2018 GUIDE - Bentonville Film Festival

Page created by Melanie Navarro
2018 GUIDE - Bentonville Film Festival
        BY  BY   PRESENTED
                           BY  BY

                                    2018 GUIDE
2018 GUIDE - Bentonville Film Festival

                                                              BFF 2018
The Box                                                       OVERVIEW
                                                              Welcome Letter ...........................02
                                                              About BFF....................................03
                                                              BFF Foundation .................... 04–05
                                                                                                                   Welcome ......................................43
                                                                                                                   Legacy Series ........................ 44–45
                                                                                                                   Spotlight Films ..................... 46–55
Directed by Tracey Aivaz                                      The Facts .............................. 06–07       Competition Narrative .......... 56–61
Inaugural Academy Gold Intern                                 About Geena Davis Institute .......08                Competition Documentary ... 62–66
                                                              About Bentonville ........................10         Competition Shorts .............. 68–73
                                                              About Northwest Arkansas.........11                  Competition Episodic ........... 74–76
                                                              Getting Around ..................... 12–13
                                                                                                                   Awards .........................................79
                                                              HIGHLIGHTS                                           Jury Members ..............................80
                                                              Special Event Experiences ..........17               How to Stay Connected ..............80
                                                              Special Event Films .....................18
                                                                                                                   THANK YOU
                                                              VIP Experiences...........................19
                                                                                                                   Festival Credits ..................... 82–83
                                                              Don’t Miss............................. 20–21
                                                                                                                   Festival Partners................... 84–85
                                                              DISCUSSION EVENTS
                                                                                                                   Disclaimer: All films, titles, and scheduled
                                                              Wednesday ..................................23       guests were accurate at the time of printing.
                                                                                                                   Film descriptions included in this program are
                                                              Thursday ............................... 24–25       intended to give the audience a brief overview.
                                                                                                                   Visit bentonvillefilmfestival.com or download
                                                              Friday .................................... 26–27    our app to read more, view trailers, and stay
                                                                                                                   updated on last minute schedule changes.
               Congratulations to our 4th director,           Saturday.......................................28
               Tracey Aivaz in creating her version
               of a Walmart Box short film premiering         SCHEDULE
               at this year’s festival. She joins the ranks   Tuesday ................................. 30–31
               of the three who premiered their films         Wednesday ........................... 32–33
               on Oscars® night. See all the films at:        Thursday ............................... 34–35

               walmart.com/thebox                             Friday .................................... 36–37
                                                              Saturday................................ 38–39
                                                              Sunday .................................. 40–41

                                                              Bentonville Film Festival 2018                                                                            1
2018 GUIDE - Bentonville Film Festival
WELCOME TO THE                                                                                                               ABOUT BFF

4th Annual Bentonville                                                                                                       Inclusion
                                                                                  CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2

                                                                                  the ability to effect real change on

Film Festival!                                                                    a commercial level. In our 4th year
                                                                                  we will accelerate our focus on
                                                                                  immediate change and action.
                                                                                                                             is Key
                                                                                  If this is your first time at BFF,
                                                                                  you’ll discover that Northwest
                                                                                  Arkansas is an incredible place to live
                                                                                  or visit. From amazing volunteers
                                                                                  to exceptional venues, the local
                                                                                  organizations and businesses all
                                                                                  make BFF possible and outstanding.
                                                                                  Bentonville, our home town and
                                                                                  host city, is in the midst of a cultural
                                                                                  and creative explosion. Some of the
                                                                                  world’s brightest thinkers and doers
                                                                                  are coming to town to be part of a
                                                                                  great movement and to celebrate
                                                                                  middle American values. In addition
                                                                                  to the innovative hivemind that calls
                                                                                  this city home, NWA is a bastion of
                                                                                  arts and culture. We encourage you
                                                                                  to take a look around!                     Co-founded by Academy
                                                                                                                             Award® winner Geena Davis and
                                                                                  Thank you to the creators,                 Inclusion Companies CEO Trevor
                                                                                  distributors, producers, and               Drinkwater, the Bentonville Film
                                                                                  financiers of great inspiring,             Festival is a one-of-a-kind annual
We are thrilled to host you in          We are so thankful for the continued
                                                                                  inclusive content that will be             event that champions inclusion in
beautiful Northwest Arkansas for the    support from our sponsors and
                                                                                  celebrated during this year’s BFF.         all forms of media.
4th annual Bentonville Film Festival!   their commitment to Diversity
                                                                                  Our passion is to support forward-
It’s exciting to be entering our 4th    & Inclusion, from our Founding
                                                                                  thinking filmmakers, actors, writers,      BFF is a yearlong platform
year of championing inclusion in all    sponsor Walmart to our Presenting
                                                                                  producers, social media influencers,       culminating with an annual six-day
forms of media. We have made a lot      Sponsor Coca-Cola® and all of the
                                                                                  major studios, and advertisers who         festival. It includes an impactful
of progress, however there is still a   other corporations who believe in
                                                                                  dedicate themselves to improving           Inclusion, Research, and Content
lot of work to be done to ensure the    our mission. Each May, as part of
                                                                                  gender representation and embracing        Summit in partnership with
content our kids consume accurately     the festival, we are proud to bring
                                                                                  inclusion. We are eternally grateful       Founding sponsor Walmart and
reflects the gender balance and         together these change-makers,
                                                                                  for them. But mostly, we are grateful      Presenting sponsor Coca-Cola®.
diversity of today’s world.             along with content creators,
                                                                                  to you for supporting and welcoming
                                        influencers, distributors, advertisers,
                                                                                  us for another year of championing         Connecting engaged entertainment
Over the last year, we’ve had           and vested partners. Together, we
                                                                                  inclusion at the Bentonville Film          industry leaders and major
the opportunity to collaborate          discuss the progress we’ve made,
                                                                                  Festival.                                  corporate influencers with a diverse
on mission-aligned projects at          chart the path forward, and support
the Essence Fest, Sundance Film         inclusion in media to effect real                                                    array of storytellers affords BFF
                                                                                  So now it is time to sit back, and         the unique opportunity to amplify
Festival, and with Joey Travolta's      change now. BFF sponsors generate
                                                                                  ENJOY THE SHOW!                            commercially viable content,
Inclusion Films. We are grateful        over $1.5 trillion in annual revenue,
to have worked with so many             employ nearly 5 million people,                                                      solutions, and initiatives that
organizations that share our vision.    and represent approximately 40%                                                      adequately represent the world
Our mission is to ensure all media      of all the media dollars spent each                                                  around us. BFF seeks to discover
                                                                                  Geena Davis, Festival Chair and Co-
inspires ALL young minds to do great    year. It is a powerful group with         Founder -Trevor Drinkwater, Co-Founder     and foster inclusive creators to
things, because “If They Can See It,                                                                                         effect immediate change in the
They Can Be It!”                                          CONTINUED ON PAGE 3                                                media landscape.

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2018 GUIDE - Bentonville Film Festival
ABOUT BFF FOUNDATION                                                           BOARD OF ADVISORS

Inspire Young Minds                                                            Aisha Tyler
                                                                               CEO, Hot Machine Films
                                                                                                                          Kalene Griffith
                                                                                                                          President, Visit Bentonville

to Do Great Things
                                                                               Al Dominguez                               Kenneth Mantel
                                                                               Senior VP Merchandising, Walmart*          Vice President, Viacom
                                                                               Allison Tummon-Kamphuis                    Louis Greth
                                                                               Manager, Children’s Safe Drinking          Vice President, Business Develop-
                                                                               Water, P&G                                 ment, Bentonville Film Festival
                                                                               Amanda Whitaker                            Mark Lore
                                                                               Director, Shopper Marketing, Coca-Cola®*   CEO, e-commerce, Walmart
                                                                               Amy Baker                                  Meg Ryan
                                                                               EVP, Client Strategy & Insights,           Actor
                                                                               A&E Networks
                                                                                                                          Michelle W. Thomas
                                                                               Andrew R. Davis                            Global Inclusion & Diversity Leader,
                                                                               Global Chief Diversity & Inclusion         Mars, Inc.
                                                                               Officer, Coca-Cola®
                                                                                                                          Nely Galan
                                                                               Ben Hasan                                  Author & Founder of Adelante
                                                                               SVP Culture, Diversity & Inclusion,        Movement
                                                                                                                          Nikkole Denson-Randolph
                                                                               Bruce Dern                                 Vice President, Special &
                                                                               Actor/Filmmaker                            Alternative Content, AMC Theatres

The Bentonville Film Festival           to support a systemic change           Chevonne O’Shaughnessy                     Pam Kaufman
Foundation (BFFf,) is a 501(c)(3)       in the way gender and diversity        President, American Cinema International   President, Consumer Products & Chief
non-profit organization focused         are portrayed in the media. BFFf                                                  Marketing Officer, Nickelodeon
                                                                               Chris Tisi
on promoting underrepresented           engages content creators and media     CEO, Slimfast and HNS                      Paul Featherstone
voices in the entertainment industry    industry leaders to actively support                                              Vice President Sales & General Manager,
through research, education, and        and create content that showcases      Cody Allison
                                                                                                                          Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
the support of inclusive content        positive female and diverse role       Senior Buyer, Walmart
production and distribution. The        models while eliminating negative or                                              Salvador Mendoza
                                                                               Dr. Steve L.Robbins
primary research partner of the         unconscious bias and stereotyping.                                                Vice President, Diversity &
                                                                               Speaker, Entrepreneur, Filmmaker, SL
Foundation is the Geena Davis           GDGIM has clearly evidenced that                                                  Inclusion, NBCUniversal
                                                                               Robbins & Associations, S2S Studios*
Institute on Gender in Media            the media children consume has an                                                 Stephen Quinn
(GDIGM). The foundation believes        overwhelming influence in shaping      Diane Wallace
                                                                                                                          Chairman, Association of
that by convening the media             their view of the world and their      Vice President of Retail Marketing
                                                                                                                          National Advertisers Alliance for
ecosystem — content creators,           place in it. BFFf also partners with   & Strategy at Coca-Cola® North
                                                                                                                          Family Entertainment
talent, influencers, advertisers, and   schools and community institutions     America
content distributors — real action      that work with children to educate                                                Suzanne C. Baker
                                                                               Harvey Millar
will be taken in support of media       on the challenging effects of                                                     Enterprise Architect, Unilever
                                                                               Vice President, Sales, Walmart
that accurately reflects the gender     stereotyping, unconscious bias, and                                               Tim Marrin
balance and diversity of our country.   gender imbalance. We utilize media     Jill Turner-Mitchael
                                                                                                                          Associate Director, P&G
Our goal is to create a seismic         tools to build positive associations   President, 72 West
change in how media can inspire         with equality-based learning models    Jody Pinson
young minds to do great things.         and content.                           VP Beauty, Walmart*

Working in partnership with             Media has the power to influence
GDIGM, the foundation seeks to          and BFFf is focused on working with
support research that proves it is      its partners to ensure it influences
not only the right thing to do, but     positively and fosters inclusivity.
it is also commercially beneficial                                                                                        *Denotes also a Brand Committee Member

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2018 GUIDE - Bentonville Film Festival
THE FACTS                                                                                                                     THE FACTS

If They Can See It,
They Can Be It
If media is more inclusive, it can attract a greater audience. Media inspires
young minds to do great things.
                                                                                                                                       Over an 11 year study of DIRECTORS in film, 5.2% were Black
                                                                                                                                                     and only 3.2% of all directors were Asian.

                10%                                       5.3%                                        14%                                     Across the 11-year sample, there was no meaningful change.

            Non-White                                 Non-White                                  Non-White

               7.7%                                        13%                                       29%                                                                     DIRECTOR & LEAD CHARACTER
              Women                                      Women                                      Women                                                                    Of films with a Black director, 81% also had a Black actor attached
                                                                                                                                                                             as one of the two top-billed talent. This finding suggests that the
                                                                                                                                                                             vast majority of directing opportunities for Black directors are
                                                                                                                                                                             linked to the race of the story's leading characters.

       DIRECTORS                            SCREENWRITERS                               TOP FILM LEADS
           Yet moviegoers are more evenly split at 53.1% white and 46.9% non-white.

                                                                                               BLACK                                17.9%

                                                                                                                              C-SUITE JOBS                            BOARD OF DIRECTORS                       EXECUTIVE CHAIRS
                                                                          LATINA                  OUT OF 1,100                Only 17.9% of prestigious C-suite
                                                                                                                              jobs were held by females. Among
                                                                                                                                                                      Focusing on Boards of Directors,
                                                                                                                                                                      18.8% of seats were filled by women
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Among the executive film teams,
                                                                                                                                                                                                               only 2 of the chairs (25%) across the
                                                                                                                              these women, only 4 were from           with only 3 of these females being       major media companies evaluated
    Across 11 years and 1,100 movies, 96% of all directors         Only 4 Black female directors, two Asian female            underrepresented groups.                underrepresented.                        were positions held by women.
    were male and 4% were female. This translates to 22            directors, and 1 Latina were hired to direct across
    male directors hired to every 1 female director.               1,100 popular movies.

            Male directors start their careers earlier than female directors and some continue working in older age.                                              23.9%

    20’s                                                                                                               90’s   WOMEN IN EXECUTIVE POSITIONS IN HOLLYWOOD
                                                                                                                              Females filled almost a quarter (23.9%) of the President and Chief positions on executive film teams and
                                                                                                                              roughly 41.2% of all EVPs, SVPs, and VPs. While the latter findings are encouraging, few women are holding
                                                                                                                              the keys to the most powerful executive positions in Hollywood.

                                             ONE AND DONE
                                                                                                                                                    DISABILITY IN MEDIA
                55%                          The “one and done” phenomenon
                                             is far more likely for females than
                                                                                                     84%                                            One in every five Americans is living with a disability, making it the largest minority
                                                                                                                                                    population today. Yet far too often, their important and varied stories go untold. Of
       Male directors                        males. Most directors only                      Female directors                                       the top 900 films since 2007, just 2.7% of characters were portrayed as having a
                                             worked one time across the
       produce only                          11-year sample, but pronounced                    produce only                                         disability, according to the USC Annenberg report, “Inequality in 900 Films.” Looking
                                                                                                                                                    at TV, 1.7% of TV roles feature a character with a disability.
         one film.                           gender differences emerged. 55%                     one film.
                                             of the male directors only helmed
                                             one film whereas 84% of the
                                             female directors did.                                                             Statistics gathered from: The 2017 Hollywood Diversity Report, The Annenberg Inclusion Initiative, and the GLAAD
                                                                                                                               report “Where We are on TV.”

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2018 GUIDE - Bentonville Film Festival

Gender Equality                                                                       My ambition is
Academy Award winner Geena Davis          media made for children 11 and under.
is one of Hollywood’s most respected
actors, appearing in several roles that
became cultural landmarks.
                                          Davis was appointed Special Envoy
                                          for Women and Girls in ICT for the
                                          UN’s International Telecommuni-
                                                                                      to tell the story.
Davis received the Academy Award          cation Union (ITU). Davis is also
for Best Supporting Actress for her       an official partner of UN Women,
role as the offbeat dog trainer Muriel    working toward their goal of promot-
Pritchett in Lawrence Kasdan’s The        ing gender equality and empowering
Accidental Tourist. She was again         women worldwide.
nominated for an Academy Award and
                                                                                      Synchrony is proud to support the
Golden Globe for her performance          Geena Davis and festival co-found-          Bentonville Film Festival.
in Ridley Scott’s Thelma & Louise,        er Trevor Drinkwater founded the
in which she co-starred with Susan        Bentonville Film Festival in 2015 to
Sarandon. Davis went on to receive        champion women and minorities in            As a part of the Bentonville community,
a Golden Globe nomination for Best        media. BFF’s mission is to encourage
Actress for her portrayal of baseball     content creation in film and oth-
                                                                                      we celebrate the Festival's storytellers,
phenomenon Dottie Hinson in A             er forms of media that reflects the         musicians and artists who turn their
League of Their Own.                      diverse — and half female — world
                                          we live in. BFF proactively supports        ambitions into film.
Earning the 2006 Golden Globe             content creation by minorities and
Award for Best Performance by an          women with a platform to showcase
Actress in a Television Series Drama,     their work and, with the help of our
Davis broke ground in her portrayal       partners, is the only film competition
of the first female President of the      in the world to guarantee theatrical,
United States in ABC’s hit show           television, digital, and retail home
Commander in Chief.                       entertainment distribution for its win-
                                          ners. The festival is research based
Davis made her feature film debut         and commercially driven.
starring opposite Dustin Hoffman in
Tootsie. She went on to star in such      Currently, Davis is starring in the crit-
films as The Fly, Beetlejuice, The Long   ically acclaimed film Marjorie Prime,
Kiss Goodnight, and Stuart Little.        which is based on the award-winning
                                          play by Jordan Harrison. She is also
Few have achieved such remarkable         the voice of Emmy-nominated Dear
success in as many different fields as    Angelica, one of the first VR narrative
Davis has: She is not only an Oscar       films from Oculus.
and Golden Globe winning actor, but
a world-class athlete (at one time the    Recently, Davis starred in 20th
nation’s 13th-ranked archer), a mem-      Century Fox’s The Exorcist, a serial-
ber of the genius society Mensa, and      ized psychological thriller based on
is now recognized for her tireless ad-    the 1971 book of the same name.
vocacy of women and girls. She is the     Beyond her work in film, Davis also
Founder and Chair of the non-profit       holds honorary degrees from Boston
Geena Davis Institute on Gender in        University, Bates College, and New
Media, which engages film and televi-     England College.
sion creators to dramatically increase
the percentages of female characters      Please visit www.seejane.org for
— and reduce gender stereotyping — in     more information.

8                                             Bentonville Film Festival 2018                                              synchronyfinancial.com
2018 GUIDE - Bentonville Film Festival
ABOUT BENTONVILLE, AR                                                              ABOUT NORTHWEST ARKANSAS

A Small Town                                                                       A Little Corner of
with Big Appeal                                                                    the Natural State
                                           what we have on the menu is not to
                                           be missed.

                                           Bentonville is also fast becoming
                                           one of the top cycling destinations
                                           in North America. We have over
                                           140 miles of hard and soft trails for
                                           guests to explore. From beginners to
Art, food, music, history, and             the more experienced, Bentonville has
forward-thinking abound in the             something for everyone to enjoy.
Northwest Arkansas town of
Bentonville. No longer known as            With so much to see and do in
just the corporate headquarters for        Bentonville, we encourage you to
Walmart, this small town of 46,000         get out there and see for yourself
boasts a bounty for visitors and           what makes this place so special!
residents alike.                           For more information, go to
The Washington Post called Crystal
Bridges Museum of American Art “the        Check the Local Love page on the
most-talked-about new museum in            BFF App for special discounts and
the United States in a generation”.        deals from local businesses that are
Spanning five centuries of American        exclusive to BFF attendees!
art and 120 acres of land, Crystal
Bridges is truly a treasure sown into

the foothills of the Ozark Mountains.                                              Welcome to Northwest Arkansas,         baseball game in Springdale. Get
                                                                                   one of the fastest growing and         outdoors at one of region’s four
Guests looking to take in more                                                     most dynamic regions in America!       state parks, ride rapids year-round
history and art can visit locations like                                           Whether you’re here for business       at the Siloam Springs Kayak Park or
the Walmart Museum and original                 Crystal Bridges Museum             or pleasure, we welcome you to         play a round of golf at one of Bella
Walton 5&10, 21c Museum Hotel                       of American Art                explore and experience all that’s      Vista’s eight challenging courses.
with 12,000 square feet of gal-                    21c Museum Hotel                available in the northwest corner of   And don’t forget to check out
lery space, The Museum of Native                                                   the Natural State.                     Bentonville’s awe-inspiring Crystal
American History, and Peel Mansion                                                                                        Bridges Museum of American Art
showcasing the beauty of the home-                 Compton Gardens                 Each of the region’s cities offers     and the historic Walmart Museum.
stead built in 1875.                                                               something special and unique.
                                                   Museum of Native
                                                                                   Visit the charming village of          We hope you’ll enjoy exploring
                                                   American History
The culinary scene in Bentonville is                                               Eureka Springs with its Victorian      Northwest Arkansas. Visit
on fire boasting a unique array of               Peel Mansion Museum               architecture and numerous shops        northwestarkansas.org for
menu offerings and Brightwater: A                 and Heritage Garden              and galleries. Attend a Broadway       more information.
Center for the Study of Food. Known                                                performance at Walton Arts
                                                Slaughter Pen Bike Trail
for “High South Cuisine”, our chefs,                                               Center in Fayetteville, or “Call the
including several James Beard Award
nominees, are bringing southern
                                                 The Walmart Museum                Hogs” at a University of Arkansas
                                                                                   Razorbacks game. Catch a concert
                                                                                                                                  PAGE 12
                                                    8th Street Market                                                          Map of the festival.
hospitality to a whole new level. From                                             at the Walmart AMP in Rogers and
fine dining to farm-to-table cuisine,                                              a Northwest Arkansas Naturals

10                                             Bentonville Film Festival 2018      Bentonville Film Festival 2018                                           11
2018 GUIDE - Bentonville Film Festival
GETTING AROUND                                                                                                                                    GETTING AROUND
                                                                                                                                                  BFF SHUTTLE SERVICE
                        DOWNTOWN FESTIVAL LOCATIONS                                                                                               Daily shuttle service will run every
                                                           Coca-Cola Sound
                                                                                                                                                  20 minutes between Lawrence
 A    AMC Theatre at 21c                               E   Stage at The Meteor               I   STEAM Zone        M      Local Lane              Plaza, Sheraton Four Points,
 B    Sony & Orville Redenbacher’s
                                                       F   Inclusion Town at                 J   VUDU Lounge                                      Walmart Home Office, The Record,
      Outdoor Theater                                      Compton Gardens
                                                                                                 Theatre Village
                                                                                                                                                  and Skylight Cinemas.
 C    The Record                                       G   Diversity Drive                  K    Presented by Synchrony
 D    Crystal Bridges                                  H   Skylight Cinema                  L    Walmart World Room
                             NW A ST.                                                                                                             9:00am–1:00am
                                                                                     CRYSTAL BRIDGES

                                                                                                                                NE J ST
                                                                                       MUSEUM OF                                                  Sunday                                  Campbell Soup Company
                                                                                      AMERICAN ART                                                9:00am–4:00pm

                                                                                    D                                                                                                           is proud to
                                                           NE                                                                                     RIDESHARING                               support BFF and its
                                                                                                                                                  Uber and Lyft operate in Bentonville.     mission of Diversity
                                         N. MAIN ST.

                                                                                                                                                                                               and Inclusion
       NW 5TH                                                                                                                                     PARKING
                                                                                                                                                 There are many free parking lots
                                                                                                                                                  available within walking distance
       NW 4TH
                                                       F                                                                                          of Bentonville Square.For a map
       NW 3RD                                                   3
                                                                     I                                                                            of locations, go to visitbentonville.        ©2018 CSC Brands LP
                                                            B       LAWRENCE PLAZA                                                                com/plan-your-trip.
                                                            A                   J
                                                                     K                  G
       NW 2ND                                                                                           NE 2ND
                                   E L
     W. CENTRAL AVE.                                       DOWNTOWN SQUARE

                        C                                                                    E. CENTRAL AVE.
                                        S. MAIN ST.

                                                                                                             SE 3RD
                                                                                                                              SE J ST

                        H                                                                                    SE 4TH
                                                                                                             SE 5TH
                        SW A ST.

                                                                     SE C ST.

                    1       TICKET OFFICE                           3      INFO BOOTH                       SHUTTLE STOP
                    2       VOLUNTEER HUB                                  PUBLIC PARKING

                                                                                                                                                    GET THE APP
                                                                         SE C ST.

                                                  4 POINTS BY
                                                  SHERATON                                                                                         Check out the interactive
                                                                                                                                                   map when you download
                                                                                    SE WALTON BLVD.
                                                                                                                                                        the BFF App!

12                                                                                          Bentonville Film Festival 2018                        Bentonville Film Festival 2018                                     13
2018 GUIDE - Bentonville Film Festival

How to Get Tickets
PURCHASE                                       BOX OFFICE HOURS
There are three easy ways to pur-
chase your tickets for BFF’s films,            Tuesday, May 1–Saturday, May 5
panel and discussion events, and                  9:00am–6:00pm
music series:
                                               Sunday, May 6
ONLINE                                            9:00am–12:00pm
Go to bentonvillefilmfestival.com                                                               Proud sponsor of
to visit our online event guide and            Tickets may also be purchased
purchase tickets.                              at the door of the venue, if seats
                                               are available.                            Bentonville
Download the 2018 BFF App for
                                               Ticketing Call Center:
                                                                                         Film Festival
iOS and Android in your phone’s app
store, then purchase tickets directly
in-app.                                        DAY PASS $65: Right to reserve a
                                               seat at six festival movie, and select
BOX OFFICE                                     panels and discussions.
Visit the BFF Box Office at the 21c
Museum Hotel during the festival               SPECIAL MUSICAL EVENT PASS
and purchase your tickets in person.           $30: Access to BFF musical finale.

Many shows do sell out, so ad-                 MARVEL EXPERIENCE: Tickets
vanced purchase is recommended.                are free and available at the Skylight
                                               Cinema box office beginning April                                                 Touching lives,
See website for a full list of pass benefits
                                               29. First come, first served.
                                                                                                                                Improving life —
                                               PLEASE NOTE
FOUNDATION BADGE $1,575:                       All ticketed events require a ticket to                                              and making
Right to reserve a seat at 60 festival         get in. A pass holder badge is not a
movie, select panels and discussions,          guarantee of a seat. Ticket holders                                             Northwest Arkansas
and music events. Plus: Welcome                must arrive at least 15 minutes before
Breakfast +1, Filmmaker Hap-
py Hour +1, Access to Filmmaker
                                               showtime for admission. General
                                               admission seating for ticket holders is
                                                                                                                                 a great place to
Lounge +1, Opening Ceremony +1,
and VIP Pre-Award Show Party +1.
                                               available on a first-come, first-served
                                               basis. Pass holders without a ticket
                                                                                                                                  live and work.
                                               may wait in the Stand-by line and will
PATRON BADGE $775: Right to                    be seated upon availability.                                                      #WeSeeEqual
reserve a seat at 40 festival movie,
select panels and discussions,                 BFF passes are non-refundable.
and music events. Plus: Welcome                Single-event passes may only be
Breakfast +1, Filmmaker Happy                  exchanged at the festival box office
Hour +1, and Access to Filmmaker               based on availability and at the sole
Lounge +1.                                     discretion of BFF.

WEEKLY PASS $275: Right to                     Many competition films have not yet
reserve a seat at 20 festival movie,           been rated by the MPAA. No babes
and select panels and discussions.             in arms.

14                                                 Bentonville Film Festival 2018        © 2018 The Procter & Gamble Company
2018 GUIDE - Bentonville Film Festival
                                                                      AT THE METEOR
                                           MUSIC EVENTS ARE TICKETED AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC

                                            MAY 1

                                                                 Opening Artist:      Headlining Artist:

                                                                 JILLIAN JACQUELINE   CARLY PEARCE
                                                                 9:30pm–10:15pm       10:30pm–11:30pm

                                            MAY 2

                                                                                      Headlining Artist:

                                                                                      VINTAGE TROUBLE

                                            MAY 3

                                                                 Opening Artist:      Headlining Artist:

                                                                 ALLY BROOKE          ALEX AIONO
                                                                 9:30pm–10:15pm       10:30pm–11:30pm

2018 BFF                                    FRIDAY,
                                            MAY 4

HIGHLIGHTS                                                       Opening Artist:      Headlining Artist:

                                                                 SONG SUFFRAGETTES    LAUREN ALAINA
Don’t miss these festival highlights and                         9:30pm–10:15pm       10:30pm–11:30pm
special events. More information can be
found on the BFF website and app.          Bentonville Film Festival 2018                                  17
SPECIAL EVENT FILMS                                                            LEGACY TRIBUTE
     ALL EVENTS ARE TICKETED AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC                                 MEG RYAN
     OPENING NIGHT FILM                     PROJECT ZERO                            Friday, May 4, 11:30am–5:45pm,
     Tuesday, May 1, 7:30pm, 21c            Sunday, May 5, 11:00am,                 The AMC Theatre at 21c
     Museum Hotel                           Skylight 1
                                                                                    For the third year, BFF welcomes
     The world premiere of Studio L’s       BFF is honored to partner with          actor and filmmaker Meg
     The Honor List, with Director Elissa   Arkansas-based non-profit               Ryan, who will participate in a
     Downs and cast in attendance.          Project Zero for a special film         conversation about her career
                                            screening and event to raise
                                            awareness for their mission             in front of and behind the
     Check online or app for screening      to diligently and passionately          camera, in between anniversary
     and conversation dates and times.      promote adoption through the            screenings of two classic Ryan/      movies and the conversation,
                                            foster care system.                     Hanks collaborations. Ticket-        which will be hosted by fellow
     BFF pays tribute to pioneering                                                 holders have access to both          actor Busy Philipps.
     actors and filmmakers with this
     conversation series.
                                            THE RAISING OF AMERICA:
                                            EARLY CHILDHOOD AND
     • Meg Ryan + Busy Philipps             THE FUTURE OF OUR
       (Sleepless in Seattle, You’ve Got
                                            Friday, May 4, 5:30pm, Arvest
                                                                                    VIP EXPERIENCES
                                                                                    PASS HOLDERS OR INVITATION ONLY
     • Shannon Lee (Enter The Dragon)       BFF, Helen R. Walton Children’s
                                            Enrichment Center, Ready
                                            Nation, Moms in Film, and               BFF OPENING CEREMONY                 FILMMAKER LOUNGE
     THE BOX                                Arkansas Advocates for Children         Tuesday, May 1, 5:30pm, 21c          Wednesday–Friday 10am–5pm
     Screens throughout festival            and Families present a special          Museum Hotel (invitation only)       and Saturday 10am–2pm, Elkins
                                            screening of Raising America,                                                Design, pass holders only
     Catch the world premiere of            followed by a panel discussion          Mingle with festival VIPs at a
     Academy of Motion Picture              with Kyle Peterson, Alysia Reiner,      cocktail reception before the        Hang out with the creators at
     Arts & Science’s Gold Program          and others.                             Opening Night Film.                  the Filmmaker Lounge and enjoy
     intern Tracey Aivez’s short film,
     commissioned by Walmart, at                                                                                         complimentary food and drink.
                                            SAMSUNG CREATE EVENT                    BFF AWARDS SHOW                      The Lounge will also host the
     Opening Night and before every         Thursday, May 3, 6:30pm,
     Competition Film.                                                                                                   Filmmaker Chat Series Wed.–Fri.
                                            Walmart World Room                      Saturday, May 5, 7:00pm, Crystal
                                                                                                                         5:30–7pm and Sat. 2:30–4pm
                                            Student filmmakers were                 Bridges American Museum of Art
     CENTERPIECE SCREENING                                                                                               (Filmmaker pass holders only.)
     Friday, May 4, 7:00pm, 21c             challenged to make a short film         BFF presents its award-winning
     Museum Hotel                           based on the mission of BFF by          films over dinner and a show,
                                            utilizing the incredibly powerful       hosted by Loni Love with a live
     Special screening of The Year of       Samsung Galaxy phone and
     Spectacular Men, with Director                                                 performance by Martina McBride.
                                            tablet. The top films will premiere
     Lea Thompson, screenwriter and         during this program followed by a
     actor Madelyn Deutch, and cast         Q&A with the filmmakers.
     Zoey Deutch.

                                            MARVEL EXPERIENCE
                                            Wednesday ,May 2–Friday, May
                                                                                    SPECIAL EVENT EXPERIENCES
     FILM CHALLENGE FINALISTS               4, Skylight Cinema (Check online        ALL EVENTS ARE TICKETED AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC
     Thursday, May 3, 1:15pm,               or app for screening dates and
     Walmart World Room                     times.)                                 MASTERS OF THE SUN                   LOS LOBOS CONCERT
     BFF partners with the film             BFF partners with Marvel for the        Saturday, May 5th 11am–5pm           Sunday, May 6, Doors Open at
     challenge to unveil and screen         ultimate Marvel Experience, with
     the 2018 competition finalists,                                                at Arvest Conference Room.           1pm, BFF Outdoor Stage.
                                            free film screenings (tickets must                                           $10 (VIP Section: $30)
     followed by a Q&A with founder         be reserved in advance), themed         A one-of-its-kind augmented
     Nic Novicki. This program will be      concessions, and                        reality experience from Will.i.am,   Experience the legendary rock & roll
     captioned and will include a ASL       galactic experiences.                   based on his graphic novel Masters   band Los Lobos with opening act,
                                                                                    of the Sun.                          indie-folk rockers Run River North.

18                                              Bentonville Film Festival 2018    Bentonville Film Festival 2018                                                19
MAKE SURE TO STOP BY                                                       of the 2018 Competition Films
                                                                            (ticket required). Swing by                 SCHEDULE
 FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. CHECK WEBSITE                                 Theatre Village for complimentary           INCLUSION TOWN
 AND APP FOR HOURS, MAP, FILMS, AND ACTIVATIONS                             concessions as well.                        DIVERSITY DRIVE
                                                                                                                        STEAM ZONE
 BFF takes its inclusion             is working with local shelters and     VUDU LOUNGE                                 SONY & ORVILLE REDENBACHER
 celebration to the streets of       rescues to sponsor pet adoptions                                                   OUTDOOR THEATRE AT
 downtown Bentonville with lots      during BFF, and helped 58 dogs         Chill out in the comfy lounge
                                                                                                                        LAWRENCE PLAZA
 of outdoor fun for the whole        find their forever homes last          between films and activities. Grab
                                                                                                                        Wednesday: May 2: 1:00–6:00pm
 family. Make sure to stop by        year. Help them                        a refreshment and pick up a free
                                                                                                                        Thursday: May 3: 1:00–7:00pm
 and visit all of our partners for   break the record! Finally, BFF         movie rental from VUDU.
                                                                                                                        Friday: May 4: 1:00–8:00pm
 exciting demos, giveaway and        closes out its 4th annual festival                                                 Saturday: May 5: 11:00am–5:00pm
 totally unique experiences. Visit   with a musical celebration on          LOCAL LANE                                  Sunday: May 6: 11:00am–3:00pm
 the BFF website and app for         Sunday afternoon.                      On Saturday, My 5th, BFF
 specific details.                                                          presents Fiesta at the Fest,                THEATRE VILLAGE HOURS
                                     STEAM ZONE                             honoring our local Latino and               Wednesday–Friday: 10:00am–9:00pm
 INCLUSION TOWN                                                             Hispanic culture awith a Cinco              Saturday: 10:00am-3:00pm
                                     BFF’s STEAM Zone features
 Presented by Anderson               innovations and new                    de Cinco de Mayo celebration.
 Merchandisers                       technologies, VR/AR, and STEM          The Fiesta will feature local               LOCAL LANE HOURS
                                     experiences from sponsors              entertainment, food, and activities         Saturday: 11:00am–5:00pm
 Inclusion Town is a not-to-be                                              provided by the community. On               Sunday: 11:00am–3:00pm
                                     like Cox, The Quantum Storey
 missed collection of studio,                                               Sunday, May 6th, we partner
                                     Company, SmartyPants Vitamins,                                                     Plus: the premiere of new Peppa
 beauty, and retail sponsors,
                                     and Hot Wheels. Sunday, May 6,         with Peekaboo Magazine for the B:4.75”      Pig episodes at the Sony & Orville
 including Universal, Warner                                                6th Annual Peekaboo Kids Fest
                                     V8-Fusion Energy will sponsor                                               T:4”   Redenbacher Outdoor Theatre at
 Brothers, Nick Jr., Paramount,                                             Street Faire with family activities,
                                     BFF’s first family trail ride with                                                 Lawrence Plaza on Saturday at
 American Media International,                                              including special appearances by S:4”
                                     partner Bike NWA.                                                                  10:00am and 3:30pm.
 P&G, PopSockets, the NBA,                                                  Peppa Pig and her brother George.
 Taste Beauty, Vogue, EcoTools,
 Henkle, US Weekly and Unilever.     SONY & ORVILLE
 Stop by to see how these BFF        REDENBACHER OUTDOOR
 partners are embracing diversity    THEATRE AT LAWRENCE
 and inclusion. Check out some       PLAZA
 of your family’s favorite
 characters and shows including      Grab some complimentary
 Teen Titans, Sunny Day, Barbie,     Orville Redenbacher popcorn,
 and Jurassic World.                 refreshments from SlimFast,
                                     catch a variety of free flicks at
                                     BFF’s outdoor movie theatre by
                                                                                                                           Unilever is a
 In Diversity Drive, you’ll find
                                     Sony, including family-friendly
                                     movies like Hotel Transylvania,
                                                                                                                        proud supporter
 the BFF Outdoor Music Stage,
 which will feature a variety of
                                     Smurfs: The Lost Village, Mulan,
                                     Coco, The Emoji Movie, Peter                                                       of the Bentonville
 local acts, up-and-coming talent,   Rabbit and Star Wars Episode Iv:
                                                                                                                          Film Festival.

 discussions, and other family-      A New Hope. Find the full movie

 themed performances, plus           schedule on pages 31–41 or at
 refreshments from Coca-Cola®,       bentonvillefilmfestival.com. And
 Stella Artois, and Constellation    make sure to stop by every day
 Brands as well as confections       for pop-up experiences from BFF
 from Mars. Also visit BFF           partners — you never know who
 partners L’Oreal, Hard Candy,       might show up!                              Dove is helping 40 million young people build self-esteem
 Synchrony, and Mars Petcare.
 Stop by their Better Cities for
                                                                                  from 2004 to 2020. Download our educational tools for
                                     THEATRE VILLAGE
 Pets tent to get samples of                                                                   free at dove.com/selfesteem
 their products all week long        Presented by Synchrony
 and come back Friday through        Theatre Village is home to BFF’s
 Sunday to meet all the lovable      two Cinetransformer theatres
 pets for adoption. Mars Petcare     where you can catch screenings
                                                                                                                                           ©2018 Unilever WMT18132

20                                       Bentonville Film Festival 2018   Bentonville Film Festival 2018                                                             21

                                                       MEN AS ALLIES                              free from bias. Let’s tell stories that
                                                       Presented by Mars                          reflect the world we see around us.

                                                       Date: Wednesday, May 2, 2018               SPEAKERS: Elisabeth Sereda
                                                       Time: 9:00AM–10:00AM                       (moderator), Nikkole Denson-
                                                       Location: Record North                     Randolph, Meghan Rienks, Lance
                                                       Feminism by definition is the belief       Nichols
                                                       that men and women should have
                                                       equal opportunities. This panel will
                                                       look at how men can be true allies in      WOMEN IN FILM
                                                       the effort to achieve gender equality      Presented by Mars
                                                       in the workplace and all walks of life.    Date: Wednesday, May 2, 2018
                                                                                                  Time: 1:30PM–2:30PM
                                                       SPEAKERS: Brickson Diamond                 Location: Record North
                                                       (moderator), Jim Breach, Mark
                                                       Rahiya, Chris Mondzelewski,                BFF is proud to present the World
                                                       D’Angela Proctor, Michelle Ebanks          Premiere of Academy of Motion
                                                                                                  Pictures Arts and Sciences Gold
                                                                                                  Intern Tracey Aivaz's :60 second film
                                                       KNOW YOURSELF                              THE BOX, commissioned by founding
                                                       Presented by Mars                          sponsor Walmart. This panel
                                                                                                  discussion will discuss her journey
                                                       Date: Wednesday, May 2, 2018               and partnership with Walmart.
                                                       Time: 10:30AM–11:30AM
                                                       Location: Record North                     SPEAKERS: Kirsten Schaffer (Mod-
                                                       Understanding how the brain works          erator), Kirsten Evans, Tracey Aivaz
                                                       can help us understand our own
                                                       biases. Dr. Steve Robbins will set the
                                                       tone for the week as he sheds light on     THE FUTURE OF KIDS MEDIA
                                                       how our brains work and how that in-       Date: Wednesday, May 2, 2108
                                                       fluences our perceptions of what we        Time: 3:00PM–4:00PM
                                                       see and hear in our daily lives, helping   Location: Record North
                                                       us to lead with an open mind for the
                                                       rest of the week’s discussions.            In this panel, we will explore
                                                                                                  conversations about diversity and
                                                       SPEAKER: Dr. Steve Robbins                 inclusion in children's programming
                                                                                                  development and how it has evolved
                                                                                                  and changed for the better. Kids,
                                                       STORYTELLING                               parents, networks, and consumers are
                                                       Presented by Mars                          not asking, they are demanding more
                                                                                                  diverse representation in children's

                                                       Date: Wednesday, May 2, 2018               programming to reflect the world
                                                       Time: 12:00PM–1:00PM                       around us more accurately. How
                                                       Location: Record North                     has the development and production

                                                       It all starts with a story. Building a     process changed to meet demands
                                                       creative, innovative, and inclusive        and what is there still left to do?
                                                       team is the key to great storytelling.
                                                       This panel will look at how                SPEAKERS: Kallan Kagan (modera-
                                                       creatives, in front and behind the         tor), Peter Gal, Bronwen O'Keefe
More information can be found on the                   camera, can deliver stories that are
                                                       not only meaningful and diverse but
BFF website and app.
22                    Bentonville Film Festival 2018   Bentonville Film Festival 2018                                                  23
DISCUSSION EVENTS: THURSDAY                                                       DISCUSSION EVENTS: THURSDAY

                                                                                  SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY                   for the Network. Join us fora candid
                                                                                  Presented by L’Oreal Paris              conversation about why representa-
                                                                                                                          tion is important both in front of and
                                                                                  Date: Thursday, May 3, 2018             behind the camera, how to achieve it
                                                                                  Time: 1:30PM–2:30PM                     and the challenges they face bringing
                                                                                  Location: Record North                  their creative visions to the screen.
                                                                                  In an internet-fueled, social
                                                                                  media-driven world, companies           SPEAKERS: Susan Lewis, Kate Clif-
                                                                                  and celebrity influencers have the      ford, Kathryn Adair, Heather Bellson
                                                                                  ability and power to collaborate
                                                                                  and inspire a meaningful impact.
                                                                                  This panel will discuss the reality     A LEAGUE OF THEIR OWN
                                                                                  that millennials have demonstrated      Presented by ACI - American
                                                                                  they care about companies that care     Cinema International
                                                                                  about them. Therefore, how can          Date: Thursday, May 3, 2018
                                                                                  media be utilized to communicate        Time: 4:30PM–5:30PM
                                                                                  that companies have an interest         Location: Record North
                                                                                  in effecting positive change? How
                                                                                  can it play a key role in amplifying    Research from the Geena Da-
                                                                                  social responsibility initiatives and   vis Institute on Gender in Media
                                                                                  inspiring creativity and innovation?    shows that when there is a female
                                                                                                                          writer and director, there is a
                                                                                  SPEAKERS: Michele Sullivan              10% increase in on-screen roles.
                                          we can take to make sure we all feel    (moderator), Dennis Williams, David     Remarkable change happens when
                                          like insiders.                          Arquette, Claudia Romo Edelman,         women are in the driver’s seat.
Presented by Mars
                                                                                  Shannon Lee                             These successful business leaders
Date: Thursday, May 3, 2018               SPEAKERS: Tracy “Twinkie” Byrd,                                                 will share case histories and best
Time: 9:00AM–10:00AM                      Nic Novicki, Jaime Primak Sullivan,                                             practices regarding how they’ve
Location: Record North                    Jessica Daniels, Danny Strong           STARZ                                   leveraged their extensive experi-
One in every five Americans is                                                    Date: Thursday, May 3, 2018             ence to create more intersectional
living with a disability, making it the                                           Time: 3:00PM–4:00PM                     and gender-balanced projects.
largest minority population today.        MARKETING AND                           Location: Record North
                                          DISTRIBUTION                                                                    SPEAKERS: Madeline di Nonno
Yet far too often, their important                                                Meet STARZ Executives and
                                          Presented by Mars                                                               (Moderator), Aisha Tyler, Chevonne
and varied stories go untold.                                                     Creators as they discuss inclusion,     O’Shaughnessy, Courtney Parker,
                                          Date: Thursday, May 3, 2108             diversity and the creative process      Heather Rae
SPEAKERS: Becky Curran (modera-           Time: 12:00PM–1:00PM
tor), Katy Sullivan, Gail Williamson,     Location: Record North
RJ Mitte, Russell Shaffer
                                          Content creators have the power
                                          to change and inspire audiences.
CASTING CALL                              How do we make sure the content
Presented by Mars                         we distribute supports an inclusive
                                          world? Once we understand our
Date: Thursday, May 3, 2018               own biases, how can we harness
Time: 10:30AM–11:30AM                     that to effect change through the
Location: Record North                    content we create and distribute, to
Writers, directors, producers, and        positively influence young minds?
casting agents have the ability to
broaden the scope of their projects       SPEAKERS: Heather Kruse (mod-
to truly reflect the world we live in.    erator), Jeanine Liburd, Traci White,
This discussion explores the steps        Gil Robertson, and Alex Negrete

24                                            Bentonville Film Festival 2018      Bentonville Film Festival 2018                                             25
DISCUSSION EVENTS: FRIDAY                                                         DISCUSSION EVENTS: FRIDAY

STEAM                                     INCLUSION IS GOOD
Presented by Walmart                      FOR BUSINESS
Date: Friday, May 4, 2018                 Presented by Mars
Time: 9:00AM–10:00AM                      Date: Friday, May 4
Location: Record North                    Time: 10:30AM–11:30AM
Over 1 million jobs in STEAM              Location: Record North
(Science, Technology, Engineering,        Content creators in film, television,
Arts, and Math) go unfilled. This panel   VR, and elsewhere have the power
will look at how we can harness the       to change and inspire audiences.
power of media to unlock potential        The case is indisputable — media
and opportunities for women and           that is gender balanced and inclusive
minorities, while inspiring them to       performs better. This discussion
pursue careers in STEAM and create        will prove the business case for
an inclusive playing field.               inclusion. How do we collaborate
                                          more purposefully to get inspiring
SPEAKERS: Dr. Knatokie Ford,              stories in front of a wider audience?
Laurie Gaskins Baise, Han Soto,
Courtney McCarthy                         SPEAKERS: Add Ben Hasan
                                          (moderator) Monica Diaz, Mindy
                                          Sherwood, Han Soto, Andrew Davis
                                                                                  LANDING PAD                             What are basic lessons we all can
                                                                                  Presented by Mars                       learn and incorporate into our lives to
                                                                                  Date: Friday, May 4, 2018               give us a better chance to succeed?
                                                                                  Time: 12:00PM–1:00PM                    This panel will explore what these
                                                                                  Location: Record North                  influencers and high performers
                                                                                                                          do when challenges arise. What
                                                                                  This panel will explore how             strategies did they use to persevere,
                                                                                  companies can create, implement,        change their own game, and inspire
                                                                                  and support programs to ensure          others to do the same?
                                                                                  diversity is celebrated and inclusion
                                                                                  is the norm within their businesses.    SPEAKERS: Debbie Matenopoulos
                                                                                  We’ll explore the idea that one can     (moderator), Matt Stutzman,
                                                                                  not exist without the other and         Victoria Arlen, Monica Gonzales
                                                                                  how each can help to generate a
                                                                                  productive and vibrant workforce
                                                                                  under the company’s umbrella.           NEXT GEN
                                                                                                                          Presented by L’Oreal Paris and
                                                                                  SPEAKERS: Dr. Steve Robbins             Maybelline New York
                                                                                  (moderator), Alanna Cotton, Lori
                                                                                  Flees, Laurie Gaskins Baise, Sarah      Date: Friday, May 4, 2018
                                                                                  Bettman                                 Time: 3:00PM–4:00PM
                                                                                                                          Location: Record North
                                                                                                                          The BFF adage “If They Can See
                                                                                  GAME CHANGERS                           It, They Can Be It” aims to effect
                                                                                  Presented by Maybelline New York        change from a young age. These
                                                                                  Date: Friday, May 4, 2018               talented actors are the face of a
                                                                                  Time: 1:30PM–2:30PM                     generation of change, inclusion,
                                                                                  Location: Record North                  diversity, and acceptance.

                                                                                  By definition a gamechanger is a        SPEAKERS: Jasmin Savoy Brown,
                                                                                  newly introduced element or factor      Jeffrey Bowyer-Chapman, Justin
                                                                                  that changes an existing situation.     Prentice

26                                            Bentonville Film Festival 2018      Bentonville Film Festival 2018                                               27

WORKFORCE OF THE                                                                                                                           - Glenn Kenny, THE NEW YORK TIMES

Presented by Mars
Date: Saturday, May 5, 2018                                                                                                                    - Tom Russo, BOSTON GLOBE
Time: 9:00AM–10:00AM
Location: Record North
This panel will look at the real
cause and effect when media                                                                                                                        - Sandy Cohen, AP

dollars are spent. We’ll explore
how a conscious management
of media buys are directed and
can directly influence and inspire
entire generations, leading to more
diversity in the workplace.                 GEENA & FRIENDS
                                            Presented by L’Oréal Paris and
SPEAKERS: Jay Tucker (moderator),           Maybelline New York
Vivian Greentree, Craig Robinson,           Date: Saturday, May 5, 2018
Anastasia Williams, Adele B. Wilson         Time: 12:00PM–1:00PM
                                            Location: Record North

THE TIME IS NOW                             Join BFF Co-Founder and Academy
Presented by Mars                           Award-winner Geena Davis for a
                                            mind-bending session of role-reversal
Date: Saturday, May 5, 2018                 as she and some celebrity guests
Time: 10:30AM–11:30AM                       explore the idea still mystifying to
Location: Record North                      some that complicated and interesting
Successful content creators and             characters are not gender specific.
celebrity influencers are engaging with     Equity on screen can be achieved simply
social impact issues more than ever.        by changing the gender of a character
Consumers are supporting leaders            without changing any dialogue.
who are sincere in their ability to ad-
vocate for specific issues that result in   SPEAKERS: Geena Davis, Meg
doing GOOD business. Our esteemed           Ryan, Alysia Reiner, Natalie Morales
panelists will spotlight how they are
driving social impact initiatives to
achieve gender equality and intersec-       MASTERS OF THE SUN
tionality in media.                         Presented by Samsung
                                            Date: Saturday, May 5, 2018
SPEAKERS: Alysia Reiner, Geena              Time: 3:00PM–4:00PM
Davis, Stephanie Beatriz, Natalie           Location: Record North
                                            Will.i.am from Black Eyed Peas dis-
                                            cusses the creation of and the social
                                            justice issues featured in “Masters                  NOW ON 4K ULTRA HD,
                                                                                               BLU-RAY™ COMBO, AND DVD
                                            of the Sun”, as well as a publishing
                                            industry first – franchise extensions
                                            via augmented reality and Virtual
                                            Reality versions that feature all-star
                                            casts and original music scores.

                                            SPEAKER: Will.i.am                                       SOME RUDE HUMOR
                                                                                                                                                                       © 2018 Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc., Sony Pictures Animation Inc.,
                                                                                                        AND ACTION
                                                                                                                                                    2.0 Entertainment Financing, LLC and MRC II Distribution Company L.P. All Rights Reserved.
                                                                                                                                                          PETER RABBIT and all associated characters ™ & © Frederick Warne & Co. Limited.
28                                              Bentonville Film Festival 2018        Special Features are not rated.                                    © 2018 Layout and Design Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.
2018 BFF
                                                                                                                                                     OF EVENTS

                                                                                                                                                     More information
                                                                                                                                                     can be found on
                                                                                                                                                     the BFF website
                                                                                                                                                     and app.

                                        Theatre                Sony & Orville   Walmart   Marvel         Marvel          Marvel          Marvel          Marvel         Marvel          Coca-Cola®
                   Apple                at Arvest   AMC        Redenbacher’s    Museum    Experience     Experience      Experience      Experience      Experience     Experience      Sound
          Record   Blossom    Honey Bee Community Theatre at   Outdoor          World     at Skylight    at Skylight     at Skylight     at Skylight     at Skylight    at Skylight     Stage at
          North    Theatre    Theatre   Room        21C        Theatre          Room      Theatre 1      Theatre 2       Theatre 3       Theatre 4       Theatre 5      Theatre 6       The Meteor
7 p.m.

8 p.m.

                                                    Page 53
9 p.m.

                                                                                                                                                                                         & JILLIAN
10 p.m.


                                                                                           *Non-Ticketed Event.
           COMPETITION FILM                     NON-COMPETITION FILM                      **Free Event. Ticket Required. Pick up at Skylight theater beginning May 1.
                                                                                            Dates and times are subject to change. Please reference the website at bentonvillefilmfestival.com or the BFF
           DISCUSSION EVENT                     BFF MUSIC LOUNGE                            App for up-to-date information.

30                                                 Bentonville Film Festival 2018         Bentonville Film Festival 2018                                                                               31

WEDNESDAY, MAY 2                              Mockingbird
                                              Theatre                Sony & Orville   Walmart     Marvel         Marvel          Marvel          Marvel         Marvel          Marvel          Coca-Cola®
                          Apple               at Arvest   AMC        Redenbacher’s    Museum      Experience     Experience      Experience      Experience     Experience      Experience      Sound
          Record          Blossom   Honey Bee Community Theatre at   Outdoor          World       at Skylight    at Skylight     at Skylight     at Skylight    at Skylight     at Skylight     Stage at
          North           Theatre   Theatre   Room        21C        Theatre          Room        Theatre 1      Theatre 2       Theatre 3       Theatre 4      Theatre 5       Theatre 6       The Meteor
9 a.m.

          MEN AS
          Page 23
10 a.m.

                                                                                                  AMERICA:                                                       CAPTAIN
          KNOW                                                                                    CIVIL WAR                                      THOR            AMERICA:
          YOURSELF                                                                                                               IRON            Page 55         FIRST           CAPTAIN
                                                                                                  Page 47                                                                        AMERICA:
11 a.m.

          Page 23  ANGELICA                                       HOTEL                           Free Event**                   MAN             Free Event**    AVENGER
                   Page 56  I CAN I                               TRANSYL-                                                       Page 50                                         THE
                                                                                                                                                                 Page 47         WINTER
                            WILL I DID                    GOOD    VANIA                                                          Free Event**                    Free Event**
                            Page 58                       FORTUNE Page 50                                                                                                        SOLDIER
                                                                                                                                                                                 Page 47
12 p.m.

          STORY-                                          Page 48 Non-Ticketed*
          TELLING                                                               COMPETI-                                                                                         Free Event**

          Page 23                                                               TION 2018         LOST IN
                                                                                                  AMERICA                                                        THOR:
                                                                                BLOCK 2
1 p.m.

                                                                                                  Page 51                                        IRON            THE DARK
                                                                                Page 68-                                         WHEN            MAN 2                    ANT-MAN
          WOMEN           MOKO                                                  73                                               THEY            Page 51                  Page 46
                                                                                                                                                                 Page 55
          IN FILM         JUMBIE    MISS                                                                                         AWAKE           Free Event**    Free Event**    Free Event**
2 p.m.

          Page23          Page 59   ARIZONA                          SMURFS:
                                                                                                                                 Page 66
                                    Page 59                          THE LOST
                                                                     VILLAGE SHORTS
                                                                     Page 52       COMPETI-
3 p.m.

          THE FUTURE                                                 Non-Ticketed* TION 2018
          OF KIDS MEDIA                                                                           GENT LIVES                                                     IRON
                                                                                   BLOCK 1
          Page23                                                                                  Page 64                                        WOMEN           MAN 3
                                                                                   Page 68-                                      MIND            LIKE US                         AVENGERS:
                                                                                                                                                                 Page 51
4 p.m.

                          GOOD                                                                                                   OVER            Page 66         Free Event**    AGE OF
                          AFTER     BENJI                                                                                        MATTER                                          ULTRON
                          BAD       THE DOVE              BOOM                                                                                                                   Page 46
                                                                                                                                 Page 64
                          Page 58   Page 56               FOR REAL                                                                                                               Free Event**
5 p.m.

                                                          Page 46                     SHORTS
                                                                                      TION 2018
                                                                                      BLOCK 3
6 p.m.

                                                                     BEND                                                                  TATTER-               ALWAYS,
                                                                                      Page 68-                                   THE DIS- DEMA-                                  GUARDIANS
                                                                     IT LIKE                                                                                     MOM
                          BANANA                                                      73                                         UNITED    LION                                  OF THE
                                                                     BECKHAM                                                                                     Page 64
                          SEASON    UNLOV-                                                                                       STATES OF Page 60                               GALAXY
                                                                     Page 44                                                     AMERICA
7 p.m.

                          Page 56   ABLE                  PUZZLE     Non-Ticketed*                                                                                               Page 50
                                    Page 61               Page 52                                                                Page 66                                         Free Event**
8 p.m.

                                                                                      TION 2018
                                                                                                                                 MARY                    BLACK
                                                                                      BLOCK 4                                    GOES            STUMPED PANTHER                           VINTAGE
                                                                                      Page 68-                                   ROUND                                           GUARDIANS TROUBLE
                                                                                                                                                 Page 65 Page 46
                                                                                      73                                         Page 58
9 p.m.

                                                                                                                                                                 Free Event**    OF THE    8:30pm–
                                    WHEN JEFF                                                                                                                                    GALAXY
                                    TRIED TO                                                                                                                                               1:00am
                                                          BLIND-                                                                                                                 VOL. 2
                                    SAVE THE              SPOTTING
                                    WORLD                                                                                                                                        Page 50
10 p.m.

                                                          Page 46                                                                                                                Free Event**
                                    Page 61

                                                                                                   *Non-Ticketed Event.
           COMPETITION FILM                           NON-COMPETITION FILM                        **Free Event. Ticket Required. Pick up at Skylight theater beginning May 1.
                                                                                                    Dates and times are subject to change. Please reference the website at bentonvillefilmfestival.com or the BFF
           DISCUSSION EVENT                           BFF MUSIC LOUNGE                              App for up-to-date information.

32                                                       Bentonville Film Festival 2018           Bentonville Film Festival 2018                                                                              33

THURSDAY, MAY 3                                 Mockingbird
                                                Theatre                       Sony & Orville   Walmart      Marvel         Marvel          Marvel          Marvel          Marvel          Marvel         Coca-Cola®
                         Apple                  at Arvest   AMC               Redenbacher’s    Museum       Experience     Experience      Experience      Experience      Experience      Experience     Sound
          Record         Blossom      Honey Bee Community Theatre at          Outdoor          World        at Skylight    at Skylight     at Skylight     at Skylight     at Skylight     at Skylight    Stage at
          North          Theatre      Theatre   Room        21C               Theatre          Room         Theatre 1      Theatre 2       Theatre 3       Theatre 4       Theatre 5       Theatre 6      The Meteor
9 a.m.

          Page 24
10 a.m.

                                                 ALWAYS,                                                                                                             STUMPED
          CASTING                                MOM                                                        THOR:                                           ANGELICA Page 65
          CALL                                                                                              RAGNAROK                        MOKO            Page 56          WOMEN
                                                 Page 64
11 a.m.

          Page 24        F.R.E.D.I.                                           MULAN                         Page 55                         JUMBIE                           LIKE US
                         Page 56      A FINE                                  Page 45                       Free Event**                    Page 59                          Page 66
                                      LINE                    CHANGE IN       Non-Ticketed*
                                                              THE AIR
                                      Page 62                 Page 47
12 p.m.

          MARKETING &
          Page 24                                THE NEED
                                                 TO GROW                                                                                                      DOCTOR
1 p.m.

                                                 Page 66                                                                                            TATTERDE- STRANGE
                                                                                               EASTER-                                      MISS    MALION    Page 48      EPISODIC
          SOCIAL RE-   FIND ME                                                                 SEALS                                        ARIZONA Page 60   Free Event** COMPETI-
          SPONSIBILITY Page 58        SKID ROW                                                 DISABILITY                                   Page 59                        TION 2018
2 p.m.

          Page 25                     MARA-                   ENTER
                                                                                               FILM CHAL-                                                                  BLOCK 1
                                      THON                    THE
                                                                                               LENGE                                                                       Page
                                      Page 65                 DRAGON
                                                                                               Page 18                                                                     74–76
                                                              Page 44
3 p.m.

          STARZ                                  INTELLI-
          Page 25                                GENT LIVES                                                                                                    MIND
                                                 Page 64                                                                                             GOOD      OVER
                                                                                               EPISODIC                                     BENJI    AFTER BAD MATTER                      SPIDER-
4 p.m.

                                                                              CROUCH-          COMPETI-                                     THE DOVE Page 58                               MAN:
                                                                                                                                                               Page 64
                         LEZ          BIAS                                    ING TIGER,       TION 2018                                    Page 56                                        HOME-
          A LEAGUE OF    BOMB         Page 62                                 HIDDEN                                                                                                       COMING
                                                                                               BLOCK 2
          THEIR OWN      Page 58                                              DRAGON                                                                                                       Page 52
5 p.m.

          Page 25                                                             Page 48                                                                                                      Free Event**
                                                 IN THE                                                                                                                    THE
                                                 FUTURE’S GOD
6 p.m.

                                                                                                                                                            SADIE          DISUNITED
                                                 PAST     BLESS                                                                             UNLOV-          Page 60        STATES OF
                         MAN                     Page 64  THE                 THE EAGLE                                                     ABLE                           AMERICA
                         MADE         ORIGIN                                  HUNTRESS                                                      Page 61                        Page 66
7 p.m.

                         Page 64      STORY                                   Page 53
                                      Page 65                                 Non-Ticketed*
                                                          Page 48
8 p.m.

                                                                                                                                                      BANANA               GOES
                                                              SURVIVOR’S                                                                    WHEN JEFF SEASON               ROUND
                                                                                                                                            TRIED TO
9 p.m.

                         RUST                                 GUIDE TO                                                                                Page 56                                              ALEX
                                                                                                                                            SAVE THE                       Page 58
                         CREEK        ABDUCTED                PRISON                                                                                                                                       AIONO
                         Page 60      IN PLAIN                                                                                              WORLD                                                          9:00pm–
                                                              Page 53                                                                       Page 61
                                      SIGHT                                                                                                                                                                12:00am
10 p.m.

                                      Page 62

                                                                                                             *Non-Ticketed Event.
           COMPETITION FILM                             NON-COMPETITION FILM                                **Free Event. Ticket Required. Pick up at Skylight theater beginning May 1.
                                                                                                              Dates and times are subject to change. Please reference the website at bentonvillefilmfestival.com or the BFF
           DISCUSSION EVENT                             BFF MUSIC LOUNGE                                      App for up-to-date information.

34                                                            Bentonville Film Festival 2018                Bentonville Film Festival 2018                                                                              35

FRIDAY, MAY 4                               Mockingbird
                                            Theatre                         Sony & Orville   Walmart     Marvel         Marvel          Marvel          Marvel         Marvel          Marvel          Coca-Cola®
                        Apple               at Arvest   AMC                 Redenbacher’s    Museum      Experience     Experience      Experience      Experience     Experience      Experience      Sound
          Record        Blossom   Honey Bee Community Theatre at            Outdoor          World       at Skylight    at Skylight     at Skylight     at Skylight    at Skylight     at Skylight     Stage at
          North         Theatre   Theatre   Room        21C                 Theatre          Room        Theatre 1      Theatre 2       Theatre 3       Theatre 4      Theatre 5       Theatre 6       The Meteor
9 a.m.

          Page 26
10 a.m.

          INCLUSION                        TION 2018                                      SHORTS                                                        A FINE
          IS GOOD FOR                                                                     COMPETI-                                      F.R.E.D.I.      LINE                            I CAN I
          BUSINESS                         BLOCK 1
11 a.m.

                                                                            JUMANJI TION 2018                                           Page 56         Page 62                         WILL I
          Page 26
                                  6 WEEKS Page                              Page 44                                                                                                     DID
                                                                                          BLOCK 2
                                  TO MOTH- 68–73     A MEG                  Non-Ticketed*
                                                                                                                                                                                        Page 58
                                  ER’S DAY           RYAN
12 p.m.

          LANDING                                    TRIBUTE
                                  Page 62
          PAD                                        Page 19,
          Page 27                          MAMMA
                                                     45                                                                                                          THE NEED
1 p.m.

                                           Page 45                                                                                                      SKID ROW TO GROW
                                                 Non-Ticketed*                               SHORTS                                     FIND ME         MARATHON Page 66
          GAME     QUEST                                                                     COMPETI-                                   Page 58         Page 65
          CHANGERS Page 59        THROUGH THE                               THE              TION 2018
                                  BANKS OF THE
2 p.m.

          Page 27                                                           EMOJI            BLOCK 3
                                  RED CEDAR                                 MOVIE
                                  Page 66                                                    Page
                                                                            Page 53          68–73
3 p.m.

          NEXT GEN
          Page 27                                                                                                                                                       TIME
                                                                                                                                                        BIAS            TRAP
                                                                                      SHORTS                                                            Page 62         Page 60         LIVING IN
                                                                                      COMPETI-                                                                                          THE FU-
4 p.m.

                        URBAN                                               STAR                                                        LEZ
                        COUNTRY ROLLER                                      WARS      TION 2018                                         BOMB                                            TURE’S PAST
                        Page 61 DREAMS                                      EPISODE BLOCK 4                                             Page 58                                         Page 64
                                Page 65                                     IV: A NEW Page
                                                                            HOPE      68–73
5 p.m.

                                                                            Page 45
                                          THE RAISING                       Non-Ticketed*
                                          OF AMERI-                                                                                                                     SURVIVING
                                          CA: EARLY
6 p.m.

                                                                                                                                                        ORIGIN          HOME
                                          CHILDHOOD                                  EPISODIC                                           SADIE           STORY
                                          AND THE                                                                                                                       Page 65
                        EGG                                                 JUMANJI: COMPETI-                                           Page 60         Page 65
                        Page 56   EMANUEL FUTURE  OF
                                          OUR NATION                        WELCOME TION 2018
7 p.m.

                                  Page 64 Page 18     THE YEAR              TO THE   BLOCK 1
                                                      OF SPEC-              JUNGLE   Page
                                                      TACULAR               Page 51  74–76
                                                      MEN                   Non-Ticketed*
8 p.m.

                                                      Page 55                                                                                                    DAUGHTERS
                                                                                                                                        RUST            ABDUCTED OF THE SEXUAL
                                                                                             EPISODIC                                   CREEK           IN PLAIN REVOLUTION
                                                                                                                                                                 Page 62
9 p.m.

                        SHINE                                                                COMPETI-                                   Page 60         SIGHT                                           LAUREN
                        Page 60   RIDE                                                       TION 2018                                                                                                  ALAINA
                                                                                                                                                        Page 62                                         & SONG
                                  Page 59                        THE TALE
                                                                                             BLOCK 2                                                                                                    SUFFRAG-
                                                                 Page 53
                                                                                             Page                                                                                                       ETES
10 p.m.

                                                                                             74–76                                                                                                      9:00pm–

                                                                                                          *Non-Ticketed Event.
           COMPETITION FILM                               NON-COMPETITION FILM                           **Free Event. Ticket Required. Pick up at Skylight theater beginning May 1.
                                                                                                           Dates and times are subject to change. Please reference the website at bentonvillefilmfestival.com or the BFF
           DISCUSSION EVENT                               BFF MUSIC LOUNGE                                 App for up-to-date information.

36                                                               Bentonville Film Festival 2018          Bentonville Film Festival 2018                                                                              37

SATURDAY, MAY 5                               Mockingbird
                                              Theatre                Sony & Orville   Walmart   Marvel         Marvel          Marvel          Marvel          Marvel         Marvel          Coca-Cola®
                          Apple               at Arvest   AMC        Redenbacher’s    Museum    Experience     Experience      Experience      Experience      Experience     Experience      Sound
          Record          Blossom   Honey Bee Community Theatre at   Outdoor          World     at Skylight    at Skylight     at Skylight     at Skylight     at Skylight    at Skylight     Stage at
          North           Theatre   Theatre   Room        21C        Theatre          Room      Theatre 1      Theatre 2       Theatre 3       Theatre 4       Theatre 5      Theatre 6       The Meteor
9 a.m.

          OF THE FUTURE
          Page 28
10 a.m.

                                                                                                                                THROUGH THE
                          EGG                                                                                                   BANKS OF THE ROLLER
          THE TIME        Page 56                                                                                               RED CEDAR    DREAMS            RIDE
          IS NOW                                                                      MAN                                       Page 66      Page 65           Page 59
11 a.m.

          Page 28                                                    COCO
                                                                     Page 47          Page 64
                                                          RBG        Non-Ticketed*
                                                          Page 52
12 p.m.

          GEENA &
          Page 28                   QUEST                                                                                       EMANUEL
                          SHINE     Page 59                                                                                     Page 64 DAUGHTERS
                                                                                                                                        OF THE SEXUAL
1 p.m.

                          Page 60
                                                                                      SUR-                                              REVOLUTION
          MASTERS                                                                     VIVING                                            Page 62
          OF THE SUN                                                                  HOME
                                                                                      Page 65
2 p.m.

          Page 28                                         HEARTS     LA
                                                          BEAT       BAMBA
                                                          LOUD       Page 51
                                                          Page 50    Non-Ticketed*
3 p.m.

                          6 WEEKS COUNTRY
                          TO MOTH- Page 61
                          ER’S DAY                                                    WHEN
4 p.m.

                          Page 62                                                     THEY
                                                                                      Page 66
5 p.m.

6 p.m.

                                    Page 60                          JURRASIC
                                                                     Page 44
7 p.m.
8 p.m.
9 p.m.
10 p.m.

                                                                                                 *Non-Ticketed Event.
           COMPETITION FILM                           NON-COMPETITION FILM                      **Free Event. Ticket Required. Pick up at Skylight theater beginning May 1.
                                                                                                  Dates and times are subject to change. Please reference the website at bentonvillefilmfestival.com or the BFF
           DISCUSSION EVENT                           BFF MUSIC LOUNGE                            App for up-to-date information.

38                                                       Bentonville Film Festival 2018         Bentonville Film Festival 2018                                                                              39

SUNDAY, MAY 6TH                             Mockingbird
                                            Theatre                   Sony & Orville   Walmart   Marvel         Marvel          Marvel          Marvel          Marvel         Marvel          Coca-Cola®
                     Apple                  at Arvest   AMC           Redenbacher’s    Museum    Experience     Experience      Experience      Experience      Experience     Experience      Sound
          Record     Blossom      Honey Bee Community Theatre at      Outdoor          World     at Skylight    at Skylight     at Skylight     at Skylight     at Skylight    at Skylight     Stage at
          North      Theatre      Theatre   Room        21C           Theatre          Room      Theatre 1      Theatre 2       Theatre 3       Theatre 4       Theatre 5      Theatre 6       The Meteor
11 a.m.

                                                                      Page 52
12 p.m.
1 p.m.
2 p.m.
3 p.m.

                                                                                                  *Non-Ticketed Event.
           COMPETITION FILM                               NON-COMPETITION FILM                   **Free Event. Ticket Required. Pick up at Skylight theater beginning May 1.
           DISCUSSION EVENT                               BFF MUSIC LOUNGE                         Dates and times are subject to change. Please reference the website at bentonvillefilmfestival.com or the BFF
                                                                                                   App for up-to-date information.

            MAY 6                   Love the furniture around BFF?
           ONE DAY ONLY
                                    Take some home and save big.

            All furniture from these locations will be available to
            purchase at The Record South:
              • The Filmmaker Lounge at Elkins Design
              • Hiscense Lounge at The Record South
              • The Patio Furniture at Theatre Village
            Sunday, May 6 from noon - 4:00PM at The Record South

            Be early for the best selection and prices.
            Credit cards will be accepted.

40                                                          Bentonville Film Festival 2018       Bentonville Film Festival 2018                                                                               41
                                       PRESIDENT OF PROGRAMMING

                                       Let’s Make a Change

                                       Take a look around! The world we         The BFF programming team re-
                                       live in is a diverse and multi-faceted   viewed hundreds of submissions
                                       place, and we look to mirror that at-    this year, proving that more and
                                       mosphere with a lineup of films and      more inclusive content is being
                                       discussions from typically under-        created. It’s wonderful to welcome
                                       represented storytellers and voices.     new and returning voices to the 4th
                                       We strive to showcase balance and        installment of BFF, growing our
                                       parity including gender, ethnicity,      extended family of creators that
                                       sexual orientation, disability, age,     now spans the globe. Being able to
                                       social responsibility, and women’s       highlight their works and initiatives
                                       empowerment. BFF is working              in Northwest Arkansas is an honor,
                                       towards this kind of inclusion being     and we thank the community of
                                       the norm - both in front of and be-      Bentonville for welcoming them
                                       hind the camera- rather than simply      and supporting our mission. At

2018 BFF
                                       an initiative, and striving to make      BFF, we want to highlight diversity
                                       the world we see on screen factually     and inclusion through the power
                                       represent the one we live in. BFF        of media, but not just show it and
                                       is in a position to connect content      talk about it. We want to create ac-

                                       distributors with diverse voices. We     tionable items that we can all walk
                                       embrace this unique opportunity          away with. We can all facilitate the
                                       wholeheartedly, intentionally seek-      process of change. It doesn’t stop
                                       ing projects with greater commercial     here - we are committed to cham-
                                       viability that can cast a wider net      pioning inclusion, and we thank you
More information can be found on the   that accelerates the notion of inclu-    for joining the charge.
                                       sion to a wider audience.
BFF website and app.
                                       Bentonville Film Festival 2018                                              43
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