GRADUATION 2019 Featuring the Class of 2019, Residency Information, Awards, Photos, and More - Taylor's Alumni Community Taylor's ...

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GRADUATION 2019 Featuring the Class of 2019, Residency Information, Awards, Photos, and More - Taylor's Alumni Community Taylor's ...
                                                                                                  2 019

G R A D UAT I O N 2 01 9                              INSIDE:
Featuring the Class of 2019, Residency Information,   Department Reports: Plastic Surgery and Preventive
Awards, Photos, and More                              Medicine | Remembering Dr. Leonard L. Bailey
GRADUATION 2019 Featuring the Class of 2019, Residency Information, Awards, Photos, and More - Taylor's Alumni Community Taylor's ...
Adventist Health•
                             �-­                                                                                                                                                                   TABLE OF CONTENTS

                     Together inspiredTM

                                                                                                        G R A D U AT I O N 2 019                                  E D I TO R I A LS
                                                                                                  13    Graduation Feature: A letter to the                 2     Guest Editorial: JENNY JAQUE ’04
                                                                                                        graduates, awards, photos, residency
                                                                                                                                                            4     From the President
                                                                                                        information, and more
                                                                                                                                                            6     From the Dean

                                                                                             13         F E AT U R E S
                                                                                                  28    Disclosure of Medical Errors:
                                                                                                        In Favor of Full Disclosure:                        7     The Student Fund
                                                                                                        CHARLES D. RANDOLPH ’19 argues
                                                                                                                                                            8     School of Medicine News
                                                                                                        the benefits of full disclosure.
                                                                                                                                                            10    Alumni News
                                                                                                  31    Strangers: A poem by EUNICE M.
                                                                                                        MARPAUNG ’19                                        11    Wedding Announcements
                                                                                                  32    Department Reports: Plastic                         12    AIMS Report
                                                                                                        Surgery and Preventive Medicine:
                                                                                                        Subhas Gupta, MD, and APRIL M.
                                                                                             32                                                                   IN MEMORIAM
                                                                                                        WILSON ’06 report on their respective
                                                                                                        departments and distinguished faculty.              41    Featured Obituary:
                                                                                                                                                                  LEONARD L. BAILEY ’69
                                                                                                  36    Graduation Locations: DENNIS E.
                                                                                                        PARK, MA, ’07-HON reports on the                    43    Alumni Remembered
                                                                                                        locations of past graduation sites.
                                                                                                  38    Alumni Spotlight:                                   On the Cover: (Outer photo) KRISTINA
                                                                                                        Featuring LAURA A. FOSTER ’12                       MERCADO ’19 contemplates on what lies
                                                                                                                                                            ahead beyond graduation. (Inside photo) Students
                                                                                                  39    Historical Snapshot:
Adventist Health is a faith-based,                                                                      Heritage Stone Update
                                                                                                                                                            of the class of 2019 make their entrance for the
                                                                                             38                                                             commencement ceremony in May.
nonprofit, integrated health system
serving the West Coast and Hawaii.
Founded on Seventh-day Adventist
heritage values, we are seeking
mission-minded individuals to join our
compassionate team of providers. We
                                           •                        ALUMNI JOURNAL                Assistant Editor                     Web                                   Social Media

                                                                                                  Christina Lee              
are dedicated to transforming the                Kailua             Summer 2019                                                                                          
                                                                    Volume 90, Number 2           Design                               Email
health experience of our communities           HI �'-.
                                                                                                  Rachel Jenks               

through our unique focus on physical,                               Editor                        Layout                               Advertising                           Printed by Lynx Group, Inc., Salem, Oregon
                                                                    Burton A. Briggs ’66
mental, spiritual and social healing.
                                                                                                  Christina Lee              
                                                                                                  Calvin Chuang                                                              Views expressed in the ALUMNI JOURNAL
                                                                    Associate Editors                                                  Phone/Fax                             are those of the respective contributors and
                                                                    Rolanda R. Everett ’92        Advertising                          P: 909-558-4633, F: 909-558-4638      are not necessarily shared by the Alumni
                                                                                                                                                                             Association or editorial staff. The Alumni
                                                                    Darrell J. Ludders ’67        Nancy Yuen, MPW                                                            Association is not responsible for the quality
                                                                                                                                                                             of products or services advertised in the
     Learn more about an inspiring career with Adventist Healtfi:   Consulting Editor/Historian   Circulation                          11245 Anderson St., Suite 200         JOURNAL unless the products or services are
                                                                    Dennis E. Park, MA, ’07-hon   A.T. Tuot                            Loma Linda, CA 92354                  offered directly by the Association.

    916.406.0121 • ProvideriCaFLeer.s.afi.or.g
GRADUATION 2019 Featuring the Class of 2019, Residency Information, Awards, Photos, and More - Taylor's Alumni Community Taylor's ...

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Drs. Edmond and Ella Haddad are leaving their legacy by giving the
                                                                                                                                                                                                            gift of opportunity. Both educators at Loma Linda University Health,
                                                                                                                                                                                                            they decided to make a gift through real estate. Proceeds from its

  Connections                                                                                                                                                                                               sale established the Ella and Edmond Haddad International Student
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Scholarship in the Loma Linda University School of Public Health
                                                                                                                                                                                                            and added to The Labeeb Haddad Memorial Scholarship in Loma

            s another academic year has come to a close, I can’t help                                                                                                                                       Linda University School of Dentistry.
            but remember the day I made the decision to be an
            alumnus of Loma Linda University (LLU) School of                                                                                                                                                “Qualified students from all over the world should have the
  Medicine. I must have been around nine years old. I was walking on                                                                                                                                        opportunity to receive a higher education. We believe everyone
  the Loma Linda campus with my family and came upon the Good                                                                                                                                               has something that they want to promote and for us that is love,
  Samaritan sculpture. I was familiar with the story found in Luke                                                                                                                                          peace and hope.”
  10:29-37. A man going                                                                                                                                                                                                                        – Drs. Edmond and Ella Haddad
  from Jerusalem to Jericho

                                                                                                                                                           How will youWe’re  working                                                                       to
  is attacked by robbers who         I AM SO PROUD TO BE
  strip him and beat him. A           A GRADUATE OF THIS
  priest and a Levite pass by       GREAT SCHOOL AND TO                                                                                                                 leave                               To learn how you can give from your

                                                                                                                                                                       cure blindness.
  without helping him, but a                                                                                                                                                                                IRA account or about establishing
                                     BE A MEMBER OF THIS
                                                                                                                                                           your LEGACY?
                                                                                                                                                                                                            a Planned Gift, visit or
  Samaritan stops and cares                COMMUNITY OF                                                                                                                                                     call 909-558-4553.
  for him, taking him to an inn         GREAT PHYSICIANS                      share your stories, we want to spotlight your missions, we want to
  where the Samaritan pays                                                    establish connections with our future alumni, and we want to share
  for his care. Two individuals                                               the message of local and global service.                                                                                      MANY STRENGTHS. ONE MISSION.
  not meant to connect in any normal situation but now having met                 As always, we appreciate comments, letters, and content from
  would provide one of the best examples of compassion and grace              you, our readers. We recognize that we have a responsibility to
  for another human being.                                                    increase awareness within our own community and bring LLU

                                                                                                                                                           About 400 million people
      This sculpture resonated with my nine-year-old self, and I              School of Medicine alumni together in ways that allow us to do
  decided to navigate my life toward a career that revolved around            things we couldn't have done in isolation. n
  helping others. I also decided to do what was necessary to ensure
  that one day I could be a proud member of the Loma Linda                                                                                                 in the world can’t see.
  University School of Medicine Alumni Association. I am so proud
  to be a graduate of this great school and to be a member of this                                                                                         AIES has worked for 35 years to train people to
  community of great physicians.                                                                                                                           serve. We’ve trained over 120 ophthalmologists
      As we look forward to another academic year, the LLU School                                                                                          that now serve in needy areas.
  of Medicine Alumni Association media team will continue to focus
  on sharing our community in print and video, and moving forward,                                        Jenny Jaque ’04
  we plan to expand our social media platforms as well. We want to                                        Media Advisory Council Chair                     YOU Can Help Us Do More
                                                                                                                                                           Learn more at
  HOW TO GET INVOLVED WITH THE ALUMNI JOURNAL                                                        CORRECTIONS

                                                                                                     We offer our sincere apologies to TAMARA
                                                                                                                                                            DONATE TODAY!
           Communicate with us via: Letters to the editor | Feedback, comments, and

    1                                                                                                THOMAS ’87 for incorrectly printing her
           questions | Social media
                                                                                                     graduation year as 1986 and to SAMUEL S.
           Notify us of: Updates on life and career | In memoriam notices |                          PAW ’82 for incorrectly printing his gradua-
           Changes of address                                                                        tion year as 1962 in the Spring 2019 issue.                     Adventist International Eye Services
                                                                                                                                                           Adventist International Eye Services
           Contribute your: Best photographs of hobbies, travel, and career | Manuscripts
           of stories, essays, and poems | Ideas for content, subjects, and themes                                                                           Call James L. Davidian, MD
           Reach us at: Email: | Phone: 909-558-4633 |
                                                                                                     For more information about the ALUMNI
                                                                                                     JOURNAL, advertising rates, and past issues, please
    4      11245 Anderson St., Suite 200, Loma Linda, CA 92354                                       visit
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Summer 2019 | 3
GRADUATION 2019 Featuring the Class of 2019, Residency Information, Awards, Photos, and More - Taylor's Alumni Community Taylor's ...

  A Few Words                                                                 residency spots and jobs for all! Be there for each other, and what
                                                                              you gain will be invaluable.
                                                                                                                                                             See you at APC 2020!
  of Advice
                                                                                  Finally, never be afraid to ask for help. Recently, I heard Elton
                                                                              John, after decades of success, talk about the three most important
                                                                              words he ever learned:“I need help.” We all do, and we all will. Don’t let
                                                                              your ego or fear get in the way of your success or sanity! Our 7,000+                                                              Visit PUC at booths 112 & 113
                                                                              alumni and in particular, GINA MOHR ’96 and the Student

              o the new alumni and incoming “alumni in training,”             Affairs Council, are committed to enhancing your experience.
              congratulations on an amazing accomplishment! Both                  To the other distinguished classes: The Alumni Association is
              groups have challenges and work ahead, but as you begin         an exciting place to be these days. As mentioned, Dr. Mohr and her                                                                              March 6-9, 2020
  this journey, there are a few things to consider:                           council are doing an amazing job increasing support for our future
       First, as much as possible enjoy the ride, especially the times like   alumni — the medical students. JENNY JAQUE ’04 is making                                                                                        Call today to be kept current with a
  this. It may seem hard to believe, but in some ways this is as good as      major progress upgrading the media aspects of the Association so                                                                                schedule of exciting events PUC will
  it gets. This is a rare and special experience — as much as possible                                                     that we can communi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              host throughout the convention.
  enjoy the moment! The challenges are never-ending: residency                                                             cate more effectively in
  choice, board exams, practice locations, practice guidelines, all the             NURTURE IMPORTANT                      the language of each era.
  way to retirement and deciding “what your number is.” Taking care                 RELATIONSHIPS BECAUSE                      Finally, a moment                                                                              (707) 965-7500
  of patients is a much different process when you’re a resident with               A BURDEN SHARED IS A                   of reflection on medical
  an attending backing you up than it is in the middle of the night on              BURDEN HALVED                          student debt. Recently,
  your own.                                                                                                                in large part through
       Strangely, you may find that looking back, you were as comfort-                                                     the contributions of its
  able financially and socially in medical school as you are later in         alumni, NYU announced tuition-free medical school, enhancing
  life. The friendships you make with your classmates and the shared          not only the financial stability but also the emotional health of their
  experiences are invaluable. You are much more than your latest test         students.1 UCLA, Case Western, and other institutions are also
  or board score, good or bad! Burnout and depression are epidemic            making significant inroads in this area. With our commitment to
  at all levels of medicine. Taking time for yourself — exercise, medi-       making men and women whole, beginning with our own medical
  tation, and time with friends — will pay off in the long run. This          school family, we are looking at opportunities to more directly
  is not a sprint or even a marathon with life starting afterwards;           benefit our newest members.
  this is the journey of life. Please consider reading “The Resilient             Thank you for your contributions to this amazing legacy, and
  Physician” by Wayne and Mary Sotile and “Thank You For Being                please share your thoughts and ideas! n
  Late” by Thomas Friedman.
       Secondly, your career and reputation start in medical school.          Endnote:
                                                                              1. -
  The Loma Linda University medical community is worldwide.
  Anywhere you travel, you will be connected. The four years of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  EDDIE NGO
  medical school are 10 percent of your career and an even greater                                                                                                                                                                                          CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™
  percentage of contacts you will make. Keep a file of interesting

                                                                                                                                                                                WHAT ARE YOUR DREAMS?
  patients and experiences!
       Third, learn to manage the unknown. Medicine is a very
  humbling and dynamic profession. Each patient is different, and
  learning to manage the uncertainties and changes is essential.                                                                                                             College savings? Paying off debt? Building a home? Retirement?
  Nurture important relationships because a burden shared is a                                                                                               For more than 40 years, Eddie Ngo, CFP®, has been helping Loma Linda University School of Medicine alumni
  burden halved. It may seem at times you are competing with your                                            H. Del Schutte ’84
                                                                                                                                                             pursue their goals and dreams through financial planning. Eddie Ngo helps his clients with:
  classmates. Try to avoid this as much as possible; there are enough                                        Alumni Association President
                                                                                                                                                                        • Strategies to build a diverse financial portfolio
                                                                                                                                                                        • Advice on pension planning, investment related tax planning and insurance needs
                                                                                                                                                                        • Financial plans to guide you through every stage of life from birth to retirement
                                                                                                                                                           222 East Olive Ave. Suite #2 • Redlands, CA 92373 • Office: 909.307.1760 •
                                                                                                                                                            Securities offered through Sigma Financial Corporation. Member FINRA & SIPC. Fee-based investment advisory services offered
                                                                                                                                                                                         through Sigma Planning Corporation, a registered investment advisor.
4 |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Summer 2019 | 5
GRADUATION 2019 Featuring the Class of 2019, Residency Information, Awards, Photos, and More - Taylor's Alumni Community Taylor's ...
EDITORIALS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       NEWS
         EDITOR                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       THE STUDENT FUND

  New                                                                       through the decades, Loma Linda University has held fast to its
                                                                            distinctive mission to continue the teaching and healing ministry

                                                                            of Jesus Christ. That mission has sustained me through my career,
                                                                            and it is the thread that binds our faculty, alumni, and students
                                                                            together, no matter how the times change.
                                                                                Our students have already shown through mission trips, volunteer
                                                                            activities, and church leadership that they are committed to lives of

                 hen I graduated with the class of 1987, I never imagined   service. My hope for them is that they will continue to build upon the
                 that I would step into the role of dean of the School      legacy of whole person care established by the generations of classes
                 of Medicine, but it is an honor to assume leadership       that came before, and I am confident they can do it! Whether they are
  of the institution                                                        entering their first, second, third, or final year of medical school, I am
  that helped shape                                                         constantly inspired by the myriad of talents that they have.                 Medical students visit the Alumni Association office to check out
                                                                                                                                                         books from the Lending Library or pick up their white coats.
  me as a physician.         I HOPE TO HELP OUR MEDICAL                         The support of the Alumni Association has been invaluable to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Our commitment is our SERVICE
  I hope to help our STUDENTS FIND THE SAME JOYS                            the student experience. As we in the School of Medicine work to
  medical students
  find the same joys
                              AND BLESSINGS IN MEDICAL                      provide a cutting-edge medical education and to mold physicians of
                                                                            both faith and the future, I welcome you to join us on this journey
                                                                                                                                                         Alumni Association
                             PRACTICE AS I HAVE AT LOMA
  and blessings in               LINDA UNIVERSITY HEALTH                    by staying connected. n                                                      Resources Help Support
  medical practice
  as I have at Loma
                                                                                                                                                         Medical Students
  Linda University Health. I am also distinctly privileged and grateful
                                                                                                                                                             The Alumni Association works with The Student Fund                                                  26151 Mayberry St, Loma Linda Ca. 92534
  to serve as the second woman dean of the school.                                                                                                                                                                                                               11498 Pierce St, Ste D, Riverside Ca. 92505
                                                                                                                                                         to provide a variety of resources for students of the School of             909-796-0206                 888-252-5662
      There’s no denying that medical education is different today
                                                                                                                                                         Medicine. One of the most practical resources is the Barbara
  than it has been in the past. Students must learn more as medicine
                                                                                                                                                         J. Orr Lending Library. Founded in 2002 by BARBARA J.
  rapidly changes, technology adds significant complexity, and resi-
                                                                                                                                                         ORR ’70 and the Student Affairs Council, the Lending Library
  dency positions become more competitive. Student and physician                                           Tamara L. Thomas ’87
                                                                                                                                                         provides medical school textbooks and review books for medical
  wellness and resilience are also at the forefront of our minds. Yet                                      School of Medicine Dean
                                                                                                                                                         students to check out. There are also free books available for
                                                                                                                                                         students to take. Most of the books in the library are donated by
                                                                                                                                                         alumni and recent graduates.

  Alumni Association Welcomes Past President TAMARA L.                                                                                                       A recent donation from Dr. Orr has made it possible for
                                                                                                                                                         the Association to purchase the most popular books for clerk-
  THOMAS ’87 as Dean of the School of Medicine                                                                                                           ships in surgery, internal medicine, pediatrics, and psychiatry.
                                                                                                                                                         Students will be able to check out these books for the 10-week
                                                                                The Alumni Association congratulates past president                      duration of their clerkship. This year, donations to The Student
                                                                            TAMARA L. THOMAS ’87 on her appointment as dean                              Fund have also made it possible to give each third-year medical
                                                                            of the School of Medicine. Dr. Thomas has served as vice dean                student a white coat with their name embroidered on it for them
                                                                            for Academic Affairs since 2011 and associate dean for Faculty               to wear as they begin their clerkships.
                                                                            Development since 2006. She also served as interim chair of the                  One student said the Alumni Association has been “a
                                                                            department of emergency medicine.                                            constant treasure trove of resources, from money to textbooks
                                                                                In addition to her numerous honors, Dr. Thomas was named                 to photographs.” Through generous donations, the Association
                                                                            a Hero of Emergency Medicine in 2008 by ACEP and a Fellow                    can continue to support our future alumni. n
                                                                            of the International Federation for Emergency Medicine in 2006.                                                                                  Your reception                       Teach patients
                                                                            Her leadership and academic accomplishments are only surpassed                                                                                   room holds a                         how to live well
                                                                            by her intangible qualities — humility, generosity, and compassion.          THE STUDENT FUND is a branch of the Student
                                                                            As KAARSTEN LANG ’87 recounts, "Tammi is the kind of                         Affairs Council and part of the Alumni Association, LLUSM.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             captive audience.                    while they wait!
                                                                            friend who cleared her schedule on short notice to care for me for           Its activities are financed by your contributions and greatly       DOWNLOAD OUR LATEST HEALTH PRODUCTS CATALOG
                                                                            a week after an unexpected illness. She is known for giving great            appreciated by LLU medical students. For more information or        at or order today at
  A.T. Tuot hangs a photo of Tamara L. Thomas ’87 in the hallway of the
                                                                            gifts, being fun to travel with, offering keen yet kind insights, and        to make a donation, please contact the Alumni Association at
  Alumni Association office in honor of her becoming the new dean.          solving problems creatively." n                                              909-558-4633 or LLUSMAA@LLU.EDU.                                                                        ©2019 Pacific Press® Publishing Association

6 |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Summer 2019 | 7
GRADUATION 2019 Featuring the Class of 2019, Residency Information, Awards, Photos, and More - Taylor's Alumni Community Taylor's ...
NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     NEWS
SCHOOL OF MEDICINE NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               SCHOOL OF MEDICINE NEWS

                          First Successful Bone Marrow Transplant Case for
                          Sickle Cell at LLU Children's Hospital
                                                  Quan Zhao, MD, from the                     In 1984, the cure for sickle cell disease was inadver-
                                              Department of Pediatric Bone Marrow         tently discovered in a patient that received a bone marrow
                                              Transplant and his team performed           transplant for leukemia. Physicians discovered that the
                                              the first successful bone marrow trans-
                                              plant to cure sickle cell disease in a
                                                                                          transplant also eliminated sickle cell disease in the patient.
                                                                                          By 2000, patients receiving a match sibling donor trans-
                                                                                                                                                           Apprenticeship Bridge to College: A Celebration of Diversity
                                              patient at the Loma Linda University        plant experienced a 92 percent cure rate. Medical advances       and the Future of Health Care
                                              Children’s Hospital.                        have since made bone marrow transplants possible
                                                                                                                                                               On April 16, nearly 300 people gathered to      research careers. Students from the Inland      technology, engineering, or math (STEM)
                              The female patient half-matched with her father and         between unrelated donors, umbilical cord blood, and even
                                                                                                                                                           celebrate diversity and the future of health care   Empire apply to the competitive program,        degrees, nearly two-thirds of ABC program
                          underwent a haploidentical transplant. Over the span of         half-match family donors called haploidentical.
                                                                                                                                                           at the Apprenticeship Bridge to College (ABC)       where they are immersed in a hands-on           alumni graduate with STEM degrees. More
                          28 days, she was treated with chemotherapy to eliminate             Dr. Zhao entered this field because his child had
                                                                                                                                                           interview day. Sponsored by the Center for          research environment and mentored by faculty.   than half of those students go on to pursue
                          the sickle cell and create bone marrow space for donor          leukemia. He says he understands the pain chronic disease
                                                                                                                                                           Health Disparities and Molecular Medicine,              In contrast to the national average,        graduate programs, 44 percent of whom
                          cells. Since the procedure, she has been cured of sickle cell   causes families. He hopes that more parents will take
                                                                                                                                                           the ABC program aims to introduce under-            which shows only 15-20 percent of under-        return to Loma Linda University Health for
                          disease, which is typically a lifelong debilitating illness.    advantage of this procedure when the patient is young
                                                                                                                                                           represented high school students to biomedical      represented minorities completing science,      their advanced degrees. n
                          Her current bone marrow is made of 100 percent donor            because bone marrow transplants cannot reverse damage
                          cells, and she no longer requires the blood transfusions or     already caused by progression of the disease.
                          costly medications typical of sickle cell treatment.                “I am hopeful and optimistic about the future of
                                                                                                                                                           MARTI F. BAUM ’79-B Advocates                                                                                 RICHARD E.
                              “This [success] has far reaching implications for Loma      sickle cell disease treatment in the Loma Linda University
                          Linda Hospital and the Inland Empire,” Dr. Zhao said.           Children’s Hospital,” he said. n                                 Bill for Vaccinations at California                                                                           CHINNOCK ’82
                                                                                                                                                           Senate Health Hearing                                                                                         Receives
                          H. ROGER HADLEY ’74                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Outstanding
                          Retires After 16 Years of
                                                                                                                                                               In        April,
                                                                                                                                                           Assistant Professor
                                                                                                                                                                                                        of the San Bernardino County Medical
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Society. Four Loma Linda University
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Clinician Award
                          Service as Dean                                                                                                                  of
                                                                                                                                                           MARTI BAUM
                                                                                                                                                                     Pediatrics                         residents and six medical students
                                                                                                                                                                                                        accompanied the team to Sacramento.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         At Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     (LLUCH), RICHARD E. CHINNOCK ’82
       FOLLOW THE             H. ROGER HADLEY ’74 ended his tenure as the                                                                                  ’79-B      testified                              The California Medical Association      was recognized with the 2019 Outstanding Clinician
        SCHOOL OF         longest serving dean in School of Medicine history on                                                                            before the state                             had selected Dr. Baum as an expert pedia-    Award. Dr. Chinnock has served as a pediatrician at
                          July 1. He will continue to work as a urologist at Loma                                                                          Senate in support                            trician for SB 276, which was introduced     LLUCH for more than three decades and was recog-
                          Linda University Medical Center. Former Vice Dean for                                                                            of Senate Bill 276, a measure aimed at       by fellow pediatrician and state Sen.        nized for his dedication and distinguished service. He
                          Academic Affairs TAMARA L. THOMAS ’87 was                                                                                        strengthening the oversight of medical       Richard Pan. SB 276 passed at the end of     is the chief medical officer for LLUCH and has served      selected to serve as the next dean.                                                                                              exemptions for vaccination require-          April. Under the new law, medical exemp-     as chair of the department of pediatrics.
        llumedschool          “Roger Hadley has been dean for 16 years now but                                                                             ments. Dr. Baum was joined by a group        tions will be granted by the California          Children’s Hospital senior vice president and
                                                                                          H. Roger Hadley ’74 attends his last commencement ceremony
                          has worked here much longer than that,” said Loma               in May as dean of the School of Medicine.                        of Inland Empire physicians as members       Department of Public Health. n               administrator Scott Perryman said Dr. Chinnock has
                          Linda University Health President RICHARD H.                                                                                                                                                                               shaped the hospital into what it has become and where
                          HART, DRPH, ’70 at an award ceremony earlier this               of the American Urological Association, the Association                                                                                                    it will head in the future.

                          year. “He has established many of the practices we have         of American Medical Colleges, and the Accreditation              School of Medicine Honors Two                                                                 “In Dr. Chinnock’s time at LLUCH, we’ve gone
                          in this school, set a standard for leadership in the School
                          of Medicine, and particularly deserves to be recognized
                                                                                          Council for Graduate Medical Education.
                                                                                              In May during commencement, Dr. Hadley was
                                                                                                                                                           Teachers of the Year                                                                      from having children’s services to a comprehensive
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     network for children’s health,” Perryman said. “He’s
       WEBSITE:           for the contribution he has made to student life here at        awarded the lifelong title of Emeritus Dean and given                 Each year, the Walter E. MacPherson     as the clinical teacher of the year. The     truly one of the main founders of children’s health,    Loma Linda.”                                                    the Lifetime Service Award, the highest honor LLUH               Society honors outstanding faculty           MacPherson Society considers student         and our gratitude for the legacy of leaders from the
                              During his time as dean, Dr. Hadley concurrently            bestows upon an individual.                                      in the School of Medicine. Two               feedback when selecting honorees,            Chinnock family cannot be overstated.”
                          served as executive vice president for Medical Affairs at           “My journey has truly been a team effort — impos-            faculty members were awarded the             and both Drs. Cole and Huang distin-             Dr. Chinnock said his young patients are what
  School of Medicine
   News is developed      LLUH, chief of staff of Loma Linda University Medical           sible without outstanding university leadership, mentors,        title for the 2018-19 school year.           guished themselves in the students’ and      make him passionate about the field.
  by Kristen Hwang,       Center and Children’s Hospital, chief medical officer           colleagues, a marvelous spouse, and a selfless and highly        BRADLEY A. COLE ’92 was                      committee’s eyes, said society president         “I love the sense of wonder that children have. Each of
   coordinator at the
                          of LLUH, and chair of Loma Linda University Health              competent staff with whom I had been privileged to               recognized as the preclinical teacher        D. DUANE BALDWIN ’91 during                  them has a certain joy that is infectious and keeps me young
  School of Medicine.     Care. He also lent his leadership to the Western Section        work,” Dr. Hadley said. n                                        of the year and James Huang, MD,             the senior banquet in May. n                 as well as those of us who work with them,” he said. n

8 |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Summer 2019 | 9
GRADUATION 2019 Featuring the Class of 2019, Residency Information, Awards, Photos, and More - Taylor's Alumni Community Taylor's ...
NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         NEWS
ALUMNI NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS

  ALUMNI                                                                                                   ALUMNI

 News         What’s new? Have you accomplished
              something of which you are proud? Have you
              received an award? Served overseas recently?
                                                                                                           Weddings                                                                                  If you or any alumni you know have recently
                                                                                                                                                                                                     gotten married and would like to submit a wedding
                                                                                                                                                                                                     announcement, please contact us at

              Want to simply update us on your life? Email
              us at

                                                                                                                     DAVID E. RUCKLE ’19 and                              STEPHANIE LAO ’16 and                                ADAM D. BORECKY ’19 and
                                                                                                                       ELIZABETH YEO ’19                                       Shyam Brahmbhatt                               DANIELA M. ALÉ-SALVO ’19
              1980s                                                                                        • Wedding Date/Location: June 1, 2019, at Sylvan      • Wedding Date/Location: May 30, 2019, in             • Wedding Date/Location: May 19, 2019, in
              RICARDO L. PEVERINI ’84 was honored with the San Bernardino County Medical                   Lake Estate in Angwin, California                     Malibu, California                                    Escondido, California
                                                                                                           • Residency: Both at LLUH; Dr. Ruckle (orthope-       • Residency: Dr. Lao is doing an obstetrics           • Residency: LLUH; Dr. Adam Borecky (psychi-
              Society (SBCMS) Presidential Award on June 20, 2019, during the annual SBCMS Officer
                                                                                                           dics) and Dr. Yeo (PM&R)                              and gynecology residency at White Memorial            atry) and Dr. Daniela Borecky (transitional year)
              Installation and Awards Recognition Dinner. He also joined MARTI F. BAUM ’79-B               • Bride's Parents: ELVIN ’76-B and Alice Yeo          Medical Center.                                       • Bride's Parents: Manuel Alé and Dr. Maritza
              in accepting a $3,525,000 gift to support residents through the Loma Linda University        • Groom's Parents: HERBERT RUCKLE ’86                 • Bride's Parents: Dr. Wilson D. Lao and              Salvo-Alé
              Health Education Consortium Program.                                                         and CAROL LAU RUCKLE ’78-B                            Mariclem Lao                                          • Groom's Parents: DAVID A. ’87 and Tamara
                                                                                                           • Comments: The couple went through grade             • Groom's Parents: Chandulal and Aruna                Borecky
                                                                                        Ricardo L.         school, high school, college, and medical school      Brahmbhatt                                            • Comments: The couple is thankful for all the
                                                                                        Peverini ’84       together. Other alumni family members include         • Comments: Other (future) alumni family              support Loma Linda alumni have given them and
                                                                                        (right) receives   ALEXANDER Y. YEO ’16, ANTHONY H.                      members include WILSON LAO (’20).                     is especially thankful to the Little White House.
                                                                                        the SBCMS          YEO ’16, and FRANCIS Y. LAU ’47.
                                                                                        Award from
                                                                                        past president
                                                                                        MD, on June 20.

              1990s                                                                                                        Eunbi Kim and                                  CARLY V. LEGGITT ’19 and                        BRENDON D. BROCKMANN ’13 and
              ELIZABETH L. WALTERS ’94 has been appointed interim chair                                                    JEREMY LAM ’17                                LOGAN A. VILLARREAL ’18                                   DANA M. HOXIE ’19
              of the Loma Linda University Department of Emergency Medicine. She                           • Wedding Date/Location: May 19, 2019, in             • Wedding Date/Location: May 12, 2019, in             • Wedding Date/Location: February 24, 2019, at
              has served as medical director of the emergency medicine department                          Trabuco Canyon, California                            Redlands, California                                  Campus Hill Church of Seventh-day Adventists in
                                                                                                           • Residency: Dr. Lam is doing an internal medicine    • Residency: They are both doing a family medi-       Loma Linda, California
              since 2012.
                                                                                                           residency at LLUH.                                    cine residency in Spokane, Washington.                • Residency/Practice: Dr. Brockmann is a child
                  Dr. Walters is an associate professor and has been on the faculty of the                 • Bride's Parents: Nathan and Amy Kim                 • Bride's Parents: Leroy and Sandy Leggitt            and adolescent psychiatrist for Riverside County.
              emergency department since 1997. She has a special interest in disaster                      • Groom's Parents: MICHAEL P. ’81 and                 • Groom's Parents: Rick and Betty Villarreal          Dr. Hoxie is doing an occupational medicine resi-
              medicine, serving as chief medical officer of the local Disaster Medical Assistance Team.    Dorine Lam                                            • Comments: The bride and groom both have             dency at LLUH.
                                                                                                           • Comments: With an outdoor wedding planned,          written articles for this JOURNAL and were            • Bride's Parents: RUSSELL HOXIE JR. ’88
              Dr. Walters has provided medical care after multiple disasters, including at the World       the couple was initially very sad that it rained on   each the alumni representative for their respective   and Danielle Hoxie
              Trade Center after 9/11 and in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. She has been involved     their wedding day. However, the weather changed       classes. They started talking and dating because of   • Groom's Parents: DOUGLAS ’78 and Susie
              with the Air Rescue and Search and Rescue teams of the San Bernardino County Sheriff ’s      in their favor and was sunny during their wedding     the Alumni Student Council meetings and said the      Brockmann n
                                                                                                           photos, ceremony, and reception, and they consider    Alumni Association would always have a special
              Department and is a retired reserve deputy. For her disaster and rescue work, Dr. Walters
                                                                                                           it a great blessing. Other alumni family members      place in their hearts. Other alumni family members
              has received multiple awards and recognitions. (Source: School of Medicine Report) n         include CARRIE J. LAM ’16.                            include DONAVON SCHWISOW ’52.

10 |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Summer 2019 | 11
GRADUATION 2019 Featuring the Class of 2019, Residency Information, Awards, Photos, and More - Taylor's Alumni Community Taylor's ...
NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              GRADUATION 2019

              Alumni in Mission Service Update
                  “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to     service, dedication, and years of reaching out overseas to those
              serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various   in need through medical missions. We suspect there are many
              forms.” 1 Peter 4:10                                               of our alumni going on short-term mission trips, leading and
                  What is AIMS doing currently? The focus is three things:       funding worthy projects, and doing community outreach right
              1) connecting alumni who wish to support overseas missions         in their own neighborhoods. Each of our alumni has unique
              to our overseas alumni who want (and need) that support,           gifts and talents. Maybe yours is connecting with local teens,
              2) assisting with shipping costs to get medical equipment and      opening your home for fellowship once a week, writing uplifting
              supplies to alumni overseas, and 3) soon providing a platform      poetry, or being a weekly prayer warrior. Please send us your
              for our overseas alumni to post for coverage when they return      story! Even one paragraph telling us what you do with your
              home on annual leave. The mission hospitals rely heavily on the    talents will be appreciated. Your story could be a wonderful
              mission doctors and may have to completely shut down certain       inspiration to your colleagues. We want to post your story
              services when the physician goes on annual leave. The mission      online so that we can uplift, encourage, and connect.
              doctor is often exhausted and stretched to their utmost, desper-       Send us an email with your story or suggestions for AIMS
              ately needing rest and a break. We envision being able to post     to and n
              the dates on our website six months in advance for those annual
              leave requests along with the type of physician coverage needed.   (AIMS has migrated from being an independent not-for-profit
                  At the last APC, two alumni received the annual AIMS           entity to being a council of the Alumni Association. We have
              Award: ROBERT R. WRESCH ’69 and TAWNYA M.                          maintained all previous board members who desired to continue      Students from the class of 2019 pose with their diplomas during the School of Medicine commencement ceremony on Sunday, May 26.
              CONSTANTINO ’94. We applaud and acknowledge their                  with AIMS.)

                                                                                                                                                    Graduation 2019
                                                                                                                                                    BY HENRY H. LAMBERTON, PSYD, ’01-FAC, ASSO CIATE DEAN FOR STUDENT AFFAIRS

       Now Hiring
                                                                                                                                                               ear graduates,                                             But there is an even greater reason to congratulate
                                                                                                                                                                   When I consider what you have accomplished,        and give thanks to you. The mission you have accepted is
       U.S. Board-Certified Doctors                                                                                                                            I remember that your M.D. represents years of          succinctly described in Luke 9:1-2. When Jesus called
                                                                                                                                                    planning, perseverance, and prayer. You had to forgo short-       his disciples together, “He sent them out to proclaim the
                                                                                                                                                    term pleasures in favor of long-term goals. You had to hang       Kingdom of God and to heal.” When Jesus’ followers are
       Family Medicine            Ophthalmologist                                                                                                   in when you felt like giving up and had to engage in the lonely   carrying out this mission, they are bringing the Kingdom of
       General Surgery            Ob/Gyn                                                                                                            work of studying when you would have rather been relaxing         God to Earth. He told them to tell those whose lives they
       Internal Medicine          Optometrist                                                                                                       or hanging out with friends. Your commitment is admirable.        touched that the Kingdom of God had come near to them
       Pediatrician               Dermatologist                                                                                                         But you also had to accept the fact that you couldn’t         (Luke 10:9-11).
                                                                                                                                                    succeed by yourself. You learned to not only be help-givers           My prayer is that you will continue to live in the knowl-
                                                                                                                                                    but also help-receivers, to support and to accept support         edge that you are citizens of the Kingdom of God and
       For more information, contact
                                                                                                                                                    from your classmates, teachers, counselors, and mentors.          that through your healing ministry, you are revealing that
                                                                                                                                                    You learned the value of teamwork as well as individual effort    Kingdom to others. You will experience good times and bad
                                                                                                                                                    and when to exercise both. These are vitally important skills     times, joy and pain, but you will never have to believe that
                                                                                                                                                    for professional as well as spiritual and individual success.     what you do doesn’t matter.
                                                                                                                                                    For this I congratulate you.                                          In closing, I do want to say one more thing. Graduation
                                                                                                                                                        Congratulations are also due to your parents, fami-           brings mixed feelings to your teachers. We rejoice for what
                                                                                                                                                    lies, and larger communities. These include the School of         you have accomplished, but we will miss you when you are
                                                                                                                                                    Medicine alumni, churches, and others whose efforts created       gone. So send us an email from time to time, and tell us how
       Leading people to Christ through high-quality health care & education                                                                        the conditions necessary for your education. I join you in        you are doing. Come back for alumni weekends and say
                                                                                                                                                    expressing gratitude to them.                                     hello. Keep in touch. n

12 |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Summer 2019 | 13
GRADUATION 2019 Featuring the Class of 2019, Residency Information, Awards, Photos, and More - Taylor's Alumni Community Taylor's ...
GRADUATION 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          GRADUATION 2019

              Military Commissioning and Promotion Ceremony                                                                                            Student Awards
                                                                                            After the conferring of degrees at the Loma Linda             Congratulations to the class of 2019 and to the students
                                                                                         University (LLU) School of Medicine commencement              who received the following awards and recognitions during
                                                                                         ceremony on Sunday, May 26, four medical school graduates     their time in medical school.
                                                                                         headed to the Randall Amphitheater to be commissioned
                                                                                         and promoted as officers in the U.S. military.                SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AWARDS
                                                                                            The four LLU School of Medicine graduates and
                                                                                                                                                         • President’s Award: David E. Ruckle
                                                                                         their new ranks are KODI HUMPAL ’19, U.S. Army
                                                                                         2nd Lt., LYDIA G. KORE ’19, U.S. Army 2nd Lt.,
                                                                                                                                                         • Wil Alexander Whole Person Care Award: Bobae Lee
                                                                                         CRANDALL K. VARNELL ’19, U.S. Army 2nd Lt., and
                                                                                         MCKENNAN A. COOK ’19, U.S. Navy Ensign.
                                                                                                                                                         • Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society: Daniel K.
                                                                                            A total of 11 graduates participated in this commis-
              Family and friends congratulate the graduates who were commis-                                                                               Amponsah, Tshea Dowers, Marina C. Gemanos,
              sioned and promoted as officers in the U.S. military following the
                                                                                         sioning ceremony, including five graduates of LLU School of
                                                                                                                                                           Vanessa J. Gow-Lee, Austin L. Gray, Michelle M.           Recipients of the Alumni Association of Loma Linda University
              School of Medicine commencement ceremony.                                  Dentistry and two from UCR School of Medicine. n                                                                            Herber Award take a commemorative photo together at their senior
                                                                                                                                                           Kim, Lydia G. Kore, Jeremy W. Kubiak, Bobae Lee,          banquet. This award is given annually to students who demonstrate
                                                                                                                                                           Lawrence W. Liu, Branden J. Mattison, Michael R.          outstanding leadership in furthering the mission of Loma Linda
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     University School of Medicine.
              LLUSM Alumni Awards                                                                                                                          McCarthy, James K. Parker, Francesca Paterno,
                                                                                                                                                           Joshua L. Perkins, Juliette M. Personius, Trevor R.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       • Department of Medicine
                                                                                                                                                           Rafferty, David E. Ruckle, Jay S. Saggu, Bejamin A.
                The following awards were presented to members of the Alumni Association, School of Medicine of Loma Linda                                                                                                Daniel D. Comstock Award: Christine J. Licata
                                                                                                                                                           West, Jaron Z. Yang, Jin Yang
              University, during the 2019 School of Medicine commencement ceremony.                                                                                                                                       Donald E. Griggs ’24 Award: Tracey B. Huey
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Harold J. Hoxie ’33 Award: Justin T. Dunn, Bobae Lee
                                                                                                                                                         • Alumni Association of Loma Linda University
              UNIVERSITY LIFETIME SERVICE AWARD:                                                                                                                                                                          Varner J. Johns Jr. ’45 Award: Daniel K. Amponsah,
                                                                                                                                                           Herber Award: Daniel K. Amponsah, Tshea Dowers,
                  • H. ROGER HADLEY ’74, professor of urology,                                                                                                                                                            Lawrence W. Liu
                                                                                                                                                           Jonathan A. Evans, Vanessa J. Gow-Lee, Alanna E.
                    former dean of the School of Medicine, and former
                                                                                                                                                           James, Lydia G. Kore, Katherine O. Lane, Ikenna
                    executive vice president for Medical Affairs                                                                                                                                                       • Department of Neurology
                                                                                                                                                           Nwachuku, James K. Parker, Jay S. Saggu
              UNIVERSITY ALUMNUS OF THE YEAR:                                                                                                                                                                             Guy M. Hunt Award: Trevor R. Rafferty
                  • ROBERT J. WAGNER ’69, associate professor of                                                                                                                                                          AAN Medical Student Prize for Excellence in
                                                                                                                                                         • Class of 1990 Heart for Service Award: Eunice M.
                    gynecology and obstetrics                                                                                                                                                                             Neurology: Jeffrey R. Meyers
                  • CLIFTON D. REEVES ’60, retired professor of                                                                                                                                                        • Department of Orthopedic Surgery
                                                                                                                                                       DEPARTMENT AWARDS
                    surgery, and his wife, Sandra Reeves                                                                                                                                                                  Philip H. Reiswig ’61 Award: David E. Ruckle
              UNIVERSITY DISTINGUISHED INVESTIGATOR AWARD:                                                                                               • Department of Anesthesiology
                  • DAVID J. BAYLINK ’57, professor of medicine and                                                                                         Bernard D. Briggs ’40 Award: Jaron Z. Yang                 • Department of Pediatrics
                    basic sciences                                                                                                                                                                                        Robert F. Chinnock ’44-A Award: Francesca Paterno
              UNIVERSITY DISTINGUISHED ACADEMIC AWARD:                                                                                                   • Department of Emergency Medicine
                  • HENRY H. LAMBERTON, PSYD, ’01-FAC,                                                                                                      Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Award:             • Department of Preventive Medicine
                    associate dean for Student Affairs                                                                                                      Alana E. Harp                                                 Distinguished Student in Preventive Medicine
              SCHOOL OF MEDICINE DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD:                                                                                               Distinguished Student in Emergency Medicine                   Award: Dana M. Hoxie
                  • WILLIAM C. PATTON ’69, professor of gyne-                                                                                               Award: Philip E. Giddings
                    cology and obstetrics n                                                                                                                                                                            • Department of Psychiatry
                                                                                                                                                         • Department of Family Medicine                                  Benjamin Kovitz Award: Adam D. Borecky
                                                                                                                                                            Walter P. Ordelheide ’54 Award: William E.
                                                                                                                                                            Guthrie, Eric Y. Pai                                       • Department of Surgery
                     (Top photo) H. ROGER HADLEY ’74 (center) is introduced by
               Ronald L. Carter, PhD (right), provost of LLU, to receive the Lifetime                                                                                                                                     David B. Hinshaw Sr. ’47 Award: Jane W. Xu
                     Service Award, presented by RICHARD H. HART, DRPH, ’70,                                                                             • Department of Gynecology/Obstetrics
              president of LLUH. (Bottom photo) DAVID J. BAYLINK ’57 (second
                  left) shakes hands with Dr. Hadley as he receives the Distinguished
                                                                                                                                                            Harold F. Ziprick ’37 Award: Alexandra E.                  • Department of Urology
              Investigator Award, presented by Dr. Hart (left) and Dr. Carter (right).                                                                      Chacko-Stacey                                                 Roger W. Barnes ’22 Award: Alexander B. Thomas n

14 |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Summer 2019 | 15
GRADUATION 2019 Featuring the Class of 2019, Residency Information, Awards, Photos, and More - Taylor's Alumni Community Taylor's ...
              Name Class Office                    CM — College of Medicine                   Residency information and data for the class statistics
              First-year Residency Program         SM — School of Medicine                    were provided by the LLU School of Medicine Office of
              First-year Residency Location        MS — Medical School
       KEY    Residency Program                    MC — Medical Center
                                                                                              Records and Student Services. We have done our best to
              Residency Location (State)           U — University                             correctly list it all. Graduates can update their information at
              Undergraduate School                 UC — University of California              WWW.LLUSMAA.ORG. –Eds.

   The Graduating

                                                                                                                                                                  Adrian Agudelo                  Kayla Unsell                    Andrew Hong                 Alanna James                    Timothy Barbosa                David Eng
                                                                                                                                                                  Historian                       Historian                       Technology Representative   Technology Representative       Senator                        Senator
                                                                                                                                                                  Emergency Medicine              Family Medicine                 Anesthesiology              Medicine–Preliminary            Emergency Medicine             Internal Medicine

   Class of
                                                                                                                                                                  Riverside Community Hospital    LLU Medical Center              Mayo Clinic Sch. of Grad.   LLU Medical Center              U of Texas Health Science      UC Irvine Medical Center
                                                                                                                                                                  University of Florida           Union College                      Medical Education (FL)   Andrews University                 Center–Houston              California State University,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  U of Central Florida                                        Walla Walla University            Fullerton

                                                                                                                                                                  Amylie Adlaon                   Chelsea Aka                     Midian Ambo                 Jared Amos                      Gretchen Ascher Jones          Gezelle Azar
                                                                                                                                                                  Family Medicine                 Internal Medicine               Transitional                Pediatrics                      Psychiatry                     Psychiatry
                                                                                                                                                                  Eisenhower Medical Center       Kaiser Permanente–LA            LLU Medical Center          U of Tennessee CM–              LLU Medical Center             UC Irvine Medical Center
                                                                                                                                                                  Southwestern Adventist          Loma Linda University           University of Miami           Chattanooga                   California State University,   UC Riverside
                                                                                                                                                                     University                                                                               Kettering College of               San Marcos
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Medical Arts


                  Lydia Kore                      Daniel Amponsah           Nicole Leung                 Ikenna Nwachuku               Tshea Dowers               Josianne Bailey                 Nicole Bartsch                  Kyle Basical                Marielle Beamesderfer           Arlin Bhattacharjee            Joseph Bird III
                  President                       Vice President            Social Vice President        Social Vice President         Secretary/Treasurer        Transitional                    Pediatrics                      Internal Medicine           Pediatrics                      Psychiatry                     Obstetrics and Gynecology
                  Orthopedic Surgery              Internal Medicine         U of British Columbia        Orthopedic Surgery            McGill University          LLU Medical Center              Harbor-UCLA MC                  Huntington Memorial         UC Irvine Medical Center/       Kaiser Permanente–             U of Tennessee CM–
                  SAUSHEC (TX)                    Massachusetts General                                  U of Southern California                                 Southern Adventist University   Walla Walla University             Hospital (CA)              CHOC                             Fontana (CA)                  Chattanooga
                  Walla Walla University             Hospital                                            Loyola Marymount University                                                                                              UC Riverside                Walla Walla University          Pacific Union College          Southern Adventist University
                                                  Pacific Union College

                  Matthew Dalley                  Braden Mattison           Eunice Marpaung              Brandon Tresenriter           Carly Leggitt Villarreal   Kristen Bishop                  Cullen Black                    Adam Borecky                Daniela Borecky                 Adam Bussey                    Michael Carter
                  Pastor                          Sports Coordinator        Community Service Coord.     Mission Project Director      Alumni Representative      Psychiatry                      Family Medicine                 Psychiatry                  Transitional                    Family Medicine                Emergency Medicine
                  Emergency Medicine              Orthopedic Surgery        Family Medicine              Psychiatry                    Family Medicine            California Pacific MC           U of Tennessee CM–              LLU Medical Center          LLU Medical Center              Kettering MC (OH)              U of Louisville SM (KY)
                  LLU Medical Center              LLU Medical Center        MultiCare Tacoma Family      CA Pacific Medical Center     Providence Sacred Heart    Andrews University                Chattanooga                   Pacific Union College       Southern Adventist University   Burman University              Walla Walla University
                  Southern Adventist University   Oregon State University     Medicine (WA)              Pacific Union College           Medical Center (WA)                                      Southern Adventist University
                                                                            U of Michigan, Ann Arbor                                   Walla Walla University

16 |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Summer 2019 | 17
GRADUATION 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            GRADUATION 2019

 Briana Castillo                  Alexandra Chacko-Stacey         David Chang                     Michael Chang             David Chi                Joshua Chu                 Bron Finkelstein            Andrei Florea             Eric Frendt
 Internal Medicine                Obstetrics and Gynecology       General Surgery                 Internal Medicine         Internal Medicine        Anesthesiology             University of Northern      Pediatrics                Emergency Medicine
 U of Illinois CM–Chicago         LLU Medical Center              LLU Medical Center              LLU Medical Center        Kettering MC (OH)        Harbor-UCLA MC               British Columbia          LLU Medical Center        Arrowhead Regional
 Union College                    Andrews University              Southern Adventist University   Pacific Union College     U of Texas at Austin     UCLA                                                   Burman University            Medical Center (CA)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Master's College and

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      LYDIA G. KORE ’19 addresses her fellow classmates during
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      the School of Medicine commencement ceremony.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      From the Class President
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      BY LYDIA G. KORE ’19

 Elysia Cohen
 Westchester Medical
                                  McKennan Cook
                                  Internal Medicine
                                  Naval Medical Center–
                                                                                                                                                                                Steven Frey
                                                                                                                                                                                Family Medicine
                                                                                                                                                                                LLU Medical Center
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Shannon Fujimoto
                                                                                                                                                                                                            LLU Medical Center
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Morgan Garner
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Southern Adventist University   A     s time continues to fly by, it’s hard to believe that just a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            few months ago, we were medical students. Our rainy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      graduation weekend now feels like a dream. The transition
    Center (NY)                      San Diego                                                                                                                                  Pacific Union College       Weimar Institute
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      from student to resident has happened, and now we’re
 Oakwood University               Southern Adventist University
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      busy writing notes, putting in orders, checking on patients,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      going to the operating room (OR), and seeing consults.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         I’ve been told the first few months of residency are some
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      of the hardest — just trying to figure it all out. You may
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      be experiencing the feeling of inadequacy that comes with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      being an intern — questioning the MD after your name.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Maybe you’ve shed some tears, felt like you can’t catch a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      break in the OR, or stayed extra late to finish up those
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      notes only to go home to study and then do it all again the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      next day. I know I’ve experienced many of these things, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      it has been tough. Challenging in a new way.
 Allison Cool                     Kyle Cothran                    (From left) ALEXANDER THOMAS ’19, VANESSA GOW-LEE ’19, JONATHAN EVANS ’19, and                                Marina Germanos             Philip Giddings IV        Zachary Gilbert
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Friends, remember to give yourself a break and take
 Pediatrics                       Psychiatry                      MICHELLE EDSTROM ’19 smile for the camera as H. ROGER HADLEY ’74 (right) continues his                        Obstetrics and Gynecology   Emergency Medicine        Internal Medicine               it one day at a time. Through the chaos of transitioning
 U of Utah Affiliated Hospitals   Samaritan Health Services–      tradition of taking selfies with the students during graduation.                                              Creighton University        U of Louisville SM (KY)   Kettering MC (OH)               to residency, moving to a new city, and bearing the
 Southern Adventist University       Corvallis (OR)                                                                                                                               Affiliated Hospitals      Andrews University        Walla Walla University          responsibility of a physician, I hope and pray that you
                                  Andrews University                                                                                                                            UC Irvine                                                                             are still able to remember why you decided to do this.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Remember that you worked hard to be able to serve people.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      You have chosen a selfless career path. You have chosen to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      be a light during times of darkness for people. Remember
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      that no matter what task you are working on, big or small,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      the call to protect life is always worth it — you are making
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      a difference.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         As you embark on what may be some of the hardest years
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      of your lives, I encourage you to lean on one another, find
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      support in your new environment, form new communities,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      call old friends, pray, laugh, eat, exercise, work hard, seek
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      help if you need it, and lean on God wholeheartedly. These
 Nicole Dennis                    Meena Dopp                      Justin Dunn                     Kevin Edinborough         Michelle Edstrom         Jonathan Evans             Vanessa Gow-Lee             Austin Gray               Jack Guccione                   next phases of our lives will bring challenges that lead to
 Surgery–Preliminary              Internal Medicine               Internal Medicine               Family Medicine           Pediatrics               Internal Medicine          Internal Medicine           Pathology                 Pathology
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      growth, opportunities to learn, and memories that will last
 Saint Joseph Hospital (CO)       Kaiser Permanente–              U of Texas Health Science       Virginia Commonwealth     LLU Medical Center       UC Irvine Medical Center   Mayo Clinic Sch. of Grad.   LLU Medical Center        UC Irvine Medical Center
 Diagnostic Radiology                Fontana (CA)                    Center–San Antonio              University–Fairfax     Walla Walla University   Walla Walla University        Medical Education (MN)   Chadron State College     Humboldt State University       a lifetime. God bless you on your journey! n
 U of Southern California         Pacific Union College           Pepperdine University           University of Maryland,                                                       Walla Walla University
 CA Polytechnic State U,                                                                             College Park
    San Luis Obispo

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GRADUATION 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          GRADUATION 2019

           THE CLASS OF 2019

            By the
           Numbers                              William Guthrie                 Sung Yong Han                   Alana Harp                      Sarah Heczko                     Megan Kim                  Michelle Kim                Richard Kim                 Joshua King                     Jeremy Kubiak                Katherine Lane
                                                Family Medicine                 Transitional/OMFS               Emergency Medicine              Physical Medicine & Rehab        Psychiatry                 Psychiatry                  Medicine–Preliminary        Physical Medicine & Rehab       Plastic Surgery–Integrated   Psychiatry
                                                Dignity Health Methodist        LLU Medical Center              Stanford University (CA)        LLU Medical Center               UC Irvine Medical Center   UC Irvine Medical Center    LLU Medical Center          LLU Medical Center              LLU Medical Center           U of Utah Affiliated Hospitals
   164 Total MD graduates                         Hospital–Sacramento           Brown University                Texas Christian University      Pacific Union College            University of Illinois,    UCLA                        Pacific Union College       Southern Adventist University   Westmont College             Westmont College
                                                Southern Adventist University                                                                                                       Urbana-Champaign
       74 Female graduates (45%)
       90 Male graduates (55%)
       21 Married (5 to classmates)
       9 Children born during med school


       26 Internal Medicine (16%)
                                                Avonelle Henry                  Dana Hoxie                      Nathan Hoyt                     Holly Huang                      Bobae Lee                  Daniel Lee                  Wei-Xian Li                 Joanne Liang                    Christine Licata             Lindsay Lim
       22 Family Medicine (13%)                 Obstetrics and Gynecology       Transitional/Occupational       Psychiatry                      Neurology                        Medicine/Pediatrics        Internal Medicine           Medicine–Preliminary        Pediatrics                      Internal Medicine            Medicine–Primary/Global
                                                Montefiore Medical                Medicine                      LLU Medical Center              U of Utah Affiliated Hospitals   LLU Medical Center         Mayo Clinic Sch. of Grad.   LLU Medical Center          UC Irvine Medical Center/       UC Davis Medical Center         Health
       15 Psychiatry (9%)                         Center–Einstein (NY)          LLU Medical Center              Kettering College of            Southern Adventist University    Huntington College            Medical Education (AZ)   Physical Medicine & Rehab     CHOC                          Point Loma Nazarene          LLU Medical Center
                                                Andrews University              Southern Adventist University      Medical Arts                                                                             UC Berkeley                 Stanford University (CA)    UC San Diego                       University                La Sierra University
       13 Pediatrics (8%)                                                                                                                                                                                                               U of British Columbia

       11 Emergency Medicine (7%)


       61 LLU Medical Center (37%)
       9 UC Irvine Medical Center (5%)
       5 Kettering Medical Center (3%)
                                                Tracey Huey                     Kodi Humpal                     Taylin Im                       Young Do Jeong
       4   Tie: Riverside Community Hospital,   Internal Medicine               Pediatrics                      Family Medicine                 Pacific Union College
                                                UC Davis Medical Center         Tripler Army Medical            Cambridge Health
           Stanford University, UC Davis 		     University of the Pacific          Center (HI)                    Alliance–Tufts (MA)
           Medical Center (2%)                                                  Walla Walla University          Brown University

   (as specified by students)

       56 Asian or Pacific Islander (34%)
       13 Black Non-Hispanic (8%)
       20 Hispanic (12%)
       62 White Non-Hispanic (38%)              Yela Jung                       Angela Kanna                    Laurel Kelley                   Candice Kim
                                                Internal Medicine               Medicine–Preliminary            Pediatrics                      General Surgery
       13 Multiple Ethnicities (8%)             UC Irvine Medical Center        Flushing Hospital MC (NY)       LLU Medical Center              University Hospital (MO)
                                                Pacific Union College           Diagnostic Radiology            Southern Adventist University   Pacific Union College
                                                                                Tufts Medical Center (MA)
                                                                                Southern Adventist University

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Graduates make their exit and meet their
20 |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           family and friends after the ceremony.
Though the campus may change,
             you will always be family.

                             We would not be where we are today without the hard work and dedication of each one of
                             you, evident by the impact you have made in the world. As we prepare for the next phase of
                             fulfilling our Mission to Continue the Healing Ministry of Jesus Christ, we are reaching out to
                             partner with you as a member of our family. In preparation for the completion of our new
                             hospital in 2020, our commitment is to grow our clinical faculty, meeting the needs of the
                             Inland Empire, Southern California, and the world. If you have an interest in returning home,
                             or know anyone who would like to join the team, we would love to hear from you. You can visit
     Faculty Medical Group   our website at or contact me anytime.

                             Mike Unterseher, CMSR
                             Director of Physician Recruitment
GRADUATION 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 GRADUATION 2019

 ROSANNE THORNHILL ’19 shows her excitement as she stands up and
 cheers during the commencement ceremony on Sunday, May 26.

                                                                                     Lawrence Liu                    Kevin Loyola                Carvy Luceno                    Kevin Nishino                Pedro Orta II                Eric Pai                  Brandon Painter           Eunwoo Park               James Parker
                                                                                     Internal Medicine               Neurology                   Internal Medicine               Internal Medicine            Pediatrics                   Family Medicine           General Surgery           Internal Medicine         Medicine–Preliminary
                                                                                     Barnes-Jewish Hospital (MO)     LLU Medical Center          LLU Medical Center              LLU Medical Center           Children's Hospital LA       Long Beach Memorial       LLU Medical Center        LLU Medical Center        Billings Clinic (MT)
                                                                                     UC Irvine                       Pacific Union College       Burman University               Pacific Union College        University of Florida           Medical Center (CA)    Pacific Union College     SUNY College at Geneseo   Dermatology
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Rice University                                                               University Hospital (MO)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Whitworth University

                                                                                     Samantha Luna                   Shannice Mabandla           Tia Mackintosh                  Francesca Paterno            Rubicelia Perez              Joshua Perkins            Juliette Personius        Jonathan Pham             Tuan Pham
                                                                                     Obstetrics and Gynecology       Obstetrics and Gynecology   Emergency Medicine              Medicine/Pediatrics          Family Medicine              Family Medicine           Medicine/Pediatrics       Internal Medicine         Internal Medicine
                                                                                     Loyola University MC (IL)       Adventist Health White      LLU Medical Center              LLU Medical Center           Kadlec Regional Medical      LLU Medical Center        LLU Medical Center        LLU Medical Center        Providence St. Vincent
                                                                                     UC Davis                          Memorial (CA)             Andrews University              UC Berkeley                    Center (WA)                Burman University         UC Santa Barbara          UCLA                         Medical Center (OR)
                                                                                                                     Union College                                                                            Walla Walla University                                                                                     Oregon State University

 Michael McCarthy            Patrick McGee               Kristina Mercado            Jeffrey Meyers                  Christina Mills             Zachary Mills                   Trevor Rafferty              Charles Randolph             Mary Rasmussen            Daniel Real               Sith Riantawan            David Rivera Negrete
 Pathology                   Anesthesiology              Obstetrics and Gynecology   Neurology                       Neurology                   Neurology                       Medicine–Preliminary         Family Medicine              Pediatrics                Pathology                 Psychiatry                Pathology
 Mayo Clinic Sch. of Grad.   U of Colorado SM            LLU Medical Center          Prisma Health Richland          U of Alabama Medical        U of Alabama Medical            Santa Clara Valley MC (CA)   Valley Medical Center (WA)   UC Davis Medical Center   LLU Medical Center        LLU Medical Center        Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
    Medical Education (MN)   Walla Walla University      University of Florida          Hospital (SC)                  Center–Birmingham           Center–Birmingham             Neurology                    Biola University             Pacific Union College     UC Irvine                 Biola University          Pacific Union College
 Union College                                                                       Southern Adventist University   Pacific Union College       Southern Adventist University   Stanford University (CA)

 Parisah Moghaddampour       Michael Momohara            Niiang Mung                 Sarah Nadarajan                 Kevin Napitupulu            Theodore Nguyen                 Jonatan Rojas                David Ruckle                 Chandler Rundle           Eric Sager                Jay Saggu                 Maxwell Schauermann
 Medicine–Preliminary        Physical Medicine & Rehab   Psychiatry                  Transitional                    Transitional                Internal Medicine               Emergency Medicine           Orthopedic Surgery           UC San Diego              Family Medicine–Urban     Transitional/OMFS         Psychiatry
 LLU Medical Center          LLU Medical Center          University of Texas–        LLU Medical Center              Kettering MC (OH)           LLU Medical Center              Eisenhower Medical Center    LLU Medical Center                                     U of Rochester–Highland   LLU Medical Center        LLU Medical Center
 Oregon State University     Andrews University             Rio Grande Valley        Southwestern Adventist          Diagnostic Radiology        Loyola Marymount University     Union College                Pacific Union College                                     Hospital (NY)          UC Berkeley               Southern Methodist
                                                         LLU School of Nursing         University                    LLU Medical Center                                                                                                                              Calvin College                                         University
                                                                                                                     La Sierra University

24 |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Summer 2019 | 25
GRADUATION 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       GRADUATION 2019

 Ellen Shin              Brittany Siemers            Jinjutha Silpanisong            Philippe Stanier     Marc Starkey             Andrew Stewart               Jerry Thomas                   Rosanne Thornhill        Brittany Tilson             Dalton Toay
 Family Medicine         Pediatrics                  Medicine–Preliminary            Emergency Medicine   Neurology                Internal Medicine            Medicine–Preliminary           General Surgery          Obstetrics and Gynecology   Transitional
 Riverside Community     UCLA Medical Center         LLU Medical Center              Zucker SM–Hofstra/   LLU Medical Center       U of Texas Southwestern MS   Riverside Community Hospital   LLU Medical Center       LLU Medical Center          Kettering MC (OH)
    Hospital             UC Davis                    La Sierra University              Northwell (NY)     Andrews University       Andrews University           Diagnostic Radiology           Andrews University       Westmont College            Union College
 Syracuse University                                                                 Andrews University                                                         U of Southern California
                                                                                                                                                                UC San Diego

 John Stewart            Kyungje Sung                Christopher Tangunan            Kemuel Telemaque     Cedric Thiel             Alexander Thomas             Edwin Torres                   Ross Trecartin           Edelina Turturica           Kathleen Valenzuela           NIIANG MUNG ’19 (left) and MICHAEL
 Pacific Union College   Medicine–Preliminary        Family Medicine                 Andrews University   Otolaryngology           Obstetrics and Gynecology    Family Medicine                Family Medicine          Psychiatry                  Medicine/Anesthesiology       MOMOHARA ’19 proudly show off their
                         Lahey Clinic (MA)           LLU Medical Center                                   U of Kentucky MC         LLU Medical Center           Riverside Community Hospital   U of Wisconsin SM and    Arrowhead Regional          LLU Medical Center            diplomas as they walk off the stage. The
                         Physical Medicine & Rehab   Southern Adventist University                        Walla Walla University   Whitman College              Diagnostic Radiology             Public Health–Wausau      Medical Center (CA)      UC San Diego                  diplomas were presented to the graduates in
                         Tufts Medical Center (MA)                                                                                                              LLU Medical Center             Andrews University       Portland State University                                 plastic bags due to rain on graduation day.
                         Andrews University                                                                                                                     Pacific Union College

                                                                                                                                                                Rachel VanderWel               Crandall Varnell         Chloe Walker                Mark Walsworth                Benjamin West               Catherine Winter
                                                                                                                                                                Emergency Medicine             Family Medicine          La Sierra University        Family Medicine               Medicine–Preliminary        Family Medicine
                                                                                                                                                                Denver Health MC (CO)          Fort Belvoir Community                               Kootenai Health (ID)          Santa Barbara Cottage       PeaceHealth Southwest
                                                                                                                                                                Grove City College               Hospital (VA)                                      Pacific Lutheran University     Hospital (CA)               Medical Center (WA)
                                                                                                                                                                                               Walla Walla University                                                             Westmont College            Walla Walla University

                                                     (Left photo) BRITTANY TILSON ’19, SHANNON FUJIMOTO ’19, CHELSEA AKA ’19, LAUREL                            Arvy Wuysang                   Jane Xu                  Jaron Yang                  Jin Yang                      Elizabeth Yeo               Jose Zumba
                                                     KELLEY ’19, and LYDIA KORE ’19 raise their caps in celebration outside the University Church               Pediatrics                     General Surgery          Anesthesiology              Otolaryngology                Physical Medicine & Rehab   Internal Medicine
                                                     before their hooding ceremony on Friday, May 24. (Above) DAVID RUCKLE ’19 (second right) is                LLU Medical Center             LLU Medical Center       Stanford University (CA)    LLU Medical Center            LLU Medical Center          UC Davis Medical Center
                                                     surrounded by his parents, CAROL LAU RUCKLE ’78-B (far left) and HERBERT C. RUCKLE ’86                     La Sierra University           UC Berkeley              UC San Diego                Northwestern University       Pacific Union College       California State University,
                                                     (right), and grandfather, FRANCIS Y. LAU ’47 (second left), after the commencement ceremony.                                                                                                                                                                Sacramento

26 |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Summer 2019 | 27
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