may be    the sick bay for basic first aid and parents
arranged. We believe in quality time.        called to collect them.

In -Term Swimming                            It is important to inform the school if
                                             your child has a medical condition
Children in Pre-primary to Year 6 have       which may affect their daily health
ten lessons during the school year.          and well being e.g. allergy to bee
Parents are required to pay pool             stings, asthma, diabetes, etc. The
admission and transport costs. Qualified     school will need to develop a crisis
instructors teach children in all levels.    management plan to assist your child
                                             if there is an emergency situation.
Lost Property
                                             Please ensure that the school’s admission
                                             details are kept up-to-date.      Current
Any articles of clothing or personal items
                                             address and telephone numbers are
which are left around the school are put
                                             essential because the school has very
in the Lost Property boxes located in the
                                             limited facilities for supervising sick
Kindy/Pre-primary area and the Sheoak
                                             children for any length of time.
block. Unclaimed items will be cleaned
out at the end of each term, named items
returned and all other items will be
donated to a local charity organisation.
PARENT INFORMATION 2019 - Caladenia Primary School
Administration of Medications                     COMMUNITY
                                                  Out of School Care
Should your child require medication
during school hours, the parent must
                                                  Helping Hands has a facility at Caladenia
complete a Consent Form, available at
                                                  Primary School for before and after school
the front office.
                                                  care, and vacation care. Please contact
                                                  the centre directly should you wish to
Children are not to carry any
                                                  make enquiries regarding the use of their
medication with them. Medications
must be handed to the Front Office
staff at the beginning of the day.
                                                  Mobile 0448 025 638
                                                  Head Office 1300 612 462
Staff do not administer medications such
as paracetamol, aspirin, etc. and these
are never provided to the children by
staff members.
                                                  Excelsior Dental Clinic
Head Lice
                                                  There is a Dental Therapy Centre located
                                                  at Excelsior Primary School (Tel. 9256
Please check your child’s hair frequently
                                                  4170). On completion of enrolment at
and treat head lice where necessary,
                                                  Caladenia Primary School, parents will be
making sure to remove all the eggs.
                                                  given forms to complete, to allow free
Children suspected of having head lice
                                                  dental treatment to be carried out on the
will be excluded from school until full
                                                  children if required.
treatment/investigation has been carried
out.                                              School Community Nurses

Infectious Diseases                               The    Community    Nurses    will   visit
                                                  Kindergarten and Pre-primary children
Medical Certificates are required before          throughout the year to screen for sight
children who have suffered from certain           and hearing.    Parents will receive a
diseases may be re-admitted to the                Health Assessment, which will need to be
school. In some cases a fixed period of           completed and returned to the school.
absence is necessary.     Please consult
your doctor regarding school exclusion for
the following illnesses:-
 Chicken Pox               Ringworm
 Hepatitis A               Rubella
 Impetigo (School Sores)   Scabies
 Measles                   Whooping Cough
 Mumps                     Hand, Foot and Mouth

Sun Protection

The school enforces a ‘No Caladenia
Hat, No Play in the Sun’ policy. All
children are required to wear a Caladenia
Primary School hat during outside play.
We prefer you to put sunscreen on your
child prior to coming to school, although
sunscreen will be available in the
classroom. On very hot days, we reduce
our outdoor play time and limit the play
to shaded areas.
                                                  This school complies    with   National   Quality
                                                        Quality Area 2
You can also read