JAIR BOLSONARO PRESIDENT BRAZIL - Danish-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce - The Danish-Brazilian Chamber of ...

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JAIR BOLSONARO PRESIDENT BRAZIL - Danish-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce - The Danish-Brazilian Chamber of ...
Jan / Mai 2019

   Danish-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce

JAIR BOLSONARO PRESIDENT BRAZIL - Danish-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce - The Danish-Brazilian Chamber of ...
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JAIR BOLSONARO PRESIDENT BRAZIL - Danish-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce - The Danish-Brazilian Chamber of ...

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JAIR BOLSONARO PRESIDENT BRAZIL - Danish-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce - The Danish-Brazilian Chamber of ...
JAIR BOLSONARO PRESIDENT BRAZIL - Danish-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce - The Danish-Brazilian Chamber of ...
EDITORIAL                     Brazilian Review

        H.R.H. Princess Benedikte
                                                                       Brazil has a
                            8                                         new president
H.R.H. Princess Benedikte
                                                                      Jair Bolsonaro
Ambassador Nicolai Prytz                            12
Fernando Honorato, Bradesco                         14      Jair Bolsonaro was inaugurated on January 1st as president with
Mario Mesquita, Banco Itaú                          16      a cabinet of 22 ministers and his key objective are reforms. The
Luciano Sobral, Santander                           18      first priority is the “Previdência” reform and the final reform
Economical News                                     20      proposal will be presented by the end of January.
                                                            Brazilian public has many expectations to the new government
INFORMATION                                                 and we are all cautiously optimistic.
New President Jair Bolsonaro                         6      The Brazilian economy is slightly improving and the prediction
Brazil New Ministers                                10      is a growth of 2,5% with an inflation of 4,0%, a interest rate of
LEGO Bricks Workshop                                48      6,5% and the trade balance of 50,0-55,0 billion and unemploy-
Feira Escandinava 2018                              50      ment of 11,9%. But, Brazil badly needs the social and political
Chamber Christmas Lunch                             56      reforms.
Rio Activities                                      58      Denmark will have its elections latest June and it is most likely
Chamber Lunch - Banco Santander                     60      a change of government will take place but still everything can
Princess Benedikte Institute                        64      happen. The polls are still very close in regard to the red-blue
Danes living abroad                                 66      political groups. It is important to notice ISS will sell their opera-
Maibritt Wolthers Exibition, Santos                 68      tion in Brasil and Maersk Line and Damco have merged.
Herlufsholm - An extraordinary school               74      The Dansih-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce will be very active
Transparency International Corruption 2017          78      in 2019 with the following program.
Why brillant people sometimes do dumb things        80
                                                            Feb 14th - Ambassador Nikolaj Prytz
                                                            Mar 14th - Business Council Meeting - Novo Nordisk
ISS Strategy Update                                 24
Novo Nordisk                                        26      Mar 25th - General Assembly
Nordika                                             28      Apr 2nd    - IFU, Helle Bjerre
Vestas                                              30      May 8/9th - Thomas Bustrup - Danish Industry
Grundfos                                            32      May 27th - Jesper Rhode Andersen (Start-ups)
Ferring Phamaceuticals                              34      Jun 11th   - Mercuri Urval
Danfoss                                             36      Jul 4th
                                                                       - Chamber Prize 2019 - Gilberto Gil
Maersk Line - Damco                                 38      Sep 18th - Business Council
Nilfisk                                             40      Oct 9th    - Danish Investment Seminar
Hempel                                              42      Nov 19th - Octavio de Barros - Economist
LEGO - Ivonne Olivares                              44      Nov 29th - Christmas Party
Blue Water Shipping                                 46
SPORTS                                                      We wish all the members and friends a very successful 2019 with
Caroline Wozniacki wins China Open                  83      a growing economy and less unemployment and many new op-
Morten Soubak wins African Championship             84      portunities in the Brazilian Market.

                         32                                                              Jens Olesen
                     Juan Jose Garcia Chiesa                                               President

                     Brazil General Manager, Grundfos
JAIR BOLSONARO PRESIDENT BRAZIL - Danish-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce - The Danish-Brazilian Chamber of ...
Brazil New President 2019
        Jair Bolsonaro
        Brazil’s new president Jair Bolsonaro from       eration Car Wash. Lula was from the start of     ber 6, 2018, i.e. just under a month till the
        the Social Liberal Party (PSL) was elected af-   the election campaign the l candidate that       first-round election day on October 7, 2018,
        ter a second-round head-to-head election on      led big in all polls but after his fall to run   with a knife in the city of Juiz de Fora, Minas
        October 28, 2018 against the candidate from      it gave Bolsonaro (PSL)’s election campaign      Gerais, during his election campaign rally. It
        the Workers` Party (PT), Fernando Haddad.        a boost and it gave the Workers` Party (PT)      made Bolsonaro unable to continue his elec-
        The whole election campaign was marked           something to think about. They had to de-        tion campaign. There were no political de-
        by former Brazilian President Luiz Inácio        cide who should be their presidential candi-     bates on national Television or any political
        Lula da Silva (PT) trying to run for president   date so late in the political campaign. They     meetings between Bolsonaro and his politi-
        again, but he was denied this possibility        selected Fernando Haddad, former Minister        cal rival Haddad thought the rest of the elec-
        in August of 2018 by the Election Court, a       of Education in both Lula’s and Dilma’s gov-     tion campaign. Bolsonaro communicated a
        decision later upheld by the Supreme Court       ernment and former Mayor of Sao Paulo.           lot though social media with videos and text
        due to the 12-year and 1-month sentence for      The first round election was overshadowed        message from hospital and his home, where
        corruption that Lula got for his role in Op-     by Bolsonaro getting attacked, on Septem-        he was recovering.
                                                                                                          Even though neither Bolsonaro nor Haddad
                                                                                                          got over 50% of the votes in the first round
                                                                                                          it was clear that they would advance to
                                                                                                          the second-round election. So the election
                                                                                                          would be a battle between economic liber-
                                                                                                          alism/ social conservatism (Bolsonaro, PSL)
                                                                                                          against democratic socialism (Haddad, PT).
                                                                                                          In the second-round election campaign Bol-
                                                                                                          sonaro led all political polls over his rival
                                                                                                          candidate Haddad that in the last days be-
                                                                                                          fore election day got some momentum in his
                                                                                                          campaign. Despite Bolsonaro’s health prob-
                                                                                                          lems and the fact that he was not able to run
                                                                                                          a successful election campaign, the result of
                                                                                                          the second-round election was:

6   jul/sep 2014
JAIR BOLSONARO PRESIDENT BRAZIL - Danish-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce - The Danish-Brazilian Chamber of ...
• Jair Bolsonaro from the right-
    wing Social Liberal Party (PSL)
•   Fernando Haddad from the
    left-wing Workers` Party (PT)

Jair Bolsonaro will take office on January
1, 2019. The New President has not always
been in politics. Bolsonaro has a military
background as he served in the rank of
Captain from 1977-1988. He entered the
political scene in 1988 representing the
Christian Democratic Party (PDC) in the Rio
de Janeiro City Council. Later on, in 1990 he
was elected to the Lower Chamber of Con-
gress where he served for 27 years until 2018
where Bolsonaro leave the Christian Demo-
cratic Party (PDC) and joined the Social Lib-
eral Party (PSL) to become their Presidential
Candidate. A lot has been has been written
and said about Bolsonaro, and he is a per-
son that split the Brazilian people. The next
couple of months and further on will show
if he can gather the Brazilian people, make
the necessary reforms to push Brazil forward
both politically, socially and economically,
but also which way he will take Brazil on
both the domestic and international scene.


                                                jul/sep 2014   7
JAIR BOLSONARO PRESIDENT BRAZIL - Danish-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce - The Danish-Brazilian Chamber of ...
H.R.H. Princess Benedikte
celebrates her 75 years anniversary
                   On Monday 29th of April her H.R.H. Princess Benedikte will cel-
                   ebrate her 75 years anniversary in Copenhagen with many ac-
                   tivities and a special exhibition at Koldinghus Museum called
                   “A Princess of Her Time”. H.R.H. Princess Benedikte has been a
                   great supporter of Brazil and will inaugurate the Princess Bene-
                   dikte Institute in Curitiba on the 22nd – 23rd of October. H.R.H.
                   will spend one week in Brazil which include Sao Paulo, Curitiba
                   and Iguazu Falls. We all look forward to this special visit with
                   H.R.H. Princess Benedikte who will be accompanied by her “Lady
                   in Waiting” Mrs. Anne Dorthe Iuel and the Danish ambassador
                   Nicolai Prytz. The event which will be a special celebration of
                   HRH with Girls Scouts and a special inauguration of the Princess
                   Benedikte Institute in Curitiba which is H.R.H. first patronage
                   outside Denmark. This will be a very exciting time.
JAIR BOLSONARO PRESIDENT BRAZIL - Danish-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce - The Danish-Brazilian Chamber of ...
JAIR BOLSONARO PRESIDENT BRAZIL - Danish-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce - The Danish-Brazilian Chamber of ...
         New Ministers
                                                                                   Hamilton Mourao, Vice President

                             Jair Bolsonaro, President                     Onyx Lorenzoni                Gustavo Bebianno
                                                                            Chief of staff            Secretary-General of the

                    Paulo Guedes                  Augusto Heleno            Marcos Pontes                  Dr. Sergio Moro
                      Economy                  Institutional Security   Science and Technology       Justice and Public Security
10   apr/jul 2015
Tereza Cristina       Fernando Azevedo e Silva       Ernesto Araujo          Roberto Campos Neto
      Agriculture                Defence                 Foreign Affairs     President of the Central Bank

    Wagner Rosario        Luiz Henrique Mandetta      Andre Luiz Mendonca      Ricardo Velez Rodriguez
  Controlling-General             Health                Attorney General              Education
     of the Union

     Carlos Alberto       Tarcisio Gomes de Freitas      Gustavo Canuto              Osmar Terra
    dos Santos Cruz             Infrastructure        Regional Development           Citizenship
Secretary of Government

Marcelo Alvaro Antonio       Bento Costa Lima           Damares Alves          Ricardo de Aquino Salles
       Tourism               Mines and Energy          Women, Family and             Environment
                                                         Human Rights                        apr/jul 2015    11
Trust - A Danish Resource
To put it very bluntly, I believe that trust is much more than an emotion.
I would even argue that the success of any given society largely depends
on the level of trust between its citizens, including institutions.
I believe that Denmark and Danes are living proof of this hypothesis.
As newly arrived ambassador to Brazil, I feel it is
pertinent – and timely - to highlight this particular
                                                             Several global surveys (e.g. World Value
Danish characteristic with the humble hope that it can Survey) point to Denmark as the country
                                                             with the highest level of trust between
serve as an inspiration.                                     its citizens. In short, this means that the
                                                                       general mind-set of the average Dane – by
                                                                       default - is characterized by an assumption
                                                                       that people they have never met before
                                                                       are honest and reliable. It is important to
                                                                       highlight that this also extends to trust in
                                                                       Danish institutions, like the government,
                                                                       the public administration, the police, the
                                                                       judiciary, the health services, etc.
                                                                       This is obviously something we feel very
                                                                       good about, but it is also something that
                                                                       has a tremendously positive impact on our
                                                                       society – both socially and economically.
                                                                       Let me come with a few examples.
                                                                       Trust is simply a fundamental prerequisite
                                                                       for the Danish welfare state, which is key
                                                                       to Denmark being one of the most equali-
                                                                       tarian countries in the world and with the
                                                                       highest level of social cohesion. The wel-
                                                                       fare state is largely financed by income
                                                                       taxes and Denmark therefore has one of
                                                                       the highest tax levels in the world. Yet, tax
                                                                       evasion levels are very low. This is not just
                                                                       due to control systems, but simply because
                                                                       Danes feel good about contributing, as
                                                                       they trust that fellow citizens will do the
                                                                       same and that the government will put
                                                                       those contributions to good use in a way
                                                                       that will benefit the society. Obviously, this
                                                                       is also closely linked to the fact that Den-
                                                                       mark has the lowest corruption level in the
                                                                       world when it comes to public administra-
                                                                       tion, enabling efficient use of resources.
                                                                       The high level of trust also has a significant
                                                                       impact when it comes to business life. For
                                                                       example, much research regarding the high
                                                                       level of productivity in Denmark points to
                                                                       trust as a vital component. The result of a
                                                                       trusting population is that economic activ-
                                                                       ity can take place in more cost-efficient
                                                                       ways as less cumbersome procedures are
                                                                       needed in order to generate the level of
                                                                       confidence that efficient business relations
                                                                       require. Another manifestation of this is a
                                                                       very business friendly public sector - one of

                                                                     A Danish self-service roadside
                                                                     stand with farmer’s produce
                                                                                                        von Bülow
                                                                                                        is celebrating
                                                                                                        100 years
                                                                                                        Virginia von Bülow is celebrating her 100
The launch of the publication on the past three years of Strategic Sector Cooperation                   years birthday on January the 9th. Virginia
         between Brazil and Denmark at the 4th Innovation Week in Brasília                              von Bülow was married to Consul General
                                                                                                        Adam von Bülow who was a prominent
     the main explanations for Denmark’s glob-         One example of this is the Danish-Brazilian      Dane in the Danish colony for many genera-
     al leading position when it comes to the          governments’ joint Strategic Sector Coop-        tions and also the Chairman of the Danish-
     World Bank’s survey on the Ease of Doing          eration on Digitalization and Innovation of      Brazilian Chamber of Commerce for many
     Business Index.                                   the Public Sector. Denmark has the world’s       years. We congratulate Virginia on the very
     When visiting Denmark, you will notice            most digitalized public sector and our ex-       special day and wish her all the happiness
     other – more curious - manifestations of          perience in this area is very useful as digi-    and success in the future.
     trust throughout various aspects of Danish        talization is an effective tool in combating                                             JOL
     society. To name a few, if you go for a drive     corruption and increasing transparency
     outside of major cities chances are you will      – aside from increasing productivity and
     stumble upon unmanned stands with farm-           the service level in the public sector in Bra-
     er’s produce and jars with the text “insert       zil. This cooperation has been extremely
     money”. If, on the other hand, you catch          fruitful and last year led to the creation of
     the metro in Copenhagen you will see that         GNova (www.gnova.enap.gov.br) under
     – contrary to most countries – there are no       the National School for Public Administra-
     turnstiles leading down to the platforms. We      tion, which is basically a lab that pushes for
     trust citizens to pay their fair share because    digitalization and innovation in the Brazil-
     the majority of people do pay their fair share.   ian public sector.
     Altogether, we have good reasons to be            The theme of trust is also a key compo-
     proud of the high level of trust in Denmark.      nent in our joint Nordic efforts in Brazil –
     It should therefore come as no surprise           in particular within the Nordic Dialogues.
     that exactly the aspect of trust has found        Throughout 2019, we will continue work-
     its way into several of the areas of coopera-     ing with our fellow Nordic countries on
     tion we have with Brazil.                         sharing Nordic values with Brazil. While
                                                       continuing our work on gender equality
                                                       we will share Nordic perspectives on trust
                                                       between institutions and individuals. I
                                                       find this a particularly important theme
                                                       given recent circumstances in Brazil and
                                                       I am happy to announce that this year
                                                       we have partnered up with Transparency
                                                       International in Brazil among others. By
                                                       sharing Nordic experiences with trans-
                                                       parency, civic engagement and proximity
                                                       between citizens and decision makers, we
                                                       would like to demonstrate ways to trans-
                                                       form political distrust into active citizen-
                                                       ship and effective democracy.

                                                                        Ambassador Nicolai Prytz

                                                       Ambassador Nicolai Prytz
An economic agenda for an
increasingly volatile world
   It is still uncertain which economic     order of 10.5%, it is around 6.5%         of doubt as to the payment of public
agenda will prevail in Brazil during        in other emerging economies. With         debt is removed, which allows artifi-
the coming year, but it is possible to      lower public spending relative to         cially low interest rates a chance of
trace some possible consequences for        the GDP, the private sector will gain     reducing debt through inflation. Less
the economic scenario if the broad          prominence in the economy.                volatile interest rates and lower risk
outlines of what has been proposed             Meeting the spending ceiling will      premium help lengthen investment
materialize. It is worth discussing four    not be easy and will require reforms,     horizons, favor business activity and
dimensions of the likely agenda: (1) a      including within social security and      job creation, and contribute towards
public spending ceiling; (2) indepen-       pensions. These reforms will have         lower currency volatility.
dence of the Central Bank; (3) trade        to meet the actuarial objectives and         As for trade liberalization, the start-
liberalization and (4) tax reforms.         short-term fiscal challenges, as well     ing point should be acknowledging
   Maintaining the spending ceiling         as the maintenance of basic public        that Brazil is one of the world’s most
will make it possible to reduce public      services traditionally rendered by the    closed countries when it comes to
debt over time and, if well-executed        State. But the ceiling is feasible con-   trade. Exports and imports are small
alongside further reforms, this mea-        sidering the reforms and the built-in     in terms of the GDP, the importation
sure could reduce the austerity of the      restraints to expenses already pres-      tax rates are higher than those of our
public budget. The main expected ef-        ent in law.                               peers, and non-trade barriers also
fect over time is a fall in the long-term      In regard to independence of the       surpass the global average. Studies
interest rate. One of the reasons why       Central Bank, international experi-       show that a gradual trade liberaliza-
Brazil has not been able to reduce in-      ence shows that this yields positive      tion – one which would make Brazil
terest rates to date is the size of its     effects on inflation, expectations, and   merge tariffs to OECD levels and give
public debt. With a possible reduc-         risk. In general, the chance of undo-     the industry ample time to adjust
tion, convergence of interest rates to      ing inflation expectations is reduced.    - could lead to a general fall in the
the average rate level seen in other        Thus, inflation and interest rate vola-   price level of up to 5.0% and growth
emerging countries might happen:            tility decrease. In addition, the risk    acceleration spurred especially by
while a 10-year rate in Brazil is in the    premium gives way because a source        higher productivity.
A country more open to trade also         preciation of the exchange rate also      tested through the natural challenges
tends to have lower exchange rate            contribute towards recovery even if       of the proceedings or if the employ-
volatility since shocks adjustments          they do not determine it. The Selic       ment rate and GDP response is slower
are faster and balancing the exter-          rate will be strained on two fronts in    than expected.
nal accounts with less intense ex-           a scenario like this. On the one hand,       Finally, it is worth mentioning that
change rate variations becomes fea-          greater growth will lead to increased     the international environment is
sible. Lower currency volatility favors      inflationary pressure and risks of        much less tolerant of issues in emerg-
the business environment as well as          price transfers. On the other hand, a     ing economies nowadays, and hesita-
investments with long maturities             stronger exchange rate will halt infla-   tion in implementing reforms has led
whose currency risk component is             tion somewhat.                            to increased volatility in emerging
relevant as it is within infrastructure.        In the medium term, it will be pos-    countries. This will also hold true in
Finally, a country that is more open to      sible to see a fall in the structural     2019. By implementing reforms, Bra-
trade tends to have more stable do-          interest rate, with chances of expan-     zil would have an interesting oppor-
mestic prices because excess demand          sion of credit and investments into       tunity to differentiate itself from its
or imbalances quickly spill abroad           infrastructure. Interest rates and in-    peers and navigate in this more un-
and prices are adjusted accordingly.         flation may converge to the average       certain global environment in a much
This reduces the risk of inflation and       of emerging countries over time. In       smoother way, thereby increasing in-
volatility of interest rates and prices,     addition, Brazil may return to a me-      vestments and business opportunities
and thus helps to enforce the effects        dium-term horizon investment grade        in all sectors of the economy.
of the dimensions of a spending ceil-        through an upgrade within the next
ing and independence of the Central          18 months if the pension reform bill                        Fernando Honorato
Bank.                                        and Central Bank independence bill                  Chief Economist - Bradesco
   As for a tax reform, its impact will be   are approved. Job creation, income
determined by the actual design and          increases and the GDP will likely be
details to a much larger extent than         boosted, and it may be possible to
the models employed for the other di-        see growth rates between 3.0% and
mensions. But in general terms, if the       3.5% in the coming years if there are
reform is revenue neutral - a funda-         productivity gains in the economy.
mental requirement for the balance of           What are the risks of this scenario?
public accounts - there are still gains      Firstly, the basic question is whether
to be derived from simplification.           the agenda adopted will really be the
Studies indicate that the country’s          one outlined here. We are still wait-
per capita income can increase by as         ing for the details and confirmation of
much as USD 2,300 through stream-            the broad outlines. Secondly, the ca-
lining payment of taxes to standards         pability of political enforcement in
observed in the OECD.                        Congress will be as important as
   There are potential short and me-         the economic agenda itself. The
dium term benefits if this agenda            faith in the agenda might be
moves forward. In the short term, in-
vestment and consumption are damp-
ened, the economy idle, inflation and
interest rates are low, companies
and households less leveraged, thus,
the economy is in a cyclical position,
which is favorable for faster GDP
growth, job creation, and higher in-
come levels. The improvements to the
financial conditions in recent weeks,
such as the drop in interest rates, the
rise in the stock market, the lowering
of the country risk factor, and the ap-                    Fernando Honorato
                                                  Chief Economist at Bradesco
A new normal
for the Selic rate
   The U.S. central bank, the Fed, is driving     also at historically-low levels. Monetary au-
the monetary policy rate to a near-neutral        thorities have expressed in documents that
level (i.e., consistent with a real level of      they are in the territory of “stimulating mon-      Estimates by Itaú economists indicate
interest rate that would keep growth in           etary policy, i.e., interest rates below the     that, with potential GDP growth of 1.5%-
line with potential, thus not accelerating        structural rate.” Nevertheless, we have not      2.0% and the real interest rate at 4.5% to
or decelerating inflation), according to its      seen a pickup in domestic demand.                stabilize output, the real neutral interest
governors. The nominal short-term rate is            Indeed, despite some decompression in         rate would range from 2.5% to 3%. Thus,
now 2.25% p.a. In 1990-2007, its average          recent weeks, broader financial conditions       and assuming 2019 inflation expectations
was 4.36% p.a., and it was below the cur-         — as set by longer-term market interest          around 4.1% and the current Selic rate at
rent level just 16% of the time.                  rates and asset prices — have been less          6.5% (implying a real rate between 2.3%
   Such simple empirical observation as           expansive than the short-term rate sug-          and 3.10% p.a., depending on the nomi-
well as sophisticated studies suggest that        gests, curtailing the response in terms of       nal rate used), its level would range from
the “neutral rate” has declined in the U.S.       economic activity. It is reasonable to as-       neutral to moderately expansive. If infla-
and other mature economies since the 2008         sume that uncertainties about the reform         tion expectations enter a downward path,
crisis. The real neutral interest rate — con-     agenda, notably fiscal reforms, also delay       monetary policy adjustment may become
sidering the U.S., U.K., Canada and the eu-       the recovery in investments and overall          necessary to prevent monetary stimuli from
rozone — fell from 2.4% p.a. to 0.7% p.a.         economic activity. Even with these caveats,      being withdrawn too quickly.
between 2007 and 2016 (data taken from the        the combination of modest growth and low            But the preceding analysis loses rel-
paper by Holston, Laubach and Williams).          inflation fueled a debate about the neutral      evance if the country fails in its fiscal ad-
   In Brazil’s case, since March the bench-       interest rate in Brazil. Are we also facing a    justment effort, whose central element is
mark Selic interest rate has been at its lowest   new normal for the Selic rate?                   the pension reform. If it is not approved
nominal level and the short-term real inter-         There are reasons to believe that this is     in a timely manner, the market’s patience
est rate has ranged from 2.1% to 2.7% (ac-        the case. First, if the global interest rate     with Brazil’s chronic fiscal imbalance (the
cording to expectations in the Focus survey),     environment changed, the Brazilian econ-         budget deficit equals 7.1% of GDP) will be
                                                  omy is impacted. Domestically, a combi-          tested, probably triggering a flight toward
                                                  nation of factors may also be in play. The       real assets, FX depreciation, and increases
                                                  bancarization process since 2004, when           in actual and expected inflation. If the fis-
                                                  credit expanded from 25.5% to 47.1% of           cal adjustment fails, Brazil will not become
                                                  GDP, tends to increase the firepower of          a new Greece, but the old Brazil, plagued
                                                  monetary policy (not only through credit’s       with inflation.
                                                  higher relative importance but also thanks          In a nutshell, while the debate about a
                                                  to greater sensitivity of potential borrow-      new normal level for the benchmark inter-
                                                  ers to changes in credit costs).                 est rate in Brazil seems valid, given the
                                                     The effects of this process on the neutral    recent economic performance and certain
                                                  Selic rate seem to have been partially neu-      structural changes, room for additional
                                                  tralized by fiscal and quasi-fiscal expansion    monetary policy easing seems minimal,
                                                  since 2009. More recently, the introduction      unless there is a new round of declines in
                                                  of a new regime to price loans granted by        inflation expectations. And of course, the
                                                  development bank BNDES (which peaked             outlook for a new and lower level for the
                                                  at 11.3% of GDP), with the creation of the       neutral interest rate vanishes completely
                                                   Long-Term Rate (TLP), points to substan-        if the fiscal adjustment proves to be again
                                                      tial reduction in segmentation in the        politically unfeasible.
                                                        credit market, allowing subsidized
                                                         credit to become less important.                                  Mario Mesquita
                                                                                                            Chief Economist - Itaú Unibanco

                                                        Chief Economist
                                                        Mario Mesquita
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A year in the
           sweet spot
  After a long period of economic adjust-         For that optimistic scenario to unfold,           Inflation and monetary
ment, Brazil may be on the verge of a stron-   however, we need to assume relative sta-
ger cyclical recovery in economic growth.      bility in financial markets, which will de-          policy - smooth sailing
As the country has been slowly coming out      pend on external conditions and on how in-
of a deep recession, economic slack should     vestors assess Brazil’s debt sustainability.        The recent dynamics of inflation suggest
help to contain inflationary pressures al-     Despite recent efforts to achieve fiscal con-    that economic slack continues to be a ma-
lowing the Central Bank to maintain over-      solidation, the time bomb of social security     jor disinflationary force in Brazil. Yearly core
night rates at historical lows. This should    still needs to be dismantled – a task that       inflation slowed to 2.8% from 3.2% in 2018,
provide a temporary “sweet spot” for           the newly elected government will have to        with an even steeper decline in service
corporate profits – even more so consider-     prove it can accomplish.                         prices. Moreover, the behavior of tradable
ing the substantial deleveraging that took                                                      prices suggests to us that the exchange rate
place over the past three years.                                                                pass-through has been remarkably low, also
                                                    Economic activity -                         probably because of the still weak econo-
                                                 finally a cyclical recovery                    my leading to diminished pricing power of
                                                                                                importers. Under our hypotheses of a rela-
                                                 The surge in confidence indicators after       tively stable exchange rate and persistently
                                               the results of the October elections, the        negative output gap, we see 2019 year-end
                                               widening scope of the economic recovery          inflation at 3.7% y/y. With the prospect of
                                               as shown in high frequency indicators,           another year of inflation below the target
                                               and the prospect of low interest rates for       midpoint, we believe that the Central Bank
                                               some time into the future have led us to         will keep its benchmark overnight rate at
                                               anticipate an accelerating rate of GDP           6.5% for all of next year.
                                               growth from 2019. The disappointment of
                                               2018 is, in our view, more related to exter-         External accounts and
                                               nal shocks (such as the truckers’ strike in
                                               May) than to underlying economic weak-             FX - deteriorating current
                                                nesses. The two pillars for a household            account, still strong FDI
                                                    consumption-based recovery are, in
                                                      our view, still quite solid: a recover-      An accelerating economic recovery based
                                                       ing job market and growing credit        on domestic demand should imply deterio-
                                                        concessions.                            ration in external accounts. We believe im-
                                                            We forecast GDP growth at           ports will rise strongly for the third straight
                                                         3.0% in 2019. We expect private        year, up 13% from 2018. With that, the cur-
                                                          consumption to contribute about       rent account deficit should double 1.6% of
                                                           two thirds of headline growth,       GDP. On the other hand, we expect another
                                                            with the remaining one third        strong year for foreign direct investment,
                                                            coming from investment.             with USD 82 billion inflows in 2019.
                                                                                                   We believe that the external environment
                                                                                                and its impact on portfolio inflows will be the
                                                             Luciano Sobral                     main drivers for the BRL. The combination of
                                                             Santander Brazil                   a challenging global environment and rela-
tively low interest rate differentials should   solve the growing spending problem – it            Despite the failed attempt of the current
keep the BRL on a weakening path, with the      could even aggravate it, since, especially      government to pass reform through Con-
excess FDI and a strong international reserve   at the subnational level, one-off revenue is    gress, the effort brought the discussion to
position acting to prevent a stronger and       often treated as permanent and converted        the forefront of any discussion about the
sharper depreciation. We forecast the BRL/      to recurrent spending.                          country’s economic outlook. Although this
USD rate at 4.00 the end of 2019.                  The spending cap also makes explicit         kind of reform is inherently difficult to ap-
                                                the limitations of this “balance sheet ap-      prove, we believe that the newly elected
                                                proach,” as the government risks a shut-        government could succeed if it presents a
   Fiscal accounts - Brazil’s                   down if it does not limit spending growth       feasible reform and makes that its top pri-
      main vulnerability                        to past inflation. The law will force the new   ority early in its term.
                                                government to make hard decisions, either          Execution risks are far from negligible,
   Brazil’s fiscal accounts will continue to    fighting in Congress to remove earmarks         but we believe the next government will
be the main point of concern among the          from spending to allow for cuts or having to    come from a good starting point and will
main macro variables. Despite recent ef-        deal with the consequences (such as freezes     have significant incentives to complete
forts that stabilized the structural primary    on hiring and wage increases for public ser-    reforms that would support a strong cycli-
deficit and eliminated future contributors      vants) of breaching the spending limits.        cal recovery. We believe that removing the
to the deficit (such as subsidized loans                                                        risk of fiscal insolvency would be likely to
                                                                                                unleash investment decisions that should
through BNDES), debt/GDP should con-             Where economics meets                          contribute to higher growth under stable
tinue on an upward trajectory, even taking
into account the expected effects of the ap-    politics - the reform agenda                    market conditions, a powerful motivator
proval of pension reform. A 1.5% primary                                                        to anyone considering running for reelec-
surplus is required to stabilize the debt/         We subscribe to the view that pension        tion in the next electoral cycle. Rationality
GDP ratio, which means that a large fiscal      reform is a necessary step for Brazil to        will not be the only force in play in this
effort is still necessary.                      achieve debt sustainability. Without a pen-     process, but we believe it will be a strong
   In the short term, part of this adjust-      sion reform that substantially increases the    enough factor to justify our reasonably
ment can continue to be done relying on         average retirement age, any fiscal effort       bullish outlook.
privatizations and concessions. This strat-     would eventually be undermined by a rapid
egy, however, has limitations: it depends       demographic transition that would require                                    Luciano Sobral
on Congress’s approval, it taps a limited       unrealistic productivity gains to keep the                                 Santander Brazil
supply of assets, and of course, it does not    system solvent.

        AT FERRING,
        WE BELIEVE
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                                                        PEOPLE COME FIRST AT
Tax Bureaucracy
                                                                Brazil has fallen two positions in the World Bank’s Doing Business ranking, which
                                                                measures the impact of regulation and bureaucracy on business operations

                                                                                     Ranking                                   Number of hours per year
                                                                				                                                                         Time spent on paying taxes
             The leaders of the                                 1st                      New Zealand                   1st          Brazil                      1.958
           ranking of commercial                                2nd                      Singapore                     2nd          Bolivia                       1.025
          opening and five others                               3rd                      Denmark                       3th          Libya                          889
             selected countries                                 46th                     China                         4th          Venezuela                      792
                       ( in points, from 0 to 100 )
                                                                54th                     Mexico                        5th          Chad                           766
                                                                64th                     Puerto Rico                   6th          Ecuador                        664
           1st          Singapore                      88,5
                                                                65th                     Colombia                      7th          Gabon                          632
           2nd          Hong Kong                      84,5
                                                                67th                     Costa Ricaa                   8th          Cameroon                       624
           3rd          New Zealand                    81,5
           4th          Australia                      80,7
                                                                109th                    Brazil                        9th          Congo                          602
                                                                                                 Source: Doing Business 2018/Banco Mundial
           5th          Chile                          76,5
           9th          USA                            71,4
           12nd         Germany                        70,8            World Gross Domestic Product GPD Ranking 2018
           93    th
                        China                          57,3
           109    th
                        Argentina                      55,0     1st        India                            7.5%         23rd        Spain                       2.5%
           118    th
                        Brazil                         52,8     2nd        China                            6.5%         24 th       Austria                      2.4%
                       Source: World Economic Forum             3rd        Philippines                      6.1%         25th        Holland                      2.4%
                                                                           Indonesia                        5.2%         26   th
                                                                                                                                     Switzerland                  2.4%
                                                                           Poland                           5.1%         27   th
                                                                                                                                     Taiwan                      2.3%
                        United Nations
                                                                           Latvia                           4.8%         28   th
                                                                                                                                     Czech Republic              2.3%
                                                                7th        Hungary                          4.8%         28th        Peru                        2.3%
                       Programme Rank                           8th        Slovakia                         4.6%         30th        Singapore                   2.2%
                                                                           Malaysia                         4.4%         31   st
                                                                                                                                     Finland                     2.2%
          1             Noruega                       0,953
                                                                10   th
                                                                           Romania                          4.3%         32   nd
                                                                                                                                     Lithuania                   2.2%
          2             Suiça                         0,944
                                                                11  st
                                                                           Cyprus                           3.6%         33   rd
                                                                                                                                     Portugal                    2.2%
          3             Austrália                     0,939
                                                                12nd       Thailand                         3.3%         34th        South Korea                 2.0%
          4             Irlanda                       0,938     13rd       Israel                           3.1%         35th        Belgium                     1.7%
          5             Alemanha                      0,936		   14   th
                                                                           USA                              3.0%         36   th
                                                                                                                                     Sweden                       1.6%
          11            Denmark                   0,929         15   th
                                                                           Bulgaria                         3.0%         37  th
                                                                                                                                     UK                           1.5%
          79            Brazil                    0,759         16th       Hong Kong                        2.9%         38th        France                       1.5%
          185           Burundi                       0,417     17th       Croacia                          2.8%         39th Brazil                             1.3%
          186           Niger                         0,354     18th       Ukraine                          2.8%         40th        Russia                       1.3%
          187           Rep. Central Africana         0,367     19   th
                                                                           Chile                            2.8%         41   st
                                                                                                                                     Germany                      1.2%
          188           Sudão do Sul                  0,388     20    th
                                                                           Mexico                           2.6%         42    nd
                                                                                                                                     Norway                      1.1%
          189           Chade                         0,404     21st       Tunisia                          2.6%         43rd        Italy                       0.8%

              Fonte: Programa das Nações Unidas para            22nd       Colombia                         2.6%         44th Denmark                           0.8%
                     Desenvolvimento Humano                                                                   Source: Estadão

20   jul/sep 2009
Lei Rouanet
 Lei Rouanet as it is known law 8.313/91, that establishes the National Program for Culture Support (Pronac), is today the main
 mechanism to enhance culture in Brazil
                                                              In 27 years                                    Total impact
                In 2018
                                                Quanto cada área injetou na economia                          R$ 49,8 billion
Released amount of R$ 946 million of
injected in the economy *                                                           Billion reais
		                        Million reais                                                                       R$ 18,5 billion
                                                Cultural heritage (museum sector)           12,1
                                                                                                                     Direct impact
                                                Scenic Arts                                 11,8                   (referring to the
JAN		                                   27,9
                                                Music		                                     10,4                  productive chain)
FEB		                                   29,2
                                                Visual Arts, Audiovisual and Humanities      5,0
MAR		                                   42,7                                                                      R$ 31,2 billion
APR		                                   34,8    To each R$ invested, R$ 1,59 goes back to                   Direct economic impact
MAI		                                   48,1    the society*                                                    (referring to the
JUN		                                   60,2                                                                  total sponsorships)
JUL		                                   54,3               53.368 THOUSAND
AUG		                                   76,2              CULTURAL PROJECTS
SEP		                                   74,0
OCT		                                   66,1                      Legal Security, Bureaucracy and
NOV		                                   84,7                        Working Relations Ranking
DEC		                                  347,6
                                                                     Performance of each country in a 0 to 10 scale

           Taxes Burden                          CANADA		9,1
                                                 AUSTRALIA                                                                             7,9
OCDE ranking of the charged aliquot by
                                                 SOUTH KORES                                                                          7,7
country over the companies’ profit
                                                 CHILE                                                                                7,7
France                                  34,4     SPAIN                                                                          7,0
Brazil*                                34,0      POLAND                                                                         7,0
Portugal                                 31,5    THAILANDI                                                                  6,8
Mexico                                  30,0     CHINA                                                                    6,5
Germany                                 29,8     TURKEY                                                                  6,4
Japan                                   29,7     RUSSIA                                                              6,2
Greece                                  29,0     INDIA                                                              6,1
New Zealand                             28,0     MEXICO                                                             6,1
South Korea                              27,5    COLOMBIA                                                          6,0
Luxemburg                               26,0     INDONESIA                                                         6,0
USA                                     25,8     PERU                                                              5,9
Holland                                 25,0     SOUTH AFRICA                                               5,3
Spain                                   25,0     ARGENTINA                                            4,4
Italy                                   24,0     BRAZIL                                               4,4
Average of all OCDE countries           23,8
                                                                                      Source: CNI (2018)
*Brazil is still not part of the OCDE, but is
applying to a vacant seat to be part of the
The OCDE countries are those that mostly
charge companies, Brasil, however
will surpass all of them with the taxes
reduction in France.
               Source: OCDE                                                                                                             jul/sep 2009   21
Best average                                            High trend
              Percepcion of society                          profitability in 2018                         Women continue to be minority in
               about the teachers                                                                          parliaments, although their presence is
                                                       Ibovespa                                   15,03    growing at a record pace in the USA and
                                                       IPCA Treasure                              12,31    Brasil
         The index is based in a scale of 0 to 100
         and takes into consideration, respect,        Prefixed Treasure                           11,49   USA                                    23,7%
         salary ad attractiveness.                     RDB                                        10,31    Mexico                                 48,4%
                                                       Stock Funds                                 8,27    Argentina                              39,5%
                                                                                                           France                                 35,7%
         China                                  100    Robot Funds                                 8,09
                                                                                                           Germany                                31,4%
         Malaysia                               90     Average banks CDB                            7,27   United Kingdom                         28,9%
         Taiwan                                 70     Multi Stratefy Funds                         7,18   Chile                                  22,7%
         Russia                                 65     LCA and LCI                                 7,09    Brazil                                14,9%
         Indonesia                              62
                                                       Fixed Funds                                 6,51               Source: Veja São Paulo
         Korea                                  61
                                                       Selic Treasure                               6,13
         Turkey                                 61
         India                                  58
                                                       Major Banks CDB                             5,33                 Lost Future
         New Zealand                              57                                                       Countries where most
                                                       NOTE: It were considered available
         Singapore                              50     investments to individuals during 2018              child marriages take place
         Canada                                 49     through online investment platforms, with
                                                       liquidity within six months (D < 180). The          India                              15,5 million
         Greece                                 45
                                                       mapped funds were those the open to                 Bangladesh                          4,4 million
         UK                                     44
                                                       retail, with minimum investment value of            Nigeria                             3,5 million
         Switzerland                            42     up to £ $50000.                                     Brazil                        3,0 million
         Panama                                 40                                                         Ethiopia                            2,1 million
                                                                         Source: YUBB
         USA                                    39                                                                      Source: Unicef 2017
         Finland                                38            Report shows
         Japan                                  38
                                                          variation of medicine                                 Exports from Brazil
         Egypt                                  33
         France                                 33         consumption across                                    to Arab countries
         Germany                                32              countries                                     from January to July, in millions US$
         Chile                                  32      Daily doses consumed per 100                        Saudi Arabia                        1.016,30
         Portugal                               30      thousand people                                     Arab Emirates                          893,9
         Holland                                30
                                                                                                            Egypt                                  867,0
         Peru                                   27
                                                        Mongolia                                 64,41      Algeria                                510,3
         Colombia                               25                                                          Oman                                   301,4
                                                        Turkey                                    38,18
         Spain                                  25                                                          Marocco                                254,2
         Uganda                                 23      France                                   25,92
                                                                                                            Iraq                                    207,1
         Hungary                                22      Brazil                                   22,75      Bahrain                                 197,0
         Czech Republic                         22      England                                  20,47      Tunisia                                173,3
         Argentina                              21      Denmark                                  17,84      Lebanon                                110,3
         Gana                                     19                                                        Yemen                                  101,5
                                                        Canada                                    17,05
         Italy                                  16                                                          Jordan                                   95,5
                                                        Japan                                     14,18
         Israel                                   8                                                         Kuwait                                   94,6
                                                        Germany                                   11,49     Qatar                                    92,3
         Brazil                                   2
                                                        Peru                                      10,26     Libya                                    74,1
                     Fonte: Varney Foundation                                                               Somalia                                  36,7
                                                                  Source: Infográfico/ Estadão
                                                                                                            Mauritania                               34,1
                                                                                                            Syria                                    30,7
                                                                                                            Djibouti                                 16,6
                                                                                                            Palestine                                 9,8
                                                                                                            Sudan                                     5,6
                                                                                                            Comoros Islands                           1,1
                                                                                                            Source: Arab-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce
22   jul/sep 2009
Americans lead the raking for job application in Brazil
                                Authorizations for permanent jobs                                                   Main nationalities by
                                                                                                                     number of people
           267                       248                      268                          223
                                                                                                           USA                                     5.098
        1st quarter              2nd quarter              3rd quarter                   4th quarter
                                                                                                           PHILIPPINES                             2.127
                                Authorizations for temporary jobs
                                                                                                           UNITED KINGDOM                          1.827
                                                                                                           CHINA                                   1.606

          6.432                                               8.476                                        INDIA                                   1.459
                                     5.566                                                5.463
                                                                                                           FRANCE                                  1.424
        1st quarter              2nd quarter              3rd quarter                   4th quarter        ITALY                                   1.220
                                                                 Source: OBMIGRA - TEM

      Companies and                                                                                                      Diseases
  foreigners who own or                                          Interest rate
                                                                                                          Disease                 % population
    rent lands in Brazil                             Percentage per year                                  Arterial hypertension           52,2
                                                                                                          Spinal problems                 40,8
         Origin of the foreigners in the             Argentina 		                                 14,52   High cholesterol                30,5
                  federation units                   Turkey                       5,36                    Cataract                        24,9
Portugal                                       27    Mexico                      4,55                     Arthritis or rheumatism         21,0
                                                                                                          Depression                      18,6
Japan                                          18    Russia                     4,27
                                                                                                          Parkinson                       16,5
Spain                                          16    Indonesia                  3,95                      Diabet                          15,8
Germany                                        14    Brazil                2,83                           Osteoporosis                    15,8
Italy                                          13    India                 2,58                           Heart problem                   11,7
USA                                            11                                                         Glaucoma                         8,4
                                                     South Africa        1,62
China                                          9                                                          Emphysema, chronic bronchitis    6,0
                                                     Malasia             1,48                             Stroke                           5,3
Argentina                                      8
                                                     Philippines         1,01                             Cancer                           5,3
Holland                                        8                                                          Asthma                           4,9
                                                              Source: INFOGRÁFICO/ESTADÃO
Lebanon                                        7                                                          Renal insufficiency              4,5
Chile                                          5                                                          Diabetic retinopathy              1,9
France                                         5                                                          Macular degeneration              1,5
England                                        4
                                                      Countries with better                               Alzheimer                        0,8
Paraguay                                       3      conditions for reading                                          Source: ELSI/ Brazil
Switzerland                                    3             practice
Uruguay                                        3
                                                                                                                   Killing Animals
Bolivia                                        2    Scandinavian countries appear ahaed.
Austria                                        1                                                           Annual death trigged by species
Canada                                         1    1st        Finland
                                                                                                           Shark                                     10
Peru                                           1    2nd        Norway
                                                                                                           Wolf                                      10
Poland                                         1    3rd        Iceland
                                                                                                           Lion                                     100
                                                    4th        Denmark                                     Crocodilo                              1.000
              Developed activities                  5th        Sweden                                      Roundworm                              2.500
Livestock                                      25   6th        Switzerland                                 Schistosoma                           10.000
Agriculture                                    14   7th        USA                                         Tse tse fly                           10.000
Reforestation                                  11   8th        Germany                                     Canine rabies                         25.000
Mining                                         6    9th        Latvia                                      Snake                                 50.000
Industry                                       2    10th       Holland                                     Human (violent deaths)               475.000
Dam                                            2    43th       Brazil                                      Mosquitos                            725.000
            Source: Infográfico/ Estadão            Source: Universidade Estadual Center Connecticut                     Source: Estadão
                                                                                                                                             jul/sep 2009   23
ISS - Strategy Update
                  ISS to increase organic growth to 4-6% per annum
                    by accelerating its Key Account transformation
ISS (ISS.CO, ISS DC, ISSDY), a leading         • Operations in 13 countries            • These divestments will
global provider of facility services, today        will be divested – Thailand,          significantly simplify the
announced its ambition to increase or-             Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei,        business, reducing complexity
ganic growth to 4-6% per annum by ac-              Brazil, Chile, Israel, Estonia,       and risk. Upon completion,
celerating its transition towards Key Ac-                                                the number of customers is
                                                   Czech Republic, Hungary,
count customers. ISS has proven its ability
                                                   Slovakia, Slovenia and                expected to reduce by 50%
to win and grow Key Account customers
                                                   Romania. The exit from non-           (from 125,300 to around
and now plans to strengthen its position
further in a market place that offers com-         core services will be concluded       62,700) and the number of
pelling, long-term growth potential. A             by divesting a number of              employees is expected to
two-year programme of expedited invest-            business units across the group       reduce by 20% (from 490,000
ment, encompassing services (e.g. work-            – entirely consistent with ISS’s      to around 390,000).
place, technical, catering) and platform           strategy of recent years.
(e.g. technology, data and innovation),                                                • The two-year programme of
will materially enhance ISS’s delivery ca-     •   In 2017, these planned country        expedited investment will
pabilities. Investment will include proj-          and business unit divestments         strengthen ISS’s delivery
ect-related operating expenditure, capital         generated a revenue of DKK            capability to Key Accounts
expenditure and selected M&A. It will              9,685 million (12% of Group)          (including global and regional)
strengthen ISS’s ability to protect and care                                             and is expected to yield
                                                   and Operating Profit before
for customers’ property, people and envi-
                                                   other items of DKK 373 million        attractive financial returns.
ronment. Capital will be reallocated from
                                                   (8% of Group). The process
areas that are not core to the Key Account
strategy to help fund this transformation.         of divesting countries and          • Within 2019 and 2020, ISS
                                                   business units is expected to         remains committed to paying
As a consequence of this:
                                                   conclude during 2020.                 an ordinary dividend at least
                                                                                         equal to the DKK 7.70 per
                                                                                         share paid in 2018.

                                                                                       • ISS intends to return at
                                                                                         least 25% of net divestment
                                                                                         proceeds to shareholders by
                                                                                         way of a share buy-back or
                                                                                         extraordinary dividend

                                                                                      Jeff Gravenhorst
                                                                                      Group CEO, ISS A/S
These actions are designed to improve ISS’s
                                                financial performance via stronger growth.
                                                As such, ISS has set the following medium
                                                term financial targets:

                                                • Organic growth: 4-6% per
                                                    annum (2019 onwards)
                                                                                                “   These bold decisions
                                                                                                reflect our strong conviction
                                                                                                 in the growth opportunity
                                                                                                  afforded by Key Account
                                                                                                 customers. When the time
                                                • Operating margins: Robust                        comes, it will be tough
                                                    and in-line with the historical               to part ways with many
                                                                                                outstanding colleagues and
                                                •   Free cash flow: Around DKK
                                                                                                  high quality businesses.
        ISS’s strategy                              3 billion in constant currency
                                                    (by 2021)                                     However, we must focus
The ISS Way – has already created a more
focused organisation, with stricter decision-                                                   our capital and resource on
making around the customers it wishes to                     About ISS                           those customers, services
serve and the services it provides. Consid-
erable progress has been made, in driving       The ISS Group was founded in Copenhagen          and geographies that can
growth of Integrated Facility Services (IFS)    in 1901 and has grown to become one of
for Key Account customers, especially Glob-     the world’s leading Facility Services com-      truly benefit from our future
al Key Accounts. 2018 has been a successful     panies. ISS offers a wide range of services
year and since the 9-month interim report       such as: Cleaning, Catering, Security, prop-
                                                                                                  investment in processes,
in November, ISS has won or extended rela-      erty and Support Services as well as Facility   technology and innovation.
tionships with four major customers with a      Management. Global revenue amounted
combined revenue of around DKK 2 billion,       to DKK 80 billion in 2017 and ISS has more        This acceleration of our
of which new revenue amounts to approxi-        than 482,000 employees and activities
mately 1% of the Group total.                   in more than 70 countries across Europe,
                                                                                                  strategy will improve our
ISS will now strengthen and fully leverage      Asia, North America, Latin America and            offering for Key Account
its operating platform to drive stronger
organic growth in the medium term. The
geographic footprint will be narrowed to
focus on those markets offering a meaning-
ful and attractive opportunity to grow Key
Account customers. The business will be
                                                Pacific, serving thousands of both public
                                                and private sector customers. For more
                                                information on the ISS Group, visit www.
                                                                                                  customers and deliver a “
                                                                                                stronger and more consistent
                                                                                                financial performance for our
simplified, risk reduced and capital reallo-                                                            shareholders.
cated to support core services. Restructur-      www.br.issworld.com/
ing costs are expected to fall in 2019 and
again in 2020.                                                                                     Jeff Gravenhorst, Group CEO, ISS A/S
Novo Nordisk plant in Montes Claros

A new outcome for
diabetes in Brazil
Brazil has given another step forward to
improve diabetes care. For the first time in
                                                  significance because previously the only
                                                  insulins distributed by SUS nationally were
                                                                                                  Its heritage has given the company experi-
                                                                                                  ence and capabilities to help people over-
the country, people with type one diabe-          human insulin with syringe application, in      come obesity, hemophilia, growth disor-
tes will have access, through the country’s       which the patient himself is responsible        ders and other serious chronic diseases.
public healthcare system (SUS), to rapid-         for removing the dose corresponding to          The production site in Montes Claros (MG)
acting mealtime insulin prefilled pens. The       his treatment. In addition to potentially       Approximately 28 million people use Novo
insulins were produced by Novo Nordisk, a         improve the administration of a correct         Nordisk’s diabetes products around the
global healthcare company with 95 years of        dosage, bring more comfort, facilitate the      world. In Brazil, the company has an insu-
innovation and leadership in the treatment        handling, storage and transportation of the     lin factory that was inaugurated in 2007,
of diabetes, in Brazil’s only insulin factory,    medicine; the prefilled pens, may contrib-      located in Montes Claros, Minas Gerais.
in Montes Claros, in Minas Gerais State.          ute to a better treatment adherence.            With 64,000 m2, the equivalent of seven
The insulins are available in all states in the   Diabetes is a global challenge. Today, more     football fields, the site is Latin America’s
country, including the Federal District.          than 400 million people live with the dis-      largest insulin manufacturing facility, em-
The Brazilian population will be experienc-       ease in the world and, according to projec-     ploys around 1,000 employees and is the
ing a lot of first times because, besides the     tions, until 2045, that number should reach     largest Novo Nordisk manufacturing facil-
unprecedent fact of receiving insulin pens        730 million. That means that, in less than      ity outside Denmark, where the company is
through SUS; it is also the first time that       three decades, 1 in every 9 people in the       headquartered.
SUS will make available modern insulins           world will have diabetes.                       Considered one of the most modern facto-
produced in Brazil. In January 2018, the          Brazil occupies the 4th place in the world in   ries in the world, the relevance of Montes
Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (AN-           number of adults with diabetes, account-        Claros site is impressive. It exports medi-
VISA) granted Novo Nordisk insulin factory        ing 12 million of people, according to the      cines to more than 50 countries, which
permission to supply the rapid-acting insu-       International Diabetes Federation (IDF). In     represents more than a quarter of all the
lin – insulin aspart - to the Brazilian market    children, it occupies the 3rd place among       drug exportation in Brazil, and its insulin
(the production facility already exported to      the countries with more cases of the dis-       production represents 15% of all the insulin
more than 50 countries). After, the compa-        ease, for a total of more than 88,000.          consumed in the world.
ny won the Ministry of Health rapid-acting        These are alarming numbers.                     In addition, 60% of the components used
insulins bid, and generated R$ 50 million         That’s why the commitment with the dis-         in the manufacturing and packaging of
(US$ 12,8 million approximately) in savings       ease must go beyond providing medicines.        this insulin pen were made in Brazil, which
in public healthcare costs.                       In addition to supplying the pens, the com-     means that people with diabetes will be us-
For the company, this historical mark re-         pany also continues investing in the educa-     ing a product that is, in its majority, Brazil-
inforces its commitment of more than 25           tion of health professionals to enhance the     ian. Made in Brasil to Brazil. For more info,
years with Brazil and, especially, with peo-      diagnosis and treatment of diabetes.            visit www.novonordisk.com.br/moc.
ple with diabetes. The pens should serve          Novo Nordisk is present in 79 countries,
around 400,000 patients, according to the         employs 43,200 people, and is focused                                      Novo Nordisk
Ministry of Health.                               on promoting changes and innovations to
For the patients, this has an even greater        modify the diabetes scenario in the world.
Nordika Tanks shipped from China

Nordika – A company in
transformation and development!
Nordika is a company, with a long history     after was named NNE Pharmaplan A/S.             The aim of Nordika is to continue to be the
going back to its roots in Denmark. It all    After a change of global strategy in 2014,      reference in the business. We believe that
began in the 1930 when Novo Nordisk em-       Nordika do Brazil is born as a direct Spin      being the best is hard work but there is no
ployed the first engineers. It later became   Off, focused on the Latin America market.       sense in not striving to be the best. The aim
“Novo Nordisk Engineering / NNE A/S”. In      The possibility to continue as a fully Dan-     is to not overdo and not to underdo, but to
year 2007 as a part of a Global Strategy –    ish owned company separated from Novo           deliver to the client a high level of quality
NNE acquired the German pharmaceutical        Nordisk and with a strong partner agree-        in the engineering design the makes it pos-
engineering company Pharmaplan from           ment with NNE Pharmaplan consolidated           sible for him to execute his project with a
Fresenius Group and the company there-        the strong presence in the Brazil and LA-       minimum of risk, on time and budget. To
                                              TAM market and Nordika do Brasil has con-       ensure that Nordika beside the project ex-
                                              stantly been growing since.                     ecution model, work in the latest software
                                                                                              technologies as REVIT, BIM and other 3D
                                                                                              object tools. This ensure a significantly in-
                                                                                              creased accuracy on calculating the project
                                                                                              cost. And furthermore, reduce the risk of
                                                                                              change orders and delays from the suppli-
                                                                                              ers during the construction.
                                                                                              Today Nordika has around 100 employees
                                                                                              all specialized in pharmaceutical engineer-
                                                                                              ing. To be cost efficient and to add the best
                                                                                              value to our clients, Nordika’s strategy is
                                                                                              to have the all the experts and specialists
                                                                                              inhouse and partner up with trusted third
                                                                                              part suppliers for the more regular part of
                                                                                              the engineering e.g. structure, offices and
                                                                                              civil installations. The numbers of people
                                                                                              working for Nordika in third part suppliers’
                                                                                              variates a lot depending on the workload
                                                                                              in Nordika, but it can often be a 100 to 300

                                                                                            Nordika Bionet
Nordika’s engineering solutions are based
                    Nordika Bionet services in bioprocessing                                   on many years of international experience
                                                                                               combined with exclusive and dedicated
The list of references in the LATAM market    In 2016 and 2018 (Nordika did not attend in      service for pharma, biotech and medical
is long, with projects executed in Argen-     2017), Nordika won the Sindusfarma Award         devices engineering and design services
tina, Chile and Mexico. Most of the clients   for – “Best supplier of installations and        with the flexibility that the Latin America
are larger international pharmaceuti-         project execution”. And ISPE Brazil Chap-        marked needs.
cal companies, where communication in         ter (International Society for Pharmaceuti-      Nordika’s employee had always focus on
English is needed. Therefore, most of the     cal Engineering) – has awarded Nordika to        the – The highest standards for good busi-
work is done in English and a large part      be “Company of the year” every year from         ness ethics, eminent service and always
of the communication with the clients         2014 until 2018.                                 want to perform their best. For without the
as well. The last few years clients within    The Strong spine of Nordika – is a combi-        excellent staff there are at Nordika – Nordi-
other segments somehow related to Phar-       nation of a strong QMS (Quality Manage-          ka would not exist. The company have and
maceutical engineering have contacted         ment System), and a strong project execu-        are always going after the best employees
Nordika. It has opened a new potential        tion model, both developed based on many         within our field.
business area as Nordika has been able to     years of experience with pharmaceutical          So, with the Danish roots, long history,
compete in these areas of Engineering for     projects internationally. The project model      eminent employees, mission and val-
semiconductor industry and food & Bever-      is based on the PMI model (PMBOK). Nor-          ues in mind – Nordika is going to have
age. Amongst these projects Nordika has       dika’s QMS system was in 2015 certified by       a bright future in Brazil and the rest of
executed a project for Coca-Cola, design-     Lloyd as the first in the world to comply with   Latin America.
ing a new standard for their future con-      the new ISO 9001:2015 standard. Nordika                                            Nordika
centration plants. The company also de-       has never received a “major” remark in a
signed and managing the constructions of      Lloyd audit and has just been recertified.
the world biggest beverage tanks. Due to      To ensure compliance with all ethic, good                 www.nordika.dk
its close relationship with technology pro-   financial and accounting principals in a
viders, the company had also the opportu-     market characterized by corruptions scan-
nity to work with emerging technologies       dals, Nordika every year are fully financial
like high-energy batteries for planes, bus-   audited by an international accounting firm
ses and cars.                                 e.g. PWC, E&Y.

  The business of Nordika is divided into four Business Units

• Engineering,                                Qualification services
  Feasibility studies, Conceptual Design       Specialized in compliance issues,
  Studies, Basic and Detail Design.            ANVISA, EMA, FDA, ICH, PIC/S etc.
  Project procurement, Construction
  Management.                                 • Advanced Technologies
Automation                                      Representing high end technologies
  Full service provider for most major          companies, enabling local applications
  industrial automation platforms.              and services support for pharma
  Focused on optimizing productivity by         production equipments.
                                                                                                       Ole Broch Nielsen, General Manager
Vestas strengthens its presence
in the Brazilian wind energy market
The year of 2018 was very positive for the        800 indirect jobs, causing a major socioeco-     100 GW milestone achieved great envi-
wind energy market in Brazil and expecta-         nomic impact in the region. Turbine delivery     ronmental value as it contributed to the
tions could not be more optimistic. Accord-       is scheduled for the first quarter of 2020 and   removal of more than 100 million tonnes
ing to the 10-year energy expansion plan          commissioning is planned for the end of the      of CO2 from the atmosphere, providing
published by the Brazilian government in          second quarter of the same year.                 sustainable and cost-effective solutions to
2017, the country could reach 28.5 GW of          In order to consolidate the 4 MW platform        meet world energy demand.
wind capacity by 2026, growing between            as the most competitive in the Brazilian         “Brazil is a strategic country for Vestas.
1.1 and 2.0 MW per year. Walking alongside        market, Vestas announced in December a           Our latest investments in the country,
this industry optimism in the country is the      partnership with Casa dos Ventos, one of         such as the partnership with Echoenergia
wind turbine manufacturer Vestas, which           the main wind energy companies in Brazil,        and Casa dos Ventos and the expansion of
made several important investments in the         which requested the production of 151 MW         the Aquiraz plant, reinforce our long-term
second half of 2018, reinforcing its long-        through an order of 36 V150-4.2 MW wind          commitment to the local market and im-
term commitment to the Brazilian market.          turbines for its Folha Larga wind farm in        pact not only on the wind energy segment,
In September it was announced that V150-          Bahia. With the expansion of the compa-          but also on the socioeconomic context. In
4.2 GW, the company’s largest onshore tur-        ny’s manufacturing capacity in the country       addition, these initiatives have contributed
bine, will begin to be produced locally on        by nationalizing V150-4.2 GW turbine pro-        considerably to the recently achieved glob-
Brazilian soil, for the first time breaking the   duction, Vestas will enable its customers        al reach of 100 GW. We are very optimistic
4 MW barrier in the country. The mark was         to access the latest technology developed        about the future of the wind energy sector
reached with the request of 101 MW to sup-        with excellent financing conditions.             in the country and I believe that Vestas will
ply and install 24 turbines for a wind farm lo-   Presumably, the year 2019 will also be very      continue to play a key role in the develop-
cated in Serra do Mel, Rio Grande do Norte,       productive for the Danish company glob-          ment of this market in 2019, as well as con-
conducted by Echoenergia, a Brazilian com-        ally. In late 2018, Vestas became the first      tinue to support the Brazilian initiative to
pany controlled by Actis. The production will     company to achieve the expressive 100 GW         promote a cleaner and sustainable energy
take place at the Vestas plant in Aquiraz, in     milestone in the world, which means that         matrix” says Rogério S. Zampronha, presi-
the state of Ceará, which received an invest-     it alone accounted for approximately 10%         dent of Vestas in Brazil and LATAM South.
ment of 23 million euros for its expansion,       of wind and solar installed capacity around
generating more than 200 direct jobs and          the world, totaling 1 TW. In addition, the                                             Vestas
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