School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering - Redefining excellence Societal impact and educational experience

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School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering - Redefining excellence Societal impact and educational experience
                                                Annual Report
School of Computing,
Informatics, and Decision
Systems Engineering
Redefining excellence
Societal impact and educational experience
School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering - Redefining excellence Societal impact and educational experience
The Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering at Arizona State University offers
                                                         25 undergraduate programs and 46 graduate programs in its six schools:

SBHSE                         CIDSE                         ECEE                        SEMTE                         SSEBE                            TPS
School of                    School of                   School of                      School for                    School of                  The Polytechnic
Biological and               Computing,                  Electrical,                    Engineering of                Sustainable                School
Health Systems               Informatics, and            Computer                       Matter, Transport             Engineering
Engineering                  Decision Systems            and Energy                     and Energy                    and the Built
                             Engineering                 Engineering                                                  Environment

Marco Santello, Director     Sandeep Gupta, Director     Stephen Phillips, Director     Lenore Dai, Director          Ram Pendyala, Director     Ann McKenna, Interim Director

Innovation at scale

                           Academy of
                                                   American Association
                                                   for the Advancement
                                                                                      Academy of
                                                                                                                                               Society of
                           Engineering                   of Science                   Construction                                             Mechanical

                            Members                        Fellows                      Members                                                Engineers


Awardees in the
 last five years

                                                                                         IEEE                        PECASE



 Academy of
                                                         Society of
                                                       Civil Engineers
                                                                                                                            American Institute
                                                                                                                             for Medical and
                                                            Fellows                                                       Biological Engineering

                  Lead institution on two                                                                       Lead institution of the Department of
National Science Foundation Engineering Research Centers                                                       Homeland Security Center of Excellence
School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering - Redefining excellence Societal impact and educational experience
Director’s letter.

                    Redefining excellence: Ensuring societal
                       impact in the educational experience
This past year has been one of tremendous growth, both in size          and ingenuity to find software vulnerabilities. Assistant Professor
and stature, for the School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision     Tiffany Bao won the NSA’s Best Scientific Cybersecurity Paper
Systems Engineering. Throughout this period of continued                competition for her exploration of game-theory in finding methods
expansion, my goal has been to ensure our standards of academic         to exploit and patch weaknesses prior to strategic cyberbattle.
excellence grow alongside our student populations, now spanning         In early 2019 we assisted in launching academia’s largest drone
two campuses and online. We are committed to providing an               motion capture studio, which will be used to study multi-robot
educational experience befitting a top research institution — at a      swarming, cyberphysical systems and human-robot interactions.
grand, and inclusive, scale.                                            The idea and creation of this new facility was organized by faculty
A Fall 2019 enrollment of 7,773 students equates to a nearly 15%        working across several disciplines — a truly collaborative effort.
increase across our undergraduate and graduate programs. In             This entrepreneurial mindset also appears in the form of IP activity.
these pages you will find that our students are achieving at all        I am proud of our faculty and students for their seven patents and
levels — receiving NSF Graduate Research Fellowships, earning           four spinout companies this year. We also have 37 technologies
awards and recognition at national and international competitions,      available for license.
and not only working with industry on business challenges, but          While making great technical strides in our research, we remain
also starting their own innovative companies.                           keenly aware of the communities we serve and the societal
Leading the way is our core group of senior faculty, who are            implications of our work. As educators we must ask ourselves
advancing the burgeoning fields of robotics and artificial              “Should we build it?” as often as “Can we build it?” This is especially
intelligence. We welcomed Professor Dimitri Bertsekas,                  true in sensitive fields like artificial intelligence, where technological
CIDSE’s first-ever NAE member, and his deep expertise in                advancements threaten to automate jobs. Assistant Professor
reinforcement and machine learning. Professor Stephanie Forrest         Siddharth Srivastava is working toward a solution to that very
was recognized with an ISCE Ten-Year Most Influential Paper             problem. His NSF-funded research aims to reprogram autonomous
Award for her seminal research on using genetic programming             robots, equipping them with intelligent tutoring systems to retrain
to fix software bugs.                                                   workers in AI technology so they are not displaced from their jobs.
Professor Sethuraman “Panch” Panchanathan was named a                   I am excited for what the future of the School of Computing,
vice president of the National Academy of Inventors and helped          Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering holds, especially
ASU secure a $3 million National Science Foundation Research            as we advance research and discovery in robotics, artificial
Traineeship award to train students for careers in smart city-related   intelligence and cybersecurity. While doing so we strive to validate
fields as urban populations rapidly grow and change.                    ASU’s charter by drawing value from whom we include and how
                                                                        they succeed. If you are interested in the work we are doing and
Following the robust growth of our recently launched online Master
                                                                        would like to collaborate, I would love to hear your thoughts on our
of Computer Science degree, we have added a cybersecurity
                                                                        publication and how we can work together.
concentration to the program. Not only does this provide our
advanced-degree students with greater opportunities, it also shines
a light on our junior faculty and their considerable achievements.
                                                                        Sandeep Gupta
Assistant Professors Yan Shoshitaishvili and Ruoyu “Fish” Wang          Director and Professor
received an $11.7 million DARPA award to create a human-                School of Computing, Informatics,
assisted autonomous tool that learns human strengths like intuition     and Decision Systems Engineering

School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering - Redefining excellence Societal impact and educational experience
ey statistics
     Fall 2019 enrollment
     By degree program
      Computer engineering
      (computer systems)

      Computer science
      Computer systems engineering
      Engineering management



                                                                                                  Total enrollment

                                                                                                                 Fall 2016
                                                                                                                                Fall 2017
                                                                                                                                                Fall 2018
                                                                                                                                                                   Fall 2019

      Industrial engineering                      313            93              59
      Informatics                                 153            --              --                Fall 2015
      Robotics and autonomous                     --             27              --
      systems (artificial intelligence)*
      Software engineering                        1,322          190             --

     -- No degree offered.
     * New degree program established January 2019.                    On-ground                  4,186         4,666        4,986             5,257             5,887

                                                                           Online                   911         1,006        1,227             1,530             1,886

                                                                       On-ground                    775          937         1,050             1,195             1,243
     Degrees granted 2018-2019                                                                                                                                   1,354
                                                                                                   13 degrees
                                                                                                            14granted53                             93             111
     By degree program                                                     Online               Total                                          1,288              2018-2019

      Program                              Bachelor’s      Master’s       Doctoral

      Computer engineering                 --              76             4
      (computer systems)

      Computer science                     383             268            25                                                    2016-2017

      Computer systems                     87              --             --                                      951
      Engineering management               70              --             --
                                                                                                   788          2015-2016

      Industrial engineering               81              76          On-ground
                                                                        4                         4,186         4,666        4,986             5,257             5,887
      Informatics                          25              --             --
      Software engineering                 143             112
                                                                                                    911         1,006        1,227             1,530             1,886

     -- No degree offered.
                                                                       On-ground                    775          937         1,050             1,195             1,243

                                                                           Online                    13           14             53                 93             111

     Expenditures                                                Awards                                                Proposals
     FY2015        $16,102,168                                   FY2015        $11,143,956                             FY2015        $111,634,633

     FY2016        $16,439,982                                   FY2016        $13,892,143                             FY2016        $103,978,093

     FY2017        $17,628,787                                   FY2017        $23,387,720                             FY2017        $219,970,049

     FY2018        $20,915,736                                   FY2018        $25,258,041                             FY2018        $163,271,093

     FY2019        $25,544,940                                   FY2019        $30,252,647                             FY2019        $154,142,321

              $0     $5M   $10M   $15M     $20M    $25M   $20M            $0     $5M   $10M $15M $20M $25M $30M $35M            $0      $50M   $100M     $150M   $200M   $250M

School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering - Redefining excellence Societal impact and educational experience
 CIDSE Report 2019

Faculty                                          Big data                                             Students and curriculum
6 Faculty spotlight                              21 Decrpyting the mystery of blockchain              29 Student recognition
8 Awards and recognition                                                                              30 PhD alumni in academia
10 New faculty                                   22 Predicting the future with better data

                                                    visualization                                     32 Doctoral Students

Campaign ASU 2020                                23 Shifting big data into high gear                  34 Degrees offered

13 Eminent scholar gives $2 million to support                                                        35 New programs
   ASU industrial engineering program
                                                 Research centers
                                                 24 Center for Embedded Systems
Artificial intelligence                                                                               36 Serving digital innovation cup at a time
                                                    ASU-Mayo Center for Innovative Imaging
and robotics
                                                    Center for Cognitive Ubiquitous Computing            Engineers and clinicians study headaches
14 How smart is AI                                                                                       from traumatic brain injuries
                                                    The Drone Studio
   Little AI lies                                                                                     37 Going FFAR with agricultural research
                                                    Center for Cybersecurity and Digital
15 NSF Graduate Research Fellow engineers           Forensics                                            iLux Lab amplifying positive impact
   big data solutions                               Center for Assured and SCAlable Data              38 New ASU center helps secure the nation
   Alumni, Arizona Impact                           Engineering

   Tiny but mighty: Bee brains may hold          25 Center for Accelerating Operational               IP activity
   key to miniaturizing AI                          Efficiency, A Department of Homeland
                                                                                                      39 Spinout companies
                                                    Security (DHS) Center of Excellence
   Artificial intelligence supports
   real intelligence                                iLUX (Innovative Learner and User                 Staff
   A new way to “see” neighborhoods,                                                                  40 Thank you
                                                    Biocomputing, Security and Society
16 Coming soon: A robot that understands                                                                 IMPACT awards
   its world and the people in it                   Industrial Assessment Center
                                                                                                      41 Better call Lincoln
   NSF grant supports smart city research
   and STEM education                            Innovation
17 MURI Award sets tiny particles to             26 Biocomputing + computer science =
                                                                                                                Stay in touch
   answer big questions                             de-bugged software
                                                                                                      Keep up to date on news about Fulton
   Safety becomes smart with                     27 Decision framework                                Engineering and CIDSE at our news site,
   breakthroughs in software dependability                                                            Full Circle
                                                    Coding the future

                                                    Engineering success: It’s
Cybersecurity                                       all in the mind(set)                              (ASU School of Computing, Informatics, and
18 Adding human ingenuity to automated                                                                Decision Systems Engineering) to connect
                                                 28 Engineering and humanities
                                                                                                      with CIDSE students, alumni and faculty.
   security tools                                   collide for social good                 
   NSF Graduate Research Fellow solving
   society’s toughest problems
                                                    Article credits             Photo credits
19 Cybersecurity expert takes a deeper              Karishma Albal              Marco-Alexis Chaira
   look into the dark web                           Madison Arnold              Deanna Dent
                                                    Monique Clement             Erika Gronek
   Hackers to head off cybercriminals               Joe Caspermeyer             Jessica Hochreiter
                                                    Mary Beth Faller            Connor McKee
   Jackpotting and US bank attacks                  Jerry Gonzalez              Nora Skrodenis
                                                    Terry Grant
20 Interns solve technical challenges               Kelly Krause                Production
                                                    Joe Kullman                                                 Use the QR code to
   for companies                                                                Rhonda Hitchcock-Mast
                                                    Scott Seckel                                                send Sandeep Gupta
                                                                                Jessica Hochreiter
                                                    Amanda Stoneman                                             a message or share our
                                                    Lanelle Strawder            Stephanie Mabee
                                                                                                                Fall 2019 report online.
                                                    Marshall Terrill            Craig Smith
                                                    Melinda Weaver
                                                    Erik Wirtanen
School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering - Redefining excellence Societal impact and educational experience
Faculty spotlight

    Engineering excellence

     Stephanie                                                          Mohamed
     Gil                                                                Sarwat
     Stephanie Gil will bridge robotics and communications to           Mohamed Sarwat will build innovative scalable technologies
     help multi-agent cyberphysical systems gain robust                 capable of seamlessly connecting data collected from
     contextual awareness for better coordination and decision-         various geographically distributed internet of things devices.
     making in a project supported by a $500,000 five-year NSF          His project is supported by a $550,000 five-year NSF
     CAREER Award.                                                      CAREER Award.
     For these systems to reach their full potential, the intelligent   Sarwat’s research is the first step toward building next-
     agents must understand their environment, know the state           generation computing infrastructure that can
     of other agents in the system, and use this information            effectively manage and analyze the ever-growing
     to coordinate and complete mission-level goals across              internet of things data.
     diverse platforms.                                                 The new technology will organize data in a way that allows
     Gil’s algorithms have the potential to make fleets of              a commodity computer system to digest and store large-
     interacting intelligent agents more capable in situations          scale data from the interconnected devices. Sarwat and his
     where higher levels of contextual awareness are integral           team will also build new data processing techniques that
     for achieving mission-focused tasks. Such situations include       will enable convenient and fast access of such data. More
     making driving safer for autonomous cars on the road,              entities will be able to leverage the new data processing
     carrying critical medical supplies to accident sites as quickly    techniques to build many applications ranging from
     as possible, or having robotic counterparts working with           simple data filtering and integration operations to artificial
     human emergency responders during search-and-rescue                intelligence methods being employed in autonomous
     or reconnaissance missions. v                                      vehicles and robots. v

School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering - Redefining excellence Societal impact and educational experience
Faculty spotlight

The National Science Foundation’s Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program identifies the
nation’s most promising junior faculty members and provides them with funding to pursue outstanding research, excellence
in teaching and the integration of education and research.
The School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering at Arizona State University has a strong record
of winning multiple prestigious early career awards, including four NSF CAREER Awards in the past two years.

  Heni                                                                Yezhou
  Ben Amor                                                            Yang
  Heni Ben Amor conducts research at the intersection of              Yezhou Yang focuses his research on creating intelligent
  robotics and human-machine interaction. He investigates             robots that can understand humans through the lens of
  how humans and machines can work together to accomplish             visual perception.
  important tasks in service, health care and other industries.       He studies active perception, an area of computer vision
  Ben Amor received a five-year, $500,000 NSF CAREER                  with a focus on computational modeling, decision and control
  Award that will focus on establishing the concept of                strategies for robotic perception. Yang combines active
  preventative robotics to intelligently minimize the risk            perception with natural language processing and artificial
  of physical injury. In contrast to rehabilitation robotics          intelligence reasoning to advance robotic visual learning.
  that focuses on therapeutic procedures after an injury,             Together they improve the capabilities of a robot or any
  preventative robotics is a novel approach that incorporates         intelligent agent to make sense of a specific environment.
  human well-being into robot control and decision-making to          A $550,000 NSF CAREER Award is supporting
  steer away from injury.                                             Yang’s project to address the challenging task of pairing
  Ben Amor is seeking to generate and deploy assistive robotic        visual recognition with knowledge. This research will
  technologies, such as a prosthesis or an exoskeleton, that          attempt to enable a seeing machine to identify unknown
  seamlessly blend with actions of a human partner to achieve         visible concepts from previous encounters and other
  an intended function while minimizing biomechanical stress          contextual information.
  on the body. Combining these goals will unlock new potential        Yang’s project will lay the foundation for the development
  for robotics to improve public and occupational health. v           of robust personal mobile applications and service robots,
                                                                      such as visual assistants for people with impaired vision
                                                                      and/or voice-enabled agents for elder care. v

School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering - Redefining excellence Societal impact and educational experience
Faculty awards and recognition

National Academy of                                                                               from data, particularly social media data — a
Inventors Vice President                                                                          challenging type of information.
                                                                                                  His work attracts high-achieving students, who
Sethuraman Panchanathan
                                                                                                  as users of social media know which problems
                                                                                                  they can solve. Current and recent graduate
                                                                                                  students are tackling online issues like fake
National Academy of
                                                                                                  news, cyberbullying, data privacy, thwarting
Inventors ASU Chapter                                                                             malicious users and many more challenges.
                                                                                                  His body of work recently earned recognition
Ayan Banerjee                                                                                     from three prominent professional organizations.
Sandeep Gupta                                                                                     In the last few months of 2018, Liu was named
                                                                                                  a Fellow of the Association for Computing

J.P. Morgan AI Research                       Students’ fresh                                     Machinery, the Association for the
                                                                                                  Advancement of Artificial Intelligence
Awards 2019
“Human-Aware AI Assistants for Interactive    perspectives                                        and the American Association for the
                                                                                                  Advancement of Science. He is already
Decision Support in Finance”
Subbarao Kambhampati
                                              Iead to success                                     a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and
                                                                                                  Electronic Engineers.
                                                                                                  “It’s a very pleasant surprise to get all three in
                                             Professor Huan Liu has built a renowned              the same year,” Liu says. “To get this kind of
                                             research career in the areas of social               recognition is a reinforcement of our pursuit
Faculty Women’s                              computing, data mining and artificial intelligence   of excellence. It will help us reach a wider
Association Outstanding                      by letting his doctoral students lead the way.       audience and also encourages us to be more
Mentor Award                                 As an AI researcher, Liu’s expertise focuses         creative and diligent.” v
Sharon Hsiao                                 on discovering actionable patterns or insights

Fulton Exemplar Faculty
K. Selçuk Candan

Fulton Outstanding Assistant
Heni Ben Amor

2019 Teaching Excellence
Ajay Bansal
                                               Yalin Wang, associate professor of                   Dan Shunk, joined ASU’s industrial
Top 5% Teachers                                computer science, and Junwen Wang,                   engineering faculty in 1984 and has
                                               research faculty member at the Mayo                  recently been conferred the title of
Ajay Bansal                                    Clinic, will work together on a research             professor emeritus. He has been
K. Selçuk Candan                               project, “Integrating genomic and                    recognized in industry communities
                                               imaging biomarkers for early detection               for his innovative approaches to
James Collofello                               of Alzheimer’s disease.” Their project               product development and productivity
Adam Doupé                                     is one of eight innovative pilot studies             improvements. He has published more
                                               that received funding through the 2019               than 30 journal articles, one book
Georgios Fainekos                              Mayo Clinic and Arizona State University             and two book chapters, more than
Esma Gel                                       seed grant program. The program                      35 refereed conference proceedings
                                               launches new, interdisciplinary and                  and has presented a dozen keynote
Troy McDaniel                                  translational projects on a small scale              speeches. Shunk is a senior member of
Fengbo Ren                                     and enables the researchers to attract               the Institute of Industrial Engineers and
                                               funding needed for larger studies. v                 Society of Manufacturing Engineers. v

School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering - Redefining excellence Societal impact and educational experience
Big Data.
                                                                                                    Faculty awards and recognition.

Reinforcing computational
Throughout his career,                         decision problems, often with the use of
                                               neural networks and self-learning.”
                                                                                                    Bertsekas received the Richard E. Bellman
                                                                                                    Control Heritage Award for “contributions to
Dimitri Bertsekas has                          Reinforcement learning is widely known for
                                                                                                    the foundations of deterministic and
enjoyed engineering’s rich                     helping computers successfully learn how to
                                                                                                    stochastic optimization-based methods in
                                                                                                    systems and control,” the 2014 Khachiyan
variety of challenges and                      play and win games such as chess and Go.
                                               While games have defined rules, real-world
                                                                                                    Prize for Life-Time Accomplishments in
how many of them can be                        challenges often do not. However, Bertsekas
                                                                                                    Optimization, the 2015 George B. Dantzig
                                                                                                    Prize and the 2018 John von Neumann
viewed through a “unifying                     says reinforcement learning includes a
                                                                                                    Theory Prize with his co-author John Tsitsiklis
                                               big enough pool of methods that students
mathematical lens.”                            and researchers can begin to address
                                                                                                    for their research monographs “Parallel and
                                                                                                    Distributed Computation: Numerical Methods”
An avid researcher, author and educator,       engineering problems of enormous size
                                                                                                    and “Neuro-Dynamic Programming.” He and
Bertsekas has used this approach to            and unimaginable difficulty.
                                                                                                    Tsitsiklis have also received the 1997 Prize for
contribute to advances in multiple research    Bertsekas has written numerous research              Research Excellence in the Interface Between
areas, including optimization, reinforcement   papers and 17 books and research                     Operations Research and Computer Science
learning, machine learning, dynamic            monographs on the topics of optimization             for “Neuro-Dynamic Programming.”
programming and data communications.           theory and algorithms, dynamic programming
                                                                                                    Bertsekas’ passion for education has also won
In Fall 2019, he joined ASU’s School of        and optimal control, data communications,
                                                                                                    him accolades. His educational efforts have
Computing, Informatics, and Decision           parallel and distributed computation, and
                                                                                                    been awarded the 2001 John R. Ragazzini
Systems Engineering as Fulton Chair of         applied probability. His work has been
                                                                                                    Education Award for outstanding contributions
Computational Decision Making.                 recognized with many prestigious awards
                                                                                                    to automatic control education and the 2009
                                               and honors over the years.
“I found ASU to be an exciting place for                                                            INFORMS Expository Writing Award.
research where I can work with outstanding     He was elected member of the National
                                                                                                    When he’s not teaching or researching
colleagues,” says Bertsekas.                   Academy of Engineering in 2001 for
                                                                                                    optimization and control theory, Bertsekas
                                               “pioneering contributions to fundamental
Bertsekas has spent much of his career —                                                            enjoys the visual arts, particularly travel and
                                               research, practice and education of optimization
since 1979 — as a faculty member at the                                                             nature photography. His original photos,
                                               and control theory, and especially its application
Massachusetts Institute of Technology,                                                              which can be found on Instagram, have been
                                               to data communication networks.”
where he held the position of McAfee                                                                exhibited at several locations within MIT. He
Professor of Engineering.                      Additionally, he has earned several key awards       looks forward to exploring the art scene and
                                               over the span of 20 years from American              nature Arizona has to offer. v
His main research focus at present is
                                               Automatic Control Council and from the
reinforcement learning — “a field that
                                               Institute for Operations Research and the
addresses large and challenging multistage
                                               Management Sciences, known as INFORMS.

School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering - Redefining excellence Societal impact and educational experience

Leading and contributing to discoveries
With expertise spanning artificial intelligence, robotics, cybersecurity, software and enterprise systems, our faculty drive transformative
advances in human-technology systems. We are energized and boundless; teaching robots in hours not days, revolutionizing
programmable material and paving the way for future innovation.

Ruben Acuna                                    Chitta Baral                         Yinong Chen                              Adolfo Escobedo
Lecturer                                       Professor                            Senior Lecturer                          Assistant Professor
MS, Arizona State University                   PhD, University of Maryland,         PhD, University of Karlsruhe             PhD, Texas A&M University
Software engineering                           College Park                         Computer science and engineering         Industrial engineering
                                               Computer science and engineering
Gail-Joon Ahn                                                                       Michael Clough                           Georgios Fainekos
Professor                                      Rida Bazzi                           Lecturer                                 Associate Professor
PhD, George Mason University                   Associate Professor                  MS, Arizona State University             PhD, University of Pennsylvania
Computer science and engineering               PhD, Georgia Institute of            Industrial engineering                   Computer science and engineering
                                               Computer science and engineering
Ronald Askin                                                                        Charles Colbourn                         Xuerong Feng
Professor                                                                           Professor                                Lecturer
PhD, Georgia Institute of                      Heni Ben Amor                        PhD, University of Toronto               PhD, University of Texas, Dallas
Technology                                     Assistant Professor                  Computer science and engineering         Computer science and engineering
Industrial engineering                         PhD, Technical University
                                               Computer science and engineering     James Collofello                         Stephanie Forrest
Robert Atkinson                                                                     Professor, Vice Dean                     Professor
Associate Professor                                                                 PhD, Northwestern University             PhD, University of Michigan
PhD, University of Wisconsin,                  Kevin Burger                         Computer science and engineering         Computer science and engineering
Madison                                        Lecturer
Informatics                                    MS, University of Kansas
                                               Computer science and engineering     Partha Dasgupta                          Ashraf Gaffar
                                                                                    Associate Professor                      Assistant Professor
Janaka Balasooriya                                                                  PhD, University of New York at           PhD, Concordia University
Lecturer                                       Debra Calliss                        Stony Brook                              Software engineering
PhD, Georgia State University                  Senior Lecturer                      Computer science and engineering
Computer science and engineering               PhD, Arizona State University
                                               Computer science and engineering                                              Kevin Gary
                                                                                    Hasan Davulcu                            Associate Professor,
Ajay Bansal                                                                         Associate Professor                      Program Chair
Assistant Professor                            K. Selçuk Candan                     PhD, State University of                 PhD, Arizona State University
PhD, University of Texas at Dallas             Professor                            New York at Stony Brook                  Software engineering
Software engineering                           PhD, University of Maryland,         Computer science and engineering
                                               College Park
                                               Computer science and engineering
                                                                                                                             Esma Gel
Srividya Bansal                                                                     Adam Doupé                               Associate Professor
Assistant Professor                                                                 Assistant Professor                      PhD, Northwestern University
PhD, University of Texas at Dallas             Linda Chattin                        PhD, University of California,           Industrial engineering
Software engineering                           Principal Lecturer                   Santa Barbara
                                               PhD, State University of             Computer science and engineering
                                               New York at Buffalo
                                               Industrial engineering

 New faculty

      Tiffany Bao                                Dimitri Bertsekas                  Chris Bryan                             Heewook Lee

      Assistant Professor                        Fulton Chair of Computational      Assistant Professor                     Assistant Professor
                                                 Decision Making
      PhD, Carnegie Mellon University                                               PhD, University of California, Davis    PhD, Indiana University
      Computer science and engineering           National Academy of Engineering    Computer science and engineering        Bloomington
                                                 PhD, Massachusetts Institute of                                            Computer science and engineering
      Software security, automated               Technology                         Data visualization, visual analytics,
      binary analysis techniques,                                                   data science, human-computer            Computational biology,
                                                 Computer science and engineering                                           bioinformatics, genetic variation.
      autonomous game-theoretical                                                   interaction, virtual reality.
      strategy for software vulnerabilities.     Network optimization, linear and                                           Joint appointment with the
                                                 nonlinear programming, data                                                Biodesign Institute
                                                 communication networks, parallel
                                                 and distributed computation.

Stephanie Gil                            Cheryl L. Jennings                           Baoxin Li                                Phill Miller
Assistant Professor                      Lecturer                                     Professor, Program Chair                 Lecturer
PhD, Massachusetts Institute of          PhD, Arizona State University                PhD, University of Maryland,             MBA, Northcentral University
Technology                               Industrial engineering                       College Park                             Computer science and
Computer science and                                                                  Computer science and                     engineering
engineering                                                                           engineering
                                         Feng Ju
                                         Assistant Professor                                                                   Pitu Mirchandani
Javier Gonzalez-                         PhD, University of                           Jing Li                                  Professor, The Avnet Chair
Sanchez                                  Wisconsin — Madison                          Associate Professor                      in Supply Chain Networks
Lecturer                                 Industrial engineering                       PhD, University of Michigan              ScD, Massachusetts
                                                                                      Industrial engineering                   Institute of Technology
PhD, Arizona State University
                                                                                                                               Industrial engineering
Software engineering                     Joseph Juarez
                                         Lecturer                                     Tim Lindquist
Sandeep Gupta                            PhD, Arizona State University                Professor                                Douglas Montgomery
Professor, School Director               Industrial engineering                       PhD, Iowa State University               Regents Professor
PhD, The Ohio State University                                                        Software engineering                     PhD, Virginia Tech
                                                                                                                               Industrial engineering
Computer science and                     Subbarao “Rao”
                                         Kambhampati                                  Huan Liu
                                                                                      Professor                                Mutsumi Nakamura
Dianne Hansford                          PhD, University of Maryland
                                                                                      PhD, University of Southern              Principal Lecturer
Lecturer                                                                              California                               PhD, University of Texas,
                                         Computer science and                         Computer science and                     Arlington
PhD, Arizona State University            engineering
Computer science and                                                                  engineering                              Computer science and
engineering                                                                                                                    engineering
                                         Yoshihiro Kobayashi                          Ross Maciejewski
Robert Heinrichs
                                         Lecturer                                     Assistant Professor                      Rong Pan
                                         PhD, University of California,               PhD, Purdue University                   Associate Professor,
Lecturer                                 Los Angeles
                                                                                      Computer science and                     Program Chair
PhD, Technische                          Computer science and
Universität Berlin, Germany                                                           engineering                              PhD, Pennsylvania State
                                         engineering                                                                           University
Software engineering
                                                                                                                               Industrial engineering
                                         Joohyung Lee                                 Daniel McCarville
Sharon Hsiao                             Associate Professor
                                                                                      Professor of Practice
                                                                                                                               Sethuraman “Panch”
Assistant Professor                                                                   PhD, Arizona State University
                                         PhD, University of Texas
PhD, University of Pittsburgh            at Austin                                    Industrial engineering                   Panchanathan
Computer science and                     Computer science and                                                                  Professor, ASU Senior Vice
                                                                                                                               President for Knowledge
engineering                              engineering                                  Alexandra Mehlhase                       Enterprise Development
                                                                                                                               PhD, University of Ottawa
Dijiang Huang                            Yann-Hang Lee                                PhD, Technische Universität              Computer science and
Associate Professor                      Professor                                    Berlin, Germany                          engineering
PhD, University of                       PhD, University of Michigan                  Software engineering
Missouri — Kansas City                   Computer science and                                                                  Paolo Papotti
Computer science and                     engineering                                  Ryan Meuth                               Assistant Professor
engineering                                                                           Lecturer                                 PhD, Universita’ degli Studi
                                                                                      PhD, Missouri University                 Roma Tre
                                                                                      of Science and Technology                Computer science and
                                                                                      Computer science and                     engineering

    Ruoyu “Fish” Wang                      Yingzhen Yang                               Jia Zou                                 Mike Findler
                                                                                                                               PhD, Wright State University
                                                                                                                               Software engineering

                                                                                                                               Samira Ghayekhloo
                                                                                                                               PhD, Eastern Mediterranean
                                                                                                                               University, Turkey
                                                                                                                               Computer science

                                                                                                                               Ali Kucukozyigit
    Assistant Professor                    Assistant Professor                         Assistant Professor                     Lecturer
    PhD, University of California,         PhD, University of Illinois at              PhD, Tsinghua University, China         PhD, Old Dominion University
    Santa Barbara                          Urbana-Champaign                            Computer science and engineering        Industrial engineering
    Computer science and engineering       Computer science and engineering
                                                                                       Data-intensive distributed systems,     Vijay Suthar
    System security, with emphasis in      Statistical machine learning, functional    machine learning systems, blockchain,   Lecturer
    automated binary program analysis,     analysis, large scale data.                 development of dynamic applications.
    reverse engineering of software.                                                                                           MS, Stanford University
                                                                                                                               Software engineering


Ted Pavlic                          Justin Selgrad                     Farideh                            Guoliang Xue
Assistant Professor                 Lecturer                           Tadayon-Navabi                     Professor
PhD, The Ohio State University      MS, Washington University          Senior Lecturer                    PhD, University of Minnesota
Industrial engineering              in St. Louis                       MS, University of Louisiana        Computer science and engineering
                                    Computer science and engineering   at Lafayette
Giulia Pedrielli                                                       Computer science and engineering
                                                                                                          Hao Yan
Assistant Professor                 Arunabha Sen
                                                                                                          Assistant Professor
PhD, Politecnico di Milano, Italy   Professor                          Kurt VanLehn
Industrial engineering              PhD, University of South           Professor, The Diane and           PhD, Georgia Institute of
                                    Carolina                           Gary Tooker Chair for              Technology
                                    Computer science and engineering   Effective Education in             Industrial engineering
Fengbo Ren                                                             Science, Technology,
Assistant Professor                                                    Engineering and Math
PhD, University of California,      Paulo Shakarian                    PhD, Massachusetts Institute
                                                                                                          Yezhou Yang
Los Angeles                         Assistant Professor                of Technology                      Assistant Professor
Computer science and engineering    PhD, University of Maryland,       Computer science and engineering   PhD, University of Maryland,
                                    College Park                                                          College Park
                                    Computer science and engineering
Andrea Richa                                                           J. Rene Villalobos                 Computer science and engineering
Professor                                                              Associate Professor
PhD, Carnegie Mellon University     Yan Shoshitaishvili                                                   Stephen Yau
                                                                       PhD, Texas A&M University          Professor
Computer science and engineering    Assistant Professor
                                                                       Industrial engineering             PhD, University of Illinois
                                    PhD, University of California,
                                    Santa Barbara                                                         Computer science and engineering
George Runger                       Computer science and engineering   Sarma Vrudhula
Professor                                                              Professor
PhD, University of Minnesota                                           PhD, University of Southern
                                                                                                          Nong Ye
Industrial engineering
                                    Aviral Shrivastava                 California                         Professor
                                    Professor                          Computer science and engineering   PhD, Purdue University
                                    PhD, University of California,                                        Industrial engineering
Hessam Sarjoughian                  Irvine
Associate Professor                                                    Yalin Wang
                                    Computer science and engineering
                                                                       Associate Professor                Yu “Tony” Zhang
PhD, University of Arizona
                                                                       PhD, University of Washington      Assistant Professor
Computer science and engineering    Dan Shunk                          Computer science and engineering   PhD, University of
                                    Professor Emeritus                                                    Tennessee, Knoxville
Mohamed Sarwat                      PhD, Purdue University
Assistant Professor                 Industrial engineering
                                                                       Carole-Jean Wu                     Computer science and engineering
PhD, University of Minnesota                                           Associate Professor
Computer science and engineering                                       PhD, Princeton University          Ming Zhao
                                    Violet Syrotiuk                    Computer science and engineering   Associate Professor
                                    Associate Professor
Jorge Sefair                        PhD, University of Waterloo,                                          PhD, University of Florida
Assistant Professor                 Canada                             Teresa Wu                          Computer science and engineering
PhD, University of Florida          Computer science and engineering   Professor
Industrial engineering                                                 PhD, University of Iowa
                                                                       Industrial engineering

Campaign ASU 2020.

Eminent scholar gives $2 million to support
ASU industrial engineering program
The world has no                                    the next generation of thought leaders in
                                                    industrial engineering has been, simply put,
shortage of worthwhile                              top of class. His investment is instrumental
causes to support.                                  in elevating the profile, potential and
                                                    contributions of our learning community in
Diseases need cures. Environments need              the Fulton Schools.”
preservation. People need a higher quality
of life. One ASU professor has found that           Among his long list of accomplishments,
supporting graduate student education in            Montgomery is most proud of the 68
industrial engineering is his top priority.         doctoral students he has mentored, with
                                                    four students under his wing currently.
“Graduate student education is really
important,” says Douglas C. Montgomery, a           Montgomery’s first doctoral student was
Regents Professor of industrial engineering.        Ronald G. Askin, whom he continued to
“Industrial engineers play a vital role in a huge   mentor as Askin’s career progressed at the
range of industrial and business settings, from     University of Iowa, the University of Arizona
                                                    and finally to ASU when he joined the Fulton    We believe engineering is more than a discipline
manufacturing to health care. So, we should                                                         — it is a mindset, a way of looking at the world
do whatever we can to improve graduate              Schools faculty in 2006 as the chair of
                                                                                                    to determine how challenges can be met most
education and make it a good experience.”           the industrial engineering program. Askin
                                                                                                    efficiently, sustainably, safely and in cost-effective
                                                    went on to serve as director of the School      ways to maximize impact and benefit those we
Montgomery’s passion to help graduate               of Computing, Informatics, and Decision         serve. As a partner in our mission, you will help
students develop their research interests           Systems Engineering from 2009 to 2016.          support our diverse faculty and students as they
has motivated him to become an investor                                                             find innovative and entrepreneurial solutions to
and partner in their education by making            “Doug is the kind of advisor and faculty
                                                                                                    pressing concerns.
contributions over the years to ASU and             mentor you want to emulate. He’s been
his alma mater, Virginia Tech. And in 2018,         my role model for how to be a successful        To make a donation of any amount, please
                                                    classroom instructor, a high impact             call Margo Burdick, our school’s director of
the eminent scholar and statistician made a
                                                    researcher who combines technical depth         development, at 480-727-7099. You can
personal contribution of $2 million to the                                                          also mail your gift to Ira A. Fulton Schools of
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering.               with real-world relevance and impact, and
                                                                                                    Engineering Attn: Margo Burdick, PO Box
                                                    a graduate advisor,” says Askin.
“Doug is fueled by a sincere commitment                                                             879309, Tempe, AZ 85287-9309. Please make
to scholarship at the highest levels in his         “I’ve been quite fortunate to work with         checks payable to the “ASU Foundation” with
                                                    excellent research students,” says              “School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision
teaching, service and research,” says Kyle
                                                    Montgomery. “I’m really proud of every          Systems Engineering” noted in the memo line.
Squires, dean of the Fulton Schools. “He
embodies the core tenets of the New                 single one of them because they’ve all          Your gift is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
American University and his impact on               gone on to do really great things.” v

Artificial intelligence and robotics

                                                       Children see the world, manipulate it, play with
                                                       it and then they learn. Machines, on the other
                                                       hand, learn using very large sets of examples
                                                       about patterns that even humans have a hard
                                                       time describing. For example, you teach a
                                                       machine how to recognize a dog by showing
                                                       it millions of pictures of dogs using databases
                                                       of labeled images.

How smart
                                                       That’s where artificial intelligence is right now:
                                                       using perception as a learning technique.            Yezhou Yang (middle) participated in a panel
                                                       Machines learn by doing and from examples.           to discuss the future of AI following a Mesa

is AI?                                                 “Basically we are trying to figure out how to make
                                                       learning more efficient,” Kambhampati says.
                                                                                                            Community College theater production
                                                                                                            called The Intelligent Design of Jenny
                                                                                                            Chow. The fictional play follows a robot,
Creating machines that think and act                   But when artificial intelligence fails, no one       designed by a young girl, that takes on
like humans is as much grounded in the                 knows why it didn’t work.                            humanistic emotions and behaviors. v
humanities as it is in engineering.
                                                       “I’m not sure machine learning has reached the
When a group of retired Army and Marine                point where it can extrapolate or be creative like
generals, CIA agents and scientists gathered           humans are,” says Spring Berman, an associate
at ASU to discuss the future of national               professor in the School of Engineering of
security research, their discussion veered             Matter, Transport and Energy and associate
into how to successfully pair humans and               director of ASU’s Center for Human, Artificial
artificial intelligence.                               Intelligence, and Robot Teaming.
“In order to create machines and algorithms that       “Our goal is to think about how best to
adapt to a human, we first need to understand          coordinate teams of humans, software agents
more about humans,” says Heni Ben Amor, an             and robots for a variety of applications, which
assistant professor in the School of Computing,        could be transportation, manufacturing, search
Informatics and Decision Systems Engineering.          and rescue or defense,” she says. “We look at        Professor Katina Michael served as a guest
For Subbarao “Rao” Kambhampati, a professor            creating control strategies for swarms of robots     editor for a special edition of Proceedings
in the school and an expert in artificial              that you could give them a mission and they          of the IEEE, the leading journal for technical
intelligence, automated planning and machine           could then carry it out on their own.” v             developments in electronics, electrical
learning, the answer lies in how machines learn.                                                            and computer engineering, and computer
                                                                                                            science. Michael and her collaborators co-
                                                                                                            authored the introduction and an article on
                                                                                                            engineering-based design methodology for
 Little AI lies                                                                                             embedding ethics in autonomous robots. v

                                                        “We attempted to take the first steps toward
                                                        understanding the state of the public                Students
                                                        consciousness on this topic,” Kambhampati
                                                        says. “We got a sense of when people are
                                                        willing to be told white lies.”
                                                        But only if it’s for the greater good. They
                                                        discussed scenarios where the research
                                                        found white lies were considered acceptable,
                                                        such as to achieve teaming performance.
                                                        However, other circumstances, like
                                                        considering the role of AI in the future of         Doctoral student Tahora Nazer discussed
                                                        medicine, raised discussion among experts           how data mining experts are making social
ASU computer scientist Subbarao Kambhampati             in computing, ethics, philosophy, economics,        media an effective tool in helping the
and his former graduate student Tathagata               psychology, law and politics.                       public and emergency responders during
Chakraborti traveled to the Artificial Intelligence,                                                        hurricanes, tornadoes, floods and other
                                                        “The doctor-patient relationship, and the
Ethics and Society conference to ask the                                                                    natural disasters during an appearance on
                                                        intriguing roles of deception in it, does
question, “Is it okay for AI to lie?” And how do                                                            Catalyst, an Arizona PBS show. v
                                                        provide an invaluable starting point for
we keep humans in the loop if they do?
                                                        conversation on the topic of greater good in
Kambhampati’s research poses several                    human-AI interactions,” Kambhampati says.             Watch the video:
unresolved ethical and moral questions                                                                        scan the
                                                        As AI develops, researchers will continue to          QR code or
regarding the design of autonomy in AI.
                                                        seek answers to the unresolved moral and              visit
                                                        ethical questions that will continue to arise. v      CHMAIvideo

Artificial intelligence and robotics.

 NSF Graduate                                                                                     Artificial
 Research Fellow                                                                                  intelligence
 engineers big                                                                                    supports real
 data solutions                                                                                   intelligence
                                                                                                 Kurt VanLehn applies artificial intelligence
                                                                                                 to education. He recently received nearly
                                                                                                 $1.5 million from the National Science
                                                                                                 Foundation to conduct research on the use
                                                 An ASU team won the AI commentator              of automated intelligent teaching assistants
                                                 competition at the Korean Advanced              in the classroom.
                                                 Institute of Science and Technology AI          His work is part of The Future of Work at
                                                 World Cup 2018, a worldwide competition         the Human-Technology Frontier, one of the
                                                 of online soccer teams simulated by AI.         NSF’s 10 Big Ideas for Future Investment.
                                                 The team, led by Assistant Professor            VanLehn’s approach challenges how
                                                 Yezhou Yang (left), was comprised of            artificial intelligence has previously been
                           Students              Siyu Zhou (middle), a doctoral student          used in the classroom, which focused
                                                 in physics, and Chia-Yu Hsu (right), a          mainly on students. Instead, this project
Logan Mathesen has been using                    master’s student in computer science. v         focuses more on designing intelligent
industrial engineering to find solutions                                                         assistants to support teachers and the
to big data problems since he was an                                                             current education system, rather than
undergraduate student.                                                                           replacing them.
Now a doctoral student, he was selected                                                          “For intelligent technology to be viable in
as an NSF Graduate Research Fellow.                                                              the classroom, it must serve both the
He’ll earn an annual stipend and a                                                               students and the teacher, and the teacher
cost-of-education allowance to support                                                           must be in charge,” VanLehn says.
his graduate education.
                                                                                                 Over the course of three years, VanLehn
“I want to influence how the next generation                                                     and his team are observing classroom
interacts with data and information,” he says.                                                   patterns, conducting trials, and collaborating
                                                                                                 with teachers to enhance education
Through his research, Mathesen is building
                                                                                                 systems and improve student learning. v
the algorithms, data analysis and modeling
techniques to manage large data sets and
aid in decision-making. v

                                                                                                  A new way
 Alumni, Arizona impact                                                                           to “see”
                                                  Tiny but mighty:                                neighborhoods
                                                  Bee brains may                                  Arizona impact

                                                  hold key to                                    Computer scientists are working with
                                                                                                 researchers in ASU’s College of Health

                                                  miniaturizing AI                               Solutions to develop an automated, cost-
                                                                                                 effective tool that will inspire communities
                                                                                                 to enhance safety and increase physical
ASU alumni and students make up about            How can we miniaturize artificial               fitness among its residents. Combining
two-thirds of employees at AdviNOW               intelligence? Bees may have the answer.         Google Street View, crowdsourcing,
Medical, a Scottsdale-based medtech              Ted Pavlic is part of a research team           computer vision and deep learning to
startup specializing in the self-guided          studying the miniaturization of nervous         virtually detect a neighborhood’s micro
medical stations. Tarek Saleh, the company’s     systems. With support from the U.S.             features, like sidewalks and bike lanes,
product director and a computer science          Department of Defense, the team is              the automated micro feature detection
and software engineering graduate, is            working toward miniaturizing artificial         system will help determine the correlation
among the recent Fulton Schools alumni           intelligence by studying the structure and      between the presence of these features
who contribute their skills and knowledge        function of tiny brains of multiple species     and physical activity levels. v
about the latest AI technologies. v              of stingless bees. v
Artificial intelligence and robotics

Coming soon: A robot that understands
its world and the people in it
                                                                         research assistants have produced in the lab. But what happens when
                                                                         the working environment changes? How can we be sure that the robot
                                                                         will calculate its actions so that the job is completed correctly and safely?
                                                                         Srivastava’s work, recently funded by grants from the National Science
                                                                         Foundation, is advancing the capabilities of autonomous agents,
                                                                         which will not only reason and plan to execute tasks even when the
                                                                         circumstances are uncertain, but also communicate successfully with
                                                                         the humans around it. He focuses on developing the frameworks,
                                                                         algorithms and implementations that enable robots to reason and
                                                                         act efficiently.
                                                                         As robots move into a growing range of settings, the importance of
                                                                         human-robot interaction grows. The future holds many opportunities
                                                                         for robots to improve human life, such as caring for the sick or elderly,
                                                                         responding to emergencies and participating in the exploration of
                                                                         places inhospitable to humans.
                                                                         In those roles, Srivastava says, robots will need to be able to
The self-directed carts that deliver supplies in hospitals. The vacuum   communicate with people who may have limited knowledge of
that cleans the floors in your home and then parks at a refueling        engineering or computer science. A second NSF grant is providing
station. These are examples of autonomous agents — robots — that         $275,000 to improve the ways humans talk to and question robots,
help humans with simple daily tasks and complex work thanks to           and the ways robots respond.
artificial intelligence. First mentioned in research literature in the   The goal is to develop a system that generates questions humans can
1950s, AI has steadily gained momentum, says Assistant Professor         ask that will allow the robot to discern how much the person knows
Siddharth Srivastava.                                                    about robots so it can then tailor the interaction to the person’s level of
Autonomous agents can be programmed to complete specific jobs,           knowledge. Srivastava anticipates that humans will bring a wide range
such as setting the table, a demonstration that Srivastava and his       of expertise to these interactions. v

NSF grant supports smart city research
and STEM education
                                                                         “Our project will prepare students to become the engineers, scientists,
                                                                         entrepreneurs and policymakers who lead this growing field and shape
                                                                         the future of smart cities in a human-centric way,” says Sethuraman
                                                                         “Panch” Panchanathan, principal investigator on the project and director
                                                                         of ASU’s Center for Cognitive Ubiquitous Computing.
                                                                         The project, “Citizen Centered Smart Cities and Smart Living,” is taking an
                                                                         interdisciplinary approach to understanding and developing smart cities,
                                                                         focusing on citizen awareness, engagement and education.
                                                                         Career placement and finding career paths in smart-cities-related
                                                                         positions for STEM graduates is a main priority for organizers. They also
                                                                         strive to create community, national and global impact through sharing
                                                                         research findings and project outcomes.
A new $3 million grant from the National Science Foundation is helping
ASU launch a graduate research training program focused on citizen-      The successful recruitment, retention and graduation of STEM students
centered smart cities.                                                   from diverse backgrounds, including underrepresented minorities, women
                                                                         and individuals with disabilities, is a main goal of the project.
The grant is a part of the NSF’s Research Traineeship Program, which
was designed to encourage the development and implementation of          The NSF selected 17 institutions across the U.S. to participate in the
bold, new and potentially transformative models for STEM graduate        highly competitive program, including Stanford University, UCLA and
education training. ASU’s project launched with 24 master’s and 14       the University of Texas, Austin. v
doctoral students.

Safety becomes
                                                                                                  smart with
                                                                                                  in software

MURI Award sets                                                                                  The distinction between
                                                                                                 “smart” technologies and
tiny particles to answer                                                                         autonomous systems has
big questions                                                                                    been the focus of research
                                                                                                 for Georgios Fainekos,
                                                                                                 an associate professor of
What do you get when                         Broadly, emergence occurs when the whole
                                             is greater than the sum of its parts — the          computer science.
you combine computer                         whole has properties its parts do not have,
                                                                                                 Supported by a National Science Foundation
science, physics, robotics                   and these properties only come about
                                             because of collective interactions among            CAREER Award, the overarching mission of
and nanotechnology?                          the parts.                                          Fainekos’ project has been devising new and
                                                                                                 improved techniques and methodologies to test
The opportunity to                           In the nanotechnology realm, tiny computer          the abilities of cyberphysical systems.
advance the fundamental                      “particles” that have limited computational
                                             capabilities individually can do amazing things     Fainekos is advancing complex automated
understanding of how                         as a group. They can behave like “matter,”          systems by improving the dependability
                                                                                                 of the software small computers use to
tiny computer particles                      self-reconfiguring to repair wounds, sealing
                                             nuclear reactor leaks or fixing spacecraft          trigger mechanisms — or “actuators” — in
can work together to do                      cracks in flight, all without human intervention.   cyberphysical systems.
great things — without                       But first, scientists and engineers need to         “A major breakthrough is our demonstration
                                             better understand emergent behaviors so             of the feasibility of mathematically expressing
any human intervention.                      they can be predicted and built effectively.        and testing safety requirements for complex
Professor Andrea Richa is part of a U.S.     “If we get our overarching goal of                  cyberphysical systems. Before our work, the
Department of Defense Multidisciplinary      understanding, predicting and synthesizing          results on tests of the systems were limited in
University Research Initiative effort that   the local rules for the emergent behaviors we       scope,” Fainekos says.
seeks to make fundamental research           want, and also of building the systems that         The team is also working with the major
discoveries in the project, “Formal          can carry out these rules, it’s a huge thing,”      international carmaker Toyota to develop
Foundations of Algorithmic Matter and        Richa says.                                         effective testing for embedded processors and
Emergent Computation.”                                                                           cyberphysical systems in cars with automated
                                             The MURI project will explore the local
Richa and her ASU team received              algorithmic rules and computations particles        systems, like adaptive cruise control, emergency
$808,000 of a $6 million MURI award          need to perform a desired emergent behavior.        braking and lane keeping.
to study emergent behaviors, with the        Richa’s team will employ a continuous               Next, Fainekos and his team want to lay the
rest distributed among collaborators at      feedback loop of developing theories and            groundwork for advancing their analysis, testing
the Georgia Institute of Technology, the     experimentation over the five-year period of        and verification processes from the laboratory to
Massachusetts Institute of Technology        the MURI award.                                     industrial-scale operations. Progress there could
and Northwestern University.                 “We want to better understand what causes           help prevent embedded systems design flaws
The study of emergent behavior has been      emergent behavior so we can start predicting        and testing errors that cost industry billions of
around for decades, even before computers.   when it will happen,” Richa says. v                 dollars due to product defects. v


                                                                                                         NSF Graduate
                                                                                                         Fellow solving
                                                                                                         society’s toughest

Adding human ingenuity to
automated security tools
The world’s top chess                              “It’s a lot of responsibility,” says Yan
                                                   Shoshitaishvili, an assistant professor of           After having received his master’s
player isn’t a human or a                          computer science and engineering and co-             degree through the 4+1 computer
                                                                                                        science accelerated program, Scott
computer, it’s a “centaur”                         principal investigator on the project. “It’s a big
                                                   undertaking that the government is making            Freitas received a National Science
— a hybrid chess-playing                           and we have a lot of responsibility to make it a
                                                                                                        Foundation Graduate Research
                                                                                                        Fellowship award to support his work
team comprised of a                                success. I have no doubt we’ll be successful.”
                                                                                                        toward a doctoral degree in computer
human and a computer.                              The CHECRS team wants to create an                   science at the Georgia Institute of
                                                   autonomous tool that can be used by a                Technology.
The Defense Advanced Research Projects             wider variety of human assistants. Software
Agency is applying the same human-computer                                                              There, Freitas is focusing on research
                                                   developers, quality assurance specialists and        that explores how people connect and
collaborative approach to cybersecurity through    other non-security experts have human                function through “societal constructs” —
its Computers and Humans Exploring Software        intuition and ingenuity that can meaningfully        for example, energy and transportation
Security, or CHESS program.                        aid the automated tool.                              networks and social networks. v
A team of ASU researchers is working with          “While modern automated tools run on
collaborators at the University of California,     computers that calculate billions of times
Santa Barbara, the University of Iowa, North
Carolina State University and EURECOM to
                                                   faster than a human brain, human security
                                                   analysts still find the majority of software
                                                                                                        “When your DNA
make their move in this space. The team’s          vulnerabilities,” Wang says. “This is because         is out there, like
project is called CHECRS, or Cognitive Human
Enhancements for Cyber Reasoning Systems.
                                                   the knowledge and intuition that humans
                                                   possess outweigh the speed of calculation
                                                                                                         data, it’s sort of
The $11.7 million award supports the multi-        when facing problems with extreme complexity,         like Pandora’s box.
university CHECRS team’s efforts to create a       for example, finding software vulnerabilities.”       Once it’s out there,
human-assisted autonomous tool for finding
and analyzing software vulnerabilities that also
                                                   As part of the DARPA CHESS program,
                                                   other research teams will evaluate whether
                                                                                                         you can’t ever put it
learns from and incorporates human strengths       the human-computer teams are working                  back in the box.”
of intuition and ingenuity. The ASU team, led      effectively by competing against the system
by Ruoyu “Fish” Wang, an assistant professor                                                             – Adam Doupé, assistant
                                                   to detect vulnerabilities. v
of computer science and engineering, received                                                             professor of computer science,
$6.6 million of the award funding.                                                                        on privacy issues surrounding
                                                                                                          DNA testing services


                                                                                                         Hackers to head
                                                                                                         off cybercriminals
                                                                                                        Cyberattacks make
                                                                                                        the headlines seemingly
                                                                                                        every week with
                                                                                                        few untouched by
                                                                                                        the breaches.
                                                                                                        Fulton Entrepreneurial Professor Paulo
                                                                                                        Shakarian talks about how mining
                                                                                                        the dark web can throw light on these
                                                                                                        cybercriminals and thwart their impending
                                                                                                        attacks during an ASU KEDtalk.
                                                                                                        He likens his research strategy to that
                                                                                                        of a soldier running reconnaissance on
                                                                                                        the enemy. He and his collaborators are
                                                                Photographer: Deanna Dent/ASU Now       taking advantage of the limitations and
                                                                                                        weaknesses of malicious hackers to

Cybersecurity expert takes a
                                                                                                        head off cybercriminals at the pass. v

deeper look into the dark web
                                                                                                        Watch the video:
                                                                                                        scan the
                                                                                                        QR code or
In 2013 Paulo and Jana                              Summit — a meeting of leaders in defense and
                                                    security industries and officials in government     cyberattacks-kedtalk
Shakarian collaborated                              agencies and the U.S. military.
on a book that explored                             CYR3CON was also a finalist in tech startup
cyberwarfare from “a                                and business model competitions held
                                                    by the Arizona Technology Council and                 Jackpotting and
human-centric viewpoint,”
as Paulo Shakarian
                                                    “What we are essentially trying to do is get
                                                                                                          US bank attacks
describes it.                                       ahead of the bad guys,” Paulo Shakarian

“We noticed that everyone who was working
                                                    explains. If you look at the major cyberattacks     ATMs across the country
                                                    of recent years, he says, the vast majority were
on cybersecurity was focused on the technical       enabled by software vulnerabilities that were       are being targeted by a
aspects of it. Things like building firewalls and
virus scanning,” he says. “But no one was taking
                                                    known about ahead of time.                          wave of cybercriminals
a deep look at the people who are doing the         Along with the power of the company’s               in search of an illegal
                                                    technological infrastructure, the value of its
bad stuff, the cyberattackers.”
                                                    service hinges on a deep understanding of the       high-tech payday.
That research has given birth to CYR3CON,           perpetrators of malevolent cyber activity.          This phenomenon is called “jackpotting,”
which the Shakarians define as “a next-                                                                 and US bank attacks involving malware
generation cyber threat intelligence company”       “I don’t think you can do a good job predicting
                                                    human behavior unless you have good socially        are imminent.
that employs machine learning, data mining
and artificial intelligence technology — along      rooted intuitions about what people are doing,”     “The best long-term solutions for these
with knowledge of the workings of the dark          he says. “It’s knowing what the reputations of      types of attacks is to gather information
web — to identify emerging threats.                 the people are and what their social connections    about what the hackers are discussing
                                                    look like that helps us create better algorithms    from places like the deep web/dark web —
CYR3CON was started and is led by the               to identify potential threats.”                     as this allows us to understand where
Shakarians. Paulo Shakarian is the company’s                                                            they are headed in terms of target
chief executive officer. Jana Shakarian is          Research aimed at improving the company’s
                                                    operations and capabilities will continue. The      selection,” says Paulo Shakarian,
the president.                                                                                          director the Cyber-Socio Intelligent
                                                    Shakarians expect to tap into the skills of those
Their CYR3CON venture won a TechConnect             working in Fulton Schools labs — including          System Laboratory. v
Defense Innovation Award at the Defense             graduate and undergraduate students. v
Innovation Technology Acceleration Challenges

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