2017 ITTF Rough Diamonds Training Camp 2018 ITTF Rough Diamonds Training Camp - INVITATION & PROSPECTUS - INVITATION & PROSPECTUS - ULTM

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2017 ITTF Rough Diamonds Training Camp 2018 ITTF Rough Diamonds Training Camp - INVITATION & PROSPECTUS - INVITATION & PROSPECTUS - ULTM
2017 ITTF Rough Diamonds Training
    Otocec/SLO, 25 September – 3 October 2017


    2018 ITTF Rough Diamonds
          Training Camp
     Luxembourg (LUX), 13-22 November 2018


               Jointly organized by:

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2017 ITTF Rough Diamonds Training Camp 2018 ITTF Rough Diamonds Training Camp - INVITATION & PROSPECTUS - INVITATION & PROSPECTUS - ULTM
1. Partners and Contacts
Organizers:                    China Table Tennis College-Europe
                               ITTF High Performance & Development
ITTF Contact Persons:          Dora Jeler
                               Polona Cehovin
Local Organizer Contact:       Patrick Massen To be contacted for visa requests.

   2. Key Dates and Activities
Training Camp and Educational Sessions:        13-22 November
Arrival and Departure Dates:                   12 November and 23 November
Coaches Meeting:                               12 November at 20:00
Call A – Deadline for Entry & Visa:            5 September
Call B – Deadline for Entry & Visa:            1 October
Deadline for Travel & Hospitality:             31 October

   3. Invited Players
Call A Girls:                         Player                   NA     Cont.    YOB
                   1.      ABRAAMIAN Elizabet                 RUS      EU      2003
                   2.      ZAHARIA Elena                      ROU      EU      2004
                   3.      CHITALE Diya Parag                 IND      AS      2003
                   4.      PAVADE Prithika                    FRA      EU      2004
                   5.      KLEE Sophia                        GER      EU      2003
                   6.      SUNG Rachel                        USA      NA      2004
                   7.      TAKAHASHI Giulia                   BRA      LA      2005
                   8.      RILISKYTE Kornelija                LTU      EU      2003
                   9.      MUSKANTOR Rebecca                  SWE      EU      2003
                   10.     TOMINJAK Radmila                   SRB      EU      2003
                   11.     COSSIO Arantxa                     MEX      LA      2004
                   12.     ZHOU Jingyi                        SGP      AS      2005
                   13.     AUEAWIRIYAYOTHIN Wanwisa           THA      AS      2004
                   14.     ZHOU Jiayi                         AUS      OC      2003
                   15.     Confirmed (name TBA)               CHN      AS
                   16.     Confirmed (name TBA)               CHN      AS

Call A Boys:                          Player                   NA     Cont.    YOB
                   1.      FENG Yi-Hsin                       TPE      AS      2003
                   2.      JAIN Payas                         IND      AS      2004
                   3.      RASSENFOSSE Adrien                 BEL      EU      2003
                   4.      SABHI Myshaal                      FRA      EU      2003
                   5.      KHAYYAM Radin                      IRI      AS      2003
                   6.      VAHNISH Jacobo                     PAN      LA      2003
                   7.      SHAMS Navid                        IRI      AS      2005

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2017 ITTF Rough Diamonds Training Camp 2018 ITTF Rough Diamonds Training Camp - INVITATION & PROSPECTUS - INVITATION & PROSPECTUS - ULTM
8.    KUMAR Nikhil                            USA        NA      2003
                      9.    FERNANDEZ Carlos                        PER        LA      2004
                      10.   KUBIK Maciej                            POL        EU      2003
                      11.   HOLLO Mike                              GER        EU      2004
                      12.   BELIK Simon                             CZE        EU      2004
                      13.   LI Hsin-Yu                              TPE        AS      2003
                      14.   AZZAM Mohamed                           EGY        AF      2003
                      15.   LUU Finn                                AUS        OC      2005
                      16.   Confirmed (name TBA)                    CHN        AS
                      17.   Confirmed (name TBA)                    CHN        AS

Call B:                The ITTF reserves the right to invite 2-5 more girls and 2-5 more boys
                       in the Call B by the 10th of September.
Selection Criteria:    The selection is made based on the following criteria:
                           - Potential, i.e. technical level, trainability, competitiveness etc.,
                           - Performance and activity in combination with results,
                           - Players’ entourage, such as appropriate daily practice
                               conditions, coaching etc.,
                           - Commitment and determination.
Replacements/          A player may be replaced if the National Association does not
Reserves:              confirm the selected player before the set deadline of 5 September
                       for players from Call A and 1 October for players for Call B.
                       In case not all the spots will be filled the ITTF takes the liberty to
                       invite replacements for the Rough Diamonds group of invited

   4. Training Camp & Educational Sessions
Coaching Team:        The Head Coaches and assistant coaches will come from the CTTC and
                      the CTTA and will work in close cooperation with the coaches of the
                      participating players.
Tables:               20 tables

   5. Venue and Hospitality
Venue:                National Sports Institute of Luxembourg
                      Sports Hall and Conference rooms facilities
                      66, rue de Trèves, L-2630 Luxembourg

                      The I.N.S. is located in Cents-part of Luxembourg City. Under one roof
                      you can find a hall with 20 tables, a fitness center, conference rooms, a
                      restaurant, two football fields and a students’ dormitory with 37 rooms.
Hospitality:          I.N.S. Students‘ Dormitory, on full board basis Luxembourg
                      (players, coaches and staff only)
                      The participants will be accommodated in twin and triple rooms. The
                      selected players of the same gender, will share rooms, while coaches of
                      the same gender will be accommodated with their fellow coaches.
                      The facilities feature free Internet (Wi-Fi) access.
                      All the participants are kindly asked to bring their own towels.
Official              The Official Hospitality Package (OHP) for players and coaches includes
Hospitality           the following:
Package (OHP):            - accommodation in I.N.S. Dormitory in double or triple rooms,

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2017 ITTF Rough Diamonds Training Camp 2018 ITTF Rough Diamonds Training Camp - INVITATION & PROSPECTUS - INVITATION & PROSPECTUS - ULTM
-    meals on full board basis,
                          -    transfers from/to the Airport and Railway Station on official
                               arrival and departure days.
                      The daily rate in DR and TR is US$85 person/day.
Participation         The ITTF will cover the following costs:
Support:              Rough Diamonds:
                          - US$75 person/day of the OHP costs for the 40 invited players;
                          - US$75 person/day of the OHP costs for 1 coach nominated by
                               the National Association if 1-3 players are attending or 2
                               coaches if 4 or more players are attending, whereby at least 1
                               has to be female.
                          Please note that ITTF will only contribute toward the expenses of
                          the coaches under the following conditions:
                          - are recognized and nominated by the National Association,
                          - can provide a national or other coaching certificate, if requested
                               (the ITTF database will be checked automatically),
                          - they actively work as coaches on a regular basis as National
                               Team coaches or coach the invited player(s) on day to day
                          - are willing and able to actively assist in coaching all the
                               participating players as required.
Accompanying/         Due to the limited number of rooms, persons who are not
Additional            members of the Official Delegation, cannot stay in the I.N.S.
Persons:              Dormitory.
                      In case your Delegation includes Accompanying Persons you are
                      welcome to proceed with private arrangements in relation to their
                      staying in Luxembourg.
                      However, if you need assistance, please do let us know about the
                      intention of entering Accompanying Persons; the Organizers will get
                      back to you informing you about the options and the related rates in
                      due time.
Payments for          Payments are to be made directly to the Local Organizer by bank
persons not           transfer by 10 November following the confirmation of the entry
eligible for ITTF     from ITTF and the reception of an Invoice from the Local Organizer,
support:              since the number of rooms is limited and the entries will be managed
                      on first come-first served basis.
Insurance and         All the participants, players and coaches, must have a valid travel
Indemnity:            insurance covering but not limited to related travel, medical and life
                      insurance; ITTF and the Organizers are not liable for any injury or loss.
                      During the entire duration of the activity players must be supervised by
                      their coaches.
                      Please, note that according to the ITTF Policy for Underage Players
                      National Associations are responsible for the supervision and wellbeing
                      of their participants, whereby a coach from the National Association
                      must attend with players, ideally a female, when female players are
Transfers:     Pick-u Pick-up and drop-off at Luxembourg Airport and Luxembourg Railway
                      Station on official arrival day (12 November) and official departure day
                      (23 November) only.
Visas:                Please send a scanned copy of the passport of all the members of your
                      official delegation to:
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- Patrick Massen (info@cttce.lu)
                       - with a copy to Dora Jeler (djeler@ittf.com)
                    by 5 September (Call A) and 1 October (Call B).

                    Please, note that in case your delegation will include Accompanying
                    Persons they have to take care of their Visas accordingly, i.e. through
                    the Hotels they will be staying at, regardless if the Organizers
                    facilitated the booking.

   6. Connection with World Junior Circuit Events
With the aim of maximizing the benefit of the activity the dates of the Rough Diamonds
Training Camp enable the participants to attend the World Junior Circuit event and the
Congress held in close proximity as follows:
    - Hungary Junior & Cadet Open, ITTF Premium Junior Circuit, Szombately (HUN), 7-
       11 November;
    - Table tennis Congress, linking practice and science, Luxembourg (LUX), 23-24
All arrangements (entries, transfers, payments etc.) are to be made with the Organizers
considering   the    terms   and   conditions  as   communicated   in   the  respective

       We look forward to seeing you in Luxembourg!
           Polona Cehovin                                    Patrick Massen
 ITTF High Performance & Development                      Administrative Manager
                Director                            China Table Tennis College – Europe

             Dejan Papic
      ITTF HPD Head of Education

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