10 years ago, the world watched as Iceland began crowdsourcing a new constitution. Today, the country still waits. And waits. And waits. And ...

Page created by Armando Franklin
10 years ago, the world watched as Iceland began crowdsourcing a new constitution. Today, the country still waits. And waits. And waits. And ...
Issue 09

    10 years ago, the world watched as Iceland began
           crowdsourcing a new constitution.
              Today, the country still waits.
                        And waits.

                        And waits.

                        And waits.

                        And waits.

                        And waits.

10 years ago, the world watched as Iceland began crowdsourcing a new constitution. Today, the country still waits. And waits. And waits. And ...

                           The cover image          "HVAR ER NÝJA
                           is a mashup of a         STJÓRNARSKRÁIN"
                           photo of Althingi        mural by
                           by Jói Kjartans,         Skiltamálun Reykjavíkur.
                           shot in 2010,            Photocollage by
                           and the                  Sveinbjörn Pálsson.

                                                                                07: Don't F?©% With Týr                          11: Bedroom Burlesque                             28: Vegan Cakes!
                                                                                06: Do Icelanders Even                           18: Auðn... :(                                    30: Amateur Astrologers
                                                                                    Djent Bro?                                   20: Rakel Tomas In                                    Write Haikus
                                                                                06: Hospitals Cost Money                             Black And White                               31: Sandvík Fun

                                                                                                                                                                                      Iceland has had its fair share of local
                                                                                                                                                                                   COVIDiots, but they’ve quickly been

                                                                               When Rome Burns, Someone
                                                                                                                                                                                   dealt with, mostly with a good flow of
                                                                                                                                                                                   correct information, thanks to the daily
                                                                                                                                                                                   briefings with our top scientists that

                                                                               Always Plays The Violin
                                                                                                                                                                                   have done an incredible job in protect-
                                                                                                                                                                                   ing the Icelandic population from the
                                                                                                                                                                                   pandemic. And in my opinion, this has
                                                                                                      Iceland—like the           But back to my original train of                  been the backbone in the battle of the
                                                                                                      rest of the world—         thought: we are standing at a crossroad.          virus, and if we go through something
                                                                                                      is at an interest-         We have a vaccine on the horizon, but             similar again—gods forbid—this is the
                                                                                                      ing crossroads.            we’re languishing in pandemic fatigue.            biggest lesson. Because, it turns out,
                                                                                                      The pandemic is            “Carelessness” is probably a better               that there is always someone willing to
                                                                                                      still going strong,        word. Iceland did well during the first           play the violin, no matter if the whole
                                                                                                      while it’s more            wave, although we lost ten people. It             world is burning.
                                                                                                      than clear now             was a true shock and it underlined for               This pandemic has taken a serious
                                                                               that disease prevention measures like             Icelanders how serious this virus is. It          toll. It has affected our lives, our liveli-
                                                                               gathering bans, enhanced hygiene and              was an admirable united action that the           hoods, and even taken our loved ones
                                                                               wearing masks are working. There are              whole nation participated in, when we             from us. The only way forward is unity.
                                                                               alternative ways to fight the pandemic.           got the infection rate down to almost             This is how nations overcome obsta-
                                                                               Most notable the relaxed approach in              nothing. And our reward was a pretty              cles. And it’s a healthy reminder about
                                                                               Sweden, but even there the govern-                normal summer (that’s the 2020 defini-            those who choose to polarise societies
                                                                               ment has imposed similar restrictions             tion of normal). But the third wave was           and groups—the welfare of the whole
                                                                               to other Nordic countries. Of course,             no less of a shock. We lost 16 lives in the       community is not in their interest.
                                                                               I’m not talking about the US in this              span of three months. The most serious               So hang in there, keep up the good
                                                                               context. Because it’s impossible to               turn of events was an outbreak at the             work, ignore the one that tries to divide
                                                                               battle a pandemic if the tools of infec-          Landakot hospital, which has not been             you, and be patient. Together we will
                                                                               tion protection have been politically             fully resolved and will undoubtedly reap          defeat the virus. There is no other
                                                                               weaponized. Who could imagine that                more consequences.                                simple solution to this problem other
                                                                               something as trivial as wearing a mask               But things are getting better. The             than to stand united.
                                                                               would be political? It will be an excruci-        domestic infection rate is dropping
                                                                               ating moment to explain the hundreds              rapidly, and will hopefully have a                Valur Grettisson
                                                                               of thousands of unnecessary deaths to             normal Christmas (again, I’m using the            Editor-in-chief
                                                                               future generations. Good luck with that.          2020 definition of normal).

Aðalsteinn Jörunds-        Hannah Jane Cohen is     Pollý is a hard-work-      Iona Rangeley-Wilson     Sveinbjörn Pálsson       Art Bicnick is an         Andie Sophia Fontaine   Jess Distill is a         Valur Grettisson is
son or the “Main           based out of Iceland     ing journalist by day      is an English gradu-     is our Art Director.     international man         has lived in Iceland    musician, artist and      an award-winning
Stone” like his name       by way of New York.      and an enthusiastic        ate from the UK. She     He's responsible for     of mystery. He            since 1999 and has      wannabe writer from       journalist, author
literally translates to,   She's known for her      ball-catcher by            writes children’s        the design of the        moves like a shadow       been reporting since    St. Albans, England. As   and playwright. He
is the King of Sales at    love of Willa Ford,      night. A four-year-old     books, but has de-       magazine and the         through the subcul-       2003. They were the     a long time lover of      has been writing for
the Reykjavík Grape-       David Foster Wallace,    dachshund mix with         cided to also go into    cover photography.       tures and soirees         first foreign-born      Iceland, and recent       Icelandic media since
vine. He probably has      and other such           an IQ of a five-year-      journalism on the        When he's not work-      of Reykjavík, never       member of the           copywriting diploma       2005. He was also a
a more professional        "intellectuals." Her     old human, Pollý has       absolutely minuscule     ing here, he DJs as      still, often ghosting     Icelandic Parliament,   graduate, Jess came       theatre critic and
title, but no one cares.   visionary work is        been the official          off-chance that her      Terrordisco, hosts       the scene in a puff       an experience they      to the Grapevine to       one of the hosts of
He’s the man to            known for expand-        Chief Of Morale at         first book doesn’t       the Funkþátturinn        of blue smoke—the         recommend for           expand her writing        the cultural program,
contact if you want        ing the definitions of   the Grapevine for          immediately turn         radio show, or sits at   exhaust fumes of the      anyone who wants        portfolio whilst see-     'Djöflaeyjan' at RÚV.
to give us money in        emotion, introspec-      eight months and is        her into a multimil-     a table in a Laugarda-   elusive, well-travelled   to experience a         ing if she could hack     Valur is not to be
exchange for adver-        tion, and above all      a regular contribu-        lionaire. Her hobbies    lur café, drinking       Bicnick Mini.             workplace where         it as an Icelandic        confused with the
tising your booming        else, taste. Hannah is   tor to the Grape-          include getting up       copious amounts of                                 colleagues work tire-   resident.                 dreadful football club
business.                  also the current Drag    vine Newscast on           late and indulging in    coffee and thinking                                lessly to undermine                               that bears the same
                           King of Iceland, HANS.   YouTube. Woof.             illusions of grandeur.   about fonts.                                       each other.                                       name.

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10 years ago, the world watched as Iceland began crowdsourcing a new constitution. Today, the country still waits. And waits. And waits. And ...
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10 years ago, the world watched as Iceland began crowdsourcing a new constitution. Today, the country still waits. And waits. And waits. And ...
First                                                                                           The Reykjavík Grapevine
                                                                                                                                                                Issue 09— 2020

                                                                             Sigríður Andersen, not wearing a mask. Photo from 2019... but still!

                                                                  What Are Icelanders                                                                               always, foreigners are hit espe-
                                                                                                                                                                    cially hard: despite comprising

                                                                    Talking About?
                                                                                                                                                                    about 14% of the total population,
                                                                                                                                                                    41% of the unemployed are foreign-
                                                                                                                                                                    ers. Poles, who comprise Iceland’s
                                                                                                                                                                    largest ethnic minority, have been
                                                                        The topics that are getting people                                                          hit especially hard, making up
                                                                          banned from the comments                                                                  20% of Iceland’s unemployed, even
                                                                                                                                                                    though they comprise just about
                                                                Words: Andie Sophia Fontaine Photos: Art Bicnick, Ásgeir Bragi Ægisson                              5% of the total population.
                                                                                                                                                                       Ásgeir Bragi Ægisson, or Ouse,
                                                                                                                                                                    as he calls himself, is a 19-year-old
                                                                NEWS      As with most countries,                  Arts. In the meantime, he received               from the small northwest town of
                                                                          the coronavirus pandemic                 many applications for jobs and                   Sauðárkrókur. He also happens to
                                                                is at the forefront of Icelanders’                 numerous bookings, which he                      be one of the top ranking Icelandic
                                                                minds these days. With plans for                   deliberately frustrated by error                 artists on Spotify right now, with
                                                                a vaccine now shaping up, as well                  messages he put in the site. So,                 his single Dead Eyes exceeding
                                                                as now being able to boast the                     nice job, we guess?                              36 million plays—about 4 million
                                                                lowest infection rate in Europe,                      Unemployment       has    many                more than Björk’s most played
                                                                many Icelanders are beginning                      Icelanders worried these days.                   song, "It’s Oh So Quiet." How did
                                                                to see the light at the end of the                 Jobless levels are predicted to                  he do it? Not even Ásgeir seems
                                                                tunnel—and not a moment too                        reach a whopping 11.3% this                      sure, but he isn’t complaining.
                                                                soon, as the winter holidays are                   December, exceeding the Febru-                   He’s signed a deal with American
                                                                rapidly approaching. However, two                  ary and March 2009 peak of 9.3%,                 label Twelve Tones with a contract
    7 COURSE                                                    MPs for the Independence Party—                    which followed the collapse of                   worth tens of millions of ISK. A

                                                                Sigríður Á. Andersen and Brynjar                   Iceland’s financial sector. As                   country boy can survive, indeed!
                                                                Níelsson—have been very critical
                                                                of the pandemic restrictions,

                                                                which they see as largely unneces-
                                                                sary. Both of them are members of
                                                                “Út úr kófinu” (“Out of the hut”), a
                                                                small but vocal group of Icelanders
                                                                skeptical of the pandemic restric-
    Icelandic landscape                                            In other news, Mom Air has
    Lamb tartar, pickled red onions, smoked                     turned out to be an art project the
    cream cheese, dill oil, vinegar snow                        whole time. While this was strongly
                                                                suspected by the Grapevine and
    Cured salmon                                                others due to some obvious clues
    Fennel cream, dill mayo, raspberries, roe                   left by artist Oddur Eysteinn
    and rye bread                                               Friðriksson when the “budget
                                                                airline” first launched, Oddur
    Deer tataki
                                                                emphatically denied that this was
    Pickled red onions, enoki mushrooms, crispy                 the case, insisting that it was a
    Jerusalem artichokes, truffle & yuzu mayo                   real airline with staff, airplanes,
                                                                airport slots and everything. But
    Pan-fried giant scallops
                                                                then he revealed at a press confer-
    Pine tree, green pea purée, beurre noisette
                                                                ence on November 18th that the
                                                                whole thing was his final project
    MAIN COURSES                                                for the Iceland University of the                                                   Ouse with them Bieber vibes

    Duck breast
    Celery purée, apples, pickled fennel and cherry
                                                                                         EDITOR-IN-CHIEF           COPY EDITOR            SALES DIRECTORS           FOUNDERS                 Borgarnes, Keflavík,
    sauce                                                                                Valur Grettisson          Catharine Fulton       Aðalsteinn                Hilmar Steinn            Ísafjörður and
                                                                                         valur@grapevine.is                                                         Grétarsson,              at key locations
                                                                                                                                          Jörundsson                                         along road #1, and
    Grilled beef tenderloin                                     Published by                                       INTERN                 adalsteinn@grapevine.is   Hörður Kristbjörnsson,   all major tourist
                                                                                         ART DIRECTOR              Iona Rangeley-Wilson                             Jón Trausti              attractions and
                                                                                                                                          Helgi Þór Harðarson
    Roasted carrots with pistachios, artichoke&white            Fröken ehf.
                                                                Hafnarstræti 15,         Sveinbjörn Pálsson        iona@grapevine.is      helgi@grapevine.is        Sigurðarson,             tourist information
                                                                                         sveinbjorn@grapevine.is                                                    Oddur Óskar              centres in the
    chocolate purée and Christmas beer hollandaise              101 Reykjavík                                      Jess Distill
                                                                                                                   Jess@grapevine.is                                Kjartansson,             country. You may not
                                                                www.grapevine.is                                                          CONTACT US:                                        like it, but at least
                                                                grapevine@grapevine.is   NEWS EDITOR                                                                Valur Gunnarsson         it's not sponsored
                                                                                                                                          —» Editorial                                       (no articles in the
                                                                                         Andie Sophia Fontaine     PHOTOGRAPHERS          +354 540 3600
    CHRISTMAS DESSERT                                           Member of the
                                                                                         andie@grapevine.is        Daria Endresen         editor@grapevine.is       The Reykjavík
                                                                                                                                                                                             Reykjavík Grapevine
                                                                                                                                                                                             are pay-for articles.
                                                                Icelandic Travel                                   Ragnar Axelsson        —» Advertising            Grapevine is             The opinions
    Cristmas “ball”                                             Industry Association
                                                                                         CULTURE EDITOR
                                                                                                                   Sunna Ben
                                                                                                                                          354 540 3605              published 21 times
                                                                                                                                                                    a year by Fröken
                                                                                                                                                                                             expressed are the
                                                                www.saf.is               Hannah Jane Cohen                                ads@grapevine.is                                   writers’ own, not the
    Salted caramel white chocolate mousse, apple                                         hannah@grapevine.is                              —» Distribution
                                                                                                                                                                    ltd. Monthly from
                                                                                                                                                                    December through

    and ginger filling, spice crumble                           Printed by Landsprent    PHOTO EDITOR
                                                                                                                                          & Subscriptions
                                                                                                                                          +354 540 3604
                                                                                                                                                                    February, and
                                                                                                                                                                    fortnightly from
                                                                ehf. in 20,000 copies.
                                                                                         Art Bicnick                                      distribution@             March til October.

                                   9.900 kr.                                             art@grapevine.is                                 grapevine.is              Nothing in this
                                                                                                                                                                    magazine may be
                                                                PUBLISHER                                                                 —» Press releases         reproduced in whole
                                                                                         LISTINGS DIRECTOR                                listings@grapevine.is     or in part without the
   Book your table at apotek.is                                 Hilmar Steinn
                                                                                         Hannah Jane Cohen
                                                                                                                                          —» General Inquiries
                                                                                                                                                                    written permission
                                                                                         listings@grapevine.is                                                      of the publishers. The
                                                                hilmar@grapevine.is                                                       grapevine@grapevine.is    Reykjavík Grapevine
                                                                                                                                                                    is distributed
                                                                +354 540 3601                                                                                       around Reykjavík,
                                                                publisher@grapevine.is                                                                              Akureyri, Egilsstaðir,
APOTEK KITCHEN+BAR         Austurstræti 16      101 Reykjavík                                                                                                       Seyðisfjörður,
10 years ago, the world watched as Iceland began crowdsourcing a new constitution. Today, the country still waits. And waits. And waits. And ...
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10 years ago, the world watched as Iceland began crowdsourcing a new constitution. Today, the country still waits. And waits. And waits. And ...
First                                                                                                                                                                 6      The Reykjavík Grapevine
                                                                                                                                                                             Issue 09— 2020

                                                                                                                                                                                        ASK A

                                                                                                                                                                        Q: When Was The First
                                                                                                                                                                        Icelandic Guitar Solo?

                                   Next up: get rid of those firestations!

                                                                                                                     offered a simple suggestion of her own:

Hospital Asked To Cut 4.3B ISK
                                                                                                                     “I want to see that more slack is given,
                                                                                                                     that the government funds the health
                                                                                                                     care system as needed, as is being done
                                                                                                                     in countries around us. It’s all about
               MPs question the wisdom of the move                                                                   priorities.”
                                                                                                                                                                      Iceland has certainly made a name
                                                                                                                             Sparing patients                         for itself as a seemingly boundless
         NEWS      Landspítali, Iceland’s national hospital,                 “Parliament needs to                                                                     source of great music, starting with
                   has often operated at a loss. Last year,                      change this”                        Ólafur is mindful of these concerns,             its full-armed embrace of the rock
         Words:    they reported a 3.8 billion ISK deficit,                                                          telling reporters that they are trying           revolution of the late 1950s. The
   Andie Sophia    and responded by making numerous                  That a hospital would need to make              their best to ensure the same level of           early days of Icelandic pop music
       Fontaine    cuts in management and reducing                   cuts in the midst of a global pandemic          service despite the cuts.                        are sometimes a bit murky, though,
                   certain departments.                              was not greeted warmly by members of               “We’re trying of course to cut and            so we turned to sociomusicologist
          Photo:      However, the hospital is now facing            Parliament.                                     optimise where it will impact patients           Dr. Arnar Eggert Thoroddsen to ask
                                                                                                                                                                      a question that had been burning in
     Art Bicnick   an “optimisation requirement”—                       “It is dangerous to place strict spend-      the least,” he told reporters. “We’re
                                                                                                                                                                      our minds for years now: what was
                   essentially, spending cuts—totalling              ing and optimisation requirements on            trying to optimise hospital manage-
                                                                                                                                                                      the first guitar solo in the history of
                   some 4.3 billion ISK, RÚV reports.                health services in the middle of a global       ment, in certain projects that don’t
                                                                                                                                                                      Icelandic music? Turns out, it’s not as
                   Ólafur Darri Andrason, the head of                pandemic,” Social Democrat chair Logi           concern the daily service of patients.
                                                                                                                                                                      straightforward as you might think:
                   Landspítali’s finance department, says            Einarson said.                                  Our main goal is to be able to give
                                                                                                                                                                      There is an Icelandic wiki-page which
                   this will extend to 2022 and necessitate             Social Democrat MP and chair of              patients the same good and secure                states that the first Icelandic guitar
                   even more cuts to staff and services in           the parliamentary welfare committee             service despite the need to optimise.”           solo was performed by guitar virtuoso
                   order to close the gap.                           Helga Vala Helgadóttir characterised                                                             Óli Gaukur on the track ‘Vegir liggja til
                                                                     the cuts as “pissing in one’s shoe”, and                                                         allra átta’, which Ellý Vilhjálms sang in
                                                                                                                                                                      1963. And a great solo it is; drawn out
                                                                                                                                                                      and tasteful, replicating the song’s
FOOD OF ICELAND                                                                                                                                                       melody.
                                                                     What’s white,           And if you are in a     The meat is often      Icelanders used to            If only it was so simple. It’s hard
                                                                     salty, thick and        really raunchy kind     served cold and        use this recipe to        to nail the exact date of the first ap-
                                                                     only eaten at           of mood, you can        tough, reminding       make their sauces         pearance of a bona fide Icelandic
                                                                     Christmas? You          buy some smoked         you of how it must     thicker but some-         guitar solo, but in rock terms, they
                                                                     guessed right, it’s     sausage to douse        have been abso-        how it ended up           came flooding in—naturally—with
                                                                     Uppstúfur—often         in the white bliss of   lutely miserable for   as an unbreakable         the advent of rock’n’roll. Icelanders
                                                                     called Jafningur—       jafningur, wash it      the old Icelanders     part of Icelandic         were just a tad behind developments
                                                                     or white sauce.         all down with some      in a turf house in     Christmas tradi-          in the U.S. For instance, Erla Þorstein-
                                                                     You put it on hot       good old fashioned      the middle of a        tion—forcing in-          sdóttir’s polite rocking up of "When
                                                                     potatoes and spray      Malt Extract and        December storm         nocent children to        The Saints Go Marching In," released
                                                                     it all over Hangikjöt   contemplate how         with nothing more      eat smoked lamb,          in 1957, does feature a brief, sting-
                                                                     and you have the        your life ended up      than dung smoked       which they drown          ing guitar solo, as was the wont with
                                                                     most Icelandic dish     so terribly sad.        meat.                  in the white sauce        rock’n’roll numbers of the time.
                                                                     of them all.                Jafningur is            Uppstúfur is       to avoid the bitter           So, dear readers, this is as close
                                                                         Jafningur is        surprisingly sweet      probably, like         taste. It doesn’t         as we get to dating the first Icelan-
                                                                     more or less made       and is more or less     all nasty things,      work. But you can’t

                                                                                                                                                                      dic guitar solo and any challenges
                                                                     out of flour, milk,     the only reason         Danish. The word       help trying. VG           to these oh-so-scientific results are
                                                                     sugar, salt and a       anyone would            comes from the                                   welcome at the usual address. Next
                                                                     lot of butter. It’s     eat hangikjöt, or       Danish word                                      up: The first use of cowbell in Icelandic
                                                                     fairly easy to make.    smoked lamb.            "opstuvning."                                    heavy metal.

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10 years ago, the world watched as Iceland began crowdsourcing a new constitution. Today, the country still waits. And waits. And waits. And ...
First                                                                                                                                                          7      The Reykjavík Grapevine
                                                                                                                                                                      Issue 09— 2020

                                                                                                                 Týr was the God of War and Justice.
                                                                                                                 He made the baddest monsters quake
                                                                                                                 in their boots and great white sharks

                                                                                                                 wet themselves. (Or he would have, if
                                                                                                                 great white sharks were endemic to
                                                                                                                 this part of the world and if sharks
                                                                                                                 urinated, which they don’t. But you get
                                                                                                                 the picture.)                                                         Boys, NKOTB, or
                                                                                                                                                                                       the CRIMINALLY-
                                                                                                                                                                                       O-Town, it’s got
                                                                                                                                                                                       the fundamentals
                                                                                                                 Týr is described variously as the son                                 down: wistful,
                                                                                                                 of Odin and the son of Hymir. As with                                 loving, designed-
                                                                                                                 modern politicians, Norse gods liked to                               to-make-teenage-
                                                                                                                 sleep around a lot and it wasn’t always      Salt Ómland -            lyrics, smooth
                                                                                                                 totally clear whose kid was whose.           Skýjaborgir              harmonies and a
                                                                                                                 (Nor did anyone care, they were gods!)       Ok, this is so cute.     very ~emotional~
                                                                                                                 But whoever did father Týr certainly         We’re smiling,           ending. HJC
                                                                                                                                                              squealing and
                                                                                                                 passed down a lot of hardcore-muscle-
                                                                                                                                                              feeling our best
                                                                                                                 man-crazy-tough-guy genes, because           folky feelings and
                                                                                                                 that was Týr to a T. The T in this case      then—OH MY GOSH!
                                                                                                                 standing for testosterone.                   WHAT? Yes, you think
                                                                                                                    One time, the gods were having a          this is gonna just
                                                                                                                 bit of trouble with this wolf called         be a sweet summer
                                                                                                                                                              song and then
                                                                                                                 Fenrir, who used to break every chain        some extremely
                                                                                                                 they tried to shackle him with. So, logi-    unexpected chord         Jelena Ciric - Lines
                                                                                                                 cally, they had some dwarves make a          progressions come        In the midst of this
                                                                                                                 special magic ribbon to bind him up          out and you’re           worldwide chaos,
                                                                                                                 for good—but Fenrir was like, “No! You       getting those ASMR       turn to singer-
                                                                                                                                                              chills. Seriously,       songwriter Jelena
                                                                                                                 can only tie me up with this ribbon if       intern Jess and          Ciric to remember
                                                                                                                 one of you volunteers to put your hand       I audibly gasped         the sweetness of
                                                                                                                 in my mouth!” Because he was a smart         during the key           ordinary life. “I went
          The kind of dude you'd name a boat after                                                               wolf who knew how to bargain.                change at 1:55. HJC      to a fortune teller
                                                                                                                    Unfortunately for Fenrir, Týr wasn’t                               on St. Clair, west of

Týr, The Tough Guy
                                                                                                 Superpowers:                                                                          Forest Hill. I know
                                                                                                                 scared of putting his hand into a wolf’s
                                                                                   Combat, courage, not even                                                                           I was curious, had
                                                                               blinking even if you remove his   mouth—just like how he wasn’t in the                                  a half-hour to kill,”
                                                                                                        limbs.   least bit scared to be mashed into a                                  Jelena starts, ac-

  You can call him Mr. Tuesday                                                                                   pulp, or to have his eyes gouged out and                              companied by up-
                                                                                                  Weaknesses:    his elbows broken. But anyway, wolves                                 beat piano chords
                                                                             Sorry, did you say “weaknesses”?                                                                          and those light,
                                                                                                                 aren’t exactly known for their honour
                                                                                                                                                                                       delicate, childlike
   DEITIES OF                 Words:                 Illustration:                        Modern Analogue:       code, so Týr’s hand was bitten clean off.    Magnús Jóhann -          indie vocals we so
    ICELAND           Iona Rangeley-                    Unknown              Arnold Schwarzenegger beating       Not that Týr cared. He had two!              Waiting                  need right now.
                              Wilson                                                   up aliens in Predator.                                                 Truly stunning.          (Btw, the Grape-
                                                                                                                                                              Kind of like if Philip   vine unanimously
                                                                                                                                                              Glass, Ludovico          agreed that this

                                               „Oft hefur
                                                                                                                                                              Einaudi and Atticus      could easily be the
                                                                                                                                                              Ross got drunk           motivational song
 JUST SAYINGS                                                                                                                                                 and decided to do        in a musical.) HJC
                                                                                                                                                              an experimental
                                                                                                                                                              improvised col-
                                                                                                                                                              laboration with
                                                                                                                                                              their conservatory

                                                                                                                                                              friends, who were
                                                                                                                                                              under the impres-
                                                                                                                                                              sion they were
                                                                                                                                                              doing a minimalist
                                                                                                                                                              soundtrack album
                                                                                                                                                              for an indie slow-       Countess Malaise -

                                          viljuga tungu“
                                                                                                                                                              burn psychological       That Bitch
                                                                                                                                                              thriller. What a         “I'm too hard.
                                                                                                                                                              misunderstanding!        I'm too bad. I'm
                                                                                                                                                              Thankfully it ended      too sad… but
                                                                                                                                                              up with this beauti-     I've always been
                                                                                                                                                              ful track. HJC           that bitch.” So
                                                                                                                                                                                       starts the latest
                                                                                                                                                                                       effort from goth-
                                                                                                                                                                                       Countess Malaise.
      What do you call the print version of a subtweet?
                                                                                                                                                                                       The Countess
                                                                                                                                                                                       is always full of
                                                                                                                                                                                       these bad-bitch-
                                                                     Are you really frustrated by that guy who   often has an energetic tongue!”                                       confidence-fuck-
                                                                     can’t stop talking at work but doesn’t         This, of course, applies to all politi-                            you moments, but
                                                                                                                                                              boncyan - It’s On Me     never has it felt so
                                                                     actually do any work? The one who is        cians, scholars in literature and philoso-   boncyan identifies       authentic as it does
                                                                     just hanging there, beside the cooler,      phy and self-absorbed journalists (not       as a “throwback          now—seriously,
                                                                     talking to random coworkers? Well, we       me, of course), and obviously, that idiot    to the boy bands         only she could
                                                                     Icelanders have a saying about them:        coworker you hate and just keep going        of yesteryear.”          make vulnerability
                                                                                                                                                              While this debut         seem hard af. Dear
                                                                     “Oft hefur vinnulatur viljuga tungu.”       on about while not doing actual work
                                                                                                                                                              definitely has a         TikTokers: make a
                                                                        This translates to, “A lazy person       VG                                           jazzier feel than        dance for this, pls.
                                                                                                                                                              the Backstreet           HJC
10 years ago, the world watched as Iceland began crowdsourcing a new constitution. Today, the country still waits. And waits. And waits. And ...
8   The Reykjavík Grapevine
    Issue 09— 2020

                                                  The collapse of Iceland’s economy in        compelling enough to the court for
                                                  late 2008 incited a tremendous amount       them to rule the elections invalid in
                                                  of anger in the nation’s people. While      January 2011.
                                                  the Special Investigation Commis-              Undeterred, Jóhanna simply had
                                                  sion formed in the aftermath sought         these 25 individuals appointed to a
                                                  to determine who and what was to            Constitutional Council, which was
                                                  blame for the collapse, the feeling         then tasked with writing the constitu-
                                                  amongst many Icelanders was that the        tional draft.
                                                  entire system needed to fundamentally
                                                  change—including the creation of a
                                                  new constitution.
                                                     Iceland’s constitution is more or
                                                  less borrowed from the Danes, and has
                                                                                              sourcing” the
                                                  changed very little since 1874, when
                                                  the country was known as the King-
                                                  dom of Iceland. Following the collapse,     At this point, the task of working out
                                                  the nation sought an update through         the finer points of the constitutional
                                                  democratic processes great and small,       draft was not solely in the hands of
                                                  resulting in a draft for a new consti-      the Council. The people were also
                                                  tution. As it stands today, Iceland         directly involved through a website
                                                  remains stuck with the constitution it      where Icelanders were encouraged to
                                                  has had since 1944, when the country        offer suggestions on specific articles,
                                                  first gained independence.                  clauses and amendments.
                                                     How was the constitutional draft            It was this aspect that attracted the
                                                  created, what changes does it seek to       greatest degree of international atten-
                                                  make and why is Iceland still waiting       tion, often framed in headlines cele-
                                                  for its reboot? To understand a decade’s    brating that “Iceland is crowdsourcing
                                                  worth of questions, we need to start at     its constitution.” During a time when
                                                  the impetus—and speak to some of the        many countries were still recovering
                                                  people who are still fighting for the       from their own financial crises—and
                                                  new constitution, which even the most       questioning the political systems that
                                                  recent polls show is something that         enabled them—the Icelandic people
                                                  matters a lot to most Icelanders.           re-writing their constitution was aspi-

                                                  The people’s                                   In July 2011, a draft proposal was
                                                                                              submitted to Parliament. Specific arti-
                                                  council                                     cles of this draft, and whether to write
                                                                                              a new constitution based on the draft,
                                                  Much like the "pots and pans" protests      were put to a national referendum in
                                                  of 2008 and 2009, the creation of the       2012. 66.3% of voters in the referendum
                                                  constitutional draft was a grassroots       said that they wanted a new constitu-
                                                  effort, albeit with a more formalised       tion based on the draft that was drawn
                                                  process. It began with then-Prime           up by the Constitutional Council the
                                                  Minister     Jóhanna      Sigurðardóttir    year previous. The people also voted
                                                  submitting a bill to Parliament in 2009     on specific changes, such as having
                                                  for the creation of a Constitutional        natural resources that are not privately
                                                  Assembly, which would be tasked             owned to be declared national prop-
                                                  with reviewing the existing constitu-       erty; giving equal weight to votes cast
                                                  tion. This bill was made law, with the      in all parts of the country; a provision
                                                  amendment that a National Forum             stating that a certain proportion of the
                                                  would consult on what constitutional        electorate is able to demand that issues
                                                  changes should actually be made.            are put to a referendum; and more.
                                                     The National Forum drew about               It looked like Iceland was on the
                                                  1,000 people to offer their ideas on what   fast track to getting its long-awaited,
                                                  the new constitution should focus on.       democratic, modern constitution. But
                                                  The topics that the everyday Icelanders     that didn’t happen.
                                                  who participated in the Forum brought
                                                  up is a reflection of what many saw as
                                                  recurring problems in Icelandic soci-
                                                                                              Up on
                                                  ety: a need for greater transparency
                                                  in government and a more democratic
                                                                                              a shelf
                                                  elections; stronger protections for the     Katrín Oddsdóttir, a human rights
                                                  environment and natural resources;          lawyer and chair of the Constitutional
                                                  and clearer codification of human           Society in Iceland, has been a part of
                                                  rights.                                     the fight for the new constitution from
                                                     All great ideas, but formalising         the very beginning.
                                                  them into a constitutional draft would         "What we have been doing ever
                                                  involve a more focused effort—one           since—for eight years now—is fighting
                                                  that was not without its problems.          for this result of the national referen-
                                                                                              dum to be honoured,” she says. “It is a

                                                  Assemble the                                huge democratic paradox to be fight-
                                                                                              ing your own Parliament to honour a
                                                  assembly                                    referendum that Parliament called for.
                                                                                              I don't think this happens very often
                                                  The idea behind the Constitutional          in democratic societies, that the legis-
                                                  Assembly was noble. Those who had           lature calls for a referendum but then
                                                  served in or run for public office          ignores it based on the fact that this
                                                  were prohibited from running for the        was a consolatory referendum and not
                              Katrín Oddsdóttir
                                                  Assembly; the idea here was to have         a binding one."
                                                  25 people who were not professional            Katrín believes there are systemic

Where Is The New
                                                  politicians, but who were elected by        forces at work resisting the new consti-
                                                  the people, prepare the constitutional      tution, both within Parliament and in
                                                  draft. Elections were held and the          the business world.
                                                  results came in on November 30, 2010.          "Systems reject change,” she says.

                                                     Two problems soon became appar-          “There [are] articles in the new consti-
                                                  ent. First, turn-out for these elections    tution which say, for example, that
                                                  was very low: only 37% of eligible voters   natural resources belong to the nation
                                                  bothered casting ballots. Second, and       and that the nation should get full price

A nation still waits
                                                  far more troubling, complaints were         for the usage for its fisheries. Currently,
                                                  lodged with the Supreme Court within        we have a system where maybe 100
                                                  days of the election that the election      people … in Iceland make most of the
                                                  itself should be declared invalid.          money for huge fisheries. According

for Iceland 2.0
                                                     These complaints took issue with         to law, they are owned by the nation,
                                                  the procedures of the elections them-       but for some weird reason, the nation
                                                  selves, including the lack of privacy       only gets about 20% of the actual profit.
                                                  provided by voting booth partitions         But it doesn't really matter, because in
                                                  and the use of ballot boxes that could      Iceland, justice finds its way. It's taking
                                                  not be locked. These complaints were        time, sure, but in the end it will go well
10 years ago, the world watched as Iceland began crowdsourcing a new constitution. Today, the country still waits. And waits. And waits. And ...
9   The Reykjavík Grapevine
                                                                                                                        Issue 09— 2020

for Iceland, I'm sure. We're just taking      proposals in the new constitution."
as many steps as we can in this mara-             Katrín speculates that one of the
thon of a run.                                reasons why the Prime Minister is
    “There is a sort of pull within the       taking this route comes from a desire
political parties for slow, or no, changes    to please everyone in the government.
to the constitution. The system wants             "This is just my personal theory, but
to maintain itself. That's what makes it      I think what might have happened is
a system. I think that's the reason why       that inside [the Left-Greens], there are
we ended up in this cul de sac at the         very conservative people, and they hold
moment.”                                      a lot of power inside the party,” she
    Helga Baldvins Bjargardóttir, presi-      says. “Basically what they've said to the
dent of the Women's Association for           people, and to [the Prime Minister], is
the New Constitution, agrees, and             that this will never be done unless it's
believes business interests are bolster-      done with political harmony, where all
ing Parliament’s resistance.                  the parties come together and make a
    "There are always some owners of          solution. But this is completely incor-
capital who ensure that they have a           rect.”
say in how policy is being made,” Helga           “Firstly, we see now that this isn't
says. “I think that's the case with all the   happening. Even the [Independence
old political parties. Currently, it's the    Party] are not backing her up. Why
Left-Greens who are standing most in          is she putting [her bill] forward as a
the way. They should have every means         parliamentarian and not a government
to pass this, instead we get these terri-     minister? Secondly, it is just wrong that
ble excuses for constitutional change.        all constitutional changes in Iceland's
It was really disappointing to see that       history have been done in some kind
this is as far as they think they can get     of Disney moment where everybody
when working with the Independence            agrees. We have had huge disputes, like
Party. It's quite sad."                       when we were changing the electoral
    "There's also conservatism at work,”      territories. Parliament was at war over
Katrín says. “There are people who feel       the issue."
it's too much to change the constitu-             Katrín does, however, believe that
tion in one step; that we should do           the Prime Minister is doing what she
it slowly over many steps. There are          can with what she has to work with,
many reasons for opposition to the            albeit with reservations about the
new constitution. But I'd like to point       methodology.
out that one of the reasons is the fact           "I think [the Prime Minister] is
that the current system has built-in          doing her best,” she says. “I think she
injustices within it and the new consti-      thought that she would be able to
tution makes an effort to challenge           lead the other parties into some kind
these injustices, but there are people        of unity about certain constitutional
and companies who do not want to see          changes that would continue after the
those changes."                               next election. Even though she has no
    Another factor slowing progress,          certainty over who is going to lead the
Helga believes, is the smallness of           country after the election, so it makes
Iceland itself.                               absolutely no sense. We also have to
    "Because we're such a small nation,       remember that the new constitution
it's easy to rule by fear,” she says.         was put together by 25 very different
“People know that if they are very            people, and we all had very different
vocal about something, they might             political opinions. It's a huge compro-
be ruining their chances of getting a         mise—and the compromise already
promotion or the jobs that they want.         lives inside that document. As soon as
Without a culture of protection and           you start treating the new constitution
making people accountable, it's easy to       as some kind of buffet, where you just
rule by fear."                                pick and choose articles and try shov-
    She adds that rural Icelanders—           ing them into the old constitution,
many of them voters for more conser-          they have completely and utterly aban-
vative parties—are being misled by            doned that big compromise."
these parties.
    "People in the countryside are afraid
that changing things to one person            Do the people
equals one vote would mean Parlia-
ment would only focus on Reykjavík,
                                              still want a new
that they would be left out,” she says.
“But they forget that there is an article
in the new constitution which says that       Public support for the new constitu-
you cannot discriminate against some-         tion has not waned. A recent petition—
one based on where they live. So the          one that requires an official signature
constitution would actually transform         from the National Registry—accrued
the way we think about how we provide         over 43,000 signatures in support of a
services all around the country."             new constitution based on the draft.
                                              This equals somewhere between 15%

The Prime                                     and 20% of all eligible voters, which
                                              in a historic context is a very strong
Minister and                                  showing of support. In fact, poll after
                                              poll over the years has shown that
the people                                    most Icelanders support the initia-
                                              tive, including a poll from Maskína,
Prime Minister Katrín Jakobsdót-              conducted during the last week of
                                                                                             Helga Baldvinsdóttir
tir recently announced that she will          October that showed 53.5% in support
submit a bill to Parliament—interest-         of the new constitution, 21.3% opposed,
ingly, not as Prime Minister but as a
parliamentarian—which would make
some amendments to the current
                                              and 25.2% ambivalent.
                                                  There have also been other demon-
                                              strations of support, ranging from a
                                                                                          “It is a huge democratic               Andie
constitution. But Katrín Oddsdóttir
believes the changes are lacking.
   "We personally feel that this isn't
                                              recent social media campaign employ-
                                              ing the hashtag #hvar (#where), to the
                                              painting of a giant mural by the Minis-
                                                                                          paradox to be fighting
good enough, because the referendum
asked if the draft of the new consti-
tution should be the basis and that's
                                              try of Fisheries asking, in bold letters,
                                              “Where is the new constitution?”
                                                  "That happened on a Saturday, and
                                                                                          your own Parliament to                 Art Bicnick

certainly not what's being done now,”
she says. “They're trying to amend
the old one, a constitution which was
                                              on the Monday they came and cleaned
                                              the wall,” Katrín points out. “Which is
                                              very funny, because this wall had been
                                                                                          honour a referendum
always only supposed to be prelimi-
nary. The big quest of this nation to
own its own social contract is still
                                              filled with graffiti for years and nobody
                                              ever cleaned it. It was like a symbolic
                                              gesture on behalf of the power-holders,
                                                                                          that Parliament called
being ignored. Secondly, the proposals
she's putting forward are in many ways
just watered-down versions of similar
                                              sort of trying to silence this big, demo-
                                              cratic question for Iceland."
                                                  Soon after that mural was erased,
10 years ago, the world watched as Iceland began crowdsourcing a new constitution. Today, the country still waits. And waits. And waits. And ...
10 The Reykjavík Grapevine
        Issue 09— 2020

a new, even bigger mural was painted         living instrument. But if Parliament is      the money, resources and own most       we need this new constitution. It's the
nearby.                                      going to make any changes to the draft,      of the media, and then just normal      basis. It's how you move forward with
   "And that one still stands, because       this is the criteria that they should use:   people. We have to realise that if we   everything."
what the power-holders realised is that      that those changes are for the benefit       want to try to equalise the balance,
when they try to silence us, we become       of everyone; not just the few.”
stronger,” she says. “As soon as they            “I think it matters to democratic
washed this wall, it was all over the        activists and theorists around the
media and thousands of people signed         world, because we have so many exam-
the petition. You can say a lot of things    ples of democracy failing around the
about Icelanders—we're very tolerant         world, that we need an example of
of the corruption that goes down here,       democracy succeeding,” Lawrence said
but we don't like to be silenced, that's     in 2016. “And this would be an example
for sure.”                                   of that because of two parts: one part
                                             is basically a grassroots democratic
                                             movement to crowdsource a consti-

What does the                                tution, which is then supported by
                                             two-thirds of the voting public, and
new constitu-                                eventually enacted. That’s a kind of
                                             reassertion of the vitality in the demo-
tion change?                                 cratic process. But on the other side,
                                             it would also be important to see the
                                             elites and the government yield; to see
There’s a great deal that Helga likes        them acknowledge and concede to the
about the changes the new constitu-          authority of the democratic process.”
tion would offer, a great deal of them
having to do with creating a more just
and democratic society.
    "One of the most important changes
                                             So how do we
in the new constitution is that natural
resources should be the property of the
                                             get there?
nation,” she says. “The biggest mistake
that we made in Iceland in terms of          If there’s so much resistance to the
inequality is in how the fishing quota       constitutional draft, how can we
system came about. There's just a few        affect change? Katrín sees a number
families getting all the money from          of options. There is, for example, the
the fisheries in Iceland, when it could      fact that the Social Democrats, the
be used to build our education, welfare      Pirate Party, and the two former Left-
and health care systems. Instead, this       Green MPs—Andrés Ingi Jónsson and
money is hidden in some tax havens in        Rósa Björk Brynjólfsdóttir—recently
Tortola.”                                    submitted a bill to Parliament based
    "Another important change,” Helga        on the new constitution. While Katrín
continues, “is that if there's a piece of    is not optimistic about its chances of
legislation that the people don't want,      passing, she does believe it could pave
and they want to have a vote on it, then     the way for more substantial changes.
the people can ask for a referendum             "At least this is one way of keeping
and they can vote on it. We've been          the new constitution alive and keeping
seeing around the world that there are       it where it belongs: inside Parliament,
politicians trying to decrease the rights    to be discussed there and hopefully
of women and the queer community. If         one day voted on there,” she says. “One
a politician wanted to try that here, the    of the horror stories about this case
nation could intervene and stop it from      is that just before the 2013 elections,
[becoming] law."                             when the [Social Democrat and Left-
    Dr. Lawrence Lessig, an academic,        Green] majority wanted to put this
attorney and political activist, has         forward to be voted on in Parliament,
been keenly interested in the Icelandic      parties such as the Independence Party
constitutional process for many years.       used filibustering to prevent the vote
In an interview with the Grapevine in        from happening."
2016, he offered that the new constitu-         "I think we need to vote for parties
tion could have wider implications for       that are actively pushing for the new
the rest of the world.                       constitution and push the old parties
    “I think that the process for draft-     to tell us exactly where they stand, so
ing this constitution is the most demo-      that the voters can have a clear idea
cratic process we’ve seen in the history     before going to the polls,” Helga says.
of constitutions anywhere,” he said.         “This is what we want to press."
“We’ve never seen something like this.          Katrín is of much the same mind,
This process involved an incredibly          with her sights set on 2021, when the
intelligent mix between grassroots,          next parliamentary elections will be
citizen-driven input, expert-crafting        held.
direction and an actual deliberative            "We really want this to be one of
process for drafting the constitu-           the major issues of the elections,” she
tion that wasn’t controlled by insid-        says. “This is the big picture. Elections
ers. The process was representative          tend to revolve around smaller things.
of the values that the constitution          We are at the point in time where we
should embrace; it mixes the different       need to start thinking about what sort
elements that a democratic constitu-         of society we're going to be. Are we this
tion should include: it has expertise,       'New Iceland' that we were promised
but it also has democratic pedigree.         after the economic crash? Will it ever
There isn’t another constitution that        actually see the light of day? We have
has passed through this mix of demo-         really big things to work on as a society
cratic accountability in the history of      and if we don't work from our founda-
constitutions. That’s objectively a very     tions in deciding how we're going to
important fact about the nature of the       proceed as a nation, then it's very hard
constitution.”                               to see how we're going to be able do this
    Helga agrees, citing the process by      in any kind of beautiful way."
which the new constitutional draft was          "I think it's very important now
written.                                     because we're going into a recession,”
    "We elected 'normal people'; not         Helga says. “We really need people to
solely politicians [to work on this          realise that having this new constitu-
constitution],” she says. “It's written by   tion benefits the people. It's a game
the people and for the people. It's right    changer in terms of how we deal with
there in the preface. You can see what       unemployment, bankruptcy and what's
values it's based upon; it has this long-    ahead of us."
term thinking, which is not what we're          Ultimately, Helga believes the
used to. It's a text that's written with     very future of Iceland—especially in
the heart and soul in it. It's supposed      these trying times—hinges upon the
to be our social covenant that we can        creation of a new constitution.
base everything else upon. Of course,           "It's like we have two nations here,”
it's not perfect. It's supposed to be a      she says. “There's the few, who have all
                                                                                                                                                                   Katrín Jakobsdóttir
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NÝLÓ Light Bazaar 2020

Until December 30th - Online & Living
Art Museum

As is the trend in 2020, the Living Art
Museum’s annual Light Bazaar is
moving online. Brighten the dark
winter nights with some beautiful
art. View and buy the works of over
40 contemporary artists on
ljosabasar.nylo.is and help raise
funds to support the Living Art
Museum. The Marshall House will
also be hosting an open storage
and pop up home for the Bazaar
during opening hours (Wed - Sun
from 12:00-18:00). JD

XMas Consumers Yahoo!                         The next Couch
                                           Cabaret (18+) will                    Were we not a magazine, we'd dress like Carmen Dea Untamed

Heiðmörk Christmas Market                   be on December
                                                 18th at 21:00.
                                                                                                                                                           her November routine with a COVID-
                                            Tickets are 1,200
Weekends until Christmas – 12:00-                                                                                                                          safe production team at local pole stu-
                                                 ISK. Get more
17:00 – Heiðmörk – Free!                                                                                                                                   dio Eríal Pole—which you can see in
                                               information on

                                          the Túttífrútturnar                                                                                              the pictures. “It [was] a little bit differ-
Nearly every Icelandic venue/store           Facebook page.                                                                                                ent than my usual acts. I’m going out
has its own version of a holiday                                                                                                                           of my comfort zone,” she smiles. “It’s
market, but the one in the old                                                                                                                             the essence of Carmen.”
hunting lodge at Elliðavatn is a

                                                                           Get stunned on your sofa by the
not-to-miss experience. On a frozen
lake in a gorgeous forest, sit the
                                                                                                                                                               Give ‘em the ol’ razzle-
                                                                                   Couch Cabaret
kids into a beautiful grove for some
Christmas stories—most in                                                                                                                                  But how should one best view the caba-
Icelandic. Afterwards, cut down                                                                                                                            ret? Carmen recommends giving your
your own Christmas tree, enjoy                                                                                                                             house a bit of the ol’ razzle-dazzle.
some hot chocolate and just be                      Words:        “So it was just her in a beautiful red       Carmen emphasises that the show                “I didn’t expect this but it gave me
merry. Oh, and don’t forget to buy a           Hannah Jane        dress with red curtains behind her.          is not only strip-tease. “It’s a variety    a bit of warmth in my heart when our
ton of handmade stuff. What more                    Cohen         She had a bathtub and her only mis-          show—a cabaret. Some acts will be           lovely audience used it as an opportu-
is Christmas than capitalism                                      sion was to get into the bathtub and         burlesque, others circus, drag, pole        nity to dress up at home,” Carmen re-
wrapped in a bow? HJC                                  Photo:     it was just so graceful and beautiful,”      dancing, acrobatics,” she trails off. “We   calls of the Couch Cabaret’s last online
                                                  Art Bicnick     Carmen gushes. “That just really sits in     could have jugglers if they apply! Or       audience. “They put on makeup, hair,
                                                                  my memory. I just love it.”                  magicians, comedians, singers—it’s a        beautiful dresses and were just in full
                                                                     While you might think this is a de-       true cabaret.”                              Cabaret style at their house in a chair
                                                                  scription of some sort of romantic                                                       with a wine glass,” she explains. “So, of
                                                                  painting or art film, it’s actually the
                                                                                                                   The essence of Carmen                   course you can watch the show anyway
                                                                  most recent burlesque performance                                                        you want. You can be in your pyjamas
                                                                  by Reykjavík sensation Maria Callista,           While many are lamenting the loss       in your bed with a laptop, but if you
                                                                  which premiered at burlesque troupe          of in-person entertainment, Carmen          want to make the most of your ticket,
                                                                  Túttífrútturnar’s last Couch Cabaret         encourages people to think positively.      dress up and make a night of it.”
                                                                  online show. The Couch Cabaret is the        There are, according to the dancer,            She smiles. “Then you can bring the
                                                                  troupe’s COVID-friendly solution to          some unusual benefits to performing         cabaret home.”
                                                                  keeping entertainment alive during           only online.
We, Tonya                                                         the pandemic. The virtual extravagan-            “I see a lot of opportunities for us
                                                                  za is streamed online and features the       here in tiny Iceland to expand. The pos-
Ice Skating at Ingólfstorg                                        best and brightest of local performers       itive thing about COVID—of course,
                                                                  and some stars from abroad; the next         it’s not positive and I’m very sad about
November 28th-January 2nd –                                       occurring on December 18th.                  COVID—but I’ve gotten to know a lot
Ingólfstorg – 12:00-21:00 – 1,290 ISK                                                                          of artists around the world, artists that

The next Winter Olympics might not
                                                                           A true cabaret                      I don’t think I would have met [were it
                                                                                                               not for the pandemic],” she explains.
be until 2022 but that doesn’t mean                               Carmen—whose full artist name is             “Virtually, we can expand our connec-
you can’t start practising now. Get                               Carmen Dea Untamed—also partici-             tions and work together without hav-
on the path to win Iceland’s first                                pated in the virtual showcase, both as       ing to meet in person, without them
figure skating medal with a spin                                  a performer and organiser. The pole          having to come here and perform.”
around Reykjavík’s beloved annual                                 dancer/burlesque extraordinaire is               “We’ve even gotten a few applica-
Ingólfstorg skating rink. Bring your                              known for her high-energy and sen-           tions [for the Couch Cabaret] from art-
kids, lover, or adrenaline-junkie                                 sual acts, which—luckily for socially        ists who are not [in] Iceland. And that’s
Grandma (in a mask) and take over                                 distanced audiences—translate well to        like—ok, this is an opportunity!”
the city’s central square on some                                 the small screen.                                Carmen is mum on what we can
razor-sharp shoes. Grab a Hlölli                                     “The Couch Cabaret is a virtual           expect from her future acts, but if her
afterwards for a true Reykjavík                                   show. We have pre-recorded acts that         performance at the last show is any-
afternoon. HJC                                                    performers make,” Carmen explains.           thing indication it’s safe to say we can
                                                                                                                                                                        Now that's showbiz
                                                                  While it’s run by a burlesque group,         expect the unexpected. Carmen filmed
Culture                                                                      The Reykjavík Grapevine 12
                                                                                                                                                      Issue 09— 2020

Get Grapevine Merch!

                                                                                                                      The dreamer

                                                                             Some Kind of
                                                                            Peace In A World
                                                                              Full Of Chaos
                                                                             Ólafur Arnalds on his most intimate album
                                                                            to date, and the importance of community
                                                                                   and ritual in a world gone mad
                                                                                                       Words: Jess Distill   Photos: Art Bicnick

                i n e.i s                                        Sometimes an album or a song            music is having as a result.              that. So, for me, it just reaffirmed

            pev .is
                                                                 comes along at a point where it            “The album was really focused          the direction I was going in. It

      . r a
       g pevine
                                                                 feels like it’s exactly what the        on the ideas of community and             wasn’t created from the pandemic

 h o p
                                                                 world needed. Ólafur Arnalds’ lat-      rituals and doing things that are         but it definitely happened to fit

s p.gra              .i s
                                                                 est offering, ‘Some Kind of Peace’,     really pure and                                             right into it. It’s

              v i n e                                                                                                              “Music, in es-
shop.grape ine.is
                                                                 is one of those albums. Described       from the heart.                                             lovely.”
                                                                 as his most intimate album yet,         All of these things                                            Born from a de-
                                                                 ‘Some Kind of Peace’ has been           became        super     sence, is a ritual.                 sire to take him-

                                                                 hailed by fans and critics alike as
                                                                 the perfect haven in this time of
                                                                                                         important to us,
                                                                                                         or rather, it be-
                                                                                                                                 It’s a communal                     self back to his
                                                                                                                                                                     roots, ‘Some Kind
                                                                                                                                   ritual that we
                                                                 chaos and uncertainty.                  came obvious to                                             Of Peace’ strips
                                                                                                         us how important                                            away the lavish
                                                                                                                                  take to reach a

                                                                       A serendipitous                   they are, when the                                          compositions and
                                                                          alignment                      pandemic       hit,”     higher state of                    cinematic sounds
                                                                                                         he explains. “Our                                           that have become
                                                                 Although Ólafur is quick to point       daily rituals were                                          synonymous with
                                                                 out that this is by no means a “CO-     suddenly      taken                                         Ólafur’s name, to
                           Don't Hesitate!                       VID album,” he appreciates the          away from us and we noticed their         reveal something a little more raw
                                 Act Now!                        serendipitous alignment of events       importance. We started looking            and vulnerable.
                       * You only need to type the URL in once   that has occurred leading to the        more closely for community and               “It’s not that my music isn’t al-
                                                                 album’s release and the impact his      really feeling the importance of          ways personal,” he explains. “It’s
The Reykjavík Grapevine 13
                                                                                        Issue 09— 2020

                                                                                                                           [11:30 - 16:00 ]

                                                                                                                        A dish full of
                                                                                                                        tasty brunch
                                                                                                                        + mimosa
                                                                                                                        2990 kr.
just that I tend to create these big        “How do you place a voice in         rection this album was taking.
ideas or concepts to put in front        voiceless music? How do you tell a      That song is really about the im-
of me and it’s easy to hide be-          story in instrumental music?” he        portance of rituals—and music,
hind them. I like to swing right         asks. “I just have to add storytell-    in essence, is a ritual. It’s a com-
in the other direction sometimes.        ing elements to it. It can be voices    munal ritual that we take to reach
I wanted to go back to before this       or the way something sounds.            a higher state of consciousness. I
was my job, before there was any         That’s how I add my own voice, so       have gotten very interested in all
pressure, and remember why I             to speak, without actually singing,     sorts of rituals from all over the
was making music.”                       and tell my personal story through      world in the past few years—tak-
                                         the album.”                             ing part in them and researching
   Telling his own story                                                         them—and what we always find in
                                              A higher state of                  common everywhere is the impor-
Working mostly with friends, the                                                 tance of music in those rituals.”
relationship between Ólafur and
                                               consciousness                        Ólafur holds his cards close to
his collaborators was as intimate        One of the more fascinating sam-        his chest. He wants to discuss the
as the music they created. “We           ples on the album appears in the        track further, to talk more about
had the opportunity to take a lot        second track, the hypnotising           these rituals and communities he
of time and really have a dialogue       “Woven Song”. Using the voice of        finds so fascinating. But he stops
about the music and what feelings        an Amazonian medicine woman             himself, careful not to give too
we were trying to evoke. We would        singing a traditional song of the       much away, guarding secrets of
play it a few times and then listen      Shipibo Tribe, the                                       experiences past
back to it and ask ‘How do we feel       idea of ritual and                                       and projects yet
right now when we hear this?’”           the importance         “I wanted to go                   to come. He may
Ólafur recalls. “We went into that       of     storytelling     back to before                   have opened up to
aspect of it in a lot of detail, just    and community                                            his listeners more
listening and talking. Because it        is      highlighted    this was my job,                  than ever before,
was so personal to me, I put even
more effort into the tiniest details
                                         here. He hesitates
                                         before       speak-
                                                               before there was                   but he’s not quite
                                                                                                  ready to reveal ev-
of performance.”                         ing, choosing his        any pressure,                   erything.
    With every listen of ‘Some Kind
of Peace’ something new strikes
                                         words carefully,
                                         but when Ólafur         and remember
you: a string part you didn’t notice     talks about the       why I was making
before, or a sound effect barely         track, with excite-
audible in the background, more          ment and verve,             music.”
a feeling than a sound. As though        it’s clear that we
Ólafur is revealing himself little
bit by little bit, the listener learns
                                         have reached the soul of his music.
                                             “I can go into some depth
something new every time they
play the album. Soundbites from
                                         about it, but not the full depths,”
                                         he begins, with a slightly nervous                                 Music
                                                                                                                        LAUGAVEGUR 120, 105 REYKJAVÍK
his life, voice clips from the re-
cording process, or samples taken
                                         laugh. “The moment I wrote that,
                                         the moment I found the combina-
                                                                                     ‘Some Kind Of Peace’ is out now,
                                                                                     everywhere. You can get a hard
                                                                                                                               +354 595 8565
of people and music that inspire         tion of that piano with that voice,             copy in the Grapevine Shop.
him litter the album.                    was the moment I knew the di-
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