MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE - Diversity, equity and inclusion expands far beyond visible differences.

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MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE - Diversity, equity and inclusion expands far beyond visible differences.
Diversity, equity and
inclusion expands
far beyond visible

VOL. 7, ISSUE 3 | FALL 2021
MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE - Diversity, equity and inclusion expands far beyond visible differences.
For many in our society, when they hear the terms diversity, equity and inclusion,
the first line of thought tends to be about race or ethnicity. But DEI is so much more.
For this issue of LeaderBoard, seven individuals shared their story as examples of
how we can’t tell everything about a person just by looking at them, and how school
districts have and can broaden their approach to DEI.

                                    LEE C.
                                                                LILLY G.

                                             RICHIE G.
        MADELINE W.
MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE - Diversity, equity and inclusion expands far beyond visible differences.
     You’re invited to join us for our first hybrid ALC!

                           Featured General
                           Session Speakers:
                                Back to the Basics: The Fundamentals
                                of Extraordinary Leadership
                                Col. Arthur Athens, Retired, U.S. Marine Corps and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Exclusive #MASBALC 2021 Swag
                                Former Director, U.S. Naval Academy’s Vice Admiral
                                James B. Stockdale Center for Ethical Leadership

                                Critical Thinking for Critical Times
                                Brandon P. Fleming, Assistant Debate Coach, Harvard
                                University and Founder/CEO, Harvard Diversity Project

                                 Data Therapy: Finding Narratives in
                                 the Numbers
                                 Kenda Lawson, M.Ed., Founder/CEO, Owls Education
                                                                                                                  This year’s conference is available both in person and online!

                                Now More Than Ever: Family Engagement is                                                   IN PERSON                                  VIRTUAL
                                Essential for Student and School Success                                                                                                                                                             Head over to our MASB Swag Shop
                                                                                                                      Thursday, Nov. 11 – Sunday,                Friday, Nov. 12 –                                                                                                                Available only at
                                Karen Mapp, Ed.D., Senior Lecturer on Education, Harvard                                                                                                                                             to gear up for this year’s ALC!
                                                                                                                      Nov. 14, 2021                              Saturday, Nov. 13, 2021
                                Graduate School of Education and Faculty Director,                                                                                                                                                   Available for a limited time, get these            
                                                                                                                      Amway Grand Plaza, Curio Collection by     Online
                                Education Policy & Management Master's Program                                                                                                                                                       commemorative items before they’re gone!
                                                                                                                      Hilton and DeVos Place, Grand Rapids

Generously supported by:
                                                                                     Out of all the challenges we've experienced, one idea has proven itself above the rest. . .we're Stronger Together!

                                                                                                                   The weekend includes:                                                   A Sampling of the                                                                                  Conference
                                                                                                                                                                                           Clinic Sessions:                                                                                   Price: $383
              Amway Grand Plaza,                                                                                           Preconference Sessions on Thursday*                             (Available on Friday and Saturday)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                For registrations submitted after Sept. 24, 2021.
              Curio Collection by Hilton                                                                                   ALC on Friday and Saturday                                      Case Studies in Promoting District Sustainability
              187 Monroe Ave NW
              Grand Rapids, MI 49503                                                                                       Board Member Certification Classes (CBAs)                       Creating and SUSTAINING a Consensus Culture at the Board Table
                                                                                                                           all Weekend*                                                    Gathering Data on Barriers to Diversity Equity and Inclusion                                                   #MASBALC
                     Book Online:
                     Call Toll Free: 800.253.3590                                                                          Exhibit Show                                                    Make Absentee Voting Work for Your District                                                                        @MISchoolBoards
                     (mention MASB Annual Leadership Conference)
                                                                                                                           Delegate Assembly*                                              Providing High-Quality Online Learning Experiences for all Learners                                                @MASB
                     Cut-off Date: Oct. 8, 2021
                                                                                                                           Networking Opportunities                                        Putting Together the Puzzle Pieces of Cyber Protection
                                                                                                                           *Separate registration required; in person only.
                            Rooms fill up quickly!
                            Reserve yours today.
                                                                                     IMAGE ©AMWAY GRAND PLAZA              …and so much more!                                                         Register today at

     Dozens of sessions. Countless opportunities. Meet us in Grand Rapids and online for MASB’s 2021 Annual Leadership Conference!
MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE - Diversity, equity and inclusion expands far beyond visible differences.
Jill Fennessy, President
Region 3, Tri County Area Schools

Stephen J. Hyer, President-Elect
Group V, Clarkston Community Schools
                                                                                                        F E AT U R E D                   A R T I C L E S
Kathleen Moore, Vice President
Region 6, Lakeview School District

Matthew Showalter, Past President
Region 4, Shepherd Public Schools &
Gratiot-Isabella RESD

Susan Baskett
Member At-Large, Ann Arbor Public Schools

Dan Centers
Group VI, Livonia Public Schools

Ruth Coppens
Region 4, Saginaw ISD                                                 13 | I AM...                                                      17 | NEXT-GENERATION
Janice Holz                                                                                                                                  DATA PRACTICES
Region 5, Huron ISD

Donald Hubler
NSBA Central Region Director

Deborah Hunter-Harvill
Group VII, Detroit Public Schools Community District
                                                                        6| EXECUTIVE NOTE                                                21-22| EXPAND AND SHARPEN YOUR
Mary Jason
Region 2, Charlevoix-Emmet lSD
                                                                        8| PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE                                                  DIVERSITY LENS TO ENHANCE YOUR
James Johnson
Region 5, Carman Ainsworth Community Schools                                                                                                    COMMUNICATIONS
Dawn Kaiser                                                            10| ASK BRAD: SCHOOL LAW Q/A
Region 2, Iosco RESA                                                          Politically Motivated Groups at
                                                                              School Board Meetings
                                                                                                                                         23-25| LEANING INTO SOCIAL JUSTICE AND
Guillermo Lopez
Region 7, Lansing School District
                                                                                                                                                EQUITY THROUGH THE LENS OF
Birgit McQuiston                                                       12| DISTRICT SPOTLIGHT
Region 8, Lake Orion Community Schools
                                                                              Corunna Public Schools                                            CLASSISM AND RACISM
Donald Myers
Region 6, Harper Creek Community Schools
                                                                                                                                         27-28| THE STUDENT'S GUIDE TO BEING A
Kurt Perron
Region 1, Brimley Area Schools
                                                                                                                                                STUDENT-FOCUSED BOARD MEMBER
Darlene Pomponio
Region 8, Southgate Community Schools

Anupam Chugh Sidhu                                                                                                                       29-31| INTENTIONAL INCLUSION IN STAFFING
Member At-Large, Plymouth-Canton Community
Schools                                                                                                                                         BENEFITS ALL STUDENTS
John Siemion
Region 3, Ottawa Area ISD
                                                                       41| MASB BOOK REVIEW                                              33-35| USING ASSESSMENT TO MAKE A SEAT
Holly Spencer
Member At-Large, Elk Rapids Public Schools
                                                                       44| MASB LETTER TILES PUZZLE                                             AT THE TABLE FOR EVERY STUDENT
Janice Van Gasse
Region 1, Norway-Vulcan Area Schools

Dale Wingerd                                                           46| EVENT CALENDAR                                                37-40| HOW SPECIAL EDUCATION
Region 7, Clinton Community Schools

LeaderBoard (ISSN 2376-3930) is published three times a year
                                                                                                                                                PRACTITIONERS USE INCLUSIVE
by the Michigan Association of School Boards, 1001 Centennial
Way, Ste. 400, Lansing, MI 48917, 517.327.5900,, The publication is mailed to MASB
                                                                                                                                                INSTRUCTIONAL PRACTICES TO
member school boards and superintendents as part of the district’s
membership. The subscription rate for each MASB nonmember
is $21/year. Periodicals postage paid at Lansing, Mich., and
                                                                                                                                                CREATE ACCESS FOR STUDENTS WITH
additional mailing offices.
POSTMASTER send address changes to:
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Michigan Association of School Boards                                                   Acknowledgements
1001 Centennial Way, Ste. 400
Lansing, MI 48917                                                         MASB wishes to thank the East Lansing Public
                                                                        Library and their kind, dedicated staff for allowing             42-43| WHAT'S IN A NAME?
Articles submitted to LeaderBoard are edited for style, content         us to utilize their space to capture our cover photo.
and space prior to publication. Views expressed are those of the
author and do not necessarily represent MASB policies or positions.
Articles may not be reproduced without written permission of
the publisher. Endorsement by MASB of products and services
advertised in LeaderBoard is not implied or expressed.
To learn more about MASB’s advertising and sponsorship
opportunities, please contact Shelley Davis Boyd at 517.327.5900
                                                                                      Art Director                              Editor-in-Chief             Copy Editor
or                                                               Austin Pabian                             Stacy Bogard, CAE           Robin Miner-Swartz

         MICHIG AN AS SOCIAT ION of SCHOOL BOARDS | L E A DE RBOA RD                                                                                                       FA L L 20 21   4
MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE - Diversity, equity and inclusion expands far beyond visible differences.
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MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE - Diversity, equity and inclusion expands far beyond visible differences.
E X E C U T I V E                                                               N O T E

In challenging times, school board members call on courage to lead
By Don Wotruba, CAE

     erriam Webster defines courage as
     “mental or moral strength to venture,
                                                              So, as you continue working through the
                                                              fall, make time to take care of yourself.          “The world is a
     persevere, and withstand danger, fear,                   Make sure you have an escape into a hobby
or difficulty.”                                               or exercise that allows you to destress.            better place because
                                                              Think about the classrooms you have visited,
Sadly—now and over the past year—school
board members and superintendents have
                                                              the diplomas you have handed out, and the           you are serving on
                                                              hundreds of events you have attended and
had to live this definition. I know you didn’t
sign up for this extreme scenario when
                                                              let the smiles they evoke fill your mind.
                                                                                                                  your school board,
                                                                                                                  whether those who
someone asked you to run for your local                       When you can approach board meetings
board or when you thought you could be                        with this mindset, it’s easier to listen to the
of service to the school that was educating                   concerns others raise and to be balanced in
your kids or grandkids. However, I implore                    your responses when you may disagree with           want to break
you to stay the course!                                       someone. The school governance process,

For those who have contacted me to say you
                                                              with all its flaws, is still the best example of
                                                              how a democracy is supposed to work and
                                                                                                                  you down can
don’t know how much longer you can stand
being called names, threatened or bullied,
                                                              where often the public feels they might be
                                                              heard because you are one of them.
                                                                                                                  see it or not.”
I urge you to hold your head high. You are
helping kids, your community and your                         I recently had a speaker start an event
country. The world is a better place because                  asking each of us to choose a picture on our
you are serving on your school board,                         phones that made us smile and to share it
whether those who want to break you down                      with a neighbor. The themes were common:
can see it or not.                                            families, pets, peaceful places. If you did
                                                              the same thing at a board meeting with 100
While we are seeing these passionate                          people waiting to make public comment,
crowds on a more widespread basis than                        the pictures would be the same. We have
in the past, it is not new to the education                   far more in common than the things that
sector. In the 1980s, boards dealt with                       separate us, and while some may not see it
employee strikes. We have had recalls                         that way, you can. You are the epitome of
because of mascot changes, buildings being                    courage. For that, I say thank you.
closed and for multiple other reasons.
Through the years, this ebb and flow exists,
yet publicly elected school boards—made
up of civic-minded people who care about
kids—are still the best governing model
that exists. The alternative of partisan or
appointed school boards would only put our
students at risk.

                  Don Wotruba, CAE

                  Don is MASB’s Executive Director, and can be reached
                  at or 517.327.5900.

MICHIG AN AS SOCIAT ION of SCHOOL BOARDS | L E A DE RBOA RD                                                                        FA L L 20 21   6
MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE - Diversity, equity and inclusion expands far beyond visible differences.
MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE - Diversity, equity and inclusion expands far beyond visible differences.
By Jill Fennessy
Tri County Area Schools

Welcome to the new school year! Yes, it's me again! I’m incredibly      • To ensure our social-emotional standards stay at the forefront,
thankful to the MASB Board of Directors for this privilege and            our Pre-K through eighth grade educators utilize the curriculum
opportunity to serve as your President once again. I hope you’ll find     resource “Second Step.”
this issue of LeaderBoard informative and helpful in your role as
district leaders. Thank you for serving!                                • Our high school/middle school counselors and school social
                                                                          workers offer anxiety and depression groups through the
In my rural district, Tri County Area Schools, we’re focused on           University of Michigan TRAILS model. TRAILS stands for
so many things we’ve learned from the 2020-2021 school year and           Transforming Research into Action to Improve the Lives of
how to best provide multiple areas of support for ALL our students.       Students.
We’ll use data to identify student needs and the barriers that keep
students from reaching their full potential. Like many of you, we       • Our SEL teams have been trained and offer support to our
were able to offer opportunities for summer instruction and themed        community and other local districts in the Critical Incident Stress
camps with great success. As we prepared for the 2021-2022 school         Management model when traumatic/high-stress incidents have
year, one of our focus areas was the need for a strong system of          occurred.
support for our students.
                                                                        • Mentoring programs with adults in the community supporting
Here is a sampling of the ways we’re supporting the social and            students through mentoring and tutoring during and after school.
emotional needs of our students:
                                                                        I sincerely hope the start of this school year has been a positive
• School social workers in every K-12 building.                         experience for you, your students, families and staff. Although
                                                                        the planning started weeks ago, this year will be an opportunity
• Partnerships with our local behavioral health system, Montcalm        to monitor your efforts to ensure every student is reaching their
  Care Network, through a 31N grant, to provide support service         full potential. I invite you and your boards to remain vigilant in
  personnel for our lower elementary at-risk populations.               identifying barriers to learning, as well as to promote a positive
                                                                        school culture where every child feels safe, included and welcome.
• Partnerships with Spectrum Health (Grand Rapids) for telehealth       I truly believe we’re all here to provide our children with equitable
  counseling services for secondary students. We are a rural            opportunities to achieve their best!
  community and access to specialized services is often a barrier for
  our families.

• School psychologists who have extensive training through a
  grant to offer support services for our students in our LGBTQIA+                      Jill Fennessy
                                                                                        Jill is MASB’s 2021-2022 President, and can be reached
• Teacher consultants who support students and families through                         at
  the teacher assistance team process.

MICHIG AN AS SOCIAT ION of SCHOOL BOARDS | L E A DE RBOA RD                                                                                FA L L 20 21   8
MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE - Diversity, equity and inclusion expands far beyond visible differences.
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MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE - Diversity, equity and inclusion expands far beyond visible differences.
ASK       BRAD:
                                                              YOUR SCHOOL LAW QUESTIONS ANSWERED
                                                              By Brad Banasik, J.D.

                                                              QUESTIONS ARE INTENDED TO PROVIDE LEGAL INFORMATION AND ENHANCE SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS’

                                                                            IF YOU HAVE A SPECIFIC HYPOTHETICAL QUESTION THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE ANSWERED
                                                                            IN A FUTURE ISSUE, PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR QUESTION TO COMMS@MASB.ORG.

             A school board president was alerted by social media traffic that an organized group from outside the school district was planning to
             use the school board’s public comment period at its next regular meeting to voice concerns about a school-related political issue. The
             politically motivated group was promising to bring at least 100 people to address the board. The board president was concerned about
             conducting an orderly business meeting with such a large and possibly disruptive group in attendance. What can the board and president
             do under the Open Meetings Act to regulate the participation and conduct of the group during the meeting?

If necessary, may the board adopt new public comment rules                            Must the board continue the meeting on the same evening
to assist in handling the large group as soon as the meeting is                       until all speakers have had the opportunity to address the
called to order?                                                                      board?
Yes. If a school board wishes to enforce public comment rules,                        No. If, for example, the board has been meeting for more than four
OMA provides that the rules must be “recorded” by the board.1 The                     hours and there are still 30 people signed up for public comment, the
Michigan Court of Appeals has interpreted this requirement to mean                    board may recess the meeting. If the meeting is recessed for more
a board must formally adopt a rule concerning the right of a person                   than 36 hours, the board cannot reconvene unless public notice is
to address the board before it becomes effective.2                                    posted 18 hours before it is called to order.

Is there a standard that must be followed when establishing                           If members of the group become disruptive, do they lose their
rules for public comment?                                                             right to attend the public meeting?
Yes. The rules must be reasonable, flexible and written in a way that   Yes. If any of the speakers commit a “breach of the peace” at the
encourages public participation.3                                       meeting, the president may take steps to exclude them from the
                                                                        meeting.5 OMA does not define the term “breach of the peace,”
Is the board able to establish a rule limiting public comment to but the Michigan courts have opined that it constitutes seriously
only school district residents?                                         disruptive conduct involving abusive, disorderly, dangerous,
No. Public comment rules cannot limit the right to address the          aggressive or provocative speech and behaviors tending to threaten
school board to residents of the school district. A rule excluding      or  incite violence. These cases clarify that, under Michigan law, a
nonresidents is invalid and unenforceable.  4                          “breach   of the peace” goes well beyond acceptable behavior. Thus,
                                                                        the mere violation of a public comment rule cannot automatically
May the board set time limits in a public comment rule due to           constitute a “breach of the peace,” and expulsion solely for not
the size of the group?                                                  abiding by such rule, without more, will likely violate OMA’s
                                                                        prohibition against excluding individuals from a public meeting.
If the board wishes to impose a time limit for individual speakers, it
must be reasonable and still encourage public comment. Limiting
                                                                          MCL 15.263(5).
speakers to one or two minutes, for example, would likely be
                                                                          Frank Cusumano v Janet I. Dunn, unpublished, No. 349959 (2020).
                                                                          1977 OAG 5183.
interpreted as an unreasonable rule that denies someone the             4
                                                                          1978 OAG 5332.
opportunity to fully participate in public comment. Additionally, a     5
                                                                          MCL 15.263(6).
rule that limits overall public comment to a specific timeframe, e.g.,
30 minutes, must include a provision for extending the time limit
when necessary to accommodate all speakers who wish to address                            Brad Banasik, J.D.
the board.
                                                                                                        Brad is MASB’s Legal Counsel/Director of Labor Relations
                                                                                                        & Policy, and can be reached at or

MICHIG AN AS SOCIAT ION of SCHOOL BOARDS | L E A DE RBOA RD                                                                                              FA L L 20 21   10
Location: Shiawassee County
Size: 1,748
Board Members and Terms of Service:
Jennifer Strauch, president        (2018-2022)
Sara Beldyga, vice president       (2020-2024)
Dennis Braid, secretary            (2018-2022)
Mark Buckley, treasurer            (2020-2024)
Joseph Petersen, trustee           (2018-2022)
Janice Ray, trustee                (2018-2022)
Jeff Riley, trustee                (2020-2024)


       Collaborative.                                                                          Successful passage of a bond ($16 million) in 2015, two more in
                                                                                               2021 ($7 million), becoming the first district in the state to have
       WHAT ARE YOUR DISTRICT’S MOST PRESSING CHALLENGES?                                      an on-site health clinic for all employees opening this fall (2021),
       Finances and the inconsistent sources of funding on an annual                           district financial security, staff retention and promoting staff
       basis, and the aftereffects of COVID-19 on students, families and                       from within.
                                                                                               WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE MASB PRODUCT OR SERVICE?
       ONE PIECE OF ADVICE YOU WOULD GIVE TO ALL SCHOOL BOARD                                  MASB’s experienced legal counsel (Brad Banasik, J.D.), who
       MEMBERS:                                                                                provides members information regarding current school law,
       Listen to all constituents.                                                             recent court decisions and Attorney General opinions. The
                                                                                               courses offered to board members have also proven to be
                                                                                               beneficial and insightful.

                        If you would like to recommend your district to be featured in a future District Spotlight, please send an email to

       MICHIG AN AS SOCIAT ION of SCHOOL BOARDS | L E A DE RBOA RD                                                                                            FA L L 20 21   12
For many in our society, when they hear the terms diversity,
                                                                                    equity and inclusion, the first line of thought tends to be
                                                                                    about race or ethnicity. But DEI is so much more.

                                                                                      For our cover article, seven individuals shared their story
                                                                                        as examples of how we can’t tell everything about
                                                                                           a person just by looking at them, and how school
                                                                                              districts have and can broaden their approach
                                                                                                              to DEI. We thank them for their
                                                                                                              openness so others can learn and
                                                                                                              benefit from their experiences.

     Compiled by Stacy Bogard, CAE

                                                      made a difference in how I felt about my             I make the same connections with my
                    Braylond P. (He/Him)              new normal.                                          coaches. I play tennis in the fall and track
                                                                                                           and field in the spring. My coaches are
                    Junior in High School             Now, as a junior in high school, I self-             always reminded about my status. . .things
                                                      manage and advocate for my needs very                like what symptoms of hypoglycemia to look
     You are a person with a chronic health           well. I can and look forward to explaining to        for and how to assist me if needed or if they
     condition. When did this come about and          anyone exactly what T1D is and never feel            see me stopping activity to check blood
     how has it impacted you particularly in          embarrassed anymore. I don’t worry when              sugar, adjust my pump, drink juice, throw
     your school environment?                         I’m at school, but still know I have plenty          down some Skittles or a bag of pretzels. .
                                                      of support behind me with whatever I may             .it’s not for fun. . .it’s life!
     I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes on          need to make sure I’m safe and healthy.
     Dec. 20, 2015, in fifth grade at 11 years                                                             What, if any, supports are missing that
     old. It is an autoimmune condition that af-      What, if any, aids, services, programs,              would be helpful to have?
     fects individuals at any age. Our pancreas       etc., has your district provided that have
     no longer produces insulin that is vital for     been helpful?                                        I do wish there was better communication
     us to live. I have to inject or infuse insulin                                                        among everyone who will be working with
     and carefully monitor blood sugar levels just    Before the start of each school year, I meet         me so they are aware of my condition/
     to stay alive.                                   with the school personnel in charge of dia-          needs. Again, I’m very good at self-manag-
                                                      betics like me. With my endocrinologist, we          ing and advocating for myself but I would
     When returning to school after diagnosis,        prepare a school care plan and a sick day            like it if they helped with letting my teachers
     I wondered if I was going to be different        plan so everyone is aware what needs to              know ahead of time.
     or if people would look at me or treat me        happen should an emergency come up. All
     differently. Thankfully it wasn’t like that at   T1Ds are different so there isn’t a one-size-        As I get closer to graduation, I’ve learned
     all, but I did have to do “normal” things a      fits-all care plan. I’m able to keep slow- and       about the College Diabetes Network and
     little differently to accommodate my new         fast-acting carbs along with extra-durable           how I can continue to advocate for myself
     life and needs. I quickly had to get used to     medical equipment supplies at the school             and my medical needs when I transition to
     checking my blood sugar in front of people.      and have access to them whenever it’s                college and be connected to a community
     Calculate carb ratios and get injected with      needed, no questions asked.                          that is going through the same thing as me.
     insulin before every meal. For a while, my
     mom would have to check my blood sugar           Nutrition information for all school meals           What are your words to live by/mantra and
     every three hours in the middle of the night     is easily accessible so it takes out all the         what advice would you have for someone
     to make sure I was in a safe range while I       guess work. If I get to the lunch room and           else, particularly when it comes to the
     slept. At school, I would have to leave class    the food I dosed for is no longer available,         school environment?
     early right before lunch so I could have time    staff has never had a problem making
     to check my blood sugar and dose insulin         something else available. I no longer require        Continue being yourself and living the way
     for my lunch. Anytime I wasn’t feeling well,     taking shots of insulin. Transitioning to            you want to live. Having Type 1 diabetes
     I had to leave class, escorted by another        an insulin pump and continuous glucose               doesn’t define you and you can still live a
     classmate. During class holiday parties I        monitor helps make life in and out of school         normal life. Also, remember that you’re no
     had to be careful with what I was eating and     much more manageable.                                different from anyone else and to not be
     try really hard to guess the carbs correctly.                                                         embarrassed to handle your needs in pub-
     Having too much insulin can be just as           Additionally, I make sure to contact all of my       lic. If someone happens to ask about what
     harmful as not having enough.                    teachers so they’re aware of my T1D status           you are doing, be confident and educate
                                                      so if/when I need to exit the room for hypo-         them. Let them know how it is to live with
     When we changed school districts, I met          glycemic symptoms, they already know why.            Type 1, because it’s nothing you should try
     more Type 1s my age. At my previous              Everyone’s always been very understanding            hiding or be ashamed of.
     school, I was the only one. Being with others    when this happens and my teachers help
     who experience the same things I do really       catch me up on what I missed.

13   FA L L 20 21                                                                                      MICHIG AN AS SOCIAT ION of SCHOOL BOARDS | L E A DE RBOA RD
Our district has really done a fantastic job of    ties planning, mission and vision planning,
                Jennifer V.N. (She/Her)                   trying to include children of all abilities. The   cross-school PTO meetings and some staff
                                                          Peer-to-Peer program has really brought a          hiring committees. This allows us to have an
                Parent                                    lot of awareness of those who have special         important voice in the district.
                                                          needs. The Unified programs have been
Tell us about yourself.                                   tremendously successful, and children like         What are your words to live by/mantra and
                                                          my daughter have really benefitted from            what advice would you have for someone
My children are in fifth, eighth and ninth                these programs.                                    else in your same situation, particularly
grades. Our ninth-grade daughter has many                                                                    when it comes to the school environ-
aspects to her disability. She has autism,                How has being involved with your parent            ment?
severe epilepsy, Type 1 diabetes requiring a              group made a difference?
strict diet and is nonverbal. She really loves                                                               All children are General Education students
being around people and brings joy to those               The Special Education Parent Advisory              first. My advice would be to collaborate in
around her. Despite her communication bar-                Committee has been tremendously helpful            a constructive manner with the teachers,
riers, she is able to communicate with an                 to me. I have connected with other parents         therapists and parapros working with your
Augmentative and Alternative Communica-                   with similar struggles. It really helps to have    child. They have so much experience and in-
tion device, some sign language and many                  others to get ideas and advice from and            sight that can help with your child (and you
word approximations. I am the Co-President                to not feel alone. I learned which things          can apply these at home) and they see your
of the Special Education Parent Advisory                  are truly worth standing my ground on and          child in a different light. Your input is critical
Committee and have been active in this                    which things I can let go. Talking with other      because you know your child best. It should
group for about seven years.                              parents helps all of us discover and create        be a collaborative relationship.
                                                          better opportunities and mindsets regard-
What, if any, aids, services, programs,                   ing our children.                                  Also, I really try to communicate proactively
etc., does your district provide that are                                                                    with my child’s team—her needs (medically,
helpful to your family?                                   I learned the perspectives of other parents        academically, socially, behaviors, etc.), her
                                                          who have different struggles. These are the        strengths, things that work, things that
Our school district has provided my daugh-                most enlightening, as they allow me to de-         don’t work. I have a running document that
ter with the following: special education                 velop more empathy, which is what I really         I update regularly with relevant details on
self-contained classroom with paraprofes-                 want from others.                                  her medical issues. This helps things move
sional support, physical therapy, occupa-                                                                    smoothly, especially with school year and
tional therapy, speech therapy, social work,              The SEPAC has helped me to connect with            staff transitions.
adaptive physical education, Peer-to-Peer                 the staff in the district—to learn from them,
programing with general education peers,                  to collaborate with them and to appreciate         Lastly, celebrate the little wins. Some chil-
inclusion in afterschool activities like run-             them.                                              dren achieve things at a different rate than
ning club, a summer program to help rein-                                                                    others, but that just makes each of those
troduce students to the school setting after              The district has been very aware of bringing       achievements that much sweeter—we know
COVID and therapy dogs at each school.                    in special education parents for important         how hard they have worked for them!
                                                          committees within the district such as facili-

                Lee C. (He/Him)                           better set of creative and problemsolving          at the time were very clunky and cumber-
                                                          skills to adapt how I do certain tasks.            some and were basically just hooks that
                Graduate; attended K-12 grades                                                               were designed to look like hands. Mine
                in Michigan                               My school district was smaller and only had        required that I wear a silicon sock on my
                                                          one high school, so it was a pretty tight-knit     arm that bolted into the socket of the
                                                          community and I rarely faced any sort of           forearm and was operated by a strap that
You are a person who was born without a                   bullying over my arm growing up. I was fortu-      wrapped around my back and right shoulder
limb. How did this impact you particularly                nate enough to know most of the people in          and was controlled by the movement of my
in your school environment?                               my grade and schools and that allowed me           right arm/shoulder pulling the strap. This
                                                          to be very comfortable with myself and my          was very uncomfortable and somewhat
I was born missing my left arm below the                  situation, so I’ve always been very open and       painful at times. As I was not used to the
elbow and so growing up I didn’t really have              humorous about my arm.                             space that my body took up while wearing
any issues with not being able to do things,
                                                                                                             a prosthetic, my school district provided a
mostly because I’ve never known anything                  What, if any, supports did your district           physical therapist who I would have classes
different and I was learning everything at                provided that were helpful?                        with during the day a few times a week to
the same pace as my peers. I’m also pretty
                                                                                                             help me get used to wearing the prosthetic
fortunate in the sense that I never had to re-            When I was in second grade, I received my
                                                                                                             and helped me navigate different ways to
learn how to do things after an amputation.               first functioning prosthetic arm that wasn’t
                                                                                                             do things while wearing the prosthetic.
If anything, having one arm has given me a                just for cosmetic purposes. The prosthetics

MICHIG AN AS SOCIAT ION of SCHOOL BOARDS | L E A DE RBOA RD                                                                                          FA L L 20 21   14
What, if any, supports were missing that would be helpful to             What are your words to live by/mantra and what advice would
     have?                                                                    you have for someone else in your same situation, particularly
                                                                              when it comes to the school environment?
     I can’t speak for all amputees, but in my specific situation, I never
     really felt like I had a disability and very rarely needed help (be-     I try my best to live life with an optimistic attitude and believe that
     sides when I would commit myself to too many extracurriculars and        I can conquer any hurdle I may face. School isn’t something that
     would have lots of gear to carry around). That seems like more of        lasts forever, so I would say to take as many opportunities that are
     a personal character flaw rather than anything the school could          available to you and try as many things as you can. Ask for help
     have helped with. Overall, my family and teachers helped me when         when you need it and don’t get stressed out about what other
     I asked for it, but still gave me the time and freedom to learn and      people think or challenges they may create because, at the end
     adapt on my own in order to develop the independence that was            of the day, the little social things about school don’t really matter.
     important for me to learn.                                               Life’s a marathon not a race.

                                                     a GSA (gender sexuality alliance) and kids           What advice would you have for someone
                    Lilly G. (He/Him)                meet up and find new ways to be outspoken            else in your same situation, particularly
                                                     about supporting the LGBTQ kids who go to            when it comes to the school environ-
                    Eighth Grade                     our schools and that they should be proud            ment?
                                                     of who they are and shouldn't feel unsafe.
     Tell us about yourself.                                                                              Some advice I'd give is to be who you are
                                                     What, if any, supports are missing that              and to not be entitled to the bad side of so-
     I haven't chosen a different name yet, but      would be helpful to have?                            ciety's social construct of who others want
     I am transgender, and I have helped other                                                            you to be and who you're supposed to love
     kids who were struggling with coming out in     It would be helpful to know that it's not just       and just to be yourself.
     my school see that they are not alone and       the students in our schools who are sup-
     have a person to talk to when they want to      portive but the teachers and other adults
     feel more accepted.                             too and knowing that they would never call
                                                     you by the wrong name or misgender you
     What, if any, supports has/does your dis-       especially on purpose. It’s always somewhat
     trict provided that have been helpful?          important to a kid to have validation from
                                                     the adults around them who they learn from
     The district has counselors who are always      and it’s hard when there's adults who don’t
     happy to talk and support you and we have       let kids be who they want to be.

                                                     What, if any, supports has/does your dis-            What are your words to live by/mantra or
                    Madeline W. (She/Her)            trict provide that have been helpful?                what advice would you have for someone
                                                                                                          else, particularly when it comes to the
                    Junior in High School            School counselors are people who make                school environment?
                                                     me anxious so I don't utilize them, but my
     You are a person living with anxiety. How       teachers are all really accommodating of my          I don’t really have a mantra that pertains to
     has this impacted you particularly in your      anxiety when it starts to become more diffi-         my anxiety, but I can offer advice to other
     school environment?                             cult for me by letting me use a stress ball or       students dealing with it. If you have access
                                                     thinking putty in class to give myself some-         to therapy, whether that be through the
     I’ve been in therapy for anxiety and other      thing to focus my nervous energy on so I             school or somewhere else, utilize it. It’s
     mental health issues since the beginning of     can learn better. That time I had an anxiety         incredibly beneficial and the coping strate-
     my freshman year of high school, which was      attack was handled well too. My teacher let          gies you learn are super helpful. Bringing a
     also when I was diagnosed with moderate         my friend take me out of the room and we             stress ball or something like that to fidget
     generalized anxiety.                            went to a quiet, rarely used bathroom so             with is super helpful too. In my experience,
                                                     that we could talk and figure things out.            teachers are okay with you using them dur-
     My anxiety impacts my life at school in                                                              ing class as long as they aren’t a distraction
     varying ways. I tend to be very confident       What, if any, supports are missing that              from learning. If you have a close friend who
     in my academic abilities most of the time,      would be helpful to have?                            is aware of your anxiety/anxious tenden-
     but tests of any kind (especially in math or                                                         cies, ask them if they’d be willing to help out
     science classes) make me more anxious           I think having stress balls (like four or five       when things get bad (panic attack/anxiety
     than the average student. Sometimes social      of them) in each classroom would be nice.            attack). Of course, if it happens during class
     situations are impacted too. I had an anxi-     Right now, I either have to bring mine from          and they’re not with you, just ask to step out
     ety attack at school before due to things       home or grab one from my old health and              on your own, find a quiet place and try to
     happening within my friend group once.          P.E. teacher’s classroom. This could be              regulate your breathing (sometimes pacing
                                                     beneficial for other students as well who            can help because of how rhythmic it is).
                                                     might just need something to fidget with to
                                                     help them focus or who might even have
                                                     undiagnosed anxiety and deal with some of
                                                     the same stuff I do.

15   FA L L 20 21                                                                                     MICHIG AN AS SOCIAT ION of SCHOOL BOARDS | L E A DE RBOA RD
What, if any, supports has/does your dis-        What advice would you have for someone
                Richie G. (They/Them)                     trict provided that have been helpful?           else in your same situation, particularly
                                                                                                           when it comes to the school environ-
                Junior in High School                     The support my school district supplies is       ment?
                                                          few and far between. While there is an abil-
Tell us about yourself.                                   ity for students to change their name and        I feel like any advice I could give to some-
                                                          pronouns for the school record, that pro-        one who is LGBTQ+ identifying about school
I identify with the terms agender and                     cess is extremely difficult to begin because     would be rather unhelpful, but what I can
asexual. When it comes to school my iden-                 of the extreme lack of communication on          say is that everything is going to be okay.
tity was a tricky one. Initially, I grew up in a          the part of our guidance counselors. The         Truly it is. Being young and queer is difficult
very accepting environment, however after                 GSA at our school has been the most help-        on its own. Any sort of environment that
certain events at my school, it became clear              ful group I believe I have ever been a part      is unsupportive makes that experience
that there was a shift in people's perspec-               of. They have been supportive and, while         so much worse, but if you can surround
tives on young LGBTQ+ members.                            they aren't school affiliated anymore, they      yourself with friends and people who make
                                                          are a group that I have found unbelievably       you happy, then you don't have to worry.
I have never been shy about my sexuality                  kind and a great resource.                       Everything is going to suck, but it won't for-
or romantic preferences, but my gender is                                                                  ever. There is a light at the end of the tunnel
certainly something I had preferred to keep               What, if any, supports are missing that          and you'll know when you come to it. Just
to myself. Mostly out of the fear of bullying             would be helpful to have?                        take care of yourself, take care of your loved
or any sort of harassment. With the recent                                                                 ones, and let yourself be taken care of by
school year, however, I have decided to                   If anything, I think a reinstating of the GSA    the people who love you (of which there are
come out and use my preferred name and                    as a school-affiliated group would be a          many). Also, look up stuff on Google. Your
pronouns at school. While you could say this              great start. I also believe the process of       school is not going to teach you what you
was born out of wanting to 'live my truth' or             changing my name in the system could be          need to know so do your own research. I
'be myself,' I personally will say I was more             far easier or at least clearer to students       believe in you and you are easy to love.
exhausted emotionally by the constant                     who wish to do so.
deadnaming and use of incorrect pronouns.

                                                          You are a person with facial differences         Program. Everyone has had the very com-
                Wyatt G. (He/Him)                         and hearing challenges. How does this            mon goal of doing what is best for me. Early
                                                          impact you particularly in your school           on, my family felt the need for an advocate
                Fifth Grade                               environment?                                     in certain situations but have never needed
                                                                                                           one since. Each time we have had a request
Tell us about yourself.                                   Honestly it has not. Everyone has welcomed       it has been accommodated. It really has
                                                          me. I can adapt to most situations, but          been reassuring and given my parents
I have been part of a deaf and hard of                    often have a hard time in a larger class-        peace throughout the last few years.
hearing program since preschool. I like to                room because it is harder to follow with
play baseball, swim, read and play games.                 background noise and harder to read lips. I      My one request would be TV time with
I was born with Goldenhar Syndrome. I am                  prefer to eat lunch in a smaller setting as it   closed captioning to play Naruto throughout
missing part of my lower jaw which affects                is hard for me to chew.                          the day.
my breathing, speech, hearing and the
way that I eat. Goldenhar is a craniofacial               What, if any, supports has/does your dis-        What are your words to live by/mantra and
anomaly with similar characteristics of the               trict provide that have been helpful?            what advice would you have for someone
character of Auggie in the book “Wonder.”                                                                  else, particularly when it comes to the
I have related through the years with many                My district has been very accommodat-            school environment?
of his struggles and have appreciated how                 ing by providing bussing to and from my
the book offers insight from everyone in the              program, ensuring we have the additional         Choose Kindness—this is something I grew
family. At the end of the day, the message is             support of an audiologist, speech therapist,     up with and remind my friends and family
to “Choose Kindness” and I have experi-                   American Sign Language and an interpreter        about. At the end of the day, I am a kid who
enced so much kindness from teachers and                  in mainstream classes when and if needed.        likes all the same things other kids like. My
students.                                                                                                  parents are also working with me on being
                                                          What, if any, supports are missing that          my own advocate. As I get older, they want
                                                          would be helpful to have?                        me to be empowered to ask for something
                                                                                                           if I need it. If the FM is not working or the
                                                          My family has been very pleased with the         teacher has their back to me, don’t be
                                                          collaborative efforts and involvement from       afraid to say something.
                                                          both districts in my Individualized Education

                  Stacy Bogard, CAE

                  Stacy is MASB’s Assistant Director of Communications and Public
                  Relations, and can be reached at or 517.327.5900.

MICHIG AN AS SOCIAT ION of SCHOOL BOARDS | L E A DE RBOA RD                                                                                      FA L L 20 21   16
     What you should know about letting data drive any enterprise
     By Kenda Lawson, M.Ed.

     Data now plays an outsized role in nearly        beginning to sound the alarm about the              is driving or compelling its stakeholders to
     every interaction and decision we make.          dangers of proscribing measures based on            do. Instead, teams use data to navigate
     What we read, what media streaming               runaway data practices, essentially arguing         choices and challenges, but they keep
     platforms recommend and whose ideas are          that many jumped on the data train without          a firm hand on the wheel and take turns
     elevated online are decisions delegated to       determining what should drive it.                   driving.
     algorithms mining data deep in our digital
     pasts. Much of the workday is consumed           Today, most leaders will say they are driven        No one is relying on data to define the
     contending with endless volumes and              by data. But what does that even mean? Ef-          problem. They look at reports the way most
     varieties of information vying for our atten-    fective school and district leaders certainly       of us look at old photos—data is a snapshot
     tion. Additionally, in the past 30 years, data   make decisions that are informed by met-            of a single moment in time, so they notice
     has become the driving force behind public       rics or data to ensure that outcomes make           all the elements, try to get a sense of where
     schooling.                                       a positive impact on the communities they           they are and determine where this fits in the
                                                      are driven to serve. For the sake of expedi-        big picture. You hear school leaders and ad-
     Access to timely, reliable information is a      ency, this methodology is abridged, but use         ministrators, teachers and students, even
     valuable resource. That value has propelled      of the shorthand data-driven means a lot            community members asking: What does the
     the rise of Big Data and—along with it—the       can get lost in translation.                        data tell us? What does it suggest? Can we
     dogmatic idea that letting data drive will                                                           isolate for this variable? Or that one? What
     inevitably get you where you’re trying to go.    In some cases, it works just fine. Data plays       would happen if …? The tone is inquisitive,
     If that makes you wonder how the rest of us      an important role in helping schools identify       intrepid—almost playful—but these data-
     ended up as passengers with data driving         patterns that indicate how they can adjust          friendly cultures are not the norm.
     our workforce, you’re not alone. Experts in      to better serve their students. In places that
                             every industry are       succeed, you’ll notice something curious            In other cases, stakeholders are placed in
                                                      when you step inside the building. Absent is        conflict with data by cultures that promote
                                                                               talk about what data       accountability over ownership. This
                                                                                                          environment positions data as a taskmaster
                                                                                                           instead of a tool, meaning teachers are
                                                                                                             driven to make decisions in service
                                                                                                                 to data, rather than use data in
                                                                                                                     service to students. How leaders
                                                                                                                         define “data-driven” directly
                                                                                                                             impacts the organization’s
                                                                                                                                culture, processes and

17   FA L L 20 21                                                                                     MICHIG AN AS SOCIAT ION of SCHOOL BOARDS | L E A DE RBOA RD
As an ode to curiosity, innovation and imagi-             Here are some key things “Star Trek: The          SEEK INSIGHT, PRACTICE EMPATHY
nation, my team has modeled our approach                  Next Generation” reveals about the chal-
                                                                                                            What does all this mean for leaders in the
to the use of data in our work on an unlikely             lenges of being driven by data alone:
                                                                                                            real world? Well, consider what years of be-
source: “Star Trek: The Next Generation.”
                                                          Given the franchise’s reputation for diver-       ing driven by data have revealed about the
As a well-documented INTJ personality, my
                                                          sity and inclusion, it’s easy to find examples    inadequacy of information without insight.
favorite character is Lt. Cmdr. Data. Data,
                                                          of alien species, people of color and women       Technology has given us the ability to gath-
a sentient android, functions as second
                                                          in command, but Data is in a class of his         er, process and visualize data rapidly, but
officer and chief operations officer aboard
                                                          own. He is the only android of his kind. He’s     in many cases more data has not yielded
the starship Enterprise. For many reasons,
                                                          designed with human features, but several         better outcomes. The sheer volume and
Data represents a fitting analogy for leaders
                                                          of his traits get in the way of his ability to    velocity of data to be processed can leave
examining their district’s practices. So, let’s
                                                          connect with peers. For one thing, people         teams paralyzed with inaction. Besides that,
talk about Data.
                                                          are inherently distrustful of artificial intel-   data requires interpretation and intuition
                                                          ligence. For another, Data matter-of-factly       to be used effectively. Empathy may seem
DATA HAS LIMITATIONS                                                                                        irrelevant in a data-driven environment,
                                                          reports unwelcome information (so, you
On mission after mission, Data’s analysis                 know, not the most popular guy).                  but that’s only if you ignore what data says
and information offer critical guidance on                                                                  about what really drives change.
the crew’s quests to boldly go where no one               More concerning is Data’s inability to
has gone before. Data is efficient, logical               understand nuance or sympathize with the          Empathy is the first step of the design-
and unflagging. In fact, his tirelessness                 needs and motivations of his counterparts.        thinking process for good reason. Organiza-
routinely offers him the opportunity to steer             This presents a problem when it comes to          tions that practice empathy take the time to
the Enterprise while the captain and other                leadership. Although Data tries to simulate       fully understand the problems and realities
officers are asleep. He is constantly tasked              and understand human behavior, the full           of the people behind the data. From there,
with getting the ship up and running for                  measure of human experience and poten-            data teams can define specific problems
Capt. Picard. Given his obvious ability and               tial is elusive to him. His limited perspective   and develop specific remedies. Leading with
value to the Enterprise, you might be won-                means his directives may be logical but           empathy creates a personal connection to
dering: Why not let Data drive all the time?              not rational because they don’t account for       the mission, inspiring personal responsibil-
                                                          circumstances he deems irrelevant or lack         ity, ownership of the outcomes and a drive
While Data’s efficiency and versatility prove             the benefit of insight into human reasoning.      to make an impact. So, a good way to gauge
invaluable, it’s important to understand his              As a result, Data’s practicality must always      the culture that surrounds an organization’s
limitations. Examining these challenges can               be tempered with empathy.                         data practices is whether stakeholders
be helpful in framing discussions around                                                                    leave data meetings dejected and lost or
data’s role in an organization because this                                                                 energized with a new sense of direction.
convenient analogy exposes some incon-
venient truths about most data-driven

MICHIG AN AS SOCIAT ION of SCHOOL BOARDS | L E A DE RBOA RD                                                                                    FA L L 20 21   18
     Each episode of “Star Trek: The Next Generation” centered on an
     individual mission aligned with the broader vision made famous in
     the opening sequence. Lt. Cmdr. Data’s role was to offer informa-
     tion in service to that mission. Current practices place data at the
     forefront of every enterprise, but in the most responsive systems
     it’s clear that mission drives an organization, and people drive
                                                                             NEXT-GENERATION DATA PRACTICES
     change. Data is an asset to those teams when navigating challeng-       The future of data practices is driven by the desire to confront the
     es but focusing on data should never mean losing sight of the true      greatest challenges of the 21st century. They are focused on the
     purpose. Without clear direction, organizations become consumed         broader social impact schools can make by inspiring innovation
     with where data says they are, with no clue where they are trying to    organizationwide, modeling collaboration and communication, and
     go, let alone how to get there.                                         creating the next generation of thinkers and doers. Forward-leaning
                                                                             organizations know these goals are accomplished by leading with
     In writing about similar trends in marketing, Marketoonist's Tom        empathy and leveraging diversity in thought and experiences.
     Fishburne cautions that data-driven doesn't have to mean "data-
     blinded," illustrating the concept with a group driving off a cliff     When we embrace these differences, we have the power to bridge
     because the GPS never directed them to take a detour. Data blind-       communities and build a system that works for everyone. So, data
     ness occurs when the view of the big picture is narrowed by fixation    practices work best with the benefit of multiple perspectives. Data
     on single data sets or data points while ignoring other metrics that    can build the capacity of community partners by creating a com-
     matter. When schools lose sight of their WHY, the direction of the      mon language to address the challenges students and school sys-
     organization changes and the path they are on closes off avenues        tems face. Universal understanding of the data cycle provides for
     for many of the most marginalized students. The result, unsurpris-      debate that prompts better decisions. Ensuring communities have
     ingly, is that the same outcomes are perpetuated.                       access to school data can support and enhance local advocacy
                                                                             efforts focused on closing achievement and opportunity gaps. In
     Avoiding this pitfall means focusing intently on new outcomes and       return, these groups help schools understand how their decisions
     discovering new ways to reach them. Increasingly, that means            impact communities.
     school districts and other organizations are forced to reexamine
     the traditional role of data in their organizations. Instead of using   Next-generation data practices recognize that information is use-
     an overview of data to justify proscribing consequences, data is        less without insight. By relying on data that doesn’t tell the whole
     used to diagnose issues, set predictive goals and prescribe an          story, incomplete narratives about teacher ineffectiveness and
     appropriate solution. Rather than obscuring the mission and vision      student inadequacy dominate our discussions. As a result, data
     of the school under the label of being data-driven, districts are       practitioners may not understand how their data practices and
     reimagining the impact they can make on their students’ lives, their    products affect the people and communities they serve or how well
     communities and the world.                                              they even reflect them. School systems can overlook the immea-

19   FA L L 20 21                                                                                MICHIG AN AS SOCIAT ION of SCHOOL BOARDS | L E A DE RBOA RD
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surable academic harms caused by the tendency of ineffec-
tive data practices to reinforce stereotypes, deepen academic
divides and obscure the genius of BIPOC students and children
of trauma.                                                                                                                                        CAPITAL
The greatest hope we can have for the future is that all students
are empowered by the education they receive. We can begin by
leading with empathy, but it’s not enough to stop there. In the
words of Jonathan Raymond, “Equity is empathy in action,” so         The Huntington National Bank is an EO/AAE/Minority/Female/Disability/Veteran/
we must strive to ensure every child has equitable access, equi-     Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity employer.
table voice and equitable outcomes, using data to guide us.
                                                                     ⬢®, Huntington®, ⬢Huntington® and Huntington Capital Markets® are
                                                                     federally registered service marks of Huntington Bancshares Incorporated.
Given the tremendous power of data to shape conversations            ©2021 Huntington Bancshares Incorporated. All rights reserved. Huntington
around policies, programs and resource allocations, it should        Capital Makrets® is a federally registered service mark and a trade name
be wielded by people with vision who understand that missions        under which the investment banking products and services of Huntington
drive organizations and people drive change.                         Bancshares Incorporated and its subsidairies, Huntington Securities, Inc. and
                                                                     The Huntington National Bank, are marketed. Securities prodcuts and services
                                                                     are offered by licensed securities representatives of Huntington Securities,
                                                                     Inc., registered broker-dealer, member FINRA and SIPC. Banking products and
                                                                     services are offered by The Huntington National Bank, Member FDIC.
                  Kenda Lawson, M.Ed.
                                                                     Investment products are: NOT A DEPOSIT • NOT FDIC INSURED •
                                                                     NOT GUARANTEED BY THE BANK • NOT INSURED BY ANY FEDERAL
                  Kenda is OWLS, LLC's CEO and Head of Innovation    GOVERNMENT AGENCY • MAY LOSE VALUE
                  in Teaching & Learning, and can be reached at
         She will be a General   HSI and HNB do not provide accounting, legal, or tax advice; you should
                  Session speaker at MASB’s Annual Leadership        consult with your accounting, legal, or tax advisor(s) on such matters.
                  Conference on Nov. 13, 2021.

MICHIG AN AS SOCIAT ION of SCHOOL BOARDS | L E A DE RBOA RD                                                                        FA L L 20 21      20
By Shelley Davis Boyd, M.B.A.

     We have more ways to communicate today than ever—email, text
     messages, social media, letters, face-to-face, telephone, messenger
     apps. . .the list can go on and on. There are many advantages to
     being able to reach people across these various channels at any
     time, especially in a day and age when things can change rapidly.
     And ensuring your messages are thoughtful and welcoming is
     an excellent opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to
     diversity and inclusion.

     No matter where you live, work or serve, you have a diverse
     population. One of the misconceptions of diversity is that
     it’s black and white—literally. Race is an example of
     internal diversity, meaning it’s something people are
     born into and cannot change. Some other examples
     of internal diversity include age, ethnicity, gender
     identity, and mental and physical ability.

21   FA L L 20 21                                                          MICHIG AN AS SOCIAT ION of SCHOOL BOARDS | L E A DE RBOA RD
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