Page created by Helen Webb
To develop vibrant and welcoming
community hubs for connection and
learning, inspiration and opportunity,                       2019 COMMUNITY CENTRES
celebration and collaboration.                               ANNUAL PROGRAM
                                                             Discover lots of great programs and
CONTENTS                                                     activities at your local Community Centres
■ HEALTH, RELAXATION AND FITNESS                         4   The City of Unley is a vibrant         Our Centre staff are happy to          Updates to the Annual Program
                                                             network of neighbourhoods with         discuss new ideas for programs,
■ EDUCATION                                             12                                                                                 This is our Annual Program.
                                                             plenty to offer its residents and      courses or initiatives for enriching
                                                                                                                                           Listings may be subject to change.
                                                             visitors. This program aims to help    life in your local community.
                                                                                                                                           For updates throughout the year,
■ CREATIVE PURSUITS                                     14   you make the most out of living in     Community members have the
                                                                                                                                           look out for us in the Unley Life
                                                             the City of Unley area, by             opportunity to be actively involved
                                                                                                                                           magazine and the Eastern Courier
■ CHILDREN AND FAMILIES                                 18   connecting you with the many           in the management and operations
                                                                                                                                           Messenger, visit the Council
                                                             community services and activities      of each of our Centres.
                                                                                                                                           website, find us on Facebook,
■ SOCIAL CLUBS AND SPECIAL INTEREST                     24   provided by Council through your
                                                                                                    Take time to get out and discover      or call our Centres for more
                                                             local Community Centres.
                                                                                                    our village charm and city style at    information.
■ LIVING GREEN                                          30
                                                             Our Centres located at Clarence        your local City of Unley Community
                                                                                                                                           Wanting to come to one of our
                                                             Park, Fullarton,Unley and              Centres.
                                                             Goodwood*are easily accessible
                                                                                                    *Goodwood Community Centre –
                                                                                                                                           Centres but need help getting
                                                                                                                                           there? You might be eligible for
                                                             and friendly, each offering a huge
■ SPECIAL EVENTS                                        34
                                                             array of activities for individuals,
                                                                                                    Please note, Goodwood Community
                                                                                                    Centre is managed independently
                                                                                                                                           the ‘door to door’ community
                                                                                                                                           bus service.
                                                             families, children and young
■ BECOME A VOLUNTEER                                    38   people, older persons and cultural
                                                                                                    by Goodwood Community Services.
                                                                                                    If you would like more information
                                                                                                                                           Eligibility: Residents of City of
                                                             groups. Each Centre has its own                                               Unley who are frail aged, have a
■ LOOKING FOR A VENUE?                                  40   unique history and character,
                                                                                                    on the Goodwood Community
                                                                                                    Centre or wish to hire a space at
                                                                                                                                           disability or is transport
                                                             shaped in part by the neighbouring                                            disadvantaged. Residents must be
                                                                                                    the centre please visit
■ GOODWOOD COMMUNITY CENTRE PROGRAM                     42   residents and the identified needs
                                                                                                                                           able to move independently
                                                             and interests of the local                                                    without assistance.
                                                                                                    or phone 8272 7148.
                                                             community.                                                                    For further information phone the
                                                                                                                                           Community Bus Coordinator on
✪ Denotes Hirer Program not a Centre run program                                                                                           8372 5131.
CLARENCE PARK 		                                             HATHA YOGA      ✪                                            TRANSMISSION MEDITATION            ✪
              COMMUNITY CENTRE                                             General yoga for all levels of fitness.
                                                                                                                                        SHARE INTERNATIONAL AUSTRALIA
                                                                                                                                        Transmission meditation is a scientific, non-denominational
                                                                           Saturdays, 8.30–10am
                                                                                                                                        activity whereby participants transmit powerful spiritual
                                                                           Cost: $15 casual or $80 for 6 sessions                       energies.There are no fees or memberships.
              CHENG’S TAEKWONDO OHDOKWAN                ✪
              Learn traditional and modern Olympic Taekwondo. Self         For more information phone Sara on 0426 787 731 		           1st Sunday of the month, 6.30pm talk and 7.30pm
              defence and fitness.                                         or email info@roshanaspirit.com                              meditation (Except January)
                                                                           or visit roshanaspirit.com
              Mondays and Thursdays, 6.30–8pm                                                                                           Cost: Free
              Cost: Varied – please phone for rates for individuals and                                                                 For more information phone Antonio on 0428 592 209
              families                                                     CONTEMPORARY DANCE….. FOR SENIORS                ✪           or visit transmissionmeditationaustralia.com.au
                                                                           A gentle, mostly chair based dance class designed to         or shareinternational.org.au
              For more information phone Alan on 0431 302 577
                                                                           accommodate the needs of older people with varying levels
                                                                           of mobility and balance. This includes those with
                                                                                                                                        STRENGTH FOR LIFE
              THE WALKING GROUP         ✪                                  Parkinson’s or other movement disorders.
                                                                                                                                        In partnership with the Council of the Ageing (COTA), Strength
              A social way to get fit. Walk to King William Road for a     Fridays, 10–11.15am
                                                                                                                                        for Life (SFL) promotes health and wellbeing in the over 50’s
              coffee, have a chat and on the way back enjoy the scenery.   Cost: $10 plus a donation to co-teachers jar                 through progressive strength training. It improves balance,
              Meet on Canterbury Terrace at the Centre, near the grey      For term dates and further information phone                 increases muscle strength and reduces the risk of falls. SFL
              seat.                                                        Veronica 0402 235 592                                        improves the condition in people who are affected by diabetes,
                                                                                                                                        high blood pressure and osteoporosis. Participants receive a
              Mondays and Thursdays, departing at 9am sharp!                                                                            tailored exercise program designed to improve and increase
                                                                                                                                        muscle strength and endurance, and improve balance and
              For more information phone 8293 8166                         MAINTENANCE YOGA WITH EVARISTO               ✪               cardio. SFL is one of South Australia’s most successful
                                                                           Based on Hatha Yoga, Maintenance Yoga includes warm          preventative health programs for the over 50’s.
              FITNESS CLASSES WITH MARIA VOULGARAKIS                  ✪    ups, posture work, relaxation, breath control and
                                                                           meditation. A fitness class suitable for everyone. Work at   Mondays 1st class 9.15–10.15am
              Tuesdays 9.15-10.15am - Aerobics, strength, endurance and    your own pace. Bring yoga mat, blanket and water.            2nd class 10.15–11.15am
              stretching for the over 50’s.
                                                                           Wednesdays and Fridays, school terms 10.30–11.30am           3rd class 11.30am–12.30pm
              Cost: $8/class
                                                                           Cost: $5 per session                                         Thursdays 1st class 9–10am
              Tuesdays 10.30-11.30am - Foam rolling with trigger point
              massage incorporating full body stretching for all ages.     For more information contact Evaristo on 0410 354 240        2nd class 1.15–2.15pm
              Equipment provided, BYO mat                                                                                               Cost: One off personal assessment fee of $30 then
              Cost: $14 casual/class or ask about term fees                MOVE THROUGH LIFE Dance Class for Adults           ✪         $7 per session/class.
              Thursday 10.15-11.15am - Strength, training and stretching   Do something for yourself! Dance classes where adults of     For more information phone 8293 8166
              for all adult ages                                           all ages come together to share a mutual love of dance,
              Cost: $8/class                                               music and laughter.
              For more information phone Maria on 0400 718 100 		          Wednesday nights - 5.45pm Mature Dance, 7pm Beginner         ZUMBA® FITNESS          ✪
              or email mariavoulg@y7mail.com                               Jazz and 8pm Intermediate Jazz                               Fun dance fitness to latin and world music. All fitness levels
                                                                           For costs and particular class session times or further      catered for!
                                                                           information phone Anne on 0408 240 772                       Note: Participants must be 18+ years old.

                                                                                                                                                                                                         HEALTH, RELAXATION AND FITNESS
              PERSONAL TRAINING WITH MARIA VOULGARAKIS                ✪    or email: info@movethroughlife.com.au
                                                                                                                                        Tuesdays, 6.30pm
              One on one or group of 2-4 personal training. Get a          or visit movethroughlife.com.au
              personalised exercise program, updated weekly to reach                                                                    Cost: $12 per casual class or $110 for a 10 class pass
              goals fast, plus an overall fitness plan.                                                                                 For more information phone or text
              Maria also specialises in the training of people with
                                                                           ONENESS & ONE WORLD ACADEMY               ✪                  Bridget on 0409 347 229 or just rock up and join the party.
                                                                           Oneness & One World Academy is a wisdom philosophy

              stablised chronic conditions and the over 50’s.                                                                           Facebook: Zumba Fitness with Bridget
                                                                           and meditation school in India. Every week we discuss
              Contact Maria on 0400 718 100 				                           teachings, meditate and receive Oneness blessings.
              or email mariavoulg@y7mail.com for individual or group

              rates                                                        Mondays, 9.30-11.15am (except school holidays)
                                                                           Cost: $10

                                                                           For more information contact
                                                                           Jane Whiting on 0431 921 246
                                                                           or email janewhiting11@gmail.com
                                                                           or visit ooacademy.com
FULLARTON PARK 		                                                FOOD FOR LIFE - Nutrition and Cooking Classes          ✪           LIVING WITH DEMENTIA - 5 week Program            ✪             PETER HILL – COUNSELLING SERVICE            ✪
COMMUNITY CENTRE                                                 Learn about Whole Food Plant-based Nutrition and the proven
                                                                 powerful health effects over a 5-week period. Very convincing
                                                                                                                                    Suitable for people with a recent diagnosis of dementia or
                                                                                                                                    seeking a diagnosis. The Program will cover: understanding
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Nutrition counselling for weight loss and fussy eaters.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   General counselling for anxiety, depression, grief and loss.
                                                                 science-based information combined with cooking demos and          dementia, brainfunctioning and brain health; opportunity to    Health and wellness counselling for goal setting and
                                                                 tastings.                                                          meet and share similar experiences; practical strategies for   sporting performance. By appointment
                                                                 7– 9pm; various days and dates                                     living well with dementia; extend your knowledge on legal
ADELAIDE USUI REIKI CENTRE         ✪                                                                                                aspects; sservices and supports available.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Thursdays 2–5pm (alternative time/days available)
The Adelaide Usui Reiki Centre is run by volunteers as a         Cost: $150                                                                                                                        Cost: $100 per hr*
                                                                                                                                    Thursdays 10am –1pm
service to the community. The Centre supports healing through    For more information phone 				                                                                                                   For more information phone Peter 0431 971 765
Reiki. Everyone welcome to come in for a Reiki.                  Heleen Roex-Haitjema MD 0432 994 909 			                           Dates: 7 Feb to 7 March; 6 June to 4 July; 3 October to 31
                                                                                                                                                                                                   or email peterhill@internode.on.net
                                                                 or email heleen@drroex.com		           		                          October
Thursdays 7–10pm                                                 or visit DrRoex.com                                                                                                               *Private Health fund rebates may apply for Nutrition
                                                                                                                                    Cost: Free - bookings and assessment essential
Fridays 10am–1pm                                                                                                                                                                                   Counselling
                                                                                                                                    For more information contact Kate Blowes on 8372 2100
Cost: Contribution of $5 or more                                 FUN IN THE PARK      ✪                                             or visit dementia.org.au
For more information phone the Reiki Centre on 8373 5566         We now have a table tennis table located in the Playground
                                                                                                                                                                                                   RAPID SCULPT FITNESS        ✪
(please leave a message and we will ring you back)               area and two chess tables located next to the Art Studio for                                                                      Low impact total body workout using weights, bands and
                                                                 your enjoyment. There should be bats and balls located under       MAITREYA KADAMPA BUDDHIST CENTRE                 ✪             balls to enhance more efficient results.
                                                                 the table, if not, please let us know and we will give you some.   These classes offer simple, practical methods to improve
ADELAIDE WING CHUN KUEN            ✪                             Should you wish to play chess and don’t have a set, you can        the quality of our life and develop inner peace through
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Mondays 6–7pm
Our club encourages a friendly, mutually supportive              borrow one from the office during office hours, otherwise feel     meditation and Buddhist teachings. Everybody is welcome.       Tuesdays 9.30–10.30am
environment. Wing Chun Kung Fu is a powerful, combative          free to come and play anytime.
                                                                                                                                    Wednesdays 7.30–9pm                                            Cost: $12 casual; $100 for 10 sessions
martial art, but training is not harsh or aggressive.
                                                                                                                                    Cost: $14 per person                                           For more information phone Leonie on 0407 668 676
Tuesdays 7.45–10.15pm                                            JOSIE HUPPATZ COUNSELLING SERVICES               ✪                 For more information phone 8357 8008
                                                                                                                                                                                                   or email nicholas5@adam.com.au
Cost: $15 per class                                              Counselling available to assist in developing Interpersonal        or email info@meditationinadelaide.org
                                                                 skills, a positive sense of self and self-confidence as well as    or visit meditationinadelaide.org
For more information phone Lindy Scott on 0431 681 163
or email lindy.scott24@gmail.com
                                                                 support in times of crises, grief and transition.                                                                                 TAOIST TAI CHI SOCIETY OF AUSTRALIA INC             ✪
or visit adelaidewingchunkuen.com                                Tuesdays and Fridays by appointment                                                                                               Tai Chi for health and well-being that is suitable for people
                                                                                                                                    MYELOMA FOUNDATION OF AUSTRALIA               ✪ 		             of all ages and fitness levels. A volunteer, non-profit and
                                                                                                                                                                                                   charitable organisation, founded by Master Moy Lin-Shin.
                                                                                                                                    - SA DIVISION
EFT TAPPING CERTIFICATE TRAINING (Levels 1 & 2)             ✪    Cost: on request; concession available
                                                                                                                                    We are a Myeloma Support Group that meets every 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                   New beginner classes and short courses start throughout
                                                                                                                                                                                                   the year. Please check website for dates.
EFT tapping is an easy stress-busting system for self-care and   For more information phone Josie Huppatz on 0417 867 094           months and provides support and information by guest
healing (Emotional Freedom Techniques). Science backed, it’s     or email josiehup@bigpond.com                                      speakers for patients and carers.                              Mondays 9.30–11am Beginners and 11am–1pm Continuing
an acupressure-and-mindfulness approach with a high success                                                                         Tuesdays 5 February, 2 April, 4 June, 6 August, 1 October,     Tuesdays 6–8pm Start Anytime Beginner Class
rate worldwide.                                                                                                                     3 December,
Level 1: March 2 & 3; June 1 & 2; September 21 & 22
                                                                 KIN FOUNDATION PILATES          ✪                                                                                                 Thursdays 6–8pm
                                                                 This class will teach you how to build resilience in your body     10am–12noon                                                    Cost: See website for details
Level 2: March 29 (evening) 30 & 31; June 28 (evening) 29 &
30; October 18 (evening) 19 & 20                                 from the inside out. By learning the principles of dynamic core    Cost: Free                                     For more information phone Ken on 0414 863 360
                                                                 alignment you will create a solid foundation that naturally
Days 9.30am to 5.30pm. Evenings 6.30 to 9pm                                                                                         For more information phone Ian on 8556 6041 		 or email adelaide@taoist.org
                                                                 leads to optimal performance in sport and life.
                                                                                                                                    or 0417 874 252						 or visit taoist.org.au
For more information phone Annie O’Grady on 0448 338 289         Mondays 7.30–8.30pm                                                or email sandrian7@bigpond.com

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   HEALTH, RELAXATION AND FITNESS
or email annie@EFTemotionalhealing.com                                                                                              or visit myeloma.org.au
                                                                 Cost: Contact Dan O’Grady
or visit EFTemotionalhealing.com
                                                                 For more information contact Dan O’Grady on 0432 898 597
                                                                                                                                                                                   YOGA WITH KRISTEN                        ✪
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Focused on a relaxed pace and a simpler approach to
                                                                 or email: dan@kinfolkwellness.com.au
                                                                 or visit kinfolkwellness.com.au
                                                                                                                                    NOELA MALETZ COUNSELLING SERVICES                ✪             postures, breathing and guided relaxation. Relax your mind,
                                                                                                                                    Counselling and psychotherapy for depression, anxiety, grief   increase energy, and reduce stress. Suitable for all levels.
An active over 50’s class that includes aerobics, stretching,                                                                       and loss, relationship issues.                                 No full inversions will be included in this class.
strengthening and Pilates all to great music.
                                                                                                                                    By appointment                                                 Thursdays 7–8.30pm
Mondays 4.30–5.30pm (School Terms Only)
                                                                                                                                    Consulting hours 8am–5pm                                       Cost: $13
Cost: $9 per class
                                                                                                                                    Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays                                 For more information, contact Kirsten on 0449 093 907
For more information phone Sharon on 0458 678 523
                                                                                                                                                                                                   or email kirsten.alderson@gmail.com
                                                                                                                                    Cost: negotiable
                                                                                                                                    For more information phone Noela on 8388 5391
                                                                                                                                    or 0431 865 815 or email noela@kern.com.au

UNLEY 				                                                           HAND MASSAGE

COMMUNITY CENTRE                                                     Indulge in a therapeutic 20 minute hand massage.
                                                                     An ideal service for arthritis sufferers.
                                                                     Tuesdays fortnightly 9.30am – 12noon, by appointment only

CIRCUIT COOKING 101                                                  Cost: $4

Have you heard about or enjoyed the delicious meals served at        For more information phone 8372 5128
the Unley Community Centre’s Circuit Café? Would you like to
learn how to cook some of the favourites at home? Here is
                                                                     INDOOR BIAS BOWLS
your opportunity to get your hands on those recipes, whilst
learning valuable tips and tricks from our very own cook and         Join in a game or two of indoor carpet bowls. Meet people,
Circuit Café Coordinator, Chloe. Monthly classes on a variety of     get active and have fun with this non-competitive, social
topics and easy, affordable and tasty dishes.                        activity suitable for anybody and everybody.
1st Thursday of every Month 1.30–3pm                                 Fridays from 1pm
Cost: Free                                                           Cost: Free
Bookings essential. 					                                            For more information phone 8372 5128
For a copy of the monthly program or to make a booking
contact 8372 5128                                                    LET’S DANCE
                                                                     Experience the joy that dancing brings. Friendly and fun group.
FITNESS OVER FIFTY        ✪                                          Members enjoy a variety of ballroom dances each week,
                                                                     including Blue, Circular Waltz, Old Style Waltz, Quick Step and
Group exercise class guaranteed to get you moving and the            Tango. Partners not required and assistance available to
pulse up. Includes aerobic exercises, light weights and mat/         beginners.
floor stretches.
                                                                     Wednesdays 10am–12.30pm
Thursdays 8.30–9.30am
                                                                     Cost: $4
Cost: $8 per class
                                                                     RSL Hall, 29 Arthur St, Unley
For more information phone Venton 0402 608 993
or email venton.cook@aapt.net.au                                     For more information phone 8372 5128

FITNESS WITH DOUG         ✪                                          PODIATRY     ✪
Come and join this class, which combines fun with fitness.           Podiatry services - general foot care, nail care, callus, footwear
Increase your flexibility, balance, strength and coordination        education and treatments. A reasonably priced service for
through challenging cardio and strength exercises.                   anyone finding it difficult to maintain their own feet.
Suitable for varying fitness levels.                                 Tuesdays every 8 weeks, 12.30–4.30pm by appointment only
Wednesdays 11am–12noon                                               Cost: Initial consult $50, subsequent appointments $40
Cost: $8 per class                                                   For more information contact Clement Ting 0433 527 570
                                                                     or email clement.ting@live.com
For more information phone Doug on 0413 456 898

                                                                                                                                          HEALTH, RELAXATION AND FITNESS
or email dougsmart2@gmail.com
                                                                     SENIORS EXERCISE GROUP          ✪
THE FELDENKRAIS METHOD J               ✪		                           Enjoy a class of exercise to fun music. A mixture of low impact
                                                                     aerobics, light weights, stretch bands, small ball workout,
- Flexible Mind, Flexible Body
                                                                     stretching and relaxation. All exercises adaptable to your own
Like to improve your flexibility, balance, coordination, breathing   pace and ability.
and posture? Join our gentle and profound awareness through
movement classes. Let go of old habits and refresh yourself.         Mondays 9.15–10.15am
Thursdays 10–11am (school terms only) evening class may be           Fridays 10.15–11.15am
available, please enquire                                            Cost: $9
Unley RSL Hall, 29 Arthur St, Unley                                  RSL Hall, 29 Arthur St, Unley
Cost: $17.50 per class, $17 Concession                               For more information phone Rosalie on 0403 491 151
For more information phone Susan on 0423 258 015		                   or email rose_leea@yahoo.com.au
or email susanfraser3@bigpond.com
or visit feldenkrais.org.au                                                                                                                        9
SOUTHERN CROSS TANGO            ✪                                   STRETCH AND FLEX        ✪                                            ‘USE IT OR LOSE IT’   ✪                                       YUET FEI GROUP (MARTIAL ARTS)          ✪
Fun, inclusive weekly Argentine dance classes for adults on         Chair based exercise class. Gently stretch the body 		               When we grow older our body system changes and we tend        Group learning and practicing, this traditional Chinese
Monday evenings. Beginner class at 7pm includes practical           from head to toe.                                                    to lose mass weight and bone density. To maintain these       martial art is focused on improving health and wellbeing
(social dance practice) followed by open level class at 8.30pm.                                                                          we have to use our muscles to their max.                      through physical exercise.
                                                                    Fridays 9.45–10.45am
All welcome, tango for health and wellbeing!                                                                                             Fridays 8.30–9.30am                                           Wednesdays 7.30–9.30pm
                                                                    Cost: $8 per class                                                   Cost: $8                                                      Cost: $40 per month
Mondays 7–8pm Beginner Class, 8–8.30pm Practica,
8.30–9.30pm Open Class                                              For more information phone Venton 0402 608 993 		                    RSL Hall, 29 Arthur St, Unley                                 For more information contact
                                                                    or email venton.cook@aapt.net.au                                                                                                   Christopher Chong 0412 168 459.
Cost: $20 per class, $15 concession rate. 			                                                                                            For more information phone Saroj on 0469 376 022
                                                                                                                                                                                                       or email cchong@chongandco.com.au
$120 for 8 week course.
RSL Hall, 29 Arthur St, Unley                                       TAI CHI                                                              UNLEY EXPLORERS WALKING GROUP
For more information contact Adrienne Gill 0419 309 439             Tai Chi is a series of slow, controlled movements or postures        Enjoy a leisurely, social walk through the streets of Unley
                                                                                                                                                                                                       YOGA   ✪
or email sctango@bigpond.com				                                    designed to improve posture, flexibility and strength. Gentle,       with likeminded locals. We welcome people, pets, prams,       Increase your health and wellbeing while becoming more
                                                                    relaxing and therapeutic, Tai Chi is an effective exercise for all   walkers, gophers and wheelchairs. Leaving at 8.30am sharp     flexible, strong and balanced. Improve your posture and calm
or facebook.com/SouthernCrossTango			                                                                                                                                                                  your mind with yoga poses, stretches and relaxation.
or southerncrosstango.com.au                                        ages and abilities to reduce stress and improve general health       from Unley Community Centre every Tuesday.
                                                                    and well-being. Beginner, Intermediate and advanced classes          For more information phone 8372 5128                          Wednesdays 8.45–10am
                                                                    run weekly on Thursdays at the Unley Community Centre by                                                                           Cost: $8
STRENGTH FOR LIFE                                                   Moving Meditation.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       For more information phone Leonie on 0417 832 477
In partnership with the Council of the Ageing (COTA), the           For more information on timing and costs phone 8372 5128
                                                                                                                                         WEIGHT WATCHERS        ✪                                      or email leonie.leate@gmail.com
Strength for Life Program offers quality strength training                                                                               Motivational group weight loss coaching sessions.
                                                                    Please note waiting list may apply
programs to people over the age of 50. Participants receive a                                                                            Wednesdays 12.30–1.30pm and 6–7pm
tailored exercise program designed to improve and increase                                                                               Cost: Visit website for joining options
                                                                                                                                                                                                       YOGA AND MEDITATION          ✪
muscle strength and endurance, and improve balance and                                                                                                                                                 Concentrate and relax the body, mind and soul. Learn the
cardio. Classes are also a great way to have fun and meet new
                                                                    TRADITIONAL YOGA        ✪                                            For more information contact                                  eight steps of Patanjali Yoga from experienced instructor
                                                                    Traditional Kriya and Hatha style yoga with meditation to help       Jo-Anne Curtayne on 0437 502 852				                          Saroj Suri. Enjoy the benefits of increased calmness,
people at the same time.                                                                                                                 or email jcurtayne@weightwatchers.com.au
                                                                    the community.                                                                                                                     lowered stress and anxiety levels.
Mondays 8.30–9.30am and 9.30–10.30am 			                                                                                                 or visit weightwatchers.com.au
                                                                    Monday and Thursday 7–8.30pm                                                                                                       Saturdays 8.30–10am
Tuesdays 8.30–9.30am
Wednesday 2–3pm					                                                                                                                                                                                   Cost: $8
                                                                    Cost: donation
Thursday 2–3pm						                                                                                                                                                                                   For more information phone Saroj on 0469 376 022
Fridays 8.30–9.30am                                                 For more information contact Raj Pandey 0422 367 837
                                                                    or email rppandey@isg@gmail.com
Cost: $7 plus one-off assessment fee of $30                         or visit rajkriyayoga.com.au
Bookings essential - please note waiting list may apply
For more information phone 8372 5128

STRENGTH FOR LIFE AQUA (formally Aquacise)
The Strength for Life Aqua program promotes strength training
as a suitable and highly beneficial exercise for the over 50’s.
Participants engage in strength and balance training designed
to build cardio, strength and resistance, all while being easy on

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      HEALTH, RELAXATION AND FITNESS
the joints and in a cool and relaxing atmosphere.
Mondays and Wednesdays 11.15am–12noon
Cost: $7
For more information contact Stateswim Unley on 8372 4477

CLARENCE PARK 		                                                FULLARTON PARK 		                                             UNLEY
            COMMUNITY CENTRE                                                COMMUNITY CENTRE                                              COMMUNITY CENTRE
            ANCIENT EGYPT STUDY GROUP            ✪                          ENGLISH LANGUAGE CLASSES                                      ACTIVE AGEING HEALTH AND WELLBEING
            Study of all aspects of Ancient Egyptian society and culture.   Is English your second language? Need help learning to
                                                                            read, speak and write in English?                             Ageing is a cause for celebration in the City of Unley.
            1st Tuesday of the month Ancient Egypt Study Group
                                                                                                                                          Our people are living longer and healthier. We want our
            7–9.30pm                                                        These friendly classes may give you greater confidence in
                                                                                                                                          residents to live fulfilled lives throughout their lifetime and
                                                                            speaking English, learning about Australian culture and
            3rd Tuesday of the month Hieroglyphics Group                                                                                  for the City of Unley to be a great place to age. The
                                                                            making new friends.
            7.30–9.30pm                                                                                                                   Community Centres are central to the City of Unley being an
                                                                            Tuesdays and Fridays 10am–12noon (school terms only)          age friendly city.
            Cost: $35 per session or $50 for both sessions
                                                                            Cost: $4 per session; $20 for a 10 class card; 			            Monthly workshops are run at the Unley Community Centre
            For more information phone Andrew on 0421 018 378
                                                                            $35 for a 20 class card                                       and are designed to provide useful information to our older
                                                                            For more information phone 8372 5180                          community members on a range of topics. The workshops
                                                                                                                                          emphasise prevention, planning ahead and strategies to
            RAJSA CENTRAL GROUP OF           ✪			                                                                                         stay healthy and happy.
                                                                            LEARN TO PLAY MAH JONG                                        3rd Monday of each month 1pm-2.30pm
            The Central Group JPs meet for formal and informal training
            and discussion of changing demands on their duties, new         Four week course facilitated by Jill Lea. Registrations of    Cost: Free
            legislation and any issues which have arisen in the delivery    interest taken and course offered when we have 20
            of their services.                                              participants. Bring your own Mah Jong set if you have one.    For a copy of the program, to make a booking, or for further
                                                                            Please contact the office to register.                        information please contact the Centre on 8372 5128.
            Thursdays 7–9pm
                                                                            Cost: $50 or $30 concession
            17 Jan, 21 March and 18 July
                                                                            For more information phone 8372 5180
            Cost: $7 per year membership
            For more information phone David on 0418 803 312
                                                                            MAH JONG SCORING MADE SIMPLER
                                                                            Join us for an enjoyable afternoon game of Mah Jong with
            KUMON BLACK FOREST EDUCATION CENTRE                 ✪           lots of tips for how to make scoring easy. Registrations of
            Individualised Maths and English programs for students of all   interest taken at the office. Class will be offered when we
            ages and abilities.                                             have enough interest.
            Mondays and Thursdays, 3.30–7pm                                 Cost: $7 or $4 concession
            Cost: $140 per month per subject plus enrolment fee $100        For more information phone 8372 5180
            For more information phone Irene on 0430 554 044
                                                                            RMT MANAGEMENT – MODELLING AND FILM                  ✪
                                                                            ACTING WORKSHOPS
                                                                            We are an actor, model and commercial talent agency that
                                                                            trains children and adults for professional bookings in the
                                                                            film, commercial and fashion industry.
                                                                            Sunday Workshops: 31 March, 16 June; 15 Sept
                                                                            9am to 5pm
                                                                            Workshops are also run during the School Holidays
                                                                            For more information phone Angie on 0413 580 982
                                                                            or email angie@rmtmanagement.com


CLARENCE PARK 		                                                FULLARTON PARK
           COMMUNITY CENTRE                                                COMMUNITY CENTRE
           CRAFTERNOONS        ✪                                           CLOTH DOLL CLUB OF SA INC         ✪                           SARAH MCDONALD’S ART SCHOOL                 ✪
           Have you been bitten by the craft bug? Come for a chat, a       Support information classes regarding making cloth dolls.     Sarah McDonald’s Art School offers a series of short
           laugh and share ideas, experiences and learn new skills                                                                       courses run by successful exhibiting artist and fully
                                                                           For people who are interested in textile and related arts     qualified art teacher, Sarah McDonald. Under her guidance
           while you work on your individual craft project. Enjoy the
                                                                           and crafts.                                                   you will learn the techniques and develop the skills and
           companionship in a creative environment. It’s fun and
           informal. New members are always welcome.                       Show and tell, mini workshops.                                confidence you need to create your own works of art.
                                                                                                                                         Sarah’s aim is to provide a stimulating, fun and non-
           Wednesdays 1–3pm                                                Sundays 3 February, 7 April, 2 June, 4 August, 29 August,
                                                                                                                                         threatening environment to encourage freedom of
                                                                           1 December 11am–3pm, 4 and 5 May 9am–4pm
           Cost: $2.50 includes afternoon tea                                                                                            expression with no fear of failure. Class sizes are small to
                                                                           Cost: $25 annual fee; $6 per meeting                          ensure a high level of teacher interaction and to cater to
           For more information phone 8293 8166
                                                                           For more information phone Christine on 0419 823 784          individual levels of ability and areas of interest. All courses
                                                                           or email christinehoward2@gmail.com                           are run in nine-week blocks coinciding with school terms.
           JUST STRINGS      ✪                                                                                                           Choice of 7 session times:
           This is a group for adult string players.                                                                                     Mondays 7–9.30pm
                                                                           DRAWING/PAINTING: FUNDAMENTALS AND
           Our aim is to enjoy an easier level of music making with        ADVANCED                                                      Tuesdays 9.30am–12noon or 12.30–3pm
           orchestral string instruments. A suggested minimum
                                                                           All in one oil, acrylic and watercolour course in a relaxed   Wednesdays 9.30am–12noon or 7–9.30pm
           standard would be Grade 2 (AMEB).
                                                                           atmosphere for a 3 hour class over an 8 week period. Joe
                                                                                                                                         Thursdays 9–11.30am or 12noon–2.30pm
           Mondays fortnightly 7.30–10pm                                   offers individual guidance in your ways of practice and has
                                                                           over 10 years experience in lecturing drawing, painting and   Cost: $480 per term includes all materials except canvases.
           Cost: $20
                                                                           photography in art schools. Joe has sustained his arts        $420 bring your own materials.
           For more information phone Chris on 0402 065 690                practice in Australia and overseas since 1980 and his work    For more information phone Sarah on 0402 263 913
                                                                           is in many museum collections. Joe has diverse experience     or email studio@s-mac.com
                                                                           in contemporary portraiture, abstraction and                  or visit s-mac.com
           SINGING LESSONS        ✪                                        representational art and has also been shortlisted for the
           Come and learn to sing in a fun and exciting way. Stephania     Doug Moran Prize for portraiture and the Dobell Prize for
           has a Bachelor in Music (Voice) and is a Graduate Diploma in                                                                  SA DOLL GUILD       ✪
           Education. Learn all singing styles using proper techniques     Term commencement dates: 5 February; 30 April; 23 July;       For people interested in the making of porcelain and reborn dolls.
           in a secure non-threatening environment. Open to all ages.      15 October
                                                                                                                                         You are welcome to come along and learn the art of doll making.
           Cost: Half hour - $28, Full hour - $47 Adults, $42 Students     Tuesdays 5.30–8.30pm; 8 week terms
                                                                                                                                         1st Sunday of the month February; April; June; August; Oct;
           Contact Stephania for available times on 0412 344 269           Cost: $300 per term                                           Dec 1–4pm
           or email stephania.gates@hotmail.com
                                                                           For more information phone Joe Felber on 0414 088 266         Cost: $5
           Stephania also starting up new group.                           or email jfelber@ozemail.com.au
                                                                           or visit joefelber.com                                        For more information phone
           Contact Stephania for dates and times.
                                                                                                                                         Jackie Bond 8398 0423 or 0415 503 730
                                                                                                                                         or email jjaki007@bigpond.com
                                                                           FULLARTON PARK QUILTERS GROUP
           CHOIR SINGING      ✪
                                                                           We welcome new members to share quilting, stitching and
           Stephania is an experienced singing teacher, teaching all
                                                                           various other crafts.
                                                                                                                                         SOPHIE DUNLOP ART CLASSES              ✪
           ages and all styles. Come and join this free community choir,
                                                                                                                                         A relaxing Saturday afternoon art class. Students work on
           practicing Tuesday nights 6–7pm                                 Wednesdays 10am–3pm                                           class projects that build foundation skills and develop
           Contact Stephania on 0412 344 269 			                           Cost: $3.50 per session                                       self-expression. We work with different media including
           or email stephania.gates@hotmail.com                                                                                          oils, watercolour, gouache and pastels.

                                                                                                                                                                                                              CREATIVE PURSUITS
                                                                           For more information phone Kyra on 0432 906 546
                                                                           or email kwschurm@spin.net.au                                 Saturdays 1.30–4pm

CREATIVE                                                                                                                                 Cost: $300 for 8 weeks
                                                                                                                                         For more information phone

                                                                                                                                         Sophie Dunlop on 0403 688 077
                                                                                                                                         or email sophiedunlop2012@gmail.com
                                                                                                                                         or visit sophiedunlop.com

We are a group of friends who have stitched together for a
long time. We like tackling all types of embroidery, knitting,
crocheting, patchwork and using various textiles. We share
ideas, skills and our love of needle craft. New members
Tuesdays 10am–3pm; commencing 22 January to 10 December
Cost: $3 per session
For more information phone 8372 5180
or contact Claire Edwards 8271 5317
or email claire@besakih.com.au

CRAFT CORNER                                                      NEEDLE CRAFT (Knit n Natter)
Enjoy learning or sharing in a variety of crafts. The craft       This friendly and informal group enjoys a chat whilst learning
workshops change monthly and are suitable for beginners           and sharing the skills of various needle crafts. Participants
through to advanced, with guidance and support provided by        work on individual projects, with support and companionship
our experienced tutor.                                            from fellow group members and our experienced tutor. Create
                                                                  keepsake items or treasured gifts for family and friends.
3rd Tuesday of each month 12.30–3.30pm
                                                                  Tuesdays 9.30–11.30am
Cost: $5 per workshop includes afternoon tea
                                                                  Cost: Free
For a copy of the program or further information
phone 8372 5128                                                   An affordable morning tea is available to participants.
                                                                  For more information phone 8372 5128
Classes involve a traditional approach to still life drawing of   PAINTING WITH WATERCOLOURS
3D objects and varying experimental exercises. Support and        Learn the art of painting with watercolours in a relaxed and
guidance provided by an experienced tutor. Bring your own 2B      friendly environment. Our award winning tutor will guide and
pencil, eraser, sketch book or paper.                             support you at every step enabling you to discover your artistic
Tuesdays 12.30pm–3pm 					                                        potential.
Fridays 10am–12noon                                               Mondays 1pm–3pm
Cost: $7                                                          Thursdays 10.30am–12.30pm and 1pm–3pm
For more information phone 8372 5128                              Cost: $7 per session
                                                                  Bookings essential
PAINTING WITH ACRYLICS                                            For more information phone 8372 5128

                                                                                                                                     CREATIVE PURSUITS
Our experienced tutor will help you discover and develop your
hidden talent. Working with acrylic paints; learn about colour
mixing and simple appointing techniques in a relaxed
environment. Students will need to provide some of their own
equipment. More information provided upon enrolment.
Tuesdays 1–3.30pm
Cost: $7 per session
For more information phone 8372 5128
CLARENCE PARK 		                                                                                                                   FULLARTON PARK
           COMMUNITY CENTRE                                                                                                                   COMMUNITY CENTRE
           CHILDCARE                                                          PLAYGROUP                                                       CHILD & YOUTH HEALTH SERVICES             ✪
           Are you looking for childcare that is occasional or regular, but   Held in our Childcare area with a Playgroup leader. This is a   (Located in cottage at rear of 411 Fullarton Road, Fullarton)
           not full time? Our sessional childcare is for children from two    chance for caregivers and children to have fun together and     Driveway access from Fisher Street entrance.
           years to five years of age. In a community setting, our            to meet others from the local community. Well-equipped
           licensed childcare and large garden is purpose built. Our          play area with excellent resources, including a garden          For all appointments with C&YH Nurse contact Norwood
           program is based on imaginative and creative play. Children        playground. New families are always welcome.                    Regional Office 8362 5422
           bring along fruit for a shared morning tea and their own           Mondays, 10am–12noon school terms only                          24 hr Parent helpline: 1300 364 100
           lunch. Visits welcome. Bookings essential.
                                                                              Cost: $5 per family to play plus Playgroup SA membership        Visit cyh.com
           Tuesdays to Fridays, 8.30am–1pm
                                                                              For more information phone 8293 8166
           Cost: $32 per session (concession discounts available)
           For more information contact the Centre on 8293 8166
                                                                                                                                              CHILDREN’S BALLET AT FULLARTON PARK                ✪
                                                                              KIDS MARKET                                                     The aim of these classes is to enable students to develop
                                                                                                                                              the poise, discipline and other benefits of ballet, in a caring
                                                                              The chance for kids to sell to kids is on again. Stalls are
           FAIRIES & ELVES DANCE CLASS           ✪                            available. Make sure you put us on your calendar for a fun,
                                                                                                                                              environment without the pressure of exams, competitions
           Ballet based dance class for 2.5 – 5 year olds. Teaching                                                                           and concerts.
                                                                              cheap holiday activity for your children to get some
           fundamental elements of ballet and dance, improving muscle         bargains at great prices! Specifically designed for children    Wednesdays after school during school terms
           strength, coordination and musicality.                             sellers only. Bookings for stalls open 6 weeks prior to         4.15–6.15pm
           Tuesdays, School Terms 1–1.30pm and 1.30–2pm                       Market date.
                                                                                                                                              Cost: $110 for Tots; $120 for ballet - per term
           Cost: $90 per term                                                 (Note: Adults wanting to sell their own wares please
                                                                              contact the Fullarton Market )                                  For more information phone
           For more information phone                                                                                                         Judi on 8379 4551 or 0401 242 859
                                                                              13 April and 5 October 10am–12noon                              or email moggidance@hotmail.com
           Carisma Dance & Fitness on 8212 4820
           or email carissa@carismadancefitness.com.au                        For more information phone 8293 8166
           or visit carismadancefitness.com.au
                                                                                                                                              KIDS ART CLASSES       ✪
                                                                              SCHOOL HOLIDAY PROGRAM                                          These classes provide an enjoyable way to learn and play
           KINDERMUSIK BY MINI MUSIC MAKERS                ✪                  Different activities are scheduled for April, July and          creatively with a wide range of art and craft activities.
           Sing, dance, move, play and learn. Early music education and       September/October holidays.                                     Benefits include: learning new art processes and
           fun for newborns to 7 year olds.                                                                                                   techniques; exploring creative ideas and problem solving
                                                                              Cost: Varies                                                    skills; developing self-expression; nurturing imagination
           Fostering language, listening, problem solving skills and
           creativity. Small friendly classes.                                For more information phone 8293 8166                            and trusting intuition.
           Mondays to Thursdays, various sessions                                                                                             Wednesdays 4–5.30pm (School Terms Only)
           Cost: $18 per class or $140 per 9 week term                        SKATESCOOL – ROLLER DISCO PARTIES              ✪                Saturday 10–11.30am (School Terms Only)
           For more information phone Cathy on 0421 276 970                   Hold a private roller disco for you and your friends. Party     Ages 5-12 years
           or email cathy@minimusicmakers.com.au                              has laser lights, disco music, skate instructor with a mini
                                                                                                                                              Cost: $189 per child for 9 week term; family concession of
           or visit minimusicmakers.com.au                                    lesson. We play games and your guests will have loads of
                                                                                                                                              10% for more than 1 child. All art and craft materials
                                                                              fun .
                                                                                                                                              supplied. Children should wear a smock or suitable painting
           MOVING MADNESS                                                     For more information phone Matt on 0403 223 177                 clothes.
                                                                              or email info@skatescool.com.au
           Come along and have fun with your child. Share their                                                                               For more information contact the Centre on 8372 5180
                                                                              or visit skatescool.com.au
           discovery of new skills and experiences in this exciting

                                                                                                                                                                                                                CHILDREN AND FAMILIES
           preschool program. Develop your child’s physical and social
           skills with music and movement activities and challenging          WHEELIE KIDS PARTIES        ✪
           gym equipment.
                                                                              Action packed race car parties. Battery powered jeeps and
           Wednesdays, 9.30–11am, school terms only                           quad bikes for kids 2-10yrs. Fun filled parties guaranteed to
                                                                              keep the kids entertained. Plenty of room for adults to stay.

           Cost: $12 per casual session or $70 per term or
           $90 per term for 2 children.                                       Come to us or we come to you.
           First session is free                                              We now have HOT LAPS public sessions too!

FAMILIES   For more information phone 8293 8166                               For dates and times phone Wheelie Kids on 0414 725 752
                                                                              or facebook.com/wheeliekidspartiesandevents
                                                                              or visit wheeliekids.com.au

Seminar 4: Monday 28 October                                    PARENT INFORMATION AND DISCUSSION GROUP
PELICAN PRODUCTIONS - summer camp             ✪                  FREE PARENT EDUCATION SEMINARS BY MARK LE
                                                                                                                                      Family; rules responsibilities and follow through. How does     Parents will have the opportunity to attend a series of
Pelican runs a yearly intensive 1 and 2 week camp, held in the   MESSURIER
                                                                                                                                      this work? This workshop is divided into halves. In the first   personalised parenting sessions with Mark Le Messurier
January School Holidays for both seasoned performers and         Free Parent Education Seminars presented by Mark Le                  half, I’ve prepared a short presentation around the idea of     through 2019. Each month Mark will briefly present a
novices, culminating in the presentation of a music theatre      Messurier who is a well-known teacher, counsellor and author         why we have and how we might develop ‘rules’ or ‘values’        different topic to an intimate group (upper limit of 16)
Performance that is truly amazing.                               of 12 books.                                                         or ‘expectations’ at home by way of setting the scene. I        people. Then, participants will have plenty of time for
6 January to 20 January                                          Seminar 1: Monday 25 March                                           want to explore concepts as; Family Mission Statements,         discussion on the topic, plus any other issues you wish to
                                                                                                                                      Family meetings, keeping to rules/understandings and the        raise. You may book into one, a few or all 9 mornings.
8.30am–6pm                                                       Everyday Ideas to build healthy, RESILIENT YOUNG PEOPLE.             value of family mottos as well as how we can apply these.       These are free of charge, but if you reserve a place we’d
For more Information phone Anthea on 0415 918 222		              The term resilience is used in mental health to describe a           As I do this, have your pens and paper at the ready and         ask you to do your best to attend. Please note that we are
or email pelicanproductionsmtc@gmail.com			                      person’s capacity to cope with changes and challenges, and to        write any questions, thoughts or contributions that pop up.     unable to cater for children in the group.
or visit pelicanproductions.com.au                               bounce back, optimistically, during difficult times. The focus of    Then, in the second half, let’s talk. Let’s chat about what
                                                                 Mark’s work, and this very practical seminar, is to show                                                                             Last Wednesday of the Month (excluding Jan, April & Dec)
                                                                                                                                      I’ve presented and tease it out. I’m happy for you to
                                                                 parents how to be the resilience coach for their children.           introduce a few random ideas too, because the idea is for a     Time: 10am–12noon
                                                                 Resiliency is such a prized quality as it positions each of us for
RMT MANAGEMENT           ✪                                       the inevitable challenges that await us in the future. There is
                                                                                                                                      thoroughly interactive time! Note: Maximum group number
                                                                                                                                      for this workshop is 30.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Cost: $2 if you wish to have tea or coffee
RMT Management holds School Holiday workshops in                 so much we can do to steer our children in healthy, more                                                                             Bookings essential on 8372 5180
grooming and deportment, film acting and drama. We are an        resilient directions. So, come on, take the challenge; let’s         Times: 7–8.30pm
agency that represents models, actors and commercial talent      explore what you can realistically do to improve your children’s                                                                     For more information phone 8372 5180
                                                                                                                                      Cost: Free; bookings essential on 8372 5180
for work in the fashion, commercial and film industry.           happiness, resiliency and mental health.                                                                                             Topics
                                                                                                                                      For more information phone 8372 5180
School Holidays and various Sundays                              Seminar 2: Monday 24 June                                            or visit marklemessurier.com.au                                 Feb 27: Rules and Responsibilities. Building rules at
Cost: various fees                                               What is ‘Social and Emotional Literacy’ (SEL)? How do I teach                                                                        home-why? Are rules relevant today? Does having rules
                                                                 it as a parent or a teacher? Showcasing ‘What’s the Buzz?’ as                                                                        squash the free spirit of children?
For more information phone Angie Christophel on 8394 2574
                                                                 a proven, global approach to teach SEL. Here in Australia            FREE PARENT EDUCATION SEMINARS BY MADHAVI                       March 27: How to Build Better Behaviours in Children. Is it
or email angie@rmtmanagement.com
                                                                 there is a wind of change. Once, the Australian curriculum           NAWANA-PARKER                                                   a case that some children are ‘spirited’ and that’s that, and
                                                                 was packed with teaching the ‘hard skills’ to students: reading,     Free Parenting education seminars presented by the very         there’s not much you can do? Or, is there an ‘art’ to build
SCHOOL HOLIDAY PROGRAM                                           writing, mathematics, science, digital technology, and so on.                                                                        the behaviours you want?
                                                                                                                                      popular and well respected Madhavi Nawana-Parker.
Recreational workshops for kids aged 5-14 years in the April,    Now, a new capability has emerged - the ‘soft skills’ - our
                                                                 ability to organise our lives to recognise and manage our own        Seminar 1: Monday 27 May                                        May 29: ‘ART’ of Managing Tricky Behaviours and Slowly
July and September/October holidays.                                                                                                                                                                  Extinguishing Tantrums. Is there a way to manage the kids
                                                                 emotions, and the emotions of others. Come along to an               ANXIETY
We create a program each time featuring new stuff and some       interactive session packed with fun, friendship and learning.                                                                        so you never need to threaten, nag or lose it? And, is there
favourites.                                                      This 90-minute session offers a practical glimpse into ‘What’s       Madhavi will teach simple, practical ways to help children      a way to phase-out tantruming behaviours in children?
                                                                 the Buzz’ now in more than 100 countries and with proven             cope better with anxiety and stress. Madhavi’s Ideas will       June 26: Sibling Rivalry. Why do they fight so much? Why
Are you on our SHP mailing list? Flyers issued prior to each
                                                                 clinical research to underpin ‘social and emotional literacy’.       encourage happiness, resilience and wellbeing in your           does it get to me? Is it normal? When does ‘sibling rivalry’
school holidays.
                                                                 Social and Emotional Literacy Is at the heart of what makes us       family.                                                         become ‘sibling abuse’? What can I do to steer their
Bookings are essential                                           human. These skills allow us to navigate our way successfully                                                                        fighting in more positive directions?
                                                                                                                                      Seminar 2: Monday 23 September
For more information phone 8372 5180                             in relationships, in families, in classrooms in the workplace
                                                                 and as citizens in the community.                                    HELPING YOU STAY CONNECTED WITH YOUR CHILD                      July 31: Get OFF that Computer, Now! Savvy ideas to
                                                                                                                                      IN A FAST PACED, CHANGING WORLD…                                balance the use of screens because it’s a huge issue in
                                                                 Seminar 3: Monday 26 August                                                                                                          many families. What’s the difference between being a
                                                                                                                                      This practical workshop will look at simple ways to keep        ‘screen Nazi’ and helping kids to manage screen time? How
                                                                 The “ART” OF USING EMOTIONALLY CONNECTING                            family life happy, resilient and stable in a fast paced,
                                                                 LANGUAGE PATTERNS WITH OUR KIDS, ESPECIALLY DURING                                                                                   do you do it?
                                                                                                                                      changing world. Parents are facing new challenges like
                                                                 TRICKIER TIMES! Once upon a time, it was usual for parents           device use, social media addiction, online bullying and         Aug 28: “Mum, I’m Bored” “Mum, I’m Sad”, “ Mum, I hate
                                                                 and teachers to behave poorly towards children to get                more which can impact on the family’s mental health and         you”, “Mum, I’m upset”. Are these feelings okay? Are they
                                                                 Improvements in their attitude and behaviour. Yet, even today,       wellbeing. This workshop looks at how to stay connected         normal? How do you deal with them? Are there emotionally
                                                                 verbal and emotional unkindness (even mistreatment) remains          to your child or teenager despite everything that is going on   healthier approaches worth considering? How do you teach
                                                                 high on the agenda for too many frustrated adults as they try        around them. Connected families build happier, more             ‘emotional flexibility’ and ‘going with the flow’?
                                                                 to manage the misbehaviour of children at times. I think the         resilient and successful young people of the future.
                                                                 ‘art’ of being emotionally poised and developing truly                                                                               Sept 25: Navigate the Morning Rush or Evening Mayhem.
                                                                 constructive language patterns is one of our final frontiers -       Times: 7– 8.30pm                                                Simple, effective ideas to organise your way to a better

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          CHILDREN AND FAMILIES
                                                                 whether it is at school or at home. How about you? When you                                                                          morning routine. Do you believe there’s a better way to do
                                                                                                                                      Cost: Free; bookings essential on 8372 5180                     it? I do! Let’s work on it together.
                                                                 discipline or redirect the kids, how do you do it? Have you
                                                                 developed a language style that is not nasty, and does not hurt      For more information phone 8372 5180                            Oct 30: Mealtime Madness. Ideas to improve mealtime
                                                                 or humiliate the kids? Are you able to step aside from your          or visit facebook.com/madhavinawana                             connections. Is dinner all about eating the food? What may
                                                                 own emotion, and stay poised, when problems occur? Are you                                                                           be far more important?
                                                                 able to use words (not too many) that truly assist in a
                                                                 resolution? In this session, let’s review, practice and embed a                                                                      Nov 27: Friendships-How important are my child’s
                                                                 more constructive language pattern so we can take It home to                                                                         friendships? Is it true that the quality of a child’s friendships
                                                                 advantage our kids, and our relationships with them. Strange                                                                         will seriously determine their behaviour, self-esteem and
                                                                 as it may see, we can still hold high expectations and hold                                                                          mental health? What should I be doing?
                                                                 children accountable without anger, intimidation or revenge. I
                                                                 promise this to be fun, enlightening and forever practical!
                                                                COMMUNITY CENTRE
Social skills and friendship 16 week program for children and   (SAYarts)
teens aged 6-15 years. Older program also available.            Theatre making classes for 5-25 year olds - trusted, fun,
> Mark Le Messurier Classes                                     empowering, youth focused led by Adelaide’s best youth-
                                                                theatre professionals. Full of games, improvisation and play.
Tuesdays and Thursdays 4pm and 5pm                              Some classes have production outcomes.
For more information phone Sharon on 8332 0698                  Various classes and times in Unley, check the website for
Email mspalm@bigpond.com or visit “What’s The Buzz”             further details.
                                                                Cost: Various
> Noni Le Messurier Classes                                     For more information contact
Monday to Thursday 4pm and 5pm (45 minute sessions)             Rebecca Pannell on 0400 202 399
                                                                or email bec.pannell@sayarts.com.au
For more information phone 				                                 or visit sayarts.com.au
Noni Le Messurier on 0411 343 574
or email noni@nonilemessurier.com.au
or visit nonilemessurier.com.au or whatsthebuzz.net.au
                                                                CHILD’SPACE AT ABILITIES AWARENESS             ✪
                                                                In Child’Space classes you will learn specific touch and guided
                                                                movement sequences to influence and optimise your child’s
                                                                physical and cognitive development.
                                                                Wednesdays 1pm
                                                                Cost: $25 per session
                                                                Located at Unley RSL Hall, 29 Arthur Street, Unley

                                                                                                                                  CHILDREN AND FAMILIES
CLARENCE PARK 		                                                                                                                FULLARTON PARK
            COMMUNITY CENTRE                                                                                                                COMMUNITY CENTRE
                                                                             AMATEUR WINEMAKERS AND BREWERS CLUB                      ✪
                                                                             OF ADELAIDE
            THE SHED (Workshop)                                                                                                             FOREIGN SHORTHAIR CAT CLUB OF SA             ✪
                                                                             A general meeting with demonstrations or guest speakers.       Our club focuses on all aspects of the care and showing of
            Share your talent, learn new skills or revisit and hone your     Wine and beer competition judging followed by tastings.
            old ones! Make friends in this safe and friendly environment.                                                                   shorthair cats. We have 24 breeds under our jurisdiction
                                                                             New members welcome.                                           and breed information is freely available. Cat related topics
            Perfect for the over 50’s (men and women), who would like to
            contribute to this much needed service.                          1st Tuesday of the month 8–10.30pm (except January)            are discussed, including current updates from the Dog and
                                                                                                                                            Cat Management Board. We often have guest speakers.
            Using new and recycled timbers, come and make new items,         Cost: $30 per annum (pensioners $25)                           Visitors are most welcome.
            up-cycle old items, create brand new wooden toys or repair       For more information phone Jane on 0414 272 926
            well loved ones. This Shed is well utilised by early childhood                                                                  2nd Tuesday of month (February to November except
                                                                             or Gavin on 0412 107 107				                                   September) 7.30–9.30pm
            organisations such as kindergartens or childcare centres to      or visit adelaideferment.org.au
            repair or create new toys for their children. Morning tea                                                                       Cost: Free for all visitors
            included. No skills necessary. Please contact us if you wish
            to have items repaired or made.                                                                                                 For more information phone Claire on 0434 277 124
                                                                             SHARON MOSS UKULELE LESSONS                ✪                   or email claire@besakih.com.au
            Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9am-12noon                      Learn how to master ukulele in just 8 weeks! Learn to play
            For more information phone			                                    essential chords and basic strums on the uke in these easy
            Sharon, Shed Co-ordinator on 8293 8166			                        to follow ukulele programs. For the raw beginner, Stage 1      FRIDAY SOCIAL GROUP
            or email theshed@clarencepark.org.au                             and then into Stage 2 as an accomplished beginner.             Weekly get together to play games, cards and paint.
                                                                             Stage 1 start dates - 8 February 26 July                       New members welcome to our very friendly group.
            THE SHED SHOP SALES                                              Stage 2 start dates – 3 May, 18 October                        Fridays 10am–3pm
            All items are hand crafted by participants of the Clarence       Costs: Once off instructor fee of $40 and $2 gold coin         Cost: $3
            Park Community Centre Shed.                                      weekly fee. BYO ukulele. Bookings essential.
                                                                                                                                            For more information phone the Centre on 8372 5180
            The makers work from a community workshop where they             Contact instructor on 0426 207 742 to book and to ensure
            sell original and refurbished items and wooden toys.             you have the right uke (not a toy!)
                                                                             or email jumpinfleamusic@gmail.com                             FULLARTON LADIES PROBUS CLUB             ✪
            All of the pieces are lovingly made using recycled timber.
            All profits made go towards the ongoing running of “The                                                                         Meetings for retired business or professional women with
            Shed” program.                                                   NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH            ✪                               interesting speakers and monthly outings.
                                                                             – Millswood/Clarence Park                                      4th Thursday each month (January to November)
            Open Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9am-12noon
                                                                             Crime prevention and education for local residents.		          9.45am–12noon
            For more information phone 			                                   All welcome. Guest speakers at selected meetings.
            Sharon, Shed Coordinator on 8293 8166 			                                                                                       Cost: Annual subscription $35
                                                                             All meetings are free of cost and for all residents.
            or email theshed@clarencepark.org.au                                                                                            For more information phone
                                                                             30 Year Anniversary of the Millswood/Clarence Park             Ronda Smart on 8379 5358 or 0409 979 987
                                                                             Neighbourhood Watch group, Saturday 23 February at 2pm         or email rondasmart@bigpond.com
            ADELAIDE AMIGA AND PC USER GROUP              ✪                  with a concert by the South Australian Police Band.

                                                                                                                                                                                                            SOCIAL CLUBS AND SPECIAL INTEREST
            Computer interest group, visitors are always welcome.            Contact Dirk on 8297 4131 for dates and times
            The club is often able to help and advise computer users                                                                        FULLARTON PARK SENIORS CLUB
            whether they are beginners or advanced users. Free trial                                                                         We are a group of friendly people aged over 50. Games,
            period.                                                          TAX HELP     ✪                                                 bingo and bus trips are part of our agenda. We meet to
            Mondays, 7–10.30pm                                               A service offered by volunteers of the Australian Tax Office   have a cuppa and keep our brains active. New people
                                                                             between July and end of October. Please ring for criteria      always welcome.Tuesdays 10am–4pm from 5 February to

            Cost: $3 per session plus $20 per year membership                and available booking times during this period.                17 December.
            For more information phone Marc on 8339 3930                     Cost: Free                                                     Cost: $20 annual fee

                                                                             For more information phone 8293 8166                           For more information phone Joan Mason 0417 840 750
                                                                                                                                            or email joan.mason51@ooutlook.com.au

INTEREST                                                                                                                                                                                                    25
LANDLORDS’ ASSOCIATION (SA) INC            ✪                        THE RED ROOM                                                       UNLEY 				                                                  FRIENDSHIP FORCE OF ADELAIDE           ✪
Are you a Landlord? Attend one of our Landlords’ Association
(SA) Inc meetings and find out what we are all about.
                                                                    Community Lounge area where you can drop in and meet
                                                                    friends, chat, have a coffee, read, colour in, play games.
                                                                                                                                       COMMUNITY CENTRE                                            The Adelaide Friendship Force is part of an international
                                                                                                                                                                                                   organisation providing opportunities for cultural exchanges
Membership joining fee applies.                                     Jigsaws, puzzles and toys for the children (parent supervision                                                                 and to develop understanding and respect between
                                                                    required). This is a great space for parents to catch up or meet   AUCTION BRIDGE                                              different nationalities.
Meeting Dates: 5 February; 7 May; 6 August; 5 November
                                                                    other parents while the children are at school.                                                                                Cost: $15 per meeting including a meal.
Time: 6.45–9.45pm                                                                                                                      Exercise the memory, concentration, strategy and maths
                                                                    Monday to Friday 9am–4.30pm. 				                                  skills with this popular card game of skill and chance.     For more information phone Margaret Lucas on 8299 0673
Cost: Free to members, guests and visitors                          Subject to availability due to hire of room.                       Sociable group welcoming all new players, including         or email marglucas@ozemail.com.au
For more information phone 				                                     Cost: Free                                                         beginners.
Rodney Webb on 82258 6660 or 0408 830 382 		                                                                                           Thursdays 12.30–4pm
or email lasa.info@landlords.org.au 			                                                                                                                                                            MOVING WITH MUSIC
or webbpard@adam.com.au				                                         UNLEY MENSA       ✪                                                Cost: Free
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Friendly, welcoming social group meeting weekly to enjoy
or visit landlords.org.au                                                                                                              For more information phone 8372 5128
                                                                    Fortnightly community lunch for senior citizens 		                                                                             movement through music. An easy introduction to self-
                                                                    from 6 February. 		                                                                                                            directed moving with no leader or steps to be learned,
                                                                                                                                                                                                   members are instead encouraged to move in their individual
MAH JONG                                                            Play cards, bingo and 8-ball. Everyone welcome                     BOLIVIA                                                     way. This self-directed ‘moving with music’ group creates a
Experienced players and those who have attended Mah Jong            Wednesdays 10.30am–3pm                                             Join this group meeting weekly at the Centre to enjoy a     joyful process to increase body awareness and flexibility,
lessons are welcome.                                                                                                                   game or two of this stimulating card game. A member of      and to reduce stiffness from illness, age or sedentary living.
                                                                    School Terms Only
Mondays 10am–1pm, commencing 21 January		                                                                                              the Rummy family, if you like Canasta then you will get a   Members enjoy a shared lunch to follow movement.
                                                                    Cost: $15 per person includes lunch				                            buzz from Bolivia.
Wednesdays 1–4pm commencing 23 January                                                                                                                                                             Fridays 12noon –1.30 pm (School term)
                                                                    $5 yearly membership fee
Cost: $3 per session                                                                                                                   Come and give it a try, beginners welcome.                  Cost: Free. BYO lunch plate to share
                                                                    For more information phone
For more information phone 8372 5180                                Antonietta on 8271 6439 or 0421 674 345                            Friday 12.30–4pm                                            Location: RSL Hall Arthur Street
                                                                                                                                       Cost: Free                                                  For more information contact the Community Centre
                                                                                                                                                                                                   on 8372 5128
SA BRIDGE ASSOCIATION         ✪                                                                                                        For more information phone 8372 5128
Bridge is a fantastic game played socially or competitively. Join
us to have fun and meet new friends.                                                                                                   BATTOKAN SCHOOL OF JAPANESE             ✪                   THE HANDKNITTERS GUILD OF SA INC.            ✪
Mondays 1–4pm                                                                                                                          SWORDMANSHIP                                                The guild is an association of artisans who provide
Cost: $10                                                                                                                              Iaido is the ancient Japanese art of drawing the Samurai    education for people learning and mastering the craft of
                                                                                                                                       sword. Practicing the pre-determined techniques (‘Kata’)    knitting and crochet. The guild encourages high standards
For more information phone Sue Lusk on 0405 322 412                                                                                    helps develop self-discipline, mental focus and cultural    and carries out charitable work.
or email sue.lusk@internode.on.net 			                                                                                                 awareness.
or visit saba.asn.au                                                                                                                                                                               1st and 3rd Saturdays, 12noon–4pm
                                                                                                                                       Sundays 8.30–10am, except on public holiday/long            Unley RSL Hall, 29 Arthur St, Unley
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Cost: on request
                                                                                                                                       Cost: $12 per session
                                                                                                                                                                                                   For more information please contact the Secretary
                                                                                                                                       Located at Unley RSL Hall, 29 Arthur Street, Unley          on 0407 713 081
                                                                                                                                       For more information contact Sherman Lee on 0426 238 590    or email handknittersguildsouthaust@gmail.com

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    SOCIAL CLUBS AND SPECIAL INTEREST
                                                                                                                                       (please text enquiries if no answer)                        or visit handknittersguildsouthaust.wordpress.com

                                                                                                                                       FOCUS – Friends of the City of Unley Society      ✪         SA IRIS SOCIETY INC      ✪
                                                                                                                                       FOCUS is a group of residents working to protect and        Our society promotes the growing and appreciation of all
                                                                                                                                       preserve the heritage, streetscapes and the regulated and   Iris species - new members are welcome. We have an
                                                                                                                                       significant tress in the City of Unley.                     extensive library of Iris and gardening books and videos,
                                                                                                                                                                                                   monthly trading table, supper, cut flower and floral art
                                                                                                                                       Tuesdays 7.30–9.30pm. For meeting dates visit               displays, and guest speakers covering many diverse topics.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   4th Tuesday of each month 7–10.30pm
                                                                                                                                       Cost: $20 annual fee, $15 for pensioners
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Cost: Membership $20 Single, $25 Family per annum. $2
                                                                                                                                       For more information phone Mary Rumbold 8271 0103           entry fee for each meeting.
                                                                                                                                       or email focusonunley@gmail.com
                                                                                                                                                                                                   For more information phone 8339 3601
                                                                                                                                                                                                   or email flowers43@bigpond.com
                                                                                                                                                                                                   or visit sairissociety.org.au

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