MEAT ATLAS Facts and fi gures about the animals we eat - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung

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MEAT ATLAS Facts and fi gures about the animals we eat - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung
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Facts and figures about the animals we eat
MEAT ATLAS Facts and fi gures about the animals we eat - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung
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  The MEAT ATLAS is jointly published by the
  Heinrich Böll Foundation, Berlin, Germany, and
  Friends of the Earth Europe, Brussels, Belgium

  Executive editors:
  Christine Chemnitz, Heinrich Böll Foundation
  Stanka Becheva, Friends of the Earth Europe

  Managing editor: Dietmar Bartz
  Art director: Ellen Stockmar

  English editor: Paul Mundy
  Copy editor: Elisabeth Schmidt-Landenberger
  Proofreader: Maria Lanman
  Research editors: Bernd Cornely, Stefan Mahlke

  Contributors: Michael Álvarez Kalverkamp, Wolfgang Bayer, Stanka Becheva,
  Reinhild Benning, Stephan Börnecke, Christine Chemnitz, Karen Hansen-Kuhn,
  Patrick Holden, Ursula Hudson, Annette Jensen, Evelyn Mathias,
  Heike Moldenhauer, Carlo Petrini, Tobias Reichert, Marcel Sebastian, Shefali Sharma,
  Ruth Shave, Ann Waters-Bayer, Kathy Jo Wetter, Sascha Zastiral

  Editorial responsibility (V. i. S. d. P.): Annette Maennel, Heinrich Böll Foundation

  This publication is written in International English. First Edition, January 2014

  Production manager:
  Elke Paul, Heinrich Böll Foundation

  Printed by möller druck, Ahrensfelde, Germany
  Climate-neutral printing on 100 percent recycled paper.

  Except for the copyrighted work indicated on pp.64–65, this material is licensed
  under Creative Commons “Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported“ (CC BY-SA 3.0). For the
  licence agreement, see,
  and a summary (not a substitute) at

  This publication has been produced with the financial assistance of the
  Development Fields project, funded by the European Commission. The contents of
  this report are the sole responsibility of Friends of the Earth Europe and the
  Heinrich Boell Foundation and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting
  the position of the European Commission.

  For orders and download
  Heinrich Böll Foundation, Schumannstr. 8, 10117 Berlin, Germany,
  Friends of the Earth Europe,
MEAT ATLAS Facts and fi gures about the animals we eat - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung
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                   Facts and figures about the animals we eat

MEAT ATLAS Facts and fi gures about the animals we eat - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung
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TABLE OF Contents
        2 IMPRINT                                             22 wHY FaRMS KIll FISH:
                                                                 BIodIVERSITY loSS oN laNd
        6 INTRodUCTIoN                                           aNd IN waTER
                                                                 Overfertilization harms plants and
        8 lESSoNS To lEaRN                                       animals and damages ecosystems worldwide.
                                                                 Nitrates in groundwater can cause
       10 THE RISE oF THE GloBal MaRKET                          cancer. In coastal waters, they can result in
          The developed world has fewer and fewer                oxygen-starved “dead zones”.
          farmers, but they are keeping more
          and more animals. Instead of producing              24 a SPECIES-PooR PlaNET
          for the local market, they supply                      The genetic basis of livestock is getting ever
          distant supermarkets. This same shift is               narrower. We are relying on a few,
          now transforming livestock                             specialized breeds of animals, such as the
          production in the developing world.                    black-and-white Holstein-Friesian dairy cattle
                                                                 that are raised in over 130 countries. A few
       12 CoNCENTRaTIoN: ECoNoMIES                               high-yielding strains also dominate the
          oF SCalE BUT lESS dIVERSITY                            production of chickens, goats, pigs and sheep.
          Economic imperatives are the driving
          force behind the consolidation of the global        26 aNTIBIoTICS: BREEdING SUPERBUGS
          meat industry. This may mean more                      Industrial producers use large amounts
          efficient production, but it also concentrates         of pharmaceuticals to prevent diseases from
          market power in the hands of just a few,               spreading like wildfire among animals
          much to the detriment of smallholders. And             on huge factory farms, and to promote faster
          it may be risky for consumers, too.                    growth. But this is dangerous: bacteria
                                                                 are developing resistance to drugs that are
       14 MaKING PRodUCTS FRoM aNIMalS:                          vital to treat diseases in humans.
          To get from steer to steak, the steer has to die.   28 wHEN THE TaNK IS RUNNING dRY
          Today, slaughtering is highly industrialized.          The growth of the world’s livestock industry
          Abattoirs are production lines with semi-              will worsen the overuse of rivers and
          skilled workers toiling in poor conditions. The        lakes. It’s not that animals are particularly
          industry has moved out of cities, hidden from          thirsty; but a lot of water is needed
          view. Animal-rights groups are questioning             to grow the fodder they eat, and dung from
          the ethics of the slaughter industry.                  factory farms pollutes the groundwater
                                                                 with nitrates and antibiotic residues.
          It’s goodbye to the neighbourhood                   30 THE GRaIN IN THE FEEd TRoUGH
          butcher and hello to supermarket chains. The           Ruminants and people do not have to
          shift to Big Retail is now washing over                compete over food. But producing more meat
          developing countries. The demands of the               requires ever more grain to feed to animals
          rising middle classes are setting the agenda.          as concentrates. If we cannot grow enough at
                                                                 home, we have to import it from abroad.
       18 FREE TRadE VERSUS SaFE Food
          The Transatlantic Trade and Investment              32 THE EMERGENCE oF a laTIN
          Partnership agreement currently                        aMERICaN SoY EMPIRE
          being negotiated between the United States             In Argentina, the world boom in soy prices
          and the European Union promises to                     has given rise to a new breed of farmers,
          boost trade and jobs. But it may also weaken           along with a huge increase in tax revenues
          existing consumer-protection laws                      for the government. The structural
          on both sides of the Atlantic.                         changes in farming have led to serious social
                                                                 and ecological effects.
       20 THE HIddEN CoSTS oF STEaK
          The price tag on a package of meat does not         34 THE ClIMaTE CoST oF CaTTlE
          reflect the true cost of producing the                 Livestock directly or indirectly produce nearly
          contents: the hidden costs to the environment          one-third of the world’s greenhouse gas
          and the taxpayer are much higher. If                   emissions. But farmers and scientists say that
          these costs are included, livestock raising            with the right type of management, livestock
          would probably make a net loss.                        do not have to be a burden on the climate.

4                                                                                                     MEAT ATLAS
MEAT ATLAS Facts and fi gures about the animals we eat - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung
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 36 RaNCHERS IN THE RaINFoREST                        50 URBaN lIVESToCK KEEPING
     In Brazil’s Amazon region, the world’s              For many, urban livestock is a
     second-largest herd of cattle meets the             contradiction in terms. Isn’t livestock-raising
     world’s biggest rainforest. This is bad news        a rural activity, and don’t cities ban
     for the forest. First come the loggers,             livestock because of the smell, noise and
     then come the ranchers.                             pollution? Yet urban livestock are
                                                         crucial for the livelihoods of many poor city
 38 THE GlYPHoSaTE IN YoUR BURGER                        dwellers. And they provide nutritious
     If pesticides, herbicides or medicines leave        food at lower prices than their country cousins.
     unwanted residues in meat, milk and
     eggs, we end up consuming them too. Gaps         52 TURNING SCRUB INTo PRoTEIN
     in research leave uncertainty about                 Much of the world’s livestock, and much of its
     what glyphosate – a weedkiller used when            meat, milk and eggs, are raised by
     growing genetically modified soybeans –             non-industrial producers. Many of them
     does to our bodies. Legal loopholes mean we         manage their animals on land that is
     may be eating it without knowing it.                unsuited for crops, optimizing the use of
                                                         local resources. But the existence of
 40 a PlETHoRa oF PoUlTRY: CHICKENS                      these producers is under increasing threat.
    TaKE THE lEad
     In developed countries, consumption              54 IN SEaRCH oF Good Food
     of chicken is surpassing that of beef,              Concerned consumers in the rich world face
     and chicken production is now                       a dilemma. They want good-quality meat
     highly industrialized. Demand in Asia is            that is produced in an environmentally
     rising fast, and people who refuse                  friendly, ethical manner. How best to ensure
     pork and beef are happy to eat chicken.             this? Here we look at some alternatives.

 42 wHERE KEEPING CHICKENS                            56 VEGETaRIaNISM: MaNY RooTS,
    IS woMEN’S woRK                                      MaNY SHooTS
     Many women in Africa and Asia are forced            Only a small percentage of the population
     to be dependent on their husbands for big           in the industrialized world describe
     decisions. A few hens, chicks and eggs can          themselves as vegetarians or vegans. Such
     build their confidence and self-reliance.           lifestyles are more common in parts
     Their contribution to the meat supply is often      of the world where religions play a major
     underestimated.                                     role. In most faiths, followers are
                                                         expected to abstain from meat in one way
 44 IMPoRTEd CHICKEN wINGS dESTRoY                       or another.
     European poultry firms are not permitted         58 wHaT To do aNd How To do IT:
     to turn slaughter by-products into animal           INdIVIdUalS aNd GRoUPS
     feed. So they export them to developing             Given all the problems with livestock
                                                                                                                 26 topics
     countries and sell them cheap. Broiler farms        production and meat consumption,                    and 80 graphics
     in Ghana and Benin have gone bankrupt.              is there anything that normal people can           on how we produce
                                                         do? Yes: individuals can make                         and consume
 46 dISQUIET IN THE dEVEloPEd woRld                      choices about their consumption patterns,                 meat
     Demand for meat in the developed world              and groups can push for change.
     has peaked, and is beginning to decline
     slowly. Consumers’ worries about food safety     60 a GREENER PolICY FoR EURoPE
     are reinforced by scandals in the                   The EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)
     industry. The industry is trying to improve         has for decades supported, and distorted,
     its image with marketing ploys, but                 farm production. It has evolved from
     consumers are confused and the product is           supporting large-scale production to taking
     not necessarily any better.                         the environment increasingly into
                                                         account. But problems remain. A greener
 48 HalF a BIllIoN NEw MIddlE-                           CAP could promote socially and ecologically
    ClaSS CoNSUMERS FRoM RIo To                          sound livestock production.
     Brazil, Russia, India, China and South           62 aUTHoRS aNd SoURCES
     Africa – the BRICS – are five big developing        FoR daTa aNd GRaPHICS
     countries that are setting out from
     different starting points. They may not          64 RESoURCES
     end up with the food consumption patterns
     of the industrialized West.                      66 aBoUT US

 MEAT ATLAS                                                                                                                     5
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                            ood is very personal. It is not just a need. Food       One in every seven people in the world does
                            often embodies certain feelings: familiarity,       not have adequate access to food. We are a long
                            relaxation, routine, or even stress. We eat in      way from realizing the internationally recognized
                      different types of situations and have our own,           right to quantitatively and qualitatively sufficient
                      very personal preferences.                                food. On the contrary, almost a billion people in
                           At the same time, however, we are more and           the world go hungry, largely because the middle
                      more alienated from what is on our plates, on the         classes’ craving for meat creates large-scale, inten-
                      table and in our hands. Do you sometimes wonder           sive livestock and food industries.
                      where the steak, sausage or burger you are eating             In many countries, consumers are fed up with
                      comes from? Personal satisfaction reflects ethical        being deluded by the agribusiness. Instead of us-
                      decisions, and private concerns can be very po-           ing public money to subsidize factory farms – as
                      litical in nature. Each of us ought to decide what        in the United States and European Union – con-
                      we want to eat. But responsible consumption is            sumers want reasonable policies that promote
                      something that an increasing number of people             ecologically, socially and ethically sound livestock
                      demand. Then again, they need information on              production. As a result, a central concern of the
                      which to base their decisions.                            Heinrich Böll Foundation is to provide informa-
                           How can normal consumers understand the              tion about the effects of meat production and to
                      global impact caused by their meat consumption?           offer alternatives.
                      How many people realize that our demand for

                      meat is directly responsible for clearing the Ama-                  hile governments in the developed world
                      zon rainforest? Who is aware of the consequences                    have to radically change course and strug-
                      of industrial livestock production for poverty and                  gle against the power of the agricultural
                      hunger, displacement and migration, animal wel-           lobby, developing countries can avoid repeating
                      fare, or on climate change and biodiversity?              the mistakes made elsewhere. If they know about
                                                                                the effects of intensive meat production, they can

                             one of these concerns are visible on the           plan for a future-oriented form of production that
                             meat and sausage packages in the super-            is socially, ethically and environmentally respon-
                             market. On the contrary, big agribusinesses        sible. Instead of trying to export their failed model,
                      try to play down the adverse effects of our high          Europe and the United States should attempt to
                      meat consumption. Advertising and packaging               show that change is both necessary and possible.
                      in developed countries convey an image of happy               There are alternatives. Meat can be produced
                      animals on happy farms. In reality, the suffering         by keeping animals on pasture instead of in build-
                      the animals endure, the ecological damage and             ings, and by producing feed locally rather than
                      the social impacts are swept under the carpet.            shipping it thousands of kilometres. Manure does
                                                                                not have to burden nature and the health of the
                                                                                local population; it can be spread on the farmer’s
                                                                                own fields to enrich the soil.
                                                                                    Our atlas invites you to take a trip around the

                                                                                world. It gives you insights into the global connec-
    There are alternatives                                                      tions made when we eat meat. Only informed, crit-
                                                                                ical consumers can make the right decisions and
                                                                                demand the political changes needed.
           In many countries, consumers are
           fed up with being deluded by the
    agribusiness. Instead of using public                                       Barbara Unmüßig
                                                                                President, Heinrich Böll Foundation
    money to subsidize factory farms – as in
    the United States and European Union –,
    consumers want reasonable policies
    that promote ecologically, socially and
    ethically sound livestock production.

6                                                                                                                           MEAT ATLAS
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                                                                                       Catalyzing the debate

                                                                                               The current industrialized and
                                                                                               corporate-led system is doomed

      ood is a necessity, an art, an indulgence.                                       to fail. We need a radical overhaul of
      But the global system for producing food is
                                                                                       food and farming if we want to feed a
      broken. While people in some parts of the
 world do not have enough to eat, others suffer
                                                                                       growing world population without
 from obesity. Millions of tonnes of food are wasted                                   destroying the planet.
 and thrown away, and perversely, crops are con-
 verted into biofuels to feed cars in Europe and the
     At the same time, the natural world upon           and chemicals. Sustainable farming exists in
 which we all depend is being damaged and de-           which farmers produce meat and dairy products
 stroyed. Ecological limits are being stretched as      from numerous smaller farms, grow their own
 our demand for ever more resources takes prec-         crops to feed their animals, and allow animals to
 edence over the need to protect biodiversity and       graze freely.
 the Earth’s vital ecosystems. Forests and precious         There are millions of local markets, and nu-
 habitats are being cleared to make way for vast        merous small, innovative food companies. There
 monocultures to supply industrialized countries.       is huge public support for sustainable farming:
 Farming is being intensified and wildlife wiped        people are building an alternative global food sys-
 out at unprecedented rates.                            tem that is based on food sovereignty, and ensures
                                                        everyone’s right to safe, nutritious, sustainable

         ver the past 50 years, the global food sys-    and culturally appropriate food.
         tem has become heavily dependent on                There is increasing international recognition
         cheap resources, chemical sprays and           that the current industrialized and corporate-led
 drugs. It is increasingly controlled by a handful of   system is unsustainable and doomed to fail. We
 multinational corporations. The social impacts of      need a radical overhaul of food and farming if we
 this system are devastating: small-scale farmers       want to feed a growing world population without
 worldwide are driven off their land, both obesity      destroying the planet. This system needs to have
 and food poverty are rife, and taxpayers and citi-     food sovereignty at its heart.
 zens are increasingly footing the bill for one food

 crisis after another. In this corporate-controlled            his publication sheds light on the impacts
 food system, profits always come before people                of meat and dairy production, and aims to
 and planet.                                                   catalyse the debate over the need for better,
     Nothing epitomizes what is wrong with our          safer and more sustainable food and farming. We
 food and farming more than the livestock sector        hope to inspire people to look at their own con-
 and the quest for cheap and plentiful meat. Many       sumption, and politicians at all levels to take ac-
 of the world’s health pandemics in the past years      tion to support those farmers, processors, retailers
 have stemmed from factory farms. Livestock rais-       and networks who are working to achieve change.
 ing is one of the biggest greenhouse gas emitters,          As a species, we need to be smarter. It is time to
 and is responsible for the use of huge amounts of      acknowledge that the corporate-controlled food
 the world’s grain and water. Worldwide, livestock      system is broken. It is time to curtail the power of
 are increasingly raised in cruel, cramped condi-       those vested interests that want to keep it. Revolu-
 tions, where animals spend their short lives un-       tionizing the way we produce and consume meat
 der artificial light, pumped full of antibiotics and   is just the start. We need to create a world where
 growth hormones, until the day they are slaugh-        we use natural resources in a more efficient way.
 tered.                                                 We need to ensure these resources are fairly dis-
     What is truly scandalous is that it doesn’t have   tributed, and that everyone on this planet, both
 to be like this. We produce enough calories in the     today and tomorrow, has access to safe, sufficient,
 world to feed everyone, even with an increasing        sustainable and nutritious food.
 global population. We know how to farm with-
 out destroying the environment and without im-
 posing cruel conditions on the animals we breed,       Magda Stoczkiewicz
 without corporate-owned and controlled seeds           Director, Friends of the Earth Europe

 MEAT ATLAS                                                                                                                     7
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    Lessons to learn
    	About Meat and THe World

               Diet is not just a
           1   private matter. Each meal
               has very real effects on the lives of
               people around the world, on the
               environment, biodiversity and the
               climate that are not taken into
               account when tucking into a piece
               of meat.

                            Water, forests, land use, climate and biodiversity:
                      2     The environment could easily be protected
                            by eating less meat, produced in a different way.

                                                             The middle classes around
                                                       3     the world eat too much meat.
                                                             Not only in America and Europe, but
                                                             increasingly in China, India and other
                                                             emerging countries as well.

       High meat consumption
              leads to industrialized
                 agriculture. A few
                   international corporations
                    benefit and further
                    expand their market                          5
                                                   Consumption is rising mainly because
                                                   city dwellers are eating
                                                   more meat. Population growth
                                                   plays a minor role.

8                                                                                               MEAT ATLAS
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          Compared to other agricultural
          sectors, poultry production has
          the strongest international links, is
          most dominated by large producers,
          and has the highest growth rates.                   7   Intensively produced meat
          small-scale producers,                                  is not healthy – through the
          the poultry and the                                     use of antibiotics and
          environment suffer.                                     hormones, as well
                                                                  as the overuse of
                           6                                      agrochemicals in
                                                                  feed production.

   Urban and small-scale rural
   livestock can make an important
   contribution to poverty
   reduction, gender equality                                                9
   and a healthy diet – not
   only in developing countries.
                                                  Eating meat does not have to damage
                                                  the climate and the environment. On
                                                  the contrary, the appropriate use of agricultural land by
                      10                          animals may even have environmental benefits.

              Alternatives exist. Many existing
              initiatives and certification                             11
              schemes show what
              a different type                                         Change is possible. Some
              of meat production                                       say that meat consumption patterns
                                                                       cannot be changed. But a whole
              might look like – one
                                                                       movement of people are now eating
              that respects environmental
                                                                       less meat, or no meat at all. To
              and health considerations
                                                                       them it is not a sacrifice; it is part
              provides appropriate
              conditions for animals.                                  ofhealthy living and
                                                                       a modern lifestyle.

 MEAT ATLAS                                                                                                     9
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                                  The developed world has fewer and fewer farmers, but they are keeping more
                                  and more animals. Instead of producing for the local market, they supply
                                  distant supermarkets. This same shift is now transforming livestock production
                                  in the developing world.

                                          verall, the global demand for meat is grow-            supermarket, in which town, and with what type
                                          ing, but at different rates in different re-           of marketing its pork chops will be sold.
                                          gions. In Europe and the United States, the                But the production conditions are now very
                                  biggest meat producers in the 20th century, con-               different from before. Industrial livestock pro-
                                  sumption is growing slowly, or is even stagnating.             duction in Europe and the USA began when feed,
                                  On the other hand, the booming economies in                    energy and land were inexpensive. Nowadays, all
                                  Asia and elsewhere, will see around 80 percent of              three are scarce and costs have gone up. As a re-
                                  the growth in the meat sector by 2022. The biggest             sult, total meat production is growing less quickly
                                  growth will be in China and India because of huge              than before. The market is growing only for pigs
                                  demand from their new middle classes.                          and poultry. Both species utilize feed well and can
                                      The pattern of production is following suit.               be kept in a confined space. This means that they
                                  South and East Asia are undergoing the same rap-               can be used to supply the insatiable demand for
                                   id transformation that occurred in many indus-                cheap meat. By 2022, almost half the additional
   Pig and poultry
                                     trialized countries several decades ago. In the             meat consumed will come from poultry.
     markets are                      1960s in Europe and the USA, many animals                      Beef production, on the other hand, is scarcely
  growing; beef and                   were kept in small or medium-sized herds on                growing. The USA remains the world’s largest beef
  sheep markets are                   grazing land. They were slaughtered and pro-               producer, but the meat industry describes the sit-
     stagnating                      cessed on the farm or in an abattoir nearby.                uation there as dramatic. For 2013, it expects a fall
                                    Meat and sausage were produced in the same lo-               of 4-6 percent compared to 2012 and predicts the
                                  cality or region. Today, this mode of livestock pro-           decline to continue in 2014. In other traditional
                                  duction has almost died out. In the USA, the num-              producing regions including Brazil, Canada and
                                  ber of pig raisers fell by 70 percent between 1992             Europe, production is stagnating or falling.
                                  and 2009, while the pig population remained the                    The star of the day is India, thanks to its buffalo
                                  same. During the same period, the number of                    meat production, which nearly doubled between
                                  pigs sold by a farm rose from 945 to 8,400 a year.             2010 and 2013. India is forcing its way onto the
                                  And the slaughter weight of an animal has gone                 world market, where 25 percent of the beef is in
                                  up from 67 kilograms in the 1970s, to around 100               fact now buffalo meat from the subcontinent. Ac-
                                  kilograms today.                                               cording to the US Department of Agriculture, In-
                                      In China, more than half the pigs are still pro-           dia became the world’s biggest exporter of beef in
                                  duced by smallholders. This is changing fast. The              2012 – just ahead of Brazil. Buffaloes are inexpen-
                                  same technologies and capital investments that                 sive to keep. This makes their meat a dollar a kilo
                                  dominate livestock production in the developed                 cheaper than beef from cattle. In addition, the
                                  world are penetrating developing countries – and               Indian government has invested heavily in abat-
                                  they are integrated in global value chains. When               toirs. Faced with the high price of feed, Brazilian
                                  a piglet is born, its fate is already sealed: in which         cattle-raisers are switching to growing soybeans.

Production                                 Trade                                  Trade                                Consumption

 World, forecast 2013,                      World, forecast 2013,                  World, forecast 2013,                 World, per capita,




 million tonnes                             million tonnes                         percent                               forecast 2013, kg per year

               13.8                                       0.9                                 9.9
                          68.1                                      8.6
                                                    7.2                                                                          33.3

       114.2      308.2                                     30.2                                  100                                    43.1

                      106.4                                 13.3                                    90.1                                    79.3

     beef, veal       pigs      other          beef, veal       pigs      other       domestic consumption                  developed           world
     poultry          sheep, goats             poultry          sheep, goats          export                                developing

10                                                                                                                                                  MEAT ATLAS
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                                                                                                                    Worldwide meat production

                                                                                                    23.0                                                                       3.2
                                                                                                                                                                         2.5                            17.1
                19.2              2.1
                                                                                                          12.4                           0.6                       1.7
     11.4                                                                                                                                   0.9                                      0.2     6.5
                            1.4                                                                   8.1                                  0.4                                                                                                           1.4
                                        1.2                                                                                                                              Russia                                4.1
          10.2                                                                                                                           Ukraine                                                                                        0.5
                                                                                                                                 1.6                        1.7                                                            1.0
                      0.1                                                                                EU                                                       0.5
                                                                13.1                                                    0.2            0.3          0.4                                                                                        Japan
            USA                                                                                                                                                                                                                  0.7
                                                                                                        0.3                Turkey
                                                                                                                                                          Iran           2.9         2.9                                   Korea
                                                                                       0.1                    0.2                                                                                  China
                                                                                                                               0.8                    0.5                      0.3
                                                           3.3                                    Algeria                                                                                  0.9
         1.8                                                                                                        0.7              0.1 Saudi Arabia                                                                                   1.7
                                                                                                                          Egypt                                                                               1.5                 0.7
                                                                                                                                                                 1.5     0.8
               1.2                                                                                                                                                                                      0.2                 0.5               0.1
                           0.1                                                                                                                                              0.5
                                                                                                                                                                   Pakistan                            Malaysia              Indonesia
            Mexico                                                                                                                                                                         0.2
                                                                       0.1                                                                                                     0.2               0.2

                                                            Brazil                                                         0.3                                                  Bangladesh                                   2.1
                                                                                                                     0.9         1.5
                                        2.6                                                                                            0.2                                                                                                     0.6
                                                                 0.5                                                                                                       beef, veal
                0.5                                                                                                  South Africa                                                                                                Australia
                                                    1.8                                                                                                                    pigs
                                                                   Uruguay                                                                                                 poultry
                                              0.3                                                                                                                                                                                      0.6            0.5
                 Chile                                                                             Million tonnes, average 2010-2012,                                      sheep, goats
                                                          0.1                                                                                                                                                                                   0.2
                                                                                                   data for 2012 are estimated
                                         Argentina                                                                                                                                                                                     New Zealand

 This presents an opportunity – albeit a small one –                                                          Whereas the developed world still dominates,
 for Indian buffalo-meat exporters.                                                                      growth now relies on the developing countries.
     Africans are also starting to eat more meat,                                                        Nevertheless, only one-tenth of the world’s meat
 though both supply and demand are still not                                                             is traded internationally. This is because meat can
 growing as fast as in other parts of the world. Pro-                                                    only be exported if it meets and can document
 duction has risen in many countries in Africa, but                                                      the quality requirements of the importing coun-
 significantly only in populous South Africa, Egypt,                                                     tries. Importers and consumers fear diseases such
 Nigeria, Morocco and Ethiopia. A typical African                                                        as mad cow disease, foot-and-mouth disease and
 eats only 20 kilograms of meat a year – well below                                                      avian flu. The temporary interruption of the poul-
 the world average. Imports of cheap poultry meat                                                        try market in Southeast Asia and the complete
 have increased, though often at the expense of lo-                                                      collapse of British beef exports have shown how
 cal producers.                                                                                          international trade can dry up overnight.

 Small animals in big groups – poultry take off                                                          A stable outlook – only if speculation is limited

  Meat production, trends and forecast, in million tonnes                                                     Real meat prices, trends and forecast, in dollars per tonne

                     beef, veal               pigs                                                                                                  beef, veal           pigs
                     poultry                  sheep, goats                                                                                          poultry              sheep, goats
   140                                                                                                         5,000

   80                                                                                                          3,000

   60                                                                                                          2,000
    0                                                                                                               0
     1995        1999            2003     2007        2011        2015       2019   2021                                1991                 1996                2001                 2006               2011                    2016                 2021

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                                Economic imperatives are the driving force behind the consolidation of the
                                global meat industry. This may mean more efficient production, but it also
                                concentrates market power in the hands of just a few, much to the detriment
                                of smallholders. And it may be risky for consumers, too.

                                   n September 2013, Shuanghui International                 ground or at the slaughterhouse: its worldwide
                                   Holdings Ltd. – the largest shareholder of Chi-           capacities can slaughter 85,000 head of cattle,
                                   na’s biggest meat processor – completed a 7.1             70,000 pigs, and 12 million birds. Every day. The
                                billion-dollar purchase of US-based Smithfield               meat is distributed in 150 countries as soon as the
                                Foods, Inc., the world’s biggest pork producer. The          carcasses are “disassembled” , i.e. when the flesh is
                                sale exemplifies a new kind of consolidation that is         separated from the bone.
                                happening across borders. The direction of invest-               Because profit margins are tight in the meat
                                ment is changing: it is now heading North from               business, companies chase after economies of
                                the global South. This reflects related shifts in            scale. This means that they try to produce more
                                  economic growth, consumer demand, manage-                  with greater efficiency and at a lower cost. For this
    Tight margins                   ment skills and corporate assertiveness over the         reason, the meat sector is concentrating in two
 expose the business                last two decades.                                        senses. Companies are getting bigger through
  to volatile market                     JBS SA, a beef company based in Brazil, set         mergers and acquisitions – expanding across bor-
   prices and trade                 the stage in the late 2000s, when it acquired            ders and across species. And meat production is
                                    meat companies and poultry producers in the              intensifying, so that more animals are housed to-
                                  United States, Australia and Europe, as well as            gether and are processed more quickly and with
                                in Brazil. JBS is now the world’s biggest producer           less waste. However, some market analysts point
                                of beef. With its 2013 acquisition of Seara Brasil,          out that the meat business is inherently risky and
                                a unit of rival company Marfrig Alimentos SA, it             that, based on recent financial performance, the
                                is also the world’s largest chicken producer. JBS is         multi-species strategy may be backfiring due to
                                among the world’s top ten international food and             different cultures and processes that pose chal-
                                beverage companies, with food sales amounting                lenges to newcomers. In other words, knowing
                                to 38.7 billion dollars in 2012.                             how to grow, slaughter, process and transport cat-
                                    It also has business units in leather, pet prod-         tle may not translate easily into managing poultry
                                ucts, collagen and biodiesel. Though JBS is not a            operations.
                                household name, its annual food revenues are                     Volatile feed-grain prices add to the financial
                                higher than those of major global food players               risk in the meat sector: higher-priced feed means
                                such as Unilever, Cargill and Danone. These fig-             higher production costs and lower profits. With
                                ures give us an idea of what JBS’s size means on the         the deregulation of commodity markets at the

World meat prices compared                                                  World food prices compared

 Indices, 2002–4 = 100                                                       Indices, 2002–4 = 100


                         beef, veal      pigs

                         poultry         sheep, goats
     220                                                                       220

     190                                                                       190

     160                                                                       160
     130                                                                        130                                             dairy products
     100                                                                       100

      70                                                                        70
           2007   2008   2009         2010     2011     2012   2013                   2006    2008     2009     2010     2011        2012        2013

12                                                                                                                                          MEAT ATLAS
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 The Top Ten of the international meat industry

  Companies by total food sales (2011–13), billion dollars

                                                                                        Smithfield Foods.
                                                 3                              Founded in 1936; 2012 revenues:
                                                                                 13.1 billion dollars. Largest pork                                                                 9
                                      Cargill. Founded 1865,
                                                                               producer and processor in the USA.                                                         Danish Crown AmbA.
                       33          family-owned business. 2013
                                                                                   Sold to Chinese Shuanghui                                                            Founded 1998 after several
                                   revenues: 32.5 billion dollars.
                                                                                International Holdings Ltd., with                                                        mergers. 2012 revenues:
                                  22 percent share in the US meat
                                                                                  revenue of 6.2 billion dollars,                                                        10.3 billion dollars. Major
                                       market, biggest single
                                33 exporter in Argentina,                                      in 2013
                                                                                                                     13 10 Danish Crown AmbA
                                                                                                                                                                      subsidiaries in USA, Poland and
                                                                                                                                                                      Sweden. Europe’s largest meat
                                       worldwide operations
                                                                                                          Vion                                                           producer, world’s biggest
                                                                                                                           9                                                   pork exporter
         Cargill                          13                                                                     5                                                                                                            13
                                       Smithfield Foods                                                                                                                                             Nippon Meat Packers
                   3                                                                                                                    Vion. Founded in 2003
                                                                                                                                        after several mergers.
       Tyson Foods                    7                                                                                                                                                                                            6
                                                                                                                                     2011 revenues: 13.2 billion
                                      8 Hormel Foods                                                                               dollars. Largest meat processor
                            2                                                  37                                                      in Europe, rapid growth
                                       10                                                                                                   (2002: 1 billion

                TysonFood.                                                                                                                                                                                 6
      Founded 1935; 2012 revenues:                                                                                                                                                               Nippon Meat Packers.
        33.3 billion dollars. World’s                                                                                                                                                               Founded in 1949;
        largest meat producer and                                                                                              1                                                               2013 revenues: 12.8 billlion
                                                           15        JBS
       second-largest processor of                                                                                                                                                            dollars. Commonly known as
                                                                                                                      JBS. Founded in 1953;
               chicken, beef                                                                                                                                                                   Nippon Ham. Operations in
                                                         BRF                                                             2012 revenues:
                  and pork                                                                                                                                                                    59 locations in 12 countries,
                                                                        13 1                                  38.7 billion dollars. World’s largest
                                                                                                                                                                                                   mostly in Asia and
                                 10                             4                                              food-processing company, leader
                                                                     Marfrig                                                                                                                            Australia
                                                                                                                 in slaughter capacity. Recently
                       Hormel Foods.
                                                                                                                acquired Smithfield Foods’ beef
              Founded 1891; 2012 revenues:
                                                                    8                              4             business and Malfrig’s poultry
                      8.2 billion dollars.
                                                                                                                         and pork units               8
            40 manufacturing and distribution                                          BRF. Founded in 2009 as
               facilities. Owner of “Spam”, a                                         Brasil Foods after a merger                              Marfrig. Founded
                 precooked meat product;                                              of Sadia and Perdigão. 2012                       in 2000 after several mergers.
                  focusing on ethnic food                                            revenues: 14.9 billion dollars.                 2012 revenues: 12.8 billion dollars.
                                                                                      60 plants in Brazil, present                     Company units in 22 countries.
                                                                                            in 110 countries                              World’s fourth largest beef
                                                                                                                                        producer. In 2013, sold poultry
                                                                                                                                             and pork units to JBS

 turn of the 21st century, feed prices have become                                                  (including antibiotic resistance), food safety, ani-
 less dependent on supply and demand, and more                                                      mal welfare, the environment, water security, la-
 dependent on the speculative market manipula-                                                      bour security and innovation.
 tions that create price spikes. Add to that the role                                                   Extreme efficiency itself also carries a risk. One
 biofuels have had on prices for soy and maize, and                                                 cattle feedlot operator in the United States says
 the volatility in the price of fertilizers. Goldman                                                that he is unsure where the economies of scale
 Sachs, an investment bank and titan of commodity                                                   end, because 100,000-head feedlots for cattle are
 trading, was ever-present in the Shuanghui-Smith-                                                  now possible. Several exist in the United States
 field deal. It had been hired to advise Smithfield on                                              and their production costs are lower than for
 any potential sale, and it owns a 5 percent stake in                                               smaller feedlots. Logistics in large production                                               may get lower
 Shuanghui. In 2012, Goldman made an estimated                                                      units are manageable nowadays, but the larg-                                                  prices, but the
 1.25 billion dollars from commodity trading.                                                       er the system, the more vulnerable it is. In an in-                                          risks to society
     Why does size matter? The implications of the                                                  tensified environment, for example, pathogens                                                   are higher
 meat industry’s two-tiered concentration – corpo-                                                  can spread more quickly and easily from one
 rate consolidation and the intensification of meat                                                 animal to another, both on the feedlot and during
 production – are wide-ranging. It is virtually im-                                                 transport. The same is true for the slaughterhouse
 possible for the consolidated industry to coexist                                                  as the speed of processing increases. Furthermore,
 with small producers. These multinational struc-                                                   in the event of a disaster, such as a flood, the sys-
 tures both wipe out a critical source of income                                                    tem will not be able to maintain its capacity. And if
 for the global poor, and they radically diminish                                                   consumer demand declines, companies run with
 consumer choices. Through economies of scale,                                                      a low margin of safety may risk collapse. There-
 concentration offers greater profit potential for                                                  fore, insurance companies with custom-tailored
 stockholders and financiers; for other stakehold-                                                  risk assessments are becoming an important part
 ers, however, it increases risks to human health                                                   of the modern meat business.

 MEAT ATLAS                                                                                                                                                                                                                              13
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                              To get from steer to steak, the steer has to die. Today, slaughtering is highly
                              industrialized. Abattoirs are production lines with semi-skilled workers toiling
                              in poor conditions. The industry has moved out of cities, hidden from view.
                              Animal-rights groups are questioning the ethics of the slaughter industry.

                                     t the start of the 20th century, Chicago was            In poorer countries, the introduction of public
                                     the cradle of the slaughter industry. Using         or private slaughterhouses is the first step towards
                                     moving production lines, it took just 15            the processing of animals in a hygienic way. At the
                              minutes for a cow to be killed, fully eviscerated          other end of this transformation, the efficient fac-
                              and cut up. Up to 12 million animals were slaugh-          tories that are standard in industrial countries are
                              tered annually in the city: this method was so effi-       now spreading in the developing world. In these
                              cient that Henry Ford adopted the production-line          facilities, periodic food scandals are forcing strict-
                              process to make cars.                                      er, costlier hygiene measures.
                                  With industrialization, the slaughter pro-                 The battle for the lowest prices is therefore be-
                              cess has become centralized worldwide. Dur-                ing fought on the workers’ backs. Millions of peo-
                              ing the Great Depression of the twenties, several          ple worldwide work in slaughterhouses; no one
                              dominant conglomerates emerged in the United               knows exactly how many. Their work is regarded
       Abattoir                 States, followed by a long period of deconsoli-          as “dirty”. Especially in Western industrialized
                                 dation. But with the deregulation and stock             nations, they get little social recognition and are
  workers have low                market boom of the 1970s, the sector again             even shunned. Low wages and terrible working
 status, endure poor              concentrated rapidly. Between 1967 and                 conditions are the rule rather than the excep-
   conditions, and                2010, the number of slaughterhouses in the             tion. High-speed, monotonous work, the risk of
      earn little                United States fell from almost 10,000 to less           accidents with dangerous equipment and chemi-
                                than 3,000.                                              cals, or strained backs and limbs all make for a
                                  Today, ten corporations slaughter 88 percent           highly stressful combination. Other factors are
                              of the total number of pigs. The global capacity of        heat or cold, constant noise, a risk of infectious
                              the companies is hard to believe: Tyson Foods, a           diseases, and early or late shifts, depending on
                              US firm that is second only to the Brazilian com-          the type of work. Plus, the handling and slaughter
                              pany JBS, slaughters 42 million chickens, 170,000          of animals can add to the workers’ stress. Many
                              cattle and 350,000 pigs – every week. These ani-           workers say they have to be especially “hard” to
                              mals come from the company’s own breeding                  do their work.
                              units, and are processed in its own factories and              With industrialization, the process of deskill-
                              often sold under its own brand. This strategy aims         ing and mechanization also set in. Today’s slaugh-
                              to extract as much profit as possible from the             terhouse workers need few of their traditional
                              value chain “from field to fork”. In addition, the         skills and craft knowledge. Instead, companies
                              slaughterhouse may process animals from other              hire cheap, semi-skilled workers. Migrants from
                              companies too.                                             Mexico to North America, and from Eastern to

Slaughterhouses and market concentration in the USA

 Number of slaughter establishments                                Market share of four firms in slaughter of cattle and pigs, percent

     12,000                                                               80
     6,000                                                                40
     4,000                                                                                                                               pigs
         0                                                                 0
              1967     1977           1987     1997        2007                 1965         1975           1985           1995            2005

14                                                                                                                                                MEAT ATLAS
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 animals slaughtered worldwide

  Official and estimated data, 2011, heads

                                                                                 517                              58 110
                                1 383                                                                                      000 000
                                                                                 000 000
        000 000
         24    000 000                 000 000
                                                              430                            654
                                                                                              000 000

                                                                                                                    2 817
              buffaloes       chickens                         000 000
              cattle          ducks
              goats           turkeys
              sheep           geese and
              pigs            guinea fowl

                                                                                                                        000 000
  Slaughter by countries, four most important, 2011, heads

    35 108 100                                                     8 954 959 000
                                         46 193 000
       USa     cattle and                                               USa                      11 080 000 000
                  buffaloes                                                                           China
                                   21 490 000
                                      India                                 5 370 102 000
                                                                                            poultry    2 049 445 000                        000 000
           39 100 000                                                                                     Indonesia

                                              59 735 680                                                                      273 080 000
                         110 956 304           Germany     661 702 976                                               84 110 000 China
                             USa                             China                                                      India
                                                                                                           38 600 000
                                                               44 270 000                                                 28 980 000
                                       pigs                                                 sheep and        Nigeria
                                                                Vietnam                                                   Bangladesh

 Western Europe work in the slaughterhouses for                      is only a vacuum-packed meat product on a su-
 short periods, and are largely defenceless against                  permarket shelf.
 the companies’ demands. Back in the 1960s, la-                          Finally, the treatment of animals in slaughter-
 bour unions in the meat industry were still strong;                 houses is subject to criticism on two fronts. The
 in the last two decades they have had a much                        animal welfare movement objects to frequent
 harder time. Workers have little say in their work                  violations of regulations and cruelty to animals,
 conditions, and collective wage agreements are                      such as long transports, inadequate anaesthesia,
 unknown in most parts of the world.                                 or the beating of animals when they are driven
                                                                     in the slaughterhouse.
                                                                                                                                      we severed
     In most industrial countries, the slaughter-
 houses have been relocated from the cities to the                       The animal rights movement, on the other                  the link between
 rural periphery. The cruelty of slaughtering and                    hand, criticizes the mass-slaughter of animals               living animals and
 images of blood and squealing animals have to                       as a matter of principle: it says that meat pro-                the packaged
 be hidden from consumers’ eyes and ears. This re-                   duction is always associated with violence                        products
 flects a modern social norm: violence is banished                   against animals. Animal rights activists do not
 from public view. Slaughtering and butchery are                     want to reform slaughter; they want to abolish
 made invisible for the majority. The connection                     it altogether. They say that the meat industry re-
 between the meat and the living animal that is                      gards animals as mere products, whereas society
 trucked to town and dies in the slaughterhouse                      should recognize their individuality and capacity
 has been severed. What most consumers now see                       for suffering.

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                                  It’s goodbye to the neighbourhood butcher and hello to supermarket
                                  chains. The shift to Big Retail is now washing over developing countries.
                                  The demands of the rising middle classes are setting the agenda.

                                         emember those butchers who cut up sides                          ket share of supermarkets in these countries rose
                                         of beef or pork in a tiled back room, and                        from 10, to 50 or 60 percent. The second wave, in
                                         sold joints and sausages to customers over a                     the mid-to-late 1990s, focused on Central America
                                  marble counter in a room out front? In nearly all                       and Southeast Asia. By 2005, supermarkets ac-
                                  the developed world, they have been consigned                           counted for 30–50 percent of the market share
                                  to history. Meat today, pre-cooled to 0–4°C, is                         there. The third wave began in 2000 and washed
                                  delivered to supermarkets from the wholesaler                           over China and India, as well as big latecomers
                                  or direct from the abattoir. All the supermarket                        such as Vietnam. In only a few years, supermarket
                                  staff have to do is put the goods in refrigerated                       sales in these countries were growing by 30 to 50
   “Food deserts”:                  display cabinets, and customers can choose the                        percent a year.
                                     ready-packaged items themselves directly from                            Why this huge shift? It is not only due to the
  where convenience                   the shelves. To keep self-service items looking                     rising purchasing power of the middle classes,
 stores and fast-food                 fresh for days on end, pork chops and chicken                       but also to more fundamental changes in society.
 outlets are the only                 breasts are vacuum-packed in an environment                         In Pakistan, for example, cities are expanding so
    source of food                   that is as kept as germ-free as possible. The                        quickly that traditional methods of supplying
                                    packaging is then filled with an oxygen-rich gas.                     meat and dairy products cannot keep up with the
                                  This gives beef and pork a red colour and suggests                      demand. The city of Lahore is growing by 300,000
                                  freshness – even though they may already have                           people a year. The result is product shortages and
                                  been in storage for several days.                                       poor quality, factors that drive the middle classes
                                      Meat, a luxury in many parts of the world only                      into the supermarkets, says the Express Tribune,
                                  10 or 20 years ago, is now a part of the daily diet for                 a Pakistani daily. Working women, who are still
                                  a growing number of people in developing coun-                          responsible for cooking for their families, have no
                                  tries. Big supermarket chains such as Walmart                           time to go from shop to shop to check the meat
                                  from the USA, France’s Carrefour, the UK’s Tesco                        quality or haggle over prices.
                                  and Germany’s Metro are conquering the globe.                               Investing in spacious stores is worthwhile in
                                  Their expansion has sparked huge investments                            places with thousands of potential customers. In
                                  by domestic supermarket companies. The process                          locations where mobility is high, such as the car-
                                  has been well researched. The first wave began in                       friendly suburbs of US cities, poor people cannot
                                  the early 1990s in South America, in East Asian ti-                     find a grocery store within walking distance that
                                  ger economies like South Korea and Taiwan, and                          sells fresh produce they can prepare themselves.
                                  South Africa. Between 1990 and 2005, the mar-                           The only food they can buy is ready-to-eat meals

Slowing down in China                                                                                     Expansion mode in India

 Annual percentage change in store growth, 2010–14, and market shares, 2012, percent                         Food retail chains, stores and planned additions
                                                                                                                                                                       Business Standard

     12                                                                                                                          existing, 2012/13
     11                                                                         6.5                                              planned, 2013/14

     9                                                                            2.3
                                               84.1                               1.5                                         + 125                      + 250
     7                                                                                      0.4                                602
     6                                                                          4.3                                                                      500

                                                      Yum!*                Hua Lai Shi                                                           166
     2                                                McDonald’s           Shigemitsu
      1                                               Ting Hsin            Kungfu                                           Domino’s McDonald’s          Yum!*
     0                                                other fast-food chains
      2010   2011   2012   2013    2014               independent fast food                     *Kentucky Fried Chicken, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell

16                                                                                                                                                               MEAT ATLAS
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 from fast-food outlets. Researchers call these areas    Growth in the supermarket fridges
 “food deserts”. At the same time, the contents of
 shoppers’ trolleys come from further and further         Retail value, 2012/13, million dollars, by country

 away. Products come from central warehouses
 and big abattoirs that supply all the retail branches                 600 +                   150–299                 no growth
 in a region or even a whole country. The huge vol-                    300–599                 0.1–149                 negative growth
 umes and secure cold chains ensure that the items
 are usually fresh, despite long transport distances.
      Selling standardized products simplifies ad-                CA
 vertising and gives the supermarket chains enor-                                UK                       CN
 mous market power, enabling them to dictate                      US
 prices to their suppliers. At the same time, the su-                                                          canned/preserved meat products
 permarket chains compete with each other. This
 pushes prices down, and means that locally pro-
 duced products are relegated to particular niches.
 With the opening of global markets, millions of
 small-scale retailers have gone under because                                                                                                                RU
 they do not handle the volumes needed to justify                                                               US                           TR        IR
 suitable cold rooms or to ensure the continuous                                                                                                                     CN
 cooling of meat, eggs and milk.                                                              chilled processed meat
      Price wars and price dumping result in peri-
 odic scandals involving meat that is sold past its                                                                       AR
 sell-by date, produced using hormones, or misla-
 belled. Global supply chains are particularly com-
 plex for processed products. They have resulted
                                                                                 UK      DE    UA
 in donkey, water buffalo and goat meat ending
                                                               US                                    IR
 up on plates instead of beef in South Africa, and                                FR
 horsemeat being sold as beef in Europe. In India,             MX        VE                      SA                  cheese
 meat labelled as buffalo in fact came from the il-                       BR
 legal slaughter of cattle.
      In China, the world’s biggest producer and                    AR
 consumer of meat, pork is the most popular type
 of meat. Most pigs are still raised by smallholders                                                                                                         RU
 rather than in intensive factory farms, although                                                               US
                                                                                                                                                  IR            CN
 this is changing and the government is pushing                                                                                     FR
 hard for intensive pig-raising. Big abattoirs are                            drinking milk products            MX      VE                   NG
 still rare. Most slaughterhouses continue to use
 manual or semi-mechanical methods, and hy-                                                                                   BR         ZA
 giene conditions are seldom checked. Many places
 lack a functioning cold chain, so most meat is sold
 to consumers already cooked. But the demand for
                                                                                 UK      DE
 meat from supermarkets is growing, and it now                 US                                         CN
 accounts for 10 percent of total meat sales. Such                                FR
                                                                                         TR          IR
 products are seen as “Western” and are growing                                                                      frozen processed poultry
 in popularity because they are cheap and associ-
 ated with freshness, hygiene and comfort.
      International fast food chains like McDon-
 ald’s and Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) open new
 branches in China every day: McDonald’s cur-                                                                                      UK
 rently has around 1,700 restaurants, and KFC, the                                                                                       FR
 market leader, has announced its 4,500th outlet.
 Customers are familiar with pledges made by                           ready meals (with/without meat)                                   DZ
 these chains, ensuring that their suppliers are con-
 stantly certified and monitored. However, eaters’
 appetites have repeatedly been spoiled by food
 scandals. In late 2012 and early 2013, KFC had to
 grapple with two separate cases of poultry meat             AR   Argentina         DE   Germany          IR   Iran
                                                             AU   Australia         DZ   Algeria          MX   Mexico
 contaminated by antibiotics. Its business fell by
                                                             BR   Brazil            FR   France           NG   Nigeria             TR Turkey                 US USA
 10 percent and had still not yet recovered by the           CA   Canada            ID   Indonesia        RU   Russia              UA Ukraine                VE Venezuela
 autumn of 2013. McDonald’s was pulled into the              CN   China             IN   India            SA   Saudi Arabia        UK United Kingdom         ZA South Africa

 mire: its sales also declined. Retailers must fear
 consumers – even in China.

 MEAT ATLAS                                                                                                                                                                          17
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                                The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership agreement currently being
                                negotiated between the United States and the European Union promises to boost
                                trade and jobs. But it may also weaken existing consumer-protection laws on both
                                sides of the Atlantic.

                                   n theory, liberalizing trade should increase eco-                 Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
                                   nomic activity and lift all boats, creating jobs                  (TTIP) in 2013. Intended to bolster their fragile
                                   and economic growth for all. But reality can be                   economies, this could become the biggest bilat-
                                quite different. Free-trade deals are no longer only                 eral free-trade agreement in history. The United
                                about quotas and tariffs. They can have a sizeable                   States is the EU’s biggest market for agricultural
                                impact on the ability of governments to set stand-                   exports, and the EU is the United States’ fifth-larg-
                                  ards for meat production and to regulate the                       est trading partner for agricultural goods. Power-
     officials discuss             global meat industry – from animal welfare,                       ful interest groups on both sides of the Atlantic,
     lower barriers for             health, labelling and environmental protec-                      including the farm, feed and chemicals indus-
     pharmaceuticals                 tion to the industry’s corporate legal rights.                  tries, are pushing hard for an agreement that dis-
          behind                        But approaches to food safety often differ                   mantles barriers to trade in agriculture, including
                                   from country to country. The European Union                       the meat subsector.
       closed doors
                                  bases its safety rules for food and chemicals on                       Such an agreement could result in drastic
                                the “precautionary principle”. This cornerstone                      changes in standards on the use of antibiotics in
                                of Union law permits the EU to provisionally re-                     meat production, genetically modified organ-
                                strict imports that might carry a human or envi-                     isms, animal welfare, and other issues. “Regulato-
                                ronmental risk where the science is not definitive.                  ry coherence” to expand trade between the Unit-
                                The United States states that it makes decisions                     ed States and the EU sounds good in principle. But
                                based on “sound science” and cost-benefit analy-                     the issues are complex. Consumers on both sides
                                sis, which in the case of GMOs has been based on                     of the Atlantic should be concerned that the TTIP
                                industry supplied data.                                              could derail attempts to strengthen food safety
                                     Despite their different food-safety regimes                     and animal welfare in the meat industry. Industry
                                and consumer preferences, the European Union                         on both sides of the Atlantic will seek to lock in the
                                and the United States started negotiations for a                     lowest standards in order to expand its markets.

winners and losers from transatlantic trade talks

 Percentage expected gains and losses in real per capita income as a result of tougher competition in core markets.

 Assumes that tariffs and non-tariff barriers are abolished, and other trade regimes remain unchanged.

                                                                                 Sweden 6.2
                                                                           9.7         Finland
                                   Canada                                  UK
                                    -9.5                           6.9
                              13.4                                           6.6
                              USa                                           Spain


           0.1–3.0                                                                                                           australia
           3.1–6.0                                                                                                             -7.4
          no data

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     The United States has for years tried to repulse   Meat trade between the USA and the EU
 EU restrictions on genetically modified organ-
 isms and the use of controversial food and feed         Imports and exports, million dollars

                                                                                                                                 USDA ERS
 additives. There is the case of ractopamine, used
                                                                                 2010           2011        2012
 in the United States as a feed additive to increase
 lean meat production in pork and beef. Its use is
 banned in 160 countries, including the European                                 946            1,154       988
 Union, largely because of the lack of independent
 scientific studies assessing its safety for human        total meat trade
 health. Currently the United States is not allowed
 to export meat from animals treated with ractopa-
 mine to the EU. American agribusiness and meat-                                 1,652          2,031       2,154
 processing companies want the EU to lift this ban
 and include the issue in the TTIP negotiations.                 USA                                                       EU
     After several years of relative quiet, an old
 trade dispute has been reopened. Under the TTIP,              beef, veal         136           231         223
 the USA is once again seeking approval of peroxy-
 acid, a substance with antimicrobial properties                                 298            326         355         pork
 commonly used in the USA to clean raw poultry
 after slaughter. In the EU, using peroxyacid is seen         poultry, eggs       219           218         199
 as contrary to the “farm to fork” concept of mini-
 mizing the use of chemicals, allowing only hot
 water for decontaminating poultry.                                               741           868         845       cheese
     Also, the TTIP presents an opportunity for
 multinational corporations to bypass European
 citizens’ opposition to genetically modified foods,
 many of which are prohibited in the EU. The US
 government and food companies have chal-               and health aspects of industrial animal produc-
 lenged these rules as unfair “technical barriers” to   tion. Instead of driving standards to the bottom,
 trade. Now, through closed and non-transparent         consumers and activists in the United States and
 negotiations, the fear is that the EU will use the     the EU should demand that governments use the
 TTIP negotiations as a reason to lower standards       opportunity of the TTIP to raise standards and
 on the use of genetically modified organisms.          rigorously regulate the meat industry. Or they
     The EU, for its part, is seeking to overturn the   should abandon the talks altogether.
 US ban on beef imports from the EU. The United
 States prohibits the use or import of feed ingre-
 dients that are known to transmit bovine spongi-       Feed trade between the USA and the EU
 form encephalopathy (BSE, or “mad cow disease”).
 Food-safety advocates in the USA are concerned          Imports and exports, million dollars

                                                                                                                                 USDA ERS
 that EU policies governing the use of feed ad-                                  2010           2011        2012
 ditives made from ruminants are not strong
 enough to prevent contamination. Since the EU                corn (maize)        43            239          18
 is currently considering relaxing the standards
 that regulate the use of feed additives made from                sorghum         38            239           1
 ruminants, the risk of trade in beef contaminated
 with BSE would increase.                                      feed and
     Moreover, food-safety measures that seek to                                 320            492         265
 eliminate health and environmental impacts of
 the meat industry could be challenged under                     USA                                                       EU
 the “investor-state dispute settlement” mecha-
 nism. This clause present in many trade agree-              oil seeds           2,072          1,632       2,676
 ments allows companies to sue governments for
 compensation over rules that affect their profits.                soy           1,108          795         1,481
 Agribusiness firms are lobbying to make food-
 safety standards “fully enforceable” through the                                                                    feed and
                                                                                  217           270         265
 investor-state mechanism in the TTIP. Since this                                                                     fodder
 mechanism gives international investors the legal
 right to “stable investment conditions”, making
                                                                                  872           928         1,016    oil seeds
 changes in environmental or animal health law
 would be much more difficult.                                                    847           897         976     olive oil
     The TTIP could also make it much more diffi-
 cult to address the negative environmental, social

 MEAT ATLAS                                                                                                                         19
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                             The price tag on a package of meat does not reflect the true cost of producing the
                             contents: the hidden costs to the environment and the taxpayer are much higher.
                             If these costs are included, livestock raising would probably make a net loss.

                                     round 1.3 billion people worldwide live             countants have developed their own “environ-
                                     from animal husbandry – most of them in             mental-economic accounting” that estimates
                                     developing countries. The majority graze            damage to nature in monetary terms. It covers the
                             their animals on land around the village, some              costs of factory farming that do not appear on the
                             move from place to place with their herds, and              company’s balance sheet, such as money saved by
                             others keep a few chickens, cattle or pigs near             keeping the animals in appalling conditions. Costs
                             their homes. In the developed world and rap-                to nature are incurred by over-fertilization caused
                             idly growing economies, the number of livestock             by spreading manure and slurry on the land and
                             keepers is falling. The livestock sector is becoming        applying fertilizers to grow fodder maize and oth-
                               industrialized and meat producing companies               er crops. If the quality of water in a well declines
                                 are expanding.                                          because of high nitrate content, the costs are
       to nature is                  The profits of these companies are not              hard to calculate: they often are only recognized
     hard to measure              just a result of their own efforts. They are also      when the well has to be capped and drinking wa-
       in monetary                built on the environmental damage caused by            ter shipped in from somewhere else. Other exter-
          terms                  factory farming and the use of livestock feed –         nalities – costs that do not appear in the consumer
                               costs that the companies do not have to pay. In           price – arise if over-fertilization means the soil can
                             addition, they receive subsidies from the state.            no longer function as a filter for rainwater, if ero-
                             These subsidies are often distributed true to the           sion carries it away, if biodiversity declines, or if
                             motto: the bigger the company, the higher the               algal blooms kill fish and deter tourists.
                             subsidy. No consolidated economic and ecologi-                  However, for the majority, the most extensive
                             cal accounting has yet been done, but we can dis-           damage occurs further away from the cause. In-
                             cern its broad outlines. When an animal product             tensive livestock production releases nitrogen
                             is purchased, three prices have to be paid: one by          compounds such as ammonia into the atmos-
                             the consumer, one by the taxpayer and one by                phere, contributing markedly to climate change.
                             nature. The consumer uses the first price to judge          According to the European Nitrogen Assessment
                             the item’s value. The other two prices represent            in 2011, this damage amounted to some 70 to 320
                             hidden subsidies to the people who produce and              billion euros in Europe. The authors of this study
                             merchandise it.                                             concluded that this sum could exceed all the prof-
                                  The costs borne by the environment are prob-           its made in the continent’s agricultural sector.
                             ably the biggest, but they are hard to calculate.           If this were counted, the sector as a whole would
                             Over the last three decades, economists and ac-             make a loss.

Different regions, different levels of support

 Percentage of gross farm

 receipts from government
 for livestock, by region,
 classification by OECD,

                                                          12.5                                                        Commonwealth of
                                                                                                                     Independent States
               4.8                               Europe

                 North America


                                                             Southern hemisphere

20                                                                                                                                   MEAT ATLAS
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