RECREATION GUIDE 2021 - (262) 250-4710 - Village of Germantown

Page created by Martin Strickland
RECREATION GUIDE 2021 - (262) 250-4710 - Village of Germantown

RECREATION GUIDE • (262) 250-4710
                            DON’T WAIT, REGISTER TODAY!
RECREATION GUIDE 2021 - (262) 250-4710 - Village of Germantown
                                                                              A MESSAGE TO OUR FRIENDS:
                                                                        Welcome to our 2021 Winter/Spring Recreation Guide! We invite
                                                                        you and your family to join in the fun by registering for one or
                                                                        more of the recreational opportunities available for all ages.

                                                                        Thank you for your patience and support during the COVID-19
                                                                        health emergency. Please be advised that information in this
LOCATION:                    Germantown Village Hall                    brochure is subject to change based on the guidance of the
                             N112 W17001 Mequon Rd.
                                                                        CDC, Ozaukee/Washington County Health Department, and the
OFFICE HOURS:                8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday    Germantown School District Policies. With that in mind this
                             (Office is closed Dec. 24, 25, 31,         guide is only available on-line so we can provide updates as
                             Jan. 1, Apr. 19, & May 27)                 needed. A variety of protocols and procedures have been put
                                                                        into place to help stop the spread of COVID-19, please see
TELEPHONE:                   (262) 250-4710                             page 4 for this information. If you have any questions, please
RECORDED                     (262) 250-4711                             do not hesitate to contact our office.
INFORMATION LINE:            Call the Information Line FIRST for
                             cancellation notices and updates.          We hope that you join us for a fall/winter filled with fun for the
                                                                        whole family. Parks & Recreation is Your Best Investment!
FAX NUMBERS:                 (262) 255-2920 or (262) 253-8255
                                                                           We Create Community Through People,
WEB SITE:                                   Parks, and Programs!

                                                                       The mission of the Germantown Park & Recreation Department is to
                                                                       enhance the quality of life for all residents of the community through
OFFICE STAFF                                                           the development and maintenance of park lands and facilities as
DIRECTOR:                    Mark Schroeder                            well as providing a variety of quality recreational programs and
                                                                       special events.
                             Katie Rodger                              REMINDER
                                                                       The Park & Recreation Department has a limited amount of program
SECRETARIES:                 Shannon Lemke
                             Briana McNeal                             brochures available for public distribution. Please remember to
                                                                       hang on to your book, you may want to look at it again. Thank You.
                                                                       TYPO, HUMAN ERROR, WE GOOFED...!?
PROGRAM COORDINATOR:         Jamie Kargus                              Occasionally there may be an error in days, times, registration
                                                                       requirements or fees in the brochure. When such errors occur, our
COMMISSION MEMBERS                                                     staff will do everything possible to correct the situation promptly.
                                                                       We thank you for your patience and understanding when these
CHAIR:                       Scott Coulthurst
                                                                       situations arise.
                                                                       SAY CHEESE!
SCHOOL BOARD REPRESENTATIVE: Ray Borden                                For program promotion purposes, photographs
                                                                       may be taken of participants from time to time.
MEMBERS:                     Brian Depies                              If you do not wish to have your photo taken,
                             Wendy Knop
                             Kim Leukert                               please notify the photographer and/or class instructor. Photos may
                             Steve Stapelman                           be used in publications, social media and/or the web site.

                                                                              VISIT & REGISTER ONLINE AT OUR WEB SITE:

2   Germantown Park & Recreation Department                                      | (262) 250-4710
RECREATION GUIDE 2021 - (262) 250-4710 - Village of Germantown

New Class, Give it a Try! | (262) 250-4710   3
RECREATION GUIDE 2021 - (262) 250-4710 - Village of Germantown
Oodles of Art, Miss Julie’s Music, Preschool Play Group,
Preschool Story Stretchers.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 7
Tot Open Gym, Highway Garage Field Trip, Parent & Tot Workshops.. . . . . . . . . . 8
                                                                                                                           COVID-19 PROCEDURES
Gymnastics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9     The health and safety of our staff, participants, and spectators
Pom Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10        in our priority. The Germantown Park and Recreation Department
Intro to Irish Dance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11        has put in the following preventative measures in place.
Before & After School Kids Klub. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Legos, Mad Science, STREAM Sampler Days. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 - 21
Basic First Aid for Kids, Firefighters are your friends,                                                                              STAY AT HOME IF YOU ARE SICK
Stay Home Alone, Verbal Defense Against Bullies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27                                         Staff are required to stay home when sick. If
Intro to Tae Kwon Do, Martial Arts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
                                                                                                                                      they become ill during work hours, they will be
FAMILY FUN                                                                                                                            immediately sent home. They will be conducting
Glow Walk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3                     a daily self-screening at home and are required
Easter Egg Hunt, Easter Bunny Lunch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5                  to self-monitor their symptoms. Participants and spectators
Tree Climbing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15     may not attend a Recreation Program if they have had any
Teen Volunteer Opportunities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19              of the following COVID-19 symptoms 24 hours prior to the
Do You Gnome Your Parks?, Spring Bike Challenge, Family Scavenger Hunt. . . 24                                        participating/spectating: cough, chills, muscle pain, shortness
Snowman Building Contest, Paws and Pose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
                                                                                                                      of breath/difficult breathing, sore throat, loss of taste or smell,
SPORTS                                                                                                                or temperature of 100.4 degrees or above. Parents/guardians
Parent/Child Basketball, Hoopsters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                11   will be asked to take their child’s temperature before attending
Sporties for Shorties, Night T-Ball League . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                 12   if warranted.
MiKro Soccer, Spring Pee Wee & U6 Soccer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                      13
Golf Lessons, Junior Golf Academy, Golf Skill Sessions, Mini-Golf League . . . .                                 14
Esports League, Archery, Horseback Riding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                   15                   AVOID CLOSE CONTACT
Youth Track & Field, Track & Field Invitational, Ice Skating, Hockey . . . . . . . . .                           16
                                                                                                                                     Class sizes or groups will be reduced to minimize
Indoor Tennis, Softball Hitting & Pitching Clinics,
Fistball Clinic, After School Volleyball. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .            17                  exposure and spread of viruses. All individuals
Open Gyms, Adult Sports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           30                  should avoid congregating in common spaces
                                                                                                                                     or parking lots before, during, or after recreation
TO A BETTER YOU! (ENRICHMENT)                                                                                         programs. Contactless drop-off and pick-up will be utilized when
Teen Volunteer Opportunities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19              possible for youth programs. Parents are asked to limit the
Painting Classes, Henna Workshop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-23                     number of spectators that come to watch programs that are
Kid Cuisine, Beginning Guitar, Learn Magic, Ukulele Madness. . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
                                                                                                                      outside, and we ask that they please adhere to social distancing
Babysitter’s Training, Verbal Defense Against Bullies, Safety Awareness. . . 27-28
Health & Wellness Events, Essential Oils, Put your Retirement to Work,                                                by staying 6 feet apart from other families. There will be no
Tax-Free Investing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32       physical contact after the games such as high fives and fist
Sewing & Cake Decorating Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33                   bumping.
Digital Photography Classes, Cutting the Cord. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Selling your Home, Purchasing a Home or Condo,Adult Band Opportunity. . . . 35
Community Garden, Container Gardening, Succulent classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36                                                 FACE COVERINGS/MASKS
                                                                                                                                      Please follow the mask mandate for Wisconsin.
Intro To Irish Dance, Adult Salsa Dance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                11                   The Park & Rec. Dept. will not be providing masks
Fistball Clinic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   17                   so please bring your own.
Barre Fitness, Beginner Pilates, Virtual Zumba, Pound Rockout Workout. . . . . .                                 29
Yoga, P.U.L.S.E., Martial Arts Fitness, Rise & Shine Bootcamp. . . . . . . . . . . . .                           31
                                                                                                                                      CLEAN AND DISINFECT
TRIPS & TOURS                                                                                                                         Cleaning and sanitation practices will be
Fireside Theater Trips, Lake Front Fireworks, Dells Adventure,
                                                                                                                                      increased based on CDC and health department
Gangsters on a Boat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 - 38
                                                                                                                                      guidelines. Shared equipment will be wiped down
SENIOR ACTIVITIES                                                                                                                     after use. Hand sanitizer will be made available.
Senior Trips. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 - 38       We will do our best to provide children with their own supplies to
Senior Activities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 - 40        use during class (crayons/markers, etc.) or request that parents
Senior Enrichment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41         bring minimal items for classes.
Contact / General Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Parks Directory, Community Events,                                                                                                    WASH/SANITIZE HANDS
Community Athletic Programs, Library,                                                                                                 Participants should wash their hands before and
Historical Society, Department Policies, General Info. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 - 48                                          after class. We will encourage hand washing
                                                                                                                                      during classes as well. When deemed necessary,
How to Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49                       participants and instructors will be using hand
General Registration Form. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50             sanitizer as they enter their classes and move between different
Facilities Map. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51      pieces of equipment.

4      Germantown Park & Recreation Department                                                                                | (262) 250-4710
RECREATION GUIDE 2021 - (262) 250-4710 - Village of Germantown
Germantown Recreation                                                       Intergenerational
Department’s 27th Annual Easter                                             Easter Bunny
Egg Hunt                                                                    Lunch
(Open to Germantown School District Children Ages 1 - 7)                    Sponsored by the Germantown
Hop on over to Firemen’s Park                                               Senior Citizen’s Club
for the 27th Annual Eggciting                                               A hot dog or chicken nugget lunch
Easter Egg Hunt. This event                                                 will be served with an appearance
allows youngsters who are in the                                            by the Easter Bunny.         Easter
Germantown School District, ages                                            cupcake decorating will be assisted
1 - 7 to search for candy, eggs                                             by Germantown Seniors. Children
and other surprises. The event is                                           must be accompanied by an adult.
FREE to all participants.
                                                                            Please indicate your lunch
What to Bring: Easter basket or                                             preference when making your
bucket to collect eggs and candy.                                           reservations.
In case of inclement weather, call our hotline at (262) 250-4711.
Teen volunteers needed, SEE PAGE 24.                                        See    below    for  reservation
                                                                            procedures. For more information
Children are divided into the following categories: Ages 1-3, Ages 4        contact the Senior Center at
& 5, Ages 6 & 7                                                             (262) 253-7799.

   Saturday, Mar. 27        11:00 a.m. SHARP                                   Saturday, Mar. 27       11:00 a.m. (following the Egg Hunt)
   (the hunt will start promptly at 11:00 a.m.)
                                                                               Germantown Senior Center, W162 N11960 Park Avenue
   Firemen’s Park - When you enter the park look for signs designating
                                                                               Reservations can be booked and paid for at the Senior Center,
   your age group area.
                                                                               Mondays - Fridays from 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. from Mar. 4 to Mar. 18
   FREE - NO REGISTRATION REQUIRED - JUST SHOW UP!                             or by calling the Senior Center. Reservations MUST be purchased IN
   Watch for any updates on our facebook page closer to the event date.        ADVANCE!

                                                   Thank You!
                                                                               Fee: $4.00/person (2 & Under Free)

                     To last year’s area service clubs and businesses who donated their time, money, candy and prizes:
                                                               Girl Scout Junior Troop 6321
                                                               Great Lakes Packaging
                                                               Jill North
                                                               JK Lee
                                                               Julie & Robert Matheus
      SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR OVERALL                            Keller Planners
      SPONSOR WINDOW WORLD                                     Kennedy Middle School (Martin Luther King Jr. Day projects)
                                                               Kreb Family
      Alice Ellenbecker                                        Laura Backes
      American Paper & Packaging                               Moms Club of Germantown East
      Amy Belle School Staff/K-Kids                            Nancy Malkowski
      Bank Five Nine                                           Pick-N-Save
      Big Brothers Big Sisters of Washington County            Precinct Tap & Table/Barley Pop
      Buzdum’s Pub                                             Premier Flooring
      CGI                                                      Satosloh
      Chamber of Commerce                                      Shelly Holzbauer
      Chili’s of Germantown                                    State Farm Insurance - Bernadette Furlong
      Debra Blodgett                                           Swing Time
      Dental Professionals/DP Kids                             Target
      Domino’s                                                 Vanden Heuvel & Dineen
      Freistadt 4-H Friends                                    Vulcan Industries
      GHS Key Club                                             Walmart
      GHS National Honor Society                               Washington County Fair
      GHS Student Government                                   Wendy Knop
      Girl Scout Brownie Troop 11048                           Window World

       New Class, Give it a Try!                                                 | (262) 250-4710             5
RECREATION GUIDE 2021 - (262) 250-4710 - Village of Germantown
Preschool Play Groups                                                  Oodles of Art
Youth (Ages 3-5)                                                       Parents or Caregivers & Children Ages 1½ - 4½
                                                                       Instructor: Gabrielle Huebner
Come join our play group
program which is held in                                               A perfectly designed,
partnership       with     the                                         age appropriate and
Germantown School District’s                                           hands-on art class
Early Childhood program.                                               for    toddlers     and
Class is designed to                                                   preschoolers. Through
concentrate on social skills                                           sculpting,     drawing,
while having fun. Children will                                        painting, tactile time,
work on a variety of themes                                            and movement activities, your young child’s imagination will soar!
each session. Activities                                               New theme each week. All supplies and snacks provided. Please
include art projects, science                                          bring a smock for your child. Parent or caregiver participation
experiments, music and                                                 required, other arrangements should be made for siblings.
movement, daily calendar
time, holiday themes, story                                                Thursday Mornings / 4 weeks
time and more! Potty trained                                               Winter:   Jan. 28 - Feb. 18       9:30 - 10:30 a.m.   384202-01
                                                                           Spring 1: Mar. 11 - Apr. 1        9:30 - 10:30 a.m.   384202-02
                                                                           Spring 2: Apr. 15 - May 6         9:30 - 10:30 a.m.   384202-03
What to bring: A regular sized school backpack, pencil box with            Wednesday Evenings / 4 weeks
crayons, markers, and glue stick. If enrolled in both Play Group-          Winter:   Jan. 27 - Feb. 17  5:15 - 6:15 p.m.         384202-04
Age 3 and Story Stretchers, children may stay in between classes.          Spring 1: Mar. 10 - Mar. 31  5:15 - 6:15 p.m.         384202-05
Children under age 5 are not required to wear a mask (optional).           Spring 2: Apr. 14 - May 5    5:15 - 6:15 p.m.         384202-06
                                                                           Department of Public Works Building
                                                                           (Lower Level, enter by gas pumps)
AGES 4-5:                                                                  N122 W17177 Fond du Lac Ave.
    Tuesdays & Thursdays / 8 weeks
                                                                           $35/Res., $40/Non-res. & School Dist. Res. (per option)
    Winter:      Jan. 19 - Mar. 18      9:30 - 11:00 a.m. 314607-01
                                                                           Min. 3, Max. 6
                 (off Feb. 16, Mar. 11)
    Spring:      April 6-May 27        9:30 - 11:00 a.m. 414607-01             Please be registered one week before program date
                 (off Oct. 22)
    Rockfield School
    $70/Res. & School Dist. Res., $75/Non-res.
                                                                       Preschool Story Stretchers
                                                                       Youth (Ages 3 - 5)
    Max. 7 (per session)                                               Instructor: Aimee Powers & EC Staff
              Winter: Please be registered by Friday, Jan. 15          In this “all by myself class,” your child
              Spring: Please be registered by Friday, Apr. 2           will demonstrate a love for reading
                                                                       at an early age! This class will take
AGE 3:                                                                 stories and expand on them. We
    Wednesdays & Fridays / 8 weeks                                     will stretch each story out with fun
    Winter:      Jan. 27 - Mar. 24     9:15 - 10:15 a.m.   314607-02   activities like art projects, puppets,
                 (off Mar. 12)                                         songs, cooking, and more. Join us
                                                                       and experience the magic of a good
    Spring:      April 7-May 28        9:15 - 10:15 a.m.   414607-02
                 (no class April 30)                                   book.

    Rockfield School                                                       Wednesdays / 8 weeks
    $45/Res. & School Dist. Res., $50/Non-res.                             Session 1: Jan. 27 - Mar. 17      10:30 - 11:30 a.m. 314608-01
                                                                           Session 2: Apr. 7 - May 26        10:30 - 11:30 a.m. 314608-02
    Min. 3, Max. 6 (per session)
                                                                           Rockfield School
              Winter: Please be registered by Friday, Jan. 15
                                                                           $42/Res. & School Dist. Res., $47/Non-res.
              Spring: Please be registered by Friday, Apr. 2
                                                                           Min. 4, Max. 8 (per session)
                                                                               Please be registered one week before program date

6   Germantown Park & Recreation Department                                        | (262) 250-4710
RECREATION GUIDE 2021 - (262) 250-4710 - Village of Germantown
                                                                           Miss Julie’s
                                                                           Music Fun For Families
                                                                           Parents or caregivers & children ages 1-5
                                                                           Siblings under one may attend free
                                                                           Instructor: Julie Thompson is a performer, recording artist, and author.
                                                                           Let’s share music, movement, finger plays, stories, rhythm and
                                                                           rhymes. Offered on Saturday to allow for a larger family unit to
                                                                           participate. Community building and social skills for children
                                                                           can be demonstrated through participating in music, Mothers,
                                                                           Grandmothers, Fathers, Nannies, Aunts - bring your wee ones and
                                                                           we’ll have a blast!

                                                                               Jan. 16     10:15 - 11:00 a.m.		                         384211-06
Miss Julie’s Music Fun                                                         Apr. 3      10:15 - 11:00 a.m.		                         384211-07
Parents or caregivers & children ages 1-5                                      May 1       10:15 - 11:00 a.m.		                         384211-08
Siblings 4 and older may attend for free.                                      Also see Saturday Valentine’s Party, Feb. 13.
Instructor: Julie Thompson is a performer, recording artist, and author.       Fire Station #1, W162 N11862 Park Ave.
We explore music, movement, finger plays, stories, rhythm. Yes,                $10/Res., $13/Non-res. & School Dist. Res. (per option)
little ones can learn more about language through participating in             Min. 3, Max. 7
music, and learning to keep the beat will enhance enjoyment and
                                                                                   Please be registered one week before program date.
understanding of music. Mothers, Grandmothers, Fathers, Nannies,
Aunts - bring your wee ones and we’ll have a blast!

    Tuesdays / 4 weeks
    Winter 1: Jan. 12 - Feb. 2        10:00 - 10:45 a.m.    384211-01
    Winter 2: Feb. 9 - Mar. 2         10:00 - 10:45 a.m.    384211-02
    Spring 1: Apr. 6 - Apr. 27        10:00 - 10:45 a.m.    384211-03
    Spring 2: May 4 - May 25          10:00 - 10:45 a.m.    384211-04
    Fire Station #1, W162 N11862 Park Ave.
    $39.50/Res., $49.50/Non-res. & School Dist. Res. (per option)
    Min. 3, Max. 7
        Please be registered one week before program date.

Miss Julie’s Music Parties
(Parents or caregivers & children tots ages 1-5)

This hour-long fun music party will feature songs to learn and
celebrate Christmas, winter, and solstice. Class includes take home
instrument or craft.
    Thursday, Dec. 17        1:30 - 2:30 p.m.               284211-05

This fun music party will feature songs to learn and celebrate
Valentine’s Day with your little sweetheart. Class includes take
home instrument or craft.
    Saturday, Feb. 13        10:15 - 11:15 a.m.             384211-05

    Fire Station #1, W162 N11862 Park Ave.
    $12/Res., $15/Non-res. & School Dist. Res. (per date)
    Min. 3, Max. 7
        Please be registered one week before program date

        New Class, Give it a Try!                                                 | (262) 250-4710                  7
RECREATION GUIDE 2021 - (262) 250-4710 - Village of Germantown
Tot Open Gym
Parents or caregivers & children ages 1-5
Make new friends and enjoy playing in an open space in this drop-in
program. The unstructured, non-instructional setting in this open
gym time gives kids a chance to run, jump, roll, dance, socialize,
bounce balls or do whatever kids do to burn energy and beat
boredom. Room will be structured so activities will be spaced apart
to encourage social distancing.

    Wednesday, Jan. 13        9:30 - 11:00 a.m.           384603-01
    Wednesday, Feb. 17        9:30 - 11:00 a.m.           384603-02
    Wednesday, Mar. 3         9:30 - 11:00 a.m.           384603-03
    Fire Station #1, W162 N11862 Park Ave.
    $5/Res., $7/School Dist. Res., Non-Res.
    Min. 3. Max. 12
        Please be registered one week before program date.
                                                                          Parent Tot Workshops
                                                                          Parents & their child (ages 3-5 yrs old)
                                                                          Grown Ups bring your child(ren) for some fun especially designed
                                                                          for you and your child(ren). Parent or caregiver participation
                                                                          required. Other arrangements should be made for siblings. TEEN
                                                                          VOLUNTEERS NEEDED SEE PAGE 20.

                                                                          Bring your favorite dinosaur to have fun in this kids workshop. We
                                                                          will have fun digging up some dinosaurs in the sand, discover dino
                                                                          fossils, playing some “dinosaur” games and more. Children will get
                                                                          a safari hat and make some dino feet to take home and keep.
                                                                               Friday, Feb. 5       6:00 - 7:15 p.m.            314601-01

                                                                          FAIRY FUN
                                                                          Join us for an enchanted time. We will play games, make your own
Field Trip to the Highway Garage                                          fairy wand, do fun projects and more! Each fairy will get fairy wings
                                                                          that is theirs to keep.
Children (Ages 2 - 7) with Parent or Caregiver
                                                                             Friday, Mar. 5          6:00 - 7:15 p.m.              314601-03
See all the trucks that are used in the sandbox (such as bucket
trucks, loaders, excavators and more) in their real form. Children
will get a chance to climb onto them, sit behind the wheel and
                                                                             Fire Station #1 (W162 N11862 Park Ave.)
experience their flashing lights. They can even check out the
asphalt roller that looks like the Flintstones’ car. Make sure to bring      $15/Res., $20/School Dist. Res. & Non-res. (per child, per date)
your camera! Event will run rain or shine!                                   Enrollment: Min. 3, Max. 6
    Friday, June 4            10:00 - 11:00 a.m.          186209-01              Please register one week before program start date.
    Dept. of Public Works Parking Lot
    N122 W17177 Fond du Lac Ave.
    Free - Pre-registration required!
    Min. 5, Max. 60
                 Please be registered by Friday, May 21

8    Germantown Park & Recreation Department                                         | (262) 250-4710
RECREATION GUIDE 2021 - (262) 250-4710 - Village of Germantown
Youth (Ages 3 & up)
Coordinator: Tasha Lutynski
Bend, twist and roll! This program is designed to offer a variety
of experiences for children of all levels to develop strength,
coordination, balance and self esteem. Instruction is offered in the
areas of vault, beam and floor exercise. Teen volunteers (ages 12
& 13) needed, SEE PAGE 24.

What to Wear: Leotards, or T-shirt with shorts. Please no clothing with
zippers, belt buckles or jewelry. Long hair must be tied back. Please
follow any COVID-19 precautions found on page 4.

Parent-guided gymnastics gets your little ones moving! Develop
listening skills, strength and balance. Parent (or adult) MUST
accompany student. Other arrangements should be made for

Tots are encouraged to learn beginning tumbling skills on the
various gymnastics equipment geared for this age. They will also
develop self confidence along with listening skills, coordination,
strength and balance. NOTE: Parents are required to stay and
watch. (*) Must be age 3 by start of class.

Students will develop listening and coordination skills along with
basic work on all apparatus. (*) Must be age 4 by start of class.           Spring Session
                                                                            Thursdays / 5 weeks
DYNAMIC TWIST (GRADES 1 - 3)                                                Spring I: Mar. 18 - Apr. 22 (no class Apr. 1)
Students will learn a variety of new skills, with more emphasis on          Spring II: May 6 - June 3
strength and flexibility.                                                   		                                     Spring I      Spring II
KIPPERS (GRADES 4 & UP)                                                     Parent Tot        5:15 - 5:45 p.m.     312101-03     412101-08
Students will advance to new skills based on ability levels. They           Totnastics        5:45 - 6:15 p.m.     312101-04     412101-01
will also learn to pair together movements and skills on all the                              6:30 - 7:00 p.m.     312101-05     412101-02
                                                                            $23/Res. & School Dist. Res., $34/Non - resident (per session)

                                                                            Kindergym         5:15 - 6:00 p.m.     312101-06     412101-03
                                                                                              6:15 - 7:00 p.m.     312101-07     412101-04
                                                                            Dynamic Twist     5:15 - 6:00 p.m.     312101-08     412101-05
                                                                                              6:15 - 7:00 p.m.     312101-09     412101-06
                                                                            Kippers           5:15 - 6:00 p.m.     312101-10     412101-07
                                                                            $32/Res. & School Dist. Res., $43/Non-resident (per session)
                                                                            Kennedy Middle School Cafeteria
                                                                            Enrollments vary by class - Register early
                                                                                 SPRING 1: Please be registered by Monday, Mar. 1
                                                                                 SPRING 2: Please be registered by Monday, Apr. 26

                                                                                       HELP WANTED
                                                                            GYMNASTICS INSTRUCTORS/VOLUNTEERS
                                                                          If you enjoy tumbling and working with young children, this might
                                                                            be the job for you. Instructors minimum age is 14, volunteers
                                                                                          minimum age is 12, SEE PAGE 24.

                                                                                            Applications now being accepted!

        New Class, Give it a Try!                                               | (262) 250-4710           9
RECREATION GUIDE 2021 - (262) 250-4710 - Village of Germantown
                                                                         Mini Poms
                                                                         Kindergartners (K5) Girls
                                                                         Instructors: Nealy Fraser & Lindsay Lauters, Germantown Rec Poms Staff
                                                                         Step in Time! Introduction to movement and basic skills will
                                                                         be taught. Students will discover how to develop rhythm and

                                                                         What to Bring: Poms, tennis shoes and smiles.          Poms available
                                                                         through instructor at $10.00/set.

                                                                            Mondays / 9 weeks
                                                                            Jan. 4 - *Mar. 9       5:30 - 6:00 p.m.               312401-01
                                                                            (No class Feb. 15)
                                                                            *Program will end on Tuesday, Mar. 9
                                                                            Kennedy Middle School Cafeteria
                                                                            $26/Res. & School Dist. Res., $30/Non-res.
Pixie Dust/Pixies/                                                          Min. 10, Max. 25
Spark/Power Poms                                                            *Must be in K5 for 2020-2021 school year.
Instructors: Nealy Fraser & Lindsay Lauters, Germantown Rec Poms Staff                  Please be registered by Monday, Dec. 7
To qualify to be in Dust/Pixie/Spark Poms participants must have
been in one year of our regular Poms program, be recommended
by the instructor, have the physical ability and skill completion,
have the ability to follow directions, and must have had consistent
attendance in the regular Poms program. The program maximum
is 20 students. Openings are based on the availability of current
students. Letters of invitation are extended at the end of fall and
spring sessions. To qualify for Power Poms, participants must have
been in the Dust/Pixie/Spark Poms program, must be entering 6th
grade on up and must also try out for the team.

   Dust/Pixies: Tuesdays
   Jan. 5 - Mar. 9 (off Feb. 16)     6:30 - 7:45 p.m.    312403-03
   Kennedy Middle School Blue Gym
   $50/Res. & School Dist. Res., $68/Non-res.
   Spark: Tuesdays
   Jan. 5 - Mar. 9 (off Feb. 16)     6:30 - 7:45 p.m.    312403-05
                                                                         Pom Pons
                                                                         Youth (Grades 1 - 6)
   Kennedy Middle School Blue Gym
                                                                         Instructors: Nealy Fraser & Lindsay Lauters, Germantown Rec Poms Staff
   $55/Res. & School Dist. Res., $73/Non-res.
                                                                         A great opportunity for the young Pom Pon enthusiast to learn basic
   Power Poms: Mondays                                                   skills including kicks, floor patterns, arm positions, rhythm routines,
   Jan. 4 - Mar. 9* (off Feb. 15)   7:00 - 8:00 p.m.     312403-04       turns and marking, all choreographed to the latest music. Several
   *Program will end on Tues, Mar. 9                                     routines will be presented during the 9 week sessions. Students will
   Kennedy Middle School Cafeteria                                       participate in “Poms in G-Town.”
   $55/Res. & School Dist. Res., $73/Non-res.
                                                                         What to Bring: *Poms, tennis shoes and smiles. *Poms available
               Please be registered by Monday, Dec. 7                    through instructor at $10.00/set.

                                                                            Mondays / 9 weeks
                                                                            Jan. 4 - *Mar. 9
                                                                            (No class Feb. 15)
                                                                            *Program will end on Tuesday, Mar. 9
                                                                            Grades 1 - 2:          6:00 - 6:55 p.m.               312403-01
                                                                            Grades 3 - 6:          7:00 - 7:55 p.m.               312403-02
                                                                            Kennedy Middle School Cafeteria
                                                                            $45/Res. & School Dist. Res., $63/Non-res.
                                                                            Enrollments vary by class - register early!
                                                                                        Please be registered by Monday, Dec. 7

10     Germantown Park & Recreation Department                                      | (262) 250-4710
Intro to Irish Dance
Youth (Ages 5 & up)
Instructor: Chelsea Holloway & assistant instructors
Join Bellator Academy of Irish dance
and start your child on his or her way
to a life-long love of Irish music and
culture featuring instruction by World
Medalist and Midwest Champion,
Chelsea Holloway. Your child will learn
fun dance moves, basic Gaelic phrases,
basic dance routines, and also play some
fun games with an Irish Dance twist! At
                                                                      Parent Child Basketball Program
the end of the session dancers will put                               Children Ages 4 - 6 with Parent or Caregiver
on mini performances for parents!                                     Instructor: Marin Siegert
                                                                      Child and parent participate together in this class. Come have
    Saturdays / 4 weeks                                               fun with your child and introduce them to the fun and fitness of
    Feb. 6 - Feb. 27         9:00 - 9:30 a.m.            312202-01    basketball. This program is designed to stimulate physical activity
    Bellator Academy of Irish Dance                                   and learn basic skills. Class includes warm ups, sport specific skill
    N112 W15800 Mequon Rd.(in the Sendik’s plaza next to Pizza Hut)   activities and simplified versions of games.
    $33/Res., $38/Non-res. & School Dist. Res. (per session)
                                                                          Mondays / 3 weeks
    Min, 3, Max 8                                                         Mar. 1 - Mar. 15         6:00 - 6:45 p.m.              381212-01
        Please be registered one week before program date                 Mar. 1 - Mar. 15         6:45 - 7:30 p.m.              381212-02
                                                                          MacArthur School Gym
                                                                          $27/Res & School Dist. Res.,
1st & 2nd Grade Buckets                                                   $37/Non-res. (Fee is for parent and child)
Youth (Grades 1 & 2)                                                      Min. 5 children, Max. 12 children
Volunteer Coaches Needed!
                                                                                     Please be registered by Monday, Feb. 22
This is an opportunity
for your young basketball
enthusiast to learn the
basics. First three weeks
consist     of    practice,
remaining weeks include
warm-ups and review
of skills/fundamentals
followed by a scrimmage
game with another 1st or 2nd grade team with a
goal of FUN!

Coaches will call players’ parents to let them
know what time to come for the first day of the
program. If you do not receive a call from a coach                    Hoopsters
by Thursday, January 7 call the Rec. Dept. for team information. No   Youth (Grade K5)
refunds will be issued after Dec. 6th.                                Instructor: Kristen Jensen

    Saturday mornings/afternoons                                      Emphasis will be on passing, dribbling, shooting and basic drills.
    8 weeks - Jan. 9 - Feb. 27                                        Class includes warm ups, sport specific skill activities and simplified
    1st Grade League 		               311205-01                       versions of games. Teen volunteers needed, SEE PAGE 24.
    2nd Grade League 		               311205-02
    1st/2nd All Girls League          311205-03                           Fridays / 8 weeks
                                                                          Option 1: Jan. 8 - Feb. 26          5:45 - 6:30 p.m.   311220-01
    MacArthur & Rockfield School Gyms                                     Option 2: Jan. 8 - Feb. 26          6:45 - 7:30 p.m.   311220-02
    Fee: $39/Res. & School Dist. Res., $53/Non. Res.                      Rockfield School Gym
               Register ASAP! Openings may still exist!                   $33/Res. & School Dist. Res., $38/Non-res
                                                                          Min. 10, Max. 24
                                                                                      Please be registered by Monday, Dec. 7

        New Class, Give it a Try!                                         | (262) 250-4710            11

Sporties for
Coordinator: Danny Literski

Parents get to join in the fun
too! Each week we will work
on a different sport. Class
will include sport specific
skills and fun games. Please
register child - one adult is
included in fee.

    Winter: Saturdays / 6 weeks
    Jan. 16 - Feb. 20       9:45 - 10:30 a.m.             311813-02
    $35/Res & School Dist. Res., $40/Non-res
    County Line School Gym (use west entrance, by gym door #6)
    Parking lot off of Colonial Dr.

    Spring: Tuesdays / 3 weeks
    Apr. 20 - May 11        5:00 - 5:45 p.m.              411813-02
    $24/Res & School Dist. Res., $29/Non-res
    Firemen’s Park (field between Senior Center and Fire Station #1)
    Min. 8, Max. 15

This great program will give your child a chance to play all their
favorite games. Basic skill development, group cooperation,
introduction to new sports and having a great time will be
emphasized. A new game or sport will be introduced each week.

    Winter: Saturdays / 6 weeks
    Jan. 16 - Feb. 20       11:00 - 11:45 a.m.            311813-01
    $35/Res & School Dist. Res., $40/Non-res
    County Line School Gym (use west entrance, by gym door #6)
    Parking lot off of Colonial Dr.

    Spring: Tuesdays / 3 weeks
    Apr. 20 - May 11        6:00 - 6:45 p.m.              411813-01
    $24/Res & School Dist. Res., $29/Non-res
    Firemen’s Park (field between Senior Center and Fire Station #1)
    Min. 10, Max. 20
           Spring: Please be registered by Friday, Jan. 8
          Winter: Please be registered by Tuesday, Apr. 13

12      Germantown Park & Recreation Department               | (262) 250-4710
MiKro Soccer
Youth (*Ages 3 - 6)
Cooperative Program between Milwaukee Kickers             Spring Pee Wee & U-6 Soccer
and Germantown Rec. Dept.                                 Youth (*Ages 4, 5 & 6)
                                                          Volunteer Coaches & Team Sponsors
Mikro is a fun introduction to the game of
soccer for 3-6 year olds. Classes meet
once per week for six weeks and are                       Each week will consist of a review
lead by trained collage-age individuals or                of skills and fundamentals followed
high school students, 17 or older, with                   by a scrimmage game against
experience in athletics or working with                   another team with a goal of FUN!
children. Soccer skills are learned through               Practice and scrimmage will last
age-appropriate challenges and game-                      approximately 1 hour and 15
based activities rather than traditional                  minutes each Saturday. Scrimmage
drills. Kids should come dressed in athletic              games will be 3 vs 3 (6 players
clothes. Shinguards and cleats are not                    from each team will be playing at
necessary for MiKro play, but can be worn if              once on 2 short fields). Children
desired. For more information, please visit               will be placed on teams and will                                             play a round robin schedule of games. Volunteer coaches will coach their child’s team.
                                                          See below for team sponsorship information. NOW ACCEPTING ONLINE REGISTRATIONS
   Wednesdays / 6 weeks
   Ages 3 - 6: Apr. 21 - June 2 4:30 - 5:30 p.m.             Pee Wee: Ages 4 & 5		             411806-01
   Ages 3 - 6: Apr. 21 - June 2 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.             Children must be age 4 at start of program.
   Haupt Strasse Park Soccer Field                           Children born between August 1, 2015 - April 24, 2017. See chart below for cut-off dates.

   FEES: $ 72 (includes instruction and soccer jersey)      U-6: Ages 5 & 6		                411806-02
         $82 (also includes a size 3 soccer ball)            Children born between August 1, 2014 - July 31, 2015. See chart below for cut-off dates.
                                                             Children born before August 1, 2014 belong in Germantown Youth Soccer (see page 44).
   * Must be age 3 by start of program.
                                                          What to Bring: Size 3 soccer ball and shin guards. The Recreation Department will provide
               Register early!                            a team jersey.
 No on-site registration will be accepted.
To register please visit Go                 Other Information: Coaches will call players’ parents to let them know what time to come
to “Youth” and click on “MiKro (Ages 3-6)”                for the first day of the program. If you do not receive a call from a coach by Thursday,
   then follow instructions on the page.                  April 22nd call the Rec. Dept. for team information. No refunds issued after April 9th.
       For questions please contact
  Daniel Carpenter at                       Saturday mornings / 7 weeks
            or (414) 358-2678.                               April 24 - June 12
                                                             (No program May 29)
                                                             Haupt Strasse Park and Firemen’s Park
                                                             $30/Res., $40/Non-res. & School Dist. Res.

     TEAM SPONSORS                                                                   Please be registered by Friday, Mar. 26

         NEEDED                                                                     2021 SPRING SOCCER CUT-OFF DATES:
     For only $125, you can sponsor
                                                          2014                     2015                    2016                     2017
    a Pee Wee or U-6 Soccer or Little                     January                  January                  January                  January
        Gridders team. Being a team                       February                 February                 February                 February
                                                          March                    March                    March                    March       PEE WEE
      sponsor offers an excellent way                     April       KICKERS      April          U-6       April                    April
         for a business to be a good                      May                      May                      May                      May
      corporate citizen and to support                    June                     June                     June                     June
                                                          July                     July                     July        PEE WEE      July
       the Germantown Youth Sports                        August                   August                   August                   August
        Programs. Team sponsorship                        September                September                September                September     NONE
                                                          October      U-6 OR      October     PEE WEE      October                  October
         includes the sponsor’s logo                                  KICKERS
                                                          November                 November                 November                 November
          printed on the T-shirts. We                     December                 December                 December                 December
      anticipate a total of 250 kids in
     the program, which estimates to                      Pee Wee’s: Ages 4 & 5 - Children must be age 4 at start of program (Children born between
    hundreds of parents, relatives and                    August 1, 2015 - April 25, 2017)
     friends watching the participants
                                                          U-6’s: Ages 5 & 6 - (Children born between August 1, 2014 - July 31, 2015)
       and recognizing our sponsors’
    business. Call (262) 250-4710 for                     *Children in 1st grade and above born before August 1, 2014 belong in the Germantown
               more information.                          Youth Soccer organization.

        New Class, Give it a Try!                                                     | (262) 250-4710                 13
                                                                                 Golf Skill Sessions
                                                                                 Adults (Ages 18+)
                                                                                 Instructor: Paul Mindel, Golf Professional TPI Certified, US Kids Swing
                                                                                 Coach, 33 years teaching experience

                                                                                 Learn the fundamentals and develop a putting stroke that will build
                                                                                 confidence and help lower your score. What to Bring: Please bring a
                                                                                 putter to class. Students must purchase golf balls at the range.

                                                                                     Tuesday, Apr. 27          8:30 - 9:30 a.m.               331302-05

Golf Lessons                                                                     CHIPPING
                                                                                 Improve your putting by getting the ball closer to hole. Learn proper
Adults & Seniors (Ages 18+)                                                      fundamentals to improve this often-overlooked skill to help lower
Instructor: Paul Mindel, Golf Professional TPI Certified, GS Level 2, 33 years   your score. What to Bring: Please bring a pitching wedge and 8 iron
teaching experience                                                              to class. Students must purchase golf balls at the range.
Come learn Golf, one of the greatest games ever played! These
                                                                                     Friday, Apr. 23           8:30 - 9:30 a.m.               331302-06
classes are intended to teach, “How to swing” and “Help you feel
comfortable when playing”. We will focus on the full swing, short
game and putting. Training aids, video analysis, and handouts will                   Swing Time, W197 N10340 Appleton Ave
be used to help speed the learning. Golf booths are heated.
                                                                                     $12/Res., $15/Non-res. & School Dist. Res. (per option)
What to Bring: Please bring along a 6, 7, 8 or 9 iron to the first class.            Min. 2, Max. 4 (per option)
Students must purchase golf balls at the range. Classes will be held
                                                                                      Please be registered one week before program begin date
at Swing Time Golf Range (Germantown) rain or shine.

    Option 1: Mondays & Wednesdays / 6 classes
    Apr. 5 - Apr. 21      8:30 - 9:30 a.m.                   331302-01           Mini-Golf League
    Option 2: Tuesdays & Thursdays / 6 classes                                   Youth, Teens & Adults (Ages 5+)
    Mar. 16 - Apr. 1       10:00 - 11:00 a.m.                331302-02           Cooperative program between Swing Time & Gtown Park & Rec
    Swing Time, W197 N10340 Appleton Ave                                         Our Mini-Golf league is a
    $65/Res., $68/Non-res. & School Dist. Res. (per option)                      terrific way to stay in touch with
                                                                                 classmates, friends, or co-workers.
    Min. 2, Max. 4
                                                                                 Have a great time outdoors, enjoy
         Please be registered one week before program date                       laughs, and participate in some
                                                                                 friendly competition as you play
                                                                                 through the course at Swing Time!
Junior Golf Lesson Academy                                                       League includes T-shirt and prizes.
Youth (Ages 7-10)                                                                Leagues are 5 weeks long and are played every Monday. If you can’t
Instructor: Paul Mindel, Golf Professional TPI Certified, US Kids Swing          make it on a particular Monday, players can come any day/time of
Coach, 33 years teaching experience                                              the week that Swing Time is open to play their weekly round.

Kids, have fun learning the great game of golf. Learn the game the
                                                                                 12 & UNDER DIVISION:
right way. Fundamentals of the full swing, the short game, putting,
and on course etiquette will be taught. Golf booths are heated.                      Mondays / 5 weeks (1 round per week)
                                                                                     April 26 - May 24			                                 441305-01
What to Bring: Bring your 7, 8, or 9 iron to the first class. Students               League play starts at 5:00 p.m.
must purchase a basket of golf balls for each class at the range.                    (or you can play at your convenience anytime between 9am-9pm)
Classes will be held at Swing Time Golf Range (Germantown) rain                      $25/Res., School Dist. Res. & Non-res. (includes T-shirt & prizes)
or shine.
                                                                                 13 & OLDER DIVISION:
    Option 1: Mondays & Wednesdays                                                   Mondays / 5 weeks (1 round per week)
    Mar. 15 - Mar. 31    6:15 - 7:15 p.m.                    331302-03               April 26 - May 24			                                 441305-02
    Option 2: Tuesdays & Thursdays / 3 weeks                                         League play starts at 5:00 p.m.
    Mar. 9 - Mar. 25       6:00 - 7:00 p.m.                  331302-04               (or you can play at your convenience anytime between 9am-9pm)
    Swing Time, W197 N10340 Appleton Ave                                             $35/Res., School Dist. Res. & Non-res. (includes T-shirt & prizes)
    $55/Res., $58/Non-res. & School Dist. Res.
    Min. 2, Max. 4                                                                   Swing Time, W197 N10340 Appleton Ave.
         Please be registered one week before program date                                      Please be registered by Monday, April 19

14      Germantown Park & Recreation Department                                                | (262) 250-4710
Esports Leagues                                                                Archery Program
                                                                               Youth, Teens, Adults (Ages 8 to adults)
Youth, Teens, Adults (Ages 8 & up)                                             Instructor: Rich Frohmader, NASP Certified BAIT Trainer, USOC Safe Sport &
Offered in partnership with GGLeagues                                          USAA level 2 archery certified
GGLeagues is an esports management platform that is focused on                 This is a great opportunity to introduce archery to the entire family.
making gaming a social experience for players. We are offering a
Beginner or Open Rocket Leagues as well as a Madden21 League                   BEGINNERS:
and FIFA21 League for PlayStation users only.                                  This program will teach the archers of any ability the techniques of
                                                                               the National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP). The 11-steps
Rocket League is a video soccer game held in a virtual stadium                 process to shooting will enable you to gain the self-confidence to
featuring rocket-powered cars playing in a challenging, fast-paced             shoot a bow safely all the while enjoying the engaging sport of
soccer contest with elements of a demolition derby. You can play               archery. Mathews Genesis bows and all required equipment will be
this on your PC, PlayStation, Xbox One, or Nintendo Switch. Gamers             provided to each attendee.
will be placed in one of two divisions (beginner or open) divisions
depending on skill level, regardless of age.                                   LEVEL 2:
                                                                               Building on the concepts and practices of the Beginning Archery class,
Once you are registered you will also need to set up an account at             this Level 2 class will focus on furthering the development of the                                                              archer. All equipment is included, or students may provide their own.
    Times:                                                                     If you are using your own equipment, it can’t exceed a draw of 40 lbs.
    Rocket Lg 3 v 3:                 10:00 - 10:45 a.m.                        Prerequisite: Beginning Archery through Germantown Rec. Dept.
    Rocket Lg 1v1, Madden21, FIFA21: 4:00 - 4:45 p.m.
                                                                                   Saturdays / 4 weeks
    Winter League Dates:                                                           Beginners: Jan. 16 - Feb. 6      8:15 - 9:15 a.m.      391817-01
    Jan. 16 - Feb. 20                     Playoffs - Feb. 20 (lasts 2-3 hrs)       Level 2:    Jan. 16 - Feb. 6     9:30 - 10:30 a.m.     391817-02
                      Registration deadline: Jan. 6                                Dept. of Public Works Building (Lower level - Enter by gas pumps)
    Spring League Dates:                                                           N122 W17177 Fond du Lac Ave.
    Apr. 10 - May 15                      Playoffs - May 15 (lasts 2-3 hrs)        $48/Res., $53/School Dist. Res. & Non-res. (per option)
                       Registration deadline: Apr. 1                               Min. 6, Max. 10
                                                 Winter:		  Spring:                            Please be registered by Monday, Jan. 8
    Rocket 3v3 League                            311824-01 311824-05
    Rocket 1-on-1 League
    PlayStation Only: Madden21 (1-on-1 Lg)
                                                 311824-02 311824-06
                                                 311824-03 311824-07           Horseback Riding
    PlayStation Only: FIFA21 (1-on-1 Lg)         311824-04 311824-08           Youth (Ages 7 - 18)
    Cost is $20/player or $60/team.                                            Instructor: Marisa Miller
                                                                               Get ready to be absorbed into
Tree Climbing                                                                  the world of horses! Students will
                                                                               learn proper grooming, tacking, and
Youth, Teens, Adults (ages 7 & up)
                                                                               riding techniques in addition to
Instructor: Curtis Andrews, owner, lead
                                                                               gaining knowledge of general horse
facilitator, consulting arborist,
                                                                               care. Items necessary for class:
Treetop Explorer LLC
                                                                               jeans or riding breeches, ankle-
Fun, Fitness, Adventure! Peaceful and                                          high boot with low heel, preferably
invigorating, recreational tree climbing                                       rubber-soled (NO tennis shoes)
allows climbers to ascend into and                                             and riding release form signed
explore large trees safely. Gain a new                                         by a parent. Release forms are
appreciation for trees, nature, and                                            available at the office, or will be
your Parks. All gear and instruction is                                        attached to your receipt. For more
provided.                                                                      information please visit

What to Bring: wear long pants, sturdy                                             Sundays / 3 weeks
shoes, bring a water bottle, and bring a sense of adventure!                       Option 1: Apr. 11 - Apr. 25      12:00 - 12:45 p.m. 311821-01
Participants will need to sign the Treetop waiver to climb prior to                Option 2: May 2 - May 16         12:00 - 12:45 p.m. 311821-02
participation. Forms will be available at the class.                               Miller Equestrian Center (Formerly Blue Spring Farm)
                                                                                   W220 N9110 Town Line Rd., Menomonee Falls
    Wednesday, May 5          4:00 - 6:00 p.m.              391820-01
                                                                                   $120/Res. $138/Non-res. & School Dist. Res (per option)
    $39/Res., $44/Non-res. & School Dist. Res.
                                                                                   Max. 4
    Min. 6, Max. 8
                                                                                        Please be registered one week before program date
    Firemen’s Park (Meet at Shelter)
         Please be registered one week before program date

         New Class, Give it a Try!                                                 | (262) 250-4710              15
Youth Track & Field Program                                            Learn to Skate
Youth (Grades 3 - 8)                                                   Youth (*Ages 4 & up)
Coach: Jared Foerch, GHS Varsity Track Coach                           A U.S. Figure Skating Association accredited program, hosted by the
This program will focus on conditioning and technique. Competition     Kettle Moraine Figure Skating Club! Designed for beginner level skaters.
in track & field events, and inter-squad meets are planned. Fee        Skills taught include forward and backward skating, stopping, swizzles,
includes team T-shirt. PARENT VOLUNTEERS that enjoy working            and ice safety on privately contracted ice under the direction of PSA
with children are NEEDED (no experience necessary). Call the Rec.      approved coaches. Dress for the cold; coats and gloves recommended.
Dept. to volunteer. A coaches meeting will be scheduled in March.      Helmets recommended for beginners. Classes are 30 mins. of
Please indicate T-shirt size on registration form.                     instruction followed by 15 mins. of supervised practice. For additional
                                                                       information, or
   Parent Info Meeting: Tuesday, Apr. 6, 6:00 p.m. (via Zoom)
   Practices:                                                             Sundays / 6 weeks
   Apr. 12 - June 2         Mon. & Wed., 6:30 - 7:45 p.m. 411807-01       Session 1: Dec. 6 - Jan. 17 (no class Dec. 27)
   (off May 31)             Saturday, 8:00 - 9:30 a.m.                    Snowplow Sam (Ages 4-6)          5:15 - 6:00 p.m.    211602-05
   Germantown High School Track or Kennedy Middle School                  Basic 1 (Age 6 and Up)		         5:15 - 6:00 p.m.    211602-06

   $65/Res. & School Dist. Res., $85/Non-res.                             Session 2: Jan. 24 - Feb. 28
   Fee does not include transportation to meets.                          Snowplow Sam (Ages 4-6)          5:15 - 6:00 p.m.    311602-01
                                                                          Basic 1 (Age 6 and Up)		         5:15 - 6:00 p.m.    311602-02
   Enrollment: Min. 16, Max. 65
                                                                          Session 3: Mar. 7 - Apr. 18 (no class Apr. 4)
              Please be registered by Monday, Mar. 22                     Snowplow Sam (Ages 4-6)           5:15 - 6:00 p.m.   311602-03
                                                                          Basic 1 (Age 6 and Up)		          5:15 - 6:00 p.m.   311602-04
                                                                          Kettle Moraine Ice Center
                                                                          2330 South Main St., West Bend (Hwy P)
                                                                          Across from Lynch Buick GMC
                                                                          $98/Res., $103/Non-res. & School Dist. Res. (per session).
                                                                          Skate Rental Included
                                                                          One time USFSA $16 Learn to Skate Membership Fee Not Included
                                                                          Min. 4, Max. 10
                                                                          *Must be age 4 by start of program.
                                                                               Please be registered one week before program date

                                                                       Intro to Hockey 1-2-3
                                                                       Youth (Ages 4 - 7)
                                                                       U.S. figure skating Hockey curriculum is designed to teach
 Track & Field Club                                                    fundamentals of hockey skating. In four badge levels, skaters will
 20th Annual Invitational                                              learn how to maneuver faster and be more agile on the ice. Proper
                                                                       skating techniques are the primary focus of the levels. All elements
 Youth (Grades 3 - 8)                                                  are taught without a stick or puck. Skaters will learn the necessary
 *Those in our youth track and field programs                         fundamentals to be successful in game situations. Hockey Skates
   should register with your Coach                                     and Certified Hockey helmet necessary. Helmets and limited size
 Each competitor may participate in up to 2 track and 1 field          hockey skates available for use during classes. Kids interested in
 individual events plus 1 relay event. All competitors must pre-       hockey should take this class instead of Snowplow Sam.
 register. The order of events are: field events (shot put and
                                                                          Sundays / 6 weeks
 discus, grades 6-8; softball throw, grades 3-6; long jump, all
 grades, high jump, grades 6-8) that are held in parallel, 100M,          Session 1: Dec. 6 - Jan. 17      5:15 - 6:00 p.m.    211601-03
 800M, 200M, 1600M, 400M, 4x100M. Track shoes and starting                           (No class Dec. 27)
 blocks are allowed. Field event equipment will be provided.              Session 2: Jan. 24 - Feb. 28     5:15 - 6:00 p.m.    311601-01
 Medals for 1st - 3rd place.
                                                                          Session 3: Mar. 7 - Apr. 18      5:15 - 6:00 p.m.    311601-02
     Saturday, May 22 (Raindate: Sunday, May 23)           411807-02                 (No class Apr. 4)

     Germantown High School Track                                         Kettle Moraine Ice Center
     Warm-ups begin at 7:30 a.m.                                          2330 South Main St., West Bend (Hwy P) Across from Bob Fish
     Field events begin at 8:00 a.m.                                      $98/Res., $103/Non-res. & School Dist. Res. (per session)
     Track events begin at 8:30 a.m. (Rolling time schedule)              One time USFSA $16 Learn to Skate Membership Fee Not Included
     $12/Res., School Dist. Res. & Non-res.                               Min. 4, Max. 10
                Please be registered by Friday, May 14                         Please be registered one week before program date

16     Germantown Park & Recreation Department                                     | (262) 250-4710
Girls Softball
Hitting Clinic
Girls (Grades 2 - 8)
Instructors: Dru Sumwalt & GHS Girls
Softball Coaches
This clinic will focus on proper
hitting     techniques.
Each girl interested                                                     Afterschool Volleyball
in the clinic will                                                       Youth (Grades 3- 5)
receive      some                                                        Instructor: Sandra Doss, Jack Osieczanek
one-on-one hitting
                                                                         Develop basic volleyball skills such as serving, receiving, passing
instruction as well
                                                                         and hitting while having fun! Games and contests will be incorporated
as focus on hitting
                                                                         to allow participants to practice skills and strategies in game
technique       and
                                                                         situations. Program will be held directly afterschool and includes
batter’s mentality.
                                                                         snack. Kids Klub staff will check in all participants and distribute
What to Bring: Each girl                                                 snack until tennis program starts at approximately 4:00 p.m.
interested should provide her own bat, glove and helmet.
                                                                         What to bring/wear: Bring a water bottle and knee pads if you have
   Tuesdays / 3 weeks                                                    them, wear tshirt/sweatshirt, shorts/sweatpants, and gym shoes.
   Jan. 26 - Feb. 9          5:30 - 6:30 p.m.           311106-01
   Kennedy Middle School Gold Gym                                           County Line School Gym
   $28/Res. & School Dist. Res., $33/Non-res. (per option)                  Session 1: Jan. 12 - Feb. 2      3:45 - 4:45 p.m.     311706-03
   Min. 6, Max. 15                                                          Session 2: Feb. 23 - Mar. 16     3:45 - 4:45 p.m.     311706-04
     Please be registered one week before program start date                Amy Belle School
                                                                            Session 1: Jan. 13 - Feb. 3      3:45 - 4:45 p.m.     311706-05
                                                                            Session 2: Feb. 24 - Mar. 17     3:45 - 4:45 p.m.     311706-06
Fistball Clinic                                                             Rockfield School
Youth, (Ages 10-Adult)                                                      Thursdays
Instructor: USA Men’s Fistball Team Representatives                         Session 1: Jan. 14 - Feb. 4      3:45 - 4:45 p.m.     311706-07
Looking for something new? Fistball is an up and coming sport that          Session 2: Feb. 25 - Mar. 18     3:45 - 4:45 p.m.     311706-08
is most similar to volleyball. The movements are a bump, set, and           $25/Resident & School District Res., $30/Non-resident (per session)
spike, and is played indoors or out-side. This team sport is generally      Min. 6, Max. 16 (per site)
5 v 5 players. Representatives of the United States Men’s Fistball
Team are running a clinic to teach the skills of the sport. Come                 Please be registered one week before program date
learn from experienced players who competed internationally in
Europe and South America. This clinic will teach skills to learn the     Indoor Tennis Instruction
game of Fistball. Visit or for     Youth (Grades 2 - 8)
more information on this exciting sport in the USA.                      Instructor: Nathan Jobe
   Sundays, May 2, 16, 23                                                Focus will be on serves,
   Ages 10 - 17           1:00 - 2:30 p.m.              411822-01        forehands, backhands,
   Ages 17 - Adult        2:30 - 4:00 p.m.              411822-02        volleys and shot making.
   Kinderberg Park Tennis Courts                                         Tennis rules are not
   N106 W15060 Buckthorn Dr.                                             covered (but may be mentioned). Tennis volleyball, four square and
   Free - pre-registration required                                      other games will be played. Tennis balls provided; students must
                                                                         bring their own racquets.
   Min. 4, Max 25
               Please be registered by Monday, Apr. 26                      Saturdays / 9 weeks
                                                                            Jan. 16 - Mar. 13 (off Feb. 6)   9:00 - 10:00 a.m.    391407-01
                                                                            Amy Belle School Gym
                                                                            (please use door #4, entrance in back of school)
                                                                            $43/Res. & School Dist. Res., $53/Non-res.
                                                                            Min. 5, Max. 10
                                                                                         Please be registered by Friday, Jan. 8

        New Class, Give it a Try!                                           | (262) 250-4710             17
Germantown Recreation Dept.                                                        Kids Klub Job/Volunteer Opportunities
Before and After School Program                                                   The Kids Klub Before and After School Program is looking for
Germantown Kids Klub is a before and after                                        Leaders for the 2020 - 2021 School Year. Pay is from $8.25
school program which includes special                                             to $10.00 and hours are from 5:45 to 8:45 a.m. and/or 3:15
events, games, snacks and educational                                             to 6:00 p.m.. The program is held at Amy Belle, County Line,
programs. Each month will have a theme                                            MacArthur, Rockfield, and St. Boniface. Leaders lead activities,
and key words, arts & crafts plus other fun                                       crafts, snack time, help
activities will be planned. Extra field trips                                     with homework, and
will be planned for an additional fee. To                                         help with whatever else
register, fill out the monthly calendar(s),                                       is needed. We are also
which are available at the Recreation Department or register on-line              looking for volunteers.
at our web site (user name and password                          Call (262) 250-4710 for
required). REGISTRATIONS WILL BE TAKEN IMMEDIATELY FOR THIS                       additional information,
PROGRAM. TEEN VOLUNTEERS NEEDED, SEE BELOW.                                       or pick up an application
                                                                                  at the Rec. Dept. Office.
   LOCATIONS:          MacArthur School         Amy Belle School
                       Rockfield School         County Line School
                       St. Boniface School*
                       *St. Boniface School is not open for before school care.
   BEFORE SCHOOL: 6:00 a.m. - Start of School
                  $8.75 per day (A.M. Only)
                                                                                                    How Do I Register
   AFTER SCHOOL:       End of School - 6:00 p.m.
                                                                                                  for Kids Klub Online?
                       $8.75 per day (P.M. Only)                                  1. Login in to your account on the main page.
   BEFORE &                                                                       2. Click the “Kids Klub Registration” link on the front page.
   AFTER SCHOOL:       $13.00 per day (A.M. & P.M.)                               3. At the top of the screen you have “Activity Search Criteria.” In this area
                                                                                     select “TYPE” Day Care Programs, “SUBTYPE” Kids Klub AM and/or
   FULL DAY (DAYS OFF SCHOOL) OR EARLY RELEASE DAYS                                  Kids Klub PM, “LOCATION” Your School.
   Full Day: $22.50 full day, $17.50 any additional child
   Half Day: $17.50 half day, $12.50 additional child                             4. Once you have your search criteria selected click the “search” button.
                                                                                  5. Click on the days that you are interested in registering for on the calendar.
                 Register only for the days you need.                                Days will show green with “+” sign until clicked, then will turn blue with “-”
                                                                                     sign. Note: A white bar will appear at bottom of the screen showing days
SPECIAL NOTES: Monthly schedules and payments are due by the 21st                    selected.
of the preceding month (without both, your registration will not be               6. Click “add to cart”
processed). Add-on dates can be done at any point by calling the Rec.
                                                                                  7. A new screen will pop up with children that are in your household. Click on
Dept. Office.                                                                        the children that you are registering. You may click on multiple names.
Cancellations will be accepted 11 business days prior to the individual           8. Click continue.
date (not including the date you are canceling) in order to receive a             9. The payment screen will pop up at this point. Select box to “copy billing
refund less a $5.00 service charge or full credit to a future program.               information” (it will ask you billing option for AM registrations and/or PM
                                                                                     registrations for each child registering).
Cancellations can only be made by contacting the Rec. Dept. Office at
                                                                                     “Pay in full” means pay now (you will enter payment info at checkout).
250-4710. This is due to the amount of supplies and staff required
                                                                                     “Daycare Monthly Credit Card” will auto debit selected card on the 21st
to run these programs.                                                               of each month.
                                                                                     Click box to “agree to waiver” & Click Continue. If you receive an availability
FLEXIBLE CANCELLATION POLICY                                                         conflict, disregard and select continue.
Each child will receive 1 flexible cancellation per month. These days
                                                                                  10. Your shopping cart will appear. If total fees are $0.00, you’ve selected a
can be used to receive a household credit (not refund) even after                     billing option. If fees show an amount, $8.00, you’ve selected pay in full.
our typical cancellation policy. Cancellations can only be made by                    Review items in cart and click “proceed to checkout”.
contacting the Rec. Dept. Office at 250-4710 no later than 2 business             11. If paying in full, enter payment information. If you’re having trouble after
days after your desired cancellation date (not via email or through staff             submitting payment, try entering credit card expiration date WITHOUT the zero
at your site) and cannot be “banked” to be used in future months.                     in front of the single digit month.
                                                                                  12. You will receive an email receipt
LATE REGISTRATION FEE                                                                 detailing what you’ve registered
Registrations submitted after the 21st of the preceding month will be                 for. This is your confirmation
automatically charged a $10 late fee. Registrations may be submitted                  that your registration is
to the Recreation Department Office, or your respective Kids Klub                     complete! If you do not receive
Site and will be date stamped upon submittal. Late fees will not be                   a receipt, then call our office at
assessed to participants who are adding dates to a calendar that was                  (262) 250-4710 as a step was
submitted prior to the 21st of the preceding month. For all registrations             not completed and your child is
submitted after the 21st, payment of the late fee must be included with               not registered or we do not have
your registration or it will not be processed and the participant will not            your email address correct in our
be allowed to attend the program.

18      Germantown Park & Recreation Department                                                | (262) 250-4710
Teen Volunteer                                                         EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES
Opportunities                                                          “TEENS for KIDS” Instructor Training Program
                                                                       Teens (14 - 18 years old)
Teens (Ages 12 - 18)
                                                                       Need a job? Like to gain some GREAT work experience? Enjoy
Teens are being sought to assist
                                                                       working with kids? IF YES ... we have the perfect program for
in a variety of programs through
                                                                       you! Become a part of the Germantown Park & Recreation team
the Germantown Park & Recreation
                                                                       of instructors or officials through the “Teens for Kids” Program!
Department or Germantown Youth
                                                                       Training and seasonal job opportunities are provided for teens in
Futures. Teens will assist with
                                                                       the following areas:
instruction, leadership, preparation and set up of programs as well
as take down. They should be energetic and responsible. Teens          YOUTH ENRICHMENT - LEADER
must register to volunteer.
                                                                       Gymnastics Assistants: (Sept. - Nov.), (Apr. - May) & (June - July)
SPORTIES FOR SHORTIES                                                  Kids Klub Leaders (Must be at least a H.S. Junior): (Sept - June)
   Saturdays - County Line School Gym
   Jan. 16 - Feb. 20           9:30 - 11:45 a.m.        311813-03      Registration in the program is easy:
   Tuesdays - Firemen’s Park                                           1)	Complete a JOB APPLICATION which can be obtained
   Apr. 20 - May 11              5:00 - 6:45 p.m.       411813-03          from the Recreation Department or online at
Help set up/clean up and help children with projects! Max. 2           2)	Be sure to indicate desired position.
    Tuesdays - Survive Alive House                                     3) QUALIFICATIONS: Mature, responsible and enthusiastic!
    Feb. 9 - Mar. 9              5:00 - 6:30 p.m.          314305-03
                                                                           An effort will be made to employ as many program
    Feb. 9 - Mar. 9              6:15 - 7:45 p.m.          314305-04
    Feb. 9 - Mar. 9              5:00 - 7:45 p.m.          314305-05       applicants as possible. Employment will be contingent
                                                                           upon availability and completion of required training and
EASTER EGG HUNT                                                            or attendance at introductory meeting. The “Teens for
   Saturday, Mar. 27            10:00 a.m. - 11:45 p.m. 476205-02          Kids” program has been created in an effort to foster
   Germantown Sr. Center (if inclement weather, held at KMS)               greater “home grown” interest in working with community
DINOSAURS TOT WORKSHOP                                                     recreation programs.
   Friday, Feb. 5                5:45 - 7:30 p.m.       314601-02
   Survive Alive House
   Friday, Mar. 5
GYMNASTICS (Ages 12 & 13)
                                 5:45 - 7:30 p.m.       314601-04
                                                                          JOIN GERMANTOWN
   Thursdays - KMS Cafe
   Mar. 18 - Apr. 22 (off Apr. 1) 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
   May 6 - June 3                 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
                                                        412101-12         YOUTH FUTURES
                                                                                      & serve your community!
   Friday, May 8
   Kinderberg Park   PENDING     6:30 - 10:00 p.m.
                                 Rain Date: May 10

                                                                          Our Youth Activities Committee meets
HOOPSTERS                                                                 monthly to plan fun activities for youth, as
   Fridays, Jan. 8 - Feb. 26     5:30 - 7:30 p.m.       311220-03         an alternative to drugs and alcohol, and
   Rockfield School, Max. 3                                               participates in community service activities.
   Saturdays, Apr. 24 - June 12 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. 411806-05          Youth Futures hosts two Parent Chats a
   Haupt Strasse or Firemen’s Park (off May 29)                           semester on topics including mental health,
   You will be assigned a team to help during practices and games         substance use, communication, and more.
   (ages 4-6 yr. olds). A volunteer coach will contact you for when/      All are welcome!
   where the team meets each week.
                                                                           INTERESTED? CALL THE
                                                                           REC. DEPT. AT 250-4710 OR
                                                                           FIND US ON FACEBOOK!

      New Class, Give it a Try!                                         | (262) 250-4710           19
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