130 E. Murdock St., Suite 102 Wichita KS 67214 wichitahabitat.org - Wichita Habitat for Humanity

Page created by Philip Howell
130 E. Murdock St., Suite 102 Wichita KS 67214 wichitahabitat.org - Wichita Habitat for Humanity

130 E. Murdock St., Suite 102 · Wichita KS 67214 · wichitahabitat.org
130 E. Murdock St., Suite 102 Wichita KS 67214 wichitahabitat.org - Wichita Habitat for Humanity
1| Annual Report 2021

       A message from our
        Executive Director
         Danielle Johnson
      I am excited to be serving as Executive Director of this growing organization. It has been
     an incredible seven months since the baton was passed to me by the amazing Ann Fox
     who continues to serve as an active mentor in my affordable housing journey.
     Community is my passion and this role has helped me dive deeper into community
     engagement and equity work. Affordable housing is a key issue across the country and
     our community. Wichita Habitat for Humanity continues to bring this issue to the
     forefront of the community and 2021 was no different. We are still in the midst of a
     pandemic and many of us are continuing to understand the importance of having a
     decent place to live.
     In October, Wichita Habitat turned 35 - continuing the legacy of making affordable
     housing a priority in the Sedgwick County community. We’ve embraced a spirit of
     celebration in the face of adversity. Last year we faced several challenges from COVID,
     the rising cost of building materials, and supply chain issues. We are continuing to claim
     victory as we march forward with building a world where everyone has a decent place to
     Highlights of 2021 include:
          40 families served,
          21 new, safe and affordable homes built - this is record-breaking!
          19 homeowners served through our home repair program.
     None of this would have been possible without our dedicated homeowners,
     hardworking volunteers, sponsors, and staff.

     Advocacy Efforts Expanded: While building and repairing homes is a part of the
     foundation of what Habitat does, advocacy is another important tenet that expanded
     last year.
         We hosted our first Legislative Build, bringing elected and governmental employees
         together to volunteer and understand the mission, vision and values of Habitat. We
         connected the homeowners’ stories, volunteer opportunities, and most importantly
         the history of housing inequities.
         This effort left a lasting impression on every attendee and we look forward to the
         growth of our Legislative Build.

     ReStore continues to play an important role in affordable home improvement
     access and recycling options. We are proud of the continued growth in the home
     improvement space and want to ensure that customers start their projects at ReStore.

     We look forward to continuing to create tangible housing opportunities through new
     construction, home repairs and housing policy. I’m blessed to work alongside the most
     passionate homeowners, core volunteers, community and corporate volunteers, staff,
     board, and last but certainly not least, sponsors. Wichita Habitat for Humanity will
     continue to push forward affordable housing solutions into 2022 alongside you.
130 E. Murdock St., Suite 102 Wichita KS 67214 wichitahabitat.org - Wichita Habitat for Humanity
2| Annual Report 2021

                             OUR LEADERSHIP
                               2022 Board of Directors
   Our board members come from various industries and bring different viewpoints
   and backgrounds. But each of them is grounded in the belief that helping others is
    an inherent obligation, knowing that providing homes and stability is one way to
                                  make a difference.
   Chris Bohm Chair                                   Susan Pool
   Garver                                             IMA Wealth
   Shawn Campbell Vice Chair                          Amy Madsen
   Orizon Aero                                        Community Volunteer
   Bill Matthews Legal Counsel                        Bonnie Voth
   Foulston Siefken                                   Community Volunteer
   Mark Herbert Treasurer                             Chet Sears
   Community Volunteer                                Peeples Orthotics & Prosthetics
   Pamaline King-Burns Secretary                      Chris Beasley
   Sedgwick County                                    Key Construction
                                                      Dan Goebel
   Board Committee Chairs                             Star Lumber & Supply
   Brian Miller – Home Repair                         George Randall
   ProFillment                                        Community Volunteer
   Iva Williams – Homeowner Services                  Nancy Kowalski
   Eck Agency                                         INVISTA
   Ann Patterson – Advocacy and Communications        Robert Moody
   Community Volunteer                                Martin, Pringle, Oliver, Wallace & Bauer
   Brad White – Board Recruitment                     Sarah Lopez
   Textron Aviation                                   Sedgwick County Commissioner, District 2
   Eileen McNichol – Organizational Advancement &     Valerie White
   Compliance                                         United Way of the Plains
   HRx Consulting
   Susan Addington – Resource Development
   Community Volunteer
   Jim Boone – Construction Committee Chair
   NorthStar Comfort Systems

       Wichita Habitat for                Danielle Johnson Executive Director
                                          Laurie Walker Program Director
        Humanity Staff
                                          Kimberly Crenshaw Finance Director
       Our staff of professionally        Katie Frank Development Director
        trained servant leaders           David Flask ReStore Manager
     provides a solid foundation for      LeAnn Carpenter ReStore Assistant Manager
                                          Dana Pavlik Senior Finance Associate
         our organization, our
                                          Donna Sturgeon Finance Associate
    volunteers, donors and families.
                                          Donna Ringgold-Vasquez Executive Assistant
                                          Kathy Lefler Communications/Marketing Manager
                                          Christine Moser Volunteer Coordinator
          Program Office                  Katharine Franco Homeowner Services Manager
         130 E. Murdock St.               Jodi Suhler Home Repair Manager
           (316) 269-0755                 Heather McCoy Home Repair Coordinator
              ReStore                     Melissa McClure,Receptionist
          601 N. West St.                 LaDeana Steffen Construction Logistics Assistant
           (316) 943-6996                 Dana Korkki General Contractor
       www.wichitahabitat.org             Brian Knolla Construction Coordinator
                                          Don Cupery Construction Coordinator
130 E. Murdock St., Suite 102 Wichita KS 67214 wichitahabitat.org - Wichita Habitat for Humanity
3| Annual Report 2021


                                                     HOMES BUILT IN 2021

                                                    GIFT-IN-KIND DONORS
                                                        191 gifts from
                                                      34 companies and
                                                        4 individuals

                                                             In 2022
                                                  We'll build affordable
                                                  homes for 14 families

      MEET OUR
  Dana Korkki, General Contractor,
left, and Construction Coordinators
Brian Knolla and Don Cupery. These
 three are on our build sites every
  day, leading the individuals and
    teams who volunteer with us.

                                                          Expanding beyond
                                                             13th Street!
                                        In 2021, we completed our 73rd home in the
                                        revitalization area, seven years after it began.
                                      Original boundaries are 9th to 13th and Hillside to
                                       In 2022, we'll build 8 homes north of 13th St.
4| Annual Report 2021

                   HOME REPAIR PROGRAM

                                             HOMEOWNERS SERVED

                                             REPAIRS CARRIED INTO '22


  will be served in 2022 with
         home repairs.

                                             Our HOME REPAIR
                                             PROGRAM creates
                                Partnering   partnerships, like the one
                                  in our     with Bank of America. From
                                             left, Danielle Johnson,
                                Community    Executive Director; Heather
                                             McCoy, Home Repair
                                             Coordinator; Jody Suhler,
                                             Home Repair Manager and
                                             Shawn Lancelot, President,
                                             Bank of America.
5| Annual Report 2021

   FUTURES IN 2021                                 21
                                           FAMILIES PURCHASED SAFE,
                                             AFFORDABLE HOMES.

                                           THE FAMILIES INCLUDE:

                                           SWEAT EQUITY HOURS LOGGED
                                                   BY FAMILIES:


           YOU MUST
   Have a need for housing
   Be willing to partner with us
   Be able to pay an affordable mortgage

   10 budget coaches
   Consumer Credit Counseling
   partnered with 24 people
   80 hours of financial literacy
   offered online. Everyone in
   the community is welcome to
6| Annual Report 2021

                                               "We finally have a place
                                                   to call home!"
                                                                    - Sue
                                               Sue works in the healthcare field. She has
                                               three sons. Her daughter attends college in
                                               Kansas City. Before purchasing their Habitat
                                               home, the family rented a small apartment in
                                               need of major repairs.
                                               Their Habitat home means:
                                                   A yard where the boys can play.
                                                   Quiet study spaces.
                                                   No more deferred maintenance.
                                                   A place her children are proud to call

      They look forward to the day they'll purchase their homes, like our 2021 homebuyers.
7| Annual Report 2021


                                            1,808         VOLUNTEERS

                                              20,021              3,814

                                           CONSTRUCTION    NON-CONSTRUCTION
                                              HOURS             HOURS

                                                                 The value of
                                                                hours in 2021
                                                                 is $607,315!

Construction and service go
hand-in-hand for long-time        "Make it about WE, not Me"
volunteer and builder Tony        - Volunteer Tony Zimbelman
                                                               "To go from being
Tony's life is evidence of what
                                                               almost destitute
you can accomplish when you
                                                                    to being a
put others first:
                                                                  homeowner -
He's served on our board of
                                                                that's about the
directors, various committees
                                                               human spirit and
and built Habitat homes on
                                                                will," Tony says.
his own time and through his
                                                                 "This is a good
affiliation with the Wichita
Area Builders Association.
                                                               Tony treasures the
"I tell them (colleagues) to do
                                                               the memory of the
something for somebody else
                                                                   first Wichita
and support your industry,"
                                                               homebuyer he met
Tony says. "You should give
                                                               more than 10 years
back to the construction
industry and Habitat is part of
8| Annual Report 2021

                               DONATIONS AND PURCHASES
                                  BUILD HOUSES, TOO
                                                  SALES FOR 2021

 Our Discount Home Improvement store sells    35,773   NUMBER OF SALES
  new and gently used items to the public.              FUN FACT: This means an
      We have 10 full-time employees.
                                                        average of 688 items were
    601 N. West St. 9 AM-6 PM Mon.-Sat.
                                                           processed through
                                                        ReStore's warehouse every
                                                       day and 1.3 items were sold
                                                       every minute we were open!

                                               IMPACT OF DONATIONS
                                                2,985 donations yielded
                                                   $629,906 in sales.

                                               2,040    VOLUNTEER HOURS

ReStore-themed Holiday Table was featured
at a Mark Arts event - with nail gun napkin             More than 11,000 people
rings, service plates edged with chainsaw                      follow us:
blades and centerpiece containers covered               @WichitaHabitatRestore
with dryer venting!
9| Annual Report 2021

   We're an active participant in the Cost of Home through Habitat for Humanity
 International. Staff, board members, volunteers, future homebuyers, homeowners
   and community partners work together to create and advocate for policies that
                 support affordable housing - locally and nationally.
 "It was my dream that my
    family would always
         have a home.
  Now I dream of the day
        that I will have
  grandchildren sleeping
  in my children’s rooms.
     Affordable housing
   programs like Wichita
     Habitat make these
      dreams possible."
     - Habitat homeowner

                                                          OUR INVOLVEMENT IN
                                    8                       CITY COMMITTEES:
           6                      PEOPLE                  Actively participated in
                                                          formation of Wichita's
                                                              Land Bank and
 FORMAL REQUESTS      ADVOCATED AT                       Affordable Housing Fund.
                    Policymakers joined us to
                                                        LEGISLATIVE BUILD DAYS
                     build and learn. This was
                                                          AT A GLANCE - 3 DAYS
                    our first Legislative Build
                      and one is planned for
                    2022. Future homebuyers        STATE POLICYMAKERS – 9
                      shared why affordable        FEDERAL AND STATE STAFF – 15
                     housing policies matter.      CITY & COUNTY POLICYMAKERS – 4
10| Annual Report 2021

                   WORK POSSIBLE

     HOW DO WE
      FUND OUR

                         HOW ARE YOUR GIFTS USED?
11| Annual Report 2021

             Message from our
               Board Chair
                Chris Bohm
      A current TV advertisement features the tagline “Fortune favors the Brave.” As 2022
      begins for Wichita Habitat for Humanity, two themes from this phrase resonate in parallel
      with our mission:
      1. Fortune - Our ongoing investment in our community by serving our Habitat families
      and providing them the opportunity for homeownership, and:
      2. Brave – We will bravely pursue our goals during 2022 and have been blessed with the
      ability to continue our work into this new year.
      We will move boldly forward in 2022 under the leadership of Executive Director Danielle
      Johnson who will lead us in reaching our goals of constructing 14 new homes in
      partnership with our Habitat families and facilitating 24 critical home repairs. This will
      provide 38 homeowners with safe, affordable homes. The Home Repair program
      received a Federal Home Loan Bank grant which is allowing us to expand these services
      including the ability to hire new dedicated staff.
      Other exciting events we look forward to during 2022 include:
          The Legacy Build 2022, our first build of 2022, is possible by a longstanding donor’s
          gift in honor of former Executive Director and super-volunteers, Ann Fox and Mark
          The Wichita State University Build will cross the finish line in 2022. New partners,
          new volunteers, a new home.
           Raise the Roof returns on Friday, April 29, at Distillery 244. Save the date and we will
          save your seat!
          The Habitat Women Build campaign continues. This program is designed to
          empower and connect women from all walks of life through volunteering and
          networking events across the year.
          The AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps Team. Known as NCCC, this
          group of 10 young people from across the country joins us to build homes,
          communities, and hope. Our thanks to the First United Methodist Church for housing
          them and YMCA for sharing memberships during their stay.
          'Virtual' Habitat on the Hill. Staff member Kathy Lefler has been appointed the
          Kansas State Coordinator and accompanied other staff and volunteers to advocate.
           Habitat for Humanity International Affiliate Conference Three staff members
          including Danielle Johnson will attend the event in April.

      All of us at Wichita Habitat for Humanity have the faith that through the fortune of our
      Habitat staff and board members, our partner families, and by the generosity of our
      Habitat donors that we will meet and exceed these bold goals for 2022. And we are
      brave in the pursuit of our mission by knowing that our work will continue to be blessed if
      we strive to act as the hands and feet of Jesus Christ as we work in our community. May
      God bless all of us through this new year!
12| Annual Report 2021

                    Every gift makes a difference
                  WORK POSSIBLE
Bank of America                                Northfield School of the Liberal Arts
Cargill Meat Solutions Corp                    Plymouth Congregational Church, Wichita
Catholic Diocese of Wichita                    Presbyterian Church of Conway Springs
CoBank                                         St Vincent De Paul Catholic Church
David Reznick Foundation                       St. Mark United Methodist Church
DeVore Foundation                              UMB Bank
Dupont                                         Wesley Medical Center
Eastminster Presbyterian Church                Westwood Presbyterian Church
Fidelity Bank                                  Wichita Community Foundation
Goebel Family - Star Lumber Charitable         Wolters Kluwer - CCH Inc
Foundation                                     Philip and Becky Elder
ICM, Inc.                                      Glenn Fisher
Intrust Bank                                   Joey and Rich Giblin
Johnson Controls                               Paul and Betty Hodson
Kansas West Annual Conference of the United    Barbara Jean Keating
Methodist Church                               Gary and Ann Patterson
Koch Industries Inc                            Jack and Rose Pelton
Lattner Family Foundation                      Nadine Stannard
Spirit AeroSystems
St Francis of Assisi Catholic Church           LIFETIME DONORS BETWEEN $25,000-$50,000
Textron, Inc.                                  Anonymous
Thrivent Financial                             Ametek Advanced Industries, Inc.
United Methodist Wichita West District         Emprise Bank
Wells Fargo Foundation                         First Horizon Home Loans
Whirlpool                                      First Presbyterian Church, Wichita
Wichita Area Builders Association              Kansas Housing Resources Corporation
Wichita Habitat for Humanity ReStore           LTC, Inc.
Wichita Rotary Charitable Fund                 Presbytery of Southern Kansas
Charles and Jean Eby                           United Way of the Plains
Helen Hurley                                   Norma K. Ackeret
Dale and Alice Wiggins                         Rick and Tama Basto
                                               Lorrie Beck
LIFETIME DONORS BETWEEN $50,000 & $100,000     Jim and Janice Boone
Anonymous                                      Mark and Ann Fox
Coldwell Banker Stucky & Associates Realtors   Chris and Brooke Howell
Downing Foundation                             Jennifer Mull
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America         Robert M. Murphy
Evergy                                         Larry and Dianne Rapp
First Presbyterian Church, Derby               Michelle Ruffin-Stein
Foulston Siefkin LLC                           Clay and Sally Stoldt
Grace Presbyterian Church                      Guinn and Laura Walker
Home Depot                                     Jeff and Stacia Wetta
Lions Club of Downtown Wichita                 Brad and Lindsay White
13| Annual Report 2021

                      Every gift makes a difference
                 WORK POSSIBLE
  2021 INDIVIDUAL DONORS                     Breeana Campbell
  Anonymous                                  Joy and Dahl Carmichael
  David Abbott                               LeAnn and Bob Carpenter
  Bryce and Jana Abbott                      Noreen Carrocci and Robert Benson
  Norma K. Ackeret                           Evelyn Carroll
  Ms. Brenda Adams                           Tom Carson and Dana Buckwalter
  Chris and Susan Addington                  Meghan Carver
  Carol Allen                                Janis Chase
  Terry and Cheryl Alley                     Gary Cheever and Adrienne Edwards
  Buck and Gladys Alley                      Mary A. Chitwood
  Shirley Anderson                           Abbie Collinsworth
  Geri Appel                                 Nora and Kendrick Coryell
  Karen Asmann                               Charles Leonard and Donna Cox-Leonard
  Marquetta Atkins                           Lacey Cruse
  Ted and Marcia Ayres                       Michael and Angelina Daniel
  Paul F. Babich                             David and Sally Davenport
  Rick and Tama Basto                        Andrew and Alexandria Davis
  Bill and Nancy Bauck                       Jo Dennett
  Bill Bean                                  Shawna Dennett
  Dennis and Sara Bearden                    Kurt Denton
  Lorrie Beck                                Mark DeWitt
  Shirley Beck                               Joyce D. Dixson
  Vanessa Bell                               Edith Downs
  Larry and Judy Bennett                     Karen Dozier
  Tina Berk                                  Doug Dunn
  Jay and Sharon Bezdek                      George Dunn
  Jerry and Mary Blain                       Martin and Melodee Eby
  Linn Blankenship                           Charles and Jean Eby
  Chris and Sandra Bohm                      Patrick Edwards
  Jim and Janice Boone                       Rodney and Velva Ellenz
  James and Vera Bothner                     Edward Elsbury
  Mary C. Boyce                              Charles W. Engle
  Connor Bradford                            Frank and Martha Fair
  Jason Bradshaw                             Bob Farkas
  Hal and Cindy Brandom                      James and Sara Farley
  Louise Brinegar and Gene Carr              Stephanie Farley and Ryan Farley
  Wade and Donna Brodin                      Michael and Barbara Farrell
  Gregory Brown                              Jeanne Firth
  William Gibbs and Heather M. Bruce-Gibbs   David and Monica Flask
  Dawn Brush                                 Ed and Marla Flentje
  Heide Bryan                                Norman and Frances Foster
  Dustin E. Buchholz                         Mark and Ann Fox
  John Buck                                  Katie D. Frank
  Brian and Mary Ann Burris                  Charlene and Mike Frederick
  Kelsey Burton                              Judith Frick
  Jane Byrnes                                Kenneth and Karen Gale
  James C. Byrum                             Ennidh Garcia
  Shawn and Michelle Campbell                Matthew Gardner
14| Annual Report 2021

                   Every gift makes a difference
                 WORK POSSIBLE
                                          Eric Knorr
  Jim Garvey
                                          Kent Koehler
  Kenneth and Rosemarie Geisdorf
                                          Nicholas Korkki
  Joey and Rich Giblin
                                          Dana and Mary Korkki
  David and Terry Glover
                                          Nancy and Marty Kowalski
  Glen and Celia Goering
                                          Patrick and Lori Kraus
  Phyllis Gridley
                                          Phyllis Krehbiel
  Carroll and Nina Gunter
                                          Glenn and Nancy Kubina
  Heather M. Haines
                                          David Law
  Isaac Hall
                                          Kathy and Dion Lefler
  Ginger Hamilton
                                          Jean Letourneau
  Todd Hansen
                                          Ronald and Vivian Leupp
  Jeanne Hanson
                                          Helene Longhofer
  Susan A. Harrington
                                          Ellen Loughrin
  Deborah Haynes and Larry Beamer
                                          Michael and Carmella Ludlow
  Linda Hemken
                                          Errol and Suzanne Luginbill
  Walter and Mary Hendershot
                                          Chris and Amy Madsen
  Carol A. Henderson
                                          John and Sheila Maksimowicz
  Randy and Terryl Henderson
                                          Paul and Janet Malcom
  Mark and Betty Herbert
                                          Jennifer Marshall
  Ricardo Herrera
                                          Ruth Martinez
  Paul and Betty Hodson
                                          Don Martinson
  Maureen Hofrenning and Robert Marsden
                                          William and Carolyn Matthews
  Carol Houdyshell
                                          Paulette and Clyde Mattingly
  James and Christine House
                                          Jonathan and Amanda Mauldin
  Phillip S. Houston
                                          Wanda Maxton
  Ming and Wen Hsiao
                                          Jane McHugh
  Corinne Hughbanks
                                          Pauline K. McKee
  Ben and June Huie
                                          Kenneth and Carolyn Meeske
  Helen Hurley
                                          Marsha Meili
  Charles and Christine Hurley
                                          Paul and Shirley Meissner
  Jerry and Sandra Hutchins
                                          Mark and Janis Mertes
  Kathy Jantz
                                          Shelbie and John Messman
  Janet and Ken Janzen
                                          Brian and Monica Miller
  Harold and Lori Johnson
                                          Janet and Timothy Miller
  Angeline Johnson
                                          Diane E. Miller
  Brandon and Danielle Johnson
                                          Deborah Minor
  Jose Keeler
                                          Karon Mitchell
  Ann Kelly
                                          Melanie Mitchell
  Patricia Gorham and Jeff Kennedy
                                          Phil Morris
  Jennifer Kessler
                                          Dona F. Morris
  Harold E. Kieler
                                          John and Shellee Morrison
  Jim and Sharon Kincaid
                                          Madeline Mosiman
  Pamaline King-Burns and Ron Burns
                                          Joseph and Rhita Muci
  Linda Kizzire
                                          Richard Muma
  Richard and Diane Klingman
                                          John and Rhonda Murphy
  Sue Kloosterman
                                          Janet Myers
  Steven and Diana Knolla
                                          Steven and Nicki Nave
  Andrew Knopick
14| Annual Report 2021

                     Every gift makes a difference
                 WORK POSSIBLE
 2021 INDIVIDUAL DONORS                    Brenda Schawe
 TaDonne Neal                              Daniel and Kate Scheer
 Wes Nelson                                Todd Schemmel
 Joshua Newman                             Dana and Karen Schirer
 Cy and Gayle Nobles                       Susan Schmelzer
 Michael O'Bryhim                          LewJene Schneider and Tony Caputo
 Margaret E. Ochs                          William Schneweis
 William and Mary Lynn Oliver              Richard and Rosanna Schopf
 David Ostrodka                            Randall and Marilyn Schrag
 Karen Owings-Jibril                       Barry Schroeder
 Diana Palenz                              Scott and Janet Schwindaman
 David Palmer                              Blake and Allison Scott
 Gary and Ann Patterson                    John and Mickie Scribner
 Dana Pavlik                               Catherine Seals
 Maynard and Dorothy Peterson              Brad and Laura Sherard
 Louis Pick                                James Sibley
 Mike and Susan Pool                       William Siebert
 Kirk P. Postier                           Maxine Siegel
 Ben and Suzanna Pratt                     Karen Sippel
 Will and Kristin Price                    Jill Skaggs and Jeff Keeny
 Ruth Ann Priddle                          Mary A. Skolaut
 Don and Debra Pufahl                      Sarah Smith
 Bill and Donna Quaney                     Arline Smith
 Judith Raaf                               Bill and Karen Smith
 Larry and Dianne Rapp                     Steve and Kathy Smith
 Jonathan Reed                             Nancy Snyder
 John and Gloria Reiz                      Sheris Solis
 Greg and Nikki Rincker                    Kay Soltz
 Lazaro and Donna Vasquez                  David and Vivian Sooter
 Jonathan and Ashley Rivers                Mitchell Sperry
 Cameron and Darlene Roatch                Jackie and Larry Stanton
 Dave and Kathy Robertson                  Marvin and LaDeana Steffen
 Janet and Bob Robinson                    Gregory Steinert
 Nancy Robinson                            Tamara Stice
 Richard and Mary Roder                    Clay and Sally Stoldt
 Brad Roder                                Alexis Storey
 Karen Rogers                              Gary D. Stromberg
 Elizabeth Rogers                          Jeffory and Margaret Stukey
 Stephanie and Ronald Rosales              Fredrick and Diane Stump
 Jerry and Jolene Rose                     Russ Sullivan
 Lynn Ross                                 Lori Taylor
 Cynthia Rowe                              Rebecca Thompson
 Derek and Leah Rundle                     Linda Timmons
 Loretta Sadler                            Glenn and Dianne Tombaugh
 Amy J. Salazar                            Natalie Toney
 Carlos Sanchez                            Brett Trimpe
 Bev and Frank Sauerwein                   Steve and Phyllis Turkle
 Nancy Scarpelli                           Ashley Urbano
 Cindy R. Schauf
15 | Annual Report 2021

                       Every gift makes a difference
                     OUR WORK POSSIBLE
   2021 Individual Donors
                                                   Goebel Family - Star Lumber Charitable Foundation
   Denise and Anthony Veith
                                                   Guardian Roofing & Construction
   Donald and Nancy Vine
                                                   Hopping Gnome
   Don and Bonnie Voth
                                                   HTI Residental Drywall
   Philip and Judy Wacker
                                                   ICM, Inc.
   Scott Wagner
                                                   Intrust Bank
   Guinn and Laura Walker
                                                   Johnson Controls
   Concha Walker
                                                   Jump Start Stores Inc.
   Carolyn and Ray Waller
                                                   Kansas Cleaning Services
   Rebecca Waller-Stephan and Kevin Stephan
                                                   Kansas Housing Resources Corporation
   Mary and Bill Watson
                                                   Kansas Concrete Construction
   Scott and Ann Weidensaul
                                                   Keeter Roofing and Remodeling
   Marilyn and Randall Wells
                                                   Koch Industries Inc
   Brad and Lindsay White
                                                   Kruse Corp
   Liz Weyman and Danny White
                                                   Legacy Bank
   Valerie White
                                                   Linder and Associates
   Rachel White-McQuillan
                                                   Mobile Mini
   Dale and Alice Wiggins
                                                   Morrison Roofing
   John R. Wiley
   Chad and Amity Williams
                                                   Northstar Comfort Services Inc
   Debbie Wilson
                                                   Pinnacle Realty Group
   Tanya Woolley
                                                   Point Guard Management
   William and Judith Wynne
                                                   Pure State Radon
   Steve and Deanna Yates
                                                   RAW Investments
   Dennis and Deanna Zitterkopf
                                                   Ray's and Lowry's Electric Inc.
                                                   Residential Housing Solutions
                                                   Rhoden Roofing
   Air Hawk Inc
                                                   Schneider Electric
   Ametek Advanced Industries, Inc.
                                                   Sedgwick County Treasurer's Office
   A-R Roofing LLC
   Associated Material & Supply Co, Inc.
                                                   SPEC Building Materials Corp
   At Home Wichita, LLC
                                                   Spirit AeroSystems
   Bank of America
                                                   Star Lumber & Supply Company Inc
   Beavers Plumbing
                                                   Textron, Inc.
   Best of Times
                                                   The Giving Branch Foundation
   Brand Plumbing
                                                   The Kroger Co. Foundation
   Calvary United Methodist Church
                                                   Thrivent Financial
   Cargill Meat Solutions Corp
                                                   Titan Construction
   Catholic Diocese of Wichita
                                                   UMB Bank
   Central States Electric and Lighting Inc
                                                   United Way of the Plains
   City of Wichita
                                                   Walmart Foundation
   Cook's Heating & Air Conditioning Inc
                                                   Waste Connections
   DeVaughn James, LLC
                                                   Wells Fargo Foundation
   DeVore Foundation
                                                   Whirlpool Corporation
   Emprise Bank
                                                   Wichita Community Foundation
                                                   Wichita First Church of the Nazarene
   Farha Roofing
                                                   Wichita Rotary Charitable Fund
   Foulston Siefkin LLC
                                                   Wiesen Roofing LLC
   Frederick Plumbing Heating & Air Conditioning
                                                   Wildcat Companies
   GAF Roofing Shingles & Materials
                                                   Woodlawn United Methodist Church
                                                   Yale Locks and Hardware
   Garvey Kansas Foundation
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