Strategic Business Case 2017-2022 - GD 2018/0087 - Tynwald

Page created by Cathy Bryant
Strategic Business Case 2017-2022 - GD 2018/0087 - Tynwald
GD 2018/0087

                                                         ISLE OF MAN                  ISLE OF MAN

                                                         THORNTON AND BREGAZZI 2018
                                                                                      THORNTON AND BREGAZZI 2018

                                                         ISLE OF MAN

                                                         THORNTON AND BREGAZZI 2018

    Strategic Business Case
Strategic Business Case 2017-2022 - GD 2018/0087 - Tynwald
Who we are
Our Mission:
“To provide value added postal, distribution and digital services for our customers and make
a positive contribution to the Manx economy.”

Our Vision:
“Working together to protect the core business, growing profitably and diversifying
selectively to the benefit of the Manx economy.”

Our Values:
•      Put our customers first, treating them with respect
•      Build on our trusted status
•      Conduct our business with integrity
•      Protect our customers’ information
•      Take responsibility for our actions
•      Treat each other with fairness and respect
•      Drive innovation and creativity
•      Succeed together

Key Stakeholders:
    Our Employees    Our people are our most valuable asset and are crucial to the effective delivery of our
    Our Customers    Our trusted services link people and business worldwide allowing customers to take
                     advantage of our range of physical and digital services that support resident and business
                     service needs
    Government       We provide letters and small package delivery services under the universal service obligation.
                     We complement this with commercial services that traditionally have ensured we remain a
                     self-funding Statutory Board
    Private Sector   We partner with the private sector, delivering services to customers in a commercially viable
    Strategic        We work with strategic partners (key suppliers, other small postal authorities etc) leveraging
    Partnerships     knowledge, experience and skills to innovate and protect the quality of our service,
                     competing on a fair basis
    Unions           We work with the trade unions, maintain and build collaborative relationships with them to
                     ensure their members’ views are represented
    Post Offices     Sustain viable community services in the areas of the retail network and universal services
                     obligation in a customer focussed, efficient manner

Strategic Business Case 2017-2022 - GD 2018/0087 - Tynwald
Our strategies and key objectives:
 Strategy 1          Work together
 • To develop a modern, engaged and flexible workforce, attracting, developing and rewarding talent
 • Continue to build and maintain strong stakeholder relationships
 • Live our values, promoting innovation and a commercial approach

 Strategy 2          Defend the core business
 • Sustained viable community services in the areas of the retail network and universal services obligation
 • Use technology, data and new ways of working to improve service, working conditions and service affordability
 • Continue to be customer value focused, secure and compliant

 Strategy 3          Diversify selectively and grow profitably, to return the business to
                     a sustainable profit, supporting the local economy and reinvesting
                     into the business
 • Understand customer and market needs and priorities
 • Develop current and new profitable products and services
 • Develop digital solutions and services to protect and grow our customer base

Programme for Government
Theme and policy statements alignment to which our strategy responds:

 Theme               Policy statement
 Responsible         • Demonstrate sustainable public finances with clear recognition of financial targets that
 Island                support Government priorities
                     • Make access to our services more focussed around the needs of our customers
                     • Continue to transform Government Services through the use of digital technology
                     • Deliver against our commitment to reduce carbon emissions
 Enterprise and      • Create an environment that allows businesses to thrive and flourish
                     • Maintain our reputation at the forefront of innovation and emerging technologies and
                       respond quickly to new business models
 Inclusive and       • We will work together with local authorities and other partners to deliver the right
 Caring Island         services in the right place at the right time, making sure national priorities are funded

Strategic Business Case 2017-2022 - GD 2018/0087 - Tynwald
     Strategic Business Case
1.   Executive Summary                     5    7.   Integrated Mailing Solutions
2.   Overview                              6         7.1 Overview                         20
                                                     7.2 Dimensions                       20
3.   Current Structure                     6
                                                     7.3 Reasons for change               20
4.   Corporate Division
                                                     7.4 Work together                    21
     4.1 Overview                          7
                                                     7.5 Defend the core business         21
     4.2 Dimensions                        7
                                                     7.6 Diversify selectively and grow
     4.3 Reasons for change                7                                              21
     4.4 Working together                  8
                                                8.   Stamps & Coins
     4.5 Defend the core business          9         8.1 Overview                         22
     4.6 Diversify selectively and grow              8.2 Dimensions                       22
                                                     8.3 Reasons for change               22
5.   Mails Division
                                                     8.4 Work together                    23
     5.1 Overview                          10
                                                     8.5 Defend the core business         23
     5.2 Dimensions                        10
                                                     8.6 Diversify selectively and grow
     5.3 Reasons for change                10                                             23
     5.4 Work together                     13
     5.5 Defend the core business          14
          Diversify selectively and grow
     5.6                                   15
6.   Retail Division
     6.1 Overview                          16
     6.2 Dimensions                        16
     6.3 Reasons for change                16
     6.4 Work together                     18
     6.5 Defend the core business          18
     6.6 Diversify selectively and grow

Strategic Business Case 2017-2022 - GD 2018/0087 - Tynwald
1. Executive Summary
The postal industry is                                        This strategy is required to sustain the business in the
                                                              long term as a modern, self-funding Post Office fit for
                                                              the future and minimise the risk for a subsidy from
rapidly changing - the                                        Government.

digital era is the game                                       If delivered, this strategy sees the business’s finances
                                                              turnaround from a loss to a small profit over the five

changer in the services                                       year period, retaining our position as a net contributor
                                                              to the public purse. It has been developed in line
                                                              with our mission, vision and business objectives
we provide.                                                   and contributes to a number of key themes for the
                                                              ‘Programme for Government’ and ‘SAVE’ initiatives.

Our universal service obligations of letter mail and retail   Corporatisation of the Post Office has been debated
network service transactions continue to decline as           since 2003 and the Board believe a change in the
business and retail communications and transactions           business’s corporate status is needed to future-proof
move online.                                                  the business in the long term. However, the Board feel
                                                              the debate should be postponed for the foreseeable
There is an increasing risk that Royal Mail, our main         future in order to allow the business to focus on
trading partner for mail to and from the Island, will look    delivering its strategy.
to change the pricing structure of our commercial
agreement and seek to renegotiate the fees we                 Key strategies include:
receive for non-universal service obligation (first or
second class) mail as they seek to address profitability      • A review of the Post Office Network to ensure it
challenges. This would have a significant financial impact      provides a viable and affordable service in the future
on our income and a reduction in up to a third of our           against the backdrop of falling transactions
mail volumes. Negotiations are ongoing.                         (average -7% per annum)

The current financial year 2017/18 has seen a                 • Review and modernise collection and delivery
material drop in commercial revenues as the large local         service operations to optimise resources using
corporates, mainly banks and insurance companies,               technology and modern working practices
have reduced in number on the Island. Those remaining
seek to reduce costs by moving work off-Island to             • Introducing a pricing strategy for letter mail to
larger print houses. This revenue is no longer sufficient       protect the first class service
to ensure the overall profitability of the business
without material change.                                      • Review our 6-day letter delivery service in line
                                                                with reducing customer demand (average -7%
Further diversification into new products and services,         per annum) but maintain a 6-day delivery service for
as approved by Tynwald in 2006, has not developed               parcels and other time sensitive items
with sufficient pace to replace the overall decline.
With further one-off costs in respect of pension              • Increase contracted parcel last mile deliveries
contributions and building revaluations compounding
the sales decline, IOM Post Office anticipates making a       • UK sales presence to increase our off-Island
net loss in 2017/18.                                            customer base and UK partnerships

This year the new Board and Executive Team have               • Increase the pace of introduction of our new
reviewed the business’s strategy and have agreed                services. E.g. MiCard, (Hybrid) Smart Delivery,
strategic changes to more accurately respond to our             scanning, more/new direct mail customers
current challenges.
                                                              • A review of terms and conditions, employment
                                                                practices and job evaluation

                                                              • Changes to our pension scheme to ensure it is
                                                                affordable and sustainable for the future

Strategic Business Case 2017-2022 - GD 2018/0087 - Tynwald
2. Overview
Isle of Man Post Office (IOMPO) is a self-funding             The commercial services IOMPO offers today compete
Statutory Board of Tynwald providing public postal            fairly with the commercial sector and are not cross
services. At the turn of the century, mail volumes            subsidised. This includes the delivery of parcels - a
started to decline as individuals and businesses started      competitive, price sensitive market and therefore the
to take advantage of new quicker and cheaper digital          increase in online shopping has only been a small
communications available to them.                             benefit to IOMPO, with income not replacing declining
                                                              letter mail revenue in the way that many may presume.
Mail volumes have halved in the last 10 years. At its
peak mail volumes were declining by 10% per annum             Like other postal operators in public or former public
(currently 7%). IOMPO recognised the challenges facing        ownership, we have high fixed costs and less flexible
the postal industry and commenced offering a franking         operating models than our competitors. Our services,
service (post marking of envelopes) to the high number        the prices and the Government levy have only been
of banks on the Island, this was the embryonic stage of       sustainable in recent years due to the profits from
the mailing division it has today.                            our commercial services, primarily large corporate
                                                              commercial print and postage contracts.
In 2006 Tynwald also recognised these challenges and
approved IOMPO to “pursue the diversification and             IOMPO has needed to find £1m of new income every
development of new commercial opportunities in order          year just to stand still. It has successfully achieved
to remain economically and commercially viable and            this until now but for the first time in its history, it is
thus enable it to continue to support its public service      forecasting a loss for 2017/18. Material change is
obligation i.e. the postal service.”                          needed to return the business to profitability.

3. Current Structure
We have four divisional areas that report a profit and loss for their respective products and services, together with a
‘Corporate’ division to manage activities that are common to all the divisions.

                                      PROFIT & LOSS DIVISIONS
           MAILS                         RETAIL                    INTEGRATED                        STAMPS
                                                                     MAILING                         & COINS

         LETTERS                   GOVERNMENT                      PRINTING &                        STAMPS
                                      AGENCY                       FULFILMENT
         PARCELS                                                                                      COINS
                                                                   SCANNING &
         COURIER                      MICARD                        STORAGE                      COLLECTABLES
                                 DRIVING & VEHICLE
                                     LICENSING                  DIGITAL SERVICES


                                 BANKING SERVICES

                                     POST OFFICE


                                                                                        SHARED SERVICES &
              PENSIONS                      PAY, TERMS & CONDITIONS

Strategic Business Case 2017-2022 - GD 2018/0087 - Tynwald
4. Corporate Division
4.1       Overview                                        4.3       Reasons for change
• Responsible for Executive matters, corporate            • Low unemployment on the Island is a challenge
  governance includes regulatory compliance, staff          in terms of recruitment generally. Some areas
  welfare and the provision of shared services              of the business have a very low staff turnover,
  functions                                                 i.e. postal staff. In other areas of the business we
                                                            are seeing an increase in leavers and difficulty in
• Shared services functions are internal experts in a       recruiting the right calibre of staff. This suggests
  given competency, e.g. Compliance. This includes          our grading structure and terms and conditions are
  shared accountability of results to where the work is     not appropriately aligned to the sector specific skills
  provided                                                  needed

• The Executive and the respective General                • The current collective bargaining process provides
  Managers of the product and service divisions             no opportunity to offer performance related
  ensure that the agreed results are delivered based        rewards
  on defined measures
                                                          • Employee engagement survey take up has
                                                            historically been low c23%. Take up in 2017 was
                                                            encouraging, resulting in 62% of staff completing
4.2       Dimensions                                        the survey and highlighting areas where action can
                                                            be taken
• Working from Postal Headquarters, 66 Full Time
  Equivalent staff across Executive and shared service    • The Postal industry is changing globally. IOMPO
  functions:                                                working practices and technology have not
                                                            developed in line with changing customer
   • Commercial, including Sales & Marketing
                                                            demands and volumes. To be successful IOMPO
   • Finance & Compliance                                   must engage the workforce to drive the change,
   • Projects/Business Change                               embracing technology, developing working practices
                                                            fit for a modern Post Office with sector specific
   • IT Delivery & Support                                  remuneration and working conditions
   • HR                                                   • The use of corporate resources and the allocation
   • Customer Services (excludes Licencing team             of the associated costs need to be reviewed in line
     detailed under Retail division                         with the changing divisional strategies

                                                          • Our last triennial pension valuation (March 2017)
                                                            informed the Board’s view that the current defined
                                                            benefit scheme, last changed in 2010, is no longer
                                                            affordable in its current form due to factors such as
                                                            future expected investment performance, increased
                                                            life expectancy and inflation.

Strategic Business Case 2017-2022 - GD 2018/0087 - Tynwald
Life expectancies in years in England at age 65                 UK Government Bond Yields - 10 Year
25.00                                                                                               6

                                                                Quarterly average bond yields (%)



20.00                                                                                               2
                                                      Females                                       1


                                                                                                              Source: Bank of England - Series IUQAMNPY

    • Our customers require us to be compliant and secure in an increasingly regulated environment with high
      standards to be adhered to, e.g. General Data Protection Regulation, Equality regulation, Cyber security, ISO
      accreditations, Customs Pre Authorisation project etc.
    • Declining core services and narrowing profit margins require a more commercial, cost effective approach

    4.4         Working together
    • We must continue to adapt our approach to be inclusive, acting on constructive feedback, attracting and
      rewarding employees in line with market and industry specific expectations across the business

        OBJECTIVE                  ACTION                                                               OUTCOME
        • To develop a modern      Work closely with unions, management and
                                                                                                        Feedback / dispute
          engaged and              staff engagement groups to develop stronger
          flexible workforce,      relationships for the benefit of all
          attracting, developing
                                   Introduce Employee forums to ensure the voice
          and rewarding                                                                                 Feedback/ issue resolution
                                   of staff/access to senior management
        • Continue to develop      Act on employee survey results                                       Engagement score
          and maintain             Complete business-wide job evaluation,                               Pay alignment
          strong stakeholder       evaluating and simplifying the grade structure and
          relationships            remuneration, aligning job families to industry
        • Live our values,         equivalent pay bands
          promoting innovation     Review role profiles to ensure capability to                         Ease of assessment
          and a commercial         complete roles is clearly defined                                    Increased productivity
                                   Implement a performance related pay and
                                                                                                        Retention and engagement
                                   management process
                                   Review T&C’s in line with the industry norms and
                                                                                                        T&C’s updated
                                   new legislation
                                                                                                        Policies updated
                                   Review policies in line with changing legislation
                                   Pension changes - Work with Trustees and union                       Pension scheme(s) that are
                                   to revise and protect pension schemes by reducing                    affordable and sustainable
                                   future liabilities                                                   for the future

Strategic Business Case 2017-2022 - GD 2018/0087 - Tynwald
4.5       Defend the core business
• The Post Office has established and maintained a highly compliant operation with good governance as required
  by a public entity dealing with corporate and personal customers’ data
• The Post Office must continue to invest to maintain its reputation and to protect its customer base

 OBJECTIVE                     ACTION                                                 OUTCOME
 • Use technology, data        GDPR compliant - Create and maintain
   and new ways of             an effective customer and employee data                Target date May 2018
   working to improve          management system
   service, working
                               Create and maintain an effective records
   conditions and service                                                             Ease of use / record
                               management system to aid FOI and efficient
   affordability                                                                      retention
                               document management
 • Continue to be
   customer value              Enhance Cyber security in line with industry
                                                                                      Threats mitigated
   focused, secure and         standards
   compliant                   Equality Act compliant - Implement changes to
                                                                                      Target date 2019
                               ensure the business is compliant
                               Maintain and develop compatible, fit for purpose       •   Improved functionality
                               IT systems network, infrastructure and software        •   User feedback
                               in line with business requirements, including;         •   Compatibility
                               an accounting system upgrade, new customer
                                                                                      •   Efficiencies through
                               relationship management software and improved
                                                                                          automation and
                                                                                          reduced support effort

4.6 Diversify selectively and grow profitably
• Shared service functions must be commercially focused, aligned to the profit and loss making division needs

 OBJECTIVE                     ACTION                                                 OUTCOME
 • Develop current             Targeted admin savings and support for growth.         • Services protected
   and new profitable          Ensure shared service functions are commercially         in line with demand,
   products and services       focused, working with General Managers to                creating savings
                               provide leaner more cost effective services,             and efficiencies
                               including identifying, evaluating and delivering new     to support new
                               products and services to market                          revenue generating

Strategic Business Case 2017-2022 - GD 2018/0087 - Tynwald
5. Mails Division
5.1       Overview                                          • 1 mail centre, including letter and parcel delivery
                                                              offices for IM1 to 4 postcodes
• Our Mails division exists to supply a postal service      • We have 3 separate delivery offices serving the
  to the Isle of Man. It has a protected right to deliver     Northern, Southern and Western areas of the
  mail up to £7.50 in postage to any address on the           Island in Ballasalla, Peel and Ramsey
  Island under the terms of the Post Office Act 1993.
  It has no reserved rights for items costing more          • 257 weekday collections from post boxes
  than this and is thus in competition with other           • 46 weekday collections from Post Offices
  parcel carriers
                                                            • 282 weekday collections from businesses
• The main types of mail include letters, large letters     • 40,000 items posted per day
  and magazine packets, parcels, items requiring
                                                            • >27 million total mail items last year
  scanned or signed proof of delivery and items over
  30 kilograms known as heavy and large some of             • 103 vans and trucks from Ford Connects to
  which require two-man delivery                              Mercedes 7.5 tonnes and fork lifts, including 6
                                                              electric vehicles
• Mail generated by sales on Island is either for local
  delivery or forwarding for UK or worldwide delivery.
  The bulk of mail items delivered on Island comes
  from the UK and beyond
                                                            5.3       Reasons for change
                                                            • Our contract with Royal Mail Group accounts for
• We dispatch our collected mail each Monday to               90% of inbound traffic thus represents a dominant
  Friday evening to East Midlands Airport to connect          strategic partner risk
  with the Royal Mail Group (RMG) network on the
  shared cost flight from Ronaldsway. That plane also
                                                            Proportion of Inbound Mail Traffic by Carrier
  brings mail from the UK each Tuesday to Saturday
  morning. This service facilitates next day delivery for
  priority items in both directions. We also operate
  bespoke air-borne courier services from and to the

• Sea containers are used for the excess from the
  flight and for other work for us to deliver from Yodel
  and Hays DX. Sea containers arrive every day and
  are processed on the day of arrival except Sundays
  and Bank Holidays

5.2       Dimensions
• 198 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) postal staff
• 3 engineers
• 172 union members
• 12 managers
• 1 administration officer
• 6 days out of 7 we deliver and collect mail
• 52,000 letters and parcels delivered every day
• 40,000 home deliveries

Letter mail;
• There has been a sustained decline in traditional letter mail, the average reduction of 7% over the last 3 years

Royal Mail Inbound Letter & Large Letter Volume / Weight / Revenue

                                                                                                            Letter & Large
                                                                                                            Letter Volume
% Variance

             -15.0%                                                                                         Letter & Large
                                                                                                            Letter Weight
             -20.0%                                                                                         %+-

             -25.0%                                                                                         Letter & Large
                                                                                                            Letter Revenue
             -30.0%                                                                                         %+-

                       2013/14      2014/15           2015/16         2016/17          2017/18

• Our exclusive privilege (reserved area) for letter delivery is not large enough to sustain postage at the current
  pricing levels

• The volume decline was tempered slightly by an increase in direct mailing and regulatory mailings for PPI and
  FATCA. These mailings will reduce as the on island finance sector retracts and such projects are completed

• Inbound large letters are becoming lighter, volumes held up last year with a better negotiated price per item with
  Royal Mail Group creating more revenue

• The cost of a first class stamp price is the lowest in the British Isles. The price is not financially sustainable at the
  current levels. (See graph below)


                             63p                                                     65p       65p

                      49p             47p       47p
                                                                42p                                                Local

 20                                                                                                                UK &
 10                                                                                                                islands

                      Jersey Post       Isle of Man              Guernsey              Royal Mail

• While parcel volume and revenues have continued to grow, pricing power and profitability are declining, fast and
  free delivery is a competitive differentiator for online retailers. Competition for the last mile is fierce

Total Parcel Items Volume / Revenue



                                                                                                      Volume %+-
% Variance


             10.0%                                                                                    Revenue %+-


                      2013/14       2014/15      2015/16          2016/17         2017/18

• Average volume growth of 7% pa over the last four years (2% last year), better price per item negotiated in 2015
  creating more revenue with Royal Mail Group

• 3% average revenue growth in Royal Mail Group

• The impact of unlicensed operators on the Island has a detrimental effect on IOMPO’s revenue each year. As it
  stands, the Post Office Act does not provide protection against such operators and therefore amends to tighten
  up the legislation in this area are required, which can then be enforced with support from IOMPO’s sponsoring
  department (Department for Enterprise)

• Hermes is part of the so-called gig economy where self-employed drivers are paid per ‘gig’ for delivering packets
  and parcels. They are reinventing last mile delivery and the competitive landscape. They are nimble and asset light
  - subject to current scrutiny in respect of employment law. The table below evidences that our parcel market
  share is reducing year-on-year with Hermes seeing sustained growth year-on-year

                      Sample Size             IOMPO                    HERMES                      OTHER

    2015                 260                   72%                          16%                      12%

    2016                 697                   65%                          21%                      13%

    2017                 429                   63%                          23%                      15%

• Scrutiny of our below average volume increases suggest that some online retailers exclude IOM postcodes on
  the basis of misconceptions regarding taxation and delivery. We are working with UK distribution partners to
  reassure their large online retail customers in this regard, recent successes include Argos, Zara and Asda

• With an increase in inbound e-commerce the scope for handling non-required returned parcels is a real
  revenue opportunity, but one for which IOMPO will face stiff competition from other parcels companies

Ways of working
• The ways we utilise our resources (employees, technology, vehicles and premises) have not developed as quickly
  as technology and customer preferences

% of Costs by Category

                       3% 2%

        7%                                                     Staff Costs
                                                               Royal Mail Group Delivery Cost
                                                               Conveyance (Aircraft & Ferry Costs)
                                                               Plant and Machinery

• As a privatised entity Royal Mail Group are working hard to transform their business to protect their position in
  the UK market and to increase profits for their shareholders. A small change by Royal Mail Group can lead to
  substantial change in our costs and revenue. Our as-is includes a provision for a reduction in Royal Mail Group

5.4       Work together
• We must continue to use technology and data to help evolve our working practices to meet the demands of a
  modern business

 OBJECTIVE                      ACTION                                                 OUTCOME

 • To develop a modern          Continue to work closely with Royal Mail               • Services protected
   engaged and                  to sustain affordable Island services. Where             in line with demand,
   flexible workforce,          stakeholder aims diverge, we will work together to       creating savings
   attracting, developing       establish an acceptable outcome                          and efficiencies
   and rewarding                                                                         to support new
   performance                                                                           revenue generating
 • Continue to develop
   and maintain                 Modernise Mail Operations - Review and
   strong stakeholder           modernise collection and delivery service
   relationships                operations, ensuring key resources are optimised in
 • Live our values,             line with volume trends through the effective use
   promoting innovation         of improved technology and working methods
   and a commercial

5.5       Defend the core business
• We must continue to adapt our services and pricing in line with reducing letter volumes, increasing parcel
  volumes and increasing service costs

 OBJECTIVE                     ACTION                                                 OUTCOME
 • Sustained community          Review our 6-day letter delivery service in line      • Services protected
   services in the areas        with reducing customer demand (average -7%              in line with demand,
   of the retail network        per annum) but maintain a 6-day delivery service        creating savings
   and universal services       for parcels and other time sensitive items              and efficiencies
   obligation                                                                           to support new
                                Letter pricing strategy - review on/off Island          revenue generating
 • Use technology, data
                                costs and risks in line with commercial and             opportunities
   and new ways of
   working to improve           residential customer needs                            • Environmental gains
   service, working                                                                     through the reduction
   conditions and service       Continuous improvements                                 in carbon miles
   affordability                • Reduce post box collection frequencies where
 • Continue to be                 demand for service is not viable
   customer value
                                • Trial employee pay per item for delivery of
   focused, secure and
                                  parcels and Saturday specific deliveries
                                • Enhance the experience for the receiving
                                  Island customer by increasing the amount of
                                  useful delivery information available to them
                                  and by making it easier for them to receive
                                  parcels and items requiring Proof of Delivery
                                  on the first delivery attempt. In doing so we
                                  expect more off-Island suppliers to use us for
                                  their deliveries and returns, raising revenue

                                Improve fleet efficiency - Continuously review
                                and revise size and composition of the vehicle
                                fleet to meet our changing requirements, reduce
                                maintenance costs, eliminate unnecessary
                                journeys, replace diesel with electric vehicles
                                where there is demonstrable benefit and aim to
                                cost effectively reduce time that vehicles are not
                                being used

5.6       Diversify selectively and grow profitably
• We must continue to grow the number of customers for which we provide services in line with e-commerce and
  IMS postage sales growth. With an increase in e-commerce inbound there is an opportunity to ensure IOM Post
  Office is the carrier of choice for returns

• Subject to a cost benefit appraisal and fair competition, we see an opportunity to use our trusted post people to
  win complementary services that will benefit from our unrivalled access to the local community

 OBJECTIVE                     ACTION                                                       OUTCOME
 • Understand customer         New last mile parcel deliveries - We will continue to        • Increase in
   and market needs and        compete for and win parcel delivery contracts based on         profitable sales
   priorities                  quality and price of service
                                                                                            • Improved
 • Develop current             UK postage growth through IMS - Support for IMS                customer
   and new profitable          product related UK sales postage                               satisfaction as a
   products and services                                                                      result of greater
                               Postage growth through new online retailers -                  online retailer
                               Continue working directly and indirectly (through UK           choice/services
                               carriers) to successfully attract UK online retailers to       provided
                               deliver to the IOM, winning collection and conveyance
                               contracts for ‘unwanted returns’
                               New complementary services - Identify and implement
                               other profitable services subject to customer demand

6. Retail Division                                        Post Office locations

                                                                                                                Andreas PO
                                                                                                     Jurby PO
                                                                      Post Office
6.1       Overview                                                                                        Sulby PO    Ramsey PO
                                                                                                   Ballaugh PO

                                                                                            Kirk Michael PO

• The network is loss making, 2016/17 recorded a
  net loss of £1.5m                                                                                                  Laxey PO
                                                                              Peel PO
                                                                                    St Johns PO
• The network is made up of largely externally owned                                                          Kirk Onchan PO
                                                                           Foxdale PO Union Mills PO
  and operated businesses that operate other retail                                                            Royal Avenue PO
                                                                                        PO HQ
  services and benefit from the footfall Post Office
                                                                                                                      Douglas Counters
  transactions generate.                                                             SDO
                                                                                                                      • Anagh Coar
                                                                                     Ballasalla PO                    • Crosby Terrace
                                                                      Port Erin PO                                    • Governors Hill
• The Post Office pay commissions on transactions                         Port St Mary PO
                                                                                   Castletown PO
                                                                                                                      • Pulrose
                                                                                                                      • Strand Street
  and fixed community support payments (£750k) to                                                                     • Willaston
                                                                                                                      • Windsor Road
  the network. The Post Office costs include office
  fittings, IT equipment and connectivity costs           6.3         Reasons for change
• The network supports three main categories of           • IOM Post Office currently has the highest number
  transactions; post, banking services (on behalf of        of Post Offices per head of population, anywhere in
  local and UK banks) and Government services               the United Kingdom
• The diverse nature of products and services is          Average number of people per Post Office
  largely limited to simple transactions to ensure
  viability                                               8,000

                                                          6,000                                                                   Average
• The division includes vehicle and driving licencing                                                                             number
                                                          4,000                                                                   of people
  services provided on behalf of the Department of                                                                                per Post
  Infrastructure (DOI) through the network and a                                                                                  Office
  dedicated IOMPO team who provide commercial                0

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  counter services and back office services                               se










• The MiCard service was implemented in 2016 in
  partnership with Treasury’s Social Security Division.   • We anticipate the rate of decline in transactions
  It has been a great success. It fits well with our        will continue to increase as digital changes the
  trusted brand and is helping to sustain footfall          way retail services are provided through multiple
  across the network while generating a new digital         channels; internet self-service portals, phone,
  revenue stream                                            applications etc are growing with face-to-face
                                                            transactions reducing - average 7% reduction per
                                                            annum over the last 3 years
6.2       Dimensions
                                                                         Existing services transaction
• Currently 27 Sub Post Offices, 3 internal operating
                                                                         volume forecast by 2021/22
  from Post Office locations, 24 independently owned
  and managed offices                                      Vehicle Licences                                                        -100%

• 12 Kiosks                                                Dog Licences                                                            -100%
                                                           Government Rent Payments                                                -100%
• 7 FTE specific to the Department of Infrastructure
  (DOI) vehicle licencing administration support           Postal Orders                                                           -100%
                                                           Government cheques                                                        -95%
• The broader Customer Services team support
  products and services across the business divisions      Non Government transactions                                               -50%
                                                           (Manx Telecom, Manx Gas)
                                                           Banking                                                                   -15%
                                                           MiCard (Social security payments)                                         -11%
                                                           Mails                                                                         -8%
                                                           Forex                                                                     +25%

• While we continue to seek out opportunities, online and through the network, it is clear that this will not
  materially slow the decline in face-to-face transactions

• Experience indicates that funding levels would need to be maintained to make the current retail network
  financially viable in the face of falling volumes, thus increasing losses if an alternative strategy cannot be agreed

• A natural reduction of the network as Sub Post Masters resign or retire will not protect the provision of services
  in the community

• The current customer pricing structure is complex and inconsistent having evolved over time

Comparison of transaction volumes to transaction revenues excluding mails 2016/2017

                            13%                                                              9%

       26%                                                                           8%                             30%

                                                   Gov Payments - Licensing
                                                   Gov Payments - MiCard
                                                   Gov Payments - Other       14%
6%                                      29%
                                                   Non Government Payment
  1%                                               Banking Agency

         25%                                                                                                  29%

                VOLUMES                                                                       REVENUES

• If the DoI ceases their contracts for agency arrangements with IOMPO for vehicle and driving licences as
  anticipated, this will reduce the IOMPO annual revenue by over £550k per annum based on current revenue
  levels, and the independent network sub postmasters income by 12% to 51% per annum.

6.4       Work together
• We must work together with all key stakeholders to find ways to reasonably protect services at an affordable cost

 OBJECTIVE                                 ACTION                                            OUTCOME
 • To develop a modern engaged             Transform the network. Consult with all key       • Services
   and flexible workforce, attracting,     stakeholders on the future of retail face-to-       protected in line
   developing and rewarding                face transactions to determine the future           with demand,
   performance                             operating model and roadmap of change to            creating savings
                                           protect the service provision                       and efficiencies
 • Continue to develop and maintain
                                                                                               to support
   strong stakeholder relationships
                                                                                               new revenue
 • Live our values, promoting              Reduction in Department of Infrastructure           generating
   innovation and a commercial             services. Work with the Department of               opportunities
   approach.                               Infrastructure and other key stakeholders
                                                                                             • Clarity for Post
                                           to manage the decline in line with the
                                                                                               Office Network
                                           Department of Infrastructure strategy
                                                                                               and employees

6.5       Defend the core business
• Tightening of regulation has led to material overheads in providing services

• Financial analysis indicates that some contracts may not be profitable

• We must seek to drive through efficiencies in back office services to optimise financial returns

 OBJECTIVE                                 ACTION                                            OUTCOME
 • Sustained community services in         Review contracts in respect of 3rd party          • Profitable services
   the areas of the retail network         services provided in line with increasing           protected
   and universal services obligation       operating costs
                                                                                             • Improved cost and
 • Use technology, data and new                                                                sustained quality
   ways of working to improve                                                                  of products and
   service, working conditions and         Continuous improvements including                   services
   service affordability                   exploring the insourcing of the cashier
 • Continue to be customer value           function, more online servicing and
   focused, secure and compliant           improved customer enquiry and compliant

6.6       Diversify selectively and grow profitably
• We believe our current MiCard service has the potential to be developed as a convenient way for residents
  to certify their identity and digitally maintain their personal details through the IOMPO portal; asserting their
  personal data to access Government services, creating a new revenue stream for IOMPO that is not dependent
  on the physical Sub Post Office network. It could be the strategic solution to replacing the 18+ Government
  related cards currently in use

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• The network is well positioned to provide simple third party transactions as the viability of branch face-to-face
  services continues to decline

 OBJECTIVE                                                   ACTION                                                                           OUTCOME
 • Understand customer and market                              Expand the use of MiCard. Continue                                             • Increase in
   needs and priorities                                        to work with Government to identify                                              profitable sales
 • Develop current and new                                     opportunities to extend and develop the
   profitable products and services                            use of MiCard for other services

 • Develop digital solutions and                               Extend counter services. Work with the
   services to protect and grow our                            public and private sector to develop and
   customers                                                   support new e-commerce and financial
                                                               service opportunities through the retail

7. Integrated Mailing Solutions (IMS)
7.1 Overview                                                   7.3 Reasons for change
• IMS was created 20 over years ago to provide                 • As the Island’s business profile has diversified, and
  added value services and to protect and generate               our traditional customers seek more convenient
  postal revenues                                                and cost-effective ways to communicate with their
                                                                 clients, our market is changing
• We are the only ISO 27001 accredited data
  handling specialist providing secure mailing                 • To stay relevant and meet our customers’ needs, we
  production in the IOM and Channel Isles. Coupled               need to provide a convenient mix of traditional and
  with IOMPO having one of the lowest first class                digital communication solutions
  postage rates in Europe, our offering is unique
                                                               • We need to find new markets and customers
• We use local suppliers whenever possible, spending
  £310k throughout 16/17                                       Trends in the local financial sector since 2010
• IMS is fundamental to sustaining postage revenues.
  During 16/17 mail produced by IMS accounted for
  31% of all the mail generated in the Isle of Man                                    2010
                                                                                     34 Class 1
Net outbound postage sales 16/17                                                      Banking

                                            IMS - Production
                                  31%                                                  decline
Mails & Retail

                               17%                                                    2017
                                                                                     19 Class 1
                                      IMS - Franking

7.2 Dimensions                                                 • With our expanding physical and digital products
                                                                 and services well matched to support the
• Team of 27 FTEs skilled & general roles across two
                                                                 digitisation of documents, GDPR and secure data
                                                                 handling, we see an opportunity to expand our
                                                                 customer base both locally and in the UK focusing
• In the last 2 years - £480k investment in printing,
                                                                 on small to medium enterprises
  finishing and insertion equipment to enhance
  capacity, capability of Print / Finishing / Fulfilment /

• Only mailing house in IOM/Jersey/Guernsey that is:

   • ISO 27001 / ISO 9001 certified

   • Complaint with BS 10008 / PCI DSS

7.4 Work together
• IMS work is volatile leading to peaks and troughs in demand for a fixed headcount
• There is an opportunity to work more closely with Government to use our products and services in the delivery
  of the Programme for Government/SAVE initiative
• We must continue to invest in sales and marketing to deliver our commercial targets

 OBJECTIVE                            ACTION                                               OUTCOME
 • To develop a modern engaged        Modernise the operation - Review the structure       • Employee
   and flexible workforce,            and source of resource to ensure a flexible cost       satisfaction
   attracting, developing and         effective operating model in line with fluctuating
                                                                                           • Improved cost and
   rewarding performance              demands (IMS and Stamps & Coins production)
                                                                                             sustained quality
 • Continue to develop and                                                                   of products and
   maintain strong stakeholder                                                               services
                                      Protect/Increase IOM Government customers            • Increase in
 • Live our values, promoting         - Strengthen existing Government and local             profitable sales
   innovation and a commercial        corporate relationships to protect and increase
   approach                           IOMPO sales/deliver efficiencies within

7.5       Defend the core business
• Need to continuously improve quality and price to remain competitive. There is potential to make use of industry
  tools to aid workflow and customer management

 OBJECTIVE                            ACTION                                               OUTCOME
 • Use technology, data and new       Continuous improvement - Reduce                      • Improved
   ways of working to improve         administration costs and improve the customer          customer
   service, working conditions        experience by investing in tools and techniques        experience
   and service affordability          that automate manual processes to remain
                                                                                           • Improved cost and
 • Continue to be customer                                                                   sustained quality
   value focused, secure and                                                                 of products and
   compliant                                                                                 services

7.6       Diversify selectively and grow profitably
• We must continue to build our e-solution products to enable sending and receipt of documents digitally, helping
  to win new customers and revenue, and to retain customers who might otherwise go to competitors

 OBJECTIVE                            ACTION                                               OUTCOME
 • Understand customer and            Increase UK Sales - Leveraging our marketing         • Increase in
   market needs and priorities        research, develop a sales capability to sell our       profitable sales
                                      products and services into the UK
 • Develop current and new
   profitable products and            Increase IOM Sales - Leverage our experience
   services                           and contacts to upsell to existing customers and
 • Develop digital solutions and      increase new customers
   services to protect and grow       Extend our digital solutions - Through virtual
   our customer                       office, accounts payable and other products and
                                      services that add value to our customers

8. Stamps & Coins
8.1 Overview                                            8.3 Reasons for change
• Isle of Man Stamps and Coins issued their first       • Our philately customer base has reduced by an
  stamp on the 5th July 1973                              average of 8% year-on-year over the last 3 years

• Our stamp issues are recognised worldwide for         • Revenues have largely been maintained through a
  relevance to the Island’s heritage, culture or          combination of price increases and sales of specific
  subjects which people hold in high esteem (royal        issues to special interest groups
  anniversaries) and we have received many accolades
  and awards                                            • The proliferation of new issues is limiting the
                                                          attraction to new collectors; existing collectors
• We produce 16 stamp issues per year, consisting of      are reducing with age and their level of disposable
  mint sets, first day covers and presentation packs,     income
  additional products are created where there is a
  commercial opportunity                                • We must seek to stem the reduction in regular
                                                          collectors while attracting new collectors by making
• We sell to individual collectors and to wholesale,      our product more collectible whilst minimising our
  competing with other philatelic bureaus and             costs to help keep our stamps affordable at the right
  collectible sellers and resellers                       margin

• Coin collectables are marketed and sold depending     • Our global stamp sales have been compromised
  upon the Treasury issue programme and allocation        by old stamps making their way back into the
  allowance                                               postal system through wholesalers. Changing the
                                                          legislation will allow us to champion more sales
% Revenue by product type                                 through the wholesale network

                                                        • We must utilise technology to optimise sales
                                                          ensuring our products are easily accessible online
                                                          with efficient back office systems and processes

                                                        • Following recent changes in coin administration
                                                          we are no longer seen as the preferred re-seller
                                                          by Treasury. Embedding the new relationships and
                                                          ways of working with Tower Mint and Westminster
                                                          has led to issues with supply and pricing that have
                                                          in turn led to reputational damage and loss of
                                                          credibility with our existing collector base. These
8.2 Dimensions                                            issues are now being formally addressed to ensure
                                                          confidence in the relationship and processes going
• Team of 10 FTE is supplemented by casuals, home         forward
  industry and IMS when required. 50% of the staff
  have more than 20 years’ experience

• Current customer profile:
  UK - 82.3%, Europe - 8.8%, North America - 6.2%,
  Asia - 1.4%, Oceania - 1.16%,
  South America - 0.1%, Africa -0.04%

8.4 Work together
To ensure our operation supports falling regular collectors and more volatile new product and services.

 OBJECTIVE                             ACTION                                                OUTCOME
 • To develop modern engaged           Modernise the operation - Review the structure        • Employee
   and flexible workforce,             and source of resource to ensure a flexible cost        satisfaction
   attracting, developing and          effective operating model (leveraging appropriate
                                                                                             • Improved cost and
   rewarding performance               external and internal resource, e.g. IMS
                                                                                               sustained quality
                                       production, customer services etc) in line with
 • Continue to develop and                                                                     of products and
                                       fluctuating demands (falling regular collectors,
   maintain strong stakeholder                                                                 services
                                       new products)
 • Live our values, promoting          Coin and bank note sales - Work with Treasury,        • Increase in
   innovation and a commercial         Tower Mint and Westminster to ensure we                 profitable sales
   approach                            receive adequate coin and note allocations that
                                       we can market competitively

8.5       Defend the core business
Seek to continuously improve the way we engage and deliver services to our customers.

 OBJECTIVE                             ACTION                                                OUTCOME
 • Use technology, data and new        Production limits - Increase collectability by        • Improved
   ways of working to improve          including more limited editions that retain             customer
   service, working conditions         collector interest and generate production              experience
   and service affordability           efficiencies
                                                                                             • Improved cost and
 • Continue to be customer             Continuous improvement - Reduce                         sustained quality
   value focused, secure and           administration costs and improve the customer           of products and
   compliant                           experience by investing in automation and               services
                                       customer management tools and techniques to
                                       remain competitive

8.6       Diversify selectively and grow profitably
Seek to use our skills and experience to deliver enhanced products and services, upselling to existing customers.

 OBJECTIVE                             ACTION                                                OUTCOME
 • Understand customer and             Increase international sales - of both new and        • Increase in
   market needs and priorities         old stamp issues and through bulk trade sales to        profitable sales
                                       existing / new wholesalers allowing for discount
 • Develop current and new
                                       / import duties, subject to changing the Post
   profitable products and
                                       Office Act
 • Develop digital solutions and       Grow personalised Corporate postage
   services to protect and grow        Use our stamp archive - to create and market
   our customer                        non philatelic products for bespoke gift giving
                                       both for corporates and individuals

“Working together to protect the
core business, growing profitably and
diversifying selectively to the benefit
of the Manx economy.”

                                          Printed by Isle of Man Post Office

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