COVAX VACCINES ARRIVE - PM clears the air on incident at Deacons Farm - NET

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COVAX VACCINES ARRIVE - PM clears the air on incident at Deacons Farm - NET
Established October 1895
                                                                                                                                    PM clears the air
                                                                                                                                     on incident at
                                                                                                                                     Deacons Farm
                                                                                                                                                   PAGE 4

Wednesday April 7, 2021                                                                                                                                              $1 VAT Inclusive

ON the eve of World Health Day,               shipment of 33,600 doses were met              Americas have been vaccinated in             that access to vaccines should not be a
Barbados was given yet another                by a delegation which included                 what is one of the most significant          privilege for a few, but a right that we
lifeline in its fight against the             high-ranking government officials,             undertakings in public health in the         share regardless of who we are, where
COVID-19 pandemic as the first                representatives from the Pan-                  history of the region, with Barbados         we are and where we come from. Going
tranche of AstraZeneca vaccines               American Health Organisation                   accounting for just over 60,000.             on to reveal that PAHO would be
arrived in Barbados via the                   (PAHO) and heads of mission from               Speaking during the short ceremony           supporting countries in the distribution
COVAX facility. With the Northern             the United States, Japan, United               held in the departures lounge at the         of vaccines, Dr. Gebre reiterated that
Air Cargo flight landing at the               Kingdom, European Union,                       airport, PAHO/WHO Representative             the vaccines are safe.
Grantley Adams International                  Canada and the United Nations.                 for Barbados and the Eastern
Airport at 7:00 a.m. yesterday, the             To date, 700 million persons in the          Caribbean, Dr. Yitades Gebre, noted                            VACCINES on Page 3

Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley inspects the shipment of vaccines on the tarmac just after their arrival yesterday morning.

Put a check on crop and livestock theft
CHIEF Executive Officer of the Barbados       but it could very well put those already       of them by legal means. He made the          sourcing the produce from. Certainly, this
Agricultural Society (BAS), James Paul,       operating in the sector out of business. He    point while noting that the vendors          is not a system that calls for any rocket
is again raising concern about praedial       spoke to this while pointing out to The        themselves may not have stolen the           science. All it means is that we need to
larceny in this country, expressing the       Barbados Advocate, that even during            produce, but may have purchased it from      have people who are frequently going out
desire of the agricultural sector to see it   the various periods of lockdown that had       someone who did and so, Paul is adamant      there checking the persons who are
brought under control sooner rather than      been introduced to help curb the spread        that a paper trail is imperative in          selling produce in the various market
later.                                        of the COVID-19 virus, crop and livestock      safeguarding the livelihoods of local        areas, because we know that stolen
  Paul, contending that praedial larceny      thieves did not let up, and remained           farmers.                                     produce can end up at these locations,
continues to cut into the profits of the      focused on profiting from someone else’s         “We need to put in place a stringent       and the public then unwittingly buys
farmers and is putting the sector in          hard work.                                     system where we monitor the persons          stolen produce,” he stated.
jeopardy, stated that if allowed to go on        He is therefore of the strong belief that   who are selling in the farmers’ markets,       In that vein, Paul is appealing to
unabated, not only could it discourage        steps have to be taken to ensure that          wherever they are located, to try to get a   Barbadians not to buy stolen produce, by
those interested in getting into              those who are selling various agricultural     better understanding as to how they are
agricultural production from doing so,        produce in this country are in possession      sourcing the produce and where they are              PRAEDIAL LARCENY on Page 4
COVAX VACCINES ARRIVE - PM clears the air on incident at Deacons Farm - NET
2 • Wednesday April 7, 2021                                                                                                                          The Barbados Advocate

CARICAD official: Time to adapt
RECOGNISING the               mented.                       placed a premium on the       value, through assign-
myriad challenges               “We are living in un-       safety of its staff and an-   ments for and interaction
associated with the           precedented times. We are     cillary personnel and fol-    with member states. It
COVID-19 pandemic,            travelling through un-        lowed all the directives      also focused on re-devel-
the Caribbean Centre          charted waters. The times     from the Government of        oping its website and
for     Development           in which we are living are    Barbados and all relevant     social media pages to
Administration (CAR-          uncertain, complex, inse-     protocols. The Centre also    facilitate improved and
ICAD), which is based         cure and anxiety-induc-       identified the priority       expanded contact and
in Barbados, has been         ing. The COVID-19 crisis      areas of work in the          engagement with stake-
doing its part to adapt       has greatly intensified the   COVID-19 environment,         holders, and also reviewed
and meet the chal-            uncertainty, complexity       upgraded technology to        and revised the opera-
lenges head on.               and anxiety. The crisis has   underpin remote work          tional priorities of exist-
  Devon Rowe, Executive       now gone past a year in       among all staff and per-      ing strategic partnerships
Director of CARICAD,          duration and there is as      sonnel engaged on assign-     to co-ordinate actions to
acknowledged the above        yet no certainty regarding    ments, and revamped and       deliver joint initiatives
recently, as the Centre,      its end. We, at the CARI-     revised its operational       in the COVID-19 setting,
which is tasked with the      CAD Secretariat, have         plan.                         amongst other things.
responsibility of improv-     responded to these chal-         CARICAD also sought          “We kept abreast of the
ing public services for the   lenging times with cre-       to define ways in which       COVID-19 situation and
people of the Caribbean,      ativity and determina-        the Centre could deliver      other major develop-
issued its latest Horizon     tion,” Rowe asserted.         value to member states in     ments, such as elections in
newsletter, in which a          Outlining some of what      the prevailing, protracted    member states. We sys-
number of its creative        has been done, Rowe           circumstances and moved       tematically developed our
actions have been docu-       noted that CARICAD            systematically to deliver     skills in crisis leadership
                                                                                          and management,” Rowe
                                                                                          also indicated.
                                                                                            Stating that CARICAD
                                                                                          continues to learn lessons
                                                                                          from the COVID-19 crisis,
                                                                                          Rowe noted that the           Devon Rowe, Executive Director of CARICAD.
                                                                                          team at the CARICAD
                                                                                          Secretariat wishes all its    stakeholders continued       persistent fallout of the
                                                                                          member states and other       safety, as we all face the   COVID-19 crisis.

                                                                                          The public health laboratory has conducted 143,597 tests since February 2020.

                                                                                          COVID-19 update: 6
                                                                                          new cases, 20 recovered
                                                                                          BARBADOS recorded six         covered and were released    19.
                                                                                          new positive cases of         from isolation. There are      The public health lab-
                                                                                          COVID-19 on Monday,           now 102 persons in isola-    oratory has conducted
                                                                                          April 5. They comprise        tion.                        143,597 tests since
                                                                                          three men and three             The island has recorded    February 2020.
                                                                                          women.                        3,691 confirmed cases          To date, 63,738 people –
                                                                                            The new cases were          (1,783 females and 1,908     26,344 men and 37,394
                                                                                          identified from among the     males) from the start of     women – have been vac-
                                                                                          271 tests conducted by the    the pandemic, and there      cinated as part of the
                                                                                          Best-dos Santos Public        have been 3,557 recover-     National Vaccination
                                                                                          Health Laboratory.            ies. Forty-three people      Programme for COVID-
                                                                                            Twenty people also re-      have died from COVID-        19.
COVAX VACCINES ARRIVE - PM clears the air on incident at Deacons Farm - NET
The Barbados Advocate                                                                                                                                 Wednesday April 7, 2021 • 3

Co-ordinated action needed, says PM Mottley
PRIME MINISTER Mia                    responses that we now know            normal supply chain that will        budget and plans to protect and       even as we face the most diffi-
Amor Mottley is calling for           after a year, are critical if we      lead to vaccine distribution. And    prioritise health and social          cult crisis that we have faced in
co-ordinated action by the            are to put this behind us.”           the bottom line is that we have      sectors, according to Prime           a century,” Mottley stressed,
global community to com-                Ms. Mottley, who had only           also, separately, been regarded      Minister Mottley, “is truly being     further expressing that these
bat the COVID-19 pan-                 hours earlier accepted the coun-      by the global community as           felt by the majority of us”. She      are issues which she hopes the
demic.                                try’s first tranche of COVID-19       countries that have come out of      noted that the World Bank esti-       Development Committee of
   She was at the time                vaccines from the COVAX               the depths of poverty, and there-    mates that global GDP would           the World Bank and the
addressing the World Health           Facility, thanked WHO’s               fore are not deserving of assis-     fall about four per cent this year    International Monetary Fund
Organisation (WHO) virtual            Director-General Dr. Tedros           tance in the traditional ways        with between 40-60 million peo-       (IMF) can look into when they
press conference in commemo-          Adhanom Ghebreyesus for his           normally reserved for the most       ple entering extreme poverty,         meet this week.
ration of World Health Day,           continuous intervention to en-        vulnerable. This has made life       “but our reality also is as a            “We’ll begin to start to put our
yesterday.                            sure equitable vaccine distri-        difficult,” she declared.            tourism and travel-dependent          case for the need to use different
   “I pray that we will across the    bution.                                 “We have held on to the prom-      country, the fall in our GDP last     criteria for determining how
world summon the courage to             She however went on to point        ise of COVAX and I come to you       year was not 4%, 8%, 12% or           countries should access serious
be able to have co-ordinated ac-      out that the Caribbean’s jour-        this morning having received         16% – it was 18%, threatening         concessional capital, most
tion, not just acting together, but   ney over the last year has been       the first tranche of Barbados’       to take our country back more         needed now in order to stave off
co-ordinated action such that we      “torturous”.                          vaccines. But, for many globally,    than a decade as a result for the     the worst aspects of this pan-
are in a position to be able to         “The reality is that our mar-       this has been a difficult exercise   lost of production and produc-        demic. But, more importantly, to
see the end of this pandemic be-      ket size in many instances is         because as we have seen the          tive capacity”.                       deal with the long-lasting conse-
cause we are acting collectively      simply too small to command           spikes literally grow, we have         “Regrettably, we continue to        quences of the pandemic, which
with shutdowns; acting collec-        the attention of global pharma-       not had access even when we          be treated globally as one of         is the social and economic losses
tively with protocols; acting col-    ceutical companies, or indeed of      are prepared to pay.”                those countries that is not de-       that have sustained in the last
lectively with the kinds of policy    other suppliers of goods in the         The post-COVID-19 recovery         serving to concessional capital,      decade.”

‘COVAX remains
the best option’
VACCINES from Page 1                  Barbadians being able to return
                                      as close as possible to the qual-
   “The prequalification of vac-      ity of life that we are accus-
cines to be used through COVAX        tomed to living and for the liveli-
allows PAHO to offer vaccines         hoods of persons residing here
with the highest effectiveness        as well. And these vaccines will
and safety standards. Vaccine         help us in the Ministry to be able
supply continues to be a great        to manage COVID, to be able to
challenge and a large part of this    live with COVID so that people
is due to the delay in production     can enjoy what they normally
as manufacturers scale up ca-         enjoy,” he said.
pacity. The goal of COVAX facil-         Expressing her gratitude
ity is to provide up to 20% of the    to the countries that made the
population in each participating      early determination to con-
country globally with the aim of      tribute to the establishment
protecting those most at risk         of the COVAX facility, Prime          PAHO/WHO Representative for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean, Dr. Yitades Gebre (left) and
and to save lives. COVAX re-          Minister Mia Amor Mottley said        Minister of Health and Wellness, Lt. Col. Jeffrey Bostic, look on as Prime Minister Mia Amor
mains the best option to offer        that it was still a sad situation     Mottley speaks.
vaccines with equity,” he said.       that the world had found itself
   With a second tranche ex-          in. “It is a sad indictment of the    out the best and worst of every-     calamity – World War II – re-         scale and pace of implementa-
pected in a few months, Minister      global community in which we          one as large countries clam-         grettably the institutions that       tion leaves much to be desired.
of Health and Wellness Lt. Col.       live that still today in the third    oured for supplies, therapeutics     were formed then have not                “To that extent, the global
Jeffrey Bostic said that it was a     decade of the 21st century that       and ultimately, vaccines, leav-      proven to be totally fit for pur-     community must ask itself
long journey, but reflected on the    there are countries – in spite of     ing smaller countries to fend for    pose, largely because of the fact     whether we ought not to have
latest development in what has        having been independent for a         themselves, Prime Minister           that it has allowed the system        scaled it up more or we ought
been an undeniably long jour-         long time, in spite of participat-    Mottley took several of the          to fail smaller nations whose         not to have premised it as the
ney.                                  ing in a multilateral world, in       world’s organisations to task.       access to the market has been         first line of defence for global se-
   “Thirty-three thousand-plus        spite of having the SDGs estab-         “We saw the world brought to       compromised simply because we         curity because in the absence
vaccines really represent 33,000      lished as the goal to which we        its knees at a time when no one      don’t have enough orders to           of this kind of equitable distri-
small jabs in the arms of             want to reach by 2030, in spite       knew where and how to go. And        command attention. And if you         bution – country by country by
Barbadians and residents of this      of all of these things – that we      rather than resort to the global     don’t have enough orders to           country by country – what we
country. But it represents also, a    can be brought to our knees in a      co-operation that we thought         command attention, who are            will get is a race with mutations
significant step forward in our       way that is so evidently unfair       was going to be possible when        you going to buy from?” she said.     and double mutations and
fight against COVID. As we pur-       and inequitable.”                     United Nations and Bretton             Going on to say that the            variants that threaten to put
sue the path towards a destin-           Going on to note that the pan-     Woods Institutions were formed       COVAX facility was indeed the         each and every one of us at risk
ation which will include seeing       demic had succeeded in bringing       after the last major global          right move, she did note that the     again,” she said. (MP)

US congratulates Barbados and COVAX donor countries on arrival of vaccines
THE United States congratu-           Jeffrey Bostic; Chief Medical         for the arrival of the vaccines.        “The United States is taking       planned US$4 billion – to Gavi,
lates Barbados on the April 6         Officer, Dr. Kenneth George;            COVAX is a global initiative       decisive action to protect            the Vaccine Alliance to support
arrival of more than 33,000           PAHO/WHO Representative               to support equitable access to       Americans and the world’s             the COVAX Advance Market
vaccines through COVAX,               for Barbados and the Eastern          COVID-19 vaccines. Barbados          most vulnerable populations.          Commitment, part of the over-
its first tranche from the            Caribbean, Dr. Yitades Gebre;         participates as a self-financing     Equitable global access to            all COVAX facility. The United
COVID-19 Vaccines Global              UN Resident Co-ordinator,             member and an active partner         COVID-19 vaccines is critical         States is the world’s largest
Access (COVAX) Facility. US           Mr. Didier Trebucq; EU                in the multilateral effort to end    to end the pandemic and miti-         contributor to the international
Ambassador to Barbados,               Ambassador        Malgorzata          the pandemic.                        gate the ongoing health and           response to COVID-19 and
Linda Taglialatela, joined            Wasilewska; and representa-             “We must vaccinate as              economic impacts.”                    remains committed to collab-
Barbados Prime Minister Mia           tives of donor countries to the       many people as possible,                The United States recently         orating with partners and
Amor Mottley; Minister of             COVAX facility at the Grantley        as quickly as possible,” said        announced an initial US$2 bil-        governments to support global
Health and Wellness, Lt. Col.         Adams International Airport           US Ambassador Taglialatela.          lion commitment – out of a total      COVID-19 vaccination efforts.
COVAX VACCINES ARRIVE - PM clears the air on incident at Deacons Farm - NET
4• Wednesday April 7, 2021                                                                                                                                 The Barbados Advocate

                                                                                                                                             Paul commends
PM clears the air on Deacons issue                                                                                                           police force
AFTER a major buzz was created                 a call from a man from Deacons Farm? Is        Cabane, less than a mile away with the
over this past weekend concerning              there a challenge when I take a call from      same tables and chairs outside, perhaps        PRAEDIAL LARCENY from Page 1
reports of a call made to Prime                the Chairman of Sagicor, or the Manager        with less social distancing even, but you
Minister Mia Amor Mottley, the Head            of Massy, or the owner of a hotel? I take      want to unfair the people in Deacons           verifying from vendors where the produce
of the ruling Barbados Labour Party            calls every day. I didn’t start taking calls   Road who, on Good Friday, come together        has originated. The BAS’ CEO made the
cleared the air. Although previously           when I became Prime Minister and I’m           to eat in circumstances where many of          point while noting that the loss to farm-
releasing a statement on the issue,            not going to stop taking calls when I cease    those youngsters don’t even necessarily        ers when produce is stolen runs into the
Prime Minister Mottley spoke to                being Prime Minister.”                         have the capacity to cook for themselves       thousands of dollars. He commended the
members of the media specifically                 Going on to say that the incident           at home, but rely on community cooking         Royal Barbados Police Force for the work
on the matter when asked a ques-               was not a police matter as restaurants         as do many others in communities across        they have been doing to bring the culprits
tion on the sidelines of the arrival of        and cook shops were indeed allowed to          this entire country. The fact that people      to justice, but he frowned on the way that
the first tranche of COVID-19 vac-             operate on the day in question, Prime          may feel or have a perspective of the          the court system continues to handle
cines acquired through the COVAX               Minister Mottley said all she did was to       young man, is a different dispute,” she        these matters, contending that a mere
facility.                                      ask questions. “I asked simple questions       said.                                          slap on the wrist for those caught red-
  Reports suggest that PM Mottley may          – I did not give any directives. ‘Were they       Stating that the mere fact that this has    handed, was a slap in the face for the
have overstepped her boundaries and in-        adhering to physical distancing?’ The an-      now occupied so much attention, tells her      farmers and their businesses.
terfered in a matter that occurred at an       swer was yes. ‘Were they adhering to the       that we are far better off in this country        “When you take into consideration that
eatery in the Deacons Farm area. With          wearing of masks when not eating or            than we think on the major matters of          sometimes you could lose a whole field of
the proprietor confronted by members of        drinking?’ The answer was yes. So I said:      national priority that matter to people.       crops like cassava, let’s say that is 1,000
the Royal Barbados Police Force regard-        ‘What is the issue?’ Now how does that el-     However, she urged Barbadians to be bet-       pounds, but it is usually more than that,
ing the operation of the business this past    evate itself to front page and all of this     ter. “The bottom line is that this country     with a market value of $2 a pound, that’s
Good Friday, it is reported that the owner     media time when we still have people in        has to be premised to fairness and non-        $2,000. If you take a crop like onions that
of the business called the Prime Minister      Barbados who need help for different and       discrimination. Why do I keep coming           could be $25,000 if they lose an acre and
who then spoke to the officers, urging         real reasons? And when the same people         back to this cancer of discrimination?         that’s just the value of the produce.
them to walk away from the matter.             coming out of these communities want an        Discrimination shows itself in many,           Remember you also have to look at the
  Vehemently dismissing claims that            opportunity to be able to do more and do       many, many different ways, and that is         preparation of the land – so it is not just
she undermined members of the Royal            better.”                                       why I said very glibly, but very accurately,   the value of the crops, but the inputs, time
Barbados Police Force in the execution of         Adding that her brand of leadership         that if it was a call from Warrens, or from    and energy that went into growing those
their duties, Mottley stated that there        involved trying to create a level playing      Bridgetown, or from a West Coast hote-         crops,” he stated.
was no breach of protocols or separation       field and a level of fairness and trans-       lier, or South Coast hotelier, it would be        Paul maintained that greater willpower
of powers. Adding that she did not go          parency, Mottley noted that the issue,         called facilitation. But because it came       is needed to get a handle on praedial lar-
above anybody’s head or spoke to any           for her, was regrettably one of class and      from a man in Deacons, it is now interfer-     ceny in this country, contending that fail-
senior police officers, the PM said that the   discrimination in this country and drew        ence. Have we looked in the mirror and         ure to do so could see a reduction in local
situation provided a perfect situation for     reference to an establishment on the           seen ourselves recently and asked our-         agricultural production, which would no
fake news to construct a platform for          West Coast with an outdoor setting not         selves why we are perpetuating all of          doubt have a direct negative impact on the
criticism.                                     much unlike the one in question.               these myths about who we are?” she said.       country’s food import bill and put our ef-
  “Is the challenge that I spoke and took         “Explain to me how you can have La             (MP)                                        forts to achieve food security in jeopardy.
COVAX VACCINES ARRIVE - PM clears the air on incident at Deacons Farm - NET
The Barbados Advocate                                                                                                                   Wednesday April 7, 2021 • 5

get creative
amidst COVID
SOME of the popular          of how Jesus was greeted
Holy Week traditions         on his entry into
were absent this year        Jerusalem.
in Roman Catholic              The Chrism Mass, de-
churches, for example        layed since last year, was
washing of the feet          held on Tuesday of Holy
and street proces-           Week and three impor-
sions, but yet several       tant oils were conse-
were packed to the           crated: the oil of the sick,
allowable maximum            the oil of catechumens
of worshippers.              and the oil of chrism.
  Many churches were         Retired Roman Catholic
fully booked from early      Bishop of Bridgetown,
in Holy Week and two         The Most Rev. Anthony
parishes put on an extra     Dickson, consecrated the
Mass and Service to ac-      oils since only a bishop
commodate the demand         can do so, while Bishop-
for seats. The COVID-19      elect of Bridgetown and        Fr. Vibert Stephens, Bishop-elect Fr. Neil
public health protocols      Apostolic Administrator,       Scantlebury and altar server Haydn Gill during the
cl early did not deter       Fr. Neil Scantlebury,          blessing of the fire at the start of the Easter Vigil
people from wanting to       presided at the Mass.          Mass on Holy Saturday. The fire is used to light the
participate in Holy Week       It was a moment of           Easter candle.
activities.                  great significance as
  Churches are cur-          the first Bishop of            Calvary, the streets of      that vigils had to start
rently permitted to have     Bridgetown and the             Barbados would nor-          earlier this year. People
no more than 75 persons      first Barbadian to be          mally be a hive of activ-    still brought candles to
in attendance, but many      appointed Bishop of            ity as churches re-enact     church and they were lit
more persons were able       Bridgetown shared the          the Stations of the Cross,   from a large candle near
to participate online be-    duties at St. Patrick’s        i.e. the journey of Jesus    the altar, known as the
cause of the live broad-     Cathedral on March 30.         to Calvary. But for the      Paschal candle, which
casts on YouTube and         Another significant            second year, St. Patrick’s   symbolises that Jesus is
other platforms by al-       moment at the Chrism           Cathedral could not          the light of the world.
most every Catholic          Mass was when the              dramatise the Stations         Many Easter Sunday
parish. The livestream-      priests in the Diocese         in the surrounding           Masses were also booked
ing played a vital role in   publicly renewed their         streets of Bridgetown as     out as people gathered
bringing persons into        commitment to priest-          it has been accustomed       to     celebrate        the
fellowship, including        hood.                          to doing. Churches have      Resurrection          with
the sick and the house-        The Holy Thursday            been forced to omit such     shouts of, “Jesus Christ
bound.                       Mass commemorates the          acts of worship due to       is risen, alleluia alleluia.
  Although          local    Last Supper of Jesus           COVID-19 concerns, just      He is risen indeed, al-
Catholics could not en-      Christ when, among             one of the crosses they      leluia alleluia!”
gage in their usual Palm     other things, he estab-        have to bear.
Sunday Walk due to the       lished the Sacrament of           The solemn Easter          AT RIGHT: One of the
COVID-19 restrictions,       Holy Communion.                Vigil is usually held on      faithful Catholics who
they made sure to still        On Good Friday, which        Holy Saturday night in        attended Holy Saturday’s
get palm branches and        Christians recognise as        anticipation of the resur-    Easter Vigil Mass lets her
found creative ways to       the day that Jesus was         rection of Jesus, but the     light shine.
use them as a reminder       crucified and died at          continuing curfew meant

Deacon George Waithe, Fr. Vibert Stephens and Bishop-elect Fr. Neil Scantlebury          Bishop-emeritus Anthony Dickson, Bishop-elect Fr. Neil Scantlebury and Fr.
kneel during Stations of the Cross at the St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Cathedral         Vibert Stephens during the blessing and the consecration of sacramental oils at
on Good Friday.                                                                          the Chrism Mass.
COVAX VACCINES ARRIVE - PM clears the air on incident at Deacons Farm - NET
6 • Wednesday April 7, 2021                                                                                                                                             The Barbados Advocate

Barbados’ efforts in obtaining vaccines lauded
AS countries across                      “So when we look at our            that they have under-          there are those two factors
the globe battle to                    performance in securing              taken. And in fact, they       – the vaccines and de-
get doses of various                   vaccines, I think we have            have given away over           mand for our goods and
COVID-19 vaccines,                     two things to be thankful            eight million doses to         services; (and those) are
Barbados has been                      for. One is that the                 about 35 countries, I          things that as hard as we
lauded for its efforts in              Prime Minister (Mia                  think, as part of their        might wish it so, we are
being able to secure                   Amor Mottley) exploited              programme and almost           dependent on others for
some for its citizens.                 her personal brand and               60 million commercially        and it is very important
  Government Senator                   charisma and really was              in total to about 71 coun-     when we look at these ap-
Rawdon Adams has noted                 able to reach out and get            tries. So those two factors    propriations in this Bill
that whilst there are some             100,000-odd doses in the             we have to be thankful         that we recognise that,”
persons who are anxious                first instance from the              for,” Senator Adams noted      Adams said.
for the Barbados govern-               Indian government. We                during a recent Senate de-       He went on to state that
ment to do all it can to se-           also need to thank the               bate, as matters were dis-     in the meantime, what the
cure more vaccines, he is              Indian government, be-               cussed in relation to the      country can do in its effort
happy with the country’s               cause that is part of a              Appropriation Bill, 2021.      to emerge successfully
performance to date.                   larger vaccine diplomacy               “So it is fairly widely      from the present COVID-
                                                                            known that we have             19 pandemic, is to focus
                                                                            placed orders for vaccines,    on those things that will
                                                                            hundreds of thousands          help us drive growth when
                                                                            of doses. We’ve paid, but      the situation normalises
 APPLICATION NO: RT 2021000029
                                                                            we can’t control delivery.     or at least shows some
                                                                            That’s out of our hands. So    semblance of normalcy.         Government Senator Rawdon Adams
                 OF THE LAWS OF BARBADOS
                         (Section 3)                                        COVID-19 recovery toolkit and dashboard for C’bean tourism
           OR OTHERWISE, OR LOST OR STOLEN                                  AS the region’s tourism        has accelerated the im-        to allow the small and        being. As the region con-
                                                                            industry looks to recover      portance of sound digital      medium tourism enter-         tinues through this ex-
            TAKE NOTICE that an Application has been made to the            from the devastating           strategies for destinations    prises (SMTEs) to com-        tended recovery process,
 Registrar of Titles by ANTHONY JEMMOTT, of 447 Madison Avenue,             impact of COVID-19,            and tourism enterprises.       bine various solutions to     it is important for our
 Oshawa, Ontario L1J 2P7 in Canada for the Restoration of the Title         the Caribbean Tourism          Consumers are increas-         ensure their businesses       member countries and
 Deeds to the property situate at Welches in the parish of Saint Michael    Organisation (CTO) has         ingly turning to digital       are ready when tourism        tourism stakeholders to
 in Barbados (more particularly described in the Schedule hereto) on the    teamed up with one of its      channels, as they have         returns to their destina-     equip themselves with the
 ground that the Original Title Deeds have been lost and have never         allied members to make         been more isolated and         tions.                        tools they need to meet
 been recovered.                                                            available practical tools      less mobile over the past         On the other hand, the     the challenge ahead,”
                                                                            and resources to support       several months,” said          dashboard comes with an       said Faye Gill, the CTO’s
            ALSO TAKE NOTICE that unless notification is received at        tourism industry leaders       Seleni Matus, executive        associated guide that in-     director of membership
 the Land Registry, “Warrens Office Complex”, Warrens, Saint Michael by     as they navigate the re-       director of the GW IITS.       cludes a number of data       services, who has worked
 the 28th day of April, 2021 that the Original Title Deeds have not been    covery process.                  “With time spent online      sources that CTO mem-         closely with GW IITS in
 lost or are being lawfully held by some other person, the Registrar of       The CTO has partnered        increasing, consumers          ber governments can refer     the production of these
 Titles shall immediately proceed to determine the said Application         with       the    George       have more time to look         to, several of which are      resources.
 according to law.                                                          Washington University          for travel inspiration.        free to access. It is de-       The collaboration be-
                                                                            International Institute        Tourism businesses that        signed to support anyone      tween the CTO and GW
                   Dated this 15th day of March, 2021
                                                                            of Tourism Studies (GW         have established a strong      who works within the          IITS is an extension of
                                                                            IITS) to develop a recov-      digital presence are bet-      travel and tourism indus-     an engagement with
                        YEARWOOD & BOYCE
                  Attorneys-at-Law for the Applicant
                                                                            ery toolkit to provide a       ter positioned to remain       try, including businesses     CTO member countries
                                                                            useful guide for small and     top of mind as tourism         and tourism planners, in      – Belize and Grenada,
                              SCHEDULE                                      medium-sized tourism           begins to rebound.”            making strategic deci-        which saw GWU Master
                                                                            enterprises as they plan         The toolkit covers areas     sions more effectively.       of Tourism Administra-
            ALL THAT certain piece or parcel of land (being the lot         for their reopening, and a     such as the effective use of      “In the Caribbean,         tion and MBA students
 numbered 8 on a Plan of Fifty five thousand eight hundred and ninety       dashboard for ministries       social media, use of online    where we are heavily re-      working with the govern-
 three square feet of land certified on the 13th day of December 1949 by    and destination manage-        promotion platforms, how       liant on tourism revenues,    ment and private sector
 H.W. Clarke, Sworn Surveyor recorded in the Registration Office of this    ment organisations to          to optimise existing online    the COVID-19 pandemic         in both countries to pro-
 Island in Volume 681 of Deeds at Page 427 A) situate at Welches in         capture and report on key      presence and how to use        is having a deep and          duce customised solu-
 the parish of Saint Michael and Island aforesaid containing by             recovery metrics.              online travel agencies ef-     sustained impact on our       tions to support COVID
 admeasurement Six thousand six hundred and seventeen square feet or          “The global pandemic         fectively. It was designed     economies, lives and well-    recovery.
 thereabouts (inclusive of eight hundred and eighty square feet in the
 public road hereinafter mentioned) ABUTTING AND BOUNDING on lots
 numbered 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7 respectively on the aforesaid Plan now or late
 the property of Mr. H. A. Watson and on the Public road or however else
 the same may butt and bound Together with the messuage or dwelling
                                                                            15 students receive scholarships
 house thereon.                                                             By Cara L. Jean-Baptiste       the region with this pres-     Toronto Benefit Gala, told    hide that journey that you
                                                                                                           tigious award.                 them that thanks to           travelled because that
 The Title Deeds to be restored are:                                        FIFTEEN students across          Buchanan-Hind ex-            Scotiabank, they were         journey made you who you
                                                                            the Caribbean received         plained that the scholar-      able to have their educa-     are, and honour this place
 (a) Conveyance dated the 22nd day of December, 1955 (entered in the        a scholarship from The         ships were awarded to ac-      tion paid for, and as such,   that you are now.”
 Land Registry of Barbados on the 20th day of April, 1956 in Volume 766     University of the West         ademically outstanding         he reminded them to             Dr. Donette Chin-Long
 at Page 251) and made between ALBAN FREDERICK BROWNE (as                   Indies (The UWI) Toronto       students who were in dire      pay this kind gesture for-    Chang, Co-patron of The
 Vendor therein) of the One Part and OLIVER CAMERON PIERCE (as              Benefit Gala.                  need of financial support.     ward.                         UWI Toronto Benefit
 Purchaser therein) of the Other Part.
                                                                              During a recent virtual        “Most of the students          “We need to go back into    Gala, congratulated the
                                                                            ceremony, Elizabeth            are the first in their         poverty and pull as many      students, noting that their
 (b) Mortgage dated the 10th day of November, 1960 (recorded in the
 Land Registry of Barbados on the 21st day of November, 1960 in
                                                                            Buchanan-Hind, Execu-          families and sometimes         people out of it as you       hard work and persistence
 Volume 855 at Page 309) and made between OLIVER CAMERON
                                                                            tive Director, Institutional   communities to attend an       possibly can and that will    have paid off.
 PIERCE (as Mortgagor therein) of the One Part and GWENDOLYN                Advancement Division           institution of higher edu-     be your responsibility in       “This is but the gateway
 CLARKE (as Mortgagee therein) of the Other Part.                           and Chair, The UWI             cation. They continually       the future as a result of     to the rest of your lives,”
                                                                            Toronto Benefit Gala           express their appreciation     the generosity that was       she said.
 (c) Reconveyance and Release dated the 23rd day of November 1965           Committee, expressed           of the opportunity af-         shown to you,” he said.         “Make it count and use
 (recorded in the Land Registry of Barbados on the 1st day of December      that they were extremely       forded them as a result          “Always remember the        the opportunity wisely. Be
 1965 in Volume 855 at Page 309) and made between as GWENDOLYN              delighted by Scotiabank’s      of this event,” she said.      people behind you and         kind, compassionate, al-
 CLARKE (as Mortgagee therein) of the One Part and OLIVER                   kind generosity as it            To the scholarship           always extend a hand          ways take the high road,
 CAMERON PIERCE (as Mortgagor therein) of the Other Part.                   allowed them to present        winners, Dr. Wesley Hall,      backwards to bring them       and remember to give
                                                                            15 students from across        Co-patron of The UWI           up along with you. Never      back.”
COVAX VACCINES ARRIVE - PM clears the air on incident at Deacons Farm - NET
The Barbados Advocate                                                                                                                         Wednesday April 7, 2021 • 7

Music captures the spirit of Wuhan
NEW composition to honour the                 considered the orchestra’s first concert    15, at the Wuhan Qintai Concert Hall.          It will be the debut performance of the
city’s people will be performed in            when the pandemic had passed.               Zhang notes that the four composers          Wuhan Philharmonic Orchestra at the
Beijing, Chen Nan reports.                      He called his friend, composer and        worked voluntarily.                          China Orchestra Festival. Shao will also
  In early 2020,Wuhan, the capital city of    conductor Shao En one day in March.           To commemorate the first anniversary       lead the orchestra to perform Ode to the
Hubei province, was hit hard by the           They agreed to create an original           of Wuhan ending its 76-day lockdown on       Red Flag by Chinese composer Lyu
COVID-19 pandemic. All public                 composition dedicated to the city of        April 8, 2020, the Wuhan Philharmonic        Qiming and the prelude to composer
transportation and businesses were            Wuhan and the people who fought against     Orchestra will perform Reborn From the       Guan Xia’s Symphony No 1, The Years of
suspended, and residents were required to     the pandemic.                               Fire, under the baton of Shao at the         Burning Passion.
stay indoors to help cut transmission.          Given travel restrictions and social      National Centre for the Performing Arts        “During those hard days, we didn’t
  Zhang Shouzhong, president of the           distancing rules, the process of writing    in Beijing on Thursday, as the opening       know when our lives would go back to
Wuhan Philharmonic Orchestra, along           the piece became an experiment in online    concert of the NCPA’s annual event, the      normal. We felt sad, disappointed and
with his colleagues, sprang into action.      collaboration.                              China Orchestra Festival.This monthlong      scared. But there was hope.The pandemic
They worked as volunteers to help               The      four-movement       musical      event showcases and promotes the             give us a chance to rethink humanity and
residents living in nearby neighbourhoods     composition, titled Reborn From the Fire,   country’s symphony orchestras and works      we want to record those days with music,”
by delivering supplies, food and carrying     jointly composed by Guan Xia, Shao En,      by Chinese composers.                        says Zhang. “It will be a memorable
out temperature checks.                       Yang Fan and Huang Kairan, was                The four-movement piece tells the story    concert since the date, April 8, is
  While doing his volunteer assignments       premiered by the Wuhan Philharmonic         of Wuhan enduring the pandemic early         significant for Wuhan and the people of
every day from 7 am to 7 p.m., Zhang          Orchestra under the baton of Shao on Aug    last year and its triumph over the crisis.   the city.”

The Wuhan Philharmonic Orchestra premieres the symphony, Reborn From the Fire, under the baton of Shao En at the Wuhan Qintai Concert Hall on Aug 15. [PHOTO PRO-

China’s domestic
tourism near
pre-epidemic level
during Qingming
DOMESTIC tourist trips in China during
the three-day Tomb-sweeping Day
holiday, ending on Monday, recovered to
94.5 percent of the pre-COVID-19 level,
showed data from the Ministry of Culture
and Tourism.
  Tourist sites across the country
received 102 million domestic visitors
during the holiday, also known as
Qingming Festival, up 144.6 percent from
a year earlier, according to the ministry.
  Domestic tourism revenue during the
period totalled 27.2 billion yuan (about
$4.15 billion), accounting for 56.7 percent
of the pre-epidemic level.
  Though China’s domestic tourism is on
an orderly recovery, a full recovery of
travel spending will still take more time
due to the high proportion of short-
distance trips, low prices of tourism
products and large-scale free admission
and discounts, the ministry said.             Visitors tour around the Mingshashan scenic spot, Dunhuang city, Gansu province, April 3, 2021. [PHOTO/XINHUA]
COVAX VACCINES ARRIVE - PM clears the air on incident at Deacons Farm - NET
8 • Wednesday April 7, 2021                                                                                                                                               The Barbados Advocate

    ‘For the cause that lacks assistance, ’Gainst the wrongs that need resistance, For the future in the distance, And the good that I can do’

                 Editorial                                                  Minimum wage debate
 Building a fairer,                                           By Dorian Bryan

                                                              LIKE any great distraction,
                                                                                                security of tenure in the
                                                                                                workplace. Disputes within
                                                                                                the workplace now had a
                                                                                                                                   consumers were informed
                                                                                                                                   of yet another increase in
                                                                                                                                   the cost of gasoline at the
                                                                                                                                                                          rotated to avoid crowding
                                                                                                                                                                          at any one time in a closed
                                                                                                                                                                          space so if spending is down

 healthier world                                              the minimum wage
                                                              increase came in at the
                                                              right time.
                                                                                                Tribunal in place to sort out
                                                                                                matters, fully empowered
                                                                                                to handle these matters
                                                                                                                                   pump and by extension to a
                                                                                                                                   variety of gasoline
                                                                                                                                   products. Where is the
                                                                                                                                                                          then employers have tough
                                                                                                                                                                          choices to make.
                                                                                                                                                                            Many employers have to
 TODAY, April 7, 2021, Barbados joins the world in              Now the topic of                with a dedicated staff to          outcry for the pensioner or            sub-let spaces at high
 commemorating World Health Day. The theme for                discussion involved the           expedite matters before it.        others, who have to use a              monthly rates. Rents have
 this year is “Building a fairer, healthier world’, and it    raising of the minimum            One would think that this          gasoline driven stove to               to be paid and then salaries
 is no coincidence that this focus was selected amidst        wage to $8.50 per hour,           would have attracted some          cook, when they are forced             of workers. Those workers
 a pandemic.                                                  through         essentially       mention when these                 to shell out extra? Where is           on commission will be
    According to the World Health Organisation’s              executive action, placing         matters which now                  the outcry for drivers who             hardest hit as protocols
 website, the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted               the Administration of             confront the country are           are quickly realising that             have had a direct impact on
 that some people are able to “live healthier lives and       optics, on a collision course     front and centre.                  this country continues to              sales.
 have better access to health services than others –          with the private sector,             The question of the             have one of the highest                  Who does not want more
 entirely due to conditions in which they are born,           which          it        had      increase in the minimum            gasoline price levels in the           money? Does this increase
 grow, live, work and age”. For instance, there are           wholeheartedly embraced           wage is one which has              Caribbean? By extension,               in salary, much warranted,
 large numbers within populations in certain                  during the first half of its      engaged the attention of           rising gasoline costs equate           come with a desire to talk
 vulnerable states, who have no access to clean water,        tenure in office.                 other countries, not just          to rising freighting costs             about         productivity
 air and food – the vary basics for survival. In addition,      Calls for an increase in        Barbados.                          and a consequent rise in               increases to ensure that
 there is limited education and information on health-        the minimum wage are not             It faced the same old           affiliated costs within                companies remain viable in
 related matters, poverty due to low employment               new. In fact, calls for the       argument... the usage of           industries which depend on             tough times. The notion of
 opportunities and unequal pay, and lack of social            improvement in conditions         fear to win the debate. Does       gasoline.                              just showing up and getting
 services. This deficit in these groups results in            of service and basic              that sound familiar? Fear of         Remember those good                  paid cannot be the cause
 suffering, allows persons to become susceptible to           treatment of domestic             increased costs, fear of a         debates where we were                  behind increases, but we all
 contracting diseases, and often ends in death. The           workers and those at the          fiscal cliff, fear of technology   lectured to about the trickle          have to play our parts.
 need for fairer treatment in health issues, especially       lower end of the salary           in a waste to energy plant         down impacts of increasing               Any word on the private
 in relation to fighting COVID-19, becomes blatantly          scale have intensified over       becoming too hot or hotter         gasoline prices on the ‘poor’          sector employers who
 obvious when it comes to vaccinations against the            the years and this came to        than the sun, fear of              Barbadians. I do!                      rather than send home
 virus. There are currently a handful of approved             light in December 2020,           sargassum              seaweed       The cost of basic goods              workers chose to use
 vaccines being distributed across the globe. However,        with the case of one              destroying the tourism             and services has increased,            retained earnings to pay
 the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines, which use the new           security firm and its             industry, fear of sewage           especially over the last few           people? Spare a thought for
 mRNA technology, are priced on the higher end of the         categorisation of workers         leaks on the South Coast           weeks.                                 those who will be forced to
 scale compared to the Johnson & Johnson and                  and the payments which            destroying the tourism             Telecommunications costs               close as they cannot absorb
 Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccines, and are therefore               they received.                    sector, fear of non-regular        will gradually increase but            these increases for long.
 highly unlikely to be available to poorer nations.And          What was missing from           garbage              collection    the consumer had to make                 Even as Government
 even when a vaccine is more affordable, its pricing          the discussion and the            impacting health, fear of          do with crumbs to survive.             pushes ahead with these
 could still be unfairly set to the disadvantage of some      praises which were heaped         not meeting directly with a          If     the     COVID-19              plans, we got a glimpse of
 states. BMJ Case Reports (an award-winning online            on the foresight of the           previous Minister of               pandemic has taught us                 another push to introduce a
 journal spanning disciplines and reviewed by                 Government was a                  Education hurting the              anything, it is that savings           multi-purpose ID card… in
 professionals and researchers) cited that South Africa       recognition of the path to        education sector, fear of a        are not enough to tackle the           a     pandemic.         This
 reportedly paid $5.25 per dose of Oxford-AstraZeneca         this point. Like the push to      fiscal cliff destroying the        challenged economy.Those               Government now proposes
 in January while the European Union (EU) paid                Independence or expansion         economy and leading to             out of work cannot with                for registration and
 $2.15 per dose. Also, the EU is paying less for the          of the cadre of National          devaluation of the dollar…         dwindling unemployment                 processing of these new
 Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine than the US – $14.70 per             Heroes, there is a path           fear has always worked             monies survive for very                cards, during a pandemic
 dose versus $19.50 per dose. However the US is               which these events follow.        when the amplifiers                long as prices are                     as they continue to advance
 paying less than the EU for the Moderna vaccine.               The former Minister of          continue to be placed front        increasing.                            the notion of social
 While these differences in cost associated with the          Labour, Dr. Esther Byer-          and centre.                          So for employers, what               distancing, masking and
 various vaccines may seem small when referring to            Suckoo, should be given              However, I am not here to       should they do? April 2021,            asking people to stay home
 a single dose, it is a drastic difference when one           credit for her elevation of       defend or support any one          represents a full year since           on Sundays.
 applies it to the millions of people awaiting                the Labour Department             side over another.The time         lockdowns and restrictions               The word is tone-deaf,
 vaccination. The vulnerable state of this region in the      and Ministry into the             has long past for an               have been put in place                 since I can talk about the
 rush for vaccines was highlighted recently when a            mainstream of government          increase in the minimum            related to the pandemic.               Minister of Housing’s
 major producer out of India cut back on exports in           through the slate of              wage commensurate with             The tourism sector has                 statement        on      the
 favour of its own vaccination programme. Luckily, the        legislation, namely the           the cost of living increases       been decimated and                     Parliament        building
 establishment of the COVAX                                   amendments to the Shops           in the country. One recent         restrictions have limited              upgrades, which have
    Facility has helped to relieve some of the tension        Act and the landmark              statistic had the cost of          the volume of traffic into             increased in scope and costs
 and stress as this group has been pushing for                Employment Rights Act,            living rising by over 30 per       retail stores as many prefer           from $700 000 to over $3
 equitable distribution for poor and vulnerable states        which solidified in law, the      cent in a decade and wages         to spend on essentials.                million. Is the idea of ‘cost
 across the globe.Their efforts have contributed to this      rights of workers to be           have effectively stagnated.        These rules have called for            overruns’ a distant
 country receiving its second batch of vaccines               protected and to have                Last              weekend,      staffing compliments to be             memory.
 yesterday – the first tranche from the COVAX Facility
 – which will enable the local vaccination efforts to
 resume from tomorrow. Speaking on at a virtual
 press conference in commemoration of World Health
 Day, yesterday, Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley put
                                                              Russia says Myanmar sanctions could
 the spotlight on the issue, stating “The reality is that
 our market size in many instances is simply too small
 to command the attention of global pharmaceutical
                                                               lead to civil war, but EU plans more
 companies, or indeed of other suppliers of goods in the      Russia said recently the          restrictions on the                faces a sustained campaign             Yangon          yesterday,
 normal supply chain that will lead to vaccine                West risked triggering civil      generals.                          of        pro-democracy                protesters sprayed red
 distribution. And the bottom line is that we have            war in Myanmar by                   The Kremlin’s show of            demonstrations and civil               paint on roads, symbolising
 also, separately, been regarded by the global                imposing sanctions on the         support was a boost to the         disobedience across the                the blood shed in a
 community as countries that have come out of the             military junta that has           junta that overthrew Aun           country, and condemnation              crackdown by the security
 depths of poverty, and therefore are not deserving of        seized power in a coup, but       San Suu Kyi’s elected              and more sanctions from                forces.
 assistance in the traditional ways normally reserved         France said the European          civilian government on             the West.                                “The blood has not dried,”
 for the most vulnerable.” It is unfortunate that these       Union will step up                February 1. However, it still         In Myanmar’s main city              said one message in red.
 types of issues still persist despite the ongoing efforts
 to eradicate inequality and create safer societies of all.                            Telephone: 467-2000 News Fax: 434-1000         News Editor: Dorian Bryan            Executive Editor: Allison Downes

 It is hoped that this World Health Day leads to                                       E-mail Address:      Business Editor: Jewel Brathwaite
                                                                                                                                      Sports Editor: Corey Greaves
                                                                                                                                                                           General Manager: Sandra Clarke
                                                                                                                                                                           Assistant Managing Director: Sean Eteen
 improved policies and better conditions across the                                    Website:
                                                                                                                                                                           Publisher: Sir Anthony Bryan
                                                                    @The Barbados Advocate          @barbadosadvocate
COVAX VACCINES ARRIVE - PM clears the air on incident at Deacons Farm - NET
The Barbados Advocate                                                                                                                          Wednesday April 7, 2021 • 9

‘Millionaires tax’  Test travel regime must be easy and cheap, says PM
threat has some NY BORIS JOHNSON says any testing amber or red based on their Covid Minister Boris Johnson said: “I do think
bankers, managers regime    for international travel should be infection rates and vaccination coverage. we want to make things as easy as we
                   easy and cheap, after the boss of EasyJet     No isolation would be necessary on possibly can.
                   criticised new government plans.            return to the UK from green countries,     “The boss of EasyJet is right to focus on
eyeing exits         The prime minister also said vaccine but pre-departure and post-arrival tests this issue, we’re going to see what we can
                   passports would be a “fact of life” for would be required, potentially costing up do to make things as flexible and as
BOSTON – For decades New York’s              people travelling internationally in         to £200 each.                                 affordable as possible.”
bankers and fund managers have               future.                                         However, earlier yesterday, EasyJet          Lundgren told the BBC that if costs
accepted the city’s high tax rates as a        The government hopes to reopen             boss Johan Lundgren told the BBC this         were not reduced, the government
part of working in the world’s premier       international travel on May 17, but is yet   would make travel too expensive, with         “wouldn’t open up international travel for
financial capital.                           to make a final decision.                    the tests costing as much or more than a      everyone, but only those who can afford it.
  However, with plans afoot to raise           However, the prime minister said he        flight in some cases.                           “If you are ticking all of those boxes to
rates as part of a New York state budget     had “not given up” on the idea.                 Asked about the comments, and              become a green destination… [multiple
agreement, some financiers are                 Under plans outlined on Sunday,            whether cheaper lateral flow tests could      tests] don’t make sense to me and it would
exploring exits, emboldened by a             destinations would be classed as green,      replace PCR tests in the plans, Prime         add to cost and complexities.”
pandemic that has illustrated how
working on Wall Street may no longer
mean working from Wall Street.
  “I’m already looking for an apartment
in Florida,” said one highly paid person
at a top-tier bank who asked not to be
identified because his employer does
not yet know of his plans to move.
  Others earning more than $1 million
are considering still bolder steps such
as moving not only themselves but also
their entire investment firms out of the
city, arguing higher taxes cut into their
ability to pay staff.
  A proposal making its way through
New York’s state legislature would have
top New York City earners paying up to
15.73% in combined state and city
  New York state’s income tax rates
currently range from 4% to 8.82% and
New York City’s tax ranges from 3.08%
to 3.88%, leaving the top earnings
paying closer to 12.7%.
  Dubbed the “millionaires tax,” the
proposal would add surcharges to
people earning more than $1 million a
year and beat out California localities to
claim the country’s highest combined
tax rate.
  Some among those who make $1               How one airline is keeping its aircraft and staff ready to fly.
million or more, putting them in the
higher tax bracket, are saying the city’s
cultural offerings, which were long a
salve, no longer outweigh the benefits of
lower tax locations like Florida, Utah or
Texas, especially given the success of
                                             IMF forecasts stronger
remote working during the pandemic.
  The tax proposal, which seems likely
to pass, is the culmination of a battle
between progressive and moderate
                                             recovery for world economy
Democrats. Until recently New York           THE International Monetary Fund is           2022.                                         in income per person over the period 2020
Governor Andrew Cuomo resisted the           now forecasting a stronger economic            That mainly reflects up-rating to the       to 2022 are likely to be 20% for those
millionaires tax.                            recovery this year and next.                 forecast for developed economies,             countries, compared with a less severe
  The political dynamics have made              The IMF has upgraded both its UK and      especially the United States.                 but still large figure of 11% for the
the extensive lobbying efforts of            global forecasts compared with what it         In a blog on the forecasts, the IMF’s       developed world.
businesses and wealthy individuals all       projected in January.                        chief economist Gita Gopinath says a way        The report also says that gains in
but moot.                                       However, the British economy is still     out of the health and economic crisis is      poverty reduction have been reversed. It
  Large financial companies including        predicted to return to its pre-pandemic      increasingly visible. Vaccinations, she       says people counted as extremely poor
Goldman Sachs Group Inc, Virtu               level of activity only in late 2022.         writes, are likely to power recoveries in     are likely to have increased by 95 million
Financial Inc and hedge fund Elliott            The agency also warns that recoveries     many countries in 2021.                       last year, with a rise of 80 million in the
Management have already said they            are diverging dangerously within and           However, she is also concerned about        number who are undernourished.
are moving some staff out of New York.       between countries.                           how those recoveries are diverging.             The IMF says the divergences are
  Big companies will probably not               The new UK forecast is for growth of        Countries with slower vaccine rollouts,     occurring not just between but also
abandon their New York headquarters          5.3% this year and 5.1% in 2022. Both        more limited support from economic            within countries. Income inequality is
for tax reasons altogether, but some of      figures are upgrades, though the latter is   policy, and those more reliant on tourism     likely to increase as young people and
their staff and smaller firms, like hedge    only marginally higher than the January      are likely to do less well.                   those with relatively low levels of skills
funds that employ only dozens of             forecast.                                      The first two of these are particular       have been harder hit in both developed
people, might, sources said. “This is           The recovery follows last year’s          issues for developing countries. Many         and developing countries.
real,” one of the smaller fund managers      pandemic driven contraction of 9.9%          have less access to vaccines, and they also     Women have already been affected as
said. “This creates an overwhelming          which was the deepest of any of the G7       tend to find it more difficult to finance     they account for a large share of
incentive to move.”                          major developed economies.                   economic and health policy actions.           employment in some sectors, such as
  Last month, a group of business               Bringing in the two predicted recovery      Among emerging and developing               tourism, where there is a lot of personal
leaders, including those of JPMorgan         years, the UK’s performance over 2020 to     economies, China has already returned to      contact.
Chase & Co, Citigroup Inc and                2022 would be ahead of one of the G7         pre-pandemic levels of economic                 The pandemic has also had an impact
BlackRock Inc, took the unusual step of      countries, Italy.                            activity. However, many others in the         on workers whose jobs are vulnerable to
issuing a public letter warning that rich       The new global forecasts are growth of    group are not expected to do so until well    automation. That is a process that has
people would move out of New York if a       6% and 4.4% this year and next. Both         into 2023.                                    been accelerated as a result of the health
major tax increase came to fruition.         are upgrades, a fairly modest one for          The report says the cumulative losses       crisis.
COVAX VACCINES ARRIVE - PM clears the air on incident at Deacons Farm - NET
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