2017-2018 BUFFALO NIAGARA PRODUCT GUIDE - Visit Buffalo Niagara

Page created by Duane Walton
2017-2018 BUFFALO NIAGARA PRODUCT GUIDE - Visit Buffalo Niagara

                      2017-2018 BUFFALO NIAGARA
                                  PRODUCT GUIDE
Table of Contents
Tour Operator Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
USA/Canada Border Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
11 Things You Might Not Know About Buffalo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
Sample Itineraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8-18
Student Music Performance Venues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
Attractions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20-46
Hotels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  47-71
Restaurants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72-75
Shopping  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76-82
Annual Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  83-90
Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91-93

  1                                           2017-2018 Buffalo Niagara Product Guide                         1 888 2BUFFNY (1 888 228 3369)    VisitBuffaloNiagara.com
Welcome • Willkommen • Bienvenido • Bienvenue
          ようこそ • 欢迎 • Добро пожаловать
Dear Travel Professional,                                                                                                                          An online version of the Product Guide, along with additional
This is the latest edition of the Visit Buffalo Niagara Product                                                                                    information on our newest attractions and longtime favorites,
Guide. With so many new and exciting attractions opening in the                                                                                    can be found at VisitBuffaloNiagara.com/product-guide.
past twelve months, we’ve updated and easily formatted this guide                                                                                  Now, more than ever, the Buffalo Niagara region is ready to
for your use in planning tours to the “New Buffalo” and Greater                                                                                    accommodate groups of all interests and age ranges. Along with
Niagara Region.                                                                                                                                    our partners in the hospitality industry we’re excited to show you
The information found in the guide has been reviewed and                                                                                           everything we’ve been working on during our local renaissance.
submitted with group travel as a primary focus. Every effort has                                                                                   The past year has been an invigorating time in the region’s storied
been made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented in                                                                                   history. Come explore with your groups and discover all the
the guide. All prices quoted are a range of rates and are subject to                                                                               reasons why we’re proud to call this region home.
change without notice.                                                                                                                             Welcome to the New Buffalo!
                                                                                                                                                   Your friends in Buffalo Niagara

                                                                                                              C ON T A C T I NFO R M A T I ON
Visit Buffalo Niagara .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 1-888-2BUFFNY (228-3369)                                                         VP Sales: Mike Even  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 716-218-2927
Buffalo Niagara Visitor Center  .  .  .  .  .  . 1-800-BUFFALO (283-3256)                                                                          Travel Trade Sales: Leah Mueller  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 716-218-2936
403 Main Street (Brisbane Building)
Fax .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 716-852-0131
Website address .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . VisitBuffaloNiagara.com
E-mail address .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . info@visitbuffaloniagara.com

® I LOVE NEW YORK logo is a registered trademark/service mark of the NYS Dept. of Economic Development, used with permission.

                                                        2                                                         2017-2018 Buffalo Niagara Product Guide                        1 888 2BUFFNY (1 888 228 3369)                             VisitBuffaloNiagara.com
LOCAL Tour Operator Information
 B: Bus Service & Repairs R:Receptive Tour Operator M:Motorcoach Operator S:Sightseeing/Guide Service
	B	R                                                                               M	S                                                                                                     B	R       M	S
AYR Coach Lines                                                                    •                    Grand Tours                                                                        •    •     •     •
1868 Niagara Falls Boulevard, Suite 201 / Tonawanda, NY 14150                                           5355 Junction Road / Lockport, NY 14094 / (716) 625-9211 or (800) 847-4887
(716) 696-3209 / www.ayrcoach.com                                                                       Fax (716) 433-0965 / www.grsbuses.com / E-mail: rtweeks@grsbuses.com
Bedore Tours Inc.                                                      •     •     •      •             Gray Line Niagara Falls/ Buffalo                                                        •     •     •
2968 Niagara Falls Boulevard / North Tonawanda, NY 14120                                                1625 Buffalo Avenue Suite 1A / Niagara Falls, NY 14094 / (716) 285-2113
(800) 538-8433 / Fax (716) 696-3178                                                                     Fax (716) 284-7759 / www.graylineniagarafalls.com
www.bedoretours.com / E-mail: info@bedoretours.com                                                      E-mail: bk@graylineniagarafalls.com
Languages spoken: Spanish, German, Italian                                                              Languages spoken: Spanish, French, Italian, Chinese
Buffalo Tours			                                                                          •             Horizon Club Tours                                                                      •    •      •
617 Main Street / Buffalo, NY 14203                                                                     100 International Drive / Buffalo, NY 14221 / (716) 242-4244
(716) 852-3300 / Fax (716) 852-5340                                                                     Fax (716) 634-2571 / www.horizonclubtours.com
www.buffalotours.org / E-mail: info@buffalotours.org                                                    E-mail: groups@nyaaa.com
Cataract Tours & Sightseeing                                                 •     •      •             Jim’s Truck Plaza                                                                  •
360 Rainbow Boulevard / Niagara Falls, NY 14303                                                         2115 Walden Avenue / Cheektowaga, NY 14225
(866) 716-3255 / Fax (716) 283-3574                                                                     Restaurant phone: (716) 683-9908 / Truck Store phone: (716) 683-9931
www.cataracttours.com / E-mail: info@cataracttours.com
Languages spoken: Spanish, French, Italian                                                              Maxima Tours Inc.                                                                       •
                                                                                                        336 Harris Hill Road, Suite 33 / Williamsville, NY 14221 / (716) 929-2551
Covered Wagon Tours                                                    •     •     •      •             2826 King Street East / Hamilton, ON L8G 1J5 / (905) 561-5444
158 Thacher Street / Hornell, NY 14843                                                                  Fax: (905) 561-7036 / www.maxima.net / E-mail: info@maxima.net
Charter Office: (607) 324-3900 / Fax: (607) 281-1321
Travel Office: (607) 324-4200 / Fax: (607) 324-9792                                                     Motherland Connextions Underground Railroad Tours                                       •           •
528 North Barry Street / Olean, NY 14760                                                                PO Box 176 Bridge Street Station / Niagara Falls, NY 14305 / (716) 282-1028 or
(716) 372-1230 / Fax: (716) 372-1232                                                                    (866) 726-0864 / Fax (716) 304-6813 / www.motherlandconnextions.com
Toll Free: 1-800-481-4211                                                                               E-mail: tours@motherlandconnextions.com
www.coveredwagontours.net / E-mail: kwoolridge@coveredwagontours.net
                                                                                                        Niagara Scenic Tours/Know How Tours                                                •    •     •     •
D&F Travel		                                                                 •     •      •             5175 Southwestern Boulevard / Hamburg, NY 14075
388 Central Avenue, Suite 320 / Dunkirk, NY 14048 / (716) 366-5767                                      (716) 648-7766 or (877) 648-7766 / Fax: (716) 648-5213
21-41 Main Street, Suite 1-5 / Lockport, NY 14094 / (716) 433-7084                                      E-mail: tammy@niagarascenictours.com / www.niagarascenictours.net
Fax: (716) 366-5890 / www.dfbuses.com
                                                                                                        Over the Falls Tours & Transportation                                                   •           •
Destinations Plus                                                            •            •             1246 Pine Avenue / Niagara Falls, NY 14301
29 Oak Street / Silver Creek, NY 14136-1238 / (716) 934-9522 or                                         (716) 283-8900 or 877-783-8900 / Fax (716) 282-3656
(800) 364-6165 / Fax (716) 934-4236 / www.destinationsplus.biz                                          www.overthefallstours.com
E-mail: sue.destplus@roadrunner.com                                                                     Languages spoken: French, Spanish, German, Italian, Russian

Explore Buffalo				•                                                                                    Upstate New York Travel, Inc.                                                           •           •
One Symphony Circle / Buffalo, NY 14201 / (716) 245-3032                                                5 Deerpath Drive / Lancaster, NY 14086 / (716) 683-2399
Email: explore@explorebuffalo.org / www.explorebuffalo.org                                              Fax (716) 684-7517 / E-mail: upstatenytravel@verizon.net / www.wnyfun.com
Languages spoken: Japanese
Gorman Bus Sales                                                       •
691 Bullis Road / Elma, NY 14059 / (716) 675-3859 or (800) 652-8577
Fax: (716) 675-1861 / www.thegotoguys.com

                                           3                               2017-2018 Buffalo Niagara Product Guide                  1 888 2BUFFNY (1 888 228 3369)                       VisitBuffaloNiagara.com
receptive Tour Operator Information
 B: Bus Service & Repairs R:Receptive Tour Operator M:Motorcoach Operator S:Sightseeing
	B	R                                                                              M	S          	B	R                                                                             M	S
Allied T Pro                                                               •                   Meeting Point North America                                                 •
500 7th Avenue, 9th Floor Wing B, New York, NY 10018                                           5911 Turkey Lake Road, Suite 302, Orlando, FL 32819
(212) 596-1000 / www.alliedtpro.com                                                            (212) 695-9672 / meetingpointnorthamerica.com
American Tours International, LLC                                          •                   North America Travel Service                                                •
481 Eighth Avenue, Suite 531, New York, NY 10001                                               Kennedy Building/48 Victoria Road, Leeds, LS11 5AF, United Kingdom
(212) 586-4100 / www.americantours.com                                                         01 10 398 3002 / www.northamericantravelservice.co.uk
Bonotel Exclusive Travel		                                                 •                   TeamAmerica Inc.                                                            •
3930 Howard Hughes Parkway, Suite 100, Las Vegas, NV 89169                                     33 West 46th Street, New York, NY 10036
(702) 796-5454 / www.bonotel.com                                                               (212) 697-7165 / www.teamamericany.com
Canadvac Travel Services                                                   •                   TourMappers                                                                 •
5 Pleasant Street, Chester, NS B0J 1J0 Canada                                                  132 Boylston St., 4th floor, Boston, MA 02116
(902) 273-4040 / www.canadvac.com                                                              (617) 236-1236 / www.tourmappers.com
GTA-USA Inbound Division                                                   •                   Tourico Holiday Inc.		                                         •
5 Penn Plaza, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10001                                                    220 E Central Parkway, Suite 4010, Altamonte Springs, FL 32701
(212) 843-9775 / www.gta-travel.com                                                            (407) 667-8700 / www.touricoholidays.com
                                                                                               Travalco		                                           •
                                                                                               601 Silks Run Suite 2470, Hallandale beach, FL 33009
                                                                                               (305) 866-5555 / www.travalco.com

                                              4                          2017-2018 Buffalo Niagara Product Guide             1 888 2BUFFNY (1 888 228 3369)         VisitBuffaloNiagara.com
One of Buffalo Niagara’s greatest assets is its proximity   Peace Bridge Authority                                 SUGGESTIONS FOR
to Canada. Travel between the U.S. and Canada is quick      (716) 884-6744 / www.peacebridge.com                   CROSSING THE BORDER
and convenient via the Peace Bridge, the Rainbow Bridge                                                            >  Have proof of citizenship readily available.
or Queenston-Lewiston Bridge. A nominal fee is charged      Niagara Falls Bridge Commission
per motorcoach. Both the U.S. and Canada have specific      Rainbow/Queenston-Lewiston/                            >  Have birth certificates for each child on
guidelines on the type and amount of goods that can be      Whirlpool Bridges                                                     motorcoach.
brought back into the country of origin.                    1-800-715-6722 or (716) 285-6322                       >  If traveling with children who are not a part of
                                                            www.niagarafallsbridges.com                                                your family, have a note or proof that the child
The Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative, or WHTI,          Current bridge crossing conditions provided                                has permission to cross the border with you.
requires U.S. and Canadian travelers to present a
passport or other document that denotes identity and                                                               >  Turn off radios and cellular phones when talking
                                                            U.S. Customs at Peace Bridge                                          to border agents.
citizenship when entering the U.S. For additional infor-    (716) 881-5225 / www.customs.gov
mation, including document options and requirements                                                                >  Declare all fruits, vegetables, plants, plant
for special audiences, please visit GetYouHome.gov.         Canadian Customs at Peace Bridge                                      products, animals, birds, eggs, meat, and meat
                                                            (905) 994-6330 / www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca                                  products.
U.S. citizens returning home from Canada will be required
to present one of the travel documents listed here:                                                                >  Declare all items acquired for personal use.
                                                            currency exchange/money services
• U.S. Passport                                            Duty Free Americas                                     >  Resident aliens must carry residency cards at
• U.S. Passport Card                                       1 Peace Bridge Plaza                                                  all times.
• Enhanced Driver’s License                                Buffalo, NY 14213                                      >  Dogs and cats must be free of evidence of diseases
• Trusted Traveler Program Cards such as NEXUS,            (716) 886-5000                                                        communicable to humans. Dogs older than three
   SENTRIU or FAST enrollment cards
                                                                                                                                  months must have proof of a rabies vaccination.
• Special Audiences (Special documents for U.S.
                                                            Envoy                                                  >  Don’t fool around. Customs and Immigration
   Lawful Permanent Residents, U.S. Military, Native
                                                            Fashion Outlets of Niagara Falls                                      agents on both sides of the border are law enforce-
   Americans, and Boaters; birth certificates for
   children under the age of 16).                           1900 Military Road                                                    ment officials who take their duties very seriously.
                                                            Niagara Falls, NY 14304
                                                            (716) 297-4654                                         >  Be patient. Additional security has been instituted
Canadian citizens entering the U.S. will be required to                                                                           for safety on both sides of the border.
present one of the travel documents listed here:
• Canadian Passport                                         EFX Currency Exchange                                  >  For import dollar limits, contact U.S. Customs.
• Trusted Traveler Program Cards such as NEXUS or          One Walden Galleria
                                                            Buffalo, NY 14214                                      >  For border wait times, go to www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/
   FAST/Express enrollment cards                                                                                                  general/times/menu-e.html
• Enhanced Driver’s License                                (716) 681-8820
• Special Audiences (Special documents for
  Native Americans and Boaters; birth certificates
  for children under the age of 16).

                                       5                         2017-2018 Buffalo Niagara Product Guide   1 888 2BUFFNY (1 888 228 3369)                  VisitBuffaloNiagara.com

                                                                           International Gay & Lesbian Travel Association

          6        2017-2018 Buffalo Niagara Product Guide   1 888 2BUFFNY (1 888 228 3369)                 VisitBuffaloNiagara.com
11                                                 BUFFALO
                              Things You Might                                                                        CITY OF
                              Not Know About
                                                                                                                      Buffalo was the first city
                                                                                                                      in the U.S. to light streets
                                                    KLEINHANS               is considered one of the most
                                                                            acoustically perfect buildings
                                                                                                                        with electricity.
                                                    MUSIC HALL              in the world.

      CHICKEN                                   THEODORE
      WINGS                                     ROOSEVELT
                                                was one of the only presidents
      were first served at                      to take the oath of office                                       ICE BIKES OF BUFFALO
      the Anchor Bar on                         outside the nation’s capital.                                    are the first of their kind available for
      Main Street in 1964.                      He did so in Buffalo in 1901;                                    public rental in North
                                                retrace his steps at the                                         America. Ride one at
                                                Theodore Roosevelt                                               Canalside on a
                                                Inaugural National                                               frozen replica of
               Mark Twain’s original            Historic Site.                                                   the Erie Canal,
               manuscript of                                                                                     which once
               The Adventures of                                                      THE NEW                    ended in Buffalo.
               HUCKLEBERRY                                                            HOCKEYTOWN
                                                                                      HarborCenter and
               FINN is on display in                                                  KeyBank Center
               Buffalo’s downtown library.                                            comprise the first
               Twain was a newspaper                                                  three rink complex
               editor here.
                                                                                      in the NHL.

Buffalo has one of the largest collection of   Buffalo is one of only a handful of cities in the United                      FREDERICK LAW
GRAIN ELEVATORS                                States to boast five homes designed by                                         OLMSTED,
in the world; they’re being                    FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT                                                             the world renowned
                                                                                                                            landscape architect who
reinvented                                                                                                        designed Central Park in New York City,
as art displays,                                                                                                  designed Buffalo’s parks system —
performance                                                                                                       the oldest coordinated system
spaces and a                                                                                                      of parks and parkways.
craft brewery.

                                7                        2017-2018 Buffalo Niagara Product Guide   1 888 2BUFFNY (1 888 228 3369)      VisitBuffaloNiagara.com
Makin’ Memories: FAMILY FUN Tour
   For kids and the kids at heart, fun awaits in Buffalo Niagara. From the                    tigers, or a live reimagining of fairy tale favorites, we’ve got a treasure
   fireworks blasting high above the baseball diamond, the roar of lions and                  chest full of enjoyment for every member of the family.

	Pr o g r a m I n c l u d e s                                                                                    Go back in time at the Buffalo Niagara Heritage Village
On the two hour narrated Lockport Locks & Erie Canal                                                            with indoor and outdoor tours of local historic buildings and
   Cruise, learn about the historic waterway and sail through                                                      hands-on exhibits about life in previous centuries.
   the only set of double locks through the canal system. Meal                                                   Cheer on the home team at a Buffalo Bisons game.
   packages are also available.
                                                                                                                 Pick your own berries or just enjoy the taste of fresh hand-
	Learn how to use a musket and be recruited to King George III’s                                               picked fruit at Becker Farms/Brown’s Berry Patch.
  army at Old Fort Niagara.
                                                                                                                 Indulge your youngster’s curiosity with the hands-on exhibits
Get a birds-eye-view of the Niagara River Gorge from the                                                         at Explore & More Children’s Museum.
  Niagara Power Project’s Power Vista observation
  deck and learn about hydroelectricity with a variety of                                                        In the 1900s, the Herschell Carrousel Factory
  interactive exhibits.                                                                                            Museum was a working factory of children’s rides. Now, visi-
                                                                                                                   tors can learn about the history of carrousels, see the way they
The Buffalo and Erie County Naval & Military Park                                                                are made, and ride an original antique Herschell carrousel!
  features three WWII ships and a variety of military equipment        KC KRATT

  and exhibits.                                                                                                  See a play that’s fun for all ages at Theater of Youth.
Canalside, America’s Gateway to the West for much of the                                                       For amusement park fun visit either Martin’s Fantasy
  19th century, is a newly restored heritage site that features an                                                 Island or Darien Lake Amusement Park.
  expansive boardwalk along the water’s edge.                                                                    Try a pirate cruise on the Spirit of Buffalo.
Watch a child’s eyes light up discovering the world of
  science at the Buffalo Museum of Science.
Spend a few hours with the wild animals at the
  Buffalo Zoo.

                                                                       BUFFALO BISONS

                                                                                                                   Contact one of the local receptive operators on page 3
                                                                                                                      to plan, arrange and guide your tour in Buffalo!

                                     8                                 2017-2018 Buffalo Niagara Product Guide    1 888 2BUFFNY (1 888 228 3369)           VisitBuffaloNiagara.com
   Whether you’re seeking inspiration or jaw-dropping sights, Buffalo                       wonders. Be prepared to be amazed by the world-class level of
   Niagara is home to an impressive array of cultural and architectural                     craftsmanship and artful masterworks that reside in our region.

	Pr o g r a m I n c l u d e s

Tour three of Frank Lloyd Wright’s architectural                                                            Take a Buffalo City Tour which can include a visit to the
    masterpieces—the Darwin Martin House Complex,                                                               Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural National Historic
 Graycliff Estate and Fontana Boathouse.                                                                        Site and an array of architecture by Frank Lloyd Wright,
Enjoy a picturesque meal at the Roycroft Inn                                                                 Louis Sullivan, E.B. Green, and H.H. Richardson.
 in East Aurora and enjoy a tour of the historic campus.                                                       For the true lover of Frank Lloyd Wright’s work, the Blue
After you dine, spend some time shopping along Main Street                                                   Sky Mausoleum at Forest Lawn Cemetery is an impressive
 in the village of East Aurora and stop at Vidler’s 5 & 10,                                                     example of funerary art.
 a shopping staple of the early 1900s.                                                                         The Buffalo Transportation Pierce-Arrow Museum,
Learn all about the rich history of the “Queen City” at the                                                    featuring Buffalo-made automobiles, bicycles, and other
 Buffalo History Museum.                                                                                          memorabilia in the new Frank Lloyd Wright Filling
Spend an evening with the Buffalo Philharmonic                    PATRICK MAHONEY
 Orchestra at Kleinhans Music Hall or see a world-class                                                        View the impressive 20th century and modern-day
 performance at Shea’s Performing Arts Center.                                                                  painting and sculpture collection at the Albright-Knox
                                                                                                                Art Gallery.
A stroll down “Millionaires’ Row,” on Delaware Avenue,
   offers a splendid look at the intricate architectural detail of                                             Tour the Buffalo & Erie County Botanical Gardens,
   homes built during Buffalo’s Gilded Age.                                                                       the most intact Frederick Law Olmsted Landscape and
                                                                                                                  arboretum in the country.
See if you can spot all of the more than 2,000 angels at the
 European style Italian Renaissance cathedral of Our Lady                                                      See the work of Western New York’s own art and artists at the
 of Victory Basilica & National Shrine.                                                                         Burchfield Penney Art Center, located in the heart of
                                                                                                                the Museum District.
Enjoy a relaxing day of shopping in the Elmwood Village,
 located in the heart of the city. If you get hungry, it’s a great                                             Check out Buffalo River History Tours and Inside
 “lunch on your own” stop.                                                                                        Silo City for a look inside our standing grain elevators.

                                                                     ANGEL ART LTD.
                                                                                                                 Contact one of the local receptive operators on page 3
                                                                                                                    to plan, arrange and guide your tour in Buffalo!

                                      9                              2017-2018 Buffalo Niagara Product Guide    1 888 2BUFFNY (1 888 228 3369)           VisitBuffaloNiagara.com
   Close up the books and get hands-on with interactive education                                active experience for young minds. Because the best way to learn
   experiences. Home to pioneers of science and trailblazers of innovation,                      is to have some fun!
   and rich with American history, Buffalo Niagara makes learning an
	Pr o g r a m I n c l u d e s                                                                      	A D D I T I ONAL OP T I ONS
Visit SkyZone Trampoline Park or Get Air for some fun and lessons on market-                     Instead of just learning about art in a textbook, tour the Albright-Knox Art
  ing and branding                                                                                    Gallery where students will gain a new dimension of art appreciation.
See science come alive at the Buffalo Museum of Science with a variety of                       Experience life as it was in centuries past as you try out the tools in the “Pioneer
    interactive exhibits and workshops.                                                             Kitchen” exhibit at the Buffalo Niagara Heritage Village.
Tour Old Fort Niagara, where students can experience military living, exciting                  Witness a majestic performance by the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra and
    battle re-enactments and take part in musket demonstrations.                                    integrate the music into any curriculum with lesson plans available through the BPO.
Travel back in time with interactive exhibits at the Erie Canal Discovery                       Get up close and personal with the wild animals at the Buffalo Zoo with interactive
    Center and experience a two hour ride along the historic canal in the                           classroom activities and guided tours.
    Lockport Locks and Erie Canal Cruise.                                                          Dine, and dash…to the arcade games at Dave & Busters Grand Sports Café.
	No visit to the Buffalo Niagara region is complete without a trip to our very own              See a student matinee show at the Lancaster Opera House.
    wonder of the world! Immerse yourself in the experience with the Maid of the                   	Learn about lasers, infrared and radio communications, and computers at
    Mist boat tour.                                                                                   LaserTron Interactive Entertainment Center. After the educational pro-
	Take part in more than 50 interactive hydroelectricity exhibits and view the                      gram, see your newfound knowledge come to life with a game of laser tag.
  Niagara River Gorge from an observation deck 350 feet in the air at Niagara                      Take an Underground Railroad tour and see history come alive with cos-
  Power Project’s Power Vista.                                                                        tumed reenactors.
Witness naval ships and military equipment from WWII up close at the Buffalo &                  View the breathtaking 40 minute IMAX experience about the history of Niagara
  Erie County Naval & Military Park.                                                                  Falls in the Niagara Adventure Theater.
Take a ride on the Spirit of Buffalo schooner.                                                  Theater of Youth combines convenience, culture, and curriculum enhance-
	Take a break at Walden Galleria. Over 200 retail stores and home to Pole                          ment. On-school time shows are offered and corresponding lesson plans are
    Position Raceway and Fun Center.                                                                  available.
Be a part of the crowd at Coca-Cola Field, one of the largest parks in all of                   Be a part of a force of nature on the Whirlpool Jet Boat or Niagara Jet
    Minor League Baseball, as you cheer on the Buffalo Bisons.                                        Adventures, riding the rapids of the Niagara Gorge. Then, choose from two
After you tour the Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural National Historic Site                             interactive, in-depth educational programs: “Business Education” or “Niagara’s
  take part in the “History Mystery” program, where objects used in the past are the clues.           Raging Rapids.”
Set aside time to enjoy the classic amusement park atmosphere at Darien Lake
  Theme Park & Resort or Martin’s Fantasy Island.
                                                                                                                        Contact one of the local receptive operators on page 3
                                                                                                                           to plan, arrange and guide your tour in Buffalo!

                                      10                                  2017-2018 Buffalo Niagara Product Guide      1 888 2BUFFNY (1 888 228 3369)            VisitBuffaloNiagara.com
  From professional greenthumbs to leisurely ornithologists, Buffalo Niagara           State Park. Rolling hills, cavernous gorges, splendid waterfront vistas,
  is a natural dream come true. The area is home to a legendary Frederick              and a rich natural ecology combine to create the beautiful landscape of the
  Law Olmsted park system in both downtown Buffalo and Niagara Falls                   Buffalo Niagara region.
	Pr o g r a m I n c l u d e s
Start off your day with a stop at the Buffalo & Erie County                                            See nature in a whole different light on a “night walk”
   Botanical Gardens, featuring a tri-domed “Crystal Palace”                                                 at Reinstein Woods Nature Preserve.
   conservatory set in a Frederick Law Olmsted-designed park.                                             Visit the Penn Dixie Paleontological and Outdoor
Visit the Buffalo Zoo to see the M&T Bank Rainforest                                                      Education Center and choose from a variety of fossil
   Falls exhibit. The exhibit replicates the habitat of Venezuela’s                                          collecting, geology, birding, and astronomy programs.
   Canaima National Park and includes a wide variety of free
                                                                                                          	A D D I T I ONAL OP T I ONS
   flight birds as well as other rainforest animals.
                                                                                                          Dine in style at Templeton Landing as you overlook
The Bard comes to Buffalo! Visit during the summer to enjoy
                                                                                                             the picturesque Buffalo Waterfront.
   a performance of Shakespeare in Delaware Park.
                                                                                                          In the mood for more waterfront scenery? Choose from one
Visit during July and participate in Garden Walk Buffalo,
                                                                                                             of four cruises at Canalside: Buffalo Harbor Sightseeing
 featuring garden walks, open gardens, lectures and workshops.
                                                                                                             Cruises, Spirit of Buffalo, Buffalo River History Tours
Hike, swim, attend a nature program, or just pause to take in the                                         and Moondance Catamaran.
 scenery as you make your way through Letchworth State Park.
                                                                                                          Tour the Burchfield Penney Art Center, one of only four
Ride the Virtual Gorge Elevator at the Niagara Gorge                                                      LEED certified buildings in Buffalo.
   Discovery Center to see the rock layers formed millions of
                                                                                                          Pause to admire the peaceful atmosphere complete with
   years ago and learn how Niagara Falls was formed.
                                                                                                             the stone bridges, a creek, and gentle hills at Forest Lawn
Explore Niagara Falls State Park, experience the Falls                                                    Cemetery in downtown Buffalo. Include time for a tour
   from an arm’s length away at the Cave of the Winds, and                                                   when costumed characters from the past come to life.
   take a scenic ride on the Maid of the Mist Boat Tours.
                                                                                                          Take a break from walking to enjoy a 1900s style train ride
Then get ready for the thrilling ride down the rapids of the gorge                                        through countryside and farmlands aboard the Arcade &
 on Whirlpool Jet Boat Tours or Niagara Jet Adventures.                                                      Attica Railroad.
Feed a seal and tour the Aquarium of Niagara.                                                          Visit Spring Lake Winery, Freedom Run Winery, or
Take in a breathtaking aerial view of Niagara Falls, one of                                               another of Niagara County’s wineries for a tour and tasting.
 the seven natural wonders of the world, while you dine at the                                            See the Holland Land Office Museum, where 3.3 million
 Top of the Falls Restaurant.                                                                                acres of Western New York were surveyed and sold.
Learn about wildlife and geology as you investigate the
 ecosystems of Lake Erie and the Niagara River on an Ecological Discovery Tour                              Contact one of the local receptive operators on page 3
 from Grand Lady Cruises.                                                                                      to plan, arrange and guide your tour in Buffalo!

                                  11                            2017-2018 Buffalo Niagara Product Guide    1 888 2BUFFNY (1 888 228 3369)          VisitBuffaloNiagara.com
   Buffalo Niagara is the backdrop and birthplace to several significant historical               tutions, ranging from the Revolutionary War era to our involvement in the
   events and figures. Relive the fabled tale of Buffalo Niagara’s origins and                    Civil Rights Movement. History buffs will be elated to travel through time
   place in American history by discovering any of our amazing historical insti-                  and examine how the Buffalo region has become what it is today.
	Pr o g r a m I n c l u d e s                                                                       Tour the home of a former president when you visit the Millard Fillmore
The Buffalo Niagara Heritage Village features indoor                                                             Museum. Then travel to another domestic site, the Elbert
   and outdoor tours of local historic buildings and hands-on                                                       Hubbard-Roycroft Museum, a Craftsman-style home built
   exhibits about life in previous centuries.                                                                       in 1910.
For an institution devoted to preserving the history of the                                                          	A D D I T I ONAL OP T I ONS
   Queen City, visit the Buffalo History Museum. Even the                                                              Celebrate the rich history of African Americans at the African
   building is an artifact—it’s the only remaining perma-                                                                 American Cultural Center. Stop by in the evening to see a
   nent structure from the Pan American Exposition in 1901.                                                               production at the Paul Robeson or Ujima theatres.
   Permanent exhibit of Tim Russert’s office on display.
                                                                                                                       Learn about Buffalo’s past as the western terminus of the Erie
Any WWII buffs on board? Don’t miss the Buffalo and Erie                                                                Canal at Canalside and take the Buffalo River History
   County Naval & Military Park, the largest inland park of                                                               Tour for more in-depth information.
   its kind in the nation.
                                                                                                                       The Buffalo Niagara region played a vital role in the escape
Few inventions have impacted our lives as much as the                                                                   of former slaves. Learn all about it with the Freedom
   automobile. The Buffalo Transportation/Pierce Arrow                                                                    Crossing: The Underground Railroad in Greater
   Museum features a number of automobiles manufactured                                                                   Niagara exhibit at the Castellani Art Museum.
  right here in Buffalo. Visit the Frank Lloyd Wright-designed
                                                                                                                       The Herschell Carrousel Factory Museum was once a
  Filling Station while there.
                                                                                                                          working factory and leading producer of carrousels and chil-
The automobile wasn’t the only form of transportation that                                                              dren’s rides. Now, it is a tribute to the industry, with an origi-
  changed lives. Take a two hour boat ride along the Erie Canal with                                                      nal, antique Herschell Carrousel visitors can ride on-site.
  Lockport Locks and Erie Canal Cruises. Then visit the
                                                                                                    The Rev. J. Edward Nash helped to organize the Niagara Movement, a forerunner to
  interactive exhibits at the Erie Canal Discovery Center.
                                                                                                      the NAACP. See his home and a collection of artifacts and papers at the Nash House
History comes alive at Old Fort Niagara, featuring a real                                           Museum.
  18th century fortress with original stone buildings and fortifications. While you’re there,
                                                                                                    Tour the one hundred year old Original American Kazoo Company and
  participate in a musket demonstration, or be recruited to King George III’s royal army.
                                                                                                      make your very own kazoo!
More than one hundred years ago, history was made on Delaware Avenue.
                                                                                                    The recently renovated Riviera Theater and Performing Arts Center is listed
  The Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural National Historic Site is a must-see
                                                                                                      on the National Register of Historic Places. Don’t miss the 1926 Mighty Wurlitzer organ.
  site in Buffalo.
Plan to stop at the Karpeles Manuscript Library Museum to see a number of                                               Contact one of the local receptive operators on page 3
  historic documents from the world’s largest private collection.                                                            to plan, arrange and guide your tour in Buffalo!

                                       12                                  2017-2018 Buffalo Niagara Product Guide       1 888 2BUFFNY (1 888 228 3369)              VisitBuffaloNiagara.com
   Whether traversing on foot, by bike, or by sea, the soul of Buffalo is a                out the best of what each neighborhood has to offer – from the heart
   living breathing thing. By getting a feel for all of what the city has to               of downtown to the shores of Lake Erie.
   offer, you can truly feel connected. Do your best to see it all and seek

	Pr o g r a m I n c l u d e s

Start off the day with a trip to the Erie Basin Marina and                                                 Visit Buffalo City Hall and go to the observation deck for a
   Canalside. Pay close attention—the marina was built in                                                       beautiful view of both Lake Erie and Buffalo.
   the shape of a Buffalo! Check out the view of Buffalo’s oldest
   architectural landmark - the 1833 lighthouse.                                                              If you’re in the mood for some shopping, browse the shops
                                                                                                                in downtown Buffalo’s fun and trendy Elmwood Village,
Next, take some time to check out the WWII military relics at                                                 Hertel Avenue and Allentown.
  the Buffalo and Erie County Naval & Military Park.
                                                                                                              Spend the afternoon on a relaxing sightseeing tour aboard
Take a stroll down the architectural majesty of                                                               the Buffalo Harbor Cruises or try the Spirit of Buffalo
  “Millionaires’ Row” on Delaware Avenue.                                                                       schooner.
Tour the recently renovated Theodore Roosevelt                                                              For a look at Buffalo’s creative side, visit the Burchfield
  Inaugural National Historic Site.                                                                             Penney Art Center. Located in the heart of the museum
Add some culture to your day when you visit the Albright-         TERRY CERVI
                                                                                                                district, the center features the art and artists of Western
  Knox Art Gallery and view their broad collection of modern                                                    New York.
  and contemporary art.                                                                                       Attend a dinner theater production at O’Connell & Co.
In the evening, catch a show at the Irish Classical Theatre                                                   Productions.
  Company. Because the seating is in the round, your group                                                    Later, try your luck at the Seneca Niagara Casino,
  will never be more than 20 feet from the stage!                                                               Seneca Buffalo Creek Casino or Fairgrounds Gaming
If you’re looking for an elegant night out, Shea’s                                                            and Raceway.
  Performing Arts Center features Broadway shows in a
  venue that has been called “the most beautiful theater in
  North America.”
Enjoy Larkin Square for entertainment and special events.
  Food Truck Tuesdays shouldn’t be missed!

                                                                    KATIE AMBROSE
                                                                                                                Contact one of the local receptive operators on page 3
                                                                                                                   to plan, arrange and guide your tour in Buffalo!

                                    13                              2017-2018 Buffalo Niagara Product Guide    1 888 2BUFFNY (1 888 228 3369)           VisitBuffaloNiagara.com
spirit of the season Tour
   Behold winter’s majesty in true Buffalo Niagara fashion by experiencing                in the decorations presented by several of our cultural institutions.
   the sights, sounds and flavors of the holiday season. Take a stroll on the             And ring in holiday cheer with the soundtrack of the holidays presented
   Main Streets of surrounding villages to find gifts for your loved ones. Take           by our talented musicians.
	Pr o g r a m I n c l u d e s
Looking for the perfect gift? Stroll down Main Street in                                                  Poke around the independently-owned shops on Elmwood
 Williamsville to shop and enjoy quaint storefronts decorated                                                 Village, Hertel Avenue and Allentown in the city of
 for the holidays.                                                                                            Buffalo to find one-of-a-kind gifts for family and friends.
Marvel at the ornate Christmas decorations with a five-star                                               Sing along to your favorite carols at the Buffalo
 dinner at Salvatore’s Italian Gardens.                                                                       Philharmonic Orchestra Holiday Pops Concert.
Need a gift for the fashionista on your list? Find designer                                               Main Street in East Aurora is another great place to find
 brands for less at the Fashion Outlets of Niagara Falls.                                                       unique gifts. Be sure to stop at Vidler’s 5 & 10, a shopping
Don’t forget a trip to the Walden Galleria! With over                                                        experience reminiscent of the early 1900s. Shop at the
 200 stores, you’re sure to find the perfect gift for everyone                                                  Made in America Store where all items are 100%
 on your list.                                                                                                  American made.
Take a moment to remember the reason for the season at the                                                Have lunch at the lovely Roycroft Inn before touring the
 European style Italian Renaissance cathedral, Our Lady of                                                    Roycroft Campus to learn about Elbert Hubbard and the
 Victory Basilica & National Shrine.                                                                          Arts and Crafts Movement. Then stop by the Roycroft Copper
                                                                                                              Shop Gallery, which features handcrafted artisan items or
There’s something magical about holiday lights. Spend an                                                   take in a class at the new Power House.
 evening taking in the splendor of the Festival of Lights at
 Our Lady of Fatima Shrine or the Fairgrounds Festival                                                       If you’re in town in early November, head over to the
 of Lights.                                                                                                   Christmas in the Country Craft Show. It’s consistently
                                                                                                              judged one of the top craft shows in the nation!
Christmas is always in season at the Woyshner’s Christmas
 Shoppe, a 15,000 square foot store filled with santas, snow-                                                Plan a stop at Designing Dish where you can paint your
 men, and stockings.                                                                                          own pottery to create a one-of-a-kind present, made with care.
                                                                                                              They’ll even ship your project home for you after you leave.
See the biggest exhibition of poinsettias in Western New York
 and enjoy the beauty of nature at the Buffalo & Erie County                                                 Attend a holiday-themed play at the Lancaster Opera
 Botanical Gardens holiday display.                                                                           House and see the village of Lancaster transformed into

                                                                                                               Contact one of the local receptive operators on page 3
                                                                                                                  to plan, arrange and guide your tour in Buffalo!

                                    14                             2017-2018 Buffalo Niagara Product Guide    1 888 2BUFFNY (1 888 228 3369)          VisitBuffaloNiagara.com
   Did you know Buffalo hosts the largest garden events of its kind in the                   in the area? Prepare to be taken aback by the amazing flora and fauna
   country? Did you know that our Botanical Gardens reside in a Frederick                    that the Buffalo Niagara region has to offer!
   Law Olmsted designed park – just one of several parks designed by him

	Pr o g r a m I n c l u d e s
Visit during Gardens Buffalo Niagara, a 6-week botanical                                                     Tour the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, an outstanding
 festival from mid-June to July. The culmination in America’s                                                    center of modern and contemporary art. The gallery’s collec-
 largest garden tour, Garden Walk Buffalo, which features over                                                   tion belongs among the world’s top international surveys of
 400 private and public gardens full of beautiful, brightly-                                                     20th century painting and sculpture. Add time for a visit at
 colored flora.                                                                                                  the Delaware Park Rose Garden following a stop at the
Tour local yards during Open Gardens on Thursdays and                                                         Albright-Knox Art Gallery.
 Fridays in July to see some of the best kept secrets! From asters                                              Visit the Elmwood Village within Buffalo for some urban
 to zinnias and everything in between. There is a flower and                                                     chic shopping and a meal on your own.
 shrub to please all!                                                                                           	A D D I T I ONAL OP T I ONS
Visit the Buffalo & Erie County Botanical Gardens to                                                         Take a Spirit of Buffalo or Miss Buffalo sightseeing cruise
 see a world famous architectural design in the conservatory                                                     on Lake Erie. Dinner cruises are also available aboard the
 itself and the lovely flowers and plants too. The Gardens feature                                               Grand Lady.
 a great collection of exotic plants from around the world.
                                                                      KC KRATT
                                                                                                                Tour the Frank Lloyd Wright designed Darwin Martin
See the Erie Basin Marina Gardens, located at the foot of                                                     House Complex.
 Erie Street on downtown Buffalo’s waterfront. The Gardens are
 home to a Garden of Specialty Annuals, as well as the Victor                                                   Visit the Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural National
 and Joan Fuzak Memorial Test Rose Gardens.                                                                      Historic Site to see where TR was sworn in as 26th President
 This site is one of 25 All-American Rose Selection test gardens in                                              of the United States.
 the United States.                                                                                             Visit one of many U-pick farms located along the Lake
Visit a fresh farmers market, learn about locally grown produce                                               Ontario and Lake Erie shores.
 and tour an urban garden featuring an urban working farm,                                                      Learn more about Buffalo’s history by taking a tour at the
 green roof garden, a straw house, and even a fish farm with                                                     The Buffalo History Museum. Save some time to view the
 Grassroots Gardens of Buffalo.                                                                                  Japanese Garden located behind the museum.
Visit Forest Lawn to see one of the finest arboretums in the
 United States and view Frank Lloyd Wright’s Blue Sky
                                                                      TERRY CERVI
                                                                                                                  Contact one of the local receptive operators on page 3
                                                                                                                     to plan, arrange and guide your tour in Buffalo!

                                     15                               2017-2018 Buffalo Niagara Product Guide    1 888 2BUFFNY (1 888 228 3369)         VisitBuffaloNiagara.com
   The Buffalo Niagara region is a badge-seekers paradise – scouts                         preserves. Discover the history of the Buffalo Niagara region by
   honor! Your group can explore the wonders of nature in our zoos                         partaking in a tour of one of our several historical educational centers.
   and aquariums or seek out their own adventure at our local parks and                    By the time your scouts leave, their sashes will be full of badges!

Frolic in the flowers at the Buffalo & Erie County                                                         Explore a tropical rainforest, watch the playing polar bears at
 Botanical Gardens, where Brownies can earn their Plant                                                        the new Arctic Edge exhibit, learn the workings of an 1850s
 Try-its Badge and Juniors can earn an Outdoor Creativity Badge                                                heritage farm and dig for fossils at the Buffalo Zoo! Scouts
 or the “Your Outdoor Surroundings” Badge.                                                                     can get in touch with nature while earning badges through
Spark your scouts’ creativity, curiosity, and imagination at                                                specialized programs.
 the Explore & More Children’s Museum. Customized                                                                              Gr e a t O u td o o r s :
 programs for badges and try-its are available.                                                                              N a t u r e a n d Sci e n c e
Take a walk on the wild side at the Buffalo Zoo! Scouts can                                                Get some fresh air at the Penn Dixie Paleontological and
 see their favorite wild animals up close and even earn badges                                                 Outdoor Education Center in Hamburg! Scouts can learn
 through specialized programs.                                                                                 about geology, astronomy, ornithology, and paleontology while
                                                                                                               fulfilling requirements for various badges.
                                                                                                              Learn the mysteries of extinction, our place in space, verte-
Get back to nature at Tifft Nature Preserve, where Boy           NANCY J. PARISI
                                                                                                               brate evolution, and the ecology of the Niagara Frontier at the
 Scouts, Cub Scouts, and Webelos can earn badges through the
                                                                                                               Buffalo Museum of Science. Badge programs for scouts are
 Buffalo Museum of Science. A different scout program is
                                                                                                               available both at the museum and at Tifft Nature Preserve.
 held most Saturdays, generally from about 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Walk in presidential footsteps at the Theodore Roosevelt
 Inaugural National Historic Site. Special educational
 programs and tours are available for different age groups.
Experience 18th century life at historic Old Fort Niagara.
 Scout groups can schedule a guided tour and participate in
 fun, educational programs such as “Join the King’s Army” and
 “Work and Play in 1779.”
Bring out your inner soldier at the Buffalo and Erie County
 Naval and Military Park. Boy Scouts will love scampering
 across the decks of a guided missile cruiser and discovering the   KC KRATT
 secrets of a WWII submarine.
                                                                                                                Contact one of the local receptive operators on page 3
                                                                                                                   to plan, arrange and guide your tour in Buffalo!

                                     16                             2017-2018 Buffalo Niagara Product Guide    1 888 2BUFFNY (1 888 228 3369)             VisitBuffaloNiagara.com
 As a home of inventors and innovation, Buffalo Niagara is happy to                         our skills to every interest. Get your gears moving and generate
 spread that knowledge to visitors of all ages. Pioneers of all things                      some brain power by seeing how things are made right here in
 from auto parts to beer, medicine to kazoos, we’re here to showcase                        Buffalo Niagara!

	Pr o g r a m I n c l u d e s                                                                                   Visit and tour Buffalo Niagara’s Medical Campus.
Tour a local factory where bubble gum and gum balls                                                           Learn about the upcoming multi-million dollar additions to
 are made                                                                                                        the campus, including the UB Medical School, and John R.
                                                                                                                 Oishei Children’s Hospital. This includes interior visits at the
Learn about olive oil and experience first-hand the satisfaction                                              Hauptman-Woodward Institute, UB’s Center of Excellence in
 of sampling many styles of olive oils and vinegars The                                                          Bioinformatics and other buildings along Buffalo’s “medical
 tools of our trade are our human senses and our experience.                                                     corridor.”
 Learn about the history of olive oil and recipes handed down
 through generations that call for only the finest ingredients.                                                 The Original American Kazoo Factory is the only place
 Hear how olive oil can positively affect a healthy diet.                                                        in the US that still makes metal kazoos. See the museum,
                                                                                                                 learn the history, watch them being made and even make one
See one of the world’s largest manufacturing auto engine                                                      yourself!
 plants and an assembly line in action.
                                                                                                                The Buffalo History Museum features a Buffalo Made
Tour the region’s main postal office and see the machines                                                     exhibit. Here you can see many items that were invented in
                                                                      NANCY J. PARISI
 and how mail is cased, sorted and processed for delivery.                                                       Buffalo and some that are still manufactured here.
Visit a brewery, learn about the brewing process, the difference                                             Visit the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus and have a
 between craft brews and commercially produced ales. And at the                                                    STEM experience developed for your group.
 end, try a sample or two.

                                                                                                                  Contact one of the local receptive operators on page 3
                                                                                                                     to plan, arrange and guide your tour in Buffalo!

                                     17                               2017-2018 Buffalo Niagara Product Guide    1 888 2BUFFNY (1 888 228 3369)             VisitBuffaloNiagara.com
Western New York is rich in art, but not all of it is found in museums or              ornamentation, handmade bricks, terra cotta and tile work – and it’s
galleries. For generations, believers and non-believers alike have been                all there for you to enjoy. Four Buffalo churches invite you to be
inspired by the art enshrined in Buffalo’s houses of worship. Radiant                  amazed by the faith of our immigrant ancestors and awestruck by
stained-glass, paintings that have no equal, magnificent sculpture and                 the art they created.

                                         On the National Register of Historic                                                      Corpus Christi is a landmark,
                                          Places, Blessed Trinity R. C.                                                                  Romanesque-styled church saved
                                          Church is recognized as the                                                                    from closing in 2004 and currently
                                          purest replication of Lombard                                                                  undergoing a multi-million dollar
                                          Romanesque architecture in the                                                                 historic restoration. The church
                                          United States. The church’s exterior                                                           is especially noted for its exquisite
                                          features irregular “Harvard” brick                                                             stained-glass windows and iconic
                                          walls laid using a medieval technique                                                          mural above the church altar,
                                          and terra-cotta ornamentation.                                                                 considered to be one of the most
                                          The interior is noted for its extensive                                                        significant examples of ecclesiasti-
                                          use of ceramics, including artisan                                                             cal artwork in the United States.
                                          floor tiles, pillars, altar baldachino
                                          and more than 2,000 decorative
                                          symbols.                                        CORPUS CHRISTI

The Buffalo Religious Art Center, a unique example of adaptive reuse.                  First Presbyterian Church is the oldest faith community in Buffalo, estab-
   A superb Romanesque Basilica Style church becomes a museum dedicated to                   lished in 1812. The church’s architecturally significant building on Symphony
   the display of religious art.                                                             Circle features Tiffany-designed stained glass windows, two impressive pipe
                                                                                             organs, and a 168-foot tall tower visible throughout the west side of the city.

                                                                                                              Contact one of the local receptive operators on page 3
                                                                                                                 to plan, arrange and guide your tour in Buffalo!

                                 18                              2017-2018 Buffalo Niagara Product Guide     1 888 2BUFFNY (1 888 228 3369)           VisitBuffaloNiagara.com
  VENUE                        CONTACT NAME               CONTACT INFO                       ADDRESS                           DAYS & TIMES              CAPACITY

Academy of Performing Arts    Chris George         716-816-4220            450 Masten Ave, Buffalo, NY                    Various                       600
Buffalo Suzuki Strings		                           716-743-8728         4 Webster St, North Tonawanda, NY                  Varies                       300
Canalside                   Maria Rainsdon   maria@canalsidebuffalo.com   44 Prime St, Buffalo, NY 14202                 Seasonal               Varies - unlimited
		                          Miranda Morales miranda@canalsidebuffalo.com			                                                                 Marching concert, chorus
Chautauqua Institution       Laurie Stanton        716-357-6262            1 Ames Ave, Chautauqua, NY        May 1 - June 20; Sept 1 - Oct 31         Varies
Darien Lake Theme              Group sales         585-599-4641          9993 Allegany Rd, Darien Center, NY       Seasonal, May - Oct
Park & Resort				                                                                                              Music festivals May and June
Eastern Hills Mall            Russ Fulton          716-633-1600         4545 Transit Rd, Williamsville, NY      Varies with mall hours;         Varies; unlimited
					                                                                                                             call for information         capacity. Additional
						                                                                                                                                           security required
Elmwood Village Association   Carly Battin         716-881-0707           1068 Elmwood Ave, Buffalo, NY                Varies - call          Varies, depending on
multiple outdoor venues					                                                                                                                        location - 10 to 10,000
Erie County Fair                   Lou Ann Delaney  716-649-3900 x260       The Fairgrounds in Hamburg                Mid-August annually           Unlimited. Marching
				                                                                                Hamburg, NY		                                                   bands, concert bands
Fashion Outlets of Niagara          Meghan Ayers    716-297-0933 x206    1900 Military Rd, Niagara Falls, NY   Year-round (blackout dates may apply)         Varies
Great Pumpkin Farm at                 Katy Toth       716-759-8483           11199 Main St, Clarence, NY                October weekends              Unlimited capacity
Kelly Schultz Antique World					                                                                                                                     for marching bands
Hard Rock Cafe                      Claire Seveno     716-282-0007        333 Prospect St, Niagara Falls, NY           Year-round - varies                    40+
Kleinhans Music Hall                Mike Giambra      716-885-0331           499 Franklin St, Buffalo, NY             Call for information                   3,000
Home of the Buffalo Philharmonic groupsales@bpo.org		                              x415 and x417
Larkin Square                      Seamus Gallivan    716-362-2665            745 Seneca St, Buffalo, NY          Year round, outdoor (varies) Varies but flexible
Lockport Locks &                     Mike Murphy      716-433-6155           210 Market St, Lockport, NY         Seasonal; call for information             75-100
Erie Canal Cruises
Martin’s Fantasy Island               Len Synor       716-773-7591    2400 Grand Island Blvd, Grand Island, NY    Seasonal; Orchestra, Band &               Any size
					                                                                                                            Choral Festival, May weekends
Music is Art Buffalo Jazz Festival Phil Aguglia       716-200-6518          Various locations, Buffalo, NY              October annually                  Jazz bands
Niagara Falls State Park           Mary Kay Dugan     716-278-1763                Niagara Falls, NY              Seasonal; call for information              Varies
Niagara Falls Music & Art Festival		                  716-534-9960          Old Falls St, Niagara Falls, NY               June annually          Smaller bands/ensembles
Old Fort Niagara                     Bob Emerson      716-745-7611      Robert Moses Pkwy, Youngstown, NY          Year-round; call for details Outdoor - unlimited
						                                                                                                                                                   Indoor - 60
Roswell Park                         Debbie Miga      716-845-5708       Elm & Carlton Streets, Buffalo, NY           Mon - Fri 10am-2pm                 75 standing
Walden Galleria                    Marissa Romano     716-681-7600                Cheektowaga, NY                   Mon - Sat 10am-9:30pm                 Chorus: 40
					                                                                                                                    Sun 10am-7pm                    Band: 10-15
                                 19                             2017-2018 Buffalo Niagara Product Guide     1 888 2BUFFNY (1 888 228 3369)        VisitBuffaloNiagara.com
African American                                                                                                        Albright-Knox Art Gallery

                                                                                            SACRED GROUND PRODUCTIONS
Cultural Center, Inc.
                                                                                                                        1285 Elmwood Avenue
350 Masten Avenue                                                                                                       Buffalo, NY 14222
Buffalo, NY 14209                                                                                                       (716) 882-8700
(716) 884-2013                                                                                                          www.albrightknox.org
                                                                                                                        TOUR LENGTH: Under 1 hour
TOUR LENGTH: Call for details        Since 1958, the Center has developed programs and                                  GROUP LIMIT: 101-200
GROUP LIMIT: 25-50                   services to celebrate and support African Americans.                               HANDICAP ACCESS: Yes                       An outstanding center of modern and contemporary
HANDICAP ACCESS: Yes                 Popular programs include the Jumpin’ Jambalaya                                                                                art, the Albright-Knox collection belongs among
                                                                                                                        MOTORCOACH PARKING: Yes
                                     A1:M104 program, the soulful AACC Dance and                                                                                   the world’s top international surveys of 20th
                                     Drum Performance Company, the inspirational                                                                                   century painting and sculpture. Exhibitions and
                                     Paul Robeson Theatre and entertaining Pine Grill                                                                              installations are updated routinely.
                                     Jazz Reunion.

Aléthea’s Chocolates                                                                                                    Aquarium of Niagara
8301 Main Street                                                                                                        701 Whirlpool Street
Williamsville, NY 14221                                                                                                 Niagara Falls, NY 14301
(716) 633-8620                                                                                                          (716) 285-3575
www.altheas.com                                                                                                         www.aquariumofniagara.org

TOUR LENGTH: N/A                                                                                                        TOUR LENGTH: 1-2 hours
                                     Step back in time, to when life was simpler, the                                   GROUP LIMIT: N/A
                                     pace was slower, & the local Chocolate Shoppe and                                                                             Dive into an ocean of discovery at Niagara’s other
HANDICAP ACCESS: No                                                                                                     HANDICAP ACCESS: Yes
                                     Ice Cream Parlour was your favorite place to visit.                                                                           water wonder! Highlights include California sea
MOTORCOACH PARKING: Yes                                                                                                 MOTORCOACH PARKING: Yes
                                     Sample fresh handmade confections, in our vintage                                                                             lion demonstrations, harbor seals, and a colony
                                     style Shoppe. Relax with an ice cream soda on our                                                                             of Peruvian penguins. There are over 40 aquatic
                                     Veranda, or in the Ice Cream Parlour.                                                                                         exhibits to explore!

                                20                                   2017-2018 Buffalo Niagara Product Guide                                      1 888 2BUFFNY (1 888 228 3369)            VisitBuffaloNiagara.com
Arcade & Attica Railroad                                                                      Artpark
278 Main Street                                                                               450 South 4th Street
Arcade, NY 14009                                                                              Lewiston, NY 14092
(585) 492-3100 Fax: (585) 492-0100                                                            Box office: (716) 754-4375
www.arcadeandatticarr.com                                                                     Fax: (716) 754-2741
TOUR LENGTH: 2 or more
GROUP LIMIT: N/A                                                                              TOUR LENGTH: N/A
HANDICAP ACCESS: Yes                 All aboard! Experience scenic, historic train            GROUP LIMIT: None                          Summertime performing & visual arts venue,
                                     excursions at the home of the last operating steam                                                  located in Historic Lewiston. Artpark presents a
MOTORCOACH PARKING: Yes                                                                       HANDICAP ACCESS: Yes
                                     train in New York State. The Railroad hosts many                                                    Broadway musical, family events, and weekly
SEASONAL: Yes                        special events, and private charters are available.      MOTORCOACH PARKING: Yes                    concerts in the Outdoor Amphitheater. Scenic
                                     Open Memorial Day Weekend through December.              SEASONAL: Yes                              hiking trails, fishing docks & picnic areas are open
                                                                                                                                         year round.

Becker Farms &                                                                                Buffalo & Erie County
Vizcarra Vineyards                                                                            Botanical Gardens
3760 Quaker Road                                                                              2655 South Park Avenue
Gasport, NY 14067                                                                             Buffalo, NY 14218
(716) 772-2211 Fax: (716) 772-7429                                                            (716) 827-1584
www.beckerfarms.com                                                                           www.buffalogardens.com
                                     For the past 100 years Becker Farms and
TOUR LENGTH: Call for details                                                                 TOUR LENGTH: Under 1 hour                  The Buffalo and Erie County Botanical Gardens is
                                     Vizcarra Vineyards has harvested its own fruits
GROUP LIMIT: N/A                     and vegetables to provide fresh produce and a wide       GROUP LIMIT: N/A                           full of exotic horticulture treasures. Although there
HANDICAP ACCESS: Yes                 variety of value added products such as hand made                                                   are some plants native to our temperate region,
                                                                                              HANDICAP ACCESS: Yes
                                     pies, jams, cookies, cider, fudge and wines. The                                                    most are native to tropical and sub-tropical regions
MOTORCOACH PARKING: Yes                                                                       MOTORCOACH PARKING: Yes
                                     340 acre farm has been passed down through                                                          of the world. Made up of three glass domes and
                                     five generations.                                                                                   nine greenhouses.

                                21                                   2017-2018 Buffalo Niagara Product Guide            1 888 2BUFFNY (1 888 228 3369)             VisitBuffaloNiagara.com
Buffalo & Erie County                    The largest inland                                     Buffalo Arts Studio
Naval & Military Park                    park of its kind
                                         in the nation. All                                     2495 Main Street
One Naval Park Cove                      branches of the                                        Buffalo, NY 14214
Buffalo, NY 14202                        Armed Forces are                                       (716) 833-4450
(716) 847-1773 Fax: (716) 847-6405       represented in the                                     www.buffaloartsstudio.org
www.buffalonavalpark.org                 park’s exhibits.
                                         Tour the decks and                                     TOUR LENGTH: 1 hour
TOUR LENGTH: 2 or more                   hulls of a guided
                                                                                                GROUP LIMIT: N/A
                                         missile cruiser,
GROUP LIMIT: 101 - 200                                                                          HANDICAP ACCESS: No                        BAS is a not-for-profit arts organization whose
                                         destroyer and WWII
HANDICAP ACCESS: Yes                                                                                                                       mission is to provide affordable studio space and
                                         submarine. Inspect                                     MOTORCOACH PARKING: Yes
                                                                                                                                           regular public exposure for regional, national,
MOTORCOACH PARKING: Yes                  uniforms and
                                                                                                                                           and international artists through exhibitions, and
SEASONAL: Yes                            memorabilia in the
                                                                                                                                           to enrich the community with art classes, mural
                                         museum and exhibits aboard the ships.
                                                                                                                                           programs, and public art.

Buffalo Bills Football/                                                                        Buffalo Bisons Baseball
Ralph Wilson Stadium
                                                                                               Coca-Cola Field
Ralph Wilson Stadium - One Bills Drive                                                         One James D. Griffin Plaza
Orchard Park, NY 14127                                                                         Buffalo, NY 14203
(716) 648-1800                                                                                 (716) 846-2000
Fax: (716) 649-6446                                                                            Fax: (716) 852-6530
Toll free: (877) 228-4257                                                                      Toll free: (888) 223-6000
www.buffalobills.com                                                                           www.bisons.com
                                         Ralph Wilson Stadium has been home to the Bills                                                   The Buffalo Bisons, Triple A affiliate of the Toronto
TOUR LENGTH: N/A                         since 1973, with a seating capacity of 73,000 and     TOUR LENGTH: 2 or more                      Blue Jays, play at the finest ballpark in the minor
GROUP LIMIT: None                        some of the best sight-lines in the entire NFL.                                                   leagues - Coca-Cola Field.
                                                                                               GROUP LIMIT: None
                                         The Bills offer GROUP discounts to groups of 15
HANDICAP ACCESS: Yes                                                                           HANDICAP ACCESS: Yes
                                         or more. For more info, call the GROUP Ticket
MOTORCOACH PARKING: Yes                  Information number, 1-877-BB-TICKS (228-4257).        MOTORCOACH PARKING: Yes
SEASONAL: Yes                                                                                  SEASONAL: Yes

                                 22                                    2017-2018 Buffalo Niagara Product Guide            1 888 2BUFFNY (1 888 228 3369)             VisitBuffaloNiagara.com
Buffalo Central Terminal                                                                        Buffalo Harbor Cruises -
495 Paderewski Drive                                                                            Miss Buffalo
Buffalo, NY 14212
(716) 810-3210                                                                                  79 Marine Drive
www.buffalocentralterminal.org                                                                  Buffalo, NY 14202-4225
                                                                                                Dock location: Erie Basin Marina
TOUR LENGTH: 1-2 hours                                                                          (716) 856-6696 Fax: (716) 856-8901
GROUP LIMIT: 101 - 200                                                                          Toll free: (800) 244-8684
HANDICAP ACCESS: Yes                                                                            www.buffaloharborcruises.com
MOTORCOACH PARKING: Yes               The Central Terminal opened in 1929. The Central                                                     Take a narrated sightseeing cruise and travel
                                      Terminal Restoration Corp. was founded in 1997            TOUR LENGTH: 2 or more                     through three bodies of water, passing through the
                                      to oversee the stabilization and restoration of the       GROUP LIMIT: 51 - 100                      historic Black Rock Lock and Canal. Party cruises
                                      building, and while undertaking renovations they                                                     and private charters also available. Public cruises:
                                                                                                HANDICAP ACCESS: Yes
                                      will continue with events and tours with a “Hard                                                     July-Labor Day (call for reservations).Private
                                      Hat” view of the renovations.                             MOTORCOACH PARKING: No                     charters: May-Sept. (call for rates and dates).
                                                                                                SEASONAL: Yes

The Buffalo History Museum                                                                      Buffalo Museum of Science
1 Museum Court                                                                                  1020 Humboldt Parkway
Buffalo, NY 14216                                                                               Buffalo, NY 14211
(716) 873-9644                                                                                  (716) 896-5200 Fax: (716) 897-6723
www.buffalohistory.org                                                                          Toll free: (866) 291-6660
TOUR LENGTH: Call for details
                                                                                                TOUR LENGTH: Call for details              BMS offers interactive science studios, a National
GROUP LIMIT: 51-100                                                                                                                        Geographic 3D Cinema, special traveling exhibits, and
                                                                                                GROUP LIMIT: 201+
HANDICAP ACCESS: Yes                  A National Historic Landmark built in 1901 during                                                    galleries showcasing items from its collections of over
                                      the Pan-American Exposition. The museum                   HANDICAP ACCESS: Yes
                                                                                                                                           700,000 specimens and artifacts.
                                      features interactive exhibits, an extensive collection    MOTORCOACH PARKING: Yes
                                      of artifacts, manuscripts, books and photographs
                                      chronicling the development of Buffalo and the
                                      Niagara Frontier. New permanent exhibit of Tim
                                      Russert’s Meet the Press office.

                                 23                                    2017-2018 Buffalo Niagara Product Guide            1 888 2BUFFNY (1 888 228 3369)             VisitBuffaloNiagara.com
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