Germany: Industrie 4.0 - Digital Transformation Monitor January 2017 - Europa EU

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Germany: Industrie 4.0 - Digital Transformation Monitor January 2017 - Europa EU
Digital Transformation Monitor

Industrie 4.0

January 2017

     Internal Market,
    and SMEs
Germany: Industrie 4.0 - Digital Transformation Monitor January 2017 - Europa EU
                                                                   Industrie 4.0
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Fact box for Germany’s Industrie 4.0 policy initiative

                                          Publicly-backed and steered initiative that is implemented through stakeholder
        Policy Lever(s)

                                          Mixing public funding with private financial and in-kind contributions; offering between
        Funding Model
                                          a two to one or five to one ratio between private to public investment

         Target audience(s)               Manufacturers/producers, SMEs and policy-makers

                                          Digital innovation and ICT market; transformation of business models and
         Impact & Focus Areas
                                          product/service delivery

                                          Idea development by research actors, reform experience in production and pro-active
         Key drivers

         Key barriers                     Competition among leading ICT players and shop-floor-level involvement

                                          Comprehensive research agenda and I40 platform as a network foundation for digital
         Implementation strategy

                                          Reducing industry segregation, transforming research agenda into practice, developing
         Results achieved
                                          reference architecture and launch of platform with 150 members

                                          EUR 200 million from BMBF and BMWI that is complemented by financial and in-kind
                                          contributions from industry

                                          Rapid transformation from research agenda into mainstream practice and platform
         Uniqueness factor
                                          constitute the largest and most diverse I40 network globally

                                           A strategic initiative for consolidating technological leadership in mechanical
         Value-added for policy-makers
                                           engineering and for helping policy-makers to push forward I40 at all levels

                                          Provide a consistent and reliable framework for developing Germany’s competitive
         Expected Impact
                                          position in manufacturing through recommendations and actions

Source: Digital Transformation Monitor

Germany: Industrie 4.0 - Digital Transformation Monitor January 2017 - Europa EU
Germany: Industrie 4.0

A strategic initiative for                  Forward-looking,      some       key    I40 and the increasing digitalisation
                                            challenges concern reaching out to      through smart factories and IoTS is
pushing forward digital                     SMEs and adapting management and        placed high on the Government’s
transformation                              shop-floor organisation at firm-level   Digital Agenda, with the digital
                                            in support of the actual I40            economy and digital workplaces
“Industrie 4.0” (Industry 4.0 (I40)) is     implementation.                         among the agenda’s focus areas.
a national strategic initiative from
the German government through the           Digitalisation presents                 Objectives in support of
Ministry of Education and Research          key opportunities                       CPS and IoTS
(BMBF) and the Ministry for
Economic Affairs and Energy                 Approx. 15 million jobs in Germany      The I40 strategy aims to ensure an
(BMWI). It aims to drive digital            are directly or indirectly linked to    industry fit for future manufacturing
manufacturing        forward        by      the production of goods, meaning        in Germany. It supports the
increasing digitisation and the             that new digital evolutions in          integration of cyber physical systems
interconnection of products, value          industry offer key opportunities for    (CPS) and Internet of Things and
chains and business models. It also         companies.¹ As a leading supplier of    Services (IoTS) with an eye to
aims to support research, the               industrial equipment at the global-     enhance productivity, efficiency and
networking of industry partners and         level, the digital restructuring of     flexibility of production processes
standardisation.                            industry      offers    plenty    of    and thus economic growth.
                                            opportunities to boost international
I40 is pursued over a 10-15-year                                                     The objective of the I40 platform is
                                            competitiveness      of      German
period and is based on the German                                                   primarily to secure and develop
                                            production and better conditions for
government’s High Tech 2020                                                         Germany’s leading position in
                                            job creation.
Strategy. The initiative was launched                                               industrial manufacturing and to
in 2011 by the Communication                The government launched its High-       promote digital structural change
Promoters Group of the Industry-            Tech Strategy in 2006 to coordinate     and a framework to achieve it. It
Science Research Alliance (FU) that         research and innovation actions         further aims to develop a consistent
was convened and organised by               aiming to preserve competitiveness      overall understanding of Industry
BMBF and adopted through the                and to drive forward technological      4.0    through      dialogue     with
High-Tech Strategy 2020 Action              innovation. In July 2010, the High-     stakeholders,     to     draw     up
Plan.       I40      has       become       Tech Strategy 2020 was announced        recommendations for action and to
institutionalised with the Platform         to facilitate Germany’s position as a   demonstrate       how      industrial
Industrie 4.0 (Platform I40) that now       leading provider of technology,         manufacturing can be digitised.
serves as a central point of contact        science and innovation in e.g.
for policy-makers. BMBF and BMWI            climate, mobility, health and
have jointly allocated €200 million         security.                                    ““We must (…) deal quickly with the
in funding.                                                                              fusion of the online world and the
                                            As part of the government’s Action           world of industrial production. In
Stakeholders consider I40 as a              Plan High-Tech Strategy 2020 from            Germany, we call it Industrie 4.0.” –
strategic measure to consolidate            March 2012, ten “Future Projects”,           Angela Merkel, German
German technological leadership in          including I40, were developed to             Chancellor
mechanical engineering. I40 has             support the High-Tech Strategy. In
managed to limit segregation among          the CDU-CSU-SPD government’s
industry sectors, to swiftly move           coalition    agreement    for   the
research into mainstream practice in        legislative period of 2013 onwards,
a fairly short period, and to scale-up      I40 was deemed as vital in ensuring
nationally to become one of the             technological leadership.
largest industry networks of its kind.

Policy levers for Germany’s Industrie 4.0

 Source: Digital Transformation Monitor

Germany: Industrie 4.0

Combining top-down,                      Moreover, the public funding behind       Overall, there is some variance in the
                                         the operation of the I40 Platform         level of private investment return on
public steering with                     stems mainly from BMWI. The               public     funding     according    to
stakeholder                              platform however works on a               company-size. Smaller IT and
                                         voluntary basis. Only the main office     technology companies typically
collaboration                            behind the platform receives              provide a two to one ratio between
I40’s policy levers include an           funding, while the rest of the            private investment and public
agenda-setting, visionary and top-       participating stakeholders finance        funding. For German medium-sized
down steering role for the               their own participation and time          companies, corresponding to the
government through the BMBF and          spent for example legal and technical     German Mittelstand that covers
BMWI ministries and in the form of       activities.                               companies with between 50 and 500
strategies and funding. However,                                                   employees, the ratio is just below
emphasis has been given to build up      Private financing and in-                 four to one between private and
collaboration and partnerships. Idea     kind contributions                        public financing.
development        and       practical                                             This set of companies work mainly in
implementation is largely carried out    Industry financing is essential for the
                                         running of I40 and its platform.          the production field. However, the
by industry, science and social                                                    technology companies of the same
partners e.g. through the National       Overall, as part of the funding
                                         arrangement, industry partners            size behave fairly similarly when it
Academy of Science and Engineering                                                 comes to the leverage ratio. The
(Acatech) and the I40 Platform, but      provide in-kind and financial
                                         contributions for the research they       larger companies provide approx. a
in collaboration with policy-makers.                                               five to one ratio of private to public
                                         participate in. SMEs can get up to 60
The main emphasis of the initiative      % in public financing, but typically      financing. They however take
is on technology deployment and          they have a share of around 50%.          significantly longer to bring products
structural change of industry by         Larger companies receive below 50         or services to the market.
promoting IoTS and CPS in industry       % in public funding according to EU
processes – with comparatively less      funding rules.
                                                                                   A platform for
emphasis on digital skills. In
                                         SMEs would thus typically account
                                                                                   digitalising industry
addition, while the funding model is
based on public sources, targeting       for half of the project costs and         An I40 research agenda was initially
research,       partnership-building,    larger companies for slightly more.       prepared seeking to foster research
competence centres and test-beds,        In order to receive public funding in     and innovation and to transfer
industry contributions are also          research projects, the project            scientific results into technology
complementary sources.                   participants have to calculate a          development.
                                         budget for the planned work. The
                                                                                   The dynamic I40 platform was later
Public funding from                      ministries calculate if budgets and
                                                                                   developed in 2015 and is tasked to
                                         activities are realistic and they also
BMBF and BMWI                            follow up on the financing of the
                                                                                   develop     recommendations       and
                                                                                   advise    policy-makers      on    I40
Funding of up to €200 million has        projects, in particular by assessing if
                                                                                   implementation,        support     the
been provided by the government,         the beneficiaries indeed did invest
                                                                                   creation of knowledge, standards
following     BMBF      and     BMWI     their share of the money.
                                                                                   and examples, mobilise businesses
contributions. BMBF has given €120       There is no clear or accepted             and         SMEs,         disseminate
million for research activities and      definition for which activities and       understanding,      promote     global
calls for proposals targeting areas of   research qualify as industry 4.0; the     networking and ensure the practical
IT systems for CPS, IoTS and I40.²       distinctions for what falls under         operation of I40. The platform
BMBF has also provided funding for       industry 4.0’s reach are somehow          initiates, funds and supports
testbeds, aimed at SMEs in               ambiguous.         It is therefore        research and company-led projects
particular. BMWI has responsibility      considered difficult by BMBF and          and test-beds and competence
for funding I40’s work on                BMWI to compile data and quantify         centres for the piloting of production
standardisation and regulation. It       figures on how much money is spent        systems.
has also offered €80 million in          by private sector sources. Neither do
research funding, for example                                                      At director-level, the platform is
                                         the ministries ask beneficiaries how
through the “Autonomics for                                                        currently chaired by the Minister for
                                         much money is invested in I40
Industrie 4.0” and “Smart Service                                                  Economic Affairs and Energy, Sigmar
                                         activities. An evaluation study has
World” programmes.                                                                 Gabriel, and the Minister for
                                         however provided some insights on
                                                                                   Education and Research, Johanna
                                         the leverage effect of public to
                                                                                   Wanka, and by industry, scientific
                                         private finance in I40.³
                                                                                   and trade union directors. An
                                                                                   industry-driven Steering board has
                                                                                   the responsibility for strategy

Germany: Industrie 4.0

       While the Strategy group provides         Concepts and focus                            A good starting position
       political guidance and agenda
       setting, the Secretariat and Project      areas - CPS and IoTS                          for I40 rollout
       office ensure organisation and            enables value creation                        Having     maintained   a    stable
       coordination. A Scientific Advisory                                                     manufacturing labour force and
       Committee is advising on scientific       The I40 initiative targets knowledge,
                                                 financial and regulatory framework            know-how simultaneously with an
       and program-related matters; it has                                                     ongoing upgrading of technology in
       a fund from which it can support          conditions for enhancing I40. The
                                                 focus areas are pursued by seeking            industry processes, Germany had a
       projects. Finally, five working groups                                                  good starting position for its I40
       ensure the thematic work on               to integrate concepts such as CPS
                                                 into manufacturing as well as IoTS            strategy. It can build on its
       reference       architecture       and                                                  experience from the 1990s –
       standardisation,       research    and    into industrial processes, thereby
                                                 bringing     together     information,        responding to the “Third Industrial
       innovation,         security,     legal                                                 Revolution” - with IT reform in
       framework and training..                  resources      and     people.    The
                                                 endeavours are expected to improve            industry    and     company     re-
       Target audience –                         value creation, work organisation,
                                                 and downstream services.                      Similar to the 1990s, labour unions
       emphasising businesses,                                                                 have been highly integrated in the
                                                 In a nutshell, I40 enables plenty of
       SMEs and politics                         Industry 4.0 related opportunities,           dialogue and are supportive of
                                                 including: customer-specific design,          technical integration and re-
       Aiming to enhance the digitisation of
                                                 flexibility   through     CPS-based           organisation of workplaces. The
       industrial processes and provide
                                                 networking; improved decision-                active role of scientific actors in
       know-how for different target
                                                 making and early verification of              shaping visions, tools and knowledge
       groups,      I40    targets     large
                                                 design; adaptation of resource                has also driven forward I40. Coupled
       corporations, entrepreneurs and in
                                                 consumption;              interactive         to the benefits of new digital
       particular SMEs in industry sectors.
                                                 collaboration of workers and                  technologies and CPS, companies
       Representatives      from     policy,
                                                 systems; and improved work-life               have displayed significant interest in
       research, social, industry and
                                                 balance by flexible work models               engaging with research, prototyping
       business domains cooperate to
                                                                                               and collaboration on I40 matters.
       realise I40. FU worked on the initial
       concepts and launch of the I40
                                                 SWOT Matrix for Germany’s Industrie 4.0
       On behalf of scientific and
       technological    groups,    Acatech
       provided office functions the initial                          Strength                           Weaknesses
       work. The I40 platform was
       launched by Federal Association for
                                                     •    Comprehensive framework with         •   Ensuring actual deployment at
       Information              Technology,               broad involvement of policy-             shop-floor level, which will
       Telecommunications and New Media                   makers, industry, science and            become increasingly relevant
       (BITKOM), the German Engineering                   social partners enables it to push
       Federation (VDMA) and Electrical                   forward I40 at all levels
       and    Electronic    Manufacturers’
       Association (ZVEI).

                                                                Opportunities                               Threats
“Plattform Industrie 4.0 (…) has
developed into one of the world's
largest networks for the digitisation                •    International cooperation            •   Balancing between different
of industry. The platform is a highly                     opportunities and transferability        industrial and sectoral interests
sought-after partner (…).” –                              of I40 platform
Sigmar Gabriel, Federal Minister
for Economic Affairs and Energy

                                                  Source: Digital Transformation Monitor

Germany: Industrie 4.0

A dual strategy design                     The working group                       Overcoming diverse
drives I40                                 behind I40 – a driving                  goals and interests
From a policy design perspective, a        force                                   Initially, the key challenge was to
dual strategy was opted for                The I40 implementation followed a       bring all stakeholders together. The
combining a leading market strategy        number of steps. After being            different goals between companies
with a leading supplier strategy. The      launched by FU in January 2011, I40     and trade unions and among
main is to become both, a leading          was adopted through the High-Tech       competing German industrial groups
supplier of smart manufacturing            Strategy 2020 Action Plan. Based on     did initially restrict the platform’s
technologies as well as to develop         the High-Tech Strategy 2020, the I40    influence in the wider manufacturing
new lead markets for CPS                   Working Group, chaired by Dr. Dais      landscape. The government had first
technologies and products. Initially,      and Prof. Kagermann, and working        refrained from joining the platform,
I40 was designed as a research             under the coordination of Acatech,      but eventually decided to participate
agenda to coordinate research              was created and funded by BMBF          and to enlarge the group to improve
initiatives      and         promote       and tasked to formulate an              coordination, collaboration and
conceptualisations.                        implementation strategy.                uptake.
The I40 network platform was later         The working group delivered its final   While business associations run the
launched and its structured design         report in April 2013, outlining         platform, BMWI and BMBF assumed
builds bridges between industry,           actions for an I40 strategy and         an active role in developing the
science,      and      policy-makers,      platform. Following the group’s         platform to what it is now, through
facilitating coordination and cross-       work, the I40 Platform was set-up by    political leadership and agenda-
industry exchange of know-how and          BITKOM, VDMA and ZVEI and it            setting. Having emphasised the
technological innovation. The design       became       the     implementation     advancement of concepts and
involves a steering role for BMBF          mechanism for I40 and coordination.     standards, I40 will need to
and BMWI on the basis of formulated                                                increasingly address SMEs and the
strategies and funding and a vital         The I40 implementation have been        shop-floor level operationally, where
role for industry actors in driving the    supported        by     technology      much of the actual transformation
practical implementation.                  programmes, such as the “Smart          occurs, in terms of successfully
                                           Service World” and “Autonomics for      integrating new digital and industry
In essence, I40 has been put in place      I40”, launched to promote IoTS and      processes and adapting work
through a cross-sectoral approach,         the     Cyber-Physical  Production      organisation.
implemented by a long-term and             Systems project (2012) aiming to
gradual process, combined with             develop CPS modules for production      Achieved results: I40 is
migration strategies that can deliver
results immediately.⁴
                                           systems.                                now mainstream
                                                                                    The Boston Consulting Group
 Targeted and/or achieved results for Germany’s Industrie 4.0                      expects productivity benefits to be
                                                                                   around €90-150 billion over the next
                                                                                   5-10 years. ⁵ Overall, I40 enables
                                                                                   new ways of creating value, novel
                                                                                   business models and helps SMEs to
                                                                                   become      temporary    production
                                                                                   networks with precise estimates on
                                                                                   their contributions.
                                                                                   Being launched as a research agenda
                                                                                   in 2011, I40 has moved into
                                                                                   mainstream       in     terms       of
                                                                                   collaboration and deployment in a
                                                                                   very short time-frame. While it’s still
  Source: Digital Transformation Monitor
                                                                                   early days, the initiative has been
                                                                                   successful in transferring research
                                                                                   into practice, e.g. by supporting
                                                                                   testbeds and a reference architecture
                                                                                   (RAMI 4.0).⁶ BMWi has funded ten
                                                                                   I40 competence centres, with five
                                                                                   more to come.

Germany: Industrie 4.0

By facilitating partnerships and          The vital role of
dialogue, I40 has also helped to                                                    References
avoid a segregation of industry           stakeholder
domains and enabled integrative           engagement and                            1

embedded systems. The I40 Platform                                                  y/Industrial-policy/industrie-4-0.html
is one of the largest and diverse I40
                                          political involvement                     ²
network         globally        helping   One key lesson learned concerns the       -industrie-4-0-848.html
stakeholders and policy-makers at         need to enlarge the I40 platform          ³ Prognos AG (2014) KMU-innovativ IKT:
drive forward I40 at all levels.          model with more participants and          Chancen für Unternehmen - Förderung im
                                                                                    Schwerpunkt „Softwaresysteme und
                                          give it a stronger political basis, in
Achieving significant                     order to overcome competition
                                                                                    4 FU and Acatech (2013) Securing the
scale at national level                   among industry groups through             future of Germany manufacturing industry
                                          collaboration on common norms and
and offering global                       standards as well as the integration
                                                                                    – Recommendations for implementing the
                                                                                    strategic initiative INDUSTRIE 4.0 – Final
transferability                           of industry domains. In this respect,     report
                                          data driven business models will          5 Boston Consulting Group (2015) Industry
I40 has since its launch already been
                                          become a major driving force of           4.0: The Future of Productivity and Growth
significantly scaled up at the
                                          Industrie 4.0 in the future.              in Manufacturing Industries
national-level     through     strategy                                             6 BMWi (2016) Digitization of Industrie –
development, structured stakeholder       Another major factor behind the
                                                                                    Plattform Industrie 4.0, Progress Report -
engagement, deployment etc. In            policy design relates to the              April 2016
terms of transferability, the platform    importance of engaging stakeholders       7 acatech (2016): Industrie 4.0 in a Global
could be considered as a model to         and the “Mittelstand”, i.e. SMEs,         Context. Strategies for Cooperating with
follow for many countries, although       through targeted funding, test-beds,      International Partners. Available on:
national      industry      structures,   IOT-support         and        further
specialisation and qualifications         qualification. The integration of         load/Baumstruktur_nach_Website/Acatec
must be considered.                       SMEs into I40 and global value            h/root/de/Publikationen/Projektberichte/a
                                          chains is vital, since they are less      catech_STU_engl_KF_Industry40_Global.p
While Germany with the I40 policy                                                   df
                                          prepared       for      technological
initiative was first to tap into this                                               ⁸ Centre for Strategy and Evaluation
                                          adjustment, due to a lack of specialist
new        way       of     pursuing                                                Services LLP (CCES) (2016) Industry 4.0 –
                                          staff or unfamiliarity with new
industrialisation,   the   industrial                                               Study for the ITRE Committee
transformation is a global trend;
many countries, such as the
Netherlands, France and UK,
havetaken steps to support IoTS and
CPS in manufacturing.

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About the Digital Transformation Monitor
The Digital Transformation Monitor aims to foster the knowledge base on the state of play and evolution of digital transformation in
Europe. The site provides a monitoring mechanism to examine key trends in digital transformation. It offers a unique insight into
statistics and initiatives to support digital transformation, as well as reports on key industrial and technological opportunities,
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This report was prepared for the European Commission, Directorate-General Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs;
Directorate F: Innovation and Advanced Manufacturing; Unit F/3 KETs, Digital Manufacturing and Interoperability by the consortium
composed of PwC, CARSA, IDATE and ESN, under the contract Digital Entrepreneurship Monitor (EASME/COSME/2014/004)
Authors: Demetrius Klitou, Johannes Conrads & Morten Rasmussen, CARSA and Laurent Probst & Bertrand Pedersen, PwC

DISCLAIMER – The information and views set out in this publication are those of the author(s) and should not be considered as the
official opinions or statements of the European Commission. The Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in
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might be made of the information contained in this publication. © 2017 – European Union. All rights reserved.
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