Page created by Jill Garrett
Discover university              1    Your money                     49         Mathematics                   106
Welcome to your university       2    Your application               52         Medical Imaging (Diagnostic
Our history                      4    Qualifications and grade                  Radiography)                  108
Committed to you                 6    equivalencies                  54         Medical Sciences              110
We’re dedicated to your               Our subjects                   56         Medicine                      112
future                            6    Accounting and Finance        60         Modern Languages and
The South West                    8    Anthropology                  62         Cultures                      114
Our campuses                     10    Arab and Islamic Studies      64         Natural Sciences              116
  Streatham                      10    Archaeology                   66         Neuroscience                  118
  Penryn                         12    Art History & Visual Culture 68          Nursing                       120
  St Luke’s                      14    Biosciences                   70         Philosophy                    122
Our community                    16    Business and Management       72         Physics and Astronomy         124
Our research                     18    Classics and Ancient History 74          Politics and International
Your education                   21    Communications                76         Relations                     126
  Expand your horizons           22    Computer Science and IT       78         Psychology                    128
  Build your own degree          24    Criminology                   80         Renewable Energy              130
  Helping you study              26    Data Science                  82         Sociology                     132
Supporting you                   28    Drama                         84         Sport and Health Sciences     134
Your future                      30    Economics                     86         Theology and Religion         136
Your career                      30    Engineering                   88         Pathways for International
                                                                                Students                      138
Your alumni community            32    English                       90
                                                                               Connect with us                142
Student life                     35    Film & Television Studies     92
                                                                               Key contacts                   143
  Meet our students              36    Flexible Combined Honours     94
                                                                               How to get here                144
  Exeter Students’ Guild         38    Geography and Environmental
                                       Science                       96        Visiting us                    145
  The Falmouth and Exeter
  Students’ Union                39    Geology                       98
  Sport                          40    History                      100
  Your wellbeing                 42    Law                          102
  Arts, culture, entertainment         Liberal Arts                 104
  and going out                  44
  Accommodation                  46

                Front cover image: Graphical representation of the University’s coat of
                arms. This symbolises the historical associations of the University with the
                locality. The triangular gold castle with three towers comes from Exeter’s
                coat of arms and is thought to represent Rougemont Castle as alluded
                to by the red background. The 15 gold bezants around the edge of the
                shield are from Cornwall’s coat of arms, whilst the green cross on a white
                background is from Devon County Council’s coat of arms. The theme of
                learning is symbolised by the book with gold edges and a Latin inscription
                translating roughly as ‘We follow the light’.
Contents 1

Our online Discover University
 platform provides information,
   advice and guidance for prospective
     students, parents/guardians, teachers
       and advisers about studying at

                                   Heart Building, Penryn Campus

2 Welcome to your university


             90%                                                                              20 10              FOR                    YRS

         90% employment rate.1                    One of the best                        Top 20 in all UK league tables since 2011.3
                                             universities in the world.2

          University of Sanctuary
          Stand Alone Pledge
          Care Leavers Covenant
          Stonewall Diversity Champion
          Athena Swann Gender Charter

              Success for all.4                       We have been praised by both the local                                More than 400
                                                      authority and Public Health England on                                programmes in
                                                          our approach to the pandemic.                                    40 subject areas.

        90% of graduates in or due to start employment or further study 15   2
                                                                                  Rated 5 Star by QS 2020; 164th in QS World University Rankings 2021;
        months after graduating. HESA Graduate Outcomes Survey 2017–18.              174th in THE World University Rankings 2021.

Welcome to your university 3

                                                                                                       Forum Piazza, Streatham Campus

           A world-class,                 Sustainability University                               Rated gold in the Teaching
         research-intensive                     of the Year.5                                    Excellence Framework 2017.

                     Green Flag Award-winning                                      Over 27,000 students          Regularly top 5 in British
                  campuses in Devon and Cornwall.                                from over 150 countries.        Universities and Colleges
                                                                                                                    Sport since 2011.

     2th in The Times and The Sunday Times Good University Guide and the
    1                                                                        4
                                                                                 See page 28.               5
                                                                                                                 S ustainability Award Winners at The
    Complete University Guide; 16th in the Guardian University Guide 2021.                                        Guardian University Awards 2020.

4 Our history

                We’ve been dedicated to discovery and changing
                lives through education since 1851 when the Exeter
                Schools of Art and Science were founded.
                In 1922 we became the University College
                of the South West.
                In 1955 we became the University of Exeter.
                In 1978 St Luke’s College of Education (established
                1840) joined us.
                In 1993 Camborne School of Mines in Cornwall
                (established 1888) merged with us.
                In 2004 we opened the Penryn Campus, expanding
                the provision of higher education in Cornwall.
                Today we’re a member of the Russell Group,
                recognised for both our research and teaching

       We’re still dedicated to discovery.
       We’re still changing lives through education.
       We can change yours.

Our history 5

Streatham Campus, early 1970s

6 Committed to you

   We’re dedicated to your future
   Covid-19 has changed the world dramatically, and although at the time
   of writing safe and effective vaccines are being rolled out, we do not
   know how the pandemic will continue to affect our lives in the future.

   What we do know is that we are absolutely               ●    roviding significant additional wellbeing
   committed to your education, health and                     support, with welfare teams to talk to
   wellbeing. We have taken significant and effective      ●   Expanding IT support to help online learning.
   steps against Covid-19, both in our student and
   academic communities on our campuses and via            A safe learning environment
   our crucial research into the disease and how           We won’t let Covid-19 get in the way of your
   to treat it.                                            educational experience. Flexibility is key to this,
                                                           and wherever we can and when it is safe to do
   We cannot say exactly what life will be like at the
                                                           so, we will offer face-to-face teaching on our
   University of Exeter in 2022 when you come to
                                                           campuses. Our aim is to ensure you continue
   study with us – whether you will need to wear
                                                           to receive the exceptional education that you
   masks or how we will deliver your teaching –
                                                           expect. This incorporates different ways of
   but we can guarantee that we will do our best
                                                           learning, and allows you to switch easily between
   to make you feel safe, valued and able to flourish
                                                           structured, on-campus and online learning as
   no matter what circumstances we may find
                                                           needed. You will have access to your tutors, as
   ourselves in.
                                                           well as our Covid-19 secure campus, your circle
   Steps we’ve taken already                               of friends and the support you need from the
   We’ve taken serious measures to help our                university community.
   students follow guidelines and keep safe since
   the pandemic began, including:
                                                           Helping to tackle the virus
                                                           We’ve been at the heart of the Covid-19 response
   ●   Providing tests on campus for students and staff   through our research expertise, working closely
   ●   Delivering food packages to isolating students     with the NHS, Public Health England, councils
   ●   Providing online ‘boredom-buster’ packages,        and other bodies to tackle the virus and support
       with free subscriptions for films, etc.             economic recovery. Our research into Covid-19
                                                           has covered analysis of clinical data to aid
   ●   S upporting students isolating in accommodation    treatments, and understanding the economic
        during holidays, with key services all available   and social impacts of the pandemic around the
   ●   Developing online schemes connecting               world so we can aid the global recovery.
       isolating students

Committed to you 7

                                                 The University has been great at keeping us
                                        informed with regular emails, and they have been very open
                                        about what’s going on. They supported us with being able
                                        to defer exams till the summer, which is really great.
                                        Evie, studying History.

              The University has definitely supported me during the
   pandemic. As a result of Covid-19 my family and I experienced financial
   difficulties, but I received a Pandemic Hardship Fund from Exeter, which
   really helped. The application was quick and easy and put no stress on
   me. Even now I can reapply if I find myself in that situation again; it’s
   nice to know I can get more support if I need it.
   The quality of teaching is still there and we still have the chance to ask
   our lecturers questions. I’m more engaged this year and I feel like I’m
   getting more done due to the amount of online resources we now
   have. We have pre-recorded lectures and still have online seminars
   where we get the chance to ask questions and discuss topics.
   Ernestina, studying LLB Law with Business.

                                                 The University has put a lot of mental health support in place
                                        during the pandemic. The Wellbeing Team was great at supporting me
                                        whether it was on the academic side, getting extensions for work, or on
                                        a counselling side just talking through any issues that have come up.
                                        Ellie, studying Philosophy.

             I’ve seen how much work has gone into the learning platform,
   so I appreciate there are advantages and disadvantages. The learning
   platform is much more organised than before, you have everything
   in one place – the lectures and slides, the forums where you can ask
   questions – and you have the flexibility if you can’t attend the lecture,
   and for international students I think that’s really beneficial. It was a
   good experience studying online.
   Constantine from Romania, studying Business and Management.

Student quotes taken in January 2021.

8 The South West

        With beautiful, green campuses in Devon and Cornwall, we’re a
        university of the whole South West. Our campuses offer a mix
        of historic buildings and modern facilities, but there’s plenty
        more to explore on the doorstep – including beautiful beaches,
        spectacular countryside, and exciting culture, food and arts.
        Exeter and Devon                          Penryn and Cornwall
        With fabulous coastline and national      As well as the scenic beaches and dramatic
        parks, Devon is consistently recognised   clifftop views, Cornwall has a rich history
        as offering the best quality of life in   of artistic and scientific innovation,
        the country.                              epitomised by Tate St Ives and its
                                                  pioneering environmental technology.

                   Could there be a more                    A buzzing beach babe
           perfectly located city? It has two       that’s as close as Britain gets
           national parks and plenty of             to the California/Barcelona
           coastline on the doorstep.               city-by-the-sea lifestyle.
           Top 10 places to live 2017,              Top 10 places to live 2019,
           The Times.                               The Times.

The South West 9

Exmouth seafront, Devon

10 Our campuses

    Streatham, Exeter
    One of the most beautiful campuses in the country, our Streatham
    Campus on the edge of Exeter in Devon offers an unrivalled study
    environment, with parkland and gardens to enjoy throughout the year.

                                                 5    6
                    11                                      25
      Duryard                 21


                              7                                     8

                  Scan here to view
                  our drone film

Our campuses 11

     1 	The Forum           9 The Great Hall         15 Amory                   22 Lafrowda
     2 Devonshire House     10 	Living Systems      16 Hatherley               23 Cornwall House
     3 Northcote House            Institute           17 The Business School     24 	East Park (new for
     4 Queen’s              11 	Mardon and          18 Laver                      2020)
     5 Physics                    Holland Hall        19 The Chapel              25 Geoffrey Pope
     6 The Sports Park      12 Birks Grange Village   20 The Old Library         26 Cricket Field Court
     7 Washington Singer    13 INTO Exeter            21 	Reed Hall             27 Hoopern Valley
     8 Roborough            14 Harrison                  and gardens             28 Innovation Centre

                                                                                         Lopes Hall
                     28                                         24
18        14

                                15                                                      22
 13                                                            17




                                                                        Academic/social buildings

                                                                        Places of interest

                                                                     Streatham Campus, photo taken 2019

12 Our campuses

    Penryn, Cornwall
    Our innovative Penryn Campus in Cornwall has stunning buildings set
    in a beautiful location close to the waterside town of Falmouth. Shared
    with Falmouth University, it is a unique place to study.


                       12                                                           4
                                      17                              8



                  Scan here to view
                  our drone film

Our campuses 13

 1 	Tremough House        5 	Science and               11 	Sports Centre               16 	Tremough
      and The Annexe            Engineering              12 	Glasney Student                    Innovation Centre
 2 	Environment and           Research Support               Village                     17 	Multi-use games area
      Sustainability            Facility (SERSF)         13 	Tremough Barton              18 	Academy of Music
      Institute (ESI)      6 Stella Turk building              Cottages and                      and Theatre Arts
3/4 	Daphne du Maurier    7 	 The Exchange                   Farmhouse                   19 Penryn
      building             8 The Heart                   14 	Renewable Energy             20 	Falmouth
                           9 	Peter Lanyon                    Engineering Facility
                                building                 15 	Little Wonders
                          10 Koofi                             Nursery

                                                    11                 15                        14



                                                                              Academic/social buildings

                                                                              Places of interest

14 Our campuses

    St Luke’s, Exeter
    St Luke’s, in the heart of Exeter in Devon, has been home to teaching
    in education since 1855. Now education, sport and medical students
    enjoy its vibrant collegiate atmosphere and historic setting.






Our campuses 15

1 	Medical School   3 	North Cloisters         7 Richards building       11 Holnicote
     building         4 	Haighton Library        8 	Cross Keys            12 	Streatham Campus
2 	Giraffe House    5 The Sports Hall           9 	Smeall building       13 	Private halls of
     study space      6 	 Baring Court          10 	South Cloisters           residence
                                                                            14 	Exeter Cathedral







                                                                     Academic/social buildings

                                                                     Places of interest

16 Our community

    By coming to study with us you’ll be joining a student community
    of more than 27,000 people at three campuses across the South
    West. Our students are some of the most satisfied in the UK – they
    consistently rate us highly for overall student satisfaction in the
    National Student Survey – and come from all around the world and
    from every conceivable background.
    Whether you’re based at Penryn, St Luke’s             Joining us from abroad
    or Streatham, you’ll find the same thing –            If you’re joining us from outside the UK we will
    engaged, inclusive and safe communities of            help make your journey as smooth as possible.
    people who come together around shared                We make regular visits to schools and education
    interests and values. What brings you together        exhibitions abroad where we can answer
    could be that you live in the same halls, study       questions and help you apply. We run airport
    the same course, worship at the same place,           pick-up and international buddy schemes to help
    belong to the same society or sports club –           you get to campus safely and settle in. We also
    or just that you keep bumping into each other         guarantee accommodation to unaccompanied
    in the library or a cafe.                             first-year international students.

                  Staff                        Students                             Alumni

      5,100 27,000 145,000
                Academic                   Undergraduates                         Countries

         2,500                           21,500                                 180+
               Professional              International students

         2,600                           5,000+

    Find out more: exeter.ac.uk/study/international

Our community 17

                                                        Outside The Exchange, Penryn Campus

          I got into the University of Exeter through clearing. Studying
BEng Energy Engineering in Penryn, Cornwall, has been a great
experience, including beautiful scenery, helpful and supportive staff,
friendly locals, hundreds of interesting activities – off and on campus –
and much more.
Lecturers and support staff are easy to approach and willing to help,
which has helped me get the most out of university life. Not only
I have I learnt a huge amount, but I also have had some wonderful
experiences both academically and socially. Every single activity and
lesson has made me more confident and strengthened my skills, from
being a society committee member to an intern on campus.

                                               from Thailand studied Energy Engineering at
                                               the Penryn Campus. She graduated in 2020
                                               and started working as a KTP associate with
                                               the University of Exeter and an SME company
                                               in Penryn called Inyanga Marine Project.

18 Our research

     We don’t just teach; we also research. This could be experiments
     in a lab if you’re a physicist, or observations in the field if you’re
     a bioscientist. Social scientists might examine large data sets to
     understand behavioural patterns, and humanities researchers
     might interrogate ancient manuscripts. There are as many ways
     of researching as there are researchers.

            98% of our research is                          Ranked 9th in Europe for                    A Russell Group research-
           rated as world leading or                        scientific performance by                      intensive university.
         internationally recognised. 1                           CWTS Leiden. 2

     Our research is at the heart of what we do – it                            Recent research
     creates the textbooks you study and the lectures                           ●   s haping the global response to antimicrobial
     you attend, so you’re always engaging with the                                  resistance in the water
     latest thinking and discoveries. Our climate
     change and sustainability research is amongst the
                                                                                ●    sing drone surveys and computer
     most cited and influential in the world, but we                                modelling to plot extreme arctic erosion
     also have expertise in fields as diverse as:                               ●    eveloping an app that uses AI to detect,
                                                                                    prevent and treat mental health
     ●   anti-microbial resistance
                                                                                ●   creating the biggest divorce law reform
     ●   diabetes and dementia                                                      for 50 years: ‘no fault’ divorce
     ●   identities and beliefs                                                ●    eveloping a 7-point plan to battle the climate
     ●   the future of work.                                                        emergency via economic reform
     You might even get to help make those                                      ●   identifying Positive Tipping Points to solve
     discoveries yourself – many of our undergraduate                                the climate crisis, helping to regenerate
     students have the chance to become part of a                                    ecosystems and sustain the electric vehicle
     research project in their final year, giving a taste                            revolution
     of what a Masters or PhD could be like.                                    ●    use of virtual reality headsets in living well
                                                                                      with dementia.

     Find out more about our research: exeter.ac.uk/research

    REF 2014.    Leiden Ranking 2018, based on percentage of outputs in top 10 most cited.

Our research 19

         I’m a bit like an environmental detective,
         investigating relationships between humans
and the environment, or looking for evidence of
environmental change.
I am pioneering new techniques to find environmental
‘tracers’ in a range of different samples, and I’ve been
involved in lots of exciting projects. These include
classifying biomarkers in ice cores from Antarctica,
identifying microparticles and plastics in fatbergs,
reconstructing air pollution histories in Chinese
megacities and characterising the growth of
microorganisms for biofuels research.
I fell in love with research whilst completing
my undergraduate dissertation project –
a key moment that has shaped my career
as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow. An
important part of my research has been to
assess how air pollution has changed since the
Industrial Revolution in Merseyside using records
from urban ponds. I have seen first-hand the impact
humans have on air quality, and how there has
been a sharp rise in pollution from fossil fuels
over the last few decades.
My research has made me passionate about
reducing my own personal environmental
impact and I now live in a tiny-off grid house
with my family. A firm supporter of the
current social movement for climate action,
I’m proud to work here. The University
has declared a climate emergency and is
committed to protecting the environment
for all our futures.

Dr Ann Power
Postdoctoral Research Fellow,
The BioEconomy Centre, Biosciences.

                                                           Reed Hall Gardens, Streatham Campus

20 Your education

                         It was fantastic to be welcomed as a mature student with a
                 university as prestigious as Exeter. The lifestyle and learning methods
                 here perfectly suited me.
                 Liz, studying Environmental Science at our Penryn Campus.

         Penryn Campus library

Your education 21

A university education isn’t about being taught – it’s about directing
your own learning and taking an active part in creating knowledge.
Excellence in teaching                                          There are multiple opportunities to work with
and research                                                    us to improve your education experience, via
We are one of very few UK universities to                       Student-Staff Liaison Committees, change projects
be both a member of the prestigious Russell                     and more.
Group and have a gold award from the Teaching
Excellence Framework (TEF), evidence of                         An international education
our established international reputation for                    Interacting with people from different
excellence in both teaching and research.                       cultures and backgrounds is a crucial part of
                                                                university education. Our international learning
Working together                                                community and study and work abroad schemes
We support all of our students, irrespective of                 give you meaningful opportunities to engage
background, in helping them succeed and realise                 with new perspectives, ideas and challenges,
extraordinary ambitions. To do this we work                     helping you become more accepting, more
together, within a diverse and international                    informed and more able to fulfil your potential.
community, to equip you with the skills and attitude            By graduation you will be a proactive, resilient
you need. In return we ask you to challenge yourself            and creative critical thinker, ready to make a
– and us – intellectually at every step.                        positive difference to the world.

How we teach and how you learn
University is different to school, and depending on your course you may learn in ways you’ve
never experienced before. These are just a few:

                    Presentation or talk on a particular topic. Can be interactive and forms a basis for further
                    reading, questioning and thought.
                    Classroom session focused on a particular topic or project. Typically involves guided discussion
                    in a smaller group than a lecture.
                    One-to-one or small group meeting with your tutor involving supervision, feedback or detailed
                    discussion on a topic, project or piece of work.
                    Practical application of a particular skill or technique. Examples include a laboratory class,
                    artefact handling, language conversation or sports match.
                    Practical work conducted at an external site. Examples include survey work, data collection,
                    excavations and explorations.
 SELF-DIRECTED      Private reading, informal discussion groups and other forms of self-directed studying will make
 LEARNING           up a significant amount of your learning.

Find out more: exeter.ac.uk/undergraduate/study

22 Your education

    Expand your horizons
    Studying with us can take you much further than Exeter and Penryn. Field trips
    and opportunities to study or work abroad are a key feature of many of our
    degrees, and we’re committed to providing opportunities to expand your
    horizons whatever the circumstances.

    Study / work abroad                        Africa, conducting archaeological digs
    A placement year abroad – either           in Romania or taking advantage of the
    working or studying – as part of your      living laboratory on our doorstep in the
    degree can help you develop a range        South West, our students can be found
    of valuable skills. You could pick up      doing fascinating things in all sorts
    a new language, learn about different      of locations. You can find full details
    cultures and make lifelong friends.        of field trip modules in our online
    Many destinations are in English           programme pages.
    speaking countries or universities, so
    you don’t necessarily need to know         Summer schools
    another language.                          You can also take advantage of
                                               international study opportunities
    Field trips                                during the summer vacation. Last
    Fieldwork is an essential part of many     year more than 120 of our students
    of our degrees, and an exciting optional   took part in summer schools or other
    extra for many others. Whether             short-term programmes in a wide
    you’re exploring reserves in South         range of countries.

       Kenya Field Course 2017

    Find out more: exeter.ac.uk/studyabroad/outbound

Your education 23

          I was impressed at how much
          emphasis the course placed on
translating what you’ve learnt in class into
real-world applications through the means
of conducting your own field studies on
the many field trips built into the course.
Because of this, I’ve had the opportunity
to study alpine ecology in Spain and I’m
now looking forward to the Galapagos
field course in January.
Another aspect of the course that appealed
to me was its emphasis on enhancing
employability by gaining professional
experience with academics. To date, I’ve
worked alongside our academics in exciting
places like Cyprus and Borneo. Needless
to say, these experiences have been hugely

from Penryn, graduate in Zoology.

24 Your education

    Build your own degree
    We have several ways that you can shape your degree, from multidisciplinary courses like Liberal
    Arts and Natural Sciences, to the opportunity to study modules from outside your main subject.

    Flexible Combined Honours (FCH)                       Liberal Arts and Natural Sciences
    FCH lets you combine any two or even three            Our two flagship multidisciplinary programmes
    subjects from across the entire university, as        let you study complementary subjects. In
    long as they can be timetabled together and           Liberal Arts you choose a major from the
    you meet any entry criteria. You can choose           humanities or social sciences, and core Liberal
    how you split your credits between each               Arts modules introduce real-world issues
    subject and build your own bespoke degree.            and skills that cut across disciplines. Natural
    What you choose to study determines the               Sciences gives you a foundation across the
    exact wording on your degree certificate              sciences before allowing you to specialise.
    when you graduate. See pages 94–95.                   See pages 104–105 (Liberal Arts) and pages
                                                          116–117 (Natural Sciences).

Your education 25

Free-choice modules                              Work experience and
You can usually study up to 30 credits outside   study abroad
of your subject each year – out of 120 total –   Many of our degrees offer ‘year abroad’
assuming timetabling works and you meet any      options. These give you either a professional
necessary criteria. You could add a Marketing    work placement or a year’s study at one
module to your English degree, drop some         of our prestigious international partner
Philosophy into Computer Science or study        universities. Usually taken during your third
a new language – it’s completely up to you.      year of study, this additional year will provide
                                                 you with valuable skills attractive to global
Foreign Language Centre (FLC)                    employers. Many work placements are also
The FLC offers daytime credit-bearing            available in the UK.
language modules that you can integrate into
                                                 See individual course pages online for details:
your degree and evening language courses
you can study alongside your degree. Some of
these courses offer an accreditation, allowing
you to gain an additional qualification on top
of your degree.
Find out more: exeter.ac.uk/humanities/flc

                                                              Forum Expo Lab, Streatham Campus

26 Your education

    Helping you study
    We constantly work with our students and assess developments and trends in studying and learning
    techniques so we can keep our studying resources and spaces modern and functional.

    Libraries                                                  rehearsal studios and costume collections
    We have dedicated libraries on all our                     for Drama, to laboratories and clean rooms
    campuses, and our Streatham and Penryn                     for sciences.
    libraries are usually open 24/7 during term
                                                               Find out more on our individual subject
    time. We have more than 1 million printed
                                                               websites: exeter.ac.uk/undergraduate/courses
    books across our campuses. And this is just
    the tip of the iceberg – we have even more
                                                               IT services
    digital resources than physical books, and our
                                                               From the iExeter mobile app and student portal
    collections are expanding all the time. We
                                                               – where you can access your timetable, email,
    also manage several internationally important
                                                               library account and much more – to our high-
    collections of manuscripts and rare items via
                                                               speed wired and wireless network across our
    our Special Collections and The Bill Douglas
                                                               campuses and halls of residence, we make sure
    Cinema Museum.
                                                               you have all the IT support you need to succeed.
    Find out more: exeter.ac.uk/library
                                                               Digital learning
    Learning spaces                                            We offer a high quality digital learning
    For our students who prefer to study on                    experience, providing the flexibility to study
    campus, we provide quiet and group study                   wherever you are.
    spaces across our campuses. Most of our
                                                               We’ll support you to get the most out of
    major academic buildings have study spaces
                                                               our learning technologies: our Digital Hub is
    and computer rooms available, with wifi
                                                               available online and in-person at our Streatham
    and power sockets.
                                                               and Penryn campuses. You can use the Digital
                                                               Hub to brush up on your digital know-how
    Facilities                                                 and get to grips with new tech through bitesize
    Each of our subjects maintains the highest
                                                               videos, written guides and real-time help with
    level of specific learning facilities – from
                                                               an expert.

                            I did a lot of research when it came to choosing which universities
                    I wanted to apply to and Exeter really stood out. It allowed me to do
                    a combined honours course, both sides of which had some of the best
                    teaching reputations in the UK.
                    Zoe, studying English and Film at our Streatham Campus.

    Find out more: exeter.ac.uk/undergraduate/study

Your education 27

        I’m from Houston, Texas, and did a Classics degree in Austin before
         teaching English in the Middle East and then doing my Masters and
PhD in Australia. My work steadily got more political and I’m now a feminist
philosopher in the Politics department. My work is about what has to happen
to make women politically active. This gets left out of feminism because we
can go straight for the political, but the personal is crucial.
My classes are a community. A lot of my pedagogy is quite conservative –
I love reading books, taking my time – but I also like to disrupt expectations.
I get my classes to paint, to watch difficult films
together and talk about them afterwards,
to examine their privileges. I encourage
students to realise they’re not so cool,
not so polished, they’re just a person,
and so is everyone else, and it’s okay to
be vulnerable. It’s about creating a space
where it’s okay to make mistakes and
learn from them. Nobody starts with
a well-informed, fully articulated view – to
get to a place of political action you have
to be wrong, you have to talk your way
through stuff with other people.
I know students won’t remember every
detail I teach. They don’t need to
know everything that Simone
de Beauvoir said to get a
job. What they learn from
me, I hope, is how to
move about the world
more ethically, how
to consider others
more carefully, and
ultimately how to
trust themselves.

Dr Sarah Drews Lucas
Lecturer in Political Theory,
Students’ Guild Lecturer of the Year 2019.

28 Supporting you

    Getting used to life at university is exciting, but it can also be
    challenging. Whatever your situation, and whatever help you
    need, we are here to support you.

    Students with disabilities                       Student carers
    We support students with chronic                 We have several initiatives to support students
    medical conditions, physical or sensory          with caring responsibilities, including financial
    impairments, mental health difficulties          assistance and academic and career support.
    and learning difficulties.
                                                     Asylum seekers and refugees
    Care-experienced students                        We’re proud to welcome asylum seekers
    We work with young people, carers, foster        and refugees to study with us, and we
    families, social services, virtual schools and   offer financial assistance including the
    organisations to support progression to HE.      Sanctuary Scholarship.

    Students without                                 LGBTQ+
    family support                                   We support equality and diversity at all
    We’ve proudly taken the Stand Alone              our campuses through LGBTQ+ and pride
    Pledge to provide support for students           societies, and our LGBTQ+ Staff Network.
    who are estranged from their families.
                                                     Faith and religion
    Mature students                                  We welcome students, staff and visitors
    Anyone starting a degree over the age            from all faith backgrounds, as well as those
    of 21 is a mature student. We welcome            from none. We support different lifestyles
    applicants not coming to us directly             and promote mutual respect and tolerance.
    from school or college, and who may
    be returning to education.

    Find out more: exeter.ac.uk/students/wp-support

Supporting you 29

                                                                Queen’s Cafe, Streatham Campus

         Exeter was a university that stood out. I first came here
for an Exeter Scholars summer school in Year 10, as my school
qualified under widening participation. I was also fortunate
enough to receive a contextual offer, coming from a low income
single-parent family and from an area of low participation in
higher education.
Experiencing the campus on open days told me
this was the university for me. I remember
that the University took an active interest
in me as a student, which put me at ease
instantly. My advice to others is to visit
As leading academics in their field, the
University’s lecturers have never failed
to engage me. From looking at medieval
manuscripts housed in the University library
to travelling to historical archives in London,
History at the University of Exeter has been
a truly immersive experience.
Being a first-generation university student,
I was worried about fitting in at university
and making friends. However, the chance
to be a student ambassador, a committee
member for two societies and even to
play table tennis for the University has
helped me make some incredible friends
and has made for an unforgettable
experience more diverse than I could
ever imagine.

from Swindon, graduate in History,
Streatham Campus.

30 Your future

      Your career
      Our students come from all kinds of backgrounds and have gone
      on to be politicians, pop stars, activists, scientists, entrepreneurs,
      judges, writers and more. Building a better life is one of the key
      reasons for going to university. We will help you gain the skills
      and experience to compete in the global job market or go on to
      Masters or PhD study – whichever you want to do.
      Our degrees are designed to stimulate creativity, entrepreneurship,
      a global outlook, leadership, teamwork, analytical skills, resilience
      and imagination – all qualities employers are looking for.
      Our dedicated careers service has won national            We also offer:
      awards for its work to help you get the career            ●   employability modules in degrees
      you want after you graduate. Our support and              ●   interview guidance and coaching
      services include:
                                                                ●   psychometric testing – to find out what
      ●   careers information, advice and guidance
                                                                    kind of job suits you
      ●   multiple careers fairs, including                    ●   employer presentations and mentoring
          industry-specific fairs
                                                                ●   CV and job application guidance
      ●   work placements at home and abroad
                                                                ●   skills sessions
      ● socialenterprise and student entrepreneur
          support to start your own business                    ●   career and personal development
      ●   a ward-winning sector specific work
           experience and training schemes.                     ●   
                                                                    extensive careers library and online
                                                                ●   alumni careers networking and events.

                                     If you’re not sure what you want to do, we can help you figure that
                                     out when the time is right – our careers services are available forever
                                     after you graduate: exeter.ac.uk/study/careers

                                  90% of graduates in or due
        We work with                                                 95% of students             A top 100 institution
       over 9,000 active            to start employment or        undertake some type of           in the QS World
        organisations /            further study 15 months        work experience during        University Rankings for
          employers.                   after graduation. 1          their time with us.          employer reputation.

      HESA Graduate Outcomes Survey 2017/18.

Your future 31

Language training                            Degree Apprenticeships
Our Foreign Language Centre – at             We’re proud to offer Degree Apprenticeships,
our Streatham and Penryn campuses –          innovative new courses that combine university
can help you learn or improve your           study with paid work in a professional role related
language skills. Our courses include         to your degree.
daytime undergraduate modules as             ●   No fees
part of your degree and certified            ●   Earn a salary while studying
evening classes (at Streatham). You
can learn a language from scratch or         ●   Great employment prospects
develop one you’ve studied previously.       ●   Full University of Exeter degrees
Streatham: British Sign Language //          We deliver Degree Apprenticeships in partnership
French // German // Italian // Japanese //   with employers, so you could find yourself working
Korean // Mandarin Chinese // Spanish.       for an amazing company. Partners have included:
                                             IBM // The Met Office // BT // Laing O’Rourke // Airbus.
Penryn: French // Spanish // Chinese //
German (subject to demand).                  Because new Degree Apprenticeships can become
                                             available at any time, we list all our opportunities
Find out more: exeter.ac.uk/flc              online: exeter.ac.uk/degreeapprenticeships

                                                                        Career Zone, Streatham Campus

32 Your future

   Your alumni community
   Once you graduate you become                     OVER
   an alum, and automatically join a
   supportive global community of
   graduates eager to help you achieve
                                              145,000              4,233
                                                                  ALUMNI DONATED
                                                ALUMNI IN 183
   your potential. Our alumni do amazing         COUNTRIES.      LAST YEAR (2019/20).
   things, and we hope you’ll want you

   to keep in touch, tell us your story,
   and share your wisdom and expertise
   with our future students.
                                                 RAISED IN THE         ALUMNI
   Our global alumni community of               LAST 8 YEARS.
   volunteers and network groups                                   10,249 HOURS
   supports our students and graduates                               LAST YEAR.
   by organising careers events, social
   activities, and by offering local advice
   to study or work abroad students.

   Find out more: exeter.ac.uk/alumnisupporters

       Graduation, Streatham Campus

Your future 33

         I’m a fast-streamer in the Civil Service,
and the Fast Stream is a development programme
run by the government to nurture people with
ambition, enterprise and potential to become
future leaders. I’m a generalist, which means
I’ve done three different roles on the scheme;
operational, policy and corporate. I’ve
worked in the Cabinet Office, Foreign
Office and HMRC, and advised on
higher education policy between the
UK and Tunisia, the country my
parents are from.
I studied Politics and International
Studies at Penryn, the most
beautiful campus in the country,
and where I met my wife. My
lecturers and tutors emphasised that
the world is out there to be changed,
and that was planted in me on my
very first day. Given the intimate
settings you have on your course,
where lectures feel like seminars and
seminars feel like small coffee breaks,
that really helps in life in government
where you’re in an intimate setting with
ministers, advising them on the most
important policy changes that need to
be made to better society.
I am the ambassador for the Civil Service
Fast Stream, and as part of my role I went
back to the Penryn Campus where I studied to
deliver a guest lecture on what it’s like to work
in the Civil Service and in government. I spoke
to students and ran through mock assessment
centres, what my day is like, and how to best
prepare themselves for life in government.

from London, graduated in Politics and
International Studies at our Penryn Campus, 2016.
Oussama is a Policy Advisor in the EU Member State Engagement Team.

34 Student life

       Cross Keys, St Luke’s Campus

Student life 35

Your experience at university is about much more than
studying. Societies, sports, student media and nightlife
are some of the activities that people talk about most
enthusiastically. You might also be living away from
home for the first time, so cooking, cleaning, laundry
and looking after yourself are just as important if you’re
going to get the most out of university.
Whichever of our campuses you study at, you’ll have
lots of opportunities to try new things, develop existing
hobbies and skills, or do more of what you love. Your
university experience can be anything you want it to be.
The next few pages show you a little bit of what it’s like
to study with us in Devon and Cornwall – where you
might live, the societies you could join, and much more.

Meet our students                  36       Wellbeing                42
Your Students’ Unions              38       Entertainment and culture 44
Sport                              40       Accommodation            46

             Our students are some of the most
             satisfied in the UK – their opinions about
             the quality of their experience consistently
             rate us highly for overall student
             satisfaction in the National Student Survey.

Find out more: exeter.ac.uk/study/life

36 Student life

    Meet our students
    What better way to really get to know what it’s like to
    live, socialise and study at the University of Exeter than
    to hear from our students and alumni themselves!
    You can start to become part of our community     Blogs
    before you get here via our social channels.      Read out student blogs on all kinds of topics
    Whether you want to join the conversation         to help prepare you for university, from
    or just look at our students’ photos, you can     accommodation to wellbeing and study tips.
    find out about life at the University of Exeter   blogs.exeter.ac.uk/students
    and stay connected with us from application
    through to graduation and beyond!                    @ExeterUniLife Student
                                                      We have a dedicated Instagram account where
         exeteruni                                    our students and alumni run takeovers to
         universityofexeter                           share their experience of being at the University
                                                      of Exeter, and offer advice and tips on how to
         uniofexeter                                  get the most out of your degree. Take a look
         exeteruni                                    at some of their posts and be sure to give the
                                                      account a follow! exeter.ac.uk/study/life/

    Chat to one of our students on our Unibuddy
    platform about student life or a particular
    subject. exeter.ac.uk/study/life/ask-a-student

   Find out more: exeter.ac.uk/study/life

Student life 37

          Hello! My name is Molly.                       I joined @exebenchball in the
I am one of the University of                  Freshers’ Week last year. I just got
Exeter’s most recent alumni, having            addicted to it after the taster session.
graduated as a doctor from my back             It is the best way to relieve stress after
garden just three weeks ago! You join          surviving a tough week (because most
me at a very exciting time, as later this      training sessions are Fridays). Actually,
week I will be starting work in the            this is my first time representing the
NHS as a junior doctor, three months           Uni to participate in competitions!
earlier than planned, in order to help         The University of Exeter provides lots
out at this very challenging time.             of extracurricular activities for students
Molly, graduate in Medicine (BMBS).            to join. Never be afraid of trying
May 2020.                                      new things.
                                               Jacky, studying Management with Marketing.
                                               August 2020.

          A fact about me: I was actually                 When moving to study at the
going to study Fine Art, but decided on        Penryn Campus, I decided to move to
Maths at the last minute. So being the         the city of Truro, roughly 8 miles from
Creative Director of @exetera (student-        campus and easily accessible via bus
led magazine) allows me to fulfill my          or train. Truro was perfect for me, in
passions! I am the Co-Welfare Secretary        commuting to Uni as well as being central
of @euwbc and present my own radio             to Cornwall enabling me to have access
show for the University! There’s so many       to many of Cornwall’s idyllic coastal
opportunities to do really great things        walks, beaches and attractions. Most
in EX4, so my advice – get involved!           students live in Penryn and Falmouth, due
Go for it and immerse yourself in new          to their proximity to campus and student
opportunities that will benefit you, others,   night life, but it’s ok to be different and
your future and that make you happy.           prefer the quiet life.
Scarlett, studying Mathematics.                Zac, studying Zoology.
September 2020.                                May 2020.

38 Student life

    Exeter Students’ Guild
    The Students’ Guild is your students’ union in Exeter and is
    central to student life. You’re automatically a member of the
    Guild from the moment you register as a student, so make
    sure you take advantage of all the opportunities on offer.

                                                  Student advice and support
                                                  University can be an amazing experience,
                                                  but things don’t always go to plan. You
    Representation                                might need some advice, information on
    All students have a say in running the        your rights, or help in finding support
    Guild, and any student can stand to           for the circumstances you face. The
    be elected as a representative or an          independent Advice Service offers a
    Officer (like the Guild President and Vice    range of confidential and impartial help.
    Presidents). Student-led representation
    is vital to drive change and make sure        Fundraising and volunteering
    students’ voices are heard.                   Dedicating time to charitable causes helps
                                                  you give something back to the local
    Societies and activities                      community, and the Guild is keen to
    The Guild helps our students run more         help you help others. We have over
    than 250 societies from Harry Potter to       10 fundraising groups raising money
    climbing, snow sports to board games.         for a range of local, national and
    There’s even a society for playing hide and   international causes.
    seek! XPression FM, XTV, Razz Magazine
    and Exeposé – our student paper – all         Find out more about your Students’
    give you the chance to get experience         Guild: exeterguild.org
    in student media too.

Student life 39

The Falmouth and Exeter
Students’ Union
The Falmouth and Exeter Students’ Union (the SU)
represents all students based in Cornwall, from both
Falmouth and Exeter universities. You automatically
become a member when you register as a student.

                                              Fundraising and volunteering
                                              RAD stands for Raise and Donate, and
                                              that’s exactly what we support you
                                              to do – raise for local, national and
Representation                                internationally recognised charities. The
The SU has a team of four student             SU also provides opportunities for you
presidents – one each representing            to volunteer in Cornwall, allowing you to
Falmouth and Exeter, and joint presidents     try new experiences, develop skills and
for Welfare & Inclusivity and Student         make a difference.
Experience. This ensures everyone is
represented and included.                     Events
                                              When people think of a students’ union
Societies and activities                      it’s more than likely that the first word
There are more than 150 sports clubs and      that comes to mind is events – and we
societies you can join at Penryn. You can     put on some absolute crackers! On top of
get involved with everything from societies   the outstanding Freshers’ programme we
relating to your studies to something a bit   also host some pretty incredible events
more unusual, such as Parkour, Pokémon or     throughout the year – as do our brilliant
Public Speaking.                              student groups.

                                              The SU Advice Service’s primary role is
                                              to deliver free, confidential, impartial
                                              advice and guidance to all University of
                                              Exeter, Cornwall and Falmouth
                                               University students.

                                                  Find out more about our Falmouth
                                                     and Exeter Students’ Union:

                                                           The Ram Bar, Streatham Campus

40 Student life

    Sport is an important part of the student experience,
    and we believe sport and wellness should be embedded
    in student life. We’re the #1 sports university in the
    south of England and Wales, and we consistently finish
    top 10 in the British Universities and Colleges Sport
    (BUCS) rankings each year. Our sports societies and
    fitness classes offer something for everyone, from yoga
    and Balletfit to Ultimate Frisbee and jui-jitsu.

    Penryn                                               Facilities
    Sport at Penryn is a lot about surfing and sailing   ●   Four-court sports hall
    – Cornwall is one of the best locations in the       ●   Exercise studio
    country for watersports. Beyond the waves            ●   90-station gym
    there is a huge range of sporting opportunities
    available through the SU, including various          ●   Outdoor gym equipment
    clubs (from Quidditch to Cornish Shinty),            ●   All-weather multi-use games area
    ranging from competitive to recreational and
    social. Many teams play in local leagues as
    well as university competitions. The Students’
    Union is registered with BUCS, and the Sports
    Bursary Scheme provides additional funding for
    students with exceptional sporting talent.

Student life 41

                                                                        Sports Park, Streatham Campus

From performance programmes for elite                   water polo to taekwondo. There are also
athletes to intramural sports leagues for those         coaching and volunteering opportunities that
who want to play casually, there’s something            can enhance your involvement within sports
for everyone in Exeter. We have 50 sports               and your CV.
clubs to choose from, from rugby to sailing,

Facilities                                              Performance Programme
●   200+ station              ●   Devon Cricket       Our Performance Programme gives assistance
     fitness centre at              Centre              to top level student athletes in our Performance
     our Streatham             ●   4 squash courts      Sports: Rugby Union // Hockey // Cricket // Golf
     Campus                                             // Netball // Tennis // Sailing
                               ●   Short-course golf
●   3 0+ station gym               practice area
     at our St Luke’s          ●    Outdoor 25 metre   Scholarships
     Campus                                             Our Sports Scholarship Scheme is one of the
●    ater-based
     W                                                  best in the UK. It provides a comprehensive
                               ●   Indoor 23 metre     package of support and financial benefits of
    hockey pitch
                                    pool (St Luke’s     up to £5,500 to help meet the needs of
●   Sand-based                     Sports Centre)
    all-weather                                         individual athletes.
                               ●    Performance
    surface and a 3G                                    Find out more:
                                     analysis suite
    rubber-crumb                                        exeter.ac.uk/sport/studentsport/
    multi-sport pitch          ●    oat house on
                                   B                    scholarshipsandperformancesport
                                   Exeter canal
●   Exeter Tennis
     Centre                    ●   Multi-games
                                   grass pitches

           I’m an international track cyclist so being able to combine
    studying with sport was crucial. The University does a lot to keep
    athletes in sport whilst studying. They work around my training
    regime and provide financial support so I can race internationally.
    Academic staff are just as enthusiastic; ultimately you gain skills
    that you wouldn’t in everyday life.
    Sylvi from Hereford, studying Medicine.

Exeter: exeter.ac.uk/sport
Penryn: fxplus.ac.uk/our-services/sports-recreation

42 Student life

    Your wellbeing
    We care deeply about the health and wellbeing of every student.
    From helping you through mentally and emotionally challenging
    times like Covid-19, to ensuring that you have the learning
    support in place from the moment you start your degree, and
    we are committed to supporting you throughout your studies.

       Wellbeing Centre, Streatham Campus

Student life 43

Personal tutor                                         Childcare
Primarily there to offer academic guidance,            Owlets (Streatham Campus) and Little Wonders
your personal tutor can also give you pastoral         (Penryn Campus) offer nursery places for students
support and direct you to specialist services if       and staff with young children.
you need them.
                                                       Exeter: owlets-nursery.co.uk
                                                       Penryn: littlewondersnurseries.com/penryn
While studying with us you should register
with a general practitioner (GP). Streatham and
                                                       Religious provision
                                                       Our multifaith Chaplaincy provides a
Penryn both have provision on campus from local
                                                       welcoming and supportive environment for
doctors, and St Luke’s is served by the nearby
                                                       everyone, at all our campuses, irrespective
Heavitree Health Practice.
                                                       of faith or background.
Disability support                                     Exeter: exeter.ac.uk/chaplaincy
We aim to do all we can to help you participate        Penryn: fxplus.ac.uk/students/
fully in your studies. We strongly encourage you       student-services/multifaith-chaplaincy
to declare any disabilities on your application form
so we can get in touch and plan your support           Impartial advice
before you arrive – this doesn’t affect your           The Students’ Guild (Exeter) and the Falmouth
application.                                           and Exeter Students’ Union (Penryn) both offer
We can explore how your health and disability          independent, confidential and impartial advice
may impact your course and university life.            and help in response to problems you might have
This can include helping you apply for funding,        relating to money, housing and academic matters.
such as Disabled Students Allowance. We can            Exeter: exeterguild.org/advice
also help consider any adjustments you may need        Penryn: thesu.org.uk/advice
and help you in creating an Individual Learning
Plan for your study needs.                             Settling in
                                                       Our Community Liaison Officer, Student
Emotional and mental                                   Community Wardens and Residence Life Team
health support                                         are all dedicated to helping you make Exeter
We offer a range of advice and support including       your home-from-home. Between them they run
self-help, workshops, counselling and cognitive        activities and offer out-of-hours assistance to help
behavioural therapy (CBT) to students at our all       you settle in to both the local community and
our campuses.                                          university accommodation.
                                                       Exeter: exeter.ac.uk/residencelifeteam
                                                       Penryn: fxplus.ac.uk/accommodation/reslife

Exeter: exeter.ac.uk/wellbeing
Penryn: fxplus.ac.uk/students/student-services

44 Student life

    Arts, culture, entertainment
    and going out
    There’s more to student life than studying – the friends
    you’ll make and the experiences you have outside your
    classes will help form the person you grow into. You’ll find
    plenty of opportunity to explore music, art, theatre and
    nightlife no matter which of our campuses you study at.
    Our Arts and Culture Strategy places creativity at the heart
    of all we think, imagine and do together, and works across
    all of our Colleges and campuses. Our visual arts collection
    contains works by significant artists including Bridget Riley,
    Barbara Hepworth and Patrick Heron. Student societies
    cater for every cultural interest you can imagine and plenty
    you’ll have never heard of.
    The high proportion of students in Exeter –      There are two music venues on Streatham
    and its recent designation as one of only        Campus – the Great Hall plays host to
    five UNESCO Cities of Literature in the          everyone from the Bournemouth Symphony
    UK – makes for a buzzing, creative cultural      Orchestra to Blossoms, while the legendary
    scene. Independent shops and boutiques           Lemon Grove showcases up-and-coming artists
    are an essential part of the city’s character,   and established cult favourites alike.
    and local breweries power the city’s pubs.
                                                     On campus
    Outdoor events and festivals are regular         ● Northcott Theatre
    features, and (literally) underground music      ● The Lemon Grove
    venues, a sizeable arts centre and independent   ● The Great Hall
    theatres ensure there’s plenty of potential      ● Kay House Duryard (student music centre)
    for great nights out. Add in an award-winning    ● Bill Douglas Cinema Museum
    museum, independent galleries, a couple of       ● Sculpture Walk
    multiplex cinemas, a selection of lively clubs   ● Visual Arts Collection
    and pubs, plus a thriving food and restaurant
                                                     In the city
    culture, and Exeter punches way above the        ● Picturehouse, Vue and Odeon cinemas
    weight of its population for nights out and      ● Exeter Phoenix, multi-artform venue
    cultural activities.                             ● Royal Albert Memorial Museum
                                                     ● The Cavern, music venue
                                                     ● Barnfield Theatre, Cygnet Theatre
                                                     ● Maketank, a performance making space

Student life 45

                                                            Future Proof Your Body Performance Lab,
                                                            Roborough Studios, Streatham Campus

The presence of Falmouth University on campus       The Eden Project hosts outdoor concerts each
makes for a unique cultural student experience      summer by artists like the Chemical Brothers,
in Penryn. Their Academy of Music and Theatre       Foals and Kylie Minogue. Boardmasters in
Arts (AMATA) presents comedy, theatre, music        Newquay combines great music with a world-
and dance performances. The Stannary is the         class surfing competition, and the Masked Ball is
campus’s social hub, and one of Cornwall’s best     a unique, immersive party in the quintessential
venues, hosting gigs and club nights.               Cornish fishing village of Porthleven.
Falmouth itself has plenty of bars, restaurants     On campus
and a lively cafe culture. It’s become the heart    ● The Stannary
of Cornwall’s creative scene, with studios,         ● Academy of Music and Theatre Arts
galleries and live music. The Poly – in an iconic
                                                    In the area
listed building – showcases film, theatre and       ●  Phoenix Cinema, Falmouth
comedy. Falmouth Art Gallery has a busy             ● The Poly, Falmouth
calendar, and the National Maritime Museum,         ● Minack, Porthcurno
Cornwall celebrates the influence of the sea        ● Eden Sessions
on history and culture.                             ● Princess Pavilion, Falmouth
Slightly further afield, the Minack is a unique     ● Hall for Cornwall, Truro
theatre set in the cliffs high above the Atlantic   ● Tate St Ives
Ocean, while Tate St Ives showcases some of the     ● Sea Shanty Festival, Falmouth
best-loved British artworks of the 20th Century.    ● Oyster Festival, Falmouth

Useful links: artsandcultureexeter.co.uk

You can also read